Gallivan Letter

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March 6,2019

Honorable Andrew Cuomo

Executive Chamber, New York State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

More than a dozen student athletes from SUNY Geneseo, SUNY Brockport and SUNY Cortland
have qualified to compete at the NCAA Division III Swimming Championship in Greensboro,
North Carolina March 20-23, 2019. As you can imagine, these students have worked hard to
reach this level of achievement and look forward to representing their individual universities and
the entire SUNY system on a national stage.

Unfortunately, Executive Order 155, which you issued in 2016, would prohibit these athletes
from actually staying in North Carolina, forcing them to make accommodations in a neighboring
state and make lengthy commutes to and from the competition in Greensboro on a daily basis.
This is not only a distraction for the athletes and their coaches; it puts them at a competitive
disadvantage and could have a negative impact on their performance. The additional travel
required will also add to the overall cost for attending the tournament.

Since issuing your Executive Order in response to North CaroLina’s passage of KB2, a
controversial “bathroom bill,” it is important to note that the legislation has been repealed.
Governor Roy Cooper signed repeal legislation in March 2017. In fact, the NCAA, which had
imposed its own ban in response to HB2, has since rescinded it, alLowing the state to host NCAA
events. It is time for New York State to do the same.

Just as you stated that “putting political interest” first was inappropriate in the Amazon deal, so
too is it inappropriate and incredibly unfair to make a political statement on the backs and lives
of these student athletes. You can right this wrong. I urge you to re-consider your Executive
Order and to allow these students to stay in North Carolina in order to participate fully in the
upcoming NCAA Championship. Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.


Patrick M. Gallivan
Senator 59th District

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