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LOCAL GOVERNMENT her legislative powers, had virtually pre-empted Congress

SECTION 1. TERRITORIAL & POLITICAL from its mandated task of enacting an organic act and
SUBDIVISION created an autonomous region in the Cordilleras.

Issue: WON E.O 220 is constitutional

Cordillera Broad Coalition v. COA, GR No. 79956,
January 26, 1990 Held: YES. E.O. 220 does not create the autonomous
region contemplated in the Constitution. It merely
Facts: provides for transitory measures in anticipation of the
Pursuant to a ceasefire agreement signed on September enactment of an organic act and the creation of an
13, 1986, the Cordillera Peoples Liberation Army (CPLA) autonomous region. In short, it prepares the ground for
and the Cordillera Bodong Administration agreed that the autonomy. This does not necessarily conflict with the
Cordillera people shall not undertake their demands provisions of the Constitution on autonomous regions.
through armed and violent struggle but by peaceful The Constitution outlines a complex procedure for the
means, such as political negotiations. A subsequent joint creation of an autonomous region in the Cordilleras.
agreement was then arrived at by the two parties. Such Since such process will undoubtedly take time, the
agreement states that they are to: Par. 2. Work together President saw it fit to provide forsome measures to
in drafting an Executive Order to create a preparatory address the urgent needs of the Cordilleras in the
body that could perform policy-making and administrative meantime that the organic act had not yet been passed
functions and undertake consultations and studies and the autonomous region created. At this time, the
leading to a draft organic act for the Cordilleras. Par. 3. President was still exercising legislative powers as the
Have representatives from the Cordillera panel join the First Congress had not yet convened.
study group of the R.P. Panel in drafting the Executive
Order. Pursuant to the above joint agreement, E.O. 220 Section 2. Local Autonomy
was drafted by a panel of the Philippine government and
of the representatives of the Cordillera people. This was Limbona v. Conte Mangelin, et al, GR No. 80391,
then signed into law by President Corazon Aquino, in the February 28, 1989
exercise of her legislative powers, creating the Cordillera
Administrative Region [CAR], which covers the provinces Facts: Petitioner, Sultan Alimbusar Limbona, was elected
of Abra, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga-Apayao and Mountain Speaker of the Regional Legislative Assembly or
Province and the City of Baguio. Petitioners assail the Batasang Pampook of Central Mindanao (Assembly). On
constitutionality of E.O. 220 on the primary ground that October 21, 1987 Congressman Datu Guimid Matalam,
by issuing the said order, the President, in the exercise of Chairman of the Committee on Muslim Affairs of the
House of Representatives, invited petitioner in his called the "recess," it was not a settled matter whether or
capacity as Speaker of the Assembly of Region XII in a not he could do so. In the second place, the invitation
consultation/dialogue with local government officials. tendered by the Committee on Muslim Affairs of the
Petitioner accepted the invitation and informed the House of Representatives provided a plausible reason for
Assembly members through the Assembly Secretary that the intermission sought. Also, assuming that a valid
there shall be no session in November as his presence recess could not be called, it does not appear that the
was needed in the house committee hearing of respondents called his attention to this mistake. What
Congress. However, on November 2, 1987, the appears is that instead, they opened the sessions
Assembly held a session in defiance of the Limbona's themselves behind his back in an apparent act of mutiny.
advice, where he was unseated from his position. Under the circumstances, we find equity on his side. For
Petitioner prays that the session's proceedings be this reason, we uphold the "recess" called on the ground
declared null and void and be it declared that he was still of good faith.
the Speaker of the Assembly. Pending further Autonomy is either decentralization of administration or
proceedings of the case, the SC received a resolution decentralization of power. There is decentralization of
from the Assembly expressly expelling petitioner's administration when the central government delegates
membership therefrom. Respondents argue that administrative powers to political subdivisions in order to
petitioner had "filed a case before the Supreme Court broaden the base of government power and in the
against some members of the Assembly on a question process to make local governments "more responsive
which should have been resolved within the confines of and accountable". At the same time, it relieves the central
the Assembly," for which the respondents now submit government of the burden of managing local affairs and
that the petition had become "moot and academic" enables it to concentrate on national concerns. The
because its resolution President exercises "general supervision" over them, but
Issue: Whether or not the courts of law have jurisdiction only to "ensure that local affairs are administered
over the autonomous governments or regions. What is according to law." He has no control over their acts in the
the extent of self-government given to the autonomous sense that he can substitute their judgments with his
governments of Region XII own. Decentralization of power, on the other hand,
Held: We hold that the November 2 and 5, 1987 sessions involves an abdication of political power in the favor of
were invalid. It is true that under Section 31 of the Region local governments units declared to be autonomous. In
XII Sanggunian Rules, "[s]essions shall not be that case, the autonomous government is free to chart its
suspended or adjourned except by direction of the own destiny and shape its future with minimum
Sangguniang Pampook". But while this opinion is in intervention from central authorities.
accord with the respondents' own, we still invalidate the
twin sessions in question, since at the time the petitioner San Juan v. CSC, 196 SCRA 69 (1991)
Facts: The Provincial Budget Officer of Rizal (PBO) was The exercise of greater local autonomy is even more
left vacant; thereafter Rizal Governor San Juan, marked in the present Constitution. Article II, Section 25
peititioner, nominated Dalisay Santos for the position and provides: "The State shall ensure the autonomy of local
the latter quickly assumed position. However, Director governments"
Abella of Region IV Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) did not endorse the nominee, and Thereby, DBM Circular is ultra vires and is, accordingly,
recommended private respondent Cecilia Almajose as set aside. The DBM may appoint only from the list of
PBO on the ground that she was the most qualified. This qualified recommendees nominated by the Governor. If
appointment was subsequently approved by the DBM. none is qualified, he must return the list of nominees to
Petitioner protested the appointment of Almajose before the Governor explaining why no one meets the legal
the DBM and the Civil Service Commission who both requirements and ask for new recommendees who have
dismissed his complaints. His arguments rest on his the necessary eligibilities and qualifications.
contention that he has the sole right and privilege to
recommend the nominees to the position of PBO and that Drilon v. Lim – 235 SCRA 135 [1994]
the appointee should come only from his nominees. In
support thereof, he invokes Section 1 of Executive Order Facts: The Secretary of Justice (on appeal to him of four
No. 112. oil companies and a taxpayer) declared Ordinance No.
Issue: Whether or not DBM is empowered to appoint a 7794 (Manila Revenue Code) null and void for non-
PBO who was not expressly nominated by the provincial compliance with the procedure in the enactment of tax
governor ordinances and for containing certain provisions contrary
Held: This case involves the application of a most to law and public policy.
important constitutional policy and principle, that of local The RTC revoked the Secretary’s resolution and
autonomy. We have to obey the clear mandate on local sustained the ordinance. It declared Sec 187 of the LGC
autonomy. Where a law is capable of two interpretations, as unconstitutional because it vests on the Secretary the
one in favor of centralized power in Malacañang and the power of control over LGUs in violation of the policy of
other beneficial to local autonomy, the scales must be local autonomy mandated in the Constitution. The
weighed in favor of autonomy. Secretary argues that the annulled Section 187 is
The 1935 Constitution clearly limited the executive power constitutional and that the procedural requirements for
over local governments to "general supervision . . . as the enactment of tax ordinances as specified in the Local
may be provided by law." The President controls the Government Code had indeed not been observed.
executive departments. He has no such power over local (Petition originally dismissed by the Court due to failure
governments. He has only supervision and that to submit certified true copy of the decision, but
supervision is both general and circumscribed by statute. reinstated it anyway.
Issue: WON the lower court has jurisdiction to consider Facts: PAGCOR decided to expand its operations to
the constitutionality of Sec 187 of the LGC Cagayan de Oro City. It leased a portion of a building
Held: Yes. BP 129 vests in the regional trial courts belonging to Pryce Properties Corporations, Inc.,
jurisdiction over all civil cases in which the subject of the renovated & equipped the same, and prepared to
litigation is incapable of pecuniary estimation. Moreover, inaugurate its casino during the Christmas season.
Article X, Section 5(2), of the Constitution vests in the Civil organizations angrily denounced the project.
Supreme Court appellate jurisdiction over final judgments Petitioners opposed the casino’s opening and enacted
and orders of lower courts in all cases in which the Ordinance No. 3353, prohibiting the issuance of business
constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or permit and cancelling existing business permit to the
executive agreement, law, presidential decree, establishment for the operation of the casino, and
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation Ordinance No. 3375-93, prohibiting the operation of the
is in question. casino and providing a penalty for its violation.
In the exercise of this jurisdiction, lower courts are Respondents assailed the validity of the ordinances on
advised to act with the utmost circumspection, bearing in the ground that they both violated Presidential Decree
mind the consequences of a declaration of No. 1869. Petitioners contend that, pursuant to the Local
unconstitutionality upon the stability of laws, no lessthan Government Code, they have the police power authority
on the doctrine of separation of powers. It is also to prohibit the operation of casino for the general welfare.
emphasized that every court, including this Court, is Issue: WON the Ordinance Nos. 3353 and 3375-93 are
charged with the duty of a purposeful hesitation before valid.
declaring a law unconstitutional, on the theory that the Held: CdeO is empowered to enact ordinances for the
measure was first carefully studied by the executive and purposes indicated in the LGC. However, ordinances
the legislative departments and determined by them to be should not contravene a statute. Municipal governments
in accordance with the fundamental law before it was are merely agents of the National Government. Local
finally approved. To doubtis to sustain. The presumption Councils exercise only delegated powers conferred by
of constitutionality can be overcome only by the clearest Congress. The delegate cannot be superior to the
showing that there was indeed an infraction of the principal powers higher than those of the latter. PD 1869
Constitution. authorized casino gambling. As a statute, it cannot be
amended/nullified by a mere ordinance.

Magtajas v. Pryce Properties, GR No. 111097, July 20, Judge Leynes v. COA, GR No. 143596, Dec. 11, 2003
Facts: Petitioner Judge Tomas C. Leynes, is the
presiding judge of the Regional Trial Court of Calapan
City, Oriental Mindoro, Branch 40. His salary and governments may grant allowances to judges as long as
representation and transportation allowance (RATA) their finances allow. Section 3, paragraph (e) of LBC No.
were drawn from the budget of the Supreme Court. 53, by outrightly prohibiting LGUs from granting
Besides that, petitioner also received a monthly allowances to judges whenever such allowances are (1)
allowance of P944 from the local funds of the Municipality also granted by the national government or (2) similar to
of Naujan starting 1984. the allowances granted by the national government,
On May 7, 1993, the Sangguniang Bayan unanimously violates Section 447(a)(l)(xi) of the Local Government
approved a resolution increasing petitioner judge’s Code of 1991. As already stated, a circular must conform
monthly allowance from P944 to P1,600 (an increase to the law it seeks to implement and should not modify or
of P656) starting May 1993. This supplemental budget amend it. Moreover, by prohibiting LGUs from granting
was approved by the municipal government (the allowances similar to the allowances granted by the
Municipal Mayor and the Sangguniang Bayan) and was national government, Section 3 (e) of LBC No. 53
also likewise approved by the Sangguniang practically prohibits LGUs from granting allowances to
Panlalawigan and the Office of Provincial Budget and judges and, in effect, totally nullifies their statutory power
Management of Oriental Mindoro. to do so. Being unduly restrictive therefore of the
On February 17, 1994, Provincial Auditor Salvacion M. statutory power of LGUs to grant allowances to judges
Dalisay sent a letter to the Municipal Mayor and and being violative of their autonomy guaranteed by the
the Sangguniang Bayan of Naujan directing them to stop Constitution, Section 3, paragraph (e) of LBC No. 53 is
the payment of the P1,600 monthly allowance or RATA to hereby declared null and void.
petitioner judge and to require the immediate refund of
the amounts previously paid to the latter. She reasoned
that the Municipality of Naujan could not grant RATA to Batangas CATV v. CA and Batangas City, GR No.
petitioner judge in addition to the RATA the latter was 138810, September 29, 2004
already receiving from the Supreme Court. Petitioner
judge appealed the matter to COA Regional Director Facts: On July 28, 1986, respondent Sangguniang
Gregoria S. Ong who, however, upheld the opinion of Panlungsod enacted Resolution No. 210 granting
Provincial Auditor Dalisay. petitioner a permit to construct, install, and operate a
CATV system in Batangas City. Section 8 of the
Issue: Whether or not the Municipality of Naujan, Oriental Resolution provides that petitioner is authorized to
Mindoro can validly provide RATA to its Municipal Judge, charge its subscribers the maximum rates specified
in addition to that provided by the Supreme Court. therein, “provided, however, that any increase of rates
Held: RA 7160, the Local Government Code of 1991, shall be subject to the approval of the Sangguniang
clearly provides that provincial, city and municipal Panlungsod. Sometime in November 1993, petitioner
increased its subscriber rates from P88.00 to P180.00 well-recognized limits of its power. The flaws in
per month. As a result, respondent Mayor wrote Resolution No. 210 are: (1) it violates the mandate of
petitioner a letter threatening to cancel its permit unless it existing laws and (2) it violates the State’s deregulation
secures the approval of respondent Sangguniang policy over the CATV industry.
Panlungsod, pursuant to Resolution No. 210.Petitioner LGUs must recognize that technical matters concerning
then filed with the RTC, Branch 7, Batangas City, a CATV operation are within the exclusive regulatory power
petition for injunction alleging that respondent of the NTC.
Sangguniang Panlungsod has no authority to regulate
the subscriber rates charged by CATV operators CREBA VS SECRETARY OF DAR
because under Executive Order No. 205, the National
Telecommunications Commission (NTC) has the sole FACTS:
authority to regulate the CATV operation in the The Secretary of Agrarian Reform issued, on 29 October
Philippines. 1997, DAR AO No. 07-97, entitled Omnibus Rules and
Issue: WON a local government unit (LGU) may regulate Procedures Governing Conversion of Agricultural Lands
the subscriber rates charged by CATV operators within to Non-Agricultural Uses, which consolidated all existing
its territorial jurisdiction implementing guidelines related to land use conversion.
The aforesaid rules embraced all private agricultural
Held: The logical conclusion, therefore, is that in light of lands regardless of tenurial arrangement and commodity
the above laws and E.O. No. 436, the NTC exercises produced, and all untitled agricultural lands and
regulatory power over CATV operators to the exclusion of agricultural lands reclassified by Local Government Units
other bodies. (LGUs) into non-agricultural uses after 15 June 1988.
Like any other enterprise, CATV operation maybe Subsequently, on 30 March 1999, the Secretary of
regulated by LGUs under the general welfare clause. Agrarian Reform issued DAR AO No. 01-99, entitled
This is primarily because the CATV system commits the Revised Rules and Regulations on the Conversion of
indiscretion of crossing public properties. (It uses public Agricultural Lands to Non-agricultural Uses, amending
properties in order to reach subscribers.) The physical and updating the previous rules on land use conversion.
realities of constructing CATV system – the use of public Its coverage includes the following agricultural lands, to
streets, rights of ways, the founding of structures, and the wit: (1) those to be converted to residential, commercial,
parceling of large regions- allow an LGU a certain degree industrial, institutional and other non-agricultural
of regulation over CATV operators. purposes; (2) those to be devoted to another type of
But, while we recognize the LGUs’ power under the agricultural activity such as livestock, poultry, and
general welfare clause, we cannot sustain Resolution No. fishpond ─ the effect of which is to exempt the land from
210. We are convinced that respondents strayed from the the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
coverage; (3) those to be converted to non-agricultural way of Presidential Proclamations on or after 15 June
use other than that previously authorized; and (4) those 1988 is specious. As explained in Department of Justice
reclassified to residential, commercial, industrial, or other Opinion No. 44, series of 1990, it is true that the DARs
non-agricultural uses on or after the effectivity of express power over land use conversion provided for
Republic Act No. 6657 on 15 June 1988 pursuant to under Section 65 of Republic Act No. 6657 is limited to
Section 20 of Republic Act No. 7160 and other pertinent cases in which agricultural lands already awarded have,
laws and regulations, and are to be converted to such after five years, ceased to be economically feasible and
uses. sound for agricultural purposes, or the locality has
Thereafter, on 2 August 2007, the Secretary of Agrarian become urbanized and the land will have a greater
Reform amended certain provisions of DAR AO No. 01- economic value for residential, commercial or industrial
02 by formulating DAR AO No. 05-07, particularly purposes. To suggest, however, that these are the only
addressing land conversion in time of exigencies and instances that the DAR can require conversion
calamities. clearances would open a loophole in Republic Act No.
To address the unabated conversion of prime agricultural 6657 which every landowner may use to evade
lands for real estate development, the Secretary of compliance with the agrarian reform program. It should
Agrarian Reform further issued Memorandum No. 88 on logically follow, therefore, from the said departments
15 April 2008, which temporarily suspended the express duty and function to execute and enforce the
processing and approval of all land use conversion said statute that any reclassification of a private land as a
applications. residential, commercial or industrial property, on or after
By reason thereof, petitioner claims that there is an the effectivity of Republic Act No. 6657 on 15 June 1988
actual slow down of housing projects, which, in turn, should first be cleared by the DAR.
aggravated the housing shortage, unemployment and
illegal squatting problems to the substantial prejudice not IMBONG VS OCHOA
only of the petitioner and its members but more so of the
whole nation. FACTS:
ISSUE: This is a petition for declaratory judgment. These are 2
WON DAR AO NO. 01-02, as amended violates the separate but related petitions of running candidates for
Local Autonomy of Local Government Units. delegates to the Constitutional Convention assailing the
HELD: validity of RA 6132.Gonzales: Sec, 2, 4, 5 and Par 1 Sec
The argument of the petitioner that DAR AO No. 01-02, 8, and validity of entire law Imbong: Par 1 Sec 8.
as amended, was made in violation of Section 65 of
Republic Act No. 6657, as it covers even those non- ISSUE:
awarded lands and reclassified lands by the LGUs or by
Whether the Congress has a right to call for passing the Resolution: the deliberate failure to send
Constitutional Convention and whether the parameters notices of the meeting to 65 members of the assembly.
set by such a call is constitutional. ISSUE:
Whether or not the procedure for recall violated the right
HELD: of elected local public officials belonging to the political
The Congress has the authority to call for a Constitutional minority to equal protection of the law.
Convention as a Constituent Assembly. Furthermore, HELD:
specific provisions assailed by the petitioners are No. Under the Sec. 70 of the LGC, all mayors, vice-
deemed as constitutional. mayors and sangguniang members of the municipalities
and component cities are made members of the
preparatory recall assembly at the provincial level. Its
SECTION 3. LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE membership is not apportioned to political parties. No
significance is given to the political affiliation of its
GARCIA VS COMELEC members. Secondly, the preparatory recall assembly, at
the provincial level includes all the elected officials in the
FACTS: province concerned. Considering their number, the
Enrique T. Garcia was elected governor of Bataan in the greater probability is that no one political party can
1992 elections. Some mayors, vice-mayors and control its majority. Thirdly, sec. 69 of the Code provides
members of the Sangguniang Bayan of the twelve (12) that the only ground to recall a locally elected public
municipalities of the province constituted themselves into official is loss of confidence of the people. The members
a Preparatory Recall Assembly to initiate the recall of the PRAC are in the PRAC not in representation of
election of petitioner Garcia. They issued Resolution No. their political parties but as representatives of the people.
1 as formal initiation of the recall proceedings. By necessary implication, loss of confidence cannot be
COMELEC scheduled the recall election for the premised on mere differences in political party affiliation.
gubernatorial position of Bataan. Indeed, our Constitution encourages multi-party system
Petitioners then filed a petition for certiorari and for the existence of opposition parties is indispensable to
prohibition with writ of preliminary injunction to annul the the growth and nurture of democratic system. Clearly
Resolution of the COMELEC because the PRAC failed to then, the law as crafted cannot be faulted for
comply with the "substantive and procedural discriminating against local officials belonging to the
requirement" laid down in Section 70 of R.A. 7160 (Local minority.
Government Code 1991). They pointed out the most fatal Moreover, the law instituted safeguards to assure that the
defect of the proceeding followed by the PRAC in initiation of the recall process by a preparatory recall
assembly will not be corrupted by extraneous influences.
We held that notice to all the members of the recall the respondent Commission alleging, principally, that the
assembly is a condition sine qua non to the validity of its recall process was deficient in form and substance, and
proceedings. The law also requires a qualified majority of therefore, illegally initiated. The COMELEC found the
all the preparatory recall assembly members to convene petition devoid of merit and declared the recall
in session and in a public place. Needless to state, proceedings to be in order.
compliance with these requirements is necessary, ISSUE:
otherwise, there will be no valid resolution of recall which WON the validity of the institution and proceedings of the
can be given due course by the COMELEC. recall, putting to fore the propriety of the service of
notices to the members of the Preparatory Recall
MALONZO VS COMELEC Assembly, and the proceedings held, resulting in the
issuance of the questioned Resolution is constitutional.
The Court is called upon to strike down Resolution 96- Needless to state, the issue of propriety of the notices
026, dated November 18, 1996, of the respondent sent to the PRA members is factual in nature, and the
Commission on Elections (COMELEC) calling for an determination of the same is therefore a function of the
Election for the Recall of the Petitioner Reynaldo O. COMELEC. In the absence of patent error, or serious
Malonzo, the incumbent Mayor of Caloocan City. inconsistencies in the findings, the Court should not
Petitioner was duly elected as Mayor in the elections held disturb the same. The factual findings of the COMELEC
on May 8, 1995, winning over former Mayor Macario based on its own assessments and duly supported by
Asistio, Jr. Barely one year into his term, petitioner's gathered evidence, are conclusive upon the court, more
office as Mayor was put to serious question when on July so, in the absence of a substantiated attack on the
7, 1996, 1,057 Punong Barangays and Sangguniang validity of the same.
Barangay members and Sangguniang Kabataan Moreover, to order the COMELEC to repeat the process
chairmen, constituting a majority of the members of the of determining the notices' propriety would be sanctioning
Preparatory Recall Assembly of the City of Caloocan, a recycling of administrative functions, entailing added
met, and upon deliberation and election, voted for the cost and waste of effort.
approval of Preparatory Recall Assembly Resolution No. The Court RESOLVED to DISMISS the present petition,
01-96, expressing loss of confidence in Mayor Malonzo, for lack of merit. The decision of the respondent
and calling for the initiation of recall proceedings against Commission on Elections to GIVE DUE COURSE to PRA
him. Resolution No. 01-96 is AFFIRMED. The Commission on
Together with relevant documents, PRA Resolution No. Elections is ORDERED to set the date of the Election on
01-96 was filed with the COMELEC for appropriate Recall in the city of Caloocan, which date shall not be
action. In response, Mayor Malonzo filed a Petition with
later than thirty days after receipt of notice of this Secretary of Local Government) to proceed against local
Resolution, which is immediately executory. officials administratively, the Constitution contains no
prohibition. The Chief Executive is not banned from
MALONZO VS ZAMORA exercising acts of disciplinary authority because she did
not exercise control powers, but because no law allowed
FACTS: her to exercise disciplinary authority.
A supplemental budget was passed by the councilors In those case that this Court denied the President the
upon three readings held on the same day. They were power (to suspend/remove) it was not because that the
charged with misconduct. President cannot exercise it on account of his limited
HELD: power, but because the law lodged the power elsewhere.
There is no law prohibiting the holding of the three But in those cases in which the law gave him the power,
readings of a proposed ordinance in one session day. the Court, as in Ganzon v. Kayanan, found little difficulty
in sustaining him.
We reiterate that we are not precluding the President,
SECTION 4. SUPERVISION BY THE PRESIDENT through the Secretary of Interior from exercising a legal
power, yet we are of the opinion that the Secretary of
GANZON VS CA interior is exercising that power oppressively, and
needless to say, with a grave abuse of discretion.
FACTS: As we observed earlier, imposing 600 days of
Ganzon, after having been issued three successive 60- suspension, which is not a remote possibility, Mayor
day of suspension order by Secretary of Local Ganzon is to all intents and purposes, to make him spend
Government, filed a petition for prohibition with the CA to the rest of his term in inactivity. It is also to make, to all
bar Secretary Santos from implementing the said orders. intents and purposes, his suspension permanent.
Ganzon was faced with 10 administrative complaints on
various charges on abuse of authority and grave
misconduct. JOSON VS TORRES
Whether or not the Secretary of Local Government (as FACTS:
the alter ego of the President) has the authority to On September 17, 1996, private respondents filed with
suspend and remove local officials. the Office of the President a letter-complaint dated
HELD: September 13, 1997 charging petitioner with grave
The Constitution did nothing more, and insofar as misconduct and abuse of authority. Private respondents
existing legislation authorizes the President (through the alleged that in the morning of September 12, 1996, they
were at the session hall of the provincial capitol for a WON the suspension from office of petitioner Eduardo
scheduled session of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Nonato Joson as Governor of the province of Nueva
when petitioner belligerently barged into the Hall; Ecija is constitutional.
petitioner angrily kicked the door and chairs in the Hall HELD:
and uttered threatening words at them; close behind Administrative disciplinary proceedings against elective
petitioner were several men with long and short firearms local officials are governed by the Local Government
who encircled the area. Private respondents claim that Code of 1991, the Rules and Regulations Implementing
this incident was an offshoot of their resistance to a the Local Government Code of 1991, and Administrative
pending legislative measure supported by petitioner that Order No. 23 entitled "Prescribing the Rules and
the province of Nueva Ecija obtain a loan of P150 million Procedures on the Investigation of Administrative
from the Philippine National Bank; that petitioner's acts Disciplinary Cases Against Elective Local Officials of
were intended to harass them into approving this loan; Provinces, Highly Urbanized Cities, Independent
that fortunately, no session of the Sangguniang Component Cities, and Cities and Municipalities in
Panlalawigan was held that day for lack of quorum and Metropolitan Manila." In all matters not provided in A.O.
the proposed legislative measure was not considered; No. 23, the Rules of Court and the Administrative Code
that private respondents opposed the loan because the of 1987 apply in a suppletory character.
province of Nueva Ecija had an unliquidated obligation of An administrative complaint against an erring elective
more than P70 million incurred without prior authorization official must be verified and filed with the proper
from the Sangguniang Panlalawigan; that the provincial government office. A complaint against an elective
budget officer and treasurer had earlier disclosed that the provincial or city official must be filed with the Office of
province could not afford to contract another obligation; the President. A complaint against an elective municipal
that petitioner's act of barging in and intimidating private official must be filed with the Sangguniang Panlalawigan
respondents was a serious insult to the integrity and while that of a barangay official must be filed before the
independence of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan; and Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan.
that the presence of his private army posed grave danger The Motion for the Conduct of Formal Investigation, for
to private respondents' lives and safety. Private lack of merit, is DENIED.
respondents prayed for the suspension or removal of
petitioner; for an emergency audit of the provincial DRILON V LIM
treasury of Nueva Ecija; and for the review of the
proposed loan in light of the financial condition of the Facts: In a petition for certiorari filed by the City of
province. Manila, the Regional Trial Court of Manila declared
ISSUE: Section 187 of the Local Government Code as
unconstitutional because of its vesture in the Secretary of
Justice of the power of control over local governments in against Quejano, so he filed a petition for review in RTC.
violation of the policy of local autonomy mandated in the Onon claimed that the RTC had no jurisdiction to review
Constitution and of the specific provision therein the decisions rendered by the BES (Board of Election
conferring on the President of the Philippines only the Supervisors ) in any post proclamation electoral protest in
power of supervision over local governments. connection with the 1997 Liga ng mga Barangay election
of officers and directors. Onon claimed that the
Issue: Whether or not Section 187 of the Local Supplemental Guidelines for the 1997 Liga ng mga
Government Code is unconstitutional for allowing the Barangay election issued by the DILG on August 11,
Secretary of Justice to pass a judgement on the 1997 in its Memorandum Circular No. 97-193, providing
constitutionality or legality of tax ordinances. for review of decisions or resolutions of the BES by the
regular courts of law is an ultra vires act and is void for
Disposition: Reversed the challenged decision of the being issued without or in excess of jurisdiction, as its
Regional Trial Court insofar as it declared Section 187 of issuance is not a mere act of supervision but rather an
the Local Government Code unconstitutional. exercise of control over the Ligas internal organization.
Issue: Whether or not Memorandum Circular No. 97-193
Held: No, Section 187 of the Local Government Code is of the DILG insofar as it authorizes the filing a Petition for
not unconstitutional. Review of the decision of the BES with the regular courts
in a post proclamation electoral protest is
Main point: The Secretary of Justice does not thereby unconstitutional.
dictate what should be but merely ensures that the
ordinance is accordance with the law. Disposition: The instant petition is hereby GRANTED.
The Order of the Regional Trial Court dated June 22,
1999 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Petition for
Review filed by the private respondent docketed as SPL.

Facts: Both Onon and Quejano were candidates for the Held: YES! Memorandum Circular No. 97-193 of the
position of Executive Vice-President in the August 23, DILG is unconstitutional. The amendment of the
1997 election for the Liga ng Barangay Provincial GUIDELINES is more than an exercise of the power of
Chapter of the province of Palawan. Onon was supervision but is an exercise of the power of control,
proclaimed the winning candidate in the said election which the President does not have over the LIGA.
prompting Quejano to file a post proclamation protest Although the DILG is given the power to prescribe rules,
with the Board of Election Supervisors, but was decided regulations and other issuances, the Administrative Code
limits its authority to merely monitoring compliance by
local government units of such issuances. To monitor Disposition: the Petition is GRANTED. The Order of the
means to watch, observe or check and is compatible with Regional Trial Court dated 04 August 1997 is SET ASIDE
the power of supervision of the DILG Secretary over local for having been issued with grave abuse of discretion
governments, which is limited to checking whether the amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. DILG
local government unit concerned or the officers thereof Memorandum Circulars No. 97-176 and No. 97-193, are
perform their duties as per statutory enactments declared VOID for being unconstitutional and ultra vires.

Main point: The act of DILG secretary of amending and Held: No. Sec. 4, Art. X of the Constitution provides that
modifying the guidelines promulgated by the National the President of the Philippines shall exercise general
Liga Board and adopted by the LIGA was not a power of supervision over local government, which exclude the
supervision but rather a power of control. power of control. As the entity exercising supervision
over the Liga
Main point: the DILG’s authority is limited to seeing to it
Facts: DILG, appointed as interim caretaker to administer that the rules are followed, but it cannot lay down such
and manage the affairs of the Liga ng mga Barangay in rules itself nor does it have the discretion to modify or
giving remedy to alleged violations made by the replace the same.
incumbent officer of the Liga in the conduct of their
elections, issued 2 memorandum circulars which alter, SJS V. ATIENZA
modify, nullify or set aside the actions of the Liga.
Petitioner contends that DILG’s appointment constitutes Facts: In this original petition for mandamus, petitioners
undue interference in the internal affairs of the Liga, since Social Justice Society (SJS), seek to compel respondent
the latter is not subject to DILG control and supervision. Hon. Jose L. Atienza, Jr., mayor of the City of Manila, to
Respondent judge contends that DILG exercises general enforce Ordinance No. 8027 which reclassified the area
supervisory jurisdiction over LGUs including the different described therein from industrial to commercial and
leagues based on sec. 1 of Admin. Order No. 267 directed the owners and operators of businesses
providing for a broad premise of the supervisory power of disallowed under the reclassification to cease and desist
the DILG. from operating their businesses within six months from
the date of effectivity of the ordinance. Respondent’s
Issue: Whether or not DILG Secretary as alter-ego of the defense is that Ordinance No. 8027 has been
President has power of control over the Liga ng mga superseded by the MOU (Memorandum of
Barangay. Understanding ) and the resolutions by DOE. However,
he also confusingly argues that the ordinance and MOU Suspension No. 97-001-1015 suspending the premium
are not inconsistent with each other and that the latter payment because of lack of approval from the Office of
has not amended the former. He insists that the the President (OP) as provided under Administrative
ordinance remains valid and in full force and effect and Order No. 1036 (AO 103) dated 14 January 1994. The
that the MOU did not in any way prevent him from Provincial Auditor explained that the premium payment
enforcing and implementing it. He maintains that the for health care benefits violated Republic Act No. 6758
MOU should be considered as a mere guideline for its full (RA 6758), otherwise known as the Salary
implementation Standardization Law.

Issue: Whether the June 26, 2002 MOU and the Issue: Whether or not the additional disbursement for the
resolutions ratifying it can amend or repeal Ordinance hospitalization and health care insurance needs the
No. 8027. approval of the President to become valid.

Disposition: The petition is hereby GRANTED. Disposition: Granted the petition. We REVERSE AND
Respondent Hon. Jose L. Atienza, Jr., as mayor of the SET ASIDE Decision No. 2006-044 dated 14 July 2006
City of Manila, is directed to immediately enforce and Decision No. 2008-010 dated 30 January 2008 of the
Ordinance No. 8027. Commission on Audit.

Held: Yes! The objective of the ordinance is to protect the Held: No! The petitioner is a Local Government unit and
residents of Manila from the catastrophic devastation that only subject to the supervision of the President. Hence
will surely occur in case of a terrorist attack25 on the does not need the approval of the latter in order for the
Pandacan Terminals. No reason exists why such a disbursements be valid.
protective measure should be delayed
Main point: Being an LGU, petitioner is merely under the
PROVINCE OF NEGROS V. COA President’s general supervision pursuant to Section 4,
Article X of the Constitution. The President’s authority is
Facts: Petitioner Province of Negros Occidental, and limited to seeing to it that rules are followed and laws are
Philam Care entered into a Group Health Care faithfully executed. Thus, the grant of additional
Agreement involving a total payment of P3,760,000 compensation like hospitalization and health care
representing the insurance premiums of its officials and insurance benefits in the present case does not need the
employees. The total premium amount was paid on 25 approval of the President to be valid.
January 1996. On 23 January 1997, after a post-audit
investigation, the Provincial Auditor issued Notice of
SECTION 5. TAXATION POWER OF LOCAL Issue: Whether or not, the registration of tricycles was
GOVERNMENT given to LGU's.

LTO v CITY OF BUTUAN Disposition: The assailed decision which enjoins the
Land Transportation Office from requiring the due
"1987 Constitution, Article X, Section 5: Each local registration of tricycles and a license for the driving
government unit shall have the power to create its own thereof is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and charges
subject to such guidelines and limitations as the Held: No, based on the-"Guidelines to Implement the
Congress may provide, consistent with the basic policy of Devolution of LTFRBs Franchising Authority over
local autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges shall Tricycles-For-Hire to Local Government units pursuant to
accrue exclusively to the local governments." the Local Government Code"- the newly delegated
powers to LGU's pertain to the franchising and regulatory
Facts: The Sangguniang Panglungsod ("SP") of Butuan, powers exercised by the LTFRB and not to the functions
on 16 August 1992, passed SP Ordinance No.916-92 of the LTO relative to the registration of motor vehicles
entitled "An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of and issuance of licenses for the driving thereof.
Tricycles-for-Hire, providing mechanism for the issuance
of Franchise, Registration and Permit, and Imposing Main point: Even though LGU has the power to create its
Penalties for Violations thereof and for other Purposes." own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and
The ordinance provided for, among other things, the charges, they cannot perform duties that are within the
payment of franchise fees for the grant of the franchise of jurisdiction of other administrative agencies.
tricycles-for-hire, fees for the registration of the vehicle,
and fees for the issuance of a permit for the driving
thereof. Petitioner LTO explains that one of the functions LINO v PANO
of the national government that, indeed, has been
transferred to local government units is the franchising Facts: On December 29, 1995, respondent Tony
authority over tricycles-for-hire of the Land Transportation Calvento was appointed agent by the Philippine Charity
Franchising and Regulatory Board ("LTFRB") but not, it Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) to install Terminal OM 20 for
asseverates, the authority of LTO to register all motor the operation of lotto. He asked Mayor Calixto Cataquiz,
vehicles and to issue to qualified persons of licenses to Mayor of San Pedro, Laguna, for a mayor’s permit to
drive such vehicles. open the lotto outlet. This was denied by Mayor Cataquiz
in a letter dated February 19, 1996. The ground for said
denial was an ordinance passed by the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan of Laguna entitled Kapasiyahan Blg. 508, Main point: This is part of the local government’s
T. 1995 which was issued on September 18, 1995.As a autonomy to air its views which may be contrary to that of
result of this resolution of denial, respondent Calvento the national government’s. However, this freedom to
filed a complaint for declaratory relief with prayer for exercise contrary views does not mean that local
preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order. In governments may actually enact ordinances that go
the said complaint, respondent Calvento asked the against laws duly enacted by Congress.
Regional Trial Court of San Pedro Laguna, Branch 93, for
the following reliefs: (1) a preliminary injunction or
temporary restraining order, ordering the defendants to PETRON V. MAYOR
refrain from implementing or enforcing Kapasiyahan Blg.
508, T. 1995; (2) an order requiring Hon. Municipal Facts: Petron maintains a depot or bulk plant in Navotas
Mayor Calixto R. Cataquiz to issue a business permit for Fishport Complex. Through the said depot, it sells diesel
the operation of a lotto outlet; and (3) an order annulling fuels to the vessels used in commercial fishing in and
or declaring as invalid Kapasiyahan Blg. 508, T. 1995.On around Manila Bay. Later, Petron received a letter from
February 10, 1997, the respondent judge, Francisco the office of Mayor Tiangco assessing it for business
Dizon Paño, promulgated his decision enjoining the taxes in the amount of 6.2M covering 1997-2001
petitioners from implementing or enforcing resolution or pursuant to the Navotas Revenue Code. A protest was
Kapasiyahan Blg. 508, T. 1995. filed by Petron arguing that under the IRR of the NIRC, it
is exempt from local business tax. Also, an opinion was
Issue: Whether or not Kapasiyahan Blg. 508, T. 1995 is rendered by the Bureau of Local Government Finance
valid providing for that sales of petroleum fuels are NOT
subject to local taxation. Letter protest was denied and
Disposition: The petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The final demand to pay was sent to Petron. Petron filed a
Order of the Regional Trial Court of San Pedro, Laguna complaint for cancellation of assessment with TRO
enjoining the petitioners from implementing or enforcing before the RTC. RTC dismissed the complaint
Resolution or Kapasiyahan Blg. 508, T. 1995, of the
Provincial Board of Laguna is hereby AFFIRMED. No Issue: Whether or not a local government unit is
costs. empowered under the Local Government Code (the
LGC) to impose business taxes on persons or entities
Held: As a policy statement expressing the local engaged in the sale of petroleum products.
government’s objection to the lotto, such resolution is
valid. Disposition: The Petition is GRANTED. The Decision of
the Regional Trial Court of Malabon City in Civil Case No.
3380-MN is REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the subject LGC, irrespective of any local ordinance that seeks to
assessment for deficiency taxes on petitioner is ordered declare otherwise.
Main point: Local government cannot impose taxes which
Held: No! While local government units are authorized to are against the rules under the Local Government Code.
burden all such other class of goods with taxes, fees and
charges, excepting excise taxes, a specific prohibition is
imposed barring the levying of any other type of taxes PHILIPPINE PETROLEUM V. MUNICIPALITY OF
with respect to petroleum products. PILILLA

Main point: The power of local government to tax is Facts: Petitioner PPC contends that: (a) Provincial
liberally interpreted in its favor against the state, but Circular No. 2673 declared as contrary to national
strictly construed against the local government in favor of economic policy the imposition of local taxes on the
tax payer. manufacture of petroleum products as they are already
subject to specific tax under the National Internal
YAMANE V. BA LEPANTO CONDOMINIUM Revenue Code; (b) the above declaration covers not only
old tax ordinances but new ones, as well as those which
Facts: Petitioner City Treasurer of Makati holds may be enacted in the future; (c) both Provincial Circulars
respondent, in a Notice of Assessment, liable to pay the (PC) 26-73 and 26 A-73 are still effective, hence, unless
correct business taxes, fees and charges totaling to and until revoked, any effort on the part of the respondent
P1.6M in which the respondents protested contending to collect the suspended tax on business from the
that condominium does not fall under the definition of a petitioner would be illegal and unauthorized; and (d)
business, thus, they are not liable for such taxes. Section 2 of P.D. 436 prohibits the imposition of local
taxes on petroleum products.
Issue: Whether or not the City Treasurer of Makati may
collect business taxes on condominium corporations Issue: whether or not petitioner PPC whose oil products
are subject to specific tax under the NIRC, is still liable to
Disposition: The petition is DENIED. pay (a) tax on business and (b) storage fees, considering
Provincial Circular No. 6-77; and mayor's permit and
Held: No! Accordingly, and with significant degree of sanitary inspection fee unto the respondent Municipality
comfort, we hold that condominium corporations are of Pililla, Rizal, based on Municipal Ordinance No. 1.
generally exempt from local business taxation under the
Disposition: With the MODIFICATION that business optometrists argued that Acebedo is estopped in
taxes accruing PRIOR to 1976 are not to be paid by PPC assailing the said conditions because it acquiesced to the
(because the same have prescribed) and that storage same and that the imposition of the special conditions is
fees are not also to be paid by PPC (for the storage tanks a valid exercise of police power; that such conditions
are owned by PPC and not by the municipality, and were entered upon by the city in its proprietary function
therefore cannot be a charge for service by the hence the permit is actually a contract.
municipality), the assailed DECISION is hereby
AFFIRMED. Issue: Whether or not the special conditions attached by
the mayor is a valid exercise of police power.
Held: Yes! The Municipality of Pililla can therefore
enforce the collection of the tax on business of petitioner Disposition: The petition is GRANTED; the Decision of
PPC due from 1976 to 1986, and NOT the tax that had the Court of Appeals in CA-GR SP No. 22995
accrued prior to 1976 REVERSED; and the respondent City Mayor is hereby
ordered to reissue petitioner’s business permit in
Main Point: The local governments to raise revenues accordance with law and with this disposition. No
cannot be limited by administrative order. Only the pronouncement as to costs.
Congress may define such limit.
Held: NO. Acebedo was applying for a business permit to
ACEBEDO OPTICAL V. CA operate its business and not to practice optometry (the
latter being within the jurisdiction PRC Board of
Facts: Acebedo Optical Company, Inc. applied for a Optometry). The conditions attached by the mayor is ultra
business permit to operate in Iligan City. After hearing the vires hence cannot be given any legal application
sides of local optometrists, Mayor Camilo Cabili of Iligan therefore estoppel does not apply. It is neither a valid
granted the permit but he attached various special exercise of police power.
conditions which basically made Acebedo dependent
upon prescriptions or limitations to be issued by local Main point: Though the mayor can definitely impose
optometrists. Acebedo basically is not allowed to practice conditions in the granting of permits, he must base such
optometry within the city (but may sell glasses only). conditions on law or ordinances otherwise the conditions
Acebedo however acquiesced to the said conditions and are ultra vires.
operated under the permit. Later, Acebedo was charged
for violating the said conditions and was subsequently PLDT V. CITY OF DAVAO
suspended from operating within Iligan. Acebedo then
assailed the validity of the attached conditions. The local
Facts: Petitioner PLDT paid a franchise tax equal to three
percent (3%) of its gross receipts. The franchise tax was
paid in lieu of all taxes on this franchise or earnings JOHN HAY PEOPLE’S ALTERNATIVE COALITION V.
thereof pursuant to R.A. No. 7082 amending its charter, LIM
Act. No. 3436. The exemption from all taxes on this
franchise or earnings thereof was subsequently Facts: Section 12 of R.A. No. 7227, the privileges given
withdrawn by R.A. No. 7160 (Local Government Code of to Subic SEZ consist principally of exemption from tariff
1991), which at the same time gave local government or customs duties, national and local taxes of business
units the power to tax businesses enjoying a franchise on entities therein, free market and trade of specified goods
the basis of income received or earned by them within or properties, liberalized banking and finance (paragraph
their territorial jurisdiction. The Local Government Code f), and relaxed immigration rules for foreign investors.Yet,
(LGC) took effect on January 1, 1992. apart from these, Proclamation No. 420 also makes
available to the John Hay SEZ benefits existing in other
Issue: Whether or not the petitioner can claim for tax laws such as the privilege of export processing zone-
exemption in spite of being subsequently withdrawn by based businesses of importing capital equipment and raw
the Local Government code of 1991. materials free from taxes, duties and other restrictions;
tax and duty exemptions, tax holiday, tax credit, and
Disposition: The motion for reconsideration is DENIED other incentives under the Omnibus Investments Code of
and this denial is final. 1987; and the applicability to the subject zone of rules
governing foreign investments in the Philippines
Held: NO! The fact is that after petitioners tax exemption
by R.A. No. 7082 had been withdrawn by the LGC, no Issue: Whether Proclamation No. 420 is constitutional by
amendment to re-enact its previous tax exemption has providing for national and local tax exemption within and
been made by Congress. Considering that the taxing granting other economic incentives to the John Hay
power of local government units under R.A. No. 7160 is Special Economic Zone
clear and is ordained by the Constitution, petitioner has
the heavy burden of justifying its claim by a clear grant of Disposition: The second sentence of Section 3 of
exemption. Proclamation No. 420 is hereby declared NULL AND
VOID and is accordingly declared of no legal force and
Main point: Tax exemptions should be granted only by effect. Public respondents are hereby enjoined from
clear and unequivocal provision of law on the basis of implementing the aforesaid void provision. Proclamation
language too plain to be mistaken. They cannot be No. 420, without the invalidated portion, remains valid
extended by mere implication or inference. and effective.
Held: No. There is no violation of the non-impairment
Held: No! This Court then declares that the grant by clause for the same must yield to the inherent power of
Proclamation No. 420 of tax exemption and other the state (taxation). The provincial ordinance is valid and
privileges to the John Hay SEZ is void for being violative constitutional.
of the Constitution. This renders it unnecessary to still
dwell on petitioners claim that the same grant violates the Main point: The local government code can validly issue
equal protection guarantee. a franchise tax as provided by Art X, Sec 5 of the 1987
Main Point: The power to tax of local government may
not be negated by executive order through a grant of BATANGAS POWER V. BATANGAS CITY
exemption absent of a statute granting such exemption.
MANILA ELECTRIC V. PROVINCE OF LAGUNA Facts: On September 23, 1992, the BOI issued a
certificate of registration to BPC as a pioneer enterprise
Facts: MERALCO was granted a franchise by several entitled to a tax holiday of 6 years. On October 12, 1998,
municipal councils and the National Electrification Batangas City sent a letter to BPC demanding payment
Administration to operate an electric light and power of business taxes & penalties. BPC refused to pay citing
service in the Laguna. Upon enactment of Local its tax exemption as a pioneer enterprise for 6 years
Government Code, the provincial government issued under Sec.133(g) of the LGC. The city’s tax claim was
ordinance imposing franchise tax. MERALCO paid under modified and it demanded payment of business taxes for
protest and later claims for refund because of the the years 1998-1999. BPC still refused to pay the tax,
duplicity with Section 1 of P.D. No. 551. This was denied insisting that the 6-year tax holiday commenced from the
by the governor (Joey Lina) relying on a more recent law date of its commercial operation on July 16, 1993, not
(LGC). MERALCO filed with the RTC a complaint for from the date of its BOI registration in September 1992.
refund, but was dismissed. Hence, this petition. In the alternative, BPC asserted that the city should
collect the taxes from NPC since the latter assumed
Issue: Whether or not the imposition of franchise tax responsibility for their payment under the BOT
under the provincial ordinance is violative of the non- Agreement. The NPC intervened that while it admitted
impairment clause of the Constitution and of P.D. 551. assumption of the BPC’s tax obligations under the BOT
Agreement, it refused to pay BPC’s business tax as it
Disposition: The instant petition is hereby DISMISSED. allegedly constituted an indirect tax on NPC which is a
No costs. tax-exempt corporation under its Charter.BPC filed a
petition for declaratory relief with the Makati RTC against
Batangas City & NPC alleging that under the BOT
Agreement, NPC is responsible for the payment of such Section 1, Article 10 thereof, the pertinent portion of
taxes but since it is exempt from such, both the BPC and which reads:
NPC aren’t liable for its payment.
Notwithstanding any exemption granted by any law or
Issue: Whether NPC’s tax exemption privileges under its other special law, there is hereby imposed a tax on
Charter were withdrawn by Sec.193 of the LGC. businesses enjoying a franchise, at a rate of seventy-five
percent (75%) of one percent (1%) of the gross annual
Disposition: the petitions are DISMISSED. No costs. receipts for the preceding calendar year based on the
income or receipts realized within the territorial
Held: Yes! When NPC assumed tax liabilities of the BPC jurisdiction of Davao City.
under their 1992 BOT Agreement, the LGC which
removed NPC’s tax exemption privileges had already Smart contends that its telecenter in Davao City is
been in effect for 6 months. Thus, while the BPC remains exempt from payment of franchise tax to the City, on the
to be the entity doing business in the city, it is the NPC following grounds: (a) the issuance of its franchise under
that is ultimately liable to pay said taxes under the Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7294[5] subsequent to R.A. No.
provisions of both the 1992 BOT Agreement & the 1991 7160 shows the clear legislative intent to exempt it from
LGC the provisions of R.A. 7160;[6] (b) Section 137 of R.A.
No. 7160 can only apply to exemptions already existing
Main point: The power to tax is no longer exclusively at the time of its effectivity and not to future exemptions;
vested on Congress; local legislative bodies are now (c) the power of the City of Davao to impose a franchise
given authority to levy taxes, fees and other charges tax is subject to statutory limitations such as the in lieu of
pursuant to Art.X, Sec.5 of the 1987 Constitution. The all taxes clause found in Section 9 of R.A. No. 7294; and
LGC effectively deals with the fiscal constraints faced by (d) the imposition of franchise tax by the City of Davao
the LGUs. It widens the tax base of LGUs to include would amount to a violation of the constitutional provision
taxes which were prohibited by previous laws. against impairment of contracts.

Issue: Whether or not Smart is liable to pay the franchise

SMART COMMUNICATIONS V. CITY OF DAVAO tax imposed by the City of Davao.

Facts: On February 18, 2002, Smart filed a special civil Disposition: The instant petition is DENIED for lack of
action for declaratory relief under Rule 63 of the Rules of merit. Costs against petitioner.
Court, for the ascertainment of its rights and obligations
under the Tax Code of the City of Davao, particularly
Held: Yes!.The doubt must be resolved in favor of the
City of Davao. The in lieu of all taxes clause applies only Issue: Whether or not withholding a part of LGUs IRA is
to national internal revenue taxes and not to local taxes. valid.

Main point: Tax exemptions are never presumed and are Disposition: the Petition is GRANTED. Respondents and
strictly construed against the taxpayer and liberally in their successors are hereby permanently PROHIBITED
favor of the taxing authority. They can only be given force from implementing Administrative Order Nos. 372 and
when the grant is clear and categorical power if the 43, respectively dated December 27, 1997 and
intention of the legislature is open to doubt, then the December 10, 1998, insofar as local government units
intention of the legislature must be resolved in favor of are concerned.
the State.
Held: No. Section 4 is invalid because it interferes with
local autonomy, particularly local fiscal autonomy.
Main point: A basic feature of local fiscal autonomy is the
automatic release of the shares of LGUs in the national
internal revenue.

Facts: President Ramos issued Administrative Order 372 PROVINCE OF BATANGAS V. EXECUTIVE
(Adoption of Economic Measures in Government for SECRETARY
Fiscal Year 1998). Section 1 provided that all government
departments and agencies, including state universities Facts: In 1998, then President Estrada issued EO No. 48
and colleges, GOCCs and LGUs will identify and establishing the “Program for Devolution Adjustment and
implement measures in FY 1998 that will replace total Equalization” to enhance the capabilities of LGUs in the
expenditures by at least 25% of authorized regular discharge of the functions and services devolved to them
appropriations for non-personal services items. Section 4 through the LGC.The Oversight Committee under
also provided that pending assessment by the Executive Secretary Ronaldo Zamora passed
Development Budget Coordinating Committee of the Resolutions No. OCD-99-005, OCD-99-006 and OCD-99-
emerging fiscal situation, the amount equivalent to 10% 003 which were approved by Pres. Estrada on October 6,
of the IRA to LGUs shall be withheld. President Estrada 1999. The guidelines formulated by the Oversight
issued AO 43, amending Section 4 by reducing to 5% the Committee required the LGUs to identify the projects
IRA to be withheld. eligible for funding under the portion of LGSEF and
submit the project proposals and other requirements to should be more properly enacted in a separate
the DILG for appraisal before the Committee serves legislation.
notice to the DBM for the subsequent release of the
corresponding funds.Hon. Herminaldo Mandanas,
Governor of Batangas, petitioned to declare ALTERNATIVE CENTER V. ZAMORA
unconstitutional and void certain provisos contained in
the General Appropriations Acts (GAAs) of 1999, 2000, Facts: In the year 2000, the GAA appropriated PhP
and 2001, insofar as they uniformly earmarked for each 111,778,000,000.00 of IRA as programmed fund. It
corresponding year the amount of P5billion for the appropriated a separate amount of P10B of IRA under
Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for the Local the classification of unprogrammed fund, the latter
Government Service Equalization Fund (LGSEF) & amount to be released only upon th occurrence of the
imposed conditions for the release thereof. conditions stated in the GAA.

Issue: Whether the assailed provisos in the GAAs of Issue: WON the subject GAA violates LGUs fiscal
1999, 2000, and 2001, and the OCD resolutions infringe autonomy by not automatically releasing the whole
the Constitution and the LGC of 1991. amount of the allotted IRA.

Disposition: The petition is GRANTED. The assailed Disposition: the petition is GRANTED. XXXVII and LIV
provisos in the General Appropriations Acts of 1999, Special Provisions 1 and 4 of the Year 2000 GAA are
2000 and 2001, and the assailed OCD Resolutions, are hereby declared unconstitutional insofar as they set apart
declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL. a portion of the IRA, in the amount of P10 Billion, as part
Held: Yes. The assailed provisos in the GAAs of 1999,
2000, and 2001, and the OCD resolutions constitute a Held: Yes! Article X Section 6 of the Constitution
“withholding” of a portion of the IRA – they effectively provides: “LGUs shall have a just share, as determined
encroach on the fiscal autonomy enjoyed by LGUs and by law, in the national taxes which shall be automatically
must be struck down. released to them.” While automatic release implies that
the just share should be released to them as a matter of
Main point: Congress may amend any of the provisions course, withholding its release pending an event
of the LGC but only through a separate law and not contravened the constitutional mandate.
through appropriations laws or GAAs. Congress cannot
include in a general appropriations bill matters that
Main point: Article X Section 6 of the Constitution enjoins 9398, 9404, 9405, 9407, 9408, 9409, 9434, 9435, 9436,
the legislature not to pass laws that might prevent the and 9491.
executive from performing his duty.
Held: Yes! Cityhood law prevent a fair and just
LEAGUE OF CITIES V. COMELEC distribution of the national taxes to local government
units. A city with an annual income of only P20 million, all
Facts: These are consolidated petitions for prohibition other criteria being equal, should not receive the same
with prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary share in national taxes as a city with an annual income of
injunction or temporary restraining order filed by the P100 million or more. The criteria of land area, population
League of Cities of the Philippines, City of Iloilo, City of and income, as prescribed in Section 450 of the Local
Calbayog, and Jerry P. Treñas assailing the Government Code, must be strictly followed because
constitutionality of the subject Cityhood Laws and such criteria, prescribed by law, are material in
enjoining the Commission During the 12th Congress,4 determining the "just share" of local government units in
Congress enacted into law Republic Act No. 9009 (RA national taxes. Since the Cityhood Laws do not follow the
9009),5 which took effect on 30 June 2001. RA 9009 income criterion in Section 450 of the Local Government
amended Section 450 of the Local Government Code by Code, they prevent the fair and just distribution of the
increasing the annual income requirement for conversion Internal Revenue Allotment in violation of Section 6,
of a municipality into a city from P20 million to P100 Article X of the Constitution.
million. The rationale for the amendment was to restrain,
in the words of Senator Aquilino Pimentel, "the mad rush" Main point: Sec 6 allows Congress to determine the just
of municipalities to convert into cities solely to secure a share of local government in the national taxes. Uniform
larger share in the Internal Revenue Allotment despite and non-discriminatory criteria must not prescribed in the
the fact that they are incapable of fiscal independence.6 Local Government code.
sion on Elections (COMELEC) and respondent
municipalities from conducting plebiscites pursuant to the

Issue: Whether or not Cityhood Laws Violate Section 6, BORJA v. COMELEC

Article X of the Constitution
FACTS: This case is all about the scope of constitutional
Disposition: we GRANT the petitions and declare provision of barring elective official, with the exception of
UNCONSTITUTIONAL the Cityhood Laws, namely: barangay elective officials from serving more than three
Republic Act Nos. 9389, 9390, 9391, 9392, 9393, 9394, consecutive terms. The private respondent, Capco Jr.
was elected as the Vice Mayor of Pateros then on FACTS: Petitioner Romeo Lonzanida was duly elected
September 2, 1989 he became mayor by operation of law and had already served two consecutive terms as the
upon death of the incumbent, Cesar Borja and then he mayor of San Antonio, Zambales. On the next election,
ran and was elected mayor for a term of three years to he ran for mayor and was then proclaimed but it was
which he was re-elected as a mayor for another term of contested by his opponent (Alvez) to which the Court
three years. Petitioner Borja who was also a candidate ruled in favor of the latter thereby directing Lonzanida to
during the election, sought the disqualification of Capco vacate the office and his opponent assumed the office for
on the ground that the latter had served for more than the remaining term. On the next election, Lonzanida then
three consecutive term making him ineligible to serve for ran for mayor and won the election but his opponent
another term. (Muli) contested that Lonzanida cannot run for office
ISSUE: WON a vice mayor who succeeds to the office of because he had already served for three consecutive
mayor by operation of law and serves the remainder of terms.
the term is considered to have served a term in that office
for the purpose of the three-term limit? ISSUE: WON petitioner Lonzanidas assumption of office
as mayor of San Antonio Zambales from May 1995 to
DISPOSITION: The petition is DISMISSED. March 1998 may be considered as service of one full
term for the purpose of applying the three-term limit for
RULING: No, the vice mayor can only become a mayor elective local government officials?
by operation of law when the latter had resigned, died or
is removed from the office. Hence, his service in the DISPOSITION: The petition is GRANTED.
office as the Mayor by operation of law should not be
counted in the application of any term limit. RULING: First, the petitioner cannot be considered as
having been duly elected to the post in the May 1995
MAIN POINT: Article 10, Section 8 teaches us that no elections his assumption of office as mayor cannot be
elective official shall serve for more than three deemed to have been by reason of a valid election but by
consecutive terms in the same position. Hence, in the reason of a void proclamation. It has been repeatedly
above case he cannot be disqualified to run for mayor held by this court that a proclamation subsequently
because he did not exceed the three term limit when he declared void is no proclamation at all and while a
took the office of the Mayor by operation of law. proclaimed candidate may assume office on the strength
of the proclamation of the Board of Canvassers he is only
LONZANIDA v. COMELEC a presumptive winner who assumes office subject to the
final outcome of the election protest.Petitioner Lonzanida
did not serve a term as mayor of San Antonio, Zambales
from May 1995 to March 1998 because he was not duly
elected to the post; he merely assumed office as ISSUE: WON he had already served for three
presumptive winner, which presumption was later consecutive terms?
overturned by the COMELEC when it decided with finality
that Lonzanida lost in the May 1995 mayoral elections. DISPOSITION: The petition is DISMISSED.
Second, the petitioner cannot be deemed to have served
the May 1995 to 1998 term because he was ordered to RULING: No, the respondent here just served for two
vacate his post before the expiration of the term. consecutive terms. He lost his bid during the second
election but due to the recall of the said election he took
MAIN POINT: In sum, the petitioner was not the duly the office of the elected mayor. Hence, it does not result
elected mayor and that he did not hold office for the full to Talaga served for three consecutive terms.
term; hence, his assumption of office from May 1995 to
March 1998 cannot be counted as a term for purposes of MAIN POINT: Private respondent was not elected for
computing the three term limit. The Resolution of the three (3) consecutive terms should be upheld. For nearly
COMELEC finding him disqualified on this ground to run two years he was a private citizen. The continuity of his
in the May 1998 mayoral elections should therefore be mayorship was disrupted by his defeat in the 1998
set aside. elections.


FACTS: Petitioner and Private Respondent were the only FACTS: Hagedorn had been elected and served as
candidates who filed their certificate of candidacy for mayor of Puerto Princesa City for three consecutive
mayor of Lucena City Private Respondent (Ramon terms: in 1992-1995, 1995-1998 and 1998-
Talaga) was the incumbent mayor and he was then re- 2001. Obviously aware of the three-term limit
elected during that election and had served for another principle, Hagedorn opted not to vie for the same
full term. In the election of 1998, private respondent lost mayoralty position in the 2001 elections, in
the election to one Bernard Tagarao and during the recall which Socrates ran and eventually won.
election, he again then won and served the remaining However, midway into his term, Socrates faced recall
term of Tagarao. The petitioner (Adormeo) then now proceedings and in the recall election held, Hagedorn run
seeks for the disqualification of Talaga on the next for the former’s unexpired term as mayor.
preceding election due to the ground that he had already Socrates sought Hagedorn’s disqualification under the
exceeded the three consecutive term limit provided in three-term limit rule.
Article 10, Section 8.
ISSUE: WON Hagedorn is disqualified to run under the
three-term limit rule? FACTS: Petitioner Arsenio A. Latasa, was elected mayor
of the Municipality of Digos, Davao del Sur in the
DISPOSITION: The petition is DISMISSED. elections of 1992, 1995, and 1998. During petitioners
third term, the Municipality of Digos was declared a
HELD: After three consecutive terms, an elective official component city, to be known as the City of Digos. A
cannot immediate re-election for a fourth term; the plebiscite was conducted and ratified RA8798 coverting
prohibited election refers to the next regular election for a the Municipality of Digos as City of Digos. This act
fourth term. The prohibited election refers to the next mandated the end of term of the then elected mayor and
regular election for the same office following the same as pursuant to it he is now mandated to serve in holdover
office following the third consecutive term. Any capacity as mayor of the new City of Digos. On the next
subsequent election, like a recall election, is no longer election in the City of Digos, the respondent filed his
covered by the prohibition for two reasons: 1) A certificate of candidacy to which the petitioner sought for
subsequent election like a recall election is no longer an its disqualification because the said mayor had already
immediate reelection after the three consecutive terms; served the three-consecutive term limit.
and 2) The intervening period constitutes an involuntary
interruption in the continuity of service. Hence, ISSUE: WON petitioner Latasa is eligible to run as
Hagedorn ceased to be mayor on June 30, 2001, he candidate for the position of mayor of the newly-created
became a private citizen until the recall election of City of Digos immediately after he served for three
September 24, 2002 when he won by 3,018 votes over consecutive terms as mayor of the Municipality of Digos?
his closest opponent, Socrates.
MAIN POINT: The Constitution prohibits is an immediate
re-election for a fourth term following three consecutive RULING: No, the petitioner cannot run for office of the
terms. The Constitution, however, does not prohibit a mayor because had had already exceeded the three-
subsequent re-election for a fourth term as long as the consecutive term limit. True, the new city acquired a new
re-election is not immediately after the end of the third corporate existence separate and distinct from that of the
consecutive term. A recall election mid-way in the term municipality. This does not mean that the office of the
following the third consecutive term is a subsequent municipal mayor would now be construed as a different
election but not an immediate re-election after the third local government post as that of the office of the city
term. mayor. As stated earlier, the territorial jurisdiction of the
City of Digos is the same as that of the
LATASA v COMELEC municipality. Consequently, the inhabitants of the
municipality are the same as those in the city. These DISPOSITION: The petitions are DENIED.
inhabitants are the same group of voters who elected
petitioner Latasa to be their municipal mayor for three RULING: The Constitution did not expressly prohibit
consecutive terms. These are also the same inhabitants Congress from fixing any term of office for barangay
over whom he held power and authority as their chief officials. It merely left the determination of such term to
executive for nine years. the law making body, without any specific limitation or
prohibition, thereby leaving to the lawmaker’s full
MAIN POINT: The conversion of a municipality into a city discretion to fix such term in accordance with the
does not create a new corporate existence. Hence, if an exigencies of public service. It must be remembered that
elective official has already served for three-consecutive every law has in its favor the presumption of
terms and a conversion of the municipality to city took constitutionality or a law to be nullified, it must be shown
effect he cannot run for the city contesting that the city that there is a clear and unequivocal (not just implied)
now acquires a new corporate existence. Hence, a breach of the Constitution. To strike down a law as
person who had served for three-terms cannot run for unconstitutional, there must be a clear and unequivocal
office on the fourth term because it will be a violation in showing that what the fundamental law prohibits, the
Article 10, Section 8. statute permits. The petitioners have miserably failed to
DAVID v COMELEC discharge this burden and to show clearly the
unconstitutionality they aver.
FACTS: This case involves two (2) consolidated petitions
filed by David and Liga ng mga Barangay QC Chapter. MAIN POINT: The Constitution
David, Brgy. Chairman from Kalookan and president of thereby impliedly prohibits Congress from legislating a
Liga ng mga Barangay sa Pilipinas, sought to prohibit the three-year term for such officers.
holding of barangay elections scheduled on the second
Monday of May 1997. On the other hand, Liga ng mga RIVERA v COMELEC
Barangay QC Chapter sought judicial review to declare
as unconstitutional certain laws including Sec 43 of the FACTS: Petioners, filed with the Second Division of the
LGC, COMELEC resolutions, and budget appropriations Commission on Elections (COMELEC) a petition to
for elections, which all essentially limited the term of cancel respondent Morales’ Certificate of Candidacy on
barangay officials to three (3) years. the ground that he was elected and had served three
previous consecutive terms as mayor of Mabalacat. They
ISSUE: WON the three-year term not repugnant to alleged that his candidacy violated Section 8, Article X of
Constitution? the Constitution and Section 43 (b) of Republic Act (R.A.)
No. 7160, also known as the Local Government Code.
Respondent Morales admitted that he was elected mayor able to serve his full term is tantamount to one term. The
of Mabalacat for the term commencing July 1, 1995 to case at bar, Respondent Morales were able to serve his
June 30, 1998 (first term) and July 1, 2001 to June 30, three consecutive term thereby he is now barred to run
2004 (third term), but he served the second term from for office for the fourth term.
July 1, 1998 to June 30, 2001 only as a "caretaker of the
office" or as a "de facto officer" because of the following MONTEBON v COMELEC
reasons: a. He was not validly elected for the second
term 1998 to 2001 since his proclamation as mayor was FACTS: Petitioners Montebon and Ondy and respondent
declared void by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) and b. Potencioso, Jr. were candidates for municipal councilor
He was preventively suspended by the Ombudsman in of the Municipality of Tuburan, Cebu for the May 14,
an anti-graft case from January 16, 1999 to July 15, 2007 Synchronized National and Local Elections. On
1999. April 30, 2007, petitioners and other candidates4 for
municipal councilor filed a petition for disqualification
ISSUE: WON the respondent can run for office of the against respondent with the COMELEC alleging that
mayor contesting that he did not exceeded the three- respondent had been elected and served three
consecutive term limit as provided by the Constitution? consecutive terms as municipal councilor in 1998-2001,
2001-2004, and 2004-2007. Thus, he is proscribed from
DISPOSITION: The petition is GRANTED. running for the same position in the 2007 elections as it
RULING: Here, respondent Morales was elected for the would be his fourth consecutive term. The respondent
term July 1, 1998 to June 30, 2001. He assumed the admitted that he had been elected for three consecutive
position. He served as mayor until June 30, 2001. He terms as municipal councilor. However, he claimed that
was mayor for the entire period notwithstanding the the service of his second term in 2001-2004 was
Decision of the RTC in the electoral protest case filed by interrupted on January 12, 2004 when he succeeded as
petitioner Dee ousting him (respondent) as mayor. vice mayor of Tuburan due to the retirement of Vice
Hence, Respondent Moraes cannot run again for office Mayor Petronilo L. Mendoza. Consequently, he is not
because he had already exceeded the three-consecutive disqualified from vying for the position of municipal
term limit because during electoral protest filed by his councilor in the 2007 elections.
opponent he was able to serve for a full term thereby
fulfilling the three term limit as provided in our ISSUE: WON he is deemed to have fully served his
Constitution. second term in view of his assumption of office as vice-
mayor of Tuburan on January 12, 2004?
MAIN POINT: Even though. The mayor’s proclamation
was declared void by the COMELEC as longs as he was DISPOSITION: The petition is DISMISSED.
RULING: No, succession in term of office does not make RULING: For Francis, service for the full term, and
that the officer who has succeeded the previous officer should be counted as a full term served in contemplation
by operation of law constitutes a full term to the of the three-term limit prescribed by the constitutional and
successor. Hence, the respondent here is still eligible to statutory provisions, supra, barring local elective officials
run for office because his succession on the office of from being elected and serving for more than three
vice-mayor is not counted to his three term consecutive consecutive term for the same position. It is true that the
limit. RTC-Daet, Camarines Norte ruled in Election Protest
Case No. 6850, that it was Francis opponent (Alegre)
MAIN POINT: Succession of office by operation of law who won in the 1998 mayoralty race and, therefore, was
does not constitute an addition of one term to the three the legally elected mayor of San Vicente. However, that
term consecutive limit. disposition, it must be stressed, was without practical and
legal use and value, having been promulgated after the
term of the contested office has expired. Petitioner
Francis contention that he was only a presumptive winner
in the 1998 mayoralty derby as his proclamation was
under protest did not make him less than a duly elected
ONG v ALEGRE mayor. His proclamation by the Municipal Board of
Canvassers of San Vicente as the duly elected mayor in
FACTS: Private respondent Joseph Stanley the 1998 mayoralty election coupled by his assumption of
Alegre (Alegre) and petitioner Francis Ong (Francis) were office and his continuous exercise of the functions thereof
candidates who filed certificates of candidacy for mayor from start to finish of the term, should legally be taken as
of San Vicente, Camarines Norte in the May 10, 2004 service for a full term in contemplation of the three-term
elections. Francis was then the incumbent mayor. Alegre rule.
filed with the COMELEC Provincial Office a Petition to
Disqualify, Deny Due Course and Cancel Certificate of MAIN POINT: The assumption of office constitutes a one
Candidacy of Francis. full term.

ISSUE: WON Francis’ assumption of office as Mayor of LACEDA v LIMENA

San Vicente, Camarines Norte from July 1, 1998 to June
30, 2001, may be considered as one full term service in FACTS: Petitioner Roberto Laceda, Sr., and private
the context of the consecutive three-term limit rule? respondent Randy L. Limena were candidates for
Punong Barangay of Barangay Panlayaan, West District,
DISPOSITION: The petition is DISMISSED. Sorsogon City, during the October 29, 2007 Barangay
and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections. On October 23, Moreover, Rep. Act No. 8806 did not interrupt Laceda's
2007, Limena filed a petition for disqualification and/or term.
declaration as an ineligible candidate against Laceda
before the COMELEC, contending that Laceda had MAIN POINT: The conversion of a municipality into a city
already served as Punong Barangay for Brgy. Panlayaan does not create a new corporate existence. Hence, if an
for three consecutive terms since 1994, and was thus elective official has already served for three-consecutive
prohibited from running for the fourth time under Section terms and a conversion of the municipality to city took
2 of Republic Act No. 916. effect he cannot run for the city contesting that the city
now acquires a new corporate existence. Hence, a
ISSUE: WON the conversion of the municipality of person who had served for three-terms cannot run for
Sorsogon into city creates a new corporate existence and office on the fourth term because it will be a violation in
that the candidate who had served for three consecutive Article 10, Section 8.
terms can run for office by virtue of the conversion of the

DISPOSITION: The petition is DENIED. FACTS: Petitioner alleges respondent was proclaimed as
the municipal mayor of Mabalacat, Pampanga during the
RULING: In this case, while it is true that under Rep. Act 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004 elections and has fully
No. 8806 the municipalities of Sorsogon converted into a served the same. Respondent filed his Certificate of
city thereby abolishing the former and creating Sorsogon Candidacy on March 28, 2007 again for the same
City as a new political unit, it cannot be said that for the position and same municipality. Petitioner argues that
purpose of applying the prohibition in Section 2 of Rep. respondent is no longer eligible and qualified to run for
Act No. 9164, the office of Punong Barangay of Barangay the same position for the May 14, 2007 elections under
Panlayaan, Municipality of Sorsogon, would now be Section 43 of the Local Government Code of 1991.
construed as a different local government post as that of Under the said provision, no local elective official is
the office of Punong Barangay of Barangay allowed to serve for more than three (3) consecutive
Panlayaan, Sorsogon City. The territorial jurisdiction of terms for the same position. Respondent, on the other
Barangay Panlayaan, Sorsogon City, is the same as hand, asserts that he is still eligible and qualified to run
before the conversion. Consequently, the inhabitants of as Mayor of the Municipality of Mabalacat, Pampanga
the barangay are the same. They are the same group of because he was not elected for the said position in the
voters who elected Laceda to be their Punong Barangay 1998 elections. He avers that the Commission en banc in
for three consecutive terms and over whom Laceda held SPA Case No. A-04-058, entitled Atty. Venancio Q.
power and authority as their Punong Barangay. Rivera III and Normandick P. De Guzman vs. Mayor
Marino P. Morales, affirmed the decision of the Regional ALDOVINO v COMELEC
Trial Court of Angeles City declaring Anthony D. Dee as
the duly elected Mayor of Mabalacat, Pampanga in the FACTS: The respondent Wilfredo F. Asilo (Asilo) was
1998 elections. elected councilor of Lucena City for three consecutive
terms: for the 1998-2001, 2001-2004, and 2004-2007
ISSUE: WON respondent Morales did not violate the 3-yr terms, respectively. In September 2005 or during his
term limit when he ran and won as Mayor of the 2004-2007 term of office, the Sandiganbayan
Mabalacat, Pampanga? preventively suspended him for 90 days in relation with a
criminal case he then faced.This Court, however,
DISPOSITION: The petition is DISMISSED. subsequently lifted the Sandiganbayans suspension
order; hence, he resumed performing the functions of his
RULING: The respondents harp on the delay in resolving office and finished his term. In the 2007 election, Asilo
the election protest between petitioner and his then filed his certificate of candidacy for the same
opponent Alvez which took roughly about three years and position. The petitioners Simon B. Aldovino, Jr., Danilo B.
resultantly extended the petitioner’s incumbency in an Faller, and Ferdinand N. Talabong (the petitioners)
office to which he was not lawfully elected. We note that sought to deny due course to Asilos certificate of
such delay cannot be imputed to the petitioner. There is candidacy or to cancel it on the ground that he had been
neither specific allegation nor proof that the delay was elected and had served for three terms; his candidacy for
due to any political maneuvering on his part to prolong a fourth term therefore violated the three-term limit rule
his stay in office. Moreover, protestant Alvez, was not under Section 8, Article X of the Constitution and Section
without legal recourse to move for the early resolution of 43(b) of RA 7160.
the election protest while it was pending before the
regional trial court or to file a motion for the execution of ISSUE: WON preventive suspension of an elected local
the regional trial court’s decision declaring the position of official is an interruption of the three-term limit rule?
mayor vacant and ordering the vice-mayor to assume
office while the appeal was pending with the COMELEC. DISPOSITION: The petition is GRANTED and
NULLIFIED the assailed COMELEC rulings.
MAIN POINT: Such delay which is not here shown to
have been intentionally sought by the petitioner to RULING: Preventive suspension, because it is imposed
prolong his stay in office cannot serve as basis to bar his by operation of law, does not involve a voluntary act on
right to be elected and to serve his chosen local the part of the suspended official, except in the indirect
government post in the succeeding mayoral election. sense that he may have voluntarily committed the act
that became the basis of the charge against him. From
this perspective, preventive suspension does not have incumbent punong barangay and also a candidate for the
the element of voluntariness that voluntary renunciation same office, filed a petition for disqualification on the
embodies. Neither does it contain the element of ground that bolos jr. Has already served the maximum
renunciation or loss of title to office as it merely involves limit of three term hence no longer eligible to run and
the temporary incapacity to perform the service that an hold the position in accordance with sec. 8, article x of
elective office demands. Thus viewed, preventive the constitution. Cinconiegue contended that bolos’
suspension is by its very nature the exact opposite of relinquishment of the position of punong barangay in july
voluntary renunciation; it is involuntary and temporary, 2004 was voluntary on his part, as it could be presumed
and involves only the actual delivery of service, not the that it was his personal decision to run as municipal
title to the office. The easy conclusion therefore is that councilor in the may 14, 2004 national and local
they are, by nature, different and non-comparable. elections.

MAIN POINT: Preventive suspension, by its nature, does

not involve an effective interruption of a term and should Issue:
therefore not be a reason to avoid the three-term Whether or not there was a voluntary renunciation of the
limitation. It can pose as a threat, however, if we shall office of punong barangay by bolos when he assumed
disregard its nature and consider it an effective the post of municipal councilor so that he is deemed to
interruption of a term. have served for three consecutive terms.

Bolos v. Comelec – 581 scra 786 [2009] Yes. The three-term limit for elective official is contained
in sec. 8, article x of the constitution. The court agrees
Facts: with the comelec that petitioner’s relinquishment of the
office of punong barangay of biking, dauis, bohol, as a
Petitioner bolos was elected as the punong barangay of consequence of his assumption to office as sangguniang
barangay biking, dauis, bohol for 3 consecutive terms bayan member of dauis, bohol, on july 1, 2004, is a
(1994, 1997, 2002). In may 2004, during his incumbency, voluntary renunciation.
he ran for municipal councilor of dauis and won. He
assumed office on july 1, 2004 leaving his post as Main point:
punong barangay. After serving his term as a councilor After three consecutive terms, an elective local official
he filed his candidacy for the position of punong cannot seek immediate reelection for a fourth term. The
barangay in the october 29, 2007 barangay and prohibited election refers to the next regular election for
sangguniang kabataan elections. Cinconiegue, then
the same office following the end of the third consecutive danilo b. Faller, and ferdinand n. Talabong seeking
term. asilo’s disqualification. “preventive suspension, by its
nature, does not involve an effective interruption of
Aldovino v. Comelec – 609 scra 234 [2009] service within a term and should therefore not be a
reason to avoid the three-term limitation,” held the court.
Facts: It noted that preventive suspension can pose as a threat
Lucena city councilor wilfredo f. Asilo was elected to the “more potent” than the voluntary renunciation that the
said office for three consecutive terms: 1998-2001, 2001- constitution itself disallows to evade the three-term limit
2004, and 2004-2007. In september 2005, during his as it is easier to undertake and merely requires an easily
third term of office, the sandiganbayan issued an order of fabricated administrative charge that can be dismissed
90-day preventive suspension against him in relation to a soon after a preventive suspension has been imposed.
criminal case. The said suspension order was
subsequently lifted by the court, and asilo resumed the Main point:
performance of the functions of his office. Asilo then filed Preventive suspension of public officials does not
his certificate of candidacy for the same position in 2007. interrupt their term for purposes of the three-term limit
His disqualification was sought by herein petitioners on rule under the constitution and the local government code
the ground that he had been elected and had served for (ra 7160).
three consecutive terms, in violation of the three-term
constitutional limit. Datu michel abas kida v. Senate of the philippines, gr
196271, february 2012 (reconsideration; holdover
provision in ra 9054 unconstitutional as congress in
Issue: passing ra 10153 has made clear)
Won the suspensive condition interrupts the three-term
limitation rule of comelec? Facts

Ruling: Pursuant to ra no. 9333, the next armm regional elections

should have been held on august 8, 2011. Comelec had
No. The candidacy of lucena city councilor wilfredo f. begun preparations for these elections and had accepted
Asilo for a fourth term in the 2007 elections was in certificates of candidacies for the various regional offices
contravention of the three-term limit rule of art. X, sec. 8 to be elected. But on june 30, 2011, ra no. 10153 was
of the constitution since his 2004-2007 term was not enacted, resetting the next armm regular elections to
interrupted by the preventive suspension imposed on may 2013 to coincide with the regular national and local
him, the sc granted the petition of simon b. Aldovino, elections of the country. In these consolidated petitions
filed directly with the supreme court, the petitioners
assailed the constitutionality of ra no. 10153. Section 9. Sectoral representatives

Issue: Supangan jr. V. Santos, gr no. 84662, august 24, 1990

Is the grant [to the president] of the power to appoint oics
constitutional? Facts:
Petitioner supanganwas elected kb chairman of mabini,
pangasinan and was elected kb provincial federation
Ruling president of the province of pangasinan. Petitioner was
appointed by president marcos as member of the
Yes, the grant [to the president] of the power to appoint sangguniang panlalawigan of pangasinan representing
oics in the armm is constitutional [during the oral the youth sector. Respondent domantay presented a
arguments, the court identified the three options open to letter written by respondent secretary santos advising the
congress in order to resolve the problem on who should body that respondent domantay has been named as
sit as armm officials in the interim [in order to achieve member thereof to replace supangan. Petitioner
synchronization in the 2013 elections]: (1) allow the contends that sec. Santos hand no authority in appointing
[incumbent] elective officials in the armm to remain in domantay as the latter is not qualified.
office in a hold over capacity until those elected in the
synchronized elections assume office; (2) hold special Issue:
elections in the armm, with the terms of those elected to Whether or not the the appointment of domantay by the
expire when those elected in the [2013] synchronized sec santos, replacing supangan is valid.
elections assume office; or (3) authorize the president to
appoint oics, [their respective terms to last also until Ruling:
those elected in the 2013 synchronized elections assume Yes. Supangan, having all the qualifications, was
office.] [the supreme court] dismissed the petitions and appointed by the president to his position. Domantay, not
upheld the constitutionality of ra no. 10153 in toto.] having the qualifications, who was appointed by sec.
Santos is not valid.
Main point:
Main point:
Holdover is unconstitutional since it would extend the President is the one who makes appointments for
terms of office of the incumbent armm officials we rule sectoral representatives. Sec. Of local government can
out the [hold over] option since it violates section 8, only inform the sectoral representatives their
article x of the constitution. appointments
the political entity who stand to be economically
Tan v. Comelec, 142 scra 727 (1986) dislocated by the separation of a portion thereof have the
right to participate in said plebiscite.
Bp 885, an act creating a new province in the island of
negros to be known as the province of negros del norte Tobias v. Abalos – 239 scra 106 [1994] (metes and
was enacted. Pursuant to and in implementation of this bounds)
law, the comelec scheduled a plebiscite in january 3,
1986. Petitioners opposed, filing a case for prohibition Facts:
and contending that the b.p. Blg. 885 is unconstitutional.
Because:1.the voters of the parent province of negros Mandaluyong and san juan were one legislative district
occidental, other than those living within the territory of until the passage of the ra 7675 with title an act
the new province of negros del norte, were not included converting the municipality of mandaluyong into a highly
in the plebiscite. urbanized city to be known as the city of mandaluyong."
same bill is now in question at to its constitutionality by
Issue: the petitioners by invoking their right as tax payers and
Whether or not the plebiscite conducted pursuant to bp residents of mandaluyong. With a plebiscite held on april
885 is constitutional. 10, 1994, people of mandaluyong voted to for the the
conversion of mandaluyong to a highly urbanized city
Ruling: ratifying ra 7675 and making it in effect.
No, the court held that where a portion of an existing
province was being lopped off to form a new province, Issues:
both the mother province and the proposed new province
should participate in the plebiscite for the mother Won ra 7675 is in violation of article vi, sections 5(1) and
province will also be affected because its boundaries is (4) as to the number of members of the congress to 250
substantially altered. and reappropriating the legislative districts.

Main point:
A plebiscite for creating a new province should include Ruling:
the participation of the residents of the mother province No. As to article vi sec 5(1), the clause "unless otherwise
for the plebiscite to conform to the constitutional provided by law" was enforced justifying the act of the
requirements. When the law says the “plebiscite shall be legislature to increase the number of the members of the
conducted in areas affected” this means that residents of congress. Article vi sec 5 (4) was also overruled as it was
the congress itself which drafted the bill reapportioning adorable, sinara, baja, and sinara alto, based on the
the legislative district. In view of the foregoing facts, the technical dedcription in e.o. No. 258. The claim was filed
petition was dismissed for lack of merit. with the provincial board of misamis occidental against
the municipality of jimenez. While conceding that the
Main point: disputed area is part of sinacaban, the municipality of
The inhabitants of san juan, which used to be part of the jimenez, in its answer, nonetheless asserted jurisdiction
congressional district together w/ mandaluyong, were on the basis of an agreement it had with the municipality
properly excluded from the plebiscite on the conversion of sinacaban. This agreement, which was approved by
of mandaluyong into a highly urbanized city since the the provincial board of misamis occidental in its
matter of separate district representation was only resolution no. 77 dated february 18, 1950, fixed the
ancillary thereto. • petitioners’ argument that the subject common boundary of sinacaban and jimenez. The
law has resulted in “gerrymandering,” which is the provincial board denied the motion of jimenez seeking
practice of creating legislative districts to favour a reconsideration. On march 20, 1990, jimenez filed a
particular candidate or party is not worth of credence. petition for certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus in the
Rep. Zamora, the author of the assailed law, is the rtc of oroquieta city, branch 14 against sinacaban, the
incumbent representative of the former san province of misamis occidental and its provincial board,
juan/mandaluyong district, having consistently won in the commission on audit, the departments of local
both localities. By dividing san juan/mandaluyong, rep. government, budget and management, and the executive
Zamora’s constituency has in fact been diminished, w/c secretary.
development could hardly be considered as favourable to
him. Issues:

Whether r.a. 7160, sec. 442 (d) is valid despite not

Mun. Of jimenez v. Judge baz – 265 scra 182 conforming to the constitutional and statutory
[1996](de jure corporation) requirements for the holding of plebiscites in the creation
of new municipalities.
The municipality of sinacaban was created by e.o. 258 by
then pres. Elpidio quirino, pursuant to sec. 68 of the Yes. Sinacaban is not subject to the plebiscite
revised administrative code of 1917. By virtue of requirement since it attained de facto status at the time
municipal council resolution no. 171, sinacaban laid claim the 1987 constitution took effect. The plebiscite
to a portion of barrio tabo-o and to barrios macabayao, requirement for the creation of municipalities applies only
to new municipalities created for the first time under the taxpayer of the former municipality of sorsorgon,
constitution – it cannot be applied to municipalities benjamin e. Cawaling, jr. Filed on january 2, 2001 the
created before. present petition for certiorari (g.r. No. 146319) seeking
Main point: the annulment of the plebiscite
Where a municipality created as such by executive order
is later impliedly recognized and its acts are accorded Issue:
legal validity, its creation can no longer be questioned. A
municipality has been conferred the status of at least a Won the creation of sorsogon city by merging two
de facto municipal corporation where its legal existence municipalities violates section 450(a) of the local
has been recognized and acquiesced publicly and government code of 1991 (in relation to section 10, article
officially. • the plebiscite requirement for the creation of x of the constitution) which requires that only a
municipalities applies only to new municipalities created municipality or a cluster of barangays may be converted
for the first time under the constitution. into a component city.

Cawaling v. Comelec – gr146319, october 26, 2001 Ruling:

No. Petitioner is not concerned whether the creation of
Facts: sorsogon city through r.a. No. 8806 complied with the
Petitions challenging the constitutionality of republic act criteria set by the code as to income, population and land
no. 8806 which created the city of sorsogon and the area. What he is assailing is its mode of creation. He
validity of the plebiscite conducted pursuant thereto.on contends that under section 450(a) of the code, a
august 16, 2000, former president joseph e. Estrada component city may be created only by converting a
signed into law r.a. No. 8806, an act creating the city of municipality or a cluster of barangays, not by merging
sorsogon by merging the municipalities of bacon and two municipalities, as what r.a. No. 8806 has done. This
sorsogon in the province of sorsogon, and appropriating contention is devoid of merit.
funds therefor.[1] pursuant to section 10, article x of the Main point:
constitution,[2] the commission on elections (comelec),
on december 16, 2000, conducted a plebiscite in the Main Point:
municipalities of bacon and sorsogon and submitted the The phrase “a municipality or a cluster of barangays may
matter for ratification. On december 17, 2000, the be converted into a component city” is not a criterion but
plebiscite city board of canvassers (pcbc) proclaimed[3] simply one of the modes by which a city may be created.
the creation of the city of sorsogon as having been • the creation of an entirely new local government unit
ratified and approved by the majority of the votes cast in through a division or merger of existing local government
the plebiscite.[4] invoking his right as a resident and units is recognizes under the constitution, provided that
such merger or division shall comply with the majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the political
requirements prescribed by the code. units directly affected.” (emphasis supplied) the
constitution is clear. The creation of local government
units must follow the criteria established in the local
League of cities of the Philippines v. Comelec, gr government code and not in any other law. There is only
176951, nov. 29, 2008 one local government code. The constitution requires
congress to stipulate in the local government code all the
Facts: criteria necessary for the creation of a city, including the
conversion of a municipality into a city. Congress cannot
During the 12th congress, congress enacted into law ra write such criteria in any other law, like the cityhood laws.
9009 amending section 450 of the local government code
by increasing the annual income requirement for Main point:
conversion of a municipality into a city from p20 million to
p100 million to restrain the ³mad rush´ of municipalities to The classification must apply equally to all members of
convert into cities solely to secure a larger share in the the same class. Limiting the exemption only to the 16
internal revenue allotment despite the fact that they are municipalities violates the requirement that the
incapable of fiscal independence. Prior to its enactment, classification must apply to all similarly situated.
a total of 57 municipalities had cityhood bills pending in Municipalities with the same income as the 16
congress. Congress did not act on 24 cityhood bills respondent municipalities cannot convert into cities, while
during the 11th congress. During the 12 th the 16 respondent municipalities can. Clearly, as worded
the exemption provision found in the cityhood laws, even
Issue: if it were written in section 450 of the local government
Won they should be exempted from following r.a. 9009. code, would still be unconstitutional for violation of the
equal protection clause.

No, the cityhood laws violate both the constitution and Sema v. Comelec, 558 scra 700
the equal protection clause section 10, article x of the
1987 constitution provides “no province, city, Facts:
municipality, or barangay shall be created, divided, A law (ra 9054) was passed amending armm’s organic
merged, abolished or its boundary substantially altered, act and vesting it with power to create provinces,
except in accordance with the criteria established in the municipalities, cities and barangays. Pursuant to this law,
local government code and subject to approval by a the armm regional assembly created shariff kabunsuan
(muslim mindanao autonomy act 201) which comprised majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the political
of the municipalities of the 1st district of maguindanao units directly affected. Thus, the creation of any of the
with the exception of cotabato city. For the purposes of four local government units province, city, municipality or
the 2007 elections, comelec initially stated that the 1st barangay must comply with three conditions. First, the
district is now only made of cotabato city (because creation of a local government unit must follow the
ofmma 201). But it later amended this stating that status criteria fixed in the local government code. Second, such
quo should be retained however just for the purposes of creation must not conflict with any provision of the
the elections, the first district should be called shariff constitution. Third, there must be a plebiscite in the
kabunsuan with cotabato city – this is also while awaiting political units affected.
a decisive declaration from congress as to cotabato’s
status as a legislative district (or part of any). Sema was Main point:
a congressional candidate for the legislative district of s.
Kabunsuan with cotabato (1st district). Later, sema was Note that in order to create a city there must be at least a
contending that cotabato city should be a separate population of at least 250k, and that a province, once
legislative district and that votes therefrom should be created, should have at least one representative in the
excluded in the voting. Comelec maintained that the hor. Note further that in order to have a legislative district,
legislative district is still there and that regardless of s. there must at least be 250k (population) in said district.
Kabunsuan being created, the legislative district is not Cotabato city did not meet the population requirement so
affected and so is its representation. sema’s contention is untenable. On the other hand, armm
cannot validly create the province of s. Kabunsuan
Issue: without first creating a legislative district. But this can
Whether or not ra 9054 is unconstitutional. Whether or never be legally possible because the creation of
not armm can create validly lgus. legislative districts is vested solely in congress. At most,
what armm can create are barangays not cities and
Held: provinces.

Ra 9054 is unconstitutional. The creation of local

government units is governed by section 10, article x of Camid v. Office of the president, gr no. 161414,
the constitution, which provides: sec. 10. No province, january 17, 2005
city, municipality, or barangay may be created, divided,
merged, abolished or its boundary substantially altered Facts:
except in accordance with the criteria established in the This is a petition for certiorari arguing the existence of
local government code and subject to approval by a municipality of andong in lanao del sur. This decision
have noted the earlier decision of pelaez where the the case at bar: (1) the executive order creating san
executive orders of former president macapagal creating andres was not invalidated in pelaez case, (2) the
33 municipalities of lanao del sur was considered null municipality existed for 30 years before it was questioned
and void due to undue delegation of legislative powers. and (3) the municipality was classified as a fifth class
Among the annulled executive orders is eo107 creating municipality and was included in the legislative district in
andong. The petitioner herein represents himself as the house of representatives apportionment.(2) andong
resident of andong (as a private citizen and taxpayer). did not meet the requisites set by lgc of 1991 sec.442 (d)
Camid contends/argues the following: (1) municipality of regarding municipalities created by executive orders. It
andong evolved into a fullblown municipality (since there says: municipalities existing as of the date of the
is a complete set of officials appointed to handle effectivity of this code shall continue to exist and operate
essential tasksand services, it has its own high school, as such. Existing municipal districts organized pursuant
bureau of post, decs office, etc. (2) 17 barangays with to presidential issuances or executive orders and which
chairman; (3) he noted agencies and private groups have their respective set of elective municipal officials
recognizing andong and also the cenro and denr holding office at the time of the effectivity of this code
certification of land area and population of andong. In the shall henceforth be considered as regular
certification of dilg, there is an enumeration of existing municipalities.(3) the failure to appropriate funds for
municipalities including 18 0f the33 municipalities andong and the absence of elections in the municipality
invalidated in pelaez case. Camid finds this as an abuse are eloquent indicia (indicators) that the state does not
of discretion and unequal treatment for andong. Likewise, recognize the existence of the municipality.(4) the
camid insists the continuing of eo 107, arguing that in ordinance appended in the 1987 constitution (which
municipality of san narciso v. Hon. Mendez, the court apportioned seats for the house of reps to the different
affirmed in making san andres a de facto municipal legislative districts in the philippines, enumerates the
corporation. San andres was created through an various municipalities encompassed in the various
executive order. Thus, this petition. districts) did not include andong. The dilg certification and
the ordinance in the1987 constitution validates them. The
Issue: fact that there existing organic statutes passed by the
Whether or not the municipality of andong be recognized legislation recreating these municipalities is enough to
as a de facto municipal corporation accord a different treatment as that of the municipality of
andong. Sc dismissed petition for lack of merit.
Should the case of andong be treated same as the case Main point:
of san andres? No, for the following reasons:(1) there are
facts found in the san andres case that are not present in
Municipal corporations may exist by prescription where it dinagat islands and the election of the officials thereof
is shown that the community has claimed and exercised are declared null and void. The provision in article 9 (2) of
corporate functions, with the knowledge and the rules and regulations implementing the local
acquiescence of the legislature, and without interruption government code of 1991 stating, "the land area
or objection for period long enough to afford title by requirement shall not apply where the proposed province
prescription. The certification has no power or it does not is composed of one (1) or more islands," is declared null
bear any authority to create or revalidate a municipality. and void.

Navarro v. Executive secretary, gr no. 180050, Main point:

february 10, 2010 It is undisputed that r.a. No. 9355 complied with the
income requirement specified by the local government
Facts: code. What is disputed is its compliance with the land
This is petition for certiorari under rule 65 of the rules of area or population requirement.
court seeking to nullify republic act (r.a.) No. 9355,
otherwise known as an act creating the province of
dinagat islands, for being unconstitutional. When the Sec. 11 METROPOLITAN POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS
dinagat islands was proclaimed a new province on
december 3, 2006, it had an official population of only MMDA v. BEL-AIR VILLAGE ASSOCIATION
106,951 based on the 2000 census of population
conducted by the national statistics office (nso). Clearly FACTS: On December 30, 1995, respondent received
the population is short of the statutory requirement of from petitioner a notice requesting the former to open its
250,000 inhabitants. Moreover, the land area of the private road, Neptune Street, to public vehicular traffic
province failed to comply with the statutory requirement starting January 2, 1996. On the same day, respondent
of 2,000 square kilometers. Petitioners allege that the was apprised that the perimeter separating the
creation of the dinagat islands as a new province, if subdivision from Kalayaan Avenue would be demolished.
uncorrected, perpetuates an illegal act of congress. Respondent instituted a petition for injunction against
petitioner, praying for the issuance of a TRO and
Issue: whether or not republic act no. 9355, complied preliminary injunction enjoining the opening of Neptune
with the constitution and statutory requirements of the Street and prohibiting the demolition of the perimeter
local government code of 1991. wall.

Ruling: the court ruled that ra 9355 is declared

unconstitutional. The proclamation of the province of
ISSUE: WON MMDA has the authority to open Neptune Prospero Oreta requesting the return of his driver’s
Street to public traffic as an agent of the state endowed license, and expressing his preference for his case to be
with police power. filed in court. Receiving no immediate reply, Garin filed
the original complaint with application for preliminary
DISPOSITION: Petition is DENIED injunction, contending that, in the absence of any
implementing rules and regulations, Sec. 5(f) of R.A. No.
HELD: The powers given by R.A. No. 7924 were limited 7924 grants the MMDA unbridled discretion to deprive
to “formulation, coordination, regulation, implementation, erring motorists of their licenses, pre-empting a judicial
preparation, management, monitoring, setting of policies, determination of the validity of the deprivation, thereby
and instillation of a system of administration.” The law violating the due process clause of the Constitution.
contains no grant of general police powers nor legislative The respondent further contended that the provision
power. violates the constitutional prohibition against undue
The MMDA is not the metropolitan political unit delegation of legislative authority, allowing as it does the
contemplated in Section 11. Rather it is an administrative MMDA to fix and impose unspecified – and therefore
agency of the government and as such it does not unlimited – fines and other penalties on erring motorists.
possess police power. Hence, when there is a traffic law
or regulation validly enacted by the legislature or those ISSUE: WON MMDA, through Sec. 5(f) of R.A. No. 7924
agencies to which legislative powers have been could validly exercise police power
delegated empowering the MMDA to confiscate or
suspend licenses of erring drivers, it may perform such Disposition: Petition was DISMISSED
acts. Without such law, however, the MMDA has no such
power. HELD: Section 5 of R.A. No. 7924 enumerates the
“Functions and Powers of the MMDA.” The contested
clause in Sec. 5(f) states that the petitioner shall “install
MMDA V. GARIN and administer a single ticketing system, fix, impose, and
collect fines and penalties for all kinds of violations of
FACTS: The issue arose from an incident involving the traffic rules and regulations, whether moving or non-
respondent Dante O. Garin, a lawyer, who was issued a moving in nature, and confiscate and suspend or revoke
traffic violation receipt (TVR) by MMDA and his driver’s drivers’ licenses in the enforcement of such traffic laws
license was confiscated for parking illegally along and regulations, the provisions of R.A. No. 4136 and P.D.
Gandara Street Binondo, Manila, on August 1995. No. 1605 to the contrary notwithstanding,” and that “for
Shortly before the expiration of the TVR’s validity, the this purpose, the Authority shall enforce all traffic laws
respondent addressed a letter to then MMDA Chairman and regulations in Metro Manila, through its traffic
operation center, and may deputize members of the
PNP, traffic enforcers of LGU, duly licensed security Disposition: The Decision of the Court of Appeals was
guards, or members of non-governmental organizations AFFIRMED
to whom may be delegated certain authority, subject to
such conditions and requirements as the Authority may HELD: There was no valid delegation of powers to the
impose.” MMDA. Contrary to the claim of the MMDA, the City
Government of Quezon City washed its hands off the
acts of the former. In its answer, the city government
GANCAYCO v. CITY GOVERNMENT OF QUEZON stated that the demolition was undertaken by the MMDA
CITY only, without the participation and/or consent of Quezon
FACTS: In 1950s, retired justice Emilio Gancayco bought
a parcel of land located in EDSA. Then on March 1956, MAIN POINT: Therefore, the MMDA acted on its own
Quezon City Council issued Ordinance No. 2904 and should be held solely liable for the destruction of the
requiring the construction of arcades for commercial portion of Justice Gancaycos building.
buildings to be constructed. At the outset, it bears
emphasis that at the time Ordinance No. 2904 was
passed by the city council, there was yet no building code SECTION 12. HIGHLY URBANIZED CITIES,
passed by the national legislature. The ordinance COMPONENT CITIES
covered the property of Justice Gancayco. Decades
after, in March 2003, MMDA conducted operations to
clear obstructions along EDSA, in consequence, they ABELLA v. COMELEC
sent a notice of demolition to Justice Gancayco alleging
that a portion of his building violated the National Building FACTS: Initially, Silvestre dela Cruz (Benjamin Abella
Code. was allowed to intervene) filed a petition with the
COMELEC to disqualify petitioner Larrazabal from
Gancayco did not comply with the notice and filed a running as governor of Leyte on the ground that she
petition for TRO with the RTC Quezon City. The RTC misrepresented her residence in her certificate of
rendered its decision in favor of Justice Gancayco. candidacy as Kananga, Leyte. It was alleged that she
MMDA appealed with the CA. was in fact a resident of Ormoc City like her husband
who was earlier disqualified from running for the same
ISSUE: WON the MMDA legally demolished the property office. The COMELEC granted the petition. However,
of Justice Gancayco when the Commission granted the decision, Larrazabal
was already proclaimed the Governor, hence, when she
was disqualified, Abella, who gathered the second
highest votes in the said area, sought to take his oath as SECTION 14. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCILS
governor of Kananga, Leyte. & OTHER SIMILAR BODIES

ISSUE: WON the candidate who got the second highest

vote may be proclaimed as governor when the candidate PIMENTEL v. OCHOA
for such position was disqualified
FACTS: In 2007, the DSWD embarked on a poverty
DISPOSITION: Instant petitions are DISMISSED. The reduction strategy with the poorest of the poor as target
questioned decision of the 2nd division of the COMELEC beneficiaries.2 Dubbed “Ahon Pamilyang Pilipino,” it was
and the questioned Resolution en banc of the pre-pilot tested in the municipalities of Sibagat and
Commission are hereby AFFIRMED. The TRO is lifted. Esperanza in Agusan del Sur; the municipalities of Lopez
Costs against petitioner. Jaena and Bonifacio in Misamis Occidental, the Caraga
Region; and the cities of Pasay and Caloocan3 upon the
HELD: The Supreme Court held that while it is true that release of the amount of P50 Million Pesos under a
SPC No. 88-546 was originally a petition to deny due Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) issued by the
course to the certificate of candidacy of Larrazabal and Department of Budget and Management. Petitioner
was filed before Larrazabal could be proclaimed, the fact Aquilino Pimentel, Jr., a former Senator, joined by Sergio
remains that the local elections of February 1, 1988 in the Tadeo, incumbent President of the Association of
province of Leyte proceeded with Larrazabal considered Barangay Captains of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, and
as a bona fide candidate. The voters of the province Nelson Alcantara, incumbent Barangay Captain of
voted for her in the sincere belief that she was a qualified Barangay Sta. Monica, Quezon City, challenges before
candidate for the position of governor. Her votes were the Court the disbursement of public funds and the
counted and she obtained the highest number of votes. implementation of the CCTP which are alleged to have
The net effect is that the petitioner lost in the election. He encroached into the local autonomy of the LGUs.
was repudiated by the electorate.
ISSUE: WON the P21 Billion CCTP Budget Allocation
MAIN POINT: The Court does not find any reason to under the DSWD in the GAA FY 2011 violates ART. II,
reverse and set aside the questioned decision and Sec. 25 & ART. X, Sec. 3 of the 1987 Constitution in
resolution of the COMELEC. The COMELEC has not relation to Sec. 17 of the Local Government Code of
acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or in grave 1991
abuse of discretion.
DISPOSITION: Petition was DISMISSED It is thus not far-fetched that the creation of the
Marawi Sub-District Engineering Office under D.O. 119
HELD: A complete relinquishment of central government and the creation of and appropriation of funds to the First
powers on Engineering District of Lanao del Sur as directed under
the matter of providing basic facilities and services R.A. 8999 will affect the powers, functions and
cannot be implied as the responsibilities of the petitioners and the DPWH-ARMM.
Local Government Code itself weighs against it. The As the two offices have apparently been endowed with
national government is, functions almost identical to those of DPWH-ARMM First
thus, not precluded from taking a direct hand in the Engineering District in Lanao del Sur, it is likely that
formulation and petitioners are in imminent danger of being eased out of
implementation of national development programs their duties and, not remotely, even their jobs. Their
especially where it is material and substantial interests will definitely be
implemented locally in coordination with the LGUs prejudiced by the enforcement of D.O. 119 and R.A.
concerned. 8999. Such injury is direct and immediate. Thus, they can
legitimately challenge the validity of the enactments
subject of the instant case.
ISSUE: WON the respondent committed grave abuse of

DISPOSITION: The petition insofar as it seeks the writs

of certiorari and prohibition is GRANTED.

FACTS: petitioner Disomangcop holds the position of HELD: YES. Without doubt, respondents committed
Engineer IV. When he filed this petition, he was the grave abuse of discretion. They implemented R.A. 8999
Officer-in-Charge, Office of the District Engineer of the despite its inoperativeness and repeal. They also put in
First Engineering District of DPWH-ARMM, Lanao del place and maintained the DPWH Marawi Sub-District
Sur. On the other hand, petitioner Dimalotang is an Engineering Office in accordance with D.O. 119 which
Engineer II and President of the rank and file employees has been rendered functus officio by the ARMM Organic
also of the First Engineering District of DPWH-ARMM in Acts.
Lanao del Sur. Both are charged with the duty and
responsibility of supervising and implementing all public MAIN POINT: Without doubt, respondents committed
works projects to be undertaken and being undertaken in grave abuse of discretion. They implemented R.A. 8999
Lanao del Sur which is the area of their jurisdiction. despite its inoperativeness and repeal. They also put in
place and maintained the DPWH Marawi Sub-District
Engineering Office in accordance with D.O. 119 which DISPOSITION: Consolidated petitions were DISMISSED
has been rendered functus officio by the ARMM Organic assailing the validity of R.A. No. 10153 for lack of merit

HELD: Section 18, Article X of the Constitution states

ABAS KIDA v. SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES that the plebiscite is required only for the creation of
autonomous regions and for determining which
provinces, cities and geographic areas will be included in
FACTS: On June 30, 2011, Republic Act (RA) No. the autonomous regions. While the settled rule is that
10153, entitled An Act Providing for the Synchronization amendments to the Organic Act have to comply with the
of the Elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim plebiscite requirement in order to become effective,
Mindanao (ARMM) with the National and Local Elections questions on the extent of the matters requiring
and for Other Purposes was enacted. The law reset the ratification may unavoidably arise because of the
ARMM elections from the 8th of August 2011, to the seemingly general terms of the Constitution and the
second Monday of May 2013 and every three (3) years obvious absurdity that would result if a plebiscite were to
thereafter, to coincide with the countrys regular national be required for every statutory amendment.
and local elections. The law as well granted the President
the power to appoint officers-in-charge (OICs) for the MAIN POINT: The date of the ARMM elections does not
Office of the Regional Governor, the Regional Vice- fall under any of the matters that the Constitution
Governor, and the Members of the Regional Legislative specifically mandated Congress to provide for in the
Assembly, who shall perform the functions pertaining to Organic Act. Therefore, even assuming that the
the said offices until the officials duly elected in the May supermajority votes and the plebiscite requirements are
2013 elections shall have qualified and assumed office. valid, any change in the date of elections cannot be
construed as a substantial amendment of the Organic Act
Petitioners filed a petition for Prohibition and Mandamus that would require compliance with these requirements.
and subsequently, the respondents filed their own Motion
for Leave to Admit their Motion for Intervention and
Comment-in-Intervention. The Court granted their motion. SECTION 16. GENERAL SUPERVISION OF THE
ISSUE: WON the requirement of a plebiscite apply only
in he creation of autonomous regions under paragraph 2,
Section 18, Article X of the 1987 Constitution AMPATUAN v. HON. RONALDO PUNO
extraordinary powers. The calling out of the armed forces
FACTS: On November 24, 2009, the day after the to prevent or suppress lawless violence in such places is
gruesome massacre of 57 men and women, then a power that the Constitution directly vests in the
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo issued Proclamation President. She did not need a congressional authority to
1946, placing “the Provinces of Maguindanao and Sultan exercise the same.
Kudarat and the City of Cotabato under a state of
emergency.” She directed the AFP and the PNP “to MAIN POINT: Petitioners failed to show that the
undertake such measures as may be allowed by the declaration of a state of emergency in the Provinces of
Constitution and by law to prevent and suppress all Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat and Cotabato City, as well
incidents of lawless violence” in the named places. Under as the Presidents exercise of the calling out power had
AO 273, she also delegated to the DILG the supervision no factual basis. They simply alleged that, since not all
of the ARMM. The petitioners claimed that the areas under the ARMM were placed under a state of
President’s issuances encroached the ARMM’s emergency, it follows that the take over of the entire
autonomy, that it constitutes an invalid exercise of ARMM by the DILG Secretary had no basis too
emergency powers, and that the President had no factual
basis for declaring a state of emergency, especially in the
Province of Sultan Kudarat and the City of Cotabato, KULAYAN v. TAN
where no critical violent incidents occurred. They want
Proc. 1946 and AO 273 be declared unconstitutional. FACTS: Three members from the International
Committee of the Red Cross were kidnapped in the
ISSUE: WON President Arroyo invalidly exercised vicinity of the Provincial Capitol in Patikul, Sulu. Governor
emergency powers when she called out the AFP and the Tan then issued Proclamation No. 1, Series of 2009,
PNP to prevent and suppress all incidents of lawless declaring a state of emergency in the province of Slulu.
violence in Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat, and Cotabato Petitioners Jamar Kulayan claimed that
City Proclamation No. 1-09 was issued ultra vires, and thus
null and void, for violating Sections 1 and 18, Article VII
DISPOSITION: Petition was DISMISSED for lack of of the Constitution, which grants the President sole
merit. authority to exercise emergency powers and calling-out
powers as the chief executive of the Republic and
HELD: NO. The President did not proclaim a national commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
emergency, only a state of emergency in the three places
mentioned. And she did not act pursuant to any law ISSUE: WON a governor can exercise the calling-out
enacted by Congress that authorized her to exercise powers of a President
act that established the ARMM and scheduled the first
DISPOSITION: The instant petition was GRANTED. The regular elections for the ARMM regional officials. RA No.
said proclamation and guidelines are hereby declared 9054 amended the ARMM Charter and reset the regular
NULL and VOID for having been issued in grave abuse elections for the ARMM regional officials to the second
of discretion, amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Monday of September 2001. RA No. 9140 further reset
the first regular elections to November 26, 2001. RA No.
HELD: NO, Governor Tan is not endowed with the power 9333 reset for the third time the ARMM regional elections
to call upon the armed forces at his own bidding. In to the 2nd Monday of August 2005 and on the same date
issuing the assailed proclamation, Governor Tan every 3 years thereafter.
exceeded his authority when he declared a state of
emergency and called upon the Armed Forces, the Pursuant to RA No. 9333, the next ARMM regional
police, and his own Civilian Emergency Force. elections should have been held on August 8, 2011.
COMELEC had begun preparations for these elections
MAIN POINT: Petitioners failed to show that the and had accepted certificates of candidacies for the
declaration of a state of emergency in the Provinces of various regional offices to be elected. But on June 30,
Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat and Cotabato City, as well 2011, RA No. 10153 was enacted, resetting the next
as the Presidents exercise of the calling out power had ARMM regular elections to May 2013 to coincide with the
no factual basis. They simply alleged that, since not all regular national and local elections of the country.
areas under the ARMM were placed under a state of
emergency, it follows that the take over of the entire In these consolidated petitions filed directly with
ARMM by the DILG Secretary had no basis too. the Supreme Court, the petitioners assailed the
constitutionality of RA No. 10153.

SECTION 17. POWERS NOT VESTED TO THE ARMM ISSUE: WON the 1987 Constitution mandate the
synchronization of elections, including the ARMM
HELD: YES, the 1987 Constitution mandates the
synchronization of elections.
FACTS: Several laws pertaining to the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) were enacted While the Constitution does not expressly state
by Congress. Republic Act (RA) No. 6734 is the organic that Congress has to synchronize national and local
elections, the clear intent towards this objective can be
gleaned from the Transitory Provisions (Article XVIII) of favorably in the plebiscite called for the purpose, in
the Constitution, which show the extent to which the accordance with Section 18, Article X of the Constitution.”
Constitutional Commission, by deliberately making Petitioner contends that the tenor of the above provision
adjustments to the terms of the incumbent officials, makes the creation of an autonomous region absolute,
sought to attain synchronization of elections. The such that even if only two provinces vote in favor of
Constitutional Commission exchanges, read with the autonomy, an autonomous region would still be created
provisions of the Transitory Provisions of the composed of the two provinces where the favorable
Constitution, all serve as patent indicators of the votes were obtained.
constitutional mandate to hold synchronized national and
local elections, starting the second Monday of May 1992
and for all the following elections.
ISSUE: WON R.A. or parts thereof, violates the
DISPOSITION: We DENY with FINALITY the motions for Constitution
reconsideration for lack of merit and UPHOLD the
DISPOSITION: Petitions were DISMISSED due to lack of
constitutionality of R.A. No. 10153

HELD: Thus, under the Constitution and R.A. No 6734,

SECTIONS 18 and 19. ORGANIC ACT FOR the creation of the autonomous region shall take effect
AUTONOMOUS REGIONS only when approved by a majority of the votes cast by the
constituent units in a plebiscite, and only those provinces
and cities where a majority vote in favor of the Organic
ABBAS v. COMELEC Act shall be included in the autonomous region. The
provinces and cities wherein such a majority is not
FACTS: Petitioner Abbas argues that R.A. No. 6734 attained shall not be included in the autonomous region.
unconditionally creates an autonomous region in It may be that even if an autonomous region is created,
Mindanao, contrary to the aforequoted provisions of the not all of the thirteen (13) provinces and nine (9) cities
Constitution on the autonomous region which make the mentioned in Article II, section 1 (2) of R.A. No. 6734
creation of such region dependent upon the outcome of shall be included therein. The single plebiscite
the plebiscite. contemplated by the Constitution and R.A. No. 6734 will
In support of his argument, petitioner cites Article II, therefore be determinative of (1) whether there shall be
section 1(1) of R.A. No. 6734 which declares that “[t]here an autonomous region in Muslim Mindanao and (2) which
is hereby created the Autonomous Region in Muslim provinces and cities, among those enumerated in R.A.
Mindanao, to be composed of provinces and cities voting No. 6734, shall compromise it.
Consequently, the COMELEC, on February 14, 1990,
MAIN POINT: It will readily be seen that the creation of issued Resolution No. 2259 stating that the Organic Act
the autonomous region is made to depend, not on the for the Region has been approved and/or ratified by
total majority vote in the plebiscite, but on the will of the majority of the votes cast only in the province of Ifugao.
majority in each of the constituent units and the proviso the petitioner filed a petition with COMELEC to declare
underscores this. for if the intention of the framers of the the non-ratification of the Organic Act for the Region. The
Constitution was to get the majority of the totality of the petitioners maintain that there can be no valid Cordillera
votes cast, they could have simply adopted the same Autonomous Region in only one province as the
phraseology as that used for the ratification of the Constitution and Republic Act No. 6766 require that the
Constitution, i.e. “the creation of the autonomous region said Region be composed of more than one constituent
shall be effective when approved by a majority of the unit.
votes cast in a plebiscite called for the purpose.” It is thus ISSUE: WON the province of Ifugao, being the only
clear that what is required by the Constitution is a simple province which voted favorably for the creation of the
majority of votes approving the organic Act in individual Cordillera Autonomous Region can, alone, legally and
constituent units and not a double majority of the votes in validly constitute such Region.
all constituent units put together, as well as in the
individual constituent units. HELD: The sole province of Ifugao cannot validly
constitute the Cordillera Autonomous Region.
It is explicit in Article X, Section 15 of the 1987
Constitution. The keywords — provinces, cities,
ORDILLO v. COMELEC municipalities and geographical areas connote that
“region” is to be made up of more than one
FACTS: On January 30, 1990, the people of the constituent unit. The term “region” used in its
provinces of Benguet, Mountain Province, Ifugao, Abra ordinary sense means two or more provinces. This is
and Kalinga-Apayao and the city of Baguio cast their supported by the fact that the thirteen (13) regions
votes in a plebiscite held pursuant to Republic Act No. into which the Philippines is divided for
6766 entitled “An Act Providing for an Organic Act for the administrative purposes are groupings of contiguous
Cordillera Autonomous Region.” provinces. Ifugao is a province by itself. To become
The official Commission on Elections (COMELEC) results part of a region, it must join other provinces, cities,
of the plebiscite showed that the creation of the Region municipalities, and geographical areas. It joins other
was approved by a majority of 5,889 votes in only the units because of their common and distinctive historical
Ifugao Province and was overwhelmingly rejected by and cultural heritage, economic and social structures and
148,676 votes in the rest of the provinces and city above-
other relevant characteristics. The Constitutional has NO jurisdiction over the case, since neither they nor
requirements are not present in this case. the respondent are members of the Maeng tribe. The
respondents contend that the SC has no jurisdiction over
the case since the tribal court is NOT a part of the judicial
MAIN POINT: it can be gleaned that Congress never system.
intended that a single province may constitute the
autonomous region. Otherwise, we would be faced with ISSUE:
the absurd situation of having two sets of officials, a set Whether the tribal court has jurisdiction over the case
of provincial officials and another set of regional officials
exercising their executive and legislative powers over Disposition: PETITION GRANTED.
exactly the same small area.

BADUA VS CBA 194 SCRA 101 (1991) HELD:

FACTS: Tribal courts are not a part of the Philippine judicial
Spouses Leonor and Rosa Badua allegedly own farm system which consists of the Supreme Court and the
land from which they were forcibly ejected through the lower courts which have been established by law (Sec. 1,
decision of the Cordillera Bodong. David Quema owns Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution). They do not possess
the parcels of land evidenced by Tax Declarations 4997 judicial power. Like the pangkats or conciliation panels
and 4998. The parcels of land were purchased from Dr. created by P.D. No. 1508 in the barangays, they are
Erotida Valera. Twenty-two (22) years later, he was able advisory and conciliatory bodies whose principal
to redeem the parcels of land through payment of 10,000 objective is to bring together the parties to a dispute and
to the vendor's heir, Jessie Macaraeg. Quema was persuade them to make peace, settle, and compromise.
prevented from tilling the land by Rosa Badua. Prompted It can be enforced only through the local city or
by such turn of events, David Quema filed a case in the municipal court to which the secretary of the Lupon
Baranggay Council but failed to have the dispute settled. transmits the compromise settlement or arbitration
A judge advised Quema to file his case in the provincial award upon expiration of the period to annul or
courts. However, Quema did not, and filed it in the tribal repudiate it (Sec. 14, P.D. 1508). Similarly, the decisions
court of the Maeng Tribe. Due to several warnings from of a tribal court based on compromise or arbitration, as
the tribe, spouses Badua filed a petition for special relief, provided in P.D. 1508, may be enforced or set aside, in
that the legal personality of the Cordillera Bodong and through the regular courts today.
Administration be clarified. The Baduas also allege that
they were denied due process and that the tribal court ATITIW VS ZAMORA 471 SCRA 329
FACTS: The creation of autonomous regions does not signify
By virtue of the residual powers of President Cory Aquino the establishment of a sovereignty distinct from that
she promulgated E.O 220 creating CAR. Then the of the Republic, as it can be installed only "within the
congress enacted R.A 6766, an act providing for organic framework of this Constitution and the national
act for the cordillera autonomous region, a plebiscite was sovereignty as well as territorial integrity of the
cast but was not approve by the people. The court Republic of the Philippines." Under the 1987
declared that E.O 220 to be still in force and effect until Constitution, the creation of the autonomous regions
properly repealed or amended. Later on February 15, shall be effective when approved by a majority of the
2000, President Estrada signed the General votes cast by the constituent units in a plebiscite called
Appropriations Act of 2000 (GAA 2000) which includes for the purpose.
the assailed special provisions, then issued an E.O 270
to extend the implementation of the winding up of
operations of the CAR and extended it by virtue of E.O
Atitiw et al, filed a declaratory relief as taxpayers and CORDILLERA BOARD COALITION VS COA GR No.
officers and members of the various units of the 82217, Jan. 29, 1990
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). They seek,
among others, the declaration of nullity of paragraph 1 of FACTS:
the Special Provisions of Republic Act No. 8760, Pursuant to a ceasefire agreement signed on September
otherwise known as the General Appropriations Act 13, 1986, the Cordillera People’s Liberation Army (CPLA)
(GAA) of 2000, directing that the appropriation for the and the Cordillera Bodong Administration agreed that the
CAR shall be spent to wind up its activities and pay the Cordillera people shall not undertake their demands
separation and retirement benefits of all affected officials through armed and violent struggle but by peaceful
and employees. means, such as political negotiations.
Pursuant to the above joint agreement, E.O. 220 was
ISSUE: drafted by a panel of the Philippine government and of
Whether the assailed special provisions in RA 8760 is a the representatives of the Cordillera people. This was
rider and as such is unconstitutional. then signed into law by President Corazon Aquino, in the
exercise of her legislative powers, creating the Cordillera
DISPOSITION: Administrative Region [CAR], which covers the provinces
DENIED of Abra, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga-Apayao and Mountain
Province and theCity of Baguio. Petitioners assail the
constitutionality of E.O. 220 on the primary ground that as Officer-in-Charge of the IPHO-APGH, Lanao del Sur.
by issuing the said order, the President, in the exercise of In the same Memorandum, Macacua detailed Dr.
her legislative powers, had virtually pre-empted Congress Mamasao Sani, then the provincial health officer of the
from its mandated task of enacting an organic act and IPHO-APGH, Lanao del Sur, to the DOH-ARMM
created an autonomous region in the Cordilleras. Regional Office in Cotabato City. About a month after
Pandi's appointment, Lanao del Sur Provincial Governor
ISSUE: Mahid M. Mutilan issued Office Order No. 07 designating
Whether or not E.O. 220 is constitutional Dr. Amer A. Saber also as Officer-in-Charge of the IPHO-
APGH, Lanao del Sur. Sani filed a complaint with the
DISPOSITION: Regional Trial Court of Lanao del Sur, Marawi City
DISMISSED challenging the Memorandum transferring him to the
DOH-ARMM Regional Office in Cotabato City, alleging
HELD: that he is the holder of a permanent appointment as
The creation of autonomous regions in Muslim provincial health officer of the IPHO-APGH, Lanao del
Mindanao and the Cordilleras, which is peculiar to Sur. Saber filed with the Court of Appeals a petition for
the 1987 Constitution, contemplates the grant of quo warranto with prayer for preliminary injunction,
political autonomy and not just administrative claiming that he is the lawfully designated Officer-in-
autonomy to these regions. Thus, the provision in Charge of the IPHO-APGH, Lanao del Sur. The Court of
the Constitution for an autonomous regional Appeals held that Saber is the lawfully designated
government with a basic structure consisting of an Officer-in-Charge of the IPHO-APGH, Lanao del Sur, that
executive department and a legislative assembly and Lanao del Sur Governor Mahid Mutilan has the power
special courts with personal, family and property law and authority to appoint the provincial health officer under
jurisdiction in each of the autonomous regions [Art. Section 478 of the Local Government Code of 1991 (R.A.
X, sec. 18] No. 7160). Hence, the present petition.

PANDI VS CA GR No. 116850, April 11, 2002 ISSUE:

WON the appointment of Saber is valid at that time
Macacua, in her capacity as Regional Director and as DISPOSITION:
Secretary of the Department of Health of the PETITION GRANTED
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, issued a
Memorandum designating petitioner Dr. Lampa I. Pandi HELD:
who was then DOH-ARMM Assistant Regional Secretary,
The Provincial Governor had no power to appoint or even the status quo with Cotabato City as part of Shariff
designate the Officer-in-Charge of the provincial health Kabunsuan in the FirstLegislative District of
office. The Court of Appeals' reliance on Section 478 of Maguindanao. However, in preparation for the May 14,
the 1991 LGU Code as Provincial Governor Mutilan's 2007 elections, the COMELEC promulgated Resolution
authority to appoint Saber is misplaced. Section 478 of No. 7845 stating that Maguindanao’s first legislative
the 1991 LGU Code, which provides that "[T]he district is composed only of Cotabato City because of the
appointment of a health officer shall be mandatory for enactment of MMA Act No. 201. On May 10, 2007, the
provincial, city and municipal governments," is not a grant COMELEC issued Resolution No. 7902 amending
of power to governors and mayors to appoint local health Resolution No. 07-0407 by renaming the legislative
officers. It is simply a directive that those empowered to district in question as “Shariff Kabunsan Province
appoint local health officers are mandated to do so. In with Cotabato City”.
short, the appointment of local health officers, being Sema, who was a candidate for Representative of
essential for public services, is a mandatory obligation on “Shariff Kabunsuan with Cotabato City” prayed for the
the part of those vested by law with the power to appoint nullification of Resolution No. 7902 and the exclusion
them. Moreover, as explained earlier, the 1991 LGU from the canvassing of votes cast in Cotabato for that
Code did not amend the Organic Act of 1989. office. Sema contended that Shariff Kabunsuan is entitled
to one representative in Congress under Sec. 5(3), Art.
VI of the Constitution and Sec.3 of the Ordinance
SEMA VS COMELEC, GR No. 177597, July 16, 2008 appended to the Constitution.
On August 28, 2006, the ARMM Regional Assembly,
exercising its power to create provinces
under Sec.19, Art.VI of RA 9054, enacted Muslim ISSUE:
Mindanao Autonomy Act No. 201 (MMA Act 201) creating Whether Sec. 19, Art. VI of RA 9054 delegating to the
the province of Shariff Kabunsuan in the first district of ARMM Regional Assembly the power to create
Maguindanao. provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays is
On February 6, 2007, the Sangguniang Panlungsod constitutional.
of Cotabato City passed Resolution No. 3999 requesting
the COMELEC to “clarify the status of Cotabato City in DISPOSITION:
view of the conversion of the First District of We declare Section 19, Article VI of Republic Act No.
Maguindanao into a regular province” under MMA Act 9054 UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
201. In an answer to Cotabato City’s query, the
COMELEC issued Resolution No. 07-0407 “maintaining MAIN POINT:
The creation of the ARMM, and the grant of legislative
powers to its Regional Assembly under its organic act, ISSUE:
did not divest Congress of its exclusive authority to Whether or not the GRP violated the Constitutional and
create legislative districts. Organic acts of autonomous statutory provisions on public consultation and the right to
regions cannot prevail over the Constitution. Section 20, information when they negotiated and initiated the MOA-
Article X of the Constitution expressly provides that the AD
legislative powers of regional assemblies are limited
"[w]ithin its territorial jurisdiction and subject to the DISPOSITION:
provisions of the Constitution and national laws, . . . ." MOTION TO DISMISS, DENIED.
The Preamble of the ARMM Organic Act (R.A. 9054)
itself states that the ARMM Government is established MAIN POINT:
"within the framework of the Constitution". This follows Sec. 18. The creation of autonomous region shall be
Section 15, Article X of the Constitution which mandates effective when approved by a majority of the votes cast
that the ARMM "shall be created . . . within the framework by the constituents units in a plebiscite called for the
of this Constitution and the national sovereignty as well purpose, provided that only provinces, cities and
as territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines". geographic areas voting favorably in such plebiscite shall
be included in the autonomous region.
PROVINCE OF NORTH COTABATO VS. GRP MOA-AD states that all provisions thereof which cannot
FACTS: be reconciled with the present constitution and laws
On August 5, 2008, the Government of the Republic of “shall come into force upon signing of a comprehensive
the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front compact and upon effecting the necessary changes to
(MILF) were scheduled to sign a Memorandum of the legal framework.” The president’s authority is limited
Agreement of the Ancestral Domain Aspect of the GRP - to proposing constitutional amendments. She cannot
MILF Tripoli Agreement on Peace of 2001 in Kuala guarantee to any third party that the required
Lumpur, Malaysia. amendments will eventually be put in place nor even be
Invoking the right to information on matters of public submitted to a plebiscite. MOA-AD itself presents the
concern, the petitioners seek to compel respondents to need to amend therein.
disclose and furnish them the complete and official
copies of the MA-AD and to prohibit the slated signing of
the MOA-AD and the holding of public consultation DATU MICHAEL ABAS KIDA VS SENATE OF THE
thereon. They also pray that the MOA-AD be declared PHILIPPINES February 2012
unconstitutional. The Court issued a TRO enjoining the FACTS:
GRP from signing the same.
Several laws pertaining to the Autonomous Region in Autonomous Region; plebiscite requirement. Section 18,
Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) were enacted Article X of the Constitution provides that “the creation of
by Congress. Republic Act (RA) No. 6734 is the organic the autonomous region shall be effective when approved
act that established the ARMM and scheduled the first by majority of the votes cast by the constituent units in a
regular elections for the ARMM regional officials. RA No. plebiscite called for the purpose.” The Supreme Court
9054 amended the ARMM Charter and reset the regular interpreted this to mean that only amendments to, or
elections for the ARMM regional officials to the second revisions of, the Organic Act constitutionally-essential to
Monday of September 2001. RA No. 9140 further reset the creation of autonomous regions – i.e., those aspects
the first regular elections to November 26, 2001. RA No. specifically mentioned in the Constitution which Congress
9333 reset for the third time the ARMM regional elections must provide for in the Organic Act– require ratification
to the 2nd Monday of August 2005 and on the same date through a plebiscite. While it agrees with the petitioners’
every 3 years thereafter. underlying premise that sovereignty ultimately resides
Pursuant to RA No. 9333, the next ARMM regional with the people, it disagrees that this legal reality
elections should have been held on August 8, 2011. necessitates compliance with the plebiscite requirement
COMELEC had begun preparations for these elections for all amendments to RA No. 9054
and had accepted certificates of candidacies for the
various regional offices to be elected. But on June 30, FROM SIR BADDIRI: means that only amendments to, or
2011, RA No. 10153 was enacted, resetting the next revisions of, the organic Act Constitutionally-essential to
ARMM regular elections to May 2013 to coincide with the creation of autonomous regions – i.e. , those aspects
regular national and local elections of the country. specially mentioned in the Constitution which Congress
In these consolidated petitions filed directly with the must provide for the Organic Act – require ratification
Supreme Court, the petitioners assailed the through a plebiscite)
constitutionality of RA No. 10153.
Does the appointment power granted to the President
exceed the President's supervisory powers over

DENY WITH FINALITY THE MOTION On August 5, 2008, the Government of the Republic of
the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front
MAIN POINT: (MILF) were scheduled to sign a Memorandum of
Agreement of the Ancestral Domain Aspect of the GRP - (5) Regional urban and rural planning development;
MILF Tripoli Agreement on Peace of 2001 in Kuala (6) Economic, social, and tourism development;
Lumpur, Malaysia. (7) Educational policies;
Invoking the right to information on matters of public (8) Preservation and development of the cultural
concern, the petitioners seek to compel respondents to heritage; and
disclose and furnish them the complete and official (9) Such other matters as may be authorized by law
copies of the MA-AD and to prohibit the slated signing of for the promotion of the general welfare of the people of
the MOA-AD and the holding of public consultation the region. (Underscoring supplied)
thereon. They also pray that the MOA-AD be declared Again on the premise that the BJE may be regarded as
unconstitutional. The Court issued a TRO enjoining the an autonomous region, the MOA-AD would require an
GRP from signing the same. amendment that would expand the above-quoted
provision. The mere passage of new legislation
ISSUE: pursuant to sub-paragraph No. 9 of said
Whether or not the MOA-AD brought by the GRP and constitutional provision would not suffice, since any
MILF is constitutional new law that might vest in the BJE the powers found
in the MOA-AD must, itself, comply with other
DISPOSITION: provisions of the Constitution. It would not do, for
MOTION TO DISMISS DENIED instance, to merely pass legislation vesting the BJE
with treaty-making power in order to accommodate
MAIN POINT: paragraph 4 of the strand on RESOURCES which
The MOA-AD, moreover, would states: "The BJE is free to enter into any economic
not comply with Article X, Section cooperation and trade relations with foreign
20 of the Constitution countries: provided, however, that such relationships
since that provision defines the powers of autonomous and understandings do not include aggression
regions as follows: against the Government of the Republic of the
SEC. 20. Within its territorial jurisdiction and subject Philippines . . . ." Under our constitutional system, it
to the provisions of this Constitution and national laws, is only the President who has that power.
the organic act of autonomous regions shall provide for
legislative powers over: SECTION 21. PRESERVATION F PEACE AND ORDER
(1) Administrative organization;
(2) Creation of sources of revenues; ARTICLE XI. ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC
(3) Ancestral domain and natural resources; OFFICERS
(4) Personal, family, and property relations;
Public service requires utmost integrity and strictest
HIPOLITO VS MERGAS– 195 SCRA 6 [1991] discipline. A public servant must exhibit at all times the
highest sense of honesty and integrity. This yardstick has
FACTS: been imprinted in the 1973 Constitution, thus: "Public
Mergas, a deputy sheriff of the Regional Trial Court, office is a public trust. Public officers and employees
Branch 46, Manila was charged by herein complainant shall serve with the highest degree of responsibility,
Marisol C. Hipolito, an applicant for a small scale mining integrity, loyalty and efficiency and shall remain
permit, on January 4, 1990 in the Office of the accountable to the people." 9 This is reiterated more
Prosecutor, Province of Tarlac, with acts allegedly emphatically in the 1987 Constitution.
amounting to the crime of swindling or estafa.
On January 18, 1990, a copy of an affidavit-complaint,
dated January 4, 1990, charging herein respondent with BORNASAL JR., VS MONTES – 280 SCRA 181 [1997]
grave misconduct and involving the same facts subject of FACTS:
the aforesaid criminal case, together with its In a letter complaint dated April 3, 1996, complainant
corresponding attachments, was received in the Office of Bornasal, Clerk of Court and ex-officio sheriff of RTC
the Court Administrator. Valenzuela, charged respondent deputy sheriff Montes
In a resolution of April 30, 1990 in I.S. No. 90-010 of the with certain unauthorized acts relative to a petition for
office of the aforesaid provincial prosecutor, the charge extrajudicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage filed
for estafa was dismissed on the theory that the evidence before the complainant's office. The letter-complaint
shows that there was no unfaithfulness or abuse of alleged that respondent issued notice of sheriff's sale
confidence on the part of respondent, and the issue of without authority from the complainant and inspite of the
falsification was not ruled upon since no evidence fact that said petition for extrajudicial foreclosure was
proving the same was submitted for proper appreciation already withdrawn. Moreover, the notice was signed by
and consideration. respondent purportedly for and in behalf of the
WON the acts of respondent deputy sheriff are improper ISSUE:
and not conducive to the best interest of the service. WON the Montes constituted grave abuse of authority
and gross misconduct
taking of deposition on the ground that she was no longer
MAIN POINT: physically fit to travel long distance trips. In a
Sheriffs and deputy-sheriffs, as officers of the Court and, Supplemental Complaint, complainant judge also
therefore, agents of the law, must discharge their duties charged both respondents with falsification of the TSN in
with due care and utmost diligence because in serving GLRO Case No. 8340 by making it appear that a hearing
the court's writs and processes and in implementing the in the case was held on 8 June 1994.
orders of the court, they cannot afford to err without
affecting the efficiency of the enforcement process of the ISSUE:
administration of justice. WON the respondent is guilty of grave misconduct and
It is beyond question that the administration of justice is a conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service.
sacred task so that respondent deputy sheriff, by the very
nature of his duties and responsibilities, should have DISPOSITION:
borne in mind that his unauthorized acts were violative of DISMISSED
the norms of public accountability, hence, contributory to MAIN POINT:
the diminishing image of the people's faith in the Time and again this Court has stressed that all those
Judiciary. involved in the dispensation of justice from the presiding
judge to the lowliest clerk, must always be beyond
ALMARIO VS RESUS– AM NO. P941076, [November reproach. Their conduct or behavior must, at all times, be
22, 1999] circumscribed with the heavy burden of responsibility as
to let them free from any suspicion that may taint the
FACTS: judiciary. As the administration of justice is a sacred task,
In a letter-complaint filed on 25 August 1994, this Court condemns and cannot countenance any act or
complainant judge charged Clerk of Court Jameswell omission on the part of court personnel that would violate
Resus and Stenographic Reporter Nora Saclolo of his the norm of public accountability and diminish or even
court with gross misconduct. According to complainant, just tend to diminish the faith of the people in the
respondent Saclolo prepared a transcript of stenographic judiciary.
notes (TSN) of an ex-parte hearing held in the morning of
22 March 1994 in the office of respondent Resus wherein JUAN VS PEOPLE , GR 132378, January 18, 2000
depositions of Mrs. Trinidad Enriquez, applicant in LRC FACTS:
Cases Nos. NC-453 to 458, had been taken. Petitioners Rogelio Juan, Barangay Chairman and Pedro
Complainant could not, however, believe that such de Jesus, Delfin Carreon, and Antonio Galguerra,
proceeding would have taken place because it was only Barangay Kagawads, of Barangay Talipapa, Novaliches,
on 15 August 1994 that the applicant moved for the Quezon City, were separately accused before the
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City of using barangay RE: AWOL OF ANTONIO MAKALINTAL, AM 99-11-06-
property for election campaign purposes and other SC, FEBRUARY 15, 2000
partisan activities during their incumbency as barangay
officials, in violation of Section 261-(o) of the Omnibus FACTS:
Election Code. Thereafter, the trial court issued an order The records reveal that Mr. Macalintal filed applications
directing the suspension of petitioners from office for sixty for leave which were not signed by his immediate
(60) days. On appeal, the Court of Appeals upheld the supervisor. He was, thus, considered absent without
decision of the trial court. Hence, this petition. official leave (AWOL). Accordingly, on October 13, 1999,
In their petition, petitioners assailed the jurisdiction of the Clerk of Court En Banc Atty. Luzviminda D. Puno issued
RTC contending that the authority to hear the cases is a memorandum informing Mr. Antonio B. Macalintal of
vested by RA 7691 in the first-level courts. In addition, the dates of his unauthorized absences and directing him
they claimed that their cases are not subject to Section to explain why he should not be dismissed from the
13 of RA 3019, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, service for habitual absences without official leave. In his
which mandates the preventive suspension of indicted answer dated October 21, 1999, Mr. Antonio B.
public officials. They also assailed the trial court's order Macalintal admitted having incurred absences. He
of suspension due to alleged procedural lapses. explained that he was suffering from illness and financial
difficulties. He averred that his family’s finances went
ISSUE: awry because he granted a loan of P150,000 to his wife’s
WON petitioners' unlawful and unauthorized use of niece. The loan remained unpaid, and he had to borrow
government property constitute fraud against the money from his relatives to be able to pay for the
government. matriculation and allowances of his children as well as for
the continuous medication of his wife.
WON habitual absenteeism causes inefficiency in the
MAIN POINT: public service.
Unlawful and unauthorized use of government property
by incumbent public officers constitutes fraud. Thus, the HELD:
provision on preventive suspension in the Anti-Graft Law The Court hereby finds Mr. Antonio B. Macalintal,
applies to such officers even if the alleged violations are Process Server, Office of the Clerk of Court, guilty of
primarily considered as election offenses. malfeasance in office, for unauthorized habitual
absenteeism, and orders his SUSPENSION for six (6)
months and one (1) day without pay, commencing upon B. Galvez, but he failed to do so since Galvez was then
notice of this resolution. on leave of absence. As a recourse, petitioner should
have deposited his collections with the depository bank of
MAIN POINT: the municipality but he likewise neglected to do.
By his habitual absenteeism, Mr. Malicantal has caused
inefficiency in the public service. Any act, which falls ISSUE:
short of the exacting standards for public office, WON The Sandiganbayan gravely erred in not holding
especially on the part of those expected to preserve the that the Cash Examination Report dated March 18, 1986
image of the judiciary, shall not be countenanced. Public (Exhibit B for the prosecution) on the basis of which
office is a public trust. Public officers must at all times be petitioner was said to have allegedly incurred shortage in
accountable to the people, serve them with utmost the amount of P218,349.99 is palpably wrong therefore
degree of responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency. invoking reasonable doubt accused should be freed of
criminal culpability.


The Court finds Nicanor E. Estrella guilty beyond
FACTS: reasonable doubt as principal of the crime of
On July 1, 1975, petitioner was appointed as Municipal malversation penalized under Par. 4, Article 217, Revised
Cashier in the Office of the Municipal Treasurer, Isulan, Penal Code.
Sultan Kudarat, with a bond in the amount of P28,000
Per Audit Assignment Order No. LGAD 86-1 dated MAIN POINT:
January 28, 1986 issued by the Commission on Audit To justify conviction for malversation of public funds, the
(COA), Regional Office XII; he was audited of his cash prosecution has only to prove that the accused received
and accounts for the period from March 18 to 24, 1986 public funds or property and that he could not account for
only. For reasons unknown, the cash and accounts of the them or did not have them in his possession and could
petitioner were not audited for the period from July 1, not give a reasonable excuse for the disappearance for
1975, the date of his appointment, up to March 17, 1986. the same. An accountable public officer may be
Based on the official receipts for the period from convicted of malversation even if there is no direct
February 7, 1986 to March 18, 1986 submitted by the evidence of misappropriation and the only evidence is
petitioner during the audit examination, petitioner that there is a shortage in his accounts which he has not
apparently had daily collections amounting to been able to explain satisfactory.
P247,753.28. Under office rules, petitioner was supposed
to turn over the collections to Municipal Treasurer Jose MALBAS VS BLANCO
destroyed, stolen or lost. And since respondents
FACTS: continued to demolish the houses despite the heavy
In a sworn complaint dated August 26, 1996, rains, complainant’s children suffered from various form
complainants accused Sheriff Nicanor B. Blanco and two of illnesses.
other unidentified sheriffs of the Regional Trial Court,
Antipolo City, Rizal of violation of the Constitution (Article ISSUE:
III, Section 1) and of acting beyond their authority in WON the sheriffs were guilty of grave misconduct and
connection with the implementation of a writ of gross abuse of authority
On August 8, 1996, Sheriff Paulo M. Gatlabayan sent a HELD:
notice to vacate to Hospisia H. Jovillanos and other The Court finds respondents Nicanor B. Blanco and
occupants of the land by virtue of the writ of demolition. Paulo M. Gatlabayan, both sheriffs of the Regional Trial
Previously however, on February 13, 1996, complainants Court, Antipolo Rizal, guilty of grave misconduct and
sent a letter to Sheriff Gatlabayan informing him that they gross abuse of authority, and hereby DISMISSES them
were not the defendants in Civil Case No. 93-3208 (Civil from the service, with forfeiture of all benefits except
Case No. 1189 in MTC) but in Civil Case No. 93-2819 earned leave credits, if any, with prejudice to re-
(Civil Case No. 1174 in MTC). The latter case was the employment in any branch or office of the government,
subject of a petition pending with the Court of Appeals. including government-owned and controlled corporations.
On August 13, 1996, at about 9:45 a. m., respondent
sheriffs arrived at Sitio Sagingan, Barangay Dolores, MAIN POINT:
Taytay, Rizal with about thirty (30) armed men and more The failure of sheriffs to verify complainants’ allegation
than a hundred civilians. that they were not parties to the case in which the writ of
Complainants brought to the attention of the respondents execution was issued manifests blatant irresponsibility,
that not all residents of the subject property were for which they must be meted with the appropriate
defendants in Civil Case No. 1189, and if respondents penalty – by their acts, the sheriffs committed grave
would demolish the improvements within the area, those misconduct, oppression, and conducted themselves in a
belonging to the complainants should not be included. manner highly prejudicial to the best interest of the
Further, complainants informed respondents that they service. A sheriff must know what is inherently right and
were defendants in Civil Case No. 1174, which was wrong and is bound to act with prudence and caution.
pending with the Supreme Court.
Despite this, respondent sheriffs demolished all the
houses in the area including the houses of the
complainants. As a result, complainants belongings were MANAOIS VS LEMEO
Zambales and that he would notify the presiding judge of
FACTS: the RTC, Branch 253, Las Pias City accordingly. Later,
This is a verified letter-complaint filed by SPO4 Domingo complainant learned that respondent has been extending
B. Manaois, charging Judge Lavezares C. Leomo, special treatment to Rowena because the two are very
Municipal Circuit Trial Court (MCTC), San Marcelino- special friends.
Castillejos, Zambales, with grave misconduct, acts
constituting obstruction of justice, and abuse of authority. ISSUE:
Complainant alleged that he is a member of the WON the respondent is guilty of gross misconduct
Philippine National Police (PNP) assigned as the Chief of sufficient enough to be dismissed from service
the Traffic Management Office in Olongapo City.
Sometime in August, 1998, his office received a bench HELD:
warrant of arrest dated August 12, 1998 against one Judge LAVEZARES C. LEOMO is found GUILTY of
Rowena C. Corpuz, accused in Criminal Case No. 97- GROSS MISCONDUCT and of violating Canon 2 of the
0390 for estafa then pending before the Regional Trial Code of Judicial Conduct and is DISMISSED from the
Court, Branch 253, Las Pias City. On August 25, 1998, at service, with forfeiture of all retirement benefits, excluding
about 9:30 A.M., Rowena appeared at his office inquiring the accrued leave credits, and with prejudice to
about a motor vehicle clearance. Remembering her reemployment in the government, including government-
name as the subject of the warrant of arrest, he asked if owned or controlled corporations.
she has a pending case in the said court. She answered
in the affirmative. Thereupon, he showed her a copy of MAIN POINT: The Code of Judicial Conduct directs a
the warrant and declared that she is under arrest. judge to refrain from influencing in any manner the
Immediately, she rushed out of the office and outcome of any litigation or dispute pending before
approached her companion who happened to be Judge another court or administrative agency.
Lavezares C. Leomo, herein respondent, waiting inside a
car. She returned, accompanied by respondent, to
complainant’s office. Respondent then confronted RE: GIDEON ALIBANG, AM 2003-11-SC JUNE 15,
complainant, asking why Rowena should be arrested. 2004
When complainant explained that being an officer of the
law it is his duty to enforce the warrant of arrest, FACTS:
respondent grabbed Rowena’s hand and both left The Memorandum dated March 30, 20041 of Atty. Eden
hurriedly. At around 4:00 P.M. of that day, respondent T. Candelaria, Deputy Clerk of Court and Chief
phoned complainant, informing him that he (respondent) Administrative Officer, recommending administrative
has turned over Rowena to the PNP at Castillejos, sanction upon Gideon M. Alibang, Building and Ground
Maintenance Head B of the Hall of Justice, Davao City, (Attrition Act of 2005). RA 9335 was enacted to optimize
who incurred habitual tardiness during the first semester the revenue-generation capability and collection of the
of 2003. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of
On April 14, 2003, the Leave Division of this Court, in its Customs (BOC). The law intends to encourage BIR and
Report of Tardiness, informed Atty. Candelaria that BOC officials and employees to exceed their revenue
Alibang committed tardiness 13 times in January 2003 targets by providing a system of rewards and sanctions
and 11 times in February 2003. Forthwith, Atty. through the creation of a Rewards and Incentives Fund
Candelaria required him to explain in writing within five (Fund) and a Revenue Performance Evaluation Board
days from notice why no disciplinary action should be (Board). It covers all officials and employees of the BIR
taken against him. and the BOC with at least six months of service,
regardless of employment status.
ISSUE: Petitioners, invoking their right as taxpayers filed this
WON Gideon M. Alibang is guilty of habitual tardiness petition challenging the constitutionality of RA 9335, tax
reform legislation. They contend that, by establishing a
HELD: system of rewards and incentives, the law "transform[s]
Gideon M. Alibang, Building and Ground Maintenance the officials and employees of the BIR and the BOC into
Head B of the Halls of Justice, Davao City is hereby mercenaries and bounty hunters" as they will do their
REPRIMANDED and warned that a repetition of the best only in consideration of such rewards. Petitioners
same act will be dealt with more severely. also assail the creation of a congressional oversight
committee on the ground that it violates the doctrine of
MAIN POINT: separation of powers, for it permits legislative
An employee shall be considered habitually tardy if he participation in the implementation and enforcement of
incurs tardiness, regardless of the number of minutes, 10 the law.
times a month for at least 2 months in a semester or at
least 2 consecutive months during the year. ISSUE:
W/N the law unduly delegates the power to fix revenue
targets to the President


The petition is hereby PARTIALLY GRANTED. Section
FACTS: 12 of RA 9335 creating a Joint Congressional Oversight
This petition for prohibition seeks to prevent respondents Committee to approve the implementing rules and
from implementing and enforcing Republic Act (RA) 9335 regulations of the law is declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL
and therefore NULL and VOID. The constitutionality of Office of the Ombudsman's decision finding them guilty of
the remaining provisions of RA 9335 is UPHELD. Simple Neglect of Duty.
Pursuant to Section 13 of RA 9335, the rest of the Salumbides and Glenda were appointed in July 2001 as
provisions remain in and effect. Municipal Legal Officer/Administrator and Municipal
Budget Officer, respectively, of Tagkawayan, Quezon.
MAIN POINT: Towards the end of 2001, Mayor Vicente Salumbides III
RA 9335 adequately states the policy and standards to (the mayor) saw the urgent need to construct a two-
guide the President in fixing revenue targets and the classroom building with fence (the projects) for the
implementing agencies in carrying out the provisions of Tagkawayan Municipal High School2 (TMHS) since the
the law. Revenue targets are based on the original public school in the poblacion area would no longer admit
estimated revenue collection expected respectively of the high school freshmen starting school year 2002-2003. On
BIR and the BOC for a given fiscal year as approved by how to solve the classroom shortage, the mayor
the DBCC and stated in the BESF submitted by the consulted Salumbides who suggested that the
President to Congress. Thus, the determination of construction of the two-classroom building be charged to
revenue targets does not rest solely on the President as the account of the Maintenance and Other Operating
it also undergoes the scrutiny of the DBCC. Expenses/ Repair and Maintenance of Facilities
Public service is its own reward. Nevertheless, public (MOOE/RMF) and implemented "by administration," as
officers may by law be rewarded for exemplary and had been done in a previous classroom building project
exceptional performance. A system of incentives for of the former mayor.
exceeding the set expectations of a public office is not
anathema to the concept of public accountability. In fact, ISSUE:
it recognizes and reinforces dedication to duty, industry, WON Salumbides is guilty of simple neglect of duty
efficiency and loyalty to public service of deserving
government personnel. HELD:
In a 15-page decision penned by Justice Conchita Carpio
Morales, the Court En Banc affirmed the decision of the
SALUMBIDES VS OMB Office of the Ombudsman, as affirmed by the Court of
Appeals, finding petitioners Atty. Vicente E. Salumbides,
FACTS: Jr. and Glenda Araña, Municipal Legal Officer
Petitioners Vicente Salumbides, Jr. (Salumbides) and Administrator and Municipal Budget Officer, respectively,
Glenda Araña (Glenda) challenge the October 11, 2007 of Tagkawayan, Quezon, guilty of simple neglect of duty.
Decision and the December 13, 2007 Resolution of the The Court, however, modified their penalty from
Court of Appeals1 in CA-G.R. SP No. 96889 affirming the suspension from office from six to three months only.
The Court ruled that the doctrine of condonation cannot Central Visayas Water and Sanitation Project. Villamor
to be extended to reappointed coterminous employees and Barriga denied Pua's allegations.
like petitioners as in their case, there is neither Subsequently, the Deputy Ombudsman for Visayas found
subversion of the sovereign will nor disenfranchisement Barriga guilty of misconduct and she was suspended
of the electorate. “Moreover, the unwarranted expansion from service for 6 months. The case had become moot
of the Pascual doctrine would set a dangerous precedent and academic with respect to Villamor and Bontia
as it would, as respondents posit, provide civil servants, because Villamor was no longer the incumbent mayor of
particularly local government, with blanket immunity from Carmen, Cebu and Bontia had already been dismissed
administrative liability that would spawn and breed abuse from government service.
of the bureaucracy,” added the Court.
MAIN POINT: Whether the Court of Appeals gravely abused its
Doctrine of Condonation Does Not Extend to Appointive discretion in nullifying the orders of the Office of the
Officials. Ombudsman to the municipal mayor of Carmen, Cebu for
the immediate implementation of the penalty of
suspension from service of respondent Barriga even
SECTION 2. OFFICERS SUBJECT TO REMOVAL BY though the case was pending on appeal.
The petition is meritorious.


Pua, a Municipal Councilor of Carmen, Cebu, filed a The impeachable officers are the President of the
complaint with the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for Philippines, the Vice-President, the members of the
Visayas, alleging that Villamor, Municipal Mayor; Bebelia Supreme Court, the members of the Constitutional
C. Bontia (Bontia), Municipal Treasurer; and respondent Commissions, and the Ombudsman. The list is exclusive
Dinah C. Barriga (Barriga), Municipal Accountant, all and may not be increased or reduced by legislative
public officials of Carmen, Cebu, entered into several enactment.
irregular and anomalous transactions in their official
capacity. These transactions pertained to the handling of
the trust fund of the Municipality of Carmen, Cebu in the SECTION 3. PROCEDURE FOR IMPEACHMENT
(that is, disbarment), for any wrong or misbehavior in
IN RE GONZALES, 160 SCRA 771 (1988) appropriate proceedings.

Gonzales was the Tanodbayan or Special Prosecutor. He MAIN POINT:
forwarded a letter-complaint to Justice Fernan. The letter A public officer whose membership of the Philippine Bar
was said to be from concerned employees of the SC (an is a qualification for the office held by him and removable
anonymous letter). only by impeachment cannot be charged with disbarment
The letter was originally addressed to Gonzales referring during his membership; nor can he be charged criminally
to the charges for disbarment sought by Mr. Miguel before the Sandiganbayan or any other Court where the
Cuenco against Justice Fernan, and asking him penalty is removal.
(Gonzales) to do something about it.
The Supreme Court furnished a copy to Gonzales, the
per curiam Resolution of the SC, dismissing the charges MARCOLETA V. BRAWNER
made by Cuenco against Justice Fernan for lack of merit.
In that resolution, Cuenco was asked to show cause why FACTS:
he should not be held administratively liable for making A Complaint for disbarment was filed by Atty. Rodante D.
serious accusations against Fernan. Marcoleta (complainant) against respondents
Commissioners Resurreccion Z. Borra (Borra) and
ISSUE: Romeo A. Brawner (Brawner) of the Commission on
Whether or not a Supreme Court justice can be disbarred Elections (Comelec) charging them with violating Canons
during his term of office 1 (1.01, 1.02 and 1.03) and 3 (3.01, 3.02, 3.05 and 3.06)
of the Code of Judicial Conduct and Canons 4, 5, 6 and
17 of the Canons of Judicial Ethics. Additionally,
HELD: complainant charges respondents of violating Republic
The court is not saying that the members and other Act No. 6713 or the Code of Conduct and Ethical
constitutional officer are entitled to immunity from liability. Standards for Public Officials and Employees.
What the court is merely saying is that there is a
fundamental procedural requirement that must be ISSUE:
observed before such liability ma be determined. A WON Canon 3 of the new code of judicial conduct for the
member of the SC must first be removed from office, via Philippine judiciary applicable to officers of COMELEC
the constitutional route of impeachment, and then only exercising quasi-judicial duties
may he be held liable either criminally or administratively
HELD: Committee found the complaint not sufficient in form and
The complaint for disbarment against now deceased substance to warrant its further consideration and
Comelec Commissioner Romeo Brawner is DISMISSED disapproved and dismissed all the charges contained in
for being moot. That against Commissioner Resurreccion the complaint attached. It then submitted its report, which
Borra is likewise DISMISSED for lack of merit. was duly noted by the Batasan and sent to the archives.


The rule that an impeachable officer who is a member of Whether or not the court can interfere with the Batasan’s
the Bar cannot be disbarred without first being power of impeachment
The chairman and members of the Commission shall be HELD:
subject to the canons of judicial ethics in the discharge of No. The dismissal by the majority of the members of the
their functions. It bears emphasis that the New Code of Batasan of the impeachment proceedings is an act of the
Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary applies only Batasan as a body in the exercise of powers that have
to courts of law, of which the Comelec is not, hence, been vested upon it by the Constitution beyond the
sanctions pertaining to violations thereof are made power of this Court to review. This Court cannot compel
exclusively applicable to judges and justices in the the Batasan to conduct the impeachment trial prayed for
judiciary, not to quasi-judicial officers like the Comelec by petitioners. A dismissal by the Batasan itself as a body
chairman and members, who have their own codes of of the resolution and complaint for impeachment makes
conduct to steer irrelevant under what authority the Committee on Justice,
Human Rights and Good Government had acted.

The Supreme Court cannot compel the Batasan to
ROMULO V YNIGUEZ conduct an impeachment trial. The Batasan can always
modify its own rules. They do not have the force of law
FACTS: but are merely in the nature of by-laws prescribed for the
Petitioners, representing more than one-fifth of all orderly and convenient conduct of proceedings before
members of the Batasan in 1985, filed with the Batasan the Batasan. They are merely procedural and not
Resolution No. 644 and complaint calling for the substantive. They may be waived or disregarded by the
impeachment of President Marcos. Said resolution and Batasan and with their observance the Courts have no
complaint were referred by the Speaker to the Committee concern.
on Justice, Human Rights and Good Government. The
FRANCISCO V HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House Resolution. The second impeachment complaint
was accompanied by a "Resolution of
FACTS: Endorsement/Impeachment" signed by at least 1/3 of all
On 28 November 2001, the 12th Congress of the House the Members of the House of Representatives. Various
of Representatives adopted and approved the Rules of petitions for certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus were
Procedure in Impeachment Proceedings, superceding filed with the Supreme Court against the House of
the previous House Impeachment Rules approved by the Representatives, et. al., most of which petitions contend
11thCongress. On 22 July 2002, the House of that the filing of the second impeachment complaint is
Representatives adopted a Resolution, which directed unconstitutional as it violates the provision of Section 5 of
the Committee on Justice "to conduct an investigation, in Article XI of the Constitution that "[n]o impeachment
aid of legislation, on the manner of disbursements and proceedings shall be initiated against the same official
expenditures by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court more than once within a period of one year."
of the Judiciary Development Fund (JDF). On 2 June
2003, former President Joseph E. Estrada filed an
impeachment complaint (first impeachment complaint) ISSUE:
against Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide Jr. and seven Whether the power of judicial review extends to those
Associate Justices of the Supreme Court for "culpable arising from impeachment proceedings
violation of the Constitution, betrayal of the public trust
and other high crimes." The complaint was endorsed by HELD:
House Representatives, and was referred to the House Sections 16 and 17 of Rule V of the Rules of Procedure
Committee on Justice on 5 August 2003 in accordance in Impeachment Proceedings, which were approved by
with Section 3(2) of Article XI of the Constitution. The the House of Representatives on November 28, 2001,
House Committee on Justice ruled on 13 October 2003 are unconstitutional. Consequently, the second
that the first impeachment complaint was "sufficient impeachment complaint against Chief Justice Hilario G.
inform," but voted to dismiss the same on 22 October Davide, Jr. which was filed by Representatives Gilberto
2003 for being insufficient in substance. Four months and C. Teodoro, Jr. and Felix William B. Fuentebella with the
three weeks since the filing of the first complaint or on 23 Office of the Secretary General of the House of
October 2003, a day after the House Committee on Representatives on October 23, 2003 is barred under
Justice voted to dismiss it, the second impeachment paragraph 5, section 3 of Article XI of the Constitution.
complaint was filed with the Secretary General of the
House by House Representatives against Chief Justice MAIN POINT:
Hilario G. Davide, Jr., founded on the alleged results of Father Bernas concludes that when Section 3(5) says,
the legislative inquiry initiated by above-mentioned “No impeachment proceedings shall initiated against the
same official more than once within a period of one year”,
it means that no second verified complain may be Held: The Court used a “Totality Test” as an
accepted and referred to the Committee on Justice for “authoritative window” to ascertain petitioner Estrada’s
action. “To initiate” refers to the filing of the impeachment state of mind on this issue. On reading the then
complaint coupled with Congress’ taking initial action of Executive Secretary Angara’s diary published in the
said complaint. Once an impeachment complain has Philippine Daily Inquirer, the Court held that petitioner
been initiated, another impeachment complain may not impliedly resigned because 1) he did not want to be a
be filed against the same official within a period of one candidate in the proposed snap elections, 2) he did not
year. object to Senator Pimentel’s “dignified exit” proposal, and
3) on Erap saying that he only had 5 days to a week left
to stay in the Palace. Also, from what the court eventually
ESTRADA V DESIERTO calls his “resignation letter”, Erap 1) acknowledged
GMA’s oath-taking as President, 2) he did not mention
Facts: After the sharp descent from power of Chavit any intent on re-assuming his position as President.
Singson, he went on air and accused the petitioner of
receiving millions of pesos from jueteng lords. Calls for Main point:
resignation filled the air and former allies and members of > Judgment in impeachment cases shall not extend
the President’s administration started resigning one by further than removal from office and disqualification to
one. In a session on November 13, House Speaker Villar hold any office under the Republic of the Philippines, but
transmitted the Articles of Impeachment signed by 115 the party convicted should nevertheless be liable and
representatives or more than 1/3 of all the members of subject to prosecution, trial and punishment according to
the House to the Senate. The impeachment trial formally law.
opened which is the start of the dramatic fall from power
of the President, which is most evident in the EDSA Dos > The impeachment proceedings were closed only after
rally. On January 20, the President submitted two letters the petitioner had resigned from presidency, thereby
– one signifying his leave from the Palace and the other rendering the impeachment court functus officio. By
signifying his inability to exercise his powers pursuant to resigning from the presidency, petitioner more than
Section 11, Article VII of the Constitution. Thereafter, consented to the termination of the impeachment case
Arroyo took oath as President of the Philippines. against him, for he brought about the termination of the
impeachment proceedings.
Issue: WON resigned as President

Disposition: Petition dismissed GUTIERREZ V COMMITTEE OF JUSTICE

the complaint is the referral of the complaint to the
Facts: Petitioner-Ombudsman challenges House Committee on Justice.
Resolutions of Sept. 1 and 7, 2010 finding two
impeachment complaints against the petitioner,
simultaneously referred to the House Committee on Section 4. Sandiganbayan
Justice, sufficient in form and substance on grounds that
she was denied due process and that the said resolutions NUNEZ V SANDIGANBAYAN(creation of
violated the one-year bar rule on initiating impeachment Sandiganbayan)
proceedings for impeachable officers.
Facts: Petitioner was accuse of estafa before the
Issue: Whether or not the simultaneous complaints sandiganbayan. The former then contests the
violate the one-year bar rule? constitutionality of the said court on the ground that it
removes the right of an appeal because only the
Disposition: Petition dismissed Supreme Court can review its decision, and only on
Held: Contrary to petitioner’ contention, the Issue: WON the creation of Sandiganbayan violates
Impeachment Rules are clear in echoing the equal protection insofar as appeals would be concerned
constitutional requirements and providing that there must
be a “verified complaint or resolution," and that the Disposition: Petition Dismissed
substance requirement is met if there is "a recital of facts
constituting the offense charged and determinative of the Held: The claim that PD 1606 deprives the petitioner of
jurisdiction of the committee. the equal protection of the law is hardly convincing
considering that the Decree is based on a valid
Main point: Article XI, Section 3, paragraph (5) of the classification. The Constitution provides for the creation
Constitution reads: “No impeachment proceedings shall of a special court, known as Sandiganbayan, and the rule
be initiated against the same official more than once is settled that the general guarantees of the Bills of
within a period of one year.” However, the term “initiate” Rights, among which are the due process and equal
means to file the complaint and take initial action on it. protection clauses, must give way to specific provisions,
The initiation starts with the filing of the complaint which such as the provision on the creation of the
must be accompanied with an action to set the complaint Sandiganbayan.
moving. It refers to the filing of the impeachment
complaint coupled with Congress’ taking initial action of Main point: Sandiganbayan is not a constitutional body,
said complaint. The initial action taken by the House on but a statutory creation. Sandiganbayan decree does not
dilute the right to appeal even if no intermediate appeal to
the Court of Appeals is prescribed therein. According to CUNANAN V ARCEO (averment of the nature of the
its unique procedures, the accused is given by the crime committed)
Sandiganbayan enough chances(3-vote requirement) to
obtain substantial justice. Facts: Cunanan, a member of the Philippine National
Police fired a warning shot in a fight outside his office
which resulted to the death of a person. It was brought to
LECAROS V SANDIGANBAYAN (crimes in relation to the RTC.
public office)
Issue: WON RTC has a jurisdiction regarding this case?
Facts: Petitioner was charged of grave coercion before
the Sandiganbayan. He then moved to quash the Disposition: Petition Dismissed
complaint on the ground the respondent court has no
jurisdiction because the complaint was not a graft and Held: The Court held that the RTC had no jurisdiction to
corrupt practice. try this case and that any decision it may render thereon
would be null and void. in applying in this case, Cunanan
Issue: WON Sandiganbayan has a jurisdiction regarding is charged falls within the exclusive and original
this case? jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, and that the RTC of
San Fernando, Pampanga had no jurisdiction over that
Disposition: Petition Denied offense.

Held: Yes, It was held, citing Art 13 Sec 5 of the Main point: Sandiganbayan has exclusive and sole
Constitution that Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction as a jurisdiction over offenses committed by public officials
special where the penalty imposed is prision correcional or
court over criminal and civil cases involving graft and higher or a fine of P6,000 or higher.
corrupt practices and such other offenses committed by
public officers.
Main point: The jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan under
the constitution is not only over criminal or civil cases Facts: Maximo Binos and Teodulo Alcantara were
involving grant and corruption, but also to other crimes Superintendent and Cashier, respectively of the
committed by them in relation to their office. government-owned Catanduanes Agricultural and
Industrial College (CAIC) located at Panganiban,
Catanduanes. On the other hand, petitioners-spouses also be convicted jointly with them, as in the case of the
Jesus and Mila Balmadrid were suppliers of school and present petitioners.
construction materials, whose company Ecbal
Enterprises is located in Virac, Catanduanes. Binos and Mainpoint: The Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over
Alcantara were personally indebted to Mila in the total criminal and civil cases involving graft and corrupt
amount of P9,200.00. They told petitioners that they practices and such other offenses committed by public
could pay them in the shortest possible time only if they officers and employees, including those in government
would cooperate in a scheme through which funds of owned or controlled corporations, in relation to their office
CAIC would be withdrawn to pay the debt. So, they as may be determined by law. In case private individuals
issued 4 checks of the CAIC payable to Mila Balmadrid, are charged as co-principals, accomplices or accessories
in payment of ghost and/or fictitious deliveries of supplies with the public officers or employees, they shall be tried
and materials purportedly for the use of said institution. jointly with said public officers and employees. It follows
Sandiganbayan rendered a decision and found Binos, therefore that if a private person may be tried jointly with
Alcantara and the petitioners-spouses guilty beyond public officers, he may also be convicted jointly with
reasonable doubt. Binos and Alcantara failed to appeal them.
and were sentenced accordingly. Petitioners, on the
other hand filed a motion for reconsideration but it was
Issue: Whether or not petitioners, being private persons,
were improperly charged and convicted without authority
of law and in clear violation of their constitutional right to AZARCON V SANDIGANBAYAN
due process
Facts: Alfredo Azarcon owned and operated a hauling
Disposition: Petition is dismissed for lack of merit. The business. Occasionally, he engaged the services of sub-
appealed decision of respondent Sandiganbayan with contractors like Jaime Ancla whose trucks were left at the
respect to petitioners is hereby AFFIRMED. former’s premises A Warrant of Distraint of Personal
Property was issued by the Main Office of the BIR
Held: Private persons may be charged together with addressed to the Regional Director or his authorized
public officers to avoid repeated and unnecessary representative of Revenue Region 10, Butuan City
presentation of witnesses and exhibits against commanding the latter to distraint the goods, chattels or
conspirators in different venues, especially if the issues effects and other personal property of Ancla, a sub-
involved are the same. It follows therefore that if a private contractor of accused Azarcon and, a delinquent
person may be tried jointly with public officers, he may taxpayer. The Warrant of Garnishment was issued to
Azarcon ordering him to transfer, surrender,transmit petitioner be proven a public officer, Sandiganbayan will
and/or remit to BIR the property in his possession owned have no jurisdiction over the crime charged.
by taxpayer Ancla. Azarcon, in signing the “Receipt for
Goods, Articles, and Things Seized Under Authority of Art. 203 of the RPC determines who public officers are.
the National Internal Revenue,” assumed the Granting that the petitioner, in signing the receipt for the
undertakings specified in the receipt. Subsequently, truck constructively distrained by the BIR, commenced to
however, Ancla took out the distrained truck from take part in an activity constituting public functions, he
Azarcon’s custody. For this reason, Azarcon was obviously may not be deemed authorized by popular
charged before the Sandiganbayan with the crime of election. Neither was he appointed by direct provision of
malversation of public funds or property under Article 217 law nor by competent authority. While BIR had authority
in relation to Article 222 of the Revised Penal Code. to require Azarcon to sign a receipt for the distrained
truck, the National Internal Revenue Code did not grant it
Issue: Whether or not Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction power to appoint Azarcon a public officer. The BIR’s
over a private individual designated by BIR as a power authorizing a private individual to act as a
custodian of distrained property. depositary cannot be stretched to include the power to
appoint him as a public officer. Thus, Azarcon is not a
Disposition: The questioned Resolution and Decision of public officer.
the Sandiganbayan are hereby SET ASIDE and declared
NULL and VOID for lack of jurisdiction

Held: The court held that the Sandiganbayan’s decision

was null and void for lack of jurisdiction. BINAY V SANDIGANBAYAN

Mainpoint: The sandiganbayan has a jurisdiction over a Facts: Office of the Ombudsman filed before the
private jurisdiction over a private individual is when the Sandiganbayan a case against Binay for illegal use of
complaint charges the private individual either as a co- public funds and violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
principal, accomplice or accessory of a public officer or Practices act. Petitioner contends that this is outside the
employee who has been charged with a crime within its jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan since RA 7975 grants
jurisdiction. The Information does no charge petitioner Sandiganbayan the jurisdiction over executive branch
Azarcon of becoming a co-principal, accomplice or officers classified as Grade 27 or higher. The petitioner’s
accessory to a public officer committing an offense under salary was grade 22
the Sandiganbayan’s jurisdiction. Thus, unless the
Issue: WON SB has jurisdiction over the case of after the said motion was held in abeyance in light of the May1998
passage of RA 7975 elections and the prohibition under Section 261 of Batas
Pambansa Blg. 881, otherwise known as the Omnibus
Disposition: Petition is dismissed Election Code. Sandiganbayan eventually granted the
motion to suspend LAYUS.
Held: YES. RA 7975 which was further amended by RA
8249 states that the SB shall exercise exclusive original Issue: WON SB has jurisdiction over mayor of 5th class
jurisdiction in all cases involving violations of Republic municipality
Act No. 3019 otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act, Republic Act No. 1379, Disposition: Petition is dismissed
andChapter II, Section 2, Title VII, Book II of the Revised
Penal Code,where one or more of the accused are Held: YES, Sec. 13 of RA 2019 makes it mandatory for
officials occupying the following positions in the the Sandiganbayan to suspend any public officerwho has
government, whether in a permanent, acting or interim been validly charged with a violation of RA 3019, as
capacity at the time of the commission of the offense: 1. amended, or Book II, Title 7 of the Revised Penal Code,
Officials of the executive branch occupying the positions or any offense involving fraud upon government or public
of regional director and higher, otherwise classified as funds orproperty. This is based on the presumption that
grade "27" and higher of the Compensation and Position unless the public officer is suspended, he mayfrustrate
Classification Act of 1989 Under the Compensation and his prosecution OR commit further acts of malfeasance
Position Classification Act of 1989, mayors are “local OR both.
officials classified as Grade ‘27’ and higher
Main point: Municipal mayors fall under the original and
Mainpoint: Municipal mayors fall under the original and exclusive jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
exclusive jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan


Facts: Petitioner, the elected mayor of the municipality of Facts: Petitioner was charged of Malversation Thru
Claveria, Province of Cagayan, was charged with estate Falsification of Public Document. The case was
through falsification of public documents. Petitioner filed eventually transferred to the Regional Trial Court by
a motion to quash the Information. The prosecution filed virtue of RA 7975. Petitioner claims that jurisdiction is
with the Sandiganbayan a Motion to Suspend Accused vested in the Court of Appeals to entertain the Petition for
Pendente Lite,which LAYUS opposed. The resolution of Certiorari with Prohibition
violation of Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act against
Issue: WON SB has a jurisdiction over special civil then CID Commissioner Miriam Defensor-Santiago. It
actions for prohibition, mandamus, and quo warranto. was alleged that petitioner, with evident bad faith and
manifest partiality in the exercise of her official functions,
Disposition: Dismissing the Petition for Certiorari with approved the application for legalization of the stay of
Prohibition as well as its Resolution dated 14 May 1998 several disqualified aliens. The Sandiganbayan then
denying reconsideration is Affirmed. issued an order for her suspension effective for 90 days.

Held: This Court held that the Sandiganbayan was a Issue: Whether or not Sandiganbayan can order
court with only special and limited jurisdiction, hence, suspension of a member of the Senate without violating
could not exercise jurisdiction over the petition for the Constitution.
prohibition, mandamus, and quo warranto filed by Disposition: Petition is dismissed
petitioner; thus it is settled that the authority to issue writs
of certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus involves the Held: The Court held that Republic Act No. 3019 does
exercise of original jurisdiction which must be expressly not exclude from its coverage the members of Congress
conferred by the Constitution or by law. and that, therefore, the Sandiganbayan did not err in thus
decreeing the assailed preventive suspension order.
Mainpoint: The Sandiganbayan shall have exclusive
original jurisdiction over petitions for the issuance of the Mainpoint: The authority of the Sandiganbayan to order
writs of mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, habeas corpus, the preventive suspension of an incumbent public official
injunctions, and other ancillary writs and processes in aid charged with violation of the provisions of Republic Act
of its appellate jurisdiction and over petitions of similar No. 3019 has both legal and jurisprudential support.
nature, including quo warranto, arising or that may arise
in cases filed or which may be filed under Executive Section 5. Ombudsman
Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, issued in 1986: Provided,
That the jurisdiction over these petitions shall not be BALUYOT V HOLGANZA
exclusive of the Supreme Court.
Facts: During a spot audit in 1977, the auditors from the
Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) headquarters
DEFENSOR-SANTIAGO V SANDIGANBAYAN discovered a case shortage in the funds of its Bohol
chapter. The chapter administrator, petitioner Baluyot,
Facts: A group of employees of the Commission of was held accountable and thereafter, respondent
Immigration and Deportation (CID) filed a complaint for Holganza as member of the board Bohol chapter, filed a
complaint with the Ofc. of the Ombudsman for withholding tax on the amount of provident fund benefit
malversation. Upon recommendation of respondent given to petitioner corresponding to her share over and
Militante, an administrative docket of dishonesty was also above her personal contribution. The petitioner protested
opened against Baluyot. Petitioner contends that the the respondent’s action and requested to have a refund
Ombudsman has no jurisdiction over the subject matter claiming it was tax exempt. The respondent refused. The
of the controversy since the PNRC is allegedly a private petitioner filed to the ombudsman. But was later denied.
voluntary organization.
Issue: Whether or not Ombudsman acted with grave
Issue: Whether or not PNRC is a government owned or abuse of discretion in dismissing petitioner's complaint for
controlled corporation or a private corporation. violation of Section 3 (e) of Republic Act No. 3019, as
amended, against private respondents for deducting
Disposition: Petition is dismissed withholding taxes on the amount of provident fund
benefits petitioner received over and above her personal
Held: The court held that the Philippine National Red contribution.
Cross is a Government-owned and controlled corporation
Disposition: DENIES the petition; AFFIRMS to the
Mainpoint: The test to determine if it is a GOCC is OMBUDSMAN
whether it is created by its won charter for the exercise of
a public function, or by incorporation under the general Held: Ombudsman acted correctly in dismissing
corporation law. Those with special charter are petitioner's complaint because private respondents had
government corporations subject to its provisions, and its not acted in bad faith or with gross negligence in
employees are under the jurisdiction of the Civil Service deducting withholding tax from petitioner's provident fund
Commission and are compulsory members of the GSIS. benefits share over and above her personal contribution,
as they were guided by the opinion of the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue at the time
Main point: The change of opinion, while favoring
Fact: In March 1995, petitioner availed and applied for petitioner, will not make private respondents act prior
the program of National Development Company (NDC) thereto amount to bad faith as they relied on the
on early retirement of its personnel and those who prevailing legal opinion on the issue. Hence, they could
availed themselves were given tax exempt and it was not be held criminally liable therefor.
later approved, The private respondents (controller,
disbursing officer, assistant manager of NDC) deducted
LAPID v. CA Held: No, the decisions of the Ombudsman where the
penalty imposed is other than public censure or
Facts: A complaint was filed in the Ombudsman charging reprimand, suspension of not more than one month
petitioner Gov. Manuel M.Lapid and 5 other government salary or fine equivalent to one month salary are still
officials with alleged dishonesty, grave misconduct and appealable and hence, not final and executory. Under the
conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service for rules, which are promulgated by the rule-making power of
allegedly having conspired between and among Ombudsman, the decision imposing a penalty of one
themselves in demanding and collecting from various year suspension without pay on petitioner Lapid is not
quarrying operators in Pampanga a control fee, control immediately executory.
slip, or monitoring fee of P120 per truckload of sand,
gravel, or other quarry material, without a duly enacted Main point: A respondent who is found administratively
provincial ordinance authorizing the collection thereof liable by the Office of the Ombudsman and is slapped
and without issuing receipts for its collection. The with a penalty of suspension of more than one month
Ombudsman decided and found the petitioner guilty form from service has the right to file an appeal with the CA
is conduct for which they are meted out the penalty of 1 under Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as
year suspension without pay pursuant to section 25 (2) of amended. But although a respondent is given the right to
RA 6770 (Ombudsman Act of 1989).Department of appeal, the act of filing an appeal does not stay the
Interior and Local Government (DILG) implemented the execution of the decision of the Office of the Ombudsman
assailed decision of the Ombudsman. Proceeding from
the premise that the decision of Ombudsman had not yet
been become final, the petitioner argued that the writs of TIROL v. CA
prohibition and mandamus may be issued against the
respondent DILG for prematurely implementing the Facts: The petitioner entered into a contract when he was
assailed decision. the DECS Regional Director of Region VIII with Fairchild
Marketing and Construction in the total amount of
Issue: WON the Ombudsman’s Decision finding P80,000. The Teachers and Employees Union filed a
petitioner administratively liable for misconduct & complaint for the various overcharged school equipment,
imposing upon him a penalty of 1yr suspension without COA investigated the transaction and found that there
pay is immediately executory pending appeal. was malversation of public funds. A negotiated contract
happened instead of a competitive public bidding,
Disposition: Motions for Reconsideration DENIED, Lack Petitioner's main alleged is that the Requisition and Issue
of merit (by the OSG, Ombudsman) Voucher (RIV) and check were previously reviewed by
his subordinates before he approved and signed them.
But the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas rejected disciplinary cases, orders, directives or decisions of the
petitioner's defense because had he carefully scrutinized Office of the Ombudsman.
the documents he would have discovered that the
purchases were made without competitive public bidding.
Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration, prompting MAMBURAO v. DESIERTO
petitioner to file the instant petition, seeking reversal of
the Ombudsman's assailed Resolution and Order. The Facts: Mamburao, Inc, applied for a loan in Landbank
Solicitor General contends that there was a conspiracy of (balagtas branch) in order to finance the construction of a
silence and inaction and because of that petitioner was restaurant in Bocaue Bulacan. An appraisal for the
guilty of negligence. He further asseverates that it is collateral loan happened and was followed with re-
beyond the ambit of the Court's authority to review the appraisal which lead to the withdrawal of the load due to
power of the Ombudsman in prosecuting and dismissing a shouting instance. Few months after, they reapply for a
a complaint filed before it. loan in the same bank but now in Bocaue branch, but
was later denied because of the balagtas branch
Issue: whether or not the case at the bar can file to the manager whom they had a shouting incidence before.
higher court. Petitioners filed a complaint against the branch manager,
it was dismissed.
Disposition: petition for certiorari in this case is hereby Issue: Whether the Ombudsman acted with grave abuse
DENIED, Resolution of the Ombudsman is AFFIRMED. of discretion when he dismissed the criminal charges
against private respondents.
Held: Moreover, this case is an appeal under Sec. 27 of
the Ombudsman Act of 1989 in relation to Rule 45 of the Disposition: instant petition DISMISSED.
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure which has been declared
unconstitutional for increasing appellate jurisdiction of the Held: The ombudsman’s decision was not made in grave
Supreme Court without its advice and consent. Also, abuse of its discretion. Rules of Criminal Procedure
there is no right of appeal available since the Section defines preliminary investigation as an inquiry or
mentions only appeals from all administrative disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of determining whether there
cases, orders, directives or decisions of the Ombudsman. is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that
Main point: If said provision had not been declared a crime cognizable by the RTC has been committed and
unconstitutional, it still does not grant a right of appeal to that the respondent is probably guilty thereof, and should
parties aggrieved by orders and decisions of the be held for trial. Under RA. 6770the Ombudsman has the
Ombudsman in criminal cases,as in fact said Section power to investigate and conduct preliminary
mentions only appeals from "all administrative investigations. Absent any grave abuse of discretion
tainting it, the courts will not interfere with the sought the dismissal of the administrative complaint filed
Ombudsman’s supervision and control over the against him on the ground that the Ombudsman.
preliminary investigation conducted by him. In fact, the
Ombudsman has the power to dismiss a complaint Issue: Whether or not RPN is a GOCC, which in turn
outright without going through a preliminary investigation renders Carandang subject to the administrative authority
of the Ombudsman and the criminal jurisdiction of the
Main point: OMB is given wide discretion to determine Sandiganbayan.
whether, given a set of facts and circumstances, a
criminal information should be filed in court. The OMB Disposition: Grant the petitions, Dismiss the
has the power to dismiss a complaint outright for being administrative charge for grave misconduct.
completely without merit.
Held: No. RPN is not a GOCC. The law defines what
GOCC are. Section 2 of PD 2029 states that a GOCC is
CARANDANG v. DESIERTO, 639 SCRA 293 a stock or a non-stock corporation, whether performing
governmental or proprietary functions, which is directly
Facts: Radio Philippines Network (RPN), a private chartered by a special law, or if organized under the
corporation registered with the SEC. Benedicto, general corporation law is owned or controlled by the
(stockholder) entered into a compromise agreement with government directly or indirectly through a parent
the Presidential Commission on Good Government corporation or subsidiary corporation, to the extent of at
(PCGG) whereby he ceded to the government his shares least a majority of its outstanding capital stock or of its
of stock in RPN with an outstanding capital of 72.4% outstanding voting capital stock.. Due to the inability to
(which was later discovered to be only 32.4%).Meanwhile resolve the issue regarding the actual shares owned by
Carandang (president) as a general manager and chief the PCGG, the conclusion that the government held
operating officer of RPN. He was charged with grave majority shares finds no factual or legal basis. Hence,
misconduct before the Ombudsman on the ground of Carandang is not subject to the administrative authority
him, as general manager of RPN, entered into contract of the Ombudsman and the criminal jurisdiction of the
with AF Broadcasting, Inc. despite his being an Sandiganbayan.
incorporator, director and stockholder of this said Main point: the ombudsman and sandiganbayan have
corporation; that he help financial and material interest in jurisdiction over admin cases involving grave misconduct
a contract that had required the approval of his office; committed by employees of government-owned or
and that the transaction is prohibited under Section 7 (a) controlled corporation.
and Section 9 of RA No. 6713, thereby rendering him
administratively liable for grave misconduct. Carandang
LACSON V. ES Issue: Whether the Ombudsman should conduct the
investigation on the charge of overpricing of the project
Facts: Petitioners Theron V. Lacson, Jaime R. Millan and against petitioners
Bernardo T. Viray were non-presidential appointees Disposition: the instant petition is DENIED
andcareer service officials of respondent Philippine Held: The Ombudsman has concurrent jurisdiction with
Estates Authority. Sulficio O. Tagud filed a complaint- similarly authorized agencies. Petitioners argue that
affidavitwith the Office of the Ombudsman accusing because they are not presidential appointees, it is only
petitioners for overpricing, by P600 million the contract the Ombudsman which has jurisdiction over them. In this
for theconstruction of the President Diosdado regard, the petitioners are not correct. The Court has
Macapagal Boulevard.The Ombudsman proceeded repeatedly ruled that the power of the Ombudsman to
with theinvestigation of both the criminal and the investigate offenses involving public officials is not
administrative aspects of the case. The exclusive, but is concurrent with other similarly
Presidential Anti-GraftCommission (PAGC) requested authorized agencies ofthe government in relation to the
the Ombudsman for authority to conduct offense charged. Therefore, with respect to petitioners,
administrative disciplinaryproceedings against the the Ombudsman may share its authority to conduct
petitioners. The basic complaint has not been further an investigation concerning administrative charges
docketed as an administrativecase. Thus, the same did against them with other agencies. At any rate, this
not preclude the subsequent filing with the PAGC of an issue is already moot and academic, as the
administrative complaintagainst the concerned PEA Ombudsman has terminated its investigation of
officials. A formal complaint was filed by the Investigation petitioners. It appears therefrom that the
Office of PAGC charging several employees of PEA, Ombudsman dismissed the administrative case
including petitioners.PAGC issued a resolution against the petitioners because the charges had already
recommending the dismissal of petitioners with the been passed upon by PAGC
imposition of the corresponding accessory penalties of
forfeiture of retirement benefits and disqualification from Main point: The power of the Ombudsman to
employment in the government. The President approved investigate offenses involving public officials is
the recommendation. Millan and Viray, together with not exclusive, but is concurrent with other similarly
Manuel R. Beriña, Jr. filed a motion for reconsideration. authorized agencies of the government in relation to the
This motion was not acted upon.Aggrieved, they filed offense charged.
their Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition under Rule 65
with the CA. The CA dismissedthe consolidated petitions
Facts: The DPWH Secretary created a committee to objectives." In the exercise of his investigatory and
investigate alleged anomalous transactions involving the prosecutorial powers, he enjoys the same latitude of
repairs and/or purchase of spare parts of DPWH service discretion in determining what constitutes sufficient
vehicles with the DPWH Internal Audit Service to conduct evidence to support a finding of probable cause and the
the actual investigation. The DPWH-IAS discovered that degree of participation of those involved or the lack
from March to December 2001, several emergency thereof. His findings and conclusions on these matters
repairs and/or purchase of spare parts of hundreds of are not ordinarily subject to review by the courts except
DPWH service vehicles, which were approved and paid when he gravely abuses his discretion, which the
by the government, did not actually take place, resulting petitioner has failed to establish in this case.
in government losses of approximately P143 million for Main point: Mandamus is the proper remedy to compel
this ten-month period alone. The committee then filed the performance of a ministerial duty imposed by law
before the Office of the Ombudsman complaints charging upon the respondent. In matters involving the exercise of
the petitioner, the respondents, who are officials and judgment and discretion, mandamus may only be
employees of the DPWH, and other private individuals resorted to, to compel the respondent to take action; it
who purportedly benefitted from the anomalous cannot be used to direct the manner or the particular way
transactions. The Ombudsman filed with the discretion is to be exercise.
Sandiganbayan several information charging the said
DPWH officials and employees with plunder, estafa
through falsification of official/commercial documents and Section 6: APPOINTMENTS
violation of Section 3(e), RA No. 3019. On the other
hand, the Ombudsman granted the respondents' request Ombudsman v. CSC, GR No. 162215, July 20, 2007
for immunity in exchange for their testimonies and
cooperation in the prosecution of the cases filed Facts: The Office of the Ombudsman, thus, filed a
petition for certiorari seeking to set aside and nullify CSC
Issue: Whether the Ombudsman has the authority to Opinion No. 44, s. 2004. The Office of the Ombudsman
grant immunity from prosecution to witnesses asserts that its specific, exclusive and discretionary
Disposition: Dismissed constitutional and statutory power as an independent
constitutional body to administer and supervise its own
Held: Yes. RA No. 6770 specifically empowers the officials and personnel, including the authority to
Ombudsman to grant immunity "in any hearing, inquiry or administer competitive examinations and prescribe
proceeding being conducted by the Ombudsman or reasonable qualification standards for its own officials,
under its authority, in the performance or in the cannot be curtailed by the general power of the CSC to
furtherance of its constitutional functions and statutory administer the civil service system.
Issue: Whether or not the Director II positions in the organized under a special laws. Petrolphil is a
Central Administrative Service and the Finance and corporation, organized under the General Corporation
Management Service of the Office of the Ombudsman code, it was acquired by the government to carry out its
are covered by the Career Executive Service. oil and gasoline program. Quimpo filed a certiorari,
questioning the decision of the TB. The new TB
Disposition: the petition is hereby GRANTED confessed the judgement

Held: No. the responsibility for the establishment, Issue: WON PetrolPhil is a GOCC? Whose employees’
administration and maintenance of qualification falls within the jurisdiction purview of the Tanodbayan for
standards lies with the concerned department or agency, the purpose of Anti- Graft and Corruption practices act.
the role of the CSC is limited to assisting the department
or agency with respect to these qualification standards Disposition: judgment is hereby rendered SETTING
and approving them. The CSC cannot substitute its own ASIDE the Tanodbayan Decision
standards for those of the department or agency,
especially in a case like this in which an independent Held: Yes. Uphold the Tanodbayan jurisdiction. PetrolPhil
constitutional body is involved. is not a GOCC. It is now funded and owned by the
government as in fact. It was acquired to perform
Main point: Ombudsman has the authority to determine functions related to governmental programs and policies
and establish the qualifications, duties, functions and on oil. It was acquired not temporarily but as a permanent
responsibilities of the various directorate and allied adjunct to perform essential government related
service of the office. This must be so if the constitutional functions.
intent is to remain meaningful and significant.
Main point: TanodBayan has jurisdiction over all
Section 7: TANODBAYAN AS SPECIAL Government owned firm regardless of how organized.
Zaldivar v. Sandiganbayan, 160 SCRA 843 (1988)
Quimpo v. Tanodbayan – 146 SCRA 137 [1986]
Facts: Quimpo filed a complaint with the TanodBayan
charging Dimaano and Remo, manager and analyst of Facts: Petitioner Enrique A. Zaldivar, governor of the
Petrophil with violation of RA 3019 for their refusal to pay province of Antique, filed a petition for certiorari,
Quimpo’s fees as a supervisor. The TB dismissed the prohibition and mandamus under Rule 65 before the
complaint, however on the ground that his jurisdiction Supreme Court, seeking to restrain the Sandiganbayan
extended only to government owned corporations and Tanodbayan Raul Gonzalez from proceeding with
the prosecution and hearing of criminal cases against
him on the ground that said cases were filed by said
Tanodbayan without legal and constitutional authority,
since under the 1987 Constitution which took effect on Acop v. Ombudsman, GR No. 120422, September 27,
February 2, 1987, it is only the Ombudsman (not the 1995
present or incumbent Tanodbayan) who has the authority
to file cases with the Sandiganbayan. Petitioner also Facts: In this case, government agencies, NCR
prayed that Tanodbayan Gonzalez be restrained from Command, Traffic Management Command (TMC)
conducting preliminary investigations with the Presidential Anti-Crime Commission (PACC),
Sandiganbayan. Presidential Central Police District Command (CPDC)
and Criminal Investigation Command (CIC) were
Issue: WON the Tanodbayan (Special Prosecutor) have accused of summary killing 11 members of the “kuratong
the authority to conduct preliminary investigations and to baleleng” gang by S/PO delos Reyes of Central
direct the filing of criminal cases with the Sandiganbayan. Intelligence Commission. He stated that there was no
“shootout” but a “summary killing instead”. The complaint
Disposition: GRANT the consolidated petitions filed by went up to the Office of the Ombudsman of the Military.
petitioner Zaldivar and hereby NULLIFY the criminal The Ombudsman addressed the PNP concerned to
informations filed against him in the Sandiganbayan submit an “After Operations Report” to the Panel of
Investigators, also created by the Ombudsman. The
Held: No. In as much as the aforementioned duty is given panel recommended for a preliminary investigation on a
to the Ombudsman, the incumbent Tanodbayan is clearly list of officers presented by the PNP. In effect, the
without authority to conduct preliminary investigations Ombudsman ordered the officers listed to submit their
and to direct the filing of criminal cases with the counter affidavit.
Sandiganbayan, except upon orders of the Ombudsman.
This right to do so was lost effective February 2, 1987. Issue: WON the Ombudsman has Jurisdiction over the
From that time, he has been divested of such authority. case in the first place instead of the Tanodbayan.
Main point: The Office of the Ombudsman is a new
creation under Article XI of the Constitution different from Disposition: DENIED for want of merit, the decision is
the Office of the Tanodbayan created under PD 1607 immediately executory.
although concededly some of the powers of the two
offices are Identical or similar. The Special Prosecutor Held: The Ombudsman has jurisdiction as stated in Sec.
cannot plead that he has a right to hold over the position 31 of Ra 6770 (it states that the word “cases” includes
of Ombudsman as he has never held it in the first place. “non-military cases”), and the Ombudsman has
jurisdiction on preliminary Investigation as stated in A.O. Whether or not the Ombudsman has jurisdiction to
no. 7 sec.2. Thus, there is no abuse discretion on the investigate the charge of multiple murder allegedly
part of the Ombudsman committed by the petitioner as provincial governor
Main point: “The Office of the OMBUDSMAN FOR THE
MILITARY has jurisdiction on the Preliminary Ruling: Yes as protector of the people, the office of the
investigation of the cases even if it concerns NON- Ombudsman has the power, function and duty "to act
MILITARY personnel (police men for example), even promptly on complaints filed in any form or manner
though Preliminary investigation was first deduced that it against public officials and to "investigate
was solely under the jurisdiction of the Tanodbayan”
Main Point The Ombudsman as a special body to
investigate erring public officials would be wasted if its
DELEOSO v. Domingo jurisdiction were confined to the investigation of minor
and less grave offenses arising from, or related to, the
Facts duties of public office, but would exclude those grave and
By petition for certiorari and prohibition Governor Amor terrible crimes that spring from abuses of official powers
D. Deloso of Zambales seeks to stop respondent Manuel and prerogativesor it is in the investigation of the latter
C. Domingo, Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon, from where the need for an independent, fearless, and honest
conducting a preliminary investigation of the charge investigative body, like the Ombudsman, is
against him of multiple murder v. Governor Amor greatest.chanrobles virtual lawlibrary
Deloso," on the grounds that:chanrob1es virtual 1aw l
The Ombudsman has no jurisdiction to investigate the
murder charge against the petitioner for its jurisdiction is ALMONETE V. VASQUEZ
confined to the investigation only of acts or omissions FACTS: Petitioner Jose T. Almonte was formerly
that are connected with the performance of his duties as Commissioner of the EIIB, while Villamor C. Perez is
governor; and Chief of the EIIB's Budget and Fiscal Management
Division. The subpoena duces tecum was issued by the
For the same reason, the Tanodbayan (Special Ombudsman in connection with his investigation of an
Prosecutor) has no jurisdiction to prosecute the murder anonymous letter alleging that funds representing
case against the petitioner.ibrary savings from unfilled positions in the EIIB had been
illegally disbursed. The letter, purporting to have been
written by an employee of the EIIB and a concerned
Issue citizen, was addressed to the Secretary of Finance, with
copies furnished several government offices, including sheet (CSC form No. 212) as employee of the Bureau of
the Office of the Ombudsman.. Internal Revenue (BIR) indicated under question No. 18
that she passed the May, 1993 Board Examinations with
ISSUE: Whether or not an Ombudsman can oblige the a rating of 75.42%. Petition for Certiorari to declare as
petitioners by virtue of subpoena duces tecum to provide null and void, for allegedly having been rendered with
documents relating to personal service and salary grave abuse of discretion, the Resolution by respondent
vouchers of EIIB employers personal service and salary Assistant City Prosecutor Nestor D. Gonzales and
vouchers of EIIB employers approved by respondent City Prosecutor Jesus F.
RULING: YES. The plantilla and other personnel records Guerrero
are relevant to his investigation. protectors of the people"
and as such they are required by it "to act promptly on ISSUE: "WHETHER OR NOT SECTIONS 15 AND 17 OF
complaints in any form or manner against public officials REPUBLIC ACT 6770 WHICH EMPOWERS THE
or employees of the Government, or any subdivision, OMBUDSMAN TO CONDUCT PRELIMINARY
MAIN POINT: the Ombudsman can act only "in any CONTRARY TO AND VIOLATIVE OF THE
appropriate case, and subject to such limitations as may PROVISIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION.
be provided by law" and that because the complaint in
this case is unsigned and unverified, the case is not an RULING: Petitioner has not shown that her case falls
appropriate one. within any of the recognized exceptions. Perforce, her
prayer for injunction to restrain the criminal actions
against her must be denied.
WHEREFORE, for lack of merit, the instant Petition is
FACTS MAIN POINT: The Ombudsman Act (R.A. No. 6770)
the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) issued insofar as it empowers the Office of the Ombudsman to
the Table of Results of those who failed the May, 1993 conduct preliminary investigation and to directly
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Licensure undertake criminal prosecutions on three grounds: (1)
Examinations. On Page 11 thereof, Sequence No. 493, such grant of powers to the Office of the Ombudsman
petitioner Olivia B. Camanag was listed as having failed has no constitutional basis and runs directly counter to
with a general average of 50.00% on December 15, the intent of the framers of the Constitution; (2) it violates
1993, petitioner in accomplishing her Personal Data
the principle of separation of powers; and (3) it is in direct or employee involves dishonesty, oppression or grave
contravention of Article XI, Section 7 of the Constitution. misconduct or neglect in the performance of duty; (b) the
charges would warrant removal from the service; or (c)
the respondent’s continued stay in office may prejudice
BUENASADA VS. FLAVIER the case filed against him.

FACTS: This is a Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and MAIN POINT

Mandamus, with Prayer for Preliminary Injunction or The court held that Section 24 of R.A. No. 6770 grants
Temporary Restraining Order, under Rule 65 of the the Ombudsman power to preventively suspend public
Revised Rules of Court. Principally, the petition seeks to officials and employees facing administrative charges
nullify the Order of the Ombudsman dated January 7, before him, and that the status in question is procedural
1992, directing the preventive suspension of petitioners,
Dr. Brigida S. Buenaseda, Chief of Hospital III; Isabelo C.
Banez, Jr., Administrative Officer III; Conrado Rey MACALINO VS. SANDIGANBAYAN
Matias, Technical Assistant to the Chief of Hospital; Cora
C. Solis, Accountant III; and Enya N. Lopez, Supply FACTS: FELICITO S. MACALINO, being then the
Officer III, all of the National Center for Mental Health. Assistant Manager of the Treasury Division and the Head
The petition also asks for an order directing the of the Loans Administration and Insurance Section of the
Ombudsman to disqualify Director Raul Arnaw and Philippine National Construction Corporation, a
Investigator Amy de Villa-Rosero, of the Office of the government-controlled corporation, and hence, a public
Ombudsman, from participation in the preliminary officer, while in the performance of his official functions,
investigation of the charges against petitioner taking advantage of his position, committing the offense
in relation to his office, and conspiring and confederating
with his spouse LIWAYWAY S. TAN, being then the
ISSUE: Whether or not the Ombudsman has the power owner of Wacker Marketing, did then and there willfully,
to suspend government officials and employees working unlawfully, feloniously and by means of deceit defraud
in offices other than the Office of the Ombudsman, the Philippine National Construction Corporation.
Petitioner was charged with estafa in the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman or his Deputy may preventively ISSUE: Whether petitioner, an employee of the PNCC, is
suspend any officer or employee under his authority a public officer within the coverage of R. A. No. 3019, as
pending an investigation, if in his judgment the evidence amended. Ombudsman act
of guilt is strong, and (a) the charges against such officer
Ruling: SC help that the petitioner as an employee of of the Office of the Ombudsman shall first furnish the
PNCC is not a public employee since PNCC has no respondent public officer or employee with a summary of
original charter. the complaint and require him to submit a written answer
within seventy-two (72) hours from receipt thereof
MAIN POINT: OMB can only investigate public officials
and employees. LAUREL V. DESIERTO

FACTS; President Fidel V. Ramos issued Executive

BIR v OMBUDSMAN Order No. 128, "reconstituting the said Committee and
renamed it as the "National Centennial Commission."
FACTS: The Office of the Ombudsman received Appointed to chair was Vice-President Salvador H.
information from an informer-for-reward that tax refunds Laurel. Presidents Diosdado M. Macapagal and Corazon
have been anomalously granted to Distillera Limtuaco & C. Aquino were named Honorary Chairpersons. Later in
Co., Inc. and La Tondeña Distilleries, Inc. Upon receipt 1999, investigation was conducted by an independent
of the information, Soquilon recommended to then committed due to allegations of graft and corruption
Ombudsman Conrado M. Vasquez that the “case” be against Laurel as NCC and EXPOCORP chair. The
docketed and subsequently assigned to him for committee recommended the filing of charges by the
investigation. Ombudsman upon which the Office of the Ombudsman
took cognizance of the case. LaureL then questioned the
ISSUE: Whether or not the investigation conducted by jurisdiction of the Ombudsman by filing this petition,
the Office of the Ombudsman violated due process in saying that (1) EXPOCORP was a private corporation
issuing subpoena without first giving BIR the summary of ISSUE: Whether or not the OMBUDSMAN has the
complaint and requiring it to submit a written reply jurisdiction over the case

RULING: Yes. It is clear from the initial comments of the RULING. Yes. Since the NCC is an office performing
graft investigator that based on the information, he executive functions since one of its mandate is to
undoubtedly found reasonable grounds to investigate implement national policies. Moreover, the said office
further. In fact, he recommended that the “case” be was established by virtue of an executive order.
docketed immediately and assigned to him for a “full- MAIN POINT: The law defines such primary jurisdiction
blown fact-finding investigation.” as authorizing the Ombudsman to take over, at any
stage, from any investigatory agency of the government,
MAIN POINT: The law clearly provides that if there is a the investigation of such cases
reasonable ground to investigate further, the investigator
and control and upon authority of the Ombudsman. Sec
Office of the Ombudsman vs. Valera 24 of RA 6770 grants the power to preventively suspend
only to the Ombudsman and the Deputy Ombudsman.
Respondent Valera was appointed Deputy Commissioner Perez v. Sandiganbayan
of the Bureau of Customs by President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo He is in charge of the Revenue FACTS:Salvador and Juanita are Mayor and Treasurer
Collection Monitoring Group. the Office of the of San Manuel, Pangasinan, respectively. They“willfully,
Ombudsman received the Sworn Complaint dated July unlawfully, and criminally caused the purchase of 1
28, 2003 filed by then Director Eduardo S. Matillano of computer unit costing P120,000acquisition by personal
the Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and canvass,” violating Sec. 362 and 367 of the LGC. No
Detection Group (PNP-CIDG). In the said sworn public biddingoccurred and no Committee of Awards was
complaint, Director Matillano charged respondent Valera constituted to approve the procurement Salvador and
with criminal offenses involving violation of various Juanita gave MobilLink Enterprises/Starlet Sales Center
provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 3019,[2] the Tariff undue advantage or preference through manifest
and Customs Code of the Philippines. A Special partiality, showing evident bad faith and gross,
Prosecutor placing respondent Atty. Gil A. Valera, Deputy inexcusable negligence, but this was not included in
Commissioner, Office of the Revenue Collection the original information, so it was recommended by the
Monitoring Group, Bureau of Customs, under preventive Special Prosecutor that the information be amended to
suspension for a period of six months without pay. show the manner of the commission of the offense,
based on the Ombudsman’s margin notes in the original
ISSUE Whether or not Special prosecutor can order a information. The amended information was admitted. The
preventive suspension in connection with administrative petitioners challenge this, saying that the Sandiganbayan
case committed GAD in accepting the amended information,
which had no approval from the Ombudsman,
RULING: petitioner Special Prosecutor Villa-Ignacio had amounting to denial of due process.
no authority to issue the March 17, 2004 Order placing
respondent Valera under preventive suspension for six ISSUE: Whether or not the Office of the Special
months without pay Prosecutor has the power to file informations without
delegation from the Ombudsman
Special prosecutor is merely a component of the Office of RULING: The Ombudsman’s margin notes order was to
the Ombudsman and may act only under the supervision "study whether the accused, assuming arguendo that
there was no overprice, gave unwarranted benefits, to dismiss all the charges against herein petitioner and
advantage or preference to theseller of the subject his co-accused.
computer” and “submit your recommendation soonest.
RULING No. The Ombudsman did not act with grave
MAIN POINT: The Ombudsman may delegate powers to abuse of discretion.
the Office of the Special Prosecutor, but such delegation
must be shown by clear intent. This is because while the MAIN POINT Verily the Office of the Special Prosecutor
Ombudsman has full discretion to determine whether or is but a mere subordinate of the Ombudsman and is
not a criminal case should be filed in the subject to his supervision and control. the power of an
Sandiganbayan. officer to alter or modify or nullify or set aside what a
subordinate officer had done in the performance of his
CALINGIN V. DESIERTO duties and to substitute the judgment of the former for
that of the latter.
FACTS: Petitioner Antonio P. Calingin is a former mayor
of Claveria, Misamis Oriental. During his incumbency, the Lazatin v. Desierto
municipality undertook a low-cost housing project. The
Commission on Audit of Region X conducted a special Facts:
audit of the housing project for calendar years 1995 and Petitioner Lazatin was charged with Illegal Use of Public
1996. The members of the COA Special Audit Team Funds as defined and penalized under Article 220 of the
executed a Joint Affidavit embodying their findings for the Revised Penal Code. The complaint alleged that there
purpose of filing criminal charges against Calingin and were irregularities in the use by then Congressman
other public officials. Graft Investigation Officer of the Carmello F. Lazatin of his Countrywide Development
Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for Mindanao Fund for the calendar year 1996. Thus, petitioner Lazatin,
recommended the filing of criminal charges against the with the help of petitioners Marino A. Morales, Angelito A.
petitioner and co-accused for violation of Section 3(e) Pelayo and Teodoro L. David, was allegedly able to
and 3(h) of R.A. No. 3019, otherwise known as Anti-Graft convert his CDF into cash.
and Corrupt Practices, Special Prosecutor Norberto B. A preliminary investigation was conducted and
Ruiz recommended the dismissal of all the cases against recommending the filing against herein petitioners of
all the accused for lack of probable cause. fourteen (14) counts each of Malversation of Public
Funds and violation of Section 3 (e) of R.A. No. 3019.
ISSUES:Whether respondent Ombudsman acted with Said Resolution was approved by the Ombudsman;
grave abuse of discretion by disapproving the hence, twenty-eight (28) Informations docketed as
recommendation of the Office of the Special Prosecutor
Criminal Case Nos. 26087 to 26114 were filed against Main point:
herein petitioners before the Sandiganbayan. OSP is "merely a component of the Office of the
Petitioner Lazatin and his co-petitioners then filed their Ombudsman and may only act under the supervision and
respective Motions for Reconsideration/Reinvestigation. control, and upon authority of the Ombudsman
Subsequently, the Office of the Special Prosecutor
submitted to the Ombudsman (OSP) its Resolution3
dated September 18, 2000. It recommended the Section 12 Prompt Action on Complain
dismissal of the cases against petitioners for lack or
insufficiency of evidence. Laurel v. Desierto
The Ombudsman, however, ordered the Office of the
Legal Affairs (OLA) to review the OSP Resolution. The Facts: President Corazon C. Aquino issued
OLA recommended that the OSP Resolution be Administrative Order No. 223 "constituting a Committee
disapproved and the OSP be directed to proceed with the which was mandated "to take charge of the nationwide
trial of the cases against petitioners. On October 27, preparations for the National Celebration of the Philippine
2000, the Ombudsman adopted the OLA Centennial of the Declaration of Philippine Independence
Recommendation, thereby disapproving the OSP and the Inauguration of the Malolos
Resolution Congress."Subsequently, President Fidel V. Ramos
issued Executive Order No. 128, "reconstituting the said
Issue: Committee and renamed it as the "National Centennial
Whether or not that the Ombudsman had no authority to Commission." Appointed to chair was Vice-President
overturn the OSP's Resolution dismissing the cases Salvador H. Laurel. Presidents Diosdado M. Macapagal
against petitioners? and Corazon C. Aquino were named Honorary
No. The Ombudsman has the authority to overturn the Vice President Laurel by virtue of his chairmanship also
OSP’s Resolution dismissing the cases against became the chairman of EXPOCORP, a corporation
petitioner. OSP is "merely a component of the Office of organized to undertake the Freedom Ring Project in
the Ombudsman and may only act under the supervision relation to the centennial celebration. Later in 1999,
and control, and upon authority of the Ombudsman" and investigation was conducted by an independent
ruled that under R.A. No. 6770, the power to preventively committed due to allegations of graft and corruption
suspend is lodged only with the Ombudsman and Deputy against Laurel as NCC and EXPOCORP chair. The
Ombudsman. committee recommended the filing of charges by the
Ombudsman upon which the Office of the Ombudsman
took cognizance of the case. Laurel then questioned the
jurisdiction of the Ombudsman by filing this petition, Almonte v Vasquez
saying that (1) EXPOCORP was a private corporation,
(2) that NCC is not a public office and (3) that he is not a Facts:
public officer as defined in the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Ombudsman Vasquez required Rogado and Rivera of
Practices Act. Economic Intelligence and Investigation Bureau (EIIB) to
produce all documents relating to Personal Service
Issue: Whether or not the contentions of Vice President Funds yr. 1988 and all evidence for the whole plantilla of
Laurel are correct. EIIB for 1988. The subpoena duces tecum was issued in
connection with the investigation of funds representing
Held: No. The Ombudsman has the power to investigate savings from unfilled positions in the EIIB which were
any malfeasance, misfeasance and non-feasance by a legally disbursed. Almonte and Perez denied the
public officer or employee of the government, or of any anomalous activities that circulate around the EIIB office.
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including They moved to quash the subpoena duces tecum. They
government-owned or controlled corporations. However, claim privilege of an agency of the Government.
is NCC a public office? Yes, it is because it exercises
executive functions by implementing the policies set forth Issue:
in the Constitution regarding history and cultural heritage, Whether or not an Ombudsman can oblige the petitioners
thus satisfying an important element of public office: the by virtue of subpoena duces tecum to provide documents
delegation of sovereign functions. It also follows that relating to personal service and salary vouchers of EIIB
Laurel is a public officer. That he did not receive employers.
compensation is of no consequence. A salary is a usual
but not a necessary criterion for determining the nature of Held:
the position. It is not conclusive. The salary is a mere Yes. A government privilege against disclosure is
incident and forms no part of the office. recognized with respect to state secrets bearing on
military, diplomatic and similar matters. This privilege is
Main Point: based upon public interest of such paramount importance
Ombudsman has the power to investigate any as in and of itself transcending the individual interests of
malfeasance, misfeasance and non-feasance by a public a private citizen, even though, as a consequence thereof,
officer or employee of the government, or of any the plaintiff cannot enforce his legal rights.
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including In the case at bar, there is no claim that military or
government-owned or controlled corporations diplomatic secrets will be disclosed by the production of
records pertaining to the personnel of the EIIB. EIIB's
function is the gathering and evaluation of intelligence Whether or not the Ombudsman could validly exercise its
reports and information regarding "illegal activities power to investigate only when there exists an
affecting the national economy, such as, but not limited appropriate case and subject to the limitations provided
to, economic sabotage, smuggling, tax evasion, dollar by law
salting." Consequently while in cases which involve state
secrets it may be sufficient to determine the Held:
circumstances of the case that there is reasonable No. The 1987 Constitution enjoins that the “Ombudsman
danger that compulsion of the evidence will expose and his Deputies, as protectors of the people, shall act
military matters without compelling production, no similar promptly on complaints filed in any form or manner
excuse can be made for privilege resting on other against public officials or employees of the government,
considerations. or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof,
including government-owned or controlled corporations,
Mainpoint: Ombudsman' s office is precisely for the and shall, in appropriate case, notify the complainants of
purpose of protecting those against whom a complaint is the action taken and the result thereof.” There is no
filed against hasty, malicious, and oppressive requirement of a pending action before the Ombudsman
prosecution as much as securing the State from useless could wield its investigative power. Even when the
and expensive trials. complaint is verbal or written, unsigned or unverified, the
Ombudsman could, on its own, initiate the investigation.

Main point:
Uy v Sandiganbayan All cases involving any malfeasance, misfeasance and
non-feasance by a public officer or employee of the
Facts: government, or of any subdivision, agency or
The Office of the Ombudsman received information from instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or
an informer-for-reward that tax refunds have been controlled corporations, the Ombudsman has the power
anomalously granted to Distillera Limtuaco & Co., Inc. to investigate.
and La Tondeña Distilleries, Inc. Upon receipt of the
information, Soquilon recommended to then Ombudsman
Conrado M. Vasquez that the “case” be docketed and
subsequently assigned to him for investigation. Raro v Sandiganbayan

Issues: Facts:
Petitioner Oscar G. Raro, a lawyer, was the Corporate to due process of law and to speedy disposition of the
Secretary of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office case because while the complaint was filed on May 20,
(PCSO). As such, petitioner was the Acting Manager of 1988, the information against him was filed more than
the Special Projects Department that was in charge of four (4) years later.
the experimental Small Town Lottery (STL)
Abaño, a resident of Daet, Camarines Norte, as Issue:
Provincial Manager of the experimental STL in said whether or not the Ombudsman conducted the
province, alleged that petitioner, in his capacity as PCSO preliminary investigation erroneously and irregularly.
Corporate Secretary, "personally and directly intervened
in the operation of said lottery to his financial benefit and Held:
advantage" by committing the following acts: No. Article XI, Section 12 of the 1987 Constitution, which
(1) Causing the employment of members of his family in was in force and effect when Abaño filed the complaint
the experimental STL project that was under his against petitioner, provides: "Sec. 12. The Ombudsman
supervision, in violation of Section 3 (d) of the Anti-Graft and his Deputies, as protectors of the people, shall act
Law; promptly on complaints filed in any form or manner
(2) Deciding on the dismissal of certain lottery employees against public officials or employees of the Government,
and in bad faith driving Abaño "to sever from the or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof,
management of lottery" which at that time was grossing including government-owned or controlled corporations,
about P250,000.00 daily under a "profit-sharing" and shall, in appropriate cases, notify the complainants of
agreement, thus causing Abaño "damage and injury" in the action taken and the result thereof."
the amount of P1,300,000.00, in violation of Section 3 (e)
of the Anti-Graft Law; and Main point:
(3) Regularly demanding from Abaño amounts totaling Ombudsman shall act to act promptly on complaints
more than P100,000.00 as his share in the experimental brought before him. But such duty should not be
lottery, in violation of Section 3 (h) of the Anti-Graft Law mistaken with a hasty resolution of cases at the expense
Overall Ombudsman Jose G. Colayco, endorsed the of thoroughness and correctness.
complaint to the National Bureau of Investigation and
conducted a investigation, however It took the NBI 2
years to complete its report.
Petitioner subsequently filed with the Sandiganbayan a
motion for the reinvestigation of the Resolution of the Bautista v. Sandiganbayan
Ombudsman alleging that the "prejudicial and indecent
delay in the preliminary investigation" violated his rights Facts:
An anonymous, unverified and unsigned letter-complaint subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, The
dated 20 November 1996 allegedly prepared by the Ombudsman shall act promptly.
Contractors Association of Davao del Sur and the Good
Government Employees of Davao del Sur initiated this ROXAS v. VASQUEZ
case. It was filed with the Office of the Ombudsman for
Mindanao charging petitioner Franklin P. Bautista, FACTS: Petitioners Roxas and Nacpil were Chairman
incumbent mayor of the Municipality of Malita, Davao del and Member, respectively, of the Bids and Awards
Sur, for violation of Sec. 3, par. (e), of RA 3019, as Committee of the PC-INP. Sometime in September 1990,
amended, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt the PC-INP invited bids for the supply purchase of sixty
Practices Act. The letter-complaint alleged, among five (65) units of fire trucks. Accordingly, the public
others, that petitioner caused the hiring of one hundred bidding was held on September 14, 1990.
and ninety-two (192) casual employees in the municipal The Commission on Audit discovered the irregularities in
government for political considerations and that the the bidding, awarding and purchase of the sixty five fire
payment of their honoraria and salaries was charged to trucks, thus prompting then DILG Secretary Rafael
the peace and order fund despite meager savings of the Alunan III to file a complaint on February 12, 1993 for
municipality. violation of Section 3 (e) of Republic Act No. 3019 before
the Ombudsman.
Issue Petitioners Roxas and Nacpil,filed a Motion for
Whether or not Ombudsman can act promptly to an Reconsideration. The Review Committee of the Office of
anonymous, unverified and unsigned letter-complaint the Special Prosecutor recommended that the Motion be
against public officials? granted and the charge against the movants be
dismissed. However, Deputy Special Prosecutor de
Held. Ferrer and Ombudsman Vasquez disapproved the
Yes. The Ombudsman shall act promptly on complaints recommendation.
filed in any form or manner against public officials or
employees of the Government, or any subdivision, Issue:
agency or instrumentality thereof, including government- Whether or not that the ombudsman acted without or in
owned or controlled corporations. excess of his jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion
to lack or excess of jurisdiction in holding, on
Mainpoint: reinvestigation of the petitioner and charging them for
In any form or manner of complaints that is against public violation of the Anti Graft and Corrupt practices
officials or employees of the Government, or any
No. this Courts consistent policy has been to maintain contract which is manifestly and grossly disadvantageous
non-interference in the determination of the Ombudsman to the government, which is punishable under RA
of the existence of probable cause, provided there is no 3019.On 22 February 1994, Senator Maceda endorsed
grave abuse in the exercise of such discretion. This petitioner’s letter to the Ombudsman Conrado M.
observed policy is based not only on respect for the Vasquez for appropriate investigation.
investigatory and prosecutor powers granted by the public respondent Raul R. Arnau ("Arnau"), Head of the
Constitution to the Office of the Ombudsman but upon Evaluation and Preliminary Investigation Bureau
practicality as well. ("EPIB"), required respondents who were incumbent
members of the Islamic Bank’s Board of Directors
Main point: ("Bank’s Board") to comment on the complaint. That
The office of the ombudsman was granted to act Respondents maintain that they were not yet even
promptly in complains filed in any form or manner against members of the Board of Directors of the Islamic Bank
public officials or employees of the government or any when the CAMEC transaction came about in 1986
other subdivision, agency or instrumentality. Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration or
Reinvestigation. Petitioner denied that he was the officer-
in-charge of the Islamic Bank’s Makati Branch
Karaan v. Ombudsman responsible for screening loan applications in 1986 and
he contends that Ombudsman committed grave abuse of
Facts: discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
On 14 February 1994, petitioner wrote then Senator dismissing his complaints..
Ernesto Maceda imputing certain criminal acts to "the
present number and membership" or "the clique of six" in Issue:
the Board of Directors of the Al-Amanah Islamic whether the Ombudsman committed grave abuse of
Investment Bank of the Philippines ("Islamic Bank"). discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in
Petitioner claimed that "the clique of six" granted a loan dismissing petitioner’s complaint.
of P250,000 to Compressed Air Machineries &
Equipment Corporation ("CAMEC") without a valid Held:
collateral. Petitioner also claimed that the "clique of six" No. Article XI of the 1987 Constitution provides: Sec. 12.
approved the real estate mortgage on CAMEC’s loan The Ombudsman and his Deputies, as protectors of the
without requiring the cancellation of a prior subsisting people, shall act promptly on complaints filed in any form
mortgage and without securing the written consent of the or manner against public officials or employees of the
first mortgagee in violation of law. Thus, petitioner Government, or any subdivision, agency or
asserts that the "clique of six" is liable for entering into a instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or
controlled corporations, and shall, in appropriate cases, respondent court ruled that PPSB was a private
notify the complainants of the action taken and the result corporation and that its officers, particularly herein
thereof. respondent Alas, did not fall under Sandiganbayan
jurisdiction. According to the Sandiganbayan
Main point: Issue:
The Ombudsman has the "sole power to investigate and Whether the ombudsman has a jurisdiction over this
prosecute on its own or on complaint by any person, any case?
act or omission of any public officer or employee, office
or agency, when such act or omission appears to be Held:
illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient."12 The consistent Yes , Article XI Section 12 of the 1987 Constitution, on
policy of the Court is not to interfere with the the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman (the governments
Ombudsman’s exercise of his investigatory and prosecutory arm against persons charged with graft and
prosecutory powers. corruption), includes officers and employees of
government-owned or controlled corporations, likewise
without any distinction.
People v Sandiganbayan
Facts: The Ombudsman has Jurisdiction over cases involving
Pursuant to a resolution dated September 30, 1999 of the public officials or employees of the Government, or any
Office of the Ombudsman, two separate informations[1] subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including
for violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019, otherwise known government-owned or controlled corporations.
as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, were filed
with the Sandiganbayan on November 17, 1999 against
Efren L. Alas. The charges emanated from the alleged Laxina v Ombusdman
anomalous advertising contracts entered into by Alas, in
his capacity as President and Chief Operating Officer of Facts:
the Philippine Postal Savings Bank (PPSB), with Bagong The instant petition seeks the review of the 24 April 2002
Buhay Publishing Company which purportedly caused Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No.
damage and prejudice to the government. 66412, affirming the 2 July 2001 Memorandum Order and
On October 30, 2002, Alas filed a motion to quash the the 1 August 2001 Order of the Office of the Ombudsman
informations for lack of jurisdiction, which motion was in OMB-ADM-00-0350, imposing upon petitioner the
vehemently opposed by the prosecution. After penalty of dismissal from office with forfeiture of material
considering the arguments of both parties, the
benefits pursuant to Sec. 25 of Republic Act (R.A.) No.
6770. Gemma P. Cabait v. Commission on Audit
Petitioner Manuel D. Laxina, Sr. was Barangay Chairman
of Brgy. Batasan Hills, Quezon City. On 15 December Facts:
1998, Evangeline Ursal (Ursal), Barangay Clerk of On September 4, 2001, the Philippine Star News, a local
Batasan Hills, Quezon City, filed with the National Bureau newspaper in Cebu City, reported that employees of the
of Investigation (NBI) a complaint for attempted rape LTO in Jagna, Bohol, are shortchanging the government
against petitioner. Petitioner was subsequently charged by tampering with their income reports.4 Accordingly,
with sexual harassment before the Regional Trial Court Regional Director Ildefonso T. Deloria of the Commission
of Quezon City. on Audit (COA) directed State Auditors Teodocio D.
Petitioner sought the review of the Ombudsmans Cabalit and Emmanuel L. Coloma of the Provincial
Memorandum Order before the CA, arguing that the Revenue Audit Group to conduct a fact-finding
Office of the Ombudsman did not have jurisdiction over investigation. A widespread tampering of official receipts
the administrative complaint. of Motor Vehicle Registration during the years 1998,
1999, 2000 and 2001 was then discovered by the
Issue: investigators. According to the investigators, a total of
Whether or not that the Office of the Ombudsman did not 106 receipts were tampered. The scheme was done by
have jurisdiction over the administrative complaint? detaching the Plate Release and Owner’s copy from the
set of official receipts then typing thereon the correct
Held: details corresponding to the vehicle registered, the
Yes, the office of ombudsman has jurisdiction over this owner’s name and address, and the correct amount of
case and shall act promptly. It was ruled that the registration fees.
ombudsman shall not deprive of its constitutional The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas rendered
mandate to give justice to the victims of oppressive acts judgment finding petitioners liable for dishonesty for
of public officials and to protect the citizenry from illegal tampering the official receipts to make it appear that they
acts or omissions of any government official. collected lesser amounts than they actually collected.
That it is hereby resolved that the following respondents
Mainpoint: be found guilty of the administrative infraction of
The Ombudsman shall not deprive of its constitutional dishonesty and accordingly be meted out the penalty of
mandate to give justice to the victims of oppressive acts dismissal from the service.
of public officials and to protect the citizenry from illegal
acts or omissions of any government official Issue:
Whether the office of ombudsman can impose the administrative charges of Gross Neglect of Duty and
administrative liability mandatorily? Grave Misconduct constituting a Betrayal of Public Trust.
The second case, docketed as G.R. No. 196232, is a
Held: Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition (with application for
Yes. It was ruled that the power of the Ombudsman to issuance of a temporary restraining order or status quo
determine and impose administrative liability is not order) seeking to annul, reverse and set aside (1) the
merely recommendatory but actually mandatory. undated Order2 requiring petitioner Wendell Barreras-
Sulit to submit a written explanation with respect to
Main point: alleged acts or omissions constituting serious/grave
The Ombudsman’s order to remove, suspend, demote, offenses in relation to the Plea Bargaining Agreement
fine, censure, or prosecute an officer or employee is not (PLEBARA) entered into with Major General Carlos F.
merely advisory or recommendatory but is actually Garcia; and (2) the April 7, 2011 Notice of Preliminary
mandatory. Investigation,3 both issued by the Office of the President
in OP-DC-Case No. 11-B-003, the administrative case
initiated against petitioner as a Special Prosecutor of the
Gonzalez III v OP Office of the Ombudsman. The petition likewise seeks to
declare as unconstitutional Section 8(2) of R.A. No. 6770
Facts: giving the President the power to dismiss a Special
These two petitions have been consolidated not because Prosecutor of the Office of the Ombudsman.
they stem from the same factual milieu but because they
raise a common thread of issues relating to the Issue:
President's exercise of the power to remove from office Whether or not granting the President the Power to
herein petitioners who claim the protective cloak of remove a Deputy Ombudsman will diminish the
independence of the constitutionally-created office to Independence of the Office of the Ombudsman?
which they belong - the Office of the Ombudsman.
The first case, docketed as G.R. No. 196231, is a Petition Held:
for Certiorari (with application for issuance of temporary No. Granting the President the power to remove a
restraining order or status quo order) which assails on Deputy Ombudsman from office does not diminish its
jurisdictional grounds the Decision1 dated March 31, independence. The independence which the Office of the
2011 rendered by the Office of the President in OP Case Ombudsman is vested with was intended to free it from
No. 10-J-460 dismissing petitioner Emilio A. Gonzales III, political considerations in pursuing its constitutional
Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and Other Law mandate to be a protector of the people. What the
Enforcement Offices (MOLEO), upon a finding of guilt on Constitution secures for the Office of the Ombudsman is,
essentially, political independence. This means nothing set of facts, was filed with the Presidential Commission
more than that "the terms of office, the salary, the on Good Government but which was later endorsed to
appointments and discipline of all persons under the the Office of the Ombudsman. The information filed
office" are "reasonably insulated from the whims of against Roman Cruz charging him with estafa through
politicians."And so it was that Section 5, Article XI of the falsification of public documents and for which he stands
1987 Constitution had declared the creation of the to be tried before respondent court alleges.
independent Office of the Ombudsman, composed of the Respondents, on the other hand, aver that the Office of
Ombudsman and his Deputies, who are described as the Ombudsman is not exercising quasi-judicial or quasi-
"protectors of the people" and constitutionally mandated legislative powers because "it does not act as a court"
to act promptly on complaints filed in any form or manner when it conducts preliminary investigation of cases falling
against public officials or employees of the Government under its jurisdiction.Petitioner contends that respondent
Sandiganbayan committed a grave abuse of discretion.
Main point:
Constitution had declared the creation of the independent Issue: Whether or not the respondents committed a
Office of the Ombudsman, composed of the Ombudsman grave abuse of discretion
and his Deputies, who are described as "protectors of the
people" and constitutionally mandated to act promptly on Ruling: No. The Ombudsman here is not conducting
complaints filed in any form or manner against public anew another investigation but is merely determining the
officials or employees of the Government. propriety and correctness of the recommendation given
by the investigating prosecutor, that is, whether probable
cause actually exists or not, on the basis of the findings
SECTION 13. POWERS; FUNCTIONS; DUTIES of fact of the latter. Verily, it is discretionary upon the
Ombudsman if he will rely mainly on the findings of fact
Cruz v. Sandiganbayan of the investigating prosecutor in making a review of the
latter’s report and recommendation, as the Ombudsman
Facts: GSIS filed two separate criminal complaints can very well make his own findings of fact. The
against petitioner Roman A. Cruz, Jr., a former public Ombudsman’s findings are essentially factual in nature
official who used to be the President and General
Manager of the GSIS and, also, the President of the Main Point: The findings of fact by the office of the
Manila Hotel, for violation of Section 3(e) of Republic Act ombudsman is supported by evidence, hence it is
No. 3019, as amended. The first complaint against conclusive
petitioner was filed with the Office of the Special
Prosecutor while the second, which involved the same Disposition: Petition Denied
personnel, in violation of the doctrine of separation of
Maceda v. Vasquez
Main Point: Where a criminal complaint against a judge
Facts: Respondent Napoleon Abiera of PAO filed a or other court employee arises from their administrative
complaint before the Office of the Ombudsman against duties, the Ombudsman must defer action on said
petitioner RTC Judge BonifacioSanz Maceda. complaint and refer the same to the SC for determination
Respondent Abiera alleged that petitioner Maceda has whether said judge or court employee had acted within
falsified his certificate of service by certifying that all civil the scope of their administrative duties.
and criminal cases which have been submitted for
decision for a period of 90 days have been determined Disposition: Petition Granted
and decided on or before January 31, 1989, when in truth
and in fact, petitioner Maceda knew that no decision had
been rendered in 5 civil and 10 criminal cases that have Macalino v. Sandiganbayan
been submitted for decision. Respondent
Abiera alleged that petitioner Maceda falsified his Facts: On September 16, 1992, two informations were
certificates of service for 17 months. filed with the Sandiganbayan against petitioner, being
then the Assistant Manager of the Treasury Division and
Issue: Whether or not the investigation made by the Head of the Loans Administration & Insurance
the Ombudsman constitutes an encroachment into the Section of the Philippine National Construction
SC’s constitutional duty of supervision over all inferior Corporation (PNCC), a government-controlled
courts corporation, and his wife, Liwayway S. Tan, charging
them with estafa through falsification of official
Ruling: Yes. A judge who falsifies his certificate of documents and frustrated estafa through falsification of
service is administratively liable to the SC for mercantile documents. Upon arraignment, petitioner
serious misconduct and criminally liable to the State pleaded not guilty to the charges.H owever, during the
under the Revised Penal Code for his felonious act. initial presentation of evidence for the defense, petitioner
In the absence of any administrative action taken against moved for leave to file a motion to dismiss on the ground
him by the Court with regard to his certificates of that the Sandiganbayan has no jurisdiction over him
service, the investigation being conducted by since he is not a public officer because the Philippine
the Ombudsman encroaches into the Court’s power of National Construction Corporation (PNCC), formerly the
administrative supervision over all courts and its Construction and Development Corporation of the
Philippines (CDCP), is not a government-owned or of the Phil.; that petitioner exceeded the authority granted
controlled corporation with original charter. him by the Sangguniang Panlungsod; and that the
contract is manifestly disadvantageous to the City. Note
Issue: Whether Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over the however that thereafter, Special Prosecution Officer
petitioner Tagaan resigned from his office and his name was
withdrawn as complainant in the case. Instead of filing a
Ruling: No, the Sandiganbayan has no jurisdiction over counter-affidavit, Garcia filed with the Supreme Court a
him. The PNCC has no original charter as it was petition to prohibit the Ombudsman from conducting the
incorporated under the general law on corporations, it preliminary investigation on the ground that there is no
follows inevitably that petitioner is not a public officer sufficient complaint.
within the coverage of R. A. No. 3019, as amended. The
only instance when the Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction Issue: Whether or not the complaint/affidavits filed
over a private individual is when the complaint charges against Garcia is sufficient in form or manner.
him either as a co-principal, accomplice or accessory of a
public officer who has been charged with a crime within Ruling: Yes, for purposes of initiating a preliminary
the jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan. investigation before the Office of the Ombudsman, a
complaint in any form or manner is sufficient. The
Main Point: The ombudsman can investigate only officers Constitution states that the Ombudsman and his
of government owned corporations with original charter. Deputies, as protectors of the people, shall act promptly
on complaints filed in any form or manner against public
Disposition: Petition Granted officials or employees of the government. The Office of
the Ombudsman is different from the other investigatory
Garcia v. Miro and prosecutory agencies of the government because
those subject to its jurisdiction are public officials who,
Facts: City Mayor Garcia was charged by Ombudsman through official pressure and influence, can quash, delay,
Special Prosecution Officer Jesus Rodrigo Tagaan for or dismiss investigations against them.
violation of the Anti-Graft Law as a result of his having
entered into a contract with F.E. Zuellig for the supply of Main Point: “In any form or manner” It was held that the
asphalt batching plant for three years. The joint affidavits fact that the Ombudsman may start an investigation on
of State Auditors Cabreros and Quejada alleged that the basis of any anonymous letter does not violate the
petitioner entered into the contract without available equal protection clause. For purposes of initiating
funds appropriated to cover the expenditure in violation of preliminary investigation before the Office of the
Sections 85 and 86 of P.D. 1445 or the State Audit Code
Ombudsman, a complaint “in any form or manner” is
sufficient. Ruling: No. The DOJ Panel need not be authorized nor
deputized by the Ombudsman to conduct the preliminary
Disposition: Petition Denied investigation for complaints filed with it because the
DOJ's authority to act as the principal law agency of
the government and investigate the commission of
Honasan II v. Panel of Investigating Prosecutors crimes under the Revised Penal Code is derived from the
Revised Administrative Code which had been held not
Facts: CIDG-PNP/P Director Edguardo Matillano filed an being contrary to the Constitution. Thus, there is not even
affidavit-complaint with the Department of Justice (DOJ). a need to delegate the conduct of the preliminary
Crime of coup d’ etat was committed by military investigation to an agency which has the jurisdiction to do
personnel who occupied Oakwood and Senator Gregorio so in the first place. However, the Ombudsman may
“Gringo” Honasan, II. Senator Honasan appeared with assert its primary jurisdiction at any stage of the
counsel at the DOJ to file a a Motion for Clarification investigation.
questioning DOJ's jurisdiction over the case since the
imputed acts were committed in relation to his public Main Point: The power to investigate or conduct a
office by a group of public officials with Salary Grade 31 preliminary investigation on any Ombudsman case may
which should be handled by the Office of the be exercised by an investigator or prosecutor of the
Ombudsman and the Sandiganbayan. Senator Honasan Office of the Ombudsman, or by any Provincial or City
then filed a petition for certiorari against the DOJ Panel Prosecutor or their assistance, either in their regular
and its members, CIDG-PNP- capacities or as deputized Ombudsman prosecutors.
P/Director Eduardo Matillano and Ombudsman Simeon
V. Marcelo, attributing grave abuse of discretion on the Disposition: Petition Granted
part of the DOJ Panel in issuing the aforequoted Order of
September 10, 2003 directing him to file his respective
counter-affidavits and controverting evidence on the Samson v. OMB
ground that the DOJ has no jurisdiction to conduct the
preliminary investigation. Facts: Petitioner Moises S. Samson, on behalf of
unidentified complainants, charged private respondents
Issue: Whether in regards to Ombudsman-DOJ Circular Dr. Leonito L. Catarroja and Norma Sanchez, Chiefs of
no. 95-001, the office of the Ombudsman should deputize the Quezon City Health Sanitation and Food and Drugs
the prosecutors of the DOJ to conduct the preliminary Divisions, respectively, with violation of paragraphs (b),
investigation. (e) and (h) of Section 3 of RA 301. The public
respondent, in its August 1994 order, approved by Corpuz v. Sandiganbayan
Overall Deputy Ombudsman Villa on September 9, 1994,
denied petitioners motion for partial reconsideration of Facts: The undersigned Ombudsman Prosecutors, Office
the joint resolution. Hence, this petition imputing grave of the Ombudsman, hereby accuse Belicena, Andutan,
abuse of discretion on the part of public respondent for Jacob, Legarda, Reyes, Campos, Diaz, Roman and
dismissing OMB-0-93-0920, a supposedly prima facie Corpuz of violation of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No.
graft case against private respondents. 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft
and Corrupt Practices Act. Sixty-one (61) similar
Issue: Whether the public respondent committed a grave Informations were filed by the Office of the Ombudsman
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of against some fifty (50) public officials and private
jurisdiction in issuing the assailed joint resolution and individuals relating to the issuance of tax credit
order. certificates. The Office of the Ombudsman, through the
Office of the Special Prosecutor, avers that the delay in
Ruling: No, public respondent did not commit any grave the submission to the Sandiganbayan of its report on its
abuse of discretion. Petitioner failed to present any proof reinvestigation was caused by the pendency of the other
that there was probable cause to hold private cases of equal, if not of more importance, not to mention
respondents liable under any of the aforestated the filing of twenty-two (22) other motions for
provisions. If the Ombudsman, using professional reconsideration and/or reinvestigation by the other
judgment, finds the case dismissible, the Court shall accused in the said cases. It asserts that the more than
respect such finding, unless clothed with grave abuse of one-year delay is not capricious, much less, intolerably
discretion. Otherwise, the courts will be hampered by capricious. It also contends that the oral dismissal of the
innumerable petitions assailing the dismissal of cases by Justice Narciso S. Nario was too drastic, as it
investigatory proceedings by the Ombudsman with deprived the respondent of its right to prosecute the
regard to complaints filed before it. cases and prove the guilt of the petitioners beyond
reasonable doubt for the crimes charged.
Main Point: The Office of the Ombudsman has a wide
latitude of investigatory and prosecutorial powers, Issue: Whether Sandiganbayan committed a grave abuse
virtually free from legislative, executive or judicial of discretion in issuing assailed resolutions.
intervention, in order to insulate it from outside pressure
and improper influence. Ruling: No. There was an undue and inordinate delay in
the reinvestigation of the cases by the
Disposition: Petition Denied for lack of merit Ombudsman/Special Prosecutor, and, consequently, the
submission of his report thereon. Despite the lapse of
more than one year, he failed to comply with the Orders petitioners of using their positions in PAL to secure a
of the Sandiganbayan. It bears stressing that a contract for Synergy Services Corporation, a corporation
reinvestigation is summary in nature, and merely involves engaged in hauling and janitorial services in which they
a reexamination and re-evaluation of the evidence were shareholders. Petitioners filed an omnibus motion to
already submitted by the complainant and the accused, dismiss the complaint on the following grounds: (1) the
as well as the initial finding of probable cause which led Ombudsman had no jurisdiction over them since PAL
to the filing of the Informations after the requisite was a private entity and (2) they were not public officers,
preliminary investigation. The Prosecutor should have hence, outside the application of RA 3019. The Deputy
expedited the reinvestigation not only because he was Ombudsman denied petitioners' omnibus motion to
ordered by the Sandiganbayan to submit a report within dismiss.
sixty (60) days, but also because he is bound to do so
under Section XIII, Article XI of the Constitution. Issue: Whether the Ombudsman's jurisdiction only covers
GOCCs with original charters and these do not include
Main Point: the delay in this case disregarded the PAL.
Ombudsmans duty, as mandated by the Constitution and
Republic Act No. 6770, to enforce the criminal liability of Ruling: Yes. The Office of the Ombudsman exercises
government officers or employees in every case where jurisdiction over public officials/ employees of GOCCs
the evidence warrants in order to promote efficient with original charters. This being so, it can only
service to the people. The fact that up to this time no trial investigate and prosecute acts or omissions of the
has been set, apparently due to the inability of the officials/employees of government corporations.
Ombudsman to complete the reinvestigation is a Therefore, although the government later on acquired the
distressing indictment of the criminal justice system, controlling interest in PAL, the fact remains that the latter
particularly its investigative and prosecutory pillars did not have an "original charter" and its
officers/employees could not be investigated and/or
Disposition: Petition Denied prosecuted by the Ombudsman.

Main Point: The ombudsman can investigate only officers

Khan, Jr. v. Ombudsman of government owned corporations with original charter.
PAL, even when still owned by the government, did not
Facts: In February 1989, private respondents Rosauro have original charter.
Torralba and Celestino Bandala charged petitioners
before the Deputy Ombudsman (Visayas) for violation of Disposition: Petition Granted
RA 3019. In their complaint, private respondents accused
Ombudsman v Estadarte Ombudsman v Lucero

Facts: On August 17, 1998, People’s Graftwatch, through Facts: Petitioner Farida T. Lucero was appointed as
its Chairman, Dr. Patricio Y. Tan, referred to the Office of Clerk II of the LTO, was reassigned by virtue of a
the Ombudsman (Visayas), for immediate investigation, a Memorandum, to assist the Regional Cashier in
complaint of the Faculty Club and Department Heads of collecting and receiving miscellaneous fees/revenues. At
the Ramon Torres National High school against Heidi the request of the OIC-Regional Director Porferio I.
Estadarte, the school principal. The complaint consisted Mendoza of the LTO, COA conducted an audit in the
of 33 allegations of improprieties ranging from illegal cash section of the operations division of the LTO,
handling of school funds, irregular financial transactions, revealed petitioner to have issued sixty-nine altered
perjury and abuse of authority. miscellaneous receipts. Ombudsman (Visayas) found the
petitioner guilty of dishonesty. On appeal, the appellate
Issue: Whether the Office of the Ombudsman has court upheld the finding of the Ombudsman but declared
jurisdiction over public school officers. that the Ombudsman has no authority to order
petitioner’s dismissal from the service.
Ruling: No. The Office of the Ombudsman has no
jurisdiction over public school officers. Such cases must Issue: Whether the Ombudsman is empowered to order
first go to a committee appointed by the Secretary of the removal of public officials or employees in
Education. Considering that the respondent is a public administrative cases.
school teacher who is covered by the provisions of RA
4670, the Magna Carta for Public Schools, the DECS- Ruling: Yes, the ombudsman is empowered to order the
Region IV is in better position to decide in this matter. removal of public officials or employees in administrative
cases. The office of the ombudsman is empowered not
Main Point: The jurisdiction of the Ombudsman over merely to recommend but to impose the penalty of
disciplinary cases involving public school teachers has removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure or
been modified by Section 9 of R.A. 4670, otherwise prosecution of a public officer or employee found to be at
known as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, fault.
which says that such cases must first go to a committee
appointed by the Secretary of Education. Main Point: The Ombudsman Act authorizes the
Ombudsman to impose penalties in administrative cases.
Disposition: Petition Denied
Disposition: Petition Granted
BALBASTRO V JUNIO since the Ombudsman does not have the authority to
directly discipline her; that the powers and authority of
FACTS: Ten former students of Iloilo City National High the Ombudsman are limited by the 1987 Constitution,
school filed criminal and administrative cases against and Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6770 cannot go higher than
Corazon C. Balbastro, Principal III (petitioner) et. al, for the fundamental law of the land.
Falsification of Public Documents, Falsification by Public
Officer or Employee and Malversation of Public
Funds. Respondents claim that the said school officials ISSUE: Whether the CA erred in dismissing the petition
prepared and used several Daily Wage Payrolls where it for certiorari filed before it by petitioner.
was made to appear that they (respondents) worked on
several undertaking for P120 a day. The truth however DISPOSITION: The petition is hereby DENIED for lack of
was that they were never hired by the school, neither did merit.
they sign and receive the amounts stated in the subject
payrolls. The petitioner denied the charges against her RULING: The answer is no. In this case, the
and as the head of the school, she signed documents Ombudsman found petitioner, together
that were already prepared by the accounting department with Gulmatico and Carbonera, guilty of dishonesty for
and which were merely presented to her for signature. using payrolls in the names of private complainants in
The Office of the Ombudsman (Visayas) rendered its order to hide irregularities of the cash advances made by
Decision thus: the school through Ocate. It also found Ocate liable,
WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing, and finding them although for a lesser offense, as her culpability stems
guilty of Dishonesty for making it appear in the above- from following the orders of her superiors. Appeals from
mentioned payrolls that the complainants had received decisions in administrative disciplinary cases of the Office
the amount indicated therein opposite their names, of the Ombudsman should be taken to the CA by way of
respondents Corazon C. Balbastro, Rudy petition for review under Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of
T. Carbonera and Gilda C. Gulmatico are hereby meted Civil Procedure, as amended. Rule 43
the penalty of Dismissal from the service with all its which prescribes the manner of appeal from quasi-
accessory penalties. Lydia E. Ocate, on the other hand, judicial agencies, such as the Ombudsman, was
is hereby Suspended for one month without salary and formulated precisely to provide for a uniform rule of
other benefits for being inefficient and incompetent in the appellate procedure for quasi-judicial
performance of her duties as Acting Disbursing Officer. agencies. Thus, certiorari under Rule 65 will not lie, as
Petitioner now comes before this Court arguing that the appeal under Rule 43 is an adequate remedy in the
dismissal of her petition by the CA upheld, in effect, the ordinary course of law. This finding is well supported by
decision of the Ombudsman which was null and void the records as the complaints filed by respondents before
the Ombudsman clearly stated in bold letters that they of dishonesty. The CA ruled that respondent was an
were instituting criminal and administrative cases against accountable officer. Baja was merely assigned to "take
petitioner and the other school officials concerned. The charge of the listing of payrolls and vouchers to be
orders issued by the Ombudsman directing petitioner to included in the respective cash advances of disbursing
file her counter-affidavit to the complaints against her officers." However, the CA ruled that while petitioner’s
also contained criminal as well as administrative case findings were correct, petitioner has no power to impose
numbers. Petitioners allegations on this matter therefore directly sanctions against government officials and
have no basis. It is settled that the Office of Ombudsman employees who are subject of its investigation.
has the power to impose the penalty of removal,
suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or prosecution of a Issue: Whether the Office of the Ombudsman has the
public officer or employee found to be at fault, in the power to impose directly administrative penalties on
exercise of its administrative disciplinary authority. public officials or employees

MAIN POINT: The Office of Ombudsman has the power Ruling: Yes. CA erred in ruling that the Office of the
to impose the penalty of removal, suspension, demotion, Ombudsman has no power to impose directly
fine, censure, or prosecution of a public officer or administrative penalties on public officials or employees.
employee found to be at fault, in the exercise of its Under RA 6770 the Ombudsman has the power to
administrative disciplinary authority. impose directly administrative penalty on public officials
or employees.

Ombudsman v. CA Main Point: The Office of the Ombudsman is intended to

possess full administrative disciplinary authority,
Facts: Respondent was the Local Treasury Operations including the power to impose the penalty of removal,
Assistant of the City Treasurer’s Office in Bacolod City. suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or prosecution of a
COA conducted an examination of respondent’s cash public officer or employee found to be at fault.
and account discovered a shortage of P265,450. Upon
demand, respondent failed to produce the missing Disposition: Petition Granted
amount. Respondent alleged that the shortage was due
to the machinations and dishonest acts of Cash Clerk I
Baja. Baja was impleaded in the case before the Sangguniang Barangay v. Punong Barangay
Ombudsman Visayas. The court charged Magbanua
guily of Gross Neglect of Duty and for Violations of Facts: Martinez, the incumbent Punong Barangay of Don
Reasonable office rules and regulations and Baja guilty Mariano Marcos, Bayambang, Nueva Vizcaya, was
administratively charged with Dishonesty and Graft and only the power to suspend and not the power to remove,
Corruption by the petitioner through the filing of a it should not be permitted to manipulate the law by
complaint before the Sangguniang Bayan. Petitioner then usurping the power to remove.”
filed with the Sangguniang Bayan an Amended
Administrative Complaint against Martinez for Disposition: Petition Denied
Dishonesty, Misconduct in Office and Violation of the
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. Sandiganbayan
placed Martinez under preventive suspension for 60 Perez v Sandiganbayan
days. It then rendered its Decision which imposed
upon Martinez the penalty of removal from office.The Facts: Salvador and Juanita are Mayor and Treasurer of
Decision was conveyed to Municipal Mayor Bagasao for San Miguel, Pangasinan respectively. They “willfully,
its implementation. He issued a Memorandum, stating unlawfully, criminally caused the purchased of 1
that the Sanggunaing Bayan is not empowered to computer costing P120,000 acquisition by personal
order Martinez’s removal from service. However, the canvass”, violating Section 362 and 367 of LGC. No
Decision remains valid until reversed and must be public bidding occurred and no committee of awards was
executed by him. For the meantime, he ordered the constituted to approve the procurement Salvador and
indefinite suspension of Martinez since the period of Juanita gave Mobil Link Enterprises/ Starlet Sales Center
appeal had not yet lapsed. undue advantage or preference through manifest
partiality, showing evident bad faith and gross,
Issue: Whether or not the Sangguniang Bayan may inexcusable negligence, but this was not included in the
remove Martinez, an elective local official, from office. information, so it was recommended by the Special
Prosecutor that the information be amended to show the
Ruling: No, the Sanggunaing Bayan is not empowered to manner the commission of the offenses, based on the
do so. Rule XIX of the Rules and Regulations Ombudsman margin notes in the original information.
Implementing the Local Government Code of 1991
granted to the “disciplining authority” the power to Issue: Whether or not the Office of the Special
remove elective officials, a power which the law itself Prosecutor has the power to file informations without
granted only to the proper courts. delegation from the Ombudsman.

Main Point: Sandiganbayan may not remove a local Ruling: No, the office of the Special Prosecutor has no
elective from office. According to the Local Government power to file informations without delegation from the
Code, elective officials may be dismissed only by the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman has the power to file
proper court. “Where the disciplining authority is given informations, as well as the power to delegate his
powers. All that is delegated to the Special Prosecutor is administratively liable for abuse of authority and
the discretional authority to review and modify the Deputy suspended him from office for a period of six (6) months
Ombudsman –authorized information, but without without pay. Petitioner alleged therein that in denying his
departing from the basic resolution. application for a preliminary injunction, the Court of
Appeals gravely abused its discretion.
Main point: The Special Prosecutor may not file an
information without authority from the Ombudsman. Issue: Whether CA committed a grave abuse of
Republic Act No. 6770, by conferring upon the discretion in denying petitioners applications for injunctive
Ombudsman the power to prosecute, likewise grants to relief.
the Ombudsman the power to authorize the filing of
information,. A delegated authority to prosecute was also Ruling: No, CA did not commit a grave abuse of
given to the Deputy Ombudsman, but no such delegation discretion. Decisions of the Ombudsman are immediately
exists to the Special Prosecutor. Nor is there an implied executory even pending appeal. Orders, directives or
delegation. The Special Prosecutor prosecutes only decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman in
when authorized by the Ombudsman. administrative cases imposing the penalties of public
censure, reprimand or suspension of not more than one
Disposition: Instant petition for certiorari is granted month or a fine not equivalent to one month salary shall
be final and unappealable hence, immediately executory.
In all other disciplinary cases where the penalty imposed
is other than public censure, reprimand, or suspension of
not more than one month, or a fine not equivalent to one
Buencamino v CA month salary, the law gives the respondent the right to
Facts: Edmundo Jose T. Buencamino, petitioner, is the
incumbent mayor of San Miguel, Bulacan, while Main Point: The Ombudsman has been conferred rule
Constantino Pascual, private respondent, is the president making power to govern procedures under it
of Rosemoor Mining and Development Corporation, a
company engaged in the mining of marble blocks. Private Disposition: Petition Denied. Costs against petitioner
respondent filed with the Office of the Ombudsman,
public respondent, an administrative complaint against
petitioner for grave misconduct, abuse of authority, acts Medina v COA
unbecoming of a public officer, and violation of RA No.
3019. The Office of the Ombudsman declared petitioner Facts: The Commission on Audit (COA) audited the cash
and accounts handled by Lorna Medina (Medina) as formal investigation pertains to the hearing officer and not
Municipal Treasurer of General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite to petitioner, Fernandez was only applying such
and the audit team, headed by Eufrocina Mawak, procedure.
discovered a total cash shortage of P4,080,631.36.
Medina was ordered to restitute the shortage but she Main Point: One who is answering an administrative
failed to comply. COA filed an administrative case with complaint filed before the Ombudsman may not appeal to
the Deputy Ombudsman charging Medina with grave the procedural rules under the Civil Service Commission.
misconduct and dishonesty. Deputy Ombudsman Victor
C. Fernandez approved the recommendation of the Graft Disposition: Instant petition for certiorari is granted
Investigation and Prosecution Officer to dismiss petitioner
from service; the decision noted Medina's supposed
failure to file a counter-affidavit and position paper VILLAS NOR V SANDIGANBAYAN
despite due notice. Medina filed an urgent motion stating
that she complied with the directive to file a counter- FACTS: The herein petitioners are presently facing
affidavit and position paper and prayed that the decision criminal charges before the 5th division of Sandiganbayan
be reversed based on her defenses. Medina filed a for the crime of multiple homicide through reckless
motion for reconsideration. Fernandez denied the motion imprudence and for violation of Section 3 (e) of RA No.
for reconsideration. 3019. They were also charged administratively with gross
negligence, gross misconduct, and conduct prejudicial to
Issue: Whether Medina is deprived of her right to due the interest of the service in connection with the Manor
process when her request for a formal investigation was Hotel inferno. In two separate orders, they were
denied by the Ombudsman? preventively suspended for a period of 6 months. During
the pendency of the criminal case, private respondent
Ruling: No. The denial of Medina's request for a formal filed a motion for suspension pendente lite of petitioners.
investigation is not tantamount to a denial of her right to Petitioners then filed a petition for certiorari seeking to
due process. Sec. 48(2) and Sec. 48(3) of the annul and set aside the Sandiganbayan resolution
Administrative Code cited by Medina in support of her suspending them pendente lite.
theory that she is entitled to a formal investigation apply
only to administrative cases filed before the Civil Service ISSUE: WON the public respondent acted in excess of
Commission .As this is an administrative complaint filed jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to
before the Office of the Ombudsman, it is the Rules of lack of jurisdiction in ordering the suspension pendent lite
Procedure of the Office of the Ombudsman which shall of herein petitioners despite the fact that they already had
govern; thus, in ruling that the prerogative to elect a
been previously suspended administratively on the same mayor Jose G. Yulo, received a similar complaint against
facts and circumstances. Rodriguez. Rodriguez filed a motion to dismiss the case
filed in the sangguniang bayan on the ground that the
RULING: No. The Sandiganbayan committed no grave allegations in the complaint were without factual basis
abuse of discretion. It is well-settled that Section 13 of and did not constitute any violation of law. He also filed a
RA 3019 makes it mandatory for the Sandiganbayan to motion to dismiss the case filed in the Ombudsman
suspend any public official against whom a valid alleging that the sangguniang bayan had already
information charging violation of the that law, Book II, acquired jurisdiction over his person. The Ombudsman
Title 7 pf RPC or any offense involving fraud upon the found Rodriguez guilty of dishonesty and oppression. It
government or public funds or property is filed. Thus, the imposed on Rodriguez the penalty of dismissal from the
suspension against the petitioners must be upheld. service with forfeiture of all benefits, disqualification to
hold public office, and forfeiture of civil service
MAIN POINT: A preventive suspension will only last 90 eligibilities. On appeal, the CA set aside for lack of
days, not the entire duration of the criminal case like jurisdiction the Decision of the Ombudsman and directed
petitioners seem to think. Indeed, it would be the sangguniang bayan to proceed with the hearing on
constitutionally proscribed if the suspension were to be of the administrative case. Hence, this petition for review of
an indefinite duration or for an unreasonable length of the CA decision.
time. The Court has thus laid down the rule that
preventive suspension may not exceed the maximum ISSUE: WON the Ombudsman has jurisdiction over the
period of 90 days, in connection with the PD No. 807, case
now Section 52 of the Administrative Code of 1987. RULING: Yes. In administrative cases involving the
concurrent jurisdiction of two or more disciplining
DISPOSITION: The petition is dismissed for lack of merit. authorities, the body in which the complaint is filed first,
and which opts to take cognizance of the case, acquires
jurisdiction to the exclusion of other tribunals exercising
OMBUDSMAN V. RODRIGUEZ concurrent jurisdiction. In this case, since the complaint
was filed first in the Ombudsman, and the Ombudsman
FACTS: The Ombudsman in Visayas received a opted to assume jurisdiction over the complaint, the
complaint for abuse of authority, dishonesty, oppression, Ombudsman’s exercise of jurisdiction is to the exclusion
misconduct in office, and neglect of duty against Rolson of the sangguniang bayan exercising concurrent
Rodriguez, punong barangay in Brgy. Sto. Rosario, jurisdiction.
Binalbagan, Negros Occidental. The sangguniang
bayan of Binalbagan, Negros Occidental, through vice-
MAINPOINT: When herein complainants first filed the RULING: No. It was the DepEd Investgating Committee
complaint in the Ombudsman, jurisdiction was already created pursuant to Republic Act 4670 which had
vested on the latter. Jurisdiction could no longer be jurisdiction to try public school teachers.
transferred to the sangguniang bayan by virtue of a
subsequent complaint filed by the same complainants. MAIN POINT: The jurisdiction of the Ombudsman over
disciplinary cases involving public school teachers has
DISPOSITION: Petition was granted. CA decision was been modified by Section 9 of RA 4670, otherwise known
set aside. as the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, which
says that such cases must first go to a committee
appointed by the Secretary of Education.


FACTS: The herein petitioner filed a petition for review of
the Decision of the Court of Appeals which set aside the
decision of the Office of the Ombudsman finding SALVADOR V. MAPA
respondent guilty of grave misconduct. The CA held that
the Ombudsman acted without or in excess of jurisdiction FACTS: Petitioner, Salvador who is the consultant of the
when it took over the case after it issued a memorandum Fact-Finding Committee filed with the Office of the
considering the case closed and terminated and after Ombudsman a sworn complaint for violation of Section 3
jurisdiction had already been vested in the Special (e) and (g) of RA 3019 or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Investigating Committee. This case involves a complaint Practices against the respondents, Mapa et al. The
consisted of 33 allegations including illegal handling of Ombudsman dismissed the complaint on the ground of
school funds, irregular financial transactions, perjury, and prescription. The motion for reconsideration was likewise
abuse of authority of the Faculty Club and Department denied by the Ombudsman. Hence, this petition.
Heads of Ramon Torres National High School against
their school principal, Estendarte. ISSUE: WON the offenses of its criminal complaint have
ISSUE: WON the Office of the Ombudsman has full and
complete administrative disciplinary jurisdiction over RULING: No. It is well-nigh impossible for the State to
public school teachers. have known the violations of RA 3019 at the time the
questioned transactions were made because the public
officials concerned connived or conspired with the
beneficiaries of the loans. Thus, the prescriptive period ISSUE: WON the Ombudsman may directly discipline
should be computed from the discovery of the public school teachers and employees
commission thereof and not from the day of such
commission. RULING: Yes. Article XI, Sec 13 of the same Constitution
delineates the powers, functions, and duties of the
MAIN POINT: Since the Ombudsman erroneously Constitution of the Ombudsman. The enumeration of
dismissed the complaint on ground of prescription and these powers is non-exclusive. Consequently, Congress
respondent’s respective defences were never passed enacted RA 6770 giving the Office such other powers
upon during the preliminary investigation, the complaint that it may need to efficiently perform the task given by
should be referred back to the Ombudsman for proper the Constitution. In fine, the manifest intent of the
evaluation of its merit lawmakers was to bestow on the Office of the
Ombudsman full administrative disciplinary authority in
DISPOSITION: The petition is GRANTED. accord with the constitutional deliberations.
MAIN POINT: The Ombudsman under the 1987
FACTS: Respondents, Masing, former principal of the Constitution and RA 6770 is intended to play a more
Davao City Integrated Special School, and Jocelyn active role in the enforcement of laws on anti-graft and
Tayacta, an office clerk in the same school, were corrupt practices and other offenses committed by public
administratively charged before the Office of the officers and employees. He is vested with the broad
Ombudsman for allegedly collecting unauthorized fees, powers to enable him to implement his own actions.
failing to remit authorized fees, and to account for public Implementation of the order imposing the penalty is,
funds. Respondents file a motion to dismiss on the however, to be coursed through the proper officer.
ground that the Ombudsman has no jurisdiction over
them, alleging that it the DECS which has the jurisdiction DISPOSITION: The petition is granted. The assailed
over them pursuant to “The Magna Carta for Public decision of CA is reversed and set aside.
School Teachers”. The motion was denied and
respondent, Masing was dismissed from servive while
Tayactac was suspended for 6 months. On appeal, CA MEDINA V. COA
reversed. The Office of the Ombudsman filed an
Omnibus Motion to Intervene and for Reconsideration FACTS: Petitioner filed a petition for review on certiorari
which the CA denied. Hence, this petition. seeking the reversal of the decision and resolution of the
CA affirming the order issued by the Office of the Deputy
Ombudsman finding the herein petitioner guilty of grave
misconduct and dishonesty. Such charge arose from the or not the criminal actions against him may proceed. The
administrative case filed by the COA to the Office of the trial court denied his petition and so he filed a petition for
Ombudsman which was due to Medina’s failure to certiorari before the CA which likewise, dismissed such
comply to the order of the COA to resitute the cash petition after noting that local water districts are GOCCs.
shortage of around 4M pesos discovered during the Borja sought reconsideration but it was denied. Hence
auditing of cash and accounts handled by Medina. this petition.

ISSUE: WON Medina was entitled to a formal ISSUE: WON the CA erred in ruling that there was no
investigation prejudicial question warranting the suspension of the
proceedings of the graft cases.
RULING: No. The provisions in the Administrative Code
cited by the petitioner in support of her theory that she is RULING: No. Borja’s contention that a prejudicial
entitled to a formal investigation apply only to question exists in his case is devoid of any legal basis,
administrative cases filed before the Civil Service considering that it had been settled, long before the
Commission. Feliciano case, that local water districts are GOCCs, and
MAIN POINT: One who is answering an administrative not private corporations.
complaint filed before the Ombudsman may not appeal to
the procedural rules under the Civil Service Commission. MAIN POINT: Being a public officer, Borja can certainly
be indicted for violation of Anti-Graft and Corrupt
DISPOSITION: Petition is DENIED. Practices Act.

DISPOSITION: The petition is DENIED for lack of merit.

BORJA V. PEOPLE The assailed decision of CA is affirmed.

FACTS: Borja, in his capacity as General Manager of

San Pablo Water District, was charged with violation of PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION AND IMPOSITION OF
Anti-Graft and Corruption Practices Act before the RTC. PENALTIES
He filed a motion to suspend arraignment alleging that
the pending case entitled Feliciano v COA, which BUENASEDA V. FLAVIER (when to suspension)
involves the issue of whether local water districts are
private or government-owned or controlled corporations, FACTS: The private respondents filed an administrative
should be resolved first because such issue is a complaint with the Ombudsman against the petitioner for
prejudicial question, which resolution determines whether the violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.
In response, the Ombudsman filed an order directing the MAIN POINT: In order for the Ombudsman to conduct an
preventive suspension of the petitioners who were investigation in an expeditious and efficient manner, he
employees of the national center for mental health. The may need to suspend the respondent. Such need for
respondent argued that the preventive suspension laid by preventive suspension arises from the danger of
the Ombudsman under Sec 24 of RA 6770 is tampering or destruction of evidence in the possession of
contemplated in by Sec 13 (8) if Art XI of the 1987 the respondent, intimidation of the respondent, etc.
Constitution, while the petitioners contended that the
Ombudsman can only recommend to the Heads of the DISPOSITION: Petition was dismissed.
Departments and other agencies the preventive
suspension of the officials and employees facing
administrative investigation conducted by his office. This HAGAD V. GOZO-DADOLE (nature)
petition seeks to nullify the order of the Ombudsman
directing the preventive suspension of petitioners. FACTS: Criminal and administrative complaints were
ISSUE: WON the Ombudsman has the power to filed against Mayor Oano, Vice-Mayor Canete and Mayol
preventively suspend the government officials working in with the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman by Mandaue
other offices other than that of the Ombudsman pending City councillors Dionson and Barcede. They allegedly
the investigation of administrative complaints. altered and falsified an ordinance by increasing the
allocated appropriation from P3.4M to P7M without
RULING: Yes. The Ombudsman has the power to authority from the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Mandaue.
suspend employees of the said institution may it be Deputy Ombudsman Hagad ordered the accused to
punitive or preventive suspension. Sec 13 (3) of the submit their counter-affidavits while complainants moved
Constitution refers to “suspension” in its punitive sense, for the preventive suspension of respondent officials.
as the same speaks of penalties in administrative cases, Officials prayed for the dismissal of the complaint on the
while Sec. 24 of RA 6770 grants the Ombudsman the ground that the Ombudsman supposedly was bereft of
power to preventively suspend public officials and jurisdiction to try, hear, and decide the administrative
employees facing administrative charges. This statute is case since under Section 63 of the LGC, the power to
procedural and may arise in order to facilitate a speedy investigate and impose administrative sanctions against
and efficient investigation on cases filed against the local officials and to effect their preventive suspension
officers. A preventive measure is not in itself a had now been vested with the Office of the President.
punishment but a preliminary step in an administrative The petition seeks to annul the writ of preliminary
investigation. injunction issued against petitioner by respondent trial
court and to prohibit said court from further proceeding
with RTC Case No. MFE-14.
filing of an information for double murder against all of
ISSUE: WON the petitioner committed grave abuse of them before the Sandiganbayan. Upon review, the OSP
discretion in causing the issuance of preventive found that 2 separate crimes of murder were committed
suspension order without any hearing. but the commission thereof was not in relation to the
performance of the duties of the respondents and so was
RULING: No. The records reveal that petitioner issued recommended to the RTC which was approved by the
the order of preventive suspension after the filing of the Ombudsman. The private respondents filed a motion to
respondent officials of their opposition in the motion for quash the information positing that the Ombudsman has
preventive suspension and by Mayor Oano of his no authority to file the information since the crime was
memorandum in compliance with the directive of the not committed by the accused in relation to their office.
petitioner. Not being in the nature of a penalty, a RTC granted the motion and hence this petition for relief
preventive suspension can be decreed on an official imputing grave abuse of discretion and lack of jurisdiction
under investigation after charges are brought and even to respondent Judge in granting the motion to quash the
before the charges are heard. Naturally, such a information.
preventive suspension would occur prior to any finding of
guilt or innocence. ISSUE: WON the Ombudsman has the authority to
MAIN POINT: Not being in the nature of a penalty, a investigate a crime committed by a public official not
preventive suspension can be decreed on an official related to the performance of his duties.
under investigation after charges are brought and even
before the charges are heard. RULING: Yes. The clause “any illegal act or omission of
any public official” in Section 15 of RA 6770 is broad
DISPOSITION: Petition granted. The questioned writ of enough to embrace any crime committed by a public
preliminary injunction is ANNULED and SET ASIDE official. The law does not qualify the nature of the illegal
act or omission of the public official or employee that the
Ombudsman may investigate. It does not require that the
VASQUEZ V. HOBILLA-ALINIO (not in relation to act or omission be related to or be connected with or
duties) arise from the performance of official duty. Since the law
does not distinguish, neither should we.
FACTS: Seeking justice for the killing of her husband and
her father-in-law, Corazon Odelmo appeared before the MAIN POINT: The Office of the Ombudsman may
Office of the Deputy Ombudsman and filed a complaint investigate any illegal act or omission of the public
for murder against respondents, Mayor Mondia et al. The officials or employees whether such is related to the
Office of the Deputy Ombudsman recommended the performance of one’s official duty or not.
MAIN POINT: the Ombudsman and his deputies are
DISPOSITION: Petition granted. expressly given the power to preventively suspend public
officials and employees facing administrative charges in
accordance with Section 24 of RA 6770.
DISPOSITION: Petition is GRANTED. CA Decision is
FACTS: Joan and Thomas Corominas and Maria REVERSED and SET ASIDE. OMB Decision is
Corominas-Lim filed with the Office of the Ombudsman a REINSTATED.
criminal complaint in violation of Other Forms of
Trespass of RPC against DENR employees, who
allegedly conspired to enter the parcel of land owned by OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN V MADRIAGA
the Corominas family without seeking permission from
the latter or their representative. Ombudsman rendered a FACTS: The San Juan School Club filed a letter-
decision finding that the DENR employees are guilty of complaint before the Office of the Ombudsman charging
simple misconduct and imposed on them the penalty of Madriaga, school principal of San Juan Elementary
suspension for one month. On appeal, CA set aside the School and Ana Bernardo, canteen manager of the same
Ombudsman’s decision declaring that the Office of the school, with violation of rules set out on the Code of
Ombudsman has no power to impose the penalty of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
suspension. Employees. They were found guilty of the offense
charged and were meted out the penalty of 6 months
ISSUE: WON the Office of the Ombudsman has power to imprisonment. On appeal, the CA declared that the 6-
impose penalty for suspension. month suspension meted out by the Office of the
Ombudsman to Madriaga and Bernardo is merely
RULING: Yes. The Court rejected the argument that the recommendatory to the Department of Education. Hence,
power of the Ombudsman is only advisory or this petition for review on certiorari.
recommendatory in nature. In connection with their
administrative disciplinary authority, the Ombudsman and ISSUE: WON the Office of the Ombudsman has the
his deputies are expressly given the power to authority to impose administrative sanctions over public
preventively suspend public officials and employees officials.
facing administrative charges in accordance with Section
24 of RA 6770. RULING: Yes. The Office of the Ombudsman has the
authority to impose administrative sanctions over public
officials. Art XI, Section 13 of the 1987 Constitution
grants the Ombudsman the administrative power to direct the Davao Port, had been demanding monies ranging
the officer concerned to take appropriate action against a from P200 to P2000 for the approval and issuance of
public official or employee at fault, and recommend his berthing permits, and P5000 as monthly contribution from
removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or the DPAI. The complaint alleged that prior to August 6,
prosecution, and ensure compliance therewith. The Court 1998, in order to stop the mulcting and extortion activities
notes that such proviso qualifies the order to remove, of Estarija, the association reported Estarijas activities to
suspend, demote, fine, censure, or prosecute an officer the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). On August 6,
or employee – akin to the questioned issuances in the 1998, the NBI caught Estarija in possession of
case at bar. That the refusal, without cause, of any officer the P5,000 marked money used by the NBI to
to comply with such an order of the Ombudsman to entrap Estarija. Estarija claimed that dismissal was
penalize an erring officer or employee is a ground for unconstitutional since the Ombudsman did not have
disciplinary action, is a strong indication that the direct and immediate power to remove government
Ombudsman’s “recommendation” is not merely advisory officials, whether elective or appointive, who are not
in nature but is actually mandatory with the bounds of removable by impeachment. He maintains that under the
law. 1987 Constitution, the Ombudsman’s administrative
authority is merely recommendatory, and that Republic
MAIN POINT: The Ombudsman’s authority to impose Act No. 6770, otherwise known as The Ombudsman Act
administrative penalty and enforce compliance therewith of 1989, is unconstitutional because it gives the Office of
is not merely recommendatory but mandatory within the the Ombudsman additional powers that are not provided
bounds of the law. for in the Constitution.
DISPOSITION: The challenged CA Decision is
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. ISSUES: Is the power of the Ombudsman to directly
remove, suspend, demote, fine or censure erring officials
DISPOSITION: The petition is DENIED.
FACTS: Respondent Ranada, filed an administrative
complaint against petitioner Estarija for Gross RULING: The Constitution does not restrict the powers of
Misconduct before the Office of the Ombudsman- the Ombudsman in Section 13, Article XI of the 1987
Mindanao, petitioner Estarija was the Harbor Master of Constitution, but allows the Legislature to enact a law
the Philippines Ports Authority, Port of Davao, Sasa that would spell out the powers of the Ombudsman.
Davao City. The complaint alleged that Estarija, issues Through the enactment of Rep. Act No. 6770, specifically
the necessary berthing permit for all ships that dock in Section 15, par. 3, the lawmakers gave the Ombudsman
such powers to sanction erring officials and employees, petitioned that the Office of the Ombudsman has no
except members of Congress, and the Judiciary. The power to directly dismiss her from the service.
powers of the Ombudsman are not merely
recommendatory. His office was given teeth to render ISSUE: Whether the Ombudsman is empowered to order
this constitutional body not merely functional but also the removal of public officials or employees in
effective. Thus, we hold that under Republic Act No. administrative cases.
6770 and the 1987 Constitution, the Ombudsman has the
constitutional power to directly remove from government DISPOSITION: The petition is GRANTED. Lucero’s guilt
service an erring public official other than a member of for dishonesty is AFFIRMED.
Congress and the Judiciary.
RULING: The legislative history of Republic Act
MAIN POINT: The powers of the Ombudsman are not No. 6770 thus bears out the conclusion that the
merely recommendatory, his office was given teeth to Office of the Ombudsman was intended to
render this constitutional body not merely functional but possess full administrative disciplinary authority,
also effective and has the constitutional power to directly including the power to impose the penalty of
remove from government service an erring public official removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or
than a member of Congress and the Judiciary. prosecution of a public officer or employee found
to be at fault. The lawmakers envisioned the Office
of the Ombudsman to be an activist watchman,
OMB V LUCERO not merely a passive one. The Ombudsman
departs from the classical Ombudsman model
FACTS: Petitioner was appointed as Clerk II of the LTO, whose function is merely to receive and process
Regional Office No. VII. The OIC Director of the LTO the peoples complaints against corrupt and
requested COA to conduct an audit in the Cash Section abusive government personnel. The Ombudsman,
of the Operations Division of their office in order to as protector of the people, is armed with the power
determine the extent of malversation of funds just to prosecute erring public officers and employees,
discovered. After such auditing, the petitioner had 69 giving him an active role in the enforcement of
altered miscellaneous receipts. Thereafter, an laws on anti-graft and corrupt practices and such
administrative case for dishonesty was being filed against other offenses that may be committed by such
the petitioner in the Office of the Ombudsman then the officers and employees. The legislature has
decision finding the petitioner guilty of dishonesty. The vested him with broad powers to enable him to
petitioner filed her counter-affidavit denying the charges. implement his own actions.
She sought reconsideration of the decision and she
MAIN POINT: The Office of the Ombudsman was the CA that the Ombudsman has no power to impose
intended to possess full administrative disciplinary directly sanction against government officials and
authority, including the power to impose the penalty of employees who are subject of its investigation.
removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or
prosecution of a public officer or employee found to be at ISSUE: Whether the Office of the Ombudsman has the
fault. power to impose directly administrative penalties on
public officials or employees.
Balbastro v. Junio
DISPOSITION: Petition GRANTED in favor of the
OMB V CA 527 SCRA 798
RULING: The powers of the Ombudsman are found in
FACTS: Respondent was the Local Treasury Operations Article XI of the 1987 Constitution, which states in part
Assistant of the City Treasurer’s Office in Bacolod City. that the Ombudsman shall "exercise such other powers
The Commission on Audit (COA) conducted an or performs such functions or duties as may be provided
examination of respondent’s cash and account. The by law." Sections 15, 21, and 25 of Republic Act No.
examination disclosed a shortage of P265,450. Upon 6770 (RA 6770), otherwise known as the Ombudsman
demand, respondent failed to produce the missing Act of 1989.The Office of the Ombudsman shall have
amount. Respondent alleged that the shortage was due disciplinary authority over all elective and appointive
to the machinations and dishonest acts of Cash Clerk I officials of the Government. The Court similarly upholds
Monina Baja (Baja). Respondent alleged that Baja, acting the Office of the Ombudsman’s power to impose the
as Paymaster, received payroll funds for distribution to penalty of removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure,
specific offices. Baja was impleaded in the case before or prosecution of a public officer or employee found to be
the Ombudsman Visayas. Baja denied that respondent at fault, in the exercise of its administrative disciplinary
designated her as Paymaster. She also denied that she authority. The exercise of such power is well founded in
received the payroll funds. Respondent and Baja failed the Constitution and Republic Act No. 6770.
to appear during the preliminary conference conducted
on 26 July 1999. Despite their non-appearance, they MAIN POINT: Clearly, under RA 6770 the Ombudsman
were given time to submit their respective Memoranda or has the power to impose directly administrative penalty
Position Papers before the case was considered on public officials or employees. Hence, the Court of
submitted for decision. The Ombudsman found Appeals erred in ruling that petitioner has no power to
respondent guilty of Neglect of Duty and Baja guilty of impose directly administrative penalties on public officials
Dishonesty. Now the respondent petitioner, petitioned in or employees.
that under Republic Act No. 6770 and the 1987
Constitution, the Ombudsman has the constitutional
COA v. CA power to directly remove from government service an
erring public official other than a member of Congress
and the Judiciary.
FACTS: June 2000 Respondent Santiago, a barangay
chairman, received a calamity fund for his barangay MAIN POINT: The Ombudsman has the constitutional
amounting to P44, 053.00. In October 2000, all the power to directly remove from government service an
barangay kagawad of the respondent’s barangay filed erring public official other than a member of Congress
with the Office of the Ombudsman, petitioner, an and the Judiciary. And the power of the Ombudsman are
administrative complaint for technical malversation, not merely recommendatory.
violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt practices Act,
dishonesty, grave misconduct unbecoming of a public GOVENCIONG V CA
officer against respondent.
On May 2001, the Office of the Ombudsman declared FACTS: Dr. Gobenciong was the Administrative Officer
respondent guilty of dishonesty, grave misconduct and IV in Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center, a public
conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service and hospital. In 1996, the hospital planned to buy a
dismissed him from the service. hemoanalyzer/particle counter. A public bidding was
being held and a purchase order was issued. The
ISSUE: Whether the Ombudsman has the power to equipment appeared to have been delivered but it turned
dismiss erring government officials or employees. out that the said equipment was never actually delivered.
Dr. Pena, head of the hospital’s lab unit, filed an
DISPOSITION: Petitioner’s petition GRANTED. administrative complaint with the Office of the
Ombudsman charging Gobenciong with Falsification of
RULING: (SAME RULING WITH THE CASE OF Public Document and Misconduct.
At any rate, the power of the Ombudsman to directly ISSUE: Whether the disciplinary power of the
remove an erring public official has been jurisprudentially Ombudsman is merely recommendatory,
settled. In Estarija v. Ranada, we ruled: The powers of
RULING: No. The refusal, without just cause, of any
the Ombudsman are not merely recommendatory. His officer to comply with an order of the Ombudsman to
office was given teeth to render this constitutional body penalize an erring officer or employee, which is a ground
not merely functional but also effective. Thus, we hold for disciplinary action is a strong indication that the
Ombudsman’s “recommendation” is not merely advisory was caught in flagrante delicto receiving bribe money
in nature but is actually mandatory within the bounds of ofP2,700 from Cole. An administrative complaint for
law. By stating that the Ombudsman “recommends” the grave misconduct was filed against Marohomsalic in the
action to be taken against an erring officer or employee, Office of the Ombudsman-Mindanao. After evaluating the
the provisions of the Constitution and in RA 6670 respective allegations of the parties, the Ombudsman
intended that the implementation of the order be coursed found Marohomsalic guilty and dismissed him from the
through the proper officer. service. An order dated April 28, 2004 for the immediate
implementation of Marohomsalic's dismissal was issued.
MAIN POINT: Ombudsman has power to ensure
compliance with imposition of penalties pursuant to his ISSUE: Whether or not his right to due process was
administrative disciplinary authority. violated both the Ombudsman and the CA.


RULING: The jurisdiction of the Ombudsman over
FACTS: Petitioner Romulo J. Marohomsalic was disciplinary cases against government employees is
employed as Special Land Investigator I of the Provincial vested by no less than Section 12, Article XI of the
Environment and Natural Resources Office of the Constitution. Part of such disciplinary authority in
Department of Environment and Natural Resources administrative cases is the power to investigate and
(PENRO-DENR) in Koronadal City. Respondent prosecute, in accordance with the requirements laid
Reynaldo D. Cole had a pending land dispute case in the down by law. One such requirement is that substantial
PENRO-DENR in Koronadal City. Sometime in February evidence must always support any
2001, he went to said office to inquire on the status of his finding. Administrative complaint cognizable by the
case. He met Marohomsalic and asked him for Ombudsman is an act or omission contrary to law or
assistance . Marohomsalic, asserted that on March 8, regulations like grave misconduct. It is characterized by
2001, Cole gave him cash purportedly to cover the the elements of corruption, clear intent to violate the law
expenses for photocopying the documents needed in the or flagrant disregard of an established rule. Corruption as
case. On the other hand, Cole claimed (and the an element of grave misconduct includes the act of an
Ombudsman affirmed) that Marohomsalic official who unlawfully or wrongfully uses his station or
demanded P15,000 to secure the reversal of the character to procure some benefit for himself, contrary to
PENRO-DENR decision against him (Cole). Cole sought the rights of others.
the assistance of the National Bureau of Investigation to
entrap Marohomsalic. On March 8, 2001, Marohomsalic
MAIN POINT: The Ombudsman has the power to order which modified the judgment of the OMB stating that the
the dismissal of a public officer. RA 6770, which provides OMB has no power to dismiss them immediately because
for the functional and structural organization of the Office the thing which should have been done is to submit the
of the Ombudsman, was passed by Congress to findings of the OMB to the Office of the Mayor.
deliberately endow the Ombudsman with the power to ISSUE: whether or not the Court of Appeals correctly
prosecute offenses committed by public officers and held that OMB has no power to impose penalty on public
employees to make him a more active and effective officers.
agent of the people in ensuring accountability in public
office. Moreover, Congress granted the Ombudsman DISPOSITION: Petition Granted.
broad powers to implement his own actions.
RULING: The OMB is a constitutionally created office.
The mandate of the OMB is expressed in Section 12,
OMB V LISONDRA Article XI of the Constitution: Sec. 12. The Ombudsman
and his Deputies, as protectors of the people, shall act
FACTS: Complainant Mayor Munoz of La Paz, Agusan
promptly on complaints filed in any form or manner
del Sur, before the OMB. Complainant alleged that on 5
December 2000, the Municipality of La against public officials or employees of the Government,
Paz, Agusan del Sur, paid to Ronwood Construction or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof,
Supply the amount of P300,000.00 as payment for the including government-owned or controlled corporations,
delivery of 2,400 bags of Portland cement intended to be and shall, in appropriate cases, notify the complainants of
used for the concreting of Morgadez Street. However, the action taken and the result thereof. Republic Act No.
complainant, upon investigation of why the said project 6770 provides for the functional and structural
remained unfinished and incomplete, discovered from
organization of the OMB. In passing Republic Act No.
Municipal Supply Officer (MSO) Teresita G. Sergio and
Municipal Planning Development Officer 6770, Congress deliberately endowed the OMB with the
(MPDO) Lalineth A. Lisondra that there was actually no power to prosecute offenses committed by public officers
delivery of 2,400 bags of Portland cement. . After the and employees to make him a more active and effective
investigation conducted by the Office of the Ombudsman agent of the people in ensuring accountability in public
(OMB), on the basis of the affidavits of the complainant office. The legislative history of Republic Act No. 6770
and the counter-affidavits of the respondents, the OMB
thus bears out the conclusion that the Office of the
found that the respondents are guilty as charged. The
OMB then issued an order dismissing them from service. Ombudsman was intended to possess full administrative
The respondents appealed to the Court of Appeals, disciplinary authority, including the power to impose the
penalty of removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure,
or prosecution of a public officer or employee found to be denied the knowledge of the issuance of the CR. Later
at fault. the NBI filed a complaint against the respondent,
falsification of public/official document.
MAIN POINT: The administrative penalty to be imposed
on an erring public officer or employee is not merely ISSUE: Whether the Office of the Ombudsman is imbued
recommendatory. The OMB has the power to directly with the power to directly impose administrative sanctions
impose the penalty of removal, suspension, demotion, on erring government officials.
fine, censure, or prosecution of a public officer or
employee, other than a member of Congress and the DISPOSITION: Petition Granted.
Judiciary, found to be at fault, within the exercise of its
administrative disciplinary authority as provided in the RULING: Accordingly, we rule that the penalty of
Constitution, Republic Act No. 6770, as well as dismissal from the service, with forfeiture of all his
jurisprudence. This power gives the said constitutional benefits and perpetual disqualification to hold
office teeth to render it not merely functional, but also public office, was correctly imposed on respondent
effective. Cleto Abugan by petitioners, Deputy Ombudsman
for the Visayas Primo C. Miro and Graft
Investigation Officers Virginia Palanca Santiago
MIRO V ABUGAN and Charina Navarro-Quijano. The Office of the
Ombudsman shall have disciplinary authority over
FACTS: On October 18 1998, Jerry Tan owner of a L- all elective and appointive officials of the
300 van parked his van at the back of the Cebu City’s Government and its subdivisions, instrumentalities
Doctors Hospital. When he went back, he could no longer and agencies, including Members of the Cabinet,
find his vehicle. He reported the matter to the PNP-TMO local government, government-owned or controlled
headed by Labiano. Further investigation conducted by corporations and their subsidiaries, except officials
the NBI, shows that on October 20 1998, in just 2 days, who may be removed only by impeachment or
after the vehicle was lost, the LTO issued a new CR over Members of the Congress, and the Judiciary.
covering the same vehicle still in the name of Jerry Tan
but some of the motor numbers was changed from the MAIN POINT: The Office of the Ombudsman was
original. It was made to appear that, Jerry Tan sold the intended to possess full administrative disciplinary
subject vehicle to Cristina Labiano. During the authority, including the power to impose the penalty of
investigation, the NBI requested to respondent Abugan, removal. The powers of the Ombudsman are not merely
LTO registrar, to produce supporting registration of the recommendatory. His office was given teeth to render
said vehicle but he could not produce the same. Also he this constitutional body not merely functional but also
effective. Thus, we hold that under RA 6770 and the BE SUFFICIENTLY INFORMED OF THE CAUSE AND
1987 Constitution, the Ombudsman has the power to NATURE OF THE ACCUSATION AGAINST HIM.
directly remove from government service an erring public
official. DISPOSITION: Petition DENIED.

CESA V OMB RULING/MAIN POINT: The 1987 Constitution states that

the Ombudsman has the power to recommend the
FACTS: The Office of the Ombudsman suspended Cebu suspension of erring government officials and ensure
City Treasurer Eustaquio B. Cesa for six months without compliance therewith, which means that the
pay for tolerating illegal practices relative to the granting recommendation is not merely advisory but
of cash advances to paymasters. The Ombudsman mandatory. Under Republic Act No. 6770 and the 1987
impleaded Cesa and other city officials. Affirming the Constitution, the Ombudsman has the constitutional
audit team's report, graft investigators concluded that the power to directly remove from government service an
city officials' failure to observe relevant laws and rules erring public official other than a member of Congress
governing the grant, utilization and liquidation of cash and the Judiciary. The framers of our Constitution
advances facilitated, promoted, and encouraged the intended to create a stronger and more effective
defalcation of public funds. The irregularities could not Ombudsman, independent and beyond the reach of
have happened without the officials' acts and omissions, political influences and vested with powers that are not
as they failed to exercise the diligence of a good father of merely persuasive in character. The lawmakers
a family to prevent losses of funds and efficiently envisioned the Ombudsman to be an "activist
supervise the paymasters. On August 16, 2001, the watchman," not merely a passive one.
Ombudsman found Cesa and the other city officials guilty
of neglect of duty and meted to them the penalty of six
months suspension without pay. OMB v. De Sahagun

ISSUES: WHETHER THE POWER OF THE Facts: An administrative complaint was filed with the
OMBUDSMAN TO MOTU PROPRIO CONDUCT Ombudsman against Bids and Awards Committee
INVESTIGATIONS AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 13, (BAC) of the Intramuros Administration, composed of
ARTICLE XI OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION AND IN respondent Merceditas de Sahagun, as Chairman with
SECTION 15 [1] OF THE OMBUDSMAN ACT (RA 6770) respondent Manuela T. Waquiz and Dominador C.
EFFECTIVELY DISPENSES WITH PETITIONER'S Ferrer, Jr. as members for violation of Section 3 (a) and
FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT OF DUE PROCESS AND TO (c) of R.A. No. 3019 in relation to Section 1 of Executive
Order No. 302 and grave misconduct, conduct grossly
prejudicial to the best interest of the service and gross OMB v. Samaniego
violation of Rules and Regulations pursuant to the
Administrative Code of 1987. Facts: This is a resolution of the second motion for
partial reconsideration filed by petitioner Office of the
Issue: whether the Ombudsman only has Ombudsman to our decision dated September 11, 2008,
recommendatory, not punitive, powers against erring particularly our pronouncement with respect to the stay of
government officials and employees. the decision of the Ombudsman during the pendency of
an appeal:
Disposition: Petition Granted Following Office of the Ombudsman v. Laja, we hold that
the mere filing by respondent of an appeal sufficed to
Ruling: Ombudsman Simeon V. Marcelo held that stay the execution of the joint decision against him.
there was substantial evidence to hold respondents Respondent’s prayer for the issuance of a writ of a
administratively liable since the contracts awarded to preliminary injunction (for purposes of staying the
Brand Asia, Ltd. failed to go through the required execution of the decision against him) was therefore a
procedure for public bidding under Executive Order superfluity. The execution of petitioner’s joint decision
No. 301 dated July 26, 1987. Respondents and Ferrer against respondent should be stayed during the
were found guilty of grave misconduct and pendency.
dismissed from service. ISSUE: WON the Ombudsman’s Decision imposing the
penalty of suspension for one year immediately executor
Main Point: The authority of the Ombudsman to pending appeal
determine the administrative liability
of a public official or employee, and to direct and compel Disposition: the second motion for partial
the head of the office or agency concerned to implement reconsideration is hereby GRANTED
the penalty imposed is likewise settled.
The powers of the Ombudsman are not merely Ruling: An appeal shall not stop the decision from
recommendatory. His office was given teeth to render being executory. In case the penalty is suspension or
this constitutional body not merely functional but also removal and the respondent wins such appeal, he
effective. Thus, we hold that under Republic Act No. shall be considered as having been under preventive
6770 and the 1987 Constitution, the Ombudsman has suspension and shall be paid the salary and such
the constitutional power to directly remove from other emoluments that he did not receive by reason
government service an erring public official other of the suspension or removal.
than a member of Congress and the Judiciary.
The Decision of the Ombudsman is immediately SERVICE WITH FORFEITURE OF ALL
executory pending appeal and may not be stayed by the BENEFITS AND PERPETUAL
fling of the appeal or the issuance of an injunctive writ. DISQUALIFICATION TO HOLD PUBLIC
Main Point: Section 13 (8), Article XI of the Constitution HAS NO POWER TO DISMISS PUBLIC
authorizes the Office of the Ombudsman to promulgate OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES
its own rules of procedure. In this connection, Sections ISSUE: WON the Ombudsman has the power to
18 and 27 of the Ombudsman Act of 1989 also provide dismiss Public official and employees.
that the Office of the Ombudsman has the power to
"promulgate its rules of procedure for the effective Disposition: Petition was Dismissed, Finding her
exercise or performance of its powers, functions and guilty of Dishonesty and dismissing her from the
duties" and to amend or modify its rules as the interest government service with forfeiture of retirement
of justice may require. benefits and perpetual disqualification to hold
For the CA to issue a preliminary injunction that will stay public office, are hereby AFFIRMED.
the penalty imposed by the Ombudsman in an
administrative case would be to encroach on the rule- Main Point: the Ombudsman has the power to directly
making powers of the Office of the Ombudsman under impose the penalty of removal, suspension, demotion,
the Constitution and RA 6770 as the injunctive writ will fine, censure, or prosecution of an erring public official,
render nugatory the provisions of Section 7, Rule III of other than a member of Congress and the Judiciary,
the Rules of Procedure of the Office of the Ombudsman. within the exercise of its administrative disciplinary
authority as provided for in Section 13(3), Article XI of the
Boncalon V. OMB 1987 Constitution, and Section 15(3) of R.A. No. 6770.

FACTS: Petition Remia F. Boncalon (A Cashier IV at OMB v. Beltran

Bago City Negros Occidental Treasurers office) was fond
guilt of dishonesty and imposing on her the penalty of Facts: On February 26, 2001, Nilo V. Germedia
dismissal from service and perpetual disqualification to (Germedia), Clerk III of the Tricycle Regulatory Office
hold office under sec. 23 Rule XIV of the Omnibus Rule (TRO), City of Paraaque, filed a letter-complaint against
of the Civil Service Commission. Fernando J. Beltran (Beltran), Benjamin G. Barrameda
Boncalon contended that: THE (Barrameda), and Rolando Fererra (Fererra), all of the
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS TRO, City of Paraaque, for alleged graft and corruption
GRAVELY ERRED IN UPHOLDING based on the following grounds:
1) Non-remittance of TRO Drivers ID The office of the Ombudsman renders judgment finding
collection to the Treasurers Office of the respondent, Guilty of Grave Misconduct, for which the
Paraaque City since October 1999 penalty of Dismissal form the service with cancellation of
amounting to more or less Five eligibility, Forfeiture of Retirement Benefits and Perpetual
Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php Disqualification for Re-employment in the Government
500,000.00); Service is hereby imposed pursuant to Section 10, Rule
III of Administrative Order No. 07, in relation to Section 25
2) Non-remittance of Operators of Republic Act 6770.
Certification for LTO purposes to ISSUE: WON the Ombudsman has the authority
the Treasurers Office of Paraaque to directly dismiss the respondent from the
City since December 1999 government service.
amounting to more or less Five
Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php Disposition: Petition is Denied
500,000.00); Ruling: the Ombudsman has no authority to
directly dismiss the petitioner from the government
3) Non-remittance of penalty service, more particularly from his position in the
payments charged to apprehended BID.
tricycle drivers;

4) Using the TRO as extension of an Main point: Under Section 13, subparagraph (3),
insurance company; of Article XI of the 1987 Constitution, the
Ombudsman can only recommend the removal of
5) Violation the public official or employee found to be at fault,
of Paraaque City Ordinance No. to the public official concerned.
135 by issuing Certification for LTO
purposes instead of
Tricycle Operators Permit); and
FACTS: Dr. Apolonio served as the Executive Officer of
6) Grave abuse of discretion/authority the National Book Development Board (NBDB) from
by threatening employees with 1996 to August 26, 2002. As NBDB's executive officer,
termination. Dr. Apolonio supervised NBDB's Secretariat and
managed its day-to-day affairs.
In December 2000, NBDB's Governing Board approved Ruling: the Ombudsman has been statutorily granted the
the conduct of a Team Building Seminar Workshop for its right to impose administrative penalties on erring public
officers and employees. The workshop was scheduled to officials. That the Constitution merely indicated a
be a two-day event, to be held on December 20-21, 2000 "recommendatory" power in the text of Section 13 (3),
On August 24, 2001, Nicasio I. Marte, an NBDB Article XI of the Constitution did not deprive Congress of
Consultant, filed a complaint for grave misconduct, its plenary legislative power to vest the Ombudsman
dishonesty and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of powers beyond those stated
the service for the unauthorized purchase and
disbursement of the gift cheques during the seminar MAIN POINT: The Ombudsman has the power to directly
against Dr. Apolonio and Mr. Montealto before the impose administrative case penalties, including removal
Ombudsman. from office.
Dr. Apolonio contends that the Ombudsman does not
possess the power to directly impose the penalty of
removal against a public official. In reaching this
conclusion, the CA cited Section 13 (3), Article XI of the
Constitution which shows that the Ombudsman only
possesses recommendatory functions in the removal,
suspension, demotion, fine, censure or prosecution of
erring government officials and employees.
Also, Section 21 of Republic Act No. (RA) 6770, JURISDICTION OVER CRIMINAL CASES
otherwise known as "The Ombudsman Act of 1989
contradicts the above provision. Natividad v. Felix

ISSUE: Does the Ombudsman have the power to directly Facts: The Petitioner (Mayor. Arnulfo Natividad) was
impose the penalty of removal from office against public under a preliminary investigation by the trial court (Hon.
officials? Augusto Felix) and the Provincial prosecutor of Tarlac
about a criminal complaint of murder. Requiring the
DISPOSITION: PARTIALLY GRANT the Office of the petitioner to submit a counter- affidavit.
Ombudsman's petition for review on certiorari. Petitioner moved to remand his case for preliminary
Dr. Nellie R. Apolonio were found GUILTY of SIMPLE investigation with motion to quash warrant alleging that
MISCONDUCT. there was no preliminary investigation and contending
that and not the Provincial Prosecutor who had
jurisdiction to conduct the preliminary investigation.
Petitioner vigorously contended that the proper court for assistance in the investigation and prosecution of
which had jurisdiction over the case was the criminal cases cognizable by his office and the conditions
Sandiganbayan and not respondent judge. under which he may do so.

ISSUE: WON the Ombudsman has the authority to Fact: Petitioner Gloria G. Lastimosa is First Assistant
conduct a preliminary investigation against the petitioner Provincial Prosecutor of Cebu. Because she and the
not the trial court Provincial Prosecutor refused, or at any rate failed, to file
a criminal charge as ordered by the Ombudsman, an
Disposition: The petition is Dismissed for lack of Merit administrative complaint for grave misconduct,
insubordination, gross neglect of duty and maliciously
Ruling: The Ombudsman has no jurisdiction, since an refraining from prosecuting crime was filed against her
act or omission by a public official must be related to his and the Provincial Prosecutor and a charge for indirect
office. contempt was brought against them, both in the Office of
In the case at bar, The Philippine National Police (PNP), the Ombudsman. In the meantime the two were placed
responding to a letter dated July 19, 1993 written by Mrs. under preventive suspension. This is a petition
Lourdes Aquino, wife of deceased Severino L. Aquino, for certiorari and prohibition filed by petitioner to set aside
requested the Tarlac Provincial Prosecutor to investigate the orders of the Ombudsman with respect to the two
petitioner, the Municipal Mayor of Ramos, Tarlac, for the proceedings.
death of Severino Aquino at the Ramos Police Station on
the night of February 20, 1989. Consequently, a Issue: whether the Office of the Ombudsman has the
subpoena was issued requiring petitioner to submit a power to call on the Provincial Prosecutor to assist it in
counter-affidavit. the prosecution of the case for attempted rape against
Mayor Ilustrisimo.
Main Point: The primary jurisdiction of the Ombudsman
to investigate any act or omission of a public officer or DisposItion: The petition Dismissed
employee applies only in cases cognizable by the
Sandiganbayan. Ruling: The office of the Ombudsman has the power to
"investigate and prosecute on its own or on complaint by
any person, any act or omission of any public officer or
LASTIMOSA V. VASQUEZ employee, office or agency, when such act or omission
appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or
This case requires us to determine the extent to which inefficient." 14 This power has been held to include the
the Ombudsman may call upon government prosecutors investigation and prosecution of any crime committed by
a public official regardless of whether the acts or provisions of Sections 3 (e) and (g) of Republic Act (R.A.)
omissions complained of are related to, or connected No. 3019, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
with, or arise from, the performance of his official Practices Act.
duty 15 It is enough that the act or omission was
committed by a public official. Hence, the crime of rape, The Ombudsman, upon the recommendation of the
when committed by a public official like a municipal Evaluation and Preliminary Investigation
mayor, is within the power of the Ombudsman to Bureau, dismissed the complaints against herein
investigate and prosecute. respondents, except the other two loans.

Main Point: In the existence of his power, the Petitioner contends that the Ombudsman erred in
Ombudsman is authorized to call on prosecutors for dismissing, motu proprio, the three complaints without
assistance. §31 of the Ombudsman Act of 1989 (R.A. No. first requiring respondents to submit their counter-
6770) provides: affidavits and petitioner to file its reply thereto. Such
dismissal, petitioner avers, is premature. Petitioner
PRESIDENTIAL V. DESIERTO (UNDER Sec. 15) further argues that even granting that the Ombudsman
feels that petitioner's evidence is insufficient, the
Facts: Ombudsman should have first required petitioner to
clarify said evidence or to adduce additional evidence, in
On March 6, 1996 and June 28, 1996, Orlando S. accordance with due process.
Salvador (Salvador), in his capacity as PCGG consultant,
executed three separate Sworn Statements stating that ISSUE: WON the imprescriptibility of the state to
among the loan accounts referred by the Assets recovery of ill-gotten wealth may apply in criminal cases.
Privatization Trust to the Committee for investigation,
report and recommendation are those of the following WON the Ombudsman erred in dismissing the complaint
corporations: P.R. Garcia and Sons Development and based on the period for prescription or extinguishment of
Investment Corporation (PRGS), Golden River Mining a violation of anti-graft and corruption
Corporation (Golden River), and Filipinas Carbon and
Mining Corporation (Filcarbon). Ruling: the Court finds nothing erroneous in the
Ombudsman's act of consolidating the three complaints
Subsequently, the Sworn Statements of Salvador were and of issuing a single order for their dismissal
used by the Committee as its bases in filing separate considering that, with the exception of the complaint
complaints with the Office of the Ombudsman against regarding the two 1982 loan accounts of Golden River
herein private respondents for alleged violation of the which was separately discussed by the Ombudsman on
their merits, the dismissal of all the other complaints was Disposition: Petition is Dismissed
based on a common ground, which is prescription
Section 11 of R.A. No. 3019 provided that the period for Ruling: The Office of the Ombudsman did not delegate
the prescription or extinguishment of a violation of the the conduct of the preliminary investigation to the NBI.
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act was ten years. What was delegated was only the fact-finding function,
Subsequently, the said provision was amended in 1982 preparatory to the preliminary investigation still to be
increasing the prescriptive period to fifteen years. The conducted by the Ombudsman.
provisions of Section 15, Article XI of the Constitution,
which provides for the imprescriptibility of the right of the Main Point: Sec. 13(2) allows to direct cases for
State to recover ill-gotten wealth, applies only to civil investigation to other officers. Besides what was referred
actions and not to criminal cases. to the NBI was Fact finding; preliminary investigation
would still be conducted by the Ombudsman.
Main Point: The recovery of ill-gotten wealth shall not be
barred by “prescription”. Also it only applies to civil action,
not to criminal cases.


FACT: Edward Serapio was a member of the board of
RARO v. SANDIGANBAYAN trustees and the legal counsel of Erap Muslim Youth
Foundation. This Foundation was establish to help
FACTS: The Deputy Ombudsman referred the complaint provide educational opportunities for the poor and
against petitioner for violation of the Anti-Graft and underprivileged but deserving Muslim students.
Corrupt Practices Act to the NBI for investigation. The Donations came pouring in from various institution,
NBI recommended the prosecution of the case. organization and that of Chavit SIngson. However, on the
Petitioner argued that by referring the complaint to the latter part of 200, Chavit accused then Pres. Estrada and
NBI, the office of the Ombudsman abdicated its duty to his chorts of engaging in the illegal number game jueteng
conduct preliminary investigation. as protector, beneficiary and recipient. The Ombudsman
took necessary steps and find probable cause, thus the
ISSUE: whether or not the Ombudsman conducted the case of plunder before the Sandigan Bayan.
preliminary investigation erroneously and irregularly.
ISSUE: WON THE SANDIGANBAYAN ACTED any Ombudsman Case may be exercised by an
WITHOUT OR IN EXCESS OF JURISDICTION OR investigator or prosecutor of the Office or the
WITH GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING Ombudsman, or by any provincial or city prosecutor
TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION IN or their assistance, either in their regular capacities
SUMMARILY DENYING PETITIONER or as deputized Ombudsman prosecutor.
NOTWITHSTANDING THAT THE OMBUDSMAN HAD SEC. 15. Right to Recover Properties Unlawfully
MANIFEST ERRORS OF LAW SERIOUSLY Heirs of Gregorio Licaros v. Sandiganbayan
PETITIONER SERAPIO, AND THERE IS NO Facts: In the present case, the Second Amended
PROBABLE CAUSE TO SUPPORT AN INDICTMENT Complaint contains sufficient allegations to implicate
FOR PLUNDER AS AGAINST PETITIONER SERAPIO Gregorio S. Licaros in an alleged conspiracy to
accumulate ill-gotten wealth. The contentions that his
DISPOSITION: the petitions are DISMISSED. The acts were done in good faith, or by the Monetary Board
resolutions of respondent Sandiganbayan subject of said are matters of defence that cannot abate the Complaint
petitions are AFFIRMED upon a motion to dismiss.
Gregorio S. Licaros, petitioners predecessor-in-interest,
Ruling: the Court finds no grave abuse of discretion on served as governor of the Central Bank of the Philippines
the part of the Sandiganbayan and the Ombudsman in from 1970 to 1980, during the incumbency of then
finding probable cause against petitioner for President Ferdinand E. Marcos. He died on August 3,
plunder. Neither did the Sandiganbayan abuse its 1983.
discretion in denying petitioners motion for reinvestigation The Sandiganbayan also brushed aside the claim of
of the charges against him in the amended petitioners that the action against Licaros had already
Information. In its Resolution of April 25, 2001, the prescribed. It pointed to Section 15 of Article XI of the
Sandiganbayan affirmed the finding of the Ombudsman 1987 Constitution, which mandated that the right of the
that probable cause exists against petitioner and his co- State to recover properties unlawfully acquired by public
accused for the crime of plunder. officials or employees, from them or from their nominees
or transferees, shall not be barred by prescription, laches
Main Point: The Ombudsman has the power to or estoppel.
investigate or conduct a preliminary investigation on
ISSUE: Whether or not the Second Amended Complaint When MINCOCOs mortgage liens were about to be
is barred by prescription and laches. foreclosed by the government banks due its outstanding
obligations, Eduardo Cojuangco issued a memorandum
Disposition: The petitioner hereby DISMISSED dated 18 July 1983, bearing the late President Ferdinand
E. Marcos (President Marcos) marginal note, disallowing
Ruling: The intendment of the foregoing constitutional the foreclosure of MINCOCOs properties. The
provision -- exempting actions to recover ill-gotten wealth government banks were not able to recover any amount
from the operation of the general rules of prescription -- from MINCOCO and President Marcos marginal note
presumably lies in the special attendant circumstances was construed by the NIDC to have effectively released
and the primordial state interests involved in cases of MINCOCO, including its owners, from all of its financial
such nature. liabilities.
From the preceding discussion, it is clear that any action
involving the recovery of unlawfully acquired properties The Above transaction was only discovered in 1992 after
against Licaros or his transferees, may not be deemed to then President. Ramos , in an effort to recover the Ill-
have prescribed. The language of the Constitution, the gotten wealth of the late Pres. Marcos.
law and the Rules of Court is clear and unequivocal.
Clearly, the Sandiganbayan did not commit any grave The petitioner argued that the right of the State to recover
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of behest loans as ill-gotten wealth is imprescriptible under
jurisdiction when it issued the assailed Resolutions Section 15, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution; and,
denying, for lack of merit, petitioners Motion to Dismiss. assuming that the period to file criminal charges herefore
is subject to prescription, the prescriptive period should
Main Point: The right of the state to recover ill-gotten be counted from the time of discovery of behest loans or
wealth shall not be barred by prescription and Laches. sometime in 1992 when the Committee was constituted.
Art. XI sec. 15
ISSUE: WON the right of the state to recover ill-gotten
state can be apply criminally
Presidential Ad Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on
Behest Loans vs. OMB Desierto G.R. No. 135715 Ruling: no, The Ombudsman, in his Comment,
countered that his office has the discretionary power
Facts: Mindanao Coconut Oil Mills (MINCOCO) applied during preliminary investigation to determine the
for a guarantee Loan Accommodation with the National sufficiency of evidence for indictment; that it is beyond
Investment and Development Corporation. the ambit of the Court to review this exercise of
discretion; that Section 15, Article XI of the 1987
Constitution applies only to civil suits and not to criminal ISSUE: (1) whether or not a green card is proof that the
proceedings; and, that the crime under which the holder is a permanent resident of the United States,
respondents herein were charged had already
prescribed. (2) whether respondent Miguel had waived his status as
a permanent resident of or immigrant to the U.S.A. prior
Main Point: The provisions of Sec. 15 art. XI of the to the local elections on January 18, 1988.
Constitution applies on to Civil action for recovery of ill-
gotten wealth and not to criminal cases. Disposition: The election of respondent Merito C. Miguel
as municipal mayor of Bolinao, Pangasinan is hereby
Section 18. Allegiance of Public Officers annulled.

CAASI V. CA Ruling: (1) Yes. Miguel's application for immigrant status

and permanent residence in the U.S. and his possession
Facts: Merito Miguel was elected as mayor of Bolinao, of a green card attesting to such status areconclusive
Pangasinan in the local elections of January 18, 1988. proof that he is a permanent resident of the United
Hisdisqualification, however, was sought by Mateo Caasi States.
on the ground that under Section 68 of the Omnibus
Election Code Miguel was not qualified because he is a (2) The waiver of his green card should be manifested by
green card holder, hence, a permanent resident of the some act or acts independent of and done prior to filing
USA and not of Bolinao. his candidacy for elective office in this country. Without
such prior waiver, he was "disqualified to run for any
Miguel admitted that he holds a green card, but he elective office."
denied that he is a permanent resident of the United
States. He argued that he obtained the green card for Section 18, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution which
convenience in order that he may freely enter the United provides that "any public officer or employee who seeks
States for his periodic medical examination and to visit to change his citizenship or acquire the status of an
his children there. He alleged that he is a permanent immigrant of another country during his tenure shall be
resident of Bolinao, Pangasinan and that he voted in dealt with by law" is not applicable to Merito Miguel for
all previouselections, including the plebiscite on February he acquired the status of an immigrant of the United
2, 1987 for the ratification of the 1987 Constitution and States before he was elected to public office, not
the congressional elections on May 18, 1987. "during his tenure" as mayor of Bolinao, Pangasinan.
The law applicable to him is Section 68 of the Omnibus
Election Code (B.P. Blg. 881), which provides:

Any person who is a permanent resident of or an

immigrant to a foreign country shall not be qualified to run
for any elective office under this Code, unless such
person has waived his status as permanent resident or
immigrant of a foreign country in accordance with the
residence requirement provided for in the election laws

Main Point: The mere filing of certificate of candidacy is

not required waiver. It must be a special act done before
filing a certificate of candidacy.

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