Gang of Five Text Messages

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Chats (1)

~ • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage· +15134170743 (1)

# Deleted
Participants: Start Time: 11712013 10:59:40 AM(UTC- 5)
+15134 170743 Last ActiVlty: 7/2/2018 1 :25:50 PM(UTC·4)
Number of attacllments: 33

IJ Source: 1Message. +15134170743

Source file: 1Phone/Var/mobilellibraty/SMS/sms.db ·
Ox89F08EA (Table: chat. handle. message. Size:
220631040 bytes)
Body file· chat-1.txt
Greg Lanc!sman'
Tamaya Denna1d· (owner)
1/212018 9:11 :36 PM(UTC-5)Directioo:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
You were amazing today. I cou ldn't be more excited for you and the city. You 're going to do great things. I'm really lucky to be working with
you. Have fun tonight.
Status: Read
Reacl: 11212018 10:06:46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/UbrarylSM Sisms.db : OxB4CDFE8 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/21201810:07:17 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Thank you . Gregl I appreciate you. Ready to make some things happen
Status: Se111
Delivered: 11212016 10:07· 14 PM(UTC· S)
Source file: IPhOne/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms db · Ox84D1D27 (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/312.()18 8:06:29 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lnooming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Thank yo u, Greg! I appreciate you . Ready to make some things happen"
Status: Read
Reacl: t(,l/2018 8:27.24 AM(UfC-5)
Source file: iPhonetvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/ sms.db · Ox64DB4A3 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
1/41201812:57:22 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I got my list. I'm pumped. Let me know w hen you have time. No rush.
Stlltus: Read
Read: 1/4/2018 2:05:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilelltbrarylSMSlsms.db Dx852A9E4 (Table message. handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
114/2018 2:06:31 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
That's awesome. Will have mine m the morning. I'm excited as well. I'm working at DI today
Stal\ls: Sen1
Deliwred: 1/4/201 8 2:06.3 1 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobilell1brary/ SMSlsms.db : Ox852B674 (Table: message. chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/4/2018 2:36:43 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +1513646-0186 (Greg Landsman)
Stalus: Read
Read: 114/20 18 2:51:18 PM(UTC·S)
Source file: iPhonelvar/rnobolell1braiy/$MS/sms.db • Ox852C38C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
1/4/2018 4:04:54 PM(UTC-5)0lredion:Oulgotng, +15134170743
H 11 Did you sign this?



20180104 143653 1515099760882.jpg

Ststus: Sent
Oel1vored. 11412018 4.04 SS PtA1UT C·S)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob le1l!brary/SMS1sms db Ox8531 DF2 (Table message chat attaehment. Size 220631040 bytes)
1Phone/varlmobdell1blarylSMSIAitaehmenlsJae/14122704189-B762-4791-8741-C33C96EOA 1F6120180104_143653_ 1515099760682 JPO 1S1ze 137179 bytes)
1/../2018 4:16:33 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yeah .
Status: Read
R&ed: 11412018 4 1B42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/ sms db. Ox8531AOO (Table message handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/412018 4: 18:S4 PM(UTC-5)0trectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Cool. Me too
Sta\uS Sent
Oelvered: 114/2018. 18 53 r l~CU1C-5i
Source file: 1PhonetvarimobtleJL!brary1SMS1sms db Ox8531629 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1/412018 4 :39:19 PM(UTC-S)Diredion:lnc:oming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Cool. Me too "
Stotus: Read
Read: 11412018 4'4~ 38 PMcUTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8536BE8 (Table message handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/8/2018 2:1 1:06 PM{UTC-5)Dlrec:tlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Are you no on version 1?
Status Sent
Delivered: 1'812016 2 10 57 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/ SMS/sms db Ox8590DE2 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
1/8/2018 2:1 1:48 PM(UTC-S)Oireclion:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No on 1, Yes on 2.
Status: Read
Read: 118/1018 2 11 53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox85908DD (Table· message handle cha~ Size 220631040 bytes)
118/2018 2:12:05 PM(UTC-S)Diredion:O~. +15134170743
Yep Me too
Status; sem
Delivered: 11812018 2 12 O!> PrAtU'C-5)
Source file: iPhonelva r/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox859071 4 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
1/8/201 8 2:46:29 P M(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm going to move we table it for two weeks . This 1s super confusi ng.
Status: Read
Read: 11812018 2:47:32 PMtUTC·Sl
Source file. 1Phone1var'mobtle'Library/SM5.'sms db Ox8592B32 (Table message ha~dte. chat. S ze 220631040 b(les)
1/8/2018 2:47:56 PM{UTC-5)D•reclion:Outgoing. +151 34170743
I'm good w ith this
Status: Sent
Delivered 11812018 2 47 46 PMtUTC·5)
Souroe file: iPhonelvar1moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox85925F6 (Table. message, chat, Size· 22003 1040 bytes)
1/8120 18 2:59:02 PM(UTC-5)Dltection:Oulgoing, +15134170743
I'm going to abstain
Status. Sent
Delvered: 1/lll2018 2 59 02 PlltUTC-~I
Source file: 1Pho'le.'11ar/mobde1L brary1SMS•sms db Ox8593FE4 (Table message Chat. S•ze 220631~0 b)·tes)
1/812016 2:59.30 PM(UTC..S)Diredlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Grog Landsman)
Liked • I'm going to abstain
Slatus. Read
Road: 1/8/2018 2 59 32 PM\Ul C-5)
Source file: 1Phone/va1/mob•le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox659307F (Table: message handle chat. Size 22063 1040 byles)
111412018 11:22:02 AM(UTC-5)0irection:ln<:0ming, + 15136460188 (Greg Landsmen)
Where did we say for lunch?
Status Read
Read: 1114'2018 11 Z2 ~s AM1i.JTC 5)
Source file: 1Phone1var1mob<le /L1brary/SMS:sms db Ox863E8E7 (Table message ~anale chaL S.ze: 220631040 bytes)
11141201811:23:11 AM(UTC..S)01rec:1Jon:OU1go1ng, +15134170743
Wild Eggs in Oakley. That still work?
Stotus: Sent
Delivered: 1114120 18 11 ?303AMtUTC·5)
Source file: 1Phone/Var1mobdelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox863E70C (Table message chat, Size 220631 040 bytes)
1/1412018 11:25:25 AM(UTC..S)Oirec:tion:lncoming, +1 5136460168 (Greg Landsman}
Liked "Wild Eggs in Oakley That still work?"
Status: Read
Read 1114'2016, 1 25 ~8 A~'(UTC-5
Source file: iPhonetvarlmo1>1le/UbrarylSMS1sms db Oxb63FF59 (Table message. handle. chat. S•ze· 220631040 bytes)

1/141201811:25:29 AM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Land1man)
Stslus Read
Read: 1114/2018 11 25 48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox863F057 (Table· message. handle. chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1412016 11:25:37 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
I remember now :).
Status: Read
Read: 1/1 4/20 t8 11 25 48 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar1mob1le/l•brarylSMS/sms.db Ox863FBA6 (Table message . handle. chat Size 22063 1040 bytes)
111412018 11:25:41 AM(UTC-5) Direction:lnc:oming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
See you at noon.
Status: Read
Road: 1/1412018 t 12548 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox863F9E1 (Table message, handle, chat, Size : 220631040 bytes)
111412018 11 :26:08 AM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgolng, +15134170743
Yep. See you then!
Status: Sent
Dellvered: 1114/2018 112600 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Ph0ne111ar/mobole!l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox863F4A4 (Table message Chai. Size 220631040 bytes)
111512018 9:53:20 AM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743


IMG 0172.IP9
Status: Sent
Oekvered: 111512018 9 5310M1(UTC·S)
Source fife: iPhoneNar/mobtleJL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8660E27 (Table message. chat attachment, Size. 220631040 bytes)
1Phonelllar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS1Attachmentsl9c/ 12/5A533BSC-561E·48E8·9AE4·C 10339313A01/IMG_0172 jpg (Size: 92373 bytes)
111512018 10:02:16 AM(UTC·5)0 1rection:lncomlng, +15138460188 (Greg Lend•men)
Status: Read
Reed: 111512018 10:02 20 AMC UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary1SMS/sms db Ox666220B (Tabl e messago, handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
1/19J'Z018 2:23:18 PM(UTC-S)Olrection:Outgolng, +15134170743
CD ROM, thoug h?
Status: Sent
Delive1'ed: 1119/2018 2 23 14 l'MCUTC·SJ
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox86075E9 (Table message ci1at. Size· 220631040 bytes)
1/1912016 2 :23:28 PM(UTC-5)Dfroction:Outgoing , +15134170743
Status: Soni
OeUvered: 1/19/2018 2 23.24 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobtle/L brary/ SMS/sms.db · Ox8607406 (Table· message. chat. Size. 220631040 byles)
1/19/2018 2:24:37 PM(UTC·S)Direction:lncorning, +15138460186 (Greg l.llndsmen)
StalYs: Read
Reed: 1/1912018 2.24 38 PM(UTC.5)
Source file: 1Pl1onelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox860725F (Table: message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/2212018 2:39:29 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
That got uncomfortable.
Slatus Read
Read: 1/2212018 3 56 06 PM!UTC·5)
Source file: tPhonelvari moblle/Lbraryl SMSlsms db Ox87 1F6DB (Table message handle. chat. Size 22083 1040 bytes)
1/30/2018 6 :25:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743
He's trying to move closer to the left
Status: Sent
D@l1vore<S: 1/30/2018 6 2r. :IH PM(tlTf':.5)
Source file: iPhone/var/moh1le/Library/SMS/ sms.db . Ox8834444 (Table message, chat. Site: 220631040 bytes)
1/30/2018 6:27:00 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
What's up with th at short jacket of Jeffs?
Slalus S@nt
Oelwred: 1130120 18 6·27 00 PM(UTC SJ
Source frle: 1Phonelva·/mobtle/UbrarylSMSlsms db Ox8835881 (Table. message chat Size 220631040 b vtas)
1130/2016 6:30:10 PM(UTC·5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Wait' I thought the foundation he works with epilepsy
Status: Senl
Delivered: 1/30120 111 G30 04 PM(UTC-51
Source file: iPhone1Varfmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox88357F5 (Table mesr.age, chat. Size: 220631040 by1es)
1/30/2018 6:30:24 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgolng, +15134170743
Helped with epilepsy
Slatus: Sent
OelM:rod. 1/30/2018 6 30 23 P~11UTC-SJ
Source file: 1Ph0'1e1Varimob1lellibraryiSMSlsms db · Ox88355E6 (Table· message . Chat S12e 220631040 bytes)

1/30/2018 6 :31 :48 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncomlng, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
I think it's fake . Either way
Ste!us. Read
Reed: 113012018 6.32 06 PMtUTC·5)
Source file: 1Phonetvarlmob1leilibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox883541 D (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1130/2018 6 :32:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Senl
Delivered 1130/2018 6 32 11 PM1UTC-S)
Source file: iPhonetver/mob1leilibrary/SMS 1sms db Ox8835236 (Table message, chat, Size. 220631040 byles)
215/2018 2:09:28 PM(UTC-5)0iredlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Want lo sign if he updates language? We can do after meeting , I guess Or will he ask us lo vole on 1t today?
Status· Read
Read: 21512016 2.51 49 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1lelLibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox8809FE8 (Table: message handle, chat Size · 220631040 bytes)
2181201812:20:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Yo. One idea on the Op Ed is to add someth ing each member has gotten done or is working on. A shout out to each person.
Swlus: Read
React 218120 18 12:23 16 PM\UTC 51
Source me: 1Phonelvarlmob.le/l1braryl SMSlsms.db Ox892BFE8 (Table message handle chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
219120181 1:48:50 AM(UTC-S)Olrecllon:Outgoing, +15134170743
H1 1 I've decided not to move forward with the op-Ed. You are welcome to write it but I don't want my name on 11 Afte r wha t the Enquirer tned
to do to me last year, I don't want to contribute to them more than I need to.
Slatu$'. Sent
Delivered: 21912018 11.48:43 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms db Ox893 ESE4 (Table message. chat, Size. 220631040 by1es)
21912018 12:31:27 PM(UTC-5)0lrecilon:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Okay. Do you still want to work on those three items? I think we should do something to pull the convers ation and our colleagues toward a
place of collaboration Better together. I think
Status: Read
Read ?'970t8 12 33.45 F'MtUTC-51
Source file: 1Phonetvarlrnobde/LlbrarylSMS/sm s db Ox693f566 (Table message, handle chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
21912018 12:34:05 PM(UTC-S)Olrection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Senl
Delivered: 21912018 12 34 02 PMtUTC 5)
Source file: ,Phonelvarlmob1lelL1brarylS\.1Slsms db Ox893F266 (Table . message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/9/2018 12:38:18 PM(UTC-5)0ilection:lnooming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Awesome. Beyond Civility 1s 1n. We just need lo send Sean some language. 111 work on that You still okay calling Camp Joy to see if they
could do something? I can help with funding Maybe we bag the pledge?
Status. Read
Re&d· 21912018 12 36 23 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8940FE8 (Table. message, handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
2113/2018 11:02:36 AM(UTC.S)Olrection:Outgolng, +15134170743
You around?
Slatus Sent
Oe!Nered: 711312018 11 02 30 AMtUTC·S)
Source file: 1Pnone'VarfmobtJe;L1brary/SMS:sms db Ox89A0810 (Table message, chat Sze 220631040 bytes)
211312018 11:19: 17 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lnooming, +15138460186 (Greg LandllTllln)
Pulling in.
Sialus. Read
Read: 211312018 11.20 28 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: iPhone/va rlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox89AD2A7 (Table. message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/1612018 12: 15:20 PM(UTC-5)0lrectlon:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Shae W illiams, Jazzmen Murphy. Eddie Johnson . Marcus Peters. Joy Davis, Charles Craddock, Terrell Jackson. Asia Royles.
Slaws: Read
Rell<I; 211612018 12 15 24 PM1UTC 5)
Source file: 1Phooel11a11mob <ell orarylSMSlsms.db Cx8A 16683 (Tabla message ha'ldle chat Size 22063 1040 b(!eSJ
2/1912018 7:30:1 2 PM(UTC-5)0irec:tion:Outgo11g, +15134170743
Yes Im good. I have to take . to a medical appointment where she has to undergo anesthesia. She's scared and asked if I can take her.

Please keep that to yourself.

Status: Senl
D•Nwred· 2119/2018 7 30 10 PM1UTC 5)
Source file: iPhone'var1mob<le'L1bfary/Sf1tS!sms db Ox8A66A68 (Table message chat Sze· 220631040 bytes)
2119/2018 7:30:26 PM(UTC-S)D1rection:lncommg, +151364601 86 (Greg Landsman}
Of course. Need anything?
Slatus Read
Read 7119120 18 7 30 27 PM1UTC-5l
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1ICIL1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8A66786 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
2/19/2018 7:30:39 PM(UTC-5}01rectlon:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsmen)
You're good people. Tamaya.
S~tus Read
Read 2.'19.2018 7 304() M(UTC-!>1
Source file: iPhone'va•.mob<leJL c rary1SMS1sms dh Ox8A665B3 (Table. message handle cha; S•ze 220631040 bytes)

211912018 7:30:45 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
No. But thank you.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/19/2018 7:30:44 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8A663D8 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
211912018 7 :30:49 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
So are you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/19/2018 7:30:48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox8A6620F (Table. message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
211912018 7:31 :20 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Thanks , friend.
Status: Read
Read: 2/19/2018 7.31.23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8A67FE8 (Table message. handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2123/2018 4:12:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460168 (Greg Landsman)
Hey friend. Are you still meeting with Sue, Peter and I? If not, we'll get started .... no worries.
Status: Read
Read: 212312018 4"16"18 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8AEDC66 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
212312018 4:16:43 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Was that today?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/23/2018 4:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8AED9FE (Table. message. chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
212312018 4:35:47 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136480168 (Greg Landsman)
Yeah, but I got it. No worries' I'll fill you in on Monday! It no bigg ie.
Status: Read
Read: 212312018 7:51:35 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: iPl1one/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8AEED4E (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
2127/2018 3:15:18 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
I don't like her
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/2712018 3 15:14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8B46A53 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/27/2018 3:15:50 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Melanie or Eve?
Status: Read
Read: 2127/2018 3·16 09 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8B4688E (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2127/2018 3:16:17 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 2127/2018 3:16:15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8B46519 (Table· message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2127/2018 3:18:22 PM(UTC-S)Olrection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Delivered: 212712018 3:16:20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8B4636E (Table. message. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
212812018 8:26:13 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743
Hi' Donna Jones Baker invited me to 9:30 meeting with you this morning but I won't be able make it. Can you debrief me later?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2128/2018 8.26 06 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8B55FE4 (Table message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
2128/2018 8 :33:52 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Hi 1 Donna Jones Baker invited me to 9:30 meeting with you this morning but I won't be able make it. Can you debrief me later?"
Status: Read
Read: 2/28/2018 8 35:17 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8B56D21 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
212812018 12:05:1 2 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Call me when you can. Have you gotten requests to delay evening meeting so Administration can get everything in order. I'm told people are
freaking out... not sure how real it is. Maybe we ask Melissa? Or you probably already have .
Status: Read
Read: 2/2812018 12·os·20 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8B5FSF8 (Table message. handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/2812018 12:05:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +151341 70743
In a meeting. Call you shortly.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/28/2018 12:05·52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8BSF282 (Table· message. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2128/2018 12:07:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "In a meeting. Call you shortly."
Status: Read
Read: 212812018 1.11.06 PM(UTC·51
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8860F5E (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)

~18 6:33:33 PM(UTC-5)01redlon:lncoming, +1513&480186 (Greg landsman)

IMG 14171peg
IMG 1419jm IMG 1416.rpeg
Slatus. Read
Rea<!: 3/612018 6 49 21 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le1L1brary/SMSisms.db · Ox6COC306 (Table message. handle, chat. auachment Size. 220631040 bytes)
1Phonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMSIAttachmentslcd/13/16483B99-888F-459A-AB00-51A7F48EA744/IMG 1428.Jpftg (Size 2459502 bytes)
1Phonelvar/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/Attachmentstee/14/09C75550·63C3-4C 11-9ACA·33EA4CA58221/IMG_1427 .Jpeg · (Size: 2334139 bytes)
1Phone/var/mobilellibrary1SM$/Attachments/cc/12f71 EF947C-71 B5-4E82·82A1·B29AD4 7DOA64/IMG 1423.Jpeg . (Size 2239885 bytes)
1Phonelvarlmob1lell.1brary/SMSJAttachmentsi32102100CS 122B-061E-4030·81 BF-8231599E008NIM~ 14 19 Jpeg (Size· 2011453 bytes)
1Phonelvar/moblle/librarytSMSIAttachments/58/08/85CB2193--0F3F-47C0-8403-7FE018028E83MIG i417.Jpeg (Size 2120874 by1es)
1Phone'var/mobilel\.ibrary'SMS/Attachments/73/03/40C800BB-7856-4C26-8EF1-B061C3FBA5E7/IMG_1416.Jpeg (Size 2108097 bytes)
31612018 6:49:56 PM{UTC-5) D1rection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Thank you for being there tonight' I appreciate you'
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/6n018 6 49 48 PM(UTC 5J
Source file: 1Phone/varimobllellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox8CODFE4 (Table message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
316/2018 8:20:32 PM(UTC·5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
I appreciate you• So awesome. We'll pick up the tab for the next one. Loved it.
Status: Read
Read: 31612018 9 00 49 PMIUTC-5t
Source file: 1Phone.vamnob lelLobrarylSMSlsms do Ox8C0063B (Table· message ha'ldte chat Size 220631040 bytes I
318/2018 11:02:31 AM(UTC..5)01rection:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg l..arnlsman)
Sorry about the end of that meeting. I 1ust got excited. Shouldn't have been so overbearing. My fault friend.
Stalus: Read
Read: 31812018 11 00 05 A~l(UlC-5)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox8C33CB3 (Table message, handle chat, Size 220631040 by1es)
31812018 11:06:47 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
No need to apologize. I appreciate the passion for this. Sent
Oeli-ed'. 3i8!20t8 t1.0636AM(UTC·5t
Source file: iPhone.'var!mobtle.L1brary,SMS/sms db Ox8C3386A {Table message cha: Size 220631040 byles)
310/2018 11:15.58 AM(UTC·5)Dlt..ction.tllQJflling, •151364eQ156 (Greg<lsman)
Liked No need to apologize. I appreciate the passion for this. •
Status: Read
Read: 318/20 18 3 3~ 3~ PM(UTC 5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar1mob1lellobrary!SMSlsms.db Ox8C3546C (Table message, handle chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 5:03:28 AM(UTC·S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hi' Sorry for texting so early I made a mistake• Im able to Chair your Committee on 3120. - appt is 3113 Hope you haven't contacted
anyone to cancel yet. We can talk later
Status. Sent
Drivered: 31912018 5 03 26 AM(UTC-51
Source file: 1PhoneNar1mob1lelL1brary/SIVSisms db Ox8C58FE4 (Table. message chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
311712018 4:46:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hi 1 Call me when you can.
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 311712018 4 46,22 PM<UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone'varlmob1le'lobrarylSMSisms db Ox80A5FE4 (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3117/2-018 4:46:50 PM(UTC-4)01recllon:Outgoing, +15134 170743
Want to tali< with you independent of everyone else
Slatus Sent
Oei•"8fed. 311712018 4 ~6 4 1 PM! UT C-4J
Source file: iPhone1var1mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox80A5EOD (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3119/2018 2:24:56 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15134170743
Hi' Call me when you can. Sorry I missed your call
Status: Sent
Oe•vered: 311912018 2 24 51 PM•UTC 4)
Source fde: Phone.var/mob tell brary 1S\4Slsms.db Ox80CCFE4 \Table messilge chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3121/2016 7:05.51 PM(UTC-4)01rect10n:Outgoing, +15134170743
You good 1111th meeting Sentinels at their office or 1s that too close lo FOP office?
Staius: Senl
Delivered: 3121/2018 Io~ 43 PM1UIC 4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1l11/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8E1A4F9 (Table: message chat Size 220631040 byles)
312112016 7:16:17 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Wherever they want )
Slatus Read
Re•d n11201e 7 22 40 PM UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phone'\ar•mobite'lrbrary.S+.'S:sms db O~liE'A283 (''"able message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)

312312018 2:34:05 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Sorry. I thought meeting was your office. It's at Sentinels?
Status: Read
Read: 3/23/2018 2.34.51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8E63826 (Table· message. handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3123/2018 2:35:16 PM(UTC-4}Directlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
It's at their office. 1889 Central Parkway
Status: Sent
Defivered: 3123/2018 2:35:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E64FE4 (Table· message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/23/2018 2:35:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 {Greg Landsman}
On way.
Status: Read
Read: 3/23/2018 2.36.41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db Ox8E6483A (Table. message, handle. chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 8:02:27 AM(UTC4}Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Morning. What time you got today? Should we pull PG in?
Status: Read
Read: 3/2412018 8.02.4 1 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8E77525 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 8:04:54 AM(UTC4)Di1'9Ction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Morning. I'm not sure what lime. I'm thinking late morning maybe 11 or 12? PG is participating in the youth march today. I'm not. Are you?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3124/2018 8:04:48 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox8E78FE4 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 8 :06:11 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
I probably should go. At 11 at City Hall? We could go to beginning and then meet?
Status: Read
Read: 3124/2018 8.06.19 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brarylSMSlsms.db . Ox8E782F9 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
312412018 8:06:16 AM(UTC-4)Di1'9Ction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I can you meet you at City Hall at 11.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/24/2018 8 08 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8E79DE1 (Table. message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/2412016 6:08:35 AM(UTC4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Liked "I can you meet you at City Hall al 11 . "
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 8 o8·5a AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8E79863 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3124/2018 10:49:16 AM(UTC4}Direction:Oulgoing, +15134170743
I'm not going to the march. Hit me up when you are done and we can connect then
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/24/2018 10:49:12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db Ox8E81569 (Table· message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/2412016 10:54:47 AM(UTC4}Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm here. Where you want to meet? I can meet you in 10-15?
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 10 55:14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . Ox8E82AD9 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 10:55:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312412018 10 5541 AM\UTC-4)
Source file: 1PhonelvarlmobilelllbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox8E826F4 (Table. message. cha\ Size 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 10:57:04 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "CE?"
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 10 57 42 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8E824E4 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
312412016 11:27:16 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 11 27:27 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8E85D66 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
312412018 11 :28:02 AM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I'm outside. Be in 10 mm
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3124/2018 11 2s·oo AMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobilellibrarytSMSlsms.db . Ox8E85BB9 (Table message. ct1 at, Size 220631040 bytes)
3124/2018 11 :33:1 2 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I'm outside. Be in 10 min''
Status: Read
Read. 3/24/2018 11 57 54 AM\UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8EB546C (Table message handle chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)

312612018 3:19:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming , +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Yo11 got a minute?
Status. Read
Reed: 312612018 3 26 37 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lel llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8EC7228 (Table message , handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
41212018 1:06:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1513&480188 (Greg Landsman)
You okay meeting with Berding tomorrow morning? I told PG ii was fine, but I worry about sitting down with him (again) before anything is
officially submitted to Council. What do you think?
Status: Read
Read: 4/2/2018 1 18 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox8F74FE8 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
41212018 1:19:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Yes. I'm okay. But i was thinking the same thing
Status: Sent
Delivered: 412120181 19 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8F7487F (Table. message, chat , Size 220631040 bytes)
4/2120181 :30:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480188 (Greg Landsman)
Let's reschedule for after we have something? Don't want to be playing games with Berding.
Status: Read
Reed: 4/2/2018 1 34 •32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvarlmob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox8F7487A (Table message. handle chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
4/212018 1:34:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I'm ok with that. Good idea
Status: Sent
Delivered: 41212018 1 34 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8F74420 (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
41212018 1:35:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151341707 43
Especially since folks are snooping around our schedule
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/212018 1.35 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8F74241 (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
41212018 1:35:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Especially since folks are snooping around our schedule •
Status: Read
Read: 4/212018 135 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db OxBF75F18 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
41212018 1:35:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
You want to reach out to him and PG?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 412/2018 1 35 57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8F75CEB (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
41212018 1:38:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
I can. Np. Texting you both now.
StDtus: Read
Read: 4/212018 13616 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8F75B04 (Table. message handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
418/2018 12:39:35 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Quote I sent to Enquirer:

"My focus will be on empowenng the residents and small business owners in the West End. whether this deal goes forward or not. I would
have preferred FC make a deal with UC to continue at Nippert - and I'm all for FC and becoming an international soccer city , but I don't
support sticking taxpayers with an enormous bill or forcing a stadium on a community that said no."
Status· Read
Read: 4/6/2018 12.44 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9027A77 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
4/6/2018 5:00:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
My priority from Day One has and will remain the residents of the West End. I want Cincinnati to become a Major League Soccer city. I've
enjoyed attending FC Cincinnati games. But I don't think it should come at such a great expense to the taxpayers. Our city 1s strugg ling with
many challenges that need our resources and attention. two of which are adequate affordable and income-based housing. This notion that
we should continue to subsidize big business on such a large scale and wait for it to trickle down to the working class is antiquated and
factually untrue. When we look at the disparities in our city of race and class . we have to remember that it's decisions like these that create
and perpetuate inequity
Status. Sent
Delivered: 4/612018 5 00 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel varl mobtle/ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox9033FE4 (Table. message chat. Size 22063 1040 bytes)
4/6/2018 5:01 :32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "My priority from Day One has and will remain the residents of the West End. I want Cincinnati to become a Major League Soccer city.
I've enjoyed attending FC C1ncinnat1 games. But I don't think it should come at such a great expense to the taxpayers. Our city is struggling
with many challenges that need our resources and attention. l\vo of which are adequate affordable and income-based housing. This notion
that we should continue to subsidize big business on such a large scale and wait for it to trickle down to the working class is antiquated and
factually untrue. When we look at the disparities in our city of race and class. we have to remember that it's decisions like these that create
and perpetuate inequity "
Status: Read
Read. 41612018 5 01.40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox9035F17 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)

4/612018 5:04:29 PM{UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
On Wednesday, I'm going to wa lk through the events of the last three months and how MLS/FC played everyone. We should have playeC'I
MLS. They need FC more than FC needs them . The should stay at Nippert and save everyone money. and avoid screwing over the WE.
Slaws: Reed
Read: 4/6/2018 S 05 12 PIA(UTC-4)
Source fde: 1PhOneJ\/arlmooileA.1b<arylSMS/s~.ab Ox9037FE8 (Table message handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
41812018 11:13:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction·lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Does 7 this evening still work to mee t with Alexis re: West End stuff. If not, no w orries. I want to still meet with her to talk things we can do to
help· and I have a few ideas of what we could introduce this week. But I w ant to make sure it works for them. and includes what they need.
Status: Read
Reed: 4/8120 18 11:19:45 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: IPhone/varlmobile/ Library/SM Stsms.db: Ox906FFE8 (Table: message handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
418/20181 1:20:57 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +1 ~ 70743
I will play ti by ear because I have to pick up- from Dayton and 11 wi ll depend on when she's ready. Can I let you know later?
Slatu.: Senl
D&!ivwed· 41812018 11:20:40 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms db Ox906F8E4 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
4181201811 :21 .31 AM(UTC-4)Diredlan:lncomlng, +151364S0186 !Greg Landsman)
Liked ·1 will play it by ear because I have to pick up from Dayton and 1t will depend on when she's ready. Can I let you know later?·
Status: Read
RIN!d 41812018 11 24 21 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobite/library/SMS/sms db Ox906F56S (Table . message handle. chat. Size 22063 1040 bytes)
419/201 8 11:18:04 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Got a minute lo talk West End motion?
Status: Read
Read: 4/9/2016 9:19:40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le /L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox 90790 0B (Table message handle chat . Size· 220631040 byt es)
41912018 9:42:27 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15134170743
H1! Just tried to call you and it goes straight to voicema1l. Call me later when you get a chance
Status. Senl
Dellvefed: 41912018 9 42:18 AMIUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mobdelL1brary1SM Slsms db Ox907AFE4 (Table message chal S•ze 220631040 by1es)
41912018 3:48:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743



IMG 5712.jpg
Status: Se111
De~vered 41912018 3 46 46 P M(UTC- ~ )

Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SI\/ S/sms db Ox908A3A4 (Table message. chat. attachment. S1z.e 220631040 bytes)
1Phonc/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/AUachments/63/03/0E4B8F67-0397-4030· 8FDC-CA3AAFG06964/IMG_ 5712.jpg. (Stze. 207084 bytes)
4/9/2018 3:51:18 PM(UTC-4)0ireclloo:lncomlng, +15138480188 (Greg Landsman)
You at City Hall?
Sllltus Read
Rea<I. 41912018 4 3Q 25 PM(UiC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/U b·ary/SM S/sms.db Ox908BBE6 (Table message handle . chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
41912018 4 :30:57 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
My phone has been acting shady all day. I ius t left a little while ago
Status: Sent
Dellvtred: 419/2016 4:30 :58 PMtUl C-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobil e/L1brary/SM Slsms.db : Ox9091 4B6 (Table· mes sage. chat. Size 220631040 by tes)
411012018 7:50:47 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Any feedback on motion. Wou ld like lo send 1t around today.
Status Read
Roe<t 4/10/2018 9 Z6 27 AM(UTC-4)
Source tile· 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSisms db Ox909C652 (Table. message handle Ghat S•ze 220631040 bytes)
4110/20 111 9:26:43 AM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +15134170743
I hke 1t but I don't fully understand it
GtaW.: Sent
DeMvered 4110/2018 9 26'43 .c.M(UTC-4J
Source file. 1Phooetvartmob1leiL1brarylSMS/sms db Ox909FABC (Table message, chat. S·ze 220631040 bytes)
411012018 9:26:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing , +15134170743
I should say I like the idea of it.
Status: S~llt
Delivered: 4/10/2018 9 26'S6 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: iPhoneN ar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox909FBC1 (Table 1T10ssaga chal, Size 22063 1040 bytes)
4110/2018 9 27·59 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
I'm working on actually writi ng legislation around the things you are proposing. Just mentioning them in this mohon doesn't do much 1f we
don t actually have this legislation
Slalus Stnl
OeWer9d. ~.'1()(2018 9 28 01 AM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/Vartmobile.'Library1SMS1sms db Ox909F517 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)

411612018 11 :31:44 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Hap to grab some food. Want anything? Heading up in 3...
Status: Read
Reed: 411612018 11 32 19 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/vartmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/srns db Ox9176FE8 {Table message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
411612018 11:32:58 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15134170743
Nope, I'm good. Thank you I I appreciate you. I have lo run out after we meet.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 411612018 1 I 32:57 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox9176005 (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
4/1912018 10:23:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
What time are you around today?
Statu$: Read
Read: 4/1912018 10:34 04 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l.Jbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox91BDCFC (Table message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
4119/2016 10·55:16 AM(UTC-4)Direction:OUtgojng, +15134170743
Hi! I'm here until 1
Status: Sent
OeUvered: 4/19/201810.55 16 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1leJL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox918E902 (Table message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
4/1912018 10:55:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Cool. I'll stop by.
Sletus: Read
Read: 4119/2018 11 24 26 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSfsms db Ox91BE807 (Table message. handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
411912018 5:01:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Call me
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4119/20 18 5 01.11 PMtUTC-4)
Source file : 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox91 D460F (Table message chat Size 22063 1040 byles)
4/2012018 1·06:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743


Janaya Troller. vcf

Status: Senl
Delivered: 4120/2018 1 07 22 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobde/L1brary/SMStsms db Ox9200681 (Table message, chat, attachment. Size. 220631040 bytes)
1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSIAttachments/Oef14/98457AFC-CB72-4956·BEF1-83545B68FE54/Janaya Trotter vet· (Size 152 bytes)
4124/2018 9:32:27 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)


~ #40
IMG 1676.Jpeg
Status. Read
Read:4124/2018 10.1947 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonefvar/mobliellibraryfSMSlsms.db Ox9276DA9 (Table message handle chat, attachment. Size 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/var/mob1lel l1brary/SM S/Attachments/48108fA2AC546E ·8A08-4806·9297-3000583F1601IIMG_1676 .Jpeg (Size 284 9599 bytes)
412412018 2:35:17 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hi! Why isn't this in your Committee?
Status· Sent
Deivered: 4124/2018 2·35.15 PM(UTC·41
Source file: 1Phonelvarfmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db 0.><9270780 (Table message chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
412412016 2:38:41 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Charter reform?
Status: Read
Read: 4/2417018 7 4 1 22 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SM$/sms.db Ox927D593 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 by1es)
4124'2018 2:38:51 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lnooming , +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Also. hil
Status: Read
Read: 4124/20 18 2 41 22 PM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1leflibrary/SMS!sms db Ox9270304 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
412412018 2:36:53 PM(UTC-4)01rectJon:lnooming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Status· Read
Read· 412412018 2 41 22 PMCUl C-4)
Source file. 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox9270221 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
412412018 2:41 :37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15134170743
Yes charter reform
Status. Sent
Oekver6d: 412412018 2 •1 36 PM(UTC-41
Source file: 1PhonelvarlmobliefL1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox927ECDF (Table· message chat Size· 220631040 bytes)

412412018 2:41 :45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Delivered: 412412018 2 41 .44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox927EB16 (Table· message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
412412018 2:41 :48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Because ....
Status: Read
Read: 4/24/2018 2.41 •59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonetvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox927E7BA (Table message handle chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
412412018 2:41 :53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743

Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/2412018 2·41 ·5 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox927E96B (Table: message chat. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
4124/2018 2:43:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Seelbach wanted to do this one thing, and in PG's committee (back before we were sworn in). PG put it in his committee to make Chris
happy. Seemed silly, but not worth the's in the committee.
Status: Read
Read: 4/24/2018 2 43-47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox927E605 (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
4/2412018 2:43:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Also ....
Status: Read
Read: 4/2412018? 43 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox927E2B9 (Table. message handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
412412018 2:43:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)

Status: Read
Read: 4/24/2018 2 43 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox927FFE8 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
412412018 2:44:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Got it
Status: Sent
Dehvered: 4/24/2018 2 44 .02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox927FE3B (Table message, chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
4/2812018 6: 19:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Sorry for the shitty reception
Status: Sent
DeHvered: 412812018 6 19·11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox92EC295 (Table message, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
4126/2018 6:19:35 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Let's talk tomorrow?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/28/2018 6 19 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms db : Ox92EDFE4 (Table· message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
412812018 6:36:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Sounds good. And no worries'
Status· Read
Read· 412812018 7 47 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ltb rary/SMS/sms.db . Ox92ED7A7 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
5/17/2018 9:37:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Got a second?
Stalus: Read
Read: 5117/2018 9 39 28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox94FC727 (Table message. handle. chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
5/23/2018 1:03:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
We meeting at CE?
Status: Sen1
Delivered: 5123/2018 1 03.00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms db . Ox9594B1E (Table. message. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
5/29/2018 2:22:14 PM(UTC-4)Dlreclion:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hi' I'm going to call you later regarding the streetcar motion
Status: Sent
Delivered: 512912018 2 22 17 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox96179D1 (Table message chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
5/29/2018 2:27:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
K. Just let me know'
Status: Read
Read: 5/2912018 2 32 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db . Ox96177AF (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
613/2018 11 :40:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Welcome home!'"
Status: Read
Read. 6/312018 12 04 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db . Ox96AF901 (Table. message handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)

613/2018 11:41 :16 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Try and stay up until Bish.
Status: Read
Read: 6/3/2018 12 04 13 PMcUTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/moblle/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox96AF812 (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/3/2018 12:04:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Thank you! Will do
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/3/2018 12 04:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms db Ox96AF637 (Table message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
811112018 6 :09:22 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
I'm about to send you a pie. Can you text 1t back to me?
Status· Sen<
Delivered: 6/1112018 6 09.20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox975CE16 (Table message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
6/1112018 6:18:37 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I'm about to send you a pie. Can you text it back to me?"
Status: Read
Read: 6/11/2018 7 41 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varl mob1lel L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox975C832 (Table message, handle chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
6/1612018 3:14:29 PM(UTC-<4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
I've never seen this guy EVER. Who is this?•?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3 14 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox9816E2B (Table. message. cha! Size 220631040 bytes)
6/1612018 3:14:49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No idea. Zero.
Status: Read
Read: 6/18/2018 3 15 04 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox9816C2E (Table· message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
6/1612018 3:14:55 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Like ever in my whole life
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3 14 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox9816A6D (Table. message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
6/1812018 3: 15:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Like ever
Status; Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3 15 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox9816896 (Table message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
611612018 3:15:49 PM(UTC-4)0irecllon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Who's the second guy?1
Status: Read
Read: 6/1812018 3 16 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox9817FEB (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
8/1612018 3:16:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Please , David. stop,
Status: Read
Read: 6/18/2018 316 25 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMSl s ms.db Ox9817C 16 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
611612018 3:16:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3 16 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db . Ox981 7601 (Table message. chat Size. 220631040 bytes}
8/1812018 3:16:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Oh! They do WiFi. Got it.
Status; Read
Read· 6/18/2018 3 17 09 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/m ob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox981 7363 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
611812018 3:17:27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Yepl The Wi Fi guys
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3.17 27 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox98 1BFE4 (Table. message. chat Size 2 20631040 bytes)
8/20/2018 10:22:42 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Yo . Where you at. Motion in your office ....
Status: Read
Read: 612012018 10 49 47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/m ob1le/L1brary/SMSl sms db Ox984E970 (Table message ha ndle cha t Size 220631040 bytes)
6/2112018 12:25:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
You got a minute?
Status; Read
Read: 6/21/2018 1 18 .49 PM1UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox9879DB6 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)

612312018 12:56:37 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Call me when you get a moment.
Status: Read
Read: 6/23/2018 2 01 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox98CFD27 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
612412018 12:58:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Of course I'll write a letter.
Status: Read
Read: 6/24/2018 12:58:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox9800A8A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631 040 bytes)
81241201812:58:39 PM(UTC4) Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 6/24/2018 12.58.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox98008A9 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
6/2412018 12:58:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743
Thank you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/24/2018 12:58 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox9800700 (Table· message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
8/2412018 12:59:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I appreciate it
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/24/2018 12.59.01 PM(Ul C-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox9800549 (Table· message, chat, Size. 2206310 40 bytes)
6/2412018 4:15:49 PM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Did you ever talk to PG?
Status: Read
Read: 6/24/2018 4:16:03 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: iPhonel var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox98DE686 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
6124/2018 4:17:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
No. I left him a message. He called me back yesterday. Will call him this evening. I did call Christie and Maurice as well.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/2412018 4 17 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox98DFFE4 (Table : message, cha t, Size. 220631040 byte s)
812412018 4:17:29 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "No, I left him a message. He called me back yesterday. Will call him th is evening. I did call Christie and Maurice as well."
Sllltus: Read
Read: 6/24120t8 4:19·40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox98EOF18 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
6/2512018 5:25:19 PM(UTC4) Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
PG is killing me right now
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/2512018 5 2515 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMSlsms.db : Ox991 4FE4 (Table: message. chat. Size· 220631 040 bytes)
6/2512018 5:25:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
It's too late for this shit
Status: Sent
Delivered: &125/2018 5:25 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/va r/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox9914EOB (Table: message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
6/2512018 5:25:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480188 (Greg Landsman)
Srotus: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 5.25 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : iPhone/var/mo b1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox9914 C30 (Table: message handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
6/26/2018 1:37:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hey you kids ! Get off lawn1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/26/2018 1 37 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox992AFE4 (Table message. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
612612018 1:37:16 PM(UTC-4)Directio n:Outgolng, +15134170743
And don't reference old emails
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6126/2018 1 37·16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox992AEOB (Table message chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
6/ 26/2018 1:37:25 PM(UTC-4) 0ireclion:lncoming, + 15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 6/2612018 1 37 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox992AC2A (Table. message, handle chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
7/212018 1:15 :39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You going to Columbus thing this month at OSU?
Status: Read
Read: 7/2/201 8 1 24·18 PM(UTC4)
Source file: iPhone/varimob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox9905312 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size· 22063 1040 bytes)

7/212018 1:24:34 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Vl{hal are the dales again?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/2/2 018 1 24 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox99D699A (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
7/212018 1:25:50 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Week of the 16th Need to find the email. ...
Status: Read
Read: 7/212018 1 26 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox99D67C9 (Table message handle chat Size: 220631040 bytes)

Chats (1)
! • These details are cross-feferenc&d rrom this aevoce's contacts

iMessage- +15134170743(1)

Participants: Start Time: 411612018 11 31 :44 AM(UTC-4)
+1513'11 70743 Last Activity: 10/12/2018 8 50 00 PM (UTC-4)
Tamaya Dennard ' (owner) Number or attachments: 11
Source: iMessage +151341 70743
Source file; 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db:
Ox139E 1CB (Table: chat, handle. message, Size
30273536 bytes)
Body file: chat-1. txt
Greg Landsman·

lamaya_denriard@yahoo com

4116120 18 11:31;44 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, •15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Had to grab some food. Want anything? Heading up in 3...
Slatu': Read
Delivered: 4/1bU018 11 Jl 'lOAM(U l(;-4)
Read 4/1612018 113220AM(UTC·4)
Source tile: 1Phone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMSlsms.db. Ox1E263B (Table: message. handle chat Size 3Cl273536 bytes1
4116/2018 11:32:56 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, tamaya_
Nope, I'm good. Thank you ' I appreciate you. I have to run out after we meet.
Status Sent
Source file: r/mob!le/L.brary/SMS1sms db Ox1E23DF (Tab4e message. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
4119/2018 10.23:33 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnoom1ng, • 15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
What time are you around today?
Status: Read
OeUvered: 4119/2018 t0:34:Cl5 AMtUTC-4)
Read· 4/1~/2018 10.34:05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox205607 (Table message. handle. Chai, Size 30273536 bytes)
411912018 10;55:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, tamaya_dennard@yahoo.oom
Hi' I'm here until 1
Status Senl
Source Ille iPhone1Var1mob1lerL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox20582F (Table· message chat Size 30273536 bytes)
411912018 10 55:33 AM(UTC-4)Direcllon Incoming, +1 5136460186 (Greg Ulndsman)
Cool. 111 stop by.
Status Read
Source tile· IPhone'Varimoo1le.1-1brary.SMS.sms dD Ox20A348 (Table message handle chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
411912018 5:01 :09 PM{UTC-4)Direcilon.Oul,golng, tamaya_dennard@yahoo.oom
Call me
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox2111 ES (Table message. chat, S12e 30273536 bytes)
412012018 1:06:48 PM(UTC-4)Dtrection:Outgoing, tamaya_dennard@yahoo,oom


Janava 1 rotter. vcf

Sta1us Sen~

Source file: 1Phoneivar1mob1lellAlraryrSMS.'sms db Ox2236A8 (Table. message chat attachment, Size 30273536 bytes/
J 1PhoneNartmob1le1t1brary1SMSrAtlachments'94/04;F9961 34F-BD36-40B1·AAC2·DA75B6FCDD501Janaya Trotter.vcl. (Size 152 by!CSJ
412412018 9:32:27 AM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)

Attachments: ----------

IMG 1678.jpeg
Status: Read
De~vered: 4/24/2018 10:19:47 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/24/2018 10:19:47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilelllbrary/SMSlsms.db. Ox26906E (Table. message, handle, chat, attachment, Size: 30273536 bytes)
iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SM SIAttachments/2e/14/20790164·79AD-4 EC9-AC5C-3F2E5087 4DE611MG_ 1678.jpeg : (Size: 284 9599 bytes)
412412018 2:35:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing,
Hi! Why isn't this in your Committee?
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox26B8AE (Table message, chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)
412412018 2:38:41 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Charter reform?
Status: Read
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox268674 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
4/2412018 2:38:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Also , hi!
Status: Read
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox26B468 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
412412018 2:38:53 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobde/Library/SMSlsms.db . Ox268268 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
4/2412018 2:41:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing,
Yes charter reform
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox26CFAA (Table· message. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
412412018 2:41 :44 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing,
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox26CD98 (Table: message. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
412412018 2:41:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Because ....
Status: Read
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox26CBA4 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
412412018 2:41:51 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing,

Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox26C9A2 (Table: message, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
412412018 2:43:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Seelbach wanted to do this one thing, and in PG's committee (back before we were sworn in). PG put it in his committee to make Chris
happy. Seemed silly, but not worth the fight.. .. so ... it's in the committee.
Status: Read
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox26C7A4 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
4/2412018 2:43:31 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Also ....
Status: Read
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox26C40B (Table· message, handle chat, Size· 30273536 bytes)
412412018 2:43:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)

Status: Read
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox26C20F (Table message. handle. chat Size. 30273536 bytes)
4124/2018 2:44:02 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing,
Got it
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox26DFAA (Table. message. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1712018 7:24:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Good morning! I need some help. Who are the$ folks at P&G, Western Southern ans Great American? Who decides when money is doled
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7117/2018 7:24 48 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox370FA1 (Table. message. chat, Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/17/2018 7:25:09 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I want to reach out to them
Status: Sent
Delivered: 711712018 7 25 07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox370CA9 (Table· message, chat, Size· 30273536 bytes)

7/171201610:52:06 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnrorning, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)


Brian Hodgett. vcr

Status: Read
Read: 7117/2018 11 '01 :44 AM(UTC·4)
Soorce file: iPhone/var/mobileilibrary/SMS/sms db Ox37724A (Table: message, handle, chat attachment. Size: 30273536 bytes)
iPhone/varl mobilellibrary/SMS/Attachments/Oe/14/C7961779-CE8F-49FA-9C79-51 B7D6C5F215/Brian Hodgett.vcf : (Size: 167 bytes)
7/1712018 5:27:03 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Will you support a suspension of the 72-hour eviction of occupants of 3rd Street until we can work towards less confusing solutions?
Status: Sent
Da~vered: 711712018 5·27:02 PM(UTC-4)

Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/ SMS/sms db · Ox387FA1 (Table· message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
711712016 5:32:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
I'd do a few days to a week.

I'd asked Patrick to have teams of people working with these folks, and to ensure they were being ca red for and treated with kindness.
Sounds like he needs another shot at this. But they do need to be moved into better situations.

I wouldn't want to open it up indefinitely, but also said publicly today that the 72-hour deal shouldn't be the barner to us getting this right.
Status: Read
Read: 711712018 5:32:28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox389FA1 (Table: message handle. chat Siz.e: 30273536 bytes)
7117/2018 5:47:45 PM(UTC4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you. I don't want forever but indefinitely gives us time to come up with something
Status: Sent
Dalivered: 7/1 71201 8 5:47:43 PMIUTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobilellibraryl SMS/ sms.db · Ox369774 (Table: message, chat, Size· 30273536 bytes)
711712016 5:47:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Can you please send me Seelbach's number?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/1712018 5:47:57 PM\UTC·4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobde/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db : Ox3894D4 (Table: message. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
711712018 5:51 :51 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)


Chris Sellbach.vcf
Status: Read
Read: 7/17120 18 5:53:04 PM(VTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmotule/Llb1ary/SMS/sms.db . Ox36A435 (Table. message handle. chat. attachment, Size: 30273536 bytes)
iPhonelvarlmobile/librarylSMSIAttachments/78/08/05E D85F 1-30C6-4890-9227·C9A630366396/Chns Sellbach. vcf . (Size 171 bytes)
7/1712018 5:53:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you 1
Status: Sent
Dolivered: 711 712018 5:53:09 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms db Ox38A1B9 (Table· message, chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
711712016 6:57:19 PM(UTC4)01rectlon:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Thank you t "
Status: Read
Read: 7/1712018 7'06:2 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iP hone/varlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox3803CC (Table: message. handle chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1712018 8;06:43 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tarnaya Dennartl)
I need your support on this
Status: Sent
Delivered: 711 7/20 18 8,06:4 1 PIVl\UTC-4!
Source file: 1Phone/Var/mobde/L1brarylSM Sl sms.db : Ox392B80 (Table: message , chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
711712018 8:07:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennartl)
Wendell and Chris are in
Status: Sent
Delivered: 11\ 7120 18 8 07 07 PM(UTC ·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobilelL1braryl SMSl sms db · Ox39271E (Table· message chat, Size: 30273536 b)'1es)
7/17/2018 8:10:03 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm 1n to delay, but not indefinitely. Let's meet with Patrick tomorrow together? See my quote in WCPO story .. I don't want to see the 72 hour
deal stop us from getting this right. Let's talk to CM about a delay and better plan. Cool?
Status; Read
Read: 7/17/201118 10 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonetva r/mobilelUbrary/S MSisms.db · 0~394 FA1 (Table: message handle, chat Size. 30273536 bytes)
7/1712018 8:13:17 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Indefinitely can picked up for another timeframe. It's a essentially a placeholders
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7117120188·13:16 PM1lJTC·4l
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobilelllbfary/SMS/sms .db Ox395FA1 (Table· message chat, Size 30273536 bytes)

7/1712018 8:14:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Cool. Talk in morning?
Status: Read
Read: 7/17/2018 816:06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox395DOB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/1712016 8:15:46 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman}
Also, I can meet with you and Patrick anytime tomorrow except noon. Emerge with a plan?
Status: Read
Read: 7/17/2018 8:16:06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox395900 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1612018 12:02:15 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Patrick won't honor my motion and John won't call me back for a special session
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 12:02 :13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3AAFA 1 (Table: message. c hat. Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/16/201812:05:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
He won't delay?
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 12:05:47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox3AA590 (Table : message, handle . chat, Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/1612018 12:05:50 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Stlltus: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 12:05:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox3AA383 (Table: message, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/161201812:06:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480166 (Greg Landsman)
How many of us want a delay? 5 or 6? Is Mann in?
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 12:10:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox3ABFA 1 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/18/201812:08:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Also, let's go see Patrick today. What time works for you .
Status: Read
Read: 7/18120 18 12:10:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox3ABD56 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
7/1612018 12:13:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
5. David is not supportive
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 12:13:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox3AB7FA (Table: message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/1 8/2018 12:15:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
5 is a majority. Let me get my workout in and then I'm game to go see him. Cool?
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 12:16:49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3ABSDB (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/18/2018 12:16:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 12:16:54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3AB34B (Table: message, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/1912018 8:45:59 AM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Good morning! Any luck with David Mann?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7119/20 18 8:45:58 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3D1464 (Table: message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 8 :46:07 AM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}
Should I call him?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 8:46:05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3D122D (Table: message. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/19/2018 8 :47:47 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Call him. Some luck.
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/20 18 8 : 49 - ~1 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox3D2SED (Table. message, handle, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes}
711912018 8 :50:09 AM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Ca n you please send me his number?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 8:50:07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3D23DA (Table: message , chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)

7/19/2018 8:57:07 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg landsman)


David M ann.vcf
Status: Reaa
Read: 7119120 18 8:57·21 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobllelL1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox303FA1 (Table rnessage, handle chat, attachment, Size: 30273536 bytes)
iPhone/vat1mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/d9/09106ACB5DO-E9A8·4A53·8B37-BBCA9E25ASSAIDav1d Mann.vcf (Size: 204 bytes)
7/19/2018 8:58:03 AM(UTC-4)Direct/on:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you. Sucks losing contacts
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 8:58.01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms db · Ox303B12 (Table. message. chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
7/1912018 8:58:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15135480186 (Greg Landsman)
The worst. Np.
Status: Read
Read: 7/1912018 8:58:53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibra r1/SMS/sms.db : Ox3D36CA (Table: message, handle, chat, Size · 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 11 :54:18 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just went down there. Call when you can.
Status: Read
Read: 7/1912018 11:55·05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilell1brarylSMS/sms.db. Ox3DBFA1 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 11:55:18 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
In my office with Patrick. Come in
Siatus: Senl
Delivered: 71191201811 55:1 6 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db : Ox308068 (Table· message. chat Size: 30273536 bytes}
712112018 12:51:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)


::.. ~

Status: Read
Re>td: 7121120 13 12 52:36 PM(UoC .. )
Source file: iPhone/llar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox41AFA1 (Table: message, handle chat, attachment, Size: 30273536 bytes)
iPhone/llar/mob1le/L1brary/SMSIAttachments/bc/12/03998272· 1400-4CEB·91 t0-4E7F783F31 ESl lmage-1.jpg : (Size: 396759 bytes)
7/31/2018 2:34:34 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! I'm not going to be at PG 's committee meeting due to an appointment. If there is a chance you don't think Janaya will have her votes.
please let me know. My appointment is downtown. I can zip back over around 4.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/3112018 2 34 32 PM{UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brarytSMSlsms.db : Ox52180C (Table. message. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
7/31/2018 2:37:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +151364S0186 (Greg Landsman)
I think we need to hold it until David has a chance to meet w ith Janaya and the chiefs to clarify a few things. Then I th ink he wil l vote with us,
and that's our six.
Status: Read
Raad: 7131/2018 2:38 12 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhoneNartmobilellibrarytSMS/sms db · Ox522FA1 (Table message, handle chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/3112018 2 :38:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Ok, she was coming at 3. You want to let her know? Or should I?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7131/20 t8 2 38:46 PM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/varfmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox522C63 (Table· message. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes}
7/3 1/2018 2:42:13 PM(UTC-4)DINICllon:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I let her know. It's still good for her to come , I think.
Stltus: Re ad
Read: 7/3112018 2 43 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonefvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox523FA1 (Table. message. handle. chat Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/31/2018 2:42:28 PM(UTC-4}0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just in case folks want to talk it and ask questions.
Slatus: Read
Roa.d: 713112018 2.43 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobllellibrary/SMSlsms db · Ox523D3F {Table: message. handle . chat Size 30273536 bytes)
7/3112018 2:43:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Good call.
Status: Senf
Delivered: 713112018 2.43:32 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/librarylSMSlsms.db Ox523 1E6 (Table message. chat Size 30273536 bytes)

6/1'2018 9:43:59 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, + 15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You coming to Council?
Status: Read
Read: 6/1/2018 9:44: 13 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilolLibrary/SMS/ sms.db : Ox5356A9 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
611/2018 9:44:17 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Be there at 1o
Status: Sent
Delivered: 811/2018 9:44.13 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel var/mobileflibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox535492 (Table: message. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes}
81112018 9:44:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:loooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Be there at 1O"
Status: Read
Read: 8/1/2018 9:44:24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox535217 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
81312018 10:04:01 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


R. 001 • Complaint.pd!
Status: Sent
Dellverad: 813/20 1810:04:00 AM\UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/ var/mobile/library/SMSl sms.db: Ox58E74F (Table: message, chat, attachment, Size: 30273536 bytes)
iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/Anachments/2d/13/BC2C43F9-A75D·44BD· 8A76-8CDEED335DODIR. 001 - Complaint.pdf (Size: 722451 bytes)
8/412018 1:08:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tameya Dennard)
Hi! Call me when you can
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 8/4/20 181 :08:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmoblle/library/SMSlsms.db : Ox5A4834 (Table: message. chat, Siz.e: 30273536 bytes)
814120181:09:04 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15134170743 {Tamaya Dennard)
Actually give me 15 minutes and I will call you right back
Status: Sent
Defiver&d: 8/4/2018 1.09:00 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhonelvarimobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox5A4618 (Table: message. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
81412018 1:22:38 PM{UTC-4)Direclion:lrn:oming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Actually give me 15 minutes and I will call you right back "
Status: Read
Read: 6/4/20 18 1:36:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: tPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox5A5E01 (Table. message. handle, chat, Siz.e: 30273536 bytes)
814/2018 1:27:18 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
It's your boy Kelly Houston.

IMG 3192.ipeg
Status: Read
Read: 814/20 18 1:36:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile!L1brarylSM Slsrns.db : Ox5A5C58 (Table: message, handle, chat, attachment. Soze: 302n536 bytes)
1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMSIA1tachments189109/4218A6EF-228E-4645-B8C3-71961F293C16/IMG_3192.jpeg : (Size: 981596 bytes)
814/2018 1:37:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's my guy'll Love him!!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 814/2018 1:36.59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonei var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox5A5987 (Table: message. chal. Size 30273536 bytes)
8/812018 2:53:$5 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya De1111ard)
Hi! Call me when you can. Don't understand why we have to notify admin regarding moratorium
Status: Sent
Delivered: 816/2018 2:53:55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox61D44C (Table: message. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
8/9/201810:55:40 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
The city is going to have several million in carry over, and we already have a million in the bank (auditor sent that letter last week saying we
got more revenue than expected from property taxes ). We use th is, as long David is in, and draft our own ordinance funding these items with
the fund balance. I think we should then drop the billboard tax. but PG wants to see it play out in court.
Status: Read
Reed: 8/9/2018 11:26:09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/ varlrnob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db : Ox6304BD (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
8/912018 11 :26:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I think we should drop the billboard tax as well
Status: Sen\
Delivered: 819/20 18 11 26.42 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms db : Ox63EBAA (Table: message. chat Size: 30273536 bytes)

819/2018 11:30:4S AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncom111g , +1513&480186 (Greg LAndaman)
Liked ·1 think we should drop the billboard tax as well"
Status: Read
Read: 819/2018 11 42 27 AM(UTC-4)
Source file 1Phone/var/mobllcllibrarylSMS1sms.db Ox63E8C7 (Table message, hanole chat Size 30273536 byl es)
811112018 4.50:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:OU1go111g, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Do you have a number for Jim N eil?
Status: Se111
Delivered: 811112018 4 ·50 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/moblleJLibrary/SMS1sms.db . Ox672501 (Table message, chat. S•ze 30273536 bytes)
8111/2018 4 "52:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Laodsman)
Loi No.
Status: Read
Read: 8/1112018 4:53. 15 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phcnel var/mob1le1Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxG73AGE (Table message handle chal S1z.e 30273536 bytes)
811112018 4 :53:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:orring, +15138460186 (Greg Landaman)
rm sure I can get 1t
Status: Read
Read: 8/11/2018 4 53 .15 PM1UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobllellibrarylSMSlsms.db: Ox673875 (Table message. handle. chal , Size. 30273536 bytes)
8/1112018 4:53:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Oennanl)
Thank you
Status Sent
Delivered 8/11/2018 4 53:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source flle: iPhonelva1/moblie/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6732FE (Table: message. chat, Siz.e. 30273536 byles)
8111/2018 5:53:49 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:lncomirig, +15i36480186 (Greg L11ndsman)


Jam NE!_I vcf

Stawt: R~ad
Read 811112018 6·00 49 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phonel11ar/mob1le/L1braf)'/SMS/sms .db . Ox676A2 1 (Table message handle. chat allachmenl. Size 30273536 byles)
iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/Attachmenls/521021893F SF7E-92FE-49A6-91OF-F0824749C9A6/J1m Neil. vcf (Size. 164 bytes)
8111/2018 6:00:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you "
Status Sc111
0euv11111d af111201e a.oo S!'i PMtUTC.4>
Source Ille: iPhone/var/mobllell 1brary/SMSlsms db · Ox6767A5 (Table me'9age. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
81151201810:33:11 AM(UTC-4)0irection:tncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You got Tamara?
S1atus Ru<!
Reed; 811512018 to 36 08 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/Var/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms db . Ox607338 (Table message, handle . chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
8/15/2018 10:36:15 AM(UTC-4)0irection·Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tam11ya Dennard)
Status Stot
Delivered 811512018 10 36 20 AWtUTC-4)
Source Illa: 1Phone/var1mob1le/l1brarylSMSlsms db Ox608FA 1 (Table message chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
8/1512018 10:36:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15136480186 (Grag undsman)
Status Read
Read: 811512018 1036 32 A'AIUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobdeilt0rary1SMS1sms.db: Ox608DBO \Table message handle chat Size. 30273536 bytes)
8/1512016 10:36:37 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You got her cell?
status R•ad
Reed 8•15'2018 10:36·38 Al!llJ-C-<1 1
Source f~e: iPhone'va·!mob•lell1brarylSMS'sms db· 0K60808F (Table message. handle chat Size · 30273536 bytes)
8/15/2018 10.36:54 AM(UTC4)0irection.Outgomg, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Slatus· ~e"I
Delivered 8'1512018 10.36 ~3 AMCUTC 41
Source tile. •Phone/var/mob le'L1b,ary'S'ilS'sms <lb Ox608982 (Table message char Sze 30273536 bytes)
8115/2018 10:37:01 AM(UTC-4)0iraction.lncommg, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yep :).
S!Ellus: Reed
Reed: 811512018 10 37 01 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: .Phonerva·1mobtleiL,b•ary1SMSmns.db Ox606 09 (Table rressage handle chat Size 30273536 oytes)
811512018 10:38:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I don't I'm sorry.
Status: S•111
Delivered 8115/2018 103801 AM1UTC-4)
Source file· 1Phonervar:rrob.le'L1brary1SMS.s'l'ls db Ox6085CO (Table mc&sage c"iat S12e 30273536 bylesl

811512018 10:39:34 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm going to be in your neck of the woods today at noon
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8115/2018 10:39·33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox609FA 1 (Table: message. chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
811512018 10:42:40 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Mt. Washington ?!
Status: Read
Read: 811512018 10 48·17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db Ox609881 (Table message handle, chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)
8/1512018 10:48:21 AM(UTC-4)Direciion:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8115/2018 10 48:22 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6DA854 (Table: message, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
8115/2018 10:48:29 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Sweets and Meats
Status: Sent
Delivered: 811512018 10:48 29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db · Ox6DA663 (Table: message, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8/1512018 10:48:54 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
So good.
Status: Read
Read: 8/ 15/2018 11 :01 45 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6DA45A (Table: message, h andle, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
8120/2018 12:58:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Is there a place I can get some traditional Jewish foods for an appetizer spread. Or what foods would you suggest?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/20/2018 12:58:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox793FA1 (Table: message, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8129/2018 9:06:19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Still on for 1O: 15?
Status: Read
Read: 8/29/2018 9.06 33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox894BFO (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
812912018 9:06:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I didn't know we had a 10: 15 today . I'm not going to make it. I'm sorry
Stlltus: Sent
Delivered: 8129/2018 9·06 51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarl mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8946BD (Table message chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
8129/2018 9:29:30 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
No worries. You mad at me?
Status: Read
Read: 8/29/2018 t0.01 25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1braryl SMS/sms db Ox8957CA (Table : message, handle. chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
812912018 10:03:03 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
No, not at all. Just exhausted, feeling under the weather. How are you?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/29/2018 10 03 03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varl mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox896778 (Table message. chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)
8129/2018 10:03:38 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480188 (Greg Landsman)
Same. Super tired. Is it weather? I just want to go home and sleep.
Stlltus: Read
Read: 8/2912018 10.03 42 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox896500 (Table· message. handle, chat Size 30273536 bytes)
812912018 10:03:52 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480188 (Greg Landsman)
(I'm needy. Sorry. Loi)
Status: Read
Read: 8/29/2018 10 03 53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8962BE (Table. message handle. chat Size 30273536 bytes)
8/29/2018 10:04:01 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
We have a meeting today?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/2912018 10 04 02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilel llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox897FA 1 (Table message chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8/29/2018 10:04:05 AM(UTC4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm needy too
Stlltus: Sent
Delivered: 8/29/2018 10 04 05 AM(UTC-4 )
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox897 A84 (Table message chat Size 30273536 bytes)
8/29/2018 10:04:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I'm needy too"
Status: Read
Read; 8/29/2018 to 04 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8977FB (Table message handle. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)

8/2912018 10:04:15 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Cou ncil meeting?
Status: Sent
DeNvered: 8/2912018 10 04 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8975DB (Table message, chat Size 30273536 bytes)
8129/2018 10:04:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No council.
Status: Read
Read: 812912018 10.04 24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox8973D2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8129/2018 10:04:28 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 812912018 10:04 27 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxB971D1 (Table message chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8/29/201810:04:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Good"
Status: Read
Read: 812912018 10 04 36 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1lel ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox898F35 (Table message handle, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8/29/201810:04:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I probably wasn't coming. I'm really exhausted
Status: Sent
Delivered: 812912018 10 04 57 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox898D2B (Table. message, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
81291201810:05:04 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 812912018 10:05 05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox89BADC (Table message, handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
8130/2018 10:59:46 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
That was amazing.
Status: Read
Read: 813012018 10.59 53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varl mob1lellibraryl SMSlsms.db OxBBB211 (Table message. handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
8/30/2018 11:00:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes. it was
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/3012018 t10034 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1braryl SMSlsms db Ox8BCB31 (Table· message, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8/30/2018 11:18:45 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Yes , it was"
Status: Read
Reed: 813012018 11 22 09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxBBDF2E (Table message, handle. chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8/31/2018 7:16:28 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
How you going to have a circus without animals?! C'mon. man 1 Loi
Status: Read
Read: 8131/2018 7 18•04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ltbrary/SMSlsms.db OxBF5C42 (Table message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
8/31/2018 7:18:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/3112018 7 18 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox8F5904 (Table message chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
917/2018 7:13:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Do you remember what Harry originally asked for?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9nl2018 7 13 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox9AB761 (Table message chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
9n/2018 7:35:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 9n/2018 ·1 5214 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary1SMSlsms.db Ox9A957F (Table message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
9/1 112018 10:59:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
With Mann, walking in.
Status: Read
Read: 911112018 11 15 50 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel var/mob11e 1Ubrary1SMS/sms db OxA27740 (Table message handle. chat Size 30273536 bytes)
911212018 4:15:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yo . When is work group starting?
Status: Read
Read: 911212018 4 2819 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxA50582 (Table message handle. chat Size 30273536 bytes)

911212018 4:28:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Soon. Hopefully in the next two weeks
Status: Senl
Delivered: 9/12/2018 4 28 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel varlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxA5174D (Table message. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
9/1212018 5:05:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Lemme know how I can help. Whatever you need.
Status: Read
Read: 9/1212018 5:07 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: IPhone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxA53FA 1 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
9/14/2018 6:48:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! I need a big favor. Are you available at 10 to speak with Public Allies for about 10-15 minutes this morning?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/14/2018 6:48:40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db OxA77891 (Table· message chat Size. 30273536 bytes)
9/1412018 7:49:09 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Is 10:30 possible?
Status: Road
Read: 911412018 7 49 . 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonetvarlmobtle/L1braryl SMSlsms.db OxA7C035 (Table message, handle. chat , Size. 30273536 byles)
9/14/2018 7:50:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Let me check
Status: Sent
OeUvered: 9114/2018 7"49.55 AM(UTC-4)
Source ftle: iPhonelvar/mobilelllbrarylSMSlsms.db . OxA7C287 (Table· message, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
9n4/2018 7:54:25 AM(UTC-4JDireetion:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya D&nnar<IJ
Yes. Jazz said 10:30 works. I really appreciate you. Will send details to you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9114/2018 7 54 .24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: IPhone/var/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxA7DD8C (Table message, cl1at. Size: 30273536 bytes)
9/1412018 7:54:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743 (Temaya Dennard)
Thank you so much!
Status: Senl
Delivered: 9114/2018 7 54·31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxA7D7AA (Table: message. chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
9/1412018 7;56:12AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Just sent the location to you. Thank you again!
Status: Se111
Delivered: 9/14/2018 7 56: 12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxA7D59D {Table message. chat. Size· 30273536 byles)
9/14/2016 8:09:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked · Just sent the location to you. Thank you again!"
Status: Read
Read: 911~12018 s ·13.53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Ph0ne/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms .db OxA80F08 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 30273536 by1es)
9/2712018 7:44:12 AM(UTC-4)Dlrect!on:Outgoing, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Good morning 1 Do you have a cell number for Steve Leeper?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 912712018 1 44 12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var1mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2CFA 1 (Table: message. chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
912712018 7:45:12 AM(UTC-4)Diredion:lnooming , +15138460166 (Greg Landsman)


Steve Leeper.vcl
Status: Read
Read: 9127/ 2018 7.52 5-0 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC2CD46 (Table message. handle. chat attachment. Size: 30273536 bytes)
1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachments167/07/ F9070241- 1SOA-4 24 C-A839-2C 81E207B1 AA/Steve Leeper.vcf · (Si2e· 167 bytes)
912712018 7:52:53 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you 1
Stntus: Senl
OeUvered: 9127/2018 7:52 55 AM\UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC2F FA 1 (Table· message chat Size· 30273536 bytes)
9/27/2018 10:46:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
I called Mark at Dinsmore using the switchboard. I don't know Mark. You have a relationship with him. I couldn't pick him out of a line up.
Tim Burke and I were at war al one point. But I knew he could help so I called him. I decided to call these folks because I was tired of
watching others mess this up. And then I turned around and told you about every single conversation to be sure you were in the loop. You
know all of them. some better than me. You could have called them too. Sorry I came to meeting with you and Mann. I thought the three of
us working together on this was what we all wanted. Won't happen again.
Status: Read
Read: 9/27120 18 10.53 2 1 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbraryl SMSl sm s.db OxC33FA 1 (Table. message. handle Chat. Size· 302 73536 byles)

912712018 11:30:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
What are you talk ing about? My post?
Status: Sent
Deliwred: 9/271201811 30 42 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobole/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxC34B63 (Table message. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
9/27/2018 12:00:27 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Jncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "What are you talking about? My post?"
Status: Read
Read: 9/2712018 1 06.24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelva r/mobilelLibrarylSMS/sms db OxC3428B (Tabl e: message , handle, chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
101212018 8:05:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Ho• Where are you on Issue 1?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 101212018 8.05 33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC90AA6 (Table message chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
10/2/2018 8:25:14 AM(UTC-4)Dire<:tion:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Reed
Read : 1012/2018 8 28 03 AM(UTC-•)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/UbrarylSMS/sms db OxC90381 (Table message handle chal Size 30273536 bY1es)
10/2/2018 8:28:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennaro)
Wo uld you be comfortable attending a press conference tomorrow morning? Also. we should catch up and talk about your text
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1012/2018 8 28 35 AM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC 91FA1 (Table message, chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
101212018 8:28:44 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
And my FB post
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1012/2018 8 28 44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db OxC91650 (Table· message, chat Size 30273536 bytes)
10/2/2016 9:08:38 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Yes and yes.
Status: Read
Read: 10121201891 142AM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC93068 (Table message handle chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
10/2/2018 9:08:45 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
What time tomorrow?
Stotus: Read
Read: t0/212018 9. tl 42 A~l(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC93B66 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
10/2/2018 9:08:58 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
And whenever next week.
Status: Read
Read: 1012120189 l 142AM(UTC 41
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxC9365C (Table: message. handle chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
10/2/2018 6:49"09 PM(UTC-4)Direc1ion:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)

1mage1eeg O 1pg
Status: Senl
Dellvered· 1012/2018 6 ~9 10 PM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brarylSMS/sms db OxCA7606 (Table· message. chat attachment Size 30273536 by1es)
iPhone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMSIAt1achmen1s196/06104D42D1 C-A2E0-449D-85BA-853E2B1 BFFA8/1mage1peg_O.JP9 (Size 111 787 bytes)
10112/2018 8 :50:00 PM(UTC-4)01reciion:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Just dialed on accident Sorry
Status: Senl
Delivered: 1011212018 8 52 3 1 PM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobde/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxE32696 (Table message chat Size 30273536 bytes)

Chats (1)
I • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15136460186 (1)

# Deleted
Participants: Start Time: 11i26/20 17 3:05 43 PM(UTC-5)
+15136460186 Last Activity: 11120/2018 10:13:40 PM(UTC-5)
Number of attachments: 22
Source: 1Message. +15136460186
Source file: Gregory l andsman's
1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox2B2D301
(Table chat handle, Size. 50020352 bytes)
+ 15134170743
Body file: chat-1.lxt
Tamaya Dennard'
1/212016 9:11 :33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You were amazing today. I couldn't be more excited for you and the city. You·re going to do great things. Im really lucky to be working with
you . Have fun tonight
Status: Senf
Delivered: 112/2016 9·11 38 PMlUTC·IJ)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/litlrary1SMSlsms.db . Ox614B65 (Table. message. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/212018 10:07:14 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you, Greg! I appreciate you. Ready lo make some things happen
Status: Read
React 1/3/2018 a·o& 23 AMlUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary1SMS/sms.db • Ox61 EFE8 (Table: message handle chal Srze 50020352 byi es)

1/312018 8:06:28 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Thank you, Greg! I appreciate you. Ready to make some th ings happen"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/3/2018 8:06:32 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox62094F (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/4/201812:57:22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I got my list. I'm pumped. Let me know when you have time. No rush.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/4/2018 12:57:23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox639FE4 (Table. message, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/412018 2:06:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's awesome. Will have mine in the morning. I'm excited as well. I'm working at DI today
Status: Read
Read: 1/412018 2 36·36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phoneivar/mobile/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox63BFE8 (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
114/2018 2:36:42 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 114/2018 2.36.43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1lelllbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox63CDDE (Table. message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/412018 4:04:53 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Did you sign this?

20180104 143653 1515099760882.IPS
Status: Read
Read: 1/4/2018 4:16:26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox63D3FB (Table: message. handle , chat. attachment, Size : 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachments/b4104/886D53BE-AE9D-4ED 1-903F-9A6828FECC3F/20180104_14 3653_ 1515099760882.jpg :
(Size. 137179 bytes)
1/4/2018 4:16:32 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Yeah .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/4/2018 4:16:36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db · Ox63EFE4 (Table: message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/412018 4:18:52 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Cool. Me too
Status: Read
Read: 1/4/2018 4 39.16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox63E795 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/4/2018 4:39:18 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Cool. Me too"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/4/2018 4 39.21 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmob1le/LlbrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox63E566 (Table message chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/8/2018 2:10:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Are you no on version 1?
Status: Read
Read: 1/8/2018 2.11:32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox69E85F (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/812018 2:11 :48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
No on 1, Yes on 2.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/8/2018 2:11 49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox69E68C (Table. message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
118/2018 2:12:05 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yep. Me too
Status: Read
Read: 1/8/2018 2.12.14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox69FE3F (Table message, handle, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/8/2018 2 :48:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'm going to move we table ii for two weeks. This is super confusing.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/812018 2 46 29 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMSl sms.db Ox6A3552 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/8/2016 2:47:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm good with this
Status: Read
Read: 11812018 2 48.50 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1braryl SMS/sms.db Ox6A4A5D (Table message, handle chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
11812018 2:59:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm going to abstain
Status: Read
Read: 1/8/2018 2.59•23 PM(UTC·b)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6A5BOO (Table. message. handle, chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/8/2018 2:59:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked " I'm going to abstain "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/812018 2 59 30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox6A5897 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/14/2018 11 :22:02 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Where did we say for lunch?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/14/2018 11 22 03 AM(UTC-5)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox710463 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
111412018 11:23:03 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wild Eggs in Oakley. That still work?
Status· Read
Read: 1114/2018 11 25 22 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . Ox711FEB (Table message, handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/14/2018 11 :25:24 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Wild Eggs in Oakley. That still work?"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 111412018 11 25 26 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox71106C (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/1412018 11:25:29 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/14/2018 11 25 30 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox711B66 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/1412018 11 :25:36 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I remember now :).
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/14/20 18 11 25 37 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox7119B1 (Table· message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/14/201 811 :25:41 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
See you at noon .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1114/2018 11 25 42 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7117EB (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/141201811:26:00 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yep . See you then !
Status: Read
Read: 1/14/2018 11 26.10 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7112A5 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 by1es)
1/1512018 9:53:08 AM(UTC-S)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


IMG 0172.1pg
Status: Read
Read: 1/1512018 10 01 58 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox71DC7A (Table. message, handle, chat. attachment. Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1iellibrary1SMS/Attachmentsl02102/56E 16566-9B57-4C 15-9C26-74CB33112DC9/IMG_0172.Jpg . (Size 92373 bytes)
1/15/2018 10:02: 16 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1512018 10 02 18 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db: Ox71DA12 (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/19/2018 2 :23:14 PM(UTC.5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
CD ROM , though?
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 2 24 23 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox78A2A4 (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/1 9/2018 2 :23:24 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status Read
Read: 1/19/2018 2 24 23 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox78BFE8 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/ 1912018 2 :24:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460188
Status. Sent
Delivered: 1/1912018 2 2• 38 PMtUTC-~)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7BBBAB (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/22/2018 2 :39:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
That got uncomfortable
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/22/2018 2 39 32 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7CEB4D (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)

1/30/2018 6:25:36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
He's trying to move closer to the left
Status: Read
Read: 1130/2018 6·27 03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox896FE8 (Table· message, handle, c hat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/3012018 6:26:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
What's up with that short jacket of Jeff's?
Status: Read
Read: 1/30/2018 6:27 :03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8960F9 (Table message, handle . chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/30/2018 6:30:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wait 1 I thought the foundation he works with epilepsy
Status: Read
Read: 1130/2018 6:3 1.12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/libra ry/SMS/sms.db: Ox896BFC (Table message, handle , chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/30/2018 6:30:23 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Helped with epilepsy
Status: Read
Read: 1/30/2018 6:31 :12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox8969F1 (Table message. handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/30/2018 6:31:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I think it's fake. Either way.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/30/2018 6.31.46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox896637 (Table message, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/30/2018 6 ;32:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dannard)
It is
Status: Read
Read: 1/30/2018 6:33:14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox89629D (Table· message, handle , chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
2/5/2018 2 :09:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480166
Want to sign if he updates language? We can do after meeting, I guess. Or will he ask us to vote on it today?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/5/2018 2 09 29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8F8FE4 (Table: message, cha t. Size 50020352 bytes)
2/8/2018 12:20:55 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Yo. One idea on the Op Ed is to add something each member has gotten done or is working on. A shout out to each person.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/8/2018 12:20.44 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox938864 (Table message. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
21912018 11:48:42 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dannard)
Hi' I've decided not to move forward with the op-Ed. You are welcome to write it but I don't want my name on it. After what the Enquirer tried
to do to me last year, I don't want to contribute to them more than I need to.
Status: Read
Read: 2/9/2018 11 :48:47 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox94AFE8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
219/2018 12:31 :27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Okay. Do you still want to work on those three items? I think we should do something to pull the conversation and our col leagues toward a
place of collaboration . Better together, I think .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 219/201812.31 27 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox94A82F (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
2/9/2018 12:34:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 2/9/2018 12 34:36 PM(UTC- 5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox94A36D (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
2/9/2018 12:36:31 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Awesome. Beyond Civility is in. We just need to send Sean some language. I'll work on that. You still okay calling Camp Joy to see if they
could do something? I can help with funding . Maybe we bag the pledge?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 219/2018 12 36 16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox94BFE4 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
2/1312018 11:02:30 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
You around?
Status: Read
Read: 2/13/2018 11 .18·50 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox977DA7 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
2/13/2018 11 : 19:38 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Pulling in.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/13/201811·1917 AMtUTC 5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox9789E3 (Table message chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
2116/2018 12:15:20 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Shae Williams , Jazzmen Murphy, Eddie Johnson. Marcus Peters. Joy Davis, Charles Craddock. Terrell Jackson, Asia Royles.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/16/201812.1521 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9C67D7 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
2119/2018 7'30;08 PM{UTC-S)D1rec11on·lncomil1g, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes. I m good. I have to take . to a medical appointment where she has to undergo anesthesia. She's scared and asked if I can take her.

Please keep that to yourself.

Status: Read
Read. 2/19/20 18 7.30.14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phooe/varlmob1lelL1brarytSIAS'sms.db Ox 9F948B (Table message, handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
2119/'2018 7 30 26 PM(UTC-5}Drrecboo:Outgoing, +1513&480188
Of course. Need anything?
Status: Senl
Daliver&d: 2119/?0 18 7 30 28 PM1UTC-~)

Source flle: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brery/SMS/sms.db Ox9FAFE4 (Table message. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
211912018 7:30.39 PM(UTC-5)Dlredlon:Outgolng, +15138480186
You're good people Tamaya.
St.&tus: Sent
Dellverecl: 2/19120' 8 7 30 40 PM(UTC-SI
Source f~e: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/moblle, L1brarylSMStsms.db : Ox9FAEOD (Table message chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
211912018 7:30:44 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
No. But thank you.
Status: Reed
Read: 2J191201b 7.30.51 PM(UTC·51
Source file: Grego<y Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mobdelUbra'Y'S'iAS:sms.db Ox9FAC36 tTable message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
211912018 7.30:48 PM(UTC-S)Diredlon'.lncomiog, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
So are you
Status: Read
Read: 2119/2018 130 51 PM(UTC-~)

Source file: Grego<y Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1lelL1brory/SMSlsms db Ox9FAA71 (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
211912018 731 ·20 PM(UTC-S)Direct1on·Outgoing, +15136460188
Thanks. friend
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/19/2018 7:31 :20 PMtU rC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary1SMS/sms.db. Ox9FA8BB (Table. message chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
2123/2018 4:12;36 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Hey friend . Are you still meeting with Sue Peter and I? If not we'll get started.... no worries.
S1etus: Sent
DeliYMed· 212312018 4 15 17 PM,UTC·Sl
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le1L1brarylSMSf sms db OxA7772D (Table message chat, Size. 50020352 b)lles)
2123/2018 4:18:42 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Was that today ?
Sltttus. Rtu•c.J
Read: 2123/2018 4 34 29 PM\UTC 5)
Source flle. G•ego<y Lanosman s 1Phonetvar/mobdell1bra<y1SMS1sms.db OxA79FE8 (Table -nessage handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
2/2312018 4·35 47 PM(UTC-5)D1rection:Outgoing, •15136480166
Yeah, but I got 1t. No worries! I'll 1111 you in on Monday! It no b1gg1e.
Status: Sent
O&~verod: 212312018 4 35 49 PM(UTC-~I

Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1PhoneJvar/ OxA79S2D (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
212712018 3:15.13 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:tncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I don't like her
Status: Read
Read: 212712016 315 45 PMtUTC-51
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1ie/l1brarylSMS/sms db OxAC36A3 (Table message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
2127/2018 3:15:52 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Ou\g()jng, +15136460166
Melanie or Eve?
Status: Senl
Delivered ''27"018 3 15 51 Pt.1UTC·51
Source file Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mcb lell1brary.SMSJsms db OxAC34DA (Table tncssage cnat. Size 50020352 by1esi
212712!>18 3·1&: 15 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
SIEltus: Read
Read: 2127/2018 J 16 40 PM1UTC·!>)
Source file· Gregory Landsman s 1Ph0ne/var/mobile.'l1brary•SMS1sms.db OxAC331B (Tab.e message. handle cnat. Size !>002Ci352 b-jles)
212712018 3:18 20 PM(UTC-S)Direclion:lncoming, •15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Road
Road. 2127120 18 3. 1G 40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone1varlmobiie'Llbrary/SMSlsms db OxAC4FE8 (Table. message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
212812018 6:26.06 AM(UTC·5)Dlrectton:lncoming, +151341 70743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi' Donna Jones Baker invited me to 9 30 meeting with you this morning but I won't be able make 11 Can you debrief me later?
Sre\u$· Rud
Read: 2·2812018 8 33 46 ...,.\,UTC ~·

Source file. Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMS1sms.db OxACCFE8 (Table message handle. chal Size. 50020352 bytes)
212812018 8:33:55 AM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460166
Liked "Hil Donna Jones Baker invited me to 9·30 meeting with you this morning but I won't be able make 11 Can you debnef me later?
Sllltus: Serl
0Eiv!!r£d: 2'28/2018 8 33 :.3 Ml1UlC·~)
Source file. Gregory Lardsman s 1Phcnel\ar/mob1 e,t. b1ar~1SfJIS smsdb OxACEF1 4 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)

2128/201 8 12;05:1 2 PM (UTC-5)Dire<:tion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Call me when you can. Have you gotten requests to delay evening meeting so Administration can get everything in order I'm told people are
freaking out...not sure how real 11 is. Maybe we ask Melissa? Or you probably already have.
Status: Sent
OelivereCf: 2128120 18 17 05.12 PM(UTC -5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Pt\onelvarlm ob1lc/L1brary/SMSlsms.Cfb OxAD6442 (Table· message chat, Size 50020352 bytes}
2128/2018 12:05:5 1 PM(UTC-S)Dinlclion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tameya Dennard)
In a meeting. Call you shortly.
Status: Read
Reed: 2/2812018 12 06.59 PM{UTC·5)
So urce file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmoblle/L1b1arylSM S/sm s.db : OxA07FE8 (Table: message. handle c hat Size 50020352 bytes)
2/2812018 12:07:05 PM(UTC-S)Olrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "In a meeti ng. Call you shortly. "
Status: Sen1
Oelvered: 2128/2018 12;07 02 Pl~(UTC-5)
Source fde. Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/llar/mobile/L1brory/SMSlsms.db OxA0107B (Table message chat S ·ze 50020352 bytes)
31612018 8:33:33 PM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:Outgoing , +15138-460186


IMG 1428.JPG

IMG 14 17.JPG
IMG 1419.JPG IMG 1416.JPG
Status: Sent
Oeiver~. 316r.1018 6.34 10 PM1UTC 5) 0

Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonefvar/mob1lelUbrary/SMSlsms.db OxB98DFF (Table message , chat. attachment. S1z.e. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory landsman's iPhone/v ar/mob11ellibrary/ SMS/Attachments/45/05/79B1434C-897B-4024-B707·A9537F3C653All MG_1428.JPG : (Size. 2508803 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/moblle/Library/ SMS/Attachments/OOIOOl2C630658·DE18-4810·BOB0-3BAF3F9924EBllMG_1427.JPG · (Size· 2367804 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phonetvar/mobile/Library/SMSIAttachmentslffi15/B4340EEB·80D9-4 496·BB36·6F009C50C2C6/IMG 1423.JPG. (Size 22651 68 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvartmob11elL•brarylSMS/Allachments/62102/702F4967-6C09·4 9F1·BD46-F42EBBC 161FE/IM~_141 9.JPG (Size. 2041431 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonetvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/cc/121CE546463-2B56-4980·BD1B-08CC6595F169/IMG_1417.JPG (Size 21 48327 bytes)
Gregoty Landsman s 1Phonetvarlmob1le/L1btB!Y/SMSIAttachments/56/0615670B318·098F·4889-80B4-5AD654B 1796FllMG_ 1416.JPG (Size 2137223 bytes)
31612018 6:49 47 PM(LrTC·S)Oiredlon.lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Oennerd)
Thank you for be ing there tonight! I apprecia te you•
Status: Rea<J
Read: 3/612018 8 20 11 PM(UTC·S)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phoneivar/mobile/l1brary1SMSlsms.db OxB99DA5 (Table: messege, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
316/2018 8:20.32 PM(UTC-5)Dlreaion:Outgoing, +1 5 136460186
I appreciate you! So awesome We'll pick up lhe tab fot the next one Loved il
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/G/2018 8:20 ~O PM(UTC 5)
Source file: G1egory Landsman's iPhonel var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox B9BA6C (Table· message . chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
31812018 11:02:31 AM(UTC-5)Direction:OutGolng, + 15136460186
Sorry about the end of that meeting. I just got excited. Shouldn't have been so overbearing. My fa ult, friend.
Status: S<>nl
Oelivefed: 3181:>018 11 07 32 AM1UTC·S)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobdelllbrary/SMSlsms.db · OxBBA480 (Table message, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
318/201 8 11:06:35 AM(UTC-S) Dlrectlon:lnooming, +151341 70743 (Tamaya Dennard}
No need to apologize. I appreciate the passion for th is.
St2llU$: Read
Read: '.l/812018 11 14.34 AM(U IC·5)
Source file; Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvarlmobile/LlbratylSMS/sms db OxBBBFE8 (Table message. handle, chat S12e 50020352 byles)
318/201 8 11:15:56 AM(UTC-5)Direction.Outgoing, +1 5 136460186
Liked ··No need to apologize I appreciate the passion for this. •
Status: Sent
Oetivered:318i20181115:56AMtUTC 5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobrlelL1brary/SMSlsms.db · oxBBBD03 (Table. message. chat Size 500?0352 bytes)
3/9/201e 5:03 25 AM(UTC-5)0trectlon:lneoming, +15134170743 (Temaya Oonnard)
Hi1 Sorry for textmg so early I made a mistake' Im able lo Chair your Commitlee on 3/20. - appl 1s 3/13. Hope you haven't contacted
anyone lo cancel yet. We can talk later
Status· Read
Read· 31912018 B 01 14 AM\UTC·S>
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBD8FE8 (Table: mcssaoo handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
311712018 4:46'21 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lnc:oming , + 15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Call me whe n you can.
Stctus: Rel)(!
Read: 3J'7/201$ 114138 PMtUTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonetvar1mob le/L1brory/SMSlsms db OxC89E05 (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/ 17/20 18 4.46:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming , + 1513-41707 43 (Tamaya Dennard)
Want to talk with you independent of everyone else
Status: Read
Read. 311712018 11~738 Pt.l(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Ph0ne/\larlmob1lell.11>rary1Sr..ts:sms.db OxC89C32 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)

3/1912018 2:24:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Call me when you can. Sorry I missed your call
Status: Read
Read: 3/19/2018 11.06 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCAB65A (Table· message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 7:05:42 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
You good with meeting Sentinels at their office or is that too close to FOP office?
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 7 16 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob!le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxD0091A (Table message, handle, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 7:16:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Wherever they want :)·
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3121/2018 7 16 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db OxD006DO (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/23/2018 2:34:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Sorry. I thought meeting was your office. It's at Sentinels?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/23/2018 2 34.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD3873F (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/23/2018 2 :35:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
It's at their office. 1889 Central Parkway
Status: Read
Read: 3/23/2018 2.35.12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms d b OxD39FE8 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2312018 2:35:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
On way.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/23/2018 2.35.33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD399F8 (Table message, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/2412018 8:02:27 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Morning. What time you got today? Should we pull PG in?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2 4/2018 8 02 29 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD41 B1 E (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2412016 8:04:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Morning. I'm not sure what time. I'm thinking late morning maybe 11 or 12? PG is participating in the youth march today . I'm not. Are you?
Status: Read
Read: 3124/2018 8 05 42 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobllelL1brarylSMS/sms.db OxD4160D (Ta ble message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312412018 8:06:11 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I probably should go. At 11 at City Hall? We could go to beginning and then meet?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/24/2018 8 06 .12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD42FE4 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2412018 8:08:14 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I can you meet you at City Hall at 11.
Status. Read
Read: 3/24/2018 8 08 30 AM(UTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L!brary/SMS/sms.db OxD4288A (Table message, handle, cha<. Size 50020352 by<es)
3/24/2018 8:08:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "I can you meet you at City Hall at 11 . "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/24/2018 8 08 37 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox042908 (Table message chat. Sile 50020352 by<es)
3/2412018 10:49:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm not going to the march. Hit me up when you are done and we can connect then
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 10 54 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L!brary/SMS/sms.db Ox044A83 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3124/2018 10:54:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'm here. Where you want to meet? I can meet you in 10-1 5?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/24/2018 10 54.49 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD4483B (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 10:55:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 10 57 01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db OxD44 625 (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3124/2018 10:57:04 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "CE?''
Status: Sent
Deltvered: 3/24/2018 10 57 09 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD444 11 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)

312412018 11:27:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/24/2018 11 ·27 17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxD455FB (Table: message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312412018 11:28:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm outside. Be in 10 min
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11.33:09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms db : OxD45452 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 11:33:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "I'm outside. Be in 10 min"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/24/2018 11 33'14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxD46B55 (Table message, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/2612018 3:19:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
You got a minute?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/26/2018 3 19 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbra ry/SMS/sms.db : OxD81659 (Table . message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/212016 1:06:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You okay meeting with Berding tomorrow morning? I told PG it was fine. but I worry about sitting down with him (again) before anything is
officia lly submitted to Council. What do you think?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/2/2018 1 06 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxDEFD96 (Table. message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
4/2120181:19:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes . I'm okay. But i was thinking the same thing
Status: Read
Read: 4/2/2018 1:19.36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Greg ory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/lib rary/SMS/sms.db: OxDEF627 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
4/212018 1:30:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Let's reschedule for after we have something? Don't want to be playing games with Berding .
Status: Sent
Dehvered: 4/2/2018 1.30·15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Greg ory Land sman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db. OxDEF41 E (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
4/212018 1:34:50 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm ok with that. Good idea
Status: Read
Read: 4/2/2018 1 35.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxDFOFE8 (Table message, handle cha t, Size. 50020352 bytes)
4/212018 1:35:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Especially since folks are snooping around our schedule
Status: Read
Read: 4/2/20181:3519 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/l1brarylSMS/sms.db . OxDFOEOD (Table. message. handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
41212018 1:35:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Especially since folks are snooping around our schedule "
Status: Sent
Dehvered: 4/212018 1 35·22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDFOB2A (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
41212018 1:35:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
You want to reach out to him and PG?
Status: Read
Read: 4/2/2018 1.36 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsrnan·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxDF0901 (Table. message. handle, chat. Soze 50020352 bytes)
4/212018 1 :36:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I can. Np. Texting you both now.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/212018 1 36 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxDF0716 (Table message, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
4/612018 12:39:35 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Quote I sent to Enquirer:

"My focus will be on empowering the residents and small business owners in the West End. whether this deal goes forward or not. I would
have preferred FC make a deal with UC to continue at Nippert - and I'm all for FC and becoming an international soccer city , but I don't
support sticking taxpayers with an enormous bill or forcing a stadium on a community that sa id no."
Status; Sent
DeUvered: 4/6/2018 12 39 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db · OxE54945 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)

4/6/2018 5:00:29 PM(UTc-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tameya Denn11rtl)
My prionty from Day One has and will remain the residents of lhe West End. I want Cincinnati to become a Major League Soccer city I've
enioyed attending FC Cincinnati games Bu t I don·t think it should come at such a great expense lo lhe taxpayers. Our city 1s struggling with
many challenges that need our resources and attention, two of which are adequate affordable and income-based housing. This notion that
we should continue to subsidize big business on such a large scale and wait for 11 to trickle down lo the wof1(ing class 1s antiquated and
factually untrue. When we look at the disparities in our city of race and class. we have to remember that irs dec1s1ons like these that create
and perpetuate inequity.
Status: Read
Read: 4/612018 5 01 00 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregoiy Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxE57DBB (Table· message hendle. chat. Size 5002G352 bytes)
4/S/2018 5:01 :32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoirig, +15136460186
Liked My priority from Day One has and will remain the residents of the Wesl End. I want Cincinnati to become a Ma1or League Soccer city
Ive enjoyed attending FC Cincinnati games But I don't think it should come at such a great expense to the taxpayers. Our city is struggling
with many challenges that need our resources and attention. two of which are adequate affordable and income-based housing. This notion
that we should con linue to subsidize big business on such a large scale and wait for 1t to trickle down to the working class is antiquated and
factually untrue. When we look at the disparities in our city of race and class, we have to remember that ifs decisions like th ese that create
and perpetuate inequity.·
Status: Sent
Delivered· 41612018501 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1PhoneNar/moblle/L1brary/SMSJsms db OxE!>BF13 (Table message chat. S12e. 50020352 bytes)
416/2018 5:04:29 PM(UTc-4)DJrection:Outgoing, +15136480186
On Wednesday. rm going to walk through the events of the last three months and how MLS/FC played everyone. We should have played
MLS. They need FC more than FC needs them. The should stay at Nippert and save everyone money, and avoid screwing over the WE
St&tt.3: Sent
()(;livered: 41612018 5 04 34 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SM S/sms.db: OxE58792 (Table message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
41812018 11:13:0 1 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectfon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Does 7 this evening still work to meet with Alexis re· West End stuff. II not no worries. I want to still meet with her to talk things we can do to
help - and I have a few ideas of what we could introduce this week. But I want to make sure it works for them and includes what they need
Status: Sen!
Oeh"'lrad· 41812018 t I 13 03 AA' UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsmen s 1Phonetvar/mob1lelLbrary/SMS's OxE70970 (Tab4e message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
418/2018 11:20:40 AM(UTC-4)Diredlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I will play it by ear because I have to pick up - from Dayton and 1t will depend on when she's ready. Can I let you know later?
Stat1w Read
Road: 418/2018 11 21 '26 /\M(UTC 4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhonetvar1mob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db OxE716FO (Table: message. handle chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
418/2018 11:21:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked ·r will play it by ear because I have to pick up- from Daylon and it will depend on when she's ready. Can I lel you know later?·
Sl.elus Sen:
Oellvefed: 41812018 11 71 i2 .t.M1UTC-41
Source tile: Gregory Landsma'1s1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary1SMS/sms db OxE7136A (Table message. chat S1z.e 50020352 bytes)
41912018 9:18:05 AM(UTC-'4)Diredion:Outgolng, +15136460186
Got a minute to talk West End motion?
Stahr.;: Sent
06llv&red: 41912018 9·18 07 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobtfe1L1brarylSMStsms.db OxE7BA99 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/9/2018 9:42:17 AM(UTC-4)Dtrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya O.nnard)
H11 Just tried to call you and it goes straight lo vo1cemail. Call me later when you get a cha nce
Status: Read
Reacl: ••912018 9·~5 30 AM1UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob1le1L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxF7C465 (Table. message handle cha! Size 50020352 bytes)
4/9/2018 3:46:43 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)

l'"G 5712.ieg
Slatus· Read
Read: 4.'912018 3.48 4G PMIUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db O•E87DC7 (Table. message. handle. chat attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Grogory Landsman s 1Phonetvar/mobilellibrary/SMSIAltachments/db/11/A002B708-5220-4DOO-B11D- 17AA6C:2FCCE4/IMG_5712.JPQ (Sile 207084 bytes)
4/9120 16 3:51:16 PM(UTc-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
You at City Hall?
Stetus· se~t
Delivered:• 9 2018 3 51 1? PMIUTC·4l
Source file: Gregory Landsmen s 1Ph0ne/varimob leil brary1S'J1S1sms db Oxl'689 1 5 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 oytes)
419/2018 4 :30:57 PM(UTC-4)DlrectJon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
My phone has been acting shady all day I JUSt left a little while ago.
Slaws: Read
Read: 419/7018 ' 31 70 PM\U I C-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvarlmob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db OxE89AF7 (Table: message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4110/2018 7:50:47 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing , +15 136460186
Any feedback on motion Would l'ke to send 1t around today
Str.tus: Sent
De vered; ~•10/2018' SO St AM UTC-<:1
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phcne1,arfmob1·etibrary:SMS1sms db O•E808EA (Table message. crat. Sze. 50020352 bytes)

4110/2018 9 26:43 AM(UT~)Orectlon:lnooming , +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I like it but I don't fully undersland it
Stat1JS: Reed
Read: 411012018 9·76:48 AMCUTC-4)
Source Ille: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mobilelL1brary/SM S/sms.db : OxE8C754 (Table. message. handle, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
'4110/2018 9:26:56 AM(UTC-4)0frectlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I should say I like the idea of 11
Status: Read
Read: 4'10/2018 9·27:02 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phoneivarlmobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db OxE8C55A (Table. message, hand le, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
4110/2018 9:28:00 AM(UTC4)01rection:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm working on actually wriling legislation around the things you are proposing. Just mentioning them in this motion doesn't do much if we
don't actually have this legislation
Status: Read
Reac!: 4/10120t8 9 28-05 Ml(UTC-4)
Source file. Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/varfmob1le/L1brery/SMS/sms.db Ox E8C370 (Table. message handle chal S1.:e 50020352 bytes)
4/161201811 :31:47 AM(UTC4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15136460166
Had to grab some food. Want anything? Heading up in 3 ...
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4116120t8 11 31:47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxF04929 (Table. message chal Size 50020352 bytes)
411612018 11:32:56 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection Incoming, +15134170743 (Temeya Dennard)
Nope, rm good. Thank youi I appreciate you. I have to run out after we meet.
SU>lus: Road
Read: 4116120 18 11:33.22 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db OxF047 17 (Table· message, handle. chal, Size 50020352 byles)
411912016 10 23:33 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing. +15136460186
What time are you around today?
Status: Sent
OeNvered· 411912016 10 23:35 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM S/sms.db OxF55FE4 (Table message, chal Size 50020352 byles)
4/1912018 10:55: 15 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! I'm here until 1
Status: Read
Read: ~119/2018 10:55 21 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mobilell1brary/SMSJsms db OxFS6FE8 (Table· message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
411912018 10-55:32 AM(UTC4)D1rection:Outgoing , +15136480186
Cool. I'll stop by.
Smlus: Sent
Delivered: 4119170 16 10.55"33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db OxFSGE16 (Table. message chal Size· 50020352 bytes)
4119/2018 5 01 09 PM(UTC-4)D1rec1lon:inooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Call me
Status: Read
Read: 4/1912018 5:05. 15 PM(U rC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxFSFC24 (Table: message handle. chal Size: 50020352 bytes)
4120/2018 1:06·48 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:tnooming , +15184170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


Janaya 1 rottc1 vcf

Status: Read
Read: 412012018 I 07 26 Pl•1(UTC·41
Source file. Gregory Landsman's 1Ptlonelvar/mobile/l1braiy1SMS/sms.db OxF92512 (Table message. handle. chat. attachment. Srze 50020352 bytes)
Gregoiy Lands'1"1an s 1Phone1var/mob1le/L,brary/SMS'At1achmentstf1/01tEF172660-C250-4180-90GB-2B4BA057BAOO/Janaya Trotter.vd (S12e 152 bytes)
4/2412018 9:32:26 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15138480186


tll.1G 1678 JPC

Slaws· Serll
Defivered. 41~412018 9 32:38 AM<Ul C 4)
Source file: G1egory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/l 1braryiSMS/srns.db · OxFC7C81 (Table: mossagc. chat. atlachrneni Size 50020352 bytes/
Gregory Landsman s iPhonelvar/111obile/L1brary/SMS/AtlachmentS115105/57129809-A003-4747-A4 5E-59D941F46160/IMG_1678.JPG · (Size 2694658 bytes)
412412018 2:35· 13 PM(UT~)01rection:tncoming . +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi' Why 1sn t this 1n your Committee?
StaluS: R•ad
Read: ~/2412018 Pl.l(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1P110nelvar/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db. OxFCBBAA (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4124/2018 2:38:39 PM(UTC-4)Dlreclion:Outgoing, +15138480188
Charier reform?
Status· Senl
Oelvered· 47t/?Ol8 7 38 47 PM1UTC 41
Source file. Gregory Landsman s 1Pnone/varlmobl!e/L1brarylSMSisms db OxFCB986 ('"able message chat. Size . 50020352 bytes)

412412018 2:38:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Also, h1!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/24/2018 2 38.51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilelL1brarylSMSlsms.db OxFCB7FO (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
412412018 2:38:51 PM{UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/24/2018 2 38 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxFCB636 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
412412018 2 :41 :36 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes charter reform
Status: Read
Read: 4/24/2018 2 41.38 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxFCB4BE (Table message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/2412018 2 :41 :44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read; 4/2412018241 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxFCB2C6 (Table message handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
412412018 2 :41 :46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Because ....
Status: Senl
Delivered: 4124/2018 2·41:52 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db OxFCCFE4 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
412412018 2:41:51 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)

Status: Read
Read: 412412018241 49 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db OxFCCE2C (Table· message handle chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
4/24/2018 2:43:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Seelbach wanted to do this one thing , and in PG's committee (back before we were sworn in). PG put it in his committee to make Chris
happy. Seemed silly. but not worth the fight.. .. so .. .it's in the committee.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/24/2018 2 43.30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LibraryiSMSlsms.db OxFCCC74 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
4/24/2018 2:43:31 PM{UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Also ....
Status· Sent
Delivered: 4/24/2018 243 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxFCC921 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
412412018 2:43:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186

Status: Senl
Delivered: 4124/20t8 2 43.35 PM!UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxFCC76B (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
412412018 2:44:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Got it
Status: Read
Read: 4/24/2018 244 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db OxFCD751 (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
412812018 6:19:09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:incoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Sorry for the shitty reception
Status: Read
Read: 4/28/2018 6 35 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gre gory Landsman s 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 OOFFE8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
4/28/2018 6:19:29 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:incoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Let's talk tomorrow?
Status: Read
Read: 4/2812018 6 35 54 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms db Ox100FE08 (Table message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4128/2018 8 :36: 11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Sounds good. And no worries'
Status: Senl
Delivered: 412812018 6 36 14 PM(UTC 4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/srns db Ox100F939 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
511712018 9 :37:45 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Got a second?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5117/2018 9 37 50 AM{UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox114708A (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/23/2018 1:02:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
We meeting at CE?
Status: Read
Read: 5/23/2018 1 03·04 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 1C7897 (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)

5129/2018 2:22:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! I'm going to call you later regarding the streetcar motion
Status: Read
Read: 512912018 2 27 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1215686 (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/29/2018 2:27:17 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
K. Just let me know 1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/29/2018 2 27.19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox121525D (Table· message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/3/2018 11 :40:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
Welcome home111 !
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/312018 11 46:59 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMSlsms db : Ox1321E2C (Table· message chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/312016 11:41:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460166
Try and stay up until Bish.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/3/2018 11 47 04 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/va r/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1321C66 (Table message. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/312016 12:04:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you! Will do
Status: Read
Read: 613/2018 12·11·01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms. db : Ox1321ABC (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1112016 6 :09:18 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm about to send you a pie. Can yo u text it back to me?
Status: Read
Read: 6/1112018 6.18 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms. db · Ox13AC253 (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 by1es)
6/11/2016 6: 18:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
Liked "I'm about to send you a pie. Can you text it back to me?"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/1 1/201 8 6 18 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox13ADF14 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1612018 3:14:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I've never seen this guy EVER. Who is this?!?
Status: Read
Read: 6/18/20 18 3· 14 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox14295DD (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 3: 14:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
No idea. Zero .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3 14.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory l andsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox14293D9 (Table. message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 3:14:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Like ever in my whole life
Status: Read
Read: 6/18/2018 3 14 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Land sman's 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.d b: Ox1429219 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1612018 3:15:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaye Dennard)
Like ever
Sllltus: Read
Read: 6118/2018 315 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox142AFE8 (Table message. handle . chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 3 :15:48 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgolng, +15136460166
W ho's the second guy? I
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3 15 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/llbrary/ SMS/sms db Ox142AE2E (Table. message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 3:16:01 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Please, David. stop.
Status· Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3 1G 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox142AC56 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1612016 3:16:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
St&tus: Read
Read: 6/18/2018 3 t6 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox142AABC (Table message. handle chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 3: 16:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Oh! They do W1Fi . Got it.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6118/2018 3 17 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms_db Ox142ABDA (Table. message_chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

611812018 3:17:27 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yep! The WiFi guys
Status: Read
Read: 6/18/2018 3 17:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobde/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox142A704 (Table message. handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/20/2018 10:22:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing , +15136460186
Yo. Where you at. Motion 1n your office ....
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/20120t8 10 22"44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox144EDC3 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/2112018 12:25:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You got a minute?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6121/2018 12 25.25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox146B8CD (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/23/2018 12:56:35 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Call me when you get a moment.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/23/2018 12 56.40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob 1le/L1bra ry/SMS/sms. db Ox1483264 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/24/201812:58:35 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Of course I'll write a letter.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 612412018 12:58:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1492FE4 {Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/2412016 12:58:37 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460188
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6124/2018 12 58.45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1492DFC (Table message , chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/24/2018 12:58:56 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}
Thank you
Status: Read
Read: 612412018 1 00 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1492C54 (Table message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/24/201812:59:00 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dannard)
I appreciate it
Status: Read
Read: 6/2412018 1.00 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source tile: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms .db Ox1492A9E (Table message handle , chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/2412018 4:15:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing, +15136460188
Did you ever talk to PG?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/24/2018 4 15 51 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox149226C (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
612412018 4:17:03 PM(UTC-4)Difection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}
No, I left him a message. He called me back yesterday. Will call him this evening. I dtd call Christie and Maurice as well.
Status: Read
Read: 612412018 4 17 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1493E2A {Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
612412018 4:17:27 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "No. I left him a message. He called me back yesterday. Will call him this evening. I did call Christie and Maurice as well."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6'24/1018 4 17·30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1494F14 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/25/2018 5:25:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
PG is killing me right now
Status: Read
Read: 612512018 5 25 16 PM(UTC· 4)
Sou rce file. Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblielllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox14AF6FA (Table message handle chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
6125/2018 5:25:23 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}
It's too late for this shit
Status: Read
Read: 6/2512018 5 25 20 PMiUTC·4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox14AF2C5 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/2512018 5:25:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Status: Senl
Delivered: 612512018 5 25·31 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox14BOFE4 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/26/2018 1:37:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hey you k1ds 1 Get off lawn'
Status: Read
Read: 612612018 1 37 19 PMtUTC 4)
Source file. Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox14CE432 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 byles)

6126120181 :37.18 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
And don t reference old emails
Status: Read
Read: 6/26/2018 1 37 :19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's IPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox14CE25A (Table· message. handle chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/26/2018 1:37:22 PM(UTC--4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460166
Stsllls: Sent
DEiivered· 612612018 1 37.26 PM(UTC"""I
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhoneivarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox14CFFE4 (Table message. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
712/2018 1:15:37 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Ou1going, +15136460186
You going to Columbus thing this month at OSU?
Slatus: Seno
Delivered: 712120 t 8 1·15.41 PMtUTC-•O
Source Ille: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvartmobile/llbrary/SMSlsms.db . Oxt576FE4 (Table mes53ge chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
7J2/2018 1:24'31 PM(UTC-4)Dlrecilon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
What are the dates again?
Status: Read
Read: 71212018 1?~16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mob1le/LobrarylSMS/sms db Ox1576DE4 (Table· message. handle. chat. S1zo 50020352 bytes)
7l2/2016 1:25:49 PM{UTC--4)Direellon:O~. +15136460186
Week of the 16th. Need to find the email.. ..
Status: Senl
Delivered: 71212018 1:25:54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox1576COC (Table: message. cha!, Size: 50020352 bytes)
7117/2018 7:24:47 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Good moming11 need some help. Who are the$ folks at P&G. Western Southern ans Great American? Who decides when money is doled
Status: Read
R&ad: 7117/2018 8 03:~~ AMtUTC"""I
Souroe file: Gregory Landsman $ 1Phone/var/mobileilibrary/SMSlsrns.db. Ox 1656680 (Table message. handle. chat S12e. 50020352 byles)
711712018 7:25:07 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I want to reach out to them
Slatus: Read
Rea<I: 7117/2018 8 03 44 AM1UTC·4)
Souroe file Gre90f)' Landsman's IPhonetvar/rnOb1letL1brary/SMS/sms db Ox165640C (Table. message handle. chat Size 50020352 byles)
7/17/2018 10.52:05 AM(UTC--4)Dlreciion:Outgoing, +15138480186


Bnan Hodg.,e ~
Status: Sent
oewvered: 7/1717018 10·52.oa AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonetvar/mobilelL1brary/SMSlsms.db : Ox165796A (Table· message, chat. attachment Size 5002035 2 bytos)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/Attachments/51/011E29B6E71·D298-4917-99DB·A63BBOFEABDOIBnan Hodgett vcf · (Size· 167 bytes)
7/17/2018 5:27:01 PM(UT~)Dired.ion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaye Dennard)
Will you support a suspension of the 72-hour eviction of occupants or 3rd Street until we can work towards less confusing solutions?
Status: Read
Reed: 7117/2018 5 28:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregoiy Landsman 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Oxt65ED47 (Tablo: mossage handle. chat S1~e 50020352 bytes)
711712018 5:32:17 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'd do a few days to a week.

I'd asked Patnck to have teams or people working with these folks and to ensure they were being cared for and treated with kindness.
Sounds like he needs another shot at this. But they do need to be moved into better situations.

I wouldn't want to open it up indefinitely, but also said publicly today that the 72-hour deal shouldn't be the barrier to us getting this right.
St&tus: Sent
Oeli11ered: l / 1//?01o ~ 32·1s PM1UTC-4)
Source file. Gregory Landsman s iPhone/varlmob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms db Ox165FrE4 (Table. message chat Size ~ OOWJ!>2 bytes)
7/17/2018 5 4 7 43 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134 170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you I don't want forever but mdefmitely gives us time to come up wrth something
Status: Read
Read: 7/1712018 5.50 55 PM(UTC·41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox16607B6 (Table: message, handle. chOt, Size 50020352 bytes)
7117/2018 5:47 :56 PM(UTC-4)Directoon:lncoming. +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Can you please send me Seelbach's number?
Status: Reed
Read: 7117120 18 5 50 55 PMtUTC·4J
Source file Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Oxl 6605SD (Table message handle, chat. S•ie· 50020352 bytes)

711712018 5:51 :51 PM(UTc-4)0irection:Outgoing. +15136460186


Chns Sellbach.vcf
Status: Seni
Dc~vered: 7117/2018 ~ 51 !>3 PM;UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mobdetL1brarylSMSlsms db Ox1661083 (Table· message chat attachment Sue 50020352 bytes)
G'egory landsman s 1PhO~e'varlmooil e'Library1SMS/A1tachments1011011FOEA7850-8420-4606-9271 -1FB4B1808697/Chris SeDbach.vcf (S12e 171 byles)
7/17/2018 5:53:08 PM(UTC-4JDireellon:lncoming +15134170743 (Tamaya Denn•rd)
Thank you!
Status. Read
Read: 7/171201 8 557.34 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1lo/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1661969 (Table: message handle chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/17/2018 6:57:19 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked 'Thank you '·
SU!tus • Sen1
DeMred: 7'17/20'8 6 57 ?O Pt.ltUTC-4)
Sourte file: Gregory Lands'1'18n's ,Phofoe/var/mobdell orarylSMS:sms.db Ox1 661 307 {Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/17/2018 8:06:41 PM(UTC-4)Directiol\:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I need your support on this
Stlltus: Read
Reed: 7117120 18 8 08 21 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 665087 (Table. message. handle, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/1712018 8:07:07 PM(UTC-4)Dlrldion:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wendell and Chns are an
Status Reao
Reed. 7117/2018 8 08 21 PM\UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobolellibraryl SMS/sms.db Ox1665BAD (Table · message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
711712018 8:10:03 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'm in to delay . but not indefinitely. Let's meet with Patrick tomorrow together? See my quote an WCPO story.. I don't want to see the 72 hour
deal stop us from ge tting this righ t. Let's talk to CM abou t a delay, and better plan. Cool?
Status· Sent
Delvered: 7/1712018 8 10 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmobilell1brary/SIJ1S/sms.db. Ox1666FE4 (Table message cha1 S·ze 50020352 bytes)
7117/2018 8:13:15 PM(UTc-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Indefinitely can picked up for another t1meframe. It's a essentially a placeholders
Sllllu$. Read
Read: 7117120188.14 08 PMtUTC-4J
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phonetvartmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1666950 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size . 50020352 bytes)
711712018 8:14:43 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Olllgoing, +15136460186
Cool. Talk in morning?
S1lltus: Senl
Oelvered· 7117/2018 8 14 44 PM1UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsma"I s 1Phone.'var/mobdeJLlbrery1SMSlsms db Ox1666SrD (Table me;,sage chat Sue 50020352 bytes)
7/17120 16 8: 15·48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Oul.going, +15136460186
Also. I can meet with you and Patrick anytime tomorrow except noon Emerge with a plan?
Status: Sent
Oe~vered: 7/17/2018 8:15 47 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox 1 667FE~ (Table. message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
7/181201812:02:13 PM(UTC-4)Dlreclion:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dannard)
Patrick won't honor my motion and John won t call me back for a special session
SlatU5 Read
Read 7:18'2018 12 OS 7q PM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory landsman s ,Phor.e/var/onob 1e1l1brary:SrJ1S:sMS.db Ox166E922 (Tab e: message handle char s.ze 500203!>2 bytes}
7/1812018 12 05:39 PM(UTc-4)0itection:Outgoing, +15136460186
He won 't delay?
Stntus: Sent
Delivered: 7118/2018 12:05 39 PMtUTC..o1)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilelLibrary/SMSlsms db Ox166FFE4 (Table. message. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
711812018 12:05:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection-lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Suitus Reao
Read: 71 ;8'2018 12 05 48 PMtUlC 41
Source file Gregory Landsm;.n s 1Phone/var/mobllc.l1bra•y/SMS•sms.db Ox166FE1E 1Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/1812018 12:08:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1513&460186
How many of us want a delay ? 5 or 6? Is Mann in?
Stalus. Sent
Dellvored: 7118120'18 12 Oil n PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mobilelL1brarytSMS1sms.db Ox166FC6E (Table message . c~at S1z.e · 50020352 bytes)
7/1 812018 12:08:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Oulgotng, +15138480186
Also let's go see Patrick today What time works for you
Stetus Ser:
Doli118ted: 711812011> 12 08 25 P'A1UTC-<:)
Source file: G1egory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lefl1brary1S1,.Slsms.db Ox1670rt:4 (Table message chat Size !>0020352 bytes)

7/18/2018 12: 13:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Denna rd)
5. David is not supportive
Status: Read
Read: 7/181201812 15 18 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/varlmob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox l 670302 (Table message handle chat Size· 50020352 bylcs)
711 8/2018 12:15:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgomg, +15136460186
5 is a majority. Let me get my workout in and then I'm game to go see him. Cool?
Slatus: Sen1
Oel1v&red: 711812018 12 15·~6 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Lal'ldsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob lelL1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox16718C8 (Table message. chat Sl.Ze 50020352 bytes)
7/1 8120 18 12:16:53 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnoomlng, +1513-4170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Stalus Read
Read: 71 18120 18 12.1701 PM(UTC·4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox167167F (Table: message, handle cha t Size· 50020352 byles)
7119/2018 8 :45:57 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Good morning! Any luck with David Mann?
Status: Read
Read: 711912018 8 47 19 AM<UlC-41
Source file: Gregory landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobtlelL1brary:SMSlsms db Ox169:>792 (Table· message handle chal Size 50020352 bytes)
7119/2018 8:46:05 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaye Dennard)
Should I call him?
Status: Read
Read: 7/19120 188:47:19 AM(UTC-4)
So urce file: G regory Landsman's 1Phone/ var/ mobile/L1brarylSM Slsms.db: Ox16925A2 (Table message , handle chill, Size: 50020352 bytes)
711912016 6:47:47 AM(UT C-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Call him. Some luck.
Slatus: Sent
Deivered· 7119/2018 8 •7 •8 M"{UTC-41
Source Ne: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobllelL1brarylSMS/sms db Ox 16923D8 (Table· message Chat S•ze 50020352 bytes)
7/1912018 8:50:07 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Can you please send me his number?
Status: Read
Read: 7/1912018 8 5G·13 AM(UlC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonel var/mob1le/Library/SMSl sms.db · 0~1 69220C (Table message. handle. chal StZe· 50020352 bytes)
7/19/2018 8:57:07 AM(UT C-4)Direction:Outgoing, + 15136460188


David Mann.vcf
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 8:57:08 AM(U rC-41
Source file: Gregory L..nd~rnan·s 1Phone/var/rnob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1693A03 (Table message, chat. allachment Size: 50020352 bytes)
G1egory Landsman's 1Ph011e/varlmobileJLlbrary/SMS/Attachmentslod/131673820D9-8D23-4CE0-9096-223E7EDCD0061David Mann vcf · (Size 204 byles)
7/19/201 8 8:5!1:01 A M(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you. Sucks losing contacts
St.etus. Read
Read: 711912018 8 58 37 AMIUTC-4)
Source fil e: Gregory Landsman s iPhonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox 1693809 (Table· message handle chal Size 50020352 bytes)
7/19/2018 6:58:45 AM(UTC-4)Di rection:Outgoing, +1 61 36460186
The worst. Np.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/1912018 8 58 4~ A\1(UTC·4)
Souroe file: Gregory Lal'ldsman·s 1Phoneivar/mob le/L1brary1SMS/sms.db · Ox1693623 (Table. message, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
711912018 11:54:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, + 151 36460186
Just went down there. Call when you can.
Slaws: Sent
OatM!red. 7119/2018 11:54 18 AM1UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Lana>man s 11-'n onefvar/mobllefl lbrary/SMSlsms.db ox 169680 I (1 <11.!lc mes-;age chat Size: ~0020352 byte$)
7/1912016 11:55: 16 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomln g, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
In my office with Patrick. Come in
Sli:tus: Read
Reed: 111912018 11 56· 10 AM1UTC-L)
Source file: Gregory Lanosman s 1Phone/Var/mobdctl1b1aryl$MS/sms ob Ox169B6DF (~able· message hanole chat S.ze 5002035:> byles)
7121/2018 12.51 :59 PM (VTC-4)Drrection:Outgolng, +151 36460186

A ttachments:

Su::tus; Sent
OdwerGd. 7121/7018 11 51 00 PM,UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsma"l s 1Phonefvar/mob1fe~L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox16C9B08 (Table message chat attachment. S1.Ze: 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s iPnono/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/Attachrnenls/41/0119D57EAFC·1 EF1-4CF8-8BB7-8A10C5718505'1mage-1 Jpg (Size 398759 bytes)

7/3112018 2:34:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}
Hi! I'm not going to be at PG's committee meeting due to an appointment. If there is a chance you don't think Janaya will have her votes,
please let me know. My appointment is downtown. I can zip back over around 4.
Status: Read
Read: 7/31/2018 2:34·42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox17DC52D (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7/3112018 2:37:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
I think we need to hold it until David has a chance to meet with Janaya and the chiefs to clarify a few things . Then I think he will vote with us,
and that's our six.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/31/2018 2.37 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db . Ox17DDAE5 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/31/2018 2 :38:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Ok, she was coming at 3. You want to let her know? Or should I?
Status: Read
Read: 7/31/20t8 2.41 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox17DD7EE (Table message , handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7131/2018 2 :42:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I let her know. It's still good for her to come, I think.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/3112018 2·42 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox17DD5C9 (Table message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7131/2018 2:42:28 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Just in case folks want to talk it and ask questions.
Status· Sent
Delivered: 7/31/2018 2 42 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox17DD3AA (Table· message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
713112018 2:43:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Temaya Dennard}
Good call.
Status: Read
Read: 7131/2018 2 43 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/11ar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Oxl 7DEFE8 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 byles)
811/2018 9:43:54 AM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You coming to Council?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/1/2018 944 00 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox17FOEOA (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
8/112018 9:44:12 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Ternaya Dennard)
Be there at 10
Status: Read
Read: 8/112018 9 44 12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox17F09BD (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/112018 9 :44:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Liked "Be there at 1O"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/1/2018 9 44 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1ie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox17F0785 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/3/2018 10:03:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}


R 001 - Complaint pdt

Status: Read
Read: 81312018 11 1445 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox181376C (Table message, handle, chat. attachment. Size· 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/38/08/0D65C12C-24B4-4548-91 D7-782D04704590/R 001 - Complamt.pdf (Size 722451 bytes)
B/4/2018 1:08:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi 1 Call me when you can
Status: Read
Read: 81412018 1 22 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox181FC78 (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
814/20181:09:00 PM(UTC-4)Dorection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Actually give me 15 minutes and I will call you right back
Ststus: Read
Read: 8/4/2018 1 22 29 PM(UTC·4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox181 F81A (Table message. handle chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
8/4/2018 1:22:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Actually give me 15 minutes and I will call you right back "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/41201 8 1 22 38 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox18207F3 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)

81412016 1:27 :13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
It's your boy Kelly Houston.

IMG 3192.JPG
Status: Sent
Dolivered: 8/4/2018 1 27:21 PM(UTC ~)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilefL1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox18205BD (Table message. chai al1achmenl, Size 50020352 byles)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/At\achmenls/aa/10/369762DD-8 1C9·48 16·A786-995C55E30E48i lMG_3 192. JPG · (Size: 125 1070 bytes)
814/2018 1:36:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennerd}
That's my guy!!! Love him!!
Stalus: Read
Reed· 8/412018 t 37 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1lc/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1821993 (Table message. handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
81812018 2:53:S4 PM(UTC-4)Direotion:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya DeMard)
Hit Call me when you can. Don't understand why we have to notify admin regarding moratonum
Stalus Read
Read: 8'8/20 t 8 2 53 :;.q PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/moblfe/L1brary1SMSlsms.db. Ox188FFE8 (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
81$/2018 10:55:34 AM{UTC-4)D1rection:Outgoing, +15136460186
The city is going to have several million in carry over, and we already have a million in the bank (auditor sent that letter last week saying we
got more revenue than expected from property taxes). We use this, as long David is in, and draft our own ordinance funding these items wilh
the fu nd balance. I think we should then drop the billboard tax. but PG wants to see it play out in court.
Sllllus: Sent
Delivered: 8/9120 18 10:55:42 AM(UTC·4)
Source Ille: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobdefL1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox18A4594 (Table message, chat. Size: 50020352 byles)
81$/2018 11:26:41 AM{UTc-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I think we should drop the billboard tax as well
Sta1us R~ad
Reid. 81912018 11:30:37 AMtUTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/l1brarylSMSl$1T\Sdb · Ox16A54BB (Table message. handle. chat. S11.e. 50020352 bytes)
8191201811:30:41 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing. +15136460186
Liked "I think we should drop the billboard tax as weir
Status. Sen!
06hvercd: 81912018 11:30 48 AMIUTC-<t)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonc/vo11mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox18A65AE (1 able message, chat Size: 5002035? bytes)
8/11/2018 4:50:15 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Do you have a number for Jim Neil?
Status Read
Read: 811112018 4:52:42 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phoneivar/mobilelLibrary/SMSlsms.db · ox1806486 (Table message handle. chal Size 50020352 bytes)
8111/2018 4:52.50 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng. +15136460186
Loi No.
Stetus: Scnl
Delivered: 811112018 4:52 58 Pl1l(U C.41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox1808294 (Table message chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
811112018 4:53:02 PM(UTC--4)Direction:Outgolng , +15136460186
I'm sure I can get 1t.
Slatus Sent
OOllv&roel: 811112018 4:53,07 PM(UTC 4 )
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmoblle/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db: Ox18 DCFE4 (Table. message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/11/2018 4:53:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you
Status: Read
Read: 8'110018 •:53 26 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Pnonclvarlmob1le/L1orary1SMStsms.db. Ox18DCE10 (Table: message. handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8111/2018 5.53 42 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng +15136460 186


SI.Illus: Soni
Oel1v&1~d: 811 wo1a ~:53 !>() PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox18DEE20 (Table message. chat. auachment . Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brorylSMS/Allachments/89/091092C1534-9A15-4688-A712-2B86DODDDBOC/Jun Nell vcf ($1zo 164 bytes)
8111/2018 6 :00:54 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15134 170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you 11
Status Rtad
Read: 8'' 11:/018 6:03 03 PMIUTC-41
Sounce file: Gregory Landsman's Phone/var/mob1le1L.tirarylSMS:sms.db Ox180EA7A (Table message handle chat S•ze 50020352 bytes)

8/15/2018 10:33:03 AM(UTC-4)D irection:Outgolng, +151 36460188
You got Tamara?
Stlltus: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/2018 10 33 13 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox192D1FA (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/1512018 10:36:15 AM(UTC-4)D ireetion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 8/15/201810.36.15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/ sms.db Ox192EFE8 {Table message. handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/1 5/2018 10:36:23 AM(UTC-4)Direciion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/2018 10 36 32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/ sms db Ox192EE3A (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/1512018 10:36:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You got her cell?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/2018 10 36 37 AM{UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/ SMS/sms d b Ox192ECBC (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
B/15/2018 10:36:53AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 8/15/2018 10 36 48 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/ sms db Ox192EAC6 (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/1 512018 10:37:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Yep ·).
Status: Sent
Delivered. 8/15/2018 10 37 01 AM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox192E910 (Ta ble message, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
8/1512018 10:38:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I don't. I'm sorry.
Status: Read
Read: 8115/2018 10 42 t8 AM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbra ry/SMS/sms.db Ox192E75E (Table message, handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
811512018 10:39:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm going to be in your neck of the woods today at noon
Status: Read
Read: 8/15/2018 10 42 t8 AIA(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox192FFE8 (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/15/2018 10:42:32 AM( UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
Mt. Washington?I
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/2018 10 42 40 AM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox192F90B (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/1 5/2018 10:48:21 AM(UTC-4)Direciion:lncoming, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 8115/2018 10 48 42 AM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobtle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox192F747 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/ 1512018 10:48:29 AM( UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 513417074 3 (Tarnaya Dennard)
Sweets and Meats
Status: Read
Read: 8115/2018 10 48 42 AM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file : Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox192F590 (Table message handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/1 512018 10:48:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing, +15136460186
So good.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8115/2018 10 48 54 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1te/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox192F307 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/20/2018 12:58:1 6 PM( UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +151 34170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi' Is there a place I ca n get some traditional Jewish foods for an appetizer spread . Or what foods would you suggest?
Slatus: Read
Read: 8/20/2018 1 02 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox19A3B81 (Table message, handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/29/2018 9:06:15 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +151 36460188
Still on for 10:157
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8129/2018 9 06 19 AM1UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1AABFE4 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/29/2018 9:06:51 AM(UTC-4)Direct1on:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I didn't know we had a 10:15 today. I'm not going to make it. I'm sorry
Status: Read
Read 8/2912018 9 29 13 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1AABAEE (Table· message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)

8129/2018 9:29:26 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
No worries. You mad at me?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/29/2018 9 29:31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1AAD3CO (Table message, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/29/2018 10:03:03 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
No, not at all. Just exhausted, feeling under the weather. How are you?
Status: Read
Read: 8/2912018 10.03·04 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1ABOAFO (Table· message. handle . chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/29/2018 10:03:32 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15136460188
Same. Super tired . Is it weather? I just want to go home and sleep.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 812912018 10:03·37 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db · Ox1ABOBBB (Table . message, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
8/29/201810:03:49 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
(I'm needy. Sorry. Loi}
Status: Sent
Delivered: 812912018 10 03·53 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox1AB068C (Table: message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6129/2018 10:04:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
We have a meeting today?
Status: Read
Read: 8/2912018 10.04·02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox1 AB1 FE8 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/2912018 10:04:04 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm needy too
Status: Read
Read: 8/2912018 10 04 02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1AB1B1C (Table message, handle chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
8/29/2018 10:04:06 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460168
Liked "I'm needy too"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8129/2018 10 04·10 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1AB18D6 (Table. message. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/2912016 10:04:15 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Council meeting?
Status: Read
Read· 8/2912018 10 04 12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1AB16FD (Table· message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/29/2018 10:04:19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
No council.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8129/2018 10·04·23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox1AB1537 (Table. message, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/2912018 10:04:27 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 8/2912018 10 04 27 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1AB137D (Table message, handle chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
812912018 10:04:31 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Good"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/29/2018 10 04 35 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1AB2F78 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
B/29/2016 10:04:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I probably wasn't coming. I'm really exhausted
Status: Read
Read: 812912018 10 04 57 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1AB2DB5 (Table message, handle chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/2912016 10:05:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Status: Sent
Delivered: 812911018 10 05 04 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobtle/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1AB2BA9 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/30/2018 10:59:47 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5138460186
That was amazing.
Smtus: Senl
Delivered: 8/3012018 10 59 47 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db. Ox1ADCA8D (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
8/30/2018 11:00:34 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes. it was
Status: Read
Read: 8/3012018 11 13 57 AMtUTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox1ADC8C9 (Table message, handle . chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

8/3012018 11 :18:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Liked "Yes . it was"
Status. Sent
Delivered: 8130/2018 11 18 46 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1bra ry/SMS/sms.db Ox1ADC69A (Table message. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/31/20187:16:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
How you going to have a circus without an imals?! C'mon, man! Loi
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/31/2018 7 16 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsma n's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db . Ox1B08914 (Table· message, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
8/31/2018 7:18:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 8/31/2018 1·1s·1 2 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 B086ED (Table message handle chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
9n/2018 7:13:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Do you remember what Harry originally asked for?
Status: Read
Reed: 9nl2018 7 35 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 B04CB8 (Table message, handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9nt2018 7:35:26 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9n/2018 7 35 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox1606896 (Table. message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/11/2018 10:59:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
With Mann, walking in.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/11/2018 10 59.50 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1C39929 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
9/1212018 4:15:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Yo . When 1s work group starting?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9112/2018 4 15 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/ sms db Ox1C66A5E (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
9/1212018 4:28:46 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Soon. Hopefully in the next two weeks
Status: Read
Read: 9/12120t8 5 04 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 C68FE8 (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/1212018 5:05:13 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460188
Lemme know how I can help. Whatever you need.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/12/2018 5.05 .15 PM(UTC 41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.d b Ox1 C68836 (Table· message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/14/2018 6:48:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hit I need a big favor. Are you available at 10 to speak with Publtc Allies for about 10-15 minutes this morning?
Status: Read
Read: 911417018 7·49 00 AM\UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1C88A7B (Table message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
9/14/2018 7:49:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Is 10:30 possible?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/14/2018 7 49 10 AMIUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1C8ABFD (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/1412018 7:49:50 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Let me check
Status: Read
Read: 9114/2018 7 49 52 AM1UTC-4j
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1te/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox1C8A609 (Table message. handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes}
9/1 4/2018 7:54:24 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes. Jazz said 10:30 works. I really appreciate you. Will send details to you
Status: Read
Read: 9/1412018 8 09•25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1C8BFE8 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/1 4/2018 7:54:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you so much 1
Status: Read
Reed: 911412018 8 09 25 AM(UTC·4)
Source fife· Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/varlmoblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1CBBA57 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/1 4/2018 7:56:1 1 AM(UTC-4)Directton:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Just sent the location to you. Thank you again!
Status: Read
Read: 9/14/2018 8 09 25 AM1UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1telllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1C8B891 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

911412018 8:09:28 AM(UTC4)Dlrec:ton:OutgoSlg, +1513&480188
Liked · Just sent the locallon to you. Thank you aga1n 1•
Slalus: Sen!
Delivered: 911~12018 8.09 30 AM(UTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Pnonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox1 C8B3B7 (Table. messago. chat. Size· 500?0352 bytes)
912712018 7:44:12 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Good morning ' Do you have a cell number for Steve Leeper?
Sll!lus: Read
Read: 9/2712018 7 44 37 A't.(UTC-4>
Source fde. Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox1E1SFE8 (Table. message handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
912712018 7:45:12 AM(UTC-4)D1rection:Outgoing, +15136460186


Sieve Leeper vcf

Status: Sent
DeKvered: 9/27/20 18 7:45:13 AM(UTC 4 )
Source file: Gregory landsman's iPhonelvar/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1E150CF (Table message, chat. attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s iPhonelvarlmobtle/L1brarylSMS/Attachmentsl861061FF6496C7-0EA7-4ED7-92E6-2630M4614F91Steve (Size 167 bytes)
9127/2018 7:52 53 AM(UTC4)D1redion·lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you •
Status: Read
Reed: 912712018 8.14.58 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: G1egory Landsman's 1Phone/var1moblle/L1brary/SM S/srns.db : Ox1C15B04 (Table: message handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
912712018 10:46:49 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15136460166
I called Mark at Dinsmore using the switchboard. I don't know Mark. You have a relationship w ith him. I couldn't pick him out of a line up.
nm Burke and I were at war at one point. But I knew he could help so I called him. I decided to call these folks because I was tired of
watching others mess this up. And then I turned around and told you about every single conversation to be sure you were in the loop. You
know all of them, some better than me. You could have called them too. Sorry I came to meeting with you and Mann. I thought the three of
us working together on th is was what we all wanted. Won't happen again.
Ststus: Sen1
Deliverod: 9/U/2018 10 46:49 AM{UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mobllelllbrary/SMSlsms.db 0~1E 1 CBOC (Table· message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
9127/201811:30:4 1 AM(UTC-4)01r11ctlon:lncomiog, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
What are you talking about? My post?
Slatus: Read
Read: 912712018 , , J6·29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phona/var/mobde/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db : Ox1E1EABA (Table m essage. handle chat, Sile 50020352 by1es)
9/2712018 12:00:27 PM(UTC-4)D1rectlon:Outgoing, +15136460166
Liked '"What are you talking about? My post?
Sllitus: Sent
Osiwrect 9127/2018 12.00:28 PMtUTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Oxl E 1F888 (Table: message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
101212016 8:05:33 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi' Where are you on Issue 1?
Status: Read
Read: 1012/2018 8 25.03 M1(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/ · Ox1E72316 (Table message, handle. chat. S12e 50020352 bytes)
10/ 212018 8:25:14 AM(UTC-4)Direcbon:Outgoing, +15136480188
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 101212018 8:25:1 4 AM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobile/librarylSMSlsms.db Ox1E73FE4 (Table: message chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
101212018 8:28:3 5 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Would you be comfortable attending a press conference tomorrow morning? Also. we should catch up and talk about your text
Stt.tus: Read
Read: 101212018 8 28 51 AM1UTC·~)

Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phoneivar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1E73E29 (Table message, handle. cha1. Size· 50020352 bytes)
1012/2018 8·28:44 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
And my FB pos t
Status: Read
Read: 101212018 8 28 ~· AM(UTC·4)
Source f de: G1egory Landsman's Phonelvar/mcb1lell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1E7374C (Table· message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/2/2018 9.08:38 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing , +15136480186
Yes and yes.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10'2120 18 9 08;39 AM1UTC·•1
Source r•e. Gregoiy Landsman s iPtione/var/mobde!Ltbr11'YISMSlsms db Ox1E74FE4 (Taole message. chat. S.ze 50020352 bytes)
10/2/2016 9 08·45 AM(UTC-4)Dtrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
What time tomorrow?
Status: Senl
Dehvered 10/212018 9.08:45 AMtUTC-4J
Source Ille' Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobilelL1br11ry/SMS/sms db Ox1E74E23 (Table: message, chat Size 50020352 byles)

101212018 9:08:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138480186
And whenever next week.
Status: Sent
Oellverajj: 101212018 9·os 58 AMtUTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsrnan's iPhonefvarfmob1le! Lrbrary! SMSlsms.db Ox1 E74938 (Table· message. Chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
10f2/2018 6:49:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)

St11tus: Read
Read: 10/2120 18 6.54:27 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarfmobile/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1E92505 (Table: message, handle chat. attachment. Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachmentsl ed/13!CB81 A0 10-44EA·4A 19-BB7B-OED130552D9A/imagejpeg_O.jpg . (Size 111 767 bytes)
10/12/2018 8:50:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Just dialed on accident. Sorry
Sla!us: Read
Read: 101131?018 8;42'49 AM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s IPhone/var/mob1le/llbrarylSMSlsms.db Ox1 FAA6B8 (Table message handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
Chats (1)
~t..1 • These details are cross-referenced from this deV1ce's contacts

tMessage: +15133484329(1)

' Participants: Start Time: 9/2212018 8:51 18 AM(UTC-4)

+15133484329 Last Activity: 9122/2018 9 13 26 AM(UTC-4)
Chns Seelbach' (owner) Number of attachments· 1
Source: 1Messa9e + 15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach's
1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox11C711F2
(Table chat handle. Size 342745088 bytes)
Body file: chat-1 .txt
Tamaya Dennard'

Greg Landsman'

912212018 8:51:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15138480188 (Greg Landsman)

I'm done with this


Slatus: Read
Read 9122/2018 9 09 43 M1<UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbadfs 1Phone/llar/mob1le1L1brarytSMSisms.db OxDE4C77C (Table message handle chat attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var1moblle/Llbrary/SMS/Anachments/76106/45DEAABS-433B-45E8-B823-E5E918851066/IMG_4352 JPEG (Size 3003406 bytes)
9/22/2018 8·52:22 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnoomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Me too
Statue· Read
Read: 9122120 18 9 09 43 AAltUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone'var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS1sms.db Ox0E4C4F2 (Table message, handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
9/22/2018 9:12:32 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15138480188 (Greg Landsman)
liked "Me too"
Status: Read
Read: 9/22/2018 11 00 30 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone1var/moblle/L1brary1SMS/sms.db . OxDE4C2BF (Table message handle dial. Size 342745088 bytes)
912212018 9:13:26 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Told PG that this morning too. Will give my texts to Enquirer/Courier reporters on Friday if PG hasn't resolved this. Unless either of you have
a better idea.
Statug: Read
Read 9/2212018 110030 AM(UTC-'ll
Source file· Chris Seelbach s 1Phone 1varlmob1le L1brary/SMSlsms db OxDE4DFD2 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 by1es)
Chats (1)
1 • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: (1)

Participants. Start Time: 9122/2018 8.51:18 AM(UTC-4) Last Activity: 9/22/2018 9.13:26 AM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 1
Source: oMessage:
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/librarylSMSisms db
Ox13CDA03 (Table chat. handle. message Size
30273536 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.txt
Greg landsman·

+ 15133484329
Chns Seelbach•

+ 151 341 70743

Tamaya Dennard' (owner)

9122/2018 8:51:18 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)

I'm done with this.

Status: Read
Reed: 912212018 8 51 30 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxB97F8B (Table: message, handle, chat attachment Size 30273536 bytes)
1Phone/Varlmobileilibrary/SMS/Attachments/95/05/A\42FC50-6AB5-4060-8C9B-OE5863B8CAE9/IMG_4352.JPEG (Size 3003406 bytes)
9122/2018 8:52:22 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Me too
S1atus: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/11arlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB97CBE (Table· message chat Size· 30273536 bytes)
9122/2018 9: 12:32 AM(UTC-"')Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Me too"
Status: Read
Reed: 912212018 9: 18·28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxB97A46 (Table message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
912212018 9: 13:26 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Told PG that this morning too. Will give my texts to Enqwrer/Courier reporters on Friday if PG hasn't resolved this. Unless either of you have
a better idea.
Status· Read
Read: 9/2212018 9 18 28 AM<UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L!brary/SMS/sms db OxB98F8B (Table. message, handle. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
Chats (1)
.1. •Tl'lese details are cross-referenced from this device·s contacts

iMessage: +15136460186 (1)


Participants: Start nme: 9122/2018 8 51 18 AM(UTC-4)

+15136460186 Last Activity: 9/2212018 913 26 AM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 1
Source: iMessage +15136460186
Source fife: Gregory Landsman's
iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox2BAEDEO
{Table· chat , handle, Size. 50020352 bytes)
Socty file· chat-1 .txt
Chris Sellbach •

Tamaya Dennard·

9/2212018 8:51 :18 AM(UTC-4)Directi0n:Outgoing , +15136460188

I'm done with this.

Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/\/ar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1DB7A5D (Table message, chat attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phonel var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Altachmenls/cd/13/6A9887DF-8CB5-4944-83SD-95519753F896/IMG_4352 JPEG (Size 3054906 bytes)
912212018 8:52:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Me too
Status: Read
Read· 9/22/2018 8 $2c23 AMtUTC·4)
Source file: Gregory landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1087811 (Table: message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/2212018 9:12:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Me too·
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSisms.db Ox1DB9DB1 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/2212018 9:13:26 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136480186
Told PG that this morning too. Will give my texts to Enquirer/Courier reporters on Fnday if PG hasn't resolved this. Unless either of you have
a better idea.
Status: Sent
Source fife: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1DB9BDB (Table· message, chal Size· 50020352 bytes)
Chats (1)
_L •These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts


Participants: Start Time: 1215/2017 4:53.40 PM(UTC-5)

+15134170743 Last Activity: 4125/2018 2:14.57 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 7
Source: 1Message· + 151341707 43
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobilell1brarylSMSisms.db
OxBAD876B (Table chat. handle, Size: 220631040
Body Ille. chat-1. lx1
Chris Seelbach·

+ 15133652404
P G Si ttenfeld'

+ 15136460186
Greg Landsman·
1/8/2018 5:20:05 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncom1ng, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}



IMG 4511.Jpeg
Status: Read
Read. 11812018 6:18.39 PM(UTC·S)
Source file: 1Phone1Varlmob1le1L1brary/SMS!sms.db . Ox859E41 S (Table: message. handle, chat. attachment, Stze· 220631040 bytes)
IPhone/var/rnobtle/UbraryJSMS/Attachments/33/03/2F1134C4·14E1-408E·AEOF·A5855F58B81EilMG_4511 jpeg (Size: 453677 bytes)
1/8/2018 5:20:37 PM(UTC..S)Oirectlon:locoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sitteofeld)
Paul Daugherty tells a (beloved) black woman to "sit down" and "shut up" - you kidding mel I just tweeted about it
Status: Read
Read: 11812018 6:18'39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db 0~859FF02 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
1/221201810:33:38 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
h ttps:/lwww. bizj ournaIs. corn/ci nci nn ati/news/2018/0112 2/fc-c i ncinnati-to-cincinnati-public-sc hools-let-s. html


Status: Read
Read: 1/22/2018 10.35 25 PM(UTC -5)
Source file: tPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db: Ox872949A (Table: message, handle, chat. atiachment. Size 22063 1040 bytes)
iPhone/va r/mobile/l lbrary/SMS/Attachmentsl73/03143A5C05 7·6A3F·4AA8·8BCA·AC99B6F38051 /6A60352 F·D DC F-47AD·B1B 1·
22FA03202FC3.plug1nPayloadA1taci1ment {Size: 5969 bytes)
1Phonelvar/mobilelL1braiytSM S/At1achmen ts/O 7107 IE SFSF CAC-6F 06-4 EC D-9B5C-3C9ADE 1F87A1/28486778-0050-446 9-BC7F-
660 722D SBF9C.pluglnPayloadAttachmen1 (Size. 14 79331 bytes)
1/2212018 10;35:52 PM(UTC..S)Olrec!lon:Outgoing, +15134170743
It was just a matter of time
SU>tus: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db , Ox872AF06 (Table: message. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
112312018 12:34:11 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming. +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

F29B4B14·49A6-4105-A 15E-
CA!:i69ES~440t' .plugtnPayloadAttachment

Status: Read
Read: 112312018 12 34.J t PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library!SMS/sms.db Ox87326CE (Table· message. handle chat attachment, Size· 220631040 bytes)
iPhonelv ar/mobile/UbrarylSMSIAttachmonts/7 3103/03 04 C860-0080·4C 2E -A8CF-CDB 19C880137If 5726A6F-99F3-<l64 5.9770.
B60608F9AA47.plug1nPayloadAttachment , (Size. 894 bytes)
iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMSIA.ttachments/O2/0214 5233EA6-A3E 2·48CS· B20\,-FO 2A73538073/F 2984 814-4 9A6-4 105-A1 SE-
CA969E53440F .pluginPayloadAnacttmen1 (Size 552186 bytes)
1123/2018 12:34:12 PM(UTC-S)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chrts Seelbaeh)
Judge rules she keeps her spot'
Sllltus: Read
Read: 112312018 12 34:3t PMtUTC SJ
Source file: 1Phonelvarimob1le/Ltbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8732373 (Table. message handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/23/2018 12:48:01 PM(UTC-S)Olrectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If the 5 of us stick together, we can prevent Cranley replacing her.
Status: Read
Read: 1/2312018 1·01 ·32 PM1UTC-S)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8733C58 (Table message. handle. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)

1/23/2018 12:51:14 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'll talk to her and David tonight and circle back. They want a resolution on the parks issue. This has not been good for her. More to come.
Status: Read
Read: 112312018 1:01:32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox87339E4 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/31/2018 11:05:27 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How are we all voting on Goetz today?
Status: Read
Read: 1131/201811:06:46AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db : Ox88506A3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :05:43 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 113112018 11 :06:46 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8851FD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/3112018 11:06:10 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Did something change with Diane? Does she support Jim getting her seat and us voting yes?? Sorry, haven't been 100% engaged.
Status: Read
Read: 11311201811:06:46AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox8851E13 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/3112018 11 :06:12 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 1/3112018 11 :06:46 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8851 B2B (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/31/2018 11:06:30 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
No. she does not
Status: Read
Read: 113112018 11 :06:46 AM(UTC -5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8851960 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size : 220631040 bytes)
1/3112018 11:07:54 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Judge ruled her seat is up tomorrow, and Jim is more than qualified. They would have two weeks, while Dianne is still on the board and until
Jim is sworn in, to work together. Hope they do.
Status: Read
Read: 113112018 11:20:15 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8852FD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
113112018 11:09:19 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
I also put together a motion to affirm the independence of the Park board and that they have the sole authority in deciding where to spend
their money. No one can touch their money.
Status: Read
Read: 113112018 11 :20 15 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox88526C9 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
11311201811:09:30 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Resolution. actually .
Status: Read
Read: 113112018 11 :20:15 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox88523A3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
2/5/20181:04:25 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Are Republicans with Trump?
Sllitus: Read
Read: 21512018 1:08:13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox88055C3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
21512018 1:04:49 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
damn good question
Status: Read
Read: 21512018 1.08:13 PM(UTC -5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox88053D6 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
2/512018 1:05:55 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
assume so
Status: Read
Read: 21512018 1'08:13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox88D7FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
2/512018 1:06:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Sllitus: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 1'08.13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox88D7DD5 (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
21512018 1:08:21 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox88D7C18 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
2/5/2018 1:10:04 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm super lonely over here.
Status: Read
Read: 21512018 1: t 0·09 PM(UTC -5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88D7ASD (Table· message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)

215/2016 2 :05:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +1513 3464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Mark Mallory's hasn't lived in the West End in a loooonnnnggg time. #PoolHouselnMtAiry
Status. Read
Read: 2/5/2018 2 08 52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8808A93 (Table message. handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
215/2016 2 :09:00 PM(UTC-5) Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88085FC (Table message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
2114120181:21:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
If Cranley brings up me calling him a bully as an example of how I'm just like Rayshon Mack, expect me to quote Olympian Adam Rippon.
"I've learned from every setback, proudly own up to my mistakes, grown from disappointments, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the
Status: Read
Read: 2/14/2018 1 21 59 PM(UTC-5)
Source fi le: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8909FD2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/512016 2:57:24 PM(UTC-5) Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Want to split up press calls on RBO?
Status: Read
Read: 315/20t8 3 10 02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mo b1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8BD6FD2 (Table . message, handle, chat, Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:58:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
I think we could do that.
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 10.02 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8BD6DD5 (Table message handle. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2016 2 :58:20 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G . Sittenfeld )
could even all be on background, and share the Motion with them
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/20t8 3 10.02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8806BB6 (Table message. handle, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/512018 2 :58.43 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncorning, +1513 3464329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm good with that
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 10 02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox880694C (Table message. handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 2 :59:02 PM(UTC-5)0 irection:lncorning, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
only place my relationship isn't as strong is Enquirer. happy to reach out to Hanselman. Swartell, or Wetterich - just let m know
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 3 10 02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BD6739 (Table message, ha ndle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/ 5/2018 3 :06:57 PM(UTC-5) Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can one of you set this up? Or do we need Harmon to?
Status. Read
Re2d: 3/5/2018 31002 PM(UTC-5)
Source file : 1Phone/var/mobtle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88073C1 (Table message, handle, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/ 5/2018 3 :09:50 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I kind of like idea of each calling one reporter, but also happy to be on conference call sometime this afternoon/early evening, if Jon wants to
set up the latter
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 3 10 02 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BD9FD2 (Table message handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3 :10:50 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncorning, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
That's fine. Let me fi nd out if Sherri is doing coverage from Enquirer. If so. I can (reluctantly) take them .
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 1 t 02 PIA(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/ L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8BDAFD2 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/512018 3:13 :54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncorning, +15133652404 (P.G . Sitte nfeld)
I can do Jay - that's my best relationship
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3.14 23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8BDAB45 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes}
315/2018 3 :14.09 PM(UTC-5)Direction :lncorning, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
can someone email me an e-version of the motion wl 5 signatures please?
Status: Read
Read: 315/20t8 3 14 23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BDA902 (Table message, handle chat. Size 22063104 0 bytes)
3/512018 3 :14:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction :OutQoing, +1513417074 3
Wetterich and Chrisltan are both good relationships for me
Status: Senl
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS1sms.db Ox8BDA4BD (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/ 5/2018 3: 15:25 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'll have Jon send motion with signatu res before 5 to all of us.
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 3 06 t9 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone lvar/mob1le/L1braryiSMSlsms db Ox8BDA295 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)

315/2018 3:18:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
OK. I will do Sherri. Tamaya , do you want to pick either Wetterich or Christian and Greg can do the one you don't pick?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3.56•19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8BDBFD2 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
31512018 3:27:43 PM(UTC-S}Directlon:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman}
Liked "I'll have Jon send motion with signatures before 5 to all of us."
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 3:56:19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8BDDD48 (Table : message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
315/2018 3:27:44 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136480188 (Greg Landsman)
I'm doing Aldridge and happy to take Wetterick or Christian. Tamaya. who you want?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 56:19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8BDDAF5 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:28:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
so recap: PG: Hanselman. Chris: Sherry. Tamaya : Paula. Greg: Kevin & Wetterich.
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3.56 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BDD899 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:28:57 PM(UTC-S}Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 56.19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8BDD60D (Table: message, handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:29:10 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3:56:19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8BDD418 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:29:28 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
has Jon forward motion, which we should share with the respective reporters we talk to
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/20 t 8 3 56 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8BDEFD2 (Table : message, handle. chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
315/2018 3:29:38 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's a plan
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018356.19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BDED3A (Table message. handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:19 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
text the thread if any surprises, or need any backup
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 56 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BDEB35 (Table message. handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/512018 3:30:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Sherri told me Enquirer had planned to ignore Committee tomorrow because they knew it would be a ci rcus.
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 3 56•19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BDE8E2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Sherri told me Enquirer had planned to ignore Committee tomorrow beca use they knew it would be a circus. "
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 3 56 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8BDFF02 (Table message, handle, cha t. Size. 220631040 bytes)
315/2018 3:31:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I think us still briefing respective reporters and getting ahead of it it smart anyway
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 56 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db · Ox8BDF966 (Table: message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:31:22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +151 36460186 (Greg Landsman)
Agreed .
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 56 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BDF6CE (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:48:32 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
motion sent
Smtus: Read
Read: 3/512018 3 56 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8BDF509 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:18:55 PM(UTC-S)Direction:l ncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Jay wants to know if he can Tweet motion? yes? or should I tell him to hold off?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4 28'20 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms db · Ox6BE1FD2 (Table: message, handle . chat, Size 220631040 bytes)

3/5/2018 4:19:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
(btw, he was sympathetic to our line of argument and the front end work we've done)
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4 28 20 PM!UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8BE1046 (Table message. handle chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:21 :12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I almost think we should hold off tweeting 1t? May give them time to come up with talking points against us?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5120184.28 20 PMIUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox8BE1ABO (Table message, handle chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:22:01 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
yeah , I'll say he can quote from the motion, but no tweets
Status: Read
Read· 3/5/2018 4 28.20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BE17EC (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:28:10 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I almost th ink we should hold off tweeting it? May give them time to come up with talking points against us?"
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 4 28 20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BE14B8 (Table message. handle cha! Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:28 :15 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "{btw , he was sympathetic to our line of argument and the front end work we've done)"
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4 28 20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8BE2F02 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:28:44 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Great call with Kevin too. We'll see, but it seemed to go well. :)
Status: Read
Read· 3/5/2018 4 28 49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BE2C89 (Table message. handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/512018 4:29:44 PM(UTC-5}Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Can someone please send the motion to my gmail?
Status: Senl
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8BE2A53 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:30:03 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 5 18 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phoni;>/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8BE2842 (Tobie message handle. chat S1Le 220631040 bytes)
315/2018 4:31 :16 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
Liked "Great call with Kevin too. We'll see , but 1! seemed to go well. :)"
Status: Read
Read: 3/517018 5 18 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BE257F (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/512018 4:31 :27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
get for us to be collectively proactive like this
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 518 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8BE232C (Table message handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
31512018 4:31 :37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
certainly does'! hurt, and likely helps
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 5 18 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Dx8BE3FD2 (Table message, handle chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2016 4:37:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman}
Liked "certainly does'! hurt, and likely helps"
S!Dtus: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 5 18 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8BE3CDD (Table message handle chat Size 22063 1040 bytes)
3/5/2016 5 :19:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Talked to Welterick. He was great. Not likely to write something. but glad he's in the know 1f he does
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 5.22 03 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Dx8BE5296 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/5/2018 5:20:41 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Slttenteld)
Liked "Talked to Wetterick. He was great. Not likely to wnte something, but glad he's 1n the know if he does. "
Status· Read
Read: 31512018 5 22 03 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8BE6F02 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/612018 9:29:23 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Do we tweet the motion out around 10am today?
Status: Read
Read: 3/6/2018 9 35 44 AM(UTC -5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8BEF8FA (Table message handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)

3/6/2018 9:29:41 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Fine by me
Status: Read
Read: 3/612018 9.35 44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMSlsms.db Ox8BEF1 FE (Table. message, handle. cha t, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:30:07 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Me too. Are we able to get it voted on tomorrow?
Slntus: Read
Read: 31612018 9·35 44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/varl mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BFOFD2 (Table: message, handle, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:31:15 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If we all agree to vote for immediate consideration . Maybe. Although Cranley will fight us. He'll likely just send to Amy's comm ittee, w here it
will be voted down. And he'll never put on Council calendar to vote on. We need to talk to legal to see if we can vote for immediate
consideration . which bypasses his ability to send to committee.
Status: Read
Read: 316/2018 9 35 44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8BFOACO (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/612018 9:31:54 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
They talk about the urgency, so that only seems helpful. ... :)
Status: Read
Read: 31612018 9:35:44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8BF061C (Table: message handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/6/2018 4:05:00 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Any news on Wendell or Mann on passing our motion tomorrow and rejecting a delay?
Status: Read
Read: 3/612018 4 09 15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8COADSA (Table. message, handle, chat Size: 2.20631040 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:05:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Also, Harmon says no existing WW or Stormwater contractor will be affected? Is that right?
Status: Read
Read: 31612018 4:09.15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8COA805 (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
317/2018 11:07:26 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
Can the 4 of us talk right after council today? In my office or one of yours?
Status: Read
Read: 3n/2018 11: 18 23 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C15DOO (Table message handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
317/201811:08:00AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
works for me - I think a quick huddle strategizing on next steps for RB would be well advised
Status: Read
Read: 3nl2018 11 .18 '23 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8C15A7A (Table· message. handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
31712018 11:19:10 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, + 15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobilel llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C15708 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/7120181:44:16 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +1 5136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Do we know where our motion is?
Stntus: Read
Read: 31712018 1:55 13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/L1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox8C19C1E (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/712018 1:44:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 31712018 1551 3 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1braryl SMS/sms.db Ox8C19A29 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
317/20181 :44:47 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:l ncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
being referred to Economic Growth, but I will call for roll call on immediate consideration.
Status: Read
Read: 3nt201 8 1.55 13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonel var/mobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C1983C (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
317/2018 3:08:41 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743
I wanna thank my momma
Slntus: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/varl mob1le/Llbraryl SMS/sms db Ox8C1A493 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 byles)
317/2018 3:30:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "I wanna thank my momma "
Status: Read
Read: 3n/2018 3 30 35 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C1 BDOC (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
4/4/2018 3:18:24 PM(UTC~)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The best thing to happen today is the City Manager copying Tamara Harkavey on his statement to all of us instead of Tamaya. And then
Tamara responding , tha nking him for the "heads up"!
Stntus: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3 32 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FC2FD2 {Table message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)

41412018 3:18:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "The best thing to happen today is the City Manager copying Tamara Harkavey on his statement to all of us instead of Tamaya.
And then Tamara responding, thanking him for the "heads up'T
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3 32 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8FC289B (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
4/412018 3 :19:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I just pretended to take a picture of this ....
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3 32 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/ Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8FC224C (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
4/412018 3:32:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Wait, what?
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8FC3AC8 (Table· message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
41412018 4:15:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm trying to not bring up that St. Vincent DePaul is an openly anti-LGBT organization
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 4 16 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1lel l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FC6701 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
4/412018 4:16:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I wasn't aware of that
Status· Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FC6539 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
41412018 4:1 6 :51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm wrong . I was thinking Salvation Army.
Status· Read
Read: 4/4/2018 4 17 04 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonefvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FC6354 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
4/4120184:17:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Seelbach is spreading Fake News
Status: Read
Read: 41412018 4 17.15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8FC7FD2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
41412018 4:17:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
S!Dtus: Read
Read: 4/41201 8 4 17 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db oxer C7DA7 (Table message. handle, chet Size· 220631040 bytes)
4/412018 4:17:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hahaha ! Don't boycott him!
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phonefvarlmoblle/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8FC7BFO (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
4/4!2018 4:17:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I will no longer be watching Chris Seelbach!
Status: Read
Read· 4/4/2018 4 17 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file.1Phone/var/moblle/L1braryl SMS/sms.db Ox8FC7A03 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
41412018 4:17:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Slttenfeld)
(that doesn't sound creepy at all, does it?)
SIDtus; Read
Read: 4/4/2018 4 17 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FC77CO (Table message, handle chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
414/2018 4:18:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "I will no longer be watching Chris Seelbach!"
Status: Read
Read: 4/412018 4 18 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms db Ox8FC74E3 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
414/2018 4: 16:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Slightly ...
Status· Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox8FC72B6 (Table message cha t. Size 220631040 bytes)
41412018 4:19·20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just a little ...
Status. Read
Read; 4/4/2018 4 19.21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8FC8FD2 (Table message, handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
4/512018 10:33:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This "sexual harassment training" is harassment itself. Not only have we had to listen to a video with people repeatedly using the actual n
word, the presenter just shared a story of how someone in our own HR dept recently had to be reprimanded for saying something offensive
about a name they couldn't pronounce.
S!Dtus: Read
Read: 4/512018 10·3G 59 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8FF1570 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)

41512018 10:37:40 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Wow. Is that person still employed?
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8FF2058 (Table message chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
4/512018 10:39:45AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
What the hell?! Glad you sent a note to Harry. That's insane.
SUitus: Read
Read: 4/5/2018 10 40.03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8FF273C (Table. message. handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
4/5/2018 10:40:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chlis Seelbach)
It's truly awful. In every account. "Transgendered status" is used instead of gender identity or expression. Even though we changed that
terminology years ago in all city docs.
Status: Read
Read: 415/2018 10'42:29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms. db : Ox8FF38FE (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
4/5/2018 10:43:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743
OMG I cringe thinking about what we're using for trainings and how to address people
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8FF47E3 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
415/2018 10:44:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The facilitator is truly awful. Should be fired today.
Status: Read
Read: 4/5/2018 10 45 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox8FFSD56 (Table message handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
416/2018 8:51 :01 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbech)
Solicitor's office says it's not required to represent Black in this instance. Therefore will not seek outside Counsel for him. But that City
Council could appropriate funds for him to have outside Counsel.
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 6 53 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox9043FD2 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
416/2018 7:07:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I hate to spend money on this, but will if necessary. Can't we get some pro bono help, like Judge Jones or that Blake Maislin? That dude
would love the free PR.
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 7.10 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox9045FD2 (Table : message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
416/2018 7 :08:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think that's the route we need to go down. We'd only have 5 votes to hire counsel for him and Cranley would veto.
Status: Read
Read: 41612018 7 10:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobde/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox90459B4 (Table. message, handle , chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
41612018 7:10:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
By the way, I was kidding about Blake Maislin. He's the dude on all of the billboards. The 444-4444 guy. But we should get a real pro bono
lawyer, I think.
SUitus: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 7 10 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox9046FD2 (Table message handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
41612018 7:14:27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No body is going to laugh at my Blake Maislin joke?! C'mon.
Status: Read
Read: 416/2018 7 20:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox9046382 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
416/2018 7:14 :47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamara Harkavey would laugh
Status: Read
Read: 416/2018 7 20.38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox9047452 (Table message, handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
4/6/2018 7:17:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry is now responding to law dept.
SUitus: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 7 20 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox9047231 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
416/2018 8:30:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
Laughed at "No body 1s going to laugh at my Blake Matslin Joke?! C'mon. •
Status: Read
Read; 4/6/2018 11.32 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms db Ox90483FD (Table message handle. c hat Size 220631 040 bytes)
4/6/2018 8:31 :00 PM(UTC-4)DirectJon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Laughed at "Tamara Harkavey would laugh"
Status: Read
Reed: 4/6/201 8 11 32 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox9049F4D (Table. message handle. c hat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
419/2018 11 :33:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
So what's happening with Black and attorney? Is anyone preparing an ordinance to pay for his attorney? Are we just letting Solicitor's memo
stand ... and Black can either hire his own attorney or not?
Status: Read
Read: 4/9/7018 12 10 ~7 PM(UTC· 4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox9083FD2 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
4125/2018 2:10:26 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
OMG. The Pleasant Ridge guy 1s twins with the red's hat guy in the front row I #BfownAway #AhHa
Status· Read
Read: 4/2512018 2·14 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db Ox92902A7 (Table message. handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
4125/2018 2: 14:57 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
That's funny
Status: Senl
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox929EFD6 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)

~- • These details are cross-referellCed from this device's contacts

iMessage: (1)

Participants: Start Time: 4/25/2018 2 10 26 PM(UTC-4) Last Activity. 10/\2/2018 3.06.52 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: o
Source: 1Message
Source file: 1Phone/ varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db ·
Ox13A5F48 (Table. chal. handle . message, Size.
30273536 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.llct
Chns Seelbach·

P.G. S1ttenfelcf'

+15 136460186
Greg Landsman·

Tamaya Dennard' (owner)

4125/201B 2:10:26 PM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

OMG. The Pleasant Ridge guy is twins with the red' s hat guy in the front row' #BlownAway #AhHa
Status: Read
Delivered. M25/2018 2 14 40 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 412512018 2 14 40 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db 0K277A4B (Table message handle. chat Size· 30273536 bytes)
4125/2016 2: 14 :57 PM(UTC4)Directlon:Outgoing,
That's funny
SU.tus: Senl
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms db Ox27774C 1Table message chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
712612016 9:03:41 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Have you all seen stuff about KnockBack Nats closing this weekend for "renovations"? The same weekend as the Cincinnati Music Festival.
Have had several people reach out to me thinking ii seems fishy that when a predominantly African American event is coming to downtown.
they are "closing for renovations." Just wanted to see if you all have had anyone reach out and what you think.
Stelus: Read
Read. 7126/2018 9 56 33 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: 1Phonelvar/moblle/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db Ox49FOA9 (Table message. handle chal . Size 30273536 by1es)
7/28/2018 9:06:10 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I just reached out to them on Facebook to see if they have a response.
Stellls: Read
Read: 7126/2018 9:56 33 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: 1Phoneivar/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox49F540 (Table message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
7/2612018 9:55:35 PM{UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 {Greg Landsman)
Jason Barron called owner. Said they are renovating. We should talk to her. I ti get her cell for everyone.
Status: Read
Raad. 712612018 9 56 33 PMtUTC·4)
Source rile: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms db Ox4A1070 (Table message handle, chat Size 30273536 bytes)
7/2612016 9:56:12 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncorning, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Let me know I'll call
S1atus: Read
Road· 712612018 9:56 33 PMtUTC-41
Source file: 1Phoneivar/mob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db Ox4A1AA1 (Table message. handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
712612018 9:56:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Let me know. I'll call"
Status: Read
Read: 7/26/2018 9 56"33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox4A17DC (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:05:20 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Can you all meet Sunday night to talk about issues 10, 11 7PM?
Status: Read
Read: 10112/2018 3 06:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobiletlibrary/SMSlsms.db : OxE28B30 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:05:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 10112/2018 3.06:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxE29F8B (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
~0/12/201 8 3:06:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I can't at that time. I'm sorry
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxE2908E (Table: message, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:06:52 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 10/1212018 3 06:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxE29B48 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)


Chats (1)
..L • These details are oross·referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage + 15133484329 (1)

Participants: Start Time: 1215/2017 4:53:40 PM(UTC-5)
+15133484329 Last Activity: 1011 2/20 18 3:06.52 PM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbach' (owner) Number of attachments: 7
Source: !Message. +15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach s
iPhone/var/mobile/llbraiy/SMSlsms.db : ox11C4A4E2
(Table. chat handle, Size· 342745088 bytes)
Body file: chat-1 .txt
Tamaya Dennard'

Pg Sittenfeld'

Greg Landsman·
1/8/2018 5:20:05 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


IMG 4511 .Jpeg

SlalLIS: Read
Delivered: 11812018 5·26.34 PM{UTC-5)
Read: 1/8/2018 5 75·34 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/Varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxB3597BE (Table message. handle, chat, attachment, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbaeh's 1Phone/ varl mobile/Library/SMS/At1achments/86/00/8569C180-SA7E-45CA-B51D-Ci C72D6E03E9/IMG_4511 ./peg : (Size 453677 bytes)
1/812018 5:20:37 PM(UTC.5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenf&ld)
Paul Daugherty tells a (beloved) black woman to "sit down' and "shut up" - you kidding me• I just tweeted about 11
Slatus: Read
Delivered: 1/8/2018 5 26.34 PM{UTC-5)
Read: 1/812018 5 26:34 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1iel l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox835956F (Table. message handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
11221201810:33:38 PM(UTC-5)Dlrecti()fl:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld) /22/fc-cincinnati-to-cincinnali-public-schools-let-s.html

OA429132-03F5-4 784-89BD·
81 A5C84F70CO.plugonPayloadAtlachment
A24689E7-261 A-4724-6ED6-
C 7E4C9AB036F.plug1nPayloadAttachment

Status: Read
Read: 1122/2018 10.33A3 PM(UTC.5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db · Ox862C49A (Table. message, handle. chat , attachmen1, Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varlmobile/L1brary/SMSIAttachmcntsl 8bl 11 /C7F37729-A66D-4F33-BB69-236403646098/0A429132-03FS-4764-89B0-
61A5CS4F70CO.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size: 5969 bytes)
Chris Seelbach' s iPhonel var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/a5105/828CODCB·634F·4084-AB74-0FB7E04BBDOFIA24689E7-261A-4724-BED6-
C7E4C9ABD36F .pluginPayloadAttachment (Size 1479331 bytes)
1/2212018 10:35:52 PM(UTC...S)Direction:lncomfng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
It was just a matter of time
Status: Read
Read: 1/2212018 10 35:~6 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/ var/mobilelllbrary/SMSlsms.db OxB62DAOO (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
112312018 12:34:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https://www .cin cin /23/ch air-d ianne-rosenberg-rema1 n-park-boa rd-now/1057402001 /

17DB9C05-F5C2-446 3- B9C8-
OFD13070-D631-49B6-A350 -
E7EE7 B0544F6.pluo1nPayloadAHachrnent

5AC65FO 15868.plug1nPayloadAt1achment
Status: Sent
Source file· Chris Seeloach's IPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.ob OxB640602 (Table. message, chat, attachment Size· 34274 5088 bytes)
C hns Seelbacn s 1Phone/var/mobile/llbrary/SMS/ Attachments/4 c/12108EAD5DE- FC4 2 .4 BFA-BFD1\-C93 F21 3A6 FF3/17089C05-F5C 2· 4463-89C8-
SAC65 F015868.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size. 894 bytes)
Chlis Seelbach's i Phonel var/mobilefllbt ary/SMSIAttachmentsl9blt 1/0 7 1156E2-D4E7-4D40-98B 5-C40620A27186/0FD 13070-0631-4 9B6·A35D-
E7EE78D544F6. pluginPayloa~Attachment . (S•ze 552166 bytes)
1123/2018 12:34:12 PM(UTC·S)Dlrectlon:Outgomg, +15133484329 (Chrts Seelbaeh)
Judge rules she keeps her spot!
Stetus: Sen1
Source file. Chris Seelbach's 1Phonetvar/mobote/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB640370 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
112312018 12'46:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If the 5 of us stick together we can prevent Cranley replacing her.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lelllbrarylSMS1sms di:> OxB64 15DB (Table: message chat. SiZe· 342745088 bytes)

1/2312018 12:51 :14 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'll talk to her and David tonight and circle back. They want a resolution on the parks issue. Th is has not been good for her. More to come .
Status: Read
Delivered: 1123/2018 12 51.3 1 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/2312018 12.51 31 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db OxB642FC6 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/3112018 11:05:27 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How are we all voting on Goetz today?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB7C87BE (Table. message, chat. Size : 342745088 bytes)
1/31/2018 11:05:43 AM(UTC-5)Direclion:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yes .
Status: Read
Delivered: 113112018 11 :05:46 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/31/2018 11 .05:46 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxB7C9861 (Table: messag e. handle , chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :06:10 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chria Seelbach)
Did something change with Diane? Does she support Jim getting her seat and us voting yes?? Sorry, haven't been 100% engaged.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxB7C96A6 (Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :06:12 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Stntus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB7C93C4 (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/31/201811 :06:30 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
No. she does not
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxB7CAA2B (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :07:54 AM(UTC-S)Oireclion:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Judge ruled her seat is up tomorrow, and Jim is more than qualified . They would have two weeks, while Dianne is still on the board and until
Jim is sworn in, to work together. Hope they do.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1131 /2018 11:07.54 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/31/2018 11·07 :54 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox87CB984 (Table: message. handle. cha t. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/31/2018 11:09:19 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I also put together a motion to affirm the independence of the Park board and that they have the sole authority in deciding where to spend
their money. No one can touch their money.
Status: Read
Source file: Clirls Seelbach·s IPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxB7CD9FD (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/ 31/2018 11:09:30 AM(UTC-5)0lrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Resolution, actually.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox87CD4EB (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 1:04:25 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Are Republicans with Trump?
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/5/2018 1 04 36 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/5/2018 1 04 36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxB8BOFC6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
21512018 1:04:49 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
damn good question
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8880953 (Table: message, handle . chat. Size . 342745088 bytes)
215120181:05:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ass ume so
Sllltus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB8B0301 (Table message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
215/2018 1:06:06 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/5/2018 1 06 08 PM(UTC-5)
Read; 215120 18 1 06 08 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxB8B 1FC6 (Table message. handle . chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 1:08:21 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox8881E09 (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
215/20181 :1 0:04 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm super lonely over here.
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/5/2018 1·10.20 PM(UTC 5)
Read: 2/5/2018 1 10 20 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB8B2601 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

215/2018 2:05:02 PM(UTC-5)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Mark Mallory's hasn't lived in the West End in a loooonnnnggg time. #PoolHouselnMtAiry
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMSl sms.db . OxB8BBFD6 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2/5/2018 2:09:00 PM(UTC-5)DlrectJon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/5/2018 2·09 02 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/5/2018 2 09 02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxB8BC1CO (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
211412018 1:21:48 PM(UTC-5)0ir9ciion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If Cranley brings up me calling him a bully as an example of how I'm just like Rayshon Mack, expect me to quote Olympian Adam Rippon,
''I've learned from every setback, proudly own up to my mistakes, grown from disappointments, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBAB3790 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 2:57:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Want to split up press calls on RBO?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 2.57 27 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 2.57 27 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxBEB 1DC3 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 2:58:03 PM(UTC-5)0irectJon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think we could do that.
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBEB1717 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 2:58:20 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
could even all be on background, and share the Motion with them
Status. Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBEB 14FC (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 2:58:43 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
I'm good with that
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxBEB1296 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 2:59:02 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
only place my re lationship isn't as strong is Enquirer. happy to reach out to Hanselman, Swartell, or Wetterich - just let m know
Status: Read
DeUvered: 3/5/2018 2 59 04 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 2.59 04 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxBEB2FC6 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 3:06:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can one of you set this up? Or do we need Harmon to?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxBEB374F (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:09:51 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I kind of like idea of each calling one reporter, but also happy to be on conference call sometime this afternoon/early evening , 1f Jon wants to
set up the latter
Status: Read
Oehvered: 3/5/2018 3 09 53 PM(UTC-5)
Read 3/5/2018 3 09.53 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBEB5A69 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 3:1 0:50 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That's fine. Let me find out if Sherri is doing coverage from Enquirer. If so, I can (reluctantly) take them.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxBEB6FD6 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:1 3:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
I can do Jay - that's my best relationship
Status· Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBEB6D12 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3: 14:10 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
can someone email me an e-version of the motion w/ 5 signatures please?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxBEB68A8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:14:44 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wetterich and Christian are both good relationships for me
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/20t8 3 14 52 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/20t8 3 14 52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbac h s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBEB6622 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:1 5:25 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'll have Jon send motion with signatu res before 5 to all of us.
Status: Sent
Source file: Cllns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db OxBEB63FC (Table. message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

315/2018 3 :18:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
OK. I will do Sherri. Tamaya, do you want to pick either Wetterich or Christian and Greg can do the one you don't pick?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBEB7FD6 (Table. message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 3:27:43 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I'll have Jon send motion with signatures before 5 to all of us."
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxBEB7AEO (Table message handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
315/2018 3:27:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm doing Aldridge and happy to take Wetterick or Christian. Tamaya, who you want?
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBEB7891 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3 :28:56 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
so recap: PG: Hanselman. Chris: Sherry. Tamaya : Paula. Greg: Kevin & Wetterich.
Status: Read
Delivered: 31512018 3.28:59 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 3 28:59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxBEB7629 (Table message. handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
315/2018 3 :28:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/512018 3:28.59 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 3:28:59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxBEB7391 (Table: message, handle, chat. S ize: 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:20:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484320 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db : OxBEB8FD6 (Table. message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
315/2018 3:29:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
has Jon forward motion, which we should share with the respective reporters we talk to
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db . OxBEB8DE7 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:29:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's a plan
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMSl sms.db . OxBEB8B53 (Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
31512018 3:30:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
text the thread if any surprises, or need any backup
Status: Read
Dettvered: 315/2018 3.30 28 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5120 18 3·30:28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbac h's 1Phone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db · OxBEB8944 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri told me Enquirer had planned to ignore Committee tomorrow because they knew it would be a circus.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms db OxBEB86F5 (Table message. chat Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Sherri told me Enquirer had planned to ignore Committee tomorrow because they knew it would be a circus ."
Status· Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/ mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxBEB9F06 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 3427 45088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:31:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Siltenfeld)
I think us still briefing respective reporters and getting ahead of it it smart anyway
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBEB996E (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:31 :22 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxBEB96DA (Table message . handle. chat. Size 34274 5088 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:48:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
motion sent
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SM S/ sms db : OxBEBC268 (Table. message. chat Size: 34274508 8 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:1 8:55 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeid)
Jay wants to know 1f he can Tweet motion? yes? or should I tell him to hold off?
Status: Read
Delivered: 31512018 4 19 03 PM(UTC 5)
Read: 315120 18 4 19:03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1lel l 1brary/SM S/sms db OxBEBFE1 1 (Table message. handle. chat. S12e 34274 5088 bytes)
315/2018 4:19:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
(btw. he was sympathetic to our line of argument and the front end work we've done)
St&tus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db OxBEBFB89 (Table message. handle. chat Size· 34274 5088 bytes)

131512018 4:21:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I almost think we should hold off tweeting it? May give them time to come up with talking points against us?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxBEBF8F7 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:22:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
yeah , I'll say he can quote from the motion, but no tweets
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 4:24:59 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4:24:59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db: OxBEBF629 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 4:28:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I almost think we should hold off tweeting it? May give them time to come up with talking points against us?"
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxBEBF2F9 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:28:15 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "(btw, he was sympathetic to our line of argument and the front end work we 've done)"
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxBECOF06 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:28:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Great call with Kevin too . We'll see, but it seemed to go well. :)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxBECOC91 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:29:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Can someone please send the motion to my gmail?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/512018 4:29:44 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4·29·44 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBECOA4B (Table· message. handle chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:30:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBEC083C (Table· message chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 4:31:16 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Liked "Great call with Kevin too. We'll see, but it seemed to go well. :)"
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 4:33:16 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4:33:16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxBEC056F (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
315/2018 4:31:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
get for us to be collectively proactive like this
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 4:33:16 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4.33·16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/srns.db OxBEC0310 (Table: message. handle, chat, S ize. 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:31:37 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
certainly does'! hurt, and likely helps
Status: Read
Delivered: 31512018 4:33:16 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/512018 4 33.16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBEC1 FC6 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 4:37:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "certa inly does 't hurt, and likely helps"
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/512018 4 38 29 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4:38 29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBEC1CC5 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 5:19:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Talked to Wetterick . He was great. Not likely to write something, but glad he's in the know if he does.
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 5 22"37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · OxBEC28E9 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2016 5:20:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Liked "Talked to Wetterick. He was great. Not likely to write someth ing, but glad he's in the know if he does. "
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 522 37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Clrns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxBEC2593 (Table. message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:29:23 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do we tweet the motion out around 1Dam today?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxBED1 DOE (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:29:41 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Jncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Fine by me
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/6/2018 9.29:45 AMiUTC -5}
Read: 3/6/2018 9.29.45 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxBED1608 (Table message . handle . chat. Size 34274 5088 bytes)

3/6/2018 9:30:07 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Me too. Are we able to get it voted on tomorrow?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBED2FD6 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/612018 9:31: 15 AM(UTC...S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If we all agree to vote for immediate consideration. Maybe. Although Cranley will fight us. He'll likely just send to Amy's committee, where it
will be voted down. And he'll never put on Council calendar to vote on. We need to talk to legal to see if we can vote for immediate
consideration, which bypasses his ability to send to committee.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . OxBED279B (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:31 :54 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
They talk about the urgency, so that only seems helpful .... :)
Status: Read
Delivered: 31612018 9:36:05 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 316/2018 9:36:05 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db : OxBED3FC6 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/6/2018 4:05:00 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Any news on Wendell or Mann on passing our motion tomorrow and rejecting a delay?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/6/2018 4:05:05 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/6/2018 4:05:05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db: OxBEFEFC6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/6/2018 4:05:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Also , Harmon says no existing WW or Stormwater contractor will be affected? Is that right?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/6/2018 4:06:33 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/6/2018 4:06:33 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBEFEA65 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
31712018 11 :07:26 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
Can the 4 of us talk right after council today? In my office or one of yours?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxBF3198A (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 11 :08:00 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
works for me - I think a quick huddle strategizing on next steps for RB would be well advised
Status: Read
Delivered: 3nt2018 11:08:04 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 31712018 11 :08:04 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db: OxBF313FC (Table. message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 11 :19:09 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Delivered: 317/2018 11.19:1 1 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 31712018 11: 19:11 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db : OxBF33574 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 1:44:16 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Do we know where our motion is?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3nt2018 1:44:19 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3f7/2018 1:44:19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . OxBF4A99A (Table: message , handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 1:44:28 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxBF4A7A9 (Table: message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 1:44:47 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
being referred to Economic Growth, but I will call for roll call on immediate consideration.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxBF4A5C2 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/7/2018 3:08:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I wanna thank my momma
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/7/2018 3:08:53 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 317120 18 3 08:53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibraryiSMSlsms.db : OxBF5959D (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
31712018 3:30:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "I wanna thank my momma "
Status: Read
Delivered: 3f7/2018 3·32 44 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3f7/2018 3:32:44 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/LtbrarylSMSlsms db: OxBF5C796 (Table · message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
4/4/2018 3:18:24 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The best th ing to happen today is the City Manager copying Tamara Harkavey on his statement to all of us instead of Tamaya. And then
Tamara responding, thanking him for the "heads up"'
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilel library/SMS/sms.db · OxC5CE745 (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)

• 4/4/2018 3:18:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1513646 0186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "The best thing to happe n today is the City Manager copying Tamara Harkavey on his statement to all of us instead of Tamaya.
And then Tamara responding, thanking him for the "heads up"!"
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/4/2018 3 18 38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/4/2018 3 18 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC5CFD2C (Table message. handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 3:19:26 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I just pretended to take a picture of this ....
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3 19 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC5CF600 (Table me ssage, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 3:32:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wa it, what?
Status: Read
Delivered: 414/2018 3 3310 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 414/2018 3 33·10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC5D4AAC (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 4:15:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm trying to not bring up that St. Vincent DePa ul is an openly anti-LGBT organ ization
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lel llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC50CA2F (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 4:1 6;27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I wasn't aware of that
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/4/2018 4 16 29 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/4/2018 4 16 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/varl mobde/library/SMS/sms.db OxC5DC789 (Table message, handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/412018 4:16:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm wrong. I was thinking Salvation A rmy.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC50C5A6 (Table. message, chat. Siz e. 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 4:17:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Seelbach is spreading Fa ke News
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms db OxC50C36B (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41412018 4:17:09 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobde/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC5DDF06 (Table message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
414/2 018 4:17:20 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hahaha ! Don't boycott him!
Status Read
Sou rce file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvarl moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC5DDE1 F (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
41412018 4:17:38 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I will no longer be watching Chns Seelbach'
Status· Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC5DOC34 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 4:17:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
(that doesn't sound creepy at all, does it?)
Status: Read
Sou rce file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/LibrarylSMSl sms db . OxC5009F5 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 4:18:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "I will no longer be watching Chns Seelbach'"
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/4/2018 4 18 53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/4/2018 4 18 53 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/ var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms db OxC5DD70C (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
41412018 4:18:57 PM(UTC-4) Directi0n:lncoming, +151 34170743 (Ta maya Denll8rd)
Slightly ...
Status Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonel var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC50040F (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
41412 018 4:19:20 PM(UTC-4)Directi0n:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just a little ....
Status: Read
Sou rce file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonel var/ mob1lel l1brary/SMSl sms db OxC50031 0 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
415/2018 10:3 3:15 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +151 3348432 9 (Chris Seelbach)
This "sexual harassment training" is harassment itself. Not only have we had to listen to a video with people repeatedly using the actual n
word, the presenter just shared a story of how someone in our own HR dept recently had to be reprimanded for saying something offensive
about a name they couldn't pronounce.
Status: Sent
Sou rce file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCSF6991 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

41512018 10:37:40 AM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wow. Is that person still employed?
Status: Read
Read: 4/5/2018 10 39 42 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC5F6565 (Table. message. handle . chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
415/2018 10:39:45 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
What the hell?' Glad you sent a note to Harry. That's insane.
Status: Read
Read: 41512018 10:39:45 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db . OxC5F636A (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
41512018 10:40:57 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's truly awful. In every account. "Transgendered status" is used instead of gender identity or expression. Even though we changed that
terminology years ago in all city docs.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/varl mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxC5F7FD6 (Table. message, chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes}
415/2018 10:43:08 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
OMG I cringe th inking about what we're using for trainings and how to address people
Status: Read
Read: 41512018 10'43'48 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob ile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCSF7CBC (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes}
415/201810:44:48AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The facilitator is truly awful. Should be fired today.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1bra ry/SMS/ sms.db OxC5F7828 (Table· message chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
418/2018 6:51 :01 PM(UTC4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Solicitor's office says it's not required to represent Black in this instance. Therefore will not seek outside Counsel for him. But that City
Council could appropriate funds for him to have outside Counsel.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxC63F94C (Table: message. chat. Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
41612018 7:07:45 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I hate to spend money on this , but will if necessary. Can't we get some pro bono help, like Judge Jones or that Blake Maislin? That dude
would love the free PR.
Status: Read
Delivered: 416120 18 7:07:48 PM(UTC-4)
Reed: 41612018 7:07:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db: OxC640FC6 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size : 342745088 bytes}
4/6/2018 7:08:37 PM(UTC4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think that's the route we need to go down. We'd only have 5 votes to hire counsel for him and Cranley would veto.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxC6409AC (Table message chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
4/612018 7: 10:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
By the way, I was kidding about Blake Maislin. He's the dude on all of the billboards. The 444-4444 guy. But we should get a real pro bono
lawyer, I think.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db OxC641FD6 (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
418/2018 7:14:27 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No body is going to laugh at my Blake Maislin joke?! C'mon.
Status: Read
Delivered: 416/2018 7 14 29 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/6/2018 7 14 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC64165D (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
41612018 7 :14:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamara Harkavey would laugh
Stnlus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms.d b . OxC641 4 33 (Table. message chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
416/2018 7 :17:54 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry is now responding to law dept.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms db OxC641218 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41812018 8:30:57 PM(UTC-4)Direclio n:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Laughed at "No body is going to laug h at my Blake Maislin joke?! C'mon. •
St.Illus: Read
Read: 4/612018 8 31 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC6477B1 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
416/2018 8:31 :00 PM(UTC4)Direction:l ncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Laughed at "Tamara Harkavey would laugh"
Status: Read
Reed. 416/2018 8 31 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC6474 DB (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
419/2018 11:33:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So what's happening with Black and attorney? Is anyone preparing an ordinance to pay for his attorney? Are we j ust letting Solicitor's memo
stand ... and Black can either hire his own attorney or not?
Status: Sent
Source file : Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxC685618 (Table message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)

4725/2018 2:10:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
' OMG. The Pleasant Ridge guy is twins with the red 's hat guy in the front row! #BlownAway #AhHa
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC9119C9 (Table. message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/2512018 2:14:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's funny
Status; Read
Delivered: 4125/2018 2.14 59 PM(UTC· 4)
Read: 4/25/2018 2 14 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC91170A (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/26/2018 9:03:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Have you all seen stuff about KnockBack Nats closing this weekend for "renovations"? The same weekend as the Cincinnati Music Festival.
Have had several people reach out to me thinking it seems fishy that when a predominantly African American event is coming to downtown,
they are "closing for renovations: Just wanted to see if you all have had anyone reach out and what you think .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/ var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxD6AFFD6 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
712612018 9:06:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I just reached out to them on Facebook to see if they have a response.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxD6AF7BA (Table· message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/28/2018 9:55:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Jason Barron called owner. Said they are renovating . We should tatk to her. I'll get her cell for everyone.
Status: Read
Read: 7/26/2018 9 55 57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxD6BOFD2 (Table. message handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/2612018 9:56:1 2 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Let me know. I'll call
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxD6BOD41 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/2612018 9:56:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman}
Liked "Let me know. I'll call"
Status: Read
Read: 7/26/2018 9 56 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMSisms.db OxD6BOAC5 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
10/1212018 3:05:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Can you all meet Sunday night to talk about issues 10, 11. 7PM?
Status· Read
Read: 10/ 1212018 3 054 0 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxEOF6FD2 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
10/1212018 3:05:49 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxEOF65D4 (Table· message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
10/1212018 3:06:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I can't at that time. I'm sorry
Status: Read
Read: 10/ 12/2018 3 09 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxEOF64 17 (Table. message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:06:52 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read. 10/ 1212018 3 09 34 PM<UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxEOF6216 (Table: message handle , chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

: •These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15133652404 (1)

# Deleted

Participants: Start Time: 12/512017 4,53 41 PM(UTC-5)

+ 15133652404 Last Activity: 10/12/2018 3 06.52 PM (UTC-4)
P.G.' (owner) Number of attachments· 7
Source: iMessage: +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox89FF 517
(Table: chat, handle, Size 220762112 bytes)
Body file: chat- 1.txt
+ 15134170743
Tamaya Denard'

+15136460 186
Greg Landsman•

Chris Seelbach'
1/6/2018 5:20:37 PM(UTC-5)Direcllon:Outgoing, +15133 524 4 ( • .
Paul Daugherty tells a (beloved) black woman to "sit down" and "shut up" - you kidding me! I just tweeted about it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone1var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox67F4 FD6 (Table· message, chat , Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/221201810:33:38 PM(lJTC-5)Dlrection:Oulgolng, +151336524()4 {P.G.)
https:/ 8/01 /22/fc-cincinnati-to-cincinnati-public-schools-let-s.html

3F4674 7E-FAF7-4 5ED-87C5-

Status: Senl
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvarlmobtle/Library/ SMS/sms.db . Ox6AD! 49E (Table message chat, attachment , Size· 220762112 bytes)
P. G. 's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSIAtt achmentsf76i06f74 8AOA16-BO 14-4677-B2C7-A2C F668AF 3EF/3F4 674 7E -FAF7-4 5ED-87CS-
20004 B006466.ptug inPayloadAtlachment (Size. 5969 bytes)
P.G .'s iPhone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/Attachmentslcal10/12E1 EC37-COD0-400B-9E49-2388893DBBEE/ACF49C7A·8990-49A8-BDF3-
1498AFCF4AC3 pluginPayloadAttachment · (Size· 1479331 bytes)
1/221201810:35:52 PM{UTC-5)Direotion:lncoming, +15134170743 {Tamaya Denard)
It was just a matter of lime
Slatus: Read
Read: 112312018 1:07:15 PM(UTC-51
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db : Ox6AD2FD2 {Table· message. handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
112312018 12:34:1 1 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https ://www. cincin / 23/cha ir-d1anne-rosenberg-rem ain-park-boa rd-now/105 7 402001 /


Status: Road
Read: 112312018 1·o7·15 PMtUTC· 5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhcne/var/mobde/Library/SM S/sms.db Ox6AEA6CE \Table: massage handle, chat at1achmen1 Size· 220762112 bytes)
P. G. 's iPhOnc/var/mobilelltbrary/SMS/Attachments/ff/15/4 95 723FA-0828-44EF-0128-ABSOCC F325F 9/A54 7SF B3-AC80-48F 1-AABF-
OE 3AE2D685F6.plug1nP ayloadAttachment (Size 894 bytes)
P.G. 's iPhcne/var/mobile/ltbrary/SM S/Attachments/Cd/13/27158068-30 83-4 F53-87CF-C DF1 0529EAECIC0373169· E385-49CC-A762·
B6FDDE638246.plug1nPayloadAttachment · ( Size· 552186 bytes)
1/2312018 12:34:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:ln<X>ming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Judge rules she keeps her spot!
Status: Read
Read. 112312018 1 01·1s PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lel l1brarylSMS/srns.db Ox6AEA374 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/231201812:48:01 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection·tncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If the 5 of us stick together. we can prevent Cranley replacing her.
Status: Read
R&ad: 1/23120 18 10715 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le!L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6AEBA82 (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1123/2018 12:51 :14 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Lendsm Bn)
I'll talk to her and David tonight and circle back. They w ant a resolution on the parks issue. This has not been good for her. More to come.
Status: Re ad
Reed: 112312018 1 07 15 PMiUTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's iPhonetvarfmobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox6AECFD2 (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1131/2018 11 :05:27 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming. +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
How are we all voting on Goetz today?
Status: Read
Read: 113112018 110547 AMtUTC 5)
Source file: PG 's iPhonelvarlmobile!L1brary!SMS/sms.db Ox66F4748 (Table message handle chat . Size· 22076211 2 bytes)

1/31/2018 11 :05:43 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yes .
Status: Read
Read: 1/31/2018 11 :05:47 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox6BF4216 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :06:1 o AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Did something change with Diane? Does she support Jim getting her seat and us voting yes?? Sorry, haven't been 100% engaged.
Status: Read
Read: 1131/201811 :06:12 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6BF5EOD (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1131/2018 11 :06:12 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox6BF5FD6 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :06:30 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
No, she does not
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6BF5B2A (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/3112018 11 :07:54 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Judge ruled her seat is up tomorrow, and Jim is more than qualified. They would have two weeks, while Dianne is still on the board and until
Jim is sworn in , to work together. Hope they do.
Status: Read
Read: 1/31/2018 11 :13:41 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox6BF5955 (Table: message. handle , chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :09:19 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I also put together a motion to affirm the independence of the Park board and that they have the sole authority in deciding where to spend
their money. No one can touch their money.
Status: Read
Read: 1/31/2018 11:13:41 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6BF5325 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :09:30 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Resolution , actually.
Status: Read
Read: 1/31/2018 11:13:41 AM(UTC -5)
Source file: P.G. 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6BF6FD2 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 2207621 12 byte s)
2/5/2018 1 :04:25 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Are Republicans with Trump?
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/512018 1:04:45 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/5/2018 1:0~:~5 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6C8044D (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}
2/5/2018 1:04:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
damn good question
Sta<us: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6C80265 (Table : message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}
2/5/2018 1:05:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
assume so
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6C8EB8D (Table: message. handle, cha<, Size: 220762112 bytes)
215/20181:06:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6C8E797 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
21512018 1:08:21 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +151341 70743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/512018 2·05: 1o PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/5/2018 2:05:10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobrle/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox6C8F29E (Table : message, handle. chat. Size· 22076211 2 bytes)
2/5/2018 1:10:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm super lonely over here.
Status: Read
Delivered: 215/2018 2:05:10 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 215/2018 2:05:10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6C90FC6 (Table. message, handle, cl1at, Size- 2207621 12 bytes}
2/5/2018 2 :05:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Mark Mallory's hasn't lived in the West End in a loooonnnnggg time. #PoolHouse lnMtAiry
Status: Read
Delivered: 215/2018 2:05.10 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 21512018 2:05:10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6C91 FC6 (Table: message, handle. cha t. Size 220762112 bytes)
2/5/2018 2 :09:00 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Right !
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/b/2018 2:16.57 PM(UTC-b)
Raad: 2/b/2018 2·16:57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6C91 D1 B (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes}

211:4/2018 1:21 :48 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If Cranley brings up me calling him a bully as an example of how I'm just like Rayshon Mack, expect me to quote Olympian Adam Rippon.
"I've learned from every setback. proudly own up to my mistakes, grown from disappointments, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the
Status: Read
Read: 2/14/2018 13506 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6EOA768 (Table message handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
315/2018 2:57:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Want to split up press calls on RBO?
Status Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 2 57 31 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 2 57 31 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms db Ox71A6FC6 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/512018 2:58:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think we could do that.
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox71A6909 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/512018 2:58:20 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
could even all be on background, and share the Motion with them
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox71A66FO (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:58:43 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm good with that
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox71A648C (Table message handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:59:02 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
only place my relationship isn't as strong is Enquirer. happy to reach out to Hanselman Swartell, or Wetterich - just let m know
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox71A7FD6 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
315/2018 3:06:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can one of you set this up? Or do we need Harmon to?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 3 09 13 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 30913 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox71A7CD4 (Table message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/512018 3:09:51 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I kind of like idea of each calling one reporter. but also happy to be on conference call sometime this afternoon/early evening, 1f Jon wants to
set up the latter
Status; Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox71A7A86 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/512018 3:10:50 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That's fine. Let me find out 1f Sherri is doing coverage from Enquirer. If so. I can (reluctantly} take them.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 3 13 05 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 315/2018 3 13'05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox71A7427 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:13:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I can do Jay - that's my best relationship
Status. Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox71A8FD6 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:14:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
can someone email me an e-version of the motion w/ 5 signatures please?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox71A8099 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2016 3:14:44 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Wetterich and Christian are both good relationships for me
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 3 27 48 PMtUTC-5)
Read 3/512018 3 27 48 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox71A8B15 (Table message handle . chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2016 3:15:25 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'll have Jon send motion with signatures before 5 to all of us.
Stlltus: Read
Delivered: 31512018 3 77 48 PMtUTC-~)
Read· 31512018 3.27 48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox71A88EO (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
315/2016 3:18:38 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
OK. I will do Sherri. Tamaya do you want to pick either Wetterich or Christian and Greg can do the one you don't pick?
Stalus. Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 3 77 48 PM(UTC-bl
Reed: 3/5/2018 3 27 •8 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox71A8665 (Table message l1andle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:27:43 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I'll have Jon send motion with signatures before 5 to all of us."
Status: Read
Delivered 3/5/2018 3 27 48 PMtUTC-5)
Read: 31512018 3 27 48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox71A9909 (Table message handle cha t Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2016 3:27:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm doing Aldridge and happy to take Wetterick or Christian. Tamaya, who you want?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/512018 3:27:48 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 31512018 3:27 :48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71A96AB (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:28:58 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
so recap: PG: Hanselman. Chris: Sherry. Tamaya : Paula. Greg: Kevin & Wetterich.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71A9454 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:28:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71AAFD6 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:29:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox71AADE7 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size : 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:29:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
has Jon forward motion, which we should share with the respective reporters we talk to
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ library/SMS/sms.db · Ox71AABF7 (Table: message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:29:38 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's a plan
Status: Read
Delivered: 31512018 3:30:07 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/512018 3:30:07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox71AA955 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
text the thread if any surprises , or need any backup
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox71AA755 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri told me Enquirer had planned to ignore Committee tomorrow because they knew it wou ld be a circus.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71ABFD6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Sherri told me Enquirer had planned to ignore Committee tomorrow beca use they knew it wou ld be a circus."
Sllltus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71AB94E (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:31:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I think us still briefing respective reporters and getting ahead of it it smart anyway
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox71AB387 (Table: message, cha t, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:31 :22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
SUitus: Read
Delivered: 315/2018 3:31:44 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 3:31:44 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMSisms.db : Ox71ACFC6 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size · 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:46:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
motion sent
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 4:18.55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4:18·55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71ADFC6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:18:55 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Jay wants to know if he can Tweet motion? yes? or should I tell him to hold off?
Status: Sen!
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71AFD3E (Table : message, chat. Size : 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2016 4:19:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
(btw, he was sympathetic to our line of argument and the front end work we've done)
Status: Sen!
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox71AFAB8 (Table: message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:21:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I almost think we should hold off tweeting it? May give them time to come up with talking points against us?
Status: Read
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox71AF828 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:22:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yeah, I'll say he ca n quote from the motion, but no tweets
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db : Ox7 1AF569 (Table: message, chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)

3/5/2018 4:28:10 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I almost think we should hold off tweeting it? May give them time to come up with talking points against us?"
Status. Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 4 30 55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/512018 4 30.55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox71826E1 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
315/2018 4:28:15 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "(btw, he was syrnpathellc to our line of argument and the front end work we've done)"
Status. Read
Delivered: 315/2018 4·30 55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4 '30:55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox71 B235F (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
315/2018 4:28:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Great call with Kevin too. We'll see , but it seemed to go well.:)
Status: Read
Delivered: 315/2018 4:30 55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4:30 55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7184FC6 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/512018 4 :29:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Can someone please send the motion to my gmail?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 4 30.55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/512018 4:30 55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox7184A67 (Table message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/512018 4:30:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 4 30 55 P"1(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 4 30 55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7185900 (Table message handle chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:31:16 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Liked "Great call with Kevin too. We'll see, but it seemed to go well. :)"
Status: Senl
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7186F06 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:31 :27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
get for us to be collectively proactive like this
Status: Sent
Source file. P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7186CB9 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:31:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
certainly does'! hurt, and likely helps
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7186A72 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:37 :32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "certainly does'! hurt, and likely helps"
Status: Read
Read. 3/5/2018 5 20 33 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobHelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7187280 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 5:19:55 PM(UTC-5) Di rection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Talked to Wetterick. He was great. Not likely to write something, but glad he's in the know 1f he does.
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 5 20.33 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox71 BF8E5 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 5:20:41 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Liked "Talked to Wetterick. He was great. Not likely to write something, but glad he's 1n the know 1f he does. "
Stctus. Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox71 BF594 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
316/2018 9 :29:23 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do we tweet the motion out around 10arn today?
Status: Read
Read: 3/6/2018 9 29 36 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox71 DAFD2 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
318/2018 9:29:42 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (PG.)
Fine by me
Sllltus: Senl
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox71 DA8DB (Table message chat Size 220762112 byles)
316/2018 9:30:07 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Me too. Are we able to get it voted on tomorrow?
Status: Read
Read: 3/6/2018 9 33 44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox71 DA712 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
31612018 9:31 :15 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
If we all agree to vote for immediate consideration. Maybe. Although Cranley will fight us. He'll likely just send to Arny s committee where it
will be voted down. And he'll never put on Council calendar to vote on We need to talk to legal to see if we can vote for immediate
consideration . which bypasses his ability to send to committee.
Sllltus: Read
Read; 31612018 9 33 44 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db · Ox710BFD2 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

316/2018 9:31 :54 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:l ncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
They talk about the urgency, so that only seems helpful. ... :)
Status: Read
Read: 31612018 9.33 44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox71DBB2F (Table message, handle chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
316/20 184:05:00 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, + 15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Any news on Wendell or Mann on passing our motion tomorrow and rejecting a delay?
Sbltus: Read
Delivered: 3/612018 4:23:54 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/612018 4·23 54 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7204658 (Table· message, handle chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/6/2018 4:05:48 PM(UTC-S)Direction:l ncoming, +151364601 86 (Greg Landsman)
A lso, Harmon says no existing WW or Stormwater contractor will be affected? Is that right?
Sbltus: Read
Delivered: 3/6/2018 4.23.54 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/6/2018 4:23:54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7205FC6 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/712018 11:07:26 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, + 15 133484329 (Chris Seel bach)
Can the 4 of us talk right after council today? In my office or one of yours?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3n12018 11 07:31 AM\UTC-5)
Read: 3n/2018 11 ·07 31 AM(UTC-5)
Source file : P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox722B97D (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
31712018 11:0 8:00 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, + 15 133652404 (P.G.)
works for me - I think a quick huddle strategizing on next steps for RB would be well advised
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox722B3FE (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
31712018 11: 19:09 AM(UTC -5)Direction:ln com ing, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Dena rd)
Su re
Status: Read
Read: 3nt2018 1 44 30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms. db Ox722EE04 (Table. message. handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3171201 8 1:44:16 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, + 15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Do we know where our motion is?
Status: Read
Read: 3nt2018 1 44:30 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox723589C (Table· m essage, handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
317/2018 1:44:26 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3nl2018 1 44 .30 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox72356A8 (Table: m essage, handle, chat , Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
31712018 1 :44:47 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +151 33464329 (Chris Seelbach)
being referred to Economic Growth , but I will call for roll call on immediate consideration.
Status: Read
Read· 3nt2018 3 12 13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72354BC (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
31712018 3:08:41 PM(U TC-5)Direction :lncoming, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I wanna thank my momma
Status: Read
Read: 3nl2018 3 121 3 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox723B4E1 (Table message handle. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
31712018 3:30:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "I wanna thank my momma "
Status; Read
Delivered: 3/8/2018 12 32 59 PM(UTC 5)
Read: 3/812018 12. 32:59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox723C569 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
414/2018 3:18:24 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The best thing to happen today is the City Manager copying Tamara Harkavey on his statement to all of us instead of Tamaya. And then
Tamara responding , thanking him for the "heads up" 1
Stotus: Read
Delivered: 4/4/2018 3 18·29 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/4/2018 3 18 29 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7877DSF (Table message handle. ch at Size 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2018 3:18:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "The best thing to happen today is the City Manager copying Tamara Harkavey on his statement to all of us instead of Tamaya.
And then Tamara responding, thanking him for the "heads up" 1"
Status: Read
Source file : P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox7878F05 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
414/2018 3:19:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I 1ust pretended to take a picture of this ....
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3 4~ 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7878696 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)

j 414/2018 3:32:59 PM(UTC-4}Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
•Wa it, what?
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3:45.53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox787990F (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2018 4:15:43 PM(UT~)Direction: lncoming , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm trying to not bring up that St. Vincent DePaul is an openly anti-LGBT organization
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/4/2018 4:16:56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/412018 4:16•56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhoneivar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7870838 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
414/2018 4:16:27 PM(UTC-4)Direc1ion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I wasn't aware of that
Status: Read
Delivered: 41412018 4.16.56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/412018 4:16:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7870591 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2018 4:16:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm wrong. I was thinking Salvation Army.
Status: Read
Delivered: 41412018 4:16.56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 41412018 4:16.56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox787039F (Table message, handle , chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2018 4:17:04 PM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing , +15133652404 (P.G.)
Seelbach is spreading Fake News
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varimobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox787EFD6 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
41412018 4:1 7:09 PM(UT~)Direc1ion:lncoming , +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox787EDB1 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2018 4:17:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Hahaha 1 Don't boycott him 1
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox787EBFB (Table. message. handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2018 4:17:38 PM(UT~)Oirection :Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I will no longer be watching Chris Seelbach!
Status: Sent
Sou roe file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms rib Ox787EA 11 (Ta hie message chat S17e· 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2016 4:17:48 PM(UT~}Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
{that doesn't sound creepy at all. does it?)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox787E704 (Table: message chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
41412018 4:18:51 PM(UT~)Direction: lncoming , +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Laughed at "I will no longer be watching Chris Seelbach 1"
Status: Read
Read: 414/2018 5 0722 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox787E4F9 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
414/2018 4:18:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Slightly ...
Status: Read
Read: 4/412018 5 07 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox787E2C9 (Table. message handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
41412018 4:19:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just a little ....
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 5 07 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox787FFD2 (Table. message handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
415/2016 10:33:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This "sexua l harassment training" is harassment itself. Not only have we had to listen to a video with people repeatedly using the actual n
word, the presenter just shared a story of how someone in our own HR dept recently had to be reprimanded for saying something offensive
about a name they couldn't pronounce.
Status: Read
Read: 4/512018 10 40 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/ SMSlsrns.db Ox789087D (Table: message handle chat Size· 22076211 2 bytes)
4/5/2018 10:37:40 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dena rd)
Wow. Is that person still employed?
Status: Read
Read: 41512018 10 40 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox789027C (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
415/201610:39:45AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
What the hell?' Glad you sent a note to Harry. That's insane.
Status: Read
Read: 4/512018 10 40 11 AM\UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox789 EFD2 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

415/201810:40:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's truly awful. In every account. "Transgendered status" is used instead of gender identity or expression. Even thoug h we changed that
terminology years ago in all city docs.
Status: Read
Read: 41512018 10:40:57 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox789EBF2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/5/2018 10:43:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
OMG I cringe th inking about what we're using for trainings and how to address people
Status: Read
Read: 41612018 8:30:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox789E807 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/5/2018 10:44:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The facilitator is truly awful. Should be fired today_
Status: Read
Read: 41612018 8:30:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox789E674 (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
416/2018 6:51:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Solicitor's office says it's not required to represent Black in this instance. Therefore wi ll not seek outside Counsel for him. But that City
Council cou ld appropriate funds for him to have outside Counsel.
Status: Read
Read: 41612018 8:30:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/librarylSMSlsms.db : Ox792B717 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/6/2018 7:07:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
I hate to spend money on this, but will if necessary. Can't we get some pro bono help, like Judge Jones or that Blake Maislin? That dude
would love the free PR.
Status: Read
Read: 41612018 8:30:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7930FD2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
416/2018 7:06:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think that's the route we need to go down. We'd on ly have 5 votes to hire counsel for him and Cranley would veto.
Status: Read
Read: 41612018 8:30:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7930557 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
416/2018 7:10:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
By the way, I was kidding about Blake Maislin. He's the dude on all of the billboards. The 444-4444 guy. But we should get a real pro bono
lawyer. I think.
Status: Read
Read: 416/201 8 8•30.26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox793 1FD2 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4/6/2018 7:14:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No body is going to laugh at my Blake Ma1slln Joke?' C'mon.
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 8.30:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7931666 (Table : message, handle. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
4/612018 7:14:47 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:l ncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamara Harkavey would laugh
Status: Read
Read: 4/612018 8:30 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox793 14 39 (Table : message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/812018 7:17:54 PM(UTC--4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry is now responding to law dept.
Status: Read
Read: 41612018 8:30:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox793 1219 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
416/2018 8:30:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Laughed at "No body is going to laugh at my Blake Maislin joke? I C'mon. "
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox7933D37 (Table: message. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/6/2018 8:31 :00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Laughed at "Tamara Harkavey would laugh"
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db Ox7933A67 (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
419/2018 11 :33:02 AM(UTC--4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So what's happening with Black and attorney? Is anyone preparing an ordinance to pay for his attorney? Are we just letting Solicitor's memo
stand ... and Black can either hire his own attorney or not?
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/912018 11.47.09 AMtUTC-4)
Read: 41912018 11.47.09 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox79AAFC6 (Table: message, handle chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/25/2018 2 :10:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
OMG. The Pleasant Ridge guy is twins with the red's hat guy in the front row 1 #BlownAway #AhHa
Status: Read
Read: 7126/2018 9.47 .30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7CE2FD2 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

4/2512018 2: 14:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
.Th'at's funny
Status: Read
Read: 7/26/2018 9 47 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox7CE2D21 (Table. message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes}
7/26/2018 9:03:41 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Have you all seen stuff about KnockBack Nats closing this weekend for "renovations"? The same weekend as the Cincinnali Music Festival.
Have had several people reach out to me thinking 1t seems fishy that when a predominantly African American event 1s coming to downtown,
they are "closing for renovations." Just wanted to see if you all have had anyone reach out and what you think.
Status: Read
Reed: 7126/2018 9 47 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobde/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox88AAFD2 (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
7/2812018 9:06:1 0 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
I just reached out to them on Facebook to see if they have a response.
Status: Read
Read: 7/26/2018 9 47 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox88AA7B4 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
7/26/2018 9:55:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Jason Barron called owner. Said they are renovating. We should talk to her. I'll get her cell for everyone.
Status: Read
Delivered: 7129/2018 12 35 24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/29/2018 12.35 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox88AD399 (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
7/26/2018 9 :58:12 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbech)
Let me know. Ill call
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/29/2018 12.35 24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7129/2018 12 35·24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox88AEFC6 (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
7/2612016 9 :56:20 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Let me know. I'll call"
Status. Read
Delivered: 7/29/2018 12 35 24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/29/2018 12 35·24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G:s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBBAED40 (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2016 3:05:20 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Can you all meet Sunday night to talk about issues 10 11 . 7PM?
Status: Read
Read: 10/291201812 2818 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox941AFD2 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1212018 3:0S:49 PM(UTC-4)01rection·lncomlno. +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 1012912018 12 2818 PMcUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox941 A325 (Table message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2016 3:06:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I cant at that time. I'm sorry
St.nlus: Read
Read: 10129/2018 12 28 18 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox941BC8E (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1212016 3 :06:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 1012912018 12 28 18 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P.G:s 1Phone/varlmobilelL1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox941 BA92 (Table message handle cha t Size 220762112 bytes)

Chats (1)
...!. • These detalls are cross-referenced from thi s device's contacts

iMessage: +15136460186(1)
# Deleted

Partlcipants: Start Time: 12/5/2017 4 53 40 PM(UTC-5)

+15136460186 Last Activity: 10/1212018 3:06·52 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 7
Source: iMessage. • 1513S460Hl6
Source file: Gregory l andsman's
1Phonefvar/mob1leflibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox2B72648
(Table: chat handle, Size 50020352 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.t:d
+1 5134170743
Tamaya Dennard '

Chris Sellbach'

+151336524 04
PG S1ttenfeld '
11812018 5:20:37 PM(UTC.S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Paul Daugherty tells a (beloved) black woman to '"sit down" and '"shut up" - you kidding me1 I just tweeted about 11
Status: Read
Read: 11812018 5:20:39 PM(UTC-5)

Source file: Gregory l anosman's 1Phonelvar/mobilellibrarylSM$/sms.db Ox6A8AD7 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes;
112212018 10:33:38 PM(UTC-5)0Jrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
h tips·Ilwww. b izjoum als. com/c1 nci n nati/news/2018/01/22/fc-cincinna t i-to-cincin na ti-pu blic-schools-let-s.htmI


54 20A 71S-43CA-4F1 F-B223-

E4 32433C-0131-4CF2-830F-
93FE§631 FASA.plu9111PayloadAnachment
staws: Read
Read: 112312018 4:-47·42 AM(UTC-5)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/Var1mob1lellibraryiSMS1sms.db Ox7D749A (Table. message handle chat attachment , Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobileilibrary/SMS/Atlachments/9a/1onF2F4172-AC5C-4AEO-B076·2064D2170035/E432433C-O 131·4CF2-830F-
93FE9B31 FA5A.pluginPayloadAtlachment · {Size· 5969 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1leJL1brarylSMSIAtlachments/3dl13/E 11A057D-F500-477 B-AFA5-A9DEE932CD9C/5420A715·43CA--4 F1 F·B223-
AED7313D17 30.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size: 1479331 bytes)
112212018 10:35:52 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lru::omlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
It was just a matter of time
Status: Read
Read: 1/2312018 4:47 42 AM(UTC-5)

Source life: Gregory Landsman 's 1Phonelvarlmob1felltbrary/SMSlsms.db: Ox708FD2 (Table message, handle, cl)al. Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/2312018 12:34:11 PM{UTW)Olrection:lncomlng. +15133484329 (Chris SelJbach)
hllps: //www news/2018/01 /23/cha ir-dian ne-rosenbe rg-remain-park-board-now/105 74020011

Sf.!ltus: Read
Read: 1123/2018 12 36.06 PMIUTC-51

Source file. Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox7E06CE 1Table. message, handle. chat attachment. Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1leilibrarylSMSiAttachments/87/07/288680B6·038F-44EC-8738-E9BOADA6E51E/28890C3F-BD42-459C-8209-
E374CS7962F5.plug1nPayloadAllachmen1 (Size . 894 bytes)
Gregory Landsman· s 1PhoneJvar/mob1feJLlbrary/SMS/AI lachmentslla/1 OiC7 B3C07 3-E88F -46A9-SOA6-E 4DDFC 78C B F41A7 BS DDOB-E5C D-4 B2E-AD87-
t 1C02206A8S4.plugmPayloadAtlachmen1 · (Size: 552186 bytes)
1123/2018 12:34:12 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
Judge rules she keeps her spot'
Slatus; Read
Read: 1/?312018 12:36·06 PM(UTC-5)

Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox7E0373 tT able message. handle. char . Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/2312018 12:48:01 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (CMs SelJbach)
If the 5 of us stick together. we can prevent Cranley replacing her.
Status· Read
Read: 112312018 12'49•40 PM(UTC-~)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS1sms db Ox7E22B9 (Table message handle. char S ize 50020352 bytes)

1/2312018 12:51:14 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460188
I'll talk to her and David tonight and circle back. They want a resolution on the parks issue. This has not been good for her. More to come.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox7E3F06 (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/3112018 11 :05:27 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
How are we all voting on Goetz today?
Status: Read
Read: 1/3112018 11 05 39 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox890F02 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/311201 8 11:05:43 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/ library/SMS/sms.db Ox890AA3 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/31/2018 11:06:10 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Did something change with Diane? Does she support Jim getting her seat and us voting yes?? Sorry, haven't been 100% engaged .
Status: Read
Read: 1/31/2018 11-06 14 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8908E6 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/3112018 11:06:12 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 1131/2018 11 06 14 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSisms.db . Ox8905FE (Table: message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/31/2018 11 :06:30 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
No, she does not
Status: Read
Read: 1131/2018 11·06 31 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox890433 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/3112018 11 :07:54 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Judge ruled her seat is up tomorrow, and Jim is more than qualified. They would have two weeks, while Dianne is still on the board and until
Jim is sworn in, to work together. Hope they do.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox89EF06 (Table. message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/3112018 11:09:19 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460188
I also put together a motion to affirm the independence of the Park board and that they have the sole authority in deciding where to spend
their money. No one can touch their money.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox89E9A 1 (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/3112018 11:09:30 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Resolution, actually.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox89E681 (Table· message, chat, S ize 50020352 bytes)
2/5/2018 1:04:25 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Are Republicans with Trump?
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/ sms.db Ox8EE502 (Table· message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
2/512018 1:04:49 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
damn good question
Status: Read
Read: V5/2018 1 04:53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db OxBEE317 (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
2/5/201 8 1:05:55 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
assume so
Status: Read
Read: 21512018 1 06 03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8EFFD2 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
2/5/2018 1 :06:06 PM(UTC-5)01rectlon:Outgolng, +1 51364601 86
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8EFD09 (Table: message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
2/5/2018 1:08:21 PM(UTC- 5)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 2/512018 1·09 40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8EFC1A (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes}
2/5/2018 1:10:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'm super lonely over here.
Status. Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8EFA61 (Table message. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
21512018 2:05:02 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Mark Mallory's hasn't lived in the West End in a loooonnnnggg time. #PoolHouselnMtA1ry
Status· Read
Read: 2/5/2018 2 06.39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mo b1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8F7F0 2 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)

2/5/2018 2:09:00 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Right !
Status: Read
Read: 21512018 2.09·31 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8F751 C (Table. message, handle, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
2114/20181:21 :48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:tncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
If Cranley brings up me calling him a bully as an example of how I'm just like Rayshon Mack, expect me to quote Olympian Adam Rippon.
"I've learned from every setback. proudly own up to my mistakes, grown from disappointments, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the
Status: Read
Read: 2/14/2018 1:30.52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox999FD2 (Table message, handle, chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 2:57:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Want to split up press calls on RBO?
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db: OxB66FD6 (Table: message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:58:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I think we could do that
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 2:59.07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB6691 C (Table . message. handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:58:20 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
could even all be on background, and share the Motion with them
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 2:59:07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxB666FD (Table- message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:58:43 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I'm good with that
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 2.59.07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxB66493 (Table: message, handle, chat . Size 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:59:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
only place my relationship isn't as strong is Enquirer. happy to reach out to Hanselman, Swartell. or Wetterich - just let m know
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 2 .59:07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB67FD2 (Table· message. handle. cl1at, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:06:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Can one of you set this up? Or do we need Harmon to?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3·21 :28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phoneivar/mobil e/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxB67619 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:09:51 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I kind of like idea of each calling one reporter, but also happy to be on conference call sometime this afternoon/early evening, if Jon wants to
set up the latter
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 3.21'28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxB68FD2 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:10:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
That's fine. Let me find out if Sherri is doing coverage from Enquirer. If so , I can (reluctantly) ta ke them .
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3 21 28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB6897D (Table message handle. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:13:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I can do Jay - that's my best relationship
Status: Read
Read: 31512018 3:2 1:28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxB686B3 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:14:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
can someone email me an e-version of the motion w/ 5 signatures please?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3:21 :28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB68470 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:14:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +151341 70743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wetterich and Christian are both good relationships for me
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 3 21"28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varimobilelUbrarylSMS/sms.db OxB69FD2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:1 5:25 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I'll have Jon send motion with signatures before 5 to all of us.
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 3 21:28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB69DA8 (Table message, handle chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:18:38 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Ch ris Sellbach)
OK. I will do Sherri. Tamaya, do you want to pick either Wetterich or Christian and Greg can do the one you don 't pick?
Status: Read
Read: 31512018 321 28 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB69838 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

3/5/2018 3:27:43 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgoing, +15136460188
Liked "I'll have Jon send motion with signatures before 5 to all of us."
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB6A7BC (Table. message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes}
315/2018 3:27:44 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'm doing Aldridge and happy to take Wetterick or Christian. Tamaya, who you want?
Status: Sent
Source file: G regory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB6A56F (Table: message. chat, Siz.e: 50020352 bytes}
3/5/2018 3:28:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
so recap : PG: Hanselman. Chris: Sherry. Tam aya: Paula. Greg : Kevin & Wetterich .
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 3:29:49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxB6A315 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:28:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 3:29:49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxB6BFD2 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
31512018 3:29:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3:29:49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB6BDDD (Table: message, handle. chat, Siz.e: 50020352 bytes}
3/5/2018 3:29:28 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
has Jon forward motion, which we should share with the respective reporters we talk to
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3:29:49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxB6BBE8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2016 3:29:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
It's a plan
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3:29:49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxB6B950 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:19 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
text the thread if any surprises, or need any backup
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3:30.26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxB6B74B (Table: message. handle, chat, S ize: 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:30:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Sherri told me Enquirer had planned to ignore Committee tomorrow because they knew it would be a circus.
Status: Read
Read: 3/512018 3:30:49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · OxB6CFD2 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 3:30:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Sherri told me Enquirer had planned to ignore Comm ittee tomorrow because they knew it would be a circus."
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB6C949 (Table: message, chat, Siz.e: 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:31 :12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I think us still briefing respective reporters and getting ahead of it it smart anyway
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3:31 :14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxB6C3AF (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:31:22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxB6DFD6 (Table: message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 3:48:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Sellbach)
motion sent
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 3:49:37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxB603B7 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:18:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Jay wants to know if he can Tweet motion? yes? or should I tell him to hold off?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4·27 52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxB6EFD2 (Table: message handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes}
3/5/2018 4:1 9:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
(btw, he was sympathetic to our line of argument and the front end work we've done )
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 4.27:52 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db . OxB6ED46 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
315/201 8 4:21 :12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I almost think we should hold off tweeti ng it? May give them time to come up with talking points against us?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4:27:52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsma n's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · OxB6EABO (Table : message, handle. chat. Siz.e: 50020352 bytes)

3/5/2018 4:22:02 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
yeah, I'll say he can quote from the motion, but no tweets
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4 27 52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxB6E7EC (Table· message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 4:28:10 PM(UTC..S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "I almost think we should hold off tweeting it? May give them time to come up with talking points against us?"
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB6E4BC (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:28:15 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "(btw. he was sympathetic to our hne of argument and the front end work we've done)"
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox86FF06 (Table: message. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:28:44 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Great call with Kevin too. We'll see , but it seemed to go well.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox86FC93 (Table message. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 4:29:44 PM(UTC..S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Can someone please send the motion to my gmail?
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4 .37 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB6FA5B (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 4:30:03 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacll)
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4.37·19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox86FB48 (Table message handle. chat. Stze 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 4:31 :18 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
Liked "Great call with Kevin too. We'll see, but it seemed to go well. :)"
Status· Read
Read: 3/512018 4 37 19 PM<UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB6F585 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 4:31:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
get for us to be collectively proactive like this
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4 37 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB6F332 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
315/2018 4:31:38 PM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:lncomino. +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
certainly does'! hurt, and likely helps
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 4 37 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB70FD2 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 4:37:32 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "certa inly does't hurt, and likely helps"
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms_db OxB70CE1 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 5:19:55 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Talked to Wetterick. He was great. Not likely to write something, but glad he's in the know if he does.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox870AC7 (Table. message chat Size 50020352 byte s)
315/2018 5:20:41 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Liked "Talked to Wetterick. He was great. Not likely to write something, but glad he's in the know if he does. "
Status· Read
Read: 315/2018 5 21 02 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB70773 (Table message. handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/812018 9:29:23 AM(UTC- 5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach)
Do we tweet the motion out around 1Oam today?
Status: Read
Read: 3/6/2018 9 29 28 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB80FD2 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:29:41 AM(UTC..5)0irection:lnc:oming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Fine by me
Status: Read
Read: 316/2018 9 29 43 AM(UTC-5)
Source file· Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelltbrary/SMS/sms db OxBB0806 (Table message handle cha! Size 50020352 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:30:07 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Me too. Are we able to get it voted on tomorrow?
Status: Sen1
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS•sms db Ox88070F (Table message. chat StZe 50020352 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:31:15 AM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
If we all agree to vote for immediate consideration. Maybe. Although Cranley will fight us. He'll likely iust send to Amy's committee. whe re it
will be voted down. And he'll never put on Council calendar to vote on. We need to talk to legal to see if we can vote for immediate
consideration which bypasses his ability to send to committee.
Status: Read
Read: 31612018 9 31 19 AMtUTC-51
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db OxB81 FD2 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/612018 9:31:54 AM(UTC-S)Olreclion:Outgoing, +15138460188
They talk about the urgency , so that o nly seems helpfu l.. .. :)
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db · OxB81632 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
318/2018 4:05:00 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136480186
Any news on Wendell or Mann on p a ssin g o ur motion tomorrow a n d rejec ting a delay?

Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB90A04 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
31812018 4:05:48 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgolng, +151384801 86
A lso , H ar mon says no exi sting WW or Stormwater contractor w ill be affected? Is that righ t?

Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox890265 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3f712018 11:07:26 AM(UTC- 5)0irection:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Can the 4 of us talk right a f ter counc il today? In my office or one of yours?
Status: Read
Read: 31712018 11 26 37 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8 A55FO (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3(712018 11:08:00 AM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
work s fo r me - I think a q uick huddle s trategizing on nex t s teps fo r RB w ould be well advised

Status: Read
Read: 31712018 11 26,37 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8 A6F02 (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
31712018 11 :19:09 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
S ure
Status: Read
Read: 317/20 1811:26·37 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8A6815 (Table message. handle chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
3f7/2018 1:44:18 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15138480186
D o w e know whe re our motion is?

Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobilelL1brarylSMS/sms.db · Ox8AAAA4 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3f7/2018 1:44:28 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read: 317/2018 1 44 33 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8AA305 (Table message. handle. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
3f7/2018 1:44:47 PM(UTC- S)Olrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
being refe rred to E con om ic G rowth. but I w ill call f or roll call on immed iate consideratio n .
Status: Read
Read: 317/2018 1.44 48 PM!UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db : Ox8ABFD2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3f7/2018 3:08:41 PM(UTC-S)Olrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I wanna thank m y momma
Status: Read
Read: 317/2018 3:29.32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8AC484 (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
31712018 3:30:25 PM(UTC-5) 0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
L aughe d at "I wanna thank my momma •

Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8AED58 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/4/2018 3:18:24 PM(UTC-4)01rection:l ncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
T h e b e s t thing to happen today is the City Manager copying Tama r a H a rkav e y o n h is state m e n t to all of u s in ste ad of T amaya. And then
Tamara respond ing , thanki ng him for the "heads up"!

Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3·18 26 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxE268BA (Table: message, handle chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
4/412018 3:18:36 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
L aughed at "T he best thing to happen today is the Cit y Manager copying T amara Harkavey on his s tatement to a ll of us instead of Tamaya.
And then Tamara resp onding, thanking him for the "heads up " 1"
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db . OxE27F05 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
41412018 3:19:28 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +151 36460186
I just pretended to tak e a picture of this ....
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE2788C (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/4/2018 3:32:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
W ait. w hat?
Status: Read
Reed. 4/4/2018 3 35 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE29FD2 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/4 /2018 4:15:43 PM(UTC-4)0irection:1ncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I'm trying to n ot bring up t hat St . Vincent D ePaul is an o p e nly a nti-L GBT or ganizatio n
Status· Read
Read: 4/4/2018 4 15 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxE2EA53 (Table: message handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)

4/4/2018 4:16:27 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I wasn't aware of that
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 4 16 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxE2E7B7 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
414/2018 4:1 6:51 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I'm wrong . I was thinking Salvation Army.
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 4 16 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxE2E5DO (Table message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
414/2018 4:17:04 PM(UTC-4)Direc:tion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Seelbach is spreading Fake News
Status: Read
Read: 414/2018 4 17 05 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxE2E 38F (Table message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
414/2018 4: 17:09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxE2FFD6 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 by1es)
414/2016 4:17:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hahaha 1Don't boycott him!
Status: Read
Read: 41412018 4 17 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxE2FE1 D (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
414/2018 4:17:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I will no longer be watching Chris Seelbach!
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 4·18.47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE2FC2E (Table message handle chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
414/2018 4:17:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
(that doesn't sound creepy at all, does it?)
Status: Read
Read: 414/2018 4:18'47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms db · OxE2F9EB (Table. message, handle. chat, Size : 50020352 bytes)
414/2016 4:18:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
Laug hed at "I will no longer be watching Chris Seelbach 1"
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxE2F392 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/4/2016 4:16:57 PM(UTc-4)01rection.lncoming, +15134170743 (Tameya Dennard)
Slightly ...
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 4 18 57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE30FD2 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/412018 4:19:20 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Just a little ....
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmoblie/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxE30E03 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/5/2016 10:33:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
This "sexual harassment training" is harassment itself. Not only have we had to listen to a video with people repeatedly using the actual n
word , the presenter just shared a story of how someone in our own HR dept recently had to be reprimanded for saying someth ing offensive
about a name they couldn't pronounce.
Status: Read
Read: 415/2018 10 38 27 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxE3B96F (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/5/201810:37:40 AM(UTC-4)D1rection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wow. Is that person still employed?
Status: Read
Read: 4/512018 10 38 27 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxE3B541 (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/5/2016 10:39:45 AM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15136460166
What the hell?! Glad you sent a note to Harry. That's insane.
Sllitus: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxE3B34A (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4151201810·40:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
It's truly awful. In every account. "Transgendered status" 1s used instead of gender identity or expression. Even though we changed that
terminology years ago in all city docs.
Status: Read
Read: 4/512018 10 46 51 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/rnob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxE3CFD2 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
415/2018 10:43:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
OMG I cringe thinking about what we're using for trainings and how to address people
Status: Read
Read: 4/5/2018 10 46 51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxE3C86E (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)

4/5/2018 10:44:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
The facilitator is truly awful. Should be fired today.
S1atus: Read
Read: 4/5/2018 10.46:51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxE3C60A (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
4/6/2018 6:51 :01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Solicitor's office says it's not required to represent Black in this instance. Therefore will not seek outside Counsel for him. But that City
Council could appropriate funds for him to have outside Counsel.
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 6'52:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxES9FD2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
416/2018 7:07:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
I hate to spend money on this, but will if necessary. Can't we get some pro bone help, like Judge Jones or that Blake Maislin? That dude
would love the free PR.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db: OxE59C42 (Table: message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
418/2018 7:08:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I think that's the route we need to go down. We'd on ly have 5 votes to hire counsel for him and Cranley would veto.
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 7.08·39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mo bile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxE5961C (Table: message. handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
4/6/2018 7:10:23 PM(UTC-4)Direc:tion:Outgoing, +15136460186
By the way, I was kidding about Blake Maislin. He's the dude on all of the billboards. The 444-4444 guy. But we should get a real pro bone
lawyer, I think.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxE5AFD6 (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 by tes)
416/2018 7:14:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5136460186
No body 1s going to laugh at my Blake Maislin 1oke?! C'mon.
Status: Sent
Source file : Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxE5A607 (Table message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
41612018 7 :14:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Tamara Harkavey would laugh
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 7:15.15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxE5A4AB (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
416/2018 7:17:54 PM(UTC-4)Direc:tion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Harry is now responding to law dept.
Status. Read
Read: 41612018 7.17:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's IPhonetvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE5A28A (Table. message. handle chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
416/2018 8:30:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Laughed at "No body is going to laugh at my Blake Maislin joke?! C'mon. "
Status: Read
Read: 416/2018 8:35:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source fi le: G regory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE5EA44 (Table: message, handle. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
4/6/2018 8:31:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Laughed at "Tamara Harkavey would laugh"
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 8'35:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxE5E76E (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
419/2018 11 :33:02 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
So what's happening with Black and attorney? Is anyone preparing an ordinance to pay for his attorney? Are we just letting Solicitor's memo
stand ...and Black can either hire his own attorney or not?
Status: Read
Read: 4/9/2018 11.34-53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE7F7DB (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
412512018 2:10:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
OMG. The Pleasa nt Ridge guy is twins with the red's hat guy in the front row! #BlownAway #AhHa
Status: Read
Read: 4/25/2018 2 11 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxFDE632 (Table· message. handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
412512018 2 :14:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's funny
Status: Read
Read: 4/2512018 2 70·~3 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxFDE37D (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/2612018 9:03:41 PM(UTC-4)Direc1ion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Have you all seen stuff about KnockBack Nats closing this weekend for "renovations"? The same weekend as the Cincinnati Music Festival.
Have had several people reach out to me thinking it seems fishy that when a predominantly Africa n American event is coming to downtown,
they are "closing for renovations ." Just wanted to see if you all have had anyone reach out and what you th ink.
Status: Read
Read: 7/26/2018 9 53 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1762BOC (Table message handle. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
7/26/2018 9:06:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I just reached out to them on Facebook to see if they have a response.
Status: Read
Read: 712612018 9 53 34 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox17622EA (Table message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
712612018 9:55:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Jason Barron called owner Said they are renovating. We should talk to her. I'll get her cell for everyone.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1763662 (Table message chat Size 50020352 byies)
712612018 9:56:12 PM(UTC-4)Direcilon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Let me know. I'll call
Status: Read
Read: 7126/2018 9 5615 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox17633CF (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7126/2018 9:56:20 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15136460186
Liked "Let me know. I'll call"
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox1764F40 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10112/2018 3:05:20 PM(UTC-4)Direcilon:Outgolng, +15136460186
Can you all meet Sunday night to talk about issues 10, 11 . ?PM?
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1F7EA17 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/121201 8 3:05:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read: 10/12/2018 3 05 54 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMStsms db . Ox1 F7FFD2 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/1212018 3:06:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I can't at that time. I'm sorry
Status: Read
Read: 10/12/2018 3 06.46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox 1F7FE13 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/1212018 3:06:52 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms db Ox1 F7FC16 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)

Chats (1)
t ·These deta:ls are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

1Message· +15134170743 (1)

• Par11cipants. Start Time: 1/19/2018 12 07 01 PM(UTC·5)

+15134170743 LastAcilvity: 3124/2018 51613 PM(UTC-4)
Nurr'ber of attachments: 11
Source: iMessage +15134170743
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db
OxBAE2F96 (Table· chat, handle, Size. 220631040
Body file: chat-1. txt
Wendell Young·

Chris Seelbach'

P.G . S1t1enreld'

Greg Landsman·

1/1912018 12:07:01 PM(UTC-5)0itection , +15133852404 (P.G. Sittentekl)

Hey Wendell, Greg. Tamaya & Chris Please keep to yourself for now bu t Cranley asked me this morning about my feeling on the possible
appointment of a guy named Rayshon Mack to the vacant SORTA board seat.
Status: Read
Read: 11191201812 10:11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8602978 (Table message handle, chat. StZe 220631040 bytes)
1/1912018 12:08:27 PM(UTC.S)Direciion:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
He has retweeted stuff saying that "Democrats are dangerous to the general public" as well as retweeted stuff from the Hamilton County
Republican Party as well as retweeted stuff from a known racist
Slatu1 Read
Read: 11191201812 10.11 P\ltUTC-5)
Source file 1Phone1varrmo0ile1L1braryl$MS:sms.db Ox8603FD2 (Taole message handle Chat S·ze 220631040 bytes)
1/19/201812:08:34 PM(UTC.S)Dinlction:lncomng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to talk about these appointments. We need to vet these people
Stot.J• Read
Read: 111912018 12 10 11 PMtUTC ·5)
Source file. 1Phoneivar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6603C4C (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
11191201812:08:44 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
He has tweeted things himself that are overly anti-labor.
St.atua: Read
Read: 111912015 12 10 11 PMtUTC 5)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8603AOA (Table: message handle Chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/19/2018 12 09:00 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
He has tweeted things accusing me of "corruption"
Status. Rtad
Read 1119'2018 12 10 11 p·1·UTC-S.1
Source f~e: 'Phone:varimobile!L ora'VISMS·sms db Ox86037AD (Table message. handle. chat. Soz:e 220631040 bytes.
1/1 912018 12:09.21 PM(UTC-5)0vection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Srttanletd)
And he's tweeted things calling people like Bobby Holton, Enc Kearney and Dwight Tillery "Traitors" and "Snakes'
Statue R1tad
Rt1d· 111912018 12 10 11 Pt.~(UTC-5)

Source file: 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox86D3558 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 byles)
1/1912018 12:09:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
And all of that is just from the last several days!!
Status: Read
Read: 111912018 12:10:1 1 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox86D3284 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1912018 12:09:40 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
If he is who I think he is, he's a nut!
Status: Read
Read: 111912018 12:10: 11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox86D4FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1912016 12:09:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
You can guess where I would be on his nomination - but wanted to see if any of you are inclined to come to his defense in any way?
Status: Read
Read: 1/19120 18 12:10:11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox86D4DCB (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/191201812:10:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
(p.s. - Wendell, completely agree on increased vetting in general)
Status: Read
Read: 1119/2018 12:10:11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrarylSMSlsms.d b : Ox86D4AD7 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631 040 bytes)
1/1912016 12: 1O:11 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Not me.
Status: Read
Read: 1119/2018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox86D4867 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1912018 12:10:15 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Why not Eric Kearney? He's a avid rider.
Status: Read
Read: 111912018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.d b : Ox86D46A4 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size· 220631040 by te s)
111912018 12:10:22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Love that idea!
Status: Read
Read: 1/1912018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox86D4499 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:10:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
But first seeing if there's something I'm missing w/ Rayshon?
Status: Read
Read: 111912018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox86D4 290 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1119/2016 12:11 :46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
I don't th ink you are :).
Status: Read
Read: 111912018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMSlsms.db : Ox86D5FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1912018 12:13:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Encourage John to ask Kearney, I will too. He'd be a good fit. And I think he rides the bus everyday?
Status: Read
Read: 1119120181:1 6:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox86D5DE5 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:14:37 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is this a joke?
Status: Read
Read: 1/1912018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox86D5B5F (Table : message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1912018 12:19:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
it should be a joke but it's not. and that list of bad stuff is literally only from the last 3 days! just making sure the council Dems were on the
same page here.
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox86D598C (Table: message , handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1912018 12:24:41 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "it shou ld be a joke but it's not. and that list of bad stuff is literally only from the la st 3 days! just making sure the council Dems were on
the same page here. "
Status: Read
Read: 111912018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelva r/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox86D5581 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/19/2018 3:46:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction :lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Let's bounce the sucker!
Status: Read
Read: 1/1912018 3:50 28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox86DB27F (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1912018 3:50:33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Amen Wendell
Status: Read
Read: 1/1912018 3:50:34 PM(UTC-b)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox86DCC18 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)

21512018 4:16:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


IMG 4917.png
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4·29 41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobrle/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88DDD9B (Table. message handle. chat. attachment. Size 220631040 bytes)
rPhone/var/mobile/Lrbrary/SMS/Attachments/a4/04/8168EDCB-2B87-4077-BC BB-C989BAC B733C/IMG_ 4917.png (Size 990012 bytes)
215/2018 4:16:53 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


IMG 4917.png
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4 29.41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88DDB58 (Table message handle chat. attachment Size 220631040 bytes)
1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/36/06/D3D7F712-C119-463F-9E68-344C85601715/IMG_4917.png (Size 990012 bytes)
21512018 4:17:11 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


IMG 4917.png
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4 29 41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox88DD915 (Table message handle chat attachment Size 220631040 bytes)
1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/65/05/6A176B70-FDD4-4B15-B24A-180D2E093B1All MG_ 4917 png (Size 990012 by1es)
215/2018 4:17:34 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Sorry, only meant to send once
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4·29 41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88DD602 (Table: message, handle chat. Srze 220631040 bytes)
215/2018 4:18:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
There couldn't be a bigger NO vote from me .... of anyone I've ever voted on an appointment.
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4·29 41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox880040F (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
215/2018 4:18:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncorning, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I wi ll also be a no vote.
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4 29-41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobrle/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db Ox88DD237 (Table: message handle chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
215/2018 4:19:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
I'm a definite NO'
Status. Read
Read: 215/2018 4.29 41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobrle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox88DEFD2 (Table message. handle chat. Srze 220631040 bytes)
21512018 4:20:36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Anti-Labor. Anti-Democrat. Vilifying leaders in the black community. And mean on top of all that.
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4·29 41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobrle/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88DEDF9 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
21512018 4:51 :52 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chlis Seelbach)
The amount of offensive, mean-spirited. hateful tweets .... especially directed towards PG .... it's INCREDIBLE Cranley is nominating this guy.
But of course he is 1
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 7.37 33 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobrle/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox880F384 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
21712018 10:09:28 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chlis Seelbach}
NAACP issuing statement soon again st any delays in Responsible Bidder ordinance. Will have talking points as well. We're hoping all of you
will sign on to statement
Status· Read
Read: 217/2018 10 17 01 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8909380 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/7/2018 10:16:38 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "NAACP issuing statement soon against any delays in Responsible Bidder ordinance. Will have talking points as well. We're hoping all
of you will sign on to statement'"
Status. Read
Read: 217/2018 10 17 01AM(UTC5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox890AF01 (Table message, handle . chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)

2/1412018 8:21 :37 AM(l/TC-5)0irectioo:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley appointee could face major oppositton at council today
Status· Read
Read: 2/1~2018 8:2 1 44 AM(UTC.5)
Source life: 1Phone/Varlmobile/l1brarylSMSlsms.db · Ox89C6FD2 (Table· message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
211412018 8:21:40 AM(l/TC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chns Seelbectl) html

CA28A570-EFSF·477 A-A8C7 •
7rlr1 AfCD7E05 plug1nPayloadAttachment
SUitus: Reed
Read 211412018 8:22:36 AM(UTC-SJ
Source file 1Phone/Var/mobileJL1brarylSMSlsms.db . Ox89C7659 (Table message. handle. chat. attachment. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
7F81A1CD7EOS clug nPayloa<IAttachment {Size 5969 byles)
1Phone/varlmobtle/l1brary/SMS/Attachmentsl t OI00/3C2C46DF-7AF9-420F-8B81-426544 BC B649/DA9BD33B-D3BE-4 870-A5B0-
58AS77A03C47. plugmPayloadAttachment (Size 18013 bytes)
2/1412018 8·44:31 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Happy to carry the water on this . Have statement ready.
Status: Read
Read: 1114/2018 8 49·48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobilell1brary/SMS1sms.db : Ox89C8F02 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes}
2/1412018 8:44:49 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Liked "Happy to carry the water on this. Have statement ready."
Slltua: Rud
Read: 211412018 8:49:48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file· 1Phone/varlmobtlelllbrary/SMSlsms.db • Ox89C8CDD (Table· message handle chat S12e· 220631040 bytes)
211412018 8:45:22 AM(UTC-5)0lrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbadl)
Sounds good -Chrissy/Walrus
Sl6tus. Read
Read· 211412018 8 49 ~8 AA•o(UTC.51
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobtlell1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox89C8A9E (Table. message. handle. chat. S•ze. 220631040 bytes)
211412018 8:52:23AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttanfeld)
Loved "Sounds good -Chrissy/Walrus·
Status; Read
Read: 2114/2018 A:52:56AM(UTC-5J
Source file: 1Phone/ varlmobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox89C83FS (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
211412018 9:32:12 AM(UTC..5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Michelle Dillingham reached out th is morning about Rayshon Mack. In addition to everything that's been reported , she wanted to make sure
we knew he continued to call her "Dopehead Dillingham" and a ·;unkie" during the entire campaign . She's been clean and sober for at least
20 years.
Status· Read
Read; 211412018 9 35 17 AAl(UTC-5)
Source fde: 1Phonelvarlmobile/l1brary/S:\.1Slsms.db Ox89CC7DD (Table message handle chat Size 22063 1040 byles)
2128/2018 10·21:08 AM(UTC-5)Drec:tion.Outgo1ng, +15134170743
Hi! Do any of you know anything about these folks John is appointing to the health board?
Stotus: Senl
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6659AA9 (Table· message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes}
212812018 10:21:50 AM(UTC·5}Directlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
It not, I propose that we hold off on confirmation. I don't know anything about them
Status s~nl

Source file: 1Phone/varlmobtlelllbrary/SMS/srns.db . Ox8859847 (Table: message. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/2812018 10:22:25 AM(UTC-5}Direction:OU1golng, +15134170743
They are Carrie Douglas and Amar Bhat1.
Status Sent
Source f~e: 1Pnone/varimobdell1b<ary/Sl\.1Slsms db Ox8B595E9 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes}
212812018 11:38:44 AM(UTC.S)Drectwn.lnooming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I don't know them and I am perteclly fine with holding off on confirmahon. I also think we need to convene the rules committee and create a
committee to vet appointees prior to a tull council vote on confirmation. Additionally the Health Board is 1n the middle of some work that will
be disrupted with the appointment of new people.
Status: Read
Read· 212812018 11 4011 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobilc/Library/SMS/srns.db : Ox88 5CFD2 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/12/2018 1:30:36 PM(UTC4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)


IMC 536 1 png

Status Rrad
Rcael 311212018 2·05 23 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phcnelvarlmobilell1br ary/SMSlsms.db Ox8CAB06E \Table: message handle. chat. attachment. Size. 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/varlmobilell1brarytSMSIAttachmems/8bl 11/1F876000-7F48-4958-9EOG·C20948B714E9/IMG_5361.png · (Size 1914544 bytes)

3(1212016 1:32:20 PM{UTC-4)Direction:rncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
where on Central Parkway?
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 2.05:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox8CABB2B (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
3/1212018 1:32:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
oh ... she meant central ave
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1212018 2·05·23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CAB90E (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 byte s)
3/1212018 1:33:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
the real takeaway, Jeff is saying to Council. despite giving you no concrete info, you all need to rush a decision in the next 2 weeks.
Community Benefits Agreement be damned
Status: Read
Read: 3/1212018 2·05:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox8CAB6EF (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 1:33:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 2.05.23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CAB3A1 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/12120181:34:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 {P.G. Sittenfeld)
the gall is fucking unbelievable, and really does a disservice to trying to make a cool thing work for our city
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 2 05·23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelva rlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CACFD2 (Table: message, handle. chat Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:00:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Just drove through the West Bank. I think it's actually less tense and awkward here.
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 4:01.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CAD2F7 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/ 1212018 4:01 :15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
Had good meeting with Harry this morning.
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 4:01:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CAEFD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:02:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
That's awesome. What did you talk about?
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvarimob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db. Ox8CAE8A1 (Table: message, chat, Size . 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:03:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Great that you are there safely
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CAE69E (Table: message. chat. Size . 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
My issues with him. Especially responsible bidder. That I've worked on it for almost 6 years , I've made compromise after compromise when
the other side wouldn't given an inch. Had 1.000 meetings. And then he goes last week and testifies for hours about it will basically bankrupt
the city and prevent all AA people from getting work .... without even talking to me. And also his lack of any kind of leadership on fixing the
Status: Read
Read: 3/ t2/2018 4:04·07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox8CAFFD2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Liked "Just drove through the West Bank. I th ink it's actually less tense and awkward here. "
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1212018 4.08'31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox8CAFSC2 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3112/2018 4:04:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
But he agreed to specific things on both fronts, in addition to restarting our relationship .
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 12/2018 4:08 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMSlsms.db · Ox8CAF349 (Table message handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Loved "But he agreed to specific things on both fronts, in addition to restarting our relationship."
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 12/2018 4·08.3 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMSlsms.db. Ox8CBOF02 (Table. message. handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212016 4:04:56 PM{UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
in exchange for me not voting to fire him!
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 4.08.31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lel l1brary/ SMS/ sms db: Ox8CBOC7B (Table: message. handle . chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:05:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
and late night, not sober phone calls. Which I know others have talked to him about as well.
Status· Read
Read: 3/1212018 4 08 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB085D (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)

311212018 4:07:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
This is great! Glad you talked with Harry.
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 4.08:31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varl mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB05B9 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311212018 4:08:04 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He agreed to support responsible bidder with my fixes. And to include, 1n his budget, signal prioritization and making the streetcar free. And I
have those promises in writing.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 08 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8CB03BO (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311212018 4:08:13 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
me too. and a re-set sou nds good. we all know this. but some smear job is coming...
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4.08:31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8CB1FD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes}
3/1212018 4:08:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
This is even better news. Go Chris!
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 12/2018 4:19:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel varlmobile/Library/SMSl sms.db : Ox8CB1040 (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220631 040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:10:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to be ready for the smear campaign , which has already begun. You saw Sherri's hit-piece in the paper today.
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 4.19 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/ sms.db . Ox8CB1845 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311212018 4:12:24 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Wendell, as you said in your comments , highlighting that there's room for improvement and we'll be expecting it - but also calling out a
smear for what it is, and not indulging it.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12120 18 4·19 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/moblle/libraryl SMSl sms.db Ox8CB15AD (Table message handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:14:15 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Thanks. Glad we're on the same page. This is going to be a slug fest. We need to stick together.
Status: Read
Read: 3112/201 8 4·19:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox8CB2FD2 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:17:12 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And I agree with Greg that we need to put goals in place that we can hold him accountable to.
Status: Read
Read: 31 1212018 4 19 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSl sms.db Ox8CB2DSC (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:18:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to convene the Rules Committee to formalize these things.
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 4 19 35 PMIUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel varlmobllel libraryl SMS/sms.db · Ox8CB2AB6 (Table message, handle . chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
311212018 4:19:13 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I can't see Greg's comments.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 19 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CB287E (Table . message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:20:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He's in Israel, but when we talked yesterday, he mentioned putting in place specific goals for Harry.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 23.19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varl mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CB2691 (Table. message handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:21 :08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 4 23 t9 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phoneivar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CB3FD2 (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:22:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Wendell, also, I agree with the sentiment that rather than some trial style format where people are called up one by one to smear Harry, any
grievances from John should be submitted as a written document. and Council can then proceed to handle on its own timeline and as 11 sees
fit. But no more of this crap where due process if thrown out the window.
Stntus. Read
Read: 3/1212018 4.n 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMSl sms.db . Ox8CB3EOD (Table message handle. chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:22:52 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 4 23 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMSisms.db Ox8CB3955 (Table message. handle, chat. Size . 220631040 bytes)

3/1212018 4:24:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But how can we control that if he does this through a committee one of you don't chair?
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 12/2018 4:28 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB378A (Table· message, handle chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:24:45 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
all of us won't be there in that case
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4.28.17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB34EC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 22063 1040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:25:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
so I think it'll seem slanted. I'm talking about not using Full Council as a forum for some Soviet style trial
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 28"17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB4F02 (Table message. handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:26:54 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
A written document isn't a motion. We handle as we see fit. I agree we don't want to hold Kangaroo Court. I think we attend that committee
meeting and organize dissent that shows what is going on .
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4.28 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8CB4000 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:28:05 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
Meant to say if Cranley's document comes in the form of a motion we attend the committee meeting ......
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4.28 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB49BC (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:28:49 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We could also move for immediate consideration at council and vote it down.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 28 50 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB4738 (Table message. handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:33:38 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
that's very interesting idea
Status. Read
Read: 3/1212018 4.33.38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB44EC (Table message handle. chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:34:11 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Need 6 votes for that
Status: Read
Read: 3/1212018 4 34 11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobllell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB42C5 (Table message handle chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
311212018 4:34:17 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
good point
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 4 34 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB5FD2 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:35:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
lf we pull David , we may have six
Status: Read
Read: 3/1212018 4.35 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB5001 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
311212018 5:29:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just thinking ; we have Dennard, Seelbach, Sittenfeld, Landsman, Pastor. and me. Correct?
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 540 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB5BD8 (Table: message. handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 6:34:12 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Sounds right to me
Status: Sen!
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CB9A18 (Table message. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 6:37:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley told me tonight he has Pastor as long as he's in maiority.
Status: Read
Read. 3/12/2018 6.37 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8CBAFD2 (Table message handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 6:38:08 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Wow ... smh
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox8CBAA9B (Table· message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
311212018 6:39:25 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I don't believe 11. Pastor told me last night he is with us.
Status. Read
Read 3/1212018 6 39 38 PM(UTC· 4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms db Ox8CBBF02 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)

311212018 8:39:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
He told me that he was as well
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvarl mobilel libraryl SMS/sms.db Ox8CBBDA8 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
311212018 8:40:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maybe Cranley is overplaying his hand. But he told me pastor would vote to fire as long as he's in majority. But please don't tell pastor that.
Last thing I want is MORE drama
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 12/2018 642 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel varlmobile/L1brarylSMSl sms.db Ox8CBDFD2 (Table message handle. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 6:42:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I won't say anything
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/libra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CBDCBE (Table: message. chat. Size. 220631 040 bytes)
3/1212018 6:45:21 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley could be lying to me. Would never trust him for a second
Status: Read
Read: 3/1212018 6:53 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilel libra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CBDADD (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 8:46:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
But told me smitherman. Murray and Mann are definite yes to fire
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 6.53.48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel varlmobilel library/SMS/sms.db Ox8C808A7 (Table message handle. chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/ 1212018 7:27:41 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I won't say anything either but we know Cranley doesn't mind lying about anything.
Status: Read
Read: 311 2/ 2018 7 .33 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CBFFD2 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 8:06:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
Back to FC for a moment, wow good on CPS for not letting themselves be bulldozed, at least according to this letter
Status: Read
Read: 3112120 18 8 .13 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMSlsms.db . Ox8CC3FD2 (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311212018 8:07:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)


Status: Read
Read: 3/1212018 8:13 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMSl sms.db · Ox8CC3D34 (Table message. handle. chat. attachment. Size 220631040 bytes)
1Phone/var/mob1le/L1braryl SMS/Attachments/ba/101A2710BCF-DB2D-4617-8C6B-9A8894955788/FullSizeRender.Jpeg · (Size 322768 by1es)
311212018 8:26:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Great letter. Thanks for sharing.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 8 52 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel var/mobile/Libraryl SMSl sms.db : Ox8CC4458 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
311212018 10:33:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'll stop texting everyone shit in a moment...
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 2"48·55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varl mobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox8CCB737 (Table. message. handle, chat , Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/121201810:33:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
As you all know, I care not just about WHAT people communicate, but also HOW they communicate .
Status: Read
Read: 311 31201 8 2.48 .55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobilel library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8CCB4EC (Table: message, handle. chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
311212018 10:34:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Barding in the Enquirer today: '"'It could be voted down," Barding said . "Then they could watch us have a press conference in Newport the
next day."
Status: Read
Read: 3/13120 18 2 48 55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbraryl SMSl sms.db Ox8CCCFD2 (Table message, handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 10:34:30 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
the my way or the highway threatening tone really leave such a bad taste in my mouth
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 2 48 55 AMtU TC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1braryl SMS/sms.db : Ox8CCC9BC (Table message. handle. cl1at, Size. 220631040 bytes)
31131201810:49:1 5 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I say Newport it is.
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 11 .03 15 AM (UTC-4)
Source fil e: 1Phonelvar/mob1lel librarylSMSl sms db Ox8CDFCF3 (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)

3/13/2018 11 :15:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
If i t is Newport, I think we should be ready to help the West End pursue serious, balanced (inclusive} development. A coalition there is
emerging to do great work. We should move quickly to help them. Not entirely sure what it looks like, but I think we should be prepared to
announce and/or begin to work on efforts that will prioritize new (responsible) revitalization efforts in the West End W ITH the West End.

We shou ld also consider what we would need to ensure we don't lose businesses on the Banks, and that people who go to FC games in
Newport come and spend money in Downtown/CTR. Maybe some coalition of business and transportation folks?

Both seem like good efforts , and will help to address the inevitable rhetoric that we are denying the West End hundreds of millions in new
investments and that we could undermine an already fragile Banks business district.
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/201811 15.55AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CEOFD2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 4:01:55 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Greg, just keeping you posted: Chris , Wendell, T , and I do NOT support buyout for Harry.
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 4 02.08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox8CEB3CF (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2018 4:03:17 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
And AA community & leadership is outraged at prospect of buyout & force out
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 4 03 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8CECFD2 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2018 4:04:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Just so you know, I spoke with John and he said the buyout was to help with the racial tens ion. I told him that was insulting
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobole/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CEC9FC (Table message chat, Size 220631040 by1es)
3113/2018 4:06:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry 100% does not want the buyout. But needs assurance that he has 5 votes not only against firing him. Bui also against voting for
Status: Read
Read: 3113/2018 4 06 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8CEC74C (Table message handle. chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3113/2018 5:11:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
What the hell is going on?
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxBCFOSFS (Table: message , chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:13:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
In an inteNiew with news will get back to you.
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5.13 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobole/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CF2FD2 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 5:16:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We left meeting with Manager with understanding that he was not resigning. Left meeting with Cranley with understanding that he is doing a
pull court press on our friend Greg Landsman. Told us he has every union , David Pepper, etc reaching out to get him on board with Cranley.
Status: Read
Read· 3/1312018 5 21 10 PM(UTC-4}
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CF3FD2 (Table message handle chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:23:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Vanessa just said that's not true
Status. Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CF453A (Table message chal, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:28:24 PM(UTC-4)Dlreclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Vanessa told me same : Greg doesn't support firing or buyout
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5 28.40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CFSD6F (Table message handle chal, Size 220631040 bytes)
3113/2018 5:26:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743

IMG 5619 PNG

Status· Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CFSB41 (Table message chat. attachment Size 220631040 bytes)
1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/33/03/3FF 1F344-03C0-4C3B-A079-2AS1OSAF 19EC/1MG_ 5619.PNG (Size 108146 bytes)

3/13/2018 5:30:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)


I MG 1912.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 5:30:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelva r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CF5936 (Table: messa ge , handle, chat, attachment, Size: 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/Attachments/1e/14/105E90BC-F608-4CSF-B995-C9C92C3FE78D/IMG_1912.jpeg : (Size: 262508 bytes}
3/1312018 5:30:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:fncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Vanessa told me same: Greg doesn't support firing or buyout "
Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 5:30:43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CF5623 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 5:31 :02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:fncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Assuming that's true , we need to let Harry know there are 5 votes against buyout
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5:31 :04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobife/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CF53D8 (Table: message , handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes}
3/1312018 5:31 :22 PM(UTC-4)0irection:fncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'll tell him
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5:31 :23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobife/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CF6FD2 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size : 220631040 bytes)
311312018 5 :31 :47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:fncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'll let Sherri know. 100% certain on Greg?
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5:46:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db · Ox8CF6C38 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 5:40:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Harry has not taken the buyout.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 13/2018 5:46:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CF63D6 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:40:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Just got back to hotel and emailed John confirming my position against firing CM or a buyout. Now. because it's almost midnight, I'm signing
off and going to bed.
Status: Read
Read: 3113/2018 5:46:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source fife: iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox8CF7FD2 (Table : message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 5:40:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:fncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
thanks Greg. Night.
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5:46:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CF7CD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes}
3/1312018 5:41:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Thanks Greg.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 5:46:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CF7AC 1 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes}
3/13/2018 8:34:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:fncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
God Bless you Wende111

Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 6:41 :30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CFB364 (Table: message, handle. chat. attachment. Size. 220631040 bytes)
iPhonel varl mobile/library/SMSIAttachments/4 7/07/45942527-11E4-4187-8060-AOEDC16BA305/IMG_1914 .mov : (Size: 1676430 bytes)
3/14/2018 1:05:04 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Morning. Does anyone know the status of the respo nsible bidder ordinance? Thanks, all.
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 1:51 :10 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox8D045F4 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1412016 6:31:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
West End option looks to be dead
Status: Read
Read: 311 4/201 8 6.40 :42 PM(UTC-4)
Source fife: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db . Ox80243BC (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1 4/2018 6:58:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:fncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Greg, silence your phone buddy if these texts are waking you up:
Status: Read
Read: 311412018 7·01 :13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D2580C (Table : message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)

~14/2018 8:59:19 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P .G . Sittenfeld)
I spoke with Wendell and we're in agreement that we can't just let John commence Kangaroo Court against Harry however he once - but we
obvious ly also need to give employees who want to share their testimony a way to share it.
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7:01 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox80255AO (Table· message, handle, chat. Size 22063104 0 bytes)
3/14/2018 6:59:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Any idea how Cranley wants to do this? In a committee?
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7.01 :13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8026FD2 (Table: message, handle . chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:00:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Wendell talked about a letter we'd all sign? Anyway, I think we all need to hop on a joint conference call tomorrow or Friday to talk it through,
and an overall strategy
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7.01 :13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8026DB1 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3114/2018 7 :00:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7:01 ·13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8026444 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7 :07:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Chris, Wendell , Tamaya - could you all do a call at 3pm tomorrow? or anytime Friday in the afternoon?
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7:07.45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8027F02 (Table. message, handle. cha1. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7 :07:54 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I can do either
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7.08:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox80273B7 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1412018 7:08:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
cool. Wendell? T?
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7:08:42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8028FD2 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7 :08:55 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
I can't do tomorrow but I ca n do Friday between 1 and 3
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox80280C9 (Table· message. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3114/2018 7:09:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Thanks. Wendell, could you do a group conference call Friday sometime between 1-3pm?
Status: Read
Read: 3114/2018 7.10.18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8029FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:26:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 14/2018 7:26.16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db · Ox80293B9 (Table: message. handle chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1412018 7:31 :1 0 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Great, let's do 1:30pm. I'll send a calendar invite to your personal emails and circulate a conference line
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 14/2018 7:31 :27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db . Ox802AFD2 (Table· message . handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:31 :37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Than k you!
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8D2A940 (Table message chat, Size : 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:32:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Please send me a text. Having trouble with e-mail.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1412018 7.34 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db . Ox802A779 (Table message. handle. chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:32:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Will do Wendell. Everyone bring their ideas for navigating this process. Also, I think better if it's just us - not ou r aides on the line for this call
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7:34 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox802A560 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:33:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Agree .
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7:34 .50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox802A23E (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)

3/1412018 7:35:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Got it
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D2BFD6 (Table: message, chat. Size · 220631040 bytes)
3115/2018 5;34:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I could do this (7:30PM my time). BUT, we can't have five people on a call without breaking sunshine rules , no? Just let me know.
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 5:35:17 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox802CFD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1512018 7:07:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Greg, I'll ask John Curp on sunshine and loop back ASAP
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/20 18 7:11:02 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D2C94A (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 22063104 0 bytes)
3115/2018 10:21:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
FYI. In Cranley's meeting with Enquirer editorial board he attacked PG for "threatening CODE president. suggesting employees not come
forward because Black will remain manager. " It's 100% not true. But interesting that Cranley is now coming after us.
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 10:55:06 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox802F525 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
311512018 10:21 :44 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I spoke with Chris Jenkins from CODE a few minutes ago and he said it's 100% not true. John is resorting to some truly outrageous tactics
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 10:55:06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8030FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 2.20631040 bytes)
311512018 10:22:39 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Smitherman just called a special meeting of law and public safety tomorrow at 10:30 to take action on a "whistleblower protection
ordi nance. "
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 10:55:06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8030CC2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311512018 10:27:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And a special meeting of Council at 10:45am tomorrow. Which I won't be able to attend.
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 10:55.06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox80 31FD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311512018 10 :45:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Harry going after Unions here a bit w/ the Ed Board , in a way that's not good
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 10:55:06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox803 180B (Table: message. handle . chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3115/2018 12:16:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Explain about Harry please or call me. Thanks.
Status: Read
Read: 3115/2018 12:49·04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file; iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8039866 (Table: message , handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 11 :55:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Just emailed you all first draft of a letter incorporating people's ideas
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 11 :55:53 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox80597A8 (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
311612018 11 :55:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
here is the conference line for 1:30pm today:
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 11 :55:53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox805AFD2 (Table : message. handle , chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3116/2018 11 :57:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Dial in number: 563-999-1 106
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/201811 :58:15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox805BFD2 (Table· message, handle , chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3116/2018 11:57:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. S ittenfeld)
Access code : 819666
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 11 :58:15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox805B9CA (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311612018 11 :57:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Pin (if needed): 1619
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 11 :b8 15 AMiVTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel var/mobileilibrary/SMS/sins.db ; Ox8058485 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311612018 11:57:52 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 11 ·5s·15 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox805CFD2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)

~1612018 11 :57:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 11.58 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8D5CACO (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 11 :58:11 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 11 58 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox805DFD2 (Table. message handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 12:01:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Got it. Thanks.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 12 08 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBD5D89E (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 12:17:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Wendell, are you around for a quick call? Tried your cell but it went to VM. Thanks , friend.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 12 22 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D5EFD2 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 12:17:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Yes. Call now.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 12 22 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPho ne/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8D5E062 (Table message. handle chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 12:18:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Yes. Call now."
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 12·22 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D5EB1B (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 1:28:13 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Here's the call-in info one more time; talk to everyone in 2 minutes
Status. Read
Read: 3/1612018 1 30.08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelva r1mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox805E441 (Table message handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:28:14 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Dial in number: 563-999-1106
Access code: 819666
Pin (if needed): 1619
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 1 30 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D5FFD2 (Table message. handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 1:31:53 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
You hopping on, Wendell?
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 1.43·47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D5F85F (Table message. handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 1:32:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
Not yet. Can't get through. Trying again.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 1.43 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8D5F644 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 1:33:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
No answer. 563-999-1106?
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 1 43.47 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8D60FD2 (Table message, handle chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 1:33:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 143 47 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8060A65 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3116/20181:33:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. that worked for me
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 1 43 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8D60874 (Table message, handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3116/2018 1:35:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Trying again.
Status. Read
Read: 3116/2018 1 43 47 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox8D6065B (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3118/2018 1:35:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
1f it doesn't work. I'll call you Wendell and thread you in

Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 1 43 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox8D6048C (Table message handle cha< Size· 220631040 bytes)

3116120181 :36:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not working. Please call me. Call me at: 961-1176.
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 1:43:47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8D61FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 1:45:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey Greg. I dropped off the call. I think you need to be on there more than me. Can you please call in ASAP?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 1:49:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8061A49 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 1:48:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Greg, able to call-in?
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 1:49:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D61785 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3116/2018 1:49:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
he's not getting texts. But just called him and he's calling in
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 1:50:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D6156E (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/20181 :50:09 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Calling in now ...
Status: Read
Read: 31t6120t8 1:50:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db · Ox8D612FC (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:09:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Will send updated letter in 10 minutes tops
Status: Read
Read: 3/161201 8 2:11:16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox806377A (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:10:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
please hold tight to review quickly, and send feedback or say "Approved"
Status: Read
Read: 3116120t8 2:11 :16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D63539 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:10:30 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2: 11:16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox80632B5 (Table- message. handle . chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:10:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2:11:16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D64FD2 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:13:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How are we releasing to mayor and public?
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2:14:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D64E19 (Table: message, handle, cha t. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:13:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Tara from Tamaya's office is going to send out from Tara's email account to the normal full press list
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2:14:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/srns.db : Ox8D64C10 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:14:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok. And we can post to our own social media?
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2:14:16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8D6494E (Table: message. handle, chat, Size : 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:14:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
fine by me ...
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:14.26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8D64741 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:1 4:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
That's a good idea
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8064540 (Table message. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:19:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
This is all good.
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2:23:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8065DA8 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)

3/ 1612018 2 :21:33 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
'Just sent revised letter. Reply with word changes or with "A pproved"
Status: Read
Reacl: 3/16/2018 2:23:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8D65BD 1 (Table : message, handle , chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:22:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncorning, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just got a call from Harry's lawyer and then from Harry regarding their being told by John that I am the fifth vote on a separation package for
Harry. I haven't spoken to that little sucker ! He j ust flat out lied to Garry and his lawyer. Is it too late to insert into the letter something making
it clear that"we" do not support a buy-out for Harry?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 2:23:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/va rlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8065955 (Table: message, handle . chat, Size : 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:23:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
that language is in the letter I sent you all
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:23•23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db. Ox8D654E1 (Table. message, handle . chat Size- 22063 104 0 byte s)
3/1612018 2:23:35 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncorning, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/20 18 2:23.36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox806529C (Table: message, handle. cha t, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:23:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mob ile/Libraryl SMSlsms.db Ox8066FD6 (Table . message. chat. Size : 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:24:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2.24.03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8066EOF (Table · message handle, chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:24:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:24 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/ Library/SMS/sms.d b : Ox8066C 1O (Table . messa ge. handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:26:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just noticed we didn't include the Black Agend a, NAN , The Black United Front
St&tus: Read
Read: 311612018 2:27 .00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.d b . Ox8066A49 (Table. message, handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:26:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
will add those in
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:27 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox80667FB (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes}
3/1612018 2:26:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2 27 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel var/mobilel L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox80665EE (Table : message, handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:31 :21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
T, once we hear from Greg, I'm su re you've got this already on your media list, but just make sure it goes to all 4 TV stations; Wetterich;
Coolidge; Jason Williams; Mark Cu rn utte; Jay Hanselman ; Paula Christian & Amanda; Nick Swartell; and Kevin Ald ridge
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2 31 ·32 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db Ox8D663F9 (Table· message handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:31 :36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncorning, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
am I forgetting any other biggest?
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2:31:37 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8067FD2 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:31 :43 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2 31 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8067DA3 (Table· message . handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:31 :52 PM(UTC-4)Directio n:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no answer from Greg 's cell
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2 31 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source fi le: 1Phone/var/mob1le/LtbrarylSMSlsms.db Ox8067BA6 (Table message. handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1 6/2018 2:32:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
In addition to the TV stations , we will include individual reporters as well
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8067987 (Table. message. chat Size 220631040 bytes}

3/ 1612018 2 :33:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2.33 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8D67739 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
311612018 2:33:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Don't forget Lincoln Ware and the Herald.
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2 34 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox8067574 (Table. message handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
311612018 2:34:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Great call!
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2 34 19 PM(UTC-4)
So urce file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox806BFD2 (Table · message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2016 2:34:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Good call! We had the herald but not Lincoln
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8 0 6 BEOB (Table . message, chat, Size: 220631 040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:34:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Tamaya, I'll send you FINAL FINAL copy as soon as we hear from Greg
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2.39 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobilelllbrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox8D6BBFE (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
311612018 2:39:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Looks good to me.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16120!8 2.39 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBD68988 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:39:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Bravo everyone!
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2 39.52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.d b · OxBD687AF (Table· message handle chat. Size : 220631040 bytes)
3116/2018 2:40:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Awesome. I will give Tara the go ahead.
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.d b · OxBD685AA (Table· message, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
311612018 2:40:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Courage, clarity. firmness, reasonableness'
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2 40 36 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/ Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox80683A7 (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311612018 2:40:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
T, I just emailed you both the final content
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2 40 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : 1Phonelvarlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8069FD2 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
311 6/2018 2 :40:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good. Mann's office is asking for the "press release." Loi
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2.40.48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobilell1brary/SMSlsms.db : Ox806908F (Table. message, handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
311612018 2:40:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
will send to whole group so people can use on social media too
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2·40 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox8D69B65 (Table message. handle. chat Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
311612018 2:4 0:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018? 40 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmoblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox8D698FD (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
311 6/2018 2:41 :05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5134170 743
Thank you
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8069740 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:41:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
should we all post concurrently on our FB?
Sllltus: Read
Read : 311612018 2"42 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D69579 (Table message handle. chat. Size 22063 1040 bytes)
3116/2018 2:4 2:02 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
let me know ... ?
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2 42.20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : 1Phone/var/mobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBD6933A (Table message . handle, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:42:32 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I think social media posting is fine.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2 45 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8D6AFD2 (Table message handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:42:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Doing so now...
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2 45.12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox8D6ADD3 (Table message handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
T, you are too?
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2 45 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8D6ABCA (Table message handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:45:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8D6ASE8 (Table message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 2:54:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Team, I knew there was one thing I meant to bring up that I forgot to on the call. 4 of us at a time need to have a conversation with Harry
about things he needs to do to improve. I've overtly told him I believe he needs to seek some sort of counseling. But he needs to hear it
collectively from us, and to frankly understand that his job depends on correcting certain things.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2 54 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox8D6B955 (Table. message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 2:54:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
should we schedule a meeting with him for next week - with all of us minus Chris, who will be OOT?
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2 54 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D6846F (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:56:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not now please. I think he would view this as a softening of support. May I suggest we reserve that conversation for after we get through this
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2.57 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox8D6CDF3 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3116/2018 2:57:50 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Wendell , I'm okay waiting if the others agree. HOWEVER, it's a conversation that must be had - sooner rather than later. Harry struggles
with some things and needs to know we support him, but also bring certain expectations. I'll defer to the group on timing.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 2 59 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D6CB09 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 3:00:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I too will abide by what the group decides. For me there is the recognition that Harry is under an enormous amount of pressure. I worry that
he would view the conversation as us piling on. The timing isn't good.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3 03 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8D6C705 (Table message handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 3:46:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Separate FYI. the #2 at the Sentinels just called me and asked that I pass this along: she and Lou Arnold just had a meeting with John,
where she said John tried to divide and conquer the Sentinels from the other African-American groups, and also intentionally misrepresented
the Manager's position. Not for public consumption , but she asked that you all be notified.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3 47 00 PMlUTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox8D7BDSA (Table message. handle, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:47:45 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Divide and conquer is his thing He tried to do that to me twice this week
Status: Sen!
Source file: 1Phonetvar1mob1le/libraryiSMS/sms db Ox8D7 B884 (Table message, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:55:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
You saw that on a larger scale during the Responsible Bidder wrangling . He tried to pit the Urban League. Ministers Alliance , CAA, and
others against the NAACP. The Black Agenda, and more. Typical Cranley tactic Don't forget that he will lie in a heart beat.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 3 56 43 PM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D7CFD2 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 6:06:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
https //www.c1ncin nat1. com/story/opinion/2018/03/16/opinion-cra nley-black-somebody-has-go/4 29452002/
Status: Read
Read 3/16/2018 6 09 02 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8D8572C (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:10:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I spoke with Joe Mallory a little while ago. He said Cranley reached out to him and said I was the one that flipped
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/vartmob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D853E5 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)

3/16/2018 6:11 :00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor keeps saying "someone flipped"
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 6:11 :16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D86FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 6: 12:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
They also said Wendell was the 5th vote earlier
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8086DD7 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:12:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I told Joe they are reaching
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellib rary/SMSlsms.db : Ox8D86BC8 (Table: message , chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311612018 6:12:53 PM(UTC-4)Di rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think we're very strong . Which I've been waiting for. For years.
Status: Read
Read: 311 6/2018 6:12 :55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelva r/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8D869DB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220 631040 bytes)
3/1612018 6: 13:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Weird of Cran ley to say that to Joe. Joe loathes John and is very against any buyout
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6:13:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D8679F (Table: message, hand le. chat, S ize: 220 631040 bytes)
3/ 16/2018 6:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Ch ris, this coalition is our wedding gift to you and Craig
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 6:14:11 PM(UTC -4 }
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D8653F (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 6:14:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
That's what Joe said. He was confu sed by it. But divide and conque r is John's thing. It's all unfortunate.
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D8630F (Table: message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1 612018 6:14:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Chris. this coalition is our wedding gift to you and Craig "
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6.16:3 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D87F02 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311 612018 6:15:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Amen! We're the new "gang of five ." I pray we stay strong and co nti nue to trust each other. We have the power to move this forward.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6:16:31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D87CBS (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612016 6:16:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm currently driving but also got some good insight about the financial piece of appointing special counsel. All feels very doable.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6:16.44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8D879FS (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311612018 6:16:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Meant to say; Move the city forward.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 16/2018 6:16:51 PM(U TC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D8772D (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 6:17:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm game to make it a gang of 7 even! I know man n and Pastor mu st be lonely over there I
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6:20:50 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8087530 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612016 6:17:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good news. Please share when you can.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6'.20:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox80872C6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:18:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming. +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I think maybe Mann more than Pastor.
Stetus: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6:20:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8D88FD2 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
311612018 6:18:43 PM(UTC-4)Directi0n:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I hate to be cynica l. And i hope I'm wrong. But I don't think either of them will cross cranley on big things
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/20 18 6:20:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8D88DD5 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/ 16/2016 6:19:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
You're not cynical. You're probably right. I'm just keeping hope alive. Loi
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 16/2018 6.20 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8088B45 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1712018 4:44:1 3 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Supposedly Harry has accepted an 18 month buyout and may force a vote of Council. Just so everyone know, I am 100% a no against any
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 4 45.17 PM(VTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DA4A98 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
311712018 4:45:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I am also a firm No. I'm not looting the taxpayers beca use John is threatening a smear campa ign. That's holding both Harry and the
taxpayers hostage.
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 4:50.34 PM(VTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DA4795 (Table: message, handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1712018 4:48:18 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
This whole thing disgusts me at many levels.
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 4:50.34 PM(VTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DA427F (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/17/2018 4:47:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And I really hope we can stay strong as the majority. If not, they will know who they can pick off the next 4 years.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 712018 4:50.34 PM(VTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DA59ED (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/ 17/2018 5:08:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I will not vote for a buyout. I'm firm! Harry gets what his contract calls for. Nothing more.
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 5:32:06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox80A6ADE (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
311712018 5:07:12 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
The police chief is next. Watch.
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 5·32 .06 PM(VTC -4)
Source file: i Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DA686E (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 12:58:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Agree. Sorry , was asleep. Israel time . Get back Tuesday evening.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:01 :06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DAED3C (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 9:51 :38 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We should probably release some kind of statement in response to yesterday's news. reaffirming the majority of Council does not support a
buyout. Everyone agree? PG could you draft something?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 9 51:52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8080672 (Table message. handle. chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
3118/2018 9:58:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
If the group wa nts that, I could draft something later today. Just me know.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 8/2018 9·58 05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8081 FD2 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311812018 11 :33:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Ok with me.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18120 1811:3411 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox80843FD (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1 8120181 :20:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is everyone good with this? Or have changes? "If the Manager wishes to move on from his current role, we respect that decision. But the
Council Majority remains firm that we are not signing off on paying someone extra to not do the ir job. That is neither fair nor responsible to
the taxpayers.

Moreover. it is our understanding that. in fact, the Manager does enjoy his job; he simply doesn't like the idea of serving under the looming
threat of a smear campaig n. Th at, too, is understandable.

But asking the taxpayers to provide significa nt resources in order to avoid the impact of such a smear campaign would set a dangerous
precedent and enable behavior which we do not approve of.

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire, and we remain committed to the thoughtful, fair. transparent next steps we have previously laid out.

We believe in the City Charter, we believe in honesty, and we believe in collaboration . All are we lcome to join us in upholding these pillars."
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1.21 03 PM(VTC-41
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8087FD2 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3118120181 :21:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just respond "agreed" if you're good with it
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1 33.18 PM(UTC-4 )
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8087672 (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
311812018 1:21 :59 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1.33 18 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8087465 (Table message handle, chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:50:00 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 18/2018 1:51 :31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DBBCOB (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 1:51 :47 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DBBA49 (Ta ble message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3118/2018 1:52:32 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 18/2018 1 52:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxBDBBBSA (Table: me ssage, handle. chat, Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
311812018 2:09:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Sorry. I am just fin ishing up.

I don't think we need a statement. And I don't like commenting on what Harry might or might not think or want. Also think some of ii is
unnecessary inflammatory. We are trying to bring some maturity to th is ridiculous situation. To deescalate.

If we do something, I would suggest something short and simple.

But again, I don't think we need a statement.

Here is what I have personally sent to people and reporters :

"My position hasn't changed and a believe that's true for the majority_ I don't support a big buyout. We need all the facts , and that's the point
of the independent counsel. As I've said from the beginning, the issues need to be addressed in the next couple of weeks."
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:09:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBDB9E11 (Table : message , handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:21 :35 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Greg, I do th ink there's value in the 5 of us putting something out
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:44:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db: OxBDB96AD (Table: message, ha ndle. chat, S ize : 22063 104 0 bytes)
3/18/2016 2:22:27 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Here's another crack at it. even though this feels watered down to me and doesn't speak to why a buyout is really so offen sive.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/20 18 2:44:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phone/var/mobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DB946B (Table : message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 2:23:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
"Ou r position has not changed. We do not suppprt an increased buyout or believe that's responsible to the taxpayers.

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire, and we remain committed to the thoughtfu l, fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.
Let's collect the needed facts quickly and calmly.

We believe in the City Charter, we believe in honesty, and we believe in collaboration. All are welcome to join us in upholding these pillars."
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:44 :56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db . OxBDBAFD2 (Table message. handle . chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:24:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Could ppl live with that? Again not my first choice, but I think a collective statement is importa nt
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:44 :56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : OxBDBAA7A (Table: message , handle , chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 2:24:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I fine with the first two paragraphs.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:44:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox8DBA7FA (Table : message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/ 18/2018 2:25:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Ok, why not 3rd ?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:44.56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db · Ox8DBA5FB (Table: message . handle, chat. Size. 22063 1040 bytes)
3/1812018 2:26:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I thi nk first two paragraphs better tha n nothing .... (even though again feels too watered down)
Status: Read
Read: 3/181201 8 2:44:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SM S/sms.db Ox8DBA 426 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 22063104 0 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:28:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5134856759 (Wendell Young)
I'm ok with this but ii is really watered down. If this is what it takes to gain consensus then ok. I think the th ird paragraph is important in that it
offe rs a rationale for our statement. Greg I hope you will reconsider yo ur thoughts on the third paragraph.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/20 18 2.44 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxBDBBFD2 (Table· message. handle. chat, S ize: 220631040 bytes)

3/1812018 2:28:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
"3rd paragraph feels like mom and apple pie - who could disagree?!
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1812018 2'44:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varl mobile/ Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox8DBBC 10 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:29:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Is there version of 3rd graf you can make work, Greg?
Status : Read
Read: 311812018 2:44:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DBB908 (Table message, handle, chat, S ize: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 2:36:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
"We believe in a collaborative process. and look forward to working through this with everyone."

The current language feels like petty, "tit for tat" stuff. Again, short and simple seems right, and the first two paragraphs feel sufficient. If
people wa nt to add more flavor, they can do that individually. Loi.
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 2.44 :56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phonelva r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DBB7B9 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 2:38:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Alright, I'll sacrifice my own feelings for consensus. Everyone okay for Harmon to email statement out with first 2 grafs + Greg's 3rd ?
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 2.44:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DBB38D (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:39:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Siltenfeld)
So final would be:
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 2:44 :56 PM(UTC -4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubraryl SMSl sms.db · Ox8DBCFD2 (Table message. handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 2:41 :14 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
"Our position has not changed. We do not suppprt an increased buyout or believe that's responsible to the taxpayers .

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire, and we remain committed to the thoughtful, fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.
Let's collect the needed facts quickly and calmly.

We believe in a collaborative process, and look forward to working through this with all stakeholders."
Status: Rea d
Read: 311812018 2:44 :56 PM(UTC-4 )
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db : Ox8DBCDF7 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:41:39 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Then ppl can individually put their own mustard on it
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 2'44 :56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DBC8EF (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:41:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 2.44 :56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox808C6CE (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:46:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Rea d
Read: 311812018 3:29. 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DBDFD2 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3118/2018 2:46:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Rea d
Read: 311812018 3:29:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/ var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DBDDDB (Table· message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:48:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamaya? Wendell?
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 3.29· 21 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSl sms db . Ox8DBDC 18 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:49:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
Wendell blessed it (despite feeling same as I do)
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 3 29·21 PM(UTC-4 )
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/L1braryl SMS/sms.db : Ox8DBDAOD (Table: message, handle. chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:49:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
Cool. Tamaya?
Status: Read
Read: 3118/ 201 8 3 29.21 PM(UTC -4)
Source file; i Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMSl sms.db Ox8DBD7F4 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 3:31 :47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Agreed. Sorry, I'm out and about and trying to be present
Status: Sent
Source file: i Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DBD3C3 (Table. message. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)

3/18/2018 3:32:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 3:44:27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DBEFD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3118/2018 8:50:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Btw. A little brevity. My mom just told us she surprising us and flying down tomorrow to Puerto Vallarta to help us plan wedding :)
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 9:09 :40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8DBFFD2 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 8:52:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Loved "Btw. A little brevity. My mom just told us she surprising us and flying down tomorrow to Puerto Vallarta to help us plan wedding :)"
Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 9:09:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox8DBF946 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1812018 8:52:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
enjoy! and don't be in any rush to come back - you're not missing anything'
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 9 09 :40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . Ox8DBF372 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 8:52:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Wow' Congrats again. You must be living right.


ms-kkN Rss.gif
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 9:09:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DCOFD2 (Table: message. handle, chat, attachment, Size 220631040 bytes)
iPhonelvarlmobilellibrarylSMS/Attachments/cd/ 13/C1952F3C-B458-471 D-809D-8AD61 C0654C4/ms-kkN Rss.gif : (Size: 537022 bytes)
3/18/2018 8:52:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
LOVE that Wendell'
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1812018 9:09:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMSl sms.db : Ox8DCOD1C (Table: message, handle . chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2016 6:53:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Wendell with the strong GIF game!
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1812018 9:09:40 PM(UTC-4 )
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DCOB43 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/18/2018 8:53:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Wendell with the strong GIF game ! "
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 9:09:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DC0888 (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1912018 7:36:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
What press co nference is scheduled for this morning?
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DC38EA (Table: message. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/19/2018 7:37:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Haven't heard of one ...
Status: Read
Read: 3/19/2018 7:37:35 AM (UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DC33DA (Table: message . handle. chat . Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/19/2018 7:37:53 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Ok thanks
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonel varl mobile/Libraryl SMSl sms.db : Ox8DC31 F7 (Table· message , chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/19/2016 7:58:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Haven't heard of one.
Status : Read
Read: 3/1 912018 8·28:22 AM (UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DC4FD2 (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/19/2018 6:10:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Two things: 1) Kevin Aldridge wants to talk to a few members of the Majority tomorrow at 11am for our insights on this situation - Wendell or
T, would you want to?
Status: Read
Read: 3/19/2018 6 •11 .35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8DD6FD2 (Table: message. handle. chat, S ize. 220631040 bytes)
3/1 9/2018 6:10:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
2) Steve Megerle from Pastor's office came to my office at 4pm today and said , what if 8 months of Harry's salary came from the public (per
the contact) , and then another 10 months worth of severa nce came from a private source (if that were even legal or ethical). My response to
him was :
Status: Read
Read: 3119/20 18 6:11 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DD7FD2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)

3/19/2018 6:11:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
·1) I don't know 2) I'd have to confer with the majority 3) it would be contingent on very direct input on w ho the incoming manager would be 4 )
harry would obviously have to want to go that route too
Status: Read
Read: 311912018 6 :11 ·35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · Ox8DD76E7 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/19/2018 6:12:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Siltenfeld)
but Megerle/Pastor seem to already be trying to spread some horseshit rumor that I might flip - so just don't want any of you believing it.
Same crap they tried to pull w / Tamaya and Wendell, etc.
Status: Read
Read: 311912018 6:12:19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox8DD7361 (Table message, handle. chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:19:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Cranley has called Iris. my Pastor Lynch. Jr and Lynch Ill to try to flip me.
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DDFFD6 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:21:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Keep that to yourselves please .
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox8DDFB73 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 10:23:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
why in the world would he call Iris to do that? she loathes him ...
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 10 23:43 AM(UTC-4 )
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DDF51C (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:23:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Seems pretty desperate and weird.
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox8DDF2BO (Table: message. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:24:03 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
She does
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Ltbrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox8DEOFD6 (Table· message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/20/201810:24:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
by the way , if it were 8 months of public severance and another 10 months from a private source, would any of you support that? that's what
they're trying to cook up now
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 10:24.12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DEOE13 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 220631 040 bytes)
3/2012018 10:25:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I think I would be fine with that.
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DE1FD6 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:26:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
financially, it's hard to object to. though I thi nk a lot of the community would be weirded out by a private source stepping in, and wonde ring
what was trying to be covered up
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 10.26:56 AM(UTC-4 )
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox80E17BD (Table. message, handle. chat , Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/201201810:27:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
That's super weird and the optics are bad. There's something there for sure
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox8DE2AA5 (Table message, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3120/201810:27:46 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15134170743
Something Cranley doesn't want us to know
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8DE2857 (Table. message, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:39:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Harry has something on Cranley . That non disparagement and confidentiality clause is probably everything
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/varl mobilel library/SMS/sms.db Ox8DE481A (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/201201811 :12:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
If Harry gets enough outside money to make leaving palatable , we can't make him stay. I think it's bad precedent and it fixes nothing. The
issues that gave rise to this situation remain in place. I agree there is something Cranley doesn't want to deal with. Cranley is feeling the
heat. Let's hold together. Stay strong1
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 11 .1231 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8DEA90A (Table· message. handle, chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2012018 11:13:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
so if I'm hearing you right, if Black got 8 months public severance and 10 months private , it would be hard for you to say No? But if it was 12
months publ ic severance (meaning 4 months above what his contract states) and another 6 months private severance , you would say No to
that? is that correct?
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 11 .13:51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8DEA400 (Table: message. handle. chat Stze. 220631040 bytes)

3/20/2018 12:39:12 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
No. I'm not okay with a buyout in any form. I'm saying it isn't likely Harry will pass up the money and we can't make him stay.
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 12.41 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db . Ox8DFGF02 (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 12:54:32 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenteld)
Got it
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 12 54.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubraryl SMS/sms.db Ox80F601 E (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/2012018 12:56:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:tncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Has this ever happened in the entire country? That private money pays a public employee to quit? That's what Jason Williams shou ld be
writing about. Someone is so scared of what Harry Black might say , they private money is going to pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars
to leave.
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 1 16·10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox80F6B5B (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
312012018 12:57:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:tncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenteld)
No idea. Agree , i have discomfort with it
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 1 16·10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSl sms.db . Ox8DF676B (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:58:45 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I agree with Chris.
Status: Read
Read: 3120/20 18 1 16 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel varlmobilelllbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox8DF6562 (Table message. handle, chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
312012018 1:16:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Agreed. This is a terrible precedent
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox80F7B37 (Table· message. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/20/20181 :17:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tomorrow's Council meeting will surely be a battle. Cranley will be on the attack. Maybe more than he ever has.
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 t ·37 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox80F793A (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 2:08:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Then we stand strong and fight back. Cranley is trying to destroy our city manager form of government. We ca n't allow that to happen.
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 2:14 .58 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox80F73BO (Table message, handle. chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 2:09:58 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Emphasized "Then we stand strong and fight back. Cranley is trying to destroy our city manager form of government. We can't allow that to
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/20182:14 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/va r/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8DF8F01 (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 22063 1040 bytes)
3120/2018 2:10:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenteld)
All for one, one for all '
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/201 8 2 14 58 PM(U TC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox80F8C1A (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 2:10:30 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Amen '
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 2.14.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox80F89FB (Table: message. handle . chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/2012018 2:11:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This is an incredibly important moment of the next four years. Can they pick one of us off? If they can't, Cranley will either be forced to
respect us ... or he will explode. And I'd say it's 50/50 odds.
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 2·14 58 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8DF883C (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 2:13:36 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenteld)
Interestingly David Mann said the same thing to me on Sunday he said he thought this whole absurd episode is going to cause John to
realize he has to be respectful and collaborative if he wants to get anything done.
Status: Read
Reed: 3/20/2018 214 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox80F9F02 (Table message, handle chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Not sure that's humanly possible for him. But wou ld be great if it did.
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 2 14 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox80F98B3 (Table· message handle , chat Size 220631040 bytes)

3/2012018 2:14:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
·we hold strong tomorrow, and we'll go from there
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 2·14:58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8DF966D (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 2:14:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "We hold strong tomorrow, and we'll go from there"
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 2:1 4:58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DFAF08 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:25:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From inside City managers office "Cranley thinks he's gonna push Landsman so hard tomorrow that he will get his vote." Stay with us my
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 2:29·09 PM(UTC-41
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DFA908 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2012018 2:26:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Greg is and has been rock solid' (Greg is also probably on a 12 hour flight as we speak)
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 2.29:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhoneiva r/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DFA407 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:29:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
So we're the "Invincible Five?" Loi
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 2:29:28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8DFBFD2 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:01:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg. How was meeting with Cranley?
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 12 :15:13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varimobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox8EOA956 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/21/2018 2:26:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Amy Murray: "If you all would just come to my committee, you would understand everything ... because I fix everything just like I fixed the
streetcar during my 4 years charing that committee ."
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 2:27 :51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8EOF6DF (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:08:45 PM{UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Great work everyone
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 3:14 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox8E1236C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2112018 3:39:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor: We have to work together. collaboratively .... invokes Shirley Chisom .... then spends 15 minute attacking us.
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 4:15 ·24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox8E15BF6 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 11 :29:25 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley calling Wendell and me asking if he can give us something in exchange for our vote.
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11 ·29:31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8E859C E (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 11 :36:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Same. Meeting with him tomorrow. He claims he's willing to put anything on table . Chris. when do you get back? Also. can a few of us meet
on Monday? We can't all meet, of course. Chris, hope your trip has been great. Pictures look fun.
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 11:40:19 AM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phonel var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8E86DEC (Table· message handle, chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
312412018 11:36:45 AM{UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm back like 2:30am Monday morning
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11:40.20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8E87FD2 (Table message. handle, chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
312412018 11:37:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Would lunch work?
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/201 8 11.40 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox8E877E1 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 11 :38:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have to be to foundation in morning and through lunch. But could do something after 2
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/201 8 11 :40.20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8E87608 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 11:38:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 {Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11"4020 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelva rlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8E88FD2 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3124/2018 11 :38:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11 :40:20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E88ACC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3124/2018 11:39:12 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Others? Up to four :).
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/201 8 11 :40:20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E88911 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 12:09:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
sorry to miss some calls & texts. have been at March for Our Lives .
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/201 8 12:1006 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8E8848A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:09:47 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I could do 3:30pm
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:10:06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E89FD2 (Table : message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 12:10:39 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
needless to say , I'm fine with some grand bargain that's actually good - BUT the entire point of this is about how we govern and John
needing to work collaboratively with the Democratic majority, not go running to Smitherman, Murray, Pastor and then see how we can pick
off 2 more
Status: Read
Read: 3/2412018 12:10:42 PM(U TC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E89708 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3124/2018 12:10:52 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
can't emphasize enough the degree to which we need to stay coordinated
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:10:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8E893BO (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
312412018 12:15:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100% agree with you P.G.
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 :30 :1 8 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8E8AE15 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:24:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yep. See you on Monday at 3:30. Where is best?
Status: Read
Read: 3124/20 18 12:30:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E8AC30 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:29:14 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm fine w/ a Council office, though off-site probably better. I could get us the community room above the Coffee Emporium to ourselves
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:30.18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E8BFD2 (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 12:31:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I won't able to be there
Status: Senl
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8E88988 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220631 040 bytes)
3/2412018 12:31:50 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I think CE's community room is under construction
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E88703 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 12:31:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Wendell , can you? I th ink best to have 4 of us if able to be coordinated
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:31·5G PM(U TC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8E88588 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:32:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
T, I mean the room on 2nd floor in the Emery
Status: Read
Read: 3124/20 18 12:32:06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E8833A (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:32:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Oh never mind. You're talking about your
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8E8CFD6 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:32:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Got it
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8E8CDD1 (Table message chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)

3/24/20181:10:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I can meet. Just tell me when and where. Going dark now. Back on around 5.
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 1 35:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonel varlmobilell1brary/SMSlsms.db · Ox8E8D34C (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 2:00:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Sounds like we're locked in for 3:30pm this Monday. Do you all want to do Wendell's office at City Hall. or the private community room above
the Coffee Emporium?
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 2 03 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8E93FD2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes}
3124/2018 2:02:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
City hall is easier for me
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 2.03:15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms db · Ox8E933EB (Table: message handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes}
312412018 2:03:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
City Hall fine by me
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 2:18:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db Ox8E93202 (Table· message. handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/2412018 2:58:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 3:06·19 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8E962FF (Table· message, handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes}
3124/2018 5:16:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young}
Happy to host everyone in my office. See you there.
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 7•06:28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8E9778D (Table: message. handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes}

Chats (1)
..J..., • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15 133484329 (1)

# Deleted
Participants: Start Time: 1/19/2018 12:07'01 PM(UTC-5)
+15133484329 Last Activity: 3/24/2018 5;16:13 PM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbach" (owner) Number of attachments: 11
Source: 1Message +15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach's
1Phone/var/mob1leflibrary/SMS/ sms. db : Ox11 CS2C EA
(Table : chat. handle. Size: 342745088 bytes)
B-Ody file: chat-1.txt
+ 15134856759
Wendell Young·

+ 15134170743
Tamaya Dennard·

+ 15133652404
Pg Sittenfeld"

+ 15136460186
Greg Landsman·

1/1912018 12:07:01 PM(UTC·S}Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}

Hey Wendell, Greg, Tamaya & Chris . Please keep to yourself for now. but Cranley asked me this morning about my feeling on the possible
appointment of a guy named Rayshon Mack lo the vacant SORTA board seat
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 12: t4 01 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxB588A4F (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 by1es)
1/19/2018 12:08:27 PM(UTC-5}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He has retweeted stuff saying that "Democrats are dangerous to the general public" as well as retweeted stuff from the Hamilton County
Republican Party as well as retweeted stuff from a known racist.
Status: Read
Read: 111912018 17 14 01 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms db · OxB589FD3 (Table: message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
111912018 12:08:34 PM(UTC-S)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to talk about these appointments. We need to vet these people.
Status: Raad
R&ad: 11191201812:14'01 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMSfsms.db . OxB589C4E (Table. message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1119/2016 12:08:44 PM(UTC-S}Olrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He has tweeted things himself that are overly anti-labor.
Status: Read
Read: 1119/2018 12;U 01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB589AOD (Table· message. handle chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:09:00 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection: lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenf'eld)
He has tweeted things accusing me of "corruption"
Status: Read
Read; 111912018 12:14 01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMSfsms.db: OxB5897B1 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1912018 12:09:21 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
And he's tweeted th ings calling people like Bobby Hilton. Eric Kearney, and Dwight Tillery "Tra itors" and "Snakes"
Status: Read
Read: 111 912018 12·1 4:01 PM(UTC· S)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox858955D (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:09:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
And all of that is just from the last several days!'
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 12:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB58928A (Table: message , handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
~/19/2018 12:09:40 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:lneoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
If he is who I think he is, he's a nut!
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/201 8 12:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB58AFD3 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1912018 12:09:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You can guess where I would be on his nomination - but wanted to see if any of you are inclined to come to his defense in any way?
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 12:1 4:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/libra ry/SMS/sms.db : OxB58ADCD (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:10:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
(p.s. - Wendell , completely agree on increased vetting in general}
Status: Read
Read: 1/1912018 12:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSisms.db : OxB58AADA (Table : message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:10:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not me.
Status: Read
Read: 111912018 12:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB58A86B (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1912018 12:10:15 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Why not Eric Kearney? He's a avid rider.
Status: Read
Read: 1119/2018 12:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library /SMS/sms.db: OxB58A6A9 (Table: message , handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1912018 12:10:22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Love that idea 1
Status: Read
Read: 1119/2018 12:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox858A49F (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:10:44 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
But first seeing if there's something I'm missing w/ Rayshon?
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/20 18 12:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8 58A297 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1119/2018 12:11:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I don't think you are :}.
Status: Read
Read: 1119/201812:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxB58BBAC (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1912018 12:13:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Encourage John to ask Kearney , I will too. He'd be a good fit. And I think he rides the bus everyday?
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 12:14:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox858B9CO (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:14:37 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is this a joke?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox858858E (Table: message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
111912018 12:19:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
it should be a joke but it's not. and that list of bad stuff is literally only from the last 3 days' just making su re the council Dems were on the
same page here.
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 12:20:28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob ile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox858CC 15 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/19/201812:24:41 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "it should be a joke but it's not. and that list of bad stuff is literally only from the last 3 days! just making sure the council Dems were on
the same page here. "
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 12:24:54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox858F948 (Table : message, handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/19/2018 3:46:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Let's bounce the sucker!
Status: Read
Delivered: 1119/2018 3:46:50 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1119/2018 3:46 :50 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox85A18DE (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/19/2018 3 :50:33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Amen Wendell
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBSA2FD7 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

21512018 4:16:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)


IMG 4917.png
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/5/2018 4.16.53 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/5/2018 4 16 53 PM(UTC-5)
So urce file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox88D2FC7 (Table message handle, chat. attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachments/Of/15/0C252A59-C23D-4BCC-8989-E5E27A 1ABEOOllMG_4917.png (Size 990012 bytes)
215/2018 4:16:53 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


IMG 4917.png
Status: Read
Delivered: 215/2018 4 16 55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/512018 4 16 55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox88D2D79 (Table message. handle. chat attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/c1/01/3DC31055-5659-442B-8109-C026E246A562/IMG_4917.png (Size 990012 bytes)
21512018 4:17:11 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


IMG 4917.png
Status: Read
Source file : Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxB8D283B (Table message handle. chat attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob11ellibrary/SMS1Attachments/38/08/6E444840-1814-4403-A184-3291026AED70/IMG_ 4917.png (Size 990012 bytes)
215/2018 4:17:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Sorry, only meant to send once
Status: Read
Sou rce file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox88D28FD (Table. message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
215/2016 4:16:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoi ng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
There couldn't be a bigger NO vote from me .... of anyone I've ever voted on an appointment.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox88D270F (Table message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
21512018 4:18:56 PM(UTC-S) Direction:lncoming, + 151 33652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I will also be a no vote.
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/5/2018 4 18 59 PM(UTC-5)
Read. 2/5/2018 4 18 59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file. Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMSlsms db Ox88D245E (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 4:19:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
I'm a definite NO!
Status· Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88D227A (Table message. handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
215/2018 4:20:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Anti-Labor. Anti-Democrat. Vilifying leaders in the black community. And mean on top of all that.
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4 20 47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88D3FD3 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
215/2018 4:51 :52 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, + 151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The amount of offensive. mean-spirited, hateful tweets .... especially directed towards PG .... it's INCREDIBLE Cranley is nominating this guy.
But of course he isl
Status: Seiit
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88D64FA (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
21712018 10:09:28 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
NAACP issuing statement soon against any delays in Responsible Bidder ordinance. Will have talking points as well. We're hoping all of you
will sign on to statement
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvarlmob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox894F73F (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
21712018 10:16 :36 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "NAACP issuing statement soon against any delays in Responsible Bidder ordinance. Will have talking points as well. We're hoping all
of you will sign on to statement'
Status: Read
Reed: 21712018 10 19 11 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox895064B (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 8:21:37 AM(UTC·5)Direction:Outgoing, +1 51334 84329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley appointee could face major opposition at council today
SIDtus; Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db OxBA8C94B (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 8:21:40 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https:/ ley-appointee-could -face-major-opposition-at.html

D3269C EC-D644·4BOS· BC1A· 5F1 1576B-4F8F-43F2-9ED2-

FBSA77BC0502.pluqinPayloadAttacllment 9F4044FAB552.plvginPayloadAttachment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMStsms.db: OxBA8D65E (Table: message. chat, attachment, Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobileilibrary/SMS/Attachments/81/0113804EBD6-23DC-4BBE· B8A8· EEOAF96BFCF8/D3269CEC-D644-4BOS-BC1A-
FBBA77BC0502.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size: 5969 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/libraryiSMSIAttachments/a91091CC1 221 D2·BC5F·482B·A5E4·48598905AC9C/SF115768-4F8F-43F2-9ED2-
9F4044FABSS2.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size: 18013 bytes)
211412018 8:44:31 AM(UTC-S)Oiredion:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Happy to carry the water on this. Have statement ready.
Status: Read
Read: 211412018 B:44:4t AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxBA8F850 (Table: message, handle. cha t. Size· 342745088 bytes)
2114/2016 8:44:49 AM(UTC-6)01rection:Outgolng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Happy to carry the water on this. Have statement ready. "
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db: OxBA8F560 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
211412018 6:45:22 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sounds good -Chrissy/Walrus
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/l1brary/$MS/sms.db : Ox8A8F328 (Table: message, ci\at. Size: 342745088 bytes)
211412018 8:52:23 AM(UTC-5)0irectioo:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Loved "Sounds good -Chrissy/Walrus"
Status: Read
Read: 211412018 8;54:22 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBA90F4E (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 9:32:12AM(UTC-5)Directkm:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Michelle Dillingham reached out this morning about Rayshon Mack. In addition to everything that's been reported, she wanted to make sure
we knew he continued to call her "Dopehead Dillingham" and a "junkie" during the entire campaign. She's been clean and sober for at least
20 years.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8A93FD7 (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
212812018 10:21:08 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Do any of you know anything about these folks John is appointing to the health board?
Status: Read
Read: 2/28120t8 12:03:40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/vartmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8DA35C8 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
212812018 10:21:50 AM(UTC-6)Dir&Ction:lnoomtng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
If not, I propose that we hold off on confirmation. I don't know anything about them
Status: Read
Read: 2128/2018 12.03:40 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonef var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db : OxBDA3361 (Table . message. handle, cl1at, Size: 342745088 bytes)
2!281201810:22:25AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnc:oming, +15134170743 (Tamaye Dennard)
They are Carrie Douglas and Amar Bhati.
Status: Read
Read: 2128120 18 12:03:40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: OxBDA4FD3 (Table: message handle, cha t. Size: 342745088 bytes)
212812018 11:38:44 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lnooming, +15134856759 (Wandell Young)
I don't know them and I am perfectly fine with holding off on confirmation. I also think we need to convene the rules committee and create a
committee to vet appointees prior to a full council vote on confirmation. Addi tionally the Health Board is in the middle of some work that will
be disrup ted with the appointment of new people.
Status: Read
Read: 2/28/2018 17:03:40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBOA490C (Table: message, handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 1:30:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


IMG !>361 .png

Status; Read
Read: 3/12/2018 1:31.01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxCOE57C1 (Table: message. handle . chat. attachment, Size· 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seclbach' s iPhone/var/mobtlellibrary/SM$ 1Attachments/50/00/AE56A9EC-587E-4559-88E5-BE336C9888FDllMG_S36 1.png : (Size· 1914544 bytes)
311212016 1 :32:20 PM(UTC-4)0ire<:tion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
where on Central Parkway?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1lelLibrary/$MSlsms.db . OxCOE5583 {Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)

3/12/20181:32:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
oh ... she meant central ave
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOE5360 (Table. message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 1:33:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
the real takeaway, Jeff is saying to Council, despite giving you no concrete info, you all need to rush a decision in the next 2 weeks.
Community Benefits Agreement be damned
Status: Read
Delivered: 3112/2018 1:33:36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 1:33:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOE6CBA (Table. message, handle, chat, Size : 342745088 bytes)
3/12120181:33:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : OxCOE6971 (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3112120181 :34:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
the gall is fucking unbelievable, and really does a disservice to trying to make a cool thing work for our city
S1atus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brarylSMS/sms.db · OxCOE6787 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:00:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just drove through the West Bank. I think it's actually less tense and awkward here.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/20 18 4.00:59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3112/2018 4 00•59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOF1AOO (Table. message , handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311212018 4:01 :1 5 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Had good meeting with Harry this morning.
S1atus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxCOF17A5 (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311212018 4:02:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's awesome. What did you talk about?
S1atus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxCOF1250 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311212018 4:03:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Great that you are there safely
S1atus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms db : OxCOF2FD7 (Table : message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311212016 4:04:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
My issues with him. Especially responsible bidder. That I've worked on it for almost 6 years , I've made compromise after compromise when
the other side wouldn't given an inch. Had 1,000 meetings. And then he goes last week and testifies for hours about it will basically bankrupt
the city and prevent all AA people from getting work ....without even talking to me. And also his lack of any kind of leadership on fixing the
S1atus: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxCOF20E9 (Table message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
311212018 4:04:27 PM{UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 {Pg Sittenfeld)
Liked "Just drove through the West Bank. I think it's actually less tense and awkward here.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4:04:27 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311212018 4'04.27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db : OxCOF27B4 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But he agreed to specific things on both fronts , in addition to restarting our relationship .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : OxCOF2540 (Table: message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Loved "But he agreed to specific things on both fronts , in addition to restarting our relationship."
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF3F07 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:56 PM{UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
in exchange for me not voting to fire him 1
S1atus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobileilibrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOF3C85 (Table message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:05:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
and late night, not sober phone calls. Which I know others have talked to him about as well.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF3A40 (Table message chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:07:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
This is greati Glad you talked with Harry.
Status· Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4.07 22 PMtUTC-4J
Read: 3/12/20 18 4.01·22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db . OxCOF37AO (Table message handle . chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)

311212018 4:08:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He agreed to support responsible bidder with my fixes. And to include, in his budget, sign al prioritization and making the streetcar free. And I
have those promises in writing.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPho ne/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF359C (Table . message, chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:08:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
me too. and a re-set sounds good. we all know this, but some smear job is coming ..
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF4FD7 (Table: message, handle . c hat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:08:4 9 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
This is even better news. Go Chris'
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF404A (Table : message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:10:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to be ready for the smear campaign, which has already begun. You saw Sherri's hit-piece in the paper today.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/20 18 4:10:28 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 4:10 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF4 B44 (Table: me ssage, handle . chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:12:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Wendell, as you said in your comments , highlighting that there's room for improvement and we'll be expecting it - but also calling out a
smear for what it is, and not indulging it.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ 12/2018 4:16:22 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311212018 4:16:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db : OxCOF4 5A 1 (Table : message . handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:14:15 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
T hanks. Glad we're on the same page. This is going to be a slug fest. We need to stick together.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4:16:22 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1212018 4: 16:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db · OxCOF5FC7 (Table : message. handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:17:12 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And I agree with Greg that we need to put goals in place that we can hold him accounta ble to.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxCOF5056 (Table: message. chat. S ize: 34 2745088 byte s)
3/1212018 4:18:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming , +1 5134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to convene the Rules Committee to formalize these thi ngs.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel varl mobile/Lib rary/ SMS/sms.db : OxCOF5AB7 (Table : message. hand le, chat. Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:19:13 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming , +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I can't see Greg's comments.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxCOF5884 (Table : message , handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1 2/2018 4:20:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He's in Israel, but when we talked yesterday, he mentioned putting in place specific goals for Harry .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris See lbach 's iPhone/varl mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxCOF569C (Table: message, chat , Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1 212018 4:21 :08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5134856759 (Wendell Young)
Tha nks .
Status: Read
Delivered: 311212018 4:21 :13 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 4:21 :13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF6FC7 (Table: message, handle , chat. Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:22:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
Wendell, also, I agree with the sentiment that rather than some trial style format where people are called up one by one to smear Harry, any
grievances from John should be submitted as a written document, and Council can then proceed to handle on its own timeline and as it sees
fit. But no more of this crap where due process if thrown out the window .
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF6BCB (Table : message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:22:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1212018 4:23:32 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12120 18 4:23:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob ilel library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOF6332 (Table : me ssage, ha ndle chat. Size. 34274 5088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:24:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But how can we control that if he does this through a committee one of you don 't chair?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPho nelvar/mobilellibra ry/ SMS/sms.db : OxCOF7C37 (Table: message , chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:24:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
all of us won't be there in that case
Status: Read
So urce file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/varl mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . OxCOF79AO (Table: message . hand le. chat, Size · 342745088 bytes)

3/12/2018 4:25:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
so I think it'll seem slanted. I'm talking about not using Full Council as a forum for some Soviet style trial
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 25 34 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 4 25 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonetvar/moblie/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCOF775C (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:26:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
A written document isn't a motion. We handle as we see fit. I agree we don't want to hold Kangaroo Court. I think we attend that committee
meeting and organize dissent that shows what is going on .
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCOF878E (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:28:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Meant to say if Cranley's document comes in the form of a motion we attend the committee meeting ......
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 28.07 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 4 28 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxCOF843F (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:28:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We could also move for immediate consideration at council and vote it down.
SIDtus. Read
Read: 3/1 2/2018 4 29 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCOF9FD3 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 4:33:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
that's very interesting idea
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 33 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db. OxCOF93F5 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3112/2018 4:34:1 1 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Need 6 votes for that
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOF9103 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311212018 4:34:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
good point
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4.34.21 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . OxCOFAE20 (Table message, handle , chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:35:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
If we pull David, we may have six.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 38 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db OxCOFAC20 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 by1es)
3/1212018 5:29:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just thinking; we have Dennard. Seelbach. Sittenfeld, Landsman , Pastor. and me. Correct?
SIDtus: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 5:37 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMSlsms.db . OxCOFEA80 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 6:34:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Sounds right to me
Status: Read
Reed: 3/1212018 6.37 03 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ltbrary/SMSlsms db OxCOFFFD3 (Table message handle . chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 6:37:42 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley told me tonight he has Pastor as long as he's in maiority.
Status: Sent
Source file: Ctms Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCOFFDFD (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 6 :38:06 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Wow ... smh
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 6 38 07 PM1UTC-4t
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOFF8BB (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311212018 6:39:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I don't believe ii. Pastor told me last night he ts with us
Status: Read
Read: 3/1212018 6 39 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxCOFF524 (Table message handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 6:39:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
He told me that he was as well
Ststus: Read
Read: 3112/2018 6·39.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC100CB3 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3112/2018 6:40:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maybe Cranley is overplaying his hand. But he told me pastor would vote to fire as long as he's in maionty But please don't tell pastor that.
Last thing I want is MORE drama
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db : OxC100AC7 (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

311212018 6:42:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I won't say anything
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 6:44:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC1007B2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311212018 6:45:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley could be lying to me. Would never trust him for a second
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db : OxC100504 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311212018 6:46:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But told me smitherman. Murray and Mann are definite yes to fire
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC 1003A5 (Table : message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 7:27:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I won't say anything either but we know Cranley d oesn't mind lying about anything.
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 7:29:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC101FD3 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 8:06:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Back to FC for a moment, wow good on CPS for not letting themselves be bulldozed , at least according to this letter
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 8:08:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxC1019EE (Table: message , handle, chat, Size: 342745088 byte s)
3/1212018 8:07:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)


Status: Read
Read: 3/ 12/2018 8:08:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxC101751 (Table: message , handle, chat, attachment, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/Attachments/96/06/AF1FDAA6-A5B1-403C-AF2C-54807916A5BE/FullSizeRender.jpeg : (Size: 322768 bytes)
3/1212018 8:26:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Great letter. Thanks for sharing .
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 8:27 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC10150F (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1 212018 10:33:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'll stop texting e veryone shit in a moment...
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 10:33: 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMSlsms.db . OxC1065E4 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
31121201810:33:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
As you all know , I care not just about WHAT people communicate, but also HOW they communicate.
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 10:34:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC10639A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 10:34:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Berding in the Enquirer today: ""It could be voted down," Berding said. "Then they could watch us have a press conference in New port the
next day."
Status: Read
Read: 3/1212018 10:34:1 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC107FD3 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 10:34:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
the my way or the highway threaten ing tone really leave such a bad taste in my mouth
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 10:35:13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC1079BE (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1 3/2018 10:49:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I say Newport it is.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/13/2018 10.49.18 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/13/2018 10:49.18 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC10B20B (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 11:15:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
If it is Newport. I think we should be ready to help the West End pursue serious . balanced (inclusive) development. A coalition there is
emerging to do great work. We should move quickly to help them . Not entirely sure what it looks like, but I think we should be prepared to
an nounce and/or begi n to work on efforts that will prioritize new (responsible) revita lization efforts in the West End WITH the West End .

We should also consider what we would need to ensure we don't lose businesses on the Banks, and that people who go to FC g ames in
Newport come and spend money in Downtown/OTR . Maybe some coalition of business and transportation folks?

Both seem like good effo rts , and will help to address the inevitable rhetoric that we are denying the West End hundreds of millions in new
investments and that we could undermine an already fragile Banks business district.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 1 1·17 ·~2 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC10CEOF (Table. message handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1312016 4:01:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Greg, just keeping you posted: Chris. Wendell, T , and I do NOT support buyout for Harry.
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 4:03·22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's i Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC129857 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 4:03:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
And AA community & leadership is outraged at prospect of buyout & force out
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 4.03•22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db. OxC1298FO (Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1312018 4:04:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (famaya Dennard)
Just so you know, I spoke with John and he said the buyout wa s to help with the racial tension. I told him that was insulting
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 4:04'43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC1296A3 (Table · message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1 3/2018 4:06:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry 100% does not want the buyout. But needs assurance that he has 5 votes not only against firing him. But also against voting for
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSl sms.db : OxC 1293F6 (Table: message, chat. Size . 342745088 bytes)
3/1312018 5:11 :52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (famaya Dennard)
What the hell is going on?
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 13/2018 5:11·55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC12C4BE (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1312018 5:13:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
In an interview with news will get back to you.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 13/2018 5:14.15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC12C2D6 (Table : message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:16:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We left meeting with Manager with understanding that he was not resigning . Left meeting with Cranley with understanding that he is doing a
pull court press on our friend Greg Landsman. Told us he has every union , David Pepper, etc reaching out to get him on board with Cranley.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db · OxC12D969 (Table. message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1312016 5:23:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (famaya Dennard)
Vanessa just said that's not true
Status. Read
Read: 3113/2018 5:30.24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/libra ry/SMS /sms.db . OxC12FF03 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:28:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Vanessa told me same: Greg doesn't support firing or buyout
Status: Read
Read: 3113/2018 5.30.24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db OxC12F589 (Table: message handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1312018 5:26:57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrec!ion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


IMG 5619.PNG
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 5.30.24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db : OxC12F358 (Table message. handle, chat. attachment, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/85/05/0F 1FF40A- D5E8-4D06-A158-BD0389CA372Dl lMG_ 5619.PNG : (Size 108146 bytes)
3/1312018 5:30:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 1912.P NG
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db : OxC130A5A (Table· message, chat. attachment, Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/2f/ 15/74CCDC55-D728-455C-9B9F-567CFD995812/IMG_ 1912.PNG (Size 658159 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:30:42 PM(UTC-4)Directio n:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Va nessa told me same. Greg doesn't support firing or buyout "
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbac h's iPh one/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/ sms db . OxC1305D9 (Table message, chat Size. 34 2745088 bytes)
3/1312018 5:31 :02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Assuming that's true, we need to let Harry know there are 5 votes against buyout
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/ sms.db OxC131C25 (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

3113/2018 5:31:22 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenteld)
I'll tell him
Staws: Read
Read: 3/1312018 5:31 :30 PM(UTC·4)
Soorce file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db · OxC1317EF (Table. message, handle chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311312018 5:31 :47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'll let Sherri know. 100% certain on Greg?
Stll1Us: Sent
Soorce file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel varlmobile/library/SMSlsms.db : OxC131371 (Table, message, chat, Size . 342745088 bytes)
3113/2018 5:40:13 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Harry has not taken the buyout.
Status: Read
Delivered: 311312018 5:40: 15 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 3113/2018 ~·40:15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMSl sms.db : OxC 1335E5 (Table· message, handle chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
311312018 5:40:23 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lnooming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just got back to hotel and emailed John confirming my position against firing CM or a buyout. Now, because it's almost midnight, I'm signing
off and going to bed.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seetbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxC134FD7 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311312018 5:40:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
than ks Greg. Night.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach' s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC134CDC (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311312018 5:41:20 PM(UTC-4)Dtrectlon:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Yoong)
Thanks Greg.
Status: Read
Oeliveied: 3/13/2018 5:41:57 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311312018 5:41:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach' s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC134AC2 (Table: message. handle . chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3113/2018 6:34:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
God Bless you Wendell'

IMG 1914.MOV
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone1var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC138608 (Table: message. chat attachment, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/Allachmentsic9/09/BB8CC104-0DF9-479F-9i94-CBEAB497F432/IMG_ 1914.MOV : (Size: 11251474 bytes)
3114/20181:05:04 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Morning. Does anyone know the status of the responsible bidder ordinance? Thanks, alt.
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 8.45:25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC 154DBE {Table· message. handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311412018 8:31:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
West End option looks to be dead
Status: Read
Read: 3/1412018 G:39:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbacti's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC188FD3 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
311412018 6:58:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sit!enfeld)
Greg, silence your phone buddy if these texts are waking you up:
Status: Read
Read: 3114120 18 6 59:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC1889D5 (Table· message , handle, chat, Size: 342745068 bytes)
3/14/2018 6:59:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I spoke with Wendell and we're in agreement thal we can't just let John commence Kangaroo Court against Harry however he once - but we
obviously also need to give employees who want to share their testimony a way to share ii.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 4/20186•59 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC189FD3 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 6:59:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Any idea how Crantey wants to do this? In a committee?
Stlltus: Sent
Soorce file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC189C1C (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3114/2018 7:00:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Wendell talked about a letter we'd all sign? Anyway , I think we all need to hop on a joint conference call tomorrow or Friday to talk it through,
and an overall strategy
Status: Read
Read: 3/14120181·00·74 PM(U1C-4/
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db: O~C18AFD3 (Table message , handle chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 7:00:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone1var/mob1le/librarylSMSlsms.db · OxC18A66B (Table: message. chat Size· 342745086 bytes)

3/14/2018 7:07:39 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Chris, Wendell, Tamaya - could you all do a call at 3pm tomorrow? or anytime Friday in the afternoon?
Stetus: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7 07 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC18CFD3 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 7 :07:54 PM(UTc-4)Direc1ion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I can do either
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms db OxC18C3BD (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 7:08:41 PM(UTc-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
cool. Wendell? T?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1412018 7 10 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC18D7DO (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:08:55 PM(UTc-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I can't do tomorrow but I can do Friday between 1 and 3
Status: Read
Reed: 3/14/2018 7 10 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db OxC18EFD3 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:09:32 PM(UTc-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Thanks. Wendell , could you do a group conference call Friday sometime between 1-3pm?
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7 10 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms db OxC18FFD3 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:26:05 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 3/1412018 7 26 09 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1braryl SMS/ sms db OxC19131 D (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/ 1412018 7:31 :10 PM(UTc-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Great. let's do 1·30pm. I'll send a calendar invite to your personal emails and circulate a conference line
Status: Read
Read: 3/1412018 7 31 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC192BEB (Table message handle, cha1. Size 342745088 by1es)
3/14/2018 7:31 :37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you!
Status: Read
Read: 3/1412018 7 31.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC192556 (Table message, handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1 4/2018 7:32:18 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Please send me a text. Having trouble with e-mail.
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7 32 29 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxC1937C2 (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:32:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Will do Wendell. Everyone bring their ideas for navigating this process. Also, I think better if it's just us - not our aides on the line for this call
Status: Read
Read: 3114/2018 7 32 46 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC19337E (Table message. handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:33:34 PM(UTc-t)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status· Read
Read: 3/1 4/2018 7:34 24 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms db OxC194FD3 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 7:35:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Got it
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7 39 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC194C38 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 34274 5088 bytes)
3/15/2018 5 :34:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
I could do this (7.30P M my time). BUT, we can't have five people on a call without breaking sunshine rules . no? Just let me know.
Status: Read
Read. 3/1512018 7 49 16 AM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1A2A47 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 7 :07:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Greg, I'll ask John Curp on sunshine and loop back ASAP
Status: Read
Read: 311512018 7 49 16AM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms .db OxC1A35AA (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3115/2018 10:21:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
FYI. In Cranley·s meeting with Enquirer editorial board he attacked PG for "threatening CODE president. suggesting employees not come
forward because Black will remain manager." It's 100% not true. But interesting that Cranley is now coming after us.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMSlsms db OxC1 B86F3 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

311512018 10:21 :44 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I spoke with Chris Jenkins from CODE a few minutes ago and he said it's 100% not true. John is resorting to some truly outrageous tactics
Status: Read
Delivered: 311512018 10 21 .51 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 311512018 10·21.51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1 B82F6 (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 10:22:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Smitherma n just called a special meeting of law and public safety tomorrow at 10.30 to take action on a "whistleblower protection
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1BAFD7 (Table message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/ 1512018 10:27:48 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And a special meeting of Council at 10:45am tomorrow. Wh ich I won't be able to attend.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC 1BD9A3 (Table: message. chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
3/151201810:45:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Harry going after Unions here a bit w/ the Ed Board, in a way that's not good
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/15/2018 10 45:29 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 311512018 10:45:29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxC1COBF7 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 12:18:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Explain about Harry please or call me. Thanks.
Status: Read
Read: 31151201812.17 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC1C4734 (Table message, handle, chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/181201811 :55:20 AM{UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Just emailed you all first draft of a letter incorporating people's ideas
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 1 t 56 43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC212FD3 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3118/2018 11 :55:33 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
here is the conference line for 1 :30pm today:
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 11 :5643 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC212D52 (Table . message. handle , chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 11 :57:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Dial in number: 563-999-1106
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 11.57 46 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC213FD3 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/181201811 :57:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg S lttenfeld)
Access code: 819666
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 t 1.57 46 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxC2139CC (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 11 :57:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Pin (if needed)· 1619
Sta1us: Read
Read: 3/1612018t1 .57:49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxC213488 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 11 :57:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC21 4FD7 (Table. message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3116/2018 11 :57:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 11 ~8 09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var1mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db OxC214AF8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 11 :58:11 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC214557 (Table message chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311612018 12:01:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Got it. Thanks.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1617018 17 01 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/l1brary/SMSlsms db OxC2143A1 (Table message. handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 12:17:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Wendell . are you around for a quick call? Tried your cell but 11 went to VM. Thanks , friend.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 12 17 53 PM(Ul C-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC215FD3 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 34274 5088 bytes)

3/16'2018 12:17:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Yes . Call now.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 12:17:53 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SM S/sms.db : OxC215D64 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 12:18:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Yes. Call now."
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 12:18.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC215B1 E (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 1:28:1 3 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Here's the call-in info one more time; talk to everyone in 2 minutes
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1612018 1'28.17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 1:28:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db: OxC21ABCC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3116/2018 1:28:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Dial in number: 563-999-1106
Access code: 819666
Pin (if needed): 1619
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16120181:28:17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 1:28:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSisms.db . OxC21A949 (Table message , handle, chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
3/16/20181:31 :53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You hopping on , Wendell?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 1:32:24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 1:32:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxC21BFC7 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 1:32:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not yet. Can't get through. Trying again.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 1:32:24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 1:32:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/ librarylSMS/sms.db : OxC21BDA1 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 1:33:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
No answer. 563-999-1106?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db : OxC21 BB9F (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 1:33:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxC218637 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 byles}
3/16/2018 1:33:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. that worked for me
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMSlsms.db · OxC21B44B (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 1:35:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Trying again.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1612018 1 35:11 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311612018 1.35.11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC218229 (Table: message , handle chat, Size: 342745088 bytes}
3/16/2018 1:35:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
if it doesn't work , I'll call you Wendell and thread you in
Stelus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC21 CFD7 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/20181:36:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not working . Please call me. Call me at: 961-1176.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ 16/2018 1:36:21 PM(UTC-4)
Read : 311612018 1·36 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db · OxC21CD62 (Table. message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes}
3/16/20181 :45:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey Greg. I dropped off the call. I think you need to be on there more than me. Can you please call in ASAP?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC21D3BO (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes}
3116/2018 1:48:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Greg, able to call-in?
Status: Read
Delivered: 311612018 1.49 40 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 1.49•40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms db . OxC21 EFC7 (Table . message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3116/2018 1:49:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
he's not getting texts. But just called him and he's calling in
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSisms.db : OxC21EDB5 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3/16/2018 1:50:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Calling in now ...
Status: Rea d
Read: 31161201 8 1:52 :05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC21 EB46 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:09:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Will send updated letter in 10 minutes tops
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2:10:25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db : OxC 2207E6 (Table: message, handle. cha1, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:10:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
please hold tight to review quickly, and send feedback or say "Approved"
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 2:10:25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxC2205A6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:10:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC220327 (Table: message, chat. Size : 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:10:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:11 :04 PM(UTC -4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC221FD3 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:13:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How are we relea sing to mayor and public?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC221E1 F (Table: message, chat. Size: 34 27 45088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:13:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Tara from Tamaya's office is going to send out from Tara's email account to the normal full press list
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:14 :00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach 's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC221C 19 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:14:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok. And we can post to our own social media?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC 22195C (Table message. chat, Size: 342745088 byte s)
3/16/2018 2:14:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming. +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
fine by me ...
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:1 4 :25 PM(UTC -4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob ile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC221752 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:14:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's a good idea
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2.14:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/libra ry/SMS/sms.db : OxC22154E (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:19:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
This is all good.
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:20:05 PM(U TC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/va r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC222COD (Table: message, ha ndle, chat. Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
3/ 16/2018 2:21 :33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Just sent revised letter. Reply with word cha nges or with "Approved"
Status: Re ad
Read: 3116/2018 2:22 :32 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/varl mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxC223917 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2016 2:22:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just got a call from Harry's lawyer and then from Harry regard ing their being told by John that I am the fifth vote on a separation package for
Harry. I haven't spoken to that little sucker! He j ust flat out lied to Garry and his lawyer. Is it too late to insert into the letter something making
it clear that"we" do not support a buy-out for Harry?
Status: Read
Read: 31161201 8 2:23:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/ sms.db OxC224FD3 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:23:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
that language is in the letter I sent you all
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 6120 18 2 23 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSl sms.db : OxC224860 (Table: message , handle chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:23:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelba ch)
Smtus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms db : OxC224920 (Table: message, chat, Size: 34 2745088 bytes)

3/16/2018 2:23:54 PM(UTC-4)Diraction:lncom ing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
A pproved.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2:23:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxC22452F (Table. message, ha ndle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/ 1612018 2:24:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Approv ed .
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2:24.01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC225FD3 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size· 34 2745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:24:1 5 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Appro v ed .
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2:24:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbac h's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db OxC225005 (Table: messa ge, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:26:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just n oticed we didn't include the Black A genda, NAN , The B lack United F ront
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1612018 2.26.50 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2:26:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbac h's iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db · OxC225C03 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size · 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:26:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
w ill add those in
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC2259BA (Ta ble· messa ge, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:26:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:incoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
G reg?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris See lbach's iPhone/var/mobilel l 1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC2257B2 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:31 :21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:incoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
T , o nce we hear from Greg , I'm su re y o u've g o t this already on y o u r media list, but just make sure it goes to all 4 1V s tatio ns ; W etterich,
Coo lidge; Jason Wtlliams: Mark Curnutte ; J ay Han selman ; Pau la C h rist ia n & A m anda; N ick Swartell; a n d Ke vin A ldridge

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:31 24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2:3124 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobiiellibrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC227FC7 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/ 18/2018 2:31 :36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:incoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
a m I forgetting a n y other b iggest?

Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC227BD4 (Table- message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:31 :43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC2279AA (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:31 :52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
n o a n s w er from G reg ' s cell
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbac h's iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSM S/sms.db: OxC2277B2 (Table message, chat. Srze: 342745088 bytes)
311612018 2:32:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
In additio n to the 1V s tations , we will include individ u a l reporters a s w ell

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:32:56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 2.32 '56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Se eibach's 1Phone/varl mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC229FC7 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/ 16/2018 2:33:04 PM(UTC-4)Di rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms.db . OxC229B8B (Table· message, handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:33:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
D on't forget Linco ln Ware a n d the H erald .

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:33:58 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2 33'58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2299BB (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:34:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Great c all !
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/t6/2018 2:34·23 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/t6/2018 2·34:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seeibach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms.db : OxC2297A9 (Table. message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1 6/2018 2:34:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denna rd)
Goo d ca ll 1W e h a d the h eral d b ut n o t Lincoln

Status: Read
Source fi le: Chris Seelbach's rPhone/var/mobrle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC22AFD7 (Table· message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3116/2018 2:34:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Tamaya , I'll send you FINAL FINAL copy as soon as we hear from Greg
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC22A7EA (Table: message, handle , chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:39:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Looks good to me .
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:39:10 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2:39·10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22C1E3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:39:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Bravo everyone!
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22DFD7 (Table : message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:40:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Awesome. I will give Tara the go ahead.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3116/2018 2:40:17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 16/2018 2:40: 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22D1F7 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:40:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Courage, clarity , firmness , reasonableness!
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:40:17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2:40:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC22EFC7 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:40:26 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfefd)
T, I just emailed you both the final content
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/va r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22E089 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311612018 2 :40:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Good. Mann's office is asking for the "press release." Loi
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC22E96C (Table: message , handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:40:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
will send to whole group so people can use on social media too
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db : OxC22E570 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size : 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2 :40:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Great 1
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC22FE04 (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:41:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2 42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC22FA3B (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2016 2:41:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfefd)
should we all post concurrently on our FB?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22F62E (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 byte s)
3116/2016 2:42:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
let me know ...?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2.42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : OxC22F3E4 (Table: message , handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:42:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
I think social media posting is fine.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ 1612018 2'42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 ?:42 :45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1braryl SMS/sms.db . OxC230FC7 (Table. message. handle , chat, Size. 34274 5088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:42:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
Doing so now ...
Status: Read
Delivered: 311612018 2:4245 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach 's iPhonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db : OxC230DBD (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2 :42:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
T , you are too?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2.42.4 ~ PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2:42 :45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC230990 (Table : message. handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:45:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC2303CE (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:54:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Team , I knew there was one thing I meant to bring up that I forgot to on the call. 4 of us at a time need to have a conversation with Harry
about things he needs to do to improve. I've overtly told him I believe he needs to seek some sort of counseling. But he needs to hear it
collectively from us, and to frankly understand that his job depends on correcting certain things.
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 2:55:04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC233A2F (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:54:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
should we schedule a meeting with him for next week - with all of us minus Chris, who will be OOT?
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2:55:04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC23354A (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:56:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not now please. I think he would view this as a softening of support. May I suggest we reserve that conversation for after we get th roug h this
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1612018 2.57.55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC234E1A (Table message. handle. chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:57:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Wendell , I'm okay waiting if the others agree. HOWEVER, it's a conversation that must be had - sooner rather than later. Harry struggles
with some things and needs to know we support him, but also bring certain expectations. I'll defer to the group on timing.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1612018 2:57:55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC234831 (Table· message, handle . chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 3:00:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
I too will abide by what the group decides. For me there is the recognition that Harry is under an enormous amount of pressure. I worry that
he would view the conversation as us piling on. The timing isn't good.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1612018 3 00:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC235FD3 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:46:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Separate FYI: the #2 at the Sentinels just called me and asked that I pass this along: she and Lou Arnold just had a meeting with John,
where she said John tried to divide and conquer the Sentinels from the other African-American groups, and also intentionally misrepresented
the Manager's position. Not for public consumption , but she asked that you all be notified.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 3 46.26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC239FD3 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:47:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Divide and conquer is his thing . He tried to do that to me twice this week
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1612018 3:49:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db : OxC239AFA (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:55:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
You saw that on a larger scale during the Responsible Bidder wrangling. He tried to pit the Urban League. Ministers Alliance, CAA, and
others against the NAACP. The Black Agenda , and more. Typical Cranley tactic. Don't forget that he will lie in a heart beat.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 16/2018 3 55:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxC23AB72 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:06:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
https://www. cincin na nion/2018/03/16/opi nion-cran ley-b lack-somebody-ha s-go/429452002/
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 6:09:19 PM(UTC-4 )
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db OxC243FD3 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:10:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tarnaya Dennard)
I spoke with Joe Mallory a little while ago. He said Cranley reached out to him and said I was the one that flipped
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 6 10 ·44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxC244DBC (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 6: 11 :OO PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor keeps saying "someone flipped"
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC24490E (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:12:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
They also said Wendell was the 5th vote earlier
Status: Read
Read: 3/16120 18 6.12 :27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC2447 12 (Table : message handle chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:12:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tarnaya Dennard)
I told Joe they are reaching
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/20 18 6 12 42 PM (UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC2444FE (Table. message. handle chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)

3116/2018 6:12:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think we're very strong. Which I've been waiting for. For years.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxC244314 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 6:13:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Weird of Cranley to say that to Joe. Joe loathes John and is very against any buyout
Status: Read
Reed: 3/1612018 6 t4 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC245EOA (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 6:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Chris. this coalition is our wedding gift to you and Craig
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6 14 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms db . OxC245BAB (Table. message , handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:14:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's what Joe said. He was confused by it. But divide and conquer is John's thing . It's all unfortunate.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6:14:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMStsms.db : OxC245978 (Table. message. handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:14:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Chris. this coalition is our wedding gift to you and Craig"
Stalus: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC245615 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 byles)
3/1612018 6:15:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Amen ! We're the new "gang of five." I pray we stay strong and continue to trust each other. We have the power to move this forward.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 6 15 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxC246DB2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 6:18:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm currently driving but also got some good insight about the financial piece of appointing special counsel. All feels very doable.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6 17 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC246914 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:16:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Meant to say; Move the city forward .
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6:17.05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC24664D (Table message, handle , chal, Size- 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 8:17:09 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm game to make it a gang of 7 even 1 I know mann and Pastor must be lonely over there!
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6 17 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db OxC246258 (Table. message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:17:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good news. Please share when you can.
Sllllus: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6 17 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxC247FD3 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311812018 6:18:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I think maybe Mann more than Pastor.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6 18 .11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxC247A09 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 byles)
3/18/2018 6:18:43 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I hate to be cynical. And i hope I'm wrong. But I don't think either of them will cross cranley on big things
Status : Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC247811 (Table message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 6:19:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
You're not cynical. You're probably right. I'm just keeping hope alive. Loi
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6 19 46 PM(UTC- 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC247584 (Table message. handle chal Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1712018 4:44:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Supposedly Harry has accepted an 18 month buyout and may force a vote of Council. Just so everyone know . I am 100% a no against any
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC263DFC (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/17/2018 4:45:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I am also a firm No. I'm not looting the taxpayers because John is threatening a smear campaign. That's holding both Harry and the
taxpayers hostage.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3117/2018 4 45 35 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 3/1712018 4 '4b 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxC2638F4 (Table message. handle. chal Size 342745088 bytes)

3/11/2018 4:46: 16 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming , +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
This whole thing disgusts me at many levels.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: OxC26360B (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1712018 4:47:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And I really hope we can stay strong as the majority. If not, they will know who they can pick off the next 4 years.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · OxC264A75 (Table. message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1712016 5:06:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I will not vote for a buyout. I'm firm! Harry gets what his contract calls for. Nothing more.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3117/2018 5.06:57 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/17/2018 5:06 57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxC267A46 (Table message, handle chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
3/17/2018 5:07:12 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
The police chief is next. Watch.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC2677DB (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 12:58:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Agree. Sorry, was asleep. Israel time_Get back Tuesday evening.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 8:56:26 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC271 D3E (Table: message. handle, chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2016 9:51:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We should probably release some kind of statement in response to yesterday's news, reaffirming the majority of Council does not support a
buyout. Everyone agree? PG could you draft something?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC279FD7 (Table message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 9:56:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
If the group wants that, I could draft something later today. Just me know.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 9:56:38 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC27AFD3 (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2016 11:33:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Ok with me.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 11.34.29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilei library/SMS/sms.db · OxC27D633 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 342745088 by1es)
3/16/20181:20:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is everyone good with this? Or have changes? "If the Manager wishes to move on from his current role , we respect that decision. But the
Council Majority remains firm that we are not signing off on paying someone extra to not do their job. That is neither fa ir nor responsible to
the taxpayers.

Moreover, it is our understanding that, in fact, the Manager does enjoy his job; he simply doesn't like the idea of serving under the looming
threat of a smear campaign. That, too, is understandable.

But asking the taxpayers to provide significant resources in order to avoid the impact of such a smear campaign would set a dangerous
precedent and enable behavior which we do not approve of.

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire , and we remain committed to the thoughtful , fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.

We believe in the City Charter, we believe in honesty, and we believe in collaboration. All are welcome to join us in upholding these pillars."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxC281 FD7 (Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:21:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just respond "agreed" if you're good with it
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmoblie/L1brary/SMS/sms db : OxC28167E (Table· message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2016 1:21:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/20 18 1 31:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db: OxC281474 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:50:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ 18/2018 1 50 48 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3118/2018 1:50•48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC282870 (Table· message handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/16/20181 :51:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1bra ry/SMS/sms db . OxC282402 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:52:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db . OxC283DC6 (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

3/1812018 2:09:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Sorry. I am just finish ing up.

I don't think we need a statement. And I don't like commenting on what Harry might or might not think or want. Also think some of it is
unnecessary inflammatory. We are trying to bring some maturity to this ridiculous situation. To deescalate.

If we do something, I would suggest something short and simple.

But again, I don't think we need a statement.

Here is what I have personally sent to people and reporters :

"My position hasn't changed and a believe that's true for the majority. I don't support a big buyout. We need all the facts, and that's the point
of the independent counsel. As I've said from the beginning, the issues need to be addressed in the next couple of weeks."
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2:09:34 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/18/2018 2:09:34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC28CCE3 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:21:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Greg, I do think there's va lue in the 5 of us putting something out
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 2:27:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxC291 DC6 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:22:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittanfeld)
Here's another crack at it, even though this feels watered down to me and doesn't speak to why a buyout is really so offensive.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:27:o7 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC291885 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:23:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
"Our position has not changed. We do not suppprt an increased buyout or believe that's responsible to the taxpayers.

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire, and we remain committed to the thoughtful, fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.
Let's collect the needed facts quickly and calmly.

We believe in the City Charter, we believe in honesty, and we believe in collaboration. All are welcome to join us in upholding these pillars."
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:27:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2918C4 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
3/1812018 2 :24:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Could ppl live with that? Again not my first choice , but I think a collective statement is important
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:27:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC291360 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:24:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I fine with the first two paragraphs.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:27:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Chris Seelbach's iPhoneivar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC292FD3 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812016 2:25:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Ok, why not 3rd?
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 2.27.07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxC292DD5 (Table. message . handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:26:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think first two paragraphs better than nothing .... (even though again feels too watered down)
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:27:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC292C01 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:28:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
I'm ok with this but it is really watered down. If this is what it takes to gain consensus then ok. I think the third paragraph is important in that it
offers a rationale for our statement. Greg I hope you will reconsider your thoughts on the third paragraph.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:28 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library /SMS/sms.db : OxC29298E (Table: message, handle chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:28:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
3rd parag raph feels like mom and apple pie - who could disagree?'
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:29.10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC2925CD (Table· message. handle . chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2 :29:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Is there version of 3rd graf you can make work. Greg?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/201 8 2:31.46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC292396 (Table . message. handle, chat. Size: 34 2745088 bytes)

3/18'12018 2:36:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
"We believe in a collaborative process, and look forward to working through this with everyone."

The current language feels like petty, "tit for tat" stuff. Again , short and simple seems right, and the first two paragraphs feel sufficient. If
people want to add more flavor, they can do that individually. Loi.
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 2:36:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms. db : OxC293A72 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:38:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Alright, I'll sacrifice my own feelings for consensus. Everyone okay for Harmon to email statement out with first 2 grafs +Greg's 3rd?
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 2:38.27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · OxC293409 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:39:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
So final would be:
Status: Read
Delivered: 311812018 2:46:00 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1812018 2:4600 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db . OxC294DDO (Table: message. handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:41 :14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
"Our position has not changed. We do not suppprt an increased buyout or believe that's responsible to the taxpayers .

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire, and we remain committed to the thoughtful. fair. transparent next steps we have previously laid out.
Let's collect the needed facts quickly and calmly.

We believe in a collaborative process , and look forward to working through this with all stakeholders."
Status: Read
Delivered: 311812018 2:46 :00 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311812018 2 46:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db OxC294BEA (Table. message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311812018 2:41 :39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Then ppl can individually put their own mustard on it
Status: Read
Delivered: 3118120 18 2:46:00 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311812018 2:46:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db OxC2946D7 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:41 :47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3118120 18 2'46.00 PM{UTC-4)
Read: 311812018 2'46:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db. OxC2944AB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3118/2018 2:46:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC2942F5 (Table. message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:46:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 311812018 2.47.48 PM{UTC-4)
Read: 3118/20 18 2:47'48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC295FC7 (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:48:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, + 15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamaya? Wendell?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC296D5D (Table· message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:49:1 9 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncom1ng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Wendell blessed it (despite feeling same as I do)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2967C9 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:49:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cool. Tamaya?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db OxC2965B5 (Table message, chat. Size: 3427 45088 bytes)
3/18/2018 3:31 :47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Agreed . Sorry, I'm out and about and trying to be present
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 3·33.43 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db . OxC29BFD3 (Table: message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 3:32:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Siltenfeld)

Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 3 33'43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbraryl SMSl sms.db OxC29BDA8 (Table message handle chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 8:50:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Btw. A little brevity. My mom just told us she surprising us and flying down tomorrow to Puerto Vallarta to help us plan wedding :)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/srns db OxC2B2FD7 (Table message chat Size. 342745088 bytes)

3118/2018 8 :52:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Loved "Btw. A little brevity. My mom just told us she surprising us and flying down tomorrow to Puerto Vallarta to help us plan wedding :)"
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 8 52 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC2B2974 (Table; message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311812018 8 :52:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
enjoy! and don't be in any rush to come back - you're not missing anything '
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 8 52 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2B23A1 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 342745068 by1es)
3/1812018 8 :52:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Wow ! Congrats again. You must be living right.


Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 8:52 :40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms. db · OxC2B3FD3 (Table: message, handle. chat. attachment, Size· 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/11101112EA699E-8A 12-419E-9572-6BOE1934DD2Elms-kkNRss.gif : (Size: 537022 bytes)
3/1812018 8:52:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
LOVE that Wendell'
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db OxC2B3D22 (Table message chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
311812018 8:53:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Wendell with the strong GIF game'
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 8 53.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2B3B4C (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 8 :53:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Wendell with the strong GIF game! •
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC2B3896 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745068 bytes)
3/19/2018 7 :36:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dannard)
What press conference is scheduled for this morning?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1912018 9.59:40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC2BAA36 (Table. message. handle. chat Size. 342745086 bytes)
3/19/2018 7:37:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Haven't heard of one ...
Status: Read
Read: 3/19/2018 9 59 40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2BA4FF (Table· message. handle, chat Size 342745068 bytes)
3/19/2018 7:37:53 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Ok thanks
Status: Read
Read: 3/19/2018 9 59 40 AM(UTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2BA319 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 342745086 bytes)
3119/2018 7:58:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Haven't heard of one.
Status: Read
Read: 3119/20 18 9 59 40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2BBFD3 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 342745066 byles)
3/19/2018 6 :10 :02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Two things : 1) Kevin Aldridge wants to talk to a few members of the Majority tomorrow at 11 am for our insights on this situation - Wendell or
T, would you want to?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1912018 6· 12:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC2D3DA5 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3119/2018 6 :10:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
2) Steve Megerle from Pastor's office came to my office at 4pm today and said, what if 8 months of Harry's salary came from the public (per
the contact) . and then another 10 months worth of severance came from a private source (if that were even legal or ethical). My response to
him was·
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 19/2018 6 12 37 PM(lJTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phonel var/mo b1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC2D4FD3 (Table message . handle chat Size 342745066 bytes)
3/1912018 6: 11 :28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
1) I don't know 2) I'd have to confer with the majority 3) it wou ld be contingent on very direct input on who the incoming manager would be 4)
harry would obviously have to want to go that route too
Status: Read
Read: 3/19/2018 6 12.37 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2D46E9 (Table. message. handle. c hat. Size 342745068 bytes)

3119/2018 6:12:03 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
but Megerle/Pastor seem to already be trying to spread some horseshit rumor that I might flip - so just don't want any of you believing ii.
Same crap they tried to pull w/ Tamaya and Wendell, etc.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1912018 6 12:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2D4364 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2012018 10:19:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743. (Tamaya Dennard)
Cranley has called Iris, my Pastor Lynch, Jr and Lynch Ill to try to flip me.
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 11.02.25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxC2DAFD3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:21:41 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Keep that to yourselves please.
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 11 :02:25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . OxC2DAD84 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:23:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
why in the world would he call Iris to do that? she loathes him ...
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 11.02.25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DAB90 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2012018 10:23:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Seems pretty desperate and weird.
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 11.02.25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DA921 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size· 3427 45088 bytes)
3/2012018 10:24:03 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
She does
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/201 8 11:0225 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DA729 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:24:10 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
by the way, if it were 8 months of public severance and another 10 months from a private source , would any of you support that? that's what
they're trying to cook up now
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 11 :0225 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DA565 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2012018 10:25:38 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I think I would be fine with that.
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 11 :02.25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DA21C (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:26:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
financially, it's hard to object to. though I think a lot of the community would be weirded out by a private source stepping in. and wondering
what was trying to be covered up
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 11 02:25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DBFD3 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:27:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's super weird and the optics are bad. There's something there for sure
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 11 :02.25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DBC82 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:27:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Something Cranley doesn't want us to know
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 11 ·02:25 AM( UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DBA2F (Table· message . handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:39:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Harry has something on Cranley. That non disparagement and confidentiality clause is probably everything
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 11 :02 25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2DB823 (Table: message. handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 11 :12:18 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
If Harry gets enough outside money to make leaving palatable , we can't make him stay. I think it's bad precedent and it fixes nothing. The
issues that gave rise to th is situation remain in place. I agree there is something Cranley doesn't want to deal with. Cranley is feeling the
heat. let's hold together. Stay strong1
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 11·12 24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2DC85A (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 11 :13:50 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
so 1f I'm hearing you right, if Black got 8 months public severance and 1O months private, it would be hard for you to say No? But if it was 12
months public severance (meaning 4 months above what his contract states) and another 6 months private severance, you would say No to
that? is that correct?
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 1113.55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC2DDFD3 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3/20/2018 12:39:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
No. I'm not okay with a buyout in any form . I'm saying it isn't likely Harry will pass up the money and we can't make him stay.
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 12·39 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC2EOA66 (Table. message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:54:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Got it
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 12 54·43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db OxC2E07B3 (Table message. handle, c hat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2012018 12:56:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Has this ever happened in the entire country? That private money pays a public employee to quit? That's what Jason Williams should be
writing about. Someone is so scared of what Harry Black might say, they private money is going to pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars
to leave.
Status: Sent
Sou rce file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2E1 FD7 (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2 0/2018 12:57:1 9 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
No idea. Agree, i have discomfort with it
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 17.57 39 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · OxC2E197C (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2012018 12:58:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I agree with Chris.
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 12.59 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2E26C5 (Table. message. handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2012018 1:16:4 2 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Agreed . This is a terrible precedent
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 1 16 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2E563D (Table message. handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
312012018 1:17:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tomorrow's Cou ncil meeting will surely be a battle. Cranley will be on the attack. Maybe more than he ever has.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varl mob1lellibrarylSMS/sms.db . OxC2E6FD7 (Table· message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2 018 2:08:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Then we stand strong and fight back. Cran ley is trying to destroy our city manager form of government. We can't allow that to happen.
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 2.09.49 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db : OxC2E6676 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:0 9:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (ChM Seelbach)
Emphasized "Then we stand strong and fight back. Cranley is trying to destroy our city manager form of government. We can't allow that to
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2E62E6 (Table: message chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 2: 10:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
All for one, one for all!
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 2 10 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC2E7FD3 (Table· message handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:10:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 2·10 31 PMtUTC-4)
Source fil e: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2E7DB5 (Table· message. handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:11 :32 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This is an incredibly important moment of the next four years. Can they pick one of us off? If they can't, Cranley wi ll either be forced to
respect us ... or he will explode. And I'd say it's 50/50 odds.
Status: Sent
Source fil e: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db · OxC2E7BFB (Table· message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:13:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Interestingly David Mann said the same thing to me on Sunday: he said he thought this whole absurd episode is going to cause John to
realize he has to be respectful and collaborative if he wants to get anything done.
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 2 13 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxC2E78BO (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Not sure that's humanly possible for him. But would be great if it did.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC2E8FD7 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:14:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
We hold strong tomorrow, and we'll go from there
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 2 .14 32 PM(UTC4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxC2E8094 (Table· message handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)

3/20i2016 2:14:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "We hold strong tomorrow, and we'll go from there"
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/ sms.db : OxC2E877F (Table· message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2016 2:25:09 PM(UTC-4)Direciion:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
From inside City managers office "Cranley thinks he's gonna push Landsman so hard tomorrow that he will get his vote." Stay with us my
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSl sms.db : OxC2E9C49 (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:26:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Greg is and has been rock solid I (Greg is also probably on a 12 hour flight as we speak)
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/20t8 2.26:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC2E9671 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
;3/20/2018 2:29:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
So we're the "Invincible Five?" Loi
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 2:36:40 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibraryiSMSl sms.db OxC2E940A (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:01:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg. How was meeting with Cranley?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC3087AE (Table . message , chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3121/2018 2:26:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Amy Murray: "If you all would just come to my committee , you would understand everything ... because I fix everything just like I fixed the
streetcar during my 4 years charing that committee."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · OxC316A01 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3121/2018 3:08:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Great work everyone
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSisms.db : OxC318A8A (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:39:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor: We have to work together, collaboratively ... .invokes Shirley Chisom .... then spends 15 minute attacking us.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library /SMS/sms.db . OxC31AFD7 (Table· message , cl1at Size· 342745088 bytes)
312412018 11 :29:25 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley calling Wendell and me asking if he can give us something in exchange for our vote.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarl mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC375E02 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
312412018 11 :36:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction: Incoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Same. Meeting with him tomorrow. He claims he's willing to put anything on table. Chris, when do you get back? Also , can a few of us meet
on Monday? We can't all meet, of course. Chris, hope your trip has been great. Pictures look fun.
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11 36:29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/l1brary/SMSlsms.db : OxC377FD3 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
312412018 11:36:45AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm back like 2:30am Monday morning
S1atus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilel library/SMS/sms.db · OxC378FD7 (Table· message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/24/2016 11:37:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Would lunch work?
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/201 8 113713 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC3787E9 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2412016 11:38:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have to be to foundation in morning and through lunch. But could do something after 2
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1lel library/SMS/sms.db . OxC378615 (Table . message chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3124/2016 11 :36:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction: Incoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11.38.58 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarl mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC379FD3 (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3124/2018 11:36:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varl mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db OxC379AD2 (Table message chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3124/2016 11:39:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Others? Up to four :).
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 11 39.38 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varl mob1lell1brarylSMS/sms.db . OxC37991A (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3/2412018 12:09:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
sorry to miss some calls & texts. have been at March for Our Lives.
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/20 18 12:15:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC37D627 (Table: me ssage. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 byte s)
3/2412018 12:09:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I could do 3:30pm
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:15:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC37EF03 (Table: message. handle, chat , Size: 34 274 5088 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:10:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
needless to say, I'm fi ne with some grand bargain that's actually good - BUT the entire point of this is about how we govern and John
needing to work collaboratively with the Democratic majority, not go running to Smitherman, Murray, Pastor and then see how we can pick
off 2 more
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:15:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC37E9FE (Table: messa ge. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 byte s)
3/2412018 12:10:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
can't emphasize enough the degree to which we need to stay coordinated
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:15:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/va r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC37E5D7 (Table : message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 byte s)
3/2412018 12:15:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100% agree with you P.G.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Se elbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC37F8C3 (Table: message. chat, Size : 342745088 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:24:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Yep . See you on Monday at 3: 30. Where is best?
Status: Read
Read: 3124/2018 12:38:2 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC380FD3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2412018 12:29:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Siltenfeld)
I'm fine w/ a Council office. though off-site probably better. I could get us the community room above the Coffee Emporium to ourselves
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:38:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC380891 (Table: message, handle . chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:31 :31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I won't able to be there
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:38:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC380590 (Table : message, h andle , chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:31:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1513417 0743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I think CE 's community room is under construction
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2 018 12:38:21 PMIUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC3803A6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:31 :52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Wendell , can you? I think best to have 4 of us if able to be coordinated
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:38:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC381 FD3 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:32:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
T , I mean the room on 2nd floor in the Emery
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12.38:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Chris See lbach's iPh one/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxC381056 (Table: message, handle , chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/24/2018 12 :32:13 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:lncoming, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Oh never mind. You're talking about your
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12:38:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : OxC381 B14 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:32:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Got it
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12.38 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Cl1ris Seelbach's iPhone/var/ mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC38190A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/ 24/2018 1:10:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I ca n meet. Just tell me when and where. Going dark now. Back on around 5.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/24/2018 1:10:09 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/24/2018 1:10·09 PM(UTC-4)
So urce file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC385DE6 (Table: messa ge, handle . chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/24/201 8 2:0 0:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Sounds like we're locked in for 3:30pm this Monday. Do you all want to do Wendell's office at City Hall, or the private community room above
the Coffee Emporium?
Status: Read
Read: 3124/2018 2·02 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC386FD3 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
312412018 2:02:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
City hall is easier for me
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel varl mobilellibrary/SMSl sms.db : OxC3866F4 (Table· message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2412018 2:03:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
City Hall fine by me
Status: Read
Read: 3/2412018 2.03 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iP hone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC38650E (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
312412018 2 :58:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3124120 18 2 58:27 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312412018 2.58:27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC38C036 (Table: message, handle chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
312412018 5:16:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Happy to host everyone in my office. See you there.
Status: Read
Read: 3/2412018 5·19 .45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: C hns Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobilel l1braryl SMS/sms.db : OxC395883 (Table. message, handle, chat Size· 342745088 bytes}

d.., • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15133652404 (1)

Participants: Start T ime: 1/19/2018 12:07:01 PM(UTC-5)

+15133652404 Last Activity: 3124/2018 s · 16· 13 PM(UTC-4)
P.G ·(owner) Number of attachments: 11
Source: iMessage: +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
iPhonefvar/mobilefLibrary/SMS/sms.db OxBAOBF96
(Table chat. handle. Size 220762112 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.txt
+ 15134170743
Tamaya Denard'

•15136460 186
Greg Landsman·

Chns Seelbach·

Wendell Young•

1/19/?018 12:07:01 PM(UTC-S}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Hey Wendell. Greg, Tarnaya & Chris. Please keep to yourself for now, but Cranley asked me this morning about my feehng on the possible
appointment of a guy named Rayshon Mack to the vacant SORTA board seat.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s oPhone/\lar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms db . Ox6A469F8 (Table message. chat Soze. 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:08:27 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He has retweeted stuff saying that "Democrats are dangerous to the general public" as well as retwee!ed stuff from the Hamilton County
Republican Party as well as retweeted stuff from a known racist.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/\lar/mobile/ Library/ SMSlsms.db : Ox6A46387 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:06:34 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to talk about these appointments. We need lo vet these people.
S!atus: Read
Read: 1/19120 18 12:08:35 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ libraryl SMS/sms.db : Ox6A47FD4 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:08:44 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He has tweeted things himself tha t are overly anti-labor.
Stlltus: Sent
Source file: P.G.' s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox6A47D98 (Table: message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:09:00 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (PG.)
He has tweeted things accusing me of "corruption "
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/\/ar/mobile/ Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox6A47B43 (Table. message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
11191201812:09:21 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
And he's tweeted things calling people like Bobby Hilton. Eric Kearney. and Dwight Tillery "Traitors" and "Snakes"
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobolel Lobrary/SMSlsms db : Ox6A478F6 (Table message. chat. Soze 220762 112 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:09:39 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
And all of that is just from the last several days11
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A4762A (Table : message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/191201812:09:40 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
If he is who I think he is, he's a nuti
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox6A4730F (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/19/201812:09:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You can guess where I would be on his nomination - but wanted to see if any of you are inclined to come to his defense in any way?
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A48FDB (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/191201812:10:10 PM(UTC-S}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
(p.s. - Wendell, completely agree on increased vetting in general)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox6A4BCEC (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/191201812:10:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not me.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6A48A84 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1912018 12:10:15 PM(UTC-S}Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Why not Eric Kearney? He's a avid rider.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A488C7 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 12:10:23 PM(UTC-5}Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Love that idea!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A486C3 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1912018 12:10:45 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
But first seeing if there's something I'm missing w/ Rayshon?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A484C2 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1912018 12:11:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
I don't think you are :).
Status: Read
Delivered: 1119/2018 12.17:24 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 111912018 12:17.24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A4824C (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)

• '... .
1119/2018 12:13:37 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Encourage John to ask Kearney, I will too. He'd be a good fit. And I think he rides the bus everyday?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1119/201812 .1 7.24 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/19/2018 12:17 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A49FC8 (Table: message, handle . chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/1912018 12:14:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is this a joke?
Status: Read
Delivered: 111912018 12 17.24 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/19/2018 1217 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A49D39 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/1912018 12:19:55 PM(UTC-S}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
it should be a joke but it's not. and that list of bad stuff is literally only from the last 3 days! just making sure the council Dems were on the
same page here.
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6A49791 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1912018 12:24:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Liked "it should be a joke but it's not. and that list of bad stuff is literally only from the last 3 days! just making sure the council Dems were on
the same page here. "
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 12·32.51 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/m obile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A4AF03 (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 3:46:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young}
Let's bounce the sucker!
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 3 49.01 PM\U TC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A53C65 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 3:50:33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Amen Wendell
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6A53A82 (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

21512018 4:16:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


IMG 4917.PNG
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAB3CB (Table message. cha!, attachment. Size. 220762112 byles)
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215/2018 4: 16:53 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


IMG 491 7.PNG

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox6CACFD8 (Table message, chat. attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/Attachments/ 10100/2CFA7219-DB06-449E-9792-C886COD2850911MG_4917 PNG (Size 793721 bytes)
215/2018 4:17:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)


IMG 4917.PNG
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CACDD3 (Table message, chat, attachment. Size· 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/rnob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachmentsl76/06/CAD65F3E-381C-4BES-A15A-64A095B40012/IMG_ 4917.PNG · (Size 793721 bytes)
21512018 4: 17:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Sorry, only meant to send once
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6CACBCE (Table: message , chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
215/2018 4:18:24 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
There couldn't be a bigger NO vote from me .... of anyone I've ever voted on an appointment.
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4 18 25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAC806 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
215/2018 4: 18:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I will also be a no vote.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAC565 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
21512018 4:19:39 PM(UTC-5)Dir&ction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I'm a definite NO!
Status: Read
Read: 215/2018 4 1941 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6CAC380 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
215/2018 4:20:36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Anti-Labor. Anti-Democrat. Vilifying leaders in the black community. And mean on top of all that.
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubraryl SMSlsms.db Ox6CADFD8 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
215/2016 4:51 :52 PM(UTC- 5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
The amount of offensive, mean-spirited. hateful tweets .... especially directed towards PG ... it's INCREDIBLE Cranley is nominating this guy.
But of course he is'
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 4 .57 .50 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAFFD4 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
21712016 10:09:28 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
NAACP issuing statement soon against any delays in Responsible Bidder ordinance. Will have talking points as well. We're hoping all of you
will sign on to statement
Status: Read
Delivered: 2ni201810 17 45 AMtUTC 5)
Read: 2ni2018 10 17 45 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilelUbrary/SMSl sms.db Ox6CE7FC8 (Table message handle. cha! Size. 220762112 bytes)
217/2018 10:16:38 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "NAACP issuing statement soon against any delays in Responsible Bidder ordinance. Will have talking points as well. We're hoping all
of you will sign on to statement"
Status· Read
Delivered: 21712018 10 17 45 AM(UTC 5)
Read; 2m 201 s 1017 45 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db Ox6CE7BEC (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
2114/2018 8:21 :37 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley appointee could face major opposition at council today
Status· Read
Read: 2/ 1412018 8 35 41 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6DF4B17 (Table message handle chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
2/1412018 8:21:40 AM(UTC-S)Olrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
hltps nley-appointee-cou ld-face-major-opposition-at. html


8151 A2BC-8D24-4EBE-A030· F1 FFAD58-22C8·40C0-871C·

25CFD4BSC83B.pluginPayloadAt1achment C4F30AADFCB9.plug1nPayloadAttachment
Status: Read
Read: 2114/2018 8:35·41 AMtUTC·S)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6DF565B (Table: message, handle chal. attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's 1Phone/varlmob1JefUbrarylSM S/Attachments/c9/091269F4 7EB-AFC4-4 E53·9 E8A-39BA60B6C837/8 151 A2BC-8 D24-4EBE -A030-
25C FD4BSC838.pluginPayloadAttachment . (Size. 5969 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhoneivarlmob1le/librarylSMSIAttachments/bc/12151384DE4-770C·4BBO·B266·A8947F907A3BIF1 FFAD5B- 22CB-4DC0·871C-
C4F3DAADFCB9.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size· 18013 bytes}
2/1412018 8:44:31 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Happy to carry the water on this. Have statement ready.
Sl8tus: Read
Read: 2114/2018 8:51 49 AM(UTC-5J
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox6DF6338 (Table: message, handle. chat . Size· 220762112 bytes)
211412018 8:44:49 AM{UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Happy to carry the water on this. Have siatement ready. •
Stsrus: Read
Reacl: 2/14/2018 8:51·49 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox6DF7F04 (Table. message. handle . chat. Size. 220762112 b)•tes)
2/1412018 8:45:22 AM(lJTC-S)Oirection:lnooming, +15 133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sounds good -Chrissy/Walrus
Sl8tus: Read
Reed: 211412018 8:51 49 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonefvar/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db : Ox6DF7CC8 (Table: message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
211412018 8:52:23 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Loved "Sounds good -Chrissy/Walrus"
Slatus: Sen!
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonefvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox6DF72E4 (Table. message. chat, Size 220762112 byles)
211412018 9:32:12 AM{UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Michelle Dillingham reached out this morning about Rayshon Mack. In addition to everything that's been reported, she wanted to make sure
we knew he continued to call her "Dopehead Dillingham" and a "junkie" during the entire campaign. She's been clean and sober for at least
20 years.
Stetus: Read
Dellvere<J: 211•1ZO l8 9 3} 18 AM(UTC-~/
Read: 2114/2018 9.32 18 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonefvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6DFBFC8 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
212812018 10:21 :08AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Hi! Do any of you know anything about these folks John is appointing to the health board?
Status: Read
Read: 212812018 10:23:22 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le!LibraryiSMS/sms.db · Ox70AD4A6 (Table: message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
Z/28/2018 10:21:50 AM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
If not, I propose that we hold off on confirmation. I don't know anything about them
S!lltus: Read
Read: 2128/2018 10 23.22 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMSlsms.db · Ox70AEFD4 {Table· message, handle chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
212812018 10:22:25 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
They are Carrie Douglas and Amar Bhati.
Status: Read
Read: 212812018 10:23:22 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox70AEBA8 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes}
2128/2018 11 :36:44 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I don't know them and I am perfectly fine with holding off on confirmation. I also think we need to convene the rules comm11tee and create a
committee to vet appointees prior to a full council vote on confirmation. Additionally the Health Board is in the middle of some work that will
be disrupted with the appointment of new people.
Status: Read
Read: 212812018 11 38:~6 AM\UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonefvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox70B2FD4 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 1:30:36 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


IMG 5361.PNG
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms db : Ox732F95E (Table: message , chat. attachment, Size. 220762 112 byles)
P G.'s iPhonel var/mob11ellibrary/SMS/Attachmentsl 20/00/9F8C61E2-1933-48ES-A5A8-00451A 1ABAD6/IMG_5361 .PNG (SiZe· 15871 15 bytes}

3/12/2018 1:32:20 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
where on Central Parkway?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ 12/2018 1:32:52 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 1:32 :52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox733061E (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3112120181:32:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
oh ... she meant central ave
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 1.32:52 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 12/2018 1:32:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox73303F8 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 1:33:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
the real takeaway, Jeff is saying to Council, despite giving you no concrete info. you all need to rush a decision in the next 2 weeks.
Community Benefits Agreement be damned
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db . Ox7331A19 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 1:33:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db : Ox733145A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 1:34:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
the gall is fucking unbelievable, and really does a disservice to trying to make a cool thing work for our city
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7332FD8 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:00:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just drove through the West Bank. I think it's actually less tense and awkward here.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 03:41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1212018 4:03·41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7337FC8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:01:1 5 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Had good meeting with Harry this morning.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4:03:41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 12/2018 4:03.41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox733705F (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:02:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
That's awesome. What did you talk about?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4.03 41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 4:03:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db. Ox73377FA (Table: message, handle. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:03:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Great that you are there safely
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4.03 41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1212018 4:03:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db : Ox73375E8 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:04:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
My issues with him. Especially responsible bidder. That I've worked on it for almost 6 years. I've made compromise after compromise when
the other side wouldn't given an inch. Had 1,000 meetings. And then he goes last week and testifies for hours about it will basically bankrupt
the city and prevent all AA people from getting work ....without even talking to me. And also his lack of any kind of leadership on fixing the
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7338FD8 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Liked "Just drove through the West Bank. I think it's actually less tense and awkward here. "
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7338793 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:04:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But he agreed to specific things on both fronts , in addition to restarting our relationship.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3112/2018 4 04.39 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 4 '04.39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox733834C (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Loved "But he agreed to specific things on both fronts , in addition to restarting our relationship ."
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7339F08 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:04:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
in exchange for me not voting to fire him!
Status: Read
Source file: P .G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMSlsms.db: Ox7339C89 (Table message , handle. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)

3/1212018 4:05:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
and late night, not sober phone calls. Which I know others have talked to him about as well.
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 4:05 43 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7339873 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/1212018 4:07:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
This is great! Glad you talked with Harry.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3112120 18 4 07:27 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311212018 4:07:27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox73395C6 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:08:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He agreed to support responsible bidder with my fixes. And to include, in his budget, signal prioritization and making the streetcar free. And I
have those promises in writing.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox73393C3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:08:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
me too. and a re-set sounds good. we all know this, but some smear job is coming ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox733AFD8 (Table. message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:08:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
This is even better news. Go Chris!
Status: Read
Delivered: 311212018 4:08:53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3112120 18 4 08 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox733AD3E (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311212018 4:10:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to be ready for the smear campaign, which has already begun. You saw Sherri's hit-piece in the paper today .
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox733AB49 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size : 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:12:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wendell , as you said in your comments, highlighting that there's room for improvement and we'll be expecting it - but also calling out a
smear for what it is, and not indulging it.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox733A5B7 (Table: message, chat, Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1212018 4:14:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Thanks. Glad we're on the same page. This is going to be a slug fest. We need to stick together.
Status: Read
Delivered: 311212018 4:1 4 33 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311 2/2018 4:14:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox733BFC8 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:17:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And I agree with Greg that we need to put goals in place that we can hold him accountable to.
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox733B617 (Table: message , handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:18:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We need to convene the Rules Committee to formalize these things.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1212018 4:20.31 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311212018 4·20.31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db . Ox733B368 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:19:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I can't see Greg's comments.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3112/2018 4 20·31 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3112/2018 4.20.31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db · Ox733CFC8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3112/2018 4:20:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He's in Israel, but when we talked yesterday, he mentioned putting in place specific goals for Harry.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3112/2018 4:20.31 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311212018 4.20 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox733CDD1 (Table: message, handle. c hat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1 212018 4:21 :08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox733C81 B (Table· message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:22:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wendell, also, I agree with the sentiment that rather than some trial style format where people are called up one by one to smea r Harry, any
grievances from John should be submitted as a written document, and Council can then proceed to handle on its own timeline and as it sees
fit. But no more of this crap where due process if thrown out the window.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox733C65C (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)

311212018 4:22:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 24 00 PM!UTC-4)
Read: 3112/20 18 4 24 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mobtle/Library/ SMS/sms.db . Ox733DDF9 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
311212018 4:24:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But how can we control that if he does this through a committee one of you don't chair?
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/va r/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox733ECBD (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 byte s)
311212018 4:24:45 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
all of us won't be there in that case
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.d b Ox733EA26 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 4:25:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
so I think it'll seem slanted. I'm talking about not using Full Council as a forum for some Soviet style trial
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox733E7 F5 (Table: message , chat, Size· 22076211 2 bytes)
311212018 4:26:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
A written document isn't a motion. We handle as we see ft!. I agree we don't want to hold Kangaroo Court. I th ink we attend that committee
meeting and organize dissent that shows what is going on .
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 33 12 PM(UTC-4)
Reed : 3/12/2018 4 33 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G .'s i Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.d b. Ox733E51B (Table message. handle chat. Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
311212018 4:28:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Meant to say if Cranley's document comes in the form of a motion we attend the committee meeting ......
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 33 12 PM(UTC-4J
Read: 3/12/2018 4:33 12 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: P .G .'s iPhonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.d b Ox733FFC8 (Table. message. handle. chat Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
311212018 4:28:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
We could also move for immediate consideration at council and vote it down.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 33.12 PMJUTC-4)
Read: 3112/201 8 4 33 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db Ox733FD3A (Table. message. handle chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:33:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
that's very interesting idea
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G .'s i Phonelva r/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox733FAF4 (Table me ssage, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
311212018 4:34:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Need 6 votes for that
Status: Read
Source file: P .G .'s i Phone/va r/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms. db Ox733F8D5 (Table message handle. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
311212018 4:34:17 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
good point
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/Ubra ry/SMS/sms d b Ox733F6 FD (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:35:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
If we pull David, we may have six.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 43 32 PM1UTC-4J
Reed: 3112/2018 4 43 32 PM(UTC 4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7340A32 (Table. messa ge, h andle, chat. Size 220762112 byles)
311212018 5:29:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell
Just thinking; we have Dennard, Seelbach, Sittenfeld , Landsma n. Pastor, and me. Correct?
Status: Read
Read: 311212018 7 23 46 PMJUTC-4J
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73465B9 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 6:34:12 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Sounds right to me
Stctus: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 7 23'46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1ie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox734734F (Ta ble me ssage, handle , chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 6:37:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley told me tonight he has Pastor as long as he's in majority.
Status. Read
Read. 311212018 7 23 46 PMiUTC 4J
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox7348FD4 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 6:38:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Wow ... smh
Status Read
Read: 311212018 7 23 46 PMJUTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7348A9C (Table me ssage, h andle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/1212018 6:39:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I don't believe it. Pastor told me last night he is with us.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 7.23:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms. db : Ox7348806 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 6:39:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
He told me that he was as well
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 7'2346 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox73486AA (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 6:40:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maybe Cranley is overplaying his hand. But he told me pastor would vote to fire as long as he's in majority. But please don't tell pastor that.
Last thing I want is MORE drama
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 7:23:46 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P.G .'s i Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7349046 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 6 :42:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I won't say anything
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 12/2018 7:2346 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7349A31 {Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2016 6:45:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley could be lying to me. Would never trust him for a second
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 7.23:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7349851 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 6:46:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But told me smitherman, Murray and Mann are definite yes to fire
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 7:23.46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms. db . Ox734961E (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
311212018 7:27:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I won't say anything either but we know Cranley doesn 't mind lying about anything.
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 8:06:11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox734BBF6 (Table: message. handle , chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 8:06:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Back to FC for a moment. wow good on CPS for not letting themselves be bulldozed , at least accord ing to this letter
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox734CB92 {Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 8:07:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


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Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox734C8FC (Table: message, chat, attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P .G. 's iPhone /var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachme nts/87/07/EAA382CF-ECEF-4AOB-8192-202933CA7312/FullSizeRender.jpg · (Size: 383354 bytes)
3/1212018 8:26:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Great letter. Thanks for sharing.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 8:39.55 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1212018 8:39.55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox734C367 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 10:33:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'll stop texting everyone shit in a moment...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7377594 (Table: message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 10:33:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G,)
As you all know, I care not just about WHAT people communicate, but also HOW they communicate.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox737BFD8 (Table: message. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 10:34:09 PM{UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Berding in the Enquirer today: ""It could be voted down," Berding said. "Then they could watch us have a press conference in Newport the
next day."
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Lib rary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7378038 (Table· message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1 212018 10:34:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G,)
the my w ay or the highway threatening tone really leave such a bad taste in my mouth
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarytSMS/sms.db : Ox737872A (Table message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)

3/13/2018 10:49:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I say New port it is.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3113/2018 11 05 19 AMtUTC -4)
Read: 3/13/20 18 11 :05:19 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7388B47 (Table: message, ha ndle, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3/13/2018 11: 15:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
If it is Newport, I think we should be ready to help the West End pursue serious, balanced (inclusive) development. A coalition there is
emerging to do great work. We should move quickly to help them . Not entirely sure what it looks like, but I think w e should be prepared to
announce and/or begin to work on efforts that will prioritize new (responsible) revitalization efforts in the West End WITH the West End.

We should also consider what we wo uld need to ensure we don't lose businesses on the Banks, and that people who go to FC games in
Newport come and spend money in Dow ntown/OTR. Maybe some coalition of business and transportati on folks?

Both seem like good efforts , and w ill help to address the inevitable rhetoric that w e are denying the West End hundreds of m illions in new
investments and that we could undermine an already fragile Banks business district.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 13/2018 4•00.08 PM(U TC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7389FD4 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 byte s)
3/13/2018 4:01 :55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Greg, just keeping you posted: Chris, Wendell, T, and I do NOT support buyout for Harry.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox73AODFD (Table. message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 4:03:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
And AA community & leadership is outraged at prospect of buyout & force out
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox73A08 9D (Table: message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 4:04:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Just so you know, I spoke with John and he said the buyout was to help with the racial tens ion . I told him that was insulting
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 4:37 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db: Ox73A0953 (Table: message. ha ndle. chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/1312018 4:06:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry 100% does not want the buyout. But needs assurance that he has 5 votes not only aga inst firing him. But also against voting for
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 4:37:03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phonelvar/mobile/libra ry/SMSlsms.db: Ox73A2AD9 (Table . me ssage, handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:11:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
What the hell is going on?
Status: Read
Read : 3/ 13/2018 5:12:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va rlmobile/l1bra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox73A8A13 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:13:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
In an interview with news will get back to you .
Status: Read
Read: 3113/2018 5.1 4 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/rnobilellibra ry/SMS/sms.db: Ox73A8820 (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:16:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We left meeting with Manager w ith understanding that he was not resigning. Left meeting with Cranley with understanding that he is doing a
pull court press on our friend Greg Landsman. Told us he has every union , David Pepper, etc reaching out to get him on board with Cranley.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 13/2018 5 27.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobilel l 1bra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox73A998B (Table: messa ge, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1312018 5:23:2 7 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Vanessa just said th at's not true
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 13/2018 5•27 57 PM(U TC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox73A93E3 (Table: message , handle , chat, Size: 220762112 byte s)
3/13/2018 5:28:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
V anessa told me same: Greg d oesn't support firing or buyout
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox73AAFD8 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:28:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)


IMG 5619.PNG
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 13/2018 5 29.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox73AABOO (Table message handle, chat, attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G 's iPhone/var/rnobile/l 1brary/SMS/Attachments/3dl13/73CD7997-6DAE-4EEE-BA9C-1C31FOBBC7FO/IMG_5619.PNG · (Size· 1081 46 bytes)

3/13/2018 5:30:36 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 1912.1peg
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5 31 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox73ACC08 (Table message handle chat, attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/8a/10/9258E990-AA47-4233-9946-667916E913DA/IMG_ 1912.jpeg (Size 262508 bytes)
3/1312018 5:30:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Vanessa told me same: Greg doesn't support firing or buyout "
Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 5 31 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/ library/SMS/sms.db : Ox73AC8F8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size· 220762112 by1es}
3/1312018 5:31:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Assuming that's true , we need to let Harry know there are 5 votes against buyout
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 5.31 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox73ADF04 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:31 :22 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'll tell him
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AOB9F (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1312018 5:31 :47 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'll let Sherri know. 100% certain on Greg?
S!Dtus: Read
Read: 3113/2018 5.31 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox73A0210 (Table message handle chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
311312018 5:40:13 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Harry has not taken the buyout.
Status: Read
Read: 3113/2018 6 38.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/L1braryl SMS/sms.db : Ox73AFDD2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:40:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Just got back to hotel and emailed John confirming my position against firing CM or a buyout. Now, because it's almost midnight, I'm signing
off and going to bed.
Status: Read
Read: 3113/2018 6 38 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox73AFBE1 (Table message handle chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/1312018 5:40:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
thanks Greg. Night.
Status. Read
Read: 3113/2018 6 38 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox73AF8E4 (Table message. handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3113/2018 5:41 :20 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Thanks Greg.
Status: Read
Read: 3113/2018 6 38.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AF606 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1312018 6:34:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
God Bless you Wendell!

Status: Read
Read: 3113/2018 6 .38 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73B37FD (Table message handle, chat. attachment Size . 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachmentsl82/02/E92A8554-0F4F-47FA-BSCD-55A3F3FSE99F/ (Size 1676430 bytes)
3/1412018 1:05:04 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Morning. Does anyone know the status of the responsible bidder ordinance? Thanks. all.
Status Read
Read: 3114/2018 7 18 03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox73C9FD4 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1412016 6:31 :33 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
West End option looks to be dead
Status: Senl
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox73F5961 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes}
3/1412018 6:56:1 9 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Greg, silence your phone buddy if these texts are waking you up.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73F950F (Table message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)

3/1412018 6:59:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I spoke with Wendell and we're in agreement that we can' t just let John commence Kangaroo Court against Harry however he once - but we
obviously also need to give employees who want to share their testimony a way to share it.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox73FAFD8 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 6:59:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Any idea how Cranley wants to do this? In a committee?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1412018 6:59:54 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3114/2018 6:59.54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox73FAC14 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3114/2018 7:00:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wendell talked about a letter we'd all sign? Anyway, I think we all need to hop on a joint conference call tomorrow or Friday to talk it through,
and an overall strategy
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox73FA9FA (Table: message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 7:00:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1412018 7.05:14 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1412018 7·05:14 PM(VTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ library/SMS/sms.db: Ox73FBFC8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 7 :07:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Chris , Wendell, Tamaya - could you all do a call at 3pm tomorrow? or anytime Friday in the afternoon?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox73FEFD8 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311412018 7:07:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I can do either
Status: Read
Delivered: 3114/2018 7.08.34 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1 4/2018 7:08:34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox73FE385 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 7:08:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
cool. Wendell? T?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox73FFD22 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:08:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I can't do tomorrow but I can do Friday between 1 and 3
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/14/2018 7:09·11 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311412018 7:09:11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox73FFBOD (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:09:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Thanks. Wendell, could you do a group conference call Friday sometime between 1-3pm?
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db . Ox7400F08 (Table: message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 7:26:05 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7.2912 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox7403DF8 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:31 :10 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Great, let's do 1:30pm. I'll send a calendar invite to your personal emails and circulate a conference line
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox7403A51 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:31 :37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Thank you'
Sl!itus: Read
Delivered: 3/14/2018 7:31.53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/14/2018 7·31 53 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7404FC8 (Table message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 7:32:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Please send me a text. Having trouble with e-mail.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox7404653 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 7:32:43 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Will do Wendell. Everyone bring their ideas for navigating this process. Also, I think better if ti's just us - not our aides on the line for this call
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7404440 (Table . message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 7:33:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Rsad: 3/14/2018 7 33 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox74056C4 (Table. message. handle. chat , Size 220762112 bytes}

3/1412018 7:35:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Got it
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 7 35 22 PMtUTC-4)
Source file. P .G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7405505 (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 5:34:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I could do this (7:30PM my time). BUT, we can't have five people on a call without breaking sunshine rules , no? Just let me know.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1512018 7 06.34 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox740BFD4 (Table message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 7:07:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
Greg, I'll ask John Curp on sunshine and loop back ASAP
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox740E4EE (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/151201810:21:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
FYI. In Cranley's meeting with Enquirer editorial board he attacked PG for "threatening CODE president. suggesting employees not come
forward because Black will remain manager." It's 100% not true. But interesting that Cranley is now coming after us.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1512018 10 21.06 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 311512018 10 21 06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox742ABE6 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 10:21:44 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I spoke with Chris Jenkins from CODE a few minutes ago and he said it's 100% not true. John is resorting to some truly outrageous tactics
Status; Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/ SMS/ sms db Ox742A7F9 (Table message. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/151201810:22:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Smitherman just called a special meeting of law and public safety tomorrow at 10:30 to take action on a ··whistleblower protection
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/15/2018 10 23 49 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 311512018 10 23 49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox742BFCB (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 10:27:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And a special meeting of Council at 10:45am tomorrow. Which I won't be able to attend.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3115/2018 10.31 02 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 31 15/2018 10 31 02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox742DDE7 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 10:45:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Harry going after Unions here a bit wt the Ed Board, in a way that's not good
Stntus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7430AD4 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 12:16:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Explain about Harry please or call me. Thanks.
Status: Read
D::!:vc:-c:: 3'15!.20~~ 2 2? ?.€ P~~~u:c "!;
Read 311512018 2 23 36 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Ubrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox743CDA5 (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 11 :55:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just emailed you all first draft of a letter incorporating people's ideas
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox74 7CF08 (Table message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 11 :55:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
here is the conference line for 1:30pm today:
Status. Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox747C05E (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 11 :57:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Dial in number 563-999-1106
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7470940 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 11 :57:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Access code 819666
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvar1mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox747EFD8 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 11 :57:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Pin (if needed)· 1619
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox747EA9B (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 11 :57:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 311612018 11 .57 53 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 11 b7 b3 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel library/SMS/sms.db Ox747E87E (Table message, handle, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)

3116/2018 11:57:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
1 30pm
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox747FFD8 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/ 1612018 11:58:11 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 12 18 49 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel var1mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.d b Ox747FA36 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/ 16/2018 12:01:14 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Got it. Thanks.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 12 18.49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox747F880 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
31161201812:17:33 PM(UTC-4)Dtrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Wendell, are you around for a quick call? Tried your cell but it went to VM . Thanks , friend.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 12'18.49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox747F2AF (Table: message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 12:17:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Yes. Call now.
Status. Read
Read: 3/16/2018 12 18 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7480FD4 (Ta ble message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 12:18:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Yes . Call now."
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 12 18.49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox748008F (Table. message. handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3116/2016 1 :28:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151336524 04 (P.G .)
Here's the call-in info one more time; talk to everyone in 2 minutes
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7481ADD (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311612018 1:28:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Dial in number: 563-999-1106
Access code: 819666
Pin (if needed): 1619
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox748186D (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311612018 1:31 :53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
You hopping on Wendell?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel library/SMS/sms.db Ox7482FD8 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 1:32:19 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnooming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not yet. Can't get throug h. Trying again.
Status: Read
Delivered : 3116/2018 13306 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 1.33.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source fi le: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Libraryl SMSlsms db Ox7482DB5 (Table. message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311612018 1:33:38 PM(UTC-4)Direciion:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Yo ung)
No answer. 563-999-1106?
Status Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7482BB4 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 1:33:50 PM(UTC-4) 0 irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox748264D (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3116/2 018 1:33:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. that worked for me
Ststus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7482464 (Table. message, handle cha( Size 220762112 bytes)
3/ 16/2018 1:35:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +1 5134856759 (Wendell Young)
T rying aga in.
Stalus: Read
Delivered: 3116/2018 1 35 08 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 31161201 81·35 08 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7482242 (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 1:35:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if 1t doesn't work . I'll call you Wendell and thread you in
Status: Sent
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phonelvarl mob1le!Libraryl SMS/sms db Ox7483FDB (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)

3/1612018 1:36:01 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not working. Please call me. Call me at: 961-1176.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1 6/2018 1 37:16 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 16/2018 1:37 :16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7483D66 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 1:45:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey Greg. I dropped off the call. I th ink you need to be on there more than me. Can you please call in ASAP?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3116/2018 1:48:50 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 1 48:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox74837D3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 1:48:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Greg, able to call-in?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db: Ox7484823 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 1:49:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
he's not getting texts. But just called him and he's calling in
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7484614 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1 6/2018 1:50:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Calling in now ...
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 1.59.42 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 16/2018 1:59·42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7484399 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:09:51 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Will send updated letter in 10 minutes tops
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7486DFF (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:10:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
please hold tight to review quickly, and send feedback or say "Approved"
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7486BC6 (Table: message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:10:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2 13 36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2·13:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox748693A (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:10:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3116/2018 2 13:36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2 1336 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db : Ox7486778 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:13:31 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How are we releasing to mayor and public?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2.13 36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 213:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox74865B5 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:13:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tara from Tamaya's office is going to send out from Tara's email account to the normal fu ll press list
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/ sms.db : Ox74863B3 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:14:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok. And we can post to our own social media?
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db . Ox7487FD8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
311612018 2:14:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
fine by me .. .
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db : Ox74870D2 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:14:31 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
That's a good idea
Status: Read
Delivered: 31161201 8 2 21 17 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 3/16/20 18 2.21 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/Library/ SMS/ sms db : Ox7487BC5 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:19:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
This is all good.
Status: Read
Delivered: 311612018 2·21 17 PM(UTC-4!
Read: 3/16/2018 7.2 1 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel var/mobile/Library/ SMS/ sms.db : Ox74879DF (Table message, handle chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)

3/16/2018 2:21:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
JLJst sent revised letter. Reply with word changes or with "Approved"
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox748780E (Table: message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2 :22:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
JLJst got a call from Harry's lawyer and then from Harry regarding their being told by John that I am the fifth vote on a separation package for
Harry. I haven't spoken to that little sucker! He just flat out lied to Garry and his lawyer. Is it too late to insert into the letter something making
it clear that"we" do not sLJpport a bLJy-out for Harry?
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox748759A (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:23:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
that language is in the letter I sent you all
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarl mob1le/Library/ SMSlsms.db : Ox7488FD8 (Table: message , cha t. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:23:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 311612018 2.23:58 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 2:23 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox748808B (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:23:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ 16/2018 2:23:58 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 2.23.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox7488BBB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:24:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Se111
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox74889F9 (Table: message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:24:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Libra ry/ SMS/sms.db . Ox7488802 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:26:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just noticed we didn't include the Black Agenda. NAN , The Black United Front
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2.26:43 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2:26 :43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Libra ry/ SMS/sms.db . Ox7488631 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:26:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will add those in
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74883E9 (Table: me ssage , chat. Size : 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:26:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74881 E4 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:31 :22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
T, once we hear from Greg. I'm sure you've got th is already on your media list, but just make sure it goes to all 4 TV stations ; Wetterich ;
Coolidge ; Jason Williams; Mark Curnutte; Jay Hanselman ; Paula Christian & Amanda ; Nick Swartell; and Kevin Aldridge
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone lvar/mob1le/l 1brary/ SMS/sms.db : Ox74897CC (Table : message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:31 :36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
am I forgetting any other biggest?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db · Ox74893DC (Table message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:31:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
*big gees?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db . Ox748AFD8 (Table. message, chat, Size: 22076 2112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:31 :52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no answer from Greg's cell
Status: Read
Read: 31161201 8 2.33 01 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s i Phonelvar/mobilel libraryfSMS/sms.db · Ox748ADDF (Table message. handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2016 2:32:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
In addition to the TV stations. we will include individual reporters as well
Status: Read
Read: 3/161201 8 2·33·01 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mobilel library/ SMSlsms.db : Ox748B7FO (Table· message, handle, chat Size 220762112 byte s)
3/16/2018 2:33:04 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox748B3B7 (Table message . chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)

3/1612018 2:33:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Don't forget Lincoln Ware and the Herald.
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 2:34.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db . Ox74881F6 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:34:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Great call!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox748CFD8 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:34:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Good call! We had the herald but not Lincoln
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2.34.32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox748CE11 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:34:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tamaya , I'll send you FINAL FINAL copy as soon as we hear from Greg
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox748CC09 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:39:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Looks good to me.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:39.20 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2:39:20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : Ox748FDEE (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:39:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Bravo everyone!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox748FC1C (Table: message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:40:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Awesome. I will give Tara the go ahead .
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox748FA 1B (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:40:1 5 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Courage, clarity, firmness, reasonableness'
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox748F81 D (Table· message chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:40:26 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
T, I just emailed you both the final content
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox748F5E2 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2 :40:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good. Mann's office is asking for the "press release." Loi
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox748F3A7 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:40:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will send to whole group so people can use on social media too
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7490FD8 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2 :40:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2 41 21 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 241 ·21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db . Ox7490D68 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311612018 2:41 :05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Thank you
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2 41 21 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2·41·21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db Ox749089D (Table: message handle. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:41:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
should we all post concurrently on our FB?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox74909DB (Table. message. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:42:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
let me know ... ?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox749056D (Table· message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2016 2:42:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I think social media posting is fine.
Ststus: Re ad
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox749036C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

3/16/2018 2:42:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Doing so now ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox7491 FOB (Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/1612018 2:42:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
T, you are too?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7491007 (Table· message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:45:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2.50:12 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2:50.12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox7491550 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:54:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Team , I knew there was one thing I meant to bring up that I forgot to on the call. 4 of us at a time need to have a conversation with Harry
about things he needs to do to improve. I've overtly told him I believe he needs to seek some sort of counseling. But he needs to hear it
collectively from us, and to frankly understand that his job depends on correcting certain things .
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox749DC20 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:54:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
should we schedule a meeting with him for next week - with all of us minus Chris , who will be OOT?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7490742 (Table: message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:56:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Not now please. I think he would view this as a softening of support. May I suggest we reserve that conversation for after we get through this
Status: Read
Delivered: 3116/2018 2.56.42 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2:5642 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox749E61A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:57:51 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wendell, I'm okay waiting if the others agree. HOWEVER. it's a conversation that must be had - sooner rather than later. Harry struggles
with some things and needs to know we support him, but also bring certain expectations. I'll defer to the group on timing.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox749FF08 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
311612018 3:00:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I too will abide by what the group decides. For me there is the recognition that Harry is under an enormous amount of pressure. I worry that
he would view the conversation as us piling on. The timing isn't good.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 3 43.45 PMiUTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 3:43:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMSlsms.db : Ox74A2FC8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3116/2016 3:46:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Separate FYI: the #2 at the Sentinels just called me and asked that I pass this along: she and Lou Arnold just had a meeting with John,
where she said John tried to divide and conquer the Sentinels from the other African-American groups, and also intentionally misrepresented
the Manager's position. Not for public consumption , but she asked that you all be notified.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db · Ox74ACAF9 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 3:47:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Divide and conquer is his thing. He tried to do that to me twice this week
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 3.50.54 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/20 18 3 50 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db · Ox74AC617 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 3:55:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
You saw that on a larger scale during the Responsible Bidder wrangling. He tried to pit the Urban League , Ministers Alliance, CAA, and
others against the NAACP. The Black Agenda , and more. Typical Cranley tactic. Don't forget that he will lie in a heart beat.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db · Ox74ADA50 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 6:06:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
https://www. cincinna ti. com/story/opi nion/2018/03/ 16/op in io n-cra nley-black-somebody-has-go/4294 52002/
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db : Ox74B7967 (Table: message . chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:10:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I spoke with Joe Mallory a little while ago. He said Cranley reached out to him and said I was the one that flipped
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 6 12 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox74B83AD (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311612018 6:11 :OO PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor keeps saying "someone flipped"
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6 12 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox74B9FD4 (Table: message, handle chat Size: 2207621 12 bytes)

3116/2018 6:12:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
They also said Wendell was the 5th vote earlier
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 6.13:03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox74B9DD8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:12:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I told Joe they are reaching
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6:13.03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox74B9BC6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:12:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think we're very strong. Which I've been waiting for. For years.
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 6:13:03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db . Ox74B99DA (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:13:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Weird of Cranley to say that to Joe. Joe loathes John and is very against any buyout
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox74B97A5 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 6:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Chris, this coalition is our wedding gift to you and Craig
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms db : Ox74B9395 (Table: message , chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:14:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
That's what Joe said. He was confused by it. But divide and conquer is John's thing. It's all unfortunate.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 6·14.37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox74BAFD4 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 6:14:56 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Chris. this coalition is our wedding gift to you and Craig "
Status: Read
Read: 3116120 18 6 14·57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox74BAC6F (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:15:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Amen! We're the new "gang of five." I pray we stay strong and continue to trust each other. We have the power to move this forward.
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 6.15.51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74BAA25 (Table message. handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:16:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm currently driving but also got some good insight about the financial piece of appointing special counsel. All feels very doable.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74BA76B (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:16:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Meant to say; Move the city forward.
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 6.16:49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1lel library/SMS/sms.db . Ox74BA4A7 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 6 :17:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm game to make it a gang of 7 even! I know mann and Pastor must be lonely over there!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db . Ox74BA2BO (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:17:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good news. Please share when you can.
Sllltus: Read
Read: 311612018 6 17 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobilel l1braryl SMS/sms.db Ox74BBFD4 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 byles)
3/16/2018 6:18:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I think maybe Mann more than Pastor.
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 7.06.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G .'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox74BBOD7 (Table: message, handle, chat. Siz.e. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 6:18:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
I hate to be cynical. And i hope I'm wrong. But I don't think either of them will cross cranley on big things
Status: Read
Read: 3116/20 18 7:06 58 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/ SMS/sms.db. Ox74BBBDC (Table. message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 6:19:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
You're not cynical. You're probably right. I'm just keeping hope alive. Loi
Sllltus: Read
Read: 311612018 7 06.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox74BB94F (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/17/2018 4:44:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Supposedly Harry has accepted an 18 month buyout and may force a vote of Council. Just so everyone know , I am 100% a no against any
Status: Read
Read; 3117/2018 4.44:15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox74EB89A (Table. message. handle. chat. Siz.e 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 4:45:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I am also a firm No. I'm not looting the taxpayers because John is threatening a smear campaign. That's holding both Harry and the
taxpayers hostage.
Status· Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox74ECFD8 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3117/2018 4:46:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
This whole thing disgusts me at many levels.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox74ECCF2 (Table message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/17/2018 4:47:1 4 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And I really hope we can stay strong as the majority. If not, they will know who they can pick off the next 4 years.
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 5·09 59 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox74ECAE7 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/17/2018 5:08:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
I will not vote for a buyout. I'm firm! Harry gets what his contract calls for. Nothing more.
Status: Read
Read: 3/17120 18 5·09·59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74EE94B (Table message, handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 5:07:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
The police chief is next. Watch.
Status: Read
Read; 3/17/2018 5 09 59 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms.db Ox74EE6DD (Table message , handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 12:58:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460168 (Greg Landsman)
Agree. Sorry, was asleep. Israel time. Get back Tuesday evening.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 7.50 33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox750503E (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 9:51 :38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We should probably release some kind of statement in response to yesterday's news, reaffirming the majority of Council does not support a
buyout. Everyone agree? PG could you draft something?
Status. Read
Read: 3/18/2018 9 56 05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox750BFD4 (Table. message handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2016 9:56:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P .G.)
If the group wants that, I could draft something later today. Just me know .
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox750B9A6 (Table message, chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1612016 11 :33:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Ok with me.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 10642 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G .'s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox750EDA7 (Table message handle chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1812016 1:20:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is everyone good with this? Or have changes? "If the Manager wishes to move on from his current role , we respect that decision. But the
Council MaJonty remains firm that we are not signing off on paying someone extra to not do their job. That 1s neither fa ir nor responsible to
the taxpayers.

Moreover, it is our understanding that, in fact, the Manager does enjoy his JOb; he simply doesn't like the idea of serving under the looming
threat of a smear campaign. That. too , is understandable.

But asking the taxpayers to provide significant resources in order to avoid the impact of such a smear campaign would set a dangerous
precedent and enable behavior which we do not approve of.

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire , and we remain committed to the thoughtful, fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.

We believe in the City Charter, we believe in honesty, and we believe in collaboration. All are welcome to join us in upholding these pillars."
Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 1 71 2 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7511 FD4 (Table message handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:21:47 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just respond "agreed" if you're good with it
Status. Read
Read 3.1812018 1 21 47 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: PG 's iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7511677 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1812016 1:21 ·59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone1Var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7511 471 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 1:50:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:incoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Agreed .
Status: Reau
Read· 311812018 1 53 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms db Ox751233A (Table message handle , chat Size 220762112 bytes)

311812018 1:51:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1·53 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox7514FD4 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 1:52:32 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1.53:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7514A 12 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:09:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Sorry. I am just finishing up.

I don't think we need a statement. And I don't like commenting on what Harry might or might not think or want. Also think some of it is
unnecessary inflammatory. We are trying to bring some maturity to this ridiculous situation. To deescalate.

If we do something, I would suggest something short and simple.

But again. I don't think we need a statement.

Here is what I have personally sent to people and reporters:

"My position hasn't changed and a believe that's true for the majority. I don't support a big buyout. We need all the facts , and that's the point
of the independent counsel. As I've said from the beginning, the issues need to be addressed in the next couple of weeks ."
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 2:09"47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox75 1BFD4 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 2:21:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Greg, I do think there's value in the 5 of us putting something out
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varimobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751997B {Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3118/2018 2:22:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Here's another crack at it. even though this feels watered down to me and doesn't speak to why a buyout is really so offensive.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7519741 {Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:23:18 PM(UTC-4)DirecUon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
"Our position has not changed. We do not suppprt an increased buyout or believe that's responsible to the taxpayers .

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire, and we remain committed to the thoughtful, fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.
Let's collect the needed facts quickly and calmly.

We believe in the City Charter, we believe in honesty, and we believe in collaboration. All are welcome to join us in upholding these pillars."
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox751 AFDB (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:24:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Could ppl live with that? Again not my first choice , but I think a collective statement is important
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · Ox751AA88 (Table. message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:24:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I fine with the first two paragraphs.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:24 .56 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751A80C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:25:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Ok. why not 3rd?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751A614 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:26:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think first two paragraphs better than nothing .... (even though again feels too watered down)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox751A447 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:28:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I'm ok with this but it is really watered down. If this is what it takes to gain consensus then ok. I think the third paragraph is important in that it
offers a rationale for our statement. Greg I hope you will reconsider your thoughts on the third paragraph.
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 2 28 .03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751 BFD4 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:28:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
3rd paragraph feels like mom and apple pie - who could disagree?'
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Libraryl SMS/sms.db Ox751 BC18 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:29:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Is there vers ion of 3rd graf you can make work, Greg?
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox751 B9E8 (Table· message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}

311812018 2:36:30 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
"We believe in a collaborative process, and look forward to working through this with everyone."

The current language feels like petty, "tit for tat" stuff. Again, short and simple seems right, and the first two paragraphs feel sufficient. If
people want to add more flavor, they can do that individually. Loi.
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2 36 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox751 B7CO (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:38:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Alright, I'll sacrifice my own feelings for consensus. Everyone okay for Harmon to email statement out with first 2 grafs +Greg's 3rd?
Status. Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox751CF08 (Table· message, chat Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
311812018 2:39:33 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
So final would be·
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelva r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox751CB20 (Table· message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
311812018 2:41 :14 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
"Our position has not changed. We do not suppprt an increased buyout or believe that's responsible to the taxpayers.

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire, and we remain committed to the thoughtful , fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.
Let's collect the needed facts quickly and calmly.

We believe in a collaborative process, and look forward to working through this with all stakeholders."
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobllelllbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox751C940 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:41 :39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Then ppl can individually put their own mustard on it
Status. Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvarl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox751C440 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:41 :47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox751C234 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:46:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 2 46 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7510583 (Table: message, handle. chat Size· 22076211 2 bytes)
311812018 2:46:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status· Sent
Source file: P .G 's 1Phone/varl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox751EFD8 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:48:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamaya? Wendell?
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 2 48 45 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonel varl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox751F057 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311 812018 2:49:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wendell blessed it (despite feeling same as I do)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox751 F785 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:49:28 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cool. Tamaya?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18120 t8 2 49 2~ PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/varlmoblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox75 1FSAO (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3118/2018 3:31:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Agreed . Sorry, I'm out and about and trying to be present
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 3 32 16 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox75218BF (Table message handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
311812018 3:32:24 PM(UTC-4)0 1rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox752169A (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 8:50:54 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Btw. A little brevity. My mom just told us she surprising us and flying down tomorrow to Puerto Vallarta to help us plan wedding
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1812018 8 51 10 PMcUTC-4)
Read: 311812018 8 51 10 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox752F94C (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311 812016 8:52:03 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Loved "Btw. A little brevity. My mom just told us she surprising us and flying down tomorrow to Puerto Va llarta to help us plan wedding ·r
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7530F07 (Table: message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)

311812018 8:52:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.}
enjoy! and don't be in any rush to come back - you 're not missing anything I
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox753093B (Table: message, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 8 :52:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young}
Wowl Congrats again. You must be living right.


Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox75306B9 (Table: message, handle, chat, attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/84/04/8BCEFFBB-5876-4213-B4E 1-F2171 OEECC4E/ms-kkNRss.gif · (Size: 537022 bytes)
3/1812016 6:52:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
LOVE that Wendell!
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7530409 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:53:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wendell with the strong GIF game I
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7530237 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3118/2016 6:53:12 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "Wendell with the strong GIF game I"
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel varl mobile/Library/SMS/srns.db : Ox7531F4C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311912018 7:36:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard}
What press conference is scheduled for this morning?
Status: Read
Read: 3/19/2018 7:37.16 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/srns.db : Ox753AFD4 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/19/2016 7:37:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P .G .)
Haven't heard of one ...
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Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/rnobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox753AAA3 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/19/2018 7:37:53 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Ok thanks
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/19/2018 8.41 27 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/19/2018 8.41 :27 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/rnobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox753A8B4 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3119/2018 7:58:01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Haven't heard of one.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/19/2018 8:41.27 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/19/20 18 8 :41:27 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/srns.db : Ox753A6E2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1912018 6:10:02 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Two things : 1) Kevin Aldridge wants to talk to a few members of the Majority tomorrow at 11 am for our insights on this situation - Wendell or
T, wou ld you want to?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7561FD8 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/19/2018 6:10:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
2) Steve Megerle from Pastor's office came to my office at 4pm today and said , what if 8 months of Harry's salary came from the public (per
the contact), and then another 1O months worth of severance came from a private source (if that were even legal or ethical). My response to
him was:
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7562FD8 (Table message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/19/2018 6:11:26 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
1) I don't know 2) I'd have to confer with the majority 3) it would be contingent on very direct input on who the incoming manager would be 4)
harry would obviously have to want to go that route too
Slatus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox75626F5 (Table: message , chat. Size 220762 11 2 bytes)
311 9/2018 6:12:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but Megerle/Pastor seem to already be trying to spread some horseshit rumor that I might flip - so just don't want any of you believing it.
Same crap they tried to pull w/ Tamaya and Wendell, etc.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s iPhonel var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7562377 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 10:19:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Cranley has called Iris, my Pastor Lynch, Jr and Lynch Ill to try to flip me.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 10:23 15 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 10 23 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7572FC8 (Table message, handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)

3/2012018 10:21:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Keep that to yourselves please.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 10:23:15 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 10:23:15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox757206F (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/201810:23:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
why in the world would he call Iris to do that? she loathes him ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7572BB1 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3120/2018 10:23:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Seems pretty desperate and weird.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7572919 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/201810:24:03AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
She does
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7572727 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 10:24:11 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
by the way, if it were 8 months of public severance and another 1O months from a private source, would any of you support that? that's what
they're trying to cook up now
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Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7572569 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes}
3/2012018 10:25:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I think I wou ld be fine with that.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 10:25:45 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 10:25"45 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7572217 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:26:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
financially, it's hard to object to. though I think a lot of the community would be weirded out by a private source stepping in, and wondering
what was trying to be covered up
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Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox75738EB (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:27:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
That's super weird and the optics are bad. There's something there for sure
Delivered: 3/20/2018 10:29"07 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 10·29 07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox757336C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size : 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:27:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Something Cranley doesn 't want us to know
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 10.29:07 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 10:29 07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7574070 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 10:39:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Harry has something on Cranley. That non disparagement and confidentiality clause is probably everything
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 10:54.36 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox7574802 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 11 :12:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
If Harry gets enough outside money to make leaving palatable, we can't make him stay. I think it's bad precedent and it fixes nothing. The
issues that gave rise to this situation remain in place. I agree there is something Cranley doesn't want to deal with. Cranley is feeling the
heat. Let's hold together. Stay strong'
Status: Read
Delivered: 3120/2018 1112.23 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 11 .12.23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox75794EE (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/20/2018 11 :13:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Oulgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
so if I'm hearing you right. if Black got 8 months public severance and 1O months private, it would be hard for you to say No? But if it was 12
months public severance (meaning 4 months above what his contract states) and another 6 months private severance, you would say No to
that? is that correct?
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Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox757AFD8 (Table: message chat, Size 220762112 bytes}
3/20/2018 12:39:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
No. I'm not okay with a buyout in any form . I'm saying it isn't likely Harry will pass up the money and we can't make him stay.
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 12.54:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox757BC10 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:54:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Got it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox757B96F (Table: message, chat Size· 220762112 bytes)

312012018 12:56:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Has this ever happened in the entire country? That private money pays a public employee to quit? That's what Jason Williams should be
writing about. Someone is so scared of what Harry Black might say , they private money is going to pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars
to leave.
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 12:56 :4 1 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox757B5E1 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
312012018 12:57:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
No idea. Agree, i have discomfort with it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilel library/ SMSlsms.db : Ox757CD6F (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 12:58:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I agree with Chris.
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 1.00 24 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/ SMS/sms.db : Ox757C7CA (Table: message, handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20120181:16:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denartl)
Agreed. This is a terrible precedent
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 1.20.42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox757D715 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/20181 :17:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tomorrow's Council meeting will surely be a battle. Cranley will be on the attack. Maybe more than he ever has.
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 1 20.42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : Ox757EFD4 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3120/2018 2:08:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Then we stand strong and fight back. Cranley is trying to destroy our city manager form of government. We can't allow that to happen.
Status: Read
Delivered: 312012018 2.08.21 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312012018 2.08 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox758492C (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 2:09:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Emphasized "Then we stand strong and fight back. Cranley is trying to destroy our city manager form of government. We can't allow that to
happen. "
Status: Read
Source file: P.G .'s iPhonel var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox75843C4 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
312012018 2:10:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151336524G4 (P.G .)
All for one, one for all!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7585FD8 (Table· message , chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
312012018 2:10:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3120/2018 2:1157 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312012018 2·11 :57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db. Ox7585DB1 (Table: message, handle, chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:11 :32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This is an incredibly important moment of the next four years. Can they pick one of us off? If they can't, Cranley will either be forced to
respect us ... or he will explode. And I'd say it's 50150 odds.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 2 '11'57 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312012018 2.11 ·57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7585BE8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3120/2018 2:13:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151336524()4 (P.G .)
Interestingly David Mann said the same thing to me on Sunday: he said he thought this whole absurd episode is going to cause John to
realize he has to be respectful and collaborative if he wants to get anything done.
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Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox75858A1 (Table· message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3120/2018 2:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Not sure that's humanly possible for him. But would be great if it did.
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonel varl mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db : Ox7586FD8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:14:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151336524G4 (P.G.)
We hold strong tomorrow, and we'll go from there
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox7586D99 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 2:14:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Liked "We hold strong tomorrow, and we'll go from there"
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7586787 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3120/2018 2:25:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From inside City managers office "Cranley thinks he's gonna push Landsman so hard tomorrow that he will get his vote." Stay with us my
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 7 25·20 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms.db. Ox7587FD4 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 2:26:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Greg is and has been rock solid! (Greg is also probably on a 12 hour flight as we speak)
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varl mobde/ Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7587AOA (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
312012018 2:29:27 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young}
So we're the "Invincible Five?" Loi
Stlltus. Read
Delivered: 3/20120 18 2 40 26 PM(UTC-41
Read: 3120120 18 2 40 26 PM(UTC -4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varl moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox758779A (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
31211201812:01:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomi ng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Greg. How was meeting with Cranley?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3121120 18 12 10 26 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2112018 121 0 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox75C093F (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3121/2018 2:26:37 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Amy Murray: "If you all would just come to my committee, you would understand everything ...because I fix everything just like I fixed the
streetcar during my 4 years charing that committee."
Status: Read
Delivered: 312 1120 18 3 06 08 PM(U TC-4)
Read: 312112018 3 06 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox75E 1B9C (Table message handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2112018 3:08:45 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Great work everyone
Status: Read
Delivered: 312112018 3 40 42 PM(U TC-4 )
Read: 3121120 18 3 40 42 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox75E4403 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2112018 3:39:18 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (ChriS Seelbach}
Pastor: We have to work together, collaboratively ... .invokes Shirley Ch1som ....then spends 15 minute attacking us.
Status: Read
Delivered: 312112018 3 40.42 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3121 120 18 3 40 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox75E8BOE (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/241201811 :29:25 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley calling Wendell and me asking if he can give us something in exchange for our vote.
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 11 29.39 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox76748F6 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/24/2018 11:36:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Same. Meeting with him tomorrow. He claims he's willing to put anything on table. Chris, when do you get back? Also, can a few of us meet
on Monday? We can't all meet, of course. Chris, hope your trip has been great. Pictures look fun .
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 11 49 05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvarl mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db Ox767 5FD4 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/24/201811 :36:45 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm back like 2.30am Monday morning
Status: Read
Reed· 3/24120 18 11 49 05 AM (UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvarl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7676FD4 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/24/201811 :37:13 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman}
Would lunch work?
Status: Read
Read: 312412018 114905 AM(UTC 4 )
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76767E6 (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/24/2018 11 :38:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have to be to foundation in morning and through lunch. But could do something after 2
Status: Read
Read: 312 412018 11 49 05 AMtUTC -4)
Source file: P G .'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7676610 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2412018 11:38:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Re ad
Read 312412018 11 49 05 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/Ltbra ry/SMS/ sms db Ox7677DC8 (Table message handle chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3124/2018 11:38:59 AM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status Read
Reed : 3.'2412018 114905 AM( UTC·4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox76778C5 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/24/201811 :39: 12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Others? Up to four ·).
Status: Read
Read: 3124120 18 11 49 05 AMiUTC-4 )
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/Ltbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox767770D (Table message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)

3/24/2018 12:09:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
sorry to miss some calls & texts. have been at March for Our Lives.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7677379 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
312412018 12:09:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
I could do 3:30pm
Status; Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox7678FD8 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3124/2018 12:10:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
needless to say, I'm fine with some grand bargain that's actually good - BUT the entire point of this is about how we govern and John
needing to work collaboratively with the Democratic majority, not go running to Smitherman, Murray, Pastor and then see how we can pick
off 2 more
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/Libra ry/SMS/sms.d b. Ox7678AOA (Table message. chat, Size · 220762112 bytes)
3/2412018 12:10:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
can't emphasize enough the degree to wh ich we need to stay coordinated
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubra ry/SMS/sms.db Ox76785EA (Table message chat, Size . 220762112 byte s)
3/241201812:15:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100% agree with you P.G.
Slatus: Read
Delivered: 3/24/2018 12 24.56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/24/20 18 12 24 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox767ABOF (Table message. handle chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
312412018 12:24:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yep. See you on Monday at 3:30. Where is best?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3124/2018 12 24 56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/24/2018 12 24 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mobde/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db · Ox767A921 (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2412018 12:29: 14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
I'm fine w/ a Council office, though off-site probably better. I could get us the community room above the Coffee Emporium to ourselves
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox767BFD8 (Table message, chat. Size 22076 2112 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:31 :31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I won't able to be there
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/24/2018 12 31 36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/24/2018 12 31 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox767B9B2 (Table message handle, chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
312412016 12:31 :50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I th ink CE's community room is under construction
St&tus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox767B7CE (Table message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:31:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Wendell, ca n you? I think best to have 4 of us if able to be coordinated
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobHe/Library/ SMS/sms.db . Ox767BSB8 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
312412018 12:32:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
T, I mean the room on 2nd floor in the Emery
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox767B342 (Table message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:32:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Oh never mind. You're talking about your
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db Ox767CFD8 (Table message handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2412018 12:32:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Got it
Status: Re ad
Delivered; 3124/2018 1 59 34 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2412018 1 59 34 PMtUTC·4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox767CDC4 (Table message ha ndle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/24/2018 1:10:0 7 PM(UTC-4) Dlrection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I can meet. Just tell me when and where. Going dark now. Back on around 5.
Sll:.tus Read
Delivered: 3124/2018 15934 PM(UTC-4J
Read; 312412018 1 59 34 PMtUTC-4J
Source file : P.G 's 1Phonetvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox767D336 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
312412018 2:00:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sounds like we're locked 1n for 3:30pm this Monday. Do you all want to do Wendell's office at City Hall, or the private community room above
the Coffee Emporium?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/v ar/mob1le/Ubraryl SMS/sms.db Ox7680D9F (Table message . chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/2412018 2:02:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
City hall is easier for me
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobllelllbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox7682DAA (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
312412018 2:03:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
City Hall fine by me
Status. Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/varfmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7682962 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2412018 2:58:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480166 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/27120 18 1 48 20 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/27120 18 1 48 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox768625F (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2412018 5:16:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Happy to host everyone in my office. See you there.
Status: Read
Delivered : 3127/2018 1.48.20 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3127/2018 1 48 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7680FC8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

Chats (1)
J:_ • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15136460186 (1 )

# Deleted

Participants: Start Time 3/2012018 2:25:09 PM(UTC-4)

+15136460186 Last Activity: 3124/2018 5:16·13 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: O
Source: 1Message + 15136460186
Source file: Gregory Landsman's
1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox2B89C8D
(Table: chat, handle, Size: 50020352 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.txt
Wendell Young•

Tamaya Dennard'

Chris Sellbach'

P.G. Sittenfeld'

3120/2018 2:25:09 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach)

From inside City managers office "Cranley thinks he's gonna push Landsman so hard tomorrow that he will get his vote." Stay with us my
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 ?:25 14 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iP honelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxCC3864 (Table message. handle cl1at. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 2: 26:21 PM(UTC4)Dlrectfon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Greg is and has been rock solid! (Greg is also probably on a 12 hour flight as we speak)
Status: Read
Road: 312012018 2 2G.21 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mobilelUbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxCC3593 (Table. message. handle chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3120/2018 2:29:27 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
So we're tile "Invincible Five?" Loi
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 2 31 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman ·s iPhone/var/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms db . OxCC332B (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3121/201812:01:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach)
Greg. How was meeting with Cranley?
Ststus. Read
Read: 312112018 12 58 50 PW(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman ·s iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms db OxCEEFD2 (Table message. handle. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
3121/2018 2:26:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Amy Murray: "If you all would just come to my committee. you would understand everything .. because I fix everything just like I fixed the
streetcar during my 4 years charing that committee. "
S!atus: Read
Read: 31211?018 3 :}9 56 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mooilelL1brary/ SMS/sms.db · OxCFAFD2 (Table. message, handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:08:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Great work everyone
Status: Read
Read: 3121120 18 3 39 56 PM1UTC-4l
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCFA1CE (Table message. handle. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
312112018 3:39:1 8 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Pastor: We have to work together, collaboratively .... invokes Shirley Chisom ..
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 3:39:56 PM(UTC-4)
Souroe file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCFCB64 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312'412018 11 :29:25 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chria SeHbach)
Cranley calling Wendell and me asking if he can give us something in exchange for our vote.
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11"32 38 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox045267 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
312412018 11:36:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Same. Meeting with him tomorrow. He claims he's willing to put anything on table. Chris. when do you get back? Also. can a few of us meet
on Monday? We can't all meet, of course. Chris. hope your trip has been great. Pictures look fun.
Status: Sen!
Souroe file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox047FD6 (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
312412018 11:36:45 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chr1s Sellbach)
I'm back like 2:30am Monday morning
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11 ·36'49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox048FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
312412018 11:37:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480166
Would lunch work?
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox0487E5 (Table· message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
312412018 11:38:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I have to be to foundation in morning and through lunch. But could do something after 2
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11 38 38 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox04860E (Table: message. handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
312412018 11:38:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Status: Sen!
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox049FD6 (Table: message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
312412018 11:38:59 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 11.39:03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · Ox049AD2 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
31241201811:39:12 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15138480186
Others? Up to four :).
Status: Sen!
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox04964F (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
312412018 12:09:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfald)
sorry to miss some calls & texts. have been at March for Our Lives.
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/20 18 12.10.12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1ie/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox0494 6E (Table. message. handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
312412018 12:09:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:incoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfald)
I could do 3:30pm
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 10 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox04AFD2 (Table. message, handle, cha1. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:10:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
needless to say , I'm fine with some grand bargain that's actually good - BUT the entire point of this is about how we govern and John
needing to work collaboratively with the Democratic majority, not go running to Smitherman, Murray, Pastor and then see how we can pick
off 2 more
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 11 .52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox04A9FC (Table message. handle, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
312412018 12:10:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
can't emphasize enough the degree to which we need to stay coordinated
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 11 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox04A504 (Table message. handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
312412018 12:15:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
100% agree with you P.G.
Stntus: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 24.13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db . Ox04BFD2 {Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:24:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151 36460186
Yep. See you on Monday at 3:30. Where is best?
Status: Sen!
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD4BDF1 (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)

31. A(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
l'm11r. ~ .cil office, though off-site probably better. I could get us the community room above the Coffee Emporium to ourselves
Status· Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 33 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db. OxD4CC91 (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2412018 12:31:31 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I won't able to be there
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12·33·14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman"s 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrarylSMSlsms.db. OxD4C673 (Table message. handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:31:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I think GE's community room is under construction
Status. Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 33 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelva r/mob1lelUbrarylSMS/sms db : Ox04C488 (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3124/2018 12:31:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Wendell , can you? I think best to have 4 of us if able to be coordinated
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 33 14 PM(UTC·4 )
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox04C26B (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
312412018 12:32:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncorning, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
T, I mean the room on 2nd floor in the Emery
Status: Read
Read: 3/2 4/2018 12:33:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxD4DFD2 (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 12:32:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Oh never mind. You're talking about your
Status. Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 33.14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxD4008F (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2412018 12:32:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Got it
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 12 33 14 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox04DB84 (Table message. handle . chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 1:10:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I can meet. Just tell me when and where. Going dark now. Back on around 5.
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/2018 1 10 10 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobrle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox0504AB (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3124/2018 2:00:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
Sounds like we're locked 1n for 3.30pm this Monday. Do you all want to do Wendell's office at City Hall, or the private community room above
the Coffee Emporium?
Status: Read
Read: 3/24/20t8 2:17 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman"s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox052FD2 (Table message. handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 2:02:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
City hall is easier for me
Status: Read
Read: 3124/2018 2 17 12 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox0523EB (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 byies)
3/24/2018 2:03:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
City Hall fine by me
Status; Read
Read: 3/24/2018 2 1712 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db Ox052202 (Table message. handle . chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/24/2018 2:58:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138480186
Status: Senl
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox053FD6 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2412016 5:16:13 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Happy to host everyone in my office . See you there.
Status: Read
Read 3/24/2018 5 26 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox054083 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

Chats (1)
..L • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15134170743 (1)

# Deleted

Participants; Start Time: 113/2018 6.28:24 AM(UTC-5)

+15 134170743 Last Activity: 612712018 10.46.17 AM{UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 6
Source: 1Message + 151341707 43
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS!sms.db :
OxBADEF96 (Table· chat. handle Size· 220631040
Body file: chat-1.txt
+ 15133652404
P.G Sit1enre1d·

Greg Landsman'

1/3/2018 6:28:24 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743

Good morning! Is there a cau cus meeting this morning?
Stalus: Sent
Source fite: 1Phone/v3r/mobite/ L1brory/ SMS/cmc.db Ox8408B!:4 (Tobtc: mc3cagc. chot, Size· 22063 1040 bylc$)
113/2018 7:39:10 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:1ncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
No caucus
Status: Read
Read: 11312018 8:02:38 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1braryl SMS/sms db Ox840A7AC {Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/3/2018 8:02:43 AM{UTC-5)0irection:Oulgoing, +15134170743
Thank youi
Status: Senl
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms .db : Ox8408726 (Table message chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
1/171201 8 3:23:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Aren't dogs illegal on Fountain Square?
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilel Library/SMSlsms.db Ox86AC66A (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
2/16/2018 11 :56:13 AM(lJTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Did Chris just send over all white people as recommendations for the SORTA board? I don't know all of them but they are mostly, if not all,
wh ite ... '
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/va r/mobile/librarylSMS/sms db Ox8A17FD7 (Table· message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
2/16/201811 :57:47 AM(UTC-5JDirection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Just saw names. That's a lot of white people. Hipsters too.
Status: Read
Read: 211612018 11 :57.55 l'.M(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhoneivarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8A 17CD2 {Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
2/1612018 11 :57:48 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncom!ng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Haven't seen list yet, but I want an AA rider (who is a collaborative person)
Status: Read
Rsad: 2116/20 18 1t;57 SS AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonetvarirnobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8A 17AA 1 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
21161201611:58:19 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Oulgolng, +15134170743
Me too
Slalus: Soni
Source file: iPhone/Var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8A 17852 (Table· message, chat, Size· 220631040 by tes)
2/16/2018 11:58:56 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
He knew when he hit send that list wasn't representative
Status: S~nt
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db Ox8A17698 (Table. message. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
2/2012018 9: 19 :06 PM(VTC-5)0lrectlon:lnoomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Let's meet at Coffee Emporium tomorrow at 9? Just the three of us. Might be easier...
Status· Read
RMCI: 2/20/2018 9 26 13 PM(VTC-SJ
Source file· 1Phonelvarfmob<le/l.1braty/SMS/sms db Ox8A8BF03 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/20l2018 9·19:27 PM(UTC-5)0il9Clion:lncomirG, +15133652404 (P.G. Sfllenfeld)
Works for me
Stlltua: Rud
Re.a· 2120/2018 9 26 13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobilelllbraJY/SMSlsms.db Ox8A8B63A (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
2120/2018 9:26:31 PM(VTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Sounds good to me
St81us· Sent
Source file: IPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox8A8CDDC (Table message. chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
2/2112018 9:17:30 AM(VTC-5)Dlrectlon:lnoomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Parking. So sorry.
Si.tus Re..i
RNd 2/21/2018 10·03 46 AMIUTC-5)
Source file. 1PhonelVarlmobile/librarylSMS/sms db Ox8A95687 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2121/2018 9·54·51 AM(UTC-S)Oirecl1on:lnooming, +15133852404 (P.G SitWofeld)
https //'www iblimes

86B2F198-0003-4 OEB-BC14-
AC 160AEOC903 P!ug1nPayl03dAttachmen1

St.at111 Read
Read: 212112018 10 03 46 AMIUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone1Varfmob<le/lilxary/SMS/sms db Ox6A96901 (Table message handle chat attadlmenl Size 220631040 bytes)
1Phone!\larlmoblle/l1brary/SMS/Attachmenlsl69i09124747AD2-C91F-403F-A404-4561C86E066518682F19B-0003-40E8-BC1 4-
AC16DAEOC9D3 plug1nPaytoadAttachment (Size 20579 bytes)
5A 1622EOBA69.pluginPayloadAUachment (Size 227661 bytes)
2128/2018 2 19'38 PM(UTC-S)Oiredlon:lnoomlng, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfekf)
You both voting yes on these?
Status: Read
Road: 212817018 2 19 44 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: IPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox88622F7 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
2/2812018 2:20:08 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgolno. +15134170743
Probably. But the mayor has to do better with these appointments
Sllltu& Se11t
Source me· 1Phonelvar/mob<le/LJbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox6B63FD7 (Table message chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
2/ZB/2016 2.20.40 PM(UTC-5)Ditactlon:O~, +15134170743
They are also in the throes of selecting a Commissioner
Slatut S.nt
Source rile.
1Phone!\larfmobtlell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox68630A6 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
212812016 2:20.45 PM(UTC-5)0lnlction:Ou\90fng, +15134170743
Bad t1m1ng
Status; Sent
Source fil<t: 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/s1ns.db Ox8B63B88 (Table message chat. S1z.e. 22063 1040 bytes)
2128/2018 3:46:04 PM(VTC-5)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
Why is this Rayshon's profile pie?

=::~ #43
IMG_5525 JPG
Status Ser>!
Source tile: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox686626A (Table message chat attachment Size 220631040 byles)
1Phone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/Attachments/a9/0919E016D1 E·28DD-4B59-8212-BE77F6E32679/IMG_5525 JPG (Size 173106 byles)
212812018 4:58:09 PM(UTC-S)Direciion:lnooming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsmen)
St.atus· Rood
Read· 2128/2018 ~ 58:41 PMtUTC·5)
Source file: 1Phonc/var/mobileJL1brarylSMSlsms db Ox886E212 (Table· message handle . chat Size 220631040 bytes)
318/2018 12·32:03 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
where are you all on a 60-day pause for RB? sounds like Mann and Wendell might support. ..
Stlltus Read
Read 3'612018 12 •9 27 PM1UTC~l

Source r•e 1Phone1Var1mob le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6BF9907 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)

.;lM018 12:47:29 PM(UTC..5)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
We need to get Wendell and Mann to help us pass our fixes and encourage the administration to bring us addition, specific changes to work
on i f needed. 60-day pause will lead to another pause and another. If they support RB, they should vote with us and against the pause. So
I'm against the pause. Unless someone can mal<e a compelling case for why it's needed. Hasn't happened yet.
Status: R~ad
Read: 3/f>i2018 12:49'27 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8BFAD2F (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/9/2018 10:17:27 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Should I like and retweet?


IMG 1444.png
Status: Read

Read: 31912018 10 20:28 AM(UTC-5)

Source file: iPhonelvarlmoblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8C67380 (Table: message, handle, chat, attachment. Size: 220631040 bytes)
iPhonelvar/mobilelllbrary/SMS/Attachments/23/03191 47E1ED-1 BC2-4 120-97F0-21BF53DA414NIMG_1444.png (S12e: 3798299 bytes)
319!2018 10:17:55 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Haha, yes!
Status: Read
Read: 3191201810:20 28 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db : Ox8C68DEE (Table· message, handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3113/2018 2:40:48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)



IMG 5362.1peg
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 2 41 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: IPhonelvarlmobde/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CE65A2 (Table. message, handle, chat, attachment. Size 220631040 bytes)
1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/44/04/BA8C 1BB5-6470-4 736-BE2B-7603A6A4 73E9/IMG_5362.jpeg : (Size. 2362604 bytes)
311312018 2:40:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Better bus co presenting today
Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 2.41 12 PM(UTC·4)
Souroe file: iPhonetvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8CE7FD3 (Table: message handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 2:41:14 PM(UTC-4)0iroction:lnooming, "'15133552404 (P.G. Siltonfeld)
Let us know if your staffs ol< to sign?
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 2:41 :35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CE7AEC (Table: message handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
311312018 2:41:22 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Simple request for report
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 2.41 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS!sms.db Ox8CE78EC (Table: message, handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 2:41 :46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Yes they are good to sign
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelva r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8CE7708 (Table· message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
311312018 2:46:28 PM(UTC-4}0irection: lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1 3/2018 2:46:30 PM1UTC·4)
Read: 3113/2018 2·46:30 PM\UTC·4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CE9FC7 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 2:46:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1 3/2018 2:46:30 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1312018 2:46:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonetvarlmobile/LlbrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox8CE9DFF (Table. message. handle. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2016 2:46:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
No problem. Thank you for doing this!
$talus. Senl
Source file: iPhone/vaf/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8CE9C45 (Table message. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/21/2018 8:11 :SO AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15 133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Hope your jet lag isn't too bad Greg. Le t us know if kids snow day is impacting your plans to attend caucus
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 8 20:33 AM(UTC·4J
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db 0~8E032E2 (Table message handle. chat Size· 220631040 bytes)

3121/2018 8:12:02 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Since we're just going today to be #Teamlandsman
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 8:20:33 AM (UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E04FD3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
312112018 8:20:10 AM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm going. Sarah is staying with kids. And thank you , guys_
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 8:20:33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E047E6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
312112018 8:22:25 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Read: 3/21 /2018 8:22:31 AM (U TC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E045B9 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:10:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
you all going to make any comments?
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 3:13:49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E13FD3 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2112018 3: 13:51 PM(UTC"'4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox8E13BE8 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2112018 3:14:02 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3121/2018 3:14 :22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8E13A30 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2112018 3:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
will follow you, or follow your lead
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 3:14:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8E1383E (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:28:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I have an awful headache. I'm sorry to miss the meeting with CODE, Matt and Renita but it's hard to pay attention
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8E14472 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/29/2018 8:58:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Hey guys. I'll post my statement around 1OAM. Among other things. I say the following : "I will be a no vote on any agreement beyond giving
the manager the 8-months that is already in his contract if he decides to leave on his own accord." You can mention that or not.

But I did decide to travel with my fam ily this morning, and if John wants to have a revote on Wednesday. that's on him. My position won't
Status: Read
Read: 312912018 9:38:07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8F28FD3 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
312912018 9:01:54 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Happy to mention in mtg if you desire
Status: Read
Read: 3129/2018 9 :38:07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8F29FD3 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/29/2018 9:01:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Have a great trip
Status: Read
Read: 3/29/2018 9:38:07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8F29DD3 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/2912018 7:06:17 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Like your plan on independent review. I think Andrew Garth cou ld work with us on it. So it goes through solicitor's office without bias. Just a
thought.. ..
Status: Read
Read: 312912018 7:31 :03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8F3047B (Table: message, handle, chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
4/212018 1:36:33 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Since we don't have anything from FC, let's reschedule with Berding. I had something at 9:15 with the minority accelerator that I didn't want
to miss. Plus, people snooping around with our schedules. Looks weird to be meeting with him before he even submits someth ing to
Council. Don't want to be playing games with Jeff...
Status: Read
Read: 4/2/20 18 1:55:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8F7590E (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
4/212018 1:57:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I pretty strongly disagree. No one's making a decision. Myself included. But he's a stakeholder in a situation that we're in the middle of. And
I'd rather him hear us out. than not. Especially before John thrusts something upon us. Hope you might be willing to re-consider. T, can you
still please plan to join?
Status: Read
Read: 4/2/20181:59:42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8F77FD3 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)

.AIV2018 3:24:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Greg brings up all great points. I agree with him. It looks a little weird. It gives a back-doorish feel when we don't know what we're even
voting on.
Staws: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db · Ox8F81F07 (Table· message. chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
5/16/2018 7: 15:49 AM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
Hi Guys' I won't be at Caucus today. I'm sorry.
Status: Senl
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox94D9F07 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
5/16/2018 7:32:09 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfetd)
Me either, per email I sent
Status: Read
Read: 5/1612018 7 41 28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox94DA783 i Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220631040 byles)
6161201612:25:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Around to chat before council?
Status: Read
Read: 6/6/2016 12 25•47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db . Dx96F9505 (Table: message handle, chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
616/201812.:25:52 PM(UTC-4)0irecli0n:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox96F93E7 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/S/2018 12:37:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Be there in 10....
Status: Read
Read: 61612018 1 00:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox96FAD4A (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
616/2016 1:01:24 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Reed: G/6/2018 1.11:54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox96FA9AC (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 22063 1040 bytes)
6/6/20181:21:33 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133852404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
On my way
Status: Read
Read: 61612018 1 79·49 PM(UTC-4)
Source tile: iPhonelvartmobilelLibrary/SMStsms db . Ox96FA62A (Table: message, handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
611012018 11:58:21 AM(UT~)Oirectlon:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Can we set aside a few hours next weekend to work on budget? I'm happy to host.

Status: Read
React 6/10120161t·59·52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMSisms.db : Ox9742D4F (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/27/201810:08:37 AM(UTC-4)0ir&ction:Outgoing, +15134170743


55180091674 DA4C6804-B3C2·401 D-8464-

87S41 A150083.JPG
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox993A5C1 (Table: message, chat. attachment, Size: 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/varlmobile/Library/ SMS/Attachmentslbe/1 4/093126B6·52E1-4 5E2·A328-6FOA387FE488155180091674_DA4C6B04-83C2·401D-6464-87541A150083.JPG :
(Size: 1017839 bytes)
612712018 10:43:37 AM(UTC-4)Direciion:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
is he talking about you and Wendell, T?
Status'. Read
Read: 6127/201810.46.03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob•le/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db: Ox993DF03 (Table message, handle chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
612712018 10:46:17 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Senl
Source tile: iPhonelvar/mobrlelUbrarylSMS/sms.db: Ox993DD9F {Table message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)

Chats (1)
~ • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15136460186 (1)

# Deleted

Participants: Start Time: 1/3/2018 6:28.24 AM(l,JTC· 5)

-r15136460186 Last Activity: 6/27/2018 10·45·17 AM(UTC-4)
Number of attaciiments: 6
Source: iMessage +15136460186
Source file: Grego!)' Landsman's
1Ph0ne/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : 0K287781 C
(Table. chat. handle. Size: 50020352 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.txt
Tamaya Dennard·

P G. Sittenfeld'

113/2018 6:28:24 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tarnaya Demard)

Good morning! Is there a caucus meeting this morning?
Status: Read
Read: 1/3/2018 8:05 17 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSfsms.db: Ox61 EC33 (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/312018 7:39:10 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
No caucus
Status: Read
Read: 1/3/2018 8:05 17 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonetvarfmobileiLibrary/SMSfsms.db: Ox61 FAC4 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/312016 8:02:43 AM(UTC-5)Diredlon:lncoming, +15134170743 {Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you!
Status: Read
Read: 1/3/2018 8:05 17 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman' s iPhone/var/mobileilibrary/SMS/sms db Ox61 F8FC (Table· message. handle , chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/1712018 3:23:26 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 {Tamaya Dennard)
Aren't dogs illegal on Fountain Square?
Status: Read
Read: 111712018 3:23:41 PM!UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonefvar/mobilelllbral)'ISMS/sms.db · Ox748FD3 (Table: message, handle . chat, Size: 50020352 b1•tes)
211612018 11:56:13 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Did Chris just send over all white people as recommendations for the SORTA board? I don't know all of them but they are mostly. if not all,
white ...
Status: Read
Read: 2116/20 18 11:56.17 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varfmobile/LibraryiSMS/sms.db: Ox9CS694 (Table. message. handle. chat. S ize· 50020352 bytes)
2/1612018 11:57:48 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing. +15136460186
Just saw names. That's a lot of white people. Hipsters too.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonefvar/mobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox9C5391 (Table message. chat, Si ze: 50020352 byles)
2f1612018 11 :57:48 AM(UTC·5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Haven't seen list yet, but I want an AA rider (who is a collaborative person)
Status. Read
Read: 211612018 11:57 48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Grego!)' Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox9C6FD3 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
211612018 11:58:19AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 {Tamaya Dennard)
Me too
Status: Read
Read: 21t6/2018 11:58'34 AM!UTC-5)
Source file: Grego!)' Landsman's 1Phone/varfmobileil1brary/SMSlsms.db. Ox9C6D80 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
2/16/201811:58:56 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncom1ng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
He knew when he hit send that list wasn't representative
Status: Read
Read: 211612018 11:58'56 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox9CSBCO (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
2120/2018 9:19:06 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Let's meet at Coffee Emporium tomorrow at 9? Just the three of us. Might be easier. ..
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms.db OxA 1AFD7 (Table: message, cha1. Size: 50020352 bytes)
2/20/2018 9:19:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnoomlng. +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfel<I)
Works for me
Status: Read
Read: 2120/2018 9.20.25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxA1ASSC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
212012018 9:26:31 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Sounds good to me
Status: Read
Read: 212012018 9:31:54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPl1one/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxA1C75B (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
2121/2018 9:17:30 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
Parking. So sorry.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxA23F07 (Table: message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
212112018 9:54:51 AM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

9A5557SB-E030·45A8·A3F 1•

Status: Read
Read: 212112018 9:58:05 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxA23B1 D (Table: message. handle. chat. attachment. SiZe· 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/Attachmentsibb/ 111CECF4999-1539-407F-B6C4-9A42FOE829211406676C5-EB40-4360-BF80-
SES799C6C026.pluginPayloadAttachment: {Size: 20579 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L ibrary/SMS/Attachmentsl16/0618B 135367·DSB1-4 330·97E0-7768C84 07860/9A55576B-E030-45A8-A3F1 -
BE4027F87E69.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size: 22766 1 bytes)
2/2812018 2:19:36 PM(UTC-5)Direcllon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
You both voting yes on these?
Status: Read
Read: 2128120 18 2·22:55 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxAD9722 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
212812018 2:20:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Probably. But the mayor has to do better with these appointments
Status: Read
Road: 2/2812018 2:22:55 PM{UTC ·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobtlellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxAD9534 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
2/2812018 2:20:40 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
They are also in the th roes of selecting a Commissioner
Sl8tus: Read
Read: 7J2812018 2 :22 !>5 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxAD92FD (Table: message. handle, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
212812018 2:20:45 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Bad timing
Status: Read
Read: 2/2812018 2:22:55 PM(UTC-Sl
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varfmobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db : OxADAFD3 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
2128/2018 3:46:04 PM(UTC·S)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Why is this Rayshon 's profile pie?

IMG 5525.JPG
Status: Read
Read: 212812018 4:02:04 PM\UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobilelLibrarylSMSlsms.db: OxAEOFD3 (Table: message, handle. chat, attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/libraryfSMS/Attachments/6b/11/240C4 180·2A80-470C-8E81-6B6968062E28/IMG_ 5525.JPG : (Size. 173106 bytes)
2/28/2018 4:58:09 PM(UTC·5)Direc1ion:Outgoing, +15136460166
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxAE276B (Table· message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)

316/2018 12:32:03 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:lnooming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
where are you all on a 60-day pause for RB? sounds like Mann and Wendell might support..
Status: Read
Reed: 316/20 18 12 44 03 PM(UTC·SI
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMSlsms db Ox887993 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 b1~es)
3/6/2018 12:47 29 PM(UTC-5)0iredlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
We need to get Wendell and Mann to help us pass our fixes and encourage the administration to bnng us addition. specific changes to work
on if needed. 60-day pause will lead to another pause and another. If they support RB, they should vote with us and against the pause. So
I'm against the pause Unless someone can make a compelling case for why it's needed Hasn't happened yet.
Status Sent
Source file· Gregory Landsmao s 1Phone/var/mobtleJl1brarytSMSlsrrs.ob OxBB76FA 1Table message chat, Sze 50020352 bytes)
319/201810:1 7·27 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgomg, +15138460186
Should I like and retweet?

IMG 1444.PNG
Slalus: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var1mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBDAA8B (Table· message chat attachment, Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varilnob1le/Llbrary/SMS!Attachments/89/09/0C238BBF-5035-4667-A005-7 1FOE1 23AE06/IMG_ 1444. PNG · (Size 3534385 bytes)
31912018 10:17:55 AM{UTC·S)Dlred!on:lncomlng, +15133652404 {P.G. Sittenfeld)
Haha, yes!
Slalus: Read
Read: 31912018 10 18 01 AM(UI C-!>)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mobilelL1brarylSMS/sms.db. OxBDA838 (Table. message h8"dle chel Soze 50020352 bytes)
3/1312018 2:40:48 PM(UTC-4)0irec1Jon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


IMG 5382 1peg

Status Read
Read· 31 13.'20 18 J 29 43 PM1UI C-41
Source file: Gregory Landsmaro s iPhone/varfmoblle1L1brary•SMSl sms.db · OxC2338S (Table messa~ handle. cl'at. attachorenl Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar1mobdeil brary/SM SIAl1achmentsl96'06'23E6C617-422$-4F95-BCAA·EEC4DDAE5342'1MG_5382 )peg (Stze 2362604 bytes1
311312018 2:40'59 PM{UT~)Direcllon:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sl!tenfeld)
Better bus co presenting today
Status Read
Read 311311018 3 '9 43 PMtUTC·41
Source ftle: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmoblle1Llbraryl SMS/ OxC24FD3 (Table message nandle chat. S ize 50020352 bytes)
3/1312018 2:41.14 PM(UT~)Direetlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Let us know if your staffs ok to sign?
Status· Read
Read: 311312018 3 2943 PM1UTC·41
Source file· Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varf mob1le/LlbraryfSM S1sms db OxC24AEC (Table· message handle, chat Size 50020352 byles)
3/1312018 2:41 :22 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Simple request for report
Slatus: Read
Read: 3/1312018 3.29 ~J PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1braryl SMSfsms db : OxC248EC (Table message, handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
311312018 2:41 :46 PM(UTC-4)Dlrecllon:lncoming, +15134170743 {Tarnaya Dennard)
Yes they are good to sign
Status Read
Reed: 3113.12018 3 29 44 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Lardsman s 1Phone/verfmob1le1L1br<1rylSMSl sms db OxC24704 (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
311312018 2'46'26 PM(UTC-4)Dlredlon:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Thx 1
Status. Read
Read 3113'2018 3 29 4~ PM1UTC·~I

Source file Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varfmobile;Llbrary1SMS1sms db OxC2451C (Table message hanole chat, Soze 50020352 by1es)
3113/2018 2.46 28 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncor111ng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenleld)
Status Read
Raad 3113•20 16 3 29 4' PMcUTC·"1J
Source file. Gregory la~dsma, s 1Phone/va•/inoblle.L brary1SMSlsms.db OxC243SO (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytesj
3113'2018 2;48 39 PM(UTC-4)Dlract>0n:lnooming, +15134170743 {Tamaya Dennard)
No problem. Thank you for doing th1s1
Steb.ts Re&d
React 3113'2018 3 29 44 PMtU C 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhonefvarlmob!le/L1bra·ylSMS/sms.db OxC25FD3 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
312112018 8·11:50 AM(UTC"'4)Dlred1on:lncomin9, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Hope your iet lag 1sn t too bad Greg. Let us know if kids snow day is impacting your plans to attend caucus
Status: Read
Road 312112018 8 17 M AMtlili.,·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1PhonefvarfmobileJL1b1arylSMS/sms.db OxCE62A7 (Table message, hondle. chol, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2112018 8:12:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Since we're just going today to be #Teamlandsman
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 8:17:14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db OxCE7FD3 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes}
3/2112018 8:20:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'm going. Sarah is staying with kids. And thank you, guys.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCE7AC5 (Table: message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes}
3/21/2018 8:22:25AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Read: 3/2 112018 8:24:25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCE76D5 {Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/2112018 3:10:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
you all going to make any comments?
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 3:13:55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCFB8C1 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/2112018 3:13:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 3121/2018 3:13 55 PM(UTC-4)
So~rce file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCFB691 {Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:14:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 312 112018 3:14:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCFB4D7 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/2112018 3:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
will follow you , or follow your lead
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 3:37:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCFB2E5 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size : 50020352 bytes}
3/2112018 3:28:03 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I have an awful headache. I'm sorry to miss the meeting with CODE, Matt and Renita but it's hard to pay attention
Status: Read
Read: 3121120 18 3:37:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxCFCE06 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/29/2018 8:58:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Hey guys. I'll post my statement around 1OAM. Among other things. I say the following: "I will be a no vote on any agreement beyond giving
the manager the 8-months that is already in his contract if he decides to leave on his own accord." You can mention that or not.

But I did decide to travel with my family this morning, and if John wants to have a revote on Wednesday , that's on him. My position won't
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxDCOFD7 (Table: message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/29/2018 9:01 :54 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Happy to mention in mtg if you desire
Status: Read
Read: 3129/2018 9:17.43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxDC1E15 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes}
3/2912018 9 :01 :59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Have a great trip
Status: Read
Read: 312912018 9:17:43 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDC1C15 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes}
3/2912018 7 :06:17 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Like your plan on independent review. I think Andrew Garth could work with us on it. So it goes through solicitor's office without bias. Just a
thought... .
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxDD4F07 (Table: message. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
412/2018 1:38:33 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Since we don't have anything from FC. let's reschedule with Berding. I had something at 9:15 with the minority accelerator that I didn't want
to miss. Plus, people snooping around with our schedules. Looks weird to be meeting with him before he even submits something to
Council. Don't want to be playing games with Jeff...
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxDF1FD7 (Table: message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
4/212018 1:57:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfald)
I pretty strongly disagree. No one's making a decision. Myself included. But he's a stakeholder in a situation that we're in the middle of. And
I'd rather him hear us out. than not. Especially before John thrusts something upon us. Hope you might be willing to re-consider. T, can you
still please plan to join?
Status: Read
Read: 41212018 1 58:39 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDF2FD3 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes}

412/2018 3:24:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Greg brings up all great points. I agree with h im. It looks a little weird. It gives a back-doorish feel when we don't know what we're even
voting on.
Status: Read
Read: 412/2018 3 38 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonefvar/moblle/Library/$M$/sms.db OxDF46BD (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes}
511812018 7:15:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi Guys! I won't be at Caucus today. I'm sorry.
Sllltus: Read
Read: 511612018 7:33:52 AM!UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/Varimob1letlibrary/SMSlsms.db . ox111 F FD3 (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
5/16/2018 7:32:09 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Me eilher, per email I sent
Status: Read
React 511612013 7·33 52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonetvarlmob1lellibrary/ SMS/ sms.db · Ox111 FABC (Table· message. handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
81612018 12:25:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Around to chat before council?
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/librar1/SMS/sms.db · Ox13S 196C (Table· message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes}
616/2018 12:25:52 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Read: 616/201812.36:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1351 779 (Table. message. handle chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
618/2018 12:37:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15138460166
Be there in 10 ....
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman ·s 1Phonetvar/moblte/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox13525D9 (Table: message , chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
61612018 1:01:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/srns.db · Ox135225F (Table· message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
818/2016 1:21:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
On my way
Status: Read
Read: 6/6120181:21 :44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/rnobde/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox1353866 (Table· message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytesi
6/10/2018 11:56:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Can we set aside a few hours next weel<end to work on budget? I'm happy to host.
S111tus: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox139579E (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
612712018 10 :08:37 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
smh ...

55180091674 DA4C6B04-B3C2-401 D·B464-

87S41A1 SOD83.JPG
Status: Read
Read: 6/27/2018 10.10.24 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/varlmobilelLibrarylSMS/sms.db · Ox14E1FD3 (Table message. handle. chat, attachment, Size . 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachments/32/02/018EAOB7-5CDD-4F41 ·B434· 764DFE37650A/5518009167 4_ DA4C6B04-B3C2-401 D·B464·
87541A150083.JPG: {Size: 101 7839 bytes)
6127/2018 10:43:37 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Slttenfeld)
is he talking about you and Wendell, T?
Stlltus: Read
Read: 6127120 18 10 46:19 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/rnobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox14E27AB (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
6127/2018 10:46:17 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hahahah 1
Status: Read
Read: 61271201610 46·t9AMtUTC-4l
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPMnetvar/mob!le/LibrarylSMSisms.db . Ox14E3FD3 (Table message. handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)

Chats (1)

~ • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +1 5133652404 (1)


Participants: Start Time: 1/3/2018 6:28:24 AM(UTC-5)

+15133652404 Last Activity: 612 712018 10' 46:17 AM(UTC-4)
P.G.' (owner) Number of attad'lments: 6
Source: 1Message +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
iPhone/var/mobile/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox8A0682D
(Table: chat, handle, Size · 2207621 12 bytes)
Body file: chat-1 .txt
+ 15136460186
Greg Landsman'

Tamaya Denard'

1/3/2018 6:28:24 AM(UTC-S)Direction:tncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denaro}

Good morning! Is there a caucus meeting this morning?
Status: Read
Read: 113/2018 7:39:05 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonel varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6717F02 (Table. message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/3/2018 7:39:10 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
No caucus
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibraiylSMSlsms.db , Ox67 17899 (Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/3/2018 8:02:43 AM(UTC-S)Directioo:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Thank you!
Slatus: Read
Delivered: 1/3/2018 8:49 23 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 113/2018 8'49:23 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox67 176C6 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
1117/2018 3:23:26 PM(UTC·5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denaro}
Aren't dogs illegal on Fountain Square?
Slatus: Read
Read: 1117/2018 4 :31 59 PM<UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phoneivar/mob.1e1L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox6904A22 (Table: message handle, chat. Size 220762 112 bytes)
2/16/201811 :56:13AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Did Chris just send over all white people as recommendations for the SORTA board? I don't know all of them but they are mostly, 1f not all,
white ... · '
Status: Read
Read: 211612018 11 56 44 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6E57A06 (Table message. handle, chal S1z.e: 220762112 bytes)
2/161201811:57:47 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15138460180 (Greg Landsmen)
Just saw names. That's a lot of white people. Hipsters too.
Status: Read
Read: 2116/2018 11·57:48 AM\UTC ·5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM$/sms.db. Ox6E57481 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 220762 112 bytes)
2/16/2018 11 :57:48 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Haven't seen list yet, but I want an AA rider (who is a collaborative person)
SUltus: SM1
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1braiy/SMS/sms.db · Ox6E57703 (Table message, chat. Soz.e 220762 112 bytes)
2/1612018 11 :58:19 AM(UTC· S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamays Denard)
Me too
Status: RE'ad
Read: ?1161?018 17 00 29 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1PhOnetvar/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox6E57280 (Table message. handle . chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/16/2018 11:58:56 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection: lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
He knew when he hit send that list wasn't representative
Stalus: Read
Read: 2116/2018 12:00.29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/ var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6E S8FD2 (Table: message, handle , cha!, Size· 220762112 bytes)
212012018 9:19:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +1 5136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Let's meet at Coffee Emporium tomorrow at 9? Just the three of us. Might be easier...
Status: Read
Read: 212012018 9:19:21 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6EE9FD2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
2120/2018 9: 19:27 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Works for me
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonetvar/mobite/LibraryiSMS/sms.db : Ox6EE993C (Table: message , chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
2120/2018 9:26:31 PM(UTC-5)Dlreciion:lnooming, +15 134170743 (Temaya Denard)
Sounds good to me
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/20/20t8 9:59:0t PM(UTC· 5J
Read: 2/20/2018 9:59·0t PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox6EEA6C6 (Table: message, handle, chal , Size 220762112 by1es)
2121/2018 9:17:30 AM(UTC·5)Dlrectlon:lnoomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Parking. So sorry.
Status: Read
Read: 2/2112018 9:54:43 AM(UTC-SJ
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1braryiSMS/sms.db : Ox6EFEFD2 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
2121/2018 9:54:51 AM(UTC--5)Dlrectlon:Outgolng , +151 33652404 (P.G.)

2DA24E21 1AG8.plu91nPayloadAttachment

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db : Ox6EFE611 (Table: message , chat. attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/Attachmentslff/15/A24F080C-EA8C-441 B-B506-22C16898CDA7/458A6686-52B0-4BBF-85F8-
83B8EFEOFACA.plu91nPayloadAttachment : (Size· 20579 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/Attachments/c<:/12/F7769727-4F08-4243-8AF9-0963BF4E3EF9/408070AA- BC6C-408A-827E-
2DA24E211AC8.pluginPayloadAttachrnent : (Size: 227661 bytes)
212812018 2:19:36 PM(UTC-.s)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You both voting yes on these?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox70BCE17 (Table. message, c hat. Size. 2207621t2 bytes)
2/2812016 2 :20:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Probably. But the mayor has to do better with these appointments
Status: Rea<!
Read: 2128/2018 2.20.09 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox70BCC2A (Table: message. handle. c hat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
212812018 2:20:40 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
They are also in the throes of selecting a Commissioner
Status: Read
Read: 2/28/20t8 2:21 19 PM(UTC·S)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db. Ox70BC9F3 (Table: message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2128/2018 2:20:45 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15134 170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Bad timing
Status: Read
Read: 212812018 2:21 19 PM(UTC-5J
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox708C7CF (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
212812018 3:46:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Why is this Rayshon's profile pie?

IMG 5525.JPG
Status: Read
Read: 2/2800 18 4 03.41 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary!SMS/sms.db: Ox70C597F (Table. message handle . chat attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P .G.'s iPhonclvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/53/03/7BD3200A-53BC-4C 1O-AOEC-DFC2991C3266/IMG_5525.J PG (Size· 173106 bytes)
212812018 4 :58:09 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 212812018 8 36:02 PM 1 UTC- ~)
Read: 2128/2018 8.36.02 PM1UTC-S1
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox70CA8FF (Table: message, handle. chat. Si ze 220762112 bytes)

3161201812:32:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
where are you all on a 60-day pause for RB? sounds like Mann and Wendell might support. ..
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G. 's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71 F02CO (Table: message. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
31612018 12:47:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136480166 (Greg Landsman)
We need to get Wendell and Mann to help us pass our fixes and encourage the administration to bring us addition, specific changes to work
on if needed 60-day pause will lead to another pause and another. If they support RB, they should vote with us and against the pause. So
I'm against the pause. Unless someone can make a compelling case for why it's needed. Hasn't happened yet.
Status: Read
Delivered: 31612018 12:48·19 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 316120 1812"48"19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobde/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox71F3516 (Table: message, handle chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/912018 10:17:27 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460 188 (Greg Landsman)
Should I like and retweet?

IMG 1444.png
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/201810"17.40AM<UTC-5)
Souree file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox72A5FD2 (Table. message, handle. chat. attachment. Size· 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/Attachments/aa/1O/C8D40BFA-FF48·4A14-A2BB-036C 17858860/IMG_1444.png (Size. 3798299 bytes}
319/2018 10:17:55 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Haha, yes!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox72A5047 (Table. message. chat, Size: 220.762112 bytes)
311312018 2:40:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction.:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Status: Sent
Source file: P.G:s 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7395F D6 (Table: message, chat, attachment Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachmentslf2/02/7F349634-572C-4587-8200-547C6BD6D974/IMG_S382.HEIC : (Size: 1081475 bytes)
3/1312018 2:40:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Better bus co presenting today
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarimobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox7395DCF (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes}
3113/2018 2:41:14 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoir)g, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Let us know if your staffs ok to sign?
Status: Sen1
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox73958ED (Table· message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311312018 2:41:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Simple request for report
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox73956F2 (Table: message, chat Size : 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 2:41:46 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Yes they are good to sign
Status: Read
Read: 3113/20t8 2·46:23 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7395SOB (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311312018 2:46:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Seni
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mobileilibrary/SMS/sms db Ox739730A (Table· message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1312018 2:46:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox7398FD6 (Table: message. chat. Size. 220762 112 bytes)
3/1312018 2:46:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc.oming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
No problem. Thank you for doing this!
Sllllus: Read
Read: 3113/2018 2:48 59 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobdelLibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7398AAB (Table· message. handle chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
312112018 8:11 :50 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +151 33852404 (P.G.)
Hope your jet lag isn't too bad Greg. Let us know if kids snow day is impacting your plans to attend caucus
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarirnobilelLibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox75COFD6 (Table: message chat, Size: 220762112 by1es}

3/21/2018 8:12:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Since we're just going today to be #Teamlandsman
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox75C0048 (Table: message. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/2112018 8:20:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm going. Sarah is staying with kids. And thank you , guys.
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 8:22:18 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox75C03AB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3121/2018 8:22:25 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Lib rary/SMS/sms.db : Ox75C1A9C (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2112018 3:10:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you all going to make any comments?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox75E5COO (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:13:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/2112018 3:14:00 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/21/2018 3:14:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.d b : Ox75E5323 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 3 :14:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS /sms.db : Ox75E6FD6 (Table: message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/2112016 3:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will follow you. or follow your lead
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox75E6DE9 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2112018 3:28:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I have an awful headache. I'm sorry to miss the meeting with CODE, Matt and Ren ita but it's hard to pay attention
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/21/20 18 3:32:21 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/21/2018 3:32:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox75E699E (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/29/2016 6:56:1 3AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Hey guys. I'll post my statement around 1DAM. Among other things, I say the following : "I will be a no vote on any agreement beyond giving
the manager the 8-months that is already in his contract if he decides to leave on his own accord. " You can mention that or not.

But I did decide to travel with my family this morning , and if John wants to have a revote on Wednesday, that's on him. My position won't
Status: Read
Read: 3/29/2018 9:01 :28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7723FD2 (Table· message , handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/29/2016 9:01 :55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Happy to mention in mtg if you desire
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7724FD6 (Table· message . chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/29/2016 9:01 :59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Have a great trip
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7724DDB (Table· message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/29/2018 7 :06:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Like your plan on independent review. I th ink Andrew Garth cou ld work with us on it. So it goes through solicitor's office without bias. Just a
thoug ht ....
Status: Read
Read: 3/29/2018 7 26 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox77383D6 (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/212018 1:38:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Since we don't have anything from FC. let's reschedule with Berding. I had something at 9: 15 with the minority accelerator that I didn't want
to miss. Plus, people snooping around with ou r schedules. Looks weird to be meeting with him before he even submits something to
Council. Don't want to be playing games with Jeff...
Status: Read
Read: 4/2/2018 1:54 :55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox77D3FD2 (Table message , handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/2120161:57:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I pretty strongly disagree. No one's making a decision. Myself included. But he 's a stakeholder in a situation that we're in the middle of. And
I'd rather him hear us out. than not. Especially before John thrusts something upon us. Hope you might be willing to re-consider. T, ca n you
still please plan to join?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox77035E7 (Table. message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)

41212016 3:24:34 PM(UTC-4)D1rectlon:tncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
G reg brings up all great points. I agree with him. It looks a little weird. It gives a back-doonsh feel when we don't know what we're even
voting on.
Slalus: Read
Delivered: 41212018 3 24 47 PM(UlC-4)
Read: 41212018 3 24 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G. s 1Phonelvar'mob.te/L1brary'SMS/sms ob Ox77DB607 (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
5116/2018 7:15:49AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:fncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Ht Guys' I won't be at Caucus today. I'm sorry.
Stetus: Read
Read 5116.12018 7 31 SI Al.l1UTC-4)
Source Ne PG s 1Phone'llar1mobdltll.1brary:SMS/sms ob Ox7F867C1 \Table message handle chat Size 220762112 by1es)
5116/2018 7:32 09 AM(UTC-4)01redlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Me either, per email I sent
Status Senl
Source tue· PG 's 1Phone'var.'mobtle'Ub<ary/SMS/sms ab Ox7F87724 (Table· message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
61512018 12.25 10 PM(UTC-4)01rection:tncoming, +151~188 (Greg Landsman)
Around to chat before council?
Status· Read
Reod·61612018 121 23 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1te/l1brary/SMS/sms.ob Ox814A388 (Table message. handle. Chai Size 220762112 bytes)
6/6/2018 12·25:52 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:tnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Read: 6/612018 1 21 28 PM(UlC-4)
Source flle: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db ox814BFD2 (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/6/2018 12:37:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Be there in 1 o...
Sfl!tus: Read
Read; 61612018 1 21 28 PM(U1C-4)
Source file· PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms ab Ox614BC64 (Table message. handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/8/2018 1;01 :Z4 PM(UTC-4)01rec:tion:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status Read
React 6'612018 1 21 28 Pl,1(UlC 41
Source file.PG ·s 1PhOne'var!mobdeJL1brary/SMS/sms ob o~814BA8C \Table message handle char Size 220762112 byles)
6l6/2018 1:21 ·33 PM(UTC-'4)Dlre<:tion:OU1Qolng, +15133652404 {P.G.)
On my way
$lotus: Senl
Source file· PG s 1Phone"1ar'mobtle/Ub<ary/SMS/sms ob Ox814B804 tTabte messaae chat Sze 220762112 b'l'tcsl
611012018 11:58.21 AM(UT~)DireciJon:lnoomng, + 15136460186 (Greg landsman)
Can we set aside a few hours next weekend to work on budget? I'm happy to host.
Status Rea<!
Read: 612712018 10 1111 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phane,1var/mobtleJL1b<ary/SMSJsms.db Ox81 D1FD2 (Table message handle cha I Size 220762112 byles}
6127/2018 10:08:37 AM(UTC-4)Dlrecllon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)

55160091674 DA4C6004-03C2-4010-0464-
6154 1A_J_SOQ.\l.:} J PG n U H -

Status: Read
Read; 612712018 10 t 1.12 AM1UTC-'I)
Source file. P.G ·s 1Phonetvarlmob1fe/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox648EFD2 (Table message hanote chat anachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G. ·s 1Phonefvar/mob ·le/L1braryl SMS/Attach ments/501001BD2C3C F7-4006-4812-8 005-04 54 ~2C 7CE OF/551800916 I 4_ DA4 C6804 -B 3C2-401 D-8464-
87541A150083 JPG (Size 1017639 bytes)
6127/2018 10.43:37 AM(UTC-4)D1rectJon-Ouqioing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
is he talking about you and Wendell. T?
St&tus· Senl
Source file· PG 's 1Pho11e1Ver'mobie'L1brary 1SrtS/sms db Ox848F7B6 (Table message wet Size 2207621'2 b~les)
6127/2018 10 48·17 AM(UTC-4)D1rec1lon:fncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Hahahah 1
SCdU> Rea~
l)e!,,;eredc 612117018 10•1 J6 M'(UIC •>
React 61111101 & 10 41:•81W1UTC.-:)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone1Var~nob,ie'L1brary•S'AS/s'1'\s db Ox848F573 (Table message. ha-.a:e cha: Size 2207S2_1_12-'oy~te_s_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ,
Chats (1)
!:., • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage +15134170743 (1)

Participants: Start Time: 2!26/2018 11:1 6:29 AM(UTC-5)

+15134170743 Last Activity: 2/26/2018 1:05:07 PM(UTC-5)
Number of attachments: O
Source: iMessage. +15134170743
Source file: iPhonefvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db :
OxBAE B6DB (Table chat handle. S ize 220631 040
+15134856759 Body file: chat-1 .txt
Wendell Young·

+ 15133652404
P.G. S1ttenfeld'

+15 136460186
Greg Landsman·

2/26/2018 11:18:29 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

Hi Wendell. T. Greg: can the 4 of us meet in person sometime soon to discuss FCCNVest End stuff? I'm about to take off to fly from AZ. back
to Cincy, so will look for replies when landed.
Status: Read
Read: 2/ 26/2018 11.18:37 AM\UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8B21485 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
212612018 11 :29:08 AM(UTC..S)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Stt.tus: Read
Read: 212612018 11 3 1'48 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS!sms.db Ox8B22E24 (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
212612018 11 :32:03 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I'm in
Status: Se111
Source file: iPhone/varrrnobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db . Ox8B22C64 (Table. message chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
2/26/2018 1:05:07 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncorning, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Absolutely! I've been having the same thought. Let's make it very soon. I'm ready to make a move.
S1atus: Read
Read : 2126/2018 1.49:09 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/rnob1lelL1orary/SMStsms.db . Ox8B24EOC (Table: message , handle chat, Size· 220631040 by1es)
Chats (1)
J:: ' These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: + 15133652404 (1}

Participants: Start Time: 2126/2018 11:16:29 AM(UTC-5)

+ 15133652404 Last Activity: 2126/ 2018 1:05:07 PM(UTC-5)
P.G.' (owner) Number of attachments: o
Source: 1Message +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
iPhoneivar/mobile/library/SMS/ sms.db : OxBA 12251
(Table chat, handle, Size: 220762112 bytes}
Body file: chat-1.txt
+ 15134856759
Wendell Young•

+ 151341 70743
Tamaya Denard'

+ 151364 60186
Greg Landsman'

212612018 11 :16:29 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)

Hi Wendell, T, Greg: can the 4 of us meet in person sometime soon to discuss FCC/West End stuff? I'm about to take off to fly from AZ back
to Cincy, so will look for replies when landed.
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelVar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox703093F (Table· message chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
212812018 11 :29:08 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncomlng, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Rood: 2/2612018 2:30:30 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhoneivar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox7036B73 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2126/2018 11 :32:03 AM{UTC·S)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I'm in
Status: Read
Read: 2/2612018 2 30:30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox70369BO (Table: message, handle, chat, Si ze· 220762112 bytes)
212612018 1:05:07 PM(UTC- S)Oirection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Absolutely! I've been having the same thought. Let's make it very soon. I'm ready to make a move.
Status: Read
Read: 2/2612018 2:30:30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1PhonelVar/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db: Ox703FC2E (Table message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
Chats (1)

.J.., • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15136460186 (1)

Participants: Start Time: 212612018 11 16:29 AM(UTC-5)
+15 136460186 Last Activity: 2/26/2018 1.05:07 PM(UTC-5)
Number of attachments: o
Source: 1Message. +15136460186
Source file: Gregory l andsman's
1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox2683427
(Table: chat. handle. Size. 50020352 bytes)
Body flle: chat-1.txt
Wendell Young•

Tamaya Dennard'

P.G. Sil!enfeld'

,2126/2018 11: 16:29 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sitt&nfeld)

Hi Wendell. T, Greg: can the 4 of us meet in person sometime soon to discuss FCC/West End stuff? I'm about to take off to fly from AZ back
lo Cincy, so will look for replies when landed.
Status: Read
Read: 212612018 11·16:48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobde/Libral'f/SMS/sms.db : OxAABFD2 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
2/2612018 11 :29:08 AM(UTC-5)0ire<:1ion:Outgolng, +15136460166
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobdel L1brarytSMSt sms.db : OxAABAD5 (Table. message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
212612018 11:32:03 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm in
Status: Read
Read: 2126120 18 11.34 .56 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobde/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db : OxAA6912 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
2/2612018 1:05:07 PM(UTC-S}Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young}
Absolutely' I've been having the same thought. Let's make it very soon. I'm ready to make a move.
Status: Read
Read: 212612018 l.00.06 PM(UTC-SJ
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobde/L1bral'f/SMS/sms.db . OxAAD6FE \Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
Chats (1)
! • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15133484329 ( 1)


Participants: Start Time: 111312014 9:39.46 AM(UTC-5)

+15133484329 Last Activity: 10/ 1212018 5.28:46 PM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbach' (owner) Number of attactlments: 45
Source: 1Message. +15133484329
Source file: Chri s Seelbach s
iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db Ox11 BD5620
(Table· chat handle, message Size: 342745088 by1es)
Body file: cha t-1 .txt
+ 15134170743
Tamaya Dennard'

u Chns Seelbach' (owner)

1/312018 1:58:03 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Paycheck asked if I could give you a call. Your phone went to voicema il. Please give me call when you can
Status: Read
Delivered: 11312018 2 05:27 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 113/2018 2 05.27 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seeth~ch's iPhone/var/mobile/1obrary/SMS/sms.db : OxB273C8E (Table: message. handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/312018 2:05:41 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
ok. started new job today. Bui heading out soon. Will call you.
St~tus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPnonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db OxB273A18 (Table message, cha1, S14e . 342745088 bytes)
1/1012018 3:32:52 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Have you given anymore thought on Black History Month proclamations?
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's IPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB3AF447 (Table: message, chat Size· 342745068 bytes)
2/5/2018 4:45:23 PM(UTC-5)D1rectlon:Outgoing , +15133434329 (Chris Seelbach)
Will you send me that photo you look this morning with the kids?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LobrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox88DSFEC (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

2/512018 5:01 :03 PM(UTC-5)Direc:tion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


IMG 5369.JPG IMG 5368.JPG IMG 5367.JPG

IMG 5366.JPG
Status· Reao
D.iive<ed. 21512018 5 04 35 PMtUTC 51
Rud: 2JSJ2018 S 04:35 PMtU1C ~l
Source file: Chris Seelbach's ;Phonelvar/mob1le1L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox88D7D4E (Table message, handle, cha1 anaehment. Size 342745088 by1es)
Chris Seelbacll's iPhone/var/mob1le/UbrarylSMS/A\tachmentsla7/07/EC7FA355·7DBA-40F9-BC7C-20F47E259938/IMG_5369.JPG. (Size 1831282 bytes)
Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Ubrary1SMS/Altachments/dd/13/A83F7ACA-CFF9-403A-8923-998714028021/IMG_5368.JPG: (Size· 1544218 bytes}
Chns Seelbach s iPhone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/Atlachrnents/2fl 15/996C8F24-1 S4F-429D-AF67-FDDDC23617E7/IMG_5367.J PG (Size. 1390609 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachmenl s/33/03/C6039686· 16AC·4AF2·8619-5F576AOB3E3 111MG_5366 JPG (Size: 1498955 bytes)
2/5/2018 5:04:37 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Ouigoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ty ty
Status: Sent
Source file. Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var1rnobdeJl.1brary1SMS/sms db Ox8807809 (Table ll'essage, chat. Size 342745088 b'/tes}
217/2018 9:28:32 PM(UTC-5)D1rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Hope I can say this from a place of learning and love. People with HIV/AIDS don't "suffer from" HIV/AIDS. They are people Living with
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2fi/2018 9 28 38 PM1UTC 5)
Souroe file: Chris Seelbacil's 1Phone/varlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox89959D8 (Table message, chat Sile 342745088 bytes)
217/2018 9:32:14 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya OeMard)
Thank you. I receive that and wtll m ake that change I really appreciate this text.
Status. Read
Read 2nt2018 9 32 22 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrarylSMS/sms.db • OxB995558 (Table· message handle chal Size. 342745088 bytes}
21712018 9:33;20 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Thank you. Didn't want to offend. But my best friend passed from AIDS In 2006. I've learned a lot. Thank you for bemg able to pass on.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 21712CH6 9 33 23 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone'var/rnobt1elllbrary/SMS/sms db. Ox899530C (Table message, chat Size 342745088 byles)
21712018 9:34:40 PM(UTC-5)0frection:lncoming, +151341 70743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I m not offended at all I want to make sure I'm saying the right thing and I want my language 1s always be 1nclus1ve I appreciate you taking
the bme to send this to me
Status: Read
Read: 2nl2018 9.34·48 PM(UTC·~)

Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . O~B996FE8 (Table message, handle chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
217/2018 9:34:57 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Stetus. Sent
Oelvered· 21712018 9 3• 59 PM(UTC-S)
Source file· Chns Seelbach·s 0Phonc1varlmobdellibrarylSMSlsms.d1> · Ox8996CE2 (Table message chat Size 342745088 byles)
217/2tJ18 9:35;52 PM(UTC..S)Dlrect>on:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tameya Dennard)
Words matter Thank you for the grace.
Status: Read
Reed: 2n12016 9.35.52 PM1UTC-b)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/Llbrery/SMS/sms.db: Ox8996SAE (Table: message, handle chat, Sile 342745088 bytes)
2/16/2018 12:08:21 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Why did you send such a white hst to John?
Slatus Read
Reed· 2'1612018 '2 H 46 Pll(UTC-5)
Source file. Chns Seelbach ·s 1Phonelvarirnobile'l1brary,SMS:sms.db O•BB18695 (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
21161201812:08:48 PM(UTC-S), +151341 70743 (Tamaya Oenn11rd)
Also, why didn't you send it to us first?
Status. Read
Read: 211612018 12 47 46 PM1UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmobllelL1brarylSMSlsms.ob : OxBS19496 (Table message. handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2116/201812:50:17 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgofng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Anyone is able to make recommendations on mayoral appointments At any time In my 6 years the dems or no group has ever made
suggestions as a group Although we could start domg ti that way. But I 1ust didn't want Cranley to say I never gave him suggestions of
qualified daily bus users
Status: Sent
Oefivered: 2116/2018 12-~o 18 Pf~IUTC 5)
Source file: Chns Seelbech 's 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary1SMS/sms db: OxBB1 E837 (Table message. chat S12c. 342745088 bytes)
318/2018 6:30:18 PM(UTC-5)Dlredion:lncomlng, +161341 70743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Just saw your tweet Not trying to undermine your friendship, but Bailey 1s a racist and has been for some time
Stalu&· Reao

Read 3'812018 6 30 24 PMtUTC·5)
Source file: Chr.s Seefoach·s 1Phonetvar1moo1le 'L1braiy1SMS ' . OxBFC4FE8 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 byces)
318/2018 6:36:05 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Love to talk more about this in person
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/812018 6·38 02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db : OxBFC6FE4 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
318/2018 6:39:18 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Definitely. We can talk next week
Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 6:39:51 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMSlsms.db OxBFC6DF9 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311312018 5:49 :45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Are you cool with me tweeting "I can confirm that there are not 5 vote to either fire City Manager Harry Black or agree to a 2-year buyout."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilel L1brary/ SMSlsms.db: OxC1354 BO (Table: message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
41512018 10:03:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do u have 2 mins to talk?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/512018 10:03:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/varlmobile/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db : OxC62280C (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
416/2018 6:12:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hil I fell asleep early last night. Please call when you can. Thanks!
Status: Read
Reed: 4/6/2018 6.23.02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file : Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSl sms.db . OxC628FE8 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4119/2018 4:58:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Landsman flipped
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/19/2018 4:58 :04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : OxC85C38B (Table : message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
4119/2018 4:59:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
To fire Black? Will there be a severance offered?
Status: Read
Read: 4119/2018 4:59-45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobilel libraryl SMSlsms.db OxC8SD882 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/1912018 5:00:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. He wants him to resign. But will fire if necessary
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/19/2018 5:00:23 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhonel varlmobile/LibrarylSMSl sms.db . OxC85D678 (Table· message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4119/2018 5 :03:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The City Manager accuses the Mayor of a felony. And the next day Landsman gives the Mayor exactly what he wants.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/19/2018 5 03 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varl mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxC85D464 (Table message, chat, S ize 342745088 bytes)
4123/2018 7:29:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Can we work together to pick the people to honor with resolutions for Pride this year? In the past, I've posted on Facebook asking
people to nominate someone and explain why . And then go through the nominations to pick. Maybe we can both make that kind of post, or
email, and then meet to mutually pick people? I usually do 4 people, 1 a week for the month of June.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC8D9FEC (Table message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
4123/2018 7:42:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That sounds good to me. Thank you for asking
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/23/20t8 7:43 14 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/23/2018 7 43.14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : OxC8D9B1 B (Table· message. handle, chat, Size . 342745088 bytes)
5/1/2016 8:58: 16 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do you want to post something similar to what I did for pride nominations?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db . OxC9A2330 (Table. message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
5/6120181 :55:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. My office needs to start scheduling the LGBT pride resolutions this week. The first one is 3 weeks from Wednesday. Do you want to
post something for nominations? Or do you just want to meet and go through who was nominated from my post? Or?
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCA98FEC (Table message. chat. Size· 34274 5088 bytes)
516/2018 2 :14:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes, thank you for the reminder. I will post something this evening.
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/6/201 8 2.14 03 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 516/2018 2 14 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCA987D9 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
51712018 10:06:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can we meet after PG's committee tomorrow to talk about resolutions?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/library/ SMS/ sms.db OxCAAD7DD (Table message. chat. Size : 34274 5088 bytes)

517/201810:13:05AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Stet1n: Read
Oei\oered. 5'71201810.13 08M1(UTC-4J
Read· sn12018 10 13 08 AM1UTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbael1's 1Phone1var/mob1letllbrary/SMSlsms.db DxCAAE466 (Table. message. handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
51812018 2:56:45 PM(UTC-4)01rectkm:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Are you still able to meet al PG's committee?
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonetvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db · OxCAE68CA (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
518/2018 2:56:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelblleh)
after PG·s committee
Stews· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mob1leJLibrary/SMSl sms.db : OxCAE6698 (Table· message, cllal Size 342745088 bytes)
518/2018 2:58:28 PM(UTC-.JOlrectlon:tncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya DeMardJ
Oh shit. I forgot that I wasn't going to be there today. I'm at a medical appointment. I'm sorry.
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/812018 2 563 1 PMtUTC-4)
Reed: 5/812018 2:58 31 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvarfmob1lellibrarylSMSlsms.db · OxCAE7FOC (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
51812018 2:58:34 PM(UTC-4)0lrectloll:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Slaws: Sent
Source tile: Chns Seelbach's 1Ph0ne/varlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.ob · OxCAE7A75 (Table message chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
5/812018 2:59:56 PM(UTC-.)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +151341 70743 (Tamaya Dennard)
We JUSt have to pick people. right?
Status. Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phonetvar/mob1lelL1brarylSMSlsms.db: OxCAE7690 {Table message handle Chai Size 3427G5088 bytes)
5J8.l2018 3:00:03 PM(UTC-4)0lredlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris $eelbeetl}
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1var1mob1le/LibrarytSMS/sms.db · OxCAE76B9 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
5/812018 3:00:20 PM(UTC-4}Diredion:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I put all of the recommendations from both of our Facebook pages in one document to go through
Sllllus: Sent
Source lite: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvartmobile!LibrarytSMSlsms db . OxCAE74DO (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
51812018 3:01 :22 PM(UTC-.)Oirectioo:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Oemard)
Ok I can do the same I received some via email and FB messenger
Statu~: Read
Oet111ered: 51812018 3 01 32 PW11JTC-4I
Read· 5181201 B 3 01 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbaeh s 1Phonetvar/mobile/l1brarylSMSlsms.db: OxCAE723C (Table· message handle cha l Size. 342745088 bytes)
51912016 1:46:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:OutQolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaoh)
Can yo u send me phone numbers for Julie and Julia?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns See'bach s 1Pl\Onelvar/mobilell1brarylSMS1sms.db. OxCB294A2 (Table message cllat Scze 342745088 bytes)
519/2018 1:49:08 PM(UTC-4)0trectlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


Julia Wesselkampcr.vcf
Status Read
Oeli1191ed: 5i9i2018 1 49 09 PM1UTC 4)
Read: 5.'912018 14909 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbacl> s 1Phone'va·.'mooile'l1brarylSMS:sms db OxCB2925A (Table message. handle chat attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach s 1Pho~elvarlmob1lelL1bfary,SMS;Attachments·9a110,os21CB39-9745-4521-AC51-F3C3A71DBE04/Juha Wesselkamper vcf (S.ze 13298 bytes)
51912018 1:49:27 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


Julie Johnson. vet

Status Read
Read: 51912018 1 A9 J2 PM(Ul c 41
Source file: Chris Seelbach 5 1Phonelvar1mob1le/l1brary1SMS1sms.db : OxCB2AFE8 (Table message handle. chat attachment. Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar1mob1lelL1brarylSMS/Attachmentslcal1017BFE935F-0607·47BA-897C-OB71BAC662851Julie Johnson vcf \Size 150 bytes)
6/16/2018 1:38:38 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm a no on emergency for these FCC ordinances..... to allow those organizing a petition dnve the ability to attempt to collect enough
signatures. I believe 1f at least 3 of us vote no on emergency, they get that ability.
Sllllus Sen!
Source file: Clms Seelbach s 1Pllone'varimob1le'L1brary'Sf\•S'sms do OxCC1C98F Table message chat Size 342745088 byles)

6113120181 :58:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Are you OK with me reading Sarah's today? She's a colleague . And then you can do Julie and Julia next week?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db: OxDOACFEC (Table· message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
611312018 1:58:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
but coming down with me
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxDOACA3B (Table message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
611312018 2 :10:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That was great. Thank you'
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/1312018 2:10:38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/13/2018 2·10·38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxDOAEBCE (Table· message. handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
611312018 2:11 :OO PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
awesome. Looking forward to Julie and Julia next week!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxDOAE9FC (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/18120181 :51 :50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Living for your earrings!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxD179837 (Table message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/18120181:55:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thanks !!
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/18/2018 1:55.57 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/1812018 1 55 57 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox0179590 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/1812018 3:15:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I've never seen this guy EVER. Who is this? !?
Status: Read
Delivered: 6118/2018 3·15·31 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 6/1812018 3 15•31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxD18C301 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/1 812018 3 :15:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Like ever
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox018DFEC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
6/1 612018 3:15:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
me either. I asked David what department this was
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · OxD18DE3A (Table· message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1812018 3:16:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Make David stop
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxD18DC04 (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
612712018 2:19:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Am I reading resolution or you?
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/27/2018 2:20:00 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/27/2018 2:20:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD2CF33B (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
612712018 2:20:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
either is fine with me'
Status: Sent
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db: OxD2DOFEC (Table: message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/27/2018 2:20:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You can if you want. since I've read more
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD2DODEA (Table. message, chat S ize 342745088 bytes)
6/2712018 2:20:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I don't know Michael. Happy for you to read it
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox02DOBCO (Table. message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
612712018 2:20:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Senl
Source file: Clms Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db. OxD2D09CO (Table. message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1712018 5:53:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi1 Will you support a suspension of the 72-hour eviction of occupants of 3rd Street until we can work towards less confusing solutions?
Status: Read
Delivered: 7117/2018 5.53.49 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 7117/2018 5 53 49 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db OxD582A7E (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

7/1712018 5:53:52 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxD5824E5 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/17/2018 5:54:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
do you want to draw up a motion or something?
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1ie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD582308 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/17/2018 5:55:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes. thank you. I'm drawing up the motion now
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seeibach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxD583FEC (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/17/2018 10:17:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Did anyone buy Greg and me respond to you?
Status: Sent
De~vered: 7117/2018 10 17 18 PM(UT C-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db · OxD597FE4 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1712018 10:17:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
PG and Wendell did too
Status: Read
Reed: 7/17/2018 10 17 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox0597DEE (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1712018 10:18:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
K. Did you let Patrick know that a majority of council supper stopping?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/ 1712018 10 18 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox0597C1A (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/17/2018 10:18:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes I did
Status: Read
Read: 7/1712018 10 18 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox05979E9 (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1712018 10:18:46 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chr1s Seelbach)
Status: Sent
DeHvered: 7117/2018 10 18 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox0597831 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7117/2018 10:18:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}
Thank you
Status: Read
Read: 7/ 17/20 18 10 18 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db Ox0597687 (Table· message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/18/2018 9:53:37 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}
Hi' Would you be willing to call a special session with me for tomorrow at 1? It's the only way I can get action on the motion
Status: Read
Read: 7/1812018 9 53 41 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox0598722 (Table message. handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 9:54:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. I have a meeting at 1. But can reschedule. But wouldn't motion have to be referred to a committee first?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 9 54 22 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD599FE4 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/18/2018 9:54:48 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Won't Patrick just honor the motion knowing it has five signatures?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 9 54.49 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms db OxD599050 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/18/2018 10:04:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I was thinking that I can refer it to mine and then a special session right afterwards? But I'm hoping Patrick will honor the wishes of the
majority of council
Status. Read
Read: 7118/2018 10 04 54 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox059982E (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 10:05:47 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley has to refer. And gets to pick committee . So I'd check with him to make sure he will do what's needed. But I'll be happy to call for a
special meeting with you
Status. Sent
Delivered: 7118/2018 10 05. 48 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxDS99841 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1 8/201810:06:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you. I was about to reach out Rahiel
Status. Read
Read: 7/18/201 8 tO 07 17 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox0599540 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

7/18/2018 12:01:20 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Patrick won't honor my motion and John won't call me back. I'm working on a few other things
Status: Read
Read: 711812018 12 01 :25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxD59CB4B (Table message, handle , chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 12:01:28 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stlltus: Sent
Dellvered: 7118/2018 12:01:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxD59C8DE (Table. message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 12:01 :44 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Absolutely ridiculous Patrick won't honor motion
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 12·0 1:44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxD59C734 (Table: message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 12:01 :59 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes it is
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 12 01 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox059C 52E (Table· message. handle , chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 12:02:16 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The majority of council is his boss
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7118/2018 12.02: 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxD59C376 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 3:27:23 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley just issued statement against your motion
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxD5A5COO (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
711812018 3:34:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Where is it?
Status: Read
Read: 7118/2018 3·34.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox05A59C6 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/18/2018 3:35:18 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just forwarded it to your city hall address
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 3 35 19 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db OxDSA57FE (Table. message chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/18/2018 3:35:31 PM(UTC4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

"Acting City Manager Duhaney's decision to remediate the homeless encampment is made with the utmost consideration for the safety of
the homeless individuals who are staying there , as well as people who live, work and visit downtown. Health department officials have
confirmed an outbreak of Hepatitis. instances of HIV, and needle sharing. Police are conducting investigations into human and drug
trafficking. This is a public health emergency and we are required to respond in a way that ensures safety. If we do not act immediately, we
put everyone at risk. This is not a challenge that will be solved overnight. Mr. Duhaney is working to address this issue in a way that is both
compassionate and practical."
Stlltus: Sent
Delivered: 7118/2018 3:35:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox05A6FE4 (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 3:36:09 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you!
Status: Read
Read: 7/1812018 3 36 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxD5A689B (Table · message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 5:54:36 PM(UTC4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
PG is not gonna be in town tomorrow. So we're not gonna have the votes
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/t8/2018 5 54 36 PMtUTC-4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox05B1FE4 (Table message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/1812018 5:59:24 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I didn't know that . Greg is going to talk with David tonight to see if we can get him onboard
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/20 18 5.59 32 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDSB1ADA (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/18/2018 6:00:1 4 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm at the nail salon. Slow texts
Status: Read
Read: 7118/2018 6 08 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox05B1578 (Table message, handle chat, Size 34274 5088 bytes)
7/19/2018 10:54:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Reporters tweeting we may not have a quorum. With PG out, the conservatives may not show up. And we wouldn't be able to do anything
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 10 54.57 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox05BEE3C (Table message, chat. Size. 34274 5088 bytes)

7/1912018 10:58:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Just left Clerk's office. Amy and Smitherman won't be here but they haven't heard from Jeff
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/2018 10.58·49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db: OxD5BEBSB {Table. message. handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/19/2018 10:58:53 AM(UTG-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Spoke with David earlier today and he is open
Status: Read
Read: 711912018 10:58:53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db OxD5BE926 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
7119/2018 10:59:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok. Wendell?
Status: $enl
Delivered: 7119/2018 10.59 01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxD5BE42C (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/19/201811 :04:02 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
He will be here
Status: Read
Read: 711912018 11 :12:17 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxDSBE272 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/19/2018 11 :12:23 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Daliwred: 711912018 11: 12·23 AM(UTC-~ l
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxDSBFDFE (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
61112018 10:55:29 AM(UTC-4}Direclion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm sorry... 3
Status: Read
Delivered: 81112018 10:55:32 AMtUTC-4)
Read: 8/1/2018 10 55:32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxD759DBC (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/112018 10:55:32 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lel library/SMS/sms.db · Ox0759BFE (Table· message, handle, chal, SlZe 342745088 bytes)
8/1/2018 10:55:42 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It was actually a mistake ....but yea
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonetvarimobile/librarylSMSlsms.db . OxD759A56 (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/1/?,018 11·02·04 AM(lJTC4)Direction·Outgaing, +15133484329 (Chri• Seelbach)
I would definitely do the planned parenthood resolution ASAP because there are people here waiting for it
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/librarylSMS/sms.db : OxD75AFEC (Table: message, chat Siie: 342745088 bytes)
811/2018 11:02:47 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I was going to suggest it righ t before Smitherman asked for the charter items to go first
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/112018 11:02.49 AMtUTC-4)
Read: 8/112018 11.02·49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxD75CFDC (Table: message , handle chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
811/2018 11:02:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · OxD75CD89 (Table· message chat Size· 342745088 by1es)
8/3/2018 10:04:30 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


R. 001 - Complaint.pd!
Status: Read
Read: 81312018 10·28:40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobileilibrarylSMSfsms.dl> · OxD7BC3A8 (Table: message, handle chat attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seetbach's 1Phone/var/mob1fe/Library/SMSIAtlachmentslc6/08/CA3CA044·9F89-401C-BEBD-88709449AEAFfR. 001 - Complaint pdf ($1:i;e 722451 bytes)
813/2018 1:57:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris SeeJboel\)
Walking down to 3rd sl now lo watch City remove them
Status: Sent
Delivered: 81312018 1 58.00 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxD7C884E (Table. message. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
813/2016~54 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I can't. - had surgery today and I have to stay with her. Please let me know if anything crazy happens
Status: Read
Read: 81312018 1:59:07 PM(UTC-4}
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var1mob1leil1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox07C9FE8 (Table: message handle. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)

8/3/20181 :59:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/3/2018 1:59:11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.d b · OxD7C9A71 (Table: message , chat, Size : 34 2745088 bytes)
8/3/2018 1:59:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hope surgery went ok
Status: Sent
Delivered: 813120181 :59:16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxD7C98C9 (Ta ble : message, chat, Size : 342745088 bytes)
8/3/2018 1:59:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Dad just had big knee surgery a week ago
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/3/2018 1:59:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob ile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox D7C96FB (Table : me ssage. chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
8/3/2018 1:59:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you . Yes she's resting but still under anesthesia
Status: Read
Read: 81312018 1:59 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox0 7C9509 (Table : message, handle , chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/312018 2 :00:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Please tell your dad I said hello and I wish him a speedy recovery
Status: Read
Read: 81312018 2·00:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxD7C92F2 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 byte s)
8/312018 2:00:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sta1us: Sent
Delivered: 813/2018 2:00.18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxD7CAFE4 (Table: me ssage. c hat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/15/2018 9:21 :59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Anyone else respond?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob ile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDA028 77 (Table : message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/1512018 9:37:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Nope. No one
Status: Read
Read: 8/15/2018 9:37:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDA02977 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 34 2745088 bytes)
8/15/2018 9:37:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you for your response
Status: Read
Read: 8/151201 8 9.37:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox DA027BB (Table: messag e, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 byte s)
8/15/2018 9 :37:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wow. Surprised that Greg and PG didn't respond
Status: Sent
Delivered: 811512018 9:37:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDA025DD (Table: message, chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
8/1512018 9:38:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I knew Greg wouldn't because I approached him about it last week and he said he was n't comfortable with it.
Status: Read
Read: 8/151201 8 9:38:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db · OxDA023D9 (Table : message, handle , chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
8/1 512018 9:39:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
PG hasn't said anyth ing either way. Deters and Cra nley are both out of control on this issue.
Status: Read
Read: 8/ 151201 8 9.39:11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxDA03FE8 (Table : message, handle , chat. Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
8/1 512018 9:40:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's incredible the amou nt of resources spent o. exactly opposite of what people say they believe
Status: Sent
Delivered: 811512018 9:40.03 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file : Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : OxDA03D81 (Table: message, ch at. Size : 342745088 bytes)
8/15/2018 9:40:40 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Exactly. It literally sickens me
Status: Read
Read: 8/ t S/20 18 9 40:49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDA038 18 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)

8121/201812:49:01 PM(UTc-4)Diredion:OU1gOlng, +15133484329 (Chns Seelbach)



IMG 0133.ipeg
Status: Senl
Souroe file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/rrob1le'l1brary1SMSlsms.db OxDB4D548 (Table message chat attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobde.L1brary/SMSIAttachments 1de114nSAC3BDE-07CD-<169C·9142·C5F90392403S'tMG_0133 Jpeg (S11e 1311952 byles)
8127/2018 12:49'18 PM(UTC--4)Direc:tion:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)



IMG 0134.Jpeg
Status. Sent
Source fde: Chns Se@'lbacn·s 1Phone'va11mob lell.1braryiSMS1sms db OxDB4EFEC (Table message chat attachment. S•ze 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach s PhOnetvar'mob ll!'l brarylSMS.AnaehmentSlfbl" 11902B30AF-36C4-4Ef2·8C07·A11EOC90816FllMG_0134 Jpeg (Size 999393 bytes)
8127120181:26:39 PM(UTC--4)Dtrection:lnooming +15134170143 (Temaye Denrwd}
He refused to sign
Slllus Read
OtliVered 812712018 1 26 42 PM1UTC·4)
Read 812712018 1 26 4? PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms db OxDB56478 (Table message handle, chal Size 342745088 bytes)
8121/2018 1 :26:54 PM(UTc-4)Dlrectlon:OutQoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sllllus. Serl
Source file: Chris Seelbaeh s Phone'Var/mo~le L1bfal)l'SMS!sms db OxD8562B6 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8127/2018 1.29:29 PM(UTC--4)01rectJon:lnooming, +15134170143 (Tamaya Dennard)
Whats Sherry's number?
Source file: Chros Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/LobrarylSMS/sms db OxDB570C6 (Table message, handle, Chai , Soze 342745088 bytes)
8127/2018 1:30:17 PM(UTC-4)01rectton:Outgoing, +1513348.4329 (Chris Seelbllch)
Sll>tus. Senl
Source file: Chr•s Seelbach s 1Phone1var1mobtlell.1btary1SMS 1sms ob OxDB57BF2 (Table message Chai Sze 342745088 b·(les)
Bl30/'2018 4 21 58 PM(UTC--4)DiredJon:lncorrWlg, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Sorry I had to iet Thank you for inviting me to be there
Slatus. Re&d
RHd 8130/2018 4 23 03 PMIUTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach'• 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms db OxDBBCBB9 (Table message handle chat Size. 342745068 bytes)
9(14/2018 12:32:22 PM(UTc-4)0t19Clion:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaye Dennard)
H11 Can you please send me Yvette's number?
Status Read
R. .d 9,1412018 t2 4t 55 Pl:(UTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach's Phone •atirnobole1L1bfary,SMS,sms ob OxDD6AFE8 1·able message handle chat Sze 342745088 b)les)
9(1412018 12:42:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgomo. +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


l'vetle S rrpson.vcl Senl
0e1.wre11· 9.'1412018 12 42 16 P~·1uTC~)
Source file. Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1le1L1bt'al)"SMS sms db OxDD6ADE8 (leble message chat a11achment Size 342745088 bvles)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/vartmob 1e1UbrarylSMSIAt1ac11ments ed'13/3870B81 G-r8E4-4C54-9C83-461 B49CDCD6F'Yvette S.mpson vcf tS1ze 175 bytes)
9114/2018 12:42:28 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:loooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you'
Stl!tus Read
Reed 911412018 t2 42 44 PM1VTC-4J
Source file· Chns Seelbach s 1Ph0ne1Vartmob1le l1bral)•SMS1sms db OxD06ABEE (Table message handle cha\ Size 342745086 by1es1
10/2/20181 49:56 PM(UTC--4)Drrec:tton:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can they even speak Enghsh>
StaluS SEn
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone.var/mob1le'L1brary1SMS1sms db OxDF60EOE (Table message, chat S12e 342745088 bytes)
101212018 1:49:57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbacn)
Slotus Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach a Phone•varimobllelf. brary'SMSlsms db OxOF60COO (Table message chat S12e 342i45088 bytes)

1013/2018 6 :58:21 PM(UT~)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That was some REAL shade!
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/3/2018 6.58:25 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 1013/2018 6 58.25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDF8BDF2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
1013/2018 6:58:30 PM(UT~)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ha he smiled at me
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDF8BC07 (Table message, chat, Size. 34274 5088 bytes)
10/312018 6:58:34 PM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But yea . To her.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDF8B9AF (Table message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/1212018 5:23:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Can you please text me Bob Deck's cell?
Status: Read
Read: 10/12/2018 5:28:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxEOFBBBE (Table· message. handle. chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
10/12/2018 5:28:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I don't have it
Status: Sent
DeMvered: 10/12/2018 5 28 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxEOFB9BD (Table message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
10/12/2018 5:28:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you
Status: Read
Read: 1011212018 5:28:47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxEOFB7F8 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 34 2745088 bytes)

Chats (1)
i • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +1 5134170743 (1)

Start Trme: 617/2013 12:08:32 PM(UTC-4)
+15134170743 Last Activity: 612712018 2:20.46 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 63
Source: iMessage· + 151341707 43
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Lib1ary/SMSlsms.db
OxBAOASDB (Table chat. handle, SiZ<'l 220631040
+15133484329 Body file: chal-1.txt
Chris Seelbach"
1/3/2018 1:58:02 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +151341 70743
Hi! Paycheck asked if I could give you a call. You r phone went to voicemail. Please give me call when you can
Status: Sent
Delivered: 11312018 1 58;03 PM<UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonetvarlmobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox8503E15 (Table: message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
1/3J2018 2:05:41 PM{UTC-S)Dlrectlon:lncoming, <-15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
oll. started new job today. But heading out soon. Will call you.
Status: Read
Raad: 1/3/2018 7.4809 PM(VTC·5)
Source file: 1Phonctver/mobtle'l1t>rary/SMS/sms db Ox8504FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
1/10/2018 3:32:52 PM(UTC..5)0irection:lncoming, <-15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Have you given anymore thought on Black History Month proclamations?
Status: Read
Read: 111012018 3 38 13 PM(UfC-5)
Source file: 1Phonetvartmob1lellibrary/SMSl sms db Ox85EFFE8 (Table message handle, chat Size. 220631040_by-"-te_s-'-)---------- - -- - - - 1
2/5/2018 4:45:23 PM(UTC..5)01recllon:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Will you send me that photo you took this morning with the kids?
Slaws: Read
Read: 215/2018 4 59'4 1 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: iPhonetvarlmob1le/l1brarylSMS1sms.db Ox880FE06 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes}
fl/512018 5:01: 14 PM{UTC-5)01rection:Outgolng, <-15134170743


IMG 536S.JPG IMG 5368.JPG IMG 5367.JPG

IMG 5366.JPG
Status: s~nt
Deivered: 21512018 5 0118 PM1UTC-S1
Source file: iPhonetvar/rnobtle/LlbraryiSMSlsms db OxBBE0412 {Table· message chat attachment Size 220631040 b}"es)
1Phonelvar/mob~eJlibrarylSMS/AttachrnentS/ \ f/1 Sf/AEOCEA8-4AOA-4736-BE69-790 1OE12E241/lr/G 5369.JPG {Size 1831282 b!(les)
1Phonetvar/mobde.IL1brarylSM$/Anachrnentsi60/00/189E040A-OF6B-426D-B10F·BOB8BC40F40F/IM<1 5368.JPG (Size: 1544218 bytes)
iPhonelvarlmobtlell.1brarylSMS/Attachments/e8/08/2FE:2E134-06E8-47FE-B3SF·E0279B\BB5E5/IMG_~367 .JPG {Size· 1390609 bytes)
1PhonelvarlmObllell1brary/SMSIAttachrnents/fb/11/53400BDD-8074-49FB·970E·IBE77E36F06011MG_5366 JPG {Size· 1498955 bytes)
2/512018 5:04:37 PM{UTC..5)01rection:lncomlng, <-15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ty ty
Status: Read
Read: 2/512018 7:36 22 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1lell brarylS~Slsms.db · Ox88E1C37 (Table. message, handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
217/2018 9:28:32 PM(UTC..S)Oirection:lncoming, <-15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Hope I can say lhts from a place of learning and love. People with HIV/AIDS don t "suffer from" HIV/AIDS They are people Living with
Status: Read
Read: 2f712018931.38 PM(UTC-~)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brarylSMS!sms db Ox691 EFEB (Table. message. hendle . chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
fl/7/2018 9:32:15 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, <-15134170743
Th ank you. I receive that and will make that change. I really apprecia te this text.
SI.Cius: Senl
0..hvered: 21712018 9 32 15 PMtUTC-51
Source file: ,Phone/var/mobdell1brarylSM&sl1"s.ab Cx891 E989 (Table message chat Size 22063\040 byte_sJ_ _ _ __ __ _
217/2018 9:33:20 PM(UTC..S)Olrection:lncoming, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
Thank you. Didn't want to offend. But my best friend passed from AIDS In 2006. I've learned a lot Thank you for being able to pass on.
Status: Read
Reed. 2nl20t8 9 JJ·JG PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone1var/mob1le/l1brarylSMSisms db Ox891E741 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 b~yt_e~
s)_ _ _ _ __
21712018 9:34:41 PM(UTC.5)01rection:Outgoing, <-115134170743
I'm not offended at all. I want to make sure I'm saying the right thing and t want my language is always be inclusive I appreciate you taking
the lime to send this to me
SlatuS Senl
Delovered 21712018!13~~1 PM,UTC SJ
Source file: 1Phooetvar1mob1lclL1brary/SMS.'sms db Cx891E489 C able message cha1 Size 220631040 b)'le-'
s1_ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _---1
217/2018 9:34:57 PM(UTC..5)Direction:lncomir,g, +15133484329 {Chris SeelbllCh)
Sllltus: Read
Read: 21712018 9 35 05 Pll(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mob•lell1brary/SMSlsms.db. Ox891 FFEB tlable message handle, chat. Size 2206_3_1_0_40--'by'-l_es-'-)_ _ __ _
217/2018 9:35:53 PM(UTC-S)Oirec:tlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Words matter. Thank you for the grace.
Status Sent
Deillered· 2/7{2018 9 JS 53 PM(UTC-5>
Source file: il'hone/\lartmobde,ubrary1SMS1sms db Ox891 FE41 (Table. message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/1612018 12:08:28 PM(UTC.5)0irection:Outgolng, +15134170743
Hi! Why did you send such a white list to John?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 2116/2018 1? 08 23 PM[UTC·5)
Source file: 1Prone/\larlmob1lellibrary1SMS/ sms.db Ox8A17480 (Table message chat Size· 22063Hl40 bytes;
2/16/2018 12:08:57 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgo1ng, <-15134170743 --
Also, why didn·t you send it to us first?
Status. Senl
Deh....,red: 1116/2018 12:08 49 PM1UTC-S1
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8A 17270 t Table rnessa:.'g>:e_ch=a:::t•..:S:::1z::e:....=:22:.:0:.:6.;;.3...:104;_;;0...:b:.!.1'.:.:
1@ :.::
Sl:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11J
211612018 12:50:17 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Ctvia Seelbach)
Hey. Anyone is able to make recommendations on mayoral appointments. At any time. In my 6 years, the dems or no group has ever mad.e
suggestions as a gro up. Although we could start doing it that way. But I just didn't want Cranley to say I never gave him suggestions of
qualified , daily bus users.
Status: Read
Read: 2/16/2018 12 51 30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8A1CBA5 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/8/2018 8:30:34 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Just saw your tweet. Not trying to undermine your friendship, but Bailey is a racist and has been for some time
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/8/2018 6 30 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C490F1 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/8/2018 8:36:05 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Love to talk more about t his in person
Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 6 38·47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8C4AFE8 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/8/2018 8:39:33 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Definitely. We can talk next week
Status: Senl
Delivered: 31812018 6:3919 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C4AA4F (Table: message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:49:45 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
A re you cool with me tweeting "I can confirm that there are not 5 vote to either fire City Manager Harry Black or agree to a 2-year buyout."
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5:54.32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CF836B (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
415/2018 10:03:34 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do u have 2 mins to talk?
Status: Read
Read: 416/2018 4'16 41 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox901ACOC (Table: message. handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
4/8/201 B 6: 12:45 AM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
H il I fe ll asleep early last night. Please call when you can. T hanks!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/6/2018 6.12 43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox901A549 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
4/19/2018 4:58:03 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Landsman flipped
Status: Read
Read: 4/19/2018 4 58 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9104BE6 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
4119/2018 4:59:04 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
To fire Black? Will there be a severance offered?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/19/2018 4 59 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox9104A23 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
4/19/2018 5:00:03 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. H e wants him to resign . But will fire if necessary
Status: Read
Read: 4/19/2018 5·00 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox9104820 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
4/19/2018 5:03:07 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The City Manager accuses the Mayor of a fel ony. And the next day Landsman gives the Mayor exactly what he wants.
Status: Read
Read: 4/19/2018 5:03 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox91 D5FE8 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
4/23/2018 7:29:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Can we work together to pick the people to honor with resolution s for Pnde this year? In the past. I've posted on Face book asking
people to nominate someone and explain why. And then go through the nominations to p ick. Maybe we can both make that kind o f post, or
email, and then meet to mut ually pick people? I usually do 4 people , 1 a week for the month of June.
Status: Read
Read: 412312018 7•30.46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonetvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox926FFE8 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
4/23/2018 7:42:57 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
That sounds good to me. Thank you for asking
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/2312018 "/: 4? 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/vartmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox926F756 (Table message, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
5/1/2018 8:58:18 AM(UTC4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do you want to post something similar to what I did for pride nominations?
Status: Read
Read: 51112018 9.41 '36 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox931DFE8 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)

5/612018 1:55:48 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. My office needs to start scheduling the LGBT pride resolutions this week. The first one is 3 weeks from Wednesday. Do you want to
post something for nominations? Or do you just want to meet and go through who was nominated from my post? Or?

Status: Read
Read: 5/6/2018 2 03 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9389830 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
5/8/2018 2:14:00 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Yes. thank you for the reminder. I will post somethi ng this evening.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/6/2018 2 14 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varimob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox93BAFE4 (Table message chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
5n/2018 10:06:49 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can we meet after PG's committee tomorrow to talk about resolutions?
Status: Read
Read: 5nt2018 10 12 14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox93CABC2 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
5f7/2018 10: 13:05 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5nt2018 10:13 06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox93CB75C (Table· message, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
5/812018 2:56:45 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Are you still able to meet at PG's committee?

Status: Read
Read: 5/8/2018 2 57 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox93F9446 (Table message, handle chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
5/812018 2:56:52 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
after PG's committee
Status: Read
Read· 5/8/2018 2 57 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/Var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox93F9213 (Table message. handle chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
51812018 2:58:28 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Oh shit. I forgot that I wasn't going to be there today. I'm at a medical appointment. I'm sorry.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/8/2018 2.58:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox93FADA1 (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
5/8/2018 2:58:34 PM(UTC4)Direction: lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 5/8/2018 2 59 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox93FA82F (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
5/8/2018 3:00:00 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +151341 70743
We just have to pick people , right?
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 5/8/2018 2 59 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox93FA457 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
51812018 3:00:03 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read 5/8/2018 3 00 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox93FA272 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
5/8/2018 3:00:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I put all of the recommendations from both of our Facebook pages in one document to go through
Status: Read
Read: 51812018 3 00 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox93FBD3D (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
5/8/2018 3:01 :22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Ok , I can do the same . I received some via email and FB messenger
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 5/8/2018 3 01·23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox93FBBA5 (Table message. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
5/9/20181 :46:08 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can you send me phone numbers for Julie and Julia?

Status: Read
Read 519/2018 1 48 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db· Ox94276BD (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
5/912018 1:49:07 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743


Julia Wesselkamper.vcf
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/9/2018 1 49 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9427480 (Table message, chat. attachment. Size· 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/var/mob11e/LibrarylSMS/Attachments/e8/08/AD4 BE02F-B7C5-44 9E-BEF7-D1 EAC B 1BC331 /Julia Wesselkamper vcf (Size 13298 bytes)

51912018 1:49:28 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Ou1going, +15134170743

A ttachments: --

Status: Sent
Delivered: 519/2018 1 49:28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms.db Ox9427285 (Table. message, chat, attachment, Size: 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/var/mob11e/library/SMS/Attachments/e9/09/5D1A71A1· 7ACE-4DFA-8B62-EFF7256EE73B/Julie . (Size: 150 bytes)
5/1612018 1:38:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I' m a no on emergency for these FCC ordinances .. ... to allow those o rg a n izing a petition d rive the ability to attempt to collect enough
signatures. I believe if at least 3 o f us vote no on emergency , they get that ability .

Status: Read
Read: 5/16/2018 1:52:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox94E5727 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/13/2018 1:58:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
A re you OK w ith me reading Sarah's today? She's a colleague. And then you can do Jul ie and Jul ia next week?
Status: Read
Read: 6/1312018 2. 10·18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox9797FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6113/2018 1:58:31 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
but coming down with me
Status: Read
Read: 6/1312018 2 10 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox9797A36 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
6113/2018 2:10:35 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743
That was great. T ha nk you !
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/13/2018 2 10.35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox979842E (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
611312018 2:11 :OO PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
a wesome . Looking forwa rd to J ulie and Julia next week 1
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 2. 11 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox979825B (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/18/20181 :51:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Living for your earrings 1

Status: Read
Read: 6/18/2018 1 55·04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox980E3AD (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes}
6/1812018 1:55:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou!Qoing, +15134170743
Thanks !!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/20181 .55.55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox980FFE4 (Table. message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
6/1812018 3:15:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I've never seen this guy EVER. Who is this? 1?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/ 18/2018 3·15·29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox98166DF (Table: message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes}
6/1812018 3: 15:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Like ever
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/ 18/2018 3:15·34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Lib rary/SMSlsms. db : Ox98164DE (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/1812018 3:15:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
me eith e r . I asked David wha t d epartment th is was
Status: Read
Read: 6118/2018 3'16.51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Lib rary/SMS/sms.db : Ox981632B (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
6116/2018 3:16:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743
Make David stop
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 3 16•52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db : Ox9817522 (Table message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/2712018 2:19:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Am I reading res olution or you?
Status· Sent
Delivered: 6i i7/2018 2 19.53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox994BD84 (Table. message. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
6127/2018 2:20:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
either is fine with me 1

Status: Read
Read: 612712018 2:20.20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox994BBA7 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes}

6/27/2018 2:20:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Ch ris Seelbach)
Ycu can 1f you want. since I've read more
Status: Read
Read: 612712018 2 20.20 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox994B9A4 (Table· message. handle, chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
6/27/2018 2:20:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing, +15134170743
I don't know Michael. Happy for you to read it
Status: Sent
Oe~vered: 6127/2018 2 20 37 PM(UTC-4)

Sou rce file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/ Library/SMSl sms.db Ox994BSAE (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
6/27/2018 2:20:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 6127/2018 2 20.55 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox994B3AD (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 byles)

! • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

1Message: +15134170743(1)

# Deleted
Participants: Start Time: 4/19/2016 4 56:03 PM(UTC-4)
+15134170743 Last Activity: 1011212018 5 28 46 PM(UTC-4)
Tamaya Dennard" (owner) Number of attachments: 4
Source: 1Message +1 5134170743
Source file: 1Phonefvar/mobile/LlbraryfSMSlsms.db
Ox13A162C (Table chat. handle. message, Size
30273536 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.lxt
Chris Seelbach'

411912018 4:58:03 PM(UTC-4)0irec:tion:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Landsman flipped
Status: Read
DeRvered: 411912018 4 58 15 PM(UTC·4l
Read: 4119/2018 4 58 ·15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox21189E (Table message. handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
4/1912018 4:59:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing,
To fire Black? Will there be a severance offered?
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phoneivar/rnob1le/L1brary/SMSfsms db Ox211692 (Table message, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
4119/2018 5:00:03 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. He wants him to resign. But will fire if necessary
Sletus Read
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox211442 (Table message handle, chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
4/1912018 5:03:07 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The City Manager accuses the Mayor of a felony. And the next day Landsman gives the Mayor exactly what he wants.
Sllltus: Read
Source file: 1PhOne/varlmob1leJLobrary/SMSlsms.db Ox212FAA (Table. message. handle Chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
4/2312018 7:29:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Hey. Can we work together to pick the people to honor with resolutions for Pride this year? In the past, I've posted on Facebook asking
people to nominate someone and explain why. And then go through the nominations to pick. Maybe we can both make that kind of post or
ematl, and then meet to mutually pick people? I usually do 4 people 1 a week for the month of June.
Sllitus. Read
Dekver&d: 4123/2018 7.30.47 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 412312018 7 30 47 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar1mob1lelL1brary1SMSfsms.db Ox24ED06 (Table: message. handle chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
412312018 7:42:57 PM(UTC--4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, tamaya_d&
That sounds good to me Thank you for asking
Status. Sen1
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox25B2A9 (Table message chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
711712016 5:53:45 PM(UTC--4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi' Will you support a suspension of the 72-hour eviction of occupants of 3rd Street until we can work towards less confusing soluhons?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 711712018 5 53 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/UbrarilSMS/sms db Ox38BFA1 (Table message chat Size 30273536 bytes)
7/17/2018 5:53:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 711712018 5 53 55 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlrnob1le1Lrbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox3869E3 (Table message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
7/1712018 5:54:13 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
do you want to draw up a motion or something?
Status: Read
Read: 7/17/2018 5.54.15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/va rlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.d b . Ox38B7BE (Table : message, handle. chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
7117/2018 5:55:09 PM(UTC-<4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes, thank you. I'm drawing up the motion now
Status: Sent
Delivered: 711712018 5:55:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/va r/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox38B545 (Table: message, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/17/2018 10:17:17 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Did anyone buy Greg and me respond to you?
Status: Read
Read: 7117/2018 10.1 7:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source tile: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db : Ox399FA 1 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/171201810:17:36 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
PG and Wendell did too
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7117120 18 10:17:34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sm s.db · Ox399D64 (Table· message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1712018 10:18:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
K. Did you let Patrick know that a majority of council supper stopping?
Status: Read
Read: 711712018 10 18:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox399B4D (Table: message , handle, chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
711712018 10:18:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes I did
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7117/2018 10·18:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox399805 (Table: message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
711712018 10:18:46 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chria Seelbach)
Statu s: Read
Read: 7117/201 8 10·18·48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/va r/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox3996DA (Table message, handle chat, Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/1712018 10:18:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7117/2018 10.18:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox3994E9 (Table· message. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 9:53:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi' Would you be willing to call a special session with me for tomorrow at 1? It's the only way I can get action on the motion
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 9:53:37 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: IPhone/var/rnobile/Library/SMS/sms. db Ox3A4FA1 (Table. message, chat. Size. 3027 3536 bytes)
7/18/2018 9:54:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. I have a meeting at 1. But can reschedule. But wouldn't motion have to be referred to a committee first?
Status: Read
Read: 7/1812018 t0.04 07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3A48A5 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 9:54:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Won't Patrick just honor the motion knowing it has five sig natures?
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/20 18 10 04 07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3A45DB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 10:04:53 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I was thinking that I can refer it to mine and then a special session right afterwards? But I'm hoping Patrick will honor the wishes of the
majority of council
Status: Sent
DeNvered: 711812018 10·04:52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/rnobite/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox3A5DBO (Table: message. chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 10:05:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cra nley has to refer. And gets to pick committee. So I'd check with him to make sure he will do what's needed. But I'll be happy to call for a
special meeting with you
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 10'05:58 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox3A5A80 (Table. message. handle chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
7/ 1812018 10:08:17 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tameya Dennard)
Thank you . I was about to reach out Rahiel
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/t8/20t8 10 06 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/rnobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox3A5738 (Table- message, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/18/2018 12:01 :23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Patrick won't honor my motion and John won't call me back. I'm working on a few other things
Status: Sent
Defivered: 7/18/2018 12 01 2 t PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/srns.db · Ox3A9B2F (Table: message, chat. Size. 30273536 by1es)

1/1 812018 12:01:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 12.01 :31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/moblie/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3A987F (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/18/2018 12:01:44 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Absolutely ridiculous Patrick won't honor motion
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 12.01:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3A9692 (Table: message, handle, chat Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/18/2018 12:02:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes it is
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 7/18/2018 12:01:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox3A91 BS (Table: message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 12:02:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The majority of council is his boss
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 12:03:51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3AAD11 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)
711812018 3:27:23 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley just issued statement against your motion
Status: Read
Read: 7118/2018 3.34.26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3B496B (Table: message, handle . chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 3:34:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! Where is it?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 3:34:34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilel ltbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox3846EA (Table: message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/18/2018 3:35:18 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
Just forwarded it to your city hall address
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 3:35:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3B44DF (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
7118/2018 3:35:32 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

"Acting City Manager Duhaney's decision to remediate the homeless encampment is made with the utmost consideration for the safety of
the homeless individuals who are staying there , as well as people who live. work and visit downtown. Health department officials have
confirmed an outbreak of Hepatitis, instances of HIV, and needle sharing. Police are conducting investigations into human and drug
trafficking. This is a public health emergency and we are required to respond in a way that ensures safety. If we do not act immediately, we
put everyone at risk. This is not a challenge that will be solved overnight. Mr. Duhaney is working to address this issue in a way that is both
compassionate and practical. "
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 3:35•38 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox3B5FA1 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/18/2018 3:36:11 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you'
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 3 36:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox3B5811 (Table: message , chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 5:54:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
PG is not gonna be in town tomorrow . So we're not gonna have the votes
Status: Read
Read: 7/18/2018 5·54:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phone/varl mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3COC7A (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/18/2018 5:59:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I didn't know that. Greg is going to talk with David tonight to see if we can get him onboard
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 5·59.25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox3C0703 (Table message, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
7118/2018 6:00:16 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm at the nail salon. Slow texts
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/18/2018 6:00:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox3C1FA1 (Table. message. chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 10:54:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Reporters tweeting we may not have a quorum. With PG out. the conservatives may not show up. And we wouldn't be able to do anything
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/2018 10:57:50 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/rnobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox30648B (Table· message, handle. chat, Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/1912018 10:58:24 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Just left Clerk's office. Amy and Smitherman won 't be here but they haven't heard from Jeff
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 10:58 22 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox307FA 1 (Table message, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)

7/1912018 10:58:56 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Spoke with David earlier today and he is open
Status: Senl
Ddvered: 7119/20 1810.58 53AM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/vor/moblle/L1bral)l/SMS/sms.db Ox307CF5 (Table· message, cha1, Size 30273536 bytes)
7/1912018 10:59:00 AM(UTC-4)01recilon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok. Wendell ?
Status. Read
Road· 711912018 10 59 03 AM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobcle/L1bral)l/SMS/sms db Ox3077AE (Table message, handle cha1. Size. 30273!>36 bytes)
7/19/2018 11.04:04 AM(UTC-4)Direction.Outgoing, +15134170743 (T~a Dennard)
He will be here
Slaeu$. Senl
Delvered: 7/1912018 110402 AM(UTC~)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobde/l1bral)l/SMS/sms db Ox3D75AD (Table message chat. Size 30273536 byles)
7/19/2018 11: 12:23 AM(UTC-4)Dlrecilon:lnoomfng, +15133484329 (Chris Seellach)
Status: Read
RGad' 711912018 11 1~.~0 N14(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mobde/L1bral)l/SMS/sms db Ox3073A4 (Table: message , handle, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
611/2018 10:55:34 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I'm sorry ... 3
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 81112018 10.55:30 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1bral)l/SMS/sms.db Ox537 1EC (Table: message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
8/1/201810:55:37 AM(UTC-4)Dlroctlon:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Senl
OeUvered: 81112018 10 55.32 AM1UTC 4)
Source file: IPhonclvarlmob1le/L1bral)l/SMSlsms db Ox538FA 1 (Table: message. chat Size: 30273536 bytes)
811/201810:55:42 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15 133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It was actually a mistake.... but yea
Status: Read
Read: 811/2016 10.55 ~7 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob4le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox538DAE (Table message, handle. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
8/1/2018 11:02:04 AM(UTC-4)01redlon:lneoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I would definitely do the planned parenthood resolution ASAP because there are people here waiting for 1t
St.Dtus: Retld
Read 81112018 11 02 1& AU(UTC· 41
Source file· 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1bral)l/SMS/sms db Ox538AF3 (Table message. handle. chal Size 30273538 bytes)
811/2018 11.02:51 AM(UTC-4)D1redlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I was going to suggest 11 nght before Smitherman asked for the charter items to go first
Stalus: S•nl
O&~wred: 81112018 110247 AM(UTC-4)

Source file: 1Phone1var/mob le/L1bral)l/SMS/sms.db Ox5385AB (Table: message chat Size 30273536 by1es)
8/1/2018 11:02:52 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Road
Read: 81112018 11 13 24 A~l(UTC 4)

Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1bral)l/SMSlsms.db Ox53830A (Table: message handle. chat. Size. 30273536 byles)
81312018 10:04:35 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


R 001 • Complaint.pelf
Siatus: Selll
Delivered: 81312018 10 04 .35 AMtUTC 4J
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1lc/L1brarylSMS/sms db · Ox58E2C3 (Table: message, chal attachmenl Size. 30273536 bytes)
1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brarylSMS/AttachmentsJfe/14126252BDB-6B30-430D-AE64-9BF694B65572/R 001. Complaint pdf · (Size 722451 by1es)
fl/312016 1:57'59 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:lnaimlng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Walking down to 3rd st now to watch City remove them
Stews Read
Reoo: 61317018 1 !Ill 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file· 1Ph0nefvarlmoblleilibral)llSMS/smsdb Ox59AFA1 (Table message handle chat Size 30273536 byles)
8/3l2018 1:58 59 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Oemard)
I can't. . had surgery today and I have to stay with her. Please let me know 1f anything crazy happens
S!elus: Sem
Delivered 81312018 1 58 56 PM1UT~I
Souroe file: 1Phone/var1mob!le1L1bral)llSMS/sms.db Ox 59AA6C (Table message. chill. Size 30273~36 bytes)
8/312018 1:59:10 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stalus: Ruad
Read: ~13120US I 59 lt PM(UTC ~)

Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary1SMS/sms.db , Ox59A408 (Table· message, handle chat, Size 30273536 byles)

813120181:59:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chri! Seelb!ICh)
Hope surgery went ok
Stalll5: Read
Source file: Pnone1var1moblie.L1brary1SMS!sms db Ox59A2F5 (Table. message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
81312018 1:59:32 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Dad just had big knee surgery a week ago
Status: Read
Read: 813/2018, 59 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/Var1moblle/llbrary/ SMSlsms.db Ox598FA 1 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
81312018 1:59:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlr&dlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you. Yes she's resting but stlll under anesthesia
Status· Sent
Otli11e1ed: 81312018 I 59 44 PMcUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar1mob4lelllbrary/SMS'sms db 0~599066 (Table message, chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
813/2018 2:00:13 PM(UTC-4)0trection:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Please tell your dad I said hello and I wish him a speedy recovery
Stlltus: Sent
Delivered: 81312018 2 0008 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le:L1brary/SMSfsms db Ox59BBOA (Table message chat Size 30273536 bytes)
81312018 2:00:17 PM(UTC-4)0irection:.l ncoming, +15133484329 (CMs Seelbech)
StallJll Read
Reed: 8/3l2018 2:00 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonetvar/mob1lelL1brary/ SMSlsms db Ox59689A (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 30273536 byles)
8/1512018 9:21 :59 PM(UTC-4)Di reclion:lncomlng, +15133-484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Anyone else respond ?
Status: Read
Reed· 8/1512018 9 36 se PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phorel\la1 'mob lell•brary 1SMS1sms db Ox6ED8BB (Table message handte chat Size 30273536 bytes)
8/1512018 9:37-02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134 170743 (Tamaya o.ntlard)
Nope No one
Status: Senl
Delivered: 811512018 9 37 03 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms,db. Ox6ED674 (Table· message, chat . Size 30273536 bytes)
8/1512018 9:37:1 0 PM(UTC-4)Dl19Ction:Outgoing, +151S4170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you for your response
Status: Sen•
Oellvered' 811512018 9 37 10 P~hUTC- 4)
Source file. 1Phoneivar/mob lelL1brarylSMSlsms db Ox6E0471 (Table message clult Size 30273536 b)ltes)
8115/2018 0:37:35 PM(lJTC-4)0!toellon:!ncoming, •151334843211 (Chri• s-lbech)
Wow Surprised that Greg and PG didn't respond
Status: Read
Read: 811512018 9.38 o~ PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonetvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6ED250 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
8/1512018 9:38:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgo4ng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dannard)
I knew Greg wouldn 't because I approached him about 11 last week and he said he wasn't comfortable with 11.
Status: Stint
O.l111erad: 8115120t8 9 38 36 PMtUTC-<11
Source file: 1Pnone'var/mob4le!Llbfaryl SMSl sms db Ox6EEFA 1 (Table· message chat Size 30273536 b)otes)
8115/2018 9:39:11 PM(UTC-4)0iradion:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
PG hasn't said anything either way. Deters and Cranley are both out of control on this issue.
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: S/15/2Cl18 9 39 10 PMiUTC 4J
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob<lellibrarylSMSlsms db Ox6EECD7 (Table. message chal Size 30273536 bytes)
811512018 9:40:02 PM(UTC-4)Directk>n:lncomlng, +1513348432:9 (Chris Seelbach)
ll s incredible the amount of resources spent o. exactly opposite of what people say they believe
Status . Read
Read: 8115.'2018 9 40 23 PMtUTC-41
Source file: iPhonelliarlmob1letL1brary1SMS/sms.db Ox6EEA2D (Tabte message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
811512018 9:40:41 PM(UTC-4)Dlredlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Exactly. 1t literally sickens me
Status: Sent
Ootivered: 81\512018 9 40 4 t PM1UTC-4)
Souroe file: 1Phonelvartmob1letL1brar1t SMS1sms.db Ox6EE77D (Table message chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
812712018 12.49:07 PM {UTC-4)Direciion:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seel>ach)


IMG 0133 jpcg

Status Read
Reed; 8127120'81249 IS PMtUTC·41
Source file: 1Phone/va•1mob<teJL1brary,SWS.'srns db Ox85ASOE (Table message handle dial attachrreot. Size 302i35J6 bytes)
1Pnone:11ar/mob1le,l1bfary1SMS.'Attachrnen1Sia7/0716~6F6C43-5C96-467A·AD92· CE69EES98<;B1'11G_0133.Jpeg, (Size 1311962 bytes)

812712018 12:49:18 PM (UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 0134.1peg
Status : Read
Read: 812712018 12 49 22 PM(UTC· 4)
Source file: iPhonel~ar/mobtle/l1brarylSMSJsms.db Ox85BFA1 (Table. message, handle, chat, attachment Size 30273536 bytes)
1Phone/varimobile/L1brarylSMSIAttachmentsi92/02JF4817C60-7AB9-4E6E·BE90-AA9COFOOF96EJIMG_0 134 Jpeg (Size: 999393 bytes)
8127/20181 :26;39 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
He refused to sign
Stalus. Sent
OeUveted: 612712018 1 2639 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmoblle/Ubrary/SM S/sms.db Ox85BA2F (Table : message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
8127120181:26:54 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection;lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sletus: Read
Reed: 8'27/2018 1:26.57 PM(UTC 41
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/l brary/SMS/sms db Ox85B822 (Table message. handle chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
812712018 1:29:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, + 15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
What's Sherry's number?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 612712018 1·29 29 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varimobil e/L1brary/SMSisms.db Ox85B5FD (Table: message, c hat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
812712018 1:30:17 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbech)
Slaws: Read
Read: 812712018 1:30 21 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: 1Phonelva rlmob le/l brary/SMS/sms db • Ox85CFA1 (Table message. handle chat. SiZe. 30273536 bytes)
1!13012018 4 :21 :59 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Sorry I had to Jet. Thank you for inviting me to be there
Stntus: Sent
Dell\lered: 3130120 18 4 n 00 PM(UTC 4} 0

Source file : iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db 0K8CAD9A (Table: message, chat, Size · 30273536 bytes)
9114/2018 12:32:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi1 Can you please send me Yvette's number?
Status: Sen1
Del ...ered: 911~/2018 12 32·23 P~11UTC-'I)
Source file: 1Phoneivar/mob1lell1brary/SMSlsms db OxA86924 (Table. message chat S12e 30273536 bytes)
911 412018 12:42:14 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


Y vette Simpson vcf

Status: Read
Read 9114120 18 12:42:22 PMtUTC·•O
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms db OxA86254 (Table. message. handle, chat. attachment , Si ze 30273536 bytes)
1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachmentsl1e/14/CF32A879-F786-4DF1-A5DC-2EB51B2C63B7/Yvette Simpson vcf · (Size· 175 bytes)
9/1412018 12:42:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1!i134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you!
Status: Sent
Delivered. 9/1412018 12.42 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobllell 1brary/SM S/sms.db OxA87FA 1 (Table message, cha t, Size· 30273536 bytes)
1D1212018 1:49.56 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnc.oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbadl)
Can they eve n speak English>
Status: Read
Roed: 10/212018 1 52 27 PM!UTC 4/
Source nie: IPt10ne1var/mobile/Library1SMS/sms cm OxCA3525 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 30?.73536 bytes)
10/2/2018 1:49:57 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Sl8tus Read
Read. 101212018 1 52 n PM(UTC-~)

Sourca file: iPhone/var/mobole-L1brarylSMSlsms.db . OxCA32CO (Table message handle chat S:ze 30273536 bytes)
10/312018 6:58:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thal was some REAL shade!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/312018 G:58 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhOne/var/moblle/Llbraryl SMS/sms.db · OxCOCC32 (Table. message, chat, Siz.e. 30273536 bytes)
10/312018 6:58:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbech)
Ha he smiled at me
Read 101312018 6 58 30 F ~1(UTC 41
Source fde: 1PhonelVarln><>btlell1brarylSM Slsms db OxCDC9FD (Table message. handle chat. Size 30273536 bytes)


10/312018 6 :58:34 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

But yea. To her.
Status: Read
Read: 10/3/2018 6 58 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxCDC75B (Table· message, handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
10/1212018 5 :23:40 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi' Can you please text me Bob Deck's cell?
Status: Sen1
Delivered. 10/12/2018 5 23 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxE2E847 (Table message. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
10/1212018 5:28:35 PM(UTC4)Direciion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I don't have it
Status: Read
Read: 10/1212018 5 28 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblie/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxE2E604 (Table message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
10/1212018 5:28:46 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/12/2018 5 28 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxE2E3F9 (Table message, chat Size· 30273536 bytes)

Chats (1)
1 • These delaTis are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +151 33484329 (1)

# Deleted

Participants: Start Time: 212612014 11 :01 :29 AM(UTC-5)

+ 15133484329 Last Activity: 6/13/2018 3.06:31 PM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbach' (owner) Number of attachments: 3
Source: iMessage : •15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach's
iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db . Dxl 1B8E6A7
(Table: chat handle, Size: 342745088 bytes)
+ 1s133652404 Body Ille: chat-1.txt
Pg Sittenleid•

+ 15134170743
Tamaya Dennard·
1/112018 12:2S:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Screen Shol 2018-01-01at12.29.04 PM.png

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox81 FAA58 (Table: message. cha1, attachment, Size· 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attathmentst52/02/3E6FCAF2·01A 1-4BE7-89DE-A3EA4384010C/Screen Shot 2018--01-01 at 12.29.04 PM.png :
(Size: 199182 bytes)
1/1712018 9:23:18 AM{UTC-5)Dfrection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley and Smitherman's comments on Streetcar !ext are exactly what is wrong with ii. They continue to iust blame Mark Mallory and the
former ad min instead of actually fixing the problems.
Status: Sent
Source flle: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/rnobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxB502A20 (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1712016 9:43:42 AM(UTC-S)Direetlon:lncomlng. +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
In this instance, I'm most amazed that they'd literally use the occasion of a dead man's funeral as an opportunity to attack the street car and
attack Mallory
Status: Reod
Delivered: 11171201 B 9:46:07 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 111712018 9:46:07 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach.,; iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS!sms.db : OxB5026A8 (Table: message handle, chal Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:45:15 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Temaye Dennard)
l was definitely shocked they did that.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/17/2018 9 '46:07 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1117/2018 9:46.07 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar1mobile1L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8502362 (Table: message, llandle, chat, Size: 342745088 llytes)
1/1712016 9:45:44 AM(UTC-5)01rectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
fine to attack the streetcar, and even political foes - but damn, using the deceases to do so!
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/17/2018 9:46:07 AM{ VTC-5)
Read: 1117/2018 9 ·45:07 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8503FC6 (Table message, handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1712018 9:45:57 AM(UTC-5)DirectJon:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sitlenf61d)
Status: Read
Delvered: 111712018 9:46.07 AM(LJTC·5)
Read: 111 712018 9 '46'07 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox85030 10 (Table' message, handle chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1712018 9:46:47 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. will never end.
Status: SMt
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/rnobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8503B15 (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745068 b)'1es)
4/2012018 8:44:1 2 AM(UT~)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)



IMG 5815.1peg
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 9'13:22 AMtUTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/ var/mob1le/L1brary/SM$/sms.db . OxC874475 (Table: message. handle, chat, attachment, Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonefvar/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachmenls/Od/131CEC1D6E6-6EAD-4995-AA73-73A1A3888890/IMG_ 5815.jpeg · (Size: 264807 bytes)

/ 4120/2018 10:53:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
the Charter states any interim CM must be an employee of the City.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC878326 (Table: message chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
4120/2018 10:53:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
interim or acting?
Status: Read
Read: 4120/2018 10.53 48 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC87976E (Table. message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
4120/2018 11 :21 :35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So Patrick will immediately become acting. Then we'll have to vote on an interim, which has to be a city employee
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db. OxC87C E24 (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
4120/2018 11 :28:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction: Incoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Interim doesn't have to be a city employee, I don't believe
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 11 :30:06 AM{UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phoneivar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC87EB59 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
6/13/2018 2 :57:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
He just hit us with my wife is Mexican so it's ok ...
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/1312018 2.57:09 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/1312018 2:57.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhoneivar/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : OxDOB9667 (Table message, handle. chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
611312018 2 :57:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Seriously, P.G?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxDOBAD41 (Table: message handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/1312018 2:59:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Genius to bring his wife ...
Status: Read
Delivered: 611312018 2.59:53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 611312018 2·59:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/vari mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxDOBABSF (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/13/2018 2:59:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hook, line and sinker
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/ 13/2018 2:59:53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6113120t8 2·59:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxDOBA965 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/13/2018 2:59:45 PM(UTC-4)Direetion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
The boss'
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/ 13/2018 2·59·53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 611312018 2:59 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxDOBA775 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:00:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxDOBASAF (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/1312018 3:00:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
That's some insulting shit
Status: Read
Delivered: 611312018 3 oo·so PM(UTC-4J
Read: 6113/2018 3·00·50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db OxDOBA3D9 (Table· message . handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/13/2016 3:01 :34 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You might know something I don't. She owns the company?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/varl mobtle/Ltbrary/SMSl sms.db OxDOBBFD6 (Table: message. handle . chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:05:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
Agree. he presented it in elegantly
Status: Read
Delivered: 6113/2018 3.05.16 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6113/2018 3 05 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/ mobile/Libraryl SMS/ sms.db : OxDOBC94E (Table. message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:05:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/ltbrary/ SMS/ sms.db . OxDOBC752 (Table. message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:06:31 PM(UTC-4)Direetion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}
Well. .. it was smart. Why are incentivizing development in Oakley?
Status: Read
Delivered: 611312018 3·06 50 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6113/2018 3 06 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/ SMS/ sms.db . OxDOBC572 (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

Chats (1)
L •These details are cross-referenced from tl11s device's contacts

iMessage: +15133652404 (1)

Start nme: 3/2412015 4 .37:20 PM(UTC-4)
.. 15133652404 Last Activity: 6/13/2018 3.06:31 PM(UTC-4)
P.G • (owner) Number of attachments: 3
Source: iMessage " 15133652404
Source file: P.G 's
iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS1sms.db : Ox89309C9
(Table. cl1at handle, Size· 2207621 i2 bytes)
+15133484329 Body file: chat-1.txt
Chns Seelbach'

"1 5134170743
Tamaya Denard'
1/1/2018 12:29:~ PM(UTC-5)01rection:1ncom1ng, +

Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 12.29.04 PM.png

Status: Read
Read: 1111201812:29:37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibraryiSMS/sms.db . Ox66B7668 (Table. message, handle, chat. attachment, Size : 220762112 bytes)
P .G."s iPnone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/A1tachments/34/04/34F9794 B-1B38-400E-9C9B-904C1367266 1/Screen Shot 2018-01 -01 at 12.29.04 PM png (Size: 199182
1/1712016 9:23:16 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
Cranley and Smitherman's comments on Streetcar text are exactly what is wrong with it. They continue to just blame Mark Mallory and the
former admin instead of actually fixing the problems.
Status: Read
Deliverec:I: 1117/2018 9:42:42 AM\UTC·5)
Read: 111712018 9:42:42 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox69A341 S (Table· message. handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:43:42 AM(UTC-SJOiredlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
In this instance, I'm most amazed that they'd literally use the occasion of a dead man·s funeral as an opportunity to attack the street car and
attack Mallory
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db _Ox69A7DA9 (Table: message. chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
1/1712018 9:45:15 AM{UTC-5)0ireclion:lncomiog, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I was definitely shocked they did that.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox69A7A75 (Table: message. nandle, chal Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/1712016 9 :45:44 AM(UTC·S)Oirectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
fine to attack the streetcar, and even political foes - but damn, using the deceases to do so!
Slatus: Senl
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms. db : Ox69A7875 (Table. message, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:45:57 AM(UTC- 5)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Soorce file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db · Ox69A7501 (Table. message. chat. Size: 220762 112 bytes)
1/17/2018 9 :46:47 AM(UTC.S)Oirectlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chr1s Seelbach)
yup. will never end.
Slalus: Read
Read: 111712018 10:02·03 AM(UTG-5)
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/varlmobllelLibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox69A73D4 (Table: message handle. chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)

4/2012018 8:44:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db . Ox7C04FD6 (Table message, chat. attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/Attachmentslc9/09/C859C035-3BCA-4C88-BFE6-3695F9A6DOE4/IMG_5815.PNG (Size 1868026 bytes)
4/20/2018 10:53:23AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
the Charter states any interim CM must be an employee of the City.
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/2012018 10 53 29 AM(UTC-4)
Reed: 412012018 10 53.29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox7COAA 15 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
41201201810:53:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
interim or acting?
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms db Ox7COA7EO (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
412012018 11:21:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So Patrick will immediately become acting. Then we'll have to vote on an interim, which has to be a city employee
Status: Read
Delivered: 4120/2018 11 27:52 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/20/2018 11 ·27·52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CODAC7 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/2012018 11:28:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Oulgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Interim doesn't have to be a city employee, I don't believe
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7COF9D3 (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 2:57:07 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
He just hit us with my wife is Mexican so it's ok ...
Status: Read
Read: 6/1312018 2 59 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8255250 (Table message. ha ndle, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
6/1312018 2:57:51 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Seriously, P.G?
Status: Read
Read: 6/1312018 2 59 40 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8256FD2 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 2:59:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Genius to bring his wife ...
Status: Read
Read: 611312018 2:5940 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8256EOO (Table message , handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 2:59:41 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Hook, line and sinker
Status: Read
Read: 611312018 2 59 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8256C16 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 2:59:45 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
The boss!
Status: Sent
Source file: P G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8256A3A (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2016 3:00:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Read: 611312018 3 00 41 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/UbrarylSMS/sms db Ox8256875 (Table message. handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:00:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
That's some insulting shit
Status: Read
Read: 6/13120t8 3 00 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G 's iPhonelvarlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db· Ox82566AF (Table message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes}
6/13/2018 3:01:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
You might know something I don't. She owns the company?
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlrnob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox82564C5 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:05:14 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Agree, he presented it in elegantly
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox82562A4 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes}
6/13/2018 3:05:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Senl
Source file: PG ·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox8257FD6 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes}
6/1312018 3:06:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard}
Well.. .it was smart. Why are incentivizing development 1n Oakley?
Status: Read
Read: 6/ 13/2018 3.06.32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db Ox8257E07 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size. 22076211 2 bytes)

Chats (1)
...L • These details are cross-referenced from ltll s device's contacts

iMessage: +15134170743 (1}


Participants: Start Time: 212612014 11 :01 ·2e AM(UTC-5)

+15134170743 Last Activity: 6/ 1312018 3·05·31 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 3
Source: 1Message. .,.151341 70743
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db
OxBA366D2 (Table· chat, handle. Size 220631040
Body file: chal-1 . l><I
Chns Seelbach"

P G Sittenfeld'

Screen Shot 2018-01-01 al 12 29.04 PM.png

Status; Read
Read: 1/11201612:3003 PM(UTC-51
Source me: IPhone/var/mob1le/L1braiy/SMS/sms.db , Ox847FCB6 (Table. messags, handle, chat. attachment, Size 220631040 by1es)
IPhone/var/mobile/L1braiy/SMSIAttachments/51/01/254F4BBF-7FS0-4C2C-BBE8-DB6E3AB23915/Screen Shol 2018-0 1-01at12.29.04 PM.png (Size: 199182 by1es)
1/17/2018 9:23:16 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lnooming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
C ranley and Smitherman's comments on Streetcar text are exactly what 1s wrong with it. They con tinue to just blame Mark Mallory and the
former admin instead of actually fixing the problems.
Slat11S: Read
Reed. 111712018 9.44 .18 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibraiy/SMSl sms.db : Ox86A 1A50 (Table: message handle, chat. Size, 220631040 byles)
1/1712018 9:43:42 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekt)
In this instance. I'm most amazed that they·d literally use the occasion of a dead man·s funeral as an opportunity to attack the street car and
attack Mallory
Status: Read
Read: 111712016 9:4418AM(UTC.. SJ
Source file: 1Phoneivar/mobile/L1braiy/SM$/sms.db Ox86A13C9 (Table . message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:45; 15 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
I w as definitely shocked they did that.
Status: Sent
Source file: IPhone/va1/mob1l e/L1braiy/SMS/sms.db Ox86A2FD6 (Table message, chat, Size 220631040 by1es)
1/17/2018 9:45:44 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
fine to attack the streetcar. and even political foes - but damn. using the deceases to do so!
Status: Read
Read: 111712018 9 45 45 AM1UTC-5)
Source file: IPhone/var/rnobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db Ox86A2DD3 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1117/2018 9:45:57 AM(UTC·5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfe1d)
Status: Reao
Read 1117/2018 9 4557 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: IPhonetvarfmobde/libraiy/ SMSl sms.db : Ox86A 2B29 (Table message. handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:46:47 AM{UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, + 15133484329 (CMs Seelbach)
yup. will never end.
Status: Read
Reed: 1/17/20 18 9 46:48 AM!UTC-51
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary1SMSlsms.db Ox86A292A (Table message . handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
4120/2018 8:44:12 AM(UTC-4)0irection;Incoming, + 15133652404 (P.G. Sitlenfeld)


IMG !>8 15 1peg

Sllrtus: Read
Read: 41201201 s 9 10·17 AM(UTc .4 /
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SM S'sms.db : Ox91 F39DA {Table message handle chal attachment, Size. 220631040 bytes)
1Phonelvarlmobile/Libraryl$MSIAtlachments/c6/06/8C90EFDE-E367-4A7F-A489-32FB2EAD16CF/IMG_5815.jpeg · (Size· 264807 bytes)
412012018 10:53:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
the Charter states any interim CM must be an employee of the City.
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 10:53:52 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: iPhone/varl mobilellibrary/SM S/sms.db : Ox91FAFD2 (Table : message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
412012018 10:53:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
interim or acting?
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 10:53:52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox91FAD98 (Table message, handle, chat, Size : 220631040 bytes)
412012018 11:21 :35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
So Patrick will immediately become acting. Then we'll have to vote on an interim, which has to be a city employee
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 11 :22:09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox91FBE13 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
4/20/2018 11 :28:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Interim doesn't have to be a city employee, I don 't believe
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 11:28:19 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox91F87E1 (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/1312018 2:57:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
He just hit us with my wife is Mexican so it's ok ...
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/va r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox9798372 (Table: message, cha t, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/1312018 2:57:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Seriously, P.G?
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox979CFD6 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/13/2016 2:59:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Genius to bring his wife ...
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox979CA71 (Table· message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
611312018 2:59:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hook, line and sinker
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox979C88C (Table: message, chat. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
6/1312018 2:59:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
The boss!
Status: Read
Read: 6113/2018 2:59:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox979C6AD (Table: message . handle. c hat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:00:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox979C4EA (Table message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/1312018 3:00:49 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +151341707 43
That's some insulting sh it
Status: Sent
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox979C329 (Table . message chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/13/2016 3:01:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
You might know something I don't. She owns the company?
Status: Read
Read: 6113/2018 3:01:49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Lib rary/SMStsms.db : Ox979DFD2 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size : 220631 040 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:05:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Agree, he presented it in elegantly
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 3:05 :30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox979D62D (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
6/1312018 3:05:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
' In-elegantly
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 3:05:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox979D273 (Table: message handle. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
6/13/2018 3:06:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Well ... it was smart. Why are incentivizing development in Oakley?
Status: Sent
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox979EFD6 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)

Chats (1)
_!. • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

1Message +15134170743 (1)

PartJapants: Start Time: 4/20/2018 8 44 12 AM(UTC-4)
+1 51 34170743 LastAc:tivity: 4/20/201811 ·28 06 AM(UTC-4)
Tamaya Dennard' (owner) Number of attachments: 1
Source: 1Message +15134 17074 3
Source file: 1Phone/vartmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db ·
Ox13A2906 (Table: chat handle Size· 30273536
Body file: chat-1 .!Kt
Chns Seelbach'

+ 15133652404
PG S1ttenleld'

4/20/2018 8:44:12 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


IMG 58151peo
Status: Read
Oellwred 4'20i2018 9 10·18 AAl(UTC-41
Read 4120/2018 9 10 1& AM•UTC-41
Source Ille 1P"one'lrarlmootle.1.1brary1SMS:sms db Ox21820E (Taole message. hanoie chat. auachment. Size· 30273536 byles)
1PhOne1var•rnot:>~elL1brary/SMS/AttachmentS163/031E6DB0387-659A-48F0-9A2A-A744F45B44A2/llVG_5815.Jpeg (Size 264307 byles)

4120/2018 10:53:23 AM(UTC-4)Diree1101rlnoom1ng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

the Charter states any interim CM must be an employee of the City.
Status: Read
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobrle/L1brary/SMS1sms db . Ox21 F930 (Table message hand!&. chal Size 30273536 bytes)
4120/2018 10:53:46 AM(UTc.4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
Interim or acting?
Status Read
Source file: 1Phonelllarlmobile/L1brary.ISMSlsms.db Ox2 1F6A9 (Table message handle, chat S i.e . 30273536 bytes)
4120/2018 11 :21 :35 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seellach)
So Patrick will 1mmed1ately become acting Then we 'll have to vote on an interim, which has to be a city employee
Status R~ao

Source file: 1PhoneJvar1mobtlivl.brarylS'l4S•sms db Ox220F94 (Table message handle cllal S·ze 30273536 b);les)
4/20/2018 11 :28:06 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

erim doesn't have to be a city employee. I don I believe
tus: Read
urce flle: 1Phone/Var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS1sms.db · Ox220CA9 (Table message handle chat, Size 30273536 bytes)
Chats (1)
- --- ------- --------
• • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage +15134170743 (1)

fJ Deleted

Participants: Start nme. 1/24/2018 9 54 24 AM(UTC-5)

+1 5134170743 Last ActiVity: 3/1 4/2018 4 07 55 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attacl1ments: 1
Source: 1Message +15134170743
Source file: 1Phone/Varlmoblle/L1brarylSMS/sms.db
OxBAE40F7 (Table: chat. handle Size 220631040
Body file: chat-1 .tJct
Wendell Young·

+1 5133484329
Chris Seelbach'

P G Sittenfeld·

1/24/2018 9:54:24 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

I had a long conversation w/ Curp
Status· Read
Read· 1/2412018 9 56'29 AM\UTC·5)
Source file: iPhonel var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db OxB7548CB (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
112412018 9:54:55 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenleld)
gave me a deeper understanding of the fight over the private endowments that go toward the Parks
Status: Read
Reed. t/24120t8 9:56:29 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: 1Phone/Var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox87549DO (Table· message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1/2412018 9:55:17 AM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Siltenfeld)
left me very disturbed abou t the money-grab th at's being attempted
Status: Read
Read: 112412018 9 56.29 AMIUTC-51
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mobtle/Library/SMStsms db Ox87557C4 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1/24/2018 9:56:08 AM(UTC-S)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
and the very real possibility that if this money-grab is successfully ca rried out. the families whose forebears endowed these trusts will say.
"Screw the city - we're taking our money back "
S!Dtus: Read
Read: 112412018 9 56.29 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox875554F (Table message handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/24/2018 9:57:17 AM(UTC-5}Direction;lnc:oming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
I hke Jim Goetz and spoke with him for an hour last night. but I'm not going to be pressured or bullied into appointing him UNTIL there 1s first
resolution on these private endowments. Just sharing my position with each of you - and recommend ta lking to Curp if you want to get into
the weeds
Status: Read
Read: 1/2412018 9 58 14 AM\UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobdel l 1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8756FD3 (Table. message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1124/20181 :25:1 4 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
I'm wtth you And. by the way, while I like Goetz. I don't like the comments his partner has been making on Facebook about all of this
Swtus: Read
Read: 1/2412018 1 28 47 PM\UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/$MS/sms db Ox875CCAE (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
112512018 10:06:20 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +1513485&759 (Wendell Young)
I don't really know Goetz but I don't dislike him. Won't vote to seat him though ..
Slatus: Read
Read: 112512018 10 07 47 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobde/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8774395 (Table· message, handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
311312018 5:42:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chrit Seelbec:h)
Taking Greg off this chain so he can sleep. What do you all think about releasing a statement or tweeting tha t there are 5 confirmed
Councilmembers who do not support firing City Manager Black or a buyout?
Slatus: Read
Read: 311312018 6 03 38 PM(UTC-41
Source file: iPhone/var/mobllelllbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox8CF78FS (Table: message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
311312018 5:43:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Great idea• We should give John hell tomorrow!
Slatus· Read
Read: 311312018 6 03 38 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: 1Ph0nelvarlmob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CF8F03 (Table message. handle cha!, Size 220631040 bytes)
311312018 5:44.04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamaya and PG, what do you think?
Sbltus: Read
Rud: 3113120 18 6 03 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CF 8582 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3114/2018 2:29:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
FYI: Harry just told me he's going to shut down settlement talks and fight this.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 412018 2 33 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8017427 (Table message handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
311412018 2:30:08 PM(UTC-4)Dtrectlon:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Obviously a fluid situation, but that's what he just said
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3114120 18 2·33 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Ph0nelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8018FD3 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
311 412018 2:33.57 PM(UTC-4)Direcilon:Outgoing, + 15134170743
Good 1!1!
Status: Sent
Souroe file: 1Ph0ne1var1moblle/L1brary/SM S/sms.db Ox80180AA (Table message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
311412018 2:35.09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
great news
Status: Read
Reed. 311412018 2.35 26 PM(UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8018BE8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 22063 1040 byles)
311 412018 2:35:35 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lnooming, +15133852404 (P.G Sittenfeld)
Lord knows things can change quickly
Status: Reed
Reed: 3114120 18 2 35 40 PM(UTC-41
Source rile: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/$M$/sms db Ox BO 189EA (Table message handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
311412018 3:08:52 PM(UTC-4)D1rectlon:lnooming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
Said the same to me
Status: Reed
Read: 3/14/2018 3.25 08 PMiUTC-4)
Source r~e· 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS1sms.db Ox801ABDC (Table. message. handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
311412018 3:13:30 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:lncoming. +15133852404 (PG. Sittenfeld)



IMG 5393.png
Slatus: Read
Reed: 311412018 3 25 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone1Varlmoblie/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox801AAOO (Table message. handle chat. a1tachmen1 Size 22063 1040 bytes)
1Phonelvarlmob1le/Ltbrary1SMSIAUachmen1s/63/03/C3991 F f1·2DCE-41E27-BB6:>-E4B9DC8"5C47/IMG_5393.png \Size 1356042 bytes)
311412018 3;13:35 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
He's public with 11
Status: Read
Read: 311412018 3 25 08 PM1UTC-4 J
Source file; 1Phonelvarlmob1lelL1br11ry/SMS/sms db Ol!801A7BE (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
311412018 3:20:06 PM(UTC-4)Directlon;lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley iust called 3 30 press conference
Status Rdad
Read: 311412018 3 25 08 PM1UTC 4J
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMSisms.db Ox801ASDE (Table. message handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
311412018 3:46:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Asked by reporter whether John has the other 4 to support firing the Manager, John's answer was, "I haven't asked them yet"
Status. Read
Reed· 311412018 3 46 74 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mob1le/llbrary/SM$lsms db Ox80 1C5B6 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)

3/1412018 4:07.55 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Mini-Trump is lying again.
Status· Read
Read: 3/14/2018 4 29 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox801 D2FD (Table message. handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)

Chats (1)
! ·These details are cross-referenceo from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15133484329 (1)

# De lated
Participants: Start Time; 1124/2016 9 .54:24 AM(UTC-5)
+15133484329 Las1 Activity: 3/14/2018 4:07.55 PM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbach' (owner) Number of attachments: 1
Source: iMessage. +15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach's
iPhonetvar/mobile/LibrarytSMS/sms.db · Ox11C53626
(Table: chat. handle. Size: 342745088 bytes)
Body file: chat- 1.txt
Wendell Young•

Tamaya Dennard'

Pg Sittenteld'

112412018 9:54:24 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

I had a long conversation w / Curp
Status; Read
Read; 1/24/20 18 11 ;00 :23 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Ph0ne/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8675FD2 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
112412018 9:54:55 AM(UTC.5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
gave me a deeper understanding of the fight over the private endowments that go toward the Parks
Status: Read
Read: 1124/20 18 11,00·23 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/$M$/sms db ; Ox8675DD9 (Table. message, handle, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/2412018 9:55:17 AM(UTC·5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
left me very disturbed about the money-grab that's being attempted
Status: Read
Read: 1/24/2018 11.00·23 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMSfsms.db . Ox867582B ( Table; message. handle, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
112412016 9:56:08 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
and the very real possibility tha t if this money-grab is successfully carried out, the families whose forebears endowed these trusts will say,
"Screw the city - we're taking our money back"
St.alus: Read
Read: 1124/2018 11 :00:23 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8675685 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 342745066 bytes)
1/2412018 9:57:17 AM(UTC-S)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I like Jim Goetz and spoke with him for an hour last night. but I'm not going to be pressured or bullied into appointing him UNTIL there is first
resolution on these private endowments. Just sharing my position with each of you - and recommend talking to Curp if you want to get into
the weeds
Status: Read
Read: 1124/2018 11.00 23 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonei var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db · ox867553F (Table: message handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/2412018 1:25:14 PM{UTC·5)0lrection:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm with you. And. by the way, while I like Goetz, I don't like the comments his partner has been making on Facebook about all of this.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB684682 (Table message, chat. S12e 342745088 bytes)
1/2512018 10:06:20 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncomlng, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
I don't really know Goetz but I don't dislike him. Won't vote to seat him though .
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/2512018 10:06:35 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 112512018 10·0G:35 AM(UTC -5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB6AFE21 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311312018 5:42:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Taking Greg off this chain so he can sleep. What do you all think about releasing a statement or tweeting that there are 5 confirmed
Councilmembers who do not support firing City Manager Black or a buyout?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibraryl SMS/sms.db : OxC1348F9 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:43:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Great idea' We should give John hell tomorrow'
Status: Read
Delivered: 31131201 8 5:43:57 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/13/2018 5:43:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/Ubrary/SMSl sms.db : OxC135085 (Table: me ssage, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1312018 5:44:04 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamaya and PG, what do you think?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxC135879 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 2:29:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
FYI: Harry just told me he's going to shut down settlement talks and fight th is.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/141201 8 2:34:59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/14/2018 2:34:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC16D3D2 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 2:30:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Obviously a fluid situation, but that's what he just said
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ 14/2018 2:34:59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/141201 8 2:34:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC16EFC6 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 2:33:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Good !!!'
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1412018 2:34:59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3114120 18 2:34 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC16EBC9 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size: 342745088 byte s)
3/14/2018 2:35:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
great news
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.d b : OxC16E596 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 byte s)
3/14/2018 2:35:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Lord knows things can change quickly
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC1 6E39D (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 3:08:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Said the same to me.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 412018 3:09:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxC1724 79 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 34 274 5088 bytes)
3/1412018 3:13:30 PM(UTC-4)Directk>n:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


IMG 5393png
Status: Read
Read: 3114/2018 3:14 :56 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/librarylSMS/sms.db : OxC1756D9 (Table: message, handle, chat. attachment, Size . 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachmentsl2f/15/E7B929F7-FC99-4FF4-B948-9BAF0689403BllMG_5393.png : (Size: 1358042 bytes)
3/14/2018 3:13:35 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He's public with it
Status: Read
Read: 3/1412018 3:14:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC1754 96 (Table: message. handle. cha1. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 3:20:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley iust called 3:30 press confe rence
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC1778D5 (Table · message, cha1. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 3:46:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Asked by reporter whether John has the other 4 to support firing the Manager, John's answer was, "I haven't asked them yet"
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/14/2018 3:46 54 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/14/2018 3'46:54 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · OxC17D9EB (Table : message. handle. chat. Size : 342745088 bytes)

311412018 4:07:55 PM(UT~)Direction: lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Mini-Trump is lying again .
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC17F834 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

Chats (1)
.J... • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts


" Participants: Start nme: 1/24/2018 9:54 24 AM(UTC-5)

+15133652404 Last Activity: 3/ 14/ 2018 4 07·55 PM(UTC-4)
P.G: (owner) Number of attachments: 1
Source: iMessage· +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brarylSMS/ sms db OxBAOCADO
(Table. chat, handle, Size. 220762112 bytes)
Body file: cl1at-1.txt
Wendell Young·

Chn s Seelbach·

Tamaya Denard'

112412018 9:54:24 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

I had a long conversation wl Curp
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/L1braryl SMSlsms.db : OxSB 11088 (Table: message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/2412018 9:54:55AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
gave me a deeper understanding of the fight over the private endowments that go toward the Parks
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B 11895 (Table. message chat. S12e 220762112 bytes)
112412018 9:55:1 7 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Ou1Q<>ing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
left me very disturbed about the money-grab that's being attempted
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilel llbraryl SMS/sms.db Ox6B118EO (Table: message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/2412018 9:56:09 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgofng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
and the very real possibility that 1f this money-grab is successfully carried out. the families whose forebears endowed these trusts will say,
"Screw the city - we're taking our money back"
Slalus· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SM$/sms db Ox6B114B3 (Table: message, chal, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/24/2018 9:57:17 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I like Jim Goetz and spoke with him for an hour last night, but I'm not going to be pressured or bullied into appointing him UNTIL there is first
resolution on these private endowments. Just sharing my position with each of you - and recommend talking to Curp if you want to get into
the weeds
Status. Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6B12FD6 (Table· message, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
1/2412018 1:25:14 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm with you. And, by the way, while I like Goetz, I don't like the comments his partner has been making on Facebook about all of this.
Status· Read
Read 1124/20 18 1 26.54 PMtUTC·Sl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B 17BC9 (Table: message, handle, chat, Si ze 2207621 12 bytes)
112512018 10:06:20 AM(UTC..S)Oireciion:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I don't really know Goetz but I don't dislike him. Won't vote to seat him though.
Status. Read
Read; 3/12/20 18 1 30 o~ PM\UTC 4)
Source f~e: P.G 's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox6B2BDB9 (Table message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
si13/2018 5:42:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Taking Greg off this chain so he can sleep. What do you all think about releasing a statement or tweeting that there are 5 confirmed
Councilmembers who do not support firing City Manager Black or a buyout?
Stetus: Read
Reed: 3/13/2018 5 54 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox73AF509 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/1312018 5:43:54 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Great idea! We should give John hell tomorrow!
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/20t8 5·54.43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1iellibrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox73BOFD2 (Table. message, handle , chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311312018 5:44:04 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamaya and PG, what do you think?
Stetus: Read
Read: 3/13/2016 5-54-43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73BOAC4 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311412018 2:29:45 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
FYI : Harry just told me he's going to shut down settlement talks and fight this.
Stetus: Sent
Source file: P .G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1bra ry/SMS/sms.db · Ox73E4E08 (Table· message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311412018 2:30:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Obviously a fluid situation, but that's what he just said
Stetus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73E4BB2 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 2:33:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Stetus: Read
Reed: 3114/2018 2.35 16 PM(UTC--4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73E4986 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 2:35:09 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
great news
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 2 35 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMStsms.db Ox73E47C2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/1412018 2:35:35 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Lord knows things can change quickly
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox73E45C8 (Table: message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311412018 3:08:52 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Said the same to me.
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 14/2018 3 13·21 PM(UTC--4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73E7A7B (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 3:13:30 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)


IMG 5393 PNG

Stetus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox73E78A2 (Table: message, chat, attachment, Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/ec/121BEOF047F-7B13·4AA5-BF31-0FD5788A 19B5/IMG_5393.PNG · (Size 1013022 bytes)
311412018 3:13:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He's public with it
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox73E769B (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311412018 3:20:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley just called 3:30 press conference
Status: Read
Delivered: 3114/2018 3 45 39 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3114/20 18 3 45:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox73E885A (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 3:46:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Asked by reporter whether John has the other 4 to support finng the Manager, John's answer was. "I haven't asked them yet"
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73EC914 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311412018 4:07:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Mini-Trump is lying again.
Status: Read
Delivered: 311412018 4 14 46 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/14/2018 4 14 46 PMtUTC-41
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73ED8CE (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)

Chats (1)
! • These de1ails are cross.referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15134170743 (1)


Participants: Start Time: 4f 23/ 2014 2:20:42 PM(UTC-4)

+15134170743 Last Activity: 718/2018 1 :22:28 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 137
Source: 1Message. + 15134170743
Source file: IPhOne/varlmobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db .
OxBA3D33A (Table· chat handle. message. Size :
220631040 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.bct
+1 5133652404
P G Sittenfeld'
Tamaya Dennard• (owner)
1/312018 3:02: 10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hi! W ould you be willing to sit on my committee? Chris says he can't
Status; Senl
Delivered; 1/312016 3:02·00 PM( UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms .db : Ox850626F (Table: message, chat Size: 220631 040 bytes)
1/312018 3:02:34 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743
I want to make it at noon before your committee
Status; Sent
Delivered: 11312018 3:02 35 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8507FE4 (Table message, chat. Size. 22063 1040 bytes)
1/9/2018 2:56:58 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743
Are you going to leave your committee at the same time?
$talus: S•nl
Deliv&red: 1/912018 2:56 59 PM\UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db · Ox8507FE4 (Table: message, chat, Size · 220631040 byt es)
1/ 9/2018 2:57:()4 PM(UTC -5)0irection:Outaoino. +15134170743
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/ 9/2018 2 57 .05 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var1mobile/Library1SMS/sms.db Ox85D7DD3 (Table: message, chat. Size 22063 1040 bytes)
1/9/2018 3:20:05 PM(UTC-S)Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P .G. Sittenfeld)
it's currently 2pm yeah. that wor1<. for you?
SIJltus; Read
Read: 1/9/2018 3:20;24 PM(UTC· 5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8SD7C30 (Table. message. handle. c l1at. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/ 9/2018 3:20:53 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
Yep. So we're at 11 and you at 2, That's great. Thanks'
Status: Sent
DaliV8(ed: 11912018 3·20:53 P MtUTC- 5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMSlsms.db Ox85D769C (Table : message, chat. Size: 22063 1040 bytes)

1/9/2018 3:21:13 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
cool. I think it lets people grab lunch , catch their breath do a little work between our two committees
Status: Read
Read: 1/912018 3 25 06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/srns.db Ox8507484 (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
1/9/2018 3:21 :18 PM(UTC-5)Direc:tion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
how was Greg's today?
Status: Read
Read: 119/2018 3 25 06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/srns.db Ox8508FE8 (Table message handle chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
119/2018 3:34:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Sounds good. It was cool. One presentation and 2 discussions
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/9/2018 3 34 55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/srns.db . Ox8508848 (Table message. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1/1312018 5:40:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Don't share this. So ... Nickie Antonio is running for a state senate seat in Ohio and is trying to get the part y endorsement. She b rou ght a
folding chair to her interview and said that her hero, Shirley Chisholm said . "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair. "
She literally brought a folding chair. Christie was appalled. Needless to say, she didn't get the recommendation for endorsement
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/13/2018 5 40 45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/srns.db : Ox862EC 1C (Table message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:41:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743
I have a picture and everyth ing. She looks ridiculous
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1113/2018 5 41 10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/srns.db Ox862E722 (Table message. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1/1312018 5:41:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
ha ! send along picture1

Status: Read
Read: 1113/2018 5 41 49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox862FC87 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1312018 5:41:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm not her biggest fan for totally separate reasons
Status: Read
Read: 1/13/2018 5 42 :02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/srns.db : Ox862FA82 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:53:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743


i i
20180113 IP9
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 1/13/2018 5 53 51 PM{UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox862F43A (Table message chat attachment. Size: 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/fa/1O/CEBEC1 SA-4 DA6-4EAO-BCSE-949817536F90/20180113_.Jpg (Size 196358 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:54:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I don't like her either. I still have some ill feelings from the senate campaign
Status: Sent
Delivered; 1/13/2018 5 5458 PM{UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblie/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8630FE4 (Table. message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1/1312018 5:55:19 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
BAhahaha ... such a ridiculous picture
Status: Read
Read: 1/13/2018 5.55 37 PM{UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox863009E (Table message. handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/1312018 5:55:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
looks like an SNL skit or something
Status· Read
Read: 1113/2018 5 55 37 PM(UTC-51
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox86309B7 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/1312018 5:56:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
So ridiculous. I definitely got a good laughs
Status: Sent
Delivered; 1113/2018 5 5608 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8630798 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1/1 412018 3:01 :20 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
H i' Do you have an email address or phone number for Mike Allen?
Status. Sent
Delivered: 1114/2018 3 01 09 PM(UTC-51
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8644FE4 (Table message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)

1/1412018 4:01 :56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

Attachments: -

Mike Allen Cell
Status: Read
Read: 1114/2018 4 02·01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox864DC50 (Table message, handle, chat, attachment. Size: 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachments/1 1/01/3F2BA4B1-2AE2-4CA5-9124-4 114CAE4476E/Mike Allen Cell : (Size· 166 bytes)
111412018 4:02:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Think that's ii but honestly not positive
Status: Read
Read: 1/14/2018 4:02·38 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox864D4B6 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1114/2018 4:02:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Thank you!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/14/2018 4:02:14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox864081C (Table message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1412018 4:02:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Ok thanks '
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 1114/2018 4 02:50 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8640 2BB (Table: message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
111412018 4:58:02 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
okay, disparity study unveiling now going to be Thursday morning, not Tuesday. sorry for the pain . handful of BA fo lks thought 1 day after
h ol iday harder to execute. apologies for any in convenience, but I'm j u st the messenger here!
Status: Read
Read: 1/14/2018 4 59 01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8652FE8 (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 220631 040 bytes)
1/1412018 4:58:19 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
obviously very much still want you there, especially given your committee
Status: Read
Reed: 1/14/2018 4.59 01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox865245E (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1512018 9:46:24 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
this is driving me crazy, but can you hold the time slot for tomorrow after all. might pivot back to that. .. Bishop o u t of to wn Thu rs day
Status: Read
Reed: 1/ 15/2018 9 47 08 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox865DFE8 (Table message handle chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1512018 9:46:28AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
will resolve asap
Status: Read
Read: 111512018 9 47 08 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8650608 (Table message, handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1512018 9:47:29 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Will do.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/15/2018 9.47·29 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox865D2A8 (Table. message chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
111512018 9:48:15 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
thanks. ugh , I hate being in the m iddle of the scheduling triage.

Status: Read
Read: 1/1512018 9.48 :23 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox865EE28 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
111512018 9:48:26 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
s h ould h ave answer for you before noon at latest
Status: Read
Read: 1/15/2018 9.48:31 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox865E7CC (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/1512018 9:48:42 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743


IMG 0172tpg
Status: Sent
DeNvered: 1115/2018 9 48 33 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox865E9C3 (Table message. chat, attachment. Size 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachments/7a/1 0/4843A9C3-6F1 E-4825-9514-81 B5940E01AC/IMG_017 2.jpg . (Size: 92373 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:48:46 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Th ought you would want a smile
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/15/2018 9 48·46 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db . Ox865E593 (Table message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:50:05 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Zack called m e to ask me about her doing that. I actually didn't know she was. I told him, 1) she's crazy 2) she W ILL be a pain in your ass
Status: Read
Read: 111512018 9 50 13 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox865FFE8 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:50:43 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status: Sent
Delivered: 111512018 9 50·33 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox865FA78 (Table message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
1115/2018 12:01:48 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Okay, we' re locked in for 1030am tomorrow
Sta1us· Read
Read: t/16/2018 5 35 19 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox866797B (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/2112018 10:15:45 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
no big rush, but would be good for you and me to brainstorm this city-appointed SORTA board seat together. You around at all by phone
tomorrow in the morning?
Status: Read
Read: 1121/2018 10.16 32 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox86F9FE8 (Table message handle. cha1 Size 220631040 bytes)
1/21/2018 10:19:02 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Is ? am too early?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1121/2018 10 19 03 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox86F9855 (Table message, chat, Size . 220631040 bytes)
1/21/201810:19:43 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
nope - that works well. I'll call you then. enjoy the rest of the weekend !
Status: Read
Read: 112112018 10 19 56 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox86F9366 (Table. message, handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/21/2018 10:20:01 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status. Read
Reed: 112112018 10 20 06 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox86FAFE8 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/2112018 10:20:26 AM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Ha ! Definitely! Thanks ! You too '

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1121/2018 10 20 27 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox86FADF3 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
112412018 2:16:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
M otion going to your committee. which is good
Stntus: Read
Read: 1/24/2018 2 18 15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox875EFE8 (Table. message, handle, chat Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/24/2018 2:18:25 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
I saw that. Yes it is
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/2412018 2 18 25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox875EOE9 (Table. message chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/2812018 5:00:32 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
don' t shoot the messenger on some of this scheduling stuff (I find it equally irritating), but the Rosenbergs + lawye rs needed to change parks
mtg t ime tomorrow to 1pm at Blank Rome
Status: Read
Read: 112812018 5 01 30 PM(UTC- 5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox87E999F (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
1/28/2018 5:00:43 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
might you still be able to make it?
Stntus: Read
Read: 1128/2018 5 01 30 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox87EAFE8 (Table message handle chat Size 220631 040 bytes)
1/2812018 5:02:39 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15134170743
I can't. I'm meeting La ura B runner at 1pm tomorrow
Status: Sent
Delivered: 112812018 5 02 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db . Ox87EADC9 (Table message chal Size 220631040 bytes)
1/28/2018 5:03:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
okay, I understand. wasn't my decision to move it. in fact, works worse for me. I 'll relay you anything new that gets covered
Status· Read
Read: 112812018 5 03 48 PM(UTC·~)

Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms db Ox87EA70F (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
112812018 5:04:10 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Thank youi

Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 112812018 5 04 10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox87EA431 (Table message chat Size 22063 1040 bytes)

1/2812018 5:04:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
do you want either of the Rosenbergs or De Marco or Curp to reach out to you , or prefer for me to just summarize? I know any of them
happy to call you too
Status: Read
Read: 112812018 5:05:01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox87EBFE8 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/2812018 5:05:37 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
A summary from you is great. Thank you for asking
Status: Sent
Delivered: 112812018 5:05.36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/ Llbrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox87EBCD6 (Table: message. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
1/2612018 5 :11:00 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
of course
Status: Read
Read: 1128/2018 5:12:57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobilel librarylSMS/sms.db : Ox87EBAD3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/3012018 7:03:21 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Morning T. Two things. 1) Harry Kangis let me know he had reached out to you , and basically made it sou nd like I was going to vote FOR
Goetz tomorrow. That is incorrect, as I previously comm unicated to you. 2) I'm going to be about 30 minutes late to committee today, for
which I apologize. The Chamber originally had an event scheduled for last September that got pushed back, and it was rescheduled for
today 11 am; I'll be there for the beginning and then duck out to get over to your committee.
Status: Read
Read: 1/30/2018 7.04 48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8818DF4 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
1/3012018 7:06:40 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Morning. Why would he do that? He must've sent it to the city email in which case I will see it later this morning.

Thanks for the heads up on today.

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/30/2018 7 06.40 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8819B27 (Table : message. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
21412018 1:34:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Just ran into Julie Johnson at Kroger. Is she still at CPD, or doing real estate stuff full time now?
Status: Read
Read: 2/4/2018 1:36.57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db ; Ox88BB880 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
214/2018 1:37:51 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743
She's officially retired. Doing real estate stuff with her wife's firm.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/4/2018 1·37.43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox88BCFE4 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
21412018 1:40:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Cool. I thought so. but wasn't sure if she was still involved w Department somehow
Status: Read
Read: 2/412018 1:59:39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox88BC73C (Table. message, handle, c hat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
2110/2018 10:00:18 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I just spoke with Dwight and it felt like you totally threw me under the bus
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2110/2018 10.00"10 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1le/UbrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox894E699 (Table : message. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
212512018 1:35:32 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +151 33652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
sorry, have been out of commission for a bachelor party in AZ. Super flattering , and a great pick on his part 1
Status: Read
Read: 2/25/2018 1 36:59 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8BOF54E (Table: message handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
2126/2018 11:02:40 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Should we loop in Landsman too?
Status: Read
Read: 2/2612018 110315 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8B1E32B (Table: message, handle chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
2126/2018 11:02:48 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +151336524-04 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
For convo w Wendell?
Status: Read
Read: 2/26/2018 11 :03 15 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8B1FFE8 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
2126/2018 11 :03:22 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Status. Sent
Delivered: 2126/2018 11 ·03·22 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox881FE1D (Table: message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
212612018 11 :03:33 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status· Read
Read: 2126/2018 11 03 38 AM(UTC -5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8B 1FC76 (Table: message. handle chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)

212612018 11:G4:11 AM{UTC-.S)Oltection:OU1geklg, +15134170743
A lso I think I w a nt to hold o ff on this

54135382176 659CA1'46-C!: 16-'ISAD-8F 1B-
889414 1CBA6A.JPG
$1£tus Sent
Oefvel'sd: 2126/2018 11 04 14 AM(UTC·SJ
Source file· 1Phone .ar1mob<Je'l1bfary•s~·s.sms db 0)8B1F7C9 (Table message chat attachment Sae 220631040 bytes)
1Phonelvar'mob·le.'l1b<ary1SMS,Attachmentsl87/071965C787J.G95A-4EF7-8FBA-7466FA74B608J54135382176_659CAF46-CE18-45AD-8F 1B-8894141CBA6A JPG
(Size 2079958 bytes)
2/261201811:04:12AM(UTC.5)01reciion:Outgoing, +15134170743
Let me know
Status: Sent
Delivered. 212612018 11 04 14 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob<lell.1brary/SVlS/sm s.db Ox881F569 (Table message Chai Sae 220631040 bytes)
212612018 11:06:40 AM(UTC-.S)Ooredion:lnooming. +15133652.o-4 (P.G Sit!Jenfeld)
I think the substance 1s very good but a gree I would hold off for now
Status: Read
Read· 212612018 11 06 SS AMtUTC·~l
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox8B20C2C (Table message handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
2128/2018 11:07:32 AMCUTC.5)0irection:Outgoino, +15134170743
Th anks! Greg drafte d it Will le t h im know
Status: Sent
Delivered: 212612018 11 07 3? AM<UTC·Sl
Source file: 1Phone/Va r1mobolell.•brarylSl\4S'srns db Ox8B209F8 (Table message Chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2125/2018 11 ;08:38 AM(UTC-5) 0.-ection:lnoomno. +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfllld)
It sounds k inda Gre g-y in tone \/Vh1c h is often g o od - but reality 1s th is will b e a s uper div1s1ve issue. w ith limited room for conse n s u s
Sl&lu$: Read
RHd 21261201811 11 01 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: 1PhoneNar/mob1letL1brary/SMS1sms.db Ox8B20803 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
'2neao1s 11:09:25 AM(UTC..S) Directlon:lncomlng, •15133852404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
I thin k you've bee n s a vvy thus far comm u n 1c a ttng th ings that give you room for a c lea n N o vote ti that's the d ire c tion y ou w ant to go
Status Read
Read: 212612018 11 t 1 01 AMtUTC 51
Source file: 1Phone1var.mobtle•L brary1SMS•sms db Ox8B20549 (Table mess119e handle. chat S1z.e 220631040 bytes)
2.12612018 11:09:45 AM(UTC.S)otrection:lncoll"ing. +15133852404 (PG. Sit!enfeld)
Wendell & C h ns will be h a rd Nos
Status· Read
R~: WS/201 8 11 11 01 AM(UTC·5)

Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox8B20291 (Table message handle . chat Size 22063 1040 bytes)
212612018 11 ·11 :32 AM(UTC-S) Oirection·Outgoing, +15134170743
Gotcha . Thanks'
Stat..: Sent
Oelolll!fed.2'26120l" 111t 32Al.',U1C-5
Souroe file: 1Phone.,ar mob1l1>•L1bfary·SMS sms db Ox8B21A5F Table message chat. Sze 220631040 b)-te!}
2128/2018 2:40:31 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G Sittenfeld)
w e ll han dled . no clu e w hy he s baiting y o u
Statu$: Read
Read. 2128120 18 2 4 1 (19 PM(UIC·5)
Source file: 1Phone1Varlmob1le/l1brary1SMSlsms db Ox8B64DDB (Table message handle chat Size 22~631040 bytes)
2128/2018 2:40:38 PM(UTC-5)01re<:bon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sltl8nfeld)
being d 1ck- 1sh
Slatus· Read
Read 2128'2018 2 •109P~~ UTC·~'

Source file. 1Phone1va'1mo1><1.,,_1brary1SMS1sms db Ox8B64BAE (Table l"lessage handle Cflat Size 220631040 bytesl
2128/2018 4:05:15 PM(UTC.5) 0 1r.cbon:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
wh a t's that p rofile pie about?

Status: Read
Read. 212312018 4 05 31 PMtUTC·5)
Souroe file: 1Phonelvarlmob1lelllb1aiy1SMS1sms.db Ox8B6AB1D (Table message. '1andle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2128/2018 4:07:42 PM(UTC.S)Oirection:lncoming, +151 33652404 (P.G. Sitt•nfeld)
those guys a re bizarre
St.tu. Read
Reed 2128.'2018 4 08 o• fMtUTC 51
Source file: ,Phone'var 'TIObcle'L1brary.SMS,sms do Ox8B6BDFS (Table IY'essege handle chat Size 220631040 by1es1
212812018 4:07:54 PM(UTC.5)Directlon:Outgotng. +151341 70743
I don't e v e n k n ow. G ra~ston/Rayshon M ack a lways says Im going to do w h atev e r you say. I was Just saying tha t I expe ct p eople to tie m e to
you B u t we are two d1f e rent people w ith two d1tterent lens

Slatus Sent
Oeivered 21281201&' 07 19 P~~-i1c. ~J
Source fie 1P~ooelvaflrno0<lell1b<ary'SMS srrs db 0•886A7~2 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytn)

212812018 4 :08:02 PM(UTC-S)Dlredlon:lnoomlng, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenhlld)
of course

Status: Read
Read ?/?8/2018 4 08 t7 PM(UTC-S)
Source Ne: 1Phone/varlmobilelllbrary/S'll\Slsms db Ox8B6B7F2 (Table message handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
212812018 4:08:02 PM(UTC-5)DirectJon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Don't know his obsession. It's weird
Slatus: Sent
D&livered: 212812018 4 08:02 PM1UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobtle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8B6B9E3 (Table: message. chal Size 220631040 bytes)
212812016 4:08:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
T h e same th ing I w o u ld say for anything

Status: Sent
Dolivered 2/2812018 4 07 :55 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar1mob1ie/L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox8B6BFE4 (Table message chal Size. 220631040 bytes)
212812018 4:08:06 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgolng, +15134170743
H 1s cover photo 1s a part of the same conversation
$181us Sent
o.tve<ed: 212812018 4 08.01 PM1UTC.51
Source file: 1Phone/\/arhnob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8B6BBEC (Table message chat, Size ?20631040 bytes)
212812018 4:08.12 PM(UTC-S)OirectJon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Statu11. Sent
De Nvered: 212812018 4 08:08 PM\UTC-51
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db : Ox8B6B607 (Table message . chat, Size: 22063 1040 bytes)
31512018 4 :4 8:35 PM(UTC-S)Direetlon:l neoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
he y, had an Originalitees question : do you all do small a m ounts of custom branded shirts?
Status. Read
Reed· 31512018 5:17'38 PM(UTC-5)
Sou rce f~e: iPhonelvarlmobilellinrary/SMS/sms db · Ox8BE37F4 (Table message Mndle, chat. S ize. 220631040 byles)
317/2018 7 :49:06 AM(UTC-S)Direci1on-lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Siltenfeld)
t'm not the Queen Bee I used to be
Stllus Read
Re.d 3n1201a 3 ·75 27 AM(UTC-5)
Source tile: iPhonelvarlmobdefl1brary/S'lllS/sms.db . Ox8C107FE (Table: message handle chet Size 220631040 bytes)
317/201118:27:53 AM(UTC-5)0lrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
ha haha

Status: Read
Read: 3nt2018 8:34·~9 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8C11550 (Table: message. handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
317/2018 6:28:01 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
yo u going to caucus this morning?

Sialus: Read
Reed 3n1201a 8 34 49 AM(UTC-5)
Sou rce file: iPhonetvarfmob1iell1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox8C1137C (Table. message handle. Ghat Size 220631040 bytes)
317/201118:36:22 AM(UTC-5)Dlredlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
Ye s but I will be late. When I saw you, I was on the way to take - to the airport. She' s going to NYC bul her flight was delayed. Shes
never flown before so she d id n't know anything about a nything

Siatus· Sent
Delivorod. 3n1201s 8 36 13 AMtUTC-5)
Souroe file: 1Phonetvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/s11'1s.db Ox8C12DFA (Table: message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
317/2018 8:48:40 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfetd)
Yo u are so sweet! I still want to meet her !
Siatus: Read
Reed: 3nl20 18 8:50 42 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobtlelltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8C12AB8 (Table message handle chat S ize 220631040 bytes)
317/2018 3:16•24 PM(UTC-5)0iredion:tncoming , +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfet<I)
Get 'em Joeey' Bloody h is nose!
Siitus. Read
Read 3171;20t8 3 79 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/varfmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox BC 1A2C8 (Table message. ~ chat Size 22063 1040 bytEs)
sn12018 7:59:34 PM(UTC-S)Dirvction:Outgolng, +15134170743
ta ylortas

Status: Sent
DeUvered: 3n12018 7.59:37 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox8C241FE (Table: message chat, S11e 22063 1040 by1es)
31712018 6 :00:15 PM(UTC· S)Oireciion:lncomTng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
th x!

Stalus. Read
Read 3nt:>018 8.18 34 PMtUTC-~ )
So urce Ne· iPho"1elvarfmob1lell1brary/ SMS/ sms db Ox8C25FE8 {Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
sn/2016 9:05.26 PM(UTC-5)Dareclion.Outgo1ng , +15134170743 -
H i' Please loop in Tara on future emails. He r gma1l 1s gma1I com T h anks!

Sta tus: Sent

Dolivered· 3n/20 18 9 OS-1 6 Pt~(UTC-5)
souroe file. 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms ob Ox8C25A2B 1Table message chat, Size 220631040 bY1es)

317/2018 9:07:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
absolutely! will definite ly do so, sorry for not on that email. also free to reply all, add Tara, and say to respond with her on it going forward

Status: Read
Read: 3n/2018 9.52 07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8C2577B (Table message handle, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:56:29 PM(UTC-5)0irec1ion:Outgoing, +15134170743
H i' Do you know who owns Cincy Rents?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 318/2018 4:56 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8C453AE (Table. message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/8/2018 5:11:19 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I do not.
Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 5:12 18 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: i Phone/var/mob1lel L1brary/SMSl sms.db Ox8C451C5 (Table. message handle chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/8/2018 5:11:28 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Not even sure I know what C incy Rents is
Status: Read
Read: 3/812018 5·12 18 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8C46FE8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/812018 5:12:56 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Ok thank s ! T h e y own lots of real estate like grandin
Status: Sent
Delivered: 318/2018 5 12 56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1lel library/SMSlsms.db Ox8C46DFS (Table: message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 9:55:39 AM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Call you shortly
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/2018 9.56 04 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobtlel L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8C6639B (Table message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/912018 10:12:42 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
About to be out of pocket.
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 10:14 52 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8C67821 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/9/2018 10:13:35 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
If you talk to Greg , encourage him to be with you, me. Wendell, Chris, NAACP, NAN, Black Agenda etc in standing with Isaac & Harry
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 10.14.52 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C6764C (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/912018 3:31 :10 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
From Wendell:

I know you said you are lied up this afternoon but if there is any way you can get loose. even for just a little while. please make the s ·OOPM
meeting at the BA Hq . I'm guessing you know JC has thrown down the gauntlet to Harry. Resign or suffer a smear campaign. The gloves are
off. Time to fight. Hope you can re arrange your schedule. Please advise. Thanks .

Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/2018 3 31 12 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C78FE4 (Table message chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 3:32:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm in F lorida . But I absolutely think you can go
Status: Read
Read: 3/912018 3 32 52 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lel l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8C78261 (Table message handle. chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:33:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I can 't go
Status: Sent
Delivered: 31912018 3 33 05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C79FE4 (Table message chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
31912018 3:33:41 PM(UTC·S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status; Read
Read 3/9/2018 3 34 23 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8C79E2D (Table message, handle chat Size 220631040 byte s)
3/912018 3:34:13 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
If you can, call Harry and tell him not to resign, that we need him, and have his back.
Status: Read
Read: 3/912018 3.34 '23 PM(UTC-b)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobtle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8C79C88 (Table message handle chat Size 220631 040 bytes)
31912018 3:34:36 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
If John intimidated him into this , it's a damn constitutional crisis

Status: Read
Read 3/912018 3 3913 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C79843 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631 040 bytes)

319/2018 3:39:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Oulgoing, +15134170743
Just spoke with him.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/2018 3"41 .10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8C79611 (Table. message. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
31912018 3:41 :45 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 3:41 :58 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8C7 AFE8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 3:42:11 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Y es. He did s ound tired though . He met with J o h n at 2. But he said John wants blood and they are coming a fter E l iot next
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/2018 3.4211 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8C7ABA3 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/912018 3:42:24 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Our government is n o t a monarchy for John to discard people as he pleases
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 3:42:29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonel var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8C7A911 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 3:42:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
That's wha t he does though
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/2018 3 42.37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonel var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8C7A609 (Table: message. chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 3:42:52 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
We stop it now
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 3:44·10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonel varl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8C7A500 (Table: message, handle. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
31912018 3:44:42 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Yes we do. Is Seelbach goo d ? Greg was talking all kinds o f other shit
Status: Sent
Delivered: 31912018 3 44 .35 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8C7BA21 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
31912018 3:44:52 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
What was Greg saying?
Status: Read
Read: 31912018 3"45.22 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8C7 B7F7 (Table: message. handle chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 3:45:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
Seelbach will be fine. Though gonna take a little massaging
Status: Read
Read: 3/91201 8 3.45:58 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8C7841D (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 3:46:10 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Talking shit about performance evaluation. I said. this isn 't the time for this shit, Greg 1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3191201 8 3.46:10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C7CFE4 (Table: message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/912018 3:48:21 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743
I think Vanessa and I worked h im today
Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/201 8 3 46 21 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhonel var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8C7CD86 (Table: message. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:46:35 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Than k you 1
Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 3 47 26 PM(UTC 5)
Sou rce file: iPhone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8C7C6E7 (Table: message. handle chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
31912018 3:47:23 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Exactly r ight, not the damn time
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 3 48 20 P M(UTC -~)

Source tile: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8C70488 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
31912018 3:47:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
A lot a t stake
Status: Read
Read: 3/912018 3 48 20 PM(UTC - ~)

Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8C7D2A7 (Table. message handle chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3111/2018 11:15:04 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +151 33852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
FYI , things are hot and getting hotter. I just tweeted in support if Isaac and Harry. just keeping in touc h w ith you, as thin gs unfold.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1112018 11.29.59 AM1UTC 4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mo b1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8C97492 (Table: message. handle. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)

3/1212018 4:04:07 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:lncoming, +151338 52404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
let me know when you have a quick second
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 04 18 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CAFA8C (Table: message handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Call you s o o n '
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/12/2018 4 04 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CAF863 (Table. message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
311 212018 4:04:57 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:lncoming, + 15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 4 04 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8CBOA52 (Table: message, handle chat, Size 220631040 byles)
3/ 13/2018 1:36:59 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P .G. Sitlenfeld)
h e y, T - w ill y ou b e a t committee today t 2pm?
Status: Read
Reed: 3/13/20181·39:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8CE4FE8 (Table· message, handle chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/13/2018 1:40:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
H 1! No. I will not. I sent an email to Elida and Ms. Kathy last wee k
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 14002 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonetvartmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8CE5FE4 (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3113/2018 1:40:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sitlenfeld)
oka y , thanks
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 1:40 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8CESOBC (Table message, handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 10:22:05 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
you going to caucus tomorrow?
Status. Read
Read: 3/13/2018 10 25 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8001FE8 (Table. message, handle chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
311312018 10:22:14 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
if you don't, I may well skip. though I w ill if y o u d o
Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 10 25 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8001A08 (Table message, handle chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1312018 10:25:36 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
As of now , I p la n on going. What does your gut say?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 10 25 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox800188F (Table message, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/ 1312018 10:25:55 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm good to g o
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 10.25 57 PM(UTC 4)
Sou rce file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D0168A (Table message handle chat. Stze 220631040 bytes}
3/1 312018 10:26:09 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
no harm in it. and can always be good to head off surprises
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 10 26 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8001493 (Table. message. handle, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/1 3/2018 10:26: 12 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, + 15134170743
Cool. M e too

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 10.26 12 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8001243 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes}
3/1312018 10:26:36 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, + 151 34170743
Good point. I will see you there
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/1312018 10 26 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8D02FE4 (Table message. cha t, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1412018 11 :30:09 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +1513 4170743
What's KZ's c e ll number?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/14/2018 11 30 09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox80136B9 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes}

31141201811 :31 :20 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


Status: Read
Read: 3/1412018 115722 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonefvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8013303 (Table· message, handle. chat. attachment, Size: 220631040 bytes)
iPhone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/eO/OO/C4947A44-6EE2-431 F-94A8-0D6B00858148/KZ (Size: 157 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:48:39 PM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
will take a first crack at drafting some thing for us to collectively shap e tomorrow. question: is using the term "public lynching" in a letter too
inflammatory , or very much warranted?

Status: Read
Read: 3/1512018 8:47 :26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox80 49AEO (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1512018 8:48:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I think it's warranted . Just depends on h ow we describ e it .

OAN, Dan Schimberg is texting me

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 8 48:25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D4A036 (Table message. chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
311512018 8:48:35 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
me too - I'm ignoring for now

Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 8 49 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox804AAD6 (Table message handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1512018 8:48:51 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Stttenfeld)
mostly because I already had a long convo w / him 2 days ago
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 8 49 13 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D4A8C3 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/ 15/2018 8:49:06 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
but I'm really on ly hearing from a small group of people who are basically Cranley's inner ci rcle
Status: Read
Read: 311512018 8.49 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox804A677 (Table. message, handle . chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1512018 9:03:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
you reply to him?
Status: Read
Read: 311512018 9 13 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox804B364 (Table· message. handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1512018 9:13:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I did. But I'm not going back and forth with him

Status: Sent
Delivered: 311 5/2018 9 13 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox804CC3A (Table· message. chat, Size· 220631040 bytes)
311612018 3:08:47 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
kinda fun teaming up to kick some asses'
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 3 09 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8079FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 3:08:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
letter seems very wel l r eceived
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3·09·02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D79DC1 (Table: message, l1andle, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:0 9:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
It is fun! Let's keep at it!

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3116/2018 3 09 76 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8079BAA (Table message, chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:09:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, + 15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/20 18 3 09 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox80797FE (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3118/2018 3:09:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
The letter is awesome
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3116/2018 3 09 35 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox80799C9 (Table message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)

3/1612018 3:09:47 PM(UTC-4}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
somewhe re John Cran ley 1s in a cold sweat and having diarrhea
Status. Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3·11.35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox807961F (Table. messa ge. handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 3:10:05 PM(UTC-4) 0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
excellent team work and inp u t; w ordsmithing is o ne of the few ac tu al skills I h a ve

Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3.11.35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobllellibrarylSMS/sms db Ox80793CD (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3116/2018 3:12:18 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Wordsmithing is one of your many skills
Status· Sent
Delivered: 3/16/2018 3 12 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox807AFE4 (Table: message, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 3:12:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
fl a ttery will get yo u e verywhe re
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3.21 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox607ADF5 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1612018 3:53:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
g ood lo rdy. I r e a lly think p a stor's nicknam e should be #CaucusOfO ne
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 3.56.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox607 8430 (Table me ssage handle, chat, Size. 220631040 bytes)
311612018 3:57:41 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Henceforth , he will b e referred to as #Coo
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/16/2018 3.57.42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox607C2AO (Table message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3116/2016 3:58:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
the COO - h ahaha , brillia n t a b bre via tion.
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 3 58 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox607DE3D (Table: message, handle. chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
311712018 1:22:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
h ey , can't remember if I as ke d y ou t his o r n o t: you s till d o ing stuff w ith O r ig in a lit1ees? And ca n O r ig inalities d o c ustom I-s hirts i n a small#? or
that's not w h at you a ll d o?
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 1 22 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6095FE8 (Table message handle chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
311712018 1:23:29 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:Outgoing, +15134170743
H i! You d id and I forgot to answer. H ow small of an order?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1712018 1 23 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6095CA2 (Table message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3117/20181:23:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
pretty s m all - like 10-20 s ta rtin g out. obviously r ea lizing w e'd b e p a ying more , since less e conomy of scale. n o sweat if not

Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 1.24 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8095A6E (Table message, handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1712018 1:24:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Yes we can d o that. D o you al ready have the design?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 1 24 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6D95786 (Table. message, chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/1712018 1:24:48 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/17120 18 1 24 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6095581 (Table message handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3/ 17/2018 1:25:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
any cost e stima te?
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 12503 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6D953D6 (Table. message handle, chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/ 1712018 1:25:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5134170743
Let me che ck with K h1sha and get back to you today.
Status· Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 1 25 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6D96FE4 (Table message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
311712018 1:26:00 PM(UTC-4)D1rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
thanks so much l also, not trying to create work for you. so let m e know 11 you want me to reach out to Khisha directly

Status: Read
Read· 3/1712018 1 26 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8096ADB (Table: message handle. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)

3117/2018 1:30:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5134170743
D o you want comfy s hirts lik e the bra n d o r do you want 100% co tton?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 17/2018 1.30:42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobllel l1brarylSMSlsms.db · OxBD96613 (Table: message, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
311712016 1:30:52 PM(UTC-4) 0irection:lnex>mlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I t hink comfy
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 1:30:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxBD965ED (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1712018 1:31 :30 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Ok, cool. W ill g et back with you today .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 1°31 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxB097FE4 (Table. message. chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/17/2018 1:31 :36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnex>ming, +151 33652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Th ank s s o muc h !
Status: Read
Read: 3/17120181:31 :39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox6097AF3 (Table: message. handle cha t. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/1712018 2:23:00 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:lnc:cming, +151 33652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Btw. any regre ts about voting down R aysh on Mack??ll Like, I couldn't mak e these people up 1f I tried
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 2:33·26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox609BA3C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/ 17/2018 2:34: 15 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
N o regrets. He is som e th ing el se. He and G rags ton a re ridic ulous
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 2·34 :15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBD99FE4 (Table: message. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 4:08:43 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
you g onna g o to caucus tomor row? h ate to say it, but I wonder if it's productive . we sh ould see what Greg i s d oing.
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 4 09 25 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · OxBDFCFEB (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:10:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I was j u st thinking the sam e thin g
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4·10:47 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxBDFCA21 (Table: message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 4: 11 :46 PM(UTC4) 0irection:lnooming, +1 5133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
hate to say it, but tomorrow could get a little ugl y . meaning not sure it makes sense to see J ohn in the mornin g
Status: Read
Reed: 3/20/2018 4:12.48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: i Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox8DFCB3C (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:12:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:cming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
as a sep a r a te matte r, I'm n o t i m agin ing tha t a t last caucus C r a nley m e n tion ed Scottie J oh n son's n am e as som eone w h o s upports John 's
p osition in th is whole mess? Did y ou h ear that too?
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 4·12:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DFDFE8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3120/2018 4:13:33 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +1513417 0743
I'm pretty sure i heard his name. Did you have lunch w ith Ju lie today?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3120/2018 4 13 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DFDC90 (Table: message. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:13:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:cming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
yea h , a nd she was like he ll no Scottie doesn' t agree wit h C ra nley o n this'
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 4 14.21 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMStsms.db Ox8DFD78C (Table: message. handle chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:15:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743
H e is truly something else . What do yo u think H arry has on John?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3120/2018 4 15.20 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8DFEE38 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:16:44 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:l nex>ming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
not sure - but if you mad e me guess som e sort of contracting corruption
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 4 26 ~8 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8DFEC18 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220631040 bytes)
3/2012018 4:44:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:cming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
alright, Greg said he is going to go, in which case I think good for us to both be ther e to support him . and be a un ified front. that ok?
Status: Read
Read. 3/20/2018 5.03•03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8DFE9B2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)

3/20/2018 5:03:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Works for me
St.atus s~n1
Oel1-ed: 3/Z0/2018 S·OJ 29 PM\UTC-~l
Source file· 1PhonelvarlmobJe/library/SMS•sms.ob Ox8DFE6C2 (Table. message chat. S•z.e 220631040 bytes)
3/20/2018 5'03:39 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomfng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfald)
Slltus: Read
Read: 312012018 5.10 42 PMtUTC-<IJ
Source flle.1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db. Ox8DFES08 (Table. message, handle chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
312112018 1:44:00 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
What's this guy's name?

Stlltu•: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 1·44 43 PM(UTC 41
Source file· 1Phone/var1mobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db · Ox8EOEFE8 {Table message. handle. chat. S·ze 220631040 bytes)
3121/20181 :45:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:0Ulgoing, +15134170743
Status Sent
Dellwrtd: 312112018 1 45 03 PM1UTC-4J
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob.(e/Ltb1ary/SMS•sms db Ox8EOEEOD (lab(e message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
S/22f2018 8 37:07 PM(UTC-4)Dl~n:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Happy birthday big sis 11
Slltus: Read
Reacl: 312212018 g 39 36 PMtUTC-4)
Source file· 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms db. Ox6E40412 (Table. message handle chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
3/2212018 8:37:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Let's get a meal soon. You and me. Or you me and -
Status Read
Read: 312212018 9 39 Ji; PMtUTC·4l
Source file. 0PhoneNar/mobtlell1brary1SMSlsms.db Ox8E4EFE8 (Table message. hMdle chat Sze 220631040 bytes)
3/22/2018 8' 37:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Hope ti's a great bday
Status Read
Read: 312212018 9:39 36 PMtUTC-~•
Source file: 1PhonelvarlmobllellibrarylSMS1sms db· Ox8E4EDD7 (Table message handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3122/2018 9:40:48 PM(UTC-4)Difection:Ou!Qoing, +15134170743
Thank you! I would love tha t. She's traveling the next 3-4 wee k s pretty heavy. Would love to connect after that
Slat~: Sent
Oelivored: 312212018 9·40·41 PM(UTC-4)
~u'"" nit!. iPl1u11.,/vd1 lr11ubil.,/L1l:l101yiSMSl>111>.db OxBE~1373 (Table: me>>age. c;hal, 01ze 220031040 byteo)
312212018 9:42:15 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. SiHenfeld)

Status Read
Relld· 3i22/2018 944 22 P~11UTC-41
Source file: 1Phone.var11nobtle.Lrbraryl SMSl$ms.db Ox8E52810 (Table· message handle chat Size 22063~040 bJles)
3J23/2018 10:18:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1going, +15134170743
Please call me when you have a moment
Status Sen1
Oel111ered: 312312018 10 18 11 AMfUTC-4)
Source tile: 1Phone/var/mobileJLibrarylSMSlsms.db. Ox8E5B608 (Table. message, chal Size 220631040 bytes)
3127/201811 :00:40 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +1 5133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Parking 1n 1 mm
Slltus. Read
Read· 3/'712018 110224 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phoneivar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox8EF18F6 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
312812018 2 20:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
Can we chat for a min post meeting?

SIA!tua: Reaa
Read 3.'28'2018 3 01 53 PM1UTC·4)
Source file: •Pllonetvar/mooile/librarylS~'Slsms db Ox8F16D.AA (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes1
3/2812018 3:2517 PM(UTC-4)Direct.on lnoomng, +15133852404 (PG. Sittenfeld)
come knock on our door when you have a sec pretty please!
StalU$. Road
Read: 312812018 J31 43 PM\UTC·4l
Source file: iPhonefvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8F18FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
313012018 8:38:03 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
sick of me yet?! have a 30-second question when you can give a call
Statua: Read
Reed: 313012018 10:59 48 AM1UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone:var:wobt1e1L brary/SVS'sms db 0~8F43593 (Table. message, handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
3/30/2018 10 :05:54 AM(UTC-4)Direction lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
apologies for being a pest it's a t mely thing. so let me know 1! I can catch you for a sec
St11tus Read
Read J•3o 20'810 5~ 46 AMtUTC-41
, Source file· 1Phone/var'mob11e1Llb•ary1SMS 1sms db Ox8F43337 (Table message, handle chat. Size :?20631040 bytes)

3/3 -
1 12
~ P-
~~ ~)~D-lrectio-
_ . +1 51~3~
. G~_~

hope you two are having a fun weekend Dani moved Seder to tomorrow night, not Monday night - so I'm going to miss it, which means I'm
going to miss - need to find another time soon
Sl&Ws Rud
Read; 3/31/2018 6 10 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobrle/L1b(ary/SM S/sms.db Ox8FSBFE8 (Table. message hendle cha1 Size. 220631040 bytes)
313112018 8:10:29 PM(UT~)Dlrection:lnco mlng, +15133852404 (P.G. Siltenfeld)
also, following your good advice. I got Christie's take on FC stuff, which I found very helpful. Keep me posted if you end up connecting with
Status. Read
Read: 31311?018 6 1042 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobife/library/SMS/srns.db : Ox8F5B383 (Table: message. handle. chat _Sl_ ze_2_2_06_3_1_04_0_
by:..t_e s.:.)_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __
3/31/20 18 8:15:35 PM(UT~) Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743
We can't make it either. Do you want to grab dinner on Monday night with- and Jennie too?
Status: Sen1
Delivered: 3/31/2018 6.15:35 PMtUTC-4J
Source fde: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db · Ox8FSCA6C (Table: message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
3131/2018 6: 16:11 PM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
We will be in Dayton tomorrow night
Sto1us: Sent
Oe~..,red Y.! t/2018 6 16.tO PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1PhoneJvar/mobilellobrary/SMSlsms.db Ox8F5DFE4 (Table message. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
5/1112018 5:21:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +151 33652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
see you Sam on Tuesday
Status: Read
Read: 511112018 5:45"05 PM(UTC-4)
SOt.Jrce file: 1Phonc/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox9455FE8 (Table· message. handle, chat Soze 220631040 bytes)
5/111201 8 5:45:10 PM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing, +15134 170743
Status: Seot
Ochered 51t 1120t8 5 45: 11 PMiUTC-4)
SOt.Jrce Ne· oPhonelvarlmobde/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox9456C36 (Table. message chat Soze 220631040 bytes)
5111/2018 5.47:36 PM(UTC-4)D1rection:lnooming, + 15 133652404 (P.G. Sltlenfe!d)

Statu•: Read
Read· 5111120 18 G·oo·:ia PM\UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar1mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9456A91 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
5/1512018 6:24 :16 A M (UTC-4)Dlrectlon:1ncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
See you at 8
Status: Road
Read: ~1151?018 6 26:46 AM{UTC·41
SOt.Jrce ftle: oPhone/ var/mobilellibrary/SMStsms db Ox94B3FE8 (Table. message. handle, chal. Size 22063 1040 bytes)
5115/2011! 6:27:03 AM(UT~)Directlon :Outgolng, +15134170743
Which location?
Status: Sent
Oelwred: 5115/2018 6 21;:56 AJ.11UTC-4J
Source file. 1Phonelvar/mobde/Library/SMS!sms db Ox94B3E2D (Table· message chat Size· 220631040 bytes)
5115/2016 6:27:15 AM(UT~)Dfrection:lnooming, + 15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read 511512018 6 27:46 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: oPhonelvartmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox94B3C70 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 220631040 bytes)
5/151201 8 8 :28:07 AM(UTC-4) Dlrec11on:Outgolng, +15134170743
Which one? New one downtown?
Statu•: Sent
Oelwred: 5/15J20 18 6·28:00 M1(UTC 41
Source file.1Phone1va1/moo1lellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox94B3ABD (Table· message Ctlat, Size 220631040 bytes)
5115/2018 6:28:28 AM(UT~)Direction:lncom1ng, +15 133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
1001 Gest St

Status: Rtad
Reed !./1!>1?018 6 28 46 AA1(UTC-")
Source tile iPhonellrar/mobdelL1brary/SMS/sms db Ox94B38E4 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
511512016 8:29:02 A M(UTC-4)Direct10n:Outoolng, + 151 34 170743
Awesome thanks
Status: Sent
Delivered: 511512018 G:28:57 AM( UTC-~ I
Source file: 1Phone/vartmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox94B335F (Table: message. chat Size 22063 1040 bytes)
. 5/15/2018 8:03:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743
Be there in 5 min. Sorry
Status. Se111
Delvered ~ 1 1!>/70t8 8 03 30 M'(UTC 4)
SOt.Jrce r~e: 1Phone1Var/mobtle'l..1brarylSMS/ sms db Ox9485C13 (T able message. Chat, Sozc 22Cle31040 bytes)
5129/2018 7.01:09 PM(UT~)Otrectoon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Ht' Do you remember the name of the black guy that worked for the Obama campaign m Cincy?
Status: Sent
Do~vered: 512912018 7 01.04 PM1UTC-4I

Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox961 CD07 1Table: message chat_S

_ 1_ze_2_20_6_3_
) _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

5/2912018 7:35:14 PM(UTG-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Hope Israel is great
Slaws Rebd
Read. 5.'29'2018 9 19 53 PM•UTC-4)
Soun:e file: 1Phone/va11mob!le1Lbrary1SMS1sms db Ox981~F5 (Table: message ha'ldle chat SJZe 220631040 byles)
512912018 7 35:25 PM(UTG-4)0irection:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (P.G Sittenfeld)
Hmm, any more details to go on? 1
Status· Read
Reed: ~2912018 9.19.58 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox961C32C (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)
5/29/2018 7:35:49 PM(UTG-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Name Kinney or McKinney or something close?
Status· Resd
Read 512912018 9· 19 58 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobilelL•brary/SMSl$mS db. Ox961 DFE8 (Table message, handle chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
512912018 11:28:20 PM(UT~Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
Sorry I fell asleep. That was h im I knew you would know. Israel 1s amazing Just gol into Jerusalem last night. Can't wait lo tell you all about
Status Sent
000-ad 5.29/2018 11 2818 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmob1leJL1braryJSMS/sms db Ox961FFE4 (Table message chal Siie 220631040 bytes)
5131/2018 8:39:18 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
I forgot to send this to you. It's from two weeks ago


IMO 6115.JPG
StalU4 Senl
Otllvtred 5.'3112018 8:39.23 PM(UTC-<11
Source file. 1Phone'varfmobdellobrary1S~S1sms db Ox964FD09 {Table· message chat attachment. Size. 220531040 bytes)
1Phone'varlmob1le/l.1brarylSMSiAttachmenlsf2011310CSCA03A-7A7E-47EA-B333·DC600A04978EilMG_6115.JPG (Size 220074 3 bytes)
611912018 2:01.04 PM(UTG-4)0irection:lnc:omlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
You close to being here?
Sllltus· Rea<I
Read: 6/1912018 2 03'17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox9826603 {Table message. handle. chat Size 220631040 bytes)
8/2212018 3:08:10 PM(UTC4)0ireclion:Outgoing, +15134170743
Coill me regarding budget when you r.::in plPi!!\P.?
Status Sent
Delivered. 61?712018 3 10:52 PM\UTC-'IJ
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le•L1braiy/SMSlsms.db Ox98BB4F6 (Tabte· message chat Srle 220631040 bytes)
6124/2018 12 46:15 PM(UTG-4)Directlon Incoming, +-15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Of course w illing to w nte letter
Reac!; 612412018 12 49 03 PM1UTC"'J
Source file 1Phone/var1mcblle'Libraiy1SMS1sms db Ox98DC64A (T2ble message handle chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
61241201812:46:23 PM(UTG-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Send me template
Slatus: Road
Read 6124/2018 12 49'03 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: iPhonefvarlmobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox98DC467 {Table message, handle chat, Size: 220631040 bytes)
612412018 12:49:21 PM(UTC-4)01recUon:Outgolng, +15134170743
Will do. Thank you so much!
Slalus Senl
Delivered: G/2412018 12 49.19 PMtUTC-4)
Source file. 1Phone.'var.mob,le/L•brary1SM5'sms do Ox98DC2A2 (Table message chat Siu. 220631040 bytes)
6124/2018 9·24·11 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Do you support Greg' s and my motion to go first?
Slalus. Senl
Deivmd 612412018 9 24 06 PM\UTC·41
Source tile: 1Phone 'var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox98E4550 (Table message chat. s,ze 220631040 bytes)
612412018 10:05:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l11C10mlng, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I don't feel strongly about the order, as long as sources aren t used up early th at leave other priorities h igh and dry later in the process . In
~eneral, think best to reach consensus on all sources and all causes before any votes - a consensus which doesn' t seem lo exist yet . I told
reg earlier in the week there were a couple sources in your guys motion that I don't support ( inc luding taking trash from 100% to 150%
increase). but not sure I've seen most recent draft. Going to bed now, but available to chat anytime in the morn ing.

Stalus Read
Read· 61251?018 12 04 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file· 1Phonetvarlmobilelllbrary'SMS'smsdb Ox98E5FE8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220631040 bytes)
6125/2018 91614 AM(UTC-4)Direc:to0n:Outgolng, +15134170743
Are you good w ith Funding the Center at S750K? Sanitation workers? If we don t go first. we may not able 10 get those
St11tu1: Senl
Delivered. 612~018 9 16 1£. AM1UTC·41
Source file 1Phonetvarlmo::>1le'l.ibrary•SMS•sms db 0~98F1A2E (Taole. message chat Size 220631040 bytes)

812712018 10:03:58 AM(UTC-4)0ireotion:lncomlno. +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


Statue: Road
Read: G/2712016 10.08.33 AM(Ul C-4)
Source flle: 1Phonelvarlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox993A7FF (Table: message. handle. chat. attachment. Size: 220631040 bytes)
iPhonetvarlmob1lellibrary/SM S/Attachments/22102/207060E4·2BBD-4EB5·B710·664 F2C992B98/0ave A dams. vcf : (Size 200 bytes)
7/812018 1:22:28 PM(UT~)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15134170743
Hi! Do you have a number for Nathan Smith?
Status· Sent
Oofivorod: 71812018 1:22:33 PMtUTC 4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobilell1braryl$MS/sms db Ox9A46988 (Table message, chat. Size. 220631040 bytes)

Chats (1)
1 • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

1Message: +15134170743 (1)

• Deleted
Participants. Start Time. 7117/2018 S 26 46 PM(UTC-4)
+15134 170743 Last AclN1ty 10130/2018 2:40 15 PM(UTC-4)
Tamaya Dennard' (owner) Number of attacnments: 2
Source. 1Message +15134170743
S01.lrce file: 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db
Ox13B0799 (Table: chat. handle, Si.ze. 30273536 bytes)
Body file: chat- 1.txt
PG S•tlenfeld'

7/17/2018 5:26:46 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)

Will you support a suspension of the 72-hour eviction of occupants of 3rd Street until we can work towards less confusing solutions?
SIOtua: Sent
Delivered: 7/t 7/2018 S 26.45 PMtUTC-41
Souroe file: iPhone/\/ar/mobrlelL1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox3850B6 (Table: message chat Size 30273536 bytes)
7/17/2016 8:07:59 PM(UTC-4)0lredion:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I need your support on this. Wendell and Chris are in.
StetuJ. Sent
Delivered: 711712018 8 07 57 PMtUTC·4J
Source file: 1Phone/\/ar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db. Ox39381 E (Table message chat Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/17/2018 9:30:05 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon :lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm in
Status: Read
Read: 711712018 9:34 SS PMtUTC-4)
Souroe file: 1Phone/\/artmobllell1brary'SMS'srrs.db 0•39lff6 (Table message handle chal Size 30273536 bytes)
7/17/2018 9 :35:03 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Oulgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you!
Status. Sent
Delivered: 711712018 9 35 02 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var1mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db Ox398FA1 (Table. rnessa9e, chal, Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/17/2018 9 :36:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttent.ld)
Can get filled in a bit more tomorrow, but also know it's important we support each other's priorities
Status Read
Read 111112018 9:36·36 P~·cuTC-~t
Source file: 1Phone:varm10btle1L brarytSWS·sms db Ox398DM (Table message. handle cha! Stze 30273538 bytes)
7/17/2018 9:36:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Out~olng, +15134170743 (Temaya Dennard)
Thank you. I will call you tomorrow
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7117/2018 9 36 ~3 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms.db Ox3987E9 (Table: message, Chet , Size 30273536 bytes)
7/181201812:01:55 PM (UTC-4)D1rection:Outgomg, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Patrick won't honor my mollon and John won't call me back for a special session
Status: Sent
o.ll\1$red. 7118J2018 12 01 55 Pl,ltUTC-4)
Source file: iPhone>var/moblle.'L1brary/S'!!S!sms db Ox3A9445 (Table message chat Srze 30273536 byles)
7/1912018 12:47:17 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
1) making sure you got my email that I m at summit 1n columbus today
Sll!tu&: Read
Roed: 711912018 12 47.26 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox3DDC8D (Table. message handle chal. Size 30:>73536 bytes)
7/1912018 12:47:34 PM(UT~)Oirection:lnooming, +15 133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
2) my team said Smitherman attacking you on right wing radio
Sl8tus· Read
Read ~11912015 12 4 1 :l6 PIA1UTC-<:)
Source file: 1Phone.'var1mob le ' Ox30::l720 nable message, handle chat Size '.lOn3536 bytes)
7/19/201812:47:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Yes I did. Thank you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 12:47 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox3DD48C (Table: message, chat, Size : 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 12:47:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
(Of co urse attacking me too)
Sllltus: Read
Read: 7/19/2018 12:47:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox3DD2AB (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 12:47:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
I used to it
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/20 18 12 47·52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox3DEFA1 (Table: message, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1912018 12:48:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Nothing else better to do
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/1912018 12:48:08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox3DE09E (Table: message, cha t, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 12:48:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Right, it's what he does and who he is
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/201812.48.18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox30EB83 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 12:48:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Pretty much
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/1912018 12:48:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox3DE948 (Table. message, chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/1912018 12:48:40 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Talk soon. Will loop back for update
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/2018 12:48.43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox30E749 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/19/2018 12:48:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 12:48:47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox30E516 (Table message, chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)
712612018 2 :03:15 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hi! You know the owner of Knockback Nat's?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/26/2018 2 03·12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox4980AE (Table: message, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/26/2018 2 :03:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
I do not
Status: Read
Read: 7/26/2018 2:03:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox49BB60 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
7126/2018 2 :03:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Ok thanks !
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/26/2018 2:03 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox49893E (Table : message chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
7/26/2018 2:03:43 PM(UTC-4)0ireciion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
I don 't even know the name of whoever owns it
Status: Read
Read: 7/26/2018 2:03 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox49B741 (Table. message, handle, chat Size: 30273536 bytes)
7/26/2018 2:04:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Me either
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7126/2018 2.04 05 PM(UTC4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox4984C4 (Table: message, chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
8/3/2018 10:04:27 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard}


R. 001 - Compla1nt.pdf
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/3/2018 10;04 ;29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox58E509 (Table: message, chat. attachment. Size: 30273536 bytes)
iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachments/eb/11/EC593005-0A98-4FF2-B157-4E3C 101 BF1 E7/R . 001 - Complaint.pd! . (Size 722451 bytes)

8118120181:04:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tameye Dennard)
H i! Do you h ave a cell phone number for Laura Brunner? I had it but lost it in the new phone

Status: Sent 8/18120182:13:10 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brarylSMSl sms.db Ox742FA1 (Table: message, chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)
8/19/2018 11 :27:1 o AM(UTC-4)0irectioo:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P .G. Slllenfekl)


Laura Brunner.vcf
Status: Read
Read: 8/1912018 11 .27 '28 AM( UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvarlmobllel llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox7523FC (Table message, handle , chat, attachment, Size 30273536 bytes)
1Phonelvarlmobile/Llbrary/SM S/Attachments/9c/12170686355-8418-4EA7-9A46-A01 BOE45BF53/Laura Brunner vcf (Size 169 bytes)
811912018 11:27:41 Ml(UTC4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
Currently traveling OOT with Sarah' s farn, with limited cell.FYI

Slatus: Read
Read: 811912018 11 :28:00 AMtUTC..4)
Source file: iPhone/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox753FA1 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)
8119/2018 11:28:14 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you ! Safe travels !
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/1912018 11:28:16 AM{UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/varimobile/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox753D33 (Table: message, chat. Size 30273536 byles)
914/2018 12:40:50 PMCUTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Hil I'm running late for committee
Status: Senl
Delivered: 9/4/2018 12 40 50 PM{UTC·4 )
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox9349C6 (Table· message. chat. Size: 30273536 bytes)
9/1912018 3:17:27 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Shiiitiittt #MyAss
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/1912018 3: 17•27 PMIUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonetvarlmobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxB5254F (Table. mess29e. chal, Size 30273536 bytes)
10/11201811:47:52 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (T<1maya Dennard)
Happy Birthday Old Man!! Just to g ive you a heads up. I' m going to be corning off of your c ommittee . We can discuss more when I see you.

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1011/2018 11 47:53 AM{UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . OxC78749 (Table message. chat, Size· 30273536 bytes}
1012/2018 8:39:21 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
H i! Hope you had a great birthday. I wanted to follow up o n my text. Where are you on Issue 1?

$talus: Sent
Delivered: 1012.12018 8:39:26 AM<UTC..;i)
Source file: iPhonetvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMSl sms.db OxC925DA (Table· message. chat Size 30273536 bytes)
1012212018 10:22:17 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
H i! Just learned of your bus stop idea. Our office has been working on this for few months. Would love to see if there' s a way to work
together on this

Status: Sent
O&fivered: 10122120 18 10:22:18 AMtUl C-4)
Source file: iPhoneivar/mob1!e/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxF397B8 (Table message, chat Size : 30273536 bytes)
10122/2018 11 :55:50 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P .G. Sfttenfeld)
of course!
Status: Read
Read: 1017.U2018 12 30:10 P MtUTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelVar/mobile/Library/SMSisms.db: Oxf413FO (Table message, handle chat Stze: 30273536 byles)
10/22/2016 11:56:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
mostly on the actual stops themselves. we 've been trying to help BBC navigate compliance

Slatus : Read
Read: 1012212018 12.30:10 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mobilelL11:>rary/SMSl sms.db OxF42FA1 (Table message handle chal. Size. 30273536 b1•tes)
1012212018 11:56:20 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
but always glad to team up o n solutions, or support yours however we can

Status: Read
Read: 10/2212013 12·30.10 P MtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone.1Var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxF42CCC (Table message. handle chal Size 30273536 byles)
1012212018 4:21:32 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaye Dennard)
Our proiect is more about public art and bus stops .

Slalus: Sent
OeilvMed: 1012212016 4:21 32 PM(UTC·4l
Source file: iPhonelvarlmob1lellibrarylSMS/sms.db OxF64FA1 (Table· message, chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
Chats (1)
"1.; • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

!Message: + 15133652404 (1)

# Deleted

Participants: Start Time 11/2812014 7 41 55 AM(UTC-5)

.. 15133652404 LastActlvily: 11119/20181:07:39 PM(UTC-5)
P.G: (owner) Number of attachments: 87
Source: iMessage +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
iPhone/var/mobileilibrarytSMS/sms.db . Ox890BB06
(Table: chat, handle, Size, 220762112 byte$)
Body file: chal-1 .txt
.. 15134170743
Tamaya Denard·
11312018 3:02:35 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I want to make 1t at noon before your committee
Status: Read
Delivered: 11312018 7:22:10 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/312018 7·22 10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox672BDAF (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/9/2018 2:56:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Are you going to leave your committee at the same time?
Status: Read
Delivered: 11912018 3 19.59 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 11912018 3 19.59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's iPhonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox681 EA66 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/9/2018 2:57:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/9/2016 3 19.59 PM(UTC-5)
Reed: 1/912018 3'19 59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox681 E84E (Table· message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/912018 3:20:05 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
it's currently 2pm yeah. that work for you?

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobllell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6821 FEC (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/912018 3:20:53 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Yep. So we're at 11 and you at 2. That's great. Thanks'
Status: Read
Delivered: 11912018 3.20.57 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/912018 3 20.57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6821A51 (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/9/2018 3:21:13 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
cool. I think it lets people grab lunch, catch their breath do a little work between our two committees
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db. Ox682183E (Table message, chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
119/2018 3:21:18 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
how was Greg's today?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox682159F (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/9/2018 3:34:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Sounds good . It was cool. One presentation and 2 discussions
Status: Read
Delivered: 119/2016 340 26 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/9/2018 3 40 28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox6823BCC (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/1312018 5:40:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Don't share this. So ... Nickie Antonio is running for a state senate seat in Ohio and is trying to get the party endorsement . She brought a
folding chair to her interview and said that her hero, Shirley Chisholm said , "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair."
She literally brought a folding chair. Christie was appalled . Needless to say. she didn't get the recommendation for endorsement
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/13/2018 5 4107 PM(UTC 5)
Read: 1/13/2018 541 07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox68004F7 (Table message, handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:41:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I have a picture and everything. She looks ridiculous
Status: Read
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox68D1 FEC (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:41 :48 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
ha 1 send along picture !
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobde/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox68010E6 (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:41 :59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm not her biggest fan for totally separate reasons

SUitus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6801 BES (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:53:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)


20180113 .1pg
Status: Read
Read: 1113/2018 !> !>4 52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6801622 (Table message. handle chat attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P G 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/94/04/C 6600039-124E-465C-B040-CB6FA98BASEE/20180113 _.JP9 (Size 196358 bytes)

1/1312018 5:54:58 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I d o n 't like her e ithe r. I s till h ave some ill fe e lin gs from the senate campaign
Status: Read
Read: 1/1312018 5·54 59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox68D13BF (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:55:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
BAhahaha ... suc h a ridi culo u s pi cture
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6802FEC (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/13/2018 5:55:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
l ook s l ike a n SNL s kit o r something
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox68D2DD2 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1312018 5:56:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
So ridiculous. I definitely got a good lau ghs
Status: Read
Read: 11141201 8 4:02:06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox68D2BB8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
1/1412018 3:01:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H i! D o you have a n email a d dress or phone n umber fo r Mike Alle n ?
Status: Read
Read: 111412018 4 02·06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox68DE346 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1412018 4:01 :56 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Mike Allen Cell Phone.vcf
Status: Sent
Delivered: 111412018 4 01 57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox68EOFE4 (Table: message. chat. attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachments/46/06/648868F3-2673-49E3-ABOE-26B766080C4B/Mike Allen Cell : (Size: 166 bytes)
1/ 14/2018 4:02:14 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Tha nk you '
Status: Read
Read: 111412018 4.02:14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox68EODEE (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/14/2018 4:02:19 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Think th at's it but hon estly not p ositive
Status: Sent
Delivered: 111412018 4.02 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox68EOC38 (Table: message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
1/1412018 4:02:50 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
O k thanks!
Status: Read
Read: 1/ 14/2018 4·02:56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox68EOA42 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1412018 4:58:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
okay, d isparity stu dy u nveiling now g oi ng to b e Thu rsday morning, not Tuesday. sorry for the p ain. han dful of B A folks th ought 1 day a fter
holiday h ard er to execute. ap o logies for a n y incon venien ce , but I'm j u s t the messenger here'
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox68E2FEC (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/1 4/2018 4:58:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
obviou s ly very muc h s till wan t you there , espec ia lly g iven your committee
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brarylSMS/sms db Ox68E2467 (Table· message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:46:24 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +151 33652404 (P.G.)
this is d riving me crazy. but can you hold the time s lot for tomorr ow a fter a ll. migh t p ivot b ack to that... B ishop out of town T hursday
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox68F6A6A (Table: message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/ 1512018 9:46:28 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will resolve a sap
Stntus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox68F7FEC (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/ 1512018 9:47:29 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +1 5134170743 (Tarnaya Denard)
Will d o.
Status: Read
Delivered: 111512018 9 47 52 AM(UTC-5)
Reed: 1115/2018 9.47.52 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox68F8D88 (Table· message , handle. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:48:15 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
th a nks. u g h, I h a te b e ing in the mid dle of t he sched uling triage.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox68F83A4 (Table· message. chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
11 9
1/15/2018 9:48:26 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
should have answer for you before noon at latest

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox68F9FEC (Table message chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:48:32 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)


IMG 0172.jpg
Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/2018 9 49 18 AM(UTC-5)
React: 1/15/2018 9 49 18 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db. Ox68F9DAC (Table. message, handle, chat, attachment Size 220762112 by1es)
P. G. 's 1Phonelvarlmob11e/library/SMS1Attachmen1s/abl1111619250A-1 CC0-4258-9E4A-231 AB7B FBBBCllMG_ O17 2.Jpg (Size: 92373 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:48:46 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Thought you would want a smile

Status: Read
Delivered: 111512018 9.49.18 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1115/2018 9.49 18 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox68F9B74 (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:50:05 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Zack called me to ask me about her doing that. I actually didn't know she was. I told him, 1) she's crazy 2) she WILL be a pain in your ass
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox68FBFEC (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:50:33 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/2018 9 50 37 AM(UTC-5)
React: 1115/2018 9 50 37 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox68FBCE7 {Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
111512018 12:01:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Okay, we' re locked in for 1030am tomorrow
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1115/20181201 59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6905E35 (Table· message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/21/2018 10:15:45 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
no big rush, but would be good for you a nd me to brainstorm this city-appointed SORTA board seat together. You around at all by phone
tomorrow in the morning?

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6A90C8C (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/2112018 10:19:02 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Is ?am too early?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1121/2018 10:19 07 AMtUTC-5)
Read: 1/21/2018 10 19:07 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6A91 FDC (Table· message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/21/2018 10:19:43 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
nope - that works well . I'll call you then. enjoy the rest of the weekend'
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6A91374 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/21/2018 10:20:01 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6A92FEC (Table message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1121/2018 10:20:26 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Ha t Definitely! Thanks! You too!

Status: Read
Delivered: 112112018 10.24 12 AMtUTC-5)
Read: 112112018 10 24 12 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6A92DFO (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1124/2018 2:16:02 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Motion going to your committee, which is good

Status: Sent
Deliverect: 1124/2018 2 16.03 PM\UTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B1 BE3A (Table message chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
1124/2018 2:18:25 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I saw that. Yes ti is

SU:tus. Read
Read: 1124/2018 218 29 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6B18C40 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1128/2018 5:00:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
don't shoot the messenger on some of this scheduling stuff (I find ii equally irritating). but the Rosenbergs +lawyers needed to change parks
mtg time tomorrow to 1 pm at Blank Rome
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6BA6BEA (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)

112812018 5:00:43 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
might y o u still be able to m ake it ?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6BA6283 (Table message, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/2812018 5:02:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I ca n't. I'm m eeting L a ura Brunner at 1pm tomorrow
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/2812018 5:02:46 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/28/2018 5.02:46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6BA7FDC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
112812018 5:03:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
ok ay, I understand. wasn't my d ec ision to m ove it. i n fa ct , works worse for m e . I'll r el ay you an y thing new that gets covered
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6BA7927 (Table· message. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
1/2812018 5:04:09 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Tha nk yo u !
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6BA739B (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/2812018 5:04:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
do you w an t e ither o f the Rosenbergs or D e Marco or C urp to reach o u t to y o u , o r prefer for m e to just summarize ? I k now any of them
happ y to c all y o u too
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6BA8FEC (Table. message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
112812018 5:05:36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
A summary from you is g reat. Thank y ou for as k ing
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/28/20185:10:56 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/28/2018 5.10:56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6BA8718 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/2812018 5:11 :OO PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
of course
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6BA8251 (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
1130/2018 7:03:21 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
M o rni ng T . T w o things. 1) Ha rry Kang is le t m e know he had reac hed o u t to you , a nd basically m ade it sou nd like I w a s going to v o te FOR
Goetz to morrow. That is incorre ct, as I prev ious ly communicated to you. 2) I'm go ing to be abo ut 30 m inute s late to committee today , for
w h ich I a po logize. The Cham ber o rigina lly had an event schedule d for l ast Septembe r th at got pus hed bac k , and it w as resche duled for
tod ay 11 am ; I'll b e the r e for the beginning and the n d uc k out to g e t ov e r to your comm ittee .
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6BC9DF3 (Table: message. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/3012018 7:06:40AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Morning . Why would he do that? He m ust've sent it to the city e m a il in which case I w ill see it la ter this morning.

Thanks for the heads up on today.

Status: Read
Delivered: 1/30/2018 7:06:47 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1130/201 8 7:06:47 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6BCAFDC (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
214/2016 1:34:49 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
J ust ran i n to Julie Joh nso n a t K ro ger. Is she still a t CPD , o r d o ing real estate stuff full time now?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 21412018 1.34 48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6C703EE (Table message, chat Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
21412018 1:37:42 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +151341 70743 (Tamaya Denard)
She's officially re tired . Doing real estate stuff with her wife's firm .
Status: Read
Read: 2/4/2018 1:39 45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6C7 1FE8 (Table· message handle, chat. Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
214/2018 1:40:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Cool. I thought so, b ut was n't sure if she was still involved w Departme nt somehow
SU:tus: Sent
Delivered: 21412018 1 40 12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . Ox6C7 1DAD (Table· message chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
2110/201810:00:09 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I j ust sp oke w ith Dwight and it felt like you tota lly th rew me u nder the bus
Status: Read
Read: 2110/2018 10 01 :53 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db · Ox6D663B6 (Table message handle, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
2124/2018 7:54:38 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Jay Sh ifman a sked m e to officiate his w edding last night . Can you belie ve that?!?
Status: Read
Delivered: 212512018 1 35. 12 PM(UTC 5)
Read: 212512018 1.35 12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6F7355F (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
2125/201 8 1:35:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
sorry , hav e been out o f c o m m i ssi on for a b ache lor p arty in AZ. Super fl attering , a nd a great pick on his part'
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6F9AFEC (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
212612018 11 :02:40 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Should we loop in Landsman too?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 212612018 11 02 42 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lib rary/SMS/sms.db. Ox702AA37 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
212612018 11:02:53 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
For convo w Wendell?
Status: Sen1
Delivered: 2126/2018 110249 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1bra ry/SMS/sms.db Ox702A857 (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
2126/201811 :03:21 AM(UTC-S)Direclion:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Read
Read: 2/2612018 11 03 28 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox702A691 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
212612018 11:03:37 AM(UTC-S)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 212612018 11 03·34 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox702A4E7 (Table message. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
212612018 11 :04:11 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Also. I think I want to hold off on this

... -

54135382176 659CAF46-CE18-45AD-8F1 B-
Status: Read
Read: 2/2612018 11 04 28 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox702BFE8 (Table message handle. chat, attachment, Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/60100/BAF91 A03-87 EF-48F6-AEAE-158B9BAC 545F/54135382176_ 659CAF 46-C E 18-45AD-8F 1B-
8894141CBA6A JPG (Size 2079958 bytes)
2126/2018 11:04:11 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Let me know
Status: Read
Read: 212612018 11 04 28 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db · Ox702BD53 (Table. message handle, chat, Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
212612018 11 :06:45 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think the substance is very good , but agree I would hold off for now.

Status: Sent
Delivered: 2126/2018 11 06 41 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox702B43F (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
212612018 11 :07:32 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncorning, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Thanks' Greg drafted 11. Will let him know
Status: Read
Read: 212612018 11 07 40 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox702B210 (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
212612018 11 :08:38 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
It sounds kinda Greg-yin tone . Which is often good - but reality is, this will be a super divisive issue, with limited room for consensus
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2126/20t8 11 08 40 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox702CFE4 (Table message chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
2126/2018 11:09:30 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I thi nk you've been savvy thus far communicating things that give you room for a clean No vote if that's the d irection you want to go
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2126/2018 11 09 25 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox702CAB9 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
21261201811 :09:50 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wendell & Chris will be hard No's
Status: Se11t
Delivered: 212612018 11 09 45 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox702C7FE (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2126/2018 11 :11:32 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Gotcha. Thanks'
Status: Read
Read 212612018 11 13 02 AM(UTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox702D36E (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2128/2018 2:40:31 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
well handled. no clue why he's baiting you

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox70C1 FEC (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2128/2018 2:40:36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
being dick-ish

Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms db Ox70C1 DC4 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

212812018 4 :05:15 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
what' s that profile pie about?
Sl8tus: Senl
Source tile: PG 's iPhone/\larlmoblle/LibrarylSMSl sms.db · Ox70C6BEB (Table message, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
212812018 4 :07:19 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lnooming , +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I don't even know. Gragston/Rayshon Mack always says I'm going to do w h atever you say. I w as JUSt saying that I expect people to tie me to
you . B u i we are two diffe ren t people with two different lens.
Status· Read
Oeltvered 2128/2018 4 07 26 PM(UTC 5)
Read: 212812018 4 07 26 PMtUlC -5)
Sour<:e file. P.G.'s 1Phone/\larlmobtle/Library/SMS/sm s.db - Ox70C69C6 (Table message. handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2128/2018 4 :07.42 PM(UTC-5)0frection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
those g u ys a re b izarre
Status: Sen!
Source file. P.G: s 1Phone/\larl mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.ab Ox70C6692 (Table: message, cha ! Size 220762112 byles)
212812018 4:07:55 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
T h e sam e thing I wou ld say for anything
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phono/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox70C6282 (Table: message, handle , chat. S12e . 2207G2 112 bytes)
212812018 4:08:01 PM(UTC-5)0ireclion:lncomlng, +151 34170743 (Tamaya Denard)
His cover p h oto 1s a part of the same conversation
Stalus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonetvar/mobilelLibraryl SMSlsms.db Ox70C7FEC (Table. message, handle, c hal, S12e. 2207621 12 bytes)
212812018 4:08:02 PM(UTC·5) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
o f course
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db · Ox70C7DEC (Table: message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
212812018 4 :08:02 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Don' t know h is obse ssio n . It's weird
Sl8tus: Read
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1Phone/vartmobde/Llbrory/SMS/sms.db : Ox70C7COA (Table· mes sage. h andle chat Size · 220762112 byt es)
212812018 4 :08:07 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lnoomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Status: Reod
Source file PG s 1Pnone1varlmobdell1b<ary/SMS/sms db Ox70C7A1E (Table: message ha ndle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
315/2018 4:48:35 PM(UTC-5) Dlredion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
h e y h a d a n Or1gina tite e s que stion do y ou all do small amo u nts o f cus t o m b rand e d shirts?
StaluS: Se11t
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonctvar/mobllell1brary/$MS/sms db Ox71BA604 (Table : message c::hal Size: 220762112 bytes)
317/2018 7:49:09 AM(UTC-5)D1rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 {P.G.)
t'm not the Queen B ee I used to b e
Sllltus: Sent
Deli1<-ered: 317/2018 7 H 1~ AM(UTC·5)
Source file: P.G. s 1Phonetvarlmob1lelL1brarylSMS/sm s.db · Ox72222D7 (Table· message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
317/2018 8:27:53 AM(UTC-S)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sc111
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox7225900 (Table: message. chat Size. 2207621 12 byt es)
3/7/2018 8:28:01 AM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
you going t o caucus this morning?
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G 's iPhonelvar/mobilellibraryl SMS/sms.db . Ox722S7F4 (Table: message, chat. Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
317/2018 8 :36:12 AM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Yes but t will b e la te . W he n t s aw you , I was on the way to take - lo the airp ort. S he' s g o ing t o NYC but her flight was delayed. She's
n eve r flown befo re so she didn' t k now anything about anything

Sllllus: Read
Read: 3171201 8 8 48 24 A~ (UIC- 5)
Source file: PG ·~ iPhonclV:1rlmobdc/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox7226F'l:8 (Table mes•<>go hondlo , ehot Siu 220 16211 2 bytes)
317/2018 8:48:42 AM(UTC-5)0 iredJon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You are s o swe et• I s till w ant to m eet her!

Sl8tus: Sen!
Delivered: 31712018 8 48 43 AM(UTC·S)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelllar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7226842 (Table. message chat Size 220762 112 bytes)
317/20 18 3:16:24 PM(UTC-5)Diredi0n:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Get 'e m Joeey! Bloody h is nose '
Slaws· s •.,1
Source file: P G 's 1Phonc 1Varlmob1le ll1brary/SMS/srns db Ox723CE32 (Table message. cha ;, Size 220762 112 bytes)
31712018 7:59:34 PM(UTC· 5)Direc:tion:lnc:oming , +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
taylo rta shima
Stlllus· Read
DoliverBd: 317/Z018 8.00 .1 3 PM~UTC -5)
R~ad: 3/7120 t8800;13 f"M(Ul ·51

Source file: P.G.'s 1Pho11e/vor/mob1leiL1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox7248364 (Table. message handle. chal , Size 2207621 12 by tes)

131712018 8:00:15 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgo1ng, +15133652404 (P.G.}
thx •
Stal"3 Stnt
~file. PG s 1Phone.!var/moMel.1brary/SMSlsms db Ox7249FEC (Table message Chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
317/2018 9 .05 15 PM(UTC-5)0ireclion: lncoming +Hi134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H 1! Please loop in Tara on future emails Her gma1l 1s gma1I com Thanks'
Siatus Read
Delivered: 3n/20 18 905:40 PM(UTC-5)
Read· 31712018 9 05•40 PM(UTC-5)
Source Iii&: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox724F929 (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
317/2016 9:07:24 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
absolutely! will definitely do so , sorry for not on that email. also free to reply all. add Tara. and say to respond with her on it going forward
Status· Srnl
Source tile' PG 's 1Phonefvar/mobde/L1brary1SMS/sms db Ox724F640 (Table. message chat, Size. 220762 11 2 bytes)
31812018 4:58 13 PM(UTC-5}Direction.lnoomng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H 11 Do you know who owns Crncy Rents?
Status R~ad
Reed 318'2018 51109 PM(UTC-5)
Source flle: PG s 1Phone.'varmiob1le.1LtbrarylSMSlsms db Ox727F4AO (Table message handle, chat S12e 220762112 oytes)
31812018 5: 1Vi~4 PM(UTC-5)0iredion:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I do not.
Status: Senl
Delivered: 318/20t8 5 11:22 PM(UTC ·5)
~n;e file: P.G.'s 1Phone/ var/mobilelL1brarylSMS/sms.db · Ox727F284 (Table· message chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
31812018 5:11:33 PM(UTC-S)Oiredlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Not even sure I know what Cincy Rents 1s

Status Sent
OellVOllld 31812016 5 t 1 29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: PG s 1Phonelvar,mobilell1brary1SMS/sms db Ox7280089 (Table message Cl1at S.ze 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 5.12.56 PM(UTC-S)Diredi<>n:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard}
Ok thanks! T hey own lots of real estate like grandin
Stat.. Read
Oellverecl: 31812018 5 13 S7 P~UTC-5)
Road· 318'2018 5 13 57 PM(UT -5)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvarimoblle/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox7280384 (Table: message handle chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/912016 9 :55:35 AM(UTC-5JDirection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard}
Call you shortly
Status: Read
Road 31912016 10.12.31 AM\UTC·5)
Source file· P.G 's iPhonetvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox72A2863 (Table message, handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
319/2016 10;12:42 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Ou1golng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
About to be out of pocket
Status· Sent
Dehered ~12018 10 12.42 J.M•JlC SJ
Source file. P.G 's 1Phonelvarlmob•lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox72A4ABS (Table message chat S12e. 220762112 b Y1)
319/20181013:41 AM(l1TC-5)Direction:Ou1going, +15133852404 (P.G.}
If you talk to Greg, encourage him to be w1th you, me, Wendell Chris, NAACP NAN, B lack Agenda etc m standing with Isaac & Harry
Status; Stnl
Oet111ered· 31912018 to 13 35 AMiUTC-5)
Source tile: P G.'s iPhone/varlmobilelltbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox72A48DO (Table message chat S_1z_e_22_0_1_6_2_11_2_b-'-yt_e_s'-)---------------~
319/2018 3:31:09 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
From Wendell :

I know you said you are tied up this afternoon but 1f there is any way you can get loose, even for just a little while . please make the S:OOPM
meeting at the BA Hq. I'm guessing you know JC has thrown down the gauntlet to Harry. Resign or suffer a smear campaign. The gloves are
off. Time to fight. Hope you can rearrange your schedule. Please advise. Thanks.
Status Reed
Read 319/2018 3 32 19 PM1UTC-5)
Source file: PG. s 1Pnonelva,.mob le-~1brary•SMSlsms.db · Ox72AFFE8 \ Table message handle. ~hat Size 2201s2· 12 bytes)
31912018 3:32 42 PM(UTC-5}0ifection:Oulgoing +15133652404 (P.G.) -
I m rn Florida. But I absolutely think you can go
Stlltus Senl
Oeffv&red· 31912018 3'32.43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1lelL1braryiSMSlsms.db Ox72AF4A6 (Table· message cha_1._S_iz_e_:2_2_0_7_62_1_1_2_b..o.y_tc_s)' - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - i
319/2018 3:33.04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard}
I can't go
SU.tu,· R•ad
nead · 31'112018 3 33 38 PMIUTC-5)
Source fila: PG ·s 1Phone/var1mobile1L,brary1SMS1sms.ab Ox72AF2AO (Table. n'essage haMle chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
31912018 3:33:47 PM(UTC-5}Direction.Outgo1ng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Sllltua Sent
Oellvered 3'9'2018 3 33 41 PM.UTC-51
Source Ne. P.G 's 1Phone!varlmob1le L1b1ary,SMSlsms ab Ox72BOP1F (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)

3/912018 3:34:19 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
If you can, call H arry and tell him n ot to resign , that we n e ed him, a nd h ave h is b ack .
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 319/2018 3 34 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B06D9 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
319/2018 3:34:43 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
If J ohn intimidated him i n to thi s . it's a damn con s titutiona l c r isis
Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/2018 3 34.38 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72B0466 (Table message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
319/2016 3:39:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Jus t spoke with him .
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/20 18 3'41:40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B1603 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:41 :51 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Go ok?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/2018 3.41 :48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B1637 (Table message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
319/2016 3:42:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Yes . He d id sound t ir e d though. H e met with J ohn a t 2. But h e s aid J o h n w a n t s blo od and t hey a r e comin g after Eliot n ext

Status: Read
Read: 319/201 8 3.42 11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox72B146D (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
319/2018 3:42:30 PM(UTC-5)Direciion:Outgoing, + 15133652404 (P.G.)
O ur government is n o t a m onarchy for J o hn to disca rd p eople a s h e pleases
Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/2018 3.42·25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox72B2FE4 (Table· message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
31912016 3:42:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
T hat's w hat he d o es tho ugh
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 3'42·46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/libra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B2DB1 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
319/2018 3:42:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
We s to p it now
Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/201 8 3·43:02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox72B2BD5 (Table: message, chat. Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:44:34 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Yes we d o . Is S eelbac h goo d ? G reg w as t a l king all kinds of o ther shit

Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 3·44 43 PM(UTC-5)
Source fi le: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db : Ox72B2455 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/912018 3:44:52 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
What was Greg s a ying?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/2018 3 44:58 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/va r/mobile/library/SMS/ sms.db : Ox72B2226 (Table message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
31912018 3:45:48 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Seelbach will be fine. Tho ug h g o nna take a l ittle m a s saging
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/20 18 3.45.51 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox72B3FE4 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:46:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tarnaya Denard)
Talk in g sh it a b out performa n ce eval uat io n . I s a id , this is n 't the tim e fo r this sh it. Greg!

Status: Read
Read: 3/912018 3'46·28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox72B3DCD (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2 018 3:46:21 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I think V anessa and I worked h i m today
Status: Read
Reed: 319/2018 3 46 28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B3B74 (Table message. ha ndle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
319/2018 3:46:35 PM(UTC-5) Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Thank y o u !
Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/2018 3 46 40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db Ox72B366F (Table message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:47:23 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Exactly righ t, not the d amn time

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/912018 3:47 34 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B34D7 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)

31912018 3:47:38 PM(UTC.S)Direction:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
A lot at stake
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/2018 3:47:40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72B32F3 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/11/2018 11:15:04 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
FYI , things are hot and getting hotter. I just tweeted in support 1f Isaac and Harry. just keeping m touch with you. as things unfold
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox72F1 FEC (Tab)e· message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 4:04:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
let me know when you have a quick second
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7338A97 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:04:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Call you soon!
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1212018 4 04:56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3112/2018 4 04 56 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7338526 (Table message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/12/2018 4:04:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7339A65 (Table· message, chat Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
3/1312018 1:38:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
hey, T - will you be at committee today t 2pm?
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1lell1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox7390FEC (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 1:40:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H i' No, I w ill not. I sent an email to Elida and Ms. Kathy last week
Status: Read
Delivered: 3113/2018 t "40 02 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/13/20t8 1 40 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox739078F (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3113/20161 :40:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
okay, thanks

Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobliell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox739056C (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 10:22:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you going to caucus tomorrow?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73C1983 (Table. message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/13/201810:22:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if you don't , I may well skip. though I will if you d o
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/moblie/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73C1478 (Table message. chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1312018 10:25:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
As of now , I plan on going. What does your gut say?
Status: Read
Delivered· 3/t3/2018 to 25 41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/13/2018 tO 25·41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73C2996 (Table message. handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/ 13/2018 10:25:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm good to go
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1PhDne/varlmob1le/UbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox73C2796 (Table. message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3113/2018 10:26:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
no harm in 11, and can always be good to head off surprises
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/rnob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73C25A4 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1312018 10:26:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Cool. Me too
Status: Read
Delivered: 3113/20t8 10 32 59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311312018 10 32 .59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73C234D (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 10:26:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Good point. I will see you there
Status· Read
Delivered: 311312018 10.32.59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3113120t8 10 32 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varlmoblie'Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox73C3FDC (Table message handle . chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 11 :30:09 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
What's KZ's cell number?

Status: Read
Delivered: 311412018 11 31 02 AM(UTC-4)
Read; 311412018 11 31 02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G ·s 1Phonelvarlmob1lell1brarylSMSisms db Ox73D7FDC (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/1412018 11 :31:20AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)


KZ Smith.vcf
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/14/2018 11:31 24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G."s iPhone/varlmoblle/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox73D7798 (Table· message. chat. attachment, Size· 220762112 bytes)
P.G."s iPhone/var/mob1le/l 1brary/SMS/Attachmentslba/1 O/A1 D378F8-8650-4FBA-A34A-74BSA843ED08/KZ Smith vcf (Size: 157 bytes)
311512018 8:46:39 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will take a first crack at drafting something for us to collectively shape tomorrow. question: is u sing the term "public lynching" in a letter too
inflammatory, or very much warranted?

Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7455FEC (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 6:48:25 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I think it's warranted . Just depends on how we describe it.

OAN, Dan Schimberg is texting me

Status: Read
Delivered: 311512018 8 48 26 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311512018 8:48·26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7455990 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3115/2018 8:48:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
me too - I'm ignoring for now
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7455735 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512016 8:48:51 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
mostly because I already had a long convo w / him 2 days ago
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G."s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7455527 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3115/2018 8:49:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but I'm really only hearing from a small group of people who are basically Cranley's inner circle
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox74552EO (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:03:53 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you reply to him?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox745D423 (Table: message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 9:13:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 rramaya Denard)
I d id. But I'm not going back and forth with him
Status. Read
Delivered: 311612018 3:08:38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311612018 3·08 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7460FDC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:08:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
kinda fun teaming up to kick some asses!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox74A4E16 (Table message chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 3:08:53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
le tter seems very well received
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SM Slsms.db : Ox74A4BF4 (Table. message. chat. Size· 220762 11 2 bytes)
3116/2018 3:09:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Itis fun 1 Let's keep at it 1
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox74A463C (Table message handle, chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
311612018 3:09:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox74A4464 (Table. message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:09:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
The letter is awesome
Status: Read
Source file: P.G."s 1Phone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db Ox74A428A (Table message, handle. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 3:09:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
somewhere J o h n Cranley is in a cold sweat and h a ving diarrhea
SUitus: Sent
Source file: P .G."s 1Phone/varlmob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox74ASFEC (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:10:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
excellent team work and input: wordsm1thing is one of the few actual skills I have

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox74A5D9F (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)

3/1612018 3:12:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Wordsmithing is one of your many skills
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 3 12 21 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 3 12 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74A6DC9 (Table· message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:12:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
flattery will get you everywhere
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox74A663B (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 3:53:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
good lordy, I really think pastor's nickname should be #CaucusOfOne
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74ADCC1 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 3:57:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Henceforth , he will be referred to as #CoO
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 3·57 48 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 3 57 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox74AD69A (Table message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16[2018 3:58:01 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
the COO - hahaha. brilliant abbreviation.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox74AD492 (Table message chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 1:22:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
hey, can't remember if I asked you this or not: you still doing stuff with Originalttiees? And can Originalities do custom I-shi rts in a small#? or
that's not what you all do?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox74DACDC (Table· message, chat. Size 220762 112 bytes)
3/1712018 1:23:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H 1! You did and I forgot to answ er. How small of an order?

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/17/2018 1 23.35 PM(UTC-4)
Read; 3/1712018 1:23 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox74DA703 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3117/2018 1:23:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
pretty small - like 10-20 starting out. obviously realizing we'd be paying more, since less economy of scale. no sweat if not
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74DA4F4 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 1:24:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Yes we can do that. Do you already have the design?
Status. Read
Delivered: 3/1712018 1 24 39 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 311712018 1.24 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74DA215 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 1:24:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar1mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74DBFEC (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/17/2018 1:25:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
any cost estimate?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74DBE16 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 1:25:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Let me check with Kh isha and get back to you today.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox74DBC22 (Table message handle chat Size 220762 11 2 bytes)
3/1712018 1:26:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
thanks so mucht also. not trying to create work for you. so let me know 1f you want me to reach out to Khisha d irectly
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1lelltbrary/SMSlsms db Ox74DB728 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3117/20181:30:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Do you want comfy shirts l ike the brand or do you want 100% cotton?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/17/2018 13045 PM(UTC-4)
Read. 3/17/2018 1 30 45 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74DC233 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1 712018 1:30:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think comfy
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox74DEDDF (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/17120181:31:30 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 {Tamaya Denard)
Ok , cool. Will get back with you today.
Status. Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobllelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox74DE7F9 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

3/17/2018 1:31 :38 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tha nks so much !
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db Ox74DFFEC (Table. message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311712018 2:23:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Btw, any regrets about voting down Rayshon Mac k ??!! Like , I couldn't m ake the s e people up if I tried
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox74E03CF (Table: message. chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
311712018 2:34:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
No regrets . He is s omething else . He and G ragston a re r id iculous
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 4.04 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox74E5E23 (Table message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3120/2018 4:08:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you gonna go to c aucus tom o rro w? hate to sa y it, but I w onde r if it's produc tive . we should see what G reg is doing .
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7596E27 (Table: message, chat. Size· 22076211 2 bytes)
3/2012018 4:10:47 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I was just thinking the same th ing
Status: Read
Delivered: 312012018 4 11 22 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 4.11 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7597FDC (Table· message, handle. chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3120/2018 4:11 :48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
hate to say ii, but tomorro w could get a little u gl y. m e aning not sure ii m a kes sense to see John in the morning
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7597AOC (Table: message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3120/2018 4:12:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
as a separate matter, I'm n o t ima g i ni ng that at last ca u cus Cranley mentioned Scottie John s on ' s n ame as s omeone w h o s up p orts J ohn's
positio n in this w h ole m ess? D id y o u hear tha t to o ?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox7597458 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
312012018 4:13:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I'm pretty s u re i he ard his name. Did you h a ve lunch with Julie today?
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/srns.db : Ox7598DC7 (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
3/2012018 4:13:50 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yea h, a n d s he w as like h e ll n o Scottie d oesn't agree with C ra nley o n th is!

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox75988A2 (Table. message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:15:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H e is truly som e thi n g e lse. W h at d o y ou t hink H a rry h as o n Joh n?
Status: Read
Delivered: 312012018 4.15:25 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312012018 4:1!>:25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db · Ox7598629 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:16:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
n ot s ure - but if you m a d e me guess some sort o f contrac ting c o rrupti o n
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox759840E (Table message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
312012018 4:44:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
a lright. G re g s aid h e is going to go , in w h ich case I think g ood fo r us to b o th be the r e to s upport h im . and be a u nified fron t. that ok?

Stntus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobde/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox75A 1989 (Table: message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 5:03:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
W o rks for m e
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/~018 5.03·33 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2012018 5:03.33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox75A4533 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
312012018 5:03:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
co ol
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox75A4381 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
312112018 1:43:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
W h at's this guy's n ame?
Status: Sent
Oefivered: 3/21120181 44 04 PMtUTC 4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox75DBFE4 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 1:45:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
S tephe n
Status: Read
Read: 3/2212018 8.36 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox75DB68C (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)

312212018 8:37:08 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Happy b irthd a y b ig sisl!
Sllltus: Sent
Dei-.ered: 31271,0 t8 8 37 1t PMtUTC 41
Source lite· P.G 's 1Phone1varlmobtlell1brary/SMS/sms ob· Ox7643DF1 (Table· message, chat SiZe 220762112 bytes)
312212018 8 •3731 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Let's g e t a m eal soon Y ou a n d m e . Or y o u m e a nd -
Status Sert
Oeliwred 3'22/2018 8 37 35 PMtUTC-41
. Source lite: P.G 's 1Phcne111ar/mobtleillbrary1SMS/srrs db· Ox7643C10 (Table message Cl'lat Size 220762112 bytes)
1312212018 8:37.39 PM(UTC-4)01recton.Oulgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Hope it's a g reat bday
Status· Sent
Delivered 312212() 18 8 37.40 PMtUTC-<11
Source file. P.G 's 1Phone/\/arlmobtlell1brary1SMS/sms.db Ox764 3A09 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3122/2018 9:40;41 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lnc:omlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
T hank y o u! I w ou ld love that S he's traveling the n e xt 3-4 weeks p retty heavy. W o u ld love to connect after th a t
Status. Read
Reed· 312212018 9 41 4G PM1UlC 41
Source file: P G 's iPhoneillarlmobile/library/SMSlsms db: Ox764 4FE8 (Table· message handle, chat. Size 220762 11 2 bytes)
312212018 9:42.18 PM(UTC-4)D1rection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sen1
Delivered: 3/22/2018 9 42:17 l'M\UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone1var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db: Ox7644D61 (Table message, chat Size 22076 2112 bytes)
312312018 10:18:10 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectfon:lnoomino. +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
P lease c all me when you have a momen t.
Status· Read
Deliwred: 312312018 11.38 1• AM<UTC-'lt
Read: 3123/201811:38 1 ~ AMcUTC... I
Source file: P.G 's iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox76492E4 (Table message handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3127/2018 11:00.42 AM(UTC....)Olrection.OUtgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
P arking 1n 1 min

Stalln Sent
Delivered. 312712018 11.00 46 AM(UTC-41
I Source file: P.G 's 1Phone•~ar/mobileJL1brary/SMS/sms.db
Ox760C95F 1Table message chat Srze 220762112 bytes)
312812018 2:20·25 PM(UTC-<4)0lrection·Outgoing, •15133652404 (P.G.)
Can w e chat for a min post me eting ?
Status. Seot
Delivered ~120/2010 2 20 2U PM1UT C ~I

ISource filo: P.G 's iPhone<varlmobdeilibraryiSMS/sms db Ox770F335 (Table rressage chat Size 220762112 bytes)
312812018 3:25:17 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgomg, +15133852404 (P.G.)
c ome k n o ck on our d oor when you h ave a s ec p re tty p lease !
Status Sent
Source tile P.s;_·s 1Phonel\/ar/mob1le/llbrarylSMS/s1T1 s.db. Ox77 12663 (Table. message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3130/2018 8:38:03AM(UTC-4)0irect1on:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G)
sick o f m e yet?! have a 30-seco nd questio n whe n you can g ive a c a ll
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox773E73A (Table message, chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3i3o/201e 10:05:54 AM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
apologies for being a p es t: it's a timely thing , so let me know if I can catc h you fo r a sec
Staws: Se~1
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.cfb Ox774B33F (Table· message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/31/2018 6'10:04 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
h o p e y ou two a re having a fun w eek end. Dan i moved Seder to to m o rrow nig h t , not M onda y nigh t - s o I'm g oin g to miss it, which m eans I'm
g o in g to m iss - need to find a noth e r time soon
Status: Se111
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob le1L1brary/SMS/ Ox77A9FEC {Table message chat, S12e 220762112 bytes)
3131'2018 6:10:29 PM(UTC-4)0 1recifon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
a lso fo llowing your good advice I got Christie 's take o n FC s tuff which I found very he lpful Keep me poste d 1f you end up conne c tin g w ith

Status: Seol
Source file PG 's 1Phooe•\ar1mob le1L1brary:SMS/sms db Ox77A938C (Table message chat Sze 220762 1'2 byles)
3/31/2018 8'15.35 PM(lJTC-<4)0irec110n:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
We can't mak e 1t either Do you want to grab oinner o n M onda y night with - and Jennie too?

Status: Read
Rud 'l.')tl20186 16 ~ PM1UTC·•i
Source file.PG ·s 1Phone.varhnob1le•~1brary1SMS/sms db Ox77AAFE8 (Table message handle chal Size 220762112 bytes)
3131/2018 6:16:09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Temaya Denard)
W e will be in Dayton tomorrow nig h t

ad 3i.l11201A 6 16 34 PMcUTC-~)
ource file· P 2 's 1Phone/var1rnob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox77AA85C (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytC$)

5111/2018 5:19:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
see you Sam on T uesday
SUitus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7EF7FEC (Table. message chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
5/11/2018 5:45:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)

Status: Read
Read: 5111/2018 5 47 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7EF78BO (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
5/11/2018 5:47:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/1 t/2018 5:47:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7EF8FE4 (Table. message . chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
5/15/2018 6:24:17 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
S ee you at 8
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5115/2018 6:24:23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7F68FE4 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
5/15/2018 6:26:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Which l ocation ?
Status: Read
Read: 511512018 6 27 03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7F68E2E (Table message. handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/1512018 6:27:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Deflvered: 5/1512018 6.27 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmoblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7F68C6E (Table message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
5/1512018 6:28:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Wh ich one? N ew one downtown?
Status: Read
Read: 511512018 6.28 16 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox7F68ACO (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/ 15/2018 6:28:28 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
1001 Gest S t
Status: Sent
Delivered: 511512018 6·28.29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7F688E4 (Table. message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/1512018 8:28:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Awesome thanks
Status: Read
Read: 5/1512018 8 03 28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7F68394 (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
5/1512018 8:03:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Be there in 5 min . Sorry

Status: Read
Read: 5/15/2018 8 03 31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7F69DA3 (Table. message. handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
5/2912018 7:01 :03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H i! D o you remember the name of the black guy that worked for the Obama campaign in Cincy?
Status: Read
Read: 5129/2018 7 35 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox803E31F (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/29/2018 7:35:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Hope Is ra e l is great
S!Dtus: Sent
Delivered: 5/29/2018 7.35:15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox8043598 (Table. message, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/29/2018 7:35:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Hmm. any more details to go on?!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 512912018 7 35 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel library/SMS/sms.db Ox80433CC (Table message chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
5129/2018 7:35:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Name K inney or McKinney o r something close?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/~9/2018 7 35 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/srns.db Ox8044FE4 (Table message. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/29/2018 11:28:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Sorry, I fell asleep. That was him. I k new you would know. Israel is amazing. Just got into Jerusalem last night. Can't wait to tell you all about

Sllltus: Read
Read: 513012018 3 44 36 AM(UTC-4)
Source tile: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox804A66C (Table. message, handle, chat. S ize: 2207621 12 bytes)

5/31/2018 8:39:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I forgot to send this to you. It's from two weeks ago


IMG 6115.JPG
Status: Read
Read: 5/31/2018 8 45 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8089FE8 (Table message, handle, chat. attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/a3/03/A 1FFAD7A-9ADA-40F5-BFOB-7960277B2CBE/IMG_6115.JPG (Size 2200743 bytes)
6/19/2018 2:01:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You close to being here?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/19/2018 2.01·05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox831EC62 (Table: message, chat, Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
6/22/2018 3:08:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Call me regarding budget when you can please?
Status: Read
Read: 6/24/2018 12 46 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox83CE8DB (Table· message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/24/2018 12:48:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Of course willing to write letter
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/24/2018 12 46 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox83F7FE4 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/24/2018 12:46:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Send me template
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/24/2018 12 46 24 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox83F7DFE (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/2412018 12:49:19 PM(UTC-4)Direciion:lncomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Will do. Thank you so much'
Status: Read
Read: 6124/2018 3 26 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox83F77BF (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/2412016 9:24:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Do you support Greg 's and my motion to go first?

Status. Read
Read: 6124/2018 9 58.38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvar/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox840C37E (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6124/2018 10:05:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I don't feel strongly about the order, as long as sources aren't used up early that leave other priorities high and dry later 1n the p rocess. In
general, think best to reach consensus on all sources and all causes before any votes - a consensus whi ch doesn't seem to exist yet. I told
Greg earlier in the week there were a couple sources in your guys motion that I don 't support (including taking trash from 100% to 150%
increase) , but not sure I've seen most recent draft. Going to bed now , but available to chat anytime in the morning.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6124/2018 10 16 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox840DFE4 (Table. message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/2512018 9:16:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Are you good with Funding the Center at $750K? Sanitation workers? If we don't go first. w e may not able to get those
Smtus: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 9 16 36 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox840FDF4 (Table. message handle. chat Size 22076211 2 bytes)
6/27/201810:03:56 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Stalus: Sent
Delivered: 6/27/2018 10 04 00 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox848D234 (Table: message, chal attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P .G. 's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/ba/1O/E2ED350B-A429-4 EAC-984E· CA0805 711 EOB/Dave Adams.vcf (Size 200 bytes)
7/8/2018 1:22:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H1 1 Do you have a number for Nathan Smith?
Slatus: Read
Read: 7/8/201 8 7 27 53 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox85D0554 (Table message handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

7/8/2018 7:27:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)

Attachments: -

Nathan Srnith.vcf
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox85D9600 (Table: message. chat attachment. Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob11e/library/SMS/Attachments/23/03/564C5284-F4 20-44E2-8E9F-4115D5A2E3A5/Nathan Sm1th.vcf (Size: 165 bytes)
7/8/2018 7:27:58 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just sent
Status: Sent
Sou rce file: P.G: s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox85D940E (Table: message chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
7/8/2018 7:28:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151 33652404 (P.G.)
B een drivi n g fo r past 6 hrs
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox85DAFEC (Table message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/ 1712018 5:26:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Will you support a suspension of the 72-h our eviction of occupants o f 3rd Street until we can work towards less con fusing sol u tions?
Status: Read
Read: 7/17/2018 7.34 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8747FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
7/1712018 8:07:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I need you r sup port on t h is. Wendell a n d Chris a re in.
Status: Read
Read: 7/1712018 9•29:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G:s i Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8749231 (Table. message , handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
7/1712018 9:30:07 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +151336 52404 (P.G.)
I'm in
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/17/20 18 9 30.05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox874A786 (Table: message, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
7/1712018 9:35:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Thank y ou '
Status: Read
Read: 7/ 171201 8 9:35:27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G:s iPhone/var/mobile/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox874A606 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
7/17/2018 9:36:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can get fi lled in a bit more tomor row, but also know it's important we support each other's priorities
Status: Sent
Delivered: 711712018 9.36 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox874BFE4 (Table message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/17/2018 9:36:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Thank you. I will ca ll you tomorrow
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/17120181013 36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7117/2018 10·13·36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox874BA5E (Table· message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
7/18/2018 12:01 :53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Patrick won't honor my motion and John won't ca ll me back for a sp ecial session

Status: Read
Read: 7/1912018 12 46 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G:s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8761FE8 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
7/19/2018 12:47:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
1) making sure you got m y email that I'm at summit i n col umbus today
Status: Sent
Delivered: 711912018 12 47 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox87807F1 (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
7/1912018 12:47:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
2) my team said Smitherman attacking you on right wing radio
Status: Sent
Delivered: 711912018 12 47 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/srns db Ox87802CB (Table message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/1 9/201 8 12:47:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tarnaya Denard)
Yes I d id . T hank you
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/2018 12 47 39 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8781FE8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
7/19/2018 12:47:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
(Of course attacking me too)
Status· Sent
Delivered: 7119/2018 1? 47 45 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox878 1E1E (Table. message. chat Size. 2207621 12 bytes)

7/ 1912018 12:47:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
I used to it
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/2018 12 47 .52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8781C48 (Table message. handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
7/19/201812:48:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Noth ing else better to do
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/2018 12·4805 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8781A90 (Table· message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
711912018 12:48:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Right. it's wha t he does and who h e is
Status· Sent
Delivered: 7119/2018 12 48 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox87818BC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
7/19/2018 12:48:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Pretty much

Status. Read
Read: 7119/2018 12 48 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox87816CC (Table message, handle chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/1912018 12:48:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Talk soon. Will loop back for update
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 12 48 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8781514 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
7/191201812:48:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)

Status: Read
Delivered: 7/19/2018 2.08.20 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/19/2018 2 08 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8781320 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
7/2612018 2:03:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
H i! You know the owner of Knockback Nat's ?
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/26/2018 2 03 23 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/26/2018 2:03 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8893FDC (Table· message, handle. cha t. Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/2612018 2:03:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I do not
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8893DEA (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
7/2612018 2:03:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Ok thanks!
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8893COA (Table message. handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
7/2612018 2:03:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I don't even know the nam e of whoever owns it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8893A5C (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
7/2612018 2:04:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Me either
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/2612018 2 04 25 PM<UTC-4)
Read: 7/26/2018 2.04 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox889381 E (Table. message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
B/3/201810:04:22AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)



R. 001 - Complaint.pd!
Status: Read
Read. 8/3/201811.16.54 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox89C5FE8 (Table message handle chat. attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/df/15/08CCD983-FB62-4309-8A73-B3757091 B718/R. 001 - Complaint pdf (Size 722451 bytes)
8/1812018 1:04:1 B PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Hi! Do y ou have a cell phone number for Laura Brunner? I had it but lost it in the new phone
Stetus: Read
Read· 8/19/2018 11 27 08 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8BFCA1F (Table. message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

811912018 11:27:1 0 AM(UTC-4)Directfon:Outgolng., +15133652404 (P.G.)

Laura Brunner.vcf
Status· Sent
Oe•vered: 8/19120 18 1l :27:12 AM(Ul C-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox8BFC7C2 (Table· message, chat attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/52/02/83ABC51E-4CE8-400F-810 1·2E8COAB04CE7/Laura Brunner vcf (Size 169 bytes)
8119/2018 11;27:41 AM(UTC4}Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Currently traveling OOT with Sarah's fam, w ith limited cell.FYI
Status. Sent
Dek..ered 811912018 11 ·27:41 AM\UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/\/ar/rnob1lelL1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox8BFC5C8 (Table· message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
8/1w.!018 11:28:1 3 AM{UTG-4)Direction·lnoomlng, +1 5134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Thank you' Safe travels'
Slalus Read
Read: 811912018 I 36 47 PMtUTC-41
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/\rar1mob!JolL1brary/SMStsms.c:lb 0K8BFC3A5 (Table. message, handle chat. SiZe: 220762112 bytes)
9/41201 81 2:40:4$ PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnoomlng, +15134170743 (Temaya Denard)
Hi! I'm ru nning late for committee
Sllltus: Read
Delivered: 9/4/2018 2:55:09 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 91412018 2:55:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source Ille: P.G 's 1Ph0ne/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.c:lb. Ox8DC200 1 (Table message. handle_._
1_1 2~by_1e_s_)_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _,
911912018 3:17:27 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnoomlng, +1 51 34170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Shiiiii11tt #MyAss
Stews. Rud
Oekwred: 9•1912018 3 17 .5!> PMtUTC-4)
Read 911912018 3-17-55 PM(UTC-4)
Source fie P.G 's 1PnoneJvar/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox901 E61 E (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1/2018 11:47:52AM(UTC4)D11*:1ion lncom ng, +1 5134170743 (TamQYa Denard)
Happy Birthday Old Man!! Just to give you a heads up. I'm going lo be coming off of your committee We can discuss more when I see you
Status. Rud
Read 101112018 12 3134 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary1SMS/sms db Ox91C5FE8 (1 able. message hand_le
, _S_1z_
0_76_2_1_1_2_b,..yt_e_s>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
101212018 8:39;20 AM(UTC-4)0 irection:lnoomlng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Denard)
Hi! Hope you had a great birthday. I wanted to follow up on my text. Where are you on Issue 1?
Status: Read
Read: 1011512018 5·28 28 PM(l/TC-4)
Source file. P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobde/Llbrary1SMS/sms db Ox920A764 (Table message, henc:lle. chal. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
10/22/2018 10:22:17 AM{UTC..C)Oirection·lnoomlng, +151341 70743 (Tamay11 Denard)
H11Just learned of your bus stop idea. Our office has been working on this for few months. Would love to see if there's a way to work
together on this
Stacus Read
Read: 1012212018 11' 53:39 AMtUTC·4)
Source file. P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lib1ary/SMS/sms.d1> Ox9SA2BC4 (Table· message hanc:lle. c11a1, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
10/2212018 11:55:50 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +1 5133852404 (P.G.)
of coursei
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox9SAA9CS (Table: message, cha_1_.S_i_ze_·_2_20
te_s~)_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10/22/201811:56:08 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Ou1Qolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
mostly on the actual stops themselves. we've been tryi ng to help BBC naviga te compliance
SIAlllJI: Sent
Source file: P G 's IPhone/var/mob1lel L1brarytSMSlsms db Ox95AA7E 1 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10J22/201 8 11:56:20 AM(UTC-4)0irection.Oulgojng, +15133652404 (P.G.) -
but always glad to team up on solutions or support yours however we can
Status. S&nt
Source Ille: PG ·s 1Pnoneivar1mOl><leJLobrary1SMS1sms db oxs~AA55C ( 1 able mc~sage, chat, Size. 220762112 llyles)
10/22/2018 4:21:32 PM(UTC-4)0irection·1ncoming, +15134170743 (Tamaya Oenllrd)
Our proiect is more about public art and bus stops.
Stolus: R~ad
Road 1012212018 10 39 36 PM(UTC-4)
Chats (1)
J. • These details are Closs-referenced f rom this device's contacts

1Message: +151341 70743 (1)

Participants Start rime 2'1012018 9 36:20 AM(UTC.S)

• 15134170743 Last AclMty: 4/19/ 2018 s ·39:55 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 2
Source: 1Message •15134 170743
Source file: 1Phone/varlrnobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db
OxBAESADA (Table. chat. handle Size· 220631040
• 15134856759
Body file: chat-1 .txt
Wendell Young•

211012018 9:38:20 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lnc:oming, + 15134856759 (Wendell Young)

H1 Tamaya • This 1s Wendell. Please call me. (961-1776/485-6759) Thanks.
Status: Read
Reed: 211012018 9 39 14 AMIUl C·5)
Source file: iPhone1var1mob1lelUbrary/ SMSl srns.db Ox894EFE8 (Table. message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes}
2/10/2018 10:06:23 AM(UTC-S)D1rection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hello, Sir. Just tned to call you back at home Will try again when I'm done speaking at Xavier
Slalu•: Sent
IJGlivered 211012() 18 10 <i6 14 MltU I(;-~ )
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubraryl SMSlsms db Ox894FA14 (Table· message, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2/10/2018 11:28:18 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, + 15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Sorry I missed your call but thanks for trying to gel back to me. I was calling you regarding a conversation I had with Dwight but he has
spoken with you. I'm guessing it went well because he said the two of you settled the issue. So no need to call me. See you next week.
Status: Read
Read· Vl0/2018 11 28·33 AM(UTC-5\
Source life: .Phone1varimob leiL1brarylSMSlsms ab Ox6954C05 (Table message handle. Chat Size 220631040 bytes)
2110/2018 11 :29'.24 AM(UTC.s)Oirection:Outgoing, +15134170743
Thank you. Looking forward to seeing you II was a mistake on my part and I accept it. I appreciate you calling me
Stews: Sent
Delivered: 211012018 11 29 22 AMCUTC-5)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/libraryl SMSlsms db Ox895483D (Table. message Chai Size 220631040 bytes)
31912018 9:57:08 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +1 5134856759 (Wendall Young)
Good Morning Tamaya! This is Wendell. When you have the opportunity, please call me.
Slslus Read
R&ad 3'9'2018S 57 20 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPho" e'var:mobtle'LibraryiS 'llS!s ms db Ox8C67FE8 (Table message handle chat Size 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 9:57:38 AM(UTC.5)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743
Yes sir. I'm in a meeting. Will do
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 31912018 9 ~739 /\M(UTC 5)
Source file: iPhone1varlmob1lf;/I ibrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8C6709C (Table message. chat Size. 220631040 bytes)
3.191201810:10:42 AM(UTC- 5)Dlrection:lnooming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Reed: 319•201b 1158 16Al'.'•U C-~,

Source file: iPhorie1var/mob1lelL b•ary1sr,.S 1sms.db Ox8C679C E (Table message handle chat S12e 220631040 bytes)
319/2018 11 :58:19 AM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Can you make a meeting at th e Black Agenda Hq on Reading Rd across from Hirsch Rec. Center at 5:00PM today? It's an important
meeting and won't lasl long. Really want you there. Please let me know whether you can be there.
Stetus: Read
Road. 31912018 12 03 56 P~l(UTC-51

Source file: 1PhoneNarimob<le/L1brary/SMSlsms db 0>.8C6CFE8 {Table message. handle, chat. S 1z.e 220631040 byles)
3J912018 3:20:47 PM(UTC-5)0ireclion:lncoming, +15134858'759 (Wendel Young)
I know you said you are tied up this afternoon but if there is any way you can get loose, even for j ust a little while, please make the 5:00PM
meeting at the BA Hq. I'm guessing you know JC has thrown down the gauntlet lo Harry. Resign or suffer a smear campaign. The gloves are
off. Time to fight. Hope you can rearrange your schedule. Please advise. Thanks.
Status: Read
Read: 31912018 3 29.53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: iPhone/va r/mobile/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8C76FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 22063 1040 bytes)
3/30/2018 8;57:52 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Youog)


89162905-8919-4 54E-A98A-
933ACOD0877E .plu91nPoyloadAttachrnent
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3130/ 2018 9 OS 57 PM(UTC·4)
Source f~e: 1Phone/var/m obile/Ubrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox8F5037 1 (Table: message. handle, chat, attachmenl, Size: 220631040 bytes)
1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SM $/Attachments/ 10/00/4A70 1F 59-190C-4044-9E F 6-86CEE 9E74219/8916290 5-89 19-454 E-A98A-
933AC000877E .plug1nPayloadAttachment : (Size 5969 bytes)
1Phone/var/mob< lell.1b<ary/SM S/Attachrnentsl a8/08/01C5057 4-66EF-4 1B7-B78 1-BBE157BBDB66/5A2E2E 39-C990-4099-980C-
76804575987C .pluglnPayloadAttachment (Size 755323 bytes)
3130/2018 8.57:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:fnooming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
I'm guessing you have seen this. Please call me. 961-1776.
Sll!tus: Read
Read: 3/30/20 18 9;05:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox8F51FE8 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size . 220631040 bytes)
4/512018 10:38:40 AM(UTC-4)Dlreclion:Outgoing, +15134170743
Hi' I 1ust remembered that I forgot to stop by your office. I'm sorry. I w ill connect w ith you soon!
Stalu3: Sent
Oetvered: 41512018 10 38 .31 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvar/mobole/l..1brary/SMSlsrns.db. Ox8FF28 7 1 (Tabl e message, chat. Size· 220631040 bytes)
41512018 11: 12 :37 AM(UTc-4)Dire<:tion:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
NP. One day next week w ill suffice. Take care.
Status: Read
Read: 4/5/2018 2:02:38 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ srns.db Ox6FF9646 (Table: message handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
41712018 9:35:38 AM(UTC-4)0lrecllon:ln<:0mlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good Morning• I realize thts is very short notice but, if possib le, will you attend a meeting of black leadership at the Black Agenda Office on
Reading Rd. at 10.30 this morning? Ple ase reply. Thanks.
Status: Read
Read: 4nl2018 9 47 35 /\M(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/ SMS/srns.db Ox9053FE6 (Table: message, handle chat. S12e 22063 1040 bytes)
417/2018 9:48:49 AM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Ou\going, +1 5134170743
Hi! Sorry I missed your ca ll. I can come today at 10:30am. I have a meeting at 12:30 so I can stay until noon. Is that ok?
Stalus: Senl
Oefivered: 4nl2018 9 48.47 /\M(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/rnobil e/l1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox9056FE4 (Table. message chat Size 220631040 bytes)
417/2018 9:49:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendel Yoq)
Yes it is. Happy to have you for any amount of time you can spare. Thanks.
Sl.8lus: Read
Reed: 4nt2018 9 50.00 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonel var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/srns.db : Ox9057FE8 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size . 22063 1040 bytes)
417/2018 9:50:30 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15134170743
Thank you . Sir. Will see you then'
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4n/2018 9 SO 28 /\Mt UTC-4)
Source file: 1Ph0nelvarlmobde/library/SM S/sms db Ox90575E6 (Table message, chat Size. 22063 104 0 bytes)
417/2018 9:50:46 AM(UTc-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendel Young)
Slalus: Read
Read: 41712018 9.56.07 AMt UTC..Jt)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobil c/llbrary/ SMSisrns.db · Ox9057403 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size . 22063 1040 bytes)
417/2018 2:01:00 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Thanks for coming to the meeting. I'm glad you were there .
Status: Read
Read; 417/2018 2.09:2 1 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: 1PhOnelvarlmob lellibrarylSMS/srns db Ox9064747 (Table message, hanale Chat. Size 22063 1040 bytes)
417/2018 2:11:27 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:Outgoing, +15134170743
Thank YO U! J'm always honored to be with you and learn from you. I couldn't take Michelle serious when she tried to undermine me during
the campaign last year.

Honestly, I'm not sure of how many more meetings like that I w ill attend. But I was happy to be wi th you . Enjoy th e rest of your weekend!
Status: Senl
Delivered: 4nl2018 2 11 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonc lvar/mob•l elL1brarylSM Slsms.db . Ox906452F (Table message chat. Si ze 220631040 bytes)

419/201810:53:17 AM(UT~)Oirection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Rev. Jesse Jackson at Southern Baptist Church at 8:00AM. He's here regarding Kroger, The West End, and Harry. Hope you can be there.
Status: Read
Read: 419/2018 3:27 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox9081FEB (Table message. handle, chat Size 220631040 bytes)
411912018 5:39:55 PM(UT~)O irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
When you can, please call me.
Status: Read
Read: 4/19/2018 5 44 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox91DBFEB (Table: message, handle . chat , Size 220631040 bytes)

Chats (1)
_1 • These details are cross-referenced from !hrs device's contacts

iMessage: (1)

Participants: Start Time: 4119/2018 5.39 55 PM(UTC-4) Last Activity: 8/312018 10 15 07 AM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 1
Source: 1Message:
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobdellibrary/SMS/sms.db
Ox13A142C (Table chat handle message. Size
30273536 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.txt
Wendell Young•

• 15134170743
Tamaya Dennard" (owner)

411912018 5:39:55 PM(VTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)

When you can, please call me. Read
Delivered: 411912018 5:4430 PM(UTC-4J
Read: 411912018 5•44 ;30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db Ox212CCB (Table message. handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
7/1612018 9:09:49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
The date we selected doesn't work for Dwight His staff 1s going to reach out to you to work out a date. Thanks for everything this evening.
You're tops!
Status: Read
Reed: 711612018 9 23 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1lelLlbrarylSMStsms.db Ox362FA 1 (Table message. handle. chat Size 30273536 bytes)
711612018 9:23:27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tameya Dennard)
Sounds great. Thank you!
Status: Sena
Delivered : 7/16/2018 9 23 26 PM(UTC.4)
Source file: IPhonelvarlmobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms db · Ox3633BB (Table: message. chat, Size. 30273536 bytes)
7/1712018 5:48:21 PM(VTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Will you support a suspension of the 72-hour eviction of occupants of 3rd Street until we can work towards less confusing solutions?
Status: Sent
Deliver&.!: 711712018 5·48 27 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: 1Phonefvarlmob1lelLibrary/SMSlsms.db Ox38AFA1 (Table message, chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/1712018 8:01 :16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Read: 711712018 8 02·49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brarytSMSlsms db Ox391 CA4 (Table message handle chat Size 30273536 bytes)
7/1 712018 8:02:58 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Thank you• I appreciate you 1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 711712018 8 02 56 PMtUTC-4J
Source file: 1Phonefvarlmob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms db Ox391AB3 (Table. message chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 12:02:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)
Patrick won't honor my motion and John wont call me back for a special session
Slblus; Senl
Delivered: 7/18/2018 12 02 29 Pf.ll(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/varlmobilellibrary/SMStsms db Ox3AAAE2 (Table message, chat Size· 30273536 bytes)
7/1812018 12:19:15 PM(UTC-4)Dlredlon:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
John expected this. Likely can't gather a quorum either. Not sure John has to be contacted regarding special session. In his absence, will
the VM do? Doubt Smitherman will cross him on this though. May not be able to intervene on this one but we can establish rules for how to
move forward in the future. Check with Law to see whether special session can proceed without mayor or vice-mayor? Can you (pres. pro-
ten) preside when the other two can/won't preside?
Status: Read
Read: 7118/2018 12:19:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox3ACFA1 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size· 30273536 bytes)
8/2/2018 10:17:00 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15134856759 {Wendell Young)
Good morning. May I ride to our meeting with you?
Status: Read
Reed: 8/212018 11:28.17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phoneivar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox55F5A4 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 30273536 bytes)
81312018 10:04:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15134170743 (Tamaya Dennard)


R. 001 - Complamt.pdf
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/3/2018 10:04 :52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox58FD5B (Table message. chat. attachment, Size: 30273536 bytes)
iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/a6/06/6C6C3080-3ED9-4BOE-9B8A-BB43874C9052/R. 001 - Complaint.pd! (Size. 722451 bytes)
813/2018 10:15:07 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Interesting. I think this will fail but this issue isn't going away.
Status: Read
Read: 8/'3/2018 10:17.47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox591A42 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 30273536 bytes)

. .

Chats (1)
! • These details rue cross-relerence<l from th1s device's contacts

iMessage +15133484329 (1 )

# Deleted

Part1c1pants· Start Time: 10/2120147. 15 12 PM{UTC-4)

+1 5133484329 Last Activity: 10/ 17/ 2018 7 30.25 PM(UTC-4)
Chns Seelbach' (owner) Number of attachments: 54
Source: iMessage. +15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach's
1?honelvar/mob1le/Librarv/ SMSf sms.db . Ox11BD2EC9
{Table. chat handle Size: 342745088 bytes)
Body file. chat-1. txt
Greg Landsman•
Screen Shot 2018-01-01 al 12.29.04 PM.png
Status: Se1lt
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . OxB1FA752 (Table· message, chat, attachment, Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/ SMS/Attachments/35/05/259776BS-350A-4070-91F5-708CCF041 F93/ Screen Shol 2018-01-01 at 12.29.04 PM.png : (Size·
199182 bytes)
1/112018 12:30:49 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lnoom4oo. +151364601 86 (Greg Landsman)
You know what they say about assumptions, Chris.
StaluS: Read
Delivered: 1/112018 12:30:52 PM(UTC-5i
Read: 1/1/2018 12:30:52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxB1 FA465 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1/2018 12:34:11 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing , +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelba<:h)
we will see
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/Var/mobile/Library/SMSfsms.db OxB1FA268 (Table: message, chat. Si ze. 342745088 bytes)
1/11201812:41:37 PM (UTC-S)Oirection:lnooming, + 15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Yes, you will.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach' s IPhone/var/mob;le/UbraryiSMS/sms.db : OxB1 FBFEC (Table. message, handle chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
11112018 12:45:36 PM(UTC-5)0 irection:1ncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
In the mean time, by nice to me. For the love of god.
Status: Read
Delivered: 11112018 12:45:38 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/112018 12 45<l8 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbacli's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db : OxB1 FBE23 (Table: message. handle, chat. S ize: 342745088 bytes)
1/1/201812:45:56 PM(UTC-¢)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
not being been to you. being honest with you! Happy New Year! See you tomorrow.
St.otus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's IPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox81FBC1E (Table: message. chat, Si ze 342745088 bytes)
11112018 12:47:14 PM(UTC.S)Olrection:lncomlng, + 15138460186 (Greg Landsm an)
If you say so. Happy New Year too.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/Varlmobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxB1 FB6AO (Table: message handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
111/2018 12 :59:32 PM(UTC·5)Directlon:lncomlng, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Actually, I already bucked John on Dianne Rosenberg and the committees. And have worked hard to make sure you got what you wanted
from the com mittees - including giving up SORTA.

So. be nice to me 1 At least, keep your apparent disdain for me more discrete. Just being honest.
Status: Read
Delivered: 11112018 12:59:35 PM(UTC·51
Read: 111/201812:59:35 PM(UTC-~)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxB 1FB4SE (Table: message. handle. chal, Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/1/2018 1:02:19 PM (UTC-5)Direetion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris S eelbach)
no disdain for you at all. As I've told you a million times. Craig and I both really like you. This job requires us to challenge others. Question
beliefs. Be skeptical until actual votes are taken. That isn't being mean... it's doing the job.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbacn's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB1 FCFEC (Table: message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/112018 1:41 :42 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncomlng, +15136460168 (Greg Landsman)
Craig likes me and is super nice to me. You on the other hand, I don't buy it. But like you said, we'll see.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/112018 1:50:54 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 11112018 I :50.54 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB1FCC18 {Table: message, handle, c hat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
111/20181:42:45 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lnooming, +1 5138460186 (Greg Landsman)
No matter what, I will always be there eager to work with you.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/1120 18 1:50.54 PM(UTC-5)
Re&CJ: 1/1/2018 1.50:54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxB1 FC98A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
111/2018 1:50:51 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
AND, I love you like a brother :)
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/t/2018 1.50.54 PM(UTC-5)
Read: l/112018 1:50:54 PM{UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/Var/mob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms.db · OxB1FC762 {Table: message handle chat. Size: 34 2745088 bytes\

1/2/2016 9:06:46 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460168 (Greg Landsman)
Thanks for taking and tweeting that picture. Meant a lot to me . Look foiward to working together. Appreciate you, Chris .

Status: Read
Delivered: 11212018 9 06 51 PM{UTC-5)
Read: 1/2/2018 9 06 51 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB243942 (Table message handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
1123/2018 7:36:13 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
What about City Hall was tense today?
Status: Sen1
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxB662869 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
112312018 7:43:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460168 (Greg Landsman)
Just an intense day. Lots happened. Nothing bad. and I enjoyed our committee meeting. Though apparently Harry was pissed. Loi.
Status: Read
Reed: 1123/2018 7 43 46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB66234C (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
112312018 7:44:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hmm . Interesting. Intense with Cranley?

Status: Sen1
Delivered: 1/23/2018 7 44 04 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Ph0nelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB663FE4 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/23/2018 7:48:33 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
No . Out of town. He called but I just let it go to VM. And he doesn't bother me so much. He is what he is. Some days he'll hate me, some
days he won't...can't worry about it.
Status: Read
Read: 1/23/2018 7 48 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB663DF7 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/2412018 2:02:55 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
I wasn 't allowed to serve

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB68B451 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
112412018 2:09:24 PM(UTC-SJDirectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
That's right. Insane.

Status: Read
Delivered· 1/24/2018 2 09.28 PM(UTC-5)
Reed: 1124/2018 2 09 28 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarl mob1le/L1brary/SMSl sms db OxB6BDFDC (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1128/2018 10:45:57 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. can we reschedule? My parents stayed in town after the kickoff last night. And we're gonna hang with them today. Hope you
Status: Senl
Delivered: 1128/2018 10 45 58 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's IPhone/var/mob1lel L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxB74CA9D (Table message. chat. Srze 342745088 bytes)
211412018 10:17:37 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Does Cranley know Rayshon 1s gonna be voted down?

Slatus: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBA99D8F (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 10:23:42 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I assume.
Status: Read
Delivered: 2114/2018 10 23 44 AM {UTC-5)
Read: 2114/2018 10 23 44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxBA99B4C (Table message handle. chat. Srze. 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 2:26:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Great job. Don't let Cran ley bring you into an argument.
Slatus· Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxBABB9FC (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 2:32:25 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Great job. Don 't let Cranley bring you into an argument. "
Status: Read
Denvered: 2/14/2018 2 32 31 PM{UTC-5)
Reed: 2/14/2018 2 32 .31 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBABB6D6 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
31612018 4:36:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You able to talk to Wendell about voting on motion tomorrow?
Status: Read
Read: 316/2018 4 36-24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS1sms db OxBEFFDSA (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
31612018 4:37: 11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I didn't talk to him today. But he signed motion. So I'm sure he'll be fine voting on it tomorrow. He's never said no to me yet 1
Status· Senl
OeUvered: 31612018 4 37 13 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxBFOOFE4 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/612018 4:36:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136480188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I didn't talk to him today. But he signed motion. So I'm sure he'll be fine voting on it tomorrow. He's never said no to me yet!"

Slalus: Read
Read: 316/20 18 4 39 25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBF01F1 7 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

317/2018 11 :09:53 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So Wendell is gonna vote with us?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBF32B62 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3!712018 11:26:53 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Says so :)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3n/2018 11 26 59 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 3ni2018 11·25·59 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . OxBF331E3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3!7/2018 11:27:10 AM(UTC.5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He needs to hold tight despite Cranley and Smitherman's speeches
Status: Sent
Source file: Cliris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxBF34FEC (Table· message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 2:01 :49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
PG signed up to speak in public comment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxBF4C9CF (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
31812018 11:36:57 AM(UTC.S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley creates such a toxic environment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxBF99FEC (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/812018 11:40:46 AM(UTC.S)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's like night and day walking back and forth from foundation to city hall
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBF9AFEC (Table. message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/812018 12:16:46 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
It's not good . But power has shifted, and I hope he's beginning to realize that. Would make life and problem-solving a whole lot easier if he
Status: Read
Delivered: 3181201812:16 55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 318/2018 12:16:55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db . OxBF9DE1 F (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745066 bytes)
3/812018 12:17:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He just makes everything a fight when it doesn't have to be
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBF9D3C1 (Table· message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:18:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yep . Yesterday was a great example. We could have amended the resolutions or motions on the flo or. Super annoying .... even if you ignore
the fact we were essentially called racists for two hours. Oh well. we'll have an ordnance for folks to vote on in two weeks.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/8/2018 12 19 45 PM(UTC-5)
Reed: 3/812018 12.19.45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db OxBF9EFDC (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:20:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I just don't get him . Maybe just he's the least self-aware person on this planet
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxBF9E663 (Table. message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/812018 12:22:02 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Some of it is that. Some of it is power sharing , and not having any interest in it. Some of it is making or taking e verything personally. Who
knows. Go back to enjoying the rest of your day ! Call if you need anything.
Status: Read
De~vered: 3/8/20 1812 22.06 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 31812018 12 22·06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/srns.db OxBF9E3D9 (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 342745086 bytes)
31912018 4:17:12 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So Cranley told Harry at 2pm today to resign or he'd launch a smear campaign against him?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC048FEC (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 4:18:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Not sure. On work call. Will call after. What a mess.
Status: Read
Delivered: 31912018 4.18.05 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 319/2018 4:18.05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db . OxC049DE9 (Table. message . handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1112018 3:41:23 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
So you officially are not supporting firing?
Status: Senl
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOA959E (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/11/2018 5:17:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just always remember. City Hall is a mess. And you can pick up kids toys , so you ... and only you ... can solve this problem have a safe r1tght!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/LtbrarylSMSlsms.db OxCOBOC36 (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

Y13/2018 12:18:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Are you considering making some kind of public statement saying you do not support firing Harry? PG. Tamaya and Wendell have. PG
trying to get me to as well.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db · OxC110FEC (Table message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 12:20:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
I've told press folks who've asked.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/13/2018 12 20 44 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/13/2018 12"20.44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC110CCC (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1312018 12:20:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That you do not support firing?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC110AEB (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 12:22:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Correct. Though I add that there are issues that need to be addressed.
St8tus: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 12 24 .1 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC110808 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 3:13:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Would you vote for a b uyout for Harry? like a 400k buyout?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC 11 FAAS (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 1:06:13 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Sorry for the delay. I told John and media last night that I was a no vote though. On settlement and firing.
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 8.45 19 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC154870 (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:38:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tamaya wants the public lynching in the statement, but I think would settle for something about black leadership being under attack. Would
you agree to that?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC21C7F3 (Table message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:51:27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey, did you see statement just reaffirming our previous statement? Can you respond on group text "agreed"?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db : OxC2826C7 (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:57:32 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Rocky "Apparently mayor is meeting with him in the am and confident a deal will be struck."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2012018 12 57.33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E1785 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:57:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stick w ith us
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 17.57 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E1521 (Table message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3120/2018 12:58:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm not moving. Have a statement I'll put out when I get home.
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 12 58 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms db. OxC2E2C50 (Table message handle . chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:58:30 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2012018 12 58 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E288B (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/20181:01:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
John Juech saying you will compromise "if you have a say on next manager. Voicing of support for Isaac and a few o ther items, commitment
to collaborative refresh."
Status. Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 1 01 22 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E3665 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 1:01:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can you put out statement before you meet with him
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2012018 t 01 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db OxC2E4AF1 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3120/20181:02:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
I stopped talking to Juech days ago.
Status: Read
Read· 3/20/2018 1 02 to PM{UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db · OxC2E48EE (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

312012018 1:02:35 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
I'll put it out before, yes. I don't meet with anyone until tomorrow.

Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 1:02.39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC2E5FE8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
312012018 1:02:-44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 1:02:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2E59E6 (Table· message . chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
312012018 3:55:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Just FYI , I'll post my statement in the morning b efore I leave. Would like to be fully with my kids and Sarah after I land tonight. I've been
gone for nearly ten d ays. But it's a pretty tough statement. Around 8 :30AM , and I'm not moving.
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 3.55:43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC2FOFE8 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2012018 3:55:53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 3:55:54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC2F05CB (Table: message. chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
312112018 2:02:41 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ha ng in there. I know he' s coming down hard on you.
SIDtus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxC314FEC (Table· message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
312112018 2:19:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
I'm good :). Thanks, brother.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/21/2018 2:20 02 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2 1/2018 2:20:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxC3143C9 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
312612018 10:50:23 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
were you coming from your meeting with Cranley?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSl sms.db : OxC3CC675 (Table· message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/26/201810:51:38 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnc:oming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
M et with him last night. P.G. this morning. You back ?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/26/2018 10:51 '41 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/26120 18 10 51 41 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC3CDFDC (Table. message, handle, chat Size 34274 5068 bytes)
312612018 10:51 :45 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
yes. I honked at you
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC3CDABC (Table· message, chat, Size· 342745086 bytes)
3/2612018 10:51:51 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lnc:oming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Oh :)
S!Dtus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC3CD6C3 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2612018 10:51:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
how d id those meetings go
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC3CD71C (Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
312612018 10:53:28 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnc:oming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
We'll see. I'm pushing these larger City Hall and CPD reforms. I think PG' s meeting with him went okay. Cranley has c almed down , and
seems to appreciate the fact that his behavior isn't working for us. Time will tell , but I held no punches.

Status: Read
Deliver<ld: 3/26/2018 10.53.30 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/26/2018 10:53·30 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db OxC3CEFDC (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 342745068 bytes)
3/2612018 11:02:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just got this : " Harry said mayor has half the City making p hone calls to Landsman ."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC303D8A (Table message, chat. Size 342745068 bytes)
3126/2018 11 :05:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Maybe last week :). N o one really since Wednesday.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMSlsms.db . OxC3D5FEC (Table me ssage, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/26/2018 11:32:16 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Just got a few. Same people. Same message. Two call, by the way :).
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/26/2018 11 .32 19 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 317612018 11:37 19 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phoneivar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC3DDDB7 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745068 bytes)

~ .

411312018 1:37:58 PM(UTC-4)DireCllon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Does he not understand the concept of city income taxes?
Status Senl
Source file . Chr s Seelbach's iPhonelvar1mob le1Llbrary1SM$1sms.db OxCS943CD (Table message chat Size: 342745088 bYtesJ
4/3/2018 2:34 48 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
That was a super weird question.
Slatus; Read
RHd 413J:l018 2 35.03 PM!UTC 4)
Souroe file Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC596FE5 (Table. message. handle. chat S12e. 342745068 bytes)
41412018 3:13:18 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
3 months on the job , I' m spending money and resources to rename a street after my relative . very strange .
Status: Sent
Source file' Chns Seelbach's 1Phonetvarlmobole/L1brarylSMS/sms.db: OxCSCC2CC (Table message chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 3:13:47 PM(UTc-t)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Craig Schultz Street coming next week'!
Status Sent
Source file· Chns Seelbach s 1PhonelvarlmobolelL1brarylSMS/sms.ab · OxC5CDFEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
41412018 3:13 55 PM(UTC-4)0lredion:lncomlng, +15138480188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Craig Schultz Street coming next weekw
Statul. Read
Oeftvared: 4/412018 3 13 ~8 PM(UTC-4)
Reed. 4/412018 3 13.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1ie/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC5CDD2C (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 byles)
4/412018 3:15:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
He's a strange dude.
Slllt.os: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1leil ibrary/SMSlsms db OxCSCD726 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
414/2018 3:15:35 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sarah Landsman Lane''
Sllltus· Senl
Source Ille Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mobtle.'L1brary1SMSisms .oo · OxC5CD561 (Table message chat Stze 342745088 bytes)
41412018 3:15:41 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status. Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/varlmob1lc/L1brary/SMSlsms.db: OxC5C0366 (Table message handle chat Size. 342745086 bytes)
41512018 9 :58:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15135460186 (Greg Landsman)
Putting kids down. Everything okay?
Status· Read
Read: 41512018 9 58.28 PM(UTC-4)
~oe file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobllelL1brary1SMSlsms.db · OxC621C36 (Table message handle, chat Size. 342745088 b)'1es)
41512018 9:58'35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:OU\going, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can we talk tonight?
Str.lus S<cnt
Defi-.d 4.517018 9 58 35 PM!UTC~ J

Source 6Je· Chris Seelbadfs oPhone'var'mob le1L1brary:SMS'sms.db OxC621A4D (Table message chat. Size 342745088 byles)
41912016 6.52.37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H ey What's going on We have first foundation board meeting until 9
Status· Sent 419/2018 6:52:38 PMtUTC-41
Source file Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobileilibrarylSMS/sms.db: oxC6AE395 (Table. message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/1112018 2:26:07 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He's going to cry again
Sllllus· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s iPhorei varJmobde'LobrarylSMSlsms.db: OxC6FD844 (Table message chat Sze 342745088 bytes)
411912018 5'43:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgotng, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)


Status: Sent
OeHvereci. 4/1912018 5:43:34 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilelllbrarylSMSlsms.db · OxC86 1366 (1 able message chat, attachment. Size. 342745086 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1var1mobile/Llbrary1SMS/Attachrnentsl 1e/14/472138CD-7C FB-4C06·AA2C-FD768BE58720/IMG 2687 PNG (Size 730797 bytes)
511/2018 11:13' 59 AM(UTC-4)Direc:tion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can you ask these ques tions Jon wanls answered during ODOT presentation? I came ove r here to do it But this 1s taking way too long and
need to head back
Status Sent
Del Wied'. S.112018 11 14 00 tJ,<ilJTC-41
Source file: C hris Seelt:ach's <Phone'var1mobilclL1brarylSMSlsms db O~C9AD890 (Table message chat Size 342745068 bytes)
SJ2/201e 3:04:15 PM(UTC-4)Direc:tion:Oulgoong, • 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You know Smithe rman was going after you spec1f1cally all weekend over your letter w tth Tamaya?
Swtus Senl
Source file: Cl111s Seelbach s 1Phonervarlmobile tllbrary/SMS/sms db OxC9F1FEC (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

5/212018 3:05:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Yes :).
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/2/2018 3:05.48 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 5/2/2018 3:05:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC9F104B (Table. message, handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
5/212018 3:05:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
but s till p raising h im?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxC9F1 B9D (Table message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
5/212018 3:07:00 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
H e's d ug in o n 911 stuff, includ ing pushing on Issac and Patrick to work on merger/partnership considerations per our r equests .
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: OxC9F199B (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/3/2018 1:54:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
II r ang , but then i mmediately hung up
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhoneivar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCA263FA (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
5/ 11/2018 11 :33:03 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Sorry about t h a t. Call me back. O ne m o re thi ng I w anted to m ention.
Status: Read
Reed: 5/1112018 11 :33.23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db . OxCB63C20 (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
5114/2018 1:36:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Thanks, b u ddy :)
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/14/20 18 1.36.53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 5/14/2018 1:36:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/vartmobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxCBCB708 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
5/1 5/2018 1:03:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 5/15/2018 2:04:06 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxCBEE605 (Table. message. handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
5/15/2018 3:05:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
H ear d you w e r e sick! Sor ry, ma n.
Status: Read
Delivered: 5115120 18 3.06:3? PMiUTC-4)
Read: 511512018 3:06:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCBF1566 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
5/1512018 3:07:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cra ig has a sinus infection I th ink I got. Just stuffed up and sore thro a t, but hopefully ta king a day to rest w ill b e e nough. thanks
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxCBF1388 (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
5/15/2018 3:12:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "C raig h a s a s inus in fect ion I th ink I got. Just stuffe d up a nd sor e throat, b u t hopefully taking a d ay to res t will be enoug h. thanks"
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxCBF2F1 B (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
5/ 1612018 1:38:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tama ya Dennard:C hris S eelbac h:
I'm a no o n e mergency for these FCC ord inan ces ... .. lo allow those org anizing a petition drive the ability to atte m p t to collect enough
signature s. I b e l ieve if a t least 3 of us v ote no on e mergency, t h e y ge t tha t a bility .


[fill [fill
Julta Wesselkamper.vcf Julte Johnson.vcf
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's tPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : OxCC1DFEC (Table message. chat. attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/7a/10/FD428AF2-6043-4519-B785-65643E138464/Julia Wesselkamper.vcf : (Size 13298 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachments/ab/11/E138720D-0194-4421-8908-ACE098E2F677/Julte Johnson vet (Size 150 bytes)
5/23/2018 11:19:30AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Sarah and I are lea ving town on Friday morning otherwise we would be there with you F riday night. Thanks for the invite ' See you in a few
hour s ....
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/23/2018 11 :19:33 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 5123/2018 1119 33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lel llbrary/SMSlsms.db . OxCD42FDC (Table message. handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
5/2312018 11:19:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no problem' have fun'
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxCD423E9 (Table message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
5/2312018 11:19:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked " no problem' have f un•"
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : DxCD43F6D (Table message. handle. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
5123/2016 11 :20:40 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15136480166 (Greg Landsman)
Our first trip away in a yea r and a h alf! I'm p u m ped ....

Status: Read
Delivered: 512312018 112042 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 5123/2018 11 20 42 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxCD43D7C (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745086 bytes)
512312016 11:20:46 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
w ow' where are you goin g
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxCD43B69 (Table message. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
5/2312016 11:22:47 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw. Do you have a cou p le min utes for a call?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCD448CD (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
512312016 11 :25:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Yep . In 5?

Status: Read
Delivered: 512312018 11 ·25 17 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 5/23/2018 11 :25 17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCD4468F (Table· message. handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
5/2312018 11 :25:16 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCD444DB (Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
512312018 11:25:23 AM(UTC-4) Direclion:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "ye s "
Status: Read
Delivered: 512312018 11 25.52 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 5123/2018 11 25 52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCD44286 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size 342745068 bytes)
5/3012016 1:09:39 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
You c oming tod ay?
Status: Read
Delivered: 513012018 1 09 44 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 513012018 1 09 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxCE06B29 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 34 2745088 bytes)
5/30/20181 :09:46 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection :Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
s orry, I' m out
Status: Sent
Source file: Clrns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db. OxCE0666F (Table message, chat Size 342745068 bytes)
5/3012016 1:09:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No w o rries.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCE0647B (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/ 31/2016 1:50:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1513348432 9 (Chris Seelbach)
S hould we let the "free mar ket" just decide?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxCE436F7 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/3112016 2:40:57 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
T hank you.}
Status: Read
Delivered: 513112018 2 40 59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 5/3112018 2 40 59 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCE4774F (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
5/3112018 2:41:00 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxCE47599 (Table message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
61612018 1:35:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
check my twitter

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobtle/Llbrary/SMSlsms db OxCF5C7D3 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
61612016 1:44:16 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Awe some .
Sll:tus: Read
De~vered : 6/6/2018 1 44 19 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 61612018 1 44 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCF5E639 (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/6/2018 1:46:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1513 3484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I was re ally hoping David Mann would win poll. but looks like the think it's stereotyp1cally .... me'
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobtle/L1brarylSMS/sms db OxCF5E48B (Table message. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/6/2018 1:48:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (G reg Landsman)
L aughed at "I was really hoping David M ann would win poll, but looks like the t h in k it's stereotypically .... m e !"
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone1varlmob1le/L1braryl SMSl sms.db OxCF5FF1 C (Table message handle. chat. Size 34 2745088 bytes)

6/612018 1:48:42 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
We're tied!
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxCF5FC90 (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
6/612018 2:48:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
I pulled ahead1
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/6/2018 2 46 37 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/6/2018 2·46.37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mobile/libraryl SMSl sms.db OxCF6C7F8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/6/2018 2:51:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
maybe tha t means you should take me instead of Sarah!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxCF6C36D (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/6/2018 2:53:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
If she says no 1Or we can all go together.
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/6/2018 2.53:46 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/612018 2:53:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobilelLibrarylSMS/sms.db . OxCF6DFDC (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/1012018 11:06:19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg landsman)
Oh my goodness . Who was it? What can I d o to help?
Status: Read
Read: 6/10/2018 11·12·s2 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db . OxDOOD6A1 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/10/2018 11:13:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Jenn Watts. Nothing we can do for her. They're only letting family in IC U. and she's not consci ous. J ust hope we can get an update from
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/10/2018 11·13 30 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms.db OxDOOEFE4 (Table: message, chat. Size· 342745088 byles)
6/10/2018 11 :13:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Manager at J apps
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/10/2018 11 13:47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db · OxDOOED13 (Table· message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/10/2018 11 :14:24 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Awful. I've mee t her. Super nice. If you don 't get anywhere with P a trick or Issac, I'll call them both.

Status: Read
Read: 6/101?01 8 11 14 32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobilelLibrary/SMSl sms.db OxDOOE876 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/121201 6 1:50:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
I have to head back over at 2pm. but I d on't thin k you need me for votes. right?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox0064C06 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/1212018 4:48:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
We were good . yep. Missed a fun d e bate about council rules . I'll fill you in t onight....
Status: Read
DeHvered; 6/12/2018 4.49 17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6112/2018 4·49· t7 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var1mob1le/Library/SMS/ sms.db Ox0073FDC (Table: message. handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
611 212018 4:49:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
d id it end up going the way you wanted?
Status: Sen!
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSl sms.db . Ox007 3A88 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
611212018 4:49:38 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ca n on ly be a t hearing tonight 60 mins. It's our 13 year anniversary today. going to dinne r .
Status: Sen!
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library /SMSlsms.db : Ox0 073866 (Table : message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes}
6/13/2018 3:06:36 PM{UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
So you don't need me for rule change votes . right?

Status: Sent
Source file: Clm s Seelbach·s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxDOBC351 (Table. message chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
611312018 3:06:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh}
just have to leave in 15 mins
Status· Sen!
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db OxDOBDFEC (Table· message. chat Size 342745088 bytes}
6/1312018 3:06:48 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg landsman}
Status. Read
Delivered: 6/13/20 t8 3 06 49 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6113120 18 3 06 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxDOBDDCE (Table. message. handle. chat. Size. 3427 45088 bytes)
6113/2018 3:06:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/va r/mobile/L1brary /SMS/sms db OxDOBDC 1E (Table: message, chat. S ize. 342745088 bytes) .
6113/2018 3:28:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You brought thts forward ' Loi
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 3 30 56 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxDOBE76C (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/1312018 3:30:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I know
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/13/2018 3 30 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxOOBFOB3 (Table message, chat, Size 34 2745088 bytes)
6/1 812018 1:41 :00 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I don't get thts heartburn question. But, these meetings would last 20 times l onger if Winburn o r Smitherman were chairing.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox017897B (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1812018 1:41 :45 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Lik ed ·1don't get this heartburn question. But. these m eetings would last 20 times longer if Winburn o r Smi therman were chairing."
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/18/2018 1:41 46 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 6/18/2018 1 41 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox0179CC5 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/ 1812018 2:46:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If this w as Mark Mallory's admi n proposing booting to close a budget deficit, Smitherman would hav e already collected 20.000 s ignatu res to
b an it in the city charter. Today, "lets try it. If it's too aggressive , we can change."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox0185FEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
811812018 3:44:53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
MSD woman looks like she's b een cryrng or srck?

Status: Sent
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox019160F (Table. message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
611812018 3:45:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Probably allergies.
Sll!tus: Read
Delivered: 6/1812018 3 45 .07 PMtUTC·4)
Read: 6/1812018 3 45.07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox0191364 (Table message handle chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
6/1812018 3:45:1 9 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
w ho has allergies w hen it's 100 degrees outside?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox0192FEC (Table message chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
611812018 3:45:58 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
I don't think she's been crying : )
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1lel L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox0192060 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 342745068 bytes)
6/1 812018 4:21 :08 PM(UTC-4)0 1raction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is he 10?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblie/Llbraryl SMSl sms.db Ox019A902 (Table. message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/18/2018 4:21 :46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 6118/2018 4:21 52 PMtUTC·4)
Read: 6118/2018 4 21.52 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox019A7DC (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6118/2018 4:22:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
When he was 8
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxO 19A62A (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/20/2018 2:21 :53 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Thank you
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox01E8DBO (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/20/2018 2:24:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Thank you.
Status: Read
Delivered· 6/2012018 2:24 17 PM(UTC-4)
Reed: 6120/2018 2 24 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox01 E8BBA (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6123/2018 3:20:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Give me a ring when you get a chance thrs weekend . Tomorrow is fine. Congrats on today. Great turnout.

Status: Read
Read: 6/2312018 3 29.41 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarl mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxD243FE6 (Table message, handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2612018 1:33:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is he rn a bad mood?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1braryiSMSlsms db Ox02A3871 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
812612018 1:34:52 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
He gets grumpy. I find it amusing .
Status: Read
Defivered: 6126/2018 1 34 55 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 612612018 1.34:55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxD2A3965 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/27/2018 10:12:1 5 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor forgot we had a meeting th is morning
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db . OxD2B2DD8 (Table. message, chat, Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
6127/2018 10:14:12 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "Pastor forgot we had a meeting this morning"
Status: Read
Delivered: 6127/2018 10:14·14 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 6127/2018 10.14.14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/rnob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox02B27ED (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6127/2018 11 :26:30 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Thank you. And great closing line .
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/2712018 11 :26:33 AM(UTC-4)
Reed: 6/27/2018 11 .26·33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobdellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxD2BC771 (Table message. handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/28/2018 8:04:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Attachments: -

Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/28/2018 8 04 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD3023DB (Table. message chat attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSIAttachmentsl1e/14/D9A5EF2E-C5B1-4B26-A8B2-3BB96634DDD6/Brad : (Size: 163 bytes)
6/29/2018 8:44:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
If you get a minute ...
Status: Read
Read: 612912018 8 52.29 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxD32D9C1 (Table. message. handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/29/2018 8:44:13 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
https ://m .soundcloud .com/memorial- church/dr-ted-strickland-micahs-message-for-our-time-sunday-sermons



Status: Read
Read: 6129/2018 8 52 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms.db OxD32E6CB (Table: message. handle, chat. attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelva rlmob1lellrbrary/SMS/Attachments/30/00/C9593122-B359-4E 13-9F 5B-3DD9EFABF98A/C6A60652-AA6D-4 7CB-A6C4-
C442C703789C.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size. 48337 bytes)
6129/2018 8:52:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What is this
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/29/2018 8 52 48 PM(U r C-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlrnob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxD32E38B (Table message, chat Size: 342745088 by1es)
6129/2018 8:53:33 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Ted gave a sermon at Harvard. Worth listeni ng to. Just did . Really good . Thought you'd appreciate it.
Status: Read
Read: 612912018 8.55 05 PM(UTC-4\
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD32FFE8 (Table message, handle. chat Stze 342745088 bytes)
6/29/2018 8:55:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/2912018 8 55 08 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach 's 1Phonelvarl rnob1lelL1brarylSMSlsms.db OxD32FD73 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
717/2018 11 :39:59 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +151364601 BB (Greg Landsman)
Walk? Have an hour to kill downtown ..

Status: Read
Read: 7nJ2018 11 40'26 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Ltbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox040F706 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
71712018 11:40:30 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Can't ·(
Status: Sent
Dehvered: 7ni?018 11 40 30 AM(UTC-4\
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phonel varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox040F514 (Table message chal, Size 342745088 bytes)

7f712018 11:40:38 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 7nl2018 11"44 17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD40F35C (Table message. handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/14/2018 3:13:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You're already through both seasons of Handmaid 's Tale?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD51 CBFO (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1 412018 3:14:1 5 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I can't do it. I guess I should.
Status: Read
DeHvered: 7/14/2018 3 14.18 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 711412018 3 14 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD51C995 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1412018 3:14:31 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
it's very good. On ep 5 of season 2 . you should
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD51C7B1 (Table. message chat Size. 34274 5088 bytes)
7/1412018 3:14:38 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "it's very g ood . On ep 5 of season 2. you should"
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD51C4B3 (Table· message handle, chat Size 3427 45088 bytes)
7/1412018 4:56:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What did you think of How It Ends
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox0524FEC (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 byies)
7/1412018 5:00:09 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Slow so far but need to finish.
Status: Read
Delivered; 7/1 412018 5 00 13 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/1412018 5 00 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxD526393 (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1412018 5:00:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
it' s really bad

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD527FEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1412018 5:00:26 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
The dude is annoying .
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxD527DF6 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
711412018 5:01 :00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They hyped 11 as this big "the world is ending" moving .... so super thriller, and it's really just about a road trip with obstacles.

Stetus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD527632 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1412016 5:01 :09 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
L oi

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db OxD527347 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
711412018 5:01 :53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
M o re importantly ...


l mage-1 IPQ
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/14/2018 S 01 56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/1412018 501.56 PM(UTC-4>
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db OxD528FDC (Table message handle chat attachment Size 34 2745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/86/06/5C 5D2CF3-B094-4 72C-B892-41OEECB12A96/lmage-1.Jpg (Size 270656 bytes)
7/1 412018 5:02:22 PM(UTC-"l)Direction :Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That's our big symposium or I'd go and buy tickets right now. wow. and looks like really good seats?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbra ry/SMS/sms.db OxD528D73 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/14/2018 5:03:09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
$285/ticket? '?!?I

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbra ry/SMS/sms db OxD528ACE (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
711412018 5:03:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
It's for Taylor Swtftl!!
Stctus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD528509 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

711412018 5:03:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
who are you going with
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxD529FEC (Table: message, chat, Size: 34274508 8 bytes)
7/1412018 5:04:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
S ister and our daughters.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SM S/sms.db . Ox05290EC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 34 2745088 bytes)
711412018 5:04:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
awe some
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox05299FC (Table. message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/1412018 5:04:18 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm pumped.
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/14/2018 5:04.42 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 7/14/2018 5·04'42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mob1lel library/SMS/sms.db Ox052980A (Table· message, handle. chat, Size 34 2745088 bytes)
7/1412018 5:05:29 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
d o y ou think s he even rea lly s ings ?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelva rl mo b1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox0529650 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
711412018 5:06:05 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncomlng, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm not sure . I'll s end y o u something from o n e of her shows. I think she does ...
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobde/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox0529436 (Table. message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1412018 5:07:13 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
https://yo u


1 : -..-
809BB995-A98B-4ABF-B 13B-
02504B26-6076-4FCA-9095- rsE!340A92386.E!lugml5a:tloadAttachment
~; 1E!iii'5AE!073.Qlugml5a:r:loadAttachment
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/14/2018 5 07 t8 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/14/2018 5 07:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phoneivar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox052A488 (Table· message, handle, chat, attachment, Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
C hns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/l1brary/SMS/ A ttachments/3110115264 F3A6-8BO E-4 OFA-90 E7-4 SOE? E20C 1OA/02504B26-60 76-4 FCA-9095-
F71BA75AB073.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size. 16275 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/87 /07/90B483C5-9103-4840-BGE 1-79BAAB08C762/809BB995-A98B-4A8F-B 13B-
F68340A92386.pluginPaylo adAttachment . (Size. 14933 bytes)
711912018 3:04:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
D a n g!!! ! That w a s aw esome.
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/19/2018 3 04 43 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7119/2018 3.04.43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox05CB8C2 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/19/2018 3:04:46 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ah ty
Status: Sent
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone/va r/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox05CB6EE (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/2012016 5:08:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
w e re y ou the person who to ld m e t to watch B illions? Jus t started and goo d s o far
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox05E1FEC (Table: message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/2012018 5:10:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Nope, but I'll try it.
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/20/2018 5·10 18 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/20/20t8 5.10 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . Ox05E 1067 (Table. message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7120/2018 5:10:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
m a y be 1t was PG. s upposed to b e very g ood
Slotus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox05E1B97 (Table. message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
7/20/2018 5:10:38 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
L iked "maybe it w a s PG. supposed to b e ve ry goo d "
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/20/20t8 5 13 36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/20/?018 5 13 36 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/ sms db . Ox05E18CE (Table message ha ndle chal Size 342745088 bytes)
7/28/2018 9:04:28 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
P ict ure from las t n ig h t .. .. l ookin g s lender. mant

Status: Read
Read: 7128/2018 10 39 57 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lel l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox060E75E (Table. message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7129/2018 12:50:05 PM(UTc-4)0 irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
W h o is this guy? 1 S u p e r nice.


IMG 3053 1peg
Status: Read

Read: 712912018 12:50:28 PM(UTC-4)

Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD7022AB (Table message, handle, chat attachment Size 34274 5088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach 's 1Phone/Var/mob1le/library/SMS/AttachmentS152102/288FD73E-4A53-444E-B938-8C9BC6597BBC/IMG 3053.Jpeg (Size 406968 bytes)
7/29/2018 12:50:48 PM(UTc-4)0 irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
No one k nows. Everyone th in k s it's a fake p r ofile P G c o ntrols . But it's n ot
Status: Sent
Defivered: 712912018 12:50 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox0703FE4 (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
712912018 12: 59:05 PM(UTc-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
T h at's f u nny.
Stalus: Read
Delivered: 712912018 1 Ot 14 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 712912018 1 01 . 14 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox0703D97 (Table: message handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
712912018 1:0 1:35 PM(UTC~)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
o h w ait' I did n 't look at th e p hoto. N o, that's the opp o s ite o f who I th o ught it w as.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox0703BD9 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7129/20181 :01 :48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chri~ Seelbach)
there' s a noth er gu y who is s uper pro -us . Th a t g uy is 1ust a n anony mou s tro ll f rom the o ther sid e.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone1Var1rnob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db OxD703952 (Table message. chat, Size 3427 45088 bytes)
712912018 1:01 :52 PM(UTC-4)Dlrecilon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
My gues s 1s D avid M ille r
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD7036B7 (Table message, chal Size 342745088 bytes)
712912018 1:02:16 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Gotch a . T h a t m a k es sense.
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone1Var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS1sms db OxD7034B3 (Table message, handle chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
7129120181 :02:33 PM(UTc-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
has to be s o m eone a t city hall based on the histo ry of tweets
Status: Sen•
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhone/var/mobile/L1braryfSMS/sms.db Ox07032E1 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/29120181 :02:39 PM(UTc-4)Directlon:lnooming , +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Like d "h as to b e someo ne a t city hall based on th e history o f tweets "

Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms db · Ox0704F1 C (Table message handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:03:23 PM(UTc-4) Directlon:lnooming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
I thi n k I m igh t make th is my new twitte r handle. "Good guy b ut n o t ve ry smart."
Stelus: Read
Delivered: 712912018 1 03 25 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/29/2018 1·03 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMSlsms db Ox0704CDA (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7129/2018 1:04:38 PM(UTc-4)0irection:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I like th a t. I'm thinking about c h ang ing m ine to " S eelWalrus. One trick p ony. Fa t. See lb a ch s Streetcar. Sore-Winner
Status: Senl
Source ftle: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS1sms db. OxD704A93 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/2912018 1:07:59 PM(UTc-4)0lrectlon:lnooming, +1 5136480186 (Greg Landsman)
S~lus: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Ph0nelvar/mobile/l1brary1SMS1sms.db OxD7047C4 (Table message, handle chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
7129/2018 1:08:59 PM(UTc-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
twitter 1s awfu l.

StDlus. Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/Var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS ·sms db OxD704620 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/2912018 1:10:45 PM(UTc-4)01re<:tlon:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
So a wful.
S~tus· Read
Oellvered: 717917018 1 10 55 PM1UTC 4)
Read: 712912018 1 10 55 PM(UTC-4}
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarfmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxD705A7E (Table message, handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:11:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
do you have T ammy's cell? Or do you want me to connect you all?
Status: $e111
Source file: Ctins Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brarylSMSfsms.db OxD7058CC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

7129120181 :11 :09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
S arah w as like, "oh my god, tha t's so mean." I was like, "that's T witter."
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox0705675 (Table: message, handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
7129/2018 1:14:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Can you send m e her cell? Don't have it. You have a l ink to the place too? We're pumped .

Status: Read
Delivered: 7/29/2018 1.14.48 PM~UTC-4)
Read: 7/2912018 1:14:48 PM{UT -4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox070541A (Table: message, handle. chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:15:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
http ·/

-- --- - - - -

2617E3 03-877 4-4303-BB91-
(Empty File)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/UbrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox0706ACC (Table: message, chat, attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSIAttachments/b7107IED7A2BB9-2ACE-4945-B7AO·7F E504 71 4C4Bl2617E303-877 4-4 303-6891-
OA2E5306BE02.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size: 0 bytes)
7/2912018 1:15:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


Tammy Riddle vet
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7129/2018 1·15 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox070683E (Table. message, chat, attachment. Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob11e/Library/SMS/Attachmentsl41 /01/71 7B204B-OCB1-4529-AE00-07A307E460 07/Tammy (Size 174 bytes)
7/2912018 1:15:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Grea t video of it.

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Ubrary/SMSlsrns.db · Ox0706648 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7129/2018 1:15:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

https ./


BD85DF 1E-3017-4 5C7 -855F-

630124258877 .elug1nl'ayloadAttachment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox070753F (Table. message chat. attachment. Size· 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/10/00/6591267E-4B4C-475B-8E41-81 CEEC77575F/2B534B37-26FA-4522-AE24-
630124258877.plugmPayloadAttachmem: (Size 16275 bytes)
Chri s Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob11e/library/SMSIAttachments/97 /071E809FFOD-808A-4 744-970F-70B82A5D7874/BD85DF1E-3017-45C7 -855F-
7E0013514B33.pluginPayloadAttachment. (Size: 222590 bytes)
7/29/20181 :16:14 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138480188 (Greg Landsman)

Status: Read
Delivered: 7/2917018 1.16 17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7129120181.16:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox07072A6 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
712912018 1:17:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Each balcony h a s it's own hot tub, grill. dining table
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox0708FEC (Table· message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
712912018 1:17:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Each balcony has it's own hot tub. grill, dining table"
Status: Read
Read: 7/29/2018 1 18.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbacl1's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox0708CD4 (Table: message handle. chat. Size: 3427 45088 bytes)
7129/2018 1:18:55 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Do you want to ask Tammy first?
Status· Read
Read: 7/29/2018 1.18 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMSlsrns.db . Ox0708AA8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
712912018 1:19:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She already said yes! They're super excited
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 7/29/2018 11911 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db : OxD7088C4 (Table: message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
11 6
7/29120181 :22:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Loved "She already said yes' They're super excited"
Status: Read
Read: 7/29/2018 1:23:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox0708608 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
712912018 1:23:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They wanted to find someone , but not a couple who would want to party in their room all the time They lrke to have fun , but don't want their
unit to be a party room. So thought you all w ould be perfect. She agreed 1
Status: Sen!
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox07083F7 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/2912018 1:28:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 7/2912018 1:28·18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SM S/ sms.db . Ox07094BA (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
81112018 12:19:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Under an impasse?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox0764DFA (Table. message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
81112018 12:19:1 8 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox0764C04 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/1/2018 12:20:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 811/2018 12:20:39 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/112018 12.20.39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox0765FDC (Table: message. handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
81812018 8:36:59 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https :f/www.buzzfeed.comlchristopherhudspeth/people-hate-this-new-netfl ix-movie-called-how- it- ends-so-
i?utm_term= .quY905Am6w # .rtYr9ejOJP


~ ~
B 124C516-0968-48E4-97B8-
315AEA3889E5 . ~lugini5ayloadAttachment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxD8DF62D (Table· message, chat, attachment. Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/fc/12/93B86DCD-CE2D-4B14-A4D1-EOE21294E1 CE/2561 A8CO-OOE4-497B-A762-
315AEA3889E5.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size: 902 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/e5/05/56059008- 1348-4A 10-B 1B0-49306F5E1622/B 124C516-D968-48E4-97B8-
E490278AEOA7.pluginPayloadAttachment · (Size: 98712 bytes)
8/8/2018 8:43:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 81812018 8.43:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox08DF282 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 3427 45088 bytes)
8/812018 8:43:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It was seriously the wors t
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/812018 8-43:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox08EOFE4 (Table: message. chat. Size 3427 45088 bytes)
8/8/2018 8:44:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:tncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I never went back to it after you said so. I did just finish Last Chance U . So so good.
Status: Read
Read: 8/8/2018 8:44.44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox08EOEOE (Table: message, handle, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
8/8/2018 8:44:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Season 1.
Status: Read
Read: 81812018 8.44:44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox08EOBBB (Table: message, handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/812018 8:44:51 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
It's not really about football as much as it is about race and poverty.
Status: Read
Read: 81812018 8.44:51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilel L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox08EOA07 (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/9/2018 11 :35:51 AM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Will you partner wi th me for my next community walk along the riverfron t? I'm thinking Thursday, August 23. 6pm.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxD8F5FEC (Table: message. chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)

819/2018 11:53:12 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "H ey. Will you partner w ith me for my next community walk along the riverfront? I'm thinking Thursday, August 23. 6pm."

Status: Read
Delivered: 819/2018 11 :53:15 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 81912018 11:53. 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms .db : OxD9009BE (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
81912018 11:53:18AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Would love to!

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox0901 FEC (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
81912018 11:53:49 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg landsman)
How long is walk? Maybe I can get Sarah and the kids (and dogs) too.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox0901E30 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/912018 11 :54:13 AM(UTC4)Dlreciion:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. on calendar . We walk from Friendship Park (free park ing } to Football Stadium and back . Last night it took a little over an hour.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxD90 1C09 (Table: message , chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/9/201811:54:16 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng , +15133484329 (Chm Seelbach)
but. we were walking slow
Status: SMI
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox0901602 (Table : message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/912018 11:54:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Out,going, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
tha t would be awesome to bring everyo ne! especially the dogs
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s iPhonefvar/mobileflibrary/SMS/sms.db . OxD902AEA (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
61912018 12:06:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "cool. on calendar. We walk from Friendship Park (free parking) to Football Stadium and back. Last night it took a little over an hour."
Slalus: Read
Delivered: 81912018 12·05·43 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/9/2018 12:08:43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/11ar/mobJle/Library/$MS/sms.db: OxD907005 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
811412018 11 :41:16 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
T h is look good to you?

- --- -

:."-1 :;;

Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 11.38.59 AM.~ng

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1Varlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db . OxD9C7FEC (Table: message, chat. attachment. Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobiletlibrary/SMSIAttachmentsld9/0910EDE28E9-D876-44ED-95A3-FEFB26300F34/Screen Shot 2018-08-14 al 11.38.59 AM.png :
(Size: 1091953 bytes)
8114/2018 11:41:17 AM{UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelb<lch)
I can't find a more recent photo of the two of us that's close u p 1

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxD9C7CC7 (Table: message, chat, Si:ze: 342745088 bytes)
8114/2018 11 :49:54 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncom1ng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Loi. Let's grab a picture later today or tomorrow. So o ld! Is that cool?
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/W2018 11:49:56 AM(U TC-4)
React: 8/t4/20 18 11:49:56 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1PhMelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxD9C9FOC (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8114/2018 11:50:21 AM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We leave for vacation tomorrow. what's your availabil ity today? I think it's fine ..... and actually may get people's attention. We can be funny
with it
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox09CAFEC (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/1412018 11:51:13 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg l andsman)
Stalus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db: OxD9CA464 (Table: message. handle, chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
811412018 11:51:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
but I 'm a rou nd today if you want to grab another pie
Sllllus: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db: OxD9CBFEC (Table: message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
81141201811:51:25 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
a t Coffee Emporium currently

Status: Sem
Source file: Ctms Seelbach's iPhone/Varfmob1le/Library/$MS/sms.db : OxD9CBAAE (Table: message. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
8114/2018 11 :51 :37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg landsman}
Working out now. Can mee t up around 1 :30?

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var1mobile/librarylSMSlsms.db : OxD9CB584 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
811412018 11 :51 :56 AM(UTC-4} 0 irec1ion:Outgolng, +15133484329 (ChM Seelbach}
yea text me and w ear casua l clothes I I'm either be in Washington P ark or home.
Stews Sent
~ource file. Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvarlmobde1L1brarylSMSisms.<ib: Ox09CCFEC ff
able message chat, S>Ze· 342745088 bytes)
Bf14/2018 11 52:12 AM{UTC--l)01rection·lncom'ng, +15136460 188 (Greg landsman)
Lik ed ·yea text me. and wear casual clothes• I m either be in Washington Park or home ."
Status Read
Delivered: 811412018 115214 AM(UTC 4)
Read 8/14/2018 11.52 14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var1mob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db: Ox09CC971 (Table message. handle. chat Size. 342745088 ~ytes)
811412018 1:17:56 PM(UTC-4} 0irection:lncoming, +15 136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Wh e re you a t?
Sllltus Read
Oehvered; 811412018 1·1a 02 PMtUTC-4)
Read 811412018 1 18 02 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelva11mob1lelL1b1arylSMSlsms db. OXD9D2AFD (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8114/2018 1 18:02 PM(UTC-4)Dil'ectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: ~n1
Source lite: Chns Seelbach s iPl'>onelvar.mobdell.1brary1SMSlsms db Ox0902945 (Table message cret Size. 342745088 bytes)
811412018 1:19:05 PM(UTC-4)0 ifec:tion:lncoming, +15136'460185 (Greg Landsman)
Liked home·
Staws: Read
Delivered . 8114/2018 1.23:34 P~l(UTC-4)
Read. 811412018 , 23 34 PM(UTC-4)
( Table· message handle chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Source flle: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmotl1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox09026EO _
8/1412018 1:31 :20 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbac;h)
u coming h e re? I c a n m e et you tn park beside o ur place
Status Sent
~ee tile: Chns Seetbach's 1Phonetva1lmobrle/L1brarylSMSlsms.db: Ox0905B1F (Table message chai.. S>Ze· 342745088 bxres)
8114/20 181 :31'44 PM(UTC-4)Diradlon:lncomcng , +15138480186 {Greg Landsman)
Statui: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonervarlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox090580F (Table message. M'ltile. chat Size: 342745088 bytes_)_ _ __ __ __ ____,
811 412018 1:31.48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Oulgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
k. walki ng down
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbacti's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox0905731 (Table message chat. Size: 342745088 byte~
8/14120181 :36:35 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +1 5138460186 (Greg Landsman)

IMG 3350 1peg

Status. Read
Read: 81141?01fl 2 00 1' PM1UTC-4;
Source file Chns Seelbach s 1Phonetvar/mobde1L1brarylSMS/sms.ob Ox090044F (Table. message halldle. chat anachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seeloach s 1Pholle111artmob le/L1brary1SMS/Altachmontsl55/05/4388019F-BF26-4048-9EF1-22442AE45DEAllMG_335D )peg tS1ze 1332012 bytes)
6114/2018 1:38:44 PM(lJTC-4)0 irection:Tnoomlng, +15 136460188 (Greg Landsman) --"'--'------


IMG 3349.1peQ
Status Read
Read 81147018 2 00 ,~ PM1UTC-")
Source tile' Chris Seelbach's 1Phone'var1mob1l11Jl1bra'Y1SMS/sms.db Ox0907FE8 tlable message hanale chat attac'1ment , Size 342745068 bytes)
Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar1mob lellJbrary/SMSIAtlachments•99·09."~98F01C2-3989-46SC-9178-76C9E24580CF:tMG_3349 JPeQ (Size 1339985 bytes)
811412018 2:11 23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15 133464329 (Chris Seelbach)

Screen .Sh_oJ 2018-08- 14 at 2.1 1.06 PM png

SIBtus Serl!
Source file. Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lclLlbrary/SMSfsms.db · Ox0908FEC (Table mes!Klgo. chat attachment S11e 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach s iPhonelvar/mobile'l•brarylSMS/Anachments/acl121847AF545-A771-44E5-8204-47CC172A.3F4C/Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 2 11 06 PM.png (Size
8/1412018 2.11.54 PM(UTC-4)Directioo:lncoming, +151364801 86 {Greg Landsman)
N ice'
SIElus RE>•1
Read. 8.14•1018 2 1~ 31 PMtllTC-4)
Source file Chris Seelbach s 1Pho1ie/var1mob1le'l brary1SMS.sms ob: Ox0908A16 (Table message hanole cnal. Size 342745088_b_)'l_e_s)_ _ _ _ __ _ __ __,


8/14/2018 2:17:43 PM(UTC4)01rectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

You , me and my cold sore . :)
Sllltus: $(?nl
Dolive<ed: 811~/2018 2 17 45 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/\lar/mobilell.rbniry/SMS/sms.db : Ol<0909965 (Table mC>ssage chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8114120 18 2:40:52 PM(UTC-4)DirectJon:lneoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landaman)
You can ' t see ii in th e picture .)

Stntua Read
OeUva,.d: 8114/20 18 2:40:56 PM(UTC·4)
Reed: 81 14/2018 2 40 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source me: Chrrs Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox09D977F (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
8114/2018 6:58:49 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I laughed so hard when I saw th is. I mean, who writes this s tuff! Loi


# 10

Status Read 811412018 658:54 PM1UTC-4)
Rud: 8/14/2018 6 58:54 PM(UTC-'I)
Source me: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobrlc/L11>rarylSMS/sms.db OxD9DC8E3 (Table message , handle, chat, auachmenl Srze 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach' s iPhonelvar/mobrle/Ubrary/SMS/Attachmenls/87/07 /E9786028·3156-4CA3-8240-44 86986DE36E/lmage-1 .jpg . (Size. 317924 bytes)
8/14/2018 6:59:05 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +151 33464329 (Chris Seelbach)
h a! hi Craig
Status: Sent
Source file: Chrrs Seelbach's iPhone/\larlmob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db· OxD9DC615 (Table message chal, Size: 342745088 bytos)
8/1412018 6 :59:34 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman) -
Status· Read
Source file: Chn s Seelbacll's 1PhOoe/varlmob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms.db OxD9DC429 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
811412018 6:59:5-C PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbad'I)
now I'm looking at his other tweets. "Shittinfeld lo oks fat in the wife beater"

Status Sent
Soorce file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varimobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxD9DC281 (Table message chat, S11.e: 342745088 bytes)
8/1 4/2018 7:00:15 PM(UTC4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484321l (Chris Seelbach)
ohhhh. a great one to me on August 2. " Your mom should have aborted you"
Slaws· Sent
~urce file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobrle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox09DDFEC (Table message chat, Size. 342745086 bytes)
8/1412018 7:02:14 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15138460186 (Greg L1nclsman)
Laughed at "now I'm looking at his other tweets. "Shittinfeld looks fat m the wife b e ater""
Status: Read
Deli-Id. 81W2018 7 02 17 PM(UTC-4)
Reed: 8/14120 18 7 02 17 PMtUTC-4)
Sou«:e file Chris Seelbachs iPhonetvar/mobtlellib<ary/SMS/sms db . OxD9DD8BO (Table message handle chal Srze· 342745088 bytes)
8114/2018 7:03:20 PM(UTC4)Direciion:lnoomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
F irst one 1s fu nny. Second one is just w rong . t like the · 2 Worthless Idiots". We should get shirts .
Status· Read
~file: Chrrs Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox09D0644 (Table. message handle. chat, Size· 342745088 by tes)
811412018 7:03:4 5 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
p roud ly wea r it
Statue: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varimob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db OxD9DD3D3 (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 byles)
8/1412018 7:03'51 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lnoomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I'll proudly wear it"
Slltut: Read
Source file: Chris Seetbach's 1PhoneJvar/mobile/l.lbrary/SMSfsms db : OXD9DEFSA (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 ~tes)
8/14'2018 7:04:09 PM(UTc.-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach) -
I 1ust corrected his use of the word ·your' 1n a tweet. He' ll love that .
Sll.ltus: Senl
Source file: Ch11s Seelbach's 1Phonetvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox09DED77 ([able me55age, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/1412018 7:04:23 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
L a ughed al "I j u s t corrected his use of the word " your" in a tweet. He'll love that."

Slatus: Head
Oollvored: 8/M/20 18 7:04 25 P~l(UTC-4)
Retid. 8/1412018 7 04 25 PM(UTC 41
Source file: Chns Seclbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . OxD90EA26 (Table message . handle . chat Size 347745088 byles)
811512018 8:04:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Care 1f Sherry comes on the walk with us?
Sllllus Read
Read 8• 1~;2018 9 05:51 AM1UTC-'l)
Source tile Chris Seelbach·s 1Phonel var/mob1lc/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox09E3202 (Table message handle cnat. Size 342745088 bytes)

8/15/2018 9:06:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Love to have her
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/2018 9.06:00 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db . Ox09E405F (Table message chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
811512018 9:06:19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Love to have her"

Status: Read
Delivered: 8/15/2018 9 25:08 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/15/2018 9 25.08 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxD9E4B17 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
8/2212018 3:59:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do you have Leslie Ghiz'z cell phone by chance?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · OxDAA75F8 (Ta ble message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
812212018 4 :05:1 2 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/2212018 4 05 36 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 8122/2018 4 05 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxOAAAFDC (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
812212018 4:05:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
that's current? She responds to that?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox0AAAD98 (Table message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/22/2018 4:05:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No cell.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxDAAAB76 (Table. message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8/22/2018 4:05:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
I have no idea :)

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDAAA9C8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 34 2 74 5088 by1es)
8/2212018 4:05:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ok )
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDAAA806 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8/2212018 4:05:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db. OxDAAA62A (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/23/2018 5:56:32 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
U here?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/23/2018 5 56 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxDAD8DC4 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8/2312018 5:58:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 8/23/2018 5 58 03 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDAD8C14 (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
812312018 8:32:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what was the name of the police officer?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxDADD36F (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/23/2018 8:42:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Lee Ross.
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/23/2018 8 42 22 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 8/23/2018 8 42 22 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxDADEB6E (Table message, handle. cha! Size 342745088 bytes)
8/23/2018 8:42:27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
tyi had a good time
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxDADE9BE (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/23/2018 8:42:51 PM(UTC-4)Direct1on:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Me too . I'll probably join you on others. Very fun.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxDADE7C4 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/24/2018 1:26:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We are unveiling the P ride crosswalk next Thursday, 4pm at 12 & Vine. Would love to have you there. Let me know.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxDAF6817 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

8124/2018 1:29:57 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "We are unveiling the Pride crosswalk next Thursday, 4pm at 12 & Vine . Would love to have you there. Let me know."
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/24/2018 1:30:00 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/24/2018 1.30:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxDAF9FOC (Table: message handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
812412018 1:30:54 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lnooming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
I' ll be there.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDAF9728 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8124/2018 1:30:57 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxDAF9568 (Table· message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
812712018 1:09:25 PM(UTC4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Met with HCDP co-chair today. First suggestion, "implement 5 year plan so many people worked on." Response, "Yea . we should find that
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxDB5170C (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
812712018 1:10:05 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Second question, "what does Caleb do"? Response: "Well, we've asked him to clear out some of this old furniture and he's done that. " I
followed up: "OK , what what else does he do every day"? Response: "He keeps yard signs supplied"
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDB52FEC (Table: message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
8127/2018 1:11:12 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
I had identical conversation.
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/27/2018 111 :14 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 812712018 1.11 :14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxDB52COD (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8127/2018 1:11:57 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
then was told "Caleb had to take some money from the coordinated judicial campaign to pay the HCDP bills. but I've been able to raise a
couple thousand to pay that back."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxDB52A31 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/2712018 1:11:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Ch!U Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxDB526F8 (Table: message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
8127/2018 1:14:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
She told me proudly that he was taking computers apart to sell to pay bills.

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxDB5250C (Table: message handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
8127/2018 1:14:24 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
and they're paying $2,400/month for that piece of shit office?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxDB53FEC (Table: message chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8127/2018 1:14:31 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxDB539B8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8127120181:14:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db OxDBS3816 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8127/2018 1:15:04 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
We found them a cheaper place years ago. They declined .
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/2712018 1. 15.06 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/2712018 1:15.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · OxDB53662 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
812712018 1:15:19 PM(UTC4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I asked about that. Connie satd, "Caleb said they actually never found a place."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDB53454 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/2712018 1:15:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard . Of course we found options.

StDlus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxDB54FEC (Table: message, handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/27/2018 1:16:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
You an Cranley should co-chair the search to replace Caleb. Just announce it together. Loi. He hates him just as much as us .

Slatus: Read
Delivered: 812712018 1 16 42 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 812712018 1 16 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms db : OxDB54DA9 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)

B/27120181:17:28 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hire Eddie after November as interim. See how he does. Maybe hire him as permanent
Sllltus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxDB54B10 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/27120181 :18:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I don't think they have any plan to replace Caleb. Conn ie said , "We need that institutional knowledge"
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDB54499 (Table· message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/27/20181 :19:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Hire Eddie after November as interim. See how he does. Maybe hire him as permanent"
Status. Read
Source file : Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db OxDB55F1C (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8/2712018 1:19:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
She said same to me. That's why I think we just pretend like we misunderstood her and announce our search committee. Loi
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: OxDB55A03 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
8/2712018 1:19:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm in
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDB55770 (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
8130/2018 3:25:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Went to see doctor, and she ordered a chest x-ray, which I have to get done before 4. If it's quick, I'll be there but a bit late.
Sllltus: Read
Read: 8/30/2018 3"25 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxDBBAFE8 (Table. message. handle, cha t. Size· 342745088 bytes)
8/3012018 3:25:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Np. What's ok
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8130/2018 3 25 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxDBBAD2F (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
813012018 3:25:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What's wring
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/30/2018 3 25 57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDBBAB6B (Table message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
8/30/2018 3:26:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/30/2018 3 26 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDBBA9A9 (Table message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
8/3012018 3:26:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Tired. For days. Slight chest pain. EKG was fine. She running blood work too. Probably nothing.
Status: Read
Read: 8/30/2018 3.26'45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxDBBA7F7 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
8/30/2018 3:27:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
:(glad u went to doctor
Status: Sent
Delivered: 813012018 3 27 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMSlsms db OxDBBA590 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8/3012018 3:30:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked ":( glad u went to doctor·
Status: Read
Read: 8/3012018 3 31 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxDBBA33C (Table message, hand le, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
8/30/2018 4:15:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Send me speech.
Status: Read
Read: 813012018 4 16 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/ sms db OxDBBB476 (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

8130/2018 4:16:11 PM(UTC-4)Dire<:tion:lncoming, +15136-460186 (Greg Landsman)


runS12:eRender 1peg

Ful!SizeRender. jpeg FullSizeRender. jpeo

Status: Read
Read: 813012018 4 23"05 PM(UTC.4J
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob lelltbrary/SMS/sms db OxDBBC~E8 (Teble. message, handle chat atta<:hment Size. 342745088 bytes)
C hns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/Ubrary/SMSIAUachments/96/06/4CBA46EE-0975-4026-AB4D-ADBADC4F1190IFuHS1zeRendeqpeg (Size . 1569071 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phonef\/ar/mob le/Library/SMS/Allachmentsf22I0219ACCC445-04S1-481 D-9C5(}-7A3517B2A3E5/FuUSizeRendeqpeg (S11e 1333502 bytes)
Chris Seelbadl's 1Phone1var/mob11e1Library/SMS1Attachmentsl51/01/CA797AA7-C2E5-47FE-89DB-4F4C235C080C/1MG_3S48 jpeg · (Size 2880035 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/98/08/01109F89-A44 E-4576-BF71-F09460860EE7/FullS1zeRender ipeg (Size. 1311000 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Pllone/var/mobde/lib1ary/SMS/At1achments/ld/1 3/ED180574-9E9D-4288-A85A-928686BADA 15/FullSizeRendeqpeg (Size· 1555292 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob11e/library/SMS/Attachmants/98108/45B53784-7FB5·48F9-A81S·E8C47997COC71Ful!SizeRender.jpe9 · (Size: 117602.5 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/Attachments/13103/7639AFE7-4F51-4BA8-8730-5743632E1394/FullSizeRender.jpeg · ($1ze 992954 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone1var/mob1lelLibrary/SMS/At1achmentsl77/07/443458D2·8125-4995-BD66-59AEF1304ECB/FullSizeRender.jpeg (Size: 1178723 bytes)
9151201812:23:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Gonna be a little late to committee
Slalus: Sent
Delivered: 9/S/2018 12 23 33 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarfmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxDC42315 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
9151201812:26:10 PM(UTC-4)0irec:tlon:lncomlng, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Gonna be a little late to comm ittee"
Status: Read
Read: 915/20 1812"28 34 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/va1/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db : OxDC43F5B (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
912612018 2:15:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
On other line. but will call you back
Status: Sen1
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/Var/mob1te/l1brary/SMS/sms db : OxDEAEC6F (Table message chet, Size 342745088 bytes)
9/28/2018 2:15:18 PM(UTC-4)Diiection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landlll1llln)
Liked "On other line, but will call you back"
Stlltus: Read
D<lt1vered: 9126/20 18 2.15:20 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 9/26/2018 2 1~ 20 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.ob : Ox0EAE9BO (Table: message handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/5/2018 12:01:30 PM(UTC-4)0iredion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Ctvia Seelbadl)
Hey! Are you all gonna men our Bachelor Party nex1 Saturday?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/11ar/mobile/l1b1ary1SMS/sms.db. OxDFC8FEC (Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/512018 12:03:18 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncommg, +1513&460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm trying to chang e my flighl to be back. but not looking great. More to come on Wednesday when I'm al the l!cket cou nter...
Status: Read
Oohvered: 10/5/20 t8 12.03 56 PM(UTC-4)
Read. 10/512018 12 03 56 Pll(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Ph0ne/Var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDFCAFDC (Table message, handle. chat Size 342745088 byles)
10/5/2018 12.04:02 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Ctvia Seelba<:h)
ok. Not a huge deal'
Sb!tus· Sent
Source f~e: Chns Seelb3ch's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox0FCA9A9 (Table. message. chat. S170 342745088 bytes)
10/5/2018 i2:os:10 PM(UTC-4JDireciion: lnoomlng, +1 5138460186 (Greg Landaman)
It's also Elijah's birthday and he told me this week that it hurt his feel ings that I was out of town ... :(
Stctus: Read
Detivernd: 10J5/2018 11OB17 PMtUTC-•)
Re~d 1015/2018 12·08 17 Pl~(UTC-4)

Source Ne: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/Varlmol:>le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDfCB757 (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes) _ _ _ __ __ _ _. ,
10/512018 12:08:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seeft>actl)
ohhh. Well definitely be with him• S
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's IPhone/var/mob1le/L1br.:1ry/SMSlsms db . OxDFCB4DB (Table: message. chat. Size: 3_
50_8_8_b_1•_te_s~)- - - - - - - - - -- -
10/512018 12:09:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Maybe both.
Status· Read
Source file: Chri s Seelbach s 1Phonetvar/mob•lellibrary/SMSJsms db OxDFCB264 (Table message handle . chat. S12e 342745086 bytes)

10/1312018 6:13:0B PM(UT~)Direction:Oulijolng, +15133484329 (Ctvis Seelbech)
What's your e ta
Status Sent
Delivered: 10/13.'2018 613 09 PMWTC-'ll
Source file: Chris Seelbach s IPhonelllarimobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxE121525 (Table. message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
10/ 14/2018 12:16:36 PM(UTC--4)Dlrection:lnooming, •15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Ton ig h t's c a ll at 8 1f you c an d o it.
Status: Read
Read· 10114/2018 3 32 52 PM(UlC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l blary1SMS/sms.db. OxE125FE8 (Table message handle Chat S•ze 342745088 bytes)

10/1412018 12: 16:48 PM(UTC-4)Direc:Hon:lncomlng, +1 5136460186 (Greg Landsman)
# 11
Status: Read
Read: 10/14/2018 3:32:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbac11·s 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxE125AFO (Table message, handle chat anachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone1Var/mob11e/UbrarylSMSIAttachmentSl86/06nBE58ED3-2E6A-4B53-9734-CA2ASC3B436C/FullS12eRendeqpeg (Site 71180 bytes}
10/14/201 8 12:17:38 PM(UTC--4) Dlrection:tncomlng, +151364801 86 (Greg Landsman)
So much fun la s! night Thanks for including me
Status. Read
Road t0/1412018 3.32 52 P~~iu•C-4>
Source file: Ch11s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.ob : OxE1258BF (Table message, handle chat, Si~e 342745088 bytes)
10116/2018 2:51 :27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Call m e
Status· Sent
Dehvered: 1011612018 2 51 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/Var!mob1lelllbrary,SMS/sms db OxE16FA09 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
10/1612018 5: 29:24 PM(UT~)Oirectlon:tncomng, +15138460186 (Greg Landsmen)
He oka y ?
Status· Reacl
Read: 10116/2018 5 34.0t PM(UlC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms .db · DxE182332 (Table message handle. chat S•ze 342745088 byres)
10/16/2018 5:34:03 PM(UTC--4)Dlrection:Oulgoing, +1 5133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sen!
Delivered· 10.11612018 5 34 04 Pr/(UTC-41
Source fie: Chns Seelbach s Phone1varimob.le1L1brary •SMSlsms db OxE 183FE4 (Table message chat S ze 342745088 bytes)
10/18/2016 5:38:38 PM(VT~)Dire<:tion:Dulgoing +15133484329 (Chris Seelbech)
We are gonna take 73 more from TIF to free up other money to full( restore c1ntrifuse. That gots Pastor 3000% sohd And hes already
get ting th e wrath or John B ut G a ry Lingrum and biz community w1I back him up a s long as he gets the 250 for contrufuse
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 10116/2018 5 36 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db OxE183E37 (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/1612018 5:45:38 PM(UTC-4) Direclion:tncoming, +15136460 186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "We are gonna lake 73 more from TIF to free up oth er money to fully restore cintrifuse. That gets P a stor 3000% solid And h e's
already getting the wrath or John. But Gary Lrngrum a nd biz community will back him up as long as he gets the 250 for contrufuse ·
SIA!tus: Read
Read. 10,161<!018 5 45 42 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbaeh s 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brarylSMSisms ao OxE1847E9 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
10/1 712016 7:23:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou'1!olng, +15133484329 (Chris Seetbech)


Jt # 12
Screen Shot 2018·10.17 at r 22 01 P"1111e9
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phane'Varlmob.le'l1brary/SMSisms db OxE1E8DFA (Table message c:Y181 attachment S12e 342745086 byles)
Chns Seeloach s 1Phonelvartmob1le'L1brary/SMS/AttachmentS157/07/66A023A7-8656-4FFO-BF82-66004E796711 tScreen Shot 2018-10-17 al 7.22 01 PM.1peg. (Size
693556 bytes)
10/1 712018 7:30:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsmen) -
T h at's awesome .
Status. Read
Read 10117/2018 7 31 01 PM(UTC·4 1
Source file: Chris Seeieacl\ s 1Phone1var1mob1~'Lllllary SMS1sms.db OxE1 E8SE4 (•able message handle ct-at. Sze 342745088 bytes)

Chats (1)
....L · These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage· +15136460186 (1)

# Deleted
Participants: Start Time: 12/4/2017 12 37 .41 PM(UTC- 5)
•15136460186 Last Activity: 11/512018 2 .51 '26 PM(UTC-5)
Number of attachments: 41
Source: !Message +15136460186
Source file: Gregory Landsman's
iPhone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db • Ox2B29F96
(Table: cha~ handle, Size· 50020352 bytes)
+15 133484329 Body file: chat-1.txt
Chns Sellbach •
11112018 12:29:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (ChriS Sellbach)


Screen Shot 2018-01 -01at12.29.04 PM .png

S1atus: Read
Read: 111/201812:29:38 PM1UTC 5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox5E6FE8 (Table: message, handle. chat. attachment. Size: 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mobile/libraryl$MS/Attachments/b7/071840F2C4C-B4FC-456F-A432-34CE64FC8F69/Screen Shot 2018-01-0 1 at 12 .29.04 PM.png :
(Size· 19 9 182 bytes)
1/1/2018 12:30:47 PM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:Outgoing, +15138480188
You know what they say about assumptions, Chris.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 11112018 12 30:50 PM\ Ul C-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox5E6818 (Table message. chat, Size: 5002()352 bytes)
1/1/201B 12:34:11 PM(UTC.S)Directlon:lncomin9, +15133484329 (Chris Seltbach}
we will see
Status: Read
Read· 111/2018 12:34:28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox5E64A9 (Table message handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/1/2018 12:41:35 PM(UTC-S)Oltection:Outgoing, +15138460186
Yes, you will.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1111201812 41.38 PMjUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhcneNar/mob1lellibrarylSMSlsms.db Ox5E62BA (Table: message. Chai. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/1/2016 12:45:33 PM(UTC..S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15136460186
In lhe meantime, by nice to me. For the love of god.
Status: Senl
Delivered: 11112018 12.45:36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/1Y1obile/Llbra rylSMS/sms.db Ox5E7FE4 (Table: message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytesj

1/1.'2018 12:45:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
not being been to you. being honest with you! Happy New Year! See you tomorrow.
Status: Read
Read: 11112018 12 46.05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox5E7DOB (Table message handle . chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/1/201812:47:12 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
If you say so. Happy New Year too.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 111/20t 8 12 47 15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox5E7862 (Table· message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/112018 12:59:30 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Actually, I already bucked John on Dianne Rosenberg and the committees. And have worked hard to make sure you got what you wanted
from the committees - including giving up SORTA.

So, be nice to me1 At least. keep your apparent disdain for me more discrete. Just being honest.
S!Dtus: Sent
Delivered: 1/112018 t2 59 33 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox5E8679 (Table message, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/1120181:02:19 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
no disdain for you at all. As Ive told you a million times. Craig and I both really ltke you. This Job requires us to challenge others. Question
beliefs. Be skeptical until actual votes are taken. That isn't being mean ... 1t's doing the job.
Status: Read
Read: 1/t/2018 1 02 40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox5E9983 (Table message. handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
111/2018 1:41 :42 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Craig likes me and is super nice to me. You on the other hand, I don't buy 1t. But like you said , we'll see .
S!Dtus: Sent
Delivered: 11112018 1 41 42 PM!UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sm s.db Ox5EBC20 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/1/2018 1:42:43 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +1 5136460186
No matter what. I will always be there eager to work with you .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/t/2018 1 42 45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox5EB99A (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/112018 1:50:49 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
AND , I love you like a brother :)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 11112018 1·5051 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox5EB5AF (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/212018 9:06:48 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Thanks for taking and tweeting that picture. Meant a lot to me. Look forward to working together. Appreciate you , Chris.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 112/2018 9 0648 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6129B6 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/23/2018 7:36:13 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
What about City Hall was tense today?
Status; Read
Read: 1123/2018 7 40 47 PM(UTC-51
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7EBD3D (Table. message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/23/2018 7:43:41 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15138460166
Just an intense day. Lots happened. Nothing bad, and I en1oyed our committee meeting. Though apparently Harry was pissed. Loi.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 11?312018 7 43 42 PM(UTC-SJ
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7EB81C (Table. message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
112312018 7:44:04 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Hmm. Interesting Intense with Cranley?
Status: Read
Read: 1/2312018 7 44'09 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonetvar/mob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7EB57E (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/23/2018 7:48:33 PM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
No. Out of town . He called but I just let it go to VM_And he doesn 't bother me so much. He 1s what he is. Some days he'll hate me, some
days he won't...can't worry about it.
Status: Sent
Oe~vered: 1/2312018 7 48 33 PM(UTC-51
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7EB380 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/24/2018 2.02:55 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I wasn't allowed to serve
Status: Read
Read: 1/24/2018 2 08 35 PM(UTC-51
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMSlsms db Ox805BA6 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/24/2018 2:09:23 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480166
Thats nght. Insane.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1124/2018 2 09 24 PM(UTC-oj
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox805997 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

1/2812018 10:45:58 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Hey. can we reschedule? My parents stayed in town after the kickoff last night. And we're gonna hang with them today. Hope you
Status: Read
Read: 1128/2018 10 52.12 AM(U TC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsma n·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox85 1FE8 {Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 50020352 byte s)
2/1412018 10:17:37 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Does Cranley know Rayshon is gonna be voted down ?
Stotus: Read
Read: 2114/2018 10 23 26 AM(U TC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms. db · Ox990E25 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
2/1412018 10:23:42 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I assume.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/14/2018 10·23.42 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox990BEA (Table: message. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
2/1412018 2:26:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Great job. Don't let Cranley bring you into an argument.
Status: Read
Read: 2114/2018 2 32 22 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's 1Phone/varlmoblle/L1brary/SMSlsms.db . Ox99AD66 {Table message. handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
2/1412018 2 :32:25 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Great job. Don 't let Cranley bring you into an argument."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 211412018 2 32 26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Greg ory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox99A45A (Table: message, chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/6/2018 4:36:01 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You able to talk to Wendell about voting on motion tomorrow?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/6/2018 4 36 04 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobJlelL1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxB93A4 1 (Table message. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:37:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I didn't talk to him today. But he signed motion. So I'm sure he'll be fine voting on it tomorrow . He's never said no to me yet!
Status: Read
Read: 3/6/2018 4:38 06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms. db : OxB94FE8 (Ta ble message. handle. chat Size · 50020352 bytes)
3/6/2018 4:38:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
Liked "I didn't talk to him today. But he signed motion. So I'm sure he'll be fine voting on it tomorrow. He's never said no to me yet!"
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 3/6/2018 4 38 13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxB95F13 (Table. message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
317/201611 :09:53 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
So Wendell is gonna vote with us?
Status: Read
Read: 3n/201811.26 48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Lib rary/SMSlsms.db : OxBA604 2 (Table : message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
317/2018 11 :26:53 AM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Says so:)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3n/2018 11.26.54 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Greg ory Landsman's i Phonelva rlmob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms.db : OxBA696A (Table message. c hat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/7/2018 11:27:1O AM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
He needs to hold tight despite Cranley and Smitherman's speeches
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3n/2018 11 27 20 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Land sman's iPhonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxBA67B5 (Table . message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
317/2018 2:01 :49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 {Chris Sellbach)
PG signed up to speak in public comment
Status: Read
Read: 3n/2018 2:38 01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1lellibra ry/SMS/sms.db : OxBAB044 (Table . message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 11 :36:57 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Cranley creates such a toxic environment
Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 12 03 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory La ndsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxBBCFEB (Table: message, handle , chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 11 :40:46 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
It's like night and day walking back and forth from foundation to city hall
Sllltus: Read
Read: 318/2018 12 03 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1P honelvar/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db · OxBBCDC3 (Table message, handle chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:16:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
It's not good. But power has shifted , and I hope he's beginning to realize that. Would make life and problem-solving a whole lot easier if he
Status: Sent
Delivered: 318/2018 12:16 46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxBBC875 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

3/87201812:17:04 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
He just makes everything a fight when it doesn't have to be
Status: Read
Read: 31812018 12 17 08 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxBBC5AB (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:18:56 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Yep . Yesterday was a great example. We could have amended the resolutions or motions on the floor. Super annoying .... even 1f you ignore
the fact we were essentially called racists for two hours. Oh well. we'll have an ordnance for folks to vote on in two weeks.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 31812018 12.18 56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db OxBBDFE4 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:20:06 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
I just don't get him. Maybe 1ust he's the least self-aware person on this planet
Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 12 20.09 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxBBD653 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/8/201812:22:02 PM(UTC-5}Dlrection:Outgoing, +15138460186
Some of it is that. Some of it is power sharing, and not having any interest in it. Some of ii is making or taking everything personally. Who
knows. Go back to enjoying the rest of your day! Call if you need anything.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/8/2018 12 22·02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBBD3D1 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/9/2018 4:17:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Selibach}
So Cranley told Harry at 2pm today to resign or he'd launch a smear campaign against him?
Status: Read
Read: 3/912018 4 17 23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxBE7FE8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/9/2018 4: 18:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Ou1going, +15136460186
Not sure. On work call. Will call after. What a mess.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/2018 4 18 03 PM(U TC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxBE78A5 (Table message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3111/2018 3:41:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbadl}
So you officially are not supporting firing?
Status: Read
Read: 311112018 3.45.38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db . OxBFC8F2 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3111/2018 5:17:31 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Just always remember. City Hall is a mess. And you can pick up kids toys, so you ... and only you ... can solve this problem have a safe flight'
Status· Read
Read: 311112018 517 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC00895 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1312018 12:18:46 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
Are you considering making some kind of public statement saying you do not support firing Harry? PG. Tamaya and Wendell have. PG
trying to get me to as well.
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 12:1 9 47 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC22FEB (Table. message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/13/2018 12:20:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
I've told press folks who've asked.
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 3/13/2018 12 20 40 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC22CDO (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
311312018 12:20:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
That you do not support firing?
Status: Read
Read· 3/13/2018 12:21 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmoblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC22AEB (Table message, handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/13/2018 12:22:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Correct. Though I add that there are issues that need to be addressed.
Stotus. Sent
Delivered: 311312018 12 22 10 PMtUTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC22804 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes}
3/1312018 3:13:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
Would you vote for a buyout for Harry? like a 400k buyout?
Stetus: Read
Read: 3113120 18 3·29:24 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Pl1one/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db OxC257 82 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/14/20181:06:13 AM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Sorry for the delay. I told John and media last night that I was a no vote though. On settlement and firing .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311412018 1 06 14 AMtUTC 4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms db OxC31FE4 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)

3/16120181:36:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacll)
Tamaya wants the public lynching in the statement, but I think would settle for something about black leadership being under attack. Would
you agree to that?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 1:49.46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC75C60 (Table message. handle, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:51 :27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacll)
Hey, did you see statement just reaffirming our previous statement? Can you respond on group text "agreed"?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1:59.34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC9E769 (Table message. handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3120/2018 12:57:32 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacll)
From Rocky "Apparently mayor is meeting with him in the am and confident a deal will be struck."
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 12.57.37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCBFF2B (Table. message , handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:57:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacll)
Stick with us
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 12·57·39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCBFCCB (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/2012018 12:58: 18 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'm not moving. Have a statement I'll put out when I get home.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 12.58·20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCBFBOE (Table message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/20/201812:58:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacll)

Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 12.58 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxCBF8FO (Table message, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20120181:01:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
John Juech saying you will compromise "if you have a say on next manager. Voicing of support for Isaac and a few other items. commitment
to collaborative refresh."
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 1:01:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCCOFE8 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 1:01:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbacll)
Can you put out statement before you meet with him
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 1 01 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxCCOCFE (Table. message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 1:02:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460188
I stopped talking to Juech days ago.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 1 02:10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCCOAF7 (Table message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/2012018 1:02:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460188
I'll put it out before, yes. I don't meet with anyone until tomorrow.
Swtus: Sent
Delivered: 3120/2018 1.02:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db · OxCC090A (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
312012018 1:02:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 1:02.44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCC0302 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
312012018 3:55:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Just FYI, I'll post my statement in the morning before I leave. Would like to be fully with my kids and Sarah after I land tonig ht. I've been
gone for nearly ten days. But it's a pretty tough statement. Around 8:30AM, and I'm not moving.
Status: Sent
De~vered: 3/20/2018 3 55.38 PM(UTC 4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCCAFE4 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3120/2018 3:55:53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
S\Eltus: Read
Read: 3/2012018 3.55·58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxCCA5E7 (Table message handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2112018 2 :02:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Hang in there. I know he's coming down hard on you.
Status: Read
Road. 3/2112018 219.13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCF702F (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 2:19:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
I'm good :). Thanks, brother.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3121/2018 2.19.48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxCF87E2 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312612018 10:50:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
were you coming from your meeting with Cranley?
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3/26/2018 10 50 58 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxD79401 (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2612018 10:51 :38 AM(UTC--4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Met with him last night. P.G. this morning. You back?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312612018 10 51 39 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxD7AFE4 (Table· message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
312612018 10:51 :45 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
yes. I honked at you
Status: Read
Read: 3/2612018 10 51 45 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/varimob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox07AAB6 (Table message handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312612018 10:51:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Oh .)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/26/2018 10 51 51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD7A8B5 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3126/2018 10:51:52 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
how did those meetings go
Status: Read
Read: 312612018 10.51 52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varimob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxD7A70A (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
312612018 10:53:28 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
We'll see. I'm pushing these larger City Hall and CPD reforms. I th ink PG's meeting with him went okay. Cranley has calmed down, and
seems to appreciate the fact that his behavior isn't working for us. Time will tell, but I held no punches.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/26/20t8 10 53 28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox07A4FF (Table. message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312612018 11 :02:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Just got this "Harry said mayor has half the City making phone calls to Landsman."
Status: Read
Reed 312612018 11.03 32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxD7BD6C (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2612018 11 :05:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Maybe last week :). No one really since Wednesday.
Status. Sent
Delivered: 3/26/2018 11 05 38 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db · OxD7B761 (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2612018 11 :32:17 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Just got a few. Same people. Same message. Two call , by the way :).
Sllltus: Sent
Deijvered: 312612018 11 32 17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD7C6E9 (Table. message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
41312018 1:37:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Does he not understand the concept of city income taxes?
Status· Read
Read· 4/312018 2 34 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxE062AA (Table message. handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
4/3/2018 2:34:48 PM(UTC--4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
That was a super weird question.
Status. Sent
Delivered: 413/2018 2 34 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxE08547 (Table. message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/4/2018 3:13:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lneoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
3 months on the job I'm spending money and resources to rename a street after my relative. very strange.
Status: Read
Read· 414/2018 3 13.52 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varimob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxE24FE8 (Table message handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/412018 3:13:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Craig Schultz Street coming next week II
Status. Read
Reed 414/2018 3 13 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db · OxE24D3C (Table message. handle. chat . Size 50020352 bytes)
414/2016 3:13:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "C raig Schultz Street coming next week I!"
Status· Sent
Delivered: 4/412018 3 13 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE24A84 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
414/2018 3:15:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing , +15136460186
He's a strange dude.
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered. 414/2018 3 15 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varimob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE24303 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

41412018 3:15:35 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Sarah Landsman Lane!!
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3'15 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db OxE25FE8 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/4/2018 3: 15:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/4/2018 3.15 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxE25DE5 (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
4/512018 9:58:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Putting kids down. Everything okay?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/5/2018 9.58·23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxE48631 (Table message. chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
4/512018 9:58:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Can we talk tonight?
Status: Read
Read: 4/5/2018 9 58 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db : OxE4CFE8 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 50020352 by1es)
4/9/2016 6:52:37 PM(UTC-4)Direcllon:lncoming, + 15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Hey. What's going on. We have first foundation board meeting until 9
Status: Read
Read: 4/9/2018 7:08.26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db : OxE8AFE8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
4111/2018 2:26:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
He's going to cry again
Status: Read
Read: 4/ 1112018 2 35 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxE9EA34 (Table. message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
411912018 5:43:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)


IMG 2887.PNG
Status: Read
Read: 4/19/2018 5 49 tO PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . OxF60803 (Table. message, handle . chat, attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/4e/14/14FD7F6D-BDC8-4DDB-AE47-9CCC916737E8/IMG_2887.PNG · (Size. 730797 bytes)
5/1/2018 11:13:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Can you ask these questions Jon wants answered during ODOT presentation? I came over here to do it. But this is taking way too long and
need to head back
Status: Read
Read: 5/1/2018 1 26 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1029FE8 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
5/212018 3:04:15 PM(UTC-4}Directlon:i ncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
You know Smitherman was going after you specifically all weekend over your letter with Tamaya?
Status: Read
Read: 5/2/2018 3.05:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox104A5CB (Table: message handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
5/212018 3:05:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Yes :).
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/2/2018 3 Ob 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox104A332 (Table: message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
5/212018 3:05:54 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach)
but still praising him?
Status: Read
Read: 5/2/201 8 3 05 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox104BFE8 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
5/212018 3:07:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
He's dug in on 91 1 stuff, including pushing on Issac and Patrick to work on merger/partnership considerations per our requests.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5121201 8 3'07 .00 PMtUTC-4 )
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox104BDDE (Table message, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
5/3/2018 1:54:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
It rang , but then immediately hung up
Status: Read
Read: 5/3/2018 1 5o 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox105EFE8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
5/1112018 11 :33:02 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Sorry about that. Call me back. One more thing I wanted to mention.
Stntus: Sent
Dehvcred: 5/ 11/201 8 11 ·33 05 AM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox10035C4 (Tab le: message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

511412018 1:36:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing , +15138460186
Thanks, buddy .)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 511412018 1.36 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brarylSMStsms.db · Ox11045F1 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
5/1512018 1:03:03 PM(UTC-4)Dlreciion:Outgoiog, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Derrvered: 511512018 1 ·03 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/varlmob1le/LibrarytSMSlsms.db Ox11151l.BC (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
5115/2018 3:05:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460188
Heard you were sick ! Sorry man.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5115/2018 3.05.44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary1SMS/srns.db : Ox11 1A5E6 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/1512018 3:07:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Craig has a sinus infection I think I got. Just stuffed up and sore throat. but hopefully taking a day to rest will be enough. thanks
Status: Read
Read: 511512018 3 12 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvarlrnob1le/Ubrary/SMS/srns.db : Ox111A404 (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
511512018 3:12:16 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Craig has a sinus infection I think I got. Just stuffed up and sore throat. but hopefully taking a day to rest will be enough. thanks"
Staws: Sent
Delivered; 5115/2018 3 12 16 PMtUTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone1var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms db Ox111BF1 3 (Table message cha1 Size 50020352 bytes)
5116/2018 1:38:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Tamaya Dennard·Chris Seelbach.
I'm a no on emergency for these FCC ordinances..... to allow those organizing a petition drive the ability to attempt to collect enough
signatures. I believe 1f at least 3 of us vote no on emergency, they get that ability

Ju ha Wesselkamper. vcl Julie Johnson .vet

Status: Read
Read: 5116/2018 1 38 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox112FB51 (Table message handle. chat a11achment Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/A11achmen1s/00/0019942EE40-C987-4AB7-A321-3811E81C1964/Julia Wesselkamper.vcf. (Size · 13298 bytes)
Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvarimob1le/librarylSMSIAttachmentsl89109185C 10082·C2E9-46E6-8323-2B7933CC 1ABS/Julie Johnson. vcf (Size 150 bytes)
5123/2018 11:19:29 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15136480186
Sarah and I are leavmg town on Friday morning otherwise we would be there with you Friday night. Thanks for the invite! See you in a few
hours ....
Slaws: Sent
Delivered: 51231201811:1931 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms db Ox11 BFFE4 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
512312018 11: 19:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
no problem' have fun'
S!a1us: Read
Read. 5/2312018 11 19 51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/\lar/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox11 BF409 (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5123/2018 11: 19:54 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "no problem 1 have fun 1"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5123/2018 11·1v 56 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Ph0ne/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms db Ox.11COF65 (Table message. chal Size 50020352 bytes)
512312018 11:20:40 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
O ur first trip away in a year and a half1 I'm pumped ...
Status: Sent
Delivered: ~17312018 11·70 40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/\larlrnob1le/Ltbrary1SMS/ sms.db Ox11COD7C (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/2312018 11:20:46 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
wow ' where are you going
Stntus: Read
Read: 512312018 11·2508 AM1UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory La ndsman s 1Phone/\larlmob1le/l1braryl SMS1sms db Ox11COB65 (Table message 11andle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/2312018 11:22:47 AM(UTC-4)Direciion:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
btw. Do you have a couple minutes tor a call?
Stalus. Read
Raad: 51231201811 .25.08 AM1UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/\larlmob1le/L1brarylSMS/ sms db Ox11C09SD (Table message handle. cha1. StZe 50020352 bytes)
5/2312018 11:25:1 S AM(UTC-4)Direciion:Outgoing, +15136460166
Yep. In 5?
Status: Sent
Dall\lered: 512312018 11 ·25 15 AMtUTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1lelllbrary/SMS/ srns db Dx11C0727 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

5/2312018 11:25:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read: 5/23/2018 11 25 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox11C056F (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
5/23/2018 11:25:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "yes"
Status: Senl
Delivered: 5123/2018 11 :25:24 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox11C0322 (Table. message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/30/2018 1:09:39 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
You coming today ?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/30/2018 1 09 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms. db Ox12C9FE4 (Table· message , chal Size 50020352 bytes)
5/30/20181:09:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
sorry, I'm out
Status· Read
Read: 5/30/2018 1·09.46 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox12C981C (Table: message. handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
5/30/2018 1:09:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15136460186
No worries.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5130/2018 1 09.51 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox12C9920 (Table message. chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
5/31/2018 1:50:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Should we let the "free market" just decide?
Status: Read
Read: 5/31/2018 1•58:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox12E2C76 (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/31/2018 2:40:57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Thank you .)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/31/2018 2 40.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox12E3FE4 (Table· message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
5131/2016 2:41:00 PM(UTC-4)Directlon :lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read· 5131120182.41 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox12E3E2A (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
616/20181:35:50 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (ChriS Sellbach)
check my twitter
Status. Read
Read: 6/6/2018 1.44 11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1353402 (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/6/2018 1:44:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/6/2018 1 44 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1354FE4 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/6/2018 1:46:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I was really hoping David Mann would win poll, but looks like the think it's stereotypically .... me1
Status: Read
Read: 61612018 1 48·05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L!brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1354E32 (Table message, handle chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/8/2018 1:48:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Laughed al "I was really hoping David Mann would win poll , but looks like the think it's stereotypically .... me!"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/6120181.48.12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1354ABB (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/6/2018 1:48:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
We're tied!
Status: Senl
Delivered: 6/6/2018 1 48 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1354827 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/612016 2:46:33 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15138460186
I pulled ahead!
Swtus: Senl
Delivered: 6/6/?018? 46 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1leilibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1356795 (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
616/2018 2:51:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
maybe that means you should take me instead of Sarah!
Status: Read
Read: 6/6/2018 2 52 52 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1356503 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

6/612018 2:53: 11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
If she says no 1Or we can all go together.
Status. Sent
Delivered: 6/6/2018 2 53 11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Libraryl SMSl sms.db Ox1356380 (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/1012018 11 :08:19 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Oh my goodness. Who was 1t? What can I do to help?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/10/2018 11 08 19 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms db Ox13933D6 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1012018 11:13:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Jenn Watts. Nothing we can do for her. They're only letting family in ICU. and she's not conscious. Just hope we can get an update from
Status: Read
Read: 6/10/2018 11 13 35 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1394FE8 (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/10/2018 11:13:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Manager at Japps
Status: Read
Read: 6110/2018 11 13 47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1lel L1brarylSMS/sms,db Ox139401 B (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6110/2018 11:14:24 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Awful. I've meet her. Super nice. If you don 't get anywhere with Patrick or Issac, I'll call them both.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/10/2018 11 14 24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mobilel llbrary/SMSl sms.db Ox139484A (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/12120181:50:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I have to head back over at 2pm. but I don't think you need me for votes, nght?
Status: Read
Read: 6/1212018 4·49 04 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox1306969 (Table message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1212018 4:48:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15138480186
We were good, yep. Missed a fun debate about council rules. I'll fill you in ton ight.. ..
Status: Sent
Delivered· 611212018 4 48:38 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSl sms db Ox13B96D5 (Table message chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
611212018 4:49:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbech)
did it end up going the way you wanted?
Status: Read
Read: 611212018 5 23 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db Ox13BAE2E (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
611212018 4:49:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Can only be at hearing tonight 60 mins. It's our 13 year anniversary today. going to dinner.
Stalus: Read
Read: 6/ 12/2018 5 23 .47 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1braryl SMS/sms.db . Ox13BAC08 (Table message handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
611312018 3 :06:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
So you don't need me for rule change votes right?
Status: Read
Reed: 611312018 3 06 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's IPhonelvar/mob1le/libraryl SMS/sms db Ox13C9B61 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
811312018 3:06.48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbech)
just have to leave in 15 mins
Status: Read
Read: 6/1312018 3 OG 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1lel library/ SMS/sms db Ox13C9921 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1312018 3:06:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection :Outgoing, +15136460188
Status: Senl
Denvered; 6/1312018 3 06 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Oxl 3C970B (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1312018 3:06:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Reed: 6/13/2018 3 06 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblie/L1brary/ SMSl sms db Ox13C9557 (Table message. handle, chat Size · 50020352 bytes)
8/13/2018 3:26:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You brought this forward! Loi
Status· Sent
Delivered: 6/13/2018 3 28 01 PMtUTC-4)
Source file. Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMSl sms db Ox13CAFE4 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1312018 3:30:59 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I know
Status: Read
Read: 6/1312018 3 35.24 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lel L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Oxl 3CAC5A (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)

6/18/2018 1:41 :00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I don't get this heartburn question. But, these meetings would last 20 times longer if W inburn or Smitherman were chairing.
Slatus: Read
Read: 6/18/2018 1 41 ·36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db , Ox1 423FE8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 1:41:44 PM{UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "I don't get this heartburn question. But, these meetings would last 20 times longer if Winburn or Smitherman were chairing."
S!!ltus: Sen1
Delivered: 6118/2018 1:41 45 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox1423C 41 (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 2:46:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacll)
If this was Mark Mallory's adrnin proposing booting to close a budget deficit, Smitherman would have already collected 20,000 signatures to
ban it in the city charter. Today, "lets try it. If it's too aggressive, we can change."
Status: Read
Read: 6118/20 18 2.51 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox 1427FE8 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size . 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 3:44:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
MSD woman looks like she's been crying or sick?
Slatus· Read
Read: 611812018 3 44.56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Land sman's iPhonel11arlmob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox 142CCB 1 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 3:45:04 PM{UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Probably allerg ies.
S!!ltus: Sent
OeMvered: 6/1812018 3 45.05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox142CAOE (Table message. cha1, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 3:45:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
who has allergies when it's 100 degrees outside?
Status: Read
Read: 611812018 3:45:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox142C844 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/1812018 3:45:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
I don't think she's been crying :)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 611812018 3:45:58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/11ar/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox142C5BO (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/18/2018 4:21 :08 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Is he 10?
S!!ltus: Read
Read: 611812018 4 21:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox142FFE8 (Table me ssage, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/18/2018 4:21:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 6118/2018 4 21 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox1 4 2FDFA (Table. message. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/1812018 4:22:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
When he was 8.
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 6/18/2018 4 22.42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox142FC40 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6120/2018 2:21 :53 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Thank you
Status: Read
Read: 6/2012018 2 23·22 PM(U TC-4)
Source fil e: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox1455FE8 (Tab le. message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/20/2018 2:24:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Thank you.
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 6120120 18 2 24 ·14 PM(UTC-4)
Source fi le: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1455DFA (Table message chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/23/2018 3:20:42 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Give me a ring when you get a chance this weekend. Tomorrow is fine. Congrats on today. Great turnout.
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 612312018 3.20 43 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ srns.db Ox1487FE4 (Table message. cha1 Size 50020352 by1es)
6/ 26/2018 1:3 3:55 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Is he rn a bad mood?
S!!ltus: Read
Read: 6/2612018 134 32 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox14CE81E (Table· message, handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/26/2018 1:34:52 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +1 5136460186
He gets grumpy. I find it amusing
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6126120 18 1 34 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman ·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox14CE61A (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)

6127/2018 10:12:15AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Pastor forgot we had a meeting this morning
Status. Read
Read: 6/27/2018 10 14 01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's 1Phonefvar/mobilefL1braryfSMS/sms.db Ox14E1D80 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6127/2018 10:14:09 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Laughed at "Pastor forgot we had a meeting this morning"
Status: Senl
Delivered: 6/27/2018 10·14 12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mobde/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox14E15CC (Table message, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
612712018 11:26:30 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460188
Thank you. And great closing line.
Status: Senl
Delivered: 612712018 11 26 31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonefvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db 0~14E4327 (Table message, chal , Size 50020352 bytes)
612812018 8:04:41 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnc:omlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)


Brad Thomas. 11cf

Status: Read
Read: G/2812018 8 04 48 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/11ar/moblle/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox1524E12 (Table message, handle, chat, attachment, Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSIAttachments/c6/061E366AD413-4F70-4CE6-AEF9-B8767B6E567FIBrad (Size: 163 bytes)
6129/2018 8:44:11 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15138480186
If you get a minute...
Status: Senl
De6vered: 6129/2018 B 44 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmobilelllbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox15433ED (Table message. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
812912018 8:44:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
.... _,.._,

8BAOA7016482 PluginPayloadAttachmenl
Status: Senl
Dewvered: 6/2912018 B 44 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox15446C7 (Tabte message, chat. attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob11elllbrary/SMS1Attachmentsl67107IC91E4217-8348-49DA-A 700-AC 1789A8225EIE3F57108-212C-406E-8102-
6BAOA70164B2.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size 48337 bytes)
6129/2018 8:52:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seflbaeh)
What is this
Status: Read
Read: 6/29/2018 8 52 53 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/varlmob1ieillbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox1550FE6 (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/29/2018 8:53:33 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15136480186
Ted gave a sermon at Harvard. Worth listening to. Just did. Really good. Thought you'd appreciate it,
Status· Senl
Delivered: 6129/2018 8 53 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox 1550E2A (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/2912018 8:55:08 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnc:ormng, +15133484329 (Chris Selibach)
Status: Read
Read: 6129/2018 8.55 24 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/ver/mobdelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox1550BB9 (Table message. handle. chal. Size 50020352 bytes)
1n1201s 11:39:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Wa lk? Have an hour to kill downtown ..
Status: Sent
Delivered : 71712018 114000 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobilel llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox15049E5 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
717/2018 11 :40:30 AM(UTC-4)0irectjon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacti)
Can't (
Ststus: Read
Read: 71712018 11 40 31 AM(UTC-~)

Source file. Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox15D47F7 (l able message handle. chat Size 50020352 byles)
1n12018 11:40:35 AM(UTC-4)Diredion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Swtus. Senl
Delivered: 7rll2018 114038 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox150463B (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

7/1412018 3:13:04 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
You're already through both seasons of Handmaid's Tale?
Status: Read
Read: 711412018 3 13 27 PM(UTC- 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox163945B (Table message. handle chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/1412018 3 :14:15 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15136460186
I can't do it. I guess I should.
Status: Sent
Defivered: 7/1412018 3.14:15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Greg ory Land sman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1 639208 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7/1412018 3:14:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
it's very good. On ep 5 of season 2. you should
Status: Read
Reed: 7/1412018 3 14 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox163AFE8 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size . 50020352 bytes)
7/ 1412018 3: 14:37 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "it's very good. On ep 5 of season 2. you should"
Status: Senl
Delivered: 71141201 8 3 14:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.d b Ox163ACE2 (Table message . chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
7/1412018 4:56:15 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
What did you think of How It Ends
Stntus: Read
Read: 7/1 412018 4:59·57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.d b Ox163A4F3 (Table message , handle cha t. Size. 50020352 bytes)
7114/2018 5:00:09 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15138460186
Slow so far but need to finish.
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 7/14/2018 5 00 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob 1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox163A205 (Table. me ssage, chat. Size. 50020352 byte s)
7114/2018 5:00:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
it's really bad
Status: Read
Read: 7/1 4/2018 5 00 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Land sman's i Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox163BFE8 (Table : me ssage. handle, chat. Size : 50020352 bytes)
7/1412016 5 :00:25 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
The dude is annoying.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7114/2018 5 00 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gre gory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox163BDEA (Table . message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7/14/2016 5:01:00 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
They hyped it as this big "the world is ending" moving .... so super thriller, and it's really just about a road trip with obstacles.
Status: Read
Reed: 7/14/2018 5.01 01 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.d b Ox163BC1C (Table message, ha ndle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
7/14/2018 5:01 :08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 7/14/2018 5 01 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/m ob1le/Library/SMS/sms.d b : Ox163B929 (Ta ble· message , chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/1412016 5:01 :53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15138460186
More importantly ...

lrnage-1 .IP9
Status. Sent
Delivered: 7/14/2018 5 01.54 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox163B77 D (Ta ble message chat. attachment, Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Land sman's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/ec/12/4EFA656C-CE77-4684-98AA-309530BEF7F3/lmage-1 .)pg (Size 270656 bytes)
7/14/2016 5:02:22 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
That's our big symposium or I'd go and buy tickets right now. wow and looks like really good seats?
Status: Read
Reed; 7114/2018 5 03 12 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: G regory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox163B54A (Table message handle . chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/14/2018 5:03:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status· Read
Read: 7/1417018 5 03 12 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.d b Ox163C FE8 (Table message handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
711412018 5:03:40 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
It's for T aylor Swift'!!
Status: Sen!
Dehvered: 7114120 18 5 03 41 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox163CA 1B (Table. message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

7-/1412018 5:03:51 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectfon:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Selfbach)
who are you going with
Status: Read
Reed: 7/1412018 5 03 53 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobole/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox163C50A (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7114/2018 5:04:01 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Sister and our daughters.
Status: S&nt
Ooivered. 7/W20 18 5 04 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s tPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db · Ox163C302 (Table· message. chat, Size 50020352 b ytes)
7/14/2018 5:04:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbac:tt)
Status: Read
Read: 7/14/20t8 5·04:1 2 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's tPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox163DFE8 (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/1412018 5:04:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460188
I'm pumped.
Status: Sent
Oefivered: 7114/2018 5 04 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox1630DFE (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
711412016 5:05:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
do you think she even really sings?
SlatU$: Read
Read. 7/14120 18 5 05.32 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM S/sms db Ox163DC40 (Table message. handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/1412018 5:06:05 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460188
I'm not sure. I'll send you something from one of her shows. I think she does...
Status: Sent
Deliverod: 7/14/20 18 5,06 06 PM(UTC-~ )

Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db . Ox163DA 1E (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
7/1412018 5:07:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15138460188
https:l/ T-Q8pzEVw

F39BBE48· 1021-45BO·B961-
06BOF DBC3B27.eluginPayloadAttachrnent
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/1412018 5.07 14 PM(UTC-~)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox163E4CO (Table: message chat attachment Size· 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSIAttachments/bS/OSIF227C68E-D6F2-4BC1-8003-BF 5FCF 8848A9/F398BE4 B· 1021-45 BO-B961 •
2DED26991869.pluginPayloadAttachmeni (Size 16275 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachments/ca/1 Ol9D7FBA54-8DE4-441 E-81 C3-A6ABC419D245/451E9488-760E·431E-82C5·
06BOFDBC3827.pluginPayloadAttachment. {Size 14933 bytes)
711912018 3:04:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outg0ing, +15136460186
Dang!!!! That was awesome.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/1912018 3 · 04 . ~0 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory L andsman's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary1SMS/sms.db Ox16A2A1C (Table message cha t, Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/1912018 3:04:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:tncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
ah ty
Status· Read
Read: 7/19120 18 3 04:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox 16A2844 (Table message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7120/2018 5:08:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
were you the person who told met to watch Billions? Just started and good so far
Status. Read
Read: 7120/2018 5 09 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary1SMS/sms db Ox168DDFC (Table. message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/2012018 5: 10:10 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Nope, but I'll try 1t.
Status: Sent
Delivered· 7/2012018 5 10 t 1 PM(UTC-~1
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Ph0ne/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox168D87F (Table message cha( Size 50020352 by'.es)
7/2()./2018 5: 10:28 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
maybe it was PG. supposed to be very good
Status: Read
Read: 712012018 5 10:34 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox16BD9A8 (Table message , handle chat. Size 50020352 byles}
7120/2018 5:10:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked · maybe it was PG. supposed to be very good"
Swtus: Sent
Delivered. 7120/?018 5 10 38 PM1UTC·41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS1sms.db Ox168D6EA (Table message, Chat Size 50020352 bytes)

7/2812018 9 :04:28 AM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Picture from last night....looking slender, man!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 712812018 9 04 29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox177F40E (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7/2912018 12:50:03 PM(UTC-4)0irec11on:Outgoing, +15136460186
Who is this guy?! Super nice.

IMG 3053.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: '//2912018 12:50 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox17A2E2C (Table message, chat. attachment. Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/ddl 13/A5B7095A-5AB 1-4F10-8A34-13DC 18F82043nMG_3053.PNG (Size 1277187 bytes)
7/29/2018 12:50:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
No one knows. Everyone thinks it's a fake profile PG controls . But it's not
Status: Read
Read; 7/29/2018 12.50.47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox17A2BE3 (Table · message, handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/2912018 12:59:05 PM(UTC-4)0lrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
That's funny.
Status; Sent
Delivered: 7/29/2018 12 ~B 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox17A3FE4 (Table: message, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
7/2912018 1:01 :35 PM(UT C4)Dlrectlon:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
oh wait! I didn't look at the photo. No, that's the opposite of who I thought it was.
Status; Read
Read: 712912018 1 01 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1te/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox17A3E22 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
712912018 1:01 :48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
there's another guy who is super pro-us. That guy is just an anonymous troll from the other side.
Status: Read
Read: 7129/2018 1.01 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Ph0ne/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox17A3B97 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:01 :52 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
My guess is David Miller
Status: Read
Read: 7/29/20 18 1 01 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox17A3BF8 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7/2912018 1:02:16 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15136460166
Gotcha. That makes sense.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/29/2018 1.02.16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox17A36EC (Table. message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:02:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
has to be someone at city hall based on the history of tweets
Status: Read
Read: 7/29/2018 1 02.31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox17A3516 (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:02:36 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "has to be someone at city hall based on the history of tweets"
Status: Sent
Defivered: 7/29/2018 1 02 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox17A4F14 (Table_ message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:03:23 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
I think I might make this my new twitter handle. "Good guy but not very smart."
Status: Sent
Dehvered: 712912018 1 03 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox17A4COA (Table message . chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:04:36 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I like that. I'm thinking about changing mine to "SeelWalrus. One trick pony. Fat. Seelbach's Streetcar. Sore-Winner''
Status: Read
Read: 7/29/2018 1 07 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox17A4A8F (Table message handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/ 29120181 :07:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7129/20 18 108 00 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox17A47B8 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:08:59 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
twitter is awful.
Sllltus: Read
Read· 7/2912018 1 10:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox17A4610 (Table message, handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)

7129120181 '10:43 PM(UTC4)0HctlDll:Outgong, +15136480186
So awful.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7129/2018 t·l0.45 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Ph0ne/var/mob1le /L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox17A43BE (Table· message, chat Siz e. 50020352 bytes)
712912018 1:11:03 PM(UTC4)Directi0n:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
do you have Tammy's cell? Or do you want me to connect you all?
Slalus · Reao
Read 712912018 1 '1 01 PM(UTC-4>
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db · Ox17A5FE8 (Table. message. handle chat, Size 50020352 bY1eS)
7/2912018 1:11:09 PM(UTC-4)0irectton:Outgoing, +15136460186
Sarah was like, "oh my god, that's so mean." I was like, "that's Twitter."
Slatu$: Sanl
Delivered. 7.'29/20181.1 1.09 PM(UTG-<4>
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1PhoneJva•/rnobdeiL1brary/SM$1sms dtl · Ox17A5089 (Table 'Tlessage chat Size 50020352 bytes}
7/2912018 1: 14'<46 PM{UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Can you send me her cell? Don't have it. You have a link to the place too? We're pumped.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/29/2018 1 1 ~·46 PM(UTC 4)
Source file. Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox1 7ASB36 (Table message, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
7129/2018 1·15·16 PM(UTC-4)DlrectJon:lncoming, +15133<484329 (Chris Setlbech)
http://pinnacteresortspv com/pinnacle-180/

390EB086AF6C plug1nPaytoadAttachment
(Empty File)
Status: Read
Read: 7129120 18 115. 18PM; UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobite/L1brary/SMS/sm s.db. Ox17A53B8 (Table· message, handle, chat, ottachment, Size: 50070352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonetvarimob•tell1brary/SM S/A1tachments/76/06192E67987-08 21-497C-9E 9A-764SEA598C 37t28C3EE32-1 477-4 810·907E-
390EBOB6AF6C plu91nPaytoadAttachment (Size· O byles)
712912018 1: 15 24 PM(UTC-4)D1rectlon:tncoming, +15133<484329 (Chris Se1•bach)


Tammy R1dcle vcf

StatlJ$: Read
Read: 71791?018 I 16 CM Pri1(UTC-4J
Source file Gregory Landsman's 1Phonetvar/mob1le/L1t1rary/SMSlsms.db 0~17A6FES (Table message, hendte chal attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonetvarlmob11e/UbrarylSMS/Al1achments/9cl12/791AOC84-301 C-4073-89A2-0764387B 12BBITammy Riddle vcf (Size· 174 bytes)
7'29/20181 :15:47 PM(UTC-4)01rection:tnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Settbach)
Great video of 11.
SbW.Js· Read
Read: 7129120•& 1 '6 04 PMtUTC·41
Source f~e: Gregory Landsman s 1Pnone/varlmob1le1L•brary.1SMS1sms db Ox17A6DB8 {Table message. handle , chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 1: 15.50 PM(UTC-4)01rection:tnc:oming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach) atch ?v=dOywoaN N IYo

0A1D61 BEDA3D.plu9inPayloadAttachmen1

8D226AF 346C 8.pluginPaytoadAttachment

Status: Road
Read: 712912018 t 1G 04 P~'1 UTC-4J

Source fite· Gr119ory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le ll1brary/SMSls'Tls.db Ox1 7A753B (Table m~ssage handle, chal. attachment. Size 50020352 bytes)
G•egory Landsman s iPhonelvar.1rrobliell1brruy/SIVS 'Anaehmentsr32102,D379A497• 3103-4 723-A7A5-38856EAE FA4A/OFF 078C0..0923-4C 1A·9506-
8!)22-0AF346C8 .ptu91nPaytoadA1tach<nent {Sze 16275 bytes)
Gregory Landsman· s 1Phonetvarlmob1le'L1brary!SMS1Attachmenls'41101/F2AAEF20-9BCB-4C 30-8015-747 21C9ECA481CC43816~FA9B-4 D87-9EF 2-
0A 1D61BEOA30.plugmPaytoadAtlachment (Size 2n590 bytes)
712912018 1: 16: 14 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15136480188
Stat-'$, Sent
Delivered: 7,7912018 1 16 t< Pl•\ ,UTC 41
Source file: Gregory Lanosman s Pno'lelvarlmobile 1-.bra·,.1SMS1sms db Ox17A'2AA (Table message chat Srze. 50020352 bytes)
7/291201 8 1. 17 37 PM{UTC-4)D1rectonJncoming, +1 5 133484329 (Chris Sel!bech)
Each balcony has it's own hot tub. gnll. dining table
Status: Read
Read: 71291~018 1 t 143 PM(UTC-4)
Source me· Gr119ory Landsman 's 1Phore1Yar/mobile'L1braryiSMSlsms db Ox17A8rE8 (Table n'lessagc, handle. cha1 Size 50020352 bytes)

7129/2018 1:17.48 PM(UTC-4)0lrecilon:Outgoing, +15138480188
Liked ·each balcony has it's own hot tub. gnll, dining table"
Sta1us: Senl
Delivered: 7129/2018 I 17 49 PMIUTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/L1brarytSMS/sms.db Ox17ABCCC (Table message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/2912018 1:18:53 PM(UTC-4)0irec1Jon:Outgolng, +15136460166
Do you wan t to ask Tammy firsl?
Slalus: Sent
Deiverod; 7/2912018 I 18:55 PM(UTc;...el
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/11ar/moblle/llbrary/SMS/sms.db , Ox 17A8A9C (Table' message chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
712912018 1:19.08 PM(UTC-4)0ireetlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
She already said yes 1 They're super excited
Slatus: Road
Road: 7/29/2018 1· 19·09 PM1UTC 4)
Source file· Gregory Landsman s 1Phooo/11ar/mob1lelL1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox17ABBBC (Table message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
712912018 122:05 PM(UTC-4)0inlction:Outgoing, +15136-460188
Loved "She already said yes• They're super excited
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7129120181 .22 09 PM(VTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox17 A85FC (Table· message chal, Size: 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 1:23:36 PM(UTC-4)01rectloo:ln<:onW!g, +1513S..84329 (Chris Sellbaeh)
They wanted to find someone. but not a couple who would want to party in their room all the hme They like to have fun, but don't want their
unit to be a party room . So thought you all would be perfect. She agreed!
Sllltus: Read
Read: 7129/~018 1 27.51 PM(UTC·4/
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/Var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms db 0~17A9FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7/2912018 1:28:01 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15138480188
Perfect :}
Status: Sent
Oeivered: 712912018 128:05 PM1urc;...e1
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1PhoneJvar/mobilefL1bfary/SMSlsms db · Ox17A9BF4 (Table. menage, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/112018 12:19:17 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Under an impasse?
Status: Read
Read 81112018 12·20 ·29 PM1UTC·41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Pnonelvar/mobile/l.1brary/SMS/sms db Ox17F9848 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8111201812:19:18 PM(UTC"4)0lrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)

Srntus: Read
Read: 81112016 12:20 29 PMcUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman & 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db Ox17f9451 (Table. message, handle . chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/1/2018 12'20'32 PM(UTC-4)0ifection:Outgoing, +15138480186
Slaws: Se111
Delivered· 81112018 12 20.37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox17F9234 (Table. message. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
8/B/2018 8:38:59 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15 133484329 (Chris Sellbach)·this-new-netfhx-movie·called-how-it-ends-so-

I 050BA1A-BDBA-456A·A56?-
CF86167461 EO pluginPayloadAttachment
4 780E262-0904-4884-8CC 5-
li779TO'lri 9D07.plUg.nPaylOildAUaellment
Status Read
R&M· 81812018 8 43.05 PM(UTC-'1)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary1SMS1sms.db. Oxl89B629 (Table message , handle , chat, att.:ichment, Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/rnoblle/L1brary/$MSIAllachments/81 1011FB2SOEBC-530E-41AC·AOF7·0FEEC434 9320i478DE262-0904-4884-8CC5-
87791 DD19007 ,plug1nPayloadAtlachment : (Size 902 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMSIAllachments/cbl 11/D37E4398-9CE1-4391-8088-3A64 F6E04 9F El 10508A1A-BO BA· 4 SSA-A562·
CF86167461 EO.pluginPayloadAllachmAnt · (Size 98712 bytes)
818/2018 8:43:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:OU1goin g, +15136480180
Staius: S•nt
Oeliwred: 818/lOlff 8.43 18 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone1var/mob1lelL1brory/SMS/sms db · Ox169B27A (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
818/2018 8:43:29 PM(UTC-4)Direct1on:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chm Sellbach)
It was seriously the worst
Status: Reo<I
Read: 818'20 18 8 43 38 PfA(U-C-'4)
Source file· Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelver/mobilelL1brarylSMS/~ms db Ox189CFE8 (Table mesS11ge, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
818/2018 8 :44:11 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
I never went back to it after you said so. I did just finish Last Chance U. So so good.
SUllus· Senl
Ootivered: 81~1~018 8 44'18 PM(UTC 4)
Source file Gregory Landsman s iPhOne/var/mobdel L1braryi SMSl sms.db Ox189CEOE {Table message chat Size 50020352 byles)

8/6/2018 8:-44' 18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1513&480186
Season 1.
Stetus: Sent
Delivered: 81812018 8.44 23 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox l89CBB7 (Table· message chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
818/2018 8 :44:45 PM(UTC-4)0il&Ction:Outgoing, +1513S..80186
Its not really about football a s much as it 1s about race and poverty
Status: Se~t
Delivered. 8.'ll/20t8 8 44 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1lel l brary/SMS/sms.db Ox189C9FF (Table. message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
81912018 11 :35:51 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lll<Xlming, +1513348432& (Chris Sellt>ach)
Hey. Will you partner w ith me for my next community walk along the riverfront? I'm thinking Thursday. August 23. 6pm.
Status: Read
Read: 8.'91201811:52 49 AM(UTC 41
Source file. Gregory Lands>Tian s ,phoneJvar/mobt'elL brary/SMSlsms.db Ox18A8FE8 (Table· message handle chat Size 50020352 b-fles/
819/201811 53·12 AM(UTC4)Directioo:Outgolng, +151315460186
Liked 'Hey Will you partner with me for my next commun ity walk along the riverfron t? I'm thinking Thursday, A ugust 23. 6pm."
Status: Sent
Oelivere<I: 8191?018 t 1 !>3.12 AMIUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob:le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox1 8A9C1F (Table message Chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
819/2018 11.53.18 AM(UTC-4)0iteci.lon:Outgolng, +15136460186
Would love tot
Status: Sent
DetivarelS: 81912018 11 53 18 AMtUTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhono/11ar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox18A92C8 (Table message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/912018 11 :53:50 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
How long is walk? Maybe I can get Sarah and the kids (and dogs) too.
Stlltus· Seni
Oekvered 81912018115350AAl(U1C·41
Source f~e: Gregory Landsman s 1PhoneJvar/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox18AAFE4 (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
819/2018 11:54:13 AM(UTC-4)01rec:tlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
cool. on calendar. We walk from Friendship Park (free parking) to Football Stadium and back. Last night ii took a little over an hour.
Status. Read
Reed: 61912018 n 06 17 PMtUlC-4)
Source file: Gregory lanasmans 1Pt10neNar/mob11e!L1brary/Sl\A$Jsms db Ox18AADB9 (Table message, handle, chat Size. 50020352 byles)
8/9/2018 11 54 16 AM(UTC-4)0111!1Ction:lnooming, +15133484329 (CMs Sellbacil)
but we were walking slow
Slalus: Read
Read: 8/9120 t8 12·06· 17 PM(LJTC-4)
Souree fifo: Gregory L:>ndsm<>n n 1Phonotvarlmob1lell 1brory/$M$/•m•.db 0A1 OAAAOO (Table ""'•""9" handle. <.:ha1 Size 50020352 by1es1
8/9/201811·54:33 AM(UTC~)Direcbon:lncoming, +15133'484329 (Chris Sellbach)
that would be awesome to bring everyone! especially the dogs
Sbitus: R•ad
Read · 8191201~ 12 06 17 PMtUTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1PMne/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 8AABC8 (Table message, handle chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/9/2018 12:06:35 PM(UTC-4)Dlrec:tlon:Outgoing, +15138480186
Liked "cool. on calendar. We walk from Frien dship Park (free parking) to Football Stadium and back. Last night it took a little over an hour.'
Status. Senl
Delivered 8"9'20'8 t2 06 35 PM1UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/Var/moo.lell1brary1SMS/sms db Ox18ACF13 (Table message cnat Size 50020352 bytes)
81141201 B 11 :41 :16 AM(UTC-4)D1redion:lnooming, +15133484329 (Ctvis Sellbech)
This look good to you?

Screen Shot 2016-06-14 a111.38 !>9AM png

Status: Read
Read: 811~12018 11 4? 15 AMIUTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob·le'L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox19179CF (Table message. heridle chat attachme"lt Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone1Var1mob<lerL brary 1S\~S/Atlact1ments13b11111CAC2FA8--0A4C·4F06-8BB9-7F7E5DODFB1F1Sc•een Sho! 2016-08·14 at '1.38.59 AM P"9
(Size 1091953 by:es)
8/14/201811'41 : 17 AM(UTC-4)D1rac1Jon:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I can't find a more recent photo of the two of us thats close up'
Status: Read
Resd: 81 141?018 11 42.!5AM1UTC·4>
Source file· Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob·le.tL1brary!SMSlsms db Ox19176A6 (Table message handle chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
8/14/2016 11 49.48 AM(UTC-4)Diredlon Outgoing, + 15138460186
Loi. Let's grab a picture later today or tomorrow So old' Is that coot?
Status; Senl
oerrvered; e1141zo1e 114s 54 Ar.11u1c 41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobdelL1brary/SMS/ sms.db . Ox 1918FE4 (Table messngc chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
B/1412018 11:so·21 AM(UTC-4)Direc1Jon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
We leave for vacation tomorrow whats your ava1lab1lity today? I think it's fine ..... and actually may get peoples attention We can be funny
with it
StEtus Read
Read· 8:14120 8 1~o52 AMtUTC .,
Source file. Gregory Landsman s 1Phonc/11arlmob1lc1t1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox1919FE8 (Table message l1andle chat Size 50020352 bytes) ,
81141201 8 11 51 13 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, • 15136460186
True .
Status: S enl
Delivered: 81 14/20 18 11.St 13 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sm s.db Ox 1919710 (Table: message chat. Size: 50020352 by!es)
8114/2018 11 :51 :20 AM(UTC-4)Dlrecilon:lncoming, •1 5133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
but I'm around today if you want to grab another pie
Status: Read
Read: 811412018 11 51 13 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's IPhonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db: Ox1919562 (Table message. handle, chat S12e 50020352 by1es)
6/1412016 11 :51 :25 AM(UTC-4)0 irection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach}
at Coffee Emporium currently
Status: Read
Read: 811412018 11:51 17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonc/var/mobileilobrarylSMS/sms db Ox191AFE8 (Table message. handle. chat Size. 50020352 by1es)
8114120 18 11 '51:30 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection·Outgoing, +15138460186
Working out now. Can meet up around 1:30?
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 8/14/20t8 1 t :51:38 AM(UTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mob1leilibrery/SMS/sms db Ox191AOD4 (Table message. chat, Size. 50020352 byles)
8114/20 18 11 :51 :56 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chlis Sellbac:h)
yea text me and wear casual clothes! I'm either be in Washington Park or home.
Status: Read
Read: 8/1412018 11 52·00 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phoncfvar/rnob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db: Ox191A877 (Table: message, hal'ldle chat. Size: 50020 352 bytes)
811412018 11:52:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "yea text me. and wear casual clothes! I'm either be in Washington Park or home."
Status. Senl
Delvered: 81t4/20t81152 12 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobite/L1brarylSM$/sms db Ox191A528 (Table message, chill. Size 50020352 bytes)
8114/20161 :17:56 PM(UTC-4)0irectlo n:Outgoing, +15136460168
Where you at?
Status: Senl
DeiYered· 81141~018 1 17 56 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelver/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db • Ox191 BE1E (Table. message cha1 Size· 50020352 bytes)
8114120181.16:02 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncomi'lg, •1 5133464329 (Chris Seltbach)
Stalus: Read
Read: 8/1412018 1 18 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/rnobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db: Ox191BC62 (Table: message . handle. chal. Size 50020352 byles)
811412016 1:19.05 PM(UTC--4)Direction:Outgoing. • 15136460186
Lrked ·home"
Stalus: Senl
Oeli1/ered: 6/W20181 19:05 P'-'tUTC·4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox191BA12 (Table: message, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
611412016 1:31 :20 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
u coming here? I can meet you in park beside our place
Slatus: Read
Read: 8114120t8 1 31 3L PM1UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's ,phonelVar/mobllelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox101B84F (Table· message handle chat, Size 50020352 byles)
8/14120 18 1 :31 :44 PM(UTC-4}0irectlon:Outgoirlg, +1 5136460166
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/141?018 1:3 1:44 PM!UTC·~I
Source file· Gregory Landsman s Phone/var/moblle/LtbrarylSMSlsms db: Ox1916607 (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
811 4/201 6 1 31.48 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnoomiog, +151 33484329 (Chris Setlbecil)
k walking down
Status: Rea<!
Read : 811412018 t .31 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobileJLibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox19 1B455 (Table message, handle. chal, Size· 50020352 byles)
8114/2010 1:36:27 PM(UTC-4)Direotion:Outgoing, +151364601 86



IMG 33b0.1P9
StattJS: Soni
Oefivered: 811C/20t8 1 ~ 37 PM(UTC-41
Source fde Gregory Landsmans 1Phone/var/mob-le1L1brary/SMS1sms.db Ox191B25B (Tab4e message chat altachmer:t Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s iPnone.'var/mob1leil1brary1SMSIA1tachmenls/22/02/33119CBC·6F3D-4E20-AB(E-33599E018486JIMG_3350 jpg (Sile 1719525 bytes1

811412018 1:38:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186


IMG 3349l!?1!
Statut: Sent
Delivered: 811412018 1.38 45 PM(UTC-~)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/11ar/mob1lell1brarylSMSlsms.db: Ox191CFE4 (fable message, chat. altachment, Size 50020352 byles)
Gregory Landsman s 1PhonclvarlmobtlelL1brarylSMSIA1tachmenlslce/14/90CFE614·E28C-4 10D-8767-4701C97F6288/IMG_3349 JP9 . (Sile 1724739 bytes)
8114/2016 2:11 :23 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach}


SCl'een Shot 2018-08-14 ai 2 11 06 PM pog

Slatus Read
Read 8/1412018 2 11·25 PMll.iTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsmans 1Phooelvarlmob1le1L1brarylSMS1sms.db Ox191C595 (Table message handle chat. attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsmall·s 1Phonelvarlmob.le/LlbraryiSMSIAttachments167107/8A55DFFD-6356-4425·AEE1-3110C308809EIScreen Shol 2018-08-14 at 2.11 06 PM png
(Size 806277 bytes)
8/1412018 2:11:54 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
N ice !
Status: Sent
Delivered: 811412018 2:1 1.55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarimob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox191C2AE (Tablo message chat Si2e 50020352 bytes)
8/14/2018 2:17:43 PM(UTC4)0ireetion:lneomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sallbach)
You , me and my cold sore. :}
Statut: Read
Read 8/1412018 2 40:30 PM1UTC·41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phooe/var/moblle1L1brary1SMS1sms db Ox191 DFE8 (Table message handle cl'at Sze 50020352 byles)
8114/2018 2.40 44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgomg, +15138460188
Yo u can I see it in the picture )
Slalus: Sent
Delivered. 811417018 7 40·53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblia/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox191DEOA (Table. message. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
8/1412018 6:58:41 PM(UTC4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
I laughed so hard when I saw this. I mean, who writes this stuH' Loi

lma9e-1 1eg
Status Senl
Delivered: 81t4/20t8 6 58:51 PMtUTC 41
Source file. Gregory landsman s 1Phonelvar/m01>ilclL1brarylSMSlsms ob Ox192387A (Table message. cha! attachment S12c 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman·s iPho'1elvar/mob41e/Llbrary/SMSIAttachmentSIB4 '0417271CF9C·B4ED-4CB&-836D·710560097EODllmage-1.1P9 (Size: 317924 bytes)
8114/2018 6 .59;05 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chm Sellbacll)
ha 1hi Craig
Statua. Read
Roed: 8114/2018 6 59 03 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1P11one1var/moblleilibrary/SMS1sms.db · Ox19235E2 (1 able. message handle. cl1at , Size 50020352 bytes)
8/1412018 6:59:26 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outg0tng, +15136460186

Sllltus Senl
Delivered 8•1'120'8 6 ~9 34 PM1UTC-"J
Source file Gregory Landsman's 1Phonetvartmob le/Ltbrary.'SMS:sms.db Ox19233EE (Table message chat Sze 5002035:> by•es)
8114/2018 6 ,59:54 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lnc:omlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
now Im looking at his other tweets. Sh1tt1nfeld looks fat in the wife beater'
Status: R•ad
Read· 811~120t8 7:01 SS PM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/vartmobllelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox1924FE8 (Table message. handle chat Stze: 50020352 bytes)
811412018 7:00: 15 PM(UTC-4}Directfon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
ohhhh. a great one to me on August 2· 'Your mom should have aborted you'
SU.tus. Read
Reed 8/1412018 7 01 58 PM(UTC 4)
Source file· Gregory l andsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL>brarylSMS/sms db Ox1 924D65 (lable rnessage. handle, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
8114/2018 7.02.08 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoirlg, +15136460186
Laughed at "now Im looking at his other tweets. Shrtt1nfeld looks fat tn the wife beater·
Siotuc S• o
Del·vered· S'lL/2018 7:02 14 Pr-• U1C-L
Source file. Gregory La'1dsma~·s .Phone/var/mob 1u,'L1bra-ytSMS1sms.db Ox1924631 (Table message chat S ie 50020352 oytes)

8/ 14/2 018 7:03:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
First one is funny. Second one is just w rong. I like the "2 Worthless Idiots". We sho uld get sh irts.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8114/2018 7.03:20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox1924380 (Table: message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/1412018 7:03:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I'll proudly wear it
Status: Read
Read: 8/14/2018 7:03:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1925FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/1 4/2018 7:03:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Liked "I'll proudly wear it"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/14/2018 7:03:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox192504E (Table. message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/14/2018 7:04:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I just corrected his use of the w ord "your" in a tweet. He'll love that.
Status: Read
Read: 8/1 4/2018 7'04:01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1925B67 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/1 4/2018 7:04:1 5 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Laughed at "I j ust corrected his use of the w ord "you r" in a tweet. He'll love that. "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/14/2018 7:04:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox192581E (Table: message, chat, Size. 50020352 byte s)
8115/2018 8:04:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Care if Sherry comes on the walk with us?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/2018 8:04:25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox192CFE4 (Table: message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/1512018 9:06:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Love to have her
Status: Rea d
Read: 811512018 9.06:08 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox192C892 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/1512018 9:06:11 AM(UTC-4)0 irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Love to have her"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/20 18 9:06:20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db : Ox192C652 (Table: message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/22/2018 3:59:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Do you have Leslie Ghiz'z cell phone by chance?
Status: Read
Read: 8/22/2018 4:04:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox1 9E9BF2 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/22/2018 4:05:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/22/2018 4:05:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox19E97AE (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/2212018 4:05:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
th at's current? She responds to that?
Status: Read
Read: 8/22/2018 4.05•39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox19E9416 (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/22/2018 4 :05:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
No cell.
Status: Senl
Delivered: 8/22/2018 4:05 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox19E95C8 (Table: message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/22/2018 4:05:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
I have no idea :)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/22/2018 4.05:49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox19E91 EC (Table, message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/22/20 18 4:05:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
ok )
Sllltus: Read
Read: 812212018 4.05·53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms db · Ox19EAFE8 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/22/2018 4:05:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Sellbach)

Status: Read
Read: 8/2212018 4:05:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox19EAE08 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)

6123/2018 5:58:32 PM(UTC-4} Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
U here?
Status: Read
Read: 8/23/2018 5 57:54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1AOC6CC (Table . message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/23/2018 5:57:57 PM(UTC-4)Directio n:Outgoing, +15138460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/23/2018 5 58 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1bra ry/SMS/sms.db Ox1AOC518 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8123/2018 8:32:54 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
w hat was the name of the police officer?
Status: Read
Read: 8/23/2018 8 42 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox1AOD913 (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
8/2312018 8:42:17 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Lee Ross.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/23/2018 8 42 20 PM(UTC 4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1AOE5BO (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8123/2018 8 :42:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
ty' had a good time
Status: Read
Read: 8/23/2018 8 42.29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Land sman's iPhone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1AOE3FC (Table message handle . chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/23/2018 8 :42:49 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15138460188
Me too . I'll probably join you on others. Very fun.
Status: Sent
De~vered: 812312018 842.52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1AOF4C2 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/2412018 1:26:08 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
We are unveiling the Pride crosswalk next Thursday , 4pm at 12 & Vine. Would love to have you there. Let me know.
Status: Read
Read: 8/24/2018 1 26 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A18FE8 (Table message handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/24/2018 1:29:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "We are unveiling the Pride crosswalk next Thursday, 4pm at 12 & Vine. Would love to have you there. Let me know."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/24/2018 1 29 58 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A19F14 (Table message . chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8124/2018 1:30:51 PM(UTC-4} Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
I'll be there.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/24/2018 1·30:54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A19728 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
812412018 1:30:57 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
Status: Read
Read: 8/24/2018 1 30 57 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llb rary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A19564 (Table· message. ha ndle. chat, Size . 50020352 bytes)
8/2712018 1:09:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming , +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
Met with HCDP co-chair today. First suggestio n. "implement 5 year plan so many people worked on." Response , "Yea. we should find that
Status: Read
Read: 8/27/2018 1 09 30 PMtUTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's iPhone/va r/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A76939 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
8/27/2018 1: 10:05 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
Second question, "what does Caleb do"? Response: "Well , w e've asked him to clear out some of this old furnitu re and he's done that" I
followed up ' OK. what what else does he do every day"? Response: "He keeps yard signs supplied"
Stlltus: Read
Read: 8/27/2018 l 10 02 PM(UTC-4)
So urce file : Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox1A77FE8 (Table message. handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/2712018 1:11:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15138460186
I had ide ntical conversation.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8127/2018 1 11·12 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1A77C 11 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
812712018 1:11:57 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach}
the n w as told "Caleb had to take some money from the coordinated Judicial campaign to pay the HCDP bills but I've been able to raise a
couple thousand to pay that back."
Status: Read
Read: 8/27/2018 1 12 42 PMtUTC·4)
So urce file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1A77A31 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
612712018 1:11 :59 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming , +15133484329 (Chris SeUbach)
Status: Read
Read: 8/2712018 1 17 42 PMtUTC·4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1A776F4 (Table message handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
8/27/2018 1:14:08 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
She told me proudly that he was taking computers apart to sell to pay bills.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/2712018 1:14:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1A77500 (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/27/2018 1:14:24 PM(UTC..4\)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach)
and they're paying $2.400/month for that piece of shit office?
Status: Read
Read: 8/27/2018 1.14 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM S/sms.db · Ox1A78FE8 (Table message, handle, c hat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
8/2712018 1:14:27 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/27/2018 1.14:31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A789AC (Table message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
8/2712018 1:14:33 PM(UTC..4\)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8127/2018 1.14:37 PM(UTC -4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1A78802 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/2712018 1:15:00 PM(UTC..4\)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
We found them a cheaper place years ago. They declined.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8127/20 18 1:15:04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's IPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1A78656 (Table. message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/27/2018 1:15:19 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I asked about that. Connie said, "Caleb said they actually never found a place ."
Status: Read
Read: 8/27/2018 1 15:15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1A78444 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/27/2018 1:15:39 PM(UTC..4\)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course we found options.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/27/20181.15.43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A79FE4 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/27120181 :16:39 PM(UTC..4\)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460166
You an Cran ley should co-cha ir the search to replace Caleb. Just announce it together. Loi. He hates him just as much as us.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/27120 18 1: 16:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1A79DA9 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/27/2018 1:17:28 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Hire Eddie after November as interim. See how he does. Maybe hire him as permanent
Status: Read
Read: 812712018 1:18.48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1A79BOC (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/27/2018 1:18:45 PM(UTC..4\)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I don't think they have any plan to replace Caleb. Connie said , 'We need that institutional knowledge"
Status: Read
Read: 8/27/2018 1 18.48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox1A7988F (Table. messag e. handle, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
B/27/2018 1:19:08 PM(UTC-4)Dlrec1ion:Outgoing, +15138460186
Liked "Hire Eddie after November as interim. See how he does. Maybe hire him as permanent"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/27/20t8 1 19 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A7 950A (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/27/2016 1:19:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
She said same to me. That's w hy I think we just pretend like we misunderstood her and announce our search committee. Loi
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8127/2018 1·19:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/ Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A792A6 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/27/2018 1:19:53 PM(UTC..4\)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I'm in
Status: Read
Read: 8/7.712018 1 19 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1A7AFE8 (Table message handle. chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
8/3012018 3:25:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
Went to see doctor, and she ordered a chest x-ray. which I have to get done before 4. If it's quick, I'll be there but a bit late.
Sll:tus: Sent
Delivered: 81300018 3 75 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1AE4DE6 (Table . message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/3012018 3:25:54 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Np. What's ok
Status: Read
Read: 8/30/2018 3 26 03 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1AE4B31 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

613012018 3·25:57 PM(UTC-4)01rec:tJon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
11\/hat's wring
Slalus: Read
Read: 813012018 3 26 03 PMcUTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1AE4971 (Table. message. handle, chac Size 50020352 bytes)
8130/2018 3:26'00 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Sellbach)
SlattIS: Read
Read: 813012018 3 26 03 Pt.< UT C-4)
Source file. GregOf)' Landsman s 1Phonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox 1AE47B3 (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/30/2018 3:26:39 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15138460188
Tired. For days. Slight chest pain. EKG was fine. She running blood work too. Probably nothing.
Status: Seol
Delivered: 8130/2018 3 26 39 PM(UTC 41
Source file. Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvarlmoll1lell1brarylStASlsms.db Ox1AE45FO (Table message Chat Size 50020352 bytes)
813t>12018 3.27:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133'184329 (Chris Sellbach)
·( glad u went to doctor
Status: Read
Read: 8/3012018 3:30 GS PMcUTC-4)
Source tile: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox1AE439A (Table me$sage handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8/3012018 3:30:59 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Oulgoing, +1513&460186
Liked .( glad u went to doctor'
$1aM: Sent
Delivered: 8/3012018 3 30·58 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1AE5F62 (Table· message. chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
8130/2016 4:15:02 PM(UTC-4)0ireollon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Send me speech.
StahJ$'. Seol
Deiwred 8'30/2018 4.15.03 PM\UTC-4)
Source file· Gregory Lano sman s 1Phone/Var/mobllelL1brarylSMS/sms db . Ox1AE548B (Table message. chat. S.ze 50020352 bytes)
813012018 4 :16:12 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15138460186



FurtS1zeRender IP9 f ullSizeRender !P9

Slalus. Sen1
Delivered; 8130/2018 4:16:14 PM•UTC 41
Source file. Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS1sms.db Ox1AE6FE4 (Table. message chat attachment Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mol>lle/L1brarylSMS/A1tachments/S6/06/37C2BB1E-2040-4868-8075-EA1411E77FB5/FullS1zeRender jpg (Size· 1963686 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/Var/mobll1t/L1brary/SM S/Attachmen1s/cOI00/28719044-763E-4885-AE69-134A2F656275/FullS11eRender.Jp9 : (Sile 1716660 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/A1taohmentsl89/09/FDA3 18FD-A235-4 279-9948-5C037070F9C4/IMG 3846.JPG (Size· 2948816 bytes)
Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/va1/mobile/L1brary/SMS/AttachmentS1ccl12/6C06476E- 1 508-4FD9·99~ 3-9E01 E FB6C730/Full~zeRel'lder.Jpg (Size 1675 17 4 byres)
Gregory Landsman s 1"honelvar/mobilelLibra ry/SMS/AtlachmentS11110117AC9FCEA-61A6-4907-8592-966B58494 F01/FullSi2eRendeqpg (Size 1972035 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone1var•mobllell orarylSMS/Attachment5'12J02/31B89323-007F-402B-B2A7-3BC410EF4707:FullS1zeRender.1pg (Size 1519559 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar1mobilelL•brary/SMSfA1tacl1mentsi3510Si90804701-A4F5-4981·AB20.9351206016EAIFullS1zeRender JP9 (Size 1310723 byles)
Gregory landsman s iPhonelvar•moblell orary/SVSIAttacl1mentsi2110110C58E46F-74SC-4789-BOOD-4F602297"096'Fu;IS1zeRendeqpg (Size 1537145 bytes)
9/5/2016 12:23:32 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:tncomi1g, +15133484329 (Chris Senbach)
Gonna be a little late to committee
Stotus: Read
Read: 91512018 12 2G 06 P~l(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsmans 1PhoneNar/mobde1L1brarytSMSlsms.db OxtB7D07A (Table message ha11dle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
91512018 12;26'10 PM(UTC-4)Direc:ton:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Gonna be a httle late to committee·
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/5120 1812 26 11 PMtUTC-41
Source file· Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/roobile/L1brory/SMS/sms.db 0<1870801 (Tabte· message chat Size 500703~2 bytes)
9/2612018 2 :15.09 PM(UTC-4)D1rec1Jon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
On other line, but will call you back
StallJs: Rea<!
Read: 9•2612018 2 15. 5 PM1u·C·4)
Source flle: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/Var/mob•lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox 1E.082C3 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/2612018 2:15'18 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15138480188
Liked "On other line. but will call you back"
SUltus: Sent
OeliYered: 912ft20 te 11!> 1s Pr.• u~C-" J

Source file Gregory Landsman s 1Ph0ne/,•ar/moo.1e L brary'~MS.sms ab 0Y1EOCFSS Cable message chat Size 500203~2 bytesi

10/512018 12:01:30 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Hey! Are you all gonna men our Bachelor Party next Saturday?
Status: Read
Read: 10/5/2018 12.02:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Greg ory Landsman's iPhone/va r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 EC2B04 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size : 50020352 bytes)
10/512018 12:03:18 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +1513 6460186
I'm trying to change my flight to be back, but not looking great. More to come on Wednesday when I'm at the ticket counter ...
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/5/2018 12.03:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 EC4 C37 (Table : message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/512016 12:04:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
ok. Not a huge deal!
Status: Read
Read: 10/5/2018 12.07:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1EC5FE8 (Table message. handle . chat. Size· 50020352 by1es)
10/512018 12:08:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
It's also Elijah's birthday and he told me this week that it hurt his fee lings that I was out of town ... :(
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/5/2018 12:08.10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1EC7B26 (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
10/512018 12:08:28 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
ohhh. Well definitely be with him! S
Status: Read
Read: 10/5/2018 12 08:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1EC78A6 (Table . message. handle , chat Size: 50020352 bytes}
10/5/2018 12:09:04 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Maybe both.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/5/2018 12:09:04 PM(UTC-4)
So urce file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1EC7627 (Table : message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/1312018 6 :13:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +1 5133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
What's your eta
Status: Read
Read: 10/13/2018 6 13:30 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 FB06B8 (Table· message, handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/ 14/2 01812:16:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +151 36460186
Tonight's call at 8. if you ca n do it.
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 10/14/2018 12 16 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1 FB76AE (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

10/14/2018 12:16:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5136460186


F ullSizeRender.jpg
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/14/2018 12 16 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1FB8FE4 (Table. message. chat. attachment. Size· 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/65/05/1OC8017B-2C46-46F9-AC6E-698B3B49C79B/FullSizeRender.Jpg (Size 141943 bytes)
10/14/2018 12:17:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
So much fun last night. Thanks for including me.
Status: Sen1
Delivered: 10114/2018 12:17.40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox1FB8DE5 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
10/ 16/2018 2:51:27 PM(UTC-4)Directio n:lncoming, +1 513 3484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Call me
Status: Read
Read: 10/16/2018 2·52·15 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1 FF898F (Table message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 byles)
10/1 6/201 8 5:29:24 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
He okay?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/1612018 5 29 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox2001 FE4 (Table message. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
10/1 6/2018 5:34:03 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read: 10/ 16/2018 5 45.01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox2001 BCC (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes}
10/16/2018 5:38:38 PM(UTC-4)Directio n:lncoming, + 15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
We are gonna take 73 more from TIF to free up other money to fully restore cintrifuse. That gets Pastor 3000% solid. And he's already
getting the wrath of John. But Gary Lingrum and biz community will back him up as long as he gets the 250 for contrufuse
Status: Read
Read· 10116/2018 5 45 01 PM(UTC-~)

Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox2001A23 (Table message, handle chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)

10/16/2018 5:45:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15136460186
Liked "We are gonna take 73 more from TIF to free up other money to fully restore cintrifuse. That gets Pastor 3000% solid. And he's
already getting the wrath of John. But Gary Lingrum and biz community will back him up as long as he gets the 250 for contrufuse"
Status: Senl
Delivered: 1011612018 5 45:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's IPhone/var/moOlle/LlbrarylSMSlsms.db · Ox2002F13 (Table. message, chat Si ze 50020352 bytes)
1011712018 7:23:33 PM(UTC-4)0irectfon:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)


Screen Shol 2018-i0- 17 at 7.22 01 PM.1peg

Sl&tus: Read
Read: !011712018 7 30.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s IPhonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/ SMSlsms.db Ox201EFE8 (Table: message. handle chat, attachment. Size: 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/Altachments/57/071A21FD504-2246-45B8-B87E-121CCBS6D222/Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 7 22.01 PM.jpeg .
(Size : 693556 bytes)
10/17/2018 7:30:25 PM(UTC-4)0i!!!ction:Outgoing, +15136460186
That's awesome.
Status: Sent
Delivered: l 0/1712018 7:30.25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db ox201 ECFF (Table message, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
Chats (1)
i • These details ere cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage +15133484329 (1)

# Deleted

Partlcipants: Start Time: 1/30/2017 12.36:32 PM(UTC-5)

..-15133484329 Last Aclivity: 10116/2018 11 .2719 PM(UT~)
Chris Seelbacl'I" (owner) Number of attachments: 3
Source: iMessage +15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach' s
iPhOnetvar/mobliellibrary/SMS/sms.db Oxl 1C23597
{Table: chat , handle, Sii:e· 342745088 bytes)
-+ 15133652404 Body file: chat-1.txt
Pg Sittenfeld'

+151 36460186
Greg Landsman•
3/5/2018 2:47:00 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
One of you organizing press call on RB?
Slalus: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 2:47:03 PM(UTC-5/
Read: 3/512018 2:47:03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sm s.db OxBEAEDF7 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 2:47:19 PM(UTC·5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I am not. but willing to participate or have Jon organize
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxBEAEBF8 (Table· message chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
315/2018 2:48:23 PM(UTC-S)Direc:tion:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Greg, let us know
Status: Read
Delivered: 3151201 8 2:48:28 PMtlJTC-5)
Read: 315120 18 2.48.28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/Library/ SMS/sms.db : O~BEA E750 (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 342745088 byles)
3/5/2018 2:48:43 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
try for this afternoon? like Barn tomorrow
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobnellibrarytSMS/sms.db OxBEAFF06 (Table· message handle Chai Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:49:15 PM(UTC.5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I could do 9am tomorrow, but have a 7:30am meeting. Likely could do 8:30ish.
Status: Sent
Source fife: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/ sms.db . Ox 8E80FD6 (Table: mes">age chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
S/5/2018 2:56:45 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Not me. But happy to participate.
Status: Read
Delivered· 3/5/201 8 2:56.47 PM(UTC·5)
Read: 3/512018 2 56 .~7 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/ var/mobile/library/SMSisms.db : OxBEB1FC6 (Table message handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)

1317/2018 10:43:44 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoi'lg, +15133'184329 (Chris Seelbach)
Im told a photo 1s coming out today that shows the Pohce Chief 1s having an affair with the District 5 Captain, Brigit Bordoue (sp?). Who
knows if that's true.
Status. Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilell1b1ary/SMS/sms.db: OxBF2CFD6 (Table. message chat Size 342745088 bytes}
3'7/2018 10:46:21 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136450186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Oehvered. 31712018 10:46 27 AM1UTC 5)
Read 31712018 10 46 27 AM(UTC-51
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone'var/mob1te•L1bra1)dSMS'sms db OxBF2DFC6 (Table message. handle . chat S12e 342745088 bytes)
31712018 10:46:31 AM(UTC-5)Dlrec:tjon:Oulg0ing, +15133484329 (Chris Seetbactl)
Slatu5: Senl
Source Ille: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonetvar/mobile/llbrarv/SMS/sms.db. OxBF2DE09 (Table message. chat S1z.e 342745088 bytes)
31812018 3:26;30 PM(UTC..5)Dlreetion:Outoolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
FYI. I just called Dave Bailey about a dog issue. As I was expelling the issue, he stopped me. Started crying . And told me his attorney called
him man hour ago told him he had to retire or be fired by Harry later today. Said Harry suspects he 1s the one who 1s doing every thing. And
so he agreed to resign . He's spent his entire career m the police d ept. And he is not the leak This is not the way he deserves to go.
Stalu$· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var,moblle.1..brarv1SMS1sms.db ; OxBFAFFD6 (Table message chaL Sze 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:02:05 PM(UTC-S)Oiredion:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsmen)
Wow This can't end well for Harry. And we (counctl) have to do something. Not clear to me what that is yet....
SllltU11. Read
Oolivcrad: 3/8/W18 4.33 16 PM\UTC-5)
Read: 318/20 18 4 33 16 PM(Ul C·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbaeh's 1Phonelvartmob1le/L1brarv/SMS!sms.db OxBFB8DE1 (Table m essage, handle chat Sue 342745088 bytes)
31812018 4:34:45 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Oulgoing, +15133434329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's super super disappointing. Bailey 1s a good guy Has spent his career working for th·s city And HE IS NOT THE LEAKER• He JUSI tned to
make sure the Chief knew about wasteful spending
Status Sen!
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le!L1brary/ SMS!sms db OxBFB6932 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
31812018 4 :36:28 PM(UTC-S)Olrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I've always enjoyed my interactions with him and the way he did his work.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/ var/mob1le/L1brarv1SMS/ sms.db . OxBFB9731 (Table m essage. handle cha1. Size· 342745088 bytes)
31812018 4 :36:37 PM(UTC..S)Oinlction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sltlenfeld)
have no idea what the whole story is
Sta1Us: Read
Source file; Chris Seelbach·s iPhonelvarlmob1le/l.1brary1SM$/sms ob Ox BFB948 1 (Table. message handle chat Siz.e 342745088 bytes)
31912018 10:24:58 AM(UTC..5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Stttenfeld)
Just FYI: Sentinels, Black Agenda . NAACP, the Chief himself all lining up in strong support of Harry.
Status: Read
Read: 31912018 10 32 44 AM!UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach'S 1Phone/varlrPob1le/Library/ SMSl sms db : OxBFFA36B (Table message handle chat. Si ze 342745088 bytes)
3117/2018 8; 23·57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing , +1 5 133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
6 years ag o today•

IMG 1966.PNG
Status· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1PMnelvar/mob1JelL1brary/ $t.•Stsms.db OxC252A 5 (Table message chat. attachment Sze 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach s 1Pnonelvarlmob1le'L1brarylSMSIAttachments.'24 1 04/06E70873-60FA·4145-891 E..08AAA53406010~G_ 1966.PNG I S12c 10314075 bytes)
3117/2018 8:39:24 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked 6 years ago today!"
Slaws· Read
Read: 3117120t8 8.39 47 Mt(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1b1arv1SMS/ sms.db: OxC253F56 (loble message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311712018 9: 12:15AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
None of us have aged a wink , blessedly'
StEtus· Read
Read: 3•1 7•20 18 12 46:37 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1P'1ol"ei var1n10blle'l,brary1S1''S•sms.ob . OxC25351 D (Table message, handle. Chat S•ze 342745088 bytes)
3117/2018 12:47:23 PM(UTC4)01rection:OUlgoog, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
PG 1s grayer. Greg 1s balder I'm fatter. Can we just go back?
Sl81us: Unsent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db: OxC25331 C: (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

612512018 8:24:19 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


Status; Road
Read: 612512018 8 74 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ OxD28DBC2 (Table. message, handle, chat attachment Size· 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSM SIAttachments/1O/OO/A238F501-E3Af-46F4-9DB1·5FD4275184451FullS1zeR ender J!)e9 (Size: 808045 bytes)
612512018 8:24:33 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status· Read
Read· 612512018 8:24:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source tile: Chns Seelbach s iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox02BD97C (1 able message, handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes}
612512018 8:24:52 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +1513348432.9 (Chris Seelbach)
Too funny
Sllltus Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/Varlmobilo/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox02807C2 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8:30:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
this posted on Amy's facebook

36176276 2011 163662235982 65615778920886435

84 n IP9 JPC9
Statu&: Sent
Source file· Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/11ar/mob1le/L1brarylSM Slsms.db · Ox02BEF06 (Table message, cha1, attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/LJbrerylSM S/Attachments/73/031CA98FC08-B25D-4C4E-9DEC-
311 FC0427497136176276_2011163662235982_6561577892088643584_n.jpg.jpeg (Size 93442 bytes)
6125/2018 8 31 :32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfald)
I drdn I make the cut!
Slalus: Read
Oeilvored: G/2512018 8 31 34 PM(UTC-4)
Reed. 612512018 8:31:34 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonetvar/mobilelL1brary/SMSlsms db · Ox028EC6E (Table: message handle. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8:31:39 PM(UTC-4)Direc11on:lncomlng, + 15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
Photogenic of you though
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelva1/mob1lellibrary/SMSls111s.db · Ox028EA8A (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8:31'41 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Me e1lher. I'm pissed.
Status Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1lell orary/ SMS/sms db Ox028E8A4 (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8:31 :50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming. +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Photogenic of you though •
Status· Road
Source fola: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxD28E63B (l able message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
812512018 8:32:01 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
When did John have a beard?
Stlltus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1b1ary/SMS/sms db Ox028E20B (Table· message. handle, chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
B/2512018 8·32:1 6 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ohhhh .... it was a period I'm gonna guess 2014
Stetus Sent
Source file; Chris Seelbach s iPhonelvar/mobtle/LibrarylSMS/sms db Ox028FF06 (Table message chat. S12e. 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8:32:23 PM(UTC-4)0trection:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Who's the old dude in the back?

Slatus; Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/11arlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . Ox028F08E (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8:33:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Out(loing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
they didn't have lime to photoshop you all on that guy
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonetvar1mob1lclL1bral)'/SMS/sms.db D~D28F79A (Table message chat Size: 342745068 bytes)
612.512018 8:33:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfetd)
John Bolton again
St1tu1: Read
Delivered: 1>12~001s s 33 01 PMcUTC~>
Rud: &rl!/.1018 8 33 02 PM\UTC-4)
Source file : Chns S eelbach s 1Phone/var/mobttc/l1braryl SMSlsms.db. Ox028F532 (Table rne~sagc. handle cha: Size 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8.33 36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
my hair does look good
Stetus; Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/ varlmob1le/L1b1arylSMStsms db : Ox0290F06 (Table message chat . Size 342745088 bytes)
0/2512018 8:33:58 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm even more Jealous now.
Status; Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox0290BB9 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:34:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
and of course the "taxpayer" is an old white dude
Status; Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/varlmobile/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db Ox02909CD (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:34:49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Laughed at ''I'm even more jealous now."
Status: Read
Delivered : 6125/2018 8 34·49 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/2512018 8 34.49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD2906CD (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:34:56 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I do love that Denise is in a suit .... and everyone else is ... but I'm sporting my casual look.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar1mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox02904BE (Table. message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
6/25/2018 6:35:29 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
The I shirt has officially become your signature
Status; Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox0290217 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:35:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If only I could wear shorts and flip flops everyday!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mobllellibrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox0291FD6 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6125/2018 8:38:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfek:I)
Loving With (d ress code) Ch ange
Status: Read
Delivered: 612512018 8.38.12 PM(UTC -4)
Read; 6125/2018 8:38 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox0291076 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:38:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfe!d)
Status: Read
Delivered; 612512018 8 38·12 PM(UTC-4)
Read : 6/2512018 8:38·12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxD291672 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:38:47 PM(UTC-4) 0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Amy's post btw, says the raises voted on "outside the collective bargaining process'" is what led to this deficit. SHE VOTED FOR THE
RAISES for the police and fire officer, which were 90% of the raises.
Status; Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db: Ox0292FD6 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:40:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Will Check out her posts
Status: Read
Read· 612512018 841 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxD292C47 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:45:58 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw PG. greg and I have binge watched 'The Staircase" in the last week. You need to catch up. It's amazing. and similar to "making a
murderer" if you saw that docuseries
Status; Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox0292735 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6125/2018 8:46:22 PM(UTC-4) 0irection:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Fiction or documentary? Will check it out
Status; Read
Delivered: 6/25/2018 8 46 24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/2512018 8 46 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxD2923D2 (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8:46:28 PM(UTC-4) 0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxD293FD6 (Table message . chat Size 342745088 bytes)
612512018 8:46:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 51 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
13 episodes. real story. documentary
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brarylSMSlsms.db OxD293DDA (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6125/2018 8:47:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
It's so good.
Status: Read
Delivered; 612512018 8 47 47 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 6125/2018 8 47 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox029389A (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

612512018 8:47:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Cool. Would Sarah Sittenfeld enjoy too you think?
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/25/2018 8.47:47 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/25/2018 8.47'47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms .db OxD2937EF (Table: message handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
612512016 6:47:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I think so. It's really good.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxD2935D9 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:48:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db . OxD2933E7 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:48:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I meant
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxD29322B (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:48:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxD294FD6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 8:49:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea . She def would. hard not to binge watch though'
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxD294E12 (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/8/2018 7:58:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
Going to send my reply to Law around 930 and will forward to you
Status: Read
Read: 8/8/2018 9:34 31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxD8AA2FC (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/912018 11 :35:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do we know if there are any plans whatsoever to find a permanent manager?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxD8F4FD6 (Table: message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/9/2016 11:35:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
Mayor is interviewing a firm that PG suggested today, I understand.
Status: Read
Delivered: 819/2018 11 35 35 AM(UTC 4)
Read: 8/912018 11'35 35 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxD8F4D4B (Table. message , handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/9/2018 1:02:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can you all meet after PG's committee today?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxE051 FD6 (Table: message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
10/9120181:02:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Can you all meet after PG's committee today?"
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/9/2018 1.02 24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/9/2018 1 02 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db : OxE0519CO (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/912018 1:04:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Liked "Can you all meet after PG's committee today?"
SUitus: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db . OxE053F14 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/16/2018 11 :27:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
FYI. Berding and Cranley have put a full on attack/campaign on Pastor tonight. I don't know where his vote lies as this point. I think he might
be a "no" on overriding the veto. And throwing everything back into chaos.
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxE1ADFD6 (Table: message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)

Chats (1)
...L • These details are cross.-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15136460186(1)
# Deleted

Participants: Start Time. 12127/201712: 17 28 PM(UTC-5)

+15136460166 LastActivify: 10/16/201811 27· 19 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments. 3
Source: 1Message. +15136460186
Source file: Grei!ory Landsman's
iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/ Ox282C733
(Table chat. handle. Size · 50020352 bytes)
Body file: chat-1 .txt
Chris Sellbach'

P.G . Sittenfeld'
31512016 2:47:00 PM(UTC·5)0Jrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
One of you organizing press call on RB?
Status: ReacJ
Rea ct 3151201 8 2.56 23 PM (V TC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsm an's iPhone/varlmobilel Library/SM Slsm s.db . OxB63E03 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/ 512016 2:47: 19 PM(UTC..S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I am not, but willing to participate or have Jon organize
Status: Read
Read: 315/2018 2:56:23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/ varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxB63COO (Table: message, ha ndle, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/512016 2:48:23 PM(UTC·5)0ireclion:lncoming, + 15133652404 (P.G. Sitteofeld)
Greg, let us know
Status; Read
Read: 31512018 2:56:23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SM S/sms.db. Ox B636AB {Table: message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:48:43 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Slttenfeld)
try for this afternoon? like 8am tomorrow
Status; Read
Read: 315/201 8 2:56:23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM S/ sms.db : OxB64FD2 (Table message handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/512018 2:49:15 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbaeh)
I could do 9am tomorrow, but have a 7:30am meeting. Likely could do 8:30ish.
Status: Read
Read: 3/5/2018 2.56:23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SM Sfsms.db : Ox B65F02 (Table. message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes}
3/5/2018 2:56:45 PM(UTC·S)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Not me. But happy to participate.
Slatus: Sent
Source file: Gregof)I Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/ SMS/sms.db · OxB652B5 (Table: message. chat. Size : 50020352 bytes)
3n/201810:43:44 AM(UTC-5)0lrectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I'm told a photo is coming out today that shows the Police Chief is having an affair with the District 5 Captain. Brigit Bordoue (sp?). Who
knows if that's true.
Status: Read
Read: 317/2018 10.4G.04 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phorte/var/mobile/Library/ SM S/sms.db · OxBA5fD2 {Table message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/7/2018 10:46:21 AM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sen!
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/111ob1le/Llbrary/ $MS/ sms.db . OxBA59AO (Table: message chat. Siz e· 50020352 by tes)
3f7/2018 10:46:31 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Reed: 3nl2018 10 46 31 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brarylSMSlsms.db: OxBA57E1 (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 3:26:30 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
FYI. I just called Dave Bailey about a dog issue. As I was expelling the issue, he stopped me. Started crying. And told me his attorney called
him in an hour ago, told him he had to retire or be fired by Harry later today. Said Harry suspects he is the one who is doing everything. And
so he agreed to resign. He's spent his entire career in the police dept. And he is not the leak. This is not the way he deserves to go.
Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 3"28 28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbraryl SMS/sms.db OxBC3A9C (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/812018 4:02:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Wow. This can't end well for Harry. And we (council) have to do something. Not clear to me what that 1s yet ....
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1PhonelvarlmobllelllbrarylSMSlsms.db : OxBC4892 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:34:45 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
It's super super disappointing. Bailey is a good guy. Has spent his career working for this city. And HE IS NOT THE LEAKER! He just tried to
make sure the Chief knew about wasteful spending.
Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 4 34 50 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1braryl SMS/sms.db . OxBCB7AF (Table message, handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/812018 4:35:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I've always enjoyed my interactions with him and the way he did his work.
Status; Read
Read: 3/8/2018 4 ·3648 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvarlmob1lelllbrarylSMSlsms.db : OxBCB43F (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:36:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
have no idea what the whole story is
Status: Read
Reed: 3/8/2018 4 36.48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubraryl SMSl sms.db OxBCCFD2 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/912018 10:24:58 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Just FYI· Sentinels. Black Agenda, NAACP the Chief himself all lining up 1n strong support of Harry.
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 10.47 02 AM(UTC-5J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/UbrarylSMSisms.db : OxBDA66D (Table· message. handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/1712018 8:23:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
6 years ago today•

IMG 1966.Jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 8 38 28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1braryl SMSlsms.db OxC7E5F9 (Table message, handle chat. attachment. Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonel varlmob11e1Ubrary1SMS/Allachments/96/06/8C97D5F2-42A6-4BE2-9DA7-88051A 1EA6CBllMG_1966.Jpeg . (Size 259636 bytes)
311712018 8:39:24 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "6 years ago today'"
Status; Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1lefllbrarytSMSlsms db OxC7FF5A (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/17/2018 9:12:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
None of us have aged a wink. blessedly'
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2 01 8 9 12.22 AM(UTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC7F8B3 (Table message handle cl1at Size 50020352 bytes)
6/2512018 8:24:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8'24 .21 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobilelUbrary/SMS/sms db · Ox1484546 (Table messag e, handle chat. allachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Allachments/9a/1O/OA4F29A6-C6E1-4C98-8333-86090567377E/F ullS1zeRender.jpeg (Size 808045 bytes)
6/2512018 8:24:33 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection :Outgoing, +15138460186
Status. Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1484304 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

8/2512018 8:24:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Too funny
Status· Read
Read· 61751?018 6 24·52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file. Gregory landsman' s iPhone/var/rnobtle/lobrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox14BSFD2 (Table message. handle, chat Soze· 50020352 bytes)
612512018 8:30.51 PM(UTC-4)DlrecttonJncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
this posted on Amy's facebook

361/6216 20111 63662235982 6~6 1 ~718920886435

Status: Read
Read: 612512018 8 30 56 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mob•felL1brarylSMS/sms.db. Ox14BSE08 (Table message. handle, chat. attachment. Size 50020352 bytes}
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/S MS/Attachments/46106/BBE 471 B 1-83DA-44 59-A4 04-
C07BA3375602136176276_ 2011163662235982_6561577892088643584_ n tP9 Jpeg (Size 93'142 bytes)
6125/2018 8·31:32 PM(UTC-4)Direetion:lncomlng, + 15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I drdn t make the cut!
Slatus: Read
Read 612512018 8.31.30 PM(UTC-4)
Source tile: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/varlmobolelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1485AAA (Table. message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
B/2512018 8:31 :39 PM(UTC-'l)Direction:lncomlng, +1 5133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Photogenic of you though
SIAlus: Read
Road: G/25/20 ta 9:31 :37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobilelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox1405BC2 (Table message , handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
8/2512016 8:31 :41 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgolng, +15138460166
Me either. I'm pissed.
Status Sent
Souroe tile Gregory Landsman s iPhonefvar/moblle/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox14856DC (Table message. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
6125/2018 8 "31:50 PM(UTC-4)Dlr6Cllon:Ou1g0lng, +15136460186
Liked "Photogenic of you though
Status Scnl
Source f~e: Gregory landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/ sms.db. Ox14B5475 (Table message , chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6125/2016 8:32:01 PM(UTC-'l)Dlrection·Outgolng, +15136460166
When did John have a beard?
Slt!tua: Soni
Source lila: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1485278 (Table. message, chat. Size· 5002035:> bytes)
6125/2018 8:32:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seflbach) was a period. I'm gonna guess 2014
Status: Read
Read: 6/2512018 8·32.14 PM(UTC-4)
Source fde: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonc/varlmobole/L1brary/ SMSlsms.db • Ox1406F02 (Table message handle chat. Size; 50020352 bytes)
8/2512018 8 :32'23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgomg, +15138480186
Who's the old dude in the back?
Status Sent
Source Ille: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/varlmobote/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox1486088 (Table. message. cha! Size. 50020352 bytes)
612512018 8:33:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, + 15133464329 (Chris Sellbach)
they didn't have time to photoshop you all on that guy
Slalu&: Read
Read: G/25/2018 8:33:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonc/var/mob1lellibra1y/SMSlsrns.db Ox14B6B90 (Table· message . handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/2512018 8:33'02 PM(UTC-'l)Diraction:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
John Bolton again
Stews: Reao
Rood: 612~120 1 8 8 33 39 PAHVTC·4J
Source file Gregoiy Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1fel L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox14 86932 (Table message, handle cha~ Size 50020352 bytes)
8125/2018 8.33.38 PM(UTC-4)Difection:lnoomng, +15133484329 (Chris Seltba<:h)
my hair does look good

Status· R•ed
Read: G/2512018 8:33 39 PM(UTC-41
Sourt:e file: Gregory l andsman·s 1Phonefvar/mob1le/l1brary/$M$/sms.db · Ox14B6756 (Tabte· message handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
8/2512018 8:33:57 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15138460186
I'm even more jealous now.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1telltbrary/SMSl sms.db. Ox14BG540 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 byles)
612512018 8:34:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
and of course the •taxpayer" is an old white dude
Status Redd
Read· W!>r:?Ot8 8 4 1 ~1 PMtUTC-41
Source file. Greg0<y Landsman s 1Phonefvarlmobote/L•brary/Sl.IS/sms db Ox 1486352 t lable message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)

6125/2018 8 :34:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Laughed at 'Tm even more jealous now."
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:41 .01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox14B7F34 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:34:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
I do love that Denise is in a suit.. .. and everyone else is ... but I'm sporting my casual look.
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8.41 .01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox14B7021 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes}
6/25/2018 8:35:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
The t shirt has officially become your signature
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 841 :01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . Ox14B7A74 (Table . message, handle , chat, Size. 50020352 bytes}
6/25/2018 8:35:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Setlbach)
If only I could wear shorts and flip flops everyday!
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:41 Ot PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox14B785A (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:36:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Loving With (dress code) Change
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:4101 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox14B7604 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size : 50020352 bytes)
6125/2018 8:36:45 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:41 ·0t PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's i Phonelvarlmobilellibrary/ SMS/sms.db : Ox14B740C (Table· message handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
612512018 8:38:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Amy's post btw, says the raises voted on "outside the collective bargaining process" is what led to th is deficit. SHE VOTED FOR THE
RAISES for the police and fire officer, which were 90% of the raises.
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:41:01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox14B8FD2 (Table· message. handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
6125/2018 8:40:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Will Check out her posts
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:41 ·01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox14BBC41 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes}
6/2512018 8:45:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
btw PG. greg and I have binge watched "The Staircase" in the last week. You need to catch up. It's amazing. and similar to "making a
murderer" if you saw that docuseries
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:46•53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox14B8A59 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes}
6/2512018 8:46:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Fiction or documentary? Will check it out
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:46.53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/ sms.db . Ox14B8370 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:46:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Status: Read
Read: 6/25120 t B 8:46.53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1bra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox14B9FD2 (Table: message handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
612512018 8:46:37 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
13 episodes. real story. documentary
Status: Read
Read: 6/2 5/2018 846 53 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox14B9DDO (Table: message, handle chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
6125/2016 8:47:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
It's so good.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db: Ox14B95EA (Table. message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/25/2018 6:47:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Cool. Would Sarah Sittenfeld enjoy too you think?
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8 47'40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox14B9416 (Table. message. handle chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
612512018 8:47:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
I think so. It's really good.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox14B9200 (Table. message , chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

612512018 8:48:1 9 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenteld)

Status: Read
Read : 6/25/2018 8:48:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox14BAFD2 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/2512018 8:48:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I meant
Status: Read
Read: 6/2512018 8:48:25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox14BAE12 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/2512018 8:48:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenteld)

Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:48:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox14BAC4A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:49:05 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Yea. She def would. hard not to binge watch though !
Status: Read
Read: 6125/2018 8:49:09 PM(UTC- 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's iPhoneivar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox14BAA82 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
8/812018 7:58:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenteld)
Going to send my reply to Law around 930 and will forward to you
Status: Read
Read: 8/8/2018 9:10:59 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1884FD2 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
619/2018 11:35:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Do we know if there are any plans whatsoever to find a permanent manager?
Status : Read
Read: 8/912018 11 :35:01 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox18A637C (Table: message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/9/2018 11 :35:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Mayor is interviewing a firm that PG suggested today , I understand.
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox18A7FD6 (Table: message . chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/912018 1:02:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Can you all meet after PG's committee today?
Status: Read
Read: 1019/2018 1 02:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 F1 F857 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/912018 1:02:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Liked "Ca n you all meet after PG's committee today?"
Status: Sent
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSl sms.db : Ox1 F20F 14 (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/912018 1:04:1 2 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Liked "Can you all meet after PG's committee today?"
Status: Read
Read: 10/9/2018 1:04:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox1F20739 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/16/201811 :27:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
FYI. Berding and Cranley have put a full on attack/campa ign on Pastor tonight. I don't know where his vote lies as this point. I think he might
be a "no" on overriding the veto. And throwing everything back into chaos .
Status: Read
Read: 10/ 17/2018 7:32:24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox2010FD2 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)

Chats (1)
'1-. • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: + 15133652404 ( 1)
Participants: Start Time: 113012017 12 36:32 PM (UTC-5)
+ 15133652404 Last Activity: 10/1612018 11 :27:19 PM(UTC-4)
Number of attachments: 3
PG. ' (owner)
Source: 1Message. +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxB9C62EO
(Table: chat. hanelle. Size 220762112 bytes)
Body file: chat-1. txl
+15 136460 186
Greg Landsman'

Chns Seelbach'
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonei var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox71A3C1 4 (Table: message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/S/2016 2:47:19 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I am not. but willing to participate or have Jon organize
Status: Read
Deliverad: 3/51201 8 2:48:20 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/512018 2:48:20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s IPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox71A 3A07 (Table. message, handle. chat, S ize: 22076211 2 bytes)
31512016 2:48:23 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Greg, let us know
Srotus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/m obilellibrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox7 1A37AF (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
3/5/2016 2:46:43 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
try for this afternoon? like 8am tomorrow
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/Vartmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db ' Ox71A4FD6 (Table· message. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/5/2018 2:49:15 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I cou ld do 9am tomorrow, but have a 7·30am meeting _Likely could do 8:30ish.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox71A5FD6 (Table· message handle chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
315/2018 2:56:45 PM(UTC-S)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Not me. But happy to participate.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 2:56:53 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 315/2018 2·56·53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's iPhonetvar/mob1le/Libraryt SM S/ sms.d b • Ox71 A531 1 (Table message. handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)

317/2018 10:43:44 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm told a photo is coming out today that shows the Police Chief is having an affair with the District 5 Captain, Brigit Bordoue (sp?). Who
knows if that's true.
Status: Read
Read: 3nl2018 10 45 39 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7226A5B (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
317/201810:46:21 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
DeUvered: 3ni2018 10 47 07 AM(UTC-5)
Read. 3nl2018 10 47 07 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox722841A (Table message. handle, chat. Stze. 220762112 bytes)
317/2018 10:46:31 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3ni2018 10 47 07 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 3ni2018 10 47 :07 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox722824E (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
318/2016 3:26:30 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
FYI. I just called Dave Bailey about a dog issue. As I was expelling the issue, he stopped me. Started crying. And told me his attorney called
him in an hour ago, told him he had to retire or be fired by Harry later today. Said Harry suspects he is the one who is doing everything. And
so he agreed to resign. He's spent his entire career in the police dept. And he is not the leak. This is not the way he deserves to go.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/8/2018 3 26.38 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/812018 3 26 38 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s tPhonelvar/mobtie/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7277FC6 (Table. message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
318/2018 4:02:05 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Wow. This can't end well for Harry. And we (council) have to do something. Not clear to me what that is yet... .
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/8/2018 4 07 02 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/8/2018 4 07 02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox727BOEB (Table message handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
318/2018 4:34:45 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's super super disappointing. Bailey is a good guy. Has spent his career working for this city. And HE IS NOT THE LEAKER! He just tried to
make sure the Chief knew about wasteful spending.
Status: Read
Delivered: 316/2018 4 35 20 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 318/2018 4.35·20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7270674 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:36:26 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I've always enjoyed my interactions with him and the way he did his work.
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox727EFD6 (Table· message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:36:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
have no idea what the whole story is
Status. Sent
Source file: PG 's tPhone/var/mobtle/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox727ED58 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
319/2018 10:24:59 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just FYI. Sentinels, Black Agenda , NAACP. the Chief himself all lining up in strong support of Harry.
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox72A5B82 (Table message chat Stze 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 8:23:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
6 years ago todayt

IMG 19661peg
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 8 24 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74CAF02 (Table. message, handle, chat. attachment . Stze 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/ca/10/245BDD7E-2804-4A44-9001 -C6C083CEEC83/IMG_1966.jpeg (Size 259636 bytes)
3117/2018 8:39:24 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "6 years ago today!"
Status. Read
Read 3/17/2018 8 39 52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvarimob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74CBBOD (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/17/2018 9:12:15AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
None of us have aged a wink blessedly 1
Status· Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox74CB515 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)

812512018 8:24:19 PM(UTC-4)01redion:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)


Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varlmobilelllbrary/SM S/sms.ob : Oxl!433F D6 (Table: message chat. attachment. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SM S/Attachments/51/01/A4ACA2CB·7C08-427F-83t 8-A4A67FCSBC23/Full$izeRender.jpg : (Size· 1043313 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:24:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Reed: 6/25/2018 8:24:33 PM(UTC-4)
source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobilell1brary/SM S/sms.db: Ox84330CB (Table· message handle chat S12e 220762112 bytes)
8/2512018 8:24:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Too funny
Status. Rell<!
Read 6J2Sl2018 8:24·52 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobclelllbrary1SM S/sms db . Ox8433C 11 (Table message handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
812512018 8:30:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
this posted on Amy's facebook

38176276 20111 63662235982 65615778920886435

8'L!!J.~ ---
Status: Read
Read 612512018 8:3 t ·04 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/\larlmobllelL1brarylSM Slsms.db. Ox843360B (Table message, handle chat attachment SiZe · 220762112 bytes)
P G.·s 1Phone/\lar/moblle ll.1brary/SMSIAttachmentSl43103/050F6793-89BA-44BE·B60S.-
504 10AE474F9/36176276_201116366223S982_6S61577892066643584_n.Jpg.Jpeg (Size 93442 bytes)
6/2512018 8:31 :32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I didn't make the cut!
Slalut · Sent
source file: P G.'s 1PhOneJvar1mobilelL1brary1SM S/sms.db : Ox84332BS (Table message. chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
6/2512018 8:31 :39 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Photogenic of you though
Status. Srnl
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox8434F06 (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
812512018 8:31 :41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Lendsman)
Me either. I'm pissed.
Status Read
Read· G/2512018 8.32.51 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Varhnob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox84340F1 (Table message handle chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
612512018 8:31 :50 PM(UT C-4) Direction:lncoming, +15138480188 (Greg Landsman)
Uked Photogenic of you though •
SLDM: Read
Read: 612512018 8.32.51 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/ va rimob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox84 34B88 (Table· message handle. c hat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
612512018 8:32:01 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
When did John have a beard?
Status: Read
Read. 6/2512018 8:32 51 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/\lar/mob1le/Ubrary/SM S/sms db Ox8434989 (T able message, handle , chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes}
6/2512018 8:32:1 6 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ohhhh ... .it was a period . I'm gonna guess 201 4
Reed 6,2512018 832 51 PM(UTC 4J
Source file: PG 's 1Phooe/\lar/mob lell1t:>n1ry/SMS/sms.db. Ox8434790 (Table message, handle chat Size: 220762112 b(tes)
6/2512018 6:32:23 PM(UTC-4)Direc1ion:lncomlng, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Who's the old dude in the back?
Stlllus Read
Read: 612512018 8:32 !>1 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary1SMS/sms.db Ox8434553 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 by tes)
6125/2018 8:33:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
they didn't have time to photoshop you all on th at guy
Status. Reed
Reed. 612$12018 8.33 02 PM(UTC-41
Source file: PG 's iPhonelvar/mob1lelllbrary1SMS/sms db Ox8435FD2 (Table message handle. chat Size: 220762112 byies)
6125120 18 833:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
John Bolton again
Status S~nt

Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/\lar/mob1lelt. brary/SMSlsms db Ox8':34361 (Table fTlCSsage, chat. Size. 22076211 2 bytes)

6/2512018 8:33:36 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lnc:oming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
my hair does look good
Status: Read
Read: 6125/2018 8 34·40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8435078 (Table message. handle chat. Size : 2207621 12 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:33:56 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnc:oming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman}
I'm even more jealous now.
Status: Read
Read: 612512018 8.34.40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1lel library/SMS/sms.db Ox8435862 (Table . message, handle, chat, Size 220 762112 bytes)
8/25/2018 8:34:20 PM(UTC-4}01rection:lnc:oming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach}
and of course the "taxpayer" is an old white dude
Status: Read
Read: 6125/2018 8.34.40 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: P.G .'s 1Phonel var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8435976 (Table message, handle chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
6/2512018 8:34:49 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
La ughed at "I'm even more jealous now."
Status: Sen!
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonetvarlmob1lelllbrarylSMSlsms.db Ox843568 8 (Table: message, chat. Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
6/2512018 8:34:56 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnc:oming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach}
I do love that Denise is in a suit.... and everyone else 1s ... but I'm sporting my casual look.
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8.35 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox843547A (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/2512018 8:35:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
The t shirt has officially become your signature
Status: Sen!
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox8436F06 (Table· message. chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
6/2512018 8:35:45 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
If only I could wear shorts and flip flops everyday!
Status: Read
Read: 6/2512018 8.36 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox84360C1 (Table message handle chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:38:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Loving With (dress code) Change
Status: Sen!
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox84368 73 (Table. message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/25/2018 8;36:45 PM(UTC-4)0Jrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
· u ving
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8436984 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
8/2512018 8:38:47 PM(UTC-4} 0 irection:lnc:oming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach}
Amy's post btw. says the raises voted on "outside the collective bargaining process" is what led to this deficit. SHE VOTED FOR TH E
RAISES for the police and fire officer, which were 90% of the raises.
Status: Read
Read: 612512018 8•38 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox84367C1 (Table · message, handle. chat, Size : 2207621 12 bytes)
6/2512018 8:40:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Will Check out her posts
Status: Sent
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8436209 (Table message chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:45:58 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:lnc:oming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach}
btw PG. greg and I have binge watched "The Staircase" in the last week. You need to catch up It's amazing. and s1m1lar to "making a
murderer" if you saw that docuseries
Status: Read
Read: 6/2512018 8 46·06 PMiUTC-4)
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db · Ox8437A05 (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/25/2018 8 :46:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .}
Fiction or documentary? Will check 11 out
Status. Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Varlmob1le/L1brary/ SMS/ sms.db Ox8437684 (Table. message chat. Size 220762112 by1es)
8125/2018 8:46:28 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 6125/2018 8 47·19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox84374AO (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 by1es)
6/2512018 8:46:37 PM(UTC-4}0irection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
13 episodes. real story. documentary
Status. Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8 47 19 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: P.G 's 1Phonelvar/mobtlelllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox84372AF (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:47:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Jncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
It's so good.
Status: Read
Read: 6125/2018 8.47 19 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvarl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8438FD2 (Table message. handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
612512018 8:47:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Cool. Would Sarah Sittenfeld enjoy too you think?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6436E04 (Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
612512018 8:47:53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
I think so. It's really good.
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 8:48:15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6438BEF (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
6/2512018 8:48:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6436A01 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6125/2018 8:46:26 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I meant
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox643864A (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
6/25/2018 8:48:29 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms db Ox643666B (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
612512018 8:49:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. She def would . hard not to binge watch thoug h!
Status: Read
Reed: 6125/2018 8:49.23 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox84382CE (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/8/2018 7:58:21 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Going to send my reply to Law around 930 and will forward to you
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8A51FD6 (Table: message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
619/2018 11:35:00 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do we know if there are any plans whatsoever to find a permanent manager?
Status: Read
Read: 1019/2018 1:04.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8AA0028 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/9/2018 11:35:33 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Mayor is interviewing a firm that PG suggested today, I understand.
Status: Read
Read: 1019/2018 1 04.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8AAOAAB (Table: message, handle, chat. Size· 22076211 2 bytes)
1019/2018 1:02:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can you all meet after PG's committee today?
Status: Read
Read: 10/9/2018 1:04.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox936FFD2 (Table: message handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/9/2018 1:02:22 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Can you all meet after PG's committee today?"
Status: Read
Read: 1019/2018 1:04.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox936F9CC (Table: message, handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
10/912018 1:04:12 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Liked "Can you all meet after PG's committee today?"
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox9371 F14 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/16/2018 11 :27:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
FYI. Berd ing and Cranley have put a full on attack/campaign on Pastor tonig ht. I don't know where his vote lies as this point. I think he might
be a "no" on overriding the veto. And throwing everything back into chaos.
Status: Read
Reed: 10117/2018 5.38.20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox9408F02 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)

Chats (1)
! • These details are cross-reference<! from this device's conlacts

1Message: +15133484329 (1)

Partiapants. Slal1 Trne: 312612018 2 •P 31 PM(UTC-4)

+15133484329 LastActrvity 3126'2018 3 36·19 PM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbach' (owner) Numberofattachments:O
Source: 1Message: + 15133484329
Source file· Chris Seelbacli's
1Phonetvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db 0~11C5DF96
(Table· chat handle. Size: 342745088 bytes)
+15134856759 Body file. chat-1. txt
Wender! Young'

Pg S1ttenreld •

Greg Landsman'

3/2612018 2:41 :31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Confirming 330pm today in Wendell's office
Status: Read
Dehvered: 3126120182.4 1 33 PM(UTC-~J
Reed 312612018 2 41'33 PM1UTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1!'hone!varlmobtlelL1brarylSMS/sms.db OxC3E8FC7 (Table message handle crat S•ze 342745088 bytes)
312612018 2:41.38 PM(UTC-4)Dtrection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
see you there!
Statua· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrarylSMSlsms.db · OxC3E88B6 (1 able message, cha\ Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/2612018 2:42:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I'm here. See you at 3 30PM.
Status· Read
Oelivemd: 3•26/2018 2 48 01 PM<UlC·41
Read· 3126.'2018 2 48.01 PMtUTC-'IJ
Source file: Chr s Seelbach s 1Phoner1ar1mob•lel\.1D<ary1SMSISIT's.Clb OxC3E86A6 (Table message, handle. cna1, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3126/2018 3;32 01 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg and I are here. But no pg or Wendell
St.arus. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM S/sms.db: OxC3EB698 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
312612018 3:36:10 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +1513~84329 (Chris Seelbach)
St.Ills: Senl
Source file: Cllns Seelbacti s 1Phoneivar1mob1le1ublary1SMS1sms do OxC3EB498 (Table message chet Size 342745088 b)-1es}
3126/2018 3:36:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Where are you all PG and Wendell?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db : OxC3EB2E4 (Tobie message chat Soze_3_4_2_7_4_50_8_8_b_,~'-·le_s-'-)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
Chats (1)
! • The&e detalls are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage. +15136460 186 (1)

# Deleted

Participants: Start Time: 3126/201 8 2 41 31 PM(UTC-4)

T15136460186 Last Activity· 3/2612018 3 36.19 PM(UTC-4)
Number of atlachments o
Source: 1Message. +15136460186
Source file. Gregory Landsman's
1Phone/var/mob1leilibrary/SMSlsms.db Ox288A44F
(Table chat. handle, Size 50020352 bytes)
Body file: cnat-1.txt
WendeH YoJng"

Chns Sellbach"

+ 15133652404
P G S1ttenfeld'

312612018 2:41:31 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittent'efd)

Confirming 330pm today in Wendell s office
Slatus Read
Read 3'26·2018 3·01 56 PM!UTC·4J
Source file: Gregory Land~man s 1Phonelvarlmob;lelllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox060F02 (Table message, handle, chat. Soze. 50020352 bytes)
3/2612018 2:41:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbacll)
see you there'
Status Read
Read ~'2&'20t8 3 07 56 PMIUTC·4)
Source file Gregory Landsman s 1PhonelvarlmooJelL1orarylSMSlsms db Gx08088C (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
312612018 2:42:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendall Young)
I'm here. See you at 3·30PM.
Slatus Read
Read: '11?612018 3 07 56 PM0UTC..J!1
Source file· Gregory Landsman s iPhonelvar/mob1le!LbrarylSMSJ~msdb OxD80685 (Taole message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
312812018 3:32:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncom1ng, +15133484329 (Chris Sallbach)
Greg and I are here But no pg or Wendell
Sll!tus: Rud
Read; 3.26'201E 3:36 22 Pl ·.. ult.-'!
Source fde: Gregory Landsman's iPnone/\i..r/mobde.'L1brarylSMS.'sms.db Ox082E:15 (Table message llaridle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3126/2018 3:36:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Setlbach)
Ststus Read
Read 3126.Z018 3 36·22 PMtUTC-41
Source file Gregory Lanosmans PhoneNat1ll"ob;1e1L1b•an/'SMS1sms.db OxD82218 (laole message. ~an~le cha: Size 50020352 bytes)
3/26/2018 3:36:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomrng, +15133484329 (Chris Sellbach)
Where are you all PG and Wendell?
Status: Read
Reed: 3176'2018 3 36 n l'M1UTC 4)
Source file Grego-y La~osman s iPnone/va·1mobde-L1b<a)l.SMS,sms do Ox063FD2 (Table message handle Chai Size 50020352 bytes)
Chats (1 )
1 • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

1Me ssage· +15133652404 (1)

Partiapants: Start Time: 312612018 2 41 3 1 PM(UTC-4)

+15133652404 Last Activity: 312612018 3.3619 PM (UTC-4)
P.G • (owner) Number of attachments: O
Source: iMessage. +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
1Phone/ var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxBA 1A66E
(Table chat. handle. Size: 220762112 by tes)
Body file: chat- 1.bct
• 15134856759
Wendell Young•

• 15133484329
Chns Seelbach'

+ 15136460186
Greg Landsman•

312612018 2:41 :31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Conf1rrrung 330pm today in W endell's office
Slalus Senl
Source file. P.G s 1Phone.'var/mobile.1.1brary1SMS/sms db Ox76B9A2B (1 able message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
312612018 2:41 .36 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
see you the re '
Status. Read
Read: 312612018 2 41:36 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/\lar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox768 8300 (Table message. handle chal Size 220762112 bytes)
512612018 2:42:16 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:lnoomlng, + 15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I'm here. See you at 3:30PM.
Status: Read
Reod: )12Gl2018 2 42 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phorielvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox76BCA 04 (Table message handle chat Size 22076211? bytes)
3/2612018 3:32:01 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg and I are here. But no pg or Wendell
Stows· Reed
Read 3'26•2018 ~ 53 43 P1''.!UTC-4
Source file.P G 's 1PhoneNarlmob ie'L1orary/SMSlsms db Ox76C0550 (Table message. hanole chal Size 2207621 12 b(les)
312612018 3.36:10 PM(UTC-4JO!rectlon:lncomlng, +1 5 133o484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Starus: Read
Rud. 312612018 4.53 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source Ille: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox76C1 6CC (Table message handle chal Size 220762112 bytes)
312612018 3:36:19 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Where are you all PG and W endell?
Status; Read
Read 2'26.l018 4 53 43 PM(.JTC 41
Source life PG s 1Ph0ne!varimob le;L braiylSMS!sms.db Ox76C1512 (Table message. handle, cha1 Size 220762112 byles)
Chats (1)
• • These details are cross-referenced from this dev1oe·s contacts

iMessage: +15136460186 (1 )

# Deleted

Participants: Start Tune: 121412017 5:52'45 PM(UTC-5)

+15136460186 Last Activity: 1 1/26/2018 8 49' 15 AM(UTC-5)
Number of attachments. 3 1
Source: iMessage· +15136460186
Source file: Gregory Landsman's
iPhone/varlmob1lelUbrary/ SMS/ sms.db Ox2B2D1 E2
(Table chat handle, Size: 50020352 bytes)
+15133652404 Body file: chat-1 .txt
P.G. Sittenfeld'
1 112 B 2:39:27 PM(UTC-5)Dfrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Hey man. Can you send me the most updated version of committees and do you know what's the agenda tomorrow?
Status: Sent
Oellwred: 1/ 112018 2 39:30 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Lanasman·s iPhonelvar/mobile/libraryiSMS/sms db Ox5EDF E4 (Table message, chal, Size: 50020352 bytes)
111/2018 2:41 :08 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming. +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
just sent to you most recent thing john had sent to me
Status: Read
Read: 1/1/2018 2 42 15 PM[UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox5EDA63 (Table: message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/112018 2:41 :45 PM(UTC·5)Direclion:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttent'eld}
I don't know exactly for agenda. Presumably swearing-ins; comm ittees, and may temporary adoption of existing rules would be my guess
Status: Read
Read: 1/1i2018 2 42.1 5 PM[UT(: 5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s IPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox5ED822 (Table. message handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/112018 2:44:09 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
You took SORTA and recreation. Also, not the name of the committee I sent you. But whatever. See you tomorrow.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 111/2018 2:44:12 PM!UTC·S)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox5EEFE4 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/1/2016 2:44:41 PM(UTC..S)Olrection:lncoming. +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Greg, what 1s from John not me.
Slatus: Read
Read: 111/2018 2.44 :52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gr~ory La~dsman·s iPhonQ/v>r/mobil~/Library/SMSfomo,db Ox5EEA61 (Table me<>oage. handle chat. Size 50020352 byt0$)
1/1/2018 2:44:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Feel free to call me, or call him, or we can all hop on the phone.
Status: Read
Read· 11112018 2 45:25 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: GTegory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobllellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox5EE84E (Table· message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
11112018 2:58:44 PM(UTC·5)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15138460186
Just change the committee name to Children and Families and Major Projects. You can keep recreation or put it in Tamaya's. I'd prefer

Slatus: Sen1
Oenvered: i/112018 2 58:47 PMtVTC-5>
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/librarylSMSlsms.db . OxSEESEE (Table: message . chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/2/2018 9:07:32 PM(UTC·5)01rectton:Outgolng, +15136460186
Thanks for your work on the committees Look forward to working together. brother.
Status· Sent
Delivered: 11212018 9:07 33 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Grego;y landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1iell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox612720 (Table message. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
112/2018 9:09:37 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
The committees. like everything else, will be a push-pull-tug-negotiation, where no on e quite gets what they want. but hopefully everyone
can live with it. The key is reasonable, positive people like yourself. Congrats on tak ing office toda y· ifs a big deal. and you'll continue to do
big things.
Status: Read
Read: 11212018 9:09 55 PMIUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/varlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox613FE8 (Tabte. message , handle, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
112/2016 9:10:40 PM(UTC-5)0irec:tion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Thanks. man. It'll be a steep learning curve for me. Thanks for bearing with me. Appreciate you.
Status: Sen1
Delivered: 11212018 9·10.40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Land sman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox614FE4 (Table message ohat, Size 50020352 by1es)
1/212016 9:11 ·14 PM(UTC-S)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
disagree. you're Day 1 ready.
Siatus: Read
Read· 11217018 9 11 38 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregoty Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox61 4D7E (Table message handle chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)

1/212018 9:12:11 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
this goes for all of us, I just think a lot of how stuff nets out is the result of 10 fa irly strong-willed people deciding on things where perfection is
elusive and the time-table is relatively short.
Status: Read
Read: 1/2/2018 9.13:20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox615FE8 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
1/212018 9:12:18 PM(UTC-5)01rectlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
but let's make sure it's also fun'
Stntus: Read
Read: 112/2018 9. 13.20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox615C7C (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/212018 9:13:37 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136480186
For sure. I'm in :).
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/2/2018 9:13.37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox615451 (Table message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/2/2018 9:13:58 PM(UTC-5)0irection:l ncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Read: 1/2/2018 9:14:04 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox615284 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/2/2018 9 :14:42 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
frustratingly I probably also went from having the lowest body fat on council to probably now being #3.
Status: Read
Read: 1/212018 9:15•34 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6168B5 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/212018 9:16:02 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Loi. We'll keep each other honest, and very fit !
Status: Sent
Delivered: 112/2018 9:16:02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox617E2B (Table message. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/8/201812:14:08 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15136460188
Hit me up when you have a minute.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 118/201812.14.09 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox696471 (Table. message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/8/2018 2:11 :52 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Preschool Challenge?
Status: Read
Read: 1/8/20182.11:55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox69E4C7 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/ 8/2018 2 :11 :55 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Freudian slip...
Status: Read
Read: 1/8/2018 2.11.56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox69E2CA (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/8/2018 2: 11 :57 PM(UTC·5)0ir&ction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/8/20182.11 ·57 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox69FFE4 (Table message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/1 512018 2:07:40 PM(UTC- 5)01rection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Fun being together on Saturday night. Tomorrow at 1030am, Wendell, Tamaya, and I· plus various leaders from the African-American
community - are going to announce the disparity motion. Would love if you want and are able to be there, and to say a word. Let me know.
Status: Read
Reed: 1115120182. 12.04 PM(UTC- 5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox720FE8 (Table: message. handle, chat , Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/15/2018 2 :10:11 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
will be at City Hall
Status: Read
Read: 1/ 1512018 2.1204 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox720232 (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/1 512018 2 :32:00 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15136460188
Sounds good. Can you send me the motion? See you tomorrow!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/15/2018 2.32.00 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox721FE4 (Table· message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:32:37 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Awesome' Yep, will send - it's the one you signed earlier this week.
Status: Read
Reed: 1/15/2018 233 46 PM(UTC ~)

Source file: Gregory Landsman"s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox721AC9 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:33:57 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing , +15136460188
Loi. Gotcha )
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1115/2018 2.33.57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/rnobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox721863 (Table: message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

1/1812018 10:21:46 AM(UTC..S)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
No rush but give me a call when you can. Want to give you a heads up on something, and ask about today's meeting. Thanks , brother.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/18/2018 10•21"48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox75FDB6 (Table: message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/18/2018 2:17:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
On more th ing when you have a chance. Just a thought on ATU .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/18/2018 2 17:43 PM(UTC-5)
Source fife: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox76C99D (Table· message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/1912018 9:55:26 AM{UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
nice job in interview this morning
Status: Read
Read: 1/ 19/2018 10:05:39 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox780FE8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/19/2018 9 :55:36 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
righ t on tone and right on message
Status: Read
Read: 1119/2018 10:05·39 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db : Ox780AB3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/1 9/2018 9:56:23 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I mean it, I genuinely believe you, perhaps more than anyone else, can play such a productive role in righting the ship
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 10.05.39 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox780898 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/19/2018 10:07:44 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Thank you, man. Means a ton. I certainly hope so. What a mess tho. But nothing insurmountable it doesn't seem. On we go.

How's your Dad?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/19/2018 10"07:44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox781 FE4 (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/1912018 10:11:33 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
didn't take your call cause at hospital w/ him now
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 10:14.13 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox781024 (Table: message, handle . chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/19/2018 10:11:39 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
things looking more stable, which is good
Status: Read
Read: 1/19/2018 10·14:13 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox781AE7 (Table: message , handle, chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
1/1 912018 10:14:21 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Loved "things looking more stable, which is good "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1119/201810.14.22 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox781826 (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/20/2016 9:50 :22 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
this is also good to read or reread if haven't already ; just for additional context:
https :l/www. bizjou rna Is. com/cinci nnati/news/2016/12/30/s treetca r-trigge rs-millions-in-development-a long. him I
Status: Read
Read: 1/2012018 9.50 46 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox79B9AC (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/23/2018 12:38:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Simplest way I understand is that the money would sit in a special revenue account for the Parks , but at the city, and the city cannot spend
the money without written consent by the Parks Board.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1123/2018 12·38:58 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox7E1 E2F (Table message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
1125/2018 11 :48:26 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Will call back shortly. At gym.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1125/2018 11 ·46.28 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox81803E (Table· message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
1/25/2018 11:46:49 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
In mtg at noon
Status: Read
Read: 1/25/201811A658AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox818B5F (Table message. handle chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
1/29/2018 8:11 :27 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
What's the agenda for the meeting at 1? What do you hope to cover and what do you hope to achieve?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/2912018 8 43.55 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox86ACBF (Table message. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)

1/2912018 8:47:21 AM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
My own agenda is to see and speak to the Rosenbergs for the first time since court ruling.

Sllllut: Read
Read. 112912018 8 55.55 AM(UTC-51
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonc/\far/mobile/l1brary/SM Sl sms.db • Ox86AASS (Table message handle chaI Size 50020352 bytes)
2/512018 4:38.11 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lnc:omlng, + 15133652404 (P.G. Sitlenfeld)


#47 #48 #49

IMG 4697 png IMG 4687 png IMG 4688.png

Status: Read
Read: 2/S/2018 4:38:52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/\/arlmob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db · Ox902DBD (Table· message handle. chat. attachment. Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/vartmob1le/L1brary/SMS/At1achments/20100/98DFOB70-AECA-4469-AD75-B29AB3585979/IMG_4697 png (Size: 1093769 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s iPhone/\/artmobile/Library/SMS/AUachments/ce/14/A50C3905-6726-4A9A-llA92·4C136AA48278/IMG_ 4687 png. (Size 773492 bytes)
Grc9()()1Landsmans 1Phone1Var/mobde/l1brary/S'JIS/At1achments196/06IB017EB70-E172-4008-ASFD-D420 336F3080nMG_4688.png. (Size 1238468 bytes)
215/2018 4 :39:00 PM(UTC-5)0irection:ll'lCOming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


IMG 4689 .png
Slatus: Read
Read: 2/5/20 18 4 .39:02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/11ar/mob1lelL1brarylSMSlsms.db : Ox902AFE (Table· message. handle, chat. attachment. Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mobtleJL1brarylSMS/Allachmenls/33103/D78756E8-6054-46FB·BDE5·1A03FB511729/IMG_4689 png (Size: 2465792 bytes)
2/512018 4 :43:45 PM(UTC-5)Direciion:Outgolng, +15136460188
So what's the b est argument that he's not qualified? That he 's attacked this council, unions, and black leaders? Too controversial to be
qualified. Something like that. Just w ant a solid argument when I get th e call .. . .
Status: Sent
Oelvered. 2'512018 4.43:45 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/\/ar/rnobtle/L1brarylSMS1sms.db Ox9028CD (Table message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
2/5/2018 4 :58:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Driving now. Let me ring you la ter

Stotus. Read
Read: 21~12018 4.58 25 PM(UTC·S)
Source Ille: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox902565 (Table. m essage. handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
21512018 4 :59:49 PM(UTC-5) 0irection:Outgolng, + 15 136480186
I th ink I have it. Was m o re thinking a lo ud. I had told Joh n not to do this . Super annoying.
Sllltus: Senl
Dellwred: 21512018 4 59 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source fie: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/Varlmob<lelL•brary/SMSl~.db Ox90237C (Table message, chal S ize· 50020352 bytes)
2/5/2018 5:02:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +151 33852404 (P.G. Sitlenfeld)
In Breakthrough m eeting for 30 mm then can call

Str.tus: Reod
Read 2/512018 5 02 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/ SMS/ sms.db : Ox903FE8 {Table message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
21512018 5:02:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Agree w your assessment. So unnecessary
Sllllus· Read
Reed: 2/~120 18 5.02:32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Pllone/var/mob1le/L1b1arylSM Slsms.db · Ox903DE7 (Table message. handle, chat Size 500:>0352 bytes)
215120 18 5:02:51 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgolng, +15136460186
liked "Agree w your assessment So unnecessary "

SlatU$. Se11t
Octivered ?1!>12018 5 02 "1 PM(UTC-5)
Source file Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/moblle/l1brarylSMS1sms.dl:>. Ox903B62 (Table message. chat Srze: 50020352 bytes)
2/1412018 2:25:11 PM(Ulc-5)0irecton:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
nailed the lone , and the comments w ere very thoug htful. d o n't take any more b;:ut

Sllltus: Read
RHd 211412018 2 32 28 PMtUTC·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox99AFE8 (Table message handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
2/1 412018 2:32:33 PM(UTC·5)Direction:Outgoing, + 15136450186
liked "naile d the tone. and the com ments were very thoughtful. don' t t ake any more bait"

S18lu$: Sent
Ocllvmod: 71141?01112 37.:33 PM1UTC o)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/\/ar/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox99BF14 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 by<cs1
2/1412018 2.32:49 PM(UTC-S)Olrection:lnoomlng, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
hard in the m o ment to not t ake the b ait - when they re imposing a bs fra me

Sl8lU$ Read
Read· 211412018 2:<0 12 PMtUTC-51
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phon-Olvar/mob1le!L1brary1St.t1Stsms.db Ox99BCAr (Table message handle cnat Size 50020352 bytes)

2114/2018 2:33:05 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
but that's what off the record conversations with journalists are for
Status: Read
Read: 2/14/2018 2 40 12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox99BA3F (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
2114/2018 2 :40:48 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/1 4/20 18 2 40.27 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox99B419 (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
2126/2016 11 :04:10 AM(UTC-5)01reclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Can we pull together a meeting if you, T, Wendell & me on FC stadium?
Status: Read
Read: 2/26/2018 11.18 45 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxAAAE23 (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/212018 8:24:57 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Thanks for the affirmative word to Jason, brother!
Status: Read
Read: 3/2/2018 8 30.15 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxAF6FE8 (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/212018 6:30:19 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Liked "Thanks for the affirmative word to Jason , brother! "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2/2018 8 30.20 AMCUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxAF7B6E (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/212018 8:32:02 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm at your disposal to help move forward the changes I think agree on
Status: Read
Read'. 3/2/2018 8:32 07 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxAFBFEB (Table message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/ 212018 8 :32:36 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460166
Thanks, brother. and we'll get that meeting set up ASAP. I think the timing will work out well.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2/2018 8.32.38 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxAF8DB2 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/212018 8 :33:44 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

- first things first, holding the manufacturer accountable - including legally - for the unacceptable defects

- creating a better and more direct chain of leadership for decision-making, as we've agreed I, right now, things are too much of a bank-shot
for the city; we need more direct control to implement needed changes

- adjusting the hours and frequency so there's more service when people have shown they actually want 1t most

- creating better bus connectivity from the top of the route up to the most popular stops Uptown (i.e .. simulating the original downtown-
uptown plan, but doing so with bus up the hill rather than with rail)

- 1f there was a private or philanth ropic source, consider piloting a free period
Status: Read
Read: 3/212018 9 02 70 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxAF8B52 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/212018 8:33:56 AM(UTC-5)01rection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Cool, keep me posted for the meeting
Status: Read
Read: 3/2/2018 9·02 20 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: G regory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxAF8400 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/212018 9:02:29 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgolng, +15136460186
Liked "
- first th ings first, holding the manufacturer accountab le - including legally - for the unacceptable defects

- creating a better and more direct chain of leadership for decision-making; as we've agreed I, nght now, things are too much of a bank-shot
for the city; we need more direct control to implement needed changes

- adjusting the hours and frequency so there's more service when people have shown they actually want 1t most

- creating better bus connectivity from the top of the route up to the most popular stops Uptown (i.e., simulating the original downtown-
uptown plan. but doing so with bus up the hill rather than with rail)

- 1f there was a private or philanthropic source , consider piloting a free period"

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/212018 9 02 30 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxAF97F6 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/8/2018 2:54:05 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
call me when you can re · RB update
Stetus· Read
Read 3/8/2018 3 08 58 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxBC0530 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

3/612018 3:1 1:42 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncomlng, + 151 33652404 (P.G. S ittenf&ld)



IV.G 5316 lpeg

Status· Read
Read· 318/2018 3 12·39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobileiL1braryiSMSlsms.db . OxBC1463 (Table message, handle chat, at1achment. Size: 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob11ellibrary/SM SIAttachmenl s/31/0 11808A4650·724E·4322-880C·47A2CBCC2A6EllM G_5316.jpeg • (Size: 2735515 bytes)
318/2018 4: 11:38 PM(UTC· 5)Diredion:lncoming, + 151 33652404 (P.G. Sittenreld)
let me know if you 're free before our Pru s call to knock out this call wl Justin?
Statu&: Read
Read 31812018 4:14·26 PM(UTC-5)
Source fite: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lell.JbrarylSMS/sms.ab OxBC5f-E8 (Table message. hanole chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/8l20 18 4 :14:34 PM(UTC-S)Dlrec:tion:Outgolng, +15136460186
Ready now.
Status; Senl
Delvered 31812018 4 I~ 34 PM(UTC-5)

Source fde: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone.1var/mob1le/L,brary/ SMS/ sms.db OxBC59E6 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
31812018 4 :14 :42 PM(UTC-S) Direction:lncoming, +151 33652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
will call you in like 2 min
Status: R~ad
Read: 318120 16 4:14:52 PM!UTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsm an's 1Phoneivar/mob1lelL1bra1ylSM S1sms.db OxBC583 1 (Table message, handle . chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
318/2018 4:1 4:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, + 15136460186
Liked "will call you in like 2 min"
St.ttus· Sent
Del-1!<1: 31812018 4 14 55 PM(UTC 51
Source fde: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobtleJL1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8C53C6 (Table message, chat SiZe: 50020352 bytes)
3/912018 3:53:04 PM (UTC·S)Direc:lion:OUlgoing, +15136480186
On work call. Will call shortly.
Status. Sent
OelMlted 3190018 3:5310 PM(UTC-5)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxBE5FE4 (Tablo message, chat Size· 50020352 byles)
311512018 5:48:30 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +1 5136460186
Give me a call when you get a chance. Not urgen t. Need to touch base on RBO and CM.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3115/20 18 6·52 19 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var1mob1le/library/SMSlsms.db OxC4CDDF (Table message. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
311512018 8:2.8:59 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, + 15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
1s early afternoon too late - like 2pm-1sh my time?
SIBtus: Read
Read. 311512018 8'33 57 AMIUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC4E3A7 (Table message, handle, chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
31151201 8 8'34:03 AM(UTC-4)Difectlon:Outgolng, +151 36460186
Sllltus Sent
Delivered: 3115/2018 8:34:04AMtUTC 41
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phono/var1mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC4FFE4 (Table: message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3115120 18 8:35:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, + 15 133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
talk to you then
Status: Read
Road 311512018 9 01.11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file· Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobtlelL1braryi SMS/sms db OxC4FE39 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
311512018 8.35:29 AM(UTC-4)01rectlon:lncomlng, + 15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
1ust venting. but Christ. Jason's gossip column frustrates me
$talus· Read
Read· 3115!20t8 9 01 11 Al.1tUTC·4J
Source r~e. Gregory Landsman's 1Phonc.lvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC4FC44 (Table message, handle Chat Size 50020352 bytes)
311512018 8'35:47 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
it's like they can never let the lens be "what do you th ink is best for the city?"
Swlus Rud
Read· 311512018 9.01 1 I AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/va1/111ob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db OxC4 F9FO (l able: message. handle, chat S1ze 50020352 bytes)
311512018 8:37:3 5 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
it's all fucking angling and polttics rather than: what might aclually allow us to keep a lid on the damn ci ty so lha t it's not a racial pow der keg
Slatus: Read
Read. 3/15120 t 8 9 01.11 AMcUTC-4t
Source r11e: Gregory Lar,dsman s 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxC4F7SA (Table message. hanale chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1512018 8:37 :53 AM(UTC-4)Directon.lncommg , +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl}
and why the hell should we have to pay $600k to settle a personality dispute between 2 grown men'
Status: Read
Read 31151201890111 AM\UTC·4J
Source Ille Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/$MS/sms db OxC4F4SC (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 byles)

• 311612018 7 :59:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
we can't have 5 on the call; confirmed with Curp. Can Seelbach, Tamaya, and I call you like 20 minutes later, without Wendell? So like
1 50pm EST?
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 7 59 39 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db. OxC68FE8 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/18/2018 8:02:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138480188
That's a round robin , no? Also not allowed? Just you or Tamaya call me after. I do not want to deal with sunsh ine rules allegations on top of
th is mess we're dealing with .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311612018 8.02 31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.d b · OxC6881F (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1812018 8:03:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
okay. just one or two of us will call after - is that ok?
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 8 03 05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC68521 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:03:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311612018 8.03 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC68206 (Table message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/ 1812018 8 :03:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Even Urban League and CAA have now come out against John in this. Yikes
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 8 03-33 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC69FE8 (Table message, handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1612018 6:04:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
absolutely goddamn clusterfuck
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 8:04.31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxC69084 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1812018 8:04:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming. +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
meanwhile looks like we will have to deal with FCC in West End on basically a 1-week timetable. fun'
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 8:04 52 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms.db OxC69B71 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:08:37 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460188
Wondering what you all think of a cease fire/cooling off period , during which they both agree to say nothing more on the subject and focus
on work. We bring in a pro bono mediator (or two). to help them get through the two weeks or however long it takes for us to put together a
process to address the issues that have emerged. A special committee of my committee perhaps. And we ask Harry for weekly progress
reports to ensure the work is continuing unabated, and a commitment from him that he will not make any personnel dec1s1ons (e.g. firing
anyone). If we get the CBC types and NAACP and others to join us. might work.
S!Dtus. Sent
Delivered : 311612018 8 08 38 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC6AFE4 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1612018 8:09:40 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I personally love ii ' I'm sure Harry would. I'm dubious John will go for it ...
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 8 15.01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lel UbrarylSMSisms.db OxC6A630 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1612018 B: 15:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
What would get John there. you think? Anything?
Status: Sent
Debvered: 311612018 8 15.2 1 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.d b OxC6A3B2 (Table message, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/1812018 8:16 :21 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
fair question. I offered him another legit reason compromise and he immediately shot it down on two occasions (it was give Harry 6 months
to seek employment elsewhere; no buy-out is necessary; he leave on his own terms so there's no racial inflammation. and council is actively
involved in selection of new manager) - he wasn't having it.
Status: Read
Reed: 3/1612018 8 22.51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC6B807 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:16:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm telling you. the guy is dousing himself in gasoline
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 8.72 51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC6BFE8 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:16:53 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Tom West yesterday told me. verbatim, "John Cranley is ending and ruining his political career"
S!Dtus: Read
Read: 3116120 18 8 22 51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db OxC6BDA 1 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes}
3/1612018 8:45:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I literally just spent 10 minutes aggregating into 1 letter your idea, Wendells , as well as some thoughts from Curp
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 8 45.43 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC6C6E 1 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

3/ 1612018 8:46:17 AM(UT~) Oirection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
going to share with only you now as a Google doc - let me know thoughts and ideas. might be best to get sent out to the group before the
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 8 51 01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC6C425 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/ 1612018 6:46:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 ( P.G . Sittenfeld)
obviously all 5 of us have to be in agreement here
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 8:51 01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC60FE8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/16/2018 8 :49:22 AM(UTC-4) 0 irection:lncoming , +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Literally cranked out so probably has typos and inartful language
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 8:51 .01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC60DAF (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1 612018 8 :49:28 AM(UT~)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Heading to other mtgs now
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 8:51.01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC6DB8B (Table· message, handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/18/2018 11 :12:23 AM(UTC-4)0 irection:Outgoing, +151 36460186
Sent edits to letter. Just toned 1t down a few places. Let's see what others say, and how this meeting turns out. Would we release Mon?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/16/2018 11 .20 34 AM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC6EBA9 (Table message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3116/2018 11: 12:46 AM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing , +15136460186
Also, what's the cost of a special counsel?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/16/2018 11 :2034 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db : OxC6E8F3 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1712018 12:28:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You up?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 17/2018 12:31 .29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db : OxC7CAAE (Table· message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/17/2018 8:12:28 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Hey, can ring you back in 15 min
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 8·12 44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db : OxC7EA79 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/17/2018 8:12:45 AM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing , +151364601 66
Liked "Hey. can ring you back in 15 min "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 8·12·47 AM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC7E809 (Table . message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/17/2018 8:31 :02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Just tried you
Status: Read
Reacl: 3/17/2018 8:39:31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db: OxC7FA86 (Table· message. handle, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
3117/2018 10:50:17 AM(UT~) Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
could you meet with the Unions Wednesday after Council?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1712018 10 50 39 AM( UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxC857FB (Table message. handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/17/2018 10:50:44 AM(UTC-4)Dlreciion:Outgoing, +15136460166
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/201 8 10 50 44 AM(UTC-4 )
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db : OxC8524B (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1 7/2018 10:50:48 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
okay, will suggest that
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 17/2018 10 50 53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC86FE8 (Table message. handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/1 8/2018 2:16:05 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +151364601 86
You and David set to meet today? I think having something to vote on Wednesday as it relates to "independent" counsel (my new word , lol),
is now even more important. Thanks for all you're doing on this. Wish I was there to help more ...
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3118/2018 2 49 .31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC93FE4 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1812018 10 :01:02 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncorning, +15133652404 (P .G . Sittenfeld)
Can ring you back after 1130am
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 10 35.43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC9732F (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

3/1812018 10:35:57 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136480188
S!Dtus: Sent
Delivered: 3118/2018 10 36 00 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC9879B (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:54:18 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15138460186
I also worry that we're coming close to opening ourselves to a sunshine law issue with this text thread .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 3 04:54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC9F99A (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/1812018 3:05:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
A very fair consideration
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 18/2018 3 :13 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCAOFE8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:33:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460188
How annoying was Abby Moran's email?! I'm not moving, just FYI.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4 33 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db: OxCCDC5A (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:34:1 0 PM(UTC-4)Dlreetion:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
It never occurred to me that you were
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 4.34 15 PM(U TC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCCDA3A (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:34:18 PM(UTC-4)Dlreciion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "It never occurred to me that you were "
Status· Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4.34 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCCD785 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2012018 4:34:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
haven't opened her email yet, but now you've got me intrigued
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 4 34 27 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxCCD581 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:34:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
btw. T & I aren 't making caucus tomorrow A.M .
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 4·34 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxCCEFE8 (Table message. handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:36:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You guys are bailing on me!?
Status: Sent
Dehvered : 3120/2018 4 36.43 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCCEAAE (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:42:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
OMG, just read her email - awful, annoying X 1000
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 4.42 19 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db OxCCE807 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:42:29 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136480186
So annoying.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312012018 4 42 29 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCCE69C (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2012018 4:42:29 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
are you definitely going to go to caucus? if so. we'll go to support you
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 442 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCCE4E3 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:43:03 PM(UTC-4)Direciion:Outgoing, +15136460186
I feel like I have to go.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3120/2018 4 43 04 PM(UTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db · OxCCE275 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:43:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
alright, then we'll come
Status: Read
Read: 3/2012018 4 43 42 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxCCFFE8 (Table message handle. chal. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:44:04 PM(UTC-4)Direcllon:Outgoing, +15136460186
You don't have to ..
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/2012018 4 44 05 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms .db OxCCFDDB (Table message chat Size. 50020352 bytes)

3120/2018 4:44:1 8 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
all for one , one for all, brother!
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 4.44·18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCCFC14 (Table message, handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:44:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
Liked "all for one, one for all, brother!"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4 44:28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db: OxCCF96B (Table message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3120/2018 4:44:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
Tim sent me an email too , so it would have been 3 against 1.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312012018 4·44.44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxCCF76B (Table message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/2012018 4:45:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
plus, I want to see the one man in the city that can save this situation in action! might have you autograph my Enquirer too
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 4 '45:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxCCF551 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:46:06 PM(UTC-4)Directi0n:Outgoing, +15136460166
Jason is going to destroy me tomorrow ....
Stntus: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4.46:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxCDOFE4 (Table message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:46:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Reed: 312012018 4:46:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxCDOB1C (Table. message. handle, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
312012018 4:46:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lrn:oming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Seelbach & I will absorb the shrapnel
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 4·46 47 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SM S/sms.db : OxCD0941 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size : 50020352 bytes)
3/2012018 4:46:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
but Abby Moran's kid will likely cry himself to sleep ...
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 4·46:54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxCD0720 (Table message. handle. chat, Size 50020352 byte s)
3/2012018 4:47:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
I'll get the thumbs down for the week .... suck a dick.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312012018 4.47·05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxCD04D2 (Table message. chat Size · 50020352 bytes)
3/2012018 4:47:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
I mean, that photo ...
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312012018 4:47 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCD02C3 (Table. message, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
312012018 4:47:25 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
one of us should respond re: the strip club thing , that her son is already probably elbow deep in porn
St&tus: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 4 47 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxCD2FE8 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:47:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460166
I meant. such a dick.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2012018 4.47 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxCD2D42 (Table· message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312012018 4:47:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460166
Laughed at · one of us should respond re. the strip club thing, that her son is already probably elbow deep in porn"
Status. Sent
Delivered: 3120/2018 4 47 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms. db . OxCD2AA3 (Table· message. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:08:58 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
you having sexual harassment item re-referred to your committee?
Sllltus: Read
Read: 312112018 4.08 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCFBFES (Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3121/2018 4:04:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Union leaders waiting on us
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 4 08 41 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxCFD850 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)

3/21/2018 4:08:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Heading there now ...
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/21/2018 4 08 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxCFEDF9 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 8:32:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
what are you thinking?
Status: Read
Read: 3/2 1/2018 8.38 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox003B77 (Table message, handle, chal, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 8:33:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
(a lso, keep in mind. had we met with a group of AA community leaders. we probably would have walked out feeling very differently)
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 8 38 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxD03976 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 8:39:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
For sure.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/21/2018 8 39 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox003696 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/21/2018 8:40:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm genuinely brainstorming hard tonight about how to navigate our way out of this paper bag
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 8 40 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox004FE8 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2112018 8:41 :04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "I'm genuinely bra instorming hard tonight about how to navigate our way out of this paper bag"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312112018 8 41 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxD04798 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2112018 8:41 :18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Me too.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2112018 8 41 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD0421E (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2512018 8:56:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
how'd it go?
Status: Read
Read: 3/25/2018 8 .56 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox07021C (Table message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312512018 8:56:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
want to talk sometime in the morning before 830am?
Status: Read
Read: 3/25/2018 8.56 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxD71 FE8 (Table message. handle. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/2512018 8:59:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Yeah. Let's do that. He'll move on major reforms. City Hall and within CPD. Wasn't easy. Need to talk strategy on getting Harry to agree to
12 months. I have some ideas. He wants to hear you out too. and he promised to really listen. Same with Tarnaya and others. He does
seemed changed by all of this.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2512018 8:59 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxD71DAB (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
312512018 9:08:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
ok , talk in A.M .
Status: Read
Reed: 3/25/2018 9 09 00 PM(UTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD719AB (Table message, handle. chat, S1z.e. 50020352 bytes)
3/25/2018 9:09:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Oulgoing, +15136460188
Liked "ok, talk in A.M. "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/25/2018 9 09 23 PM(UTC·4l
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · OxD71738 (Table message chal Size 50020352 bytes)
3/26/2018 7:22:05AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfald)
Around now or at like 815?
Status: Read
Read: 3126/2018 7 38 32 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxD71560 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/26/2018 7:38:35 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Around now or at like 815?'
Status· Sent
Delivered: 312612018 7 38 36 AM1UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox072F60 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
3/28/2018 10:45:19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Do I need to try and change my flight tomorrow?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3128/2018 10 45.20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxDB3FE4 (Table message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)

3128/2018 12:58:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
You in your office?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/28/2018 12:58.53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDB7AA5 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/2812018 12:59:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
sure, pop in
Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 12:59:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDB78DE (Table message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
312612018 12:59:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
Doors locked.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2812018 12.59.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxDB76EB (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/2812018 1:00:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
knock again and will open
Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 1:00·02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxDB7532 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/2612018 3:49:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Outside. Want to chat tomorrow.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/28/2018 3:49 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxDBAFE4 (Table message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
3/29/2018 7:26:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Could you & I chat for 15 min tomorrow when you have time? Don't want to interrupt precious family time
Status: Read
Read: 3/29/2018 7:39.23 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxDD4716 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/2912018 7:39:46 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Yep. Of course. Just try whenever.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/29/2018 7 39 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. OxDD5FE4 (Table. message, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
3/29/2018 7:43:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
When in morning best?
Status: Read
Read: 3129/2018 7·43 ·19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxDD5683 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
313012018 8:11 :52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm around anytime this morning, just let me know
Status: Read
Reed: 3/30/2018 8 21 .26 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox00759C (Table· message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
3/30/2018 9:24:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
one quick small thing: my understanding is the Google doc I shared with you , and you sent back, of the first press release draft does need to
be turned over as a public record. that correct?
Status: Read
Read: 3/30/2018 9:24'35 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDD8E2D (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
313012018 9:25:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
I think that's right. I only sent the two or three emails where we were all on the email.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/30/2018 9.25 30 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxDD8AD1 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
4/212016 4:02:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
can you chat for a minute?
Status: Read
Read: 4/2120 18 4 02 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db . OxDF5336 (Table message, handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
41212018 4:03:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Boarding our plane. Sorry. Still with Sarah and kids. Maddie says I can't work anymore (did a little this morning). Will try when we get home
and get them down. Taking off in a few ...
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/2/2018 4 03 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1te/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxDF6FE4 (Table message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
4/212018 4:04:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I admit to be a befuddled - but confirming you're a hard no for tomorrow's meeting?
Status: Read
Reed: 4/20018 4 04 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxDF69DF (Table message, handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/212018 4:04:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I certainly haven't made my mind up about anything, I just don't see how us sitting and waiting for John to dump something in our lap is the
right approach
Status: Read
Read: 4/?/2018 4.04 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxDF6458 (Table message. handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
4'212018 4:05:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction: lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'd rather try to proactively shape something, and see 1f 1t could be gotten to a decent place. than to just have to be reactive Rea~
Read: 4/2'2018 4 07 11 Pl.A(UTC-41
Source file. Gregory Landsman's iPhone/Var/mob lelL•brary/SMSlsms.db OxOF7FE8 (Table message. handle. ChaL S.ze 50020352 bytes)
412/2018 4:05·49 PM(UTC-4)0irectioo:lnoomtng, +151331552404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
fly safe
Status: Read
Read 412/2018 4 07 11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/$MS1sms db · OxDF7DOA (Table message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
'11212018 4 :011:30 PM(UTC-4)Direcllon:Outgolng, +15136460188
Yeah . Between drop off (I have kids in morn in~ and can't get downtown until 9 1Oish), my meeting with Darrin at 9:15 I don't want to cancel,
and not wanting to get sucked into Jeffs stuff like this, I'm not going to cancel my minority accelerator meeting. Apologize for th is. You can
fill me in after the meeting. I'll be at City Hall most of day tomorrow.
Status Sent
OeUvered: 41212018 4 09:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Greg~ Landsma~ s 1Phonelvar/mobolellibrary1SMSlsms.db. OxDF781F (Table message Chat S'ze 50020352 bytes)
4/2/2018 4:10:14 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:Oulgolng, + 15136460188


IMG 1556.JPG
Status: Senl 41212018 4 10 16 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxDF8FE4 (Tablo message, chat, attachment Size 500?0352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s iPhonelvarlmobdeil1brary/SMS/Attachments/Oa/13/4A81ABC7-F2C 1-4779·A97F-F89ADFS3395A/IMG_1556 JPG (Size 1513820 bytes)
41212018 4:10:27 PM(UTC-4)Dtrectlon:Outgolng , +15 136460186
That's Maddie's best thumbs up for taki ng on S1ncla1r media•
Status SMI
Oelvered 4127018 4 10 27 PM(UTC~)

Source file Gregory Lar.dsman's 1Phone/var/mobdellibrary1SMS1sms.db OxOF8DE9 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
41212018 4 :10:39 PM(UTC-4)D1rectJon:lnoom1ng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenreld)
haha t hanks Maddie!
Status. Read
Reed 4/212018 4 10 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source Ille: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1IO/Llbrary/ SM$/sms.db : OxOF6BCF (Table message handle, chat S11e 50020352 bytes)
41212018 4: 11 :17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P .G. Sittenfeld)
if 1 1s hard No, and 101s hard Yes· any sense of where you are on stadium stuff?
Slalus Read
Read· 4/'}/2018 4 11 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mobrle/L1bra-ylSMSlsms.db OxDF89DO (Table message handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/2/2016 4:12:33 PM(UTC-4)Diredioo:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenf'eld)
I honestly to not begrudge wherever you are And I'd only support t he creauon of what I believed w as a genuinely good deal. which remains
unclear tf that s possible. But I also appreciate v1stb1hty whether there are 4 hard NO's - so I understand the terrain ahead
Slatus R~•d
Read: 4/2/7018 ~ 12 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file; Gregory Landsman's 1Phorelvarlmob1lelllbrary1SMSlsms db OxOF8756 (Table messa(>e hanole, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
41212018 4:14:41 PM(UTC-4)D1rection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Probably a 1 in West End. Happy to talk Oakley and all in for Nippert He had so many chances to get WE on board. and they're not there.
It's also so much money. But would feel better if he were to come to Council or submit something. After I though t about 1t a bit. and with folks
looking at ou r ca lendar, I don't like the idea of us meeting with him. Especially 1f Jeff wa nts to cut some sort of deal. I trust you. Not him.
Status: Senl
Oellve<ed· 41217018 4 14 42 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mobdelL1brarylSMS/sms.db OxDF9FE4 (Table message, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
41212018 4 :14 .58 PM{UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15 136400186
Liked ·1 honestly to not begrudge wherever you are And I'd only support the creation of what I believed was a genuinely good deal which
remains uncle ar 1f that's possible But I also appreciate visibility whether there are 4 hard NO's - so I understand the terrain ahead •
St..lus Se1
0.~vared 4 2.':>018 4 14 58 PM(UTC-'i)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob•lelL brarylSMSfsms.db OxDF9A 17 (Table message chat Size 50020352 byles)
41212018 4 :15.29 PM(UTC-4)Directon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenreld)
I totally understand, and don t blame you one bit
Status: Read
Reed: 41212018 4 t5:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1lelltbrarylSMS/sms.db · oxOF963A (Table mess&ge. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
'112/2018 4:15'41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomino. +15133852404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
the process has been abysmal. no doubt
Slatus Read
Read 4!2/2018 4 16 J2 PM1UTC-<l
Source file. Gregory Landsman s 1Phorelvar/rnoo.le•L1braf'J'SMS'sms db OxDF93F8 (Table message hanole chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
41212018 4 :15.57 PM(UTC-4)Dlfection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
fly safe. catch up soon. R~ad
Read: 41212018 ~ 16 32 Pl.'(UTC-4)

Source file Gregory Landsman s .Phone/\la •/mob le•LloraryiSMSlsms.db OxDFAFE8 (Tat..le message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)

414/2018 3:31 :00 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Can I pay you a modest honorarium to indefinitely reply to all of Mary Armor's emails for both of us
Status: Read
Read: 4/4/2018 3:31.07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxE2845B (Table message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
414/2018 3:31 :11 PM(UTc-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Stntus: Sent
Delivered: 4/4/2018 3.31 ·12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/va r/mobite/library/SMS/sms.db : OxE28163 (Table message, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
418/2018 8:26:58 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sitlenfeld)
at your convenience. need to talk allocation for Harry's legal counsel
Status: Read
Read: 4/8/2018 8:34 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db · OxE77767 (Table message. handle , chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/ 19/2018 9:34:47 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
let me know when you can talk
Status: Read
Read: 4/19/2018 9:37:35 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxF54FE8 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4119/2018 9:38:14 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Called you back.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/19/2018 9.38.15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxF54DD2 (Table message, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
4119/2018 9:53:44 AM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
sorry to miss . available again?
Status: Read
Read: 4/19/2018 10:15:21 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxF54A34 (Table message, handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
4119/2018 10:03:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
somewhat urgent
Status: Read
Read: 4/19/2018 10 15 21 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxF5461E (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
411912018 6:14:37 PM(UTC-4)Directlon :lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Know you're swamped right now. Give a ring later if around
Status: Read
Read: 4/2012018 9:35:49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxF63E14 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4120/2018 1:50:12 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Hey man. Have you talked to Janaya yet?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/20/2018 1.50:13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxF922DE (Table message, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
4/20/20181 :50:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I have not spoken to her
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 1 50·37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxF93FE8 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
412012018 1:50:49 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15136480186
She'd be good to chat with :).
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/20/2018 1 50 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxF93E10 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4120/2018 1:51 :18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
I can give her a ca ll
Status: Read
Read: 4120/2018 z·00.40 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db OxF93C2C (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
4/20/2018 2 :00:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Thanks. man.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/70/2018 2 00 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxF93A5A (Table· message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
4/24/2018 2 :13:17 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Do you have Dave Knox's email/cell?
Stlltus: Sent
Delivered: 4/24/2018 7 13 70 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobHe/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxFCA28E (Table message chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)

., 4124/2018 2: 16:05 PM(UTC-4)0iredion:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)


Dave Knox. vcl

Status· Read
Read: 412412018 2 18 26 PM1UIC-41
Source file: Gregoiy Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db · OxFCSFE8 (Table· message. handle. cha!, attachment. Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregoiy Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob'leJllorary/SMSIAttachments'44I04/16F321A1·68C2-4818-8A5<>-3B70C72ABB2010ave Knox.vcr (Size 186 by1es)
<4128/2018 8:45:<48 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outg0ing, +15138<480186
Call me whenever you can 't
Slatus: Sent
Doll~red: 412812018 8 45 49 AM(UTC-4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms .db Ox1007534 (Table message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
412812018 8:45:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgotng, •15136460186
Status: Senl
Delivered: 4'2812018 8 4S 5f l.MCUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob11e/l1brary1SMSlsms db Ox10073S6 (Table message cllal Size 50020352 bytes)
511/2018 2:31 :41 PM(UTC-4)01redion:lncoming, •15133652'404 (P.G. Slt!enfeld)
Did Cranley refer bump stock ordinance to your committee today?
Status: Read
Read: 511/20 18 2 37.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1b1ary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1030FES (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
512/2018 3:07:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlredion:lncomlng, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
can we talk for a second
Status. Read
Reed; 5:212018 3 48 44 PMtUTC~)

Source file: Gr1!9ory Landsman s 1Phone/VarlmoDtle11 .1braiy/SMS/sms.db Ox1048833 (Table: message. handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
51712018 3:59:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, •15133652404 (J>.G. Sittenfeld)


Mike Smlth.~cf
Slalus . Read
R ocd: 51712018 ~ 20 •7 rM(UlC . ,
Source file: Gregory landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lclL1brary1SMS/sms.db Ox1086345 (Table: message handle chal attachment Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar1mobile! L1brary/SMS/Atlachments/a1/01/F74F9280-CF9E-47JA-ABBF-F29DOF9AEESEIM1ke Sm1th.vcf (Size 176 bytes)
5/812018 12:22:19 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15136460186
Called Mike. Great call.
Status· Sent
Dtliwred; 5/812018 12 22 29 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/va·/mob1le.'L1brary1SMS/sms.db Ox1095C9A (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
518/201812-.22:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Oulgoing, +1513&480185
Also, I need to leave early today. A nyway we can do votes on front end? Assuming you need me.
Sllltus. Sent
Delivered: 518/2018 12 22 •7 P~ltUTC-4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone1vartrnob1lell1brary/SMSlsms.db · Ox1095AC2 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 byles)
518/2018 1:31:36 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, •15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
we'll do votes at beginning
Status: Read
Read. 51812018 1:35 28 Pr.11uTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Lards'Ylan s iPhonetvarfmob letl1btary/SM$.lsms db Ox10969C3 (Table message handle chat Siz.e 50020352 oytes)
518/2018 2:33:43 PM(UTC-4)D1redion:Ou190ing, +15136460186
Good job. Great presentation. discussion. And you did read my mind. Appreciate that. Have to take a work call
St.olus: Sent
Delivered: 518/2018 2 33 45 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1PhonelvarlrnobilelllbraryiSMSlsms.db Ox1096388 (Table message. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
51812016 2:34:23 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
All good. Feel free to reJoin if available
Status. Rea<!
Read ~'8'2018 2 36 O< P>A1UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s ,Phone/var/mob11eiL1brory1SMS1sms.db Ox1097FE8 (Taofe· message hanakl Chat, S•ze 50020352 by1es1
61912018 2:38:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Ou1going, +15136460186
Got two minutes after this?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 519/2018 2"38 44 f>M1UTC·4 >
Source file: Gregory Landsman' s 1PhonelvarfmobilelL1brarylSMSlsrns.db Ox10A7FE4 tTaDle. message chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
5110/2018 9:36:31 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenf&ld)
any dice?
SUitus Read
Read· s.1112018 7 06 13 .l"t.liUTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsrnan s 1Phone/var/rnob1le!L•brary 1SMS/sms.db Ox10CB3FF (Table message handle. cha1 Size . 50020357 by1cs)

5/1512018 5 :30:08 PM(UTC4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
will call back shortly
Status: Read
Read: 5/15/2018 5:30•09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mo b1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.d b: Ox111EE28 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
5/1512018 5 :30:14 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
Liked "will call back shortly "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 511512018 5:30:15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Land sman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox111EB9D (Table. me ssage, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
5/1512018 5:38:21 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Got a 5 min window. Then tied up till Bish
Status: Read
Read: 5115/2018 7.12.02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 11E9B4 (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
5/2912018 10:52:43 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
you staying put for discussion of item #2?
Status: Re ad
Read: 5/29/2018 10:52"48 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1211FEB (Table : message , handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
5/29/2018 10:52:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "you staying put for discussion of item #2?"
Stlltus: Sent
Detivered: 5129/2018 10.52.52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox1211024 (Table message, c hat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/29/2018 1:47:48 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Do you have Streetcar motion?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/29/2018 1:47 :48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/va r/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1214502 (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
5/ 29/2018 1:48:20 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
yes, sorry - hopped on call with SORTA: and took into my office
Status: Read
Read: 5/2 9/2018 1 48 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox1 214324 (Table message , handle. chat Size· 50020352 bytes)
5/2912018 1:48:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
if need now, text Colleen to come get
Status: Read
Read: 5/29/2018 1"48·55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1215FEB (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
5/30/2016 3:07:47 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You around?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5130/2018 3 07.48 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox12CCAED (Table message. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
5/31/2018 1:41 :03 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
You com ing?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/31/2018 1.4 1 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.d b. Ox1 2E162C (Table· message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
513112016 1:41 :23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
En route
Stlltus: Read
Read: 5131/2018 1.42 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox12E1 472 (Table message, handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
5/31/2018 1:44:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
En route
Status: Read
Read: 5/31/2018 1·48.03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms db : Ox12E12BE (Table message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
513112018 1:44:07 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
From mtg
Status: Read
Read: 5/31/2018 14803 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox12E2FE8 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8/3/2018 11 :37:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
You back?
Stlltus: Sent
DeliverGd: 6/3/2018 11 37 31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1321FE4 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/3/2018 5:27:31 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
hey brother - i am' though literally have no voice talk rn morning okay?
Status: Read
Read: 6/3/2018 5 37 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox13266B2 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)

6/3/2018 5:37:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "hey brother - i am! though literally have no voice. talk in morning okay?"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 613/2018 5.37 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1326373 (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 byles)
61312018 5:43:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
feel free to ring anytime before 9am
Status: Read
Read: 6/3/2018 5 47 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms db Ox1327FE8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
614/2018 9:06:22 AM(UTC-4)0irec:tion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Harry Santen 1s outside your office on the inspections issue. FYI.
Status: Sent
Delivered. 6/4/2018 9 06 22 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/ SMSlsms.db Ox132FFE4 (Table. message, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/4/2018 9:06:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
he's just dropping off a memo
Status: Read
Read: 61412018 9 06 59 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/ SMS/sms db Ox132FDBD (Table message, handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
61412018 9:07:04 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "he's just dropping off a memo"
Status: Sent
De~vered: 614/2018 9 07 05 AM(UTC-4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox132FAFF (Table message, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/4/2018 9 :07:09 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
but if you see him can you let him know I'm at a meeting out in the field
Status: Read
Read: 6/412018 9 07 08 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox132F906 (Table message. handle cha1 Size 50020352 bytes)
6/4/2018 9 :07:09 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460188
Under door?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/4/2018 9 07 10 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox132F691 (Table. message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
614/2018 9:07:16 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
under door great
Status: Read
Read: 6/412018 9.07 16 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox132F407 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/412018 9:07:19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "under door great"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 61412018 9.07 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonel var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox132F261 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/612018 10:40:07 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460188
You in building?
Status. Sent
Delivered: 616/2018 10 40 08 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox134D3FD (Table message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
6/6/2018 10:40:21 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfefd)
no, will be right before 1130am again though
Status: Read
Read: 61612018 10 40 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox1340239 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
61612018 10:40:34 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "no, will be right before 1130am again though "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6161201810 40 35 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox134EF4E (Table· message chat Size 50020352 bytes}
8/8/2016 11:31 :58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Let me know when you have a sec
Status. Read
Read: 618/2018 11 32 03 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms db Ox137082E (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
6/8/2018 11:32:09 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136480186
You got it.
Status: Sent
De~vered : 618/201 8 11 32 09 AM(UTC-4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/ sms.db Ox 137064A (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/812018 11:32:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Give me a few.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 618120 18 11 .32. 15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox137D48C (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes}

6/1012018 4:10:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
friendly reminder on your homework!
Stalus: Read
Read: 6/1012018 4:12:01 PM(UTC.4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox139EFE8 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
6/1012018 4: 12:28 PM(UTC-4)Di~ion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "friendly reminder on your homework!"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/10/20(8 4:1 2:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox139ED39 (Table: message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
61131201812:25:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfetd)
How long was your session w AA Chamber?
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 12·37:45 PM(UTC· 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox13C5600 (Table: message. handle. chat. Si ze: 50020352 byles)
811312018 12:37:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/13/2018 12:37:49 PMCUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varfmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox13C5419 (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/13/2016 1:57:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Yo ur rule change on for today?
Swtus: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 2:04:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox13C781 D (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/1312018 6:48:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sitt&nf&ld)
Diet Sunkist where art thou
St.atus: Read
Read: 6/1312018 6:51 :59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMSlsms.db: Ox13CDFEB (Table: message, handle chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/1312018 6:52:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Vending machine.
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 6113/2018 6:52·08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox13CDA30 (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/1312016 6:52:23 PM(UTC-4)Direc:tion:Outgoing, +15136460186
I was pretty excited.
Status: Se11t
Delivered: 6113/2018 6:52.24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhoneivar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox13C0868 (Table: message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/1312016 8:02:00 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)

47 A90729·91 A2-4F D5-96C5-

Status: Read
Read: 6113/2018 8.05:20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · Ox13D 15E 1 (Table· message handle, chat, attachment, Size· 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/cd/13/FOBF 62FO-COD B-4 006-9661-961 932397ED 211 38 t 8802-46 74· 4F82-A30F·
5F440D058DDB.pluginPayloadAttachment · (Size: 2203 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Atlachments/df/15/BD495BBB·D803-42CS.-8903-ESDA38130F78/47A90729-91A2-4FDS-96CS-
EA1 F62E93BB4.pluginPayloadAllachment . (Size: 1236320 bytes)
6114/201812:17:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoin.g, +15136480168
Call me when you can.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6114/2018 12 17:43 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox13E53DF (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/14/2018 1:47:41 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfelcl)
'In my experience, I've always known Lieutenant Pettis to be a professional and effective police officer, who has served our community well.
The Police Department needs to come together and achieve reconciliation. I have great admiration for our police officers, and we need them
working collaboratively to ensure the highest levels of public sa fety."
Status: Read
Read: 6/14/2018 1:51 :06 PM(UTC·41
Source file: Gregory L;;indsrnan's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox13EBFE8 (Table· message, handle, chat Siz.e: 50020352 bytes)
6115/2016 6:05:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
sorry we missed each other; I'm out of pocket tonight. available anytime before 11 am tomorrow - let me know when works
Status: Road
Reacl: 611512018 6: 0~ :46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlrnobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox14 10E1E (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)

• 811812018 8:21 :57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrec1Jon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenf&ld)



IMG 6917.ipeg
Status: Read
R&ad: 6118/2018 8 22 00 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobdelUbrarylSMS/ Ox14328CE \Table message handle, chat attachment. Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobileJUbrary1SMS/Attachrnen1s120:001csF73F24· 7E68-459F-A6BB-8927B70E52831HAG_ 6917 .jpeg (Size 3 157523 bytes)
61201201810:57:04 AM(UTC"'4)Direction:lncomng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sitt&nlekl)
Slatus: Read
Read: 6/20/2018 10 57 41 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db : Ox144E99C (Table message. handle. chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
812012018 11 :04:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction: Incoming, +15133652404 (P .G. Sittenfeld)


Bob Beddinghaus vcf

Status. Read
Road: 6/20120 18 11 o~ 44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox14 4E7E6 (Table· message. handle, chat attachment Size· 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Atlachments/44104/8480 7C7~01B9-40CF-9002·2 33F2AFS7BA5/Bob Beddinghaus .•cf (Size 208 bytes)
8125120f8 6:02.38 PM(UTC-4)D1rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Siltenfekl)
You were really great today
$1a!us ReBd
Read 612512018 6 08 51 P~'!UTC-4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brafYISMSlsms.db Ox1483FEB (Table: message handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
812512018 6:02:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Stetus: Read
Read: 612512018 6 OB ~1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/varlmob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms db Ox14B3819 (Table message handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
6125/2018 8:09:23 PM(UTC-4)Dtrection:Outgoing, +15136460166
Thanks, brother You were great too. You got us to consensus Great leadership.
Statu.: Sent
De!Mtred: 612512018 6 09 27 PMtUTC-41
Source f~e: Gregory Landsman s iPhOne/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox148395F (Table message , chet. Size 50020352 bytes)
6/2712018 10:41:33 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Grea t job. Especially on human services comments. Perfect.
Stat1JS Sent
Detlvered. 6/27/2018 10 41 34 AIAtUTC-4)
Source Ne: Gregory L&'ldsman s 1Phone/11ar/mobde.L•brary1SMSlsms.db. Ox14E:29D9 (Table message cha! Size 50020352 bytes)
612712018 11 :20:4'4 AM{UTC-4)Direciion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P G . Sittenfeld)
FC rebuttal always smart and appropriate
Slt>lus. Read
Reod: 612712018 11 23 43 AM\UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsmon s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1br11ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox14E47F9 (Table message handle c hat, Size: 50020352 byles)
612712018 11 :24:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136480186
Liked ..FC rebuttal always smart and appropriate "
Status; Senl
Oel,_ed: 612712018 11 24 37 AMIUTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone'Varlmob:lelL1b•arylSMS/sms db Ox14E4538 (Table M essage, chat 5,ze 50020352 bytesl
8127/2018 4:32:12 PM(UTC-4)D1recilon:lncomilg, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Anti corruption legislation'
Status: Read
Read· 6127120 18 4 32 32 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblfe/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox 14F3969 (Table: message handle chat Size: 50020352 byt es)
613012018 8:41:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
I did the test on one of those big machines. Was higher at 11 4 . What was yours?

IMG 2386.JPG
SLalus· Soni
Delvered. 613012018 8 41 27 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phoneivar/mob lelL1brary1SMSlsms db Ox1552FE4 (Table message chat a!taehment StZe 50020352 lly:esi
Gregory Landsman s 1Ph0ne'var1moo11e1Ubrary'SMS1Atlachll'entsiee'·4/224E3800-1AB9-4COA-9279-0BOC50767655/IMG_2386 JPG (Size 2<20752 bytes)

6/3012018 8:49:21 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
That sounds right to me for you. Though I've only tested on the small hand held, though it's proven pretty accurate.
Status: Read
Read: 6/30/2018 8 52:03 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1552034 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes}
6/30/2018 8 :49:31 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
I've recently been in low 14's
Status: Read
Read: 6/3012018 8 52 03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1552A9F (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/30/2018 8 :49:51 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Makes sense to me you're 3% lower than I am
Status: Read
Read: 6/30/2018 8.52.03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox15528B7 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
6/30/2018 9 :03:23 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15136480186
So what would a good competition be? I'd like to get below 10.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/30/2018 9:03:23 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Oxl 553FE4 (Table· message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/19/2018 10:03:22 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm dialed in for this 1Oam mtg
Status: Read
Read: 7119/2018 10:03:28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1695901 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size · 50020352 bytes}
7/1912018 10:03:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 10:03·34 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox169548F (Table message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
7/19/2018 6:54:09 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Call me please.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/19/2018 6 54:11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox16AC58F (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
7/27/2018 1:58:49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Give me a ring.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/27/2018 1:58:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1774349 (Table message. chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
7/27/2018 2:11:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
In nature Conservancy all day Board mtg. Will call when out
Status: Read
Read: 7/2712018 2:13:10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox1775835 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
7/2912018 9:50:1 2 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
We good for 4pm today? If so. where?
Status: Read
Read: 7/2912018 9.50.54 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db : Ox179DFE8 (Table : message, handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 9:51 :23 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15138480188
Will have to be a call. Will still be in Columbus.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 712912018 9·51 27 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . Ox1790953 (Table message. chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 10:20:53 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Slttenfeld)
Call fine. 4pm?
Status: Read
Read: 7/2912018 10 22.21 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox179074B (Table. message handle. chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
7/29/2018 10:22:24 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Liked "Call fine. 4pm?"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7129/2018 10·22:28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox179EF6B (Table· message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/30/2018 2:09:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 713012018 2 09 ~3 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox17BE490 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
7/30/2018 2:09:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460186
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/30/2018 2 09 57 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox178E2EO (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

181912018 8:22:10 AM(UTC4}Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Yo. I'm having administrative present on Liberty Street and Bird at our committee on the 4th.
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 8.19/2018 8 22.18 AM(UTC-4l
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox189FB3F (Table. message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
81912018 9:18:41 AM(UTC4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Thank you'
Status: Read
Read: 819120 18 9 •22:32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox18A24 FE (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
819/2018 9:22:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Thank you!"
Sta1us: Senl
Delivered: 81912018 9:22 44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox18A2202 (Table: message. chat. Size 50020352 by!es)
8/1212018 4 :33:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomtng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
do you have current email for Jeff Edmonson? a buddy who does foundation work and is going to be moving to the West Coast wanted to
pick his brain
Status: Read
Read: 8/12/2018 4 '17 54 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: G regory Landsman s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox18E9FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat. S1ze: 50020352 bytes)
811212018 4:33:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
I only have old Strive email
Status: Read
Read: 8112/2018 4 47 ·54 PMtUTC·4l
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhonelvar/mobile/librarylSMSlsms.db: Ox18E9CE7 (Table· message handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
8112/2016 4:48:38 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15136460186


Jeff Edmondson.vcf
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8112/2018 4:48 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman' s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMSlsms.db: Ox18EAD4C (Table: message , chat . attachment, Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachments/00/00/5C6DDCFO-A70 1-4146-8404-ED6AC7238C161Jetl . (Size: 268 bytes)
6/1612018 10:11:59 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
holler when available
Sllltus: Read
Read: 8116/2018 10 ·20 34 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db · Ox1955C7A \Table· me ssage handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
8116/2018 10:20:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "holler when available"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8116/2018 I 0 20:46 AM\UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmob1le/librarylSMSlsms.db Ox1955683 (Table. message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
8116/2018 4:40:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Call me when you can. One last thing. Forgot...sorry.
Status: Senl
Delivered: 8/16/2018 4 .40 02 PMtUTC 41
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhonelvarlmobHellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox 1962FE4 (Table· message chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
6/16/2018 5:06:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)


Phil Denmng. vcf

Status: Read
Read: 81 161?018 ~ 19 43 PM\U fC-4)
Source file: Gre<,:Jory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobdellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1963FE8 (Table message , handle chat. attachment. Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobilellibrarylSMSIAttachments/98108165AD8F15-F1BA-4 10F-AA1B·AE36775A1842/Phil Denmng.vcf . (Stze: 209 bytes)
9/1/2018 6:27:14 PM(UTC-4)Direelion:Outgoing, +15136460186



lmage-1 jpg
Swtus· Ser\t
Delivered. 9/1120 18 6 27 17 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1braryl SMSisms.db. Ox1 B16FE4 (Table message chat, attachment, Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone1Var/mobde/L1bral)'ISMS/Attachmentsl3 SI05/7SE28D07-7850-4F76-AE4D-0619D0505714/lmage-1 jpg (Size 350430 bytes)

911'2018 8:28:15 PM(UTC-4)Dlredton:tncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
Btw you and Sherry? Yeah I called immediately . Sounds like we were singing the same tu ne
Status: Read
Read: 9/112018 6 ~4 55 PM(Ul C 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsmen·s 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox18160EA (Table· message handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
9/1/2018 8:28:31 PM(UTC-4)D1recbon:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sitlenfeld)
I'm at a dinner too. Good tag learn tho
Status: Read
Reacl: 91112018 6 3~ 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Ph0ne/Var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1816B95 {Table message, handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/112018 8:35:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou!Qoing, +15136460186
Liked ' Btw you and Sherry? Yeah I called immediately. Sounds like we were singing the same lune
Status: Sent
DePvered 91112018 6.35 06 PM(UTC~l
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonelvar/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1B166F1 (Table message, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
9/112018 8:35:06 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked · rm at a dinner loo. Good tag team tho "
Status: Sent
06fivered: 91tl2018 6 35 07 PM(UTC.4)
Source file: Gregory l andsman s 1Phone/var/mobtle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox 1B163C7 (Table: message. chat. S1z.o. 50020352 bytes)
9/112018 7:52:36 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Probably went too far. but I'm so sick of this.


lmage-1 lpg
Status: Sent
Defivered: 9/112018 I !i2 4 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox1B18FE4 (Table message, chat. attachment. Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Allachmentslddl13f248028A2-11A4-480C-BB47-234917EAE505/lmage-1 jpg: (Size 493293 bytes)
9/1/2018 7:57:34 PM(UTC-4)Dlrec:tlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 {P.G. Sittenfeld)
When I talked lo her, I said for sake of fairness. word "illegal" had lo be taken out, and noted that whatever we're being accused of in a
COAST/Smitherman lawsuit, Christopher is legally being accused of exactly the same (so she gave that a reference}. I think you're exactly
right to be both pissed and fired up.
Status: Read
Read 911/2018 7 58 45 PMIUTC-4)
Source file· Gregory Landsmen's 1Phonetvarlm0btle/L.i brary/ SMS1sms db Ox1B18B91 (Table message, handle, chat Sile 50020352 bytes)
9/1/2018 7;57;47 PM(UTC-4)D1redlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
Will call you tomorrow
Read: 9/112018 7.58.45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvarfmob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db Ox1B18764 (Table· message, handle chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
91112016 7:59:00 PM(UTC4}Dfrectlon:OU1going, +15136480186
Liked "When I talked to her. I said for sake of fairness, word "illegal"' had to be taken out. and noted that whatever we're being accused of in
a COAST/Smitherman lawsuit Christopher is legally being accused of exactly the same (so she gave that a reference ). I think you're exactly
right to be both pissed and fired up. "
Status: Sent
Dellvered: 9/1/2018 7:5~:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1B19861 (Table· message. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
91112018 8:15:54 PM(UTC-4)01redlon:Outgoing, + 15136460188
Smitherman should no longer be vice mayor.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/l/2018 8 15 ~6 PMiUTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1B1A316 (Table. mcssago. ctiat Size 50020352 bytes)
9/112018 8:21 :31 PM(UTC-4)0ir&e:tion:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
That's obviously on John. Bui sure seems like Christopher's interests are almost entirely pol1llcal. and not the well-being of the City.
Stlltin: Read
Read: 911/2016 8 23 2G PIV.(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregoiy Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1lelL•brary/$MS/sms db: Ox1B 1BD4E (Table message hal1dle chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
911/Z016 8:25:14 PM(UTC--4)01r11Ctlon:Outgolng, +15136480166
Let's talk tomorrow.
Status: Sent
Dekvered 911120111H2515 PMtUTC: 4)
Source fde· Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/Var/rnobde/l1brary1SMS/sms db Ox181BA89 (Table message chat S11e SOOW352 bytes)
9/1/2018 8.25:25 PM(UTC-4)0frection:Outgoing, +15136480186
Liked "That's obviously on John. But sure seems like Christopher s interests are almost entirely pohllcal and not the well-being of the City. •
Stiitus Sent
OeDwred; 9 112018 8 25 2~ l'IA(UTC 4)
Source file. Gregory Landsman·s 1Phone/var/mob1leilibrarylSMSlsms db Ox1B1B50F (Table message. chat Sile 50020352 bytes)

91212018 9:56:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Call me when you can.

IMG 3875.PNG
Status: Sent

Delivered: 912/20 18 9.56:44 AIA(UTC-4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varimoblle/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1B1 CBEE (Table message chat attachment, Size. 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/$MSIAttachmentsle<l/13/0A2392C1-7BBA-4862-84B9-1CABE8687F06/IMG_3875.PNG: (Size: 2589233 bytes}
9/212018 10:16:09 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Siltenfeld}
I'm tied up till like 130pm. can talk anytime after? also, could you possibly join me wed nesday at Spm to meet with Connie Pillich at HQ?
Status: Read
Read: 9121201810:16•13 AMIUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db: Ox1B1C9B5 (Table. message, handle, chal, Size 50020352 bytes}
9/21201810:16:23 AM(UTC-4}Directlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked Tm tied up till like 130pm. can talk anytime after? also, could you possibly join me wednesday at Spm to meet with Connie Pillich at
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/2/2018 10:16.23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregori Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : 0~181DF13 (Table: message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes}
9/4/2018 6:59:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Siltenfeld)
You making JCRC tonight?
Status: Read
Read: 9/412018 7 57·54 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db · Ox1842606 (Table· message. handle. chal Size· 50020352 bytes}
9/4/2018 7:58:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Maybe for a bit. Probably not.
Sta1us: Sent
Delivered: 9/4/2018 7 :58:32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/librarylSMSlsms.db: Ox184359C (Table: message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
9/6/2018 2:41:46 PM(UTC-4}Direciion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Need you back.
St&tus: Sent
Delivered: 91612018 2:41.49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox1BAB767 (Table: message. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
9/10/2018 10:18: 18 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
call when able
Status: Read
Read: 9110/2018 10:18:32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmob1lellibrarytSMSlsms.db ox1 COD82C (Table. message. handle chat, Size: 50020352 bytes}
9/13/2018 3:16:09 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}


John Curp. vcf

Status: Rea<l
Read: 9/1312018 3.20 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobllel lib1ary/SMSlsms db . Ox1C7C322 (Table. message. handle. chat. attachment, Size 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMSIAttachments/3310315EC9FODC-41 B4-4F2F-8034-2E2065A703 181John Curp.vcf: (Size: 161 bytes)
9117/201812:40:54 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
You in building?
S!atus: Read
Read: 9117/2018 12:42:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox1 CF8FE8 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
911712018 12:42:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1513646018S
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9117/20 1812.42.37 PM(UTC-4 )
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mcb1lellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox1CF8E22 (Table: message. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
9/171201812:47:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld}
In office 1f you want to chat before mtg
Status: Read
Read: 9117/2018 12:51:50 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mcb1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox1CF8C7E (Table: message, handle chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
911712018 3:02:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
You coming back?
Status: Read
Read: 9/17170 13 5:28·4~ PM1UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox1004355 (Table message. handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)

9117/2018 3:02:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Swing by on way in
Status: Read
Read: 9/17/2018 5:28:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/Vartmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 D05FE8 (Table: message. handle chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
9/17/2018 5:26:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
https://www. cincin na ti.comfstoryIn ews/2018/09/ 17ffc-ci ncin n a ti-park ifc-cincin na ti-park ing-g arag e-prope rty-1 im bong-garage-properly-
limbo/ 1336973002/
Status: Read
Reod: 9117/2018 5:28'45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/Var/mob1le/l1braryiSMS/sms.db: Ox1 DOE467 (Table: message handle. Cllat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
9/17/2018 6:21:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
https://www .cincinnati. comlstoryfnewslpolil ics/2018/09/17 /settlement-talks-stall-cincinn ati-counci Hexting-case-secret-meeli ngf 1336364002/
Status: Read
Rea<!: 9/17/2018 6:26:03 PM(UTC-4)
Scxm:e file: Gregory Landsman's iPhoneJvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1010077 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
9/17/2018 10:19:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I got something
Status: Read
Read: 9/1812018 7:45:34 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1D2AFE8 (Table: message. handle , chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
9/17/2018 10:19:28 PM(UTC-4)Directiorrlncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
talk tomorrow
Status: Read
Read: 9/1 B/2018 7:45 :34 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarl mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1D2ADFO (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
91171201810:19:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
unless you're a night owl
Status: Read
Read: 9/18/2018 7:45:34 AM<UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox102A8FB (Table : message. handle. chal. Size: 50020352 bytes)
9/.2212018 8:43:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186


IMG 0455.1pcg
Status: Sent
Delivered: 912212018 8:43:56 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox1 DB7FE4 (Table: message, chat. attachment, Size: 50020352 bytes)
Gregory Landsman' s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMSIAttachrnent sl22102142B1GC7C·3G2D-4C48-B66C-339C457B7F6411MG_0455.jpeg : (Size: 3054900 bytes)
9/2212016 8:45:07 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
Yep. saw that
Status: Read
Read: 912212018 8:47•01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox10B70EA (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes}
912212018 8:47:04 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +1 5136460186
I'm done.
Status: Sent
OG~vered: 9/22/2016 6'47:03 AM(UTC-4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox1DB7C28 (Table· message, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
912212018 9:14:40 AM(UTC-4}Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Will give my texts to Enquirer/Courier reporters on Friday if you haven't resolved this . Should have been resolved last week. If not months
Slaws: Sen1
Deliver~d: 912212018 9.14.40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobtlell!brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 DBAFE4 (Table: message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
912212018 9 :18:03 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Plus I will try and pay my portion of the legal bills.
S!Dtus: Sent
Delivered: 9122/20 18 9. 16 03 AM\UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/Varlmob1le/library/SMSlsms.db : Ox1088629 (Table· message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes}
9/2212016 10:01:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:tncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
That's all fine .
Status: Read
Read: 9122/20 18 10.06:30 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1DBE8D8 {Table . message, handle, chat . Size: 50020352 bytes)
9/2212018 10:02:06 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Give me a call when you have a moment
Sietus: Read
Read: 912212018 10 06·30 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhoneJvar/mobile/L1brarylSMSl sms.db : Ox10BE710 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
9/22/2018 10: 17:06 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
As you know, I fully agree with resolving via a settlement, including all messages about city business
SU>tus: Read
Read: 9122/201 B 1O:17: 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox10BF518 (Table: message, handle. chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
l 912212018 10' 18:24 AM(UTC4} Direction·Outgoing, +15136460186
IShould had Bauman/DeMarco drop case So no. I don t know.
Sllllus. Sent
Detlwred ~'22120 t8 10 18 23 AA<(UTC 4J
Source file. Gregory Lanosman s 1Phone/var/mob le/L1brary/SMS.sms.db 0>C10BF2A3 (Table message, chat. S:ze 50020352 bytes}
9/22/2018 10·1e:55 AM(UTC-4) Direcbonlnc:ommg, +15133652404 (P.G. Sitlenfeld}
Feel free to call me.
Status: Reod
Read. 912212018 10:19 56 AM(UTC-<4 1
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SM Slsms.db Ox1 0COFE6 (Table message , handle chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
9/2612018 1:24:28 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Will call when out of lunch
Status· RMd
Read 9/2612018 1·24 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Gregory L andsm an s 1Poonelvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SM S/sms.di:J . Ox 1EOAS37 ( able message, handle . chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
9!2el2018 1'24:38 PM(UTC-4)DirectJon:lnccming, +15133652404 {P.G. Sitt&nfeld)
I m def not doing any media or statement
St.etus Rod
Rtad:9.26120'8 1·24 41 PM(UTC.41
Source f~e. Gregory L andsm an·s 1Phone/var/mob1le1L1brarylSMSrsms.db Oxl EOA95C (Table message handle chat. Size 5002035:> bytes)
9/26/ 2018 1"24:45 PM(UTC-4)Directloo:Outgolng, +15138460186
Liked 'I'm def not doing an y media or stalement •
SLatus: Senl
Ookveted' 9126120 18 1 24:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory L andsman's 1Phone/ varlmobile/Ltbrary/SM S/sms.db . Ox 1EOAGA3 (Table. m essage chat. Size: 50020352 by1es)
1011/201 812:25:47 PM(UTC-4)Direct!on:Outgolng, +15136460186
Sorry. I usually 1ust say one. Just so done w1lh lhis lawsuit.
Status Sen!
Delivered. 10/1/2018 12 26 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file. Gregory l anasman s iPhanelvar/mob!le'l1brary1SMSfsms db Ox1ESB244 (Table message. chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
10/1/201 8 12'.26:38 PM{UTC-4) 01recllon lnoommg, +15133652404 (P.G. Sitlenfeld)
Ltked · s orry I usually 1ust say one. Just so done with this lawsuit.
Slllhn. Reao
Reed 10/l.'7018 12 27 06 PM(UTc-1)
Source tile: Gregory Landsman s 1Phonefvarlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sm s.db · Ox1ESCF18 (Table· message handle. chat, Size 50020352 byl es)
101312018 9.35: 11 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfetd)


Read: 10/312018 9 3~ 16 .i>UtUTC·4t
Source file. Gregoiy Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mab lelL•brary<SMS/sms do Ox1E9892E (laDle message handle chat attachment Stle 50020352 b\'1es)
Gregory Landsman s .Phone:11ar/rro1>11e•UbrarylSMSIAttachments!591091196142E2-B8C1-480F-8A92-5909849D2553.Stephao.e (Size 171 bytes)
10/g/2018 12 35:20 PM(UTC-4) Direcllon:O utgomg, +15136460188
I m going to be late today. The only tune CAFNSentinels could meet was at 1.45. If I need to run over from Manley Burke for a vote.1ust
text. I'll try and make it quick.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10.19/2018 12 35:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G reg ory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l ibrary/SMS/ sms.db · Ox1 F1 DE 1D (Table message, chat. Size· 50020352 byles)
10/912018 12:38:29 PM(UTC-4)0i rection:lncomi ng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Liked · r m going to be late today. The only time CAFNSentinels could meel was at 1:45. If I need to run over from Manley Burke for a vote,
iust text. I'll try and make 1t quick ·
Status: Read
Read: 1019'2018 1238:51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file GregOfY Landsman·s 1Phorervar/mob' e.'L1brary1SUS!sms db Ox1F1EF17 (Table message. t>andle . chat . Size 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 1.50:13 PM(UTC-4) D1rediOll Outgoing, +15 136460188
What number 1s our ordinance?
Status: 501 ·1
Delivered 10110fl018 1 50 13 PM(UTC·41
Source file· G regory l andsman s 1Phonetvarlmob1le.'L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox1F3C4DA (Table message , chat.S ze 50020352 bytes)
10/1 0/20 181 :50: 24 PM(UTC-4}D1rection.lnoomi ng, + 15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
a little unclear - but they're saying # 1
Status'. Read
Read· 10110120 18 1:50 30 Pl\l.(UTC-41
Source file: G regory Landsm an s iPhone/var/mob1le1l 1brary/SMS1sms db Ox1 F3C2FD (Table message handle chat S11e 50020352 bytes)
10/10/201 8 2: 12;30 PM(UTC-4}Direction·Outgolng, + 151 36460186
Unless you want to add something else, I think we just vote. You did a nice JOb with the opening. It says more for us to say nothing...
Sl.ilUs Sent
Delivered: 10•10?018 212 30 Pr)1UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsma~ s 1Ptioneiva1imobtle1L1bra-y1SMS;sms.db Ox 1F30091 (leole message chat Size 50020352 byles)
1 0/10/201 8 2:1 2:47 PM(UTC-4)Directiorrlnooming, + 15 133652404 {P .G. Sittenfeld)
id be glad to reframe one more time
Status . Rc;ia
Read 10110?016 2 13 01 FIJltUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory L and sm an s 1Phone/varlmob1le /Llbrary/Sf./1Slsms.db · Ox1F3DADB (Table 1ne$sage handle chat, Size !>0020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 2:12:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. S ittenfeld)
you tell me your preference
Status: Read
Read: 1011012018 2 13 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobilel llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1F306B5 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 2 :13:03 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfekl)
wou ldnt mind correcting somethings ...
Sllltus: Read
Read: 1011012018 2:13·04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox1 F306A3 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 2:13:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
you tell me
Status: Read
Reed: 1011012018 2 13.05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox1 F3047F (Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 2:13:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Liked "id be glad to reframe one more time ... "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10110120182:13:08 PM(Ul C-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 F3EF54 (Table message. chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 2 :13:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Go for it.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1011012018 2 13 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 F3ED48 (Table message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 2:20:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
I'm done
Status: Read
Reed: 1011012018 2:20.45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox1 F3E764 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 2:20:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Very well done.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/10/2018 2 20 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 F3E572 (Table· message. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2016 5:25:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
Very nice job by you today all around
Status: Read
Read: 1011012018 5·36:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/ SMS/sms.db : Ox1F41FE6 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 5:36:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460168
Liked "Very nice job by you today all around"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/1012018 5-44 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1F41A6E (Table. message. chat. Size : 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2016 5:39:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
You too , man.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10110/2018 5·44:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/llbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox1 F4156A (Table . message. chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
10/10/2018 5:45:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Liked "You too. man. "
Stlltus: Read
Read: 10/10/2018 5.52 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: G regory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox1 F429ED (Table message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3 :26:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460186
Can you meet Sunday night to talk about issues 10, 11. 7PM?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/1212018 3 26·42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1 F89FE4 (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:29:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I cannot do sunday night. unfortunately
Status· Read
Read: 10/1212018 3 29 b3 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox1F6CFE6 (Table: message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:30:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
We need you , rnan.
Smtus: Sent
Delivered: 101121201 8 3 30 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 F8C916 (Table message chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/1 212018 3:31 :30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm saying I literally won't be available. Unless it was a conference call later 1n the evening on Sunday
Status: Read
Read: 10/12/2018 3.31 33 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/ SMS/sms.db · Ox1 FSEFEB (Table message. handle, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)

10/12/2016 3:31:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15138460166
. What time?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10112/2018 3 31 41 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 F8E83E (Table message. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
1011212018 3:31;50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
could hop on call at 8pm
Status: Read
Read. 10/1212018 3.32 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox1F90FE8 (Table message, handle, chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/1212016 3 :32:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15138460166
K. Hold that
Status: Se11t
Delivered: 10/12/2018 3.32 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 F9060C (Table message, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:33:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Slttenfeld)
Liked "K. Hold that. "
Status: Read
Read: 10/1212018 3 33·06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1F904A7 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:40:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460186
Did CFT endorse Issue 1O?
Status: Sen1
Delivered: 10112/2018 3 40 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1fe/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1F92C19 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/1212018 3:41:20 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
not sure? I feel hke I saw at some point that Dillingham might not love it, but can't recall
Status: Read
Read: 10/12/2018 3 41 ·21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox1 F92A44 (Table message, handle chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:41 :49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15138460186
That is insane.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10112/2018 3 41 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1F927A5 (Table message, chat, Size· 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:42:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
I'm honestly not sure though , so worth touching base directly w/ Julie or Don
Status: Read
Read: 10/1 212018 3 42 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1ie/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox1 F925E4 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:50:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
Julie said they endorsed 10.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/1212018 3 50.28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1fe/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1 F95507 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/1212016 3:50:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenleld)
guessing that has Michelle's fingerprints on it
Status. Read
Read: 10/1212018 3 50.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1fe/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox1 F953FA (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:51:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Siltenleld)
logic being: takes btg $$ to win if only 4 spots ...
Status: Read
Read: 10112/2018 3 51 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 F96FE8 (Table message, handle , chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:51 :57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460188
It will be momentum for Smitherman. It's also just bad for Democrats.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/ 12/2018 3 51.57 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 F96DA4 (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3 :52:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Absurd logic. It will JUSt lake the DEMOCRATIC PARTY ENDORSEMENT TO WIN!I!
Status. Sent
De~vered : 10/12/2018 3 52 21 PM(UTC·4)

Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mob1fe/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox1 F96B6C (Table message chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/12/2018 3 :52:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . S ittenleld)
I'm not super-convinced people care a lot before the vote, or wtll after. to be honest.
Sletus: Read
Reed: 10/12/201 8 3 ~2 49 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobtle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox1 F96934 (Table message, handle chat Stz.e 50020352 bytes)
10/1212018 3:54:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15136460166
Reporters, donors do. Seelbach feels same.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1011212018 3 54 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1fe/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 F966A1 (Table message, chat. S1z.e. 50020352 bytes)

10/141201812:17:58 PM(UTC-4)0Jrectlon:Outgoing, +15138460186
BPM tonight.

- #56
Status: Sen1
Oeli11Gred: 10114/2018 12: 18:03 PM(UTC 4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox1FB8BOC (Table message, chat, attachment S•ze 50020352 byles)
Gregory Landsman·s 1Phonelvar/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachmenls/89109121222845·21 OE-4EF D-B321 -4C9478BE8A30/FulJS1zeRender.jpg : (Size· 141943 by1es)
10114/2018 2:11:12 PM(UTC-4}Direction:1ncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Liked an image
Slelus: Read
Road: 10/W20 18 2:52.45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman' s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db · Ox1FBD319 (Table· message. handle. cha1 Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/14/2018 8:40:05 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Kitty expecting to hear from you • shes good on email and text
Slelus. Read
Read 10/1412018 8.<6 10 PM(UTC4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1Phone/var/mobllell1Drary/SMS1sms.db : Ox1FC94CC (Table message. handle, chat, Stze 50020357 bytes)
10/1412018 8:46:15 PM(UTC-4}0irection:Outgolng, +15136460186
Liked "Kitty expecting to hear from you· she's good on email and text •
Stalua: Sent
OctNvered: 10/1412018 8:46·15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db · Ox1FCAF14 (Table: message. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/16/2018 1:21:06 PM(UTC-4)01"1CIJOn:lncoming, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenretct)
Thank you '
Smws: Read
Read 1011612018 1 21:10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1FF51E/ (Table. message, handle, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/1612018 1:24:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection·Outgolng, +15136460186
Liked Thank you 1•
Status: Sent
OeHvered: t0/1612018 1.24:24 PM1UTC-<I)
Source file: Gregory Land sman·s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox1 FF6F71 (Table message, chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
10/1712018 10:29:31 AM(UTC4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15136460186

C80A9C33· 1ECA-44DC-B39F· 06886BBF-E786-498F-A 113
7FFEA7FG6E18 plugmPayloadAttachmont ED53092B456C.plu91nPaylOadAnachmcnl
Status: Sent
Dcivered· 1011712018 10 37:52 .AM1UTC-41
Source file: Gregory Landsman s 1PhoneJvar/mobile/L1brarylSM S/sms db Ox2013816 tTeble message. chat attachment Size 50020352 byles)
Gregory Landsman s tPhonelvarlmobllelllbrary/SMS/Altachmentsla 7/07/FF887051-6B4 E-49A4·ADA8-C1A81COBE829JE80A9C 33- 1ECA-44DC· B39F·
7EFCB7r68E18 pluginPaytoadAtlachment (Size. 3035 byles)
Gregory Landsma~ ·s iPhonelvarlmobilelL1brary/SMSJAttachmcnts/34/0417523BC73-F48 t-4012-B5C8-D4E0661E9AA4/06886BBF-E786-498F-A113-
ED53092B456C. plugmPayloadAttachment (Size 3426 byles)
10/17/2018 10:30:17 AM(UTC-4}Dlrecllon:Outgolng, +15136460186
It's the third bullet. "as a defense against tanks .." that t enjoyed the most...
Slalus: Sonl
Delivered: 1011712016 to 37:52 AM(UlC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobilelL1brary/ SMS/ sms.db . Ox201 3553 (Tabla: message chal, Size· 50020352 by1es)
10/1912018 10:05:18 AM(UTC-4)0lrectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
"We welcome the opportunity to release these text messages. The very first instruction to the public law experts at Dinsmore was to review
the messages for legal compliance and get them out as soon as possible. The politicization of this situation by some has wasted time and
money I look forward to getting back to the business of leading Cincmnah without the drama of those looking to d1v1de and distract us from
the good work being done all over our community.
Statu& Read
Read. 10/19/2018 10 26:10 Al.1(UTC-41
Source file. Gregory Landsman's 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox2040FE8 (Table message handle chal Size 50020352 bytes)
10/19/20181:06:03 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgolng, +15136460188
Take it or leave it but I'd make ti a little more stra ightforward:

·we're very glad this happened. Th e first thing we said to the lawyers was. 'get the texts out'. People have politicized this, which is
unfortunate. We can do without thi s drama, and have everyone focus only on the business of leading the city. No more division. no more
distractions - just work."
Statua: Sent
Oeffvercd. 10119/2018 l OG 04 PM(Ul c 4)
Source file: Gregory landsman s 1PhoneJvar/mob.leJL1brao-y/SMSls ms.db : Ox2046AE6 (Table message, chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/1912018 1:06:38 PM (UTC-4)01rection-lncomtng, +15133852404 (P.G. Sillenfekf}
Like 11.
Status: Read
Read· 1or19no18 1 06:• I PMIUTC~)

Source file. Gregory Lanosman s 1Phone/var/mobde/L1braryiSMS/sms do Ox2046646 (Table message handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)

10/1912018 1:06:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (P.G. Sittenfeld)
. You want to give to SC?
Stntus: Read
Read: 10/1912018 10647 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms db . Ox2046491 (Table· message. handle. chat Size 50020352 bytes)
10/19120181:07:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (P.G . Sittenfeld)
Though you might say "the release" rather than just "this"
Status: Read
Read· 10/1912018 1:07:33 PM(UTC-'I)
Source file: Gregory Landsman s iPhone/var/mobile/l1brarylSM$/sms.db Ox20462CO (Table· message, handle, chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
10119/2018 1:07:39 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Though you might say "the release" rather than jusi "this"'
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 10/1912018 1:07·39 PMtUTC·4}
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox2047F14 (Tab)e message. chat. Size 50020352 bytes)
10/1912018 1 :07:55 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Going to get texts now. Call you 1n a second
St&rus: Sent
Delivered: 1011912018 1:07·5& PMtUTC-4>
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/\/ar/mob1le/Library/$MS!sms.db Ox2047CCF (Table· message chat, Size 50020352 bytes)
Chats (1)
1 • These details are cross-referenced from ttlis device's contacts

iMessage: + 15133652404 (1)

# Deleted
Participants: Start Time: 11/27/201 4 1.03.44 PM(UTC-5)
+ 15133652404 Last Activity: 11/2612018 8:49 15 AM(UTC-5)
P.G. • (owner) Number of attachments: 32
Source: iMessage •15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
1Phone/var/mob1le /Library/SM S/sms.db Ox890A6FE
(Table· chat. handle, Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
+15136460186 Body file: chat-1 .txl
Greg Landsman·

11112018 2:39:29 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Hey man. Can you send me the most updated version of co mmittees and do you know what's the agenda tomorrow?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/1/201 8 2:40:55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 11112018 2:40:55 PM(UTC- 5)
Source file: P.G:s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6686501 (Table: message, handle, cha1, Si?e 2207621 12 bytes)
11112018 2:41 :08 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
JUSt sent to you most recent th ing john had sent to me
Stolus: Sent
Source file: P.G:s iPhonetvarrmobile/LibraryfSM S/sms.db : Ox668 9FEC (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
11112018 2:41:45 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I don 't know exactly for agenda. Presumably, swearing-ins: committees , and may temporary adoption of existing rules would be my guess
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Var/mobllelllbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox660 9DBO (Table: message. c hat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/112018 2:44:12 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136480188 (Greg Landsman)
You took SORTA and recreation. Also, not the name of the committee I sent you. But whatever. See you tomorrow.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/l/2018 2:44:29 P M(UTC·5)
Read· 111/201 8 2·4 4:29 PM (UTC-5)
Source file: P G: s iPhone/varlmobite/llbrary/SM S/sms.db . Ox6609ABO (Table m essage, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/ 112018 2:44:41 PM(UTC-5)Direcllon:Outgoing, + 15133652404 (P.G.)
Greg, w hat is from John not me.
Status: SQnt
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6669549 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/112018 2:44:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Feel free to call me, or call him, or we can all hop on the phone.
Status: Se11t
Source file: P G.'s IPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . Ox 668 933B (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/112018 2 :58:47 PM(UTC.S)Olrectlon:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Just change the committee name to Children and Families and Major Proi ects. You can keep recreation or put it in Tamaya's. I'd prefer

Status: Read
Oe~vered: 1/112018 2.58:54 PMJUTC-5)
Read: 111/20 18 2:58:54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G: s iPhone/\'arlmobilellibrary/SMSfsrns.db · Ox66BAFDC (Table· message. handle, chat, Size: 2.20762112 bytes)
1/ 2/2018 9 :07:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Thanks for your work on the committees. Look forward to working together, brother.
S!atus: Read
Delivered: 11212018 9 ·07 .40 PM(UTC·S)
Rea<l: 112.12016 9:07.40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G:s iPhone1Var/m oblle/L1brary/SM$/sms.d b · Ox67 11A54 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size, 22076 21 12 bytes)
1/2/2018 9:09:37 PM(UTC-6)0irection;Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
The committees. like everything else, will be a push-pull-tug-neg otiation, where no one quite gets what they want, but hopefully everyone
can live with it. The key is reasonable, positive people like you rself. Congrats on taking office today - it's a big deal, and you'll continue to do
big th ings.
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/rnobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox67118 13 (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/2/2018 9 :10:40 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Thanks. man. It'll be a steep learning curve for me. Thanks for bearing with me. Appreci ate you.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G:s 1Phonelvarlmob1lell1brary/SM S!sms.db : Ox6712FEC (Table message, handle . chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/212018 9:11:14 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P,G.)
disagree, you're Day 1 ready.
Status. Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonel var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox671208B (Table· message. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)

1/2/2016 9:12:11 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
this goes for all of us, I just think a lot of how stuff nets out is the result of 10 fairly strong-willed people dec1d1ng on things where perfection is
elusive and the time-table is relatively short.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6712878 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/212018 9 :12: 18 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but let's make sure it's also fun!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6712814 (Table. message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/212018 9:13:37 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
For sure. I'm in :).
Status: Read
Read: 112/2018 9 13:47 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox67 125F4 (Table. message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/212018 9:13:58 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 112/2018 9.13.58 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox6712424 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/2/2018 9:14:42 PM(UTC-5)Direc:tlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
frustratingly I probably also went from having the lowest body fat on council to probably now being #3.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvartmobtle/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox6713FEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/212016 9:16:02 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Loi. We'll keep each other honest, and very fit'
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/2/2018 9 29.14 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 112/2018 9 29· 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox6713D30 {Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/2018 12:14:08 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Htt me up when you have a minute.
Status: Read
Read: 118/2018 12.43 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox67DB5E8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/201 B 2:11 :52 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Preschool Challenge?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox67E44F3 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/2016 2:11:55 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Freudian slip ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox67E42FB (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/2016 2:11:57 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/8/2018 2 .11 :58 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/8/2018 2·11 .58 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Ph0ne/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox67E5FDC (Table message handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/1512016 2:07:40 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Fun being together on Saturday night. Tomorrow at 1030am, Wendell, Tamaya , and I - plus various leaders from the African-American
community - are going to announce the disparity motion. Would love 1f you want and are able to be there , and to say a word. Let me know.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox690EFEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:10:1 1 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will be at City Hall
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6911397 {Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 2:32:00 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15136480166 (Greg Landsman)
Sounds good. Can you send me the motion? See you tomorrow!
Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/2018 2 32 17 PMtUTC·5J
Read: 1115/2018 2 32 17 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone1varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6918FDC (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2016 2:32:37 PM{UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Awesome! Yep. will send - it's the one you signed earlier this week.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varimob1le/ltbraryl SMS/sms db Ox6918AOO (Table message cha t. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/1512016 2:33:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Loi Gotcha ")
Status· Read
Dekvered. 1118/2018 10 26.34 AM(UTC-5)
Read 1/1812018 10 26 34 AMtUTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox69194EC (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)

1/1812018 10:21 :46 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
No rush but give me a call when you can. Want to give you a heads up on something, and ask about today's meeting. Tha nks, brother.
Status: Read
De~vered: 1118/2018 10·26.34 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/18/2018 10:26 34 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox69FD641 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1812018 2:17:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
On more thing when you have a chance. Just a thought on ATU.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1119/2018 9:55.27 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/1912018 9:55·27 AM(UTC -5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6AOB3D8 (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 9:55:26 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
nice job in interview this morning
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6A3EB10 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 9:55:38 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
right on tone and right on message
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A3E5EO (Table: message. chat. Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
1/19/2018 9:56:23 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I mean it. I genuinely believe you, perhaps more than anyone else, can play such a productive role in righting the ship
Status: Sen1
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6A3E3CA (Table· message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/19/2018 10:07:44 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Thank you, man. Means a ton. I certainly hope so. What a mess tho. But nothing insurmountable it doesn't seem. On we go.

How's your Dad?

Status: Read
Delivered: 1119/201810.11.19 AM(UTC -5)
Read: 1/ 19120181011 .19AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6A40FDC (Table· message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1 9/2018 1O:11:33 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
didn't take your call cause at hospital w/ him now
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A40D21 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1912018 10:11:39 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
things looking more stable, which is good
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6A40AE9 (Table message chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1912018 10:14:21 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lnooming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Loved "things looking more stable, which is good •
Status: Read
Delivered: 1120/2018 9.50.02 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/20/2018 9 50.02 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox6A41385 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/2012018 9:50:22 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
this is also good to read or reread if haven't already; just for additional context:
https://www. bizjou rnals .com/cincinnati/news/2016/12/30/streetca r-triggers-millions-in-development-along. html
S!Dlus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A66BBA (Table· message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
112312018 12:38:57 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Simplest way I understand is that the money would sit in a special revenue account for the Parks, but at the city, and the city cannot spend
the money without written consent by the Parks Board.
Status: Read
Read: 112312018 2:22.11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db . Ox6AEBDC1 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/251201811:46:27 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Will call back shortly. At gym.
Swtus: Read
Read: 1125/2018 11 46 40 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B2E574 (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/25/2018 11 :46:50 AM(U TC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
In mtg at noon
Status: Sent
Delivered: 112512018 11 :46·49 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6B2FFE4 (Table: message chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/29/20188:11 :25 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
What's the agenda for the meeting at 1? What do you hope to cover and what do you hope to achieve?
Status- Read
Read: 1/29/2018 8"45 43 AM(UTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6BAE2C3 (Table message. handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
112912018 8:47:22 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 ( P.G.)
My own agenda is to see and speak to the Rosenbergs for the first time since court ruling.
Swtus. Sent
Delivered: 1129/2018 8 47 21 AMiUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6BBOA37 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)

215/2018 4:38: 13 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


IMG 4697.PNG IMG 4687.PNG !MG 4688.PNG

Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/5/2018 4·38·15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6CAD684 (Table: message. chat. attachment. Size . 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/c1/0 1/ 1A6E2168-8888-4992-BA8C-1 1541 2224294/IMG_ 4697.PNG : (Size: 858570 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/4210211 935F99A-E34F-4806-95EB-549DA73811F7/IMG_4687.PNG : (Size: 631279 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/79/09/4544F670-1E60-4843-9E04-CA908E3659E2/IMG_4688.PNG (Size. 950259 bytes)
215/2018 4:39:02 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


IMG 4689. PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/5/2018 4:39.01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6CAD430 (Table: message. chat, attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/97/07/CA5327C1-D45E-4194-8631-3A7869FD8CDA/IMG_4689.PNG . (Size: 2082437 bytes)
215/2018 4:43:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
So what's the best argument that he's not qualified? That he's attacked this council, unions. and black leaders? Too controversial to be
qualified. Something like that. Just want a solid argument when I get the call. ....
Status: Read
Read: 2/512018 4.44.03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6CAE9A7 (Table: message, handle, cha t, Size· 220762112 bytes)
215/2018 4:58:04 PM(UTC-S)Oireclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Driving now. Let me ring you later
Status: Sent
Delivered: 215/2018 4.58.03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6CAFCB3 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
2/5/2018 4:59:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I think I have it. Was more th inking aloud. I had told John not to do this. Super annoying.
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 5 01"35 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAF8DD (Table message, handle, chat Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
215/2018 5:02:10 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
In Breakthrough meeting for 30 min then can call
Status: Sent
Delivered: 215/2018 5.02:08 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone /var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox6CAF4A9 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
215/2018 5:02:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Agree w your assessment. So unnecessary
Status: Sent
Delivered: 215/2018 5:02.32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox6CAF2A5 (Table: message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2/5/2018 5:02:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:tncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Agree w your assessment. So unnecessary "
Status: Read
Read: 215/2018 5 02'41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6CBOF56 (Table. message handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
2/14/2018 2:25:11 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
nailed the tone, and the comments were very thoughtful. don't take any more bait
Stlltus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phoneivar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · Ox6EOCDEA (Table· message chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
2114/2018 2:32:33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "nailed the tone, and the comments were very thoughtful. don 't take any more bait "
Sllltus: Read
Delivered: 2/14/2018 2.32 37 PM(UTC-51
Read: 2114/2018 2:32:37 PM(UTC-5J
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox6EOCA80 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2/14/2018 2:32:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
hard in the moment to not take the bait - when they're imposing a bs frame
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6EOC820 (Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
2114/2018 2:33:05 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but that's what off the record conversations with j ournalists are for
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox6EOC5C2 (Table message chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)

2/14/2018 2:40:27 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Agreed .
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/14/2018 2:43:48 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/14/2018 2:43:48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6EODC34 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
2/2612018 11 :04:15 AM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can we pull together a meeting if you, T, Wendell & me on FC stadium?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/26/2018 11:04:11 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox702A339 (Table: message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/2/2018 8:24:57 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Thanks for the affirmative word to Jason. brother!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7122610 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2/2016 8:30:19 AM(UTC-5)0irecfjon:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Thanks for the affirmative word to Jason, brother! "
Status: Read
Read: 3/2/2018 8:31 :39 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7122306 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
31212016 8:32:03 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm at your disposal to help move forward the changes I think agree on
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2/2018 8:32:03 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7123FE4 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/212018 8:32:38 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Thanks , brother, and we'll get that meeting set up ASAP . I think the timing will work out well.
Status: Read
Read: 3/21201 8 8 :32:40 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7123DB3 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2/2018 8:33:44 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

- first things first, holding the manufacturer accountable - including legally - for the unacceptable defects

- creating a better and more direct chain of leadership for decision-making; as we've agreed I, right now, things are too much of a bank-shot
for the city; we need more direct control to implement needed changes

- adjusting the hours and frequency so there's more service when people have shown they actually want it most

- creating better bus connectivity from the top of the route up to the most popular stops Uptown (i.e., simulating the original downtown-
uptown plan, but doing so with bus up the hill rather than with rail)

- if there was a private or philanthropic source, consider piloting a free period

Status: Sent
Delivered: 31212018 8:33:44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7123B50 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2/2018 8:33:56 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Cool, keep me posted for the meeting
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/212018 8:33:56 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox71233FB (Table: message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/212018 9:02:29 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "
- first things first, holding the manufacturer accountable - including legally - for the unacceptable defects

- creating a better and more direct chain of leadership for decision-making ; as we've agreed I, right now, things are too much of a bank-shot
for the city; we need more direct control to implement needed changes

- adjusting the hours and frequency so there's more service when people have shown they actually want it most

- creating better bus connectivity from the top of the route up to the most popular stops Uptown (i.e., simulating the original downtown-
uptown plan, but doing so with bus up the hill rather than with rail)

- if there was a private or philanthropic source, consider piloting a free period"

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/2/2018 9.32:18 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/2/20189:32"18 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7124FOB (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 2:54:05 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
call me when you can re: RB update
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7272FEC (Table. message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)

3/8/2018 3:11:46 PM(UTC-S)Direotion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/812018 3.12:01 PM(UTC-!;)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlrnobile/Llbrary/SMS/srns.db : Ox7274703 (Table: message. chat, attachment. Stze: 220762112 bytes)
P. G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/librarylSMS/Attachments/a910917AEDAOA 7· 173B-4297·B6C1·C68BAA967463/IMG_ 5316.HEIC : (Size: 1321486 bytes)
3/6/2018 4:11:38 PM(UTC..S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
let me know if you're free before our Prus call to knock out this call w/ Justin?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox727CFEC (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
31612018 4:14:34 PM(UTC-5)0iredion:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg t.andSman)
Ready now.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/8/2018 4.14.39 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 31812018 4 14 39 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox727C4AD (Table: message, handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
318/2018 4:14:42 PM(UTC·5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will call you in like 2 min
Status: Sent
Source fde: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/rnobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox727C2FD (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 4:1 4:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "will call you in like 2 min"
Status: Read
Delivered: 318/2018 4:22:52 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/8/2018 4.22.52 PMcUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox727DF57 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/9f2016 3:53:05 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
On work call. Will call shortly.
Status: Re ad
Delivered: 3/15/2018 8 28.08 AM{UTC-4)
R&ad: 3115/2018 8:28:08 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox72B5DDC (Table. message. handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1512016 5:48:31 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnooming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Give me a call when you get a chance. Not urgent. Need to to uch base on RBO and CM.
Statu.: Re acl
Delivered: 311s12ota 8 28·08 AM(UTC-4>
Read: 311512018 8:28 08 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone1var/mobilellibrary/ SMSJsms.cib : Ox740CFDC (Table· message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:28:59 AM(UTC-4)Directi0n:Outgoing, +151336-52404 (P.G.)
is early afternoon too late - like 2pm-ish my time?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibra ry/SMS/sms.ob Ox7418DBD (Table: message, chat. Stze: 2207621 12 bytes)
311512018 8:34:04 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Defiwred: 3115/2018 8 34.59 AM(UTC-41
Read: 3/15/2018 8 34 59 AM(UTC-4J
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarytSMS/sms db Ox741AB67 (Table message llandle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3115/2018 8:35:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
talk to you then
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob!le/LibrarylSMS/sms db Ox741A760 (Table· message. chat. Si~e· 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 6:35:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
just venting. but Christ, Jason's gossip column frustrates me
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's iPhone/Var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox741A2C8 (Table. rnessage, chat, Size· 220762 112 bytes)
3/15/2016 8:35:47 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
it's like they can never let the lens be "what do you think is best for the city?"
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/ var/tnob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox741 BFEC (Table. message chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:37:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
it's all fucking angling and politics rather than: what might actually allow us to keep a lid on the damn city so that it's not a racial powder keg
Slstus: Sent
Source file: PG ·s 1Phone/l/arlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox 7418836 (Table: message chat Size 2207621 12 byles)
3/15/2016 6:37:53 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
and why the hell should we have to pay $600k to settle a personality dispute between 2 grown men•
Sia!us: Sent
Source file: P .G 's 1Phonel var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMSlsms.db · Ox741 B64F (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)

3/16/2018 7:59:34 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
we can't have 5 on the call; confirmed with Curp. Can Seelbach , Tamaya, and I call you like 20 minutes later, without Wendell? So like
1:50pm EST?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7469FEC (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 8:02:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
That's a round robin, no? Also not allowed? Just you or Tamaya call me after. I do not want to deal with sunshine rules allegations on top of
this mess we're dealing with .
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 8:02:39 AM(UTC -4)
Read: 3/ 16/2018 8 :02:39 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/libra rylSMS/sms.db : Ox746981C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 22076211 2 bytes)
311812018 8:03:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
okay , just one or two of us will call after - is that ok?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7469523 (Table: message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/1612018 8:03:11 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellib rary/SMS/sms.db : Ox74692E1 (Table· message. handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1812018 8:03:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Even Urban League and CAA have now come out against John in this. Yikes
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelva r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox746AFEC (Table: message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:04:31 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
absolutely goddamn clusterfuck
Status: Sent
Source file: P. G.'s iPhonel varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox746AD80 (Ta ble: message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/1812018 8:04:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
meanwhile looks like we will have to deal with FCC in West End on basically a 1-week timetable. funt
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox746AB7F (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762 112 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:08:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Wondering what you all think of a cease fire/cooling off period. during which they both agree to say nothing more on the subject and focus
on work. We bring in a pro bon o mediator (or two) , to help them get through the two weeks or however long it takes for us to put together a
process to address the issues that have eme rged . A special committee of my committee perhaps. And we ask Harry for weekly progress
reports to ensure the work is continuing unabated, and a commitment from him that he will not make any personnel decisions (e.g. firing
anyone). If we get the CBC types and NAACP and others to join us, might work.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 8:08:43 AM (UTC -4)
Read: 3/ 16/2018 8:08:43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox746BFDC (Table· message, handle, chat, Size : 22076211 2 byte s)
3/1 6/2018 8:09:40 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I personally love it' I'm sure Harry would. I'm dubious John will go for it. .
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox746B637 (Table: message , chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1612018 8:15:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Gneg Landsman)
What would get John there, you think? Anything ?
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . Ox746B3C2 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:16:21 AM(UTC-4)Dinection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
fa ir question. I offered him another legit reason compromise and he immediately shot it down on two occasions (it was give Harry 6 months
to seek employment elsewhere; no buy-out is necessary; he leave on his own terms so there's no racial inflammation , and council is actively
involved in selection of new manager) - he wasn't having it.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va rlmobilellib rary/SMS/sms.db : Ox746CFEC (Table: message. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:16:33 AM(UTC-4)Dinection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm tell ing you, the guy is dousing himself in gasoline
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : Ox746CB69 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/ 16/2018 8:16:53 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tom West yesterday told me, verbatim , "John Cranley is ending and ru ining his political ca reer"
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPl1onel var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox746C927 (Table: message . chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:45:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I literally just spent 10 minutes aggregating into 1 letter you r idea, Wendells, as well as some thoughts from Curp
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox746DE01 (Table: message. cl1at, Size. 220762 112 bytes)
311 6/2018 8:46:17 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
going to share with only you now as a Google doc - let me know thoughts and ideas. migh t be best to get se nt out to the group before the
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7460B4A (Table. message, chat, Size· 2207621 12 byte s)

3/1612018 8:46:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
obviously all 5 of us have to be in agreement here
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/LlbrarylSMSlsms.db Ox746085B (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 8:49:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Literally cra nked out so probably has typos and inartful language
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1612018 8 49 22 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblielL1brary/SMS/sms db: Ox746061 F (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 8:49:28 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Heading to other mtgs now
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311612018 8.49 29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db. Ox74603F8 (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 11 :12:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Sent edits to letter. Just toned it down a few places. Let's see what others say, and how this meeting turns out. Would we release Mon?
Status: Re ad
Reed: 3/16/201811 27 29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarl mob1lel llbrary/ SMS/sms db Ox7477877 (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/201811 :12:47 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Also, what's the cost of a special counsel?
Statu s: Read
Read : 311612018112729 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblie/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . Ox74775C6 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 12:26:03 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You up?
Stat us: Read
Read: 311712018 8 12 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox74C9FE8 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/ 17/2018 8:12:28 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Hey, can ring you back in 15 min
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311712018 8 12 28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox74C96B9 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 8:12:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Hey, ca n ring you back in 15 min "
Status: Read
Read: 311712018 8 30 55 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox74C944E (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311712018 8:31 :02 AM(UTC-4)Di rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just tried you
Status: Sent
Delivered : 3/17/2018 8 39 25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox74CBE2B (Table message chat Size 22076211 2 by1es)
3/1712018 10:50:17 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
co uld you meet with the Unions Wednesday after Council?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox74D3AA3 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/17/201810:50:44 AM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 311712018 10.50 44 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 311712018 10 50 44 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74034EC (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3117/2018 10:50:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
okay, will suggest that
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7403348 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311 8/2018 2:16:08 AM( UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 36460186 (Greg Landsman)
You and David set to meet tod ay? I think having something to vote on Wednesday as it relates to "independent" counsel (my new word, lol),
is now even more important. Thanks for all you're doing on this. Wish I was there to help more ...
Status· Read
Read: 3/18/2018 7 50 54 AMtUTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7506FE8 (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 by1es)
3/181201810:01 :01 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Cannngyou backafter11 30am
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3118/2018 10 Ot 02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le.1L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox750B26F (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/18/201810:35:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncomlng, +151 36460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status Read
Read 3/1812018 1 07.02 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox750CFE8 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 by1es)

311812018 2:54:20 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I also worry that we're coming close to opening ourselves to a sunshine law issue with this text thread.
Status: Read
Read: 3118/2018 3:05.24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobHe/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7520897 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
311812018 3:05:42 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
A very fair consideration
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 3·05:44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1lelltbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox75203F4 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
312012018 4:33:48 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
How annoying was Abby Moran's email?' I'm not moving, just FYI.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4 34:00 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 4:34 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/ SMSlsms.db · Ox759C87A (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3120/2018 4:34:10 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
It never occurred to me that you were
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelltbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox759C65F (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
312012018 4:34:1 9 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "It never occurred to me that you were "
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmoblle/librarylSMS/sms.db: Ox759C3B3 (Table message handle. chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3/2012018 4:34:27 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
haven't opened her email yet, but now you've got me intrigued
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox759DFEC (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:34:37 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
btw, T & I aren't making caucus tomorrow A.M .
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db: Ox759DD97 (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
312012018 4:36:42 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You guys are bailing on mel?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4 40.49 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/20/2018 4"40.49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lelltbrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox759E5AO (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 4:42:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
OMG , just read her email - awful, annoying X 1000
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox75AOD35 (Table. message. chat, Size. 220762 112 bytes)
3/ 20/2018 4:42:29 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
So annoying.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox75AOB03 (Table· message. handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:42:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
are you definitely going to go to caucus? if so, we'll go to support you
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox75A094F (Table: message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 4:43:04 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
I feel like I have to go.
Status. Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4 43 28 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 3/20/20 18 4·43 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox75A0308 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3120/2018 4:43:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
alright, then we'll come
SU!tus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox75A 1066 (Table. message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 4:44:05 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You don't have to ...
Sllltus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox75A 16A2 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:44:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
all for one, one for all , brother!
SU!tus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox75A1 4EO (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 4:44:28 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "all for one . one for all, brother'"
S1£tus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox75A1240 (Table message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)

312012018 4:44:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
T im sent me an email too . so 11 would have been 3 against 1.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/20/2018 4 44 51 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 3120/20 18 4 44 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/ SMS/sms.db · Ox75A2FDC (Table message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:45:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
plus , I want to see the one man in the city that can save this situation in action ! might have you autograph my Enquirer too
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox75A2DC7 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 byte s)
312012018 4:46:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Jason 1s going to destroy me tomorrow ....
Status· Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db : Ox75A2856 (Table message. handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
312012018 4:46:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox75A236D (Table message, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/2012018 4:46:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Seelbach & I will absorb the shrapnel
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox75A3FEC (Table: message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:46:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but Abby Moran's kid will likely cry himself to sleep ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/ SMSlsms.db Ox75A3DDO (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 4:47:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I'll get the thumbs down for the week .... suck a d ick.
Status: Read
Delivered: 312012018 4.47 05 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312012018 4 •47 .05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox75A3B7B (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 4:47:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
I mean, that photo ...
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db Ox75A3975 (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:47:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
one of us should respond re· the strip club thing , that her son 1s already p robably elbow deep in porn
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lelL1brarylSMSlsms.db : Ox75A37B1 (Table. message. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:47:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I meant. such a dick.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phoneivarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . Ox75A3514 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 4:47:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Laughed at "one of us should respond re: the strip club thing , that her son is already probably elbow deep in porn"
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LibraryiSMSlsms.db Ox75A4F1C (Table. message, handle cha1 Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:08:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you having sexual harassment item re-referred to your comm ittee?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMSlsms db Ox75E4311 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 4:04:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Union leaders waiting on us
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/21120 18 4 04 33 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox75EAA03 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2112018 4:08:49 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Heading there now ...
Str.tus: Read
Delivered: 3/2112018 8 32 36 PM(UTC-4>
Read: 312112018 8 32 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db. Ox75EBFDC (Table message handle cha1 Size 220762112 bytes)
312112018 8:32:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
what are you thinking?
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s i Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox75FE61A (Table message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/2112018 8:33:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
(also, keep in mind , had we met with a group of AA community leaders. we probably would have wa lked out feeling very differently)
Status: Sent
Source file. P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms db Ox75FE41 E (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)

312112018 8:39:02 PM(UT~)O i rection :l ncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
For sure.
Status: Read
Delivered: 312112018 8 39:56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312 112018 8 39·56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7600FDC (Table message, handle, chat , Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
3/21/2018 8:40:12 PM(UT~)Oirection: Outgoing , +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm genuinely brainstorming hard tonight about how to navigate our way out of this paper bag
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7602 FEC (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2112018 8:41 :04 PM(UT~)Direction :lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I'm genuinely brainstorming hard tonight about how to navigate our way out of this paper bag"
Status: Read
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox760275C (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3121/2018 8:41 :16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Me too.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3122/2018 8.18 04 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 312212018 8:18.04 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.d b . Ox76021 DB (Tab le· message. handle. chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3125/2018 6:56:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
how'd it go?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox7697739 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/25/2018 8 :56:27 PM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
want to talk sometime in the morning before 830am?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7697540 (Table. me ssage, chat Size . 220762112 bytes)
3/2512018 6:59:47 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Yeah . Let's do that. He'll move on major reforms. City Hall and within CPD. Wasn't easy. Need to talk strategy on getting Harry to agree to
12 months. I have some ideas. He wants to hear you out too, and he promised to really listen. Same with Tamaya and others. He does
seemed changed by all of th is.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/25/2018 9.05:34 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/25/20 18 9'05:34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox76 98FOC (Table message, handle . chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/25/2016 9:06:53 PM(UT~)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
ok, talk in A.M .
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7698BE1 (Table message. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2512018 9:09:23 PM(UT~)Direction:lncoming , +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "ok, talk in A.M."
Status: Read
Read: 3/26/2018 7:21 :37 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/mobtlellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox76 98973 (Table message , handle. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/ 26/2018 7:22:05 AM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Around now or at like 815?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/26/2018 7·22.07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7699 E12 (Table· message, chat Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
3/26/2018 7:36:35 AM(UT~)Direction: lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Around now or at like 815?"
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/2612018 11 04 08 AMtUTC-4)
Read: 3126/2018 11.04:08 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox76997FD (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2612016 10:45:19 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Do I need to try and change my flight tomorrow?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3128/2018 12.59.45 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/28/2018 12 59·45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox77040C9 (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/28/2018 12:56:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You in your office?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/2812018 12.59 45 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/28/Wt8 12 59 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : P.G 's 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox770E09C (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/28/2018 12:59:48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
sure, pop in
Stntus: Senl
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db Ox770EBDA (Table· message. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/28/2018 12:59:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Doors locked.
Status: Read
So urce file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox770E9FO (Table message. handle, chat. Size· 220762 112 bytes)

3/28120181 :00:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
knock again and will ope n
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox770EB3C (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2812018 3:49:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Outside. Want to chat tom orrow.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/28/2018 4.23 37 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/28/2018 4:23:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox77 13DA1 {Table message. handle. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/29/2018 7:26:52 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Could you & I chat for 15 m in tomorrow w hen you have time? Don't want to interrupt precious family time
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/29/2018 7 26 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox773CFE4 (Table message chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2912018 7:39:47 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yep. Of course . Just try w henever.
Status: Read
Read: 3129/2018 7 42.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox773CS9S (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 byt es)
3/29/2018 7:43:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
When 1n m orning best?
Status: Sent
De~vered· 3/29/2018 7 43 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox773C3AF (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 8: 11 :52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm around anytime this m orning, just let me know
St.atus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox773ECBF (Tab le message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 9:24:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
one quick small thing· my understanding is the Google doc I shared with you , and you sent back , of the first press release draft does need to
be turned over as a public record. that correct?
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox774BDE9 (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3130/2016 9:25:30 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I think that's right. I only sent the two or three emails where we were all on the email.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 10.0 110 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3130/2018 10.01 10 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/rnob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox774B7FO (Table message handle chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/212018 4:02:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1going, +15133852404 (P.G.)
can you chat for a minute?
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox77E177D (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/2/2 016 4:03:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +1 5136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Boa rding our plane. Sorry. Still with Sarah and kids. Maddie says I can·t work anymore (did a little this morning). Will try when we get home
and get them down . T aking off in a few ...
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/2/2018 4 04 04 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/2/2018 4 04 04 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox77E2FOC (Table message handle chat. Size 220762 112 bytes)
41212018 4:04:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I admit to be a befuddled - but conf!rming you're a hard no for tomorrow's meeting?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox77E29B6 (Table message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
41212018 4:04:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I certainly h aven' t made my mind up about anything, I j ust don't see how us sitting and waiting for John to dump something in our lap is the
right approach
Status: Sent
Sou rce file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox77E2434 (Table· message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/212018 4:0 5:38 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'd rather try to proactively shape something, and see if 11 could be gotten to a decent place, than to iust have to be reactive
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox77E3FEC (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/2/2018 4:05:49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +1 5133852404 (P.G.)
fly sate
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox77E3D13 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/212018 4:09:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151364601 86 (Greg Landsman)
Yeah. Between drop off (I have kids in morning and can't get downtown until 9101sh), my meeting w ith Darrin at 9·15 I don't want to cancel,
and not wanting to get sucked into Jeffs stuff like this. I'm not going to cancel my minority accelerator meeting. Apologize for this. You can
fill me in after the meeting. I'll be at City Hall most of day tomorrow.
Status. Read
Source file: P.G ·s 1Phone/var/mob1lelltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox77E4CFF (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

41212018 4:10:14 PM(UTC4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)


IMG 1556.jpeg
Status: Read
Delivered: 412120 18 4.10:30 PM(UTC-4)
Read; 41212018 4:10:30 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1leJL1brarylSMS/sms.db : Ox77E426B (Table. message. handle. chat. attachment, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
P.G 's iPhonelvar/rnob11e/Library/SMSIAttachmentsl99/09162A87DD7-1F60-4542-9A9C-02EF3075F8F8/IMG_1558.jpeg : {Size: 1254691 bytes)
4/212018 4:10:27 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
That's Maddie's best thumbs up for taking on Sinclair media!
Status: Read
Delivered: 41212018 4.10.30 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/212018 4: 10 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobileilibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox77E5FDC (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
41212018 4 :10:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
haha, thanks Maddie!
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox77E5DC7 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/2/2018 4:11:17 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if 1 is hard No, and 10 is hard Yes - any sense of where you are on stadium stuff?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/srns.db: Ox77ESBCD (Table: message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
4/212018 4:12:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I honestly to not begrudge wherever you are. And I'd only support the creation of what I believed was a genuinely good deal, wh ich remains
unclear if that's possible. But I also appreciate vis ibility whether there are 4 hard NO's - so I undersland the terrain ahead
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G:s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox77E5958 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
41212018 4:14:41 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Probably a 1 in West End. Happy to ta lk Oakley and all in for Nippert. He had so many chances to get WE on board, and they're not there .
It's also so much money. But would feel better if he were to come to Council or submit someth ing. After I thoug ht about ii a bit, and with folks
looking at our calenda r, I don't like the idea of us meeting with h im. Especially if Jeff wants to cut some sort of deal. I trust you. Not him.
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox77 E6A4 1 (Table: message , handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
41212018 4 :14:58 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsmen)
Liked "I honestly lo not begrudge wherever you are. A nd I'd only support the creation of what I believed was a genuinely good deal, which
remains unclear if that's possible. But I also appreciate visibility whether there are 4 hard NO's - so I understand the terrain ahead "
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Ubrary/SM Slsms.db . Ox77E7F1 B (Table: message. handle. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
41212018 4:15:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I totally understand, and don't blame you one bit.
Slalus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox77E7B43 (Table· message. chat . Size: 220762112 bytes)
41212018 4:15:41 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
the process has been abysmal, no doubt
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMSlsms.db : Ox77E7909 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
412121>18 4:15:57 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
fly safe. catch up soon.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox77 E76EO (Table . message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
414/2018 3:31 :00 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can I pay you a modest honorarium to indefinitely reply to all of Mary A rmor's emails for both of us
Status: Sen1
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/Varlmobile/Libral)'/SMS/sms.db ox787907C (Table: message. chat Size · 220762 112 bytes)
414/2018 3:31:11 PM(UTC-4)Directi<>n:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/4/2018 3.31.12 P M( UTC- ~)
Reao: 4/4/2018 3:31:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G:s 1Phone/Var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7879ACD (Table message. hand le, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
4/812018 8 :26:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
at your convenience. need to talk al location for Harry's legal counsel
Status: Sen1
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7983FEC (Table message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/19/2018 9:34:47 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
let me know when you can tal k
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhOne/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7BE 35BB (Table: message , chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)

4/1912018 9:38:15 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Called you back.
St.Eltus: Read
Delivered: 41 1912018 9·44:19 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 411912018 9:44:19 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilelllbrary/SMSlsm s.db Ox7BE33A 1 (Table message. handle , chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
411912016 9:53:44AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
sorry to miss. available again?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPl\onelvarrmobile/ Library/SMStsms.cfb Ox7BE451C (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/19/2018 10:03:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
somewhat urgent
St.Illus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvartmob1le/LibrarylSMS1sms.db · Ox7BE6D6E (Table message, chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4/19/2016 6: 14:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Know you're swamped right now. Give a ring later if around
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/19/20 18 6:14:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhonelvarl mobile/LibrarylSMSfsms.db · Ox7BFB6E7 (Table message chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
4120/2018 1:50:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Hey man. Have you talked to Janaya yet?
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 1:50:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va<lmob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7C22629 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size 2207 62 11 2 bytes)
4120/2018 1:50:30 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G .)
I have not spoken to her
Status: Senf
Oeli118red: 4/2012018 1.50:31 PM1UTC·4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPl1one/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox7C23 FE4 (Table· message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
412012018 1:5D:49 PM(UTC-4JDlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Lan<tsman)
She'd be good to chat with :).
Slalus: Read
Read: 4/20120 18 1"50:50 PM(UlC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s i Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMSl sms.db. 0<7C23E14 (Table message. handle. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
412012018 1:51:18 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I can give her a call
Slalus: Sent
DeHvered: 4120/7018 1·51:19 PM1UTC-41
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvar/mobile/l1brary/SMSlsms.db. Ox7C23C30 (Table. message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/20'2018 2:00:46 PM(UT~)D1rection:1ncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Thanks, man.
Status: Read
Read: 4/2512018 5 36.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s i Phone/varl mobtle/Libraryl SMS/sms.db: Ox7C2358D (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 by tes)
4/2412018 2:13:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Land~n)
Do you have Dave Knox's email/cell?
Status: Read
Read: 4/25/20 18 5:36.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilell 1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox7CCOA58 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
412412018 2:16:07 PM(UTC-4)Direotion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Dave Knox. vcl

Status: Sent
Delivered: 412412018 2:16:08 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/ var/ mobilel l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CC0648 (Table message. chat. attacnment. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/Attachmenls/3410417980119C-37CB-49E1 -8E55-193D300BB656/Dave . (Size: 186 bytes)
4/2812018 8:45:49 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming. +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Call me whenever you can 't
Status: Read
Delivered: 4129/2018 4:39:43 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 412917018 4.39·43 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7029FDC (Table· message. handle. chat. Size: 220762 112 bytes)
4/2812018 8 :45:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming. +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Sflltus: Read
Dellver&cf: 4129/2018 4:39.43 P ~l(UTC- 4)
Read: 4/29/2018 4:39:43 PMtUTC-41
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel vallmob1letL1braryfSMS/sms.db: Ox7D29DFA (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
5/112018 2:31:42 PM(UTC-4)Direc:lion:Outgoing, + 15133652404 (P.G.)
Did Cranley refer bump stock ordinance to your committee today?
SU.tus: Sent
Delivered: 5/112018 2 31·42 PM(U1C-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelVar/mobile/LibraryfSMS/sms.db · Ox7D8353A (Table: message chat. Si ~e: 220762112 bytes)

51212018 3:07:02 PM(UTC-4)Direclton:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
can we talk for a second
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvar/mobdell1brary/SM S/sms.db Ox7DC07F7 (Table message chat , Size 220762112 bytes)
51712018 3 :59:57 PM(UTC-4)D1rection:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)


Mike Sm1tn.vcf
Slalus Sent
Deliwted· sn12018 3 59 :>8 PM(UTC •>
Source ftle· P.G 's iPhone/var/mobilell1brarylSMS/sms db Ox7E46597 (Tabl e message. chat anacnment Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachmentslddl13186E27891-8206-475E-A4C2-AC6BF7CB4811/Mike Smi th vcf !Size: 176 bytes)
518/2018 12:22:20 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Called Mike. Great call.
Status: Read
Delivered · 518/2018 1 31 27 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 51812018 1:31·27 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/ve1/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7E6005A {Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
51812018 12:22:47 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnoomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Also, I need to leave early today. Anyway we can do votes on front end? Assuming you need me.
Status: Read
Delivered: 51812018 I :31 27 PM(U I C-4)
Road: 518120 18 1 31 27 PMtUTC-4)
Source Ille: P G.'s iPhone/varlmobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox7E60933 (Table: message, 11andle, chal. Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/8/2018 1:31.38 PM(UTC-4)0irect1on:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
we'll do votes at beginning
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s IPl'\one/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7E6 1304 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
518/2018 2:33·44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lnoomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Good job. Great presentation. discussion. And you did read my mind. Appreciate that Have to take a work call ....
Sllltus: Read
Read. 51812018 2 34 09 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var1mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db. Ox7E62545 (Table message. handle chat $17e· 2:>0762112 bytes)
5/812018 2:34 .23 PM(UTC-4)Direc:tion;Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
All good. Feel free to reioin 1f available
SlalUS Se111
Defvefed 51&'2018 2 .14 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/varlmobllel1.1brary/SM S/ · Ox7E622CO (Table: message chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
519/2018 2:38.44 PM(UTC-4)0.rectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Got two minutes after this?
Sllltus· Read
Delivered. 51912018 3 43.29 PMtUTC 4)
Reod: 51912018 3 43 29 Pl~(UTC 4)
Source file. P.G 's 1Phone/var/moblfell1bra-y/SM S/sms db : Ox7E8CFOC (Table message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
5110/2018 9:31!5:31 PM(UTC-4)0lrecllon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
any dice?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db · Ox7E0050F (Table: message, chat, Size· 220762112 byl cs)
6115/2018 5:30:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked .. will call back shortly "
Status: Read
Read: 511512018 5 38.07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvartmob1le/Ltbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox7F72390 (Table message handle. chal Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/15/2018 5:30:47 PM(UTC-4)01recllon:Outgoing, + 15133652404 (P.G.)
will call back shortly
Ststus: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone1var/mob•te/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox7F73FEC (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
511512018 5.38:2 1 PM(l1TC-4)01roetion:Oulgoing, • 15133852404 (P.G.)
Got a 5 min window Then tied up till 81sh
Status: Sent
DeilWrod: 511~1~ 5 '.l8 22 Plll·UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonc/\/arlmob1lelLtbrarylSMSlsms.db. Ox7F736A4 (Table. message. chat. S12c 220762112 bytes)
512912018 10:52-43 AM(UTC-4)Directlon·Outgoing. +15133652404 (P.G.)
you staying put for discussion of item #2?
Status· Sent
Source file: PG ·s 1PhoncNarlmob1lcll1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox802F635 (Taole: message Ghat Size 22076211:> bytes)
5129/2018 10:52:52 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnconing, +15136480186 (Grejj Landsman)
Liked ·you staying put for discussion of item #2 ?'
Status Read
Defivercd: 5179/201311032!JAM(UIC 4)
Reed: 512912018 11 03 ?~ AM1UTC·4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SM S/sms.db: Ox802F360 (Table. message handle chal Size 2207621 12 bytes)

5/29/2018 1:47:48 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Do you have Streetcar motion?
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/29/2018 1.47:53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 5/29/2018 1 47:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db . Ox8034FDC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/29/2018 1:48:20 PM(UTC4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yes, sorry - hopped on call with SORTA; and took into my office
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db · Ox8034E06 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/29/2018 1:48:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if need now, text Colleen to come get
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db. Ox8034BB7 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/30/2018 3:07:47 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You around?
Status: Read
Read: 5/30/2018 9:22.18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox80630BC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/31/20181 :41:04 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
You coming?
Status: Read
Read: 5/31/2018 1:41:20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox8077DEA (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/31/20181 :41:28 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
En route
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/3112018 1:41:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8077C30 (Table: message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
5/31/2018 1:44:09 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
En route
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/31/2018 1:44·05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/Library /SMS/sms.db Ox8077850 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/31/20181 :44:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
From mtg
Status: Senl
Delivered: 5/31/2018 1:44·07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox807769C (Table message. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
6/3/2018 11:37:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You back?
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/3/2018 5:2716 PM{UTC-4)
Read: 6/312018 5:27 :16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox80E186C (Table· message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
613/2018 5:27:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
hey brother - i am! though literally have no voice . talk in morning okay?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/LlbrarylSMSlsms db Ox80ED942 (Table. message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
613/2016 5:37:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "hey brother - i am! though literally have no voice. talk in morning okay?"
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/312018 5.43 05 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/3/2018 5:43·05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox80EE2E8 (Table· message handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/3/2018 5:43:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
feel free to ring anytime before 9am
Status: Senl
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone lvarlmobile/LibrarytSMSlsms.db OxBOEFB2A (Table message. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
614/2016 9:06:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Harry Santen is outside your office on the inspections issue. FYI.
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/4/2018 9 06:50 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/4/2018 9·06:50 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db · Ox8106C 1C (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/4/2018 9:06:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
he's just dropping off a memo
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox81069FD (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
614/2018 9:07:05 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "he's just dropping off a memo"
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobllel librarylSMS/sms.db Ox810674B (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/4/2018 9:07:09 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but if you see him can you let him know I'm at a meeting out in the field
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phonelvarl mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox810655A (Table. message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/4/2018 9:07:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Under door?
Status: Read
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox81062F1 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/4/2018 9:07:16 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
under door great
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8107FEC (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/412018 9:07:20 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "under door great"
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8107D82 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/6/201810:40:07 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
You in building?
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/6/2018 10:40:14 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/6/2018 10:40:14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox81495C8 {Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/6/2018 10:40:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
no, will be right before 1130am again though
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox814940C (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/6/2018 10:40:34 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "no, will be right before 1130am again though"
Status: Read
Read: 61612018 11 :23:02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox814AF52 (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/8/2018 11 :31 :57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P .G.)
Let me know when you have a sec
Status: Sent
Delivered: 61812018 11:31 :58 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox818F516 (Table: message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/812018 11:32:09 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
You got it.
Status: Read
Read: 618/2018 11 :32:09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox818F33A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/8/2018 11:32:1 5 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Give me a few.
Status: Read
Read: 6/8/2018 11:32:24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8190FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes}
6/10/2018 4:10:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
friendly reminder on your homework I
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/ SMS/sms.db . Ox8102683 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/10/2018 4:12:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "friendly reminder on your homework!"
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/10/2018 4:50:12 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/10/2018 4:50:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox81 D23DO (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
8/13/2018 12:25:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
How long was your session w AA Chamber?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/1312018 12:25:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox824DABO (Table: message, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
6/1312018 12:37:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 12 53"40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8250745 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size : 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 1:57:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Your rule change on for today?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/13/2018 1 57:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8253FE4 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 6:48:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Diet Sunkist where art thou
Sl&tus: Sent
Delivered: 6113/20 18 6.48:19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8261 DFE (Table. message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/13/2018 6:52:07 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
Vending machine.
Status: Read
Read: 6113/2018 6:53 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8261C28 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes}
6/1312018 6:52:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
I was pretty excited.
Status: Read
R&ad: 6/13/ 2018 5·53:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var1mobdelllbratytSMS/sms.db: Ox8261A68 (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/1312018 8:02:03 PM(UTC-4)Direcllon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
https://www. cincinna ti .com/story/news/pol itics/201 8/06/13/lawsu it-bla ck-ci n ci nn ati-police-boss-vi nd ictive-ra cis t-pettis-brown-ludga tis-cranley-
is aac/699795002/

9B0421 BOB388.plugmPayloadAttachment
Status: Senl
De~ver&d: 6113/2018 8 :02.02 PM(UTC-4)

Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox82665DD (Table: message. chat. attachment. Siie. 220762112 bytes)
P G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachmentslb4104/C9715B8B-F 2A3-4F15-AADF-A830EEB 187EOIC9958F 06-4 344-40C6-A34 8-
30E OFABC864 A.plugin PayloadAttechment · (Size· 2203 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachmentsl64/041CCOF7 DCC-6761-4A79-95AO-B 13A05999AF912C7C5A24-3F E2-49E E-A8 37•
9B042180B388.pluginPayloadA1tachment: (Size· 1236320 bytes)
611412018 12:17:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Call me when you can .
Status; Read
Read: 6/14/201tl 1:4 7:37 PM(UTC-4i
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobde/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox8288FE8 (Table message handle. chat . Size· 220762112 bytes)
6/1412018 1:47:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
'In my experience, I've always known Lieutenant Pettis to be a professional and effective police officer. who has served our community well.
The Police Department needs to come together and achieve reconciliation. I have great admiration for our police officers, and we need them
working collaboratively to ensure the highest levels of public safety."
Status; Sen!
Delivered; 6/14/2018 1 47 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilelLibraryl SMS/sms.db · Ox828DFE4 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/1512018 6:05:43 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
sorry we missed each other: I'm out of pocket tonight. available anytime before 11 am tomorrow - let me know when works
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob:le/LlbrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox82CBFEC (Table: message. chat, S12.e. 220762 112 bytes)
611812018 8:21:58 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


IMG 6917 .JPG
Status: Senl
Delivered: 6/1812018 8 21 58 PM(UTC·4i
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox83039BF (Table. message, chat, attachment, Size . 2207621 12 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMSIAttachmentsl73/0317F70588D-042E-4E40-8ADF-0146DE5408FFl lMG_6917 JPG • (Size 3234435 bytes)
6/20/2018 10:57:07 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Senl
Delivered: 6120/2018 10:57:05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s iPhonel varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . Ox8352BA5 (Table message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/2012018 11:04:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Bob Bcdctinghaus.vcf
Status: Senl
Delivered. 612012018 11 04 57 AMtUTC-<I)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8352810 (Table. message, chat. attachment. Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/Var1mobilelLibrary/SMSIAttachments/fc/121EDFC5440-3808-42FC-A5FD-AA9360F69C21/Bob Beddinghaus.vcf · (Size: 208 bytes)
6/2512018 6:02:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You were really great today
Status: Senl
Delivered: 612512018 G 02:40 PM(UTC-4i
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db . 0~8426C02 (Table. message, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
6125/2018 6:02:47 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status; Sen1
Delivered; 6125/2018 6 07 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox8426733 (Table· message. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)

6/2512018 6:09:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Thanks , brother. You were great too. You got us to consensus. Great leadership.
Status: Read
Read: 6/25/2018 6:14:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SM S/sms.db: Ox8426581 (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/27/2018 10:41:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg landsman)
Great job. Especially on human services comments. Perfect.
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/2712018 11 :20:28 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/27/2018 11:20:28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox848F9DD (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
6/27/2018 11:20:45 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
FC rebuttal always smart and appropriate
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8493B61 (Table: message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
6/27/201811 :24:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "FC rebuttal always smart and appropriate "
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/27/2018 11:32:04 AM(UTC -4)
Read: 6/27/20 18 11:32:04 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox849389C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/27/2018 4:32:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Anti corruption legislation1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/27/2018 4:32:13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox84AC20E (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/30/2018 8:41 :21 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncorning, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
I did the test on one of those big machines. Was higher at 11.4. What was yours?

IMG 2386. jpeg

Status: Read
Read: 6/3012018 8 48:42 AM(U TC-4)
Source file : P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8514FE8 (Table: message. handle, chat, attachment, S ize: 220762112 bytes)
P .G.'s iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/ba/1 OIOAEA9AF8-8F6E-426B-A91 D-71442E771A24/IMG_2386.jpeg : (Size: 2377870 bytes)
6130/2018 8:49:21 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
That sounds right to me for you. Though I've only tested on the small hand held, though it's proven pretty accurate.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/30/2018 8:49·21 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8514CFE (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/30/2018 8:49:30 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I've recently been in low 14's
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6130/20 18 849:31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox8514A69 (Table: message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/3012018 8 :49:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Makes sense to me you're 3% lower than I am
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/30/2018 8:49:52 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8514881 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/3 0/2018 9 :03:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncorning, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
So what would a good competition be? I'd like to get below 10.
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/13/2018 8:15•17 AM(UTC-4)
Read: "//1312018 8:15·17 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox8515D5E (Table. message. handle. chat Size . 220762112 bytes)
7119/2018 10:03:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm dialed in for this 1Oam mtg
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/ 19/2018 10'03.24 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox877CFE4 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
7/19/2018 10:03:33 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 7/19/2018 10:06:45 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db: Ox877C487 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/19/2018 10:11:46 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Call in
Status. Unsent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox877C2EB (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
7119/2018 6:54:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncorning, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Call me please.
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/19/2018 9.42.34 PM{UTC-4)
Read: 7/19/2018 9.42 :34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8793206 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size : 220762112 bytes)
7127/20181 :58·52 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15138460186 (Greg Landsmen)
Give me a ring .
Status: Re&.1
Read: 7127/2018 2 11 70 PM1UTC-4J
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvar/moblle/library/$M$/sms.db · Ox88B674 1 (Table message handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/27/2018 2:11 :47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
In nature Conservancy all day Board mtg. Will ca ll when out
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7127/2018 211 42 PMtUTC,4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone1Var1mobtle/l1brarylSMS/smsab OxB886303 (Table 11'essage Chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
712.9/2018 9:50:11 AM(UTC-4)Dil'ection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
We good for 4pm today? If so where?
Status· Sent
Delilll!fed: 7129120 18 9 50 12 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvarlmoblle/llbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox88EDFE4 (Table. message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/29/2018 9:51:26 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +1513646011)6 (Greg Landsman)
Will have to be a call. Will still be in Columbus.
Status: Read
Reed: 712912018 10 20 46 M~(U1 C-4)
Source file: PG. s 1Phone1var11noblle/Lbrary/SM S/sms db Ox68ED97D (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
7/2912018 10:20:53 AM(UTC--4)Direction:OU1Q01ng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Call fine. 4pm?
Slalu•· Sent
Oe~vared: 7/2912018 to 20 54 AM1UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/ var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms db ox88ED775 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
7/29/2018 10:22:27 AM(UTC-4}Dlrection:tnoomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked ·canfine. 4pm? ·
Status Read
Reed 7130/2018 2 09 SI PM\UTC-4)
Source file: P.G. s iPhone/\lar/mobtlell1braryiSMS/sms db Ox88EFFSF (Table message handle, cha! Size 220762112 bytes)
7/30/2016 2:09:51 PM(UTC-4)D1rection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
St~tus . Senl
OeNvered: 71°30/2018 2 09.51 PM(UTC-'l)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhoneivar/mob1le/Ubrary/ SM$/sms db Ox89 135BD (Table message chat. Size 220762 112 bytes)
7/30/2018 2:09:57 PM(UTC--4)01rection:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Delivered. i/30!2018 3 51 S6 PMoUTC-4)
Read; 7130.12018 3 51 56 PM 1UTC·4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8913409 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
619/2018 8:22:17 AM(UTC-4)D1rection:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Yo. I'm having administrative present on Liberty Street and Bird at our committee on the 4th.
Status: Read
Read: 819/2018 9 18 33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s Phore1Var1mob,lell1brary/SMS/sms ab Ox8A95COS (Table ' message handle. chat Size :>?0762112 bY1es)
8/9/2018 9: 18:41 AM(UTC-4)0il9c:tion:Outl1C)lng, + 15133652404 (P.G.)
Thank you•
Status: Sent
OetiVered: 81912018 9 tB 4 t AMcUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SM S/sms db Ox8A98AAA (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
819/2018 9:22:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Thank you!"
Status. Read
Oellven;d· 811212018 4 33.15 PMtUTC-tJ
RHd 8112'20t84 33 15 PMcUTC-<IJ
Source file: P.G. s 1Phone·varimobcle'l1brary1SMS/sms ob Ox6A99FSA (Table message handle. cMi. Size 220762112 byies)
8/12/2018 4:33:40 PM(UTC~)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
do you have current ematl for Jeff Edmonson? a buddy who does foundation work and is going to be moving to the West Coast wanted to
pick his brain
Status S•ni
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone1vartmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6B21A3F (Table message. chat. Size 22076:?1 12 bytes)
8/12/2018 4 :33:46 PM(UTC-4) Dlrection:Outgoing, •15133652404 (P.G.)
I only have old Strive email
Sirius Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvar·moMefL,brary:SMS/sms db Ox6B21746 (hole message Chat Si2e 22076'112 by!es)
6/12/2018 4 :48:48 PM(UTC-4J01rectioo:lncoming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)


.eff Edmondson •cl

Status Read
Read: 6'12:2018 • 49 ~4 P~ttUTC.41
Source file: P.G ·s 1Phone:varimobtle.L1ora'Y1SMSlsms db Ox8B212A8 tlc:bie mess&Je handle chat attachment SiZe 220762112 bytes)
PG 's iPhonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS1Attachments'b9.'09•807B22E9-7F8B-4990·B056-E01DC26905FCIJeff Eomondson.vcf lSi2e 268 bytes)

8/16120 18 10: 11:59 AM(UTC-4)0frection:Ou1going, +15133852404 (P.G.J
holler when available
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G 's 1P hone/var/mobtle/L1brarylSMS/sms db Ox6BAFOF6 (Table message. chat, Size. 220762 112 bytes)
811612018 10:20:46 AM(UTC-4)0ireclion :lnooming, +15136460188 (Greg Lend11man)
Liked "holler when available·
Status: Read
Read: 9/1/2018 6 27.29 PM(U IC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhono/var/mobole/Library/SMSisms.db : Ox6BB 17E D (Table me nage, ha ndle, chat. Size 220762 11 2 bytes)
8/1812018 4:40:02 PM(UTC--4)0irection:lnooming, ..15136460 186 (Greg Landsman)
Call me when you can. One last thing. Forgot .sorry.
Status: Read
Reed. 911/2018 G 27:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobileilibraryfSMSlsms.db : OxBBCBASB (Table message. handle, chal Size: 220762112 bytes)
811612018 5 :06:08 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)


Pllol .vcf

Status: Sent
Delivered: 8116120 18 5 OG 13 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetva1/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox8BCB2DE \ Table. mossage, chal, attachment Size: 220762 112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone1Varlmobilellibrary/SMS/Attachmentsf99/09/CE435364·7004-4605·8E94-5828082ECD7F/Phil : (Size 209 bytes)
9/1/2018 6 :27:14 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, ..16136-460186 (Greg Landsman)


Status: Read
Read: 911/2018 6.Z/.79 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/rnob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox80746AE (Table. message, handle. chat, attachment. Size: 220762 112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobole/l 1brery/SMS/ Attachmcnts/el/1 S/2074A2C4-757F-43G0-80EB-1 E7AA60795CO/lmage- 1 JP9 (Size. 3504 30 bytes)
9/112018 6:28:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1g0ing, ..15133852404 (P.G.)
Btw you and Sherry ? Yeah I called immediately. Sounds hke we were singing the same tune
Sllllu$: Sent
Dcllwred: 91112018 6·28 16 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonefvar/mo b;le/Libraryl SMS/sms db Ox807447E (Table message. c hat. Size: 220762 11 2 byles)
9/112018 6:28:31 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Ou1g0ing , +15133852404 (P.G.)
I'm at a dinner too. Good tag team tho
Status: Sent
OeNV9fed: 911120 18 6 28 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelver/mobole/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox80 74229 (Table· message chat Size: 220782112 bytes)
9(1/2018 6 :35.04 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming , ..15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Btw you and Sherry? Yeah I called immediately. Sounds ltke we were singing the same tune ·
SlalU$; Read
Read: 91112018 6 35 23 PMtUTC 4 )
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox80 75F18 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/1/2018 6:35:06 PM(UTC-4) Dfrection:lncoming, +15138460188 (Greg Landsman)
Liked 'Tm at a dinner too. Good tag team tho "
Sla1U$. Read
Read: 9/ 1/2018 6 35 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/ var/mobt!e/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8075B F6 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
9/11201 8 7:52 36 PM(UTC-C)Oirection:l ncoming , ..15136460186 (Greg LandSman)
Probably went too far but I'm so sick of this.

!mage-1 IP9
S!Dlus Read
Re•d: 9/1 '2018 7 54 :~7 PMtVTC 4)
Source fde: P.G.'s 1Phone1varimobtle/ Ox807 57F8 (Table meiosage handle chat. attachmen1 Size 220762 112 byte~)
P G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobileil•brary/SMSIAl1achn' en1s1201001637 1EC79·B697-4 74B-82E5-6093B9EDAED211mage-1 Jpg (S•ze 493293 bytes)
9/ 112018 7:57:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Whe n I talked to her. I said for sake of fairness, word "illegal" had lo be taken out, and noted that whatever we're being accused of in a
COAST/Smithem1an lawsuit, Christopher 1s legally being accused of exactly the same (so she gave that a reference) . I think you're exactly
right to be both pissed and fi red up.
Sln1us. Sent
061116red: 911120 16 7 57 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G ·s 1Phonetvar/mob•le/L1t>rary'SMSlsms db Ox807554 D \Table message chat SiZe· 220762' 12 bytes)

9/1/2018 7:57:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Will call you tomorrow
Status: Sent
Delivered: 91112018 7:57:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8076FE4 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
911/2018 7:59:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:tncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "When I talked to her, I said for sake of fairness, word "illegal" had to be taken out, and noted that whatever we're being accused of in
a COAST/Smitherman lawsuit. Christopher is legally being accused of exactly the same (so she gave that a reference). I think you're exactly
right to be both pissed and fired up. "
Status: Read
Read: 911 /2018 7:59:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D76A4F (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/112018 8:15:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Smitherman should no longer be vice mayor.
Status: Read
Read: 9/1/2018 8:20.14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8076600 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/1/2018 8:21:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
That's obviously on John. But sure seems like Christopher's interests are almost entirely political, and not the well-being of the City.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 91112018 8:21 .31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D76415 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/1/2018 8:25:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Let's talk tomorrow.
Status: Read
Delivered: 91212018 8.08:55 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 91212018 8 08 55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8D77FDC (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/1/2018 8:25:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "That's obviously on John. But sure seems like Christopher's interests are almost entirely political, and not the well-being of the City. "
Status: Read
Delivered: 912/2018 8.08:55 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 9/2/2018 8:08.55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxBD77A38 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/212018 9:56:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Call me when you can.

IMG 3875.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 91212018 9 :59:42 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobllellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D812DC (Table message, handle, chat. attachment. Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/21/01/1 BOA414C-2788-4699-AE02-69AFEOAFB1f1/IMG_3875.jpeg . (Size: 402749 bytes)
9/21201810:16:09AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm tied up till like 130pm. can talk anytime after? also, could you possibly join me wednesday at 5pm to meet with Connie Pillich at HQ?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox8D82FEC (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
912/2018 10:16:23AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "I'm tied up till like 130pm. can talk anytime after? also, could you possibly join me wednesday at 5pm to meet with Connie Pillich at
Status: Read
Delivered: 9/212018 10:16 55 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 912/2018 10.16.55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8D83FOB (Table· message, handle, cha1, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/4/2018 6:59:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You making JCRC tonight?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/412018 6 5948 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox8DB99B2 (Table message, chat. Size. 2207 62112 bytes)
9/4/2018 7:58:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Maybe for a bit. Probably not.
Status: Read
Delivered: 9/4/2018 9 56.46 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 914/2018 9:56.46 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox8DBABF4 (Table: message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
9/6/2018 2:41:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Need you back.
Status: Read
Delivered: 9/6/2018 2 49 52 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 916/2018 2.49·52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8E57726 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
9/10/2018 10:18:1 8 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
call when able
Sta1us: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8EFF801 (Table message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)

9/13/2018 3:16:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

John Curp. vcf

Status: Senl
Delivered: 911312018 3: 16:10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8F7229C (Table. message. chat. attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P G.'s iPhone/varlmobilellibrarylSMS/Attachrnentsi74104/E88C3C2C-6DOC-4616-BCE3-9856CFE6370D/John Curp.vcf · (Size· 161 byles)
9117/2018 12:40;54 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You in building?
Stalus: Sen1
Delivered: 9/1712018 12:40:58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8FC51 SD (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2018 12:42:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Status: Read
Read: 9117/2018 12 47 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8FC6FE6 (Table: message . handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
9/17/201612:47:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
In office if you want to chat before mtg
Status: Senl
Delivered: 9/1712018 12:4 7:51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox8FC6B40 (Table. message, chal, Size 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2016 3:02:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You coming back?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 9117/2018 3:02:38 PM1UTC·4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxBFDODF3 {Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2018 3:02:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Swing by on way in
S1Dtus: Soni
Delivered: 9117/2018 3:02:38 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db: OxBFDOC31 (Table: message. cl1at, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2018 5:28:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
https:/fwww. cincin nati. com/storyIn ews/2018/09117/fc-cin ci nnati-parkifc-ci ncin na ti-parking-g arage-property-lim bong-gar age-property-
lim bo/ 13369730021
StatJJs: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox8FD1A72 (Table: message. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
9/17/2018 6:21:05 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
https://www. cin ci ews/politics/2018/ 09117I settlement-ta lks-s ta 11-ci ncinnati-counci 1-tex ting-case-secret-meeting/ 1336 364002/
S1Dtus: Senl
Delivered: 9/17/2018 6.21 :04 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FD7D73 {Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2016 10:19:25 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I got something
Status: Senl
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8FE4858 (Table· message, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
9/17/201610:19:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:OutgOing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
talk tomorrow
Srotus: Sent
Source flle: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMStsms.db: Ox8FE4668 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2018 10:19:47 PM(UTC-4)Direciion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
unless you're a night owl
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/vartmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db · Ox8FE5FEC (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/22/2018 6:43:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)

IMG 045tqpeg
Status: Read
Read: 9122/20 18 8.44 :09 Alvl<UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobileJLibraryiSMS/sms.db . Ox907AFE8 (Table: message. handle, chat. at1act1ment, Size 220762112 bytes)
P. G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachmentslf 1/01/F 1744B57-D030-43DF-9184-87521D320CAC/IMG_0455.jpeg • (Size: 3003406 bytes)
9/22/2018 8:45:07 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yep. saw that
S1Dtus: Scnl
Delivered: 912212018 8 4~.07 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox907ADB8 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)

912212018 8:4 7:03 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)
I'm done.
Stztus: Reao
Read: 912212018 8 53 03 AM1UTC-4)
Soorce file: P. G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrarylSMSlsms db Ox907ABFE (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
912212018 9: 14:40 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Will give my texts to Enquirer/Courier reporters on Friday if you haven't resolved this. Should have been resolved last week. If not months
S111tus: Read
Read; 9122/20t8 9 • t 3' AM\UTC-4)
Sooroe file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobliellibrary,SMSlsms ab Ox907A7BB (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 b\1es)
912212018 9:16:03 AM(UTC-4)0trecllon:lnooming, +15136460186 (Greg landsman)
Plus I will try and pay my portion of the legal bills
Sllltus: Read
Read: 912212018 9:41 32 AMtUTC·4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/librarylSMS/sms db· Ox907BE10 (Table message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/22/2018 10:01:54 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
That's all fine.
Status: Sent
Oe:Jwrea: 9'22/2018 to Ot .55 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phof\e/Var/mob1tellibrary'SMS/sms db Ox907BS59 (Table message , chat Size 2?0762112 bytes)
&12212018 10:02:08 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Give me a call when you have a moment
Slatus. Sent
Dehvered: 9/2212018 10 07 06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob·lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox907B39 1 (Table message chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/2212018 10:17:05 AM(UTC-4)01reciion:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
As you know I fully agree with resolving via a settlement, including all messages about city business
Status. Sen1
Delivered: 9.'2212018 10 17 06 A~•UTC-4)
Source file: P.G:s 1Phone/\/arlmobileillbrary1SMS/sms.ab · Ox907CFE4 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
&/221201810:18:23 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncom!ng, +15136460188 (Greg Landsman)
Should had Bauman/DeMarco drop case. So no, I don't know.
Status: Read
Read. 9/221201810. t8 32 AM(UTC-•)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhoneivar/mobitellibrary/SM S/sms.db Ox907CBC6 (Table message, handle chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
9122/201810:18:55 AM(UTC-4)0irection:OutgOlng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Feel free to call me
Slalus: Senl
o.llwrt>d: 9122Wl1A 10 IA ~r, AM(IJTC:-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1leil1brary/SMS/sms db Ox9:>7C9AB (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
9/26/20181:24:30 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection;Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Will call when out of lunch
Stat\Js: Sent
Dellvered: 912612018 t 14 27 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone1varlmob1lel l1brar11SMS/sms.db Ox9113BF7 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
9126/2018 1:24 :41 PM(UTC-4)0irection:OU\going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I m def not doing any media or statement
Status: Sent
Delivered: 912612018 1 24 38 PM•VTC·4)
Source life: P.G.'s 1Phone1var1mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox9113A1 D (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
9/26/20181:24:45 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lnoomlng, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Liked 'Tm def not doing any media or statement"
Status: Read
Read: 9/2612018 3 33 30 Pt.AtUTC-41
Source file: P G.'s ,Pt\Qne!var1111ob lellibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox9113760 (Table message handle chat Size· 220762' 12 bytes)
10/1/2018 12:25:47 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:lncomil'Q, +15136460186 (Greg landsman)
Sorry I usually 1ust say one. Just so done with this lawsuit.
Status: Read
Read tOll/2018 12 26 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvar/mob1lelllb1ary/SM S/sms db Ox91C77C4 (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 by1es)
10/1/201812:26:38 PM(UTC-4)Dir&Ction:Outgo4ng, +151 33652404 (P.G.)
liked "Sorry. I usually just say one. Just so done with this lawsuit. "
Status Senl
Deli\'ered 1011120t8 12·26 38 -'MiUTC-41
Source fife: P.G ·s 1Phone,.ar:mob<le.1.•braryiSMSJsms db OxS1C74031~able message , cliat. Size :220i6:>112 bytes)
10/3'2018 9 .35:11 AM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing , + 15133652404 (P.G.)


Stept·an1e Dumas vd
Status Sent
Defivtred: 10:312018 S 3!> 11 Al,I UTC ~I

Source file: P.G.'s 1P~one;var-mob:leJL1brary.S•,1S/sms db Ox923FD05 (Table message, chat. attach'llent. Sze 2207621 12 bytes)
PG 's 1PhoneJVar1mobile1L1brary'SMS!Attachment5/86106100C54SB0-9FEl>-4880·A618·866SF8D1 F3801Stepl1on1e Dumas vd (SiLe 171 bytes)

10/912018 12:35:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460188 (Greg lands man)
I'm going to be late today. T he only time CAFA/Sentinels could meet was at 1:45. If I need to run over from Manley Burke for a vote, just
text. I'll try and make it quick.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1019/20 18 12:36:17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/9/2018 12:36.17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Lib rary/ SMS/sms.db Ox936ADB9 (Table message, handle . chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
10/9/2018 12:36:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Oulgoing, +151336 52404 (P.G.)
Liked "I'm going to be late today. The only time CAFA/Sentinels could meet was at 1:45. If I need to run over from Manley Burke for a vote,
just text. I'll try and make it quick."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/9/2018 12:36:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox936BCD4 (Table. message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 1:50:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 36460186 (Greg landsman)
What number is our ordinance?
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/1012018 1:50·18 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/10/2018 1 50:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox939CD4D (Table . message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 byte s)
10/ 10/2 018 1:50:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G .)
a little unclear - but they're saying #1
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1lel Libraryl SMS/sms.db . Ox939CB79 (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 2 :12:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg landsman)
Unless you want to add something else, I think we just vote. You did a nice job with the opening. It says more for us to say noth ing ...
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/10/2018 2:12:37 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/10/2018 2·12.37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox939F983 (Table message, handle. chat, Size · 220762112 bytes)
10/10/ 2018 2: 12:4 7 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
id be glad to reframe one more time ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/m ob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox939F6D6 (Table· message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1 012018 2 :12:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
you tell me your preference
Status: Sent
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox939F4BA (Table. message chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 2:13:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133852404 (P.G .)
wouldnt mind correcti ng somethings ...
Status: Sent
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db · Ox939F2B2 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 2:13:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgo ing, +15133652404 (P .G.)
you tell me
Status: Sent
Source file : P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox93AOFEC (Table message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 2:13:08 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +151 36460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "id be glad to reframe one more time .. ."
Status: Read
Source file: P .G .'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox93AOD76 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
10/ 10/2018 2:13:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +1 5136460186 (Greg landsman)
Go for it.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox93AOB77 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 2 :20 :42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
I'm done
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox93A09C7 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 2 :20:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg l a ndsman)
Very well done.
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/1012018 2 36 33 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/10120 18 2.36·33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox93A0703 (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 5:25:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Very nice job by you today all around
St.&tus: Sent
DeUvered: 10/10/2018 5.25:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox93A8872 (Table message. chat Size 22076211 2 bytes)
10/10/2018 5:3 6:4 2 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg landsman)
Liked "Very nice job by you today all around"
Status: Read
Reed: 10/ 10/2018 5.45 46 PM(UTC ·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox93A9B5C (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

10/10/2018 5:39:45 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
You too, man.
Status: Read
Read: 10/1012018 5:4546 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox93A9661 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/10/2018 5:45:54 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Liked "You too. man. "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10110/2018 545 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox93A942D (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
10112/2018 3:26:42 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Can you meet Sunday night to talk about issues 10, 11. ?PM?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1011212018 3 29:37 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/1212018 3 29 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox941 EFDC (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:29:43 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I cannot do sunday night. unfortunately
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox941 FFEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/ 1212018 3 :30:00 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15136460186 {Greg Landsman)
We need you . man.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox941 F928 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:31:30 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm saying 1ltterally won't be available. Unless it was a conference call later in the evening on Sunday
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox9420FEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1212018 3:31 :40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
What time?
Status: Read
Delivered: 10112/2018 3 31.42 PMtUTC-4)
Reacl: 10/12/2018 3.31 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox9420840 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:31 :50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
could hop on call at 8pm
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9420690 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1011212018 3:32:51 PM(LrTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
K. Hold that.
Status: Read
Read: 10/12/2018 3.32 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox9421 FE8 (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1011212018 3:33:02 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Liked "K. Hold that. "
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10112/201 8 3 33 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox9421DB4 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:40:41 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Did CFT endorse Issue 1Q?
Status: Read
Dehvered· 10112/2018 3 40 47 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10112/2018 3 40 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9422A3A (Table message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:41 :20 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
not sure? I feel like I saw at some point that Dillingham might not love it, but can't recall
Sllltus: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox942286E (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1212018 3:41:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
That is insane.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/LtbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox94225DD (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:42:1 0 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm honestly not sure though so worth touching base directly w/ Julie or Don
Sllltus: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9422425 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1212018 3:50:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Julie said they endorsed 10.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1011212018 3 50 36 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 1011212018 3 50.36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox942346C (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:50:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
guessing that has Michelle's fingerprints on it
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone1Var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox94 23298 (Table message, chat , Size 220762112 bytes)

10/12/2018 3 :51:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
logic being· takes big $$ to win if only 4 spots ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox9424098 (Table: message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:51:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15138460186 (Greg Landsman)
It will be momentum for Smitherman. It's also just bad for Democrats.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox9424865 (Table. message handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3 :52:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Absurd logic. It will just take the DEMOCRATIC PARTY ENDORSEMENT TO WIN !!!
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms.db . Ox942493A (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/12/2018 3 :52:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
I'm not super-convinced people care a lot before the vote, or will after, to be honest.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox9425871 (Table: message, chat. Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
10/12/2018 3:54:09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Reporters, donors do. Seelbach feels same.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1011212018 3.54.59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 1011212018 3 54 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox94255DC (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/14/2018 12:17:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)

8PM tonight.

Status: Read
Delivered: 1011412018 2:10:50 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 1011412018 2:10:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob 1lelLibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox94617A9 (Table message. handle, chat, attachment. Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob11e/library/SMS/Attachments/dd12/FF547908-A7F9-4981-A61F-F59F2161218S/FullS1zeRendeqpeg · (Size 71 180 bytes)
10/14/2018 2:11:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Liked an image
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1011412018 21 1·13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox9464947 (Table. message, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
10114/2018 8 :04:28 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Waiting on you
Status: Unsent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox946F982 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/14/2018 8 :40:05 PM(UTC-4)Dlraction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Kitty expecting to hear from you - she's good on email and text
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox9470633 (Table message, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
10/14/2018 8 :48:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Kitty expecting to hear from you - she's good on email and text "
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/1412018 9'12:42 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 1011412018 9:12.42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db · Ox94702FE (Table: message. handle , chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/16/2018 1:21:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Thank you 1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10116/2018 121:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox94B577E (Ta ble: message chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
10/1 6/2018 1:24:23 PM(UTC-4)Diraction:lncoming, +15138480186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Thank you 1 "
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/1612018 10"49 40 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/1612018 10 49 40 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox948531 E (Table message. handle. c hat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/17/201810:29:31 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15136480186 (Greg Landsman)

7r3DB7D6-82Br-4126-AA2A- 1 11852E6-15D5-4!>10-A586-
A3280E181337 plug1nPayloadAttachment GA57 A5711 CEE.plugmPayloadAttachment
Status: Read
Read: 1011712018 10 41 54 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox94E881A (Table message. handle. chat. attachment Size. 220762112 bytes)
P. G. 's 1Phone/varlmoblle/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/30/00/1211A3FF-6239-46F8-A096-1 F93AEBCAOE5/7F308706-828F-4 126-AA2A-
A3280E 181 337. pluginPayloadAttachment: (Size. 3035 bytes)
P. G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/b7/0 7/A9900775- 8C 88-4 F9A-8A43-8C9A78 008820/711 852E6-1505-4 51O-A586-
6A57 A5711 CEE.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size 34 28 bytes)
101171201810:30:17 AM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
It's the third bullet, "as a defense against tanks .. " that I enjoyed the most...
Status: Read
Read: 1011712018 10 41 54 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G 's tPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox94E82BA (Table: message. handle. chat Siz.e 220762112 bytes)
1011912018 10:05:19 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
"We we lcome the opportunity to release these text messages. The very first instruction to the public law experts at Dinsmore was to review
the messages for legal compliance and get them out as soon as possible. The politicization of this situation by some has wasted time and
money. I look forward to getting back to the business of leading Cincinnati without the drama of those looking to divide and distract us from
the good work being done all over our commun ity."
Status: Sent
De6vered: 1011912018 10 05 19 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: P G .'s 1Phone/varlmobile/Libraryl SMSlsrns.db Ox9542FE4 (Table: message. chal Size 220762112 byleS)
1011912018 1:06:03 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Take it or leave it, but I'd make it a little more straightforward:

"We're very glad this happened. The first thing we said to the lawyers was , 'get the texts out'. People have politicized this, which is
unfortunate. We can do withou t this drama. and have everyone focus only on the business of leading the city. No more division. no more
distractions - just work ...
Status: Read
Read: 1011912018 1·06: 13 PM(UTC-'l)
Source file: P .G.'s 1PhoneNar/mobJlelllbrary/SMSJsms.db Ox95<1DFE8 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
10/19/20181 :06;40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Out,going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Like it.
Slatus: Senl
Delivered: 10/19/2018 1 :06:38 PM(UTC-<11
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SM Slsms.db Ox954DB49 (Table: message chat S•ze 220762112 bytes)
10/1912018 1 :06:50 PM(UTC-4)0irec1ion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You want to give to SC?
StalUs: Sent
Delivered: 1011912018 1 06:48 PM(UTC-'l)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox954 0995 (Table message chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
10/19!20181:07:35 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Though you might say "the release" rather than just "this"
Slatus: Sen!
Delivered: 101191201610733PM(UlC-4l
Source file: P .G 's iPhone1Vartmobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db: Ox95407C5 (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}
10/1912018 1:07:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15136460186 (Greg Landsman)
Liked "Though you might say "the release" rather than just "this""
Status: Read
Read: 10/19/2018 1 :-08:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.ab : Ox954D4D2 (Table message. handle chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/19~018 1:07:55 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15136460166 (Greg Landsman)
Going to get texts now. Call you in a second ....
Status: Read
React: 10119/2018 1 os·og PM(UTC-4)
Chats (1)
! • These de1ails are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15136460186 (1)

# Deleted

Participants: Start Time: 1214/2017 7:51:49 PM(UTC-5)

+15136460186 last Activity: 11122/2018 5.05:06 PM(UTC-5)
Number of attachments: 0
Source. •Message +15136460186
Source flle: Gregory landsman's
iPhone/varlmobiletUbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox2B6F1 D2
(Table: chat, handle Size 50020352 bytes)
+15134856759 Body file: chat-1.txt
Wendell Young·

112/2018 9:13;15 PM(UTC-S)Direotion:Outgoing, +15136460186

I was so moved by you today . You're a remarkable man. I'm so lucky to be working with you. And I'm so grateful for Kathy and that she was
tending her garden that day.
Status: Sen•
Dell\1$red: 1/2/2018 9.13:20 PMfUTC-5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman' s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox615A57 (Table message Chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/3/2018 10:52;35AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Thanks Greg. Looking forward to working with you too.
St&tus: Reed
Re~d: 113/2018 2:25:02 PM1UTC-5)

Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox62247E (Table· message handle, chat Size: 50020352 bytes)
1/312018 225:05 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15136460186
Liked "Thanks Greg. Looking forward to working with you too."
Status: Sent
De~vered· 1/3/2018 2·25 07 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phonetvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox627538 (Table. message, chat, Size. 50020352 bytes)
319/2018 10:12:56 AM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +1513485675$ (Wenelell Yoong)
Hi Greg' This is Wendell. When you get a chance , please call me.
Status: Read
Read: 31912018 10 13.44 AM(UTC·S)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvar/mobile/LibraryfSMSfsms db OxBDAFE8 (Table· message. handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
311612018 8:44:02 AM(UTC-4)DirectJon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Hey Wendell tried calling. You around this morning?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311612018 11 :41 :51 AM(UTC-4 )
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/varlmob!lel library/SMSlsms.db . OxC6CC16 (Table message . chat Size. 50020352 bytes)
41912018 10:57:31 AM(UT~)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young}
Rev. Jesse Jackson at Southern Baptist Church tomorrow at 8.00AM He will be here regarding Kroger. the West End. and Harry. Hope you
can make 1t.
Status: Read
Reed 419/2018 11.04.21AM1UTC4)
Source file: G1egory Landsman s iPhonelvar/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxE7FfE8 (Table message handle chat. Size. 50020352 bytes)
4/19/2018 4:11:17 PM(UT~)Oiredlon:tncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Please call me. 961-1776or485-6759. Thanks.
Siatus. Read
Read: <.1 19120t8 4 12:40 PMiUTC·4J
Source file: Gregory Landsman·s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms db OxFSEFE8 (Table message handle chat Size 50020352 bytes)
4/2012018 9:51:05 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Greg, when you can. please call me.
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/201811 •09: 14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxF8C59D (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 50020352 bytes)
7127/2018 2;00:28 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15136460186
Forgot to ask you about a few things. Give me a ring when you can.
Status: Sent
Oetivered: 7127/2018 2;00:3 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phoneivarlmoblle/Library/$M$/sms.db : Ox1775D5C (Table: message, chat, Size: 50020352 bytes)
7127/2018 8:56:40 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Call me: 961-1776.
Status: Read
Reacf: 712712018 10.04 31 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's iPhonelvarlmobileiLibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox177EA3F (Table: message. handle, chat. Size· 50020352 bytes)
8/112018 9:44:40 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15136460166
Hey Wendell! You coming in today?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 81112018 9:44:46 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Gregory Landsman's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox17F05AA (Table: message, chat, Size: 5002 0352 bytes)

Chats (1)
1 • These details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

iMessage; +15133484329 (1)

tJ Deleted

Participants: Start Time. 5/191201412.46.56 PM(UTC-4)

+15133484329 Last Activity: 1O/ tS/2018 10:09:21 PM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbach" (owner) Number of attachments: 225
Source: 1Message + 15133484329
Source file : Chris Seelbach' s
IPhonelvarlmobilelLibrary/SMSlsrns.db Ox11 BC6402
(Table· chat. handle, message Siz.e· 342745088 bytes)
+15133652404 Body file: chat· 1.txt
Pg Sittenfeld'
Chris Seelbach" (owner)
Status St·t•i
OefiVered· 1141?018' 1& 23 PM1liTC·5)
Souroe Ille C~1 1 Seelbach's Phone·vartmob ~ 1ubwry'SMS 1sms db Ox82AOFE4 flable meuage CM1 Sae· 342745088 byt
c..e;;..s_,_1_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
1/4!2018 2 18 28 PM(UTC-5)Dil9Ctlon:O\llllOog +1 51~ (Chris Seelbedl)
Status S.nt
Odwred 11Noi112 16 27 Pl,'.U"C 5)
Souroe Ne C..lins :Seelbach s rPhone.vaumoo le1lll>r11ry1Sllf.Slsms.<1b OxB2AOE01 (Tatile menage. cnat Size 342 745086 oY
._t_e s...;.1_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ ~

1/4/2018 2:43:46 PM(UTC-5)0iredlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sitl8nteld)

no. doing 3 • but haven't decided last yet
SU.tu1 R• ad
Read 1M/20 ill 2 ~3 58 PM(UTC-5)
Source flle· Chn1Soclbachs1Phone/var1mob1lc/l1brary1SMSlsrns db OxB2A4FE8 (Table menage handle chat, Size 342745088 byte~J----------t
1/4/2018 2 ·44 03 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Slelut ~n1
~ad 4 IOI~ I "4 04 PllltUTC·51
Source f8 Ct"~ See~ s ~ e''""'°b et. br1ry1SMSisirs oo OxB2A40B7 ('aot~ meSSllgl' Chat Size 3427.CSOl!B IJl,·es.)
1/8/20111 1.07 10 PM{UTC-5}0inldion:O~. +161334843211 (Chns Seelbach)
I have a reeling he's going to be out a lot which means Pastor won I be able to do anything m his committee. lmag;ne when Amy doesn I
make 11 either he'll be alone
Slellll Sc111
Souroe file. Ct1ns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1felt lbn1ry/SMS/s<ns.db Ox834AFEC ( I ablo messege chat Size 34?745088 bytes)

1/8/2018 1:07:36 PM(UTC-S)Oirec:Uon·lncoming, +151338524-04 (Pg Slttenleld) ·-
p roba bly frequent
Slalus. Read
~Rvered: 11612018, 07:39 PMtUTC .~)
Read: 11812018 I 07:39 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonetvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db , OxB34AAC3 (Table· message handle, chat. Size 342745088 by1es)
1/B/2018 1:07:50 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:Ou!Qoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I can only have p ink a n d silver things on my desk
Sta1us: Senl
Source file Chns Seelbach s Phone!var1mobile!l.1brary1SMS1sms db . Ox834A8CE (Tacle message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/812018, :OB.03 PM(UTC-S)Direollon:OutQoing, +15133-484329 (Chris Selllbaeh)
a t P ure Romance
Status· Sent
Source file : Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilelUbrarylSMSlsms db 0)(B34A647 (Table message chat Size 34274~088 bytes)
11812018 1:10;().4 PM(UTC-5)Diredlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach) -
She's gonna vote against fu nding the projects she c a mpa igned a year on. such httle lack of courage
Status: Senl
Source file: Chrls Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db . OxB34A458 (Table message, chat, Size: 342745086 bytes)
1/6/20 18 1:10:19 PM(UTC·5)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
and unwillingness to actually govern
Status: Read
Source file· Chns Seelbach s .Phone.var/mobiJe,l.1brarylSMS1sms.db OxB34BrEC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/812018 1:40 15 PM(UTC-S}Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133464329 {Chris Seelbech)
Amy's campaign slogan was ·stop kicking th e can down the road'!

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1Je/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB34 02B7 (Table message . chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/8120181:40:27 PM(UTC.S)Difeclion.lncoming, +151336524-04 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I hterally thought the exact same th1ngt
Status: Read
DeUvered· 1i8i2018 1.40·55 PM1UTC 5)
Read: 1/81W18 , 40 55 PM(UTC·S)
Source file: Chris Scelbach's iPhone/var/mobtle!LibrarylSMS/sms db: OxB34EFDC (Table message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/10/2018 5:39:59 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
iust out of curiosity w ho 1s Matthew Korte?
Status. Rud
Deivered: 1110/2018 5 40.12 PM1UTC·5)
Read: 1110/2018 5 ~o 12 PM<UTC 5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/vartmobdelUbrary/SMSlsms.db OxB3B32FF (Table· message. handle. Chat, S1i.e. 342745088 bytes)
1110/2018 5:40:32 PM(UTC-S)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Only way I k now him is th roug h the Bones guy who was killed by our police o fficers several years <190
Stall!$. Sent
Soun:e file Chris Seeloach's tPhonelvar'mob1le•L.1 brary/SMS.1sms db OxB3B4FEC (Table. message. chat, Siz.e 342745088 by1es)
1110/2018 5.42 48 PM(UTC-5)Dlrec1lon·lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
so not a relevant fig u re?
Status: Read
Dellver&d: 1110/7018 5 44 28 PM(UTC·5)
Read: 111012018 ~ l4 28 PM(UTC ·~J
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone."var/mob~e/l1b<arylSMSlsms db. Ox83B4042 (Table· message handle . chat S·ze. 3_4_2_7_
1/10/2018 5:44:29 PM(l/TC-5)01rection:OutgoS!g, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
SlatW1: Sent
Source file: CMs Seclbach's 1Phone1var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox83B4B3F (Table. message c_ha
_ t_S
es..:.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 1
1/11 /2018 11:59:16 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I didn' t know, b ut I do have a ruler on my desk
# 12
Screen Shot 2016·01·11 at 11 ~8 !>O AM.png
Sietus: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/ver/mob1le/library/SMSlsms db Ox83008E5 (Table. message . chat attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach s 1Phone!va•/moode 1library/SMS/Attachmentslca110'E69736C 1-CE35-40BB-9F28-85EF40EF097BISaeen Shot 2018-01 - 11 at 11 .58 50 AM.png
(Sze. 139570 byte_s)=--- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - 1
1/11/2018 12 09:06 PM(UTC-5)0irec1ion:tncolring, +1513Sl!52404 (Pg Sitlenfeld)
Maybe we iust have Sa rah and C raig swap noles 1
Ststus: Read
Delivered: 1111/2018 1? 26 26 PM1UTC-~)
React 1/1112018 12 26 26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chr s Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMStsms db OxB301A78 (Table. message handle. chat Size 3427_4_5_o_8_8_by'-t_ e s - ' ) - - - - - - -- - - l
1111/2018 12 :09:33 PM(UTC-S)Olreci>on:tncoming, +15133652404 {Pg Siltenfeld)
Ive still neve r met the guy never talked to h im etc You told me you think he's actually mentally unwell nght?
Status Read
Oel1Vered 11111201812 26 26 PM\UTC 5)
Read: 1111120 t8 , 2 26 26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Ct111s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMSlsms db OxB30 1872 (Table. message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

1/1112018 12:13:20 PM(l1TC-5)Directioo:lnooming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)

Attachments .

IMG 4502.png
Status: Read
Delivered: 1111/2018 12:26·26 PfA(UTC-5)
Read: 111 112018 12:26.26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/11ar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8302FDC (Table: message, han<:tle, chat, attachment Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mob1lo/L1brary/SMS/A1tachinents/8a/10/4A816086-E754-48C6-9561-468F700E770511MG_ 4502.png . (Size. 888305 bytes)
1/11/2018 12:13:23 PM(UTC-S)Dlrectlon:lnoomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)

# 14
IMG 4500.png
Status: Read
Delivered: 111117018 12·2s·25 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1111/2018 12·26.26 PMtUTC-51
Source fie. Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob11e/LibrarylSMSlsms.db . Ox83020A3 (Table message. handle, chal attachment. Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach' s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Allachmentslf8/08/0FOCFA3S-AEDF-498F-A033-548FF514A70AllMG_ 4500.png : (Size 874163 bytes)
1111/2018 12:49:24 PM(l1TC-5)01rectfon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Clvls Seelbach)
He' s absolutely a psychopath. And he freely admits that he has mental problems . Contr acted HIV as a result of years of drug fueled org ies .
He comes from extreme poverty, so my biggest question is where he gets money from. Because he doesn' t have a job. Anyway, I like
Walruses (sp?) and Seals !
Status: Senl
Source file: Chros Seelbach s 1Phonetvar/mobileJLJb<ary/SMS/sms.db OxB302B7A (Table message cha~ Size 342745088 bytes)
1/12/2018 10.04:33 AM(UTC-5}0ireciion:Ou1going, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. I talked to Tam aya right after the election about taking on the honors for Black History Month that Yvette did ... and working w ith me on
Women's History Month and Pride mon th. She said she wanted to do that. I texted her a few days about to make sure she had been working
on Black H istory Month, but heard nothing back. Do you want to mention something lo her? Or think I should text again?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seclbach's 1Phone/11ar/mobitelUbrary1SMS/sms.db : OxB3FOFEC (Table: message chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
1112/2018 8:06:23 PM(UTC-5)0119Ction:ln<:OIT\ing, +15133852404 {Pg Sittenfeld)
I'll talk to her
Su.tus: Read
Read: 1112/2018 8.07 22 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPho11e/var/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db · Ox84 10812 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/12/2018 8:06:<49 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
Tho you could text again t oo - that's also fine Or both.
Slalus: Read
Read: 1112/2018 8:07:22 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db : OxB410940 (Table message . handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
111212018 8:07:03 PM(UTC·S)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Gel this text from Devante:
Status: Read
Read: 1112/2018 8 07 22 PM!UTC 5)
Source fde. Clms Seelbach's 1Phonel11ar/mobilell1b<ary/SMSIW1s db OxB410733 (Table· message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1212018 8:07:10 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
"I want to run for Council in four years. Would love some advice from you. Whenever your free . maybe we can have a meeting?'
Sl.!ltus: Read
React: 1/12/7016 6 Q'/·22 PM(UTC·S/
Source file: Chn5 Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmobde/L1brary/SMSlsms db · Ox841055C (Table message handle. c hat Size 342745088 bytes)
1112.12018 8:0718 PM(l1TC-5}Difectiorrlnooming, +1513385240<4 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 1/12/20t88 07:22 PM1UTC 5)
Source file: Clms Seetbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxB4102BA (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
111212018 9:15:48 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Bad idea for Devanle. S t arting to lose is not a good idea. He·s talented. Ambitious . But needs to be patient

Staws: Sen•
Deti...ered 111 2/70 18 9 15.48 PM1UTC 51
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/11ar/mobileJLibrary/SM S/sms.db . Ox841EFE4 (Table message chat. Size 34274 5088 byles)
1/1212018 9:18:13 PM(UTC-S)Dlnlcilon:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You told h im that?
Sl£1tus: Read
Reed: 11121~018 9 71 14 Pl\'(UlC-!>/
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS1sms.db OxB4 1E068 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 byles)
1/12/20189. 19.04 PM(UTC-S)Oirectioo:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg S11tentetd)
On two separate items: 1) you ever ta lk by phone w Joe Prus? Obviously we stand strong with RB but he is a nice guy, and I k now h e
wanted to reach y o u
Status: Reed
Read: 111212018 9 21 14 PJ\ttUTC-5)
Source fils· Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/va1/mobde/Llbrary1SMS/sms db : Ox841EBA5 (Table. message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

1/ 1212018 9:19:37 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
2) you eve r been tempted to g et coffe e or something like that with Jeff Cappe l!?
Status: Read
Read: 1/1212018 9.21 ·14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxB41 E8D1 (Table. message, handle. chal. Size. 342745088 bytes)
111212018 9:20:17 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
I'm sure he's cra zy - but he's almos t fe lt like a twit te r ally r ecently knocking big spending Murray & Smitherman
Status: Read
Read: 1/12/2018 9.21 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxB41E68F (Table. message handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1113/2018 8:24:57 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
F ucking broke my ankle toda y.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/13/2018 8.24 58 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB43BC10 (Table. message. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
111312018 8:26:22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can't belie ve how swollen it is.


FullSrzeRender IP9
Status: Sent
De~vered: 1113/2018 8 26 26 PM(UTC-5)

Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB43CFE4 (Table: message. chat. attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chrrs Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobrlel library/SMS/Attachments/ 1e/ 14/A9DE7982-7093-4BD2-ADAC-3709A4ABF87A/FullSrzeRender.jpg . (Size 235722 bytes)
1/1412018 9:20:22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Craig wan ts to do a real h ousewives o f dem council w ith Sa rah S ittenfeld , Sar ah L andsman. Keis ha an d B etsy Mann.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1114/2018 9 20 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxB4686C4 (Table. message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1114/2018 9:21 :11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
h aha. I 'd w atch that ' h o pe your ankle is fee ling bette r
Status: Read
Read: 1/1412018 9 21 20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobrlel lrbraryiSMS/sms.db OxB468442 (Table. message handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 2:08:21 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
H ey w e ll-endowe d s p rai ned ankle m an. T omorrow a t 1030am, Wendell, T a maya , and I - plus various leaders from the Africa n-Ameri can
c ommunity - are going to announce the disparity study motion. Would love if you want and are able to b e there. and to say a w o rd. Let me
Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/2018 2 08·32 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/15/2018 2.08.32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobilellrbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB48FFOC (Table message handle chat Size 3427 45088 bytes)
111 5/2018 2:09:02 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Congra ts. Have found ation meeting a t 10 a t Child re n's , so unfortuna tely c a n't make ti.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db OxB48F6BC (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1 5/2018 2:09:18 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
U nderstood , Mr. 8 19 $ alary!
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB48F436 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 2;09:41 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
hired 2 others last week. team of 4 alre ady'
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobrle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxB48F22F (Table. message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/ 1512018 2:09:55 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
it 's awesome. I'm genuinely very exc ited to see a ll you d o
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxB490FEC (Table: message. handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/ 15/2018 2:10:08 PM(UTC-5)Direetion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
me too. and I LOVE working people people I don' t hate.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrarylSMSl sms.db OxB490D9E (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1 5/2016 2:10:17 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
sounds foreign
Status: Read
Delivered: 111 512018 2 10.19 PMtUTC-5)
Read: 1115/2018 2 10 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chrrs Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxB490B4D (Table. message handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/ 15/2018 2:10:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. incredible what 11 does for your own happiness/health
Status Sent
Source file: Chrrs Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/LrbrarylSMS/sms db OxB4908F9 (Table. message chat Size· 342745088 bytes)

1/1512018 2:10:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
don't remind me while it eludes me!

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB4906B3 (Table: message, handle. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 2:11:21 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
My only complaint: the people I work around are 95% women! I need some eye candy!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB490498 (Table: message . chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 2:11 :35 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
like I said . you should hire me in some role!
Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/2018 2.14:23 PM(UTC- 5)
Read: 1/15/2018 2:14:23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : OxB491 FDC (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 2:14:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB491 DB1 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 5:02:45 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. I'm helpi ng Kelli out. Will you be on the host committee for the Kelli Prather for State Auditor launch party?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB49C73B (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 byles)
1/1512018 5:03:03 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Already maxed out, but please definitely use my name too!
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 5 03 05 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1115/2018 5:03 .05 PM(UTC- 5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB49C46F (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 5:03:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ok cool
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB49C229 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 5:04:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
Can't we put her and Scott Ford on a ship together and send them out to sea?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db. OxB49DFEC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/15/2018 5:04:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We should somehow set up a meeting between them
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxB49DD7E (Table. message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 5:04:41 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
haha , sounds too fun !
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Libraryl SMSl sms.db . OxB49DB4F (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 6:14:09 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
text Curp
Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/2018 6 14 12 PM(UTC-5)
Read· 1/1512018 6' 14 12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxB4A4740 (Table: message. handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
1115/2018 6:26:09 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Talked to
Curp. And learned Paula is trying to file an ethics violation against him
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/ 15/2018 6:26·10 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxB4A6FE4 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:28:15 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I hate them all

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1 5/2018 6:26 15 PM\UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library /SMS/sms.db OxB4A609A (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:26:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Bring on more dildos'
Stctus: Sent
Delivered: 1115/2018 6.26 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxB4A6BD9 (Table: message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:26:36 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Paula is trying to file Ethics thing against him? For what?
Status: Read
Read: 1/1512018 6.26.41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Cl1ris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db : OxB4A6A 1O (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:26:42 PM(UTC- S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
That REALLY pisses me off!
Status· Read
Read: 111512018 6 26 42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SM S/sms.db · OxB4A67C4 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 6:27:27 PM(UTC-5}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
did he confirm the "destroy her in the press" line?
Status: Read
Reed: 1115/2018 6 27 27 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox04A65BB (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 8:27:31 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I guess because somehow Willie is slightly involved in this. And they say that makes Curp have conflict. Because he once rep Willie? Wasn't
completely clear. But ti's def cranley and Paul's
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1512018 6 27 31 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob ile/l1brary/SMS/sms db · Ox94A6374 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 6:27:33 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1115/2018 6:27 33 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox94A7FE4 (Table. message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1512018 6:27:36 PM(UTC-S}Oirection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. He did
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1512018 6 27.37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxB4A7E37 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:27:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
And said someone from their team is getting it to press
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/15/2018 627 59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox94A7C7E (Tabl e message, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:28:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction :Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
But d idn' t say through who
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/15/2018 6.28.06 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4A7A6D (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
111512018 6:28:49 PM(UTC-S}Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Council needs its own Solicitor
Status: Read
Reed: 1/t 5/2018 6 29 09 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varimobile/l1brary/SMS/sms db . Ox94A7896 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1 5/2018 6:29:14 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Totally agree
Stetus: Sent
Delivered: 111512018 6 29 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxB4A767D (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1 6/2018 12:09:23 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do anyone other than white men eat at skyline ?


IMG 1106.JPG
Status: Sent
Delivered; 1116/2018 12 09 28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4C72C8 (Table message chat attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/66/06/05ACE4CE-4A62-42C 5-8A9F-04A60080501 Oil MG_1106 .JPG (Size 2153937 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:05:54 PM(UTC-5}Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
I guess you heard Smitherman w a s going after you super super hard today on 700
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 1/16/2018 7 05 56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sm s.db . OxB4E9DF1 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:05:55 PM(UTC-5}0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Sent
Oehvered: 1/16120t8 7 05 57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxB4E98AD (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/16/2016 7:08:26 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Someone needs to remind him th at it w as my motion. Not his. That led to Croson study

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/16/2018 7 06 ?8 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4 E9708 (Table message chat. Size 34 27 4 5088 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:12:16 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
H e 's so unhinged. I did hear it. You think worth m y d oing anything?
Status: Read
Read: 1116/2018 7 14 16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4E94CO (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1 6/2018 7:13:31 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Or let it be for now, since Smitherman attacking me on right wing radio is so predictable

Status: Read
Read: 1116/20 18 7 14 16 PMtUTC SJ
Source file. Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4E9294 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

1/1612018 7:14:32 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do nothing . He wants to get under your skin
Status: Senl
Delivered: 1/16/2018 7 14 3" PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarl mob1le/LJbraryl SMSlsms.db . OxB4EAFE4 (Table· message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:15:05 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
It also seems so desperate, and like he feels so threatened
Status: Read
Defivered: 1/ 16/2018 7 15 30 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/1612018 7.15:30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxB4EADE3 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:15:45 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100%. And the fact that he is using his wife, saying "While I'm home taking care of my dying w ife .. ." is disgusting
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Lobrary/SMSlsms.db : OxB4EABCF (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:16:28 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
It really is grotesque. Using that for a political agenda is actually staggering
Status: Read
Delivered: 111612018 7·16·32 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/16/2018 7:16 32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1braryl SMSlsms.db . OxB4EA8FB (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 by1es)
1/16/2018 7:16:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chrb Seelbach)
yup. As I've said for 6 years, both Cranley and Smitherman seem to have serious mental illnesses
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel varl mobllel llbraryl SMSlsms.db . OxB4EA6BD (Table. message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:17:13 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
"Destroy her in the press" thing now hitting tomorrow not today
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db . OxB4EBFEC (Table· message. handle, cha t, Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:17:26 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Ch ris Seelbach)
oh ok. was deposition filed ?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxB4EB814 (Table: message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:17:40 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Yes . but not till this evening
Status: Read
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxB4EB60B (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 3427 45088 bytes)
111612018 7:21:53 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
who is coming out through? what media?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db OxB4ECFEC (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:22:17 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm not yet clear on that to be honest
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/16/2018 1·22·17 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 111612018 7·22 17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4ECDBF (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:22:19 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/UbrarylSMSlsms.db · OxB4ECBD2 (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
111612018 7:22:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I know someone ha s talked to Wetterich about ii
Swtus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4EC9FD (Table. message. chat. Size 34274 5088 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:22:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Talk to Curp maybe if you wan t to handle part
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxB4EC7CE (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:22:47 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I tned calling Wetterich but didn't connect
Swtus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxB4EC5D7 (Table: message, handle . chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:22:51 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no. I'm fine watching from a distance
Status: Sent
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db · OxB4 EC3DE (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1612018 7:26:30 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw. Sorry to likely miss your first committee tomorrow. We are meeting with Michael Fisher. It's a super btg meeting for u s and what I've
been working on the last three weeks.
Sta.tus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/varl mob1lel lobrary/SMS/sms db OxB4EDDC5 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

1/1612018 7:26:46 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/16/2018 7:26:47 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/1612018 7·26·47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxB4ED778 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/16/2016 7:27:10 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
But d on't make a habit of it buster '
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxB4ED5C5 (Table message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:27:14 PM(UTC-5}0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxB4E03DC (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
111612018 7:27:25 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms db . OxB4ED1A9 (Table. message. handle , chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/17/2018 8:59:56 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm going to send a text about committee today . I already know you can't make it - but maybe don' t share that with the group please.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1117/2018 9 00.06 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/17/2018 9 00.06 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB4F9FDC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:00:10 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4 F9732 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:01 :06 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
will you let me know where the Cranley story is coming out .... when you know?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/UbrarylSMS/sms.db OxB4FA904 (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:04:05 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
yeah , although I don't currently

Status: Read
Source file: Chrts Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB4FD8C3 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/1712018 1:41 :13 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
https:f/ nVmovies/movie-news/2018/01I 17 /f ig h t-between-cincin nati-mayor-a nd-park-board-
chair/1040612001 I


0 6FE2509-C053-489C-AF08-
CliA59ElD5E1!l El elug1nPa~loadAttachment

70021O1i'.:451 El.[!luginl5a~loaaAttachment
Status: Read
Read: 111712018 1 54 16 PM!UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox85175DC (Table. message handle, chat. attachment, Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSIAttachmentsla8108/3F3B9008-COC0-4004-94 E6-4EE8490ECE1 BIEB8A4285-B EEC-4 064-8 7E5-
7002101C451B.pluginPayloadAttachment - (Size 894 bytes)
Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lt bra ry/SMS/Attachments/2e/ 1418216739A-O1 E6-4 9F E-9F6B-F 96E 2AA 9E3A 8/06F E2509-C 05 3-489C-AFD8-
CAA59805E01 B.plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size 975141 bytes)
1/17/2018 2:03:27 PM(UTC-S}Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Wow. But wish enquirer didn't get it
Status: Senl
Delivered: 1/17/2018 2 03.29 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/ sms.db OxB518FE4 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/24/2018 1:27:26 PM(UTC- S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Screen shot of Goetz partner comments?
Status: Read
DeHvered: 1/2 4/2018 12734 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 112412018 1 27 34 PM(UTC-~)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox86843BB (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/24/2018 1:27:49 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Don't have it, but will try to find out where i t was.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chrts Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8685FEC (Table message chat S12.e 342745088 bytes)
1/26/2018 12:51:20 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
I'm sure you know, but A f tab running for Congress.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB6F7E07 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
112612018 1:02:56 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S1ttenfeld)
Yep. What do you think of 1t?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1126/2018 1 04:26 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1126/20 18 1 04 26 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: Cl1rts Seelbach 's 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox86F8FDC (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/2612018 1:05:03 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Very risky. If he wins, almost impossible to keep the seat unless there are major redistricting. If he loses, he loses the shine and momentum.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxB6F8E07 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/2612018 1:05:26 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
Agree 100%
Status: Read
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxB6F8BOF (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/2612016 1:06:25 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
For the sake of retaking congress, glad he's doing it. Personally for him, he not have yet banked enough political capital to already start
drawing it down
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/26/2018 1:06:34 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1126/2018 1:06 34 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox86F876D (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
112612018 1:06:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxB6F8491 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/2612018 1:06:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
so surprising to me
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxB6F82BA (Table· message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
112612018 1:06:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Also damn late to get in
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxB6F9FEC (Table : message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
1/ 2612018 1:07:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Think he has a shot at pulling it off?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxB6F9E1 F (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
1/2612018 1:07:24 PM(UTC-5) Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. I'd say a shot, but an uphill battle for sure
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxB6F9C38 (Table: message. chat. S ize. 342745088 bytes)
1/2712018 9 :33:33 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maybe you're starting to see how horrible Jason Williams is?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxB722461 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
112712018 9 :33:57 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
What do u think of the column?
Swtus: Read
Delivered: 1/27/2018 9 34:03 AM~UTC-5)
Read: 1127/2018 9:34 03 AM(UT -5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxB722203 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
1/ 2712018 9:34:09 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +1513348432 9 (Chris Seelbach)
Very biased towards Smitherman
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxB723FEC (Table. message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
112712018 9:35:34 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +151336 52404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
I've had a number of ppl say they think it makes Smitherman look ridiculous and petty
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxB723DDF (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
112712018 9:36:03 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
hmmm. I think that's the people who know him. those politically connected
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . Ox8723893 (Table message chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
112712018 9:36:52 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (C hris Seelbach)
It's not like he's saying you are a sore loser, butt grabber and Trump-hke ... but I don't think it's good
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxB72392B (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1127/2018 9 :38:59 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
yeah, I think you're right abo ut the in sider vs outsider thing
Status: Read
Delivered: 1127/2018 9 39 14 AMtUTC 5)
Rend: 1/27/2018 9 39 14 AM(UTC-~)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8723667 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
1/2712018 9:39:14 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
anything you think I can or should do - other than just try to take the high-road and get good stuff done?
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxB723415 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

1/27/2018 9 :39:21 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea. I think that's i t.

Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mobrle/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db OxB724FEC (Table message, chat Srze 342745088 bytes)
1/27/2018 9:41 :57 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
good luck tonight' sorry t can' t be there!

Status· Read
Delivered: 1/2712018 9 41 59 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/27/2018 9 41 59 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's rPhone/var/mobale/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db OxB724B6C (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
1/31/2018 10:00:17 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How's you r dad doing ? Getting better?

Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's rPhone/var/mobile/Labrary/SMS/sms.db OxB7C2630 (Table message, chat. Srze: 342745088 bytes)
1/31/2018 10:46:52 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I hate them. I may star selling pink dildos to leave early '


Status: Senl
Delivered: 1/31/2018 10 46:55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB7FOFE4 (Table message, chat, attachment Srze 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/c7/07/73BABE2E-03DB-4588-9F6E-C7454AAC22A9/1MG_1355.PNG (Size 729472 by1es)
21112018 5:17 :07 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)

Status: Read
Read: 2/1 /2018 5 18 54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/varimob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB80CB70 (Table message handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
21112018 5 :17:15 PM(UTC-5}Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
But perhaps this will cheer you up

Status: Read
Read: 211/2018 5 18 54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/11ar/mobale/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB80C904 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
21112018 5:17:35 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)


Status: Read
Read: 211/2018 5 18 54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobale/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxB80C7EF (Table message, handle chat attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/11ar/mob11e/Labrary/SMS/Attachments/ 1f/15/BD8F0605-A433-4528·BA1 D·4AC95E3AA3D71Ful1SrzeRender Jpeg (Size 1364 55 bytes)
211/2018 5:19:14 PM(UTC-5}0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Senl
Delivered: 2/112018 5 19 15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/\lar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB80C5BE (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
211/2018 8:35:19 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
h ow long you doing police patrol

Status. Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobrle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxB811588 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
21112018 8:46:47 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Aftab. 130k in 24 hour s. Impressed?

Status: Senl
Delivered: 21112018 8 46.49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db OxB8128E7 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
21112018 8:58:31 PM(UTC-5}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Actually not. 90% was already solicited

Sllltus: Read
Read: 211/2018 9 00.15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB814884 (Table message handle. chat Srze 342745088 bytes)
211/2018 8 :59:13 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Each 1 OOk gets so much harder

Status: Read
Read: 21112018 9 00 15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/v ar/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db OxB8144C4 (Table message, handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
211/2018 8 :59:55 PM(UTC-5)0lrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Real way to think of it it needing to raise 2M minimum in next 9 months

Status· Read
Read: 21112018 9 00 15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file. Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/Var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db OxB8142E9 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 by tes)

21112018 9:00:13 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
= 667k per quarter
Slatus: Read
Read: 2/1120189·00:15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Ph0ne1Var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db · OxB8 15CDA (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
21112018 9:00:19 PM(UTC-5)0lrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
That's tough
Sllltus: Read
Read: 211/2018 9·00.19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8815B15 (Table message handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
21112018 9:00:25 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. For sure
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 2/1/2018 9 00 26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB815954 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
2131201811 :44:18 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We're finally discovered!


Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 11 4 3. 53 AM.2ng

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxB84BFEC (Table messa~e chat. auachmenl, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachmentsl7b/11 /A0494F9S.-27A3-4390-9726- 74467E166B6/Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 11.43.53 AM.png · (Size.
115210 bytes)
21312018 11:4 8:18 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming , +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
These guys are such clowns. A brigade of insane people. You know this Tony Castelli person ?
Status: Read
Read: 2/3/2018 11 48:29 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Ctms Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxB84B751 (Table. message. handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
21312018 11:48:38 AM(UTC-5)Direction:!ncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Let's get together soon to brainstorm . Maybe over a drink in the evening
Slatus: Read
Read: 2/3/2018 11 48 38 AM tUTC-~)
Source file: Chris See!bach's 1Phone1var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db : OxB84B4FB (Table message, handle . chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
2131201811:48:39 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
No. Think I' ve b locked him.

Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 21312018 11 48:40 AM(UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB84B2C 1 (Table message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
2/31201811:48:42 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Deivered: 2/312018 11 ·48 43 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxB84C FE4 (Table. message. chat. Size 342745066 byles)
21312018 12:02:12 PM(UTC· S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I really can 't stand Mike Moroski


# 15
IMG 1384 PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 213120 18 t2·02 : 16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB8403A6 (Table messa~. chat. allachment, Size 342745086 bytes)
Chns Seelbach·s 1Phonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/2c/12/093FFC88-FBEA-400C-BCA -9F65BA570621/IMG_ 1384.PNG. (Size 661060 bytes)
213/201812:02:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He can be dumb like tha t

S!zitus: Read
Read: 21312018 12 07 53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/11ar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxB84EFE8 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
213/2018 4:21:31 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
wa n t to do an early drink on Feb 13th - like 41 Spm or 430pm?
Status: Read
Read: 213/2018 4 n 36 PM(UTC·S)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone1varfmob1lelL1brarytSMS1sms.db OxB854FE8 (Table message, handle, chal S1z.e 342745088 bytes)
213/2018 4:21:59 PM(UTC·S)Oirectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I can do that

Status: Sent
Delivered: 21312018 4 2? 00 PM(UiC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMSlsms.db OxB854 9A5 (Table message chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
21312018 4:22:08 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenleld)
cool - which time?
Status: Read
Read: 2/312018 4 22 09 PM(UiC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1bt'ary/SMS/sms.db OxB854 7EC (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

213/2018 4:22:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Let's do 430
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/3/2018 4 22.10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblie/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB8545EF (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
213/20184:22:15 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
great; preferred spot?
Status: Read
Read: 2/3/2018 4:22·35 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxB854434 (Table. message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
213/2018 4:22:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Up to you'
Status: Sent
Delivered: 213/2018 4.22 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxB85422F (Table· message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
213/20184:24:20 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Mr. P1tifuls?

Status: Read
Read: 2/3/2018 4 24 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxB855FE8 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
213/2018 4:24:25 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/312018 4 24 26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms db OxB855DF5 (Table· message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
213/2018 4:24:59 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
awesome , in my calendar' (this is gonna be a work meeting - but not ci ty business)
Status: Read
Read: 2131201 8 4.25.43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB855C4E (Table. message handle. chat. Size 342745086 bytes)
213/2018 4:25:48 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 213/2018 4 25 48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB6559DO (Table message, chat, Size 342745068 bytes)
21312018 11 :22:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


UNADJUSTEDNONRAW thumb 3cf5.1pg.jpeg

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db· OxB869FEC (Table message. chat attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach· s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/84/04/085EE9EC-COFD-49C8-AFD6-FB9371231053/UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_3ef5.Jpg.Jpeg
(Size 114277 bytes)
215/2018 2:13:28 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is that Sarah Topy
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxB8BFDAD (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 3:01:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. Wendell and Dwight called some emergency meeting on Saturday to talk about this WCP O story . I couldn't make it
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxB8C569E (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
215/2018 3:06:40 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If you re looking at meetings with potential donors. Assume that's part of Lee Ann meeting? You need to m eet Chris C .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxB8C7595 (Table message chat. Size 342745086 bytes)
21512018 3:07:02 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
w a sn't meeting wt her w/ donor in mind at all
Status: Read
Dehvered: 215/2018 3:07 14 PM(UTC-5)
Reed: 215/2018 3-07 14 PM{UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBBC8D6A (Table. message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
215/2018 3:07:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I was catching up with Scott Knox, and he encouraged me
Status: Read
Delivered: 21512018 3 07 14 PMtUTC-5)
Read: 21512018 3 07 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db OxB8C86C3 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
215/201 8 3:07:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. I'm sure Lee Ann makes 4 00k+
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db OxB8C8682 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 3:07:34 PM(UTC-5)01recllon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
but I'd lov e to meet Chris C. anyway
Status· Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB8C8469 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
- v
215/2018 3:07·39 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenteld)
seems like an awesome guy
Stalus: Reed
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db : OxB8C624C (Table: message . handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 3:07:51 PM(UTC-5)0irec1ion:Outg<>ing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Chris C . is a Republican. voted Trump. B ut not a political guy really. And supported Cran ley. And 1s becoming more and more aware
Status: Sent
Source flte· Chris Seelbach"s iPhonel var/rnobde/l.lbrary/SMSlsms db OxB8C9f EC (Table message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
215/2016 3 :08 01 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +151336524-04 (Pg Sitteflfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Scelbact1's 1Phone1varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxB8C9014 (Table· messago handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
215/2018 3:08:53 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chli$ Seelbach)
He's a lways been a "whatever party makes me the most money." but I think 1s opening his e ye s to how so many other fa ctors play into
politics after LC . ... and learn ing even in the last couple months
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1ie/librnry/SMS/sms.db · OxB8C9B2B (Table. message, chat, Size 342745068 bytes)
215/2018 3:09: 16 PM(UTC-S)Olrectlon:lnc:oming, +151338524-04 (Pg Slttenfeld)
I'm sure learning a ton from you
Status: Read
oe-eit 21512018 3 09.20 PM(UTC 51
Read: 21512018 3 O'J 20 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1bmry/SMSlsms.db: OxB8C97B1 (Table. message. handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 3:09:50 PM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbeeh)
Even with having a trans kid. he didn' t understand anything about pronouns. bathr o o ms, gay and lesbia n issues. n othing. But 100% on lhis
j o u rney and wants to learn .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/Varlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB8C959C (Table· message chat S1Ze: 342745088 bytes)
21512018 3:1 0:2 1 PM(lJTC..S)Oirec:tJon.lnooming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenteld)
it's admirable. I wish more Trum p -voting R 's did the same
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1le/library/SMS/sms db · OxB8C927A (Table: messago , handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 3:10:39 PM(UTC-S)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
especially before it effected them personally ... btw like David Mann
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonc/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxB8CAFEC (Table mes!;age, chat. Size: 342745066 bytes)
21512018 3: 10:45 PM(UTC-5)01rectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenl'&ld)
Stalus: Read
Delivered 2151?018 3 11 43 P1t.(UTC -~ )
Read: 215/2018 3 I I 43 PM(UTC-51
Source file· Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobde/l1brary/$MSl sms db OxB8CA080 (Table. message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 4:10.40 PM(UTC-5)01rectlon:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


# 16

IMG 491712Jll1
Status: Read
Delivered: 21512016 4 10·47 PM(UTC- ~)
Read: 215120184: 10.47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxB8CF426 (Table message. handle. chat, attachment. Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobileillbrarytSMS/Attachments/02I02118546CFS-7E44-46FS..B973·6896D8345084/IMG_4917 png: (Size 990012 bytes)
215/2018 4:10:58 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
w.o w.
Slalus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox0800A6B (Table. messago, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
21512018 4 :10:59 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttbnteld)
Slatus. Rud
Source tile Chris Seelbach s 1Phooolvarlmobilelllbrary/SMS/sms db. Ox880088A (Table· message handle, chat. Sr.<:c. 342745088 byres)
215/2018 4:1 1'21 PM(UTC..5)D1reet1on:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
why does he do this shit
Status· Senl
Source flte: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db OxB8003DF (Table message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)

12/512018 4 :37:42 PM(UTC-5) Direction:Outgoing, +16133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

-·- #17

Screen Shot 20 16-07-05 at 4 37 22 PM eng

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ltbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox8804DE9 (Table message. chat. anachment Size · 342745088 b)lles)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone'var/mobile 1library/SMS1Attachmentsf72102/032C1 F23-096F-4C1 D-9939-9CBCDAC66048/Scteen Shot 2018-02-05 at 4.37.22 PM.png
(Size. 446450 bytes)
2/5/2018 4:39:34 PM(UTC-S) Oinlction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekf)

Status: Read
Delivered: 21512018 4 ~o 29 Pr~hUTC-5)
Read: 21512018 4 4.0.29 PM(UT · 51
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db: oxB804413 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
218/2018 1:30:27 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
C a n you text me Rob Rrchardson S r p hon e n umbe r
Status: Read
Read: 21612018 1.47 53 PM(UTC·5)
Source file. CMs Seeloach's 1Phonelvarfmob1lelL1b<arylSMS•sms.db Ox8905FE8 (Table message. handle chat . Size 34274 5088 bytes)
218/2018 2:03:47 PM(UTC-5)0ireelion:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris See!baeh)
I do n ot hav e
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone1Var/mob1le/L1b1arylSMS/sms.db : OxB9064E3 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 by tes)
216/2016 5:54:18 PM(UTC· 5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Y esterday Pasto r s ays I'm raci s t a m o ng many other th ings. This m o rn ing a t 7a m, a tex t wanting m e to c ome to his house for d inner. T his is
why politics is so fucked upi

Status: SEnt
Oel11ered: 2!6/2018 5 59 03 P'll(UlC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s Phonelvar/mobllell1b<ary/S'JIS.srns.db OxB91CrE4 (Table m essage. chat. Size 342745088 b~tes)
216/2016 8:00:52 PM(UTC..S) 0 1rection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
H e JUSt d id the la t ter to try and m ake himself look goo d

Status: Read
Read: 21612018 6:01 02 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1var/mob1le/Ltbraryl SMSlsms ab: Ox891E484 (Table message, handle chat, Size. 34 2745068 bytes)
218/2016 6:01:04 PM(UTC-S)Dlredion:lncoming, +1 5133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
But agree , fucked up

Status Read
Re• d. 21612018 6 01 04 PM(UTC.5)
Source file: Chr1s Seelbach' s 1Phone1Var/mob•lell1brary1SMSlsms.db Ox891E2A3 (Table message handle chat S·ze 342745088 bytes}
218/2018 8:02:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Y up. Editoria l called h im out today. H e's feeling blowback . I'm not resp o nd ing t o him. If you th in k I w ant to make time meeting w ith some o ne
w h o c alled me racrsl... yes te rday.... n o

Status; Senl
Delivered: 2!012018 601 ~o PM(UTC 5)
Source fife: Chris Sfflbach s 1Phonelva1/mob1lelltbrary/S11tSfsms db. OxB92071 3 (Table message c1>a1 Size 34:>745088 byles)
216/2018 6 :1 5.43 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
tot ally g et it

Status: Read
Read: 2/612018 6 17 06 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/m obile1L1brary1SMS1sms db: OxB924FE8 (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745068 bytes)
21712018 10:01 :05 AM(UTC- 5)DlrecUon:Outgoing, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbec h)
T h e NAACP will be re leasing a s t ate m e n t shortly. H e re a re d raf t ta lk ing pomts:

1.lf we d o n 't empower our middle class and local worke rs w e will never reach the capacity w e s e e k for min o rity's business.
2. If the A dmm1strahon wants to discuss how to expand more opponunitres to local workers and s m all businesses we are ready to hsten
3. However we w ill not support any material change s or delays to the 1mplementabon of R B O We h a ve defended RBO 1n court for the last
five years no more delays
4 It' s a s e ttle matter 1n th e court le t's move forward to crea te a safer more inclus ive workforce
Slatut: Sent
Dehvored: 21712018 10 01 Ob AM(U I C·SJ
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobllelL1brarytSMS/sms db · Ox894EE3F (Table· message. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
217/2018 10:06:28 AM(UTC-5)Dlrec:tion:!ncomlng, +1 5 133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
AA Chamb er too?
Stews Read
Read· 2.7'201810·07 46A'.-.UTC·SJ
' .
Source file. Chris Seelbach s 1Pnone;var.mobde.'L1brary.SP> Sisms db OxB94E3 t 2 ( able message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
2171201 8 10:07:49 A M(UTC-S)Oirecllon:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Seol
Delivered: 2fi/2018 10 07 •O AM(UTC·5J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1var/mob.le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxB94F03C (Table message chal S1ie. 342745088 bytes)
217/2018 4:31 :25 PM(UTC-S)Direclion:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Rays Jon d eleted his Twi tter

Status. Sent
Delivered· 217'20'8 4 31 2S PM(UTC-51
ISource file: Chr s Seelbach·s 1Phone1var'mob1leil1orary1SMS sms db
1 OxB9S4F[4 \Teble message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

2!712018 4:32:06 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Ha! Way too late!
Status: Read
Read: 21712018 4.32.17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8984EOD (Table: message. handle. chal . Size: 342745088 bytes)
2!712018 4:32:17 PM(UTC-5)0irection:l ncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Wetterich know?

Status: Read
Read: 217/2018 4 32.17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxB984C4C (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
2!712018 4:32:19 PM(UTC-5) Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 217/2018 4 32:19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms db . OxB984A8B (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
2!712018 4:32:23 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'll tell him

Status: Sent
Delivered: 217/2018 4.32.23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms db . Ox89848E2 (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2!7/2018 4:46:33 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
H is account appears to still be there
Sllltus: Read
Delivered: 217/2018 4:46:42 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 217/2018 4:46 42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxB986240 (Table: message, handle chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
2!712018 4:46:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea, he must have just blocked me
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms db . OxB987FEC (Table: message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2113/2018 12:43:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can we do Coffee Emporium instead of drinks? we' re working out early this evening .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxBA72E07 (Table. message. chat. Size 34 2745088 bytes)
211312018 3:57:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
L eaving city hall now
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/13/2018 3 58 32 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBA82808 (Table. message. cha1. Size. 34 2745088 bytes)
211312018 3:59:50 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
co ol , se e you in a few
Status: Read
Read: 2/13/2018 4 02·29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBA8263F (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
211412018 9:33:02 AM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
you share the Dillingham thing w/ Wetterich? s hould definitely get it a dde d - that's horrendous
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/14/2018 9.33:50 AM(UTC 5)
Read: 2/14/2018 9 33 50 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db . OxBA9354A (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
211412018 9:33:52 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
just did
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBA93284 (Table: message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 9:33:57 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
didn 't know about it until now

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBA94FEC (Table: message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 9:35:12 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
he needs to really be pushed to include that
Sta1us: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxBA94 DDB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 9:35:32 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
will try. If you can reach out as well, that would be helpfu l
Status: Sent
Source file: Chri s Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxBA94995 (Table: message. chat, Size· 342745088 by1es)
211412016 9:36:45 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
t will
Smtus: Read
Delivered: 2114/2018 9 36 48 AMtUTC-bJ
Read: 2/14/2018 9·36 48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBA94739 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
211412018 1:18:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
If c ranley brings up me calling him a bully as how I've "n ame ca lled" today , I may quote Adam R ippon
Sta1us: Sent
Delivered: 2114/2018 1.18 31 PM(UTC b)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBAB3FE4 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
i!.I tJ
2114/20181:20:50 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaell)
"I've learned from every setback, proudly own up to my mistakes, grown from disappointme nts. and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the

Status: Sent
Soorce file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonel\iar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox8A83AAC (Table message, chat, Size. 3427 4 5088 bytes)
211412018 1:27:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
That guy who goes after you every day with videos and tweets 1s in audience. presumably to speak in support of Rayshon.

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's IPhone/varfmobde/LibrarylSMS/ sms.db OxBA843CD (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
211412018 1:27;33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Which guy is that?

Status: Read
DeUwred: 211412018 1 27'35 PM(UTC· 5/
Read: 2/14/2018 1.27 35 PM(UTC·S)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxBABSFDC (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 1:27:43 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaell)
tony castellini?
Status: Seot
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1Je/l1brary/SMSlsms.db OxSAS5E 10 (Table message chat. S12e 342745088 bytes)
2/14/2018 1:27:47 PM(UTC.5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg S~l'91d)
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le /Library1SMS/sms.db OxSAS5C2C (Table message, handle Chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
2114/20181 :27:55 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Yeah, don' t know hi m personally

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobllelL1brary/SMS1sms.db OxBAS5A8B (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 1:28:13 PM(UTC.5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
surprised Scott Ford isn' t h ere.

StatU$: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/Varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxSAS58AC (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2114/2018 1:28:20 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Rayson and his brother are in audience with Tony
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1ie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8AB5697 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 byles)
2115/201811:36:30 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Clvis Seelbach)

[ ~ 'n:.lj
# 18

Screen Shot 2018· 02-15 at 11 35.21 AM eng

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms db OxBAE8317 (Table message chat attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1lc/1Jbrary/SMS/AUachmentslff/1511620EOD3-44AF-4878-880A-64B47890F030/Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 11.35 21 AM.png (Size.
2195633 bytes)
21151201811 :46:50 AM(UTC·5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
B ingo!

Status: Read
DeSveted: 2115/2018 11 4G;S2 AMtUTC-5)
Reed: 2115120t8 114652 AM(UT -5)
Source file. Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1Var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSl sms .db OxBAEA374 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
211512018 5:47:04 PM(UTC-5)0frection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 1502.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 211512018 5 47 09 PM!UTC-5J
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phoneiva1/mob1lell1brary/SMSl sms.db Ox8804FE4 (Table message chat. attachmenl, Size· 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/At1achmentsf 32/02/26EE6393-896D·4144·B2FO-BD56B30F6C8DllMG_1502. PNG · (Size 8438322 bytes)
211512018 5:52:52 PM(UTC-S)Dlrec1ion:lncomlng. +15133652404 (Pg Siltenfeld)
says it all right?

Status: Read
Read: 21 15170 18 5 57 55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/ SMSlsms.db Ox880481A (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2115/2018 5:52:57 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Cllris Seelbach)

Slillus; Sent
Delillen:d: 2/15120 18 5 52 58 PMcUTC-5J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/ varlmob1le/llbraryl SMSlsms.db Ox880461B (Table message chat Size 342745086 bytes)
2119/2018 11:09:02 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chns Seelbaeh)
I think my friend Scott F ord is moving on to you 1

Status: Sent
Source file· Chris Seelbach s 1Phone1varlmob1le/Lobrary/ SMS/sms db 0>-B87D90D \ Table message chat. S ize 342745088 bytes)
2/191201811 :27:42 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I actually have him muted , so don't see his stuff. but sounds like he needs a boyfriend, or s omething else to ta ke some of his s urplus lime o f
his hands
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/19/2018 11:27.44 AM(U TC-5)
Read: 2/19/20 18 11·27 44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxBB84FOC (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
2/1912018 11 :28:20 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think, like some of our colleagues, he seriously has an untreated mental health issue
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/vari mobilel llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBB84COO (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 11 :28:54 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
maybe we buy a pac kaged mental health deal on GroupOn for him and Smitherman ?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SM S/sms.db OxBB84A50 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
2/1912018 11 :29:07 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
th at's something we should look into
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobilel l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBB847E4 (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 11 :29:17 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
#High Road
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxBB845C7 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 4:32:29 PM(UTC-5)01rectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
j u s t sent you a list of - 50 people I think c o uld be the early members o f a public Progressive Cincy page
Status; Read
Delivered: 2/19/2018 4 32:32 PM(UTC-5)
Read; 2119/2018 4 32 32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBB90FDC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 4:32:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfekf)
since it'd be public, anyone could join, and anyone could invite
Status: Read
Source file: Clm s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBB9D93C (Table. message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 4:34:11 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
but a group lik e th at could get it g o ing w/ the right tone & direc tion: liberal; not n u ts, etc.
Status: Read
Delivered; 2/19/2018 4:35:11 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/19/2018 4 35 11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxBBSEFDC (Table message. handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 4:35:40 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I don't trust the Kamrass 's at all ... and don 't like M icah .. . but understand why they're on there.
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SM S/sms.db OxBB9FB56 (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2119/2018 4:35:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
otherwise a great list.
Status: Sen!
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxBB9F8B4 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 4:35:59 PM(UTC- 5)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I fin e t o scratch anyone from the initial list
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phonelvar/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8B9F6B5 (Table me ssage. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2119/2018 4:36:07 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I don't e v e n like o r trust all the names I included
Status; Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1lel l1brary/SMS/sms db OxBB9F488 (Table me ssage, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 4:36:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no no. I think it's a good list.
Status: Sent
Source file: Clms Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/U brary/SMS/sms.db OxBB9F24D (Table message, chat Size . 342745088 bytes)
2/1912018 4:36:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
w as ju st w anting to sta rt it in a way that s eemed Dem-y; but not one-sid ed

Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach 's 1Phonel var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBBA090C (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
2/1912018 4:36:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
y up
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel varl mobilel L1brarylSMS/sms.db . OxBBA04C1 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
2119/2018 4:37:35 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
oka y , for publ ic pages , if sa y , I invite you to b ecome a "M ember". d oe s th at show up? o r it d oesn·t trace that?
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/191201 8 4.37·44 PM(UTC·5)
Read: 2/19/2018 4.3./ 44 PM(UTC· 51
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBBA1 E19 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

211912018 4:37:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I don' t know answer to that

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxBBA1B5D (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 4:37:56 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
if it does trace. we might do a little divide and conquer on who invites who
Status· Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSisms.db OxBBA1952 (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 4 :38:00 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Jncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'll look into it
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobliell1b<ary/SMS/sms.db OxBBA16E8 (Table message handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/1912018 6:26:41 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That didn't last long . Rayshon tweets back to being public.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1lell1brary/SMSlsms.db . OxBBAED09 (Table. message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
2/19/2018 6:30:49 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Do you know who this is in real life?


- #19
IMG 5052.png
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/1912018 6 30:53 PMtUTC-5)
Read: 2119120 18 6 30 53 PM(UT ·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1bfary/SMS/sms.db OxBBAE388 (Table message handle. chat. attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbaeh's 1Phone/varlmob1lell1bral)'/SMS/Attachments/43/03/0C58B34A-5517-4B35·ADAA-078DE352284F/IMG_sos2 png (Size 1456549 byles)
211912018 6:30:57 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no idea
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonetvar1moblle/library/SMS/sms db OxBBAFFEC (Table message, chat. Size · 342745088 bytes)
2120/2018 2:23:26 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
you should text people if you want them to stay
Status: Read
Delivered: 2120/2018 2.23:29 PMiUTC-51
Read: 2170/2018 2 23 29 PMtUTC·5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db OxBBDD5ES (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
212012018 2:23:34 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
also. are you going to Macy's Music announcement?
Status: Read
Delivered: 212012018 2.24 .22 PMtUTC-5/
Read: 212012018 2'24·22 PMtUTC· 51
Source file: Chrts Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/l1bral)'/SMSlsms.db OxBSD03A7 (Table message handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
212012018 2:24:24 PM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Slatus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms db OxBBDE7BF (Table. message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
212012018 2:25:04 PM(UTC-S)Oirec1ion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I am planning a wedding '


Status; Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phoneivar/mob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms.db OxBBDESEA (Table message. chat attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilelllbrary/SMS/Allachments/78/0819BA425DB-1473-4543-927C·FDE9079F6560172568.Jpg.jpeg (Size 136392 bytes)
2120/2018 2:25:48 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
haha a spirited way to find one 's seat!
S!lJtus: Read
Source fila: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobtlelL1brary/SMSlsms.db OxBBDF81D (Table message handle chat Soze 3427 45088 bytes)
212012018 3:33:1 7 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are we able to ban bump sticks? I thought state law prevented us from doing anything with guns
Stetus· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moboleJLlbrary/SMS/srns.db OxBBECC43 (Table message, cnat. Size . 342745088 bytes)

2/2012018 3:34:03 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
We believe so , as does Columbia , South Carolina, which has similar state preemptions.
Basically, it's not a firearm , but rather an accessory , which opens up additional pathways for a ban :

https :// lab. com/equity/2017 /12/a-ban-on-bump-stocks-in-the-heart-of-the-deep-red-

south/549248/?utm_source=nl link1 _ 122817&silverid=MzEwMTkyMjYONDk4SO
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/20/2018 3.34 06 PM{UTC-5)
Read: 2/2012018 3.34:06 PMlUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxBBEC749 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 34274 5088 bytes)
212012018 3:34:58 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBBEDFEC (Table. message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
212212018 3:35:48 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This is like the "Greg is actually funny" campaign video
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBC72474 (Table. message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
212312018 10:20:23 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Are you?! Ha!
Status: Read
Delivered: 212312018 10:28. 19 AM(UTC -5)
Read: 212312018 10:28 19 AM{UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxBC998BB (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
212312018 10:28:22 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yes. insane
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBC99704 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2/2312018 10:41:00 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Couples weekend !
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxBC99334 (Table me ssage, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
212512018 8:35:16 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I mean, I feel bad for Perrianns dad . But please let's not let this text chain turn into a twitter feed .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 212512018 6 35 17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lel l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxBD03E28 (Table message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
212512018 6:35:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
fair point -keep to city updates
Status: Read
Read: 2125120 18 6·35·43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxBD03BB6 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
212512018 8:35:47 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
he would stretch the limit
Status: Read
Read: 2/25/2018 6 35:47 PM{UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobileilibrary/SMS/sms.db OxBD0399F (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
212512018 6 :36:37 PM(UTC-S)Direction :Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes . And honestly. If people have specific questions, like Greg has, it should be 1on1 . We cannot even seem to cond uct city business when
there is a text chain with all 9 of us.
Status: Senl
Delivered: 212512018 6 36 37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms .db : OxBD03790 (Table. message, chat. Size. 342745088 byles)
212512018 6:37:02 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
definitely agree with that
Status: Read
Read: 212512018 6·37:08 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l 1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxBD03488 (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
212512018 6:38:29 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But really I just wanna stop getting texts notifications of "great work" and "sounds good" from half of them after every update ;)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2125/2018 6 38 30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxBD04FE4 (Table messag e. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
212512018 6 :38:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
haha. I'm guilty of a few of those
Status: Read
Read: 2125/2018 6 40 57 PM!UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxBD04D3C (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

212612018 12:22:00 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Who 1s Moroski anymore? He spend more time interacting w ith and praising the people who attack Democrats and progressive values than
he does the people he says he fights for.

- #20
Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 12.21.1 7 PM.ens
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varfmob1le1LibraryfSMS/srns.db · OxB03872D (Table · message, chat attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1lellibrarylSMS/Attachme ntsfef/151496C01 B l-3EFA-49C7-87F0-752211DSF47FIScreen Shel 2018-02·26 at 12 21 17 PM .png (Size
440156 bytes)
2/2612018 2:57:54 PM(UTC·5)0irectlon:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
He's a weird guy
Status: Read
Delivered: 2126/2018 2 57 56 PM(UTC-51
Read: 212612018 2 57 .56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s iPhonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS1sms.db OxBD44FDC (Table message. handle . chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
2/2612018 2:58:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I don't G reg but.
Status. Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db OxBD44E1B (Table. message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
212612018 3:43:05 PM{UTC·S)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is the responsible bidder meeting still on for Wednesday at 10: 30? Do we have a location?

Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phonelvar/mobllellibrary/SM S/sms db OxBD4EFEC (Table· message chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
212612018 3:44:10 PM(UTC-S)Diredion:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Yes . City hall.
Delivered: 212612018 3 44 14 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/2612018 3 44 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s 1Phonel var/mobde/lib1ary1SMS/sms db OxBD4E834 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size 342745086 bytes)
2127/2018 9:51:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Glad your dad is doing well.
SLatus: Sent
DeOvered: 212712018 9 51 59 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilell1brary/SMSlsms db: OxBD9C6BC (Table. message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
212712018 10:42:00 PM(UTC-5)Direc1ion·lnoomlng. +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
thanks so much; you've been there obviously. 1t was a long road , but glad he's h ome now
Status: Read
Read: 2/2712018 to 42 13 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhonelvar1mob1leJL1b<arylSMSlsms.db Ox809E923 (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2127/201810:43:18 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yup. I was told my mom was going to d ie. Took her a 6 month road to recovery. But she's great now. Glad your dad 1s doing well
Status: Sent
Delivered: 212712018 10 43 18 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1le/l1b<ary/SMS/sms.db OxB09E691 (Table: message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
212812018 4:03:23 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:Outgoing. +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
wow. d id you see this memo? Police officer resigns and accuses Harry Black of inappropriate behavior.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms db OxBOCOCSO (Table. message chat S1ze. 342745088 bytes)
2/2812018 4 :07:55 PM(UTC-5}Dlrection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
haven' t gotten to fully dig in
Status: Read
Delivered: 2128/2018. 07 58 PMtUTC-51
Read: 2/2812018 4 07 58 PMtUTC-5)
Source file· Chris Seelbach s iPhone/varlmob1leillbrarylSMSlsms.db OxBDC09B1 (Table· message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
212812018 8:44:57 PM(UTC·5)D~:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Th is is not a 1oke: Cranley rode the bus to the precinct tonight. Because. you know. that's where mosl people go when they get on the bus.
SU:tus: Sen1
Delivered: 212812018 8 44:57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhonetvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBODF894 (Table message, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
212812018 8:45:41 PM(UTC-5}Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
haha, so ridicu lous . i couldn 't believe how f1esty he was rig ht out of the gate today

Status: Read
Ret>d. 2/28'2018 8 45 43 PM1Ul C-51
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhone1varlmob1le/LibrarylSM Slsrns db OxBDE085E (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
212812018 8:46:48 PM(UTC-5}Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I told h e created a paper trail on Harry Black m emo. H e made Harry email him w ith the news. Wrote back upset a t Harry. We may be seeing
an interim manager Juech soon. Which I'd vote against. He's not even qualified for h is current job
Status: Sent
Delivered: 212812018 8 46 48 PM(UTC 51
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1lelllbrarylSMSlsms .db OxBOE1FE4 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

212812018 8:47:06 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I= I'm
Status: Senl
Oelivefed: 212812018 8•47 07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBOE1C68 (Table message. chat. Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
212812018 8:47:22 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I don 't think anyone is making moves on Harry over this
Status: Read
Read: 2128/2018 8 47·24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/vartmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxBDE1AB9 (Table message . handle. chat. Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
212812018 8:47:29 PM(UTC·5)Direetion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 212812018 8 41'30 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxBDE186B (Table: message , chal Size· 342745088 by1es)
212812018 8:47:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
that's just m y impress ion
Status: Read
Read: 212812018 8:47:42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/ var/mobtle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBDE16C6 (Table message handle chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
212812018 8 :47:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Senl
Delivered: 2128/20 18 8 47 46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/LobrarylSM S/sms.db: OxBDE14B5 (Table. message. chal. Size· 342745088 bytes)
212812018 8:47:54 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
maybe everything not out yet
Status: Read
Reed: 2128/2018 8.47.54 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db : OxBOE1312 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
315/2018 9 :51:21 AM(UTC-5)01redion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Did the committee vote on the b u mp stock yet?
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms.db OxBE8F467 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
31512018 9:51:36 AM(UTC-S)Directlon:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttsnfeld)
not yet. I'm working in my office and going to head in when they take it up
Slalus: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 9 .51 39 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 315/2018 9•51.39 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Cllrls Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox8E90FDC (Table: message. handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/51201810:16:26 AM(UTC-5)0lrection:Outgo1ng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This has to get close to the s land er line ,
Screen Shol 2018-03-05at10.16.02 AM en9
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's IPhone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db. OxBE90A49 (Table message, chat. allachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/Atlachmen1s/97/071BBCSCB02- 1A09-406E-B2C9-96CSB4C4F6C9/Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 10.16.02 AM.png
(Size. 137110 bytes)
3/5/2018 10:16:39 AM(UTC-5)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's hard to p rove, but I think it's possible here
Slatus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBE906FF (Table message, cllal S12e· 342745088 bytes)
3/512018 10:17:04 AM(UTC-5)Directi<>n:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
no question it's slander · the guy is a sicko
Slalus: Read
Oel1vorod. 3/512018 10:t7:07 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/512018 10 17.07 AMtUTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBE904BO (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3151201810:17:52 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
question is . is it worth gelling entangled w ith a crazy person w h o ' s had/has(?) serious drug and othe r issues. especially when he mostly
seems to be ignored
Stclus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1Varlmob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox8E91FEC (Table: message . handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
31512018 10:1 6:32 AM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Not sure honestly.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/Var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxBE91CD8 (Table message chal. Size· 342745088 bytes)
31512018 1O:19:22 AM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:lncomlrig, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
even though they're despicable, I kind of think you just let crazy people be. could be w rong. th ough
Stlltus: Read
Oefivered: 3/512018 10 19.34 AMtUTC-51
Read: 31512018 10 19;34 AM(UTC·5l
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBE917F6 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)

3151201810:19:37 AM(UTC-S)Olrectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
you 're probably right

Slatus: Sent
Source file. Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvar1mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db. OxBE91556 (Table message chat, Size. 342745066 bytes)
3151201810:32:55 AM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
did they vote?
Status · Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary1SMSlsms.db : OxBE93B09 (Table· message, cha1. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3151201810:37 :07 AM(UTC-S}Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
still not yet
Status. Read
Oefivered: 3/5/20 18 10 37 18 AM1UTC-SJ
Read: 31512018 10 37 18 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8E936E3 (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
315/2018 1:15:54 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
That's a great issue for 2021 between him .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM$/sms db OxBEA6086 (Table. message chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
31512018 1:16:21 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
the attempt to complicate this very stra ightforward issue is so ridiculous
Status: Read
!Mlivered: 315/20181 16.21 PMtUTC-5)
Read: 3/5/20161 16 21 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms .db . OxBEAGB40 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 342745068 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:21 :36 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
Um, yes

Screen Shot 2018-03-06 at 9.20.48 AM eng
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBECEFEC (Table; message, chat. attachment. Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seetbach' s 1Phonelvar/mob11e/library/SMS/Attachments/52/02/6902FABC-E3C9-4C4B-9541-338780889E1 E/Screen Shot 2018-03·06 at 9 20.48 AM png (Size
1s1848 bytes)
316/2018 10:59:48 AM(UTC-5}0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
you able to come over for this RB committee? to help frame? I think good, if at all possible
Status: Read
Delivered: 316/2018 11 00·35 AM(UTC·5)
Read: 3/612018 11.00 35 AM(UTC·S)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBEE4DA4 (Table· message. handle. chat Size· 342745068 bytes)
3/6/201 B 11 :00:39 AM(UTC-5)01rection.Outgolng, +15133-484329 (Chris Seelbach)
when is it
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBEE4818 (Table message chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
316/2018 11:00:45 AM{UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
Status: Read
Source me: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/varl mobole/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBEE4933 (Table: message handle, chat. Size· 342745088 byles)
316/2018 11:00:51 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no, in meeting s
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobolellibrary/SMS/sms.db . OxBEE4560 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
316/2018 1:07:41 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What was conclusion of meeting?
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone1Var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db. OxBEEAFEC (Table message. chal Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/6/2018 7:27:11 PM(UTC-5}Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
I'm walking into a cross d ressing meeting to talk about trans kids. I am so thankful I am not walking into a Community Cou n cil meeting to tal k
streetcars and soccer stadiums. It's the small things .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 31612018 7"27 11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db. OxBFOAFE4 (Table message, chat. Size 342745086 bytes)
316/2018 7:27:39 PM(UTC-5}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
haha , ve ry true '
Status: Read
Read. 3/612018 7 27 41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file· Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db· Ox0FOA980 (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
316/2018 7:27:44 PM(UTC-5)0irection: lncoming, +15133652404 {Pg Sittenteld)
and what you ' re doing 1s damn important'

Status: Read
Read: 31612018 7'27 44 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db OxBFOA788 (Table message. handle . chat Size 342745068 bytes)
316/2018 9 :04:04 PM(UTC-5}Dlreciion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Didn 't h e ar back fro m Wendell. Texted h im my thoughts though. For someone who has been b u rnt time and time again by C ra nley.... I hope
he doesn't g ive Cra nley this win . On top of a ton of others reasons he should vote against a pause .
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar1mobtle/l1brary/SMSlsms db OxBFOCC09 (Table message chat Size 342745068 bytes)
..:c 6
3/612018 9:45:14 PM(UTC-5)Dlrec:tion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'll reiterate that too
him too.

Status: Read
Read: 31612018 9:45 22 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobiiellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBF11881 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 9:26:42 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaell)
Let me know if anything relating to today' s meeti ng is discussed in caucus
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxBF24FEC (Table. message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 11 :04:07 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Jon says he and Landsman have convinced Wendell to vo te with us against the pause
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxBF2FDEF (Table. message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 11 :04:52 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
that would be big
Status: Read
Delivered: 3nt201 8 11 :04 :54 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 31712018 11 04 54 AM(U TC-5)
Source file: Chris Seeibach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxBF2F88B (Table: message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/7/2018 11 :05:09 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Siltenfetd)
we need to then ensure they don't try to cook the books against us
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobde/L1brarylSMS/sms db . OxBF2F698 (Table message handle chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/201811 :05:21 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
they will try
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel varlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBF2F43E (Table message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 11:05:39 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think we need to schedule a quick follow-up planning meeting after today
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/11ar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db. OxBF30FEC (Table: message. handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/7/201811 :05:57 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
need your continued leadership on this , you're simply more knowledgeable
Status: Read
Delivered: 3nl2018 11 05.57 AMtUTC-5)
Read: 3nt2018 11 .05.57 AM(UTC- 5J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxBF309A5 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/7/201811:08:05 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I am totally free after meeting up until Golden Girls trivia night at Below Zero , which starts at 8pm .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db · OxBF3073D (Table· message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 11 :06:35 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
okay, le t's try to get 4 of us huddled up , even for 10 minutes after council
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel11ar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBF31 FEC (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 11 :06:38 AM(UTC-5)Dlr&ction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxBF31 D7E (Table. message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
31712018 11 :06:51 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
you want to tex t a 4-some?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db : OxBF31BA5 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 2:01 :38 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
PG signed up to speak in public comment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarl mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox8 F4CDEB (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
317/2018 2:01 :42 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
sorry, meant for greg!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lel libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxBF4CBCC (Table: message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/712018 2:54:45 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
So important to invest in tra ining for workers to provide strong career pathways, which is what Responsible Bidder legislation does. Thanks
to the Democrats on Council in Cincinnati for standing with hard- working men and women trying to grow their skills & lift themselves up.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3nt2018 2.!>4 47 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 31712018 2 54 47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/11arlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8F57FDC (Table. message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/812018 12:28:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Now he's trying to up you on the death of a little girl.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db OxBF9FFEC (Table. message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

3/8/201812:28:58 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https· news/local-news/hamilto n-county/cincin n a lt/co unc1lman-to-ra ise-m o n e y-to-help -family-bu ry-3-ye ar-old -ki lled-1n -hit-


415C81 F9-556B-416A-B673-
8B5B04AOA6SF .Qlugmf5ayloadAttachment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxBFA0595 (Table· message, chat, attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seel bach's iPhone/var/mob11e/library/SMS/Attachments/bb/1 1/89ABA818-D1D6-4E14-8038-F3476072AB63/4 15C81 F9-556B-41 6A-8 673-
8B5BD4AOA65F pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size 9984 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/88/08/38898766-7DAB-40AA-8DE6-80742485274318E76AF97-0085-4294-ACAB-
94050BF907CF plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size 15360 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:30:10 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
yesterday when h e said , "I don't like to talk a b o ut p rivate family matters" ...
Status: Read
Delivered: 31812018 12 30.13 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/8/2018 12·30 13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8FA1FOC (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/201812:30:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Except h e agreed to d ocument h is entire family fo r a n E n quirer fron t page sto ry a w eek before the elec tion.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxBFA 1A66 (Table me ssage, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/812018 12:31:21 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
guy it n u ts
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxBFA17BE (Table message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:48:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
you heard muc h about who n ext Community Ac tion Agency head is going to b e after G w en retires?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/8/2018 12 46 32 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 318/201 8 12 46 32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBFA281A (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/812018 12:48:53 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Havne 't heard anythi ng . Haven't talked to Yve t te 1n a couple w eek s , althou gh know she talking a b o u t it. Have you
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxBFA258E (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:47:09 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +151 33852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
h a d he a rd 11 might be her. ..
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobliell1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxBFA2204 (Table message , handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:47:27 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
tho ug h could h ave just b een a ru m or. n o t b ased in fa ct

Status: Read
Source file. Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxBFA3005 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/812018 12:47:33 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That would b e big. B ig salary
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxBFA3898 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:48:33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
almost a S e elbach sala ry 1!
Status: Read
Delivered: 318/2018 12 48 35 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/8/2018 12 48.35 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxBFA4FOC (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes}
3/8/2018 12:48:45 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
h a. I think it's closer to 300k
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxBFA4DD7 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/812018 12:50:34 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
D A MN 1
SU:tus. Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxBFA4BC4 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 12 50:41 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
didn 't realize
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/varlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxBFA49E9 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 6:15:59 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
In msd m tg
Status. Read
Read: 3i8/2018 6 16 06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxBFC055E (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3/8/2018 8:16:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Tiil 7

Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 6:16 06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBFC03A9 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 6:31:18 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Tamaya , "Just saw your tweet. Not trying to undermine your friendship, but Bailey is a ra cis t and has been fo r som e time"
Status: Sen1
Delivered: 31812018 6:31 :20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxBFC48E5 (Table: message, chat. Size. 34 2745088 bytes)
318/2018 6:31:26 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ideas on if I should respond?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/8/2018 6 31 ·26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxBFC4645 (Table message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 6:41:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'd not respond
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/8/2018 6:44 26 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/8/2018 6:44:26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxBFC69E2 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 6:41:45 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I can ring you later tho
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/8/2018 6.44 26 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/8/2018 6:44.26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · OxBFC6813 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/8/2018 7:14:45 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And I just got a lectu re from Iris. I had NO idea. Is Bailey known as a racist?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxBFCABD9 (Table· message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
319/2018 7:24:36 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
https :// 1-daugherty-mls-g reat-fc-cincinnati -ownership-


ij~ D706C05B-45E9-4E60-9833-
E!C~~A4E!05255. 11luginl5a~loadAttachment
8662F3F9-3891-457 A-AF BF-
E!A2364E:1 Caal!' .11luginl'a~loadAtlachment
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 8.44·27 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. OxBFF15BB (Table· message. handle, chat. attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Atlachments/31 /01/DD07EF47-46D0-49F4-927D-1B1 BBF54067E/8662F3F9-3891-457A-AF BF-
BA2364E1 CB8F .pluginPayloadAttachment (Size: 2203 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachmentslacl12/619EB003-2COD-439C-9681-6DA2BOEB151CID706C05B-45E9-4E60-9833·
BC2FA4BD5255.pluginPayloadAttachment: (Size. 820535 bytes)
3/9/2018 9:29:35 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
If John tries to terminate Harry , would you support? As you know , I would not

Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 9"48:58 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrarylSMSlsms.db : OxBFF4454 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2016 1:59:07 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Whats your mailing address
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db: OxC0 15268 (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:10:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
100 E Central Pkwy ; #308 (45202)
Status: Read
Delivered: 319/2018 2.10 06 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 319/2018 2.10.06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db OxC01DFDC (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:10:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC010662 (Table. message chat. Size. 34 2745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:10:44 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'll shut up about it, but I do b e lieve this can end with Harry treating you better and owi ng you

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC01D4DD (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/912018 2:11:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I would need a meeting with him that is h onest, meaningful a nd had actual. specific conclusions.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC01EFEC (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3/9/2016 2: 11 :36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I thrnk it's a great rdea
Status: Read
Delivered: 31912018 2 1141 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/9/2018 2:1141 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db OxC01ED4A (Table message handle chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:11 :57 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Want me to have him reach out to you, or Jon , to set it up?
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db OxC01EB77 (Table message, handle, cha1, Size: 342745088 by1es)
319/2018 2:12:17 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Ou1going, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What is going on with it? Landsman told me Cranley told him Ha rry can't last another 24 hours
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC01E965 (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:12:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Just not true
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . OxC01E6D5 (Table. message handle, chat Size: 342745088 by1es)
3/9/2018 2:12:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
John wants him gone. But not gonna happen
Status: Read
Delivered: 319/2018 2.12 52 PM(UTC 5)
Read: 3/9/2018 2:12.52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC01 ESOE (Table. message. handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/912018 2:12:59 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But is John gonna propose firing?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC01E31F (Table· message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/912018 2:13:12 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
No, be doesn' t have votes
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC01 FFEC (Table. message, handle. chat, Size· 342745088 by1es)
3/9/2018 2:13:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Can call you after lunch if want
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC01FE19 (Table: message . handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/912018 2:14:01 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what votes does he have
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxC01FC3C (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/912016 3:35:22 PM(UTC·5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry tried called. N ot sure I'm ready to talk yet. But will early next week. If you want to really this to him, I' m cool with it. I would need hrm to
agree my fixe s to RB and that rt solves the rssues. And will get behind rt. Among other things. But that's the big one.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS1sms.db . OxC02F6BF {Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
319/2018 3:35:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
called = calling
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC02F2C1 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2016 3:35:39 PM(UTC·5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
really = relay
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonetvar/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC030FEC (Table message chat. Stze 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:49:18 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Got it.
Status· Read
Deliver~d: 3/912018 3 49 16 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 319/2018 3 49 16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db OxC03474E (Table. message. handle chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:50:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Y ou know John at 2pm told Harry, resign or I'll launch smear campaign against you
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC035DD4 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:50:36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no. I did not know that.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhonetvartmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC035624 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/9/2016 3:51 :19 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what was Ha rry's response?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms db OxC0364EC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

3/912018 3:52:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Not taking it

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/9/2018 3·52.12 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/9/2018 3:52·12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC038223 (Table: message handle. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
31912018 3:52:24 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Our government is not a monarchy for John to discard people as he pleases
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC03AFEC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
319/2018 3:52:30 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I agree with that 100%
Status: Sen!
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC03ADBC (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
31912018 4:05:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And support of no fares for streetcar.
Status: Sen!
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. OxC0433B8 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
31912018 4:06:07 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Jon is told Mann supports firing. If C r anley has the 3 republicans, Harry needs me.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: OxC044FEC (Table . message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1112018 12:52:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley calling and texting me . Anything I should know before calling him back?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/11/2018 12.52.06 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxCOA2955 (Table: message , chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1112018 12:54:27 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
That he thinks you're a or the swing vote; that he wants you to allow h im to go thru with this ; that he's trying to line up the unions to call for
Harry's head
Status: Read
Reed: 3111/2018 12.54.41 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db : OxCOA2717 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311112018 12:54:43 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
H e obviously needs you or wouldn't be calling

Status: Read
Read: 3/11/2018 12.54.44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOA2423 (Table: message, handle . chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
311112018 12:55:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
A l so, he has not called me, so we haven't spoken yet

Status: Read
Read: 311112018 12·55.03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxCOA2224 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311112016 12:55:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think this situation is a lso becoming a racial powder keg
Status: Read
Read: 3/111201812:55.51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCOA3FE8 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
311112018 3:37:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do you know if there's anyone on council who publicly supports firing?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxCOA89FB (Table· message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/11/2018 3:56:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Public yet? Not sure. But Smitherman & murray only totally firm yes vo tes so far

Sllltus: Read
Delivered: 3/1 1/2018 3.58 17 PMtUTC 4/
Read: 3/11/2018 3:58.17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOAA07C (Table· message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1112016 3:56:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Who knows if the y 'll make that public before John can count to 5
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phoneivar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db : OxCOAAB3E (Table· message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311112018 3:58:40 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri says he has 4 votes. Only needs Landsman or me, so I'm assuming he a lso has Mann and Pastor.
Status· Sent
Source file: Clms Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms.db OxCOAA91E (Table. message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3111/2016 3:59:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Bluntly , I don't think her count is firm
Sllltus: Read
Delivered: 3111/201 8 3 59 18 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 3111/2018 3 59' 18 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOAA672 (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/11/2018 3:59:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenteld)
She said same to me
Status: Read
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOAA481 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1112018 3:59:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I've spoken to both Pastor & Mann. They seemed more up for grabs
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxCOAA2BE (Table. message. handle cha! Size 342745088 bytes)
3/11/2018 3:59:50 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgofng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ck cool
Stalus: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phoneivar/mob1lelL1brarylSMStsms.db: OxCOABFEC (Table message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/11/2018 4 :00:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Mann seems more likely to go with John. Pastor just wants to be with the majority on this one
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/11/2018 4 00:36 PMIUTC-4)
Read: 311112018 4'00 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOABBD1 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3111/2018 4:00:46 PM{UTC-4)0irection:Olllg0ing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
got it. makes sense.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCOAB742 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 byles)
3111/2018 4:01:35 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris
u talk to John? anything new?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblie/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOABS49 (Table message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1112018 4:02:24 PM(UTC-4)0ireciion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Yeah. Deboarding. Will call shortly
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxCOAB33E (Table message . handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311112018 4:29:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
One sec. on phone with Sherri
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1112018 4 29 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mobde/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOAC853 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1112018 5:54:59 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri really said, "What about Kevin Flynn for interim manager"
Status. Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxCOBBBFA (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/11/2018 5:55:25 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
story posts al Bpm
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOB89AO (Table message. chat. Size 34 274 5088 bytes)
3/11/2016 5:55:34 PM(UTC-4)01rection:tncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Will stay tuned
Status: Read
Delivered: 3111120 18 5 55 40 PMIUTC-41
Read: 311112018 5 55 40 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxCOBB435 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3111/2018 7:10:08 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chlis Seelbach)
btw . Bill Moller just liked the last 3 things I tweeted . Coincidence?
Status: Sent
Source file: C hns Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMSlsms db OxCOBE2A7 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3111/2018 7:11:28 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


I #23

FullS1zeRender JP9
Status: Senl
Delivered 311112018 7 11 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db OxCOBFFE4 (Table message chat attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS1Attachments/f1/01 169843959-FD 12-4030-BCSS-01 E41A891C1 E/F ullS1zeRender JP9 (Size 1033961 bytes)
3/1212018 11:23:55 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
J ust finished meeting with him
SILlus: Sen1
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/va1/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOD33BF (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :24:26 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sltlenfeld)

Status: Read
Delivered: 3112/201811 ?4 28 AMtUTC-4)
Read: 311212018 112428AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seetbach's 1Phoneivar1mob1le/Llbrary1SMSlsms.db OxC004FDC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes/
311212018 11:24:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm dying to hear who you're choosing to be our city manager'
Status· Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1braryiSMS/sms.db. OxCOD4E03 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3/1212018 11:24:51 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And h e told me e veryth ing I n eeded to hear. W ill c ome on b oard with Respon s ible Bidder. Will put signal prioritization a nd maki ng the
s treetcar free in budget.
Status: Senl
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOD4BAF (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 byte s)
3/1212018 11 :25:22 AM{UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
you feel like you two can also set t he re-s et button and work well together moving forward ?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOD489B (Table. message handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
311212018 11 :25:54 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
T h at's the question . M y dad s aid to m e last n ight, "What ass ura n c es do you have tha t you can trust h im" And I don't have any . Bu t h e fille d
me in on ju s t how bad Cranley i s
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxCOD4613 (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311212018 11:26:09 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I just need to have more conversations with m y team
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOD42D5 (Table. message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311212018 11:27:41 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 11 :27 44 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3112/2018 11 ·27'44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSl sms.db OxC005FOC (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :27:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
might call you in a m in for a quick sec ond
Status: Read
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCOD5DF7 (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :28:02 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
tne d c alling you when I left, but went s tra ight to vm
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxCOD5BD2 (Table: message, chat . Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :34:45 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
J u s t tried y ou
Status: Read
Delivered: 3112/2018 11 :34 47 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1212018 11.34 47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC00782A (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 11:34:49 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
S traight to ca n
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC007671 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 11:34:52 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
o n phone w ith jon
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · OxCOD74B8 (Table. message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 11 :34:55 AM{UTC-4)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC0072C5 (Table message. handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311212018 11 :34:58 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxCOD8FEC (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1 212018 11 :34:58 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
w ill c al you back
Status: Se111
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOD8E4B (Table. message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :35:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
g oing s traight to your vo icemail. I think somethi n g is wrong with your p h o ne
Status: Senl
Source fil e: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOD8C58 (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311212018 11:35:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
d id th e same thi n g w h e n I c a lled r ight a f te r meeting
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC0089EE (Table. message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
311212018 11 :51 :35 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
D id yo u see S m itherm an' s comment in F ox19 article about y ou?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCODA034 (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311 212018 1:01 :34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing. +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
S mith e rman on 700 in 5 mins
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxCODCFEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1212018 1:08:11 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I' m sure he' ll find a way to make it all about how terrible I am. you talked to Cranley yet, btw?

Status: Read
Oetivered: 3/12/2018 I 08 14 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 3112/2018 I 08· 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOOC005 (Table message. handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
311212018 1:08:22 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no. haven't
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOOCB39 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/12/2018 1:10:43 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'll be very interested m what he has to say to you , so keep me posted
Status: Read
Source me: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db OxCOOC6EC (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311212018 1:17:26 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I found it interesting , that my colleague PG introduced a motion on institutional racism , and then supported institutional racism with
responsible bidder.

Status: Sen1
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCOE2500 (Table. message , Chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
311212018 1:17:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
of course!
Status: Read
Oe•vered: 3112120 18 1 17.57 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311212018 1 17.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxCOE3BAO (Table message handle. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
311312018 12:26:46 PM(UTC-4)0lrection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg says he has publicly told folks he does not support firing. On radio last weekend and any reporter who has reached out and asked .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC 1106AE (Table. message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1312018 1 :22:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfald)
Did he text you that?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3113120 18 1 22 ·04 PMtUTC-4)
Read 3113120181 22 04 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC1147AB (Table· message, handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3113/2018 1:22:40 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbeeh)

- #24

Screen Shol 2018-03- 13 at 1 22.28 PM.eng

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1145E6 (Table. message, chat attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Artachmentslc8/08/B7EB9502·54BB-49AE·91C4·7DF12FB9DAD1/Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 1.22.28 PM.png ·
(Size. 93507 bytes)
311312018 1:23:06 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
so there are 4 people who have publicly said they do not support firing
Status: Sent
Source file: Chrts Seelbach's 1Phone1var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1142EB (Table message, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
311312018 1:33:01 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Jncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Yep . You' d make 5
Status: Read
Reed: 311312018144.31 PMtUTC-4>
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone1var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db oxc 115268 (Table· message handle chat Size 342745088 by1es)
3113/2018 1:44:55 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I want to see what Cranley presents un til I commit.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary1SMS/sms.db OxC 1168DE (fable message chal. Size 342745088 bytes)
311312018 1:45:30 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
what Cranley presents 1n terms of h is smear?
Slatus: Read
OeUv&red: 311312018 1 46 17 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 311312018 1 4617 PM<UTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mob1lellobrary/SMS/sms.db OxC 116776 (Table. message handle. chal Size 342745088 bytes)
311312018 1:46:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:OU!Qolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes . U n derstanding that m ost will be complete BS. But I' m just not ready to announce a completely no to firing.

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Pllone/va1/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC 117FEC (Table message chal Size 342745088 bytes)
311312018 1:47:50 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelva1/moo1telL1brary1SMS/sms db OxC1 17A90 (Table message, handle, chal. Size 342745088 bytes)

3113/2018 5:30:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Can you let Sherry know no 5 votes

Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5:31 :50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC1303A6 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:30:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I told Wetterich
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5:3 1 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC1310F5 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3113/2018 5:31 :12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think John trying to force hand
Status: Read
Reed: 3113/2018 5.31 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMSls111s.db : OxC1319E7 (Table. message, handle, c11at, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311312018 5:32:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 5 32.01 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC132FE4 (Table message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:32:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100% certain on Greg?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/1312018 5:32:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC132E3B (Table message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3113/2018 5:32:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Vanessa just said so
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5:32.18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/s111s.db : OxC132C72 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311312018 5:32:19 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If so. We should release some kind of statement
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 5 32 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/s111s.db : OxC132AA5 (Table. message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3113/2018 5:32:29 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Doesn't suppo rt buyout or firing
Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 5 32·29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1b rary/SMS/sms.db . OxC1328A8 (Table message, handle chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:32:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok good
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3113/2018 5 32 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC1326BF (Table message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 11:38:17 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can you call me? I'm being told Harry is c leaning out his desk and leaving.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db · OxC 15C7F7 (Table· message, chat. Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 5:09:57 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


Status: Read
Read: 3114/2018 6 39 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC18345A (Table message, handle chat, attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach·s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/1e/14/7DCE2AOC-FE3C-48F5-9680-F3A4 7C898829/Fu11SizeRender.jpeg . (Size 285952 bytes)
3114/2018 5:10:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:omlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Reed: 3114/2018 6 39 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db · OxC18322D (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 5:20:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
hope you feel better, by the way
Status: Read
Road: 3/14/2018 6 39 01 PM1UTC 4)
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC186FE8 (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 6:39:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ugh on that photo
Status: Senl
Delivered: 311412018 6 39 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxC188DEE (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

3/14/2018 6:50:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
y eah, I was k idding - w o u ld gladly have it not b e there
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/2018 6 51 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC 188C20 (Table message, handle chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 7: 11 :12 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
R u g on n a say anythi ng to others about Pau la and J u e ch?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/14/2018 7 11 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/varl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1909FC (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 byte s)
3114/2018 7:11:27 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
n ot yet, thoug h do you w ant t o talk that out for a m in now?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 4/2018 7 11 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubra ry/SMS/ sms.db OxC1907EF (Ta ble. message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 7:11 :40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I c an

Status: Sent
DeUvered: 3/14/20t8 7· 11.40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC 190397 (Table. message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 9:08:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri s a y s Ha rry a sked for a meeting with P au la on a F rid a y a t 1 ·30
Status: Senl
Delivered· 3/14/2018 9 08 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC199FE4 (Table: message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 9:08:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She, a nd everyone e lse. a ssume she's b e ing fire d.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/14/2018 9.08 43 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chris Seelb ach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC199805 (Table message, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 9:39:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
I only know w hat we d is c ussed earlier
Status: Read
Read: 3/1412018 9 49 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC19CFE8 (Table message handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 9:49:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Shou ld we h old h im off d o ing so?
Status: Read
Read: 3/ 1412018 9 49 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Se elbach's i Phone/var/mob1le/L1bra ry/SMS/sms.db OxC 19CAE6 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 9:50:22 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
N ot s ure. I thin k w e need to ta lk l o o thers before he d oes it thou gh. And fig ure out e x actly what h e ' s g onna s ay reas on is .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311412018 9 50 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarytSMS/sms.db OxC19C903 (Table. message chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/14/2018 9:50:58 PM(UTC-4) Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 ( Pg Slttenfeld)
Agre e on both fron ts
Status. Read
Read: 311412018 9 50 59 PMtUTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC19C66B (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1412018 9:51:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm at pure romance all d a y tomorrow. B u t only a couple actual m e etings . So a m available to walk over l o c ity hall o r a c all with Harry
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3114/2018 9 51 40 PMtUTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC19DFE4 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:49:08 AM(UTC-4) DlrectJon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
C ranley m eeting with Enquirer editorial b o a rd at 9. Har ry m eeti n g wi th them at 1030

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1A6FEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 10:07:44 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have meeti n gs fro m 2 - 5. W ould you want to try to talk a r oun d 1?
Status: Sent
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC186546 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 10:11:00AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm in something noon- 2pm Could we try for Spm?
Status: Read
Delivered. 3115/2018 10 11 04 AMtUTC4)
Read: 3115/2018 10 11 04 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L!brary/SMS/sms db OxC187FDC (Table message handle . chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 10:11:1 8 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. tha t would wor k for me. Do you want to ask H arry?
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1874CB (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1 512018 10:11 :43 AM(UTC-4) Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file. Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lil>rary/SMSlsms db OxC187288 (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 10:46:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are you just looking al tweets? Or is it live streamed somewhere?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1C0987 (Table message, chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
311512018 10:46:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
T w eets

Status: Read
Delivered: 311512018 10·45 25 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 311512018 10·46:25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxC1C0723 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3115120181 :15:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can y ou talk on phone? Are we on for Spm today with Harry?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db OxC1C9A3F (Table message chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/15120161:24:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Yes. And call you at 2pm

Status: Read
Delivered: 3115120 t8 1:25.00 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/15/2018 1 25:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sm s.db : OxC1CAFDC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
311512018 1:25:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have a 2pm al Music Hall if you c an call any earlier.

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db OxC1CAAAF (Table message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3115120181:25:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Can try a m in before
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1512018 1:25:56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3115120 18 1.25:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1lelLibrarylSMSlsms.db · OxC1CA4F8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/15120181:55:21 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Call me
Status: Read
Read: 3/t 512018 1 58 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC1 CC429 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311512018 1:55:25 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm a v ailable

Status: Read
Read: 311512018 1 58·39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Ch ris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC1CC27A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
3/1512018 1:58:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Have a 2pm at music hall. But can call after

Status: Sent
Delivered: 311512018 1.58.53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob ile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC1CDD8F (Table. message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 1:59:18 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Yes t o Spm call w Harry

Status: Read
Read: 3115/20 18 1.59:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · OxC 1CD678 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 1:59:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Oh. Spm is a phone call? You just gonna merge lines?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3115/2018 1 59 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC 1CE68E (Table. message. chat, Size. 34274 5088 bytes)
311512018 2:00:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Read. 311512018 2 00 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sm s.db OxC1CFD82 (Table: message. handle. chat Size: 342745086 bytes)
311512018 7:37:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is Tamaya going tomorrow?
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1le/librarylSMS/sms.db OxC1 DF66A (Table: message , chat Size. 34 274 5088 bytes)
311512018 7:37:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
No - confirmed 1t

Status. Read
Delivered: 311512018 7 37 73 PMtUTC-41
Read: 311512018 7 37 73 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1lel L1brary/SMSl sms.db OxC1EOFDC (Table message, handle, chat, Size 34274 5088 bytes)
3/1512018 7:37:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
so they won 't h ave a quorum

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1braryl SMSlsms.db . OxC1EOE1D (Table message. chat, Size. 34 2745088 bytes)

3/1512018 7:37:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC1EOC12 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:50:24 PM(UTC-i)Oirectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
C r a nley know you 're n ot coming tomorr ow? Wendell and I sent our e xcused ab s ences tod ay. B ut did n't know about yo u and T
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 3115/2018 8 50 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db · OxC1 E8FE4 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 8:50:49 PM(UTC-i}Oirectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
n ot sure w h en my sta ff w as, a nd n o clue wha t J o hn kno ws. no c ommu nication with him toda y
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 850·56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Ctms Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1te/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC 1E87B 9 (Table. message handle, chat. Size 342745088 byte s)
3/1512018 8:51 :00 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3115/2018 8 51 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC1 E8234 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3115/2018 8:51:02 PM(UTC-4)0 irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
which is for th e better, lest I tell him how I feel
Status: Read
Read: 3115/2018 8.51 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1E9FE8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:51 :07 PM(UTC-4)0i rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ye a
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311512018 8 51 08 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC 1E90A9 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3115/2018 8:52:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
D id I te ll y ou t h at Har ry c alle d me today to tell m e (for what he thoug h t w a s the first time) a bout D e nver.. .. forg etting (because he w a s d ru nk
o r high) tha t h e told m e eve ry d etail Tuesda y night a t 10: 30pm
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 3/1512018 8:52 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC1 EAFE4 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/ 15/2018 8:52:23 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
S e ri ously. H e nee d s h elp
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 8 52 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1EA301 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:52:46 PM(UTC-i)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I w a s l ik e, " Harry. I a lready know a b o ut D enver." H e sa id "you do"?
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 8 52 46 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1EBFE4 (Table. message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3115/2018 8:53:25 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
yeah. l oo k . pa rt o f our gettin g orga nize d tomorrow needs to incl ud e a p lan for c o llectively telling him what ou r b ehavior al expectations o f him
are - with close to a zero tolerance p olicy
Slatus: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 8 53:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC 1EBDBE (Table message handle. chat, Stze 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2016 6:53:53 PM(UTC-i)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
where J ohn h a s s tepp ed in it , yeah , th is looks a nd feel like a "public l ynching " - but that d oesn't m e an H arry do esn't have wor k to d o
Status: Read
Read; 3/15/2018 8 53 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1 EB760 (Table message. handle, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3f15/2018 8:53:59 PM(UTC-i)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H e can d o whate v e r he wants on h is own lime. B ut he cannot make calls or r eceived calls when drinking
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1512018 8 53 59 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varfmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC1EB473 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes}
3/15/2018 8:54:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311 5/2018 8 54 11 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobllelllbrary/SMS/sms db OxC 1EB205 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 8:54:51 PM(UTC-i)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
if thi s happens after we make our expectations clear or refuses to seek the appropriate help, at that point , 11'11 have to be termination at the
8-mon th s
Stctus: Read
Read: 3/ 15/2018 8 54 59 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC1 ECFE8 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/ 15/2018 8:55:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
but we need to shar e that wit h him collectivel y , and from a p lace of trying to support him thru what might be an actual disease
Status: Read
Read: 3/1512018 8 55.13 PMcUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db axe 1ECCD4 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 by<es)

311512018 8:55:56 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes I recorded our conversation Tuesday. He was 100% not sober. And he doesn't even remember talking to me. Btw. I have recorded two
conversations in my lifetime. The one with Cranley on Sunday. And Harry on Tuesday.
Status: Sent
Detivered: 311512018 8.55 57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC1EDFE4 (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:56:23 PM(UTC-4)0irecllon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 8:56:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC1ED287 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 9:02:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfetd)
is Schimberg texting you?
Status: Read
Reed: 3/15/2018 9.02.07 PM<UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db . OxC1EEFE8 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 9:02:13 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
No. He did two days ago.
Status: Sent
Oetivered: 3/15/2018 9:0214 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC 1EEDDD (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1512018 9:03:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


#25 #26 #27

- - -
IMG 1942.PNG IMG 1943.PNG IMG 1944.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 9:03:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's tPhone/var/rnobtle/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db . OxC1 EEC08 (Table: message. chat, attachment. Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachmenls/12/02/ 1B073BAD-0026-4C8D-A6E4-29652519F730/IMG_1942.PNG (Size: 1010695 bytes)
Chris Seelbach 's iPhonetvar/moblle/L1brarylSMSIAttachmentsl97/07122DCCF11 -0554-4808-AFAB-C668F9E33B79/IMG_ 1943.PNG (Stie· 989027 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/Attachments/Oc/12/8889234A-39DE-4 05A-9C3F-779EA92DOD9D/IMG_ 1944.PNG · (Size. 974340 bytes)
3/1512018 9:06:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
good; I made similar points
Status: Read
Read: 311512018 9 06 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/l/ar/mobileilibrary/SMS/sms.db: OxC1EFFE8 (Table· message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 9:08:48 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenteld)
I haven't text him in his most recent round of texts , but here's what I want to say:
Status: Read
Read: 311512018 9'08 55 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxC1 EF4E4 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 9:10:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Hi Dan, I'm not a fa ther yet, so you'll have to tell me if this analogy holds up: If two of your children are behaving badly, is the approach lo
then go to their siblings who are behaving normally and dem a nd that they correct they're bad ly behaved sib lings behavior? My hunch is that
you go the badly behaved children , and you demand better, and you don't enable them. Does that sound right? Would love to see the texts
you're sending to John and Harry!
Status: Read
Read: 3115/2018 9: 10 27 PM(UTC-4I
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db: OxC1FOB15 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 9:10:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittentelcl)
but I'm not actually sending him that
Status: Read
Reed: 3115/2018 9.10:27 PM1UTC-4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC1F0401 (Table message handle, chat Size 34274 5088 bytes)
311512018 9:1 1:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sounds perfect
Status: Sent
Delivered· 3/1512018 9·11 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/varlmobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC 1F01 DA (Table message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:18:18 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
call me when you have a chance. craziest thing just happened
Stalus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1 F1849 (Table: message. chat Size. 342745088 byles)

3/1512018 9:30:58 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Juech just sent me this "get ahead .
I was invi ted to the city managers office today. I received a call during another meeting I was leading in my office on a matter of city
business. I d id not volunteer anything .

I was told tllat the solicitor was right to be concerned abou t her job Then I was asked for a loyalty pledge to the manager and a letter of

When I said that I had to think about that - not e ven a yes or no - I was told b y the manager that I had "made clear'' where I stand

I want the record to be very clear. I want there to be no dou bt on the fa cts of what happened today.
I have told my personal , out of state lawyer all the same. This is all codified with multiple attorneys and w ill be public record ."
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC1 FSFEC (Table message chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:31 :00 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
did he send you?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1F5289 (Table message chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:32:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 9 32 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC1F6FE8 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3115/2018 9:32:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Well there ya g o
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 9 33 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1F6E3F (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 9:33:'48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Fucking strange stuff.
Status: Read
Read; 3/15/2018 9 33 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC1F6C80 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3115/2018 9:34:03 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Juech has clearly turned on his boss
Status. Read
Read: 3/15/20t8 9.34.04 PM(UTC-4)
Soun:e file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC1F6AB3 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 byles)
3/15/2018 9:34:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He needs to go now. G iven he's al ready going on the record attacking Harry

Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 9 34 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC 1F68C6 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 9:34:30 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He was always a poltergeist cal appointee
Status: Sent
Denvered: 3115/2018 9.34 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC 1F668E (Table: message chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1 5/2018 9:34:52 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1512018 9 34 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/rnob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC1 F6497 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311512018 9:35:45 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
You can communicate directly with Ha rry on that
Status· Read
Read: 3/15/2018 9 35 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC1 F62E4 (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 7:15:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652'404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He can't
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 7 40 49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC1FE7D 1 (Table message handle. chat Size 3427 45088 bytes)
3/16/2018 7:40:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status. Sent
Delivered· 3/1612018 7 40 56 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC1 FF451 (Table message chat. Size 34 27 4 5088 bytes)
3/1612018 9:37:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
OMG. Pastor is now sending us Jewish Bibl e passages
Status· Sent
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC206A14 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 9:39:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 9.39 15 AMtUTC·4)
Read: 3/16/2018 9 39 15 AMtUTC-4!
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2067CD (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes) ~-i...

311612018 9:39:48 AM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
about to email you letter. cranked out in last 10 minutes, so probably in artful and full of typos
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC206431 (Table. message handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 9:39:56 AM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
but a first draft of various people's ideas
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC207FEC (Table message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 9:39:59 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
le t me know your thoughts
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC207DC 1 (Table: message. handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 9:40:00 AM(UTC4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC207BBE (Table. message chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
311612018 9:42:58 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Looks great. Really g ood. Just fixe d a couple typos. sending back.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2077BE (Table message, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 9:44:18 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Cool, will aim to circulate before our call
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 9:44 20 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/2018 9 44 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC209D25 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
311612018 9:48:31 AM(UTC4)Dlreclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Mann j ust issued statement
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC209B32 (Table· message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 9:51 :44 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Can you share?
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/rnobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC2095A 1 (Table· message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 9:52:02 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2093EA (Table. message, chat attachment, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSIAttachments/77 /07/21 67C 2D5-E7F8-44 54-87 F2-081 DF873 E403/unknown.pdf (Size 332845 bytes)
3116/2018 9:52:11 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It went to a ll of us on city council address. d id that image come through?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/rnob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC20AFEC (Table. message chat. Size· 342745088 byles)
3/16/2018 9:52:22 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Councilmember Mann S tatement on M ayo r Cranley and City Manager Black's D ispute

Harry Black and John Cranley are pass ionate public servants. I admire and respect them both .

With plenty of fault on each side . they ob viously can no longer work constructively with each other. Calls for mediations, counseling ,
interventions and so on come too late to undo the damage in what is now a dysfunctional relationship.

The true victims are the citizens of this community and the serious and challenging issue s w e face, not the least of w hich is a huge budget
s hortfall for the fiscal year beg inning July 1. Our city manager system (of which I am a strong supporter) assumes a strong collaborative
partnership between the mayor and city manager. When t hat partnership does not exist, a change is essential.

Harry Black wants to leave his post. H e has th ree possib ilities.

(1 )He can resign but under t he ordinance hinng him, he then would entitled to no severance payments whatever.

(2)He can be terminated with the approval of five members of council. The ordinance h iring h im entitles him to e ight months' pay .

(3)He can separated under an agreed package, again with the approval of five members of council. (Most recently , I am advised , Mr. Black
would agree to 18 months of pay . not the 24 months he p resently asked for.)

My democratic colleag ues will not support (2) and (3). Mr. Black could resign at consid erable f1nanc1al sacnfice. O therwise , the current
dysfunction continues, indefinitely I suppose .

My democratic colleagues hold the keys to unlock th is impasse. I implore them to help us move beyond the current deadlock.
Status· Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library /SMS/sms.db OxC20BFEC (Table message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)

311612018 11:53:33 AM(UTC-4}0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
showed it to Landsman too - he thought take last part out for now about time/date/place of public hearing .
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 11 .56 35 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC211669 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 11:53:47 AM(UTC-4}0irection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm fine with that - we can always impose that later John wants to go in that di rection
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 11 56 35 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonei var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC2113BD (Table· message, handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3116/2018 11 :56:42 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3116/2018 115642 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC212604 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 2:30:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
u hearing anything from Greg?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms db OxC22540A (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 2:30:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
no - will you call him

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ 16/2018 2 30 50 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 16/2018 2 30:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC226FDC (Table. message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 2:30:58 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Jncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenteld}
pretend you know he's having text issues
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db · OxC22646F (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:31 :11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Sent
Source file: Chros Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC22624A (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612016 2:31 :58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
he might feel queasy about some part of it. .
Status: Read
Delivered: 3116/2018 2.32 03 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311612018 2·32 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSl sms db OxC22759B (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:32:08 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
he didn't answer
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC227370 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:32:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
which he needs to let us know ASAP'
Status: Read
Source file: Chros Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC228FEC (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3116/2018 2:32:13 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I k now

Status: Sent
Source file: Chros Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC228DD5 (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:32:20 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
it's not even that later there ...
Status: Read
Source file: Chros Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db · OxC228BF8 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:32:31 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chros Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2289E1 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2016 2:32:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Ct1r1s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms db OxC228808 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:32:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
we'll give him a few minutes
Status: Read
Source file: Ctms Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db OxC228631 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:32:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
ti's a damn good letter - fair and grown-up
Status: Read
Source file: Chros Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC228424 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

311612018 2:32:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
completely agr ee
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC229D91 (Table: message, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
311612018 2:35:24 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Greg 's sweating and having terrible d iarrhea right now!
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2.35:30 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/t6/20t8 2:35:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC22BFDC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311612018 2:35:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
you know it. he hates this .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22BD99 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:36:05 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I know - you and I have much more let ·er r ip attitudes
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . OxC22BB92 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:36:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
or at least be firm like: I can't s ign tha t

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/t6120t8 2 37.05 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/t612018 2:37:05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22B93C (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:36:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm not loving this delaying shit
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2·31·05 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/t6/20 t 8 2:37:05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxC22B701 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:37:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
d id n 't answer second attempt
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC22B4E8 (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 2:37:44 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
talking to him n ow
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC22B2DB (Table: message chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:37:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
if he bails, do w e tweak the language a nd send it from the 4 of us?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22CFEC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:37:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
he was on phone
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC22CD94 (Table: message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:37:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status· Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC22CBA5 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:38:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think he n eed s to know we'll send from the 4 of us
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC22C9CA (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:38:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
h e's good with it
Status· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC22C78D (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:39:05 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
As is
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/ t6/2018 2 39 06 PMtUTC-41
Read: 3/16120t8 2 39 OG PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/LtbrarylSMS/sms.db OxC22C586 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:39:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC22C3DF (Table. message chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 2:50:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
it's fun being on a team'
Status: Read
Read· 3/16/2018 2 50 24 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC232896 (Table. message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

3/1612018 2:50:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2 50 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC2324BC (Table message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 3:00:00 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri wants to know if this is a motion? An ordinance? What are we actually doing
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/16/2018 3 00 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC234564 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 3:00:18 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Tell her those things will follow the letter next week.
Status· Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3 00 22 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC235C89 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 3:01 :20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Letter :: d irection. Nex t week will introduce legislation for outside Counsel. And of course we always control council meetings - our rules,
mayor administers those rules
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3 02 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC235A46 (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 3:06:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
seems very well received too
Slatus: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3 07 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC236FE8 (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 3:06:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
somewhere John Cranley is now sweating and having diarrhea

Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 3 07 10 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC236DDB (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 3:07:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yup. And his team is l ike "this 1s a good move from them"

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3116/2018 3-o7 :32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC236B8B (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 3:07:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 3 07 53 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC23697A (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 5:28:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
all still seem good?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1612018 5 28 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2407AB (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 5:28:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status. Sent
Oeijvered: 3/1612018 5 28.47 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC2405AA (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311612018 5:29:01 PM(UTC-4}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
somewhere JC is plotting my death
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 5 29 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/ sms db OxC240405 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1612018 5:32:41 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ha. Likely. Just got to Louisville
Suitus: Senl
Delivered: 311612018 5 32 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms db OxC2401EA (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3116/2016 5:32:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenteld}
have an awesome tnp 1
Status. Read
Reed: 3/1612018 5 43 07 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms db OxC241 FE8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311712016 4:40:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry needs to stop negotiating with the minority. There's a new story coming out today that says he wants to leave with 18 months.

Status· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db OxC261B60 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/17/2018 4:42:26 PM(UTC-4}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Situation is endless topsy-tervy clusterfuck , Harry iust called . said he's going to sign paperwork for a 1.5 year buyout Force a vote from
Council. I affirmed for him I'd be a " No" vote; not bilking taxpayers because Cranley has a personality disorder.

Status. Read
Delivered: 311712018 4 42 30 PMtUTC-41
Read: 3/1712018 4 42 .30 PMtUTC-4J
Source file: Cl1ns SeeJbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC262CF8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3117/2018 4 :42:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfekl)
Yes, H arry is b e ing a lmost as sloppy with this as John is
Status· R~ad
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC26294C (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1712018 4:42:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
I' m a 100% n o
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC26273C (Table message, chat. Sae 342745088 byles)
311712018 4:42:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Sa me
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobilell.1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC262540 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1 7/2018 4:43:07 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Feel free to text the thread
Sl.elus: Read
DeNvered: 311712018 4 43·07 PM¢UTC-4)
R&ad: 3/17/2018 4;43 07 PM(UT -4)
Source file: Chris Seelbaeh' s iPhoneivar/mobilell.ibrary/SMSlsms.db OxC262398 (Table message. handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/17120 18 4:51 :56 PM(VTC-4)Direction:lncoming , +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You c ould c o nsider textin g Sherry this p ortion from o u r lette r y este rday:
Status: Read
Deivered: 311712018 4·52.09 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311712018 4.52.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1te/UbraryiSMSlsms.db : OxC265FDC (Table. message. handle. chat. Size. 34274 5088 bytes)
3/17/20 18 4:52:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133552404 (Pg Sittenfelcl)
'We a lso do not su p port forcing the taxpayers to pay o u t o f the ir own p ockets for what is currently a broken re la tionship ."
Status: Read
Delivered: 3117/2018 4·52 09 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311712018 4.52 :09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le /Libfary/SMSlsms.db. OxC265A9F (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 by1es)
311712018 4:52:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Smee we alrea dy said it, a n d it's b a s ically o ur response to this situation
Status: Read
Source fiie: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC265805 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311712018 4:52:49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. just texted her
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1leillbrarylSMS/sms db OxC26689A (Table message, cnat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311712018 4 :52:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
b ut I sw e a r I'm g o n n a unp lug
Status. Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobllell.1brarylSMSlsms.db OxC2664E6 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
311712018 5:27:43 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 1969.PNG
Status: Sent

Oefivered: 3117/2018 5 27 46 PM(UTC-4)

Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2675F6 (Table· messa~. chat. attachment Size 342745068 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachmenls/ed/13/D87871 40·5800 -4ECA-AF9 C98C13419C80/IMG_1969.P NG . (Size : 6658 102 bytes)
311712018 5:30:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Laughed a t an image
Status: Read
Delivered: 311712018 5:30.43 PM(UTC-4J
Read: 3/1712018 5 30 43 PMiUTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone1var/mob1le/L1brary/SMStsms.db OxC268F7E (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311712018 8:14:38 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
heard from Tamaya at all? If she's solid, don't think th ere 's a n yway Greg flips.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phonelvarlmobilellibfary/SM S/sms db OxC26C3D8 (Table message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311712018 8:15:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Don't rep eat . and I th ink good for y o u to ask her directly, b ut s h e to ld me sh e wasn' t sure and felt torn
SU>luo: Read
DeUvered: 311712018 8 t5.40 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 3/17/2018 8 15 40 PMtUTC 4)
Source file: Ch11s Seelbach 's 1Phone/varlmobtlelllbrarylSMS/sms db OxC26DDED (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/17/2018 8:15:47 PM(UTC-4) Directlon:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phoneivar/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db OxC26DB75 (Table: message , chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/17/20 18 8:16:28 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
M ore lik ely she s ta ys w ith LIS
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach ·s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC26EFEC (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes) A•
3/1712018 8:16:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
But honestly t think H arry got her to feel sympathetic for him
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC26EE15 (Table message, handle, chat Size 342745088 byles)
3/1712018 8:16:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
If AA leaders lean on her, that's best bet
Status· Read
Delivered: 3/17/2018 818 54 PMtUTC-4J
Read: 3/17/20 18 8 18.54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMSl sms.db : OxC26EBEB (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1712018 8:19:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You're best to help make that happen
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMSl sms.db OxC26E7 DB (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/17/2018 6:19:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (ChriS Seelbach)
Can't believe Harry fucked us
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC26E5BE (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1712018 8:19:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
P retty weak
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC26E3AF (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/17/2018 8:19:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Will do with AA groups
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC26FD20 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 9:12:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
N ow that we have all 5. Again. Are we gonna issue a statement in response to yesterday?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 9 12 37 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC27369D (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 9:49:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Will you email group and ask if they want that? Fine with me, and probably preferable. I could draft something later today to go out Monday
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 9.49 56 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC278FE8 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 9:50:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 9 50 09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC2785BA (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 9:50:24 AM(UTC-4)D1rectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Sorry, meant text
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 9 51 44 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC27840B (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 12:33:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
u p ut something together?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . OxC27E4C7 (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/1 8/2018 12:58:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Literally driving back
To Cincy
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/18/2018 12.59.02 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/18/20 18 12 59 02 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC27F85F (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 12:59:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Just typed this . Thoughts?
S!lltus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC27F664 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 12:59:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
If the Manager wishes to move on from h is current r ole, we respect that decision. B ut the Council Maiority remains firm that we are not
s19nmg off on paying someone extra to not do lhetr JOb. That is neither fair nor responsible to the taxpayers.

Moreover it 1s our understanding that, m fact, the Manager does enjoy his Job; he simply doesn't hke the idea of serving under the loomi ng
th rea t of a smear campaign. That. too, is understandable.

But askmg the taxpayers to provide significant resources in order to avoid the impact of such a smear campaign would set a dangerous
precedent and enable beha vior which we do not approve of.

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire , and we remam committed to the thoughtful, fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.

We believe 1n the City Charter we believe 1n honesty and we believ e m collaboration . All are w elcome to JOtn us m upholding these pillars.
Status· Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC280FEC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

311812018 1:00:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC280702 (Table: message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:00:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Will you text to the group and ask for inpu t, c h anges or add ition s
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/18/20 18 1:00:41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 18/2018 1·00:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC280513 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/18120181 :52:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Will y o u tex t thread ju s t sayi n g : G reg?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/18/2018 1:52:13 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/18/2018 1·52·13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC28224B (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:52:22 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I just did . we' re on same page
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's rPhone/var/mobile/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxC283FEC (Table· message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/18120181:52:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobrle/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC283BED (Table: message handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:52:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
m eaning , I sent to him pers onally. but ju s t did in group as w ell
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's rPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC283A42 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:53:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
If h e agrees, want to have Harmon send o ut?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library /SMS/sms.db : OxC2837FO (Table: messa ge. handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:53:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxC2835FF (Table. message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
311 812018 1:54:00 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Sends a s trong signal if the 5 o f us hang togethe r on this statemen t
Stctus: Read
Delivered: 3/18/201 8 1 54 02 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/18/2018 1:54"02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Lrbrary/SMSl sms.db : OxC284FDC (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:54:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100%. So I g uess w h at is gonna h appen is S mitherm an's committee will vote for this o rd inance wi th 18 m o nths in committe e tomorrow. then
it will tie on Wednesd ay. a n d f ail.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SM Sl sms db : OxC284DB6 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/18120181:54:49 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Y up
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel varlmobile/Libraryl SMSlsms.db : OxC284432 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
311812018 1:55:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
w ill y o u have o rdinan ce for special counsel read y to be referred?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC28428F (Table: message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 1:55:30 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Ye s
Status: Read
Source file: Chrrs Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobrle/Lrbrary /SMS/sms.db OxC285FEC (Table me ssage, handle, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:12:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
N ot shocked by Greg 's ta k e

Status: Read
Delivered· 3/18/2018 2 1248 PMtUTC 4)
Read: 3118/2018 ~ 12 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC280 91 3 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 3427 45088 bytes)
3/ 1812018 2:13:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
As long as everyone s tays a N O , agree a statemen t not manda tory . Though I do think it helps
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms db OxC28073E (Table: message. handle. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/ 18/2018 2:14:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
W h a t d o y o u think about t his tweet fro m m e : "J ust o ne t hough t from vacation : If M anager H arry B lack is as b ad as M ayor Cran ley says he
can p ro ve . why s h ould Black get either a lmos t $400,000 or al mos t $600,000 to not do his jo b ? H is c o n tract calls fo r 8 month s p ay or abou t
$150,000. That's it."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC28EDE7 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

3/18/2018 2:15:27 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I agree. would be good in the politics of this to put out a statement that seems calm and collected ... again.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC28E2AO (Table message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2.:16:03 PM(UTC-4}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
Lei me take one more crack .
Status· Read
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2 16 12 PM(UTC-4)
Read; 3118/2018 2 16.12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lel L1brary/SMS/ sms db OxC290ABF (Table. message handle, chat. Size 342745088 by1es)
3/1812018 2:16:1 3 PM(UTC-4}01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC29045B (Table message, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:37:55 PM(UTC-4}0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
can you send that with combined two paragraphs if thats what were going with?
Status. Sent
Delivered: 311812018 2·38 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC293658 (Table. message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311812018 2:38:38 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Like email to you? I'm still in car
Status· Read
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2 45 15 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/18/2018 2 45 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonei var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/ sms db OxC294FOC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes}
311812018 2:47:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
The appearance of hang ing together more important than the language
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2 47 44 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1812018 2 47 44 PMIUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC295EOE (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311812018 2:47:47 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
totally agree
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC295BEA (Table: message chat Size 342745088 bytes}
3/1812018 2:48:01 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
can we assume Tamaya and Wendell are fine with it and at least get out on social media?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2959FF (Table message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes}
3/1812018 2:48:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Can Harmon tee up for press while waiting for approval from group?
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobtle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC29577F (Table. message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3118/2018 2:48:1 3 PM(UTC-4}0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
He's not gonna be home for 90 mins.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC29555F (Table· message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes}
3/1812018 2:48:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Text them . but I think y es
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC295344 (Table. message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes}
3/1612018 2:48:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think if we get 1t out on social media , that's enough until he can send in email
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC296FEC (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes}
3/18/2018 2:48:31 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
I agree
Sta1us: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonetvartmob1lel L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC296B6E (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes}
3/1812018 2:48:43 PM(UTC-4}01rection:incoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You can tag Key reporters on twitter
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC2969C3 (Table message handle, chat Size. 342745088 bytes}
3/18/2018 2:50:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
Sign our names to it again
Status: Read
Delivered: 311812018 2 50 10 PMtUTC-4)
Read· 3118/2018 2 50 10 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonel var/mobdel L1braryl SMSl sms.db OxC2963BC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes}
3/18/2018 2:50:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
At bottom
Status: Read
Source file· Chris Seelbach s 1Phonel var/mobde/L1braryl SMSlsms db OxC2961 EB (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

311812018 2:50:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
y up
Stelus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC297FEC (Table message chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:50:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
And put like: Statement of the Council Majority

Stetus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC29762E (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3118/2018 2:50:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Stetus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC297433 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1812018 2:58:50 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
can you maybe reach out to Tamaya personally?
Stetus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC2987DF (Table. message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311812018 3:06:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
N o answer
Stetus: Read
Delivered: 3/18/2018 3 06 .36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/18/2018 3 06 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC29A635 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/19/2018 3:06:33 PM(UTC-4)0irection:tncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
th is line from Wendell's release ...

Stelus: Read
Rea1!: 3119/2018 3 06:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1te/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC2CFFE8 (Table message, handle . chat, Size. 342745088 byles)
3/1912018 3:06:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
"C incin nati deserves better than a man who constantly demonstrates the office of mayor is too big for him ."
Status: Read
Read: 3119/2018 3 06.39 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2CFDC9 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
311912018 3:06:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's amazing
Stetus: Sent
Delivered: 3119/2018 3 06 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2CFB11 (Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
311912018 5:50:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just got this from rocky. Any t ru th? "Harry is heari ng P.G . might flip on the settlement vote. You heard anything?"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/19/2018 5.53.10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2D1641 (Table. message. chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/1912018 5:59:27 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
absolutely fucking not.
Status: Read
Read: 3/19/2018 ~.59 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC2D13BB (Table message. handle . chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
311912018 6:00:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
the proposal that was floated to me was what if Harry was offered 8 months of public severance , and 10 months by a private source - would
I support that
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/19/2018 6 00 21 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/19/2018 6 00:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC2D2DEB (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
311912018 6:00:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
private source?
Status: Sent
Source file: Clrns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC2027AB (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/19/2018 6:00:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfetd)
my answer was: 1) I don't know 2) I'd have to con fer with the major ity 3) it would be contingent on very direct input on who the incoming
manager would be 4) harry would obviously have lo want to go that r oute
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db . OxC2D25BC (Table message. handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3119/2018 6:00:55 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
one of Pastor's weird sources of money perhaps?
St6tus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC20223A (Table message handle cha1 Size 342745088 bytes)
311912018 6:16:49 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw. Rocky just said it came from Cranley directly. himself. He's using Pastor of course.

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxC205911 (Table message chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/1912018 6:21:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I spoke to Harry, c leared it up
Status: Read
Read· 3/19/2018 6 27 ·20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarfmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC205685 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/19/2018 6:21 :12 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
honestly, I think Harry is l ikely to consider settling back into the job
Status: Read
Read: 3119/2018 6 27 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC205472 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/19/2018 6:28:1 6 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
w ell. he said that before . Not sure I can trust anything he says.
Status: Seni
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC206FEC (Table message, chat. Siie 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:56:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
F rom Rocky " Apparently mayor is meeting with Landsman in the am and confident a deal will be struck."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 t2 56 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E1BFB (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3120/2018 12:57:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
What's source on that?
Status: Read
Reed; 3120/2018 12:57'45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobllelL1brary/SMStsms db OxC2E1368 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:57:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I'm highly doubtful
Status: Read
Read: 3120/2018 12.57 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E2FE8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3120/2018 12:59:04 PM(UTC-"!)Oirection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
But want me to mobilize AA groups reaching out to him?
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 12 59 07 PM!UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/UbrarylSMS/sms.db . OxC2E2290 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/201812:59:19 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Landsman just tex ted me " I'm not moving. Have a s tatemen t I'll put out w hen I get home ."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 t2.59 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC2E3FE4 (Table message chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
312012018 12:59:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So may not need to
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2012018 12 59 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E3090 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2012018 1:01 :24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Ok. just let me know. They can apply fa s t heat if needed
Status: Read
Read: 3/20120181 .0126 PMJUTC·4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach s iPhone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E337B (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/20/2018 1:01 :34 PM(UTC4)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think it will help
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 3/20/2018 1 01 34 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC2E4FE4 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/ 20/2018 1:01 :42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
F rom Rocky "According to the mayors thinking Landsman 1s apparently interested 1n say on next manager. Voicing of support for Isaac and
a few other items. commitment to collaborative refresh."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2012018 1 Ot 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvarl mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E4E19 (Table message chat Size 342745088 byres)
3/20/2018 1:21 :57 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
AA mobil ization under way
Status; Read
Read: 3120/2018 1 22 09 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1lel lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxC2E6A65 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/21/201811 :26:19 AM(UTC-"l)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach) rnmen t/nope- ci ty-counci l-cant-hire-outside-lawyer-to-1nvestigate-black


8EEO 170F-C334-4 065-8027-
cbo2AD7 5B 1c6.pluginPayloadAttachment
04 D6 D991:::4 DE!C.~lugin!'a~loadAttachment
Status· Sent
Delivered: 3121/2018 1t 41 08 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxC30262C (Table message chal attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/At1achmentslff/15/714CEOF8-3EOF-40E9·80FE-8304F70670CF/E95E53F3-BBFB-477E- 9F9A-
04D6D99E40BC.plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size 9984 bytes)
Chris Seelbach' s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/ Atlachments/ea/ 10/805E 0 2E B-8A29-4 BE B-97 84-SOF E9F35C 004/8E E017OF- C3 34-4 065-8027-
CD02A075B 1C6 plug1nPayloadAtlachment (Size 74419 bytes)

312112018 12:26:12 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
some annoying reporter from 19 stuck a mic in my face , and in the course of asking questions, I said today's thing would fail 4-4
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 12"26·22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db OxC30EFE8 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3121/2018 12:26:35 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That's the truth
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/21/2018 12:26·35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db OxC30EA08 (Table. message, chat, Size. 34 2745088 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:26:36 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
he asked why; I said one of my colleagues is OOT; and he asked who. just want to be clear I in no way proactively brought your name up
Status: Read
Read: 3121/2018 12:26.45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC30E849 (Table: message, handle , chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
312112018 12:26:52 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
De~vered: 3/211201 8 12 26.53 PM(UTC-4)

Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC30E55F (Table: message, chat, Size: 34 2745088 bytes)
3/2112018 12:26:57 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I know , just letting you know be he just tweeted something. it's stupid and doesn't matter - but just wanted you to know
Status: Read
Read: 312112018 12 27.03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/ sms.db OxC30E3BC (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:27:38 PM(UTC4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
Yea. No big deal. It's the truth
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312112018 12·27 .38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db OxC30FFE4 (Table: message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3121/2018 12:28:03 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
agreed , I just feel some of these reporters go out of their way to be a bit annoying
Status: Read
Read: 3121/2018 12 2815 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC30FE05 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/2112018 1:25:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So Cranley pulled from agenda? Any update on what's going on?
Status: Sent
Detivered: 3/21/2018 1 25·51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC31 18 54 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3121/2018 1:51 :48 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Scott Ford apologized?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3121/2018 1 51·48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC312AC8 (Table: message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/2112018 1:54:39 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stay strong

IMG 2305.JPG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312112018 1 54 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l 1brary/SMS/sms db OxC313506 (Table: message. chat, attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Lib rary/SMS/Attachments/c8/08/0A059807-ED7 9-43A6-ADAE-4B353F558E8B/IMG_2305.JPG : {Size: 390802 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:14:26 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor deserves a medal
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC3183B6 (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:46:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
wendell is amazing
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phonel var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC31A43F {Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/21/2016 3:53:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
what did you think of ii all?
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 3 53 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db OxC31A246 (Table message, handle chat, Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:53:44 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You all did a fantastic job
Status: Sent
Dehvcred: 312112018 3 53.44 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms db OxC31BFE4 (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

3/21/2018 3:54:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cit iCable didn't work well. Paused e very 5 second s. B ut think you all worked together well
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2112018 3 54 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMSl sms db OxC31 BEOB (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3121/2018 3:54:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wish Tamaya would h ave ta lked m o re . Especi ally with p a s tor inv okin g Shirley C hisom
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2112018 3 54 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms db OxC31BBB3 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3121/2018 3:55:12 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What did you think?
Status· Sent
Delivered: 3/21/2018 3 55 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC31B96B (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2112018 4:36:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/21/2018 4.36 14 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/rnobole/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC31E2D5 (Table. message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2312018 8:51 :05 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Rocky " I think H arry vie ws W e dnesday as D d a y . If mayor can't ge t 5 he is strapping the seatbelt on and hitting the p e dal."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/23/2018 8·S1 ·16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC368747 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2312018 8:51 :39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Howev er: " Harry m et w ith L a n d sman today an d had a g ood vibe from it. No commitments from him, b ut a good vib e"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2312018 8.51.40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSl sms.db OxC36CFE4 (Table message chat Srze· 342745088 bytes)
3123/2018 8:54:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
M ean ing Harry wa nts o r d oesn't want Land sman to v o te fo r the buyout?
Status. Read
Delivered: 3123/2018 8 5• 35 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/23/2018 8.54 .35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl rnob1lel l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC36CA86 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3123/2018 8:54:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wan ts
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db. OxC36C85E (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2312018 8:54:57 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
B efore the L andsman text was, "So what do you think happens W e d nesday? Conventional wisdom around City H all is that "everyone has
h a d their fun, a separation a g re ement will b e worked out next w eek. "
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC36DFEC (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2312018 8:55:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
B ut H arry told R ocky 1f he survives Wednesday. he has ·som e plans tha t will be "provo cative" and will "show his approach 1n a "different
ligh t" b u t would n ot elaborate .. ."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/rnob1tel l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC360919 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
312312018 8:55:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Intere sting
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC36D27C (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
312312018 8:57:13 PM(UT~) Direction:lncoming , +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
So H a rry th inks Greg m ight go for the buyou t? Tha t's wha t he m e ant by a good vib e?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3123/2018 8 57 13 PMtUTC-4J
Read. 3/23/2018 8 57 13 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC36EFDC (Table message, handle chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
312312018 8:57:44 PM(UT~) Direction:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary /SMStsms.db OxC36EBAD (Table message, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/2312018 8:58:08 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
God bless Greg 1f he's willing
Status; Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC36E7CF (Table message handle . chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/23/2018 8:58:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
more pressure?
Status Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC36ESF2 (Table message, chat Size. 342745088 byles)

3123/2018 9:00:55 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Will text or email you some thoughts tomorrow

Status: Read
Delivered: 3123/2018 9 00.57 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/23120 18 9.00 57 PM1UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db · OxC36FFDC (Table message. handle , chat Size. 342745088 by\es)
3/2612018 11:02:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbecl'I)
"Harry said mayor has half the City making phone calls to Lan dsman ."

Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db • OxC303FEC (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
312612018 11:04:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenreld)
I'm sure. We can talk it all through with him at 3:30pm. I' m very dubious Greg flips to vote for the current buyout

Status: Read
Delivered: 312612018 11 .04.53 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/26/20 18 11 04'53 AMtUTC--4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobdetlibrarylSMS/sms.db . OxC304FDC (Table message. handle. cllat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3126/201811:05:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1golng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbacl'I)
define how you are using dubi ous for this dumb person .

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seetbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC304944 (Table message, chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
3/28/201811 :05:16AM(UTC--4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbecl'I)

Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxC3D4707 (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/26/2018 11 :05:32 AM(UTC-4)D1rectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
yeah, I think very un likely Greg flips on current buyout deal

Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC30429B (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 byl es)
3/2612018 11:05:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
if 1t was down to 12 months, I think Greg would support it

Stalus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM$/sms db OxC305A88 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/26/2018 11:21:27 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncom!ng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
you have a minute or two to talk somet ime before 330pm?

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/26/2018 11 21:29 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2Gl20t8 11.21:29AM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms db OxC3DB2C8 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2612018 11 :21 :30 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Sla\us: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC3DCFEC (Tabl e message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
312612018 11:21:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
could I call you in like 15 min?

Status. Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phooo/var/mob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms db OxC3DCE15 (Table· message, handle chat, Size: 342745088 byles)
312612018 11:21:46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status· Sen I
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC3DCC04 (Table. message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
312612018 11:21:49 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/ sms.db • OxC3DCA2D (Table message handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/26/2016 12:38:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chlia Seelbach)
Wendell's quotes!
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC3EOA8A (Table: message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/2612018 12:38:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
htlps:// itics/2018/03126/cincinnati-councilman-wendell-you ng -wants-recall-mayor-and-hes·proposing-
c harter-arne nd ment-do/452409002/


l- DA05BB2-A 187-4 762-8E4 1-
19BBFB45· B4B0·4 258-9DF9-

Status: Senl
Source file· Chns Seelbach's 1Phonetvar/moblle/Llbrary/SMS1sms db OxC3E162E (Table message. chat. auachment. Sile. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mob!le/L1brarylSMS/At1achments/fO/OO/C 168BA88· 2AB6-4 54 S-842 F- 39783631OF94/FDA05BB2·A1 87 -'I 762·8E41 •
OE2FAA2BB1CD.pluginPayloadAttachment: (Size: 2203 bytes)
Chris Scelbach's iPhoneJvar/mobile/lJbrary/SMSIAtlachmentsl fd/1 3/1C34FSBA·3F19·4646-BC87· CAEA7CA79813/19BBFB45-B4B0·425B-9DF9-
EBE2522FEC03 pluginPayloadAttachment (Sile. 548386 bytes)

3/26/2018 1:33:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
inter esti n g

Status. Read
Read: 3/2612018 1·34 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/ sms.db OxC3E4FE8 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3126/2018 1:34:06 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I f eel like Sherry ver y m uch n o t a fan o f JC's these days
Status: Read
Read: 3126/2018 1.34.07 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxC3E4DFD (Table message handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/28/2018 1:34:11 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She's not

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2612018 1 34 12 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1fellibrary/SMSlsms.db : OxC3E4BAD (Table message, cha t, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/28/2018 1:34:23 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
R ocky says H a rry will not take 1 year
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/26/2018 1 34 24 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC3E49F8 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/26/2018 1:34:31 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
corre ct
Status: Read
Read: 3/26/2018 1.35 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC3E480F (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2812018 1:35:13 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
D oes lan d sman know tha t
Status· Sent
Delivered: 3/ 2612018 1.35 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC3E5FE4 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2612018 1:35:30 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
p robably n o t - or m aybe does b ut thinks he ca n craft s omething th at g e ts h im the re
Status. Read
Read: 3/2612018 1 35.30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1bra ry/SMS/sms.db OxC3E5E17 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/27/2018 4:21:38 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:O utgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
h ttps :f/ incinnati/council membe r- young -accuses-m ayor -cranley-of-b ribery- s a ys- h ell-
pursue- c h arge


86B4C F85·0BA8-4 7AE-8255-
31 FE2B8E-6180-420A-9363- 1FEFBS648F60.plugonPayloadAttachment
866C ECEF1 ::!EA 2lugonPayloadAttachment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC4245B3 (Table message chat. attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/cb/11/61EE93A2·7508-4FBB-9039-7ACD05006330131 FE2B8E-6180..420A-9363-
866CECEF 12EA.plugonPayloadAttachment (Size· 9984 bytes)
Chns Seelbach 's 1Phone/varlmob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/75/05/95005CE5-1AG9-4B2E-BOFE-E76DAE62E153/86B4Cf85-0BA8·47AE-8255·
1FEFB5648F60.plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size 42580 bytes)
3/ 27/2018 4:33:40 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
th in gs a re getting crazy

Status: Read
Delivered: 3127/2018 4 33 47 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3127/2018 4.33.47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC4255C8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3127/2018 4:33:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:O utgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It was not b ribery. Wendell is w ro n g

Status· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · OxC4264A3 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/ 2712018 4:34:08 PM(UTC-4) Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
reinforces my b elief th a t it doesn't p ay to g o out of your way to make enemies

Sllltus: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db . OxC42628A (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2712018 4:34:2 7 PM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. and C r anley has a million enemies
Status; Sent
Sou rce file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/vartmob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db. OxC427FEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
312712018 4:34:49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
yep. and a lot of them smell b l ood and are pouncing
Stlltus: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db OxC427DCF (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/ 27/2018 4:44:1 9 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H ave you ta lked to Greg since he met with ha rry?
Status· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC42ADF6 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

3127/2018 4:53:17 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/27/2018 4:53:19 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/27/2018 4 53:19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC42B972 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2712018 4:53:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
he con veyed to me before that meeting that he's voting against the buyout
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC42B790 (Table messa ge, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3127/2018 4:54:04 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC42B533 (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
312712018 4:54:08 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
is Cranley putting it on calendar?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC42B35A (Table: message, chat Size. 342745086 bytes)
3127/2018 4:54:25 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenteld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC42CFEC (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3127/2018 4:54:38 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenteld)
will c all you in a few wl a quick update
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC42CE15 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/27/2016 4:54:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC4 2CBF2 (Table message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
3126/2016 11:26:52 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What is this special session about tomorrow th at Cranley just called
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC444 EOO (Table message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/28/2016 1 1:27:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
The 8 m o nths thing
Status: Read
Delivered: 3128/201811 .27·1 1 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3128/2018 11 27 11 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonetvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMStsms db OxC444661 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2812016 11 :27:36 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
so if the majority vote fo r that. .. .what happens? Harry h as to accept for it to matter?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/llbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxC445FEC (Table. message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/2612018 11 :28:38 AM{UTC-4)0ireclion:lncoming, +15133652404 {Pg Sittenfeld)
Sllltus: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC445D6C (Table message handle, chat, S1Ze 342745088 bytes)
3128/2016 11:28:44 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
H e has total control
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC445BC 1 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 3427 45088 bytes)
3/26/2018 11:28:47 AM{UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sllltus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/varfmoblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC4459FC (Table· message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/28/2018 6:08:14 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Question. If the 8 month severance passes tomorrow. Lets say Harry finds another job in 2 months would he still walk away with 8 months
f rom u s
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC479FEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3128/2018 6:09:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Good ques tion. I susp ect yes
Status: Read
Delivered: 3128/2018 6.12.38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/28/2018 6 12 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxC4799E7 (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/28/2018 6:12:56 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Could we put something in there to p reven t that? M ayb e he has 2 weeks to either accept our offer or not?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC47960F (Table. message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

312912018 10:38:52 AM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
"So I'm hearing mayor is planning a press conference the week of Apnl 9 where public services, code and others possibly including Juech
Paula and Luke will give statements about harry. I find it hard to believe the latter three would do this.

Harry's not aware of anything specific but who knows what they will say. He's trying to determine a strategy counteract someway.

Again . just speculation but wanted to share before your 11."

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/29/2018 10.38:53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db · OxC48FFE4 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2912018 12:05:15 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley on 700 in 15 minutes
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC49AFEC (Table: message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2912018 4:39:01 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Scott Knox?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxC4B5263 (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3129/2018 4:40:05 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Like it'
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/29/2018 4 40 08 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/29/2018 4·40 ·08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC4B6FDC (Table. message handle, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
3130/20181:45:45 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https.// 30/cranley-wants-special-counsel-investigate-cincinnati-city-manager-harry-

Attachments: - -
~~\ !_fai
~~ 630F83F9-9A5~CBF-B4 A6-
FDSF4~0::!5::!DE! . f!lugml5a:r:loadAttachmen t
C7C276FF-A302-446A-B 1OD-
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms db OxC4EE673 (Table. message. chat attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach 's tPhone/var/mob1lelll brary/SM SI Allachments/99109/D 5268508-56 D4-4 08F -B61 A-9F B4 C804AD341C7C 276F F-A302-446A-B 1OD-
A3E226E62A08.plugmPayloadAttachment : (Size: 2203 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/Attachmentslcd/13/C36694C7-0BD7-46EB-820E-0545COA4C9671630F83F9-9A56-4CBF-B4A6-
FD5F430252DB.pluginPayloadAttachment : (Size 664001 bytes)
3130/2018 2:13:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Laure Quinlivan is an investigative reporter. ..
Status: Senf
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/librarylSMSlsms.db · OxC4EFD02 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:18:43 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
R you commenting on Cranley's release? Getting a ton of requests. Feel like 1f we're gonna respond . should be as a group
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2 18 43 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC4EF8EA (Table· message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/3012018 2:29:16 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
not getting asked , assuming you are because John called out your name
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2.29 31 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3130/2018 2.29.31 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMSlsms db OxC4FOFDC (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:29:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
going to be challenging if not impossible to issue a joint statement in lime
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2 29 31 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/30/20 18 2 29 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC4FOD70 (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:31:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
My response: "The two individuals involved in this dispute will not be the leaders of it's resolution . The Council Majority outlined the plan to a
fair resolution two weeks ago . We' re committed to im plementing and overseeing that plan. "
Sllltus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC4FOB06 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
313012018 2:31 :28 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what do you think
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1braryl SMSlsms db OxC4F0748 (Table· message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
313012018 2:32:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think it's good . you could even add something more direct, like: " John needs to understand that he needs to remove h imself from this
process ."
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/LlbrarylSMS/sms db OxC4F0555 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/3012018 2:32:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
but that might be an unneeded poke in the eye
Status· Read
Source file. Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/varlmobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC4F0253 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes) 'l~b
313012018 2:33:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
if you really wanted to add some mustard, could go for: "The people are looking for answers - not just about one person , but about this whole
situation. I'm glad John is willing to bring in a neutral third party who can look into h is behavior, allegations against the Manager, and anyone
else who has contributed to this mess."
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2 33 24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3130/2018 2.33 24 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC4F1875 (Table: message. handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/3012018 2:36:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The two individuals involved in this dispute w ill not be the leaders of its resolution . The Council Majority outlined a plan for a fair resolution
two weeks ago. We're committed to implementing and overseeing that plan. People are looking for answers - not just about one person, but
about this whole situation. I'm glad Mayor Cranley is willing to bring in a neutra l third party who can look into the behavior. allegations and
responses to not only Manager Black, but all parties involved . including the Mayor h imself.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db . OxC4F2FEC (Table: message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
313012018 2:36:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what u think
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db · OxC4F2AOO (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
313012018 2:37:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think it's tot ally fair. if you g o with the part with more zip on the end , the press might use just the last sentence . although frankly, not a huge
deal , be the article already has you saying that. just not in quote form
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/l1brary/SMSlsms.db . OxC4F2817 (Table: message, handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
313012018 4:27:02 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
told Harry has enough evidence of pay to play that FBI will be interested in "laking a look."
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilellibrarylSMSlsms.db · OxC4FCB79 (Table: message, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 4:30:48 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
he should find a way to get that out, even if not from him
Status: Read
Delivered: 3130/2018 4:30.50 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3130/2018 4 30 .50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC4FC5F3 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
313012018 4:30:53 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
change s the w hole narrative
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC4FC3AB (Table. message handle , chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/3012016 4:31 :05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
especially for why John woul d be so eager to get rid of him
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobilelllbrarylSMSlsms.db. OxC4FDFEC (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
3/3012018 4:31 :09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
maybe that's why Rocky is telli ng me?
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db. OxC4FDDA2 (Table: message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/3012018 4:36:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
ohhh h .. . Harry has already talked to Enquirer about it. But I think making them hold story? He's already given story to Sherri and Dan Horn.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db OxC4FF90E {Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/3012018 4:39:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They may give Wendell the files as a whistleblower and let him go l o FBI.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC50090F (Table· message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 4:55:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Everything h ad to go through KMK . Jim M cGraw controlled ev ery sing le economic devel opment deal. records of it all
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC503BFC (Table. message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3130/2018 5:00:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Sorry, had just gone o n a run
Status· Read
Detivered: 3/3012018 5 00.54 PM<UTC-4J
Read: 3/30/2018 5 00 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC503938 (Table: message. handle. chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 5:00:58 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Damn 1
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC503763 (Table. message handle chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 5:01 :04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC5035BC (Table: message handle. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)

3/30/2018 5:04:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
R icky Is 100% team Harry, yes?
Sllllus: Read
Delivered: 3130/2018 5 04:33 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 3/3012018 5 04 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/11arimob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC504FOC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3130/2018 5:04:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonei var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC504E05 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3130/2018 5:04:42 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/vartmob1letL1brary/SMSisms.db OxC504C2E (Table message, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 5:05:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfefd)
Love rocky
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db OxC504A53 (Table. message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 5:14:55 PM(UTC-4)Direcllon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Rocky should be Asst. Manager.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC50435E (Table message chat Size 3427 45088 byles)
3130/2018 5:15:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outg0ing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He is making Harry think strategic . Is 100% loyal.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC505FEC (Table. message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
3130/2018 5:17:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
he'd have my support
Status: Read
Delivered: 3f.l0/20 185:17:19 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3130/7018 517 19 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC505966 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 5:17:25 PM(UTc-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfald)
and if the d u st settles. that's probably what'll h appen
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC505769 (Table: message. handle . chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3/30/2018 8:56:59 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
T h oughts on Wendell and Tillery? U responding?
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/30/20 18 8 57.05 PM(UTC· 41
Source file: Chns Seelbach's tPhone/ var/mobtle/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC513C2F (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/3112018 9:20:13 AM{lJTC-4)0irection:1nooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

IMG 5615.rpeg
Status: Read
Read: 3/3 112018 9 45 36 AM(UTC·41
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC52AA05 (Table message. handle, chat. attachment Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/cc/1219F49 1080·8319-414A·81 SB-B5CA85C DOFF1 /IMG 561 S.1peg (Size: 488593 bytes)
3/31/2016 9:20:25 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
he' s a good fnend of mine - not sure 1f you already know him or not
Slatus: Read
Read: 3131/?018 9 45'36 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Ctms Seelbach s tPhone/\la r/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.ob OxC52A708 (Table message handle chat Size 3427 4 5088 bytes)
3131/2016 9:20:47 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
also Dan Schimberg' s son-in-law (and Dan shares his private plane with Chris)

Status: Read
Read: 3/31/2018 9~5 36 AM\UTC-~ )

Source file: Chns Seelbaeh's iPhone/ var/moblle/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db OxC52A576 (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/31/2016 9 :46:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
I do know h im. Saw him in our office. Didn't know he was interviewing Very cool

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/311201 8 9'46·23 AM(UTC dJ
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone'llarlmobrle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC52BFE4 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

3131/2018 1:45:36 PM(UTC-4)Directloo:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 2657.PNG
IMG 2658 PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 313112018 1 45:47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonefvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxCS33947 (Table message. chat attachment, Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/9c/12/083280BC·5 162-43FJ.BOF6-2C4079AE50CSllMG_2657.PNG (Size. 840213 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonefvar/mobile/Library/SMS/Atlachments/68/08/210F676F-7C72-4774-A566-36A63594F767/IMG_2658.PNG : (Size 786636 bytes)
3131/2018 4:20:32 PM(UTC-4)Direcilon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
had no seen that... b u t if John think having Dan H ils on his side is going to help his case , he's delusional
Status: Read
Read: 3131/2018 4 20·3S PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seetbach·s 1Phonefvar/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC539801 (Table message, handle, chat S12e 342745088 bytes)
3131/2018 4:20:41 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgotng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/31/2018 4·20:42 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brarylSMSJsms.db . OxC539549 {Table· message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3131/2018 4:21:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Tryin g to b ully and intimidate you
Status: Sent
Detivered: 3131/20184 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms .db OxC5393AO (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3131/2018 4:22:41 PM(UTC-4)0iraction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
they p icked the wrong guy. I have a very acute sen se of who my constituencies are - and non-city voting MAGA folk don' t scare me
Status: Read
Read: 313112018 4 23:04 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's IPhone/var/inobile/Library/SMS/sms.db DxC53ADBB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3131/2018 4:23:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
funny enough, my p erson al relationship with Dan has always been fine; the guy w h o really loathes him is Landsman
Status: Read
Read: 313112018 4 23 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phonelvar/moblle/llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC53A717 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 34274 5088 bytes)
3131/2018 4 :23:21 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Why does landsman hate him
Status: Sent
Deliwred: 313111018 4 23 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC53A45B (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3131/2018 4:23:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
J o h n is m asterfu l at picking all the worst and wrong teammates
Status: Read
Read: 3131/2018 4 23 29 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC53A288 (Table: message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/31/2016 4:23:38 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H e's loosening it
Status: Scn1
Delivered: 3/3112018 4:23 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonefvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms db OxC53BE09 (Table message. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
313112018 4:23:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Landsman: because h e th inks he's r u1mng the city , and v ery central to this whole mess
Status: Read
Read: 3131/2018 4 23·47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobdelllbrary/SMSisms.db . OxC53BC46 (Table. message handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
313112018 4:23:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
(which is accurate)

Swtus: Read
Read: 3/31/2018 4•23 48 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Cl1ris Seelbach's 1Phonelva1/111ob1le/Lib1a1y/SMS/s111s.db oxC53B7E7 (Table. niessage handle chat. Size 342745088 uytes)
3131/20 18 4:23:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Dolivered· 313112018 4 23:52 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phorie/varfmob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db OxC53B5E8 (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
412/2018 9:20:19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Where are we meeting at Spm

Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/varfmob1le/L1brary/$M$/sms.db OxC553A58 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
412/2018 10:52:06 AM(UTC-4)0ireciion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
City Hall
Status: Read
Rel'!d. 41212018 10.54 02 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1vartmobt1e/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC557E58 (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

412/2018 3:20:58 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
couple thoughts
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/2/2018 3 21 .59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/2/2018 3:21 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC56071A (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41212018 3:22:22 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
1) big picture , John might r espond to this email hostilely , directly to you or thru the press - and accuse you of trying to silence people, even
though you're doing the opposite. just know that's a possibility
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db OxC56052B (Table: message handle, chat , Size 342745088 bytes)
412/2018 3:22:32 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
2) Harry himself als o might not love it
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC56EFEC (Table. message, handle chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
41212018 3:22:49 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
3) I'd again get a sig n off on an legal d1menston from Curp
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db. OxC56EDCB (Table: message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41212018 3:23:14 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ok. do you think its worth sending at all then? Since I said basically same thing last week during council?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SM S/sms db OxC56EB7F (Table message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
41212018 3:23:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
4 ) those things aside. I'd put the first paragraph in present tense not past tense. in the second paragraph, I'd add Council to the list of people
who cou ld be reported. and I'd consider replacing the word " harassment" with more encompassing "misconduct"
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/2/2018 3 23 52 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/2/2018 3 23 52 PM(UTC-4)
Souroe file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC56E8C7 (Table message, handle, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
412/2018 3:24:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
I can see it either way - you already said it, so not totally convinced you need to repeat. just depends . 1f you want all city employees to hear
this directly from you. I think you can do it. if it's more a message to someone else , I think you could also pass.
Status· Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC56E409 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
412/2018 3:25:33 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. I think I'm just doing it so that when Paula , Juech and Luke stand with Cranley at a press conference , I can say "we asked you not to
do that..." but I guess I already sent that message. so l'I scrap for now
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC56FFEC (Table. message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41212018 3:26:39 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I can see it either way maybe get a second opinion
Status: Read
Delivered: 412/2018 3 26 41 PM(UTC-4)
Read'. 4/2/2018 3 26 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC56FA29 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/3/201812:34:25 PM(UTC-4}Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
confirming you can still meet w/ Wendell, you , me & Manager right after Greg's committee - and probabl y Greg too or Tamaya ?
Sllltus. Read
Read; 4/3/2018 124~ 02 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxC58DFE8 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
41312018 12:45:21 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
As long as I can get to meeting at 4
Status: Sent
Delivered:413/2018124521 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC58D95A (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/312018 12:51 :09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And 4pm meeting is in blue ash. So will need to leave by 335
Status: Sent
Oe~vered : 41312018 12 51 09 PM{UTC·4)

Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC58EFE4 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/3/2018 1:10:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Got it.
SU:tus; Read
Delivered: 4/3/2018 1 11 49 PM{UTC-4)
Read: 4/3/2018 1 11 49 PM(UTC-<I)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC5909DB (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/3120181 :11 :09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Greg's committee likely to be long?
Status. Read
Deijvered'. 4/312018 1 11 49 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 4/3/2018 1 11 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms db OxC590820 (Table message handle cha1 Size 342745088 bytes)
413120181:11 :54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Just got here. Don't think so
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phoneivari mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC59063B (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)

413/2018 8:47:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
a re you buying ahouse?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC5A6935 (Table message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/312018 8:47:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Sarah and I have been looking at options
Status: Read
Delivered: 41312018 8 47:39 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 41312018 8'.47:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC5A6722 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
41312018 8:48:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what neighborhodo
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var1mobtlel ltbraryl SMS/sms db : OxC5A7FEC (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
41312018 8:48:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
have so far been looking in OTR . Clifton, N. Avondale . E. Walnut Hills. Hyde Park, Mt. Lookout, and I think I'm forgetting one more
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC5A7DF9 (Table: message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
41312018 6:49:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
we might have lo oked at one in P.R idge
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC5A74F7 (Table· message. handle chat, Size 34 27 45088 bytes)
413/2018 8:49:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
very cool. you have one you like since you're looking for a home inspector?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lel librarylSMSlsms.db : OxC5A72DA (Table message. ci1at, Size 342745088 bytes)
413/2018 8:49:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
not ye t, but trying to get organized
Status: Read
Delivered: 41312018 8 49.41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 41312018 8.49 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC5A8889 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41312018 8:49:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC5A869E (Table· message, chat Size 342745088 by tes)
4/3/2018 8:50:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
we looked at one place r ig ht on the northern end of Washington Park. awesome spot. but sarah didn' t think would work well once kids are on
the scene
Stntus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC5A9FEC (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
41312018 8:50:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
(which isn't yet. to be clear!)

Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxC5A99C6 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41312018 8:50:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ha ' lots of families have young kids in OTR

Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db : OxC5A9783 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/312018 8:51:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
it's true! I think it's awesome
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/library/SMS/sms.db · OxC5A958C (Table· message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/312018 8:51:13 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
but I think I have less than 50% authority too
Status: Read
Delivered: 41312018851.14 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 41312018 8 51 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC5A9365 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41312018 8:51 :19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCSAAFEC (Table. message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
41412018 10:16:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
One question , is H arry's response to the transcripts " under oath"? Will it be considered sworn testimony?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le lllbrarylSMS/sms.db OxC584DAB (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41412018 10:16:32 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
I think ii shou ld be . right? to be consistent
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/412018 10 16 36 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/41?018 10 16 36 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar1mob1le/l1braryiSMSisms.db OxC584433 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

4/41201810:16:37 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yes, should be
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db OxC5B4206 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4141201 B 10:17:04 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxC5B5B4 5 (Table message handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/512018 9:50:35 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm told you're having a press conf about FCC tomorrow. I'd appreciate a heads up if that's true.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/5120 18 9 50 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxC6 1F64E (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
415/2018 9:51:30 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
on phone w / Christie Bryant, will call in a second
Status: Read
Read: 4/5/2018 9 51 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms db OxC62079B (Table· message. handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
41612018 12:14:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Rocky· "Tom west says JC was behind Flynn open meetings thing be he wants it to be media thing. Curious , Will you guys allow thisT
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC636DF9 (Table. message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
416/2018 2:13:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
unless someone sues, I think the p rocess goes forward right? altho ugh I'm fine to go wl option #2 . Judge Jones piece r ight away too
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 3 49 14 PM[UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db OxC639FE8 (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
41612018 5:43:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Also, will you apologize to Jeff Pastor? He is very upset that you did not give him more notice on your press conference? Please also issue a
statement praising h im for always supporting FCC in the West End. And a box of tissues for his w eek ly crying .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblie/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC63CDF1 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/6/2018 8:47:22 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
At a d inner party. Need to talk?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/6/201 8 8 47 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC648FE4 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
41612018 8:57:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Not at all, was just calling to playfully gripe for a minute about how Pastor 1s a psychotic salty w hiny nut
Status: Read
Read: 4/6/2018 9 21.56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file. Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmoblie/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC648E03 (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
416/2018 8:57:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Enjoy the party
Stlltus: Read
Read· 4/6/20 18 9 21 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC648889 (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/9/2018 3:29:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor just bought a $500.000 house. There is something going on.
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC6A0460 (Table· message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
419/2018 3:32:25 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
https '// tateand homes-detail/3924-Rose-Hill-Ave _Cin c in nati_OH_45229_M49769-50185


~ J
12BE756FD061 .plu91nPayloadAttachmen1
81 B9324E-4D44-49E4-89CC-
EFgeiE2506EB . plu91nPa~loadA!lachment
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1lel L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC6A5585 (Table . message, chat. attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach· s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Allachments/2e/14/AEB9CC83-F B96-4C6C-BAD2-50303C03DBE8/B 109324 E-4 0 44-49E4-89CC-
EF9B7E2506EB.plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size 3797 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/l1brarylSMS/Attachmentslff/15/BCE983C5-2D1F-4706-854D-8EDE0352119C/76E423DE-DE05-4 047-93CC-
12BE756FD061 plug1nPayloadA!lachment (Size 71348 bytes)
4/912018 3:32:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And his wife iust quit her job.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC6A524D (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/9/2018 3:40:27 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I mean . clearly there's been something there from the get-go
Status· Read
Delivered: 4/ll/201 8 3 40 56 Pl.ltUTC 4)
Read: 419/2018 3 40 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC6A7BC8 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)

419/2018 3:40:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
would probably take a law suit to crack it open
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/9/2018 3.40·56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/9/2018 3.40.56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC6A7967 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
419/2018 3:41 :05 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea. it's so strange.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC6A7733 (Table. message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
41912018 3:41 :32 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He was an Ober driver before running for Council. His wife worked at the BoE.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC6A7531 (Table: message, chat. Size: 34274 5088 bytes)
41912018 3:43:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
perhaps we should discuss
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db. OxC6A72CO (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
41101201811 :58:00 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are you handing over our text messages to Nestor? or anyone?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s iPhone/var/mobile/L1b rarylSMS/sms.db : OxC6CBCCC (Table: message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
411012018 6 :23:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is the FCC vote happening tomorrow?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxC6DBFEC (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4110/2018 6 :23:48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 4110/2018 6·23:59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/10/2018 6:23-59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC6DBAC 1 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
4/1012018 6:24:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
If anything maybe legislation would be referred. Though not even sure if that's happening
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobile/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db: OxC6DCFEC (Table: message. handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/1012018 6:26:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor just issued some kind of schizophrenic "please don't leave me out again" statement, alluding to the actual vote tomorrow
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhonelvarlmob1lel L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC6DDFEC (Table message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/10/2018 6:26:56 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, + 15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He came into my office to wh ine for 45 minutes. I basically told him I'm sick of his crap.
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/10/2018 6 27 36 PM(UTC-4)
Read. 4110/2018 6·27 :36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms db : OxC6007EB (Table: message. handle, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
4110/2018 6 :27:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilelL1brarylSMSlsms.db OxC600321 (Table message. cha t, Size· 342745088 bytes)
4/1012018 6 :28:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He always says "I've started meditating'" I sa id you've always started meditating again, I'll judge you by your actions
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/10/20 18 6 31 08 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/ 10/2018 6 31 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db: OxC60EDEO (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
411112018 2:23:48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He's going to cry again
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms db: OxC6FB32B (Table: message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
411212018 9:17:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
could ask Winburn - but then again, maybe just ignore
Status: Read
Read: 4/t2/2018 9 17 32 PMlUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob ile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC7 3C097 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/12/2018 9:18:08 PM(UTC-4)0ireciion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. Possible winbirn could help. But also possible he somehow uses it against you in future . That you asked
Status. Sent
Delivered: 4/12/2018 9 18 09 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db. OxC73CB51 (Table: message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
4/13/2018 7 :29:21 AM(UTC-4)01rectlon:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Pretty unbelievable. Our sources are literally the exact same as what he voted on , except I saved the city more money and got CPS $25M
Status: Read
Read: 4/13/20\8 7 79 75 AMlUTC-4)
So urce file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC74 1A3A (Table: message . handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)

411312018 7:29:31 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4113120 18 7 29 32 AM(UTC-4)
Source fife: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1fe/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC741781 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4113/2018 7:29:34 AM(UTC-4)Direction:tncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Worth saying anything to anyone?
Status: Read
Read: 4113/2018 7 29.34 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC741509 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 byles)
4113/2018 7:29:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Dunno. Maybe this time because of h is total hypocrisy
Status: Senl
Delivered: 411312018 7 29.51 AM{UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC7413F3 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/1312018 7:29:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Or tweeting? Or just ignore
Status: Read
Read: 411312018 7 30 01 AM{UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC7411E7 (Table message. handle. chat, Stze 342745088 byles)
4113/2018 7:30:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maybe deserves a tweet saying he's criticizing the exact deal he v oted for.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4113120t8 7 30 25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC742FE4 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4113/2018 7:55:02 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Tweeted something pretty darn gentle, w/ no name-check
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/13/2018 10 45.09 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/13/20 18 10 45.09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC74407F (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4113/2018 7:55:23 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133052404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
why's everyone love kicking me in th e balls so much?•
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/ 13/2018 10 45 09 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/1312018 10 45 09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC744B2F (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
411312018 8:38:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw. This was almost a year ago. We need to get d rinks/dinner again soon when Sarah is in town!


18033474 10155263169098559 4476061798469392

752 n.1pg 1peg
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC7678A7 (Table message, chat. attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/ var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/74 /04/84BAFBBF-3C2C-4BEB-80C8-
561 5191AS19E/1803347 4_ 10155263169098559 4476061798469392752_n.Jpg.Jpeg (Size 133814 bytes)
411312018 7:12:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
100%. I don't thi nk you know how much Sarah loves you; she thinks you're the best company. Let's get a date on the books tomorrow.
Slatus: Read
DeUvered: 4113/2018 7 12 36 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 4113/20t8 7 12 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC76A7EO (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
411312018 7:12:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. send us some dates when she ' s down here and you all are free
Status: Sent
Source file: Clins Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1ie/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC76BFEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/13/2018 7:13:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We' re going to an HRC event tonight, so I won't be up a t 6am like toda y
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC76808F (Table message chat Size 342745088 byles)
4/13/2018 7:13:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I won't blow up your phone early
Status: Read
Source file. Chris Seelbach·s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC76B1EO (Table message. handle. chat Stze 342745088 bytes)
4/1 4/2018 1:41 :43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg SittenfeldJ
needs to be understood , this is obviously doing her a favor
Sllltus: Read
DeUvered: 411412018 1 41 46 PM(UTC-4)
Read 4/14120t8 1 41 46 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC77B3F5 (Table message, handle. c hat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/14/2018 1:41 :49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stalus. Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC77CFEC (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

4/1412018 2:00:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfald)
Wetterich d idn't answ e r
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/14/2018 2.00 04 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/14/2018 2:00.04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonetvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db : OxC77C39B (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/1412018 9:29:29 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pat Crowley. Nephew o f D a v id. And lobbyist of Chris J e nkins. Accid entally texted me wha t he meant to text Chris J .


-- #32

IMG 2850.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 411412018 9 29 .32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC78CFE4 (Table. message, chat, attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonetvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/dl/15/61815F60-F299-414E-A9 15-223EB398F98E/IMG_2850.PNG : (Size· 523170 bytes)
1111412018 9:38:08 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
God , s o d u mb
St.elus: Read
Read: 4/14/2018 9 38;10 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhoM/vartmobile/L1brary/SMStsms.db OxC78EC66 (Table message. handle. chal Size: 342745088 bytes)
4114/2018 9:38:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
And out of line
Status: Read
Read: 4/1412018 9:38:27 PM(UTC-4)
Source f~e: Chns Seelbach' s iPhone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC78E8EA (Table. message handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/ 1612018 1:59:35 PM(UTC-4)Diredlon:Outgolng , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbadl)
P astor is d e live ring the resu lts o f his "Profile in C o u rag e"
Stalus: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonetvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC7C8983 (Table· message. chat Size 342745088 by1es)
4/1612016 2:27:1 5 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I th ink h e's abou t to say "tha n ks brush "
Status: Sen!
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC7CAFEC (Table message. chat Size 34274 5088 bytes)
411612018 2:27:2 1 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC7CAB9C (Table: message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4116/2018 2:27:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction;lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittentetd)
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/1612018 2·27 38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/16/2018 2·27.38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhoneNarlmobile/Llbfary/SMS/sms.db · OxC7CA7C2 (Table message. handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
411812018 3:15:1 5 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
crying coming
Stalus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/LlbrarylSMSlsms.db · OxC700C55 (Table: message chat, Size: 34274 5088 by1es)
4/1 812018 8:19:48 PM(UTC-4) Directlon:Outgoiog , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I won' t tweet ba ck a t you , bu t th e Lin d ners a lso funded every single a nti-LGB T initiative this c ity h as ever seen.
Status: Se111
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobtle/UbrarylSMS/sms.db OxC7E1FEC (Table· message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4116/2018 8:28 :26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:ln<X>ming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfekf)
you can tweet tha t back! b u t you k n o w my thing , I don' t buy into peo~ le being all g ood o r a ll bad. they de s erve real criticism for anti L GBT
stuff; I' ll c llime in! b u t I think they also d eserve credit for the good , w ich is also rea l. a nd in this case, I ju st gen u ine ly dou b t tha t th eir
motivation is to fleece the taxpayers
Status: Read
DeWvered: 411612018 8.29 04 PM1UTC-4)
Reed: 4/16/20 18 8·29:04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC7E20E2 (Table message. handle chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
4/1612018 8:29:34 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chria Seelbach)
If I tweet something back, Jason Williams will write an entire column to me attacking you 1
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach·s 1Phone/var/mob1lellibtary/SMS/sms.db OxC7E2979 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 by1es)
411612018 8: 30.34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
so true - I thin k he 's been s oooo off the mark on in last column and on twitter today
Status: Read
Delivered· 4/1612018 8·39 14 PM(UTC-41
Reed: 411612018 8.39 14 PMtUTC-41
Source fde: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1bfary/SMS/sms.db OxC7E268C (Table. message handle. chat Soze 342745088 bytes)
411712018 2:08:18 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing , +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Court of Appeals says m ee tings have to be public
Sletus: Sen!
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db: OxC7F7419 (Table: message chal. Size 342745088 bytes)

4/1812018 8:26:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
T his is small I think she also needs to make clear texts are a month old , given the seriousness of all that's currently happening.
Status: Read
Rea<I: 411812018 8.35 47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC81CFE8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
411812018 9:57:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor may literally explode after th ese texts . It's been building up
Status: Senl
Delivered: 4/18/2018 9 57 13 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS! sms db . OxC822588 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 byles)
4/1812018 10:21 :19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Oulgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
WCPO story fair. E nquirer. Not fair
Status: Sent
Defivered· 4118/2018 tO 2119AM(UTC-'IJ
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/l!brary/SMS/sms.db OxC824C32 (Table. message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
411812018 10:21:29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
feel free to work on Sherry about it
Status: Read
Read: 4/18/2018 10 21 48 AM(UTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary1$MS/sms.db : OxC824A4A (Table· message. handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
411812018 10:23:10 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnoomiog, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
this line is so so unfair "Bui then they decided publicly supporting City Manager Harry B lack against M ayor John Cranley would garner them
more power, so they never said anything about the ir concerns ."
Status: Read
Read: 411812018 10 27 17 AMtUTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary1SMSlsms.db OxC82462A (Table message, handle cha1 Size 342745088 bytes)
4118/2018 10:23:13 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
h o p e you can get her to change
Status: Read
Read: 4/18120181027 :17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC8242B1 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
411812018 10:43:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Any luck getting her to change this :
Status: Read
Read: 4/18120 18 10 43:49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC825FE8 (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4118/2018 10:43:54 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


-- #33

IMG 5772.ipeg
Status: Read
Reed: 411812018 10 43 SG AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC825C2E (Table. message handle, chat attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach' s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/A ttachments/27/07/0A7 58267-864 3-4 51B-B9F6-87674 9A14132/I MG_ 5772 .)peg (Size 338864 bytes)
411812018 10:43:54 AM(UTC-4)Directi0n:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She says she tweaking
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 4/1 8/20 18 10 43 55 AM(UTC-'I)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC8250FA (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
411812018 10:44:08 AM(UTC-4)Direc1ion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. She says she's "tweaktng ' that
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/18/2018 10 •4 08 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonefvar/mob1le llibrary/SMS/sms.db OxC8259FA (Table message . chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4118/2018 10:44:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
"For me•

Sli!tus: Sent
Delivered· 4/18/2018 10 44 14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db. OxC825802 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
411 812018 4:28:28 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wouldn' t say it's proof without a reasonable doubt. But there's definitely something the re if witn esses corroborate.

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob!le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC832482 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/16/2018 4:28:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
scale of 1-10?

Status: Read
Dehvered· 4/1812013 4·29 47 PMtUTC-41
Read: 4 1 1812018 4 29 47 PMtUTC·4f
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone1var/mob1fe/Library/SMS/sms .db OxC833FOC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/1812018 4:28:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
still haven' t read . dealing w/ some ECC stuff currently
Status: Read
Oellvered: 4118/2018 4:29 47 PMtUTC-4)
Reed: 4118/2018 4 29.47 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db OxC633DDC (Table message handle cha1 Stze 342745086 bytes)
411812018 4:29:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db . OxC833B96 (Table· message, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
411812018 4:30:08 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:Outgoiog, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
enough that it cou ld chan ge conver sation

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Pho nelvar/mobde/ltbrary/SMS/sms db : OxC8339BE (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
411812018 4:30:18 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
n e cessitate furthe r coun cil actio n?
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilc/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db : OxC83379A (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
4118/2018 4:31:37 PM(UTC-4}0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Osca r Bedolla had m eeting w ith Cranle y and Jim Bened ict about air space above spa ce r ights above G ET garage. Afte r meeting , Bene d ict
to ld O scar "what the m ee ting was really a bout" in his w ords. H e said C ranle y promised th e deve loper rights in exchange for a fu nd raiser for
h is cam paign. Th en th ere's evide n ce of K incaid d ire cting admin to give them rights , etc.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonetvarlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC833580 (Table message. chat, Size 342745066 bytes}
4/1812018 4:32:04 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
not good
Status: Read
OeUwred: 4/1812018 4:32 06 PMbUTC-4)
Read: 4/1812018 4:32:0G PM(Uf -4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmobde/library/SMS/sms.db OxC634FOC (Table message, handle chat Size 342745068 bytes)
4/1812018 4:32:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
ca n call yo u to n ight
Slalus: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxC6340F8 (Table: message, handle, chal, Size. 342745086 bytes)
411612018 4:32:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxC6348FS (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
411812018 5:01 :03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
a nd Kincaid w as ca m p aig n m a nage r w hen he wrote email d irectin g deal
Stalus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/vartmobilelLlbrary/SMSlsms.db . OxC8356FA (Table: message, chat. Size; 342745088 byles)
411612018 9:22:54 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfekl)
W e can d iscuss tomo rro w b u t in c ase y o u h a d n 't see n :
Status: Read
Read: 4/18/2018 9 23 08 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhOne1var/mobile/L1brarylSMSlsms.db . OxC846FE8 (Table message, handle. chal. Size 342745086 bytes)
411812018 9:23:04 PM(UTC-4)Dlrect1on:1noomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sitt&nfeld)
htlps ·flwww .b izj o u rn inc i n n a ti/news/2018/04/ 18/black-acc u se s-cra nley-assoc iates-of-ethics. h tm l?a n a =twt


96A2F060-9EB 1-44F7-9B91·

Status: Read
Read: 4/181201ti 9:23·08 PM\UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxC847701 (Table message. handle , chat. attachment. Size: 342745086 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1PhoneJvar/mobilell1brarylSMS/Attachments/79/09160235572-2184-4 E82-B5BB-C9 BFB3630417/96A2F060-9EB1-44 F7-98 91-
650BD3627G87.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size 5969 bytes)
Chris Seelbach' s iPhonelvar/mobtlelL1brarylSMSIAllachmentslbc/12/BF45187 1-8602-44 58-A 939-9AC63A 389 72E/7 BE 86464-901 2-4 9A9-826D-
D450E98E832D.pluginPayloadAttachment . (Size 755323 byles)
4119/2018 5:03:29 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:Outgomg, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The City Manage r accuses the Mayor o f a fe lo ny. A nd the next day Landsman g ives the M ayor exactly w hat h e w a n ts.
Status: Senl
Delivere<I: 411912016 5 03 .31 PM\UTG-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s 1Phone/vartmob1le/LtbrarytSMS/sms.db . OxC85EFE4 (Table message, chat Size 342745086 bytes)
4119/2018 5:41:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncorning, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

IMG 5805.png
Reed: 411912018 5 41.b8 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobde/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC66159A (Table message, handle . chat auachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMSIAUachments/t3/03/72C82610-1F4C-4 13E-A444-266026B1321CllMG_5805.png . (Stze. 730797 bytes)

4119/2018 8:09:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Check out this article from C incin n .

Cincinnati Councilman Landsman changes vote, supports fmng City Manager H arry Black

https ://cin. c1/2vwufrv

Status; Sent
Oefivered· 411912018 6 11 48 PMtUTC·4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubraiy/SMS/sms.db Ox C8648C8 (Table message . chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4119/2018 6:59:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Th ink rocky w ill leave as well

Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/1912018 7 00 26 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/libraiy/SMS/sms.db OxC86ABE5 (Table 1111lssage, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
411912018 7:25:52 PM(UTC-"l)Oirection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Statement o r q uestion?
Status. Read
Read: 4119120187•37. 13 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmoblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC86CA5B (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
411912018 7:37: 18 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He says likely
Status: Sent
Delivered· 4119/2018 7 37 47 PM~UTC·4)
Source file: Chlls Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC86C889 (Table message. chat , Size 342745088 by1es)
411912018 7:37:25 PM(UTC-"l)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Has something lined up

Status: Sent
Delivered: 4119/2018 7·37 47 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach' s iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC86C6C7 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
411912018 7 :37:42 PM(UTC-4)0lrectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He thinks Patrick would b e good of 3. But inexperienced .
Status. Sent
Delivered: 411912018 7 37.47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobole/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxC86C4FS (Table. message, chat, Size 342745086 bytes)
4/1912018 7:53:14 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Better than Sheila?
Status: Read
Read: 4/1912018 3.01 01 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobileil1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC66C2E1 (Table message handle chat Size 342745068 bytes)
411912018 8:12:17 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes . H e doesn' t think Shei la would come back
Status: Sent
Delivered. 4119/2018 8 13.55 PMtUTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1braiy/SMS/sms.db . OxC860FE4 (Table message. chat, Size. 342745068 bytes)
4/20/2018 1:49:46 PM(UTC-4)Directfon:lnccming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


IMG 5620.Jpeg
Status. Read
Read: 4/20/2018 1 49 51 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC8B4A1A (Table: message. handle, chat. attachment, Size 342745068 by1es)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachmentstdbi11/F4FE0445·BFA5·4288·931A·F84804A8889MMG_5820.Jpeg (Size 452991 bytes)
4120/2018 1:49:58 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris S~lbach)
Where 's that fr om
Status: Sent
DeOvered: 4/20/2018 1 49.59 PM!UTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary1SMS/sms db OxC8847E6 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/20/2018 1:50:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Some news story o n twitter
Status: Rea<!
Read: 4120/2018 15016 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxC88461E (Table message handle chat Size 342745086 bytes)
4/20/20181 :50:24 PM(UTC-"l)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Sent
Oetiveted 4120/2018 1 50 25 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC884442 (Table message chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
4120/2018 4 :37:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Si!tenfeld)
this from Fox19 reporter
Status: Read
Reed: 412012018 4 39 36 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvar1mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms db OxC88827D (Table 1111lssage handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

412012018 4:37:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
"Hi ... heari ng some chatte r the Black is going to resign around 5 pm . Can you confirm? Thanks."
Status: Read
Read: 4120/2018 4 39 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db . OxC889FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/2012018 4:37:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
heard anything from R ocky? true, or just made up?

Status: Read
Read: 4/2012018 4:39:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC8899DD (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
412012018 4:41 :53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Rocky doesn't know. Harry hasn' t told him that ye t. But said it's possible
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC8895F3 (Table, message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/2012018 4:43:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
could be total made up rumor from a reporter
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/20/2018 4.43.08 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/2012018 4 43·08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC88936E (Table message, handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
412012018 4:43:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . OxC88AFEC (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
412012018 4:47:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
"absolutely nor he is not re signing
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach"s 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC88AE10 (Table message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
412012018 4:47:1 6 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ha rry just texted Rocky back
Status: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC88ABEC (Table message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
412012018 4:48:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
makes sense
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxC88A9EO (Table· message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
412012018 4:49: 18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
you mind asking Rocky, is H arry going to utilize his option as g ranted in the Charter, to have a public hearing in the event 5 move to

Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC88A7F6 (Table message handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/2012018 4:54:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what info are you tweeting about that you find out today re: Kyle Plush
Status· Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC88BFEC (Table message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/2012018 4:55:27 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Released body cam footage showing officers didn' t get out of car - at least not in the tape that's released
Status: Read
Delivered: 4120/2018 4.55.29 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 412012018 4 55·29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMSlsms.db OxC88BA7B (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/20/2018 4:55:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
but all news outlets are already ru nn ing that.
Status. Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db , OxC88B7FC (Table message chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
412012018 4:56:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I know. T hat's why I made comment

Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC88B5CC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4120/2018 4:56:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Be reporters asking
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/varimob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxC8883E6 (Table me ssage, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
412012018 4:56:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
oh ok
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC88B220 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/2012018 4:56:58 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Like what's rxn to this
Status: Read
Read: 4/20/2018 4 57 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC88CFE8 (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)

4/2012018 4:57:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
And I don't want to make final j udgment until context of full report
St.otus; Read
Read: 4/20/2018 4.57 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCB8CC58 (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4120/2018 4:57:33 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
They've only interviewed one of two officers so far
Slatus: Read
Read: 412012018 4 58 09 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms db OxC88CA27 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4121/2018 10:58:40 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
do you and Craig want to have late brunch (and cocktails) w/ me and Sarah Sunday May 7th?
Status: Read
Read: 412112018 12 05 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seel bach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC892FE8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
412112018 12:05:45 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sunday May 6?

Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 4/2 t/2018 12 05 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC892884 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4121/2018 12:06:05 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
yep , that's what I meant
Status: Read
Read: 412112018 12 06.07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC89222E (Table message handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
412112018 12:06:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. Sounds good
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/21/2018 12 06 20 PM{UTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC893FE4 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/2512018 3:22:03 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I' m here
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 4/25/2018 3 22.04 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobiletl1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC91643F (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4125/2018 3:22:19 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
In lobby

Status: Sent
Delivered: 412512018 3 22 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC917E2C (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/2512018 4:36:23 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
On brunch. That's the same day as the May Tea Dance. Not sure if you've heard about them but R ichard Cooke organizes and usually gets
200-300 people. I 've never been. It starts at 4pm at Ltsse in Covington. Maybe we could meet up for d rinks somewhere around 2 and then
head there for a drink?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC91CFEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/25/2018 4:37:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Can I check with Sarah. So you'd say in that plan we scrap brunch?

Status: Read
Delivered: 412512018 4 37 45 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/2512018 4 37 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms db OxC91C768 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
412512018 4:41 :04 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea. or do late late lunch. Or just get appetizers somewhere. Talk to Sarah .
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lei l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC910FEC (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/26/2018 11 :50:57 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Still can't believe how everything has gone down in the last month Cranl ey. Smitherman , etc. ardently defended Harry up until a couple of
months ago. All of it just doesn't make sense.

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC92B4E4 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4126/2018 2:19:24 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Totally bizarre chapter for the ci ty. They definitely turned on him q uickly. Hard to know the totally of w hat might have motivated them.

Status: Read
De6vered. 412612018 219 27 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 412612018 2 19 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC937FDC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
412612018 2:20:26 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
btw. talked Sarah & late l unch is fine that day
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms db OxC937027 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/2612018 2:21:11 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenteld)
(I'll have attempted to run the half marathon earlier in the day, so plan to gorge myself)

Status: Read
Delivered; 4126/2018 2 21 13 PMtUTC-41
Reed: 412612018 2 21 13 PM(UTC·4l
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/vartmob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms db OxC937B19 (Table message handle cha t, Size 342745088 bytes)

412612018 6:21 :56 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You' re definitely gonna be hungry! And Thirsty !
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxC93AA3E (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
412612018 6:29:34 PM(UTC-4}Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
And Amy! To my knowledge, she never had a single complaint about Harry until Cranley d id. But she was the first to line up to fire him !?! I
know we talked a bout ti a couple of weeks (or maybe a month or so ago). but is it possible Harry knew about her cheating on her husband
with another woman ... and therefore wanted him gone? Just don't get it.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC93A808 (Table message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4/26/2018 6:36:39 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Was obviously a lot swirling toward the end about what harry knew. (Hence Wetterich's most recent column . among other things). Unsure if
he wou ld have been aware or n o t. Was harry even in C incy yet when that happened?
Status: Read
Delivered: 4126/2018 6:38:42 PM{UTC-4)
Read: 4/26/2018 6 38·42 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC93A367 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
412612016 6:39:30 PM(UTC-4}0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
will say this much, he was no dummy and had his eyes open. suspect some of those who turned on him so fast had multiple reasons for
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le /l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxC93BFEC (Table message. handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
412612018 6:42:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Happened in December 2014 ... becuase as you know. I was with her the night it happened . I think Harry took office in September, 2014 ... so
yes ... he was around.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms,db . OxC93B56A (Table. message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
4126/2018 6:47:07 PM(UTC-4)Direetion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's never come out. And I'm sure she's been worried about it since the night it happened. Although I've heard rumors about her having other
affairs. Lets just hope it didn't effect her decision to immediately support firing Harry .. .after she had never said a s ingle negative thing about
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC93CFEC (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes}
4/26/2016 6:50:30 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Whole thing has been strangest clusterfuck. Harry said he had a "file" on JC , seems plausible wasn't his only file.
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/26/2018 6.50:41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 412612018 6·50 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMStsms.db OxC93CBA7 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/2612018 6:51 :03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach}
And we've heard rumors of an affair between Amy and Cranley. Clusterfuck is the right word!
Status. Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxC93C914 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/26/2018 6:51 :46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Meanwhile. multiple higher uppers in police dept have told me they think Smitherman currently maneuvering & putting case together to oust
Status: Read
Read: 4/26/2018 6 52 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC93C681 (Table message handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/26/2018 6:52:10 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
This town needs some calm and quiet. Oy vey
Status: Read
Read: 4126/2018 6 52 39 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC93C3B8 (Table message, handle, chat Size 34274 5088 bytes)
412612018 6:56:00 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But, finally, the weather 1s nice and we can enjoy our rooftop !

-~ -
IMG 2959.JPG
Status: Sent
Delivared: 4/26/2018 6 56 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC93DFE4 (Table message chat. attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachments/87/07/89CEF9E0-7D35-4607-B7B8-C6FA18958705/IMG_2959.JPG (Size 2290828 bytes)
4/26/2016 7:02:01 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Tell C raig to stir me up an old fash ioned '
Status: Read
Re~d: 4n6/7018 7 02 03 PMtUTC-4)

Source fil e: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxC93DD56 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4/30/2016 4:31 :38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sheila Hill-Christian coming back as A ssistant City Manager
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobole/Lobrary/SMS/sms.db OxC9967EG (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)

4/30/2018 4 :32:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
thought she told you she wasn' t inte rested in com ing back
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db · OxC9979E5 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
413012018 4:40:25 PM(UTC-4)Direct1on:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I hadn 't spoken to her since she left.
Status: Read
Delivered: 413012018 4.40 38 PMIUTC-4)
Read. 4130/2018 4 40:38 PMtUTC-<i)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db DxC999FDC (Table message, handle chat Size 34 27 45088 bytes)
4130/2018 4 :40:34 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
But I d id always think h ighly of her
Status: Read
Delivered: 4130/20 t8 4:40'38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4130/2018 4 40:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms db OxC9990DC (Table message handle, chat Size 342745086 bytes)
4130/2018 4:40:45 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. same here
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonetvar/mobde/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db · OxC999BF4 (Table message chat. Size 342745068 bytes)
4130/2018 4 :41 :01 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
And hope s he'd consider putting her name in the ha t as a candidate for permanent
Status: Read
Souroe file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/ varlmob1lelL1b<aryl SMS/sms.db OxC999820 (Table message handle. chat. Size 342745066 bytes}
4130/2018 4 :41 :37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chrla Seelbach)
Agr ee
Staws: Senl
Source file: Chns Seelbachs 1Ph0nelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db · OxC9995DB (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
4130/2018 7:33:51 PM(UTC-4)01recllon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The re's someone else name d PG?


!MG 3019.JPG
Stalus: Senl
Delivered: 413012018 7 33 59 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC99C566 (Table message. chat, attachment. Size 342745086 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvarl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/Ocl121F997EEE6-4A71-47A1-90F 3-EA6760A8607CllMG_ 3019.JPG (Size 2099699 bytes)
413012018 7:45'06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Ha 1 Yes, a famous writer. ( British . I think). Ain't it a bummer - I'm not even the fi rst fiddle PG '
Status. Read
Read: 413012018 7 45 .14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db OxC99DFEB (Table message. handle chat Size 342745088 byles)
4130/2018 7:45:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You a Jeopardy regular?
Status: Read
Read: 4130/2018 7 45:1 6 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brarylSMS/sms.db OxC99DD77 (Table: message handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
413012016 7:45:34 PM(UTC-4)Directi0n:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. We watch wheel of fortune and jeopardy almost nightly
Status: Sent
De•vered: 4/30/2018 7.45.35 P~l(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonel varimob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC99D816 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
413012018 7:46:06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Haha, th a t's awesome. Will need to come watch one n ight.
Sll!lus: Read
Read: 4130120 18 7 46 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/LibrarylSMSfsms.db OxC9905FF (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745086 bytes)
413012018 lt.18:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Someone beat you to officially nominating Julie J ohnson•



IMG 3020 PNG

SlEtus: Sent
Deivered: 4130/2018 918 25 PMtUTC-4J
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvarlmobde/Library/SMS/sms db OxC99D3E2 (Table message. chat. attachment, S1ze 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seetbach's 1Phone/varlmobilel L1brary/SMSIAitachmentsn8t08i02045069-ACBC·4692-A7E9-0743F431 B56CllMG_ 3020 PNG (Size 766509 bytes)
4130/2018 9:35:30 PM(UTC-4)0 irectlon:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Can I still nomi nate?' I adore Julie
S!Btus· Read
Read: <130 12018 9 35 39 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Chns Seelbach 's 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxC9AOA9B (Table message handle, chat. Size: 342745068 bytes)

4130/2018 9:35:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Nominations happen through Facebook comments under my post :)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/30/2018 9'35:58 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC9A08AB (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
5/1/2018 4:06:15 PM(UTC-4)0irec:tion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
how did 1-75 convo go i n committee today?
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/112018 4.06• 18 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 5/1/2018 4:06:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxC9BFFOC (Table· message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
5/1/2018 4:07:37 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They had no answers to any of my questions . Greg voted no. I will tomorrow. They agreed they hadn't made a single presentation to Council
or the community since September 2011 . They also agreed to come back to Greg's committee with a full presentation , including photos that
show what land will be expanded into the interstate, sound barriers, light pollution efforts, etc. Amy still wants to rush it through tomorrow
even though this project is likely 10 years out.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC9COFEC (Table: message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
5/1/2018 4:08:15 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
roger that
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db. OxC9C03C6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
5/2/2018 6:36:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor kept calling me "M r. Seasongood" at Council today . I just ignored his continued theatrics. But after seeing Dillingham's post, I guess
this is what he was talking about. And it's not me.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxCAOOFEC (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
5/212018 8:36:13 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


71181 Cl7E9E!FS 1. elug1nPa~loadAttachment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db : OxCA00370 (Table. message, chat, attachment, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach 's i Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/ce/1 4/E4 908408-404 3-4917 -87 CE-0983 F30880 06/DF 360 BOE-8 7FF-403F·94 24-
7AB107E9BF51.pluginPayloadAttachment. (Size 2113 bytes)
5/4/2018 10:44:49 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
currently in mtg
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/412018 10 44 51 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 514/2018 10·44 51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db . OxCA4A2ED (Table: message, handle chat, Size: 342745088 by1es)
5/5/2018 3:07:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Se&lbach)
Nation , Maplewood , bourbon a nd biscuits?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/5/2018 3 07.43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxCA7F232 (Table: message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
5/5/201810:49:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


Audio Message.amr
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/512018 t 1 23 18 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCA93359 (Table· message, chat. attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/UbrarylSMSIAttachments/Oe/1413E6E39D7-1A7E-4E15-8DDE-81 EF25782C47/Audio Message.amr : (Size 6 bytes)
5/6/2018 8:03:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
wow. Pavin losing in absentee ballots
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxCAFFDC4 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/8/2018 6:03:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
and James Wolf close
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxCAFFBA6 (Table· message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
5/8/2018 8:04:24 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ubraryl SMSl sms.db OxCAFF9AA (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

518/2018 8:35:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Keep texting results. I 'm at a dinner
Status: Read
Read: 51812018 8 35 30 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxCB094E6 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/8/2018 8:35:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Nothing but absentee votes in
Status: Sent
Delivered: 518/2018 8:35 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobde/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCB092FO (Table. message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
5/8/2018 9:09:45 PM(UTC-4)Direcllon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
WOW! Stephanie Dumas now beating James Wolf
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCBOADF8 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
5/8/2018 9:37·25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Dumas just picked up her lead . 53-46.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db . OxCB11B67 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/8/201810:05:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wolf gonna lose. With almost 50% reporting , he's down 56-43%
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxCB14DF8 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5191201812:27:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have to be in Washington Park at 3pm . Your bump stock item is the only thing we' re voting on . But we need to vote by 2 :50 to not lose me.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db. OxCB28FEC (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/9/2018 12:29:14 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
got it
Status: Read
Read: 519/2018 12 32 58 PMCUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCB28370 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/11/2018 11 :23:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Call you when done at police memorial
Status: Read
Read: 5111/2018 11 33 26 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCB63EOE (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
5/11/2018 8:10:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We're hanging out on Derek's patio if you wan t to stop by. He's out of town1

Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/11/2018 B 10 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCB8E7B4 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/23/2018 11:40:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
D o you have 2 minutes to talk on phone?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxCD46DF2 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
5/30/2018 7:15:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 1624 1peg
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCE1 DDEA (Table message chat. attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobtle/LibrarylSMS/Attachments/52/02/56C9ED79-F 16D-4C 21 -B5DF-CF385899B009/I MG_ 1624.Jpeg (Size 248440 bytes)
5/31/2018 11:42:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How long do you think your Tuesday, 5pm committee meeting will last?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCE38FEC (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
5/31/20181:03:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/31/2018 1 0354 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 5131/2018 1 03 54 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCE3D2AO (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 byles)
5/31/2018 1:04:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
B ig topic· the '99 agreement with the schools
Status: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxCE3EFEC (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
5/31/2018 1:04:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
That's up soon
Slatus: Read
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db OxCE3EDEE (Table message, handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)

513112018 2:49:25 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Attachments: - - -

Mike Smith.vcf
Status: Read
Delivered: 5131/2018 2·49 29 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 5131/2018 2.49:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach·s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxCE480BF (Table: message. handle, chat, attachment. Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/78/08/876070E8-1888-4927-B61B-1C6809AE3COB/Mike · (Size 176 bytes)
6/1/2018 9:28:03 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The only comment on Jason' s column is "I don't think it matters . They b oth voted for it. " B ut yet, it's been their main story for a day. Jason
W illiams = Gossip Column ist
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxCE6FFEC (Table. message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/6/2018 9:45:03 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Remember Mark Leno . who we had dinner with and was running for Mayor of San Fran? H e was the big underdog going into the election
yesterday. P olling had him like 13% points behind the frontrunner. But they have ranked choice voting . And right now, he' s ahead 50.42 to
49.58! And could become San Fran's first open ly LGBT Mayor!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxCF4EE38 (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
616/2018 10:35:45 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
very cool! I definitely liked him when all had dinner together
Status: Read
Read: 6/6/2018 10.36:21 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . OxCF525DE (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
617/20181 2:59:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
https://www.cincinnati .com
Attachments: - - .~

15~C~AS1 OC4CA.elug1nl'a~loadAttachment
Status: Read
Read: Sn/2018 12.59.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmoblle/L1brarylSMSlsms.db OxCF8A36A (Table. message. handle. chat. attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachmentsl32/02/A1B86073-2E25-4072-908C-6BC7385B7EC4/DBEC8F02-SA29-4EF6-8C1A-
OFC2AB 1DC4CA.pluginPayloadAttachment {Size: 2198 by<es)
en12018 12:59:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Stntus: Read
Read: 6nt2018 12:59.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhoneivar/mobile/L1brary/SMSl sms.db OxCF8BFE8 {Table· message handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
Bn/2018 12:59:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
You' ll be on the zoo board b y the time of 2025 b ig festivities
Status: Read
Read: 6nt2018 1:00:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxCF8BE40 (Table message. handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
611012018 11:49:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
That attack in OTR last night is so awful. I'm so sorry. Let me k now how I can support them - and you .
Status: Read
OeUvered: 6/10/2018 11 49 59 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/10/20t8 11 49:59 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary /SMS/sms.db OxD010507 (Table message. handle, chat Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/1012018 11:51 :01 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Thanks. I'm not best friends who her, but Molly Wellmann is. Got frantic calls from Molly's husband this morning because Molly is having a
nervous breakdown over ti and Bee didn't know how to deal with it. The woman. J enn Watts . 1s in ICU unconscious with her family. I'm most
taking care of Molly, although heading to N KY pride shortly. Just trying to get an update from police, which is what her friends and family
woul d like as wel l.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD011 FEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/ 10/2018 11 :52:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
It's an awful evil th ing . Let me know about supporting the victim, and we can all do our part toward delivering justice for the attackers.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox001177C (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/10/2018 11 :52:54 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgolng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
H o p ing she can pull through. Will keep you a ll updated.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxD0114BF (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/11 /20181 :38:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is someone going to bring up the unfair labor practices for a discussion?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox002BCED (Table. message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)

811112018 1:39:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I certainly plan to
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/11/2018 1 39 54 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/11/2018 1 39.54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox002BA76 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1112018 1:40:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Tho after both p resentations
Status: Read
Source fil e: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxD02B8BO (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
8/13/2018 5:39:16 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
If you get there fir st. if needed rearrange cha irs so we're s itting next to each other
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 5·40:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxDOC4868 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1312018 5:40:59 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
GPS has me there at 556
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/13/2018 5 4059 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxDOC460F (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
611312018 5:55:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You'll beat me there
Status: Read
Read. 6/13/2018 6 02 42 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db : OxDOC443F (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 3427 45088 bytes)
6/13/2018 6:02:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You're on opposite side

Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/13/2018 6 02 49 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDOC426B (Table· message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/1312018 6:42:32 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Where Tamaya?
Status: Read
Reed: 6/1312018 6 42:39 PMfUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDOC7FE8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
611312018 6:42:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
David said she wasn't feeling fe ll
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/13120t8 6 42 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1fe/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxDOC7E28 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
611312018 7:20:34 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 3484 .JPG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/13/2018 7·20 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxDOC865D (Table message chat attachment. Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/34/04/0AEE44AF-F611-4900-8CF6-7860428005DD/IMG_ 3484 .JPG (Size 1787506 bytes)
6/14/2018 2:35:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
ca ll me
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxDOEF728 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1412018 2:46:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
1twas a no
Status: Sent
Source file. Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxDOF1B33 (Table message chat Size 34 2745088 bytes)
6/15/2018 2:51 :07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is Sarah in town? If so (or even if not), if you all d on't have plans tonight, would you want to join us at Below Zero for a drag show benefiting
Planned Parenthood? Doors open at 6 . Show at 7.

Status: Sent
Source file: Clms Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD127FEC (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/ 15/2018 3:47:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
sound s like a blast! unfortunately w e have a wedding (on her side) this weekend that we' re aw ay for

Status: Read
Delivered: 6/15/2018 3 47 44 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 6/15/20 t 8 3 47 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phone/var/moblletl1brary/SMS/sms db OxD1354BE (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/15/2016 3:47:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
rain check please!
Status· Read
Dehvered: 6/15/2018 3 47 44 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 6rt5/2018 3 47 44 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxD135200 (Table message handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)

611512018 3:47:48 PM(UTC4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. have fun !
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox0136FEC (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
611512018 7:25:12 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I was just told b y James wolf that Denise me is planni ng to run for mayor

Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/ 1512018 7 25: 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox0140388 (Table. message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
611512018 7:39:11 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Read: 611512018 7:39:31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilel l1brarylSMS/sms.db · OxD141FEB (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
611512018 7:39:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He seemed certain ?
Status; Read
Read: 6/1512018 7:39:31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox0141 E2E (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/1512018 7:39:34 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 611512018 7:39.35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxD141C62 (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
611512018 7:39:52 PM{UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
He elaborate at all?
Status: Read
Read: 6115/2018 7.39:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxD141ABA (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
611512016 7:40:17 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
He had a couple cocktails. And I think tried to draw it back after I seemed surprised .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/ 15/2018 7"40:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarl mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD1418EC (Table: message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
8/1512018 7:40:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Because after he told me. I said , "well, you know I support PG."
Status; Sent
Delivered: 611512018 7·40.49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD141697 (Table message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
6115/2018 7:41 :22 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
D id he say sh e wouldn ' t run for re-elect10n in 20?

Status; Read
Read: 6/1512018 7·4 1:3 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilel l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxD14146C (Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
611512018 7:42:28 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H e didn't say. Started with me asking what his next move was . Tu rned into him saying both Todd and Denise m ight not b e on county
commission in 4 years
Status: Sent
De ~vered: 6115/2018 7.42 28 PM(UTC-4)

Source file: Chri s Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtlel library/SMS/sms.db OxD142FE4 (Table. message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
611512018 7:42:35 PM(UTC4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And the n the Denise comment
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/15/2018 7 42·35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilel l1brary/SMS/sms db . OxD142D09 (Table· message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
611512018 7:43:26 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
In te resting . Lots o f runway b etween now and then.

Status: Read
Read: 611512018 7 44 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxD142831 (Table. message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
611512018 7:45:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She'd be only compe tition. Totally can bea t Smitherman .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 611512018 7.45.27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD142927 (Table message chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
611 512016 7:55:09 PM{UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
B eing a nti-ch oice (and having been a ll in for JC) might be a better fit in county than city. But again , so much can and will happen btw now
and the n
Status: Read
Read. 6115/2018 7 57 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhonelvarlmob1lel l 1brary/SMS/sms db . OxD142710 (Table· message, handle chat Size. 34 2745088 bytes)
611512018 7:57:29 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Totally agree.
Status· Sent
Delivered: 6115/2018 7 57 29 PMtUTC 4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · OxD14243B (Table: message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)

6/1512018 7:57:57 PM(UTC-4}Direclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
I'm also a little dubious about Wolf as the source. Cause she hasn't said it to other people who she' s very close to: Karen Sm ith & De Marco,
Christie, the Culls etc
Status: Read
Read: 6/15/2018 7 57 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox0143FE8 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
6/ 15/2016 7:58:11 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. I have no idea
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 6115/2018 7 58 1t PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox0143CE5 (Table. message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1512018 7:58:18 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
He's at this drag show
Status: Sent
Dehvered: 6/15/2018 7 58.18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSl sms.db Ox0143B19 (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1512018 7:58:27 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach}
Along with all the mayors staff.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/15/2018 7 58 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxD143943 (Table message chat, Size 342745088 by1es)
6/1512018 7:58:28 PM(UTC-4}0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
So maybe the alcohol was working double time'
Status: Read
Read: 6/15/20t8 7 58 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblie/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox014375F (Table message, handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1512018 7:58:46 PM(UTC-4}Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
Sorry to m iss drag! Enjoy'
Status: Read
Read: 6/15/2018 7 58 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox0143563 (Table. message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/15/2018 8:09:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 3505.JPG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/15/2018 8 09 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD143389 (Table. message chat, attachment Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobilelllbrary/SMSI Attachments/42102131C12794-48F5-405D-B220-4 BACED7CB506/IMG_ 3505. J PG . (Size. 1508488 bytes)
6/15/2018 8:17:59 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I might wear that to Council one day
Status: Read
Read: 6/1512018 8 20 27 PM<UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox0144FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/15/2018 8:20:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Our w edding preferably.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/1512018 8 20 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox01 44DF8 (Table- message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/1512018 8:31 :33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Liked "Our w edd ing preferably . "
Status. Read
Read: 6/15/2018 8 31 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox01 44BA4 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/16/2018 2:46:19 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
chairing .
If this was Mark M allory's admin proposing booting to close a budget deficit. Smitherman would have already collected 20 000 signatu res to
ban 1t 1n the city charter. Today, "lets try it. If it's too aggressive , we can change. "
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD18593F (Table message chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
6/1912018 2:00:51 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
You close?
Sllltus. Read
Delivered: 6119/2018 2 06.04 PM(UTC-4J
Read· 6/19/2018 2·06 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/moblie/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox01AEFDC (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 by1es)
6/1912018 4:38:26 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
You're having a press conf?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox01 BBFEC (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

6119/2018 4:38:43 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Stalus: Read
Delivered: 6/19/2018 4:38:47 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/19/2018 4:38 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/ sms.db : OxD1BBDCE (Table message, handle, chal. Size· 342745088 bytes)
6/2512018 1:20:50 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
How many cards
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/25/2018 1 20 53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/2512018 1 20 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxD26E900 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6125/2018 1:21 :09 PM(UTC-4)01rectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stalus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxD26E821 (Table: message, chat, Size 342745088 byles)
612512018 1:51 :06 PM(UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
How many more!
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/25/2018 1 51.08 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/25/2018 1.51 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/ mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxD27030E (Table: message, handle, chal , Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/25/2018 1:51:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)

Status: Read
Delivered: 6/25/2018 1 51 .08 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/25/2018 1.51.08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : OxD271 FOC (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/25/20181:51:11 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
we're on 31
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox0271 E 3C (Table: message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/29/2018 8:56:02 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
At casino for concert. African American man: " what's up Councilman"? Me : " Not muc h ." Him to wife: "that's pg Sittenfeld"

Status. Sent
De~vered: 6/29/2018 8 56 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: Chns Seelbach 's 1Phone/var/mob ile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxD32FBC9 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 byles)
6/29/2018 8:58:48 PM(UTC4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
Ha , so damn funny .
Stalus: Read
Read: 6/29/2018 9 04 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxD32F914 (Table: message. handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
6/2912018 8:59:08 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
We look nothing alike
Status: Read
Read: 6/2912018 9:04 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxD32F74C (Table. message, handle, chal, Size 342745088 bytes)
6/29/2018 8:59:31 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Tho both d evilishly handsome
Status: Read
Reed: 6/29/2018 9.04 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxD32F57E (Table: message, handle chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/2912018 9:04:30 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status· Senl
Delivered: 6/29/201 8 9.04.31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . OxD32F39E (Table: message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6/30/2018 6:40:32 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey Jamie Humes said you all talked about ou r wedd ing . So the hotel we're a ll staying in is completely b ooked because a lot more people
than we expected are coming. HOWEVER, Barbara Aras and Dr. Jack McDonough (I think you know them) booked a 1 bedroom, b u t
Barbara was recently diagn osed with b reast cancer and going to be in treatment well pass our w edd ing. So if you all really wan t to go, that
room i s free ! for nowi Let me know.
Slalus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxD341FEC (Table: message, chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
7/1/2018 11:44:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You available?

St~tus : Read
Read: 7/1/2018 12·07 03 PM(UTC-4 )
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD35DFE8 (Table· message handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)

7/1/2018 12:11:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)


Emily Woerner.vcf
Status: Read
Read: 71112018 12.12 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source fi le: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxD35D5C7 (Table message, handle, chat, attachment, Size. 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/35/05/3C 9C2931-E 136-4673-A17C-B6F74A42B9021Em1ly Woerner. vcf . (Size: 211 bytes)
7/1/2018 12:19:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The y think yes
Status: Sent
De~vered: 71112018 12 19·01 PM(UTC-4)

Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/ sms.db . OxD35E3D6 (Table message, chat Size· 342745088 by1es)
7/1/2018 12:19:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Still on
S!atus: Sent
Delivered: 71112018 12 19.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/ sms.db OxD35E214 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
71312018 5:29:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Call me
S!atus: Sent
Delivered: 713/2018 5 29:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobile/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . OxD38E4FD (Table message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/3/2018 5:33:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
513- 256-5329

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: OxD38FFEC (Table. message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/3/2018 5:33:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maggie something
S!atus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonetvar/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db OxD38FAEO (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
71312018 5:33:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
actually it's 513-256-5339
S!atus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxD38F8EC (Table message chat Size 34 2745088 bytes)
7/812018 6:46:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Lost you. When r u back
Status: Sent
Delivered: 716/2018 6.46:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxD4045FD (Table message, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/9/2018 9:45:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm serious . Last Thursday when M olly, K aty and I took an hour walk on riverfront we tal ked about making it a weekly Thursday night thing'
S!atus. Sent
Delivered: 7/9/2018 9 45 10 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/l1brary/SMSl sms.db . OxD460FE4 (Table message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
71912018 9:45:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Count me in for a #StrollWithSeelbach
Status: Read
Read: 7/912018 9 45 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox0460517 (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
719/2018 9:46:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 71912018 946 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/ sms.db OxD460325 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1 2/2018 11:04:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
can you do a 2.30pm meeting with me , Landsman and T erry Nestor & Emily Woerner next tuesday? fairly important tf you 'd be able to move
something around. shouldn' t be much more than 30 min
Status. Read
Read: 7/ 1212018 11.04 17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db OxD4D3FE8 (Table message handle. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
7/12/2018 11:05:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can we do 2? I have a 3pm that I can't miss
Status· Sent
Delivered: 711212018 11 05.43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/ sms.db OxD4D3560 (Table. message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1212018 11 :06:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction: lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
we can't do 2pm u nfortunately . is the 3pm at Pure Romance? even if you can be there for first 20 m inutes that's all that'd be needed
Status: Read
Read: 7112/2018 11 06 25AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobtle/Llbrary/SM S/sms.db OxD4D4FE8 (Table message handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)

7/1212018 11:06:36 AM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. Ok. I can be there for 20

Status: Sent
Delivered: 711212018 11:06·36 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxD404678 (Table message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/1212018 11 :06:42 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
okay, thanks
Status: Read
Read: 7/12/2018 t 1 07:02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox040449A {Table· message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/1412018 3:19:31 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/14/2018 3:t9:36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/14/20t8 3·19:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox051C289 {Table message, handle, chat, Size· 342745088 byles)
7/1412018 3:19:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
triple the first unofficial one - hat
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox051DFEC {Table message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
7/1412018 4:53:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
wow 1 300% better' I have a feeling my walking group might get more if you wanna join up to do one. We're thinking Thursday nights.
Meeting at Friendship Park and w a lking to Football Stadium and b ack . Takes about an hour and about 5 miles.
Status: Sent
Source file: Cl1ris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox0523FEC {Table: message , chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/14/2018 4:59:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Would love to join forces for on e or several . Can I text you some possible Thursday's in a bit?
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/14/2018 5 00.17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/14/2018 5.00.17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox05269A6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
7/14/2018 5:00:35 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Actually, looking at my schedule , I think it's gonna have to be Wednesday for the next month
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox0527C2C (Table. message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
7/17/2018 1:11 :32 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm not gonna be able to make the 2:30 today. will have to have you all fill me in later.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox05787DA (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 byles)
7/26/2018 6:54:28 AM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenf&ld)
unfortunately , no need for mtg regarding SORTA today
Status: Read
Read: 7126120 t8 10:26·15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox068F6A6 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
7128/2018 2:45:41 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg and Sarah Land sman are coming . I have the 1 bedroom (barbara & Jack' s) and sharing a 2 bedroom with Anne and Christopher St.
Pierre left.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox06EBD93 (Table: message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
8/112018 1:45:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is Bu rk e still a part of caucus meetings?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox0768528 (Table message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/1/2018 1:45:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
he popped in this morning
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/1"018 t .45 48 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 8/112018 1 45:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD76AFDC (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
8/1/2018 1:45:58 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfel<I)
not totally sure the answer to that question though
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db OxD76AAB5 (Table. message handle. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/1/2018 9:09:19 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wonder why Rob as only statewide dem Obama didn't endorse
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxD787377 (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
8/112018 9:1 1:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
whoa , I kind o f glossed over that - that is bizarre!
Status: Read
Read: 811/2018 9 11 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox0788FE8 {Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

8/1/2018 9:12:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
no idea why - you heard any reason?
Status: Read
Read: 81112018 9.12 :35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . OxD788DA6 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/1/2018 9:12:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Nope. But strange
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 81112018 9:12:42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db OxD788884 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/5/2018 3:56:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
life is strange. having lunch today. go to bathroom . as I am walking back to table, this woman stops me, asks if I'm Chris Seelbach (didn 't
think I was you!) and says , "don't worry about that Brian Shrive guy ... (holding up her pinky finger) ... he has the smallest one I've ever seen . I
know." I was like , " ummm ..... ok .... have a nice day."
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db. OxD81 FC20 (Table· message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/5/2018 3:57:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 81512018 3:57:59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 81512018 3.57:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox081F333 (Table. message, handle chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/5/2016 3:58:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
poor guy - so much anger at the world.
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox0820FEC (Table: message , handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/5/2018 3:58:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
he's clearly trying to overcompensate for some deficiency or another
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox0820DCA (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
815/2018 3:59:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Not sure I've ever met him , but now I feel kind of sorry for him.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox0820867 (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/5/2016 4:00:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think I only met him one time at a Mercantile Library event.
Status: Read
Delivered: 81512018 4:00:59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 815/2018 4 00:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox08208A8 (Table. message, handle chat, Size: 342745088 bytes}
8/5/2016 4:01 :09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
agree , though , Love Thine Enemy!
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSl sms db OxD820657 (Table message. handle . chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
815/2016 4:01 :19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
see you and your 6-pack abs for the community walk this Wednesday
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox0821 FEC (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/5/2016 4:02:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ha. as I told my trainer, as long as I don't feel fat when I'm standing at the alter, I'm good . no 6 pack in my future , but hopefully no casting for
"my 6001b life" either
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox08219FC (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/5/2016 4:02:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
keep up the good work - honestly , it is hard work, you should feel proud of the progress , and it will continue
Status: Read
Delivered: 81512018 4:02.43 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 815/2018 4:02:43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilel librarylSMSlsms.db · Ox0821655 (Table: message handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
6/5/2016 4:35:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw, are you just having community judge for your policy thing? I'd love to help out if you are including others. I have some free time
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms db . Ox0827354 (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/5/2018 4:36:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I think that could be great to have you join in - let me shoot a note to the Bridgeable folks now and get back asap
Status: Read
Delivered: 81512018 4.37:01 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 81512018 4·37 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox0828ADA (Table message handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes}
8/5/2018 4:37:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox082881 F (Table· message. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

815/2018 4:37:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
m ight be able to ask some feasibility type questions that they woul dn' t know to ask with no experience actually creating policy at city h a ll.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db: Ox0828649 (Table: message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/512018 4:38:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
totally agree
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox0828352 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
816/2018 11:27:11 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
You me and Sheila confirmed as "judges"
Status: Read
Read: 8/6/2018 11 :27:23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : OxD838619 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 3427 45088 bytes)
8/612018 11:27:28 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 816/2018 t 1:27:28 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox083841 D (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
81712018 11:45:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Are we going to talk Liberty Stree t Road Diet in you r committee? If so , can we have City Manager there?

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db . Ox08607FB (Table message. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
817/2018 11 :46:59 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
H ow about you call for it at the beginning of the meeting, and we do after 2 other items. Totally fine by me
Status: Read
Delivered: 8ni2018 11 :47:06 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 8ni2018 11:47:06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox086EFDC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
81712018 11 :47:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . OxD86ED63 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/13/2018 11:47:13 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This isn't a suit type of event right? I can come as Casual Ch ris?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox09A3B61 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/1312018 11 :50:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/13/2018 11:50: 15 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/13/2018 11:50:15 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seel bach's iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxD9A404F (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/1 312018 4:30:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I take it you are Mr. Wonderful?



IMG 4378.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/13/2018 4:30.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox09B47BF (Table: message, chat, attachment, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/60/00/DB7BFOFA-E44B-48E9-9A45-FA069ADD06B9/IMG_4378.PNG : (Size: 1737419 bytes)
8/13/2018 4:31:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
haha, not sure who I'd most be
Status: Read
Read: 8/13/2018 4:31 :57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox09B4570 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
8/13/2018 4:31:54 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
btw , they're starting at 6: 10pm, s o let's be there by 6prn
Status: Read
Read: 8/13/2018 4:31 :57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/srns.db OxD9B5FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/13/2018 4:31 :58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 8/13/2018 4:31 :58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxD9B55AC (Table. message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
8/13/2018 4:32:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Swinging by 530 h omeless rally . Will be there by 6
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/ 13/2018 4:32·23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/srns.db : Ox0965404 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)

B/14/2018 11:26:30 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
our fav mayor of dayton in CE
Stntus: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db OxD9C6DA1 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
B/1412018 11:26:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Mtg with someone?
Status: Read
Delivered: 8114/2018 11:27 18 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/14/201 8 11.27.18 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db. Ox09C6999 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
B/14/2018 11 :27:14 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
T hanks again fo r l ast night'
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/14/2018 11 27.18 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/1412018 11 27 18 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox09C67C9 (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
8/1412018 11 :27:37 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
probably, although just got here
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobile/librarylSMS/sms.db Ox09C65F3 (Table message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
B/1412018 11:27:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea . had fun
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox09C63DF (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
B/1512018 10:54:39 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What prompted your tweets? Jason wrote something?
Sta1us: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/2018 10.54 40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMSlsms.db OxD9E6777 (Table message, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
8115/2018 10:54:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/15/2018 10.54 43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvarlmob!le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db . OxD9E656F (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
8115/2018 10:55:14 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
yeah. he wrote a column that kind of like "the city is going to hell" which i quite strongly disag ree w ith

Status: Read
Read: 8/15/2018 10.55.46 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob!le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxD9E63C1 (Table message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
8/16/2018 3:22:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
We need to call a meeting ASAP to talk abou t the BOMBSHELL Smitherman found and 1s tweeting out
Stntus: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob!le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox0A18FEC (Table message. chat Size· 342745088 bytes)
6116/2018 3:32:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
haha. about how you and I just voted to put 2-year-terms on the ballot . so the voters can decide? !
Status: Read
Delivered: 8116/2018 3 32 51 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/16/2018 3:32 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxDA 1AFDC (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
6116/2018 3:33:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxDA 1AD43 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
B/24/2018 1:26:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We are unveil ing the Pride crosswalk next Thursday, 4pm at 12 & Vine. Would love to have you there. Let me know.

Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxOAF7FEC (Table message, chat, Size· 342745088 byles)
8/24/2018 4:06:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I should be able to do that ' Congrats - very cool . and I know a long time coming as a result of your efforts
Status: Read
Delivered: 8124/2018 4.06 46 PM!UTC-4)
Read: 8/24/2018 4 06 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox0B05405 (Table message. handle chat. Size 34 27 4 5088 bytes)
9/10/2018 3:08:23 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Left VM
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/10/2018 3 08 24 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox00015DB (Table message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
9/10/2018 3:08:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg S ittenfeld)
L iked " Left VM"

Status. Read
Read: 9/10/2018 3 08 44 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/libraryiSMSlsms.db. Ox00013B9 (Table message handle chat Size. 342745088 bytes)

9/1212018 7:19:12 PM(UTC-4)0!rec:tion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


- #36
IMG 5201.PNG
Status; Sent
De~vered: 9112/20 t 8 7 19 20 PMcUTC-41

Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1PhoneJ11ar/mob1leJLibrory/SMS/sms.db: OxD03E255 (Table: message. chat attachment. Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach s 1Phonelvar/mob te/LJbrary/SMS/AttschmentS.la9/09/A2FC2150-6FOE-454D-B809·A66025215237/IMG 5201 .PNG · (Size 629850 bytes)
9/17/2018 11:29:16 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Ou1going. +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are we voting on Liberty Street diet today?
Status: Sent
Source ftle: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var1mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db · OxDOA96F9 (Table message. chat. S1Ze. 342745088 bytes)
9/1712018 11:37:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
A funding ordinance
Status: Read
Oellwred: 911712018 11 :37 41 AMtUTC-4)
Read; 9117120181t .3741 AtA(UT 4)
Source tile: Chns Seelbach's •Phonelvar/mobde/LlbrarytSMS/sms.db OxOOABFOC (Table message handle chat SiZe· 342745088 bytes)
9/17/2018 11:37:40 AM(UTC-4)Dilectlon:lncommg, +15133652404 (Pg Sitt&nleld)
Status: Read
Oe&vered: 911712018 11 37 4 t AM(UTC-4)
Read: 9/17/201811:37.41 AM(UTC1)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's IPhonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxDOABE06 (Table · message, handle, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
9/1712018 11:37:52 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgcing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ok. I have invited a h a ndful of people, so wanted to make sure
Status· Sent
Source file: Chris Seclbacl1's 1Phone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMSlsms db Ox00ABC60 (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
9/17120181 1:38:01 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenleld)
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/Var/rnobllellibrarylSMS/sms.db · OxDOABAOF (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
9/17/20181:27:4 1 PM(UTC-4)01reetion:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They are talking socially responsible investing if you can come back in
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbadl's 1Phone/var/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox00B48E3 (Table· message Chat S12e 342745088 bytes)
911712018 1:47:25 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
city just issued memo saying liberty street diet does NOT trigger responsible bidder
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilcllibrary/SMS/sms.db: OxDOBSA46 (Table. message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes>
B/1712018 2:18:33 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15133852404 (Pg Sitlenfeld)
4th & Race
Status· Read
()etNered: 911712018 2 18 3S PM1UTC-4)
Read. 911712018 2 18 35 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s IPhone/var/mobtle/l•brary/SMS/sms.db: OxOOBOFOC (Table: message. handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
9/17/2018 2: 18:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Ch/i$ Seelbach)
exactly what I just said to david
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmoblle/L1brary/SMSlsms.db : OxDDBDE28 (Table message , chat. SiZe: 342745088 bytes)
9/1812018 12:17:24 PM(UTC--4)Direction:Ou!Qoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are you around city hall?
Slaws: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach s 1PhoneJ11arlmobile/l1brarylSMS1sms.ob Ox0005557 (Table. message. chat Size 342745088 byles)
9/1812018 2:09:29 PM(UTC-4)0iredion:lnoomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sitlenfeld)
on phone
St.otus: Read
Read: 911812018 2 09 36 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phonel11ar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxOOOCOFF (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
911812018 2:09:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok. Tamaya and I in her office. Can you call us back?

Status: Sent
Oet111ered: 9tt8J70t8 ~ 0'151 P~'<LITC-41

Souroe file: Chns Seelbach s 1PhOne/var1moblle!L1brary1SMSlsms.db Ox OD DC COF (Table message chat. Size 3':2745088 bytes)
9/18/2018 2:09:58 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How long u think you'd be

Status: Sen<
Delivered: 9118/2018 2 09 ~8 PM(UTC-41
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelVarlmob1te/LlbrarylSMSlsms.db OxDDOC9FE (Table message, chat. S1z.e 342745068 bytes)
9/18/2018 2:10:48 PM(UTC-4)0iraction:Jncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
will call as soon as off this call . not totally sure how long it will be maybe 10 more minutes?

Sti:tus: Read
Read· 91t8120 1821 1 07 PM1UlC·41
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . OxDODDFE8 (Table message handle. chat Size. 34274 5088 bytes) ~
911812018 2:12:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm going into a meeting. Will call you after to see if you're

Slltus. Sen!
Delivered: 911812018 2.12 4« PM1UTC.<:)
Source file. Chns Seelbaeh s iPnone.vatJmoblle1L1brary1SMS/sms.db . OxDDDDB4C (Ta~ message Chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
9118/2018 212:-46 PM(UTc-4)Diredlon:Outgoing, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Se111
O<lli119fed 911812018 2 12 46 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brarylSMSlsms.db: Ox0DDD91E (Table: message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
911812018 3:16:46 PM(UTc-4)0ireclion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
call after
Stitu&: Read
Oellvel9d: 911612016 3 17 02 P~11UTC-4)
Reed: 9118/2018 3:17.02 PM(UTC-4)
~rce file: Chris Seelbach's 1Ph0neivarimob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxDDEOBA1 (Table message, handle, cha! Size· 342745088 bytes)
9122/2018 7 :20:12 PM(UTc-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, + 15133484329 (Chlis Seelbectl)
This seems hke a nice person

·1 -
Screen Shot 2018-09-22 al 7 19 13 PM 111eg
Slatus: Scn1
Source file: Chris Seelbaeh's iPhone/va1/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db: OxDE59425 (Table message, chat. attachment, Size 342745088 bytes)
Chns Seelbach's iPhOne/var/mobolelL1brary/SMSIAttachments/f1/01/03828289-AD17-4458·A 17E-D2E604180308/Screen Shot 201 S.09-22 al 7.19.13 PM.Jpeg : (Size
~261 bytes)
9/2212018 7·21:25 PM(UTC-4)Direc!ion:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Slttenfeld)
rm bnng1ng him as a +1 to your bachelor party .

Sllltus: Reed
Delivered: 912212018 7 21 25 PM!UTC-4)
Read 912212018 7 21 25 PM(UTC-4;
Source tile: Chns Seelbaeh s iPhcne/var1moblle.1.1brary/SMS/sms db. OxDESAFDC (Table message handle cha1 Size 3427<5088 by1es)
9122/2018 7:21 44 PM(UTC-4)Dir&Ctioo:Oulgoing, +15133434329 {CMs Seelbach)
Oh cool. We were going to invite Mergerle anyway.

S1atus: Sent
Source nle: Chns Seelbach' s iPhone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMSlsms ob OxDESADAO [Table mes~ge, chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)
1011/2018 1:22.57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm not voting for h is carry over ordinance

Status: Sent
Source n1e: cnns see1oacn s IPhone1vartmoblle1L1orary/SM Slsms.db oxDF 1E2E(I (Tablt1 m"b""9"· ~11~1. su... ~42745066 byl.,•)
10/1/2018 3:34:16 PM(UTc-4)Dlrection:Oll!golng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is he gay?

SlalUI Sen!
Source file: Chr's Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mobde'L1brary:Stv'S'sms db OxDF2FD9E (Table message Chai Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/9J2018 8:14:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction;Oulgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Call me
Slalus Stn!
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonetvarlmoboletUbrarylSMSlsms db OxE06B2CB (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
10/9/2018 9:40:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
II s all good. " N o problem."

Slalus: Senl
Source file: Chris Seetbach's iPhone/varlmobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db. OxE06F33A (Table message, cha!. Size 342745088 byles)
1019/2018 9:40:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Interesting. Good enough.

Slalus Read
Oellvtted. 10'9/2018 9.40.39 PM1UTC-<11
Reali· 101'l'2018 9 <O 39 PMtUTC-41
Source file. Chris Seelbach's 1Phone-var1mob le 1L1brary•SMSlsms db OxE070FDC (Table message handle chat Size 3427-'5088 bytes)
10/912018 9:40:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction.Outgoing. +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And " thanks for apology; but that's 1t

Sllltus : San1
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone1Var'mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db OxE070E09 (Table message. chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/1012018 1.33:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
" Maybe you' re right anyway"

Slatua· Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1b1arylSMS/5ms.db OxE07FC03 (Table message chat Size: 342745088 bytes)

10/1012018 3:29:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey! We're really looking forward to our "Bachelor Party" this Saturday, the start of a 3 week whirlwind for us. ending in our wedding on
November 3.

The weather looks like it's going to be a perfect fall day. Sunny with a high of 60 and low of 45.
We'll be at our friend Doreen Beatrice's place in Union . Kentucky. The address is 10830 Big Bone Road , Union , Kentucky 41091 .

You're welcome to come anytime after 1pm. We' re asking Jon J Harmon. Jamie Humes. Katy Crossen & Tammy Riddle to be there by 1pm
to rehearse a special part of the wedding in Mexico .

If you want to come closer to 3pm , we'll be finished rehearsing and ready to party!
We are camping , although we'll be surrounding a house on a farm , so there will be bathrooms. etc. But please bring a tent and camping

The party will have an open bar with Vodka, Bourbon, Rum & Beer (with all the mixers). If you want something else. feel free to bring .

We're also having d inner catered by A Catered Affair. And then a "New Orleans Texas Blues" band called Lagniappe of C incinnati

We'll be sitting around a bonfire with seating provided. Lots more surpri ses! Smores, pumpkin carving , corn hole, etc.

On Sunday morning , we'll have bagels and coffee before heading home.

Let me know if you have any questions' Can' t wait !

Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db OxE094FEC (Table message, chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/10/2018 10:53:56 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
10 am Cranley press conference tomorrow.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/10/2018 10:53:56 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db : OxEOAFFE4 (Table: message. chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/10/2018 10:54:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
veto presumably?
Status: Read
Read: 10/1012018 10·54 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db OxEOAF7E5 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
10/10/2018 10:54:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I a ssume
Status: Setll
Delivered: 10/1 0/2018 10:54:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · OxEOAF5E7 (Table: message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/10/201810:54:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
no s urprise; will monitor
Status: Read
Read: 10/10/2018 10.54 :28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db . OxEOAF434 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
10/11/201811:07:47 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld}
G ive a ring when have a moment
Status: Read
Read: 10/ 11/201 8 11:33:41 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxEOB2FE8 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/11/20182:52:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Call me
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/11/2018 2 52 11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxEOC4FE4 (Table message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/11/2018 2:52:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
calling in just a few\
Status: Read
Raad: 10/1112018 2:56:48 PM(UlC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library /SMSlsms.db . OxEOC4C44 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 3427 45088 bytes)
10/1112018 3:06:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They just cancelled m eeting. May meet tomorrow. Who knows.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db OxEOC7FEC (Table message chat. Stze 342745068 bytes)
10/1112018 3:09:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Status: Read
Raad: 10/ 11/2018 3.13.24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/LtbrarylSMS/sms db : OxEOC78F5 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

10/11/2018 7:14:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:OUtgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https:/lwww.cincin nati. com/story/newslpolitics/colum nists/politics-extra/2018/10/11 /2018-election-fc-cincinna ti-boss-fo rtu ne-500-leaders-
launch-campaig n/1602462002/? twitter


2 5A9F2B6-A758-402C-9BFE-
E 17oo2oDC8E4.pluginPayloadAttachment
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobileilibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxEOD75CF (Table message, chat, attachment, Size: 342745088 bytes)
Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/dd/1 3/ 1OE25850-EOF6-40D0-9423-B3DAF8D8AEA51AAS1AFA6-31 F0-48DF-902C-
E1700200C8E4. pluginPayloadAttachment: (Size: 2 198 bytes)
Chris Seelbach's iPhone/11ar/mobile/librarylSMS/At1achments/ec/12/0CC59126-983B-40CA-AD3F-72F78794EF82125A9F 2B6-A758-402C-9BFE-
240687ADEAA2.pluginPayloadAttachment: (Size: 62 1422 bytes)
10/12/20181:53:19 PM(UTC-4)Direciion:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Loved "Heyl We're really looking forward to our "Bachelor Party" this Saturday, the start of a 3 week whirlwind for us. ending in our wedding
on November 3.

The weather looks like it's going to be a perfect fall day. Sunny with a high of 60 and low of 45.
We'll be at our friend Doreen Beatrice's place in Union, Kentucky. The address is 10830 Big Bone Road, Union, Kentucky 41091.

You're welcome to come anytime after 1pm. We're asking Jon J Harmon, Jamie Humes. Katy Crossen & Tammy Riddle lo be there by 1pm
to rehearse a special part of the wedding in Mexico.

If you want to come closer to 3pm, we'll be finished rehea rs ing and ready to party!
We are camping. although we'll be surrounding a house on a farm , so there will be bathrooms, etc. But please bring a tent and camping

The party will have an open bar with Vodka , Bourbon, Rum & Beer (with all the mixers). If you want something else, feel free to bring.

We're also having dinner catered by A Catered Affair. And then a "New Orleans Texas Blues" band called Lagniappe of C incinnati

We'll be sitting around a bon fire with seating provided. Lots more surprises! Smores, pumpkin carving. corn hole, etc.

On Sunday morning. we'll have bagels and coffee before heading home.

Let me know if you have any questions' Can't wait•"

Status: Read
Delivered: 1011212018 1.53:22 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 1011212018 1:53:22 PMCUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db. OxEOF2FOB (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/1312018 3:25:45 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
En route. There by 4
Status: Read
Read: 10/1312018 3:26 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/VarlmobilellibraiylSMS/sms.db OxE11ED36 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/13/2018 3:26:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sounds good
Status: Senl
Delivered: 1011312018 3:26·45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/Varlmobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : OxE 11EB67 (Table: message chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/13/2018 3:27:20 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Black tie formal right?
Status: Read
Read: 1011312018 3:29 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/Varlmob1lellibraiy/SMSlsms.db OxE11E9AE (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 342745088 bytes)
10/1312018 3:29:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbaeh)
Ha. Opposite
Status: Senl
Delivered: 1011312018 3.31 34 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobilellibraiy/ SMS/sms.db OxE11E7D9 (Table . message, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/1512018 5:28:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Just talked to Bryan Pacheco at Dinsmore: said he's wailing on your green light for what they want to file tomorrow. Landsman. Wendell & I
have all given ii our go-ahead. FYI. You can probably just reply to his email.
Status: Read
Read: 1011512018 5:28·31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chri s Seelbach·s iPhone/Varlmobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db . OxE 142FE8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 342745088 byCes;
10115/2018 5:28:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Will do
Slbtus: Senl
Deli•ered: 10/15/20t8 5:28 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone1Var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db OxE 1429SB (Table message, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
10(1612018 12:59:46 PM(UTC-4)0irectton:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Don iust told me that he could move it for 800
Status: Senl
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/Var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db OxE1633EA (Table. message chat. Size: 342745088 bytes)

10/1612018 6:25:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
that tweet o k ?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1011612018 6:25:56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 1011612018 6:25:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxE187DD8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 3427 45088 bytes)
10/ 16/2018 6:25:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db , OxE187BE6 (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
10116/2018 6:26:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
another t hi ng l ost on som e p eople a t ci ty h a ll: better to s pread c redit around th an trying to hoar d ii
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxE188FEC (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 3427 45088 bytes)
10/1612018 6:26:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
very nice w ork - gla d this is com i ng togeth e r. a n d le t 's ma ke sure it d oe sn't f all unravel in next 2 4 hrs!
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : OxE188653 (Table: message , handle, chat Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/16/2018 6:27:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Jason Williams w ill fi nd a way to spin th is . B ut it s h ould generate a s tory about Jeff a nd I wor king together. But th is re ally was a tota l te am
effo rt.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxE1883AO (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 byte s)
10/16/2018 6:27:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I a g re e - you s h o uld push t h e real story to Wetterich tonight or in the mo rning
Status: Read
Delivered: 10116120 18 6:27:38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 1011612018 6:27:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach 's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxE189FDC (Table: messa ge. handle. chat , Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/16/2016 6:27:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
I c an think a bou t JW
Status: Read
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db : OxE189A60 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/1 8/2018 9:42:20 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Did we m ake a decis io n abo u t tom orrow?
Status: Sent
Source fil e: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db · OxE210FEC (Table: message. chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/1 8/201610:09:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
A l ig n ed with o u r prio r convo. Let's talk in mornin g
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/18/2018 10:09:18 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/1812018 10:09:18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: OxE211C16 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
10/18/2018 10:09:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : OxE211AOB (Table: message, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)

Chats (1)
...t · These details are cross-referenced rrom this device's contacts

iMessage: +15133652404 (1)

# Deleted

Participants: Start Time. 1211/2014 12:01:52 PM(UTC-5)

•15133652404 Last Activity: 11125/2018 4·51 58 PM(UTC- 5)
P.G: (owner/ Number of attachments: 215
Source: !Message· +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db DxB90D504
(Table: chat handle Size 2207621 12 bytes)
Body file: chat-1 .txt
+ 15133484329
Chris Seelbach·
status: Read
Delivered: 1/4n.01s 2·43:39 PMiUTC·5)
Read: 11412018 2'43·39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMSlsms.db: Ox67635E3 (Table: message handle. cha1 Size· 220762 112 by1es)

1/412018 2:18:28 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Read
Delivered: 1/4/2018 2 43 39 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/412018 2·43 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox67633F9 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/4/2018 2:43:48 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
no , doing 3 - but haven't decided last yet
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox67655E1 (Table. message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/412018 2:44:03 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Oh ok
Status· Read
Delivered; 11812018 1 07 24 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/8/2018 1 07 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox67653A9 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/2018 1:07:10 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have a feeling he's going to be out a lot. which means Pastor won't be able to do anythi ng in his committee. Imagi ne when Amy doesn't
make it either, he' ll be alone.
Status. Read
Delivered: 11812018 1:07 24 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/812018 1 07 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox67DE6E1 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/20181:07:38 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
probably frequen t
Status; Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox67DE3AE (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8120181:07:50 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I can only have pink and silver things on my desk
Status· Read
Delivered: 1/8/20181.10 12 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 11812018 1 10 12 PM(UTC-S)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox67DFFDC (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/2018 1:08:03 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
at Pure Romance
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/812018 1 10 12 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/812018 1 10 12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox67DFD46 (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
118/2018 1:10:04 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She' s g onna vote against funding the projects she campaigned a year o n . such little lack of courage
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/8/2018 1 10 12 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/812018 1 10 12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox67DFB48 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8120181:10:19 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
and unwillingness to actually govern
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox67DF8AD (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/2018 1:40:15 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Amy' s campaign slogan was "stop kicking the can d own the road" '
Slatus: Read
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox67E19CO (Table message handle . chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/8/20181:40:27 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I literally thought the e xact same th ing !
Slatus. Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox67E1765 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/10/2018 5:39:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
just out of curiosity, who is Matthew Korte?
Slalus· Sen!
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox684DFEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1110/2018 5:40:32 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Only way I know him is through the Bones guy who was killed by our police officers several years ago
Status'. Read
Delivered: 1110/2018 5 42 .39 PMtUTC-5)
Read: 1110/2018 542 .39 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox684DDB4 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/1012018 5:42:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
so not a relevant figure?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox684DB1B (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/10/2018 5:44:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/vartmobllelllbrary/SMS/sms db Ox6840919 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

1/1112018 11:59:18 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I didn't know, but I do have a ruler on my desk

Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 11 .58.50 AM.Qng
Status: Read
Reed: 111112018 12:08 44 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/llbrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox6871647 (Table message, handle. chat, attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/74/04/17F7CBA9-B9A1 -48B2-BB45-FDB736B14E5E/Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 11.58.50 AM.png . (Size: 139570
1/111201812:09:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Maybe we just have Sarah and Craig swap notes!

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1 112018 12.09.08 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6873FE4 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1112018 12:09:38 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:Oulgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I've s till never met the guy, neve r talked to h im, etc. You told me you think he's actually mentally unwell right?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6873C08 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/1112018 12:13:20 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)


II ....,_
" -
IMG 4502.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1 1/2018 12 13:24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6873248 (Table: message. chat. attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/78/08/400265BE-5DCF-4763-AA00-24284E553AD1/IMG 4502.PNG : (Size: 6930239 bytes)
1/111201812:13:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
- -

IMG 4500.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 111112018 12 13:26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6874FE4 (Table: message, chat. attachment, Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SM S/Allachments/bc/12/65045961-794B-451A-89AS-CC749AED6B57/IMG_ 4500 PNG : (Size· 742274 byles)
1/1112018 12:49:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He's absolutely a psychopath. And he freely admits that he has menta l problems . Contracted HIV a s a result of years of drug fue led orgies.
H e comes from extreme poverty, so my biggest q uestion is where he gets m oney from. Because he doesn't have a job. Anyway, I like
Wal ruses ( sp?) and Seals'
Status: Read
Read: 111 1120t8 12 52 02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6875FE8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/12/2018 10:04:33 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. I talked to Tamaya right after the election about taking on the honors for Black H istory Monlh that Yvette did ... and working with me on
W omen 's History Month and Pride month. She said she wanted to do that. I texted her a few days about to make sure she had been working
on Black History Month , but h eard nothing back. Do you want to mention something to her? Or think I should text again?
Stotus: Read
Reed: 1112/2018 10·1 2 46 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox6890BBB (Table message handle, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
1/1212018 8:06:23 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'll talk to her
Status: Sent
Delivered: 11t2/2018 8 06·25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox68A7A93 (Table· message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/1212018 8:06:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
T ho you could text again too - that's also fine. Or both.

Status: Sent
Defivered: 1112/2018 8.06.50 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox68A76CB (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 byles)
1/12/2018 8:07:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Got this text from Devante :
Stotus: Senl
Delivered: 1/12120t8 8 07.03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox68A76AE (Table. message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/1212016 8:07:10 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
" I want to run for Council in four years. Would love some advice from you. Whenever your f ree . maybe we can have a meeting?"

Status: Senl
Delivered: 111212018 8·01· 10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox68A7404 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

1/1212018 8:07:16 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/12/2018 8·07:16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox68A722F (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/1212018 9:15:48 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Bad idea for Devante. Starting to lose is not a good idea. He's talented. Ambitious. B ui needs to be patient
Status: Read
Read: 1/12/2018 9:18:03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db: Ox68AEFE8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/1212018 9:18:1 3 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You told him that?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1112/2018 918: 13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox68AED69 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1212018 9:19:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
On two separate items: 1) you e ver talk by phone w J oe Prus? Obviously we stand strong with RB , but he is a nice guy, and I know he
wanted to reach you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1212018 9·19:06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox68AEBA3 (Table: message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
111212018 9:19:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
2) you e ver been tempted to get coffee or something like that wi th Jeff Cappell?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 111212018 9.19 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Dx68AEBCC (Table· message, chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
111212018 9:20:18 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm sure he's crazy - but he's almost felt l ike a twitter ally recentl y knocking big spending Murray & Smitherman
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1112/2018 9.20:18 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox68AE687 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
1/13/2018 8:24:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Fucking broke my ankle today.
Status: Read
Read: 1113/2018 8:32:12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox6BD25F4 (Table: messa ge, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 by1es)
1/13/2018 8:26:23 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can't believe how swollen it is.

- - -

Status: Read
Read: 111312018 8.32.12 PM(UTC- 5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobtle/UbrarylSMS/sms.db: Ox6803FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat. attachment, Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's i Phone/var /mobile/Library /SM SIAttach ments/52102/1 FEF E4 21-3BC4-4 628-BO BC-C77 92F 4345C FIF ullSize Render. Jpeg (Size. 190306 bytes)
1114/2018 9:20:23 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Craig wants to do a real housewives of dem council w ith Sarah Sittenfeld, Sarah Landsman. Keish a and Betsy Mann .
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/14/2018 9.20.35 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 111412018 9:20.35 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db. Ox68ED43F (Table· message, handle chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1 4/2018 9:21 :1 1 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
h aha, I'd watch that i hope your ankle is feeling better
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox6BEEFEC (Table message, chat, Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:08:21 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Hey well-endowed sprained ankle man. T omorrow at 1030a m, Wendell , Tamaya, and I - plus various leaders from the African-American
community - are going to announce the disparity study motion. Would l ove if you want and are able to be the re , and to say a word. Let me
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox690FFEC (Table message, chat, Size 22076211 2 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:09:02 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Congrats. Have foundation meeting at 10 at C hildren's, so unfortunately can't make it.

Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/2018 2·09.08 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/1512018 2:09:08 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMSisms.db : Ox69103DB (Table message. handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:09:18 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Understood , Mr. Big $alaryt
Status: Senl
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6911 FEC (Table: message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1115/2018 2:09:41 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
hired 2 o the rs last w eek . team of 4 already 1
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6911 DEG (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:09:55 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
it's a w e s ome. I' m genu inely very excited t o see all y o u do
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6911 BBE (Table: messag e. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:10:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
me too. and I LOVE w orking people people I don't hate.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69115D7 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 2:10:17 PM(UTC..S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
sou nds foreign
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6912FEC (Table: messag e, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:10:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. incredible wha t it does for your o w n happi ness/ health
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 2:10:37 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/15/2018 2:10:37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Libra ry/SMS/sms.db : Ox6912D89 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:10:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
don't remind me while it eludes me t
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69 12844 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:11:21 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
My only complaint: the people I work around are 95% women ! I need some eye candy t
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 2:11:28 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1115/2018 2:11 :28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox691291A (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:11 :35 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
like I said , you should h ire me in s ome role '
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/Lib rary/SMS/sms.db : Ox69126A7 (Table: message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
1/15/2018 2:14:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 2:17:32 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/15/2018 2:17:32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox691246D (Table: me ssage. handle, chat. Size: 22076 2112 bytes)
1/1512018 5:02:45 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H ey. I'm helping Kelli out. Will you be on the h ost c ommittee for the Kelli P rather for State A u ditor launc h p a rty ?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 5:02:51 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/15/2018 5:02 :51 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox6927DD3 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 5:03:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
A lrea d y maxed out, but please d e finitely use m y na me t o o 1
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox69278 18 (Table: message. chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
1/1512018 5:03:11 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ok c o ol

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69278D3 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
1/15/2018 5:04:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Ca n 't we p ut h e r and S cott F o rd on a ship t o gether a nd sen d them o ut to sea?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69276F5 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 5:04:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
W e sho uld some how s e t up a meeting b e twee n them
Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/2018 5:04:35 PM(UTC-51
Read: 1/15/2018 5:04:35 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6927478 (Table: message, handle, cha t, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 5:04:41 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
h a h a , sounds t o o funt
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox692724A (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/151201 8 6:14:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
text C urp
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox6931AAO (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 6:26:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Talked to
Cu rp. And learn ed Pau l a is tryi n g to fil e a n eth ic s violation a g ainst him
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/1~/2018 6 26:17 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/15/2018 6:26:17 PM(UTC-5)

Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69374EC (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 6:26:15 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I hate them all
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 6:26·17 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 111512018 6:26"17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6938806 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 8:26:24 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Bring on more dildos'
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox693894E (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 6:26:36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Paula is trying to file Ethics thing against him? For what?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox693878A (Table· message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1512018 8:26:42 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
That REALLY p isses me off 1
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6938543 (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:27:27 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
did he confirm the "destroy her in the press" line?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox693994A (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:27:31 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I guess because somehow Willie is slightly involved in this. And they say that makes Curp have conflict. Because he once rep Willie? Wasn't
completely clear. But it' s def cranley and Paul's
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 6:27 .36 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/15/2018 6:27.36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox693950F (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:27:33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 6"27:36 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1115/2018 6:27:36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69391 DA (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:27:37 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. He did
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox693ADFD (Table. message. handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
111512018 6:27:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And said someone from their team is getting it to press
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox693A85D (Table: message. handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 6:28:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But didn' t say through who

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox693A473 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
1115/2018 6:28:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Council needs its own Solicitor
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6938797 (Table· message. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1115/2018 6:29:14 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Totally agree
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/15/2018 6.31 06 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/1512018 6:31:06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6936577 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/16/2018 12:09:24 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do anyone other than white men eat at skyline?


IMG 1106.1peg
Status: Read
Read: 1/1612018 12"20•23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db : Ox6969379 (Table message, handle, chat, attachment, Size 220762112 bytes)
P. G.'s iPhone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/58/0BIOB048D09-5E6A-4F64-A22D-00897 53 70787 /IMG_1106.Jpeg · (Size· 2119122 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:05:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I guess you heard Smitherman was going after you super super hard today on 700
Status: Read
Read: 1/16/2018 7 11 46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6982876 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)

1/1612018 7:05:55 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 1/16/2018 7 11 :46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6982641 (Table message. handle chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1612018 7:06:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Someone needs to remind him that it was my motion. Not his. That led to Croson study
Status: Read
Read: 1116/2018 7:11 46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox69824A1 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/16/2016 7:12:16 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He's so unhinged. I did hear it. You think worth my doing anything?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1612018 7.12:16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db . Ox6982256 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1612018 7:13:31 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Or let it be for now, since Smitherman attacking me on right wing radio is so predictable
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/16/2018 7:13:32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox6983FE4 (Table: message. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/1612018 7:14:33 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do nothing. He wants to get under your skin
Status: Read
Read: 1116/2018 7 14.40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6983826 (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/16/201 8 7:15:05 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
It also seems so desperate, and like he feels so threatened
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/16/2018 7 15 05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox698362E (Table. message. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1612018 7:15:45 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100%. And the fact that he is using his wife, saying "While I'm home taking care of my dying wife ..." is disgusting
Stolus: Read
Read: 1116/2018 7 15.53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6983417 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1612018 7:16:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
It really is grotesque. Using that for a political agenda is actually staggering
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/1612018 7:16·28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6984FE4 (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:16:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. As I've said for 6 years, both Cranley and Smitherman seem to have serious mental illnesses
Status: Read
Read: 1/16/2018 7 1651 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox6984DA3 (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1612018 7:17:13 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
"Destroy her in the press" thing now hitting tomorrow not today
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1116/2018 7 1714 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6984806 (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1612018 7 :17:26 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
oh ok. was deposition filed?
Status: Read
Read: 1/16/2018 7.17 29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6984321 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:17:40 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yes. but not till this evening
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1116/2018 7·17:40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6985FE4 (Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/1612018 7:21:53 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133464329 (Chr1s Seelbach)
who is coming out through? what media?
Status; Read
Read: 1/16/70 18 7 22 07 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox69859FB (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:22:17 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm not yet clear on that to be honest
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1116/2018 7 22 17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox6985707 (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/16/2016 7:22:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read· 11161201 8 7·22"20 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox69855E7 (Table message. handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)

111612018 7:22:30 PM(UTC-5)0 1rectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I k now s omeone has tal ke d to W etteric h a b out it
St.alus: Read
Read: 1116/2018 7 22 30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone1var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox698540F (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:22:37 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P .G.)
Ta lk to Curp maybe if you want to handle p art
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/16/2018 7 22.37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox6986FE4 (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/1 612018 7:22:47 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I tried calli n g W e tterich b ut d idn't conne c t
St.atus: Senl
Delivered: 1116/2018 7 22 47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6986DE6 (Table· message chat. Size 220762112 by1es)
1/ 1612018 7:22:51 PM(UTC-5) 0irectlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no . I'm fine watch ing from a distance

Status: Read
Read: 1/1612018 7 26 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6986BEA (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/16/2018 7:26:30 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
b tw. S orry to likely miss yo ur fi rs t com mittee tomo r row. We are meeting with Michae l F isher . It's a supe r big m eeting for u s and what I've
been working on the last three w e eks.
Status: Read
Read: 111612018 7 26 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox69869C8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/1 6/2018 7:26:46 PM(UTC-5) Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
U nderstood '
St.alus: Sent
Delivered: 1116/2018 7.26.47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6986384 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 by1es)
1/1 612018 7:27:10 PM(UTC-S) Oirectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
B u t don 't m ake a h abit o f it b u ster!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1116/2018 7 27 10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6987FE4 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/ 16/2018 7:27:14 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
p r om ise
Status: Read
Read: 1116/2018 7 27 20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G 's 1Phone/var/mob1lel llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox69870F8 (Table message, handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/ 16/2018 7:2 7:25 PM(UTC-5)0 irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1116/201 8 7 27 25 PM(UTC-SJ
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6987BBE (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/ 17/2018 8:59:56 AM(UTC-5)0irectlon :Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I'm g o ing to send a text about committee today. I a lrea dy know you can't make it - but maybe don't share that with the group p lease .
St.alus: Sent
Source file: PG 's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox699E783 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 by1es)
1/ 17/2018 9:00:1 0 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
St.alus: Read
Defivered: 1/17/2018 9 03 58 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/1712018 9 03 58 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox699FFDC (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:01 :06 AM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
will you l et me know where the Cranle y story is coming o ut... .when you know?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/17/2018 9.03 58 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/1712018 9 03 58 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox69A060F (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/17/2018 9:04:05 AM(UTC-5) 0 irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
yeah, a lthough I don't currently
Status: Sent
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox69A38D4 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

1/17/2018 1:41 :15 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
https ://www. cincin nati. com/s tory/e nterta inmenUmovies/movie-news/2018/01 / 1 7 /fight-between-cincin natl-mayor-and-park-board-
c hair/1040612001 /

- -

05A358?'~4686. elug1nl5a~loadAttachment

7 1A~4Bi58!l?:!i\.elug1nl5a~loadAttachment
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 1117/2018 1 4117 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lel L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox69CB5DB (Table. message. chat. attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/1 OI00/90699C2C-4 FBS-417 0-9060-01EE143C0696/A326330E-0704-4 DOA-9470-
71 A34608972A.pluginPayloadAllachment : (Size: 894 bytes)
P.G."s iPhone/var/moblle/library/SMS/Attachmentslec/12/B4906610-SFA3-42BD-BOCD-SEAA04BDEFF1/896CA7F4-SAA9-4C68-A935-
05A3587F4686.pluginPayloadAllachment . (Size 975141 bytes)
1/1712018 2:03:28 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wow. But wish enquirer didn' t get it
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/17/2018 2 12 19 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/17/20 t8 2:12:19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox69DOBF4 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
112412018 1:27:26 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Screen shot of Goetz partner comments?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/24/2018 1.27:26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6B17806 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
112412018 1:27:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Don't have it, but will try to find out where it was.

Status: Read
Delivered: 1125/2018 3:09.20 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/25/2018 3·09:20 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varl mob1le/LlbrarylSMSlsms.db Ox6B176EO (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/261201812:51 :20 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm s ure you know , but Aftab running for Congress .
Status: Read
Read: 1126/2018 1.02 47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6BSOACC (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/2612018 1:02:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yep. What do you think of it?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1126/20 18 1:02.57 PMIUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobilellibraryiSMS/sms.db · Ox6BSOBBC (Table: message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/2612018 1:05:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Very risky. If he wins , almost impossible to keep the seat unless there are major redis tricting . If he loses , he loses the shine and momentum.
Status: Read
Read: 1126/2018 1:05:14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6851FE6 (Table. message. handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/2612018 1:05:26 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Agree 100%
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1126/2018 1.05 26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6B51CE9 (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/26120181:06:25 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
For the sake of retaking congress. glad he's doing it. Personally for him , he not have yet banked enough political capital to a lready start
drawing it down
Status: Sent
Delivered: 112612018 1·06 26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6B51B33 (Table message, chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
112612018 1:06:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 1126/2018 1 OG 43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B51654 (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/2612018 1:06:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
so surprising to me
Status: Read
Read: 1/26/2018 1 06 43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B5167A (Table message. handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
112612018 1:06:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Also damn late to get in
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/26/2018 10656 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B5147C (Table message chat, Size 22076 2112 bytes)

1/2612018 1:07:09 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Think he has a shot at pulling it off?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1126/2018 1.07:10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6B52FE4 (Table message. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
112612018 1:07:24 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. I'd say a shot, but an uphill battle for sure
Status: Read
Read: 1/26/2018 1 08 17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B52DFA (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/2712018 9:33:33 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maybe you're starting to see how horrible Jason Williams is?
Status: Read
Read: 112712018 9 33 40 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B83970 (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/2712018 9:33:57 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
What do u think of the column?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1127/2018 9 33.58 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6B8371 B (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
112712018 9:34:09 AM{UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133'484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Very biased towards Smitherman
Status: Read
Read: 1127/2018 9.34:49 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db Ox6B83541 (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/2712018 9:35:34 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I've had a number of ppl say they think it makes Smitherman look ridiculous and petty
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/2712018 9.35.34 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B8332D (Table· message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
1/2712018 9:36:03 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
hmmm. I think that's the people who know him. those politically connected
Stlltus: Read
Delivered: 1127/2018 9 38 36 AM{UTC-5)
Read: 1/2712018 9 38 36 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1te/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B84FDC (Table. message handle, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
112712018 9:36:52 AM(UTC-S)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's not like he's saying you are a sore loser, butt grabber and Trump-like ... but I don't think it's good
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/27/2018 9 38.36 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/2712018 9 38 36 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B84AE3 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/2712018 9:38:55 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yeah, I thi nk you're right about the insider vs outsider thing
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B84438 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/27/2018 9:39:14 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
anything you think I can or shoul d do - other than just try to take the high-road and get good stuff done?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phoneivar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6B85FEC (Table· message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/2712018 9:39:21 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
y ea. I think that's it.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/27/2018 9 40 44 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 1127/2018 9 40 44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6B85D37 (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/27/2018 9:41 :57 AM(UTC- 5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
good luck tonight! sorry i can't be there'
Status: Sent
Source file. P G's 1Phonefvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox6B85B35 (Table message chal Size 220762112 by1es)
1/311201810:00:17 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How's your dad doing? Getting better?
Status: Read
Read: 2/1/2018 5 25 52 AM(UTC 5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6BF4FE8 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/31/2018 10:46:53 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I hate them I may star selling pink dildos to leave early'


IMG 13551peg
Status. Read
Read: 211/2018 5 25 52 AM(UTC -5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6COE51C (Table message handle, chat, attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P G. 's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/42/02/B9EE52BE-9760-4FAF-B826-E38E 114A8136/IMG_1355.Jpeg (Size 293501 bytes)

211/2018 5:17: 13 PM(UTC-S)Direc:tion:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 21112018 5:17:09 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox6C26FE4 (Table : message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
211/2018 5:17:20 PM(UTC-5)Directio n:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
B ut perhaps this will cheer you up

Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/112018 517:15 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6C26E38 (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
21112018 5:17:40 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Attachments: --

FullSizeRender 1pg
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/1/2018 ~ . 17:36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6C26C50 (Table: message, chat, a1tachment. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
P. G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/fd/13/F21 FC3AC-25B2-4F7A-A073-7E57035DC 140/FullSizeRender.jpg : (Size: 162905 bytes)
211 /2018 5 :19:14 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Read
Delivered: 211/2018 5:40:01 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 211/2018 5:40.01 PM(UTC-5)
Source file : P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/ SMS/sms.db Ox6C26A4E (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
21112018 8:35:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
h ow l o n g you doin g police patrol

Status: Read
Read: 2/112018 8:58:15 PM(UTC-5)
Source fi le: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox6C2E582 (Table: messag e, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
21112018 8:46:47 PM(UTC- 5)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Ch ris Seelbach)
Afta b. 130k in 24 hours . Impress e d ?

Status: Read
Read: 2/1/2018 8 58.15 PM(UTC-5)
So urce fil e: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6C2F734 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
21112018 8:58:37 PM(UTC-5)Directio n:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
A ctually not. 90% was a lready solicit ed

Swtus: Sent
Delivered: 2/1/2018 8'58.31 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L!brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C2F290 (Table message, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
21112018 8 :59:13 PM( UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Each 1 OOk g e ts so much harder

Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/112018 8.59.13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6C30FE4 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
21112018 9:00:01 PM(UTC-5) Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
R eal way to thin k o f it it n eeding to raise 2M minim u m in next 9 month s

Status: Sent
Delivered: 21112018 8:59.56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6C30E06 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
21112018 9 :00:13 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
= 667k per quarter
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/1/2018 9 00 14 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L!brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox6C30BD3 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
21112018 9:00:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
That' s tough

Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/112018 9 00 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobtle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C30AOB (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
21112018 9:00:28 PM(UTC-5)Directio n:lncoming, +1513 3484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Y ea. For s u re

Status: Read
Read: 2/1/2018 9 00 26 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C3084F (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
21312018 11:44:18 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We're finally discovered!

Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 11.43.53 AM.eng
Status: Read
Read: 2/3/20t8 11 45:13 AM(UTC·5)
So urce file: P.G 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox6C59B96 (Table message. handle. chat attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L!brary/SMS/Attachments/83/03/906F5DA8-466F-4A4B-8ABC-BA38F3BFB10C/Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 11.43.53 AM.png (Size 115210

21312018 11 :48:17 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
These guys are s uch c lowns. A brigade of rn sane people. You know this Tony C a stelli person?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/3/2018 11 4819 AM!UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6CSA278 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2/3/2016 11:46:37 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Let's get together soon to b rainstorm. Maybe o ver a drrnk in the evening
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/3/2018 11.48 38 AM(UTC-5J
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobrle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C5BFE4 (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
21312018 11 :48:40 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
No. Think I'v e blocked him.
Status: Read
Read: 2/312018 12 02 25 PM(UTC-5J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CSBDAF (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
21312018 11 :48:42 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 2/3/2018 12 02 25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C5BBD5 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2/3/201812:02:13 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I really can't stand Mike Moroskt


IMG 1384.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 2/3/2018 12.02.25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6CSBA2F (Table message. handle chat, attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P G. 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/AttachmentS/fc/12/A9BCF9F1-9EFD-471C-88BD-5608E1F05365/IMG_1384.Jpeg (Size 287162 bytes)
213/2018 12:02:49 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
H e can be dumb l ike that
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/312018 12.02 50 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6C5B7 A2 (Table· message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
2/312018 4:21 :31 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
want to do an early drink on Feb 13th - l ike 41 Spm or 4 30pm?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C66FEC (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/312018 4:22:00 PM{UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I can do that
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/3/2018 4 22 05 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/3/2018 4:22.05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobrle/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C667DF (Table. message, handle chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
2/3/2018 4:22:08 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
cool - which time?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C6662B (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
213/2018 4:22:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
L ei's do 430
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6C66437 (Table message handle. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
213/2018 4:22:15 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
great; preferred spot?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C66281 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/3/2018 4:22:39 PM{UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Up to you'
Status. Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6C67FEC (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
2/312018 4:24:20 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Mr. Pitifuls?
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6C67E3E (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/3/2018 4:24:26 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Ch ris Seelbach)
Status. Read
Delivered 2/3/2018 4 24.57 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 21312018 4 24 57 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: P G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6C67C44 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

21312016 4:24:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
awesome, in my calendar! (this is gonna be a work meeting - but not city business)
Sll:tus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6C6760D (Table. message chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
213/2016 4:25:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:tncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/312018 4:51 :41 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 213120184:51:41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6C671D9 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
21312016 11 :22:30 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)

- -

UNADJUSTEDNONRAW thumb 3ef5.j~g.j~eg

Status: Read
Read: 2/4/2018 7:42:00 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6C6A862 (Table: message, handle, chat, attachment, Size· 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/Attachments/fe/1 4/E4DF4784-0F80-46D2-B235-AF788532BCAO/UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_3ef5.jpg.jpeg : (Size 114277
21512018 2:13:26 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:tncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is that Sarah Topy
Status: Read
Delivered: 215/2018 2:16·59 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/512018 2:16:59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6C91865 (Table. message, handle. chal, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
21512016 3:01:37 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. Wendell and Dwight ca lled some emergency meeting on Saturday to talk about this WCPO story. I couldn't make it.

Status: Read
Delivered: 215/2018 3·01 49 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/5/2018 3:01"49 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C9AFDC (Table- message handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
21512018 3:06:40 PM(UTC-5)Direction:l ncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
If you' re looking at meetings with potential donors . Assume that's part of Lee Ann meeting? Y ou need to meet Chris C.

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6C9A98F (Table. message handle. chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
215/2018 3:07:02 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
wasn't meeting w/ her w/ donor in mind at all
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6C9A6CC (Table. message. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
21512016 3:07:12 PM(UTC- 5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I was catching up with Scott Knox, and he encouraged me
Slatus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox6C9A49E (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
21512018 3:07:24 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. I' m sure Lee Ann makes 400k+

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6C9A25E (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
215/2018 3:07:34 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but I'd love to meet Chris C . anyway
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C9BFEC (Table. message, chal. Size 220762112 bytes)
21512016 3:07:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
seems like an awesome guy
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db · Ox6C9BDDO (Table. message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
21512016 3:07:51 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Chris C. is a Republican. voted Trump. But not a political guy really. And supported Cranley. And is becoming more and more aware
Status: Read
DeUvered: 2/5/2018 3 07 55 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/512018 3·07 55 PM(UTC- 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox6C9BBBE (Table· message. handle, chat. Size. 22076211 2 byles)
215/2016 3:06:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6C988E7 (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
215/2016 3:08:53 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
He's always been a "whatever party makes me the most money ," but I think is opening his eyes to how so many other factors play into
politics after LC .... and learning even in the last couple months
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C98465 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
215/2016 3:09:16 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm sure learning a ton from you
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db Ox6C9CFEC (Table message. chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
2/5/2018 3:09:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
E ven w ith having a tra ns kid , he didn't underst and anything about p ronouns , bathrooms, gay a nd lesbian is sues . n o thing . But 100% o n this
purney and wants to learn .
Status; Read
Delivered: 2/5/2018 3 09.57 PM(UTC-5)
Read; 215/2018 3 09 57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobrle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C9CDCB (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/5/ 2018 3:10:21 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Oulgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
it's admir a b le. I wish more Trump -vot ing R ' s d id the s ame
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobrle/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C9CBB7 (Table message, chat, Srze. 220762112 byte s)
2/5/2018 3:10:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
e s p ecially before it effected t hem person ally .... btw, like David M ann
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C9C47A (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 by1e s)
2/512018 3:10:45 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Oulgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
y ep
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6C9C21F (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2/512018 4:10:43 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


IMG 4917.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/5/2018 4 10 44 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAAFE4 (Table message chat attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/64/04/E 15E9000-1 FAF-4685-8330-8CFBB4068EE1/IMG_ 4 917.PNG (Size 793721 bytes)
2/5/2018 4:10:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
w. 0 . w.
Status: Read
Read: 2/512018 4 10 56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAA92C (Table message handle, chat Srze 220762112 by1es)
2/5/2018 4: 10:59 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Oulgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAA74C (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
215/2018 4: 11 :21 PM(UTC-5)0lrection:lncoming, + 15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
why doe s h e d o this shit
Sllltus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAA254 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
21512018 4:37:42 PM(UTC-5) Direction:lncoming. +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 4 .37 22 PM eng
Status: Read
Read: 215/201 8 4 38 55 PM(UTC-5)
Source fi le: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CAD997 (Table message, handle chat. attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
PG 's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachments/ed/13/C1CC872C-2FBF-45E4-B214-9B19DD73200C/Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 4 37 22 PM png (Size 448450
2/512018 4:39:38 PM(UTC-5) 0 irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/5/2018 4 39.34 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6CAD236 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/6/2018 1:30:31 PM(UTC-5) Directlon:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Can you text me R o b Richardson Sr p hone number
Status: Sent
Delivered: 216/2018 1.30 29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G 's 1Phone/var/mobile/LlbrarylSMS/sms db Ox6CC43E6 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2/612018 2:03:47 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I d o not have
Status Read
Delivered: 21612018 2 08 52 PM(UTC·S)
Read: 216/2018 2 08 52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CC5519 (Table message handle cha\ Size 220762112 bytes)
2/6/2018 5:54:19 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncomlng, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes terday P astor says I'm ra cist, among many other things. T his mornin g at ?a m . a text wan ting me to co me to h is ho u se for dinne r. T his is
why politics is so fu cked up!
Sllltus: Read
Read: 216/2018 6 00 16 PIA(UTC-5)
Source fi le: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxGCDOFEB (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

21612018 8:00:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
He j ust d id the latter to try and make himself look good
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/612018 6 00.52 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SM Slsms.db Ox6C004 10 (Table· message. chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
21612018 6:01 :08 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
But agree, fu cked up
Status: Sent
Delivered: 216/2018 6 01 04 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CD0209 (Table message. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
21612018 6:02:49 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yup . Editorial called h im o ut today. He's feeling blowba ck . I'm not re s ponding to him . If you think I want to make time meeting with someone
w h o c a lled m e ra cis t... .yesterday .... no
Status: Read
Delivered: 216/2018 6:15:41 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/6/20 18 6 1541 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CD1FDC (Table. message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
216/2018 8:15:43 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P .G.)
totally get it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6CD19DB (Table message. chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
21712018 10:01 :05 AM(UTC-5)DirectJon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
T he NAAC P w ill be relea sing a statem ent s hortly. Here are draft talking p o ints .

1.lf w e don't empower our middle class and loc al worke r s we w ill never rea c h the c apacity we seek for m inority's bu siness.
2. If the Admin istration wants to d iscuss how to e xpand more opportunitie s to local workers and small businesses we are re a d y to listen.
3. H owever. w e w ill not s upport a ny m aterial changes o r delays to the implementation o f RBO. We have defended RBO in court for th e las t
five y ears n o more de lays .
4. It's a settle matter in the court let's m o ve forw a rd to c re a te a s afe r more inclusive workforce .
Status: Read
Read: 2nt2018 10 06 08 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SM Slsms.db · Ox6CE6FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 22076 21 12 bytes)
21712018 10:06:27 AM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
AA C hamber too?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2m2018 10 06 27 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mobile/L1brary/SM Slsms.db Ox6CE6642 (Table. message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
21712018 10:07:49 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
C heck ing
Status: Read
Delivered; 2nl2018 10·15:44 AM(UTC- 5)
Read: 2nl20 18 10 15:44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CE647A (Table message. handle cha t. Size 220762112 bytes)
217/2018 4:31:25 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Rays Jon deleted h is Twitter
Status: Read
Read: 2n/2018 4 31 57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Ph0ne/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6CFD7BB (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
21712018 4:32:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
H a! W ay to o late!
Status: Sent
Delivered; 2nl2018 4:32:06 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SM S/sms.db Ox6CFD41 E (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
21712018 4:32:17 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
W e tte rich kno w ?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2m2018 4.32 17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l 1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox6CF025A (Table. message. chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
21712018 4:32:19 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:lncomlng, +1513348432g (Chris Seelbach)
Y up
Status: Read
Read: 2m:>o1s 4 32 19 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarl mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6CFEFE8 (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
21712018 4:32:23 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'll tell him
Status: Read
Read: 2n12018 4 46 23 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CFEE44 (Table. me ssage, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
217/2018 4:46:33 PM(UTC-5)0 irection:Outgoing, +151 33852404 (P.G.)
H is account ap pea rs to still be there
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2m20 18 4 46 34 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G ·s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6CFEC88 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
21712018 4:48:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea , h e mus t h a ve jus t blocke d me
Status: Read
Read: 218120 18 8 t5 09 AMIUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6CFEA9E (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

1211312018 12:43:24 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can we do Coffee Emporium instead of drinks? we're working out early this evening .
Status: Read
Delivered: 211312018 3.59 43 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/1312018 3 59-43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6DD390E (Table message. handle chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
211312018 3:57:08 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Leaving city hall now
Status: Read
Delivered: 211312018 3-59 43 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 211312018 3 59.43 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvarl mobile/L1brary/SM S/sms db Ox6DD7399 (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
211312018 3:59:50 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
cool , see you in a few
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mobile/ L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6DD8FEC (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
211412018 9:33:02 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you share the Dillingham thing w/ Wetterich? should defin itely get it added - tha t's horrendous
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6DFB884 (Table message chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
211412018 9:33:52 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chns Seelbach)
j ust d id
Status: Read
Delivered: 2114/2018 9.34 00 AM(UTC-5)
Reed: 2/ 14/2018 9 34.00 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6DFB5DF (Table message, ha ndle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
211412018 9:33:57 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
didn't k now about 1t until now
Stetus: Read
Delivered: 211 4/2018 9.34 00 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 211412018 9 34.00 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G 's 1Phone/va r/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6DFB3EF (Table message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
211412018 9:35:12 AM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
he needs to really be pushed to include that
Status· Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/va r/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6DFCFEC (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
211412018 9:35:32 AM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
will try. If you can reach out as well , that would be helpful
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6DFCOC2 (Table message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
211412018 9:36:45 AM(UTC-5)01recljon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I w ill
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6DFCB77 (Table. me ssage, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/1412018 1:18:29 PM(UTC-S)Dlrecljon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If cranley brings up me calling him a bully as how I've " name called" today, I m ay quote Adam R ippon
Status: Read
Read: 2114/2018 1 27 27 PMtUTC-5J
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6EOAFE8 (Table message. handle. chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
2114/2018 1:20:50 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
" I've learned from every setback. proudly own up to m y m istakes. grown from d isappointments, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the
ru nway."

Status: Read
Read: 211412018 1 27 27 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6EOAAB7 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/14/20181 :27:01 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That guy who goes after you e very day with videos and tweets is in audience , presumably to speak in support of Ra yshon .
Status: Read
Read: 2/1412018 1 27 27 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtlellibrary/SMS/sms db Ox6EOA34F (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/14/2018 1:27:33 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wh ich guy is that?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 211412018 1-27 33 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvar/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms db Ox6EOBFE4 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/1412018 1:27:43 PM(UTC-S)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
tony castellini?
Status· Read
Read· 211412018 1 27 43 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1leilibrary/SMS/sms db Ox6EOBE22 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/14/2018 1:27:47 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Stl:tus: Sent
Delivered: 211 4/2018 1 77 47 PM(UTC 5)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6EOBC2A (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)

2114/2018 1:27:55 PM(UTC-5)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Yeah, don't know him personally
Status: Senl
Delivered: 2/14/2018 1'27·55 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6EOBA82 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
211412018 1:28:13 PM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
surprised Scott Ford isn't here.
Stalus: Read
Read: 2/14/2018 1.35.03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db · Ox6EOBBAO (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
211412018 1:28:20 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Rayson and his brother are in audience with Tony
Status: Read
Read: 2/14/2018 1·35.03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPl1one/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6EOB688 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
211512018 11 :36:30 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


Screen Shot 201 8-02-15 at 11.35.21 AM.E!ng
Status: Read
Read: 211512018 11 46 23 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6E3130B (Table· message, handle, chat. attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mobile/LibrarylSMS/Attachments/75/05/BDCA8AF8-3DE5-483F-B474-07E05E761665/Screen Shot 2018-02- 15 at 11.35.21 AM.png (Size: 2195633
2115/2018 11 :46:50 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P .G.)
Status: Senl
Delivered: 2115/2018 11.46:50 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6E32FE4 (Table: message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/15/2018 5:47:04 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

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IMG 15021Peg
Status: Read
Read: 2/15/2018 5:52 42 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6E45DE8 (Table. message, handle, chat, attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/20/00/876FB2AC-129A-49E9-A66E-65D373567AC9/IMG_1502.Jpeg : (Size: 193155 bytes)
211512018 5:52:52 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
says it all, right?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/l 1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6E4580A (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762 112 bytes)
211512018 5:52:57 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 2115/2018 6 56.53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6E45610 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
211912018 11 :09:02 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chrla Seelbach)
I think my friend Scott Ford is moving on to you!
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/19/2018 11 27·15 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 2119/2018 11 27 15 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6EA3780 (Table. message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/1912018 11 :27:42 AM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I actually have him muted, so don 't see his stuff. but sounds like he needs a boyfriend , or something e lse to take some of his surplus t ime of
his hands
Stntus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6EA5887 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2119/201811 :28:20 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think. like some of our colleag ues, he seriously has an untreated menta l health issue
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6EA6FEC (Table message. handle. chat, Size 22076211 2 bytes)
2119/2018 11:28:54 AM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
maybe we buy a pack aged menta l hea lth deal on GroupOn for him and Smitherm an?
Stnlus: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6EA6060 (Table message. chat. Size· 220762112 by tes)
2119/2016 11:29:07 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
that's something we should look into
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/19/2018 11 29 13 AM(UTC-5)
Read 2119/201811 29 13AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6EA6AF2 (Table. message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

211912018 11:29:17 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db . Ox6EA6806 (Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
211912018 4:32:29 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
just sent you a list of - 50 people I think could be the early members of a public Progressive Cincy page
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6EB45E5 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2119/2018 4:32:55 PM(UTC-S)Olrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
since it'd be public, anyone could join , and anyone could invite
Status: Sent
Souroe file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lelllbrarylSMS/sms db Ox6EB4342 (Table message chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
211912018 4:34:11 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but a group like that could get it going wl the right tone & direction. l iberal; not nuts , etc.
Status: Sent
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms.db : Ox6EB594E (Table message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
2119/2018 4:35:40 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I don't trust the Kamrass's at all ... and don't like Micah ... but understand why they're on there.
Status: Read
Delivered: 2119/2018 4 35.54 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2119/2018 4 35 54 PMtUTC-5)
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6EB6FOC (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
2119/2018 4:35:42 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
otherwise a great list.

Status: Read
Delivered: 2119/2018 4 35:54 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/19/2018 4 35 54 PMtUTC-5)
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox6EB602B (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 by1es)
211912018 4:35:59 PM(UTC-S)Olrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I fine to scratch anyone from the initial list
Status: Sent
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6EB6731 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2119/2016 4:36:07 PM(UTC.S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I don't even like or trust all the names I included
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6EB633E (Table message, cha t, Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
2119/2018 4:36:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
n o no. I think it's a good list.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6EB7FEC (Table message. handle, chat. Size- 220762112 bytes)
211912016 4:36:36 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
was just wanting to start it in a way that seemed Dem-y; but not one-sided
Status: Sent
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1(e/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox6EB7D08 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/1912018 4:36:44 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/19/2018 4:37.01 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2119/2018 4:37.01 PM(UTC-5)
Souroe file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms db Ox6EB7B63 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2119/2018 4:37:35 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
okay, for public pages, if say, I invite you to become a " Member" . does that show up? or it doesn't trace that?

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox6EB7748 (Table. message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
2119/2018 4:37:54 PM(UTC-5)01rection:tncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I don't know answer to that
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6EB748D (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2119/2018 4:37:56 PM(UTC-S)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if it does trace , we might do a little divide and conquer on who invites who
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6EB7283 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/19/2018 4:38:00 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I' ll look into it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6EB8FEC (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2119/2018 6:26:41 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That didn't last l ong. Rayshon tweets back to being public.
Status· Read
Read: 2/1912018 6 29 27 PMtUTC 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6EBC943 (Table message handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

2/1912018 8:30:49 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Do you know who this is in real life?
Attachments: I

-- ..
IMG 5052.PNG
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/19/2018 6:30.51 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6EBC6FO (Table. message , chat. attachment. Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSIAttachments/42/02/03B19B56-A7E2-440D-9D9D-AOEA458A6B2F/IMG_5052.PNG : (Size: 1240377 bytes)
2/19/2018 8:30:57 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no idea
Status: Read
Read: V19/2018 6 34 .01 PM(UTC-5)
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6EBC49D (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
2/20/2018 2:23:26 PM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you should text people if you want them to stay
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6ED9FEC (Table message. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
212012018 2:23:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
also, are you going to Macy's Music announcement?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6ED9DBE (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
2120/2018 2:24:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/20/2018 2:25:13 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/20/2018 2:25:13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6EDAFDC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
2/20/2018 2:25:04 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I am planning a wedding'

I .M

Status: Read
Delivered: 2120/2018 2 25:13 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/20/20t 8 2:25.13 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox6EDAC25 (Table: message. handle. chat. attachment. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
P.G .'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/Oe/14/4 39E065F-9691 -4A2D-ABC F-9EA8B03B72B7 /72568.jpg.jpeg : (Size: 136392 bytes)
2120/2018 2:25:46 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
haha , a spirited way to find one's seat'
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms db Ox6EDBDFO (Table. message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
2120/2018 3:33:17 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are we able to ban bump s ticks? I thought state law prevented us from doing anything w ith g u ns

Status: Read
Delivered: 2120/2018 3·33.37 PM(UTC-5)
Read: V20/2018 3:33.37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db : Ox6EDEA13 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2/20/2018 3:34:03 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, + 15133652404 (P.G.)
We believe so , as does Columbia, South Carolina . which h as similar state preemptio n s.
Basically. it's not a firearm, but ra ther an accessory, which opens up additional pathways for a ban:

https://www. ci ty lab .com/eq u ity/2017112/ a -ba n-on-bump-stocks-in-the-heart-of-the-deep -red-

south/549248/?utm_ source=nl _link 1_122817 &silverid=MzEwMTkyMjYONDk4SO
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6EDE786 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2/20/2018 3:34:58 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6EDE213 (Table message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
212212018 3:35:46 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This is like the "Greg is actually fun ny" campaign video

Status: Read
Read: 2/22/2018 3 42.11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox6F3EFE8 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
2123/2018 9:43:33 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What are the chances that I'm on the same plane to San F rancisco with one of my favorite people. Amy Murray and husband.
Status: Read
Read: 212312018 10 20.08 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonei var/mob1le/libraryi SMSisms.db · Ox6FSDFE8 (Table: message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)

2/231201810:20:23AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Are you?! Ha !

Status: Sent
Delivered: 2123/2018 10 27 58 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6F5EC45 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2123/2018 10:28:22 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yes. insane
Status: Read
Read: 2123/2018 1040 50 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox6F5F498 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2123/2018 10:41 :00 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outg0ing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Couples weekend!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/23/2018 10 41 .04 AM(UTC- 5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobdel L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6F60A7A (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
2/2512018 6:35:16 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I m ean, I feel bad fo r Perr ianns dad. But please let's not let thrs text charn turn into a twitter feed.
Status: Read
Delivered: 2125/2018 6.35 25 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/25/20 t8 6 35 25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox6FF15A2 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2125/2016 6:35:42 PM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
fair point -keep to city updates
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/moblie/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6FF1335 (Table message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
212512018 6:35:47 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
he would stretch the limit
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6FF2FEC (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2/2512018 6:36:37 PM(UTC-5)Direclion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. And honestly_ If people have specific questions, like Greg h as. it should be 1 on1 . We c annot even seem to condu ct city business when
there is a text chain with all 9 of us .
Status: Read
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox6FF2DE6 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
212512018 6:37:02 PM(UTC-5)Direcllon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
definitely agree with that
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/Var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox6FF2AE3 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2/2512018 6:38:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But really I just wanna stop getting tex ts notifications of "gre at work" and "sounds good " from half o f them after every update ;)
Status: Read
Delivered: 2125/2018 6 38 37 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/25/2018 6 38.37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: PG 's iPhone/varl moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6FF28CD (Table. message. handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
212512018 6:38:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
ha ha, I'm gui lty of a few of those
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox6FF262A (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
2/26/201812:22:00 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Who rs Moroski anymore? He spend more time rnteracting with and praising the people who attack Democrats and p rogressive values than
he does the people he says he fights for.


Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 12.21. 17PM12ng
Status: Read
Read: 2/26/20 t8 2 57 09 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7039FE8 (Table message, handle, chat. attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G 's iPhone/varl mob1le/L1braryl SMS/Attachments/a9/09/15EOB311-1467-4C7C-90EF-ABOD4F9DCF01/Screen Shot 2018-02-26 at 12 21 17 PM.png (Size 440156
2/26/2018 2:57:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
H e 's a weird guy
Status· Sent
Delivered: 2/26/2018 2 5/ 54 PMtUTC-~)

Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox704E73F (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
212612018 2:58:14 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I don't Greg but.
Sli>tus; Sent
OeUvered: 2126/2018 2 58 tO PMtUTC-~)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox704FDF7 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
212612018 3:43:05 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is the responsible btdder meeting still on for Wednesday at 10 30? Do we have a l ocatton?
Status: Read
Read: 2126/2018 3 44 05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7058FE8 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)

212612018 3:44:10 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yes. City hal l.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/26/201 8 3·44 10 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox705B5EB (Table· message. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
2127/2018 9:51:58 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Glad your dad is doing well.
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/27/2018 10:41:46 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/27/2018 10 41 46 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox70A3992 (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
212712018 10:42:00 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
thanks so much ; you've been there obviously. it was a l ong road, but glad he's home now

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox70A4B7 A (Table. message. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
212712018 10:43:18 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yup. I was told my mom was going to die. Took her a 6 month road to recovery. But she's great now. Glad your dad is doing well
Stntus: Read
Delivered: 2127/2018 10:44.28 PM(UTC-~)
Read: 2/27/2018 10·44·28 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/va r/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox70ASFOC (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
212812018 4:03:23 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
wow. did you see thi s memo? Police officer resigns and accuses Har ry Black of inappropriate behavior.
Status: Read
Read: 212812018 4.03 33 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox70C542E (Table message, handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
212812018 4:07:55 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
haven't gotten to fully dig in
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox70C6492 (Table. message, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
212812018 8:44:57 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This is not a joke: Cranley rode the bus to the precinct tonight. Because, you know, that's where most people go when they get on the bus.
Stotus: Read
Delivered: 2/28/2018 8 45 05 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/28/2018 845 05 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox70027AB (Table. message. handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
2128/2018 8;45:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
haha, s o ridi c u lous. i cou l dn't believe how fiesty he was right out of the gate today
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox70D3FEC (Table message, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
212812018 8:46:48 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I tol d he created a paper trail on Harry Black memo. He m ade Harry email h im with the news. Wrote back upset at H arry. We may be seeing
an inte rim manager Juech soon. Which I'd vote against. He's not even qua lified for his current job

Sllltus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7003A6D (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
2128/2018 8:47:07 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I = I'm

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/va r/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db: Ox70036FA (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
212812018 8:47:22 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I don't thi nk anyone is maki n g m oves o n Harry over this
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7003550 (Table· message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
212812018 8:47:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db - Ox70D330B (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
212812018 8:47:42 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
that's just my impression
Stotus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7004FEC (Table: message. chat Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
212812018 8:47:46 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/28/2018 8.47:47 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/2812018 8.47.47 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db - Ox70040D4 (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
212812018 8:47:54 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
maybe everything not out yet

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox7004C36 (Table. message. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 9:51 :21 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Did the committee vote on the bump stock yet?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/512018 9.51.27 AMtUTC 5)
Read: 3/5/2018 9:51 :27 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox71BB255 (Table message. t1andle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes) -
3/5/2018 9:51 :38 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
not yet. I'm working in my office and going to h ead in when they take it up
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMSlsms db . Ox718CFEC (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/201810:16:28 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This has to get close to the sla nder l ine .


Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 10.16.02 AM.12ng

Status: Read
Delivered: 315/2018 10.16 32 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 10 16 32 AM(UTC-5J
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox718F908 (Table. message, handle. chat, attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/9a/ 10/2614BBE7-23A 1-4FB5-81 F8-836904663DE4/Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 10.16.02 AM.png (Size 137110
3/51201810:16:39 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's hard to prove, but I think it's possible here.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox718F68F (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 10:17:04 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
no question it's slander - the guy is a sicko
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox718F25A (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
31512018 10:17:52 AM(UTC-S)Oirectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
question is, is it w orth getting entangled with a crazy person who's h ad/has(? ) serious drug and othe r issues, especially when he mostly
seems to be ignored
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mobtle/ l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7190FEC (Table message. chat, Size· 220762 112 bytes)
3/5/2018 10: 18:32 AM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Not sure honestly.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5/2018 10.18 57 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 10 18 57 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7190CC9 (Table message, handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 10:19:22 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
e ven though they're despicable , I kind of think you just let crazy people be. could be wrong , tho ugh

Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7190AD5 (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
315/2018 10:19:37 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
you' re probably r ight
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7190836 (Table message, handle chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/5/2018 10:32:55 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
did they vote?
S!Dtus: Read
Delivered: 31512018 10 37 01 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 10·37 01 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ltbrary/SMS/sms db : Ox7194FOC (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/5/2018 10:37:07 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
still not yet
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7194908 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
315/2018 1:15:54 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
T hat's a great issue for 2021 between him.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/5120181.1604 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/5/2018 1 16 04 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox719D340 (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/512018 1:16:21 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
the attempt to complicate this very straightforward issue 1s so ridiculous
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ltbrarylSMS/sms db Ox719EFEC (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/612018 9:21 :36 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
U m , yes


Screen Shot 2018-03-06 at 9.20 48 AM.12ng

Status. Read
Read 3/6/2018 9 21 48 AMiUTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox71D98ED (Table message. handle. chat attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
PG 's 1Phone/var/mob11e/library/SMS/Attachments/20/00/74DF6FED-A2D7-4C44-9881-0474BDA74101/Screen Shot 2018-03-06 at 9 20 48 AM png : (Size 151848
3/612018 10:59:46 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you able to come over for this RB committee? to help frame? I think g ood, if at all possible
Stntus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox71E54E4 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 byles)
3/612018 11 :00:39 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
when is it

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/6/2018 11:00:44 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 31612018 11:00:44 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox71 E5249 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/612018 11 :00:45 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox71 E6FEC (Table. message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 11 :00:51 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no, in meetings
Status: Read
Delivered: 316/2018 7 27:17 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/6/2018 7 27·17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilelltbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox71E6E06 (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
316/2018 1:07:41 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What was conclusion of meeting?
Status: Read
De~vered: 316/2018 7:27:17 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 316/2018 7 27·17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox71F63E3 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/612018 7:27:11 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm walking into a cross dressing meeting to talk about trans kids. I am so thankful I am not walking into a Community Council meeting to talk
streetcars and soccer stadiums. It's the small things.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/6/2018 7·27.17 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/6/2018 7 27 17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox720EFDC (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
31612018 7:27:39 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
haha. very true i
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrarylSMS/sms.db · Ox720ECB1 (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
31612018 7:27:44 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
and what you're doing is damn important!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox720EAC1 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/6/2018 9:04:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Didn't hear back from Wendell. Texted him my thoughts though. For someone who has been burnt time and time again by Cranley ... . I hope
he doesn't give Cranley this win. On top of a ton of others reason s he should vote against a pause.
Status: Read
Read: 3/6/2018 9 44 57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox721 BFE8 (Table message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
31612018 9:45:18 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I' ll reiterate that too h im too.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/6/2018 9 45:17 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobllell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox721B725 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/712018 9:26:42 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Let me know if anything relating to today's meeting is discussed in caucus
Status: Read
Delivered: 31712018 10:51:03 AM(UTC 5)
Read: 31712018 10·51 .03 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7228FOC (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3171201811 :04:07 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Jon says he and Landsman have convinced Wendell to vote with us against the pause
Status: Read
Delivered: 3nt2018 11 :04:48 AM(UTC-5)
Read: 3nt2018 11 :04:48 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lellibraryiSMSlsms.db Ox7229AA5 (Table message handle. chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3/712018 11:04:52 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
that would be big
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7229832 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/712018 11 :05:09 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
we need to then ensure they don't try to cook the books against us
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7229640 (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3171201811 :05:21 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
they will try
Status: Read
Delivered: 3(112018 11 :05:27 AM(UTC·SJ
Read: 3ni2018 11 .05:27 AM(UTC-51
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox7229307 (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
31712018 11 :05:39 AM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think we need to schedule a quick follow-up planning meeting after today
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox722AFEC (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)

3f7/201811 :05:56 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
need your continued lea de rship on this; you're sim p ly more knowledgeable
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox722A9B6 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3f7/2016 11:06:05 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I am totally free after meeltng up until Golden Girls trivia night a t Below Z e ro, which s ta rts at 8pm.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox722A74F (Table message. handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3f7/2016 11 :06:35 AM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
okay, let's try to get 4 of us huddled up, e v en for 10 minutes afte r c o uncil
Status. Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox722BFEC (Table message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3f7/2016 11:06:36 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox722BD7F (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3f7/201611 :06:51 AM(UTC-5)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you w a nt to text a 4 -some?
Status. Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox722BBA7 (Table. message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3f7/2016 2:01:36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
PG signed up to s p eak in public comm ent
Status· Read
Der.vered: 3nt2018 2.54 45 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3nJ2018 2 54 45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox7236C6C (Table. message, handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3f7/2018 2:01 :42 PM(UTC-SJDirection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
sorry, mea nt for greg!
Status: Read
Delivered: 3nt2018 2.54 45 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3nl2018 2:54 45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db. Ox7236A3E (Table message. handle. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3f7/2016 2:54:45 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
So importa nt to invest in training for workers to provide strong career pathways, which is what Responsible Bidder legislation doe s. Thanks
to th e D emocra ts on Council in Cincinnati for sta n d ing with h a rd-working m e n and wom en tryin g to g r ow their skills & lift themselve s up.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox723944E (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
316/2016 12:28:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
N ow he' s trying to up you on the dea th of a little girl.
Status: Read
Delivered: 318/2018 12 29 48 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 31812018 12 29 48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7261FDC (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/61201612:26:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
https ·/ ws/local-news/ham11ton- county/cincinna ti/counc11man- to-raise-money-to- help-family-bury-3-year-old-killed-in-hit-


Status: Read
Delivered: 3/8/20t8 12 29 48 PM(UTC 5)
Read: 31812018 12 29 48 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox7262585 (Table. message, handle. chat, attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P. G 's iPhone/varlmob11ellibrary/SMSIAttachments/20100/02E3F66F-F887-447D-B7BF-1A3291766BF91C8651901-45E4-4058-B702-
5683839CC98E.plug1nPayloadAttachment. (Size 9984 bytes)
P. G. ·s 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1bra ry/SMS/Attachments/02102/92867604-2 BOA-4 21 C-616C-E 486 3274 C 5EA/9140E29D-9AA3-420C-8106-
CCBDFB 1529F2.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size 15360 bY1es)
316/2016 12:30:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
y esterd ay w h en he said , "I don't like to ta lk about private family matters" .. .

Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelltbrary/SMS/sms.db _Ox7263CBE (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/6/2018 12:30:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
E xcept he agreed to document his entire family fo r an Enquirer front page story a week before the election.
Sta1us: Read
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtlell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox726359F (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/812016 12:31 :21 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
guy 11 nuts
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1lell1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox72632F8 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/812018 12:46:29 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you heard much about who next Community Action Agency head 1s going to be after Gwen retires?
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db. Ox7267635 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/812018 12:46:53 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Havne't heard anything. Haven 't talked to Yvette in a couple weeks , although know she talking about it. Have you

Status: Read
Delivered: 318/2018 12 47 .00 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 3/812018 12'47'00 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox726739A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/8/201812:47:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
had heard it might be her...
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7268E2B (Table. message. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:47:27 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
though could have just been a rumor. not based in fact
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7268C23 (Table: message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
31812018 12:47:33 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That would be big. B ig salary
Status: Read
Delivered: 31812018 12:48:29 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 31812018 12.48'29 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7268907 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 12:48:33 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
almost a Seelbach salary! 1
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox72685A8 (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
318/2018 12:48:45 PM(UTC-S)Oirection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ha . I th ink it's closer to 300k
Status: Read
Delivered: 3181201 8 12.50.11 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 318/2018 12·50·11 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7268394 (Table message, handle. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/8/201812:50:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7269A25 (Table· message, chat. Size 22076 21 12 bytes)
31812018 12:50:41 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
didn't realize
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox726984B (Table: message, chat Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
3/8/2018 6:16:04 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
In msd mtg
Status: Sent
Delivered: 31812018 6 16 00 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SM S/sms.db · Ox7286AE9 (Table. message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
318/2018 6:16:09 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
T111 7
Status: Sent
Delivered: 31812018 6 16'04 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7286931 (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
318/2018 6:31 :18 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Tamaya , "Just saw your tweet. Not trying to undermine your friendship, but Bailey 1s a ra cist and has been for some time"

Status: Read
Read: 31812018 6:41 :30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox72887A5 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/8/2018 8:31:26 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ideas on if I s hould respond ?
Status: Read
Read: 3/8/2018 6.4 1'30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox728850A (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/8/2018 6:41 :42 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'd not respond

Sta1us: Sent
Delivered: 318/2018 6'41 39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox728832E (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
318/2018 6:41 :50 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I ca n rin g you later tho
Status: Sent
Delivered: 31812018 6·41 ·45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7289FE4 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes}
3/8/2018 7:14:45 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And I just got a lectu re from Iris. I had NO idea. Is Batley k n own as a raci st?
Status: Read
Read: 318/2018 8 13:59 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox728CDEA (Table message, handle, chat, Stze 2207621 12 bytes)

3/9/2018 7:24:41 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
https://www.cinc1nna 1-da ug herty/2018/03/08/pau 1-da ugherty-mls-g reat-fc-cinc1n nat1-ownersh1 p-



917\F4 51 !!i>E~S. !1lug1nl'a)!loadAltach ment

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/20 18 7 24:37 AM(UTC -5)
Source file: P.G: s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7298587 (Table message, chat, attachment, Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS1Attachments/31/01 1933BC7C6-DDC8-4494-BF53-886309970E8018929F4CB-1742-42FE-88F8-
91AF45186E35.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size. 2203 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS1Atlachments/db/ 11 /1CA96157 -2037-4 885-ADFF-1C6FB14F808Af624A6A89-CA67-4818-8C3C-
3FE529404FBB.pluginPayloadAttachment · (Size. 820535 bytes)
319/2018 8:46:59 AM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 9 27 59 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G."s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox729CBE8 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
319/2018 9:29:40 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
If John tries to terminate Harry, would you support? As you know, I would not
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/2018 9 29·36 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G."s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox729EA 76 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 1:59:07 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Whats your matling address
Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 2 09 40 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G. 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox72AA611 (Table. message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 2: 10:08 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 31912018 2 1008 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72AB729 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:10:10 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
100 E Central Pkwy; #308 ( 45202)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/912018 2 10·04 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox72ABFE4 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/912018 2:10:45 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I'll shut up about it, but I do believe this can end with Harry treating you better and owing you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/912018 2.10 45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox72A854D (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
319/2018 2:11:19 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I would need a meeting with him that 1s honest, meaningful and had actual , specific conclusions.
Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 2 11 27 PMtUTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox72AB2E6 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
319/2018 2:11:38 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think it's a great idea
Status: Sent
Delivered: 319/20182.t1 36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72ACFE4 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:11:57 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Want me to have him reach out to you , or Jon to set it up?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/912018 2 11 57 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/vari mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox72ACEOA (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/912018 2:12:17 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What is going on with ti? Landsman told me Cranley told him Harry can't last another 24 hours
Status: Read
Read: 3/912018 2 12. t7 PM!UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72ACBF5 (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:12:32 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just not true
St6tus: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/2018 2 12 32 PMtUTC·5)
Source file; P G 's 1Phone/vartmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72AC95E (Table message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:12:50 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
John wants him gone . But not gonna happen
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/912018 2 12 ~o PM(UTC-!>)
Source file: P G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox72AC7AO (Table message, chat , Size 220762 112 bytes)

319/2018 2:12:59 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chr1s Seelbach)
But is John gonna propose firing?
Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 2 13 00 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db : Ox72AC5AE (Table message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/912018 2:13:12 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
No , b e doesn't have votes
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/912018 2:13 12 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox72AC394 (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:13:32 PM(UTC-5)Dlreclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can call y ou after lunch if want
Status: Sent
DeHvered: 3/9/2018 2: 13 32 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox72ADFE4 (Table. message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 2:14:01 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what votes does he have
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 2 28 45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox72ADE04 {Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:35:22 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chr1a Seelbach)
Harry tried called. Not sure I'm ready to talk yet. But will early next week. If you want to really this to him , I'm cool with it. I would need him to
agree my fixes to RB and that ii solves the issues . An d will get behind ii. Among o ther things . But that's the big one .

Status: Read
Reed: 319/2018 3.40:53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B1FE8 (Table· message. handle, chat Size: 220762 112 bytes)
31912018 3:35:27 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
called = calling
Status: Read
Read: 3/912018 3:40:53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B1BE7 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/912018 3:35:39 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
really = relay
Status: Read
Reed: 319/2018 3:40:53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox72B1 9F3 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:49:16 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Got it.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/2018 3.49.16 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72B4FE4 (Table. message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/912018 3:50:30 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You know J ohn at 2pm told Harry, resign or I' ll launch smear campaign against you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/9/201 8 3:50'24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72B4E32 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:50:36 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no. I d id not know that.
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 3·51 ·41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72B487E (Table message, handle, chat Size 22076211 2 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:51:19 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what was Harry's response?

Status: Read
Read: 3/912018 3 51 :41 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel var/mobile/L1braryl SMS/sms.db Ox72B467A (Table message handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:52:14 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Not t aking it
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/912018 3.52:08 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobdel l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox72B446A (Table message Chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2016 3:52:24 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
O ur government is not a monarchy for John to discard people as he p lease s
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/9/2018 3.52 24 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox72B42AC (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 3:52:30 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I a gree with that 100%
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 3 54 03 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox72BSFE8 (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/9/2018 4:05:41 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And support of no fares for s treetcar.
Status: Read
Read· 3/9/2018 4 25 03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72B5419 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/912018 4:06:07 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Jon is told Mann supports firing. If Cranley has the 3 republicans, Harry needs me.
Status: Read
Reed: 3/9/2018 4 25 03 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7286FE8 (Table. message, handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/11/2018 12:52:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley calling and tex ting me . Anything I should know before calling h im back?
Status: Read
Read: 3/11/2018 12.52 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72F6906 (Table. message handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/11/2018 12:54:28 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
That he thinks you're a or the swing vote, that he wants you to allow him to go thru with this; that he's trying to line up the unions to call for
Harry's head

Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 3111/2018 12 54 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmoblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox72F6795 (Table· message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
311112018 12:54:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He obviously needs you or wouldn 't be calling
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/11/2018 12'54 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox72F649E (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3111/2018 12:55:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Also , he has not c alled me , so we haven' t spoken yet
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1112018 12 55 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72F629C (Table message chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1112018 12:55:42 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think this situation is a lso becoming a racial powder keg
S!Btus: Sent
Delivered: 3/1 1/2018 12 55 43 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox72F7FE4 (Table. message. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3111/2018 3:37:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncorning, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
D o you know if there's anyone on council who p ublicly supports firing?
Status: Read
Read: 3/11/2018 3.57.44 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72FB691 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3111/2018 3:58:14 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Public yet? Not sure. But Smither man & murray o nly totally firm yes votes so far
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1112018 3 58 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox72FC9BO (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/11/2018 3:58:31 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Who knows if they'll make that public before John can count to 5
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1112018 3 58 .31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox72FC768 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1112018 3:58:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri says he has 4 votes. Only needs Landsman or me, so I'm assuming he also has Mann and Pastor.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1112018 3 58 50 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72FC548 (Table. message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/11/2018 3:59:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Bluntly, I don't think her count is firm
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3111/2018 3 59 16 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72FC2AS (Table. message chat, Size . 2207621 12 bytes)
3/11/2018 3:59:21 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
She said same to me
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3111/2018 3.59 21 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox72FDFE4 (Table· message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/11/2018 3:59:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I've spoken to both Pastor & Mann. They seemed more up for grabs
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/11/2018 3 59.43 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox72FDE1A (Table message, chat, Size · 220762112 bytes)
3/11 /2018 3:59:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ok cool
Status· Read
Read: 3/1112018 3 59 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox72FDBF7 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/11/2018 4:00:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Mann seems more likely to go with John. Pastor just wants to be with the mai onty on this one

Status: Sent
Delivered: 311112018 4.00 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox72FDA 11 (Table. message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)

3/11/2018 4:00:48 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
got it. mak es sense.
Status: Read
Read: 3/1112018 4.00:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72FD7B6 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/11/2018 4:01 :35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
u talk to J ohn? a nything ne w ?
Status: Read
Read: 3/11/2018 4:02 :14 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox72FDSBA (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1 1/2018 4:02:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yeah. Deboard ing. Will c all shortly
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 3/1112018 4.02 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox72FD3AB (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/ 1112018 4:29:48 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
One s e c. on pho n e w ith S h erri
Status: Read
Read: 3/1112018 5:47 :20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox72FEC11 {Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1112018 5:54:59 PM{UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri really said , "What a bout K evin Flynn for interim manager"
Status: Read
Read: 3/1112018 5 55.18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7300515 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/ 1112018 5:55:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
story posts at 8pm
Status: Read
Read: 3/11/2018 5:55:25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7301 FEB (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/11/2018 5:55:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Will stay tuned
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 3/1112018 5 55 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source fi le: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7301A86 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1 1/2018 7:10:08 PM(UTC--t)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw. B ill M o lle r ju s t liked the last 3 things I twe eted. C oincidence?
Status: Read
Read: 311112018 7.12:17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7303282 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1112018 7:11 :28 P M(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Attachments: - ---- - --

Status: Read
Read: 3/1112018 7.12 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7304FEB (Table. message. handle. chat. attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/Attachments/35/05/28F6508A- 334F-4160-B801-SEF29C3131 A8/FullS1zeRender.Jpg · (Size: 1033961 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :23:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just fi n ishe d meetin g with h im
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 11.24:25 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3112/201811:24·25AMtUTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox73208F6 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1 2/2018 11 :24:28 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73206EA (Table· message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 11 :24:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I' m dying to hear who you're choosing to be our city manager 1
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7320512 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :24:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And he to ld me everyth ing I needed to hear. Will come on b oar d with R esponsible Bidde r. Will put sig n a l p rioritization a n d making the
s t reetcar free in budget.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7321 FEC (Table: message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :25:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P .G.)
you feel like you two can also set the re-set button and work well toge ther moving forward?
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7321CD9 (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

311212018 11:25:54 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That's the question . My dad said to me last night. "Wha t assurances do you have that you can trust him" And I don't have any. But he filled
me in on just how bad Cranley is
Status: Read
Delivered: 3112/2018 11 25 54 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3112/2018 11.25 54 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG ·s iPhone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox7321A42 (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 11:26:09 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I just need to have more conversations with my team
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 11 27 39 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 311212018 112739 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73216FS (Table message, handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :27:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobde/l1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox73214BF (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 11 :27:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
might call you in a min for a quick second
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lel llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73212DB (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :28:02 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15133464329 (Chr1s Seelbach)
tried calling you when I left, but went straight to vm
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/20 18 112956 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/12/2018 11.29.56 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7322FDC (Table message handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1 212018 11 :34:46 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just tried you
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/12/2018 11.34 45 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7323A19 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 11:34:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Straight to can
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311212018 11.34 49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G 's 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7323859 (Table message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :34:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
on phone with jon
Status: Read
Read: 3112/2018 1 05 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox732369D (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 11 :34:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P .G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/12/2018 11 34 55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73234A3 (Table message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/121201811 :34:57 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3112/2018 11 34 56 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonetvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox73232FD (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/121201811 :34:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
will cal you back
Status: Read
Read; 3/12/2018 1 05.41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7324FE8 (Table message handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 11:35:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
going straight to your v o icema1I. I think something 1s wrong with your phone
Status: Read
Read· 3/1212018 1 0541 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7324DF2 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 11 :35:42 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
did the same thing when I called right after meeting
Status: Read
Read: 3/12/2018 10541 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G. 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7324B85 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 11 :51:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomfng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
D id you see Smitherman's comment 1n Fox19 a rticle about you?
Status: Read
Read. 3/12/2018 1 05.41 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mobde/llbrarytSMS/sms.db Ox7324534 (Table message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1 212018 1:01 :34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Smitherman on 700 in 5 rnins
Status· Read
Read· 311212018 1 05 41 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7326E19 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

3/1212018 1:08:11 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I'm s u re he' ll find a wa y to m a ke it all abo ut how te rrible I a m . you talked to C ran ley yet, b tw?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1bra ry/SMS/sms.db Ox7328E1B (Ta ble message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311212018 1:08:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
no. h aven't
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/12/2018 1 10 29 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311212018 1: 10.29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P. G. 's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7328B70 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1212018 1:10:43 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I' ll be ve ry intere sted in w hat he has to s a y to you , s o k eep me pos ted
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7328986 (Table: messag e, chat, Size 220 762112 bytes)
311212018 1:17:26 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I found it interesting , th a t m y c olleague PG in troduced a mot ion on institu tional racism, and the n su p p orted institu tiona l racism w ith
re sp o n sible b idder.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox732A695 (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/12120181:17:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
o f c ourse!
Status: Sent
S ource file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lib rary/SMS/sms.db Ox732A38C (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311312018 12:26:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg says he has publicly told f o lks h e d o e s n ot s uppo rt firin g . O n radi o last w e e k end and a ny reporte r w ho h as rea c h e d out and a sked .
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/20181.21 .54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox738DFE8 (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 1:22:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Did he text y ou that?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 1.22.02 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox738E9A4 (Ta ble message, chal, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3113/2018 1:22:40 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Atta chments: -
Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 1.22.28 PM.[!ng
Status: Read
Read: 3/1312018 1 3250 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox738E7DC (Table. message. handle, chat, attachment Size 2207621 12 bytes)
P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachmen ts/cf/15/7C5846A6-9020-4B1F-B562-6E199A60D294/Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 1.22.28 PM.png . (Size: 93507
3113/2018 1:23:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
so th ere are 4 people w h o h a ve public ly s aid they do n ot su p port f ir ing
Status: Read
Read: 311312018 1.32:50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox738E4DE (Table message, handle, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1312018 1:33:01 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yep . You 'd make 5
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 1:33 :01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox738F9AC (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1 312018 1:44:55 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I w ant to see what Cranley presen ts u ntil I commit.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/13/2018 1.45 18 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/13/2018 1 45 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7390374 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311312018 1:45:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
wha t Cra nley p resents in terms o f his smear ?
Status: Sen1
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7391FEC (Table message chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 1:46:46 PM(UTC-4}Directlon:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. U ndersta nding th a t mos t w ill b e complete B S. But I'm j u st n ot ready to annou n ce a com p lete ly no to firing.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1317018 1 47 48 PMtUTC 4)
Read: 3113/2018 1 47.48 PM(UTC-4)
Source fi le: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7391 679 (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
311312018 1:47:50 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
u nderst ood
Status: Sen!
Sou rce file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73918C6 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes}

13113/2018 5:30:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can you let Sherry know no 5 votes
Status. Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 5 30 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AC6CO (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311312018 5:30:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I told Wetterich
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 3/13/2018 5 30 56 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AC4D8 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3113/2018 5:31 :14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think John trying to force hand
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 13/2018 5.3 1 12 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox73ADD91 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/13/2018 5:32:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status. Read
Read: 311312018 5 32 11 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AEFE8 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1312018 5:32:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100% certain on Greg?
Status: Read
Read: 3/13/2018 5 32 11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1br ary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AEE44 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311312018 5:32:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If so. We should relea se some kind of statement
Status: Read
Read· 3/1312018 5 32 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmoblle/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox73AEABO (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3113/2018 5:32:20 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Vanessa j ust said so
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/13/2018 5·32 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonel var/mob1le/ Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AEC78 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 by1es)
311312018 5:32:31 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Doesn' t support buyout or firing

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3113/2018 5 32 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AE8BO (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3113/2018 5:32:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok good
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/13/2018 10 45:06 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 13/201810 4506 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G .'s 1Phone/var/mobllell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73AE6CO (Table message handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311412018 11:38:17 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can you c all me? I'm being told Harry is cleaning out his desk and leaving .
Status: Read
DeHvered; 3/14/2018 11 39.38 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3114/2018 113938 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7309FDC (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes}
3/14/2018 5:09:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


FullSizeRender 1pg
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3114/2018 5 1000 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblie/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox73F1FE4 (Table message chat attachment, Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachmentslf7/07/4CA3AFC5-CC6E-437E-A9DC-2A2DF7D4EBF5/FullS1zeRender Jpg (Size 345194 bytes)
3114/2018 5:10:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status. Sent
Delivered: 3/14/2018 5 10·12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox73F1DEA (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3114/2018 5:20:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
hope you feel better, by the way
Status· Sent
Source file. P.G 's 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73F16D8 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 6:39:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ugh on that photo
Stetus Read
Delivered: 3114/2018 6 49 53 PMtUTC·4)
Read: 3/14/2018 6 49·53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file. P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox73F5308 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

3/1412018 6:50:35 PM(UTC4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yeah, I was kidding - wou ld gladly have it not be there
Statl.Js; Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brarylSMSlsrns.db Ox73F6790 (Table message chaL Size : 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1412018 7 :11:12 PM{UTC4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 {Chris Seelbach)
R u gonna say anythin g to others about Paula and Juech?
Status: Read
OelivereCf: 3114120187· t1 ;18 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311412018 7:11 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilell1brarylSMSlsrns.db Ox740 1AA1 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 7 :11:27 PM(UTC-"l)DirectiOn:Oulgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
not yet, th ough do you wan t to talk that out fo r a min now?
Slatus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1bra rylSMS/srns.db : Ox7401899 (Table message , chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1412018 7:11:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I can
Slatus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/rnobile/library/SMS/srns.d b: Ox7401652 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1412018 9:08:26 PM(UTC4)0irecti0n:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri says Harry asked for a mee ting w ith Paula on a Friday at 1 :30
Status: Read
Read: 3114/2018 9:38:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobileiL1brary/SMS/srns.db: Ox7408FE8 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1412018 9:06:43 PM{UTC-"l)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She, and everyone else , assume she' s being fi red.
Slalus: Read
Read: 3/1412018 9.38.40 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db • Ox74088AE {Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 by1es)
3/1412018 9:39:10 PM(UTC4)01rection:Ou1going, +15133652404 {P.G.)
I o nly know w h at we d iscussed earlie r
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3114120189:39,11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/llar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox74086A8 (Table. message. chat Size. 220762 112 bytes)
311412016 9:49:44 PM(UTC-"l)Direcllon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
S hould we h o ld him off doing so?
Status: Sent
Deliv&red: 3114/2018 9.49:44 PM(UTC-<I)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox74082A1 (Table' message, chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1412016 9:50:22 PM{UTC-"l)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Not sure. I think we need to talk to oth ers before he does it though . And figure out exactly what he's gonna say re ason is .
Status: Read
Read: 3/141201 8 9:50:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/srns.db . Ox7409FE8 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/14/2018 9:50:57 PM{UTC-"l)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 {P.G.)
Agree on both fronts
Stalu$; Sent
Delivered: 311412018 9.50.58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file : P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Librnry/SMS/sms.db Ox74090 40 (Table mes!Xlge, chat Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
311412018 9:51 :40 PM{UTC4)Dlrectlon:lncomtng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm a t pure rom a nce all day tom o rrow. But o n ly a c ouple actual meetin gs. So am ava ilable l o walk over to ci ty h all or a c all with Harry
Status: Read
Read: 3/14/20 18 9'51:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1te/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7409885 (Table. message, handle , chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512016 8:49:08 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley meeting wit h Enqu irer editorial board a t 9 . H arry meeti ng w ith them at 1030
Status: Read
DeUwred: 3115/2018 8 50.59 AMtUTC-41
Rea<!: 311512018 8 5Q 59 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox741EFDC (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3115/2018 10:07:44 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I h a ve meetings fro m 2 - 5 . W o u ld y o u wan t to try to ta lk around 1?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3115120 18 10.t043AM(UTC-'1)
Read: 3115/2018 10 10 43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7427FDC (Table. message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
311512018 10:11:00 AM{UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I 'm in some thing noon-2 p m . C o u ld we try for Spm?
Statl.Js: Sem
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblie/Llbrary/SMS/srns.db Ox7428FEC (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 10:11:18 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup . that would w o rk for m e. Do you w a nt to a sk Harry?
Swtus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlrnob1le/library/SMS/srns.db . Ox7~28409 (Table: message , handle, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
311512018 10:11:43 AM(UTC-"l)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 {P.G .)
y ep
Status: Sent
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lel l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox742829D (Table. message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
..., .
3/1512018 10:46:08 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are you just looking at tweets? Or is it Jive streamed somewhe re ?
Status: Read
Read: 311512018 10 46 20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s rPhone/var/mobile/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7430862 (Table· message, handle chat, Srze· 2207621 12 bytes)
311512018 10:46:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 10:46 23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s rPhone/var/mobrle/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7430607 (Table message, chat Srze. 2207621 12 bytes)
3115/2018 1:15:1 3 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can you talk on phone? Are we on for Spm today with Harry?
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 1 2449 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Lrbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7430DAD (Table: message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 1:24:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yes . And call you at 2pm
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3115/2018 1 24 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox743EFE4 (Table. message chat, Srze· 220762112 bytes)
3/15120181:25:24 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have a 2pm at Music Hall if you can call any earlier.
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 1:25.24 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobrle/Lrbrary/SMS/sms db Ox743EAB4 (Table. message handle chat Srze. 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 1:25:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can try a min before
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 1 2553 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox743E506 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 1:55:21 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Call me
Status. Sent
Delivered: 3/1512018 1 55 22 PMIUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox743F5CO (Table message chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 1:55:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I' m available
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/15/2018 15525 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox743F40E (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 1:58:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Have a 2pm at music hall. But can call afte r
Status: Read
Read: 3/1512018 15907 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7440FE8 (Table. message handle, chat. Srze 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 1:59:18 PM(UTC-4)Dlreclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yes to Spm call w Harry
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3115120181.5919 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7 440A8F (Table message chat Srze 220762112 bytes)
3115/2018 1:59:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Oh. Spm is a phone call? You just gonna merge lines?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1512018 1 59 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s rPhone/varlmobrle/Lrbrary/SMSlsms db Ox744055C (Table message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 2:00:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 311512018 2 00 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7441FE4 (Table message chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/ 15/2018 7:37:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is Tamaya going tomorrow?
Sllltus: Read
Read: 311512018 7 37 14 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/LrbrarylSMS/sms db Ox7450929 (Table message, handle. chat, Srze 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 7:37:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
No - confirmed it
Slatus. Sent
Delivered: 311512018 7 37 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s rPhone/varlmoblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox745041E (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/ 15/2018 7:37:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
so they won't have a quorum
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3/1512018 7 37 32 PM1UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s rPhonelvarlmobrle/LrbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox745025C (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/1512018 7:37:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sl.etus: Sent
Delivered: 3/1512018 7 37 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7451B99 (Table: message. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
311512018 8:50:24 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Cranley know you're not coming tomorrow? Wendell and I sent our excused absences today. But didn't know about you and T
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/15/2018 8:50:30 PM(UTC-4)
Reed: 3/15/2018 8:50:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7456FDC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3115/2018 8:50:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
not sure when my staff was , and no clue what John knows. no communication with him today
Sl.etus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox745679A (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 6:51:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox745621 E (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:51:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
which is for the better, lest I tell him how I feel
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7457FEC (Table· message chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:51:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sl.etus: Read
Delivered: 3/15/201 8 8:52:14 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/15/2018 8:52:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7457DA6 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:52:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
D id I tell you that Harry called me today to tell me (for what he thought was the first time) abou t Denver... .forgetting (because he was drunk
or h igh) that he told me e v ery detail Tuesday night at 10:30pm
Status: Read
Deliwred: 3/15/2018 8.52 14 PM(UTC-4)
Reed: 3/15/2018 8.52 14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7456FDC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:52:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Seriously. He needs help

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74563DC (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:52:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I was l ike . " Harry. I already know about Denver." He said "you do"?
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7459FEC (Table: message, handle. cha t. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:53:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yeah, look , part of our getting organized tomorrow needs to include a plan for collectively telling him what our behavioral expectations of him
are - with close to a zero tolerance policy
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7459DCB (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:53:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
where John has stepped in it . yeah, this looks and feel like a "public lynching" - but that doesn't mean Harry doesn't have work to do
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox745977F (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:53:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He can do whatever he wants on his own time. But he cannot make calls or received calls w hen d rinking

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/15/2018 9·54 ·15 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/15/20 18 8 54.15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox745947E (Table· message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:54:1 1 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3115/2018 8 54 15 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1512018 8.54 15 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox7459209 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 8:54:51 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if this happens after we make our expectations clear, or refuses to seek the appropriate help , at that poi nt. i t'll have to be terminatio n at the

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox745AFEC (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:55:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but we need to share that with him collec tively , and from a place of trying to support him thru what might be an actual disease
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox745ACDD (Table. message chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)

3/1512018 8:55:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes I recorded our conversatio n Tuesday. He was 100% not sober. And he doesn't even remember talking to me. Btw. I have recorded two
' conversations in my lifetime. The one w ith Cranl ey on Sunday . And Harry on Tuesda y.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox745BFEC (Table: message. handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 8:56:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox745B2B2 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
311512018 9:02:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
is Schimberg texting you?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox745C836 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 9:02: 13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
No. He did two days ago .
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/15/2018 9.02.14 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/15/2018 9:02:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox745C624 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 by1es)
3/1512018 9:03:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

- . -
t .,.,..
fa ~

.. - - -· -
IMG 1942.jpeg IMG 1943.1peg IMG 1944.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 9.03:11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox745DFE8 (Table. message. handle , chat, attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/33/03/AD8ASEBA-9B2B-4232-AD29-24127049EA 12/IMG_1942.jpeg : (Size: 433347 bytes)
P.G. 's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/At1achments/dc/12/5CO EF649-EC3F-4E 05-B633-805B732E8768/I MG_ 194 3.jpeg : (Size: 411151 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/fd/13/45EB4123-4EED-4A72-AA37-FE42F90B301E/IMG_1944.jpeg : (Size: 435817 bytes}
3115/2018 9:06:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
good; I made similar points
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox745FE40 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/15/2018 9:08:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I haven't text him in his most recent round of texts, but here's wha t I wa nt to say:
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db: Ox745FC45 (Table: message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes}
3/15/2018 9:10:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
H i Dan , I'm not a father yet, so you'll have to tell me if this analogy h o lds up: If two of your children are behaving badly, is the approach to
then go to their siblings who are behaving normally and demand that they correct they're badly behaved siblings behavior? My hunch is that
you go the badly behaved children , and you demand better, and you don't enable the m . Does that sound right? Would love to see the texts
you' re sending to John and Harry 1
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox745F9C4 (Table. message. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:10:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but I'm not actually send ing him that
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox745F450 (Table. message. chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3115/2018 9:11 :09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sounds perfect
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/15/2018 9.13.36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/15/20189:13.36 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db . Ox745F22F (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
311512018 9:18:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
call me whe n you have a chance. craziest thing just happened

Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 9 31 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7460BB5 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:30:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Juech just sent me this "get ahead .
I was invited to the city managers office today. I received a ca ll during another meeting I was leading in my office on a matter of city
business. I did not volunteer anything .

I was told that the solicitor was right to be concerned about her job. Then I was asked for a loyalty pledge to the manager and a letter of

When I said that I had to think about that - not even a yes o r no - I was told by the manager that I had "made clear" where I stand.

I want the record to be very clear. I want there to be no doubt on the facts of what happened today.

I have told my personal. out of state lawyer all the same. This is a ll codified with multiple attorneys and will be public record."
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 9 31.06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7461FE8 (Table message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)

3/1512018 9:31 :00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
d id he send you?
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 9 31 .06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7461282 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311512018 9:32:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3115/2018 9 32 02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G."s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7464FE4 (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 9:32:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Well there ya go
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 9 33 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7464E40 {Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1512018 9:33:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Fucking stra nge stuff.

Status: Senl
Delivered: 3115/2018 9:33 .49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7464C7E (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:34:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 {P.G.)
Juech has clearly turned on his boss
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/15/2018 9:34 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonei var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7464AAE (Table message chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:34:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H e need s to go now. Given he's already going on the record attacking Harry
Status: Read
Read: 3115/2018 9·34 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SM S/sms.db : Ox74648C6 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3115/2018 9:34:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H e was a lways a poltergeist cal appointee
Status: Read
Read: 3/15/2018 9.34 40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G."s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7464693 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3115/2018 9:34:52 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3115/2018 9:35.04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox74644A1 (Table: message , handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 9:35:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You can communicate directly with Harry on that
Status: Senl
Delivered: 3/ 15/2018 9.35 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelva rl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox74642EB (Table message chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/15/2018 10:30:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
R ocky said Pastor has been presenting as if he can change Tamaya's vote
Status: Read
Read: 3116/2018 7 1757 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7466E30 {Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 7:15:43 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
He can't
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/16/2018 7 15 44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7466FE4 (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 7:40:55 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 7.59.36 AM(UTC·4)
Read: 3/1612018 7 59.36 AM \UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/ LlbrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox7467270 (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 9:37:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
OMG. Pastor is now sending us Jewish B ible passages
Status: Read
Delivered: 3116/2018 9 39 08 AM(UTC-4)
Read· 3116/2018 9 39 08 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox746F742 (Table message, handle chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2016 9:39:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
# CaucusOfOne
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox746FSOC (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 9:39:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
about to email you letter. cranked out in last 10 m inutes , so probably in artful a n d fu ll of typos
Status· Serlt
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7470FEC (Table message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)

I311612018 9:39:58 AM(UTC"4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
J,but a first draft of various people's ideas
Slatus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmoblle/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox7470D57 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 9:39:59 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
let me know your thoughts
Slatus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varfmobilelL1brary/SMSlsms.db. Ox7470020 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 9:40:00 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Swtus: Read
Source file: P.G 's iPhonelvar/moblle/Llbrary/SMSfsms db Ox747092B (Table message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes}
311612018 9:42:58 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Looks great. Really good. Just fixed a couple typos. sending back.
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 9 43 46 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/libraryf SMS/sms.db Ox747074F (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311612018 9:44:18 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Cool, will aim to circulate before our call
Status: Sen1
OeUvered: 3/1612018 9 44 19 AM\UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox74704F2 (Table message, cha\, Size 220762112 bytes)
311612018 9:48'31 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnoomlng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Mann just issued statement
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 9.51 39 AM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone1Var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/srns.db · Ox7471516 (Table message handle chal, Size 220762112 by1es)
311612018 9:51'44 AM(UTC"4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Can you share?
Slatus: Sent
Dellvared: 3/16/2018 9 51 44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G:s iPhonelvar/rnob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db · Ox747130A (Table message. chat SiZe· 220762112 bytes)
31161'2018 9:52:02 AM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


unknown pdf
Status: Read
Read: 311612018 9.56 12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone1Var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS1sms db Ox7472303 (Table message, handle chat, attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/11ar/mob1le/L1brary/SM$/Attachments/11/15/633359CF-3AE3-4252-9FE7-4EFE87B5C64F/unknown pdf (Size 332845 by1es)
3/1612018 9:52:1 1 AM(UTC-4)0lrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
It went to all of us on city counctl address. did that image come through?
Status. Read
Read: 3/16/2018 9 56 12 AM1UTC 4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7473FE8 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 9:52:22 AM(UTC"4)Direciion:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Councilmember Mann Statement on Mayor Cranley and City Manager Black's Dispute

Harry Black and John Cranley are passionate public servants. I admire and respect them both.

With plenty of fault on each side, they obviously can no longer work constructively with each other. Calls for mediations, counseling,
interventions and so on come loo late to undo the damage 1n what is now a dysfunctional relationship.

The true victims are the citizens of this community and the serious and challenging issues we face. not the least of which 1s a huge budget
shortfall for the fiscal year beginning July 1. Our city manager system (of which I am a strong supporter) assumes a strong collaborative
partnership between the mayor and city manager. When that partnership does not exist, a change is essential.

Harry Black wants to leave his post He has three possibilities

(1 )He can resign but under the ordinance hiring him. he then would entitled to no severance payments whatever.

(2)He can be terminated with the approval of five members of council. The ordinance hiring him entitles him to eight months' pay.

(3)He can separated under an agreed package, again with the approval of five members of council. (Most recently . I am advised. Mr. Black
would agree to 18 months of pay. not the 24 months he presently asked for.)

My democratic colleagues will not support (2) and (3) Mr. Black could resign at considerable financial sacrifice. Otherwise, the current
dysfunction continues, indefinitely I suppose.

My democralic colleagues hold the keys to unlock this impasse. I implore them to help us move beyond the current deadlock. Read 3/1612018 9 ~6 12 AM!UTC-4)
Source file. P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/rnob1le/l1brary/ SMSlsms.db Ox7474FE8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762 112 bytes)

3/1 612018 11:53:33 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
showed it to Landsman too - he thought take last part out for now about time/date/place of public hearing.
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox747BBFF (Table: message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311612018 11:53:47 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgofng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm fine with that - we can always impose that later John wants to go in that direction
Status: Sent
Sou rce file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox747B958 (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1 612018 11:56:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 1:04' 11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox747C3E9 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 by1es)
3/16/2018 2:30:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
u hearing anything from Greg?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2:30:48 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 3/16/2018 2:30 48 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7489FDC (Table. message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:30:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
no - will you call him
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7489DD2 (Table message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:30:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
pretend you know he's having text issues
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7489BD6 (Table· message chat, Size: 220762112 byles)
3/1812018 2:31 :11 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncomlng, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7489982 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:31:58 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
he might feel queasy about some part of it...
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox748ABD7 (Table message, chat, Size 2207621 12 byles)
3/16/2018 2:32:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
he didn't answer
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2.32 09 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2·32 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox748A990 (Table. message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:32:09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
which he needs to let us know ASAP!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox748A7A9 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 byles)
3/18/2018 2:32:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I know
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iP hone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox748A593 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:32:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 ( P.G.)
it's not even that later there ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox748A3B7 (Table. message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:32:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox748BFEC (Table message , handle. cl1at, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:32:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox748BE14 (Table. message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/ 16/2018 2:32:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing, +151 33652404 (P .G.)
we'll give him a few minutes
Status: Sen!
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox748BC3E (Table message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/201 8 2:32:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
it's a damn good letter - fair and grown-up
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox748BA32 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:32:55 P M(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
completely agree
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox748BSBB (Table message handle . chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

J 3/18/2018 2:35:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
, Greg' s sweating and having terrible d iarrhea right now!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox748C9AF (Table· message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:35:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
you know it. he hates this.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/1612018 2:35.36 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 2:35:36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonefvarfmobileflibrary/SMSfsms.db : Ox748C75D (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:36:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I know - you and I hav e much more let ·er rip attitudes
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonefvarfmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox74 8C557 (Table: message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:36:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
or at least be fi rm like: I can' t s ign that
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonefvarfmobil e/LibraryfSMS/sms.db : Ox748C312 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:36:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I' m not loving this delay ing shit
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/L1braryfSMSfsms.db. Ox748DFEC (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:37:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
d idn't answer second attempt
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LibraryfSMSfsms.db Ox748DDD4 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:37:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
talking to him now
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox748DBC8 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3116/2018 2:37:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if he bails , do w e tweak the language and send it from the 4 of us?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/va r/mobileilibrary/SMSfsms.db : Ox74809D4 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:37:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
he was on phone
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobileflibrary/SMSfsms.db : Ox7480770 (Table. message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3116/2018 2:37:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonefvar/mobileflibrary/SMSfsms.db · Ox748058F (Table. message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:38:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think he needs to know w e 'll send from the 4 of us
Status: Senf
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varfmobileflibrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox748E8E1 (Table. message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:38:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
he's good with ii
Status: Read
Read: 3/16/2018 2:39 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox748E47C (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 2:39:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
As is

Status: Sent
Delivered: 311612018 2 39.05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox748E27E (Table- message chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 2:39:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3/1612018 2 39.08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/LibrarylSMSlsms.db : Ox748FFE8 {Table: message , handle, chat, Size· 220762 11 2 bytes)
3116/2018 2:50:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
it's fun being on a team1

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonefvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox749DFEC (Table. message, chat. Size 220762 11 2 by1es)
3/1 6/2018 2:50:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/2018 2 50.38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 2 50:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonefvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox749DDD6 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/16/2018 3:00:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sherri w ants to know if this is a motion? An ordin ance? What are we actua lly doing .l
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/16/20 18 3:00:08 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3116/2018 3:00:08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox749FBEO (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 22076 2112 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:00:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tell h er those things will follow the letter next week .
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74A2C82 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/16/2018 3:01 :20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Letter = direc tion. Next week will introdu ce leg islatio n fo r outsid e Counsel. And o f course we a lways c ontrol coun cil meeti ngs - o ur r ules ,
mayor a d ministers those rules
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74A3FEC (Table: message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/16/2018 3:06:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
seems very well rec eived too
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s i Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox74A36C B (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/16/2018 3:06:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
somewhere J o hn Cranley is now sweating and having diarrhea
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74A34C3 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1612018 3:07:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yup. And his team is like "this i s a good m ove from them"
Status: Read
Delivered: 311612018 3:07 :33 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/ 16/2018 3:07:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox74A326C (Table: me ssage, handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes}
3/16/2018 3:07:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74A4FEC (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
3/16/2018 5:28:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
all s till seem good ?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/rnobile/library/SMS/srns.db : Ox7486E01 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 5:28:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 311612018 5:28:47 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/16/20 18 5:28:47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilel library/SMSlsms.db . Ox7486BF9 (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762 112 bytes)
3/1612018 5:29:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
som ewhere J C is plotting my death
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilel library/SMSlsms.db : Ox74B660C (Table. message, chat. Size: 22076 2112 bytes}
3/1612018 5:32:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H a. Likely . Just got to L ouisville
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/t 6/2018 5:32:47 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1612018 5:32:47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/libraryl SMS/sms.db : Ox74B7D53 (Table: message, handle. chat . Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/16/2018 5:32:52 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
have an aweso me trip '
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox74B7B75 (Table: message, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3/ 17/2018 4:40:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H a rry n ee ds to s top negotia ting with the minority. There's a n ew sto ry comin g out tod ay that s ays he w ants to leave w ith 18 m onths .
Status: Read
Read: 3/171201 8 4"42:00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox74E9FE8 (Table· message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 byte s}
3/1 7/2018 4:42:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
S ituation is e nd less topsy-te rvy c lusterfu ck ; Harry just called , said he's go in g to sign paperw ork for a 1 .5 ye ar bu yout. F o rce a vo te from
Counci l. I affirm e d for him I'd be a "N o" vote; not bi lking taxp ayer s beca use C ranley h as a p e rsonality disorder.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3117/201 8 4"42:27 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox74E9A05 (Table: message. chat, Size 220762 112 bytes}
3117/2018 4:42:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yes. H arry is b ein g almost as s lo ppy w ith this a s Jo h n is
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 4:42:42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/rnobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox74E9652 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)

,[ 3/1712018 4:42:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
, I'm a 100% no
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 4 42 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db Ox74E943F (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/17/2018 4:42:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3117/2018 4.42:58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/srns.db Ox74E9249 (Table message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 4:43:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Feel free to text the thread
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 4 43.07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/srns.db Ox74EAE27 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 by1es)
3/17/2018 4:51 :55 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You could consider texting Sherry this portion from our letter yesterday:
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1712018 4.51 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlrnob1lel ltbrary/SMS/srns.db Ox74EC5E3 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 by1es)
3/1712018 4:52:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
"We also do not support forcing the taxpayers to pay out of their own p ockets for what is currently a broken relationship."
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 17/2018 4 52 05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox74EDFE4 (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 by1es)
311712018 4:52:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Since we already said it. and it's basically our response to this situation
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1712018 4.52.27 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/srns.db Ox74ED043 (Table. message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311712018 4:52:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. just texted her
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 5 to 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/rnoblle/Ltbrary/SMSlsrns db Ox74E094E (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 4:52:54 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
but I swear I'm gonna unplug
Status: Read
Read: 3117/2018 5.10:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74ED752 (Table message handle. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
311712018 5:27:43 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)

Attachments: - - -

IMG 1969.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 5 30 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox74F023F (Table· message handle. chat. attachment Size 220762112 by1es)
P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/Attachments/30/00/A8910686-EDE9-405F-83FE-047AFDE188C611MG_ 1969.Jpeg (Size 329836 bytes)
311712018 5:30:39 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
L a ughed at an image
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 5 30 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox74F1F86 (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/ 17/2018 8:14:38 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon :lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
heard from Tamaya at all? If she's sol id , d on't think there's anyway Greg flips .
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 8 14 57 PMtUTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox74FF060 (Table. message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311712018 8:15:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection :Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Don't repeat, and I think good for you to ask her directly, but she to ld me she wasn't sure and felt torn
Stalus· Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 8 15 37 PMtUTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox74FFADB (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/17/2018 8:15:47 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read· 311712018 8 16 15 PMiUTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74FF860 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 byles)
3/17/2018 8:16:28 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
More likely she stays with us

Stalus: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 8 16 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74FF40C (Table message cha t Size 220762 112 bytes)

3/1712018 8:18:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
But honestly I think Harry got her to feel sympathetic for him
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2018 8.16 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/l 1brary/ SMS/sms.db · Ox74FF22E (Table· message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
311712018 8:16:58 PM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
If AA leaders lean on her, that's best bet
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1 7/201 8 8:16·58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7500FE4 (Table. message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3117/2018 8:Hl:04 PM(UTC-4)Di rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You're best to help make that happen
Status: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 8:19:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/ SMS/sms.db . Ox7501752 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311712018 8:19:09 PM(UT~)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can't believe Harry fucked us
Status: Read
Read: 3117/2018 8:19:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7501532 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3117/2018 8:19:45 PM(UT~)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Pretty weak
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3117/2018 8·19 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db · Ox7 50131C (Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1712018 8:19:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Will do with AA groups
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/17/2 018 8:19.52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMSlsms.db : Ox7502FE4 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311812018 9 :12:36 AM(UT~)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Now that we have all 5. Again. Are we gonna issue a statement in response to yesterday?
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 9·49 08 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ libraryl SMSlsms.db Ox7509FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
3/1812018 9 :49:50 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Will you email group and ask if they want that? Fine with me, and probably preferable. I cou ld draft something later today to go out Monday
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/181201 8 9.49 52 AM{UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox750AFE4 (Table message, chat, Size. 220762112 byles)
311 812018 9:50:08 AM(UT~)Direction: lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 9·50:17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox750A5B1 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size; 220762112 bytes)
3118/2018 9:50:24 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Sorry, meant text
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311812018 9:50 25 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox750A3FF (Table. message, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
31181201812:33:09 PM(UT~)Directlon:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
u put something together?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 12:58 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lel library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox750E9ED (Table. message, handle, chat, S ize· 220762112 bytes)
3/181201812:56:59 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Literally driving back
To Cincy
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 18/20 18 12.59 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/ SMS/sms.db Ox750F984 (Table message, chat. Size. 220762 112 bytes)
3118/2018 12:59:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just typed this. Thoughts?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3118/2018 12 59 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7 50F7A2 (Table: message. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)

13/1812018 12:59:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
If the Manager wishes to move on from his current role, we respect that decision. But the Council Majority remains firm that we are not
signing off on paying someone extra to not do their j ob. That is neither fair nor responsible to the taxpayers.

Moreover. it is our understanding that, in fact, the Manager does enjoy his job ; he simply doesn't like the idea of serving under the looming
threat of a smear campaign. That, too, is understandable.

But asking the taxpayers to provide significant resources in order to avoid the impact of such a smear campaign would set a dangerous
precedent and enable behavior which we do not approve of.

We reiterate our call for a ceasefire , and we remain committed to the thoughtful, fair, transparent next steps we have previously laid out.

We believe in the City Charter, we believe in honesty , and we believe in collaboration. All are welcome to join us in upholding these pillars.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 12:59:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P. G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7510FE4 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/20181 :00:1 1 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 8/2018 1:00.16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox75106F7 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 1:00:40 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Will you text to the group and ask for input, changes or additions
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 1:00.40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7510511 (Table· message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/18/20181 :52:10 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Will you text thread just saying: Greg?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 1.52·11 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox7514E26 (Table: message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:52:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I just did. we're on same page
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1.52:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7514C3A (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 1:52:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 1:52:35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox7514830 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/20181 :52:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
meaning , I sent to him personally. but just did in group as well
Status: Read
Read: 311812018 1.52.47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7514682 (Table: message, handle chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 1:53:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
If he agrees , want to have Harmon send out?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 1:53:07 PM(UTC-4}
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox7514429 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2016 1:53:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1·s3·11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7514235 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:54:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sends a strong signal if the 5 of us hang together on this statement
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 1 54 00 PM(UTC-4}
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7515DF7 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 1:54:31 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
100%. So I guess what is gonna happen is Smitherman 's committee will vote for this ordinance with 18 months in committee tomorrow , then
it will tie o n Wednesday. and fail.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1.54.39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilelL1brary/SMSlsms.db . Ox7515AOB (Table message handle. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 1:54:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 1 54 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7516FE4 (Table. message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/18/20161 :55:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
will you have ord inance for special counsel ready to be referred?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 1"55.13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox7516E3E (Table message. handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)

3/1812018 1:55:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sllltus: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 18/2018 1:55:31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7516BE3 (Table: message , chat, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:12:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Not shocked by Greg's take
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 18/2018 2:12:45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7518883 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:13:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
As long as everyone stays a NO, agree a statement not mandatory. Though I do think it helps
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 18/2018 2:13:16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox75186A7 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:14:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What do you think about th is tweet from me : "Just one thought from vacation: If Manager Harry Black is as bad as Mayor Cranley says he
ca n prove , why should Black get either a lmost $400.000 or almost $600,000 to not do h is job? His contract calls for 8 months pay or about
$150,000. That's it. "
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:14:43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7518450 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:15:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I agree. would be good in the politics of this to put out a statement that seems calm and collected ... again.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2.15:28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7519FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 2:16:03 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Let me take one more c ra ck.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2: 16:03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7519D37 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:16:13 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:38:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox75 19B61 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:37:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
can you send that with combined two paragraphs if thats wha t were going with?
Status: Read
Read: 3/1 8/2018 2:38:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751 B3B8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:38:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Like email to you? I'm still in car
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2:38:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751CD1A (Table: message . chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:47:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
The appearance of hanging together more important than the language
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2:47:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox751EE29 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes}
3/18/2018 2:47:47 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
totally agree
Status: Read
Read: 3/1812018 2:47:47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751 EC02 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:48:01 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ca n we assume Tamaya and Wendell are fine with it a nd at least get out on social media?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:48:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox751EA14 (Table· message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:48:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can Harmon tee up for press while waiting for approval from group?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2:48:02 PM( U TC-~ )

Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7 51 E780 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:46:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He' s not gonna be home for 90 mins.
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 2:48:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751E56A (Table: message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:48:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
T ext them. but I think yes

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ 18/2018 2 48:23 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox751E348 (Table. message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/ 1812018 2:48:24 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I thin k if w e get it o u t on social med ia , th at's enough until he can send in email
Status. Read
Read: 311812018 2 48 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox751FFE8 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/ 18/2018 2:48:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I agree
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311812018 2"48 :32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox751 FBSF (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:48:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You can tag K e y rep orters on twitte r
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311812018 2 48 44 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox751F9AD (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3118/2018 2:50:08 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sig n our n a m e s to it a ga in
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2 50 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1leilibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox751 F3AE (Table message chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
311812018 2:50:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
At bottom
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 2 50 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox751F1 D6 (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/ 1812018 2:50:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sta1us: Read
Read: 3/1812018 2-so 15 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7520FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 2:50:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
And p u t lik e : S tatement o f the Cou ncil Majority
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/1812018 2.50 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox7520EOA (Table: message chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/18/2018 2:50:46 PM(UTC-4)Dlrecllon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
At top
Status: Sent
Delivered: 311812018 2 50 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox7520C08 (Table message, chat Size 22076211 2 bytes)
3/1 8/2018 2:58:50 PM(UTC-4) Dlrection:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
can you mayb e re ach out to Tamaya personally?
Status: Read
Read: 3/18/2018 3 05 22 PMtUTC-4)
Sou rce file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7520626 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311 812018 3:06:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
N o a n swer
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/18/2018 3 06 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox752021 E (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1 9/2018 3:06:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
this line from Wendell's r elease ...
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox755ADD3 (Table message , chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3119/2018 3:06:37 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
"Cincin n ati deserves better than a man w h o constan tl y demonst rates the office of mayor is too b ig for him."
Sllltus: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox755ABB9 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
311 9/2018 3:06:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's amazin g
Status: Read
Delivered: 3119/2018 3 06 49 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/1912018 3.06 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/library/SMS1sms db Ox755A8FA (Table. message handle chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/ 1912018 5:50:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction :lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just got this f rom rocky. Any tru th? "H arry is hearing P.G. mig h t fli p on the settlement vote. You hea rd anythi n g?"
Status Read
Read: 3/1912018 5 58 59 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox755E34E (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/19/2018 5:59:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133852404 (P.G.)
absol utely fucking not.
Sllltus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox755FACB (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

3/1912018 8:00:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
the proposal that was floated to me was what if Harry was offered 8 months of public severance, and 10 months by a private source - would .1
I support that
Status: Sen1
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox755FBCD (Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3119/2018 6:00:29 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
private source?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/19/2018 6 00.30 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311912018 6 00 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox755F27E (Table: message. handle, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3/19/2018 6:00:43 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
my answer was: 1) I don't know 2) I'd have to confer with the majority 3) it would be contingent on very direct input on who the incoming
manager would be 4) harry would obviously have to want to go that route
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7560FEC (Table. message, cha t, Size: 220762 112 bytes)
311912018 6:00:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
one of Pastor's weird sources of money perhaps?
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7560C6B (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3119/2018 8:18:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw. Rocky just said it came from Cranley directly. himself. He's using Pastor of course.
Status: Read
Delivered: 311912018 6 20.49 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311912018 6"20 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7563FDC (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
311912018 6 :21 :01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I spoke to Harry, cleared it up
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobllellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7563055 (Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3119/2018 6 :21 :1 2 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
honestly, I think Harry is likely to consider settling back into the job
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonel var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7563B47 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3119/2018 8:28:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
well. he said that before. Not sure I can trust anything he says.
Status: Read
Read: 311912018 6:30 .53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox756364E (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/20/201812:56:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Rocky "Apparently mayor is meeting with Landsman in the am and confident a deal will be struck."
Status: Read
Read: 3120120t8 12.57 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox757CFEB (Table. message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
312012018 12:57:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
What's source on that?
Status: Sent
DeHvered: 3/2012018 12.57 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox757CB7A (Table message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:57:47 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
I'm highly doubtful
Status: Senl
Delivered: 312012018 12.57 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox757C9AB (Table message chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
3120/2018 12:59:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
But want me to mobilize AA groups reaching out to him?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312012018 12.59:05 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox757C5FF (Table message chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 12:59:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Landsman just texted me "I'm not moving. Have a statement I'll put out when I get home."
St&tus: Read
Read· 312012018 12.59 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox757C3F5 (Table message handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2012018 12:59:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So may not need to
Status. Read
Read: 312012018 17 59 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox757DFEB (Table message. handle chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 1:01 :24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1going, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Ok, just let me know. They can apply fast heat if needed
Status· Senl
Delivered: 312012018 1:01 2h PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMSlsms.db : Ox757DE22 (Table. message chat. Size. 220762112 bytes}

I_ 3/2012018
1:01 :34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
} think it will help
Status: Read
Reed: 3/20/2018 1:01 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db - Ox7570C12 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 1:01:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Rocky "According to the mayors thinking Landsma n is apparently interested in say on next manager. Voicing of support for Isaac a nd
a few other items, commitment to collaborative refresh ."
Status: Read
Read: 3/20/2018 1 01 53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7570A4C (Table message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/20/2018 1:21 :57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P .G.)
AA mobilization under way
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/20/2018 1 21 58 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox757EA5D (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/211201811 :26:15 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can council hire counsel? Top lawyer says 'no'
Status: Read
Reed: 3/21/2018 11 42 05 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox75C9468 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 11:26:19 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https://www ire-outside-lawyer-to-inves tigate-black


70933680-1 ODE-4E1 D-891 F- B12FOD931 BFO.plug1nPayloadAttachment
§4E!i) 1FS17623.pluginPayloadAttachment
Status: Read
Reed: 3/21/2018 114205 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox75CB630 (Table: message, handle, chat, attachment, Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/12/02/D21A707E-44A 1-4E68-8C78-4 3B28F36285Ci709336B0-1ODE-4E1 0 -891 F-
94B61F817023.plug1nPayloadAttachment · (Size 9984 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/88/08/C7F44920-CCOA-49EO-BF35-760D8B38E900/68A20962-54A8-4507-9FC4-
B12F00931BFO.pluginPayloadAttachment · (Size 74419 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:26:12 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
some annoying reporter from 19 stuck a mic in my face, and in the course of asking questions. I said today's th ing would fa il 4-4
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7505FEC (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:26:35 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That's the truth
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/2112018 12 26.35 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2112018 12.26 35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7505A05 (Table message, handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2112018 12:26:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
he asked why; I said one of my colleagues 1s OOT; and he asked who. just want to be clear I in no way proactively brought your name up

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox750564B (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:26:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varimoblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox750556A (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:26:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I know . just letting you know be he JUSt tweeted something. it's stupid and doesn't matter - but just w a nted you to know
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox75D53CC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2112018 12:27:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea . No big deal. It's the truth
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/21/2018 12 27.41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/21/2018 12 27 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox75D6FDC (Table message. handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 12:28:03 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
agreed. I just feel some of these reporters go out of their way to be a bit annoying

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox75D6E02 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 1:25:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
So Cranley pulled from agend a? Any update on what's going on?

Status: Read
Read: 3121/2018 1 55 12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox75DAD72 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 1:51 :48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Scott Ford apo logized?
Status: Read
Read: 3/2112018 1.55 12 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le 1Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox75DDB70 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
312112018 1:54:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stay strong


IMG 2305.JPG
Status: Read
Read: 3/21/2018 1·55:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobilell1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox7500983 (Table: message, handle. chat. attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/Attachments/8d/13180EOB94A-A694-4033-BB05-728581436506/IMG 2305.JPG : (Size: 390802 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:14:26 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor deserves a medal
Status: Read
Delivered: 312112018 3 53:24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3121/2018 3.53.24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox75E6BC2 (Table. message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:46:02 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
wendell is amazing
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/2112018 3:53:24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312112018 3.53 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox75E8294 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:53:29 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
what did you think of it all?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox75E9675 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3121/2018 3:53:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You all did a fantastic job
Status: Read
Delivered: 312112018 6:36:52 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2112018 6 36:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobtlelltbrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox75E9458 (Table message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:54:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
CitiCable didn't work well. Paused every 5 seconds. But think you all worked together w ell

Status: Read
Delivered: 312112018 6:36:52 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3121/2018 6·36:52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox75E9278 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/21 /2018 3:54:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wish Tamaya would have talked more. Especially with pastor invoking Shirley Chisom
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/21/2018 6•36.52 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 312112018 6.36 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lellibrary/SMSlsms.db: Ox75EAFDC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/21/2018 3:55:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What did you think?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/21/2018 6:36:52 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2112018 6 36'52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox75EA080 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762 112 bytes)
3/2112018 4:36:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/21/2018 6.36.52 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 31211201 8 6 36 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lel library/SMSlsms.db . Ox75EBEOA (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2312018 8:51:05 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Rocky: "I think Harry views Wednesday as D day. If mayor can't get 5, he is strapping t he seatbe lt on and hitting the pedal."
Status: Read
Read: 3/23/2018 8 53 31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/libraryl SMS/sms.db. Ox766AFE8 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/23/2018 8:51 :39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Howeve r : "Harry met wi th Landsman today and had a good vibe from it. No commitments from him, but a good vibe"
Status: Read
Read: 3/23/2018 8:53:31 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox766A9DE (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 22076 2112 bytes)
3/23/2018 8:54:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Meaning Harry wants or doesn't want Landsman to vote for the buyout?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/23/2018 8.54 22 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox766A463 (Table. message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/23/2018 8:54:39 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stltus: Read
Read: 3/231701 8 8 55 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox766A238 (Table message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)

J3/2312018 8:54:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Before the L andsman te xt was, · so what do you think happens Wed nesday? Conventional wis dom around City H a ll 1s that "everyone has
· h ad thei r fun , a s e paration agreement will be worked out n ext week."
Status: Read
Read: 312312018 8 55.27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox766BFE8 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2312018 8:55:44 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
B ut H a rry told R ocky tf h e su rvives Wedn esday . he has "some plans that w ill be "pr ovocative" and will "show hts a pproach tn a "different
light" but would not elaborate ... "
Status: Read
Read: 3/2312018 8 55 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox766B912 (Table message. handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2312018 8:55:59 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
In teresting
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312312018 8.55.56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox766B26E (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/23/2018 6:57:16 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
So H ar ry thin ks G reg might g o for the b uyo ut? T h a t's what h e meant by a good vibe?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/23/2018 8·57 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox766CFE4 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/23/2018 8:57:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 312312018 8 57·45 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db . Ox766C090 (Table message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3123/2018 8:58:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
God bless Greg if he's willing
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2312018 8 58 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox766CBBF (Table message, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/23/2016 6:58:22 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
more pressure?

Status: Read
Read: 312312018 9 00 37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox766C9DF (Table. message, handle. cha t, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/23/2018 9:00:58 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Will text o r email you some thoughts tomorrow
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312312018 9 00 55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox766C7EB (Table message, chal. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2812018 11:02:50 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
" H a rry said m a yor has half the City making p hone calls to Landsman."
Status: Read
Delivered: 3126120 18 11.04 09 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3126/2018 11 04·09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox76902F3 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2612018 11:04:51 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
I'm sure. We can ta lk it all through with him at 3 .30pm . I' m v ery dubious Greg flips to vote for the current buyout.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox769EFEC (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2612016 11:05:1 3 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
d efine how you are using dubious fo r this dumb person.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox769E3B4 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/26/2018 11:05:16 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chri s Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: PG 's 1Phonelvar/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox769FFEC (Table message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/26/2018 11:05:32 AM(UTC-4}Directlon·Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
yeah I think very unlikely Greg flips on curren t buyout deal
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox769FE08 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/26/2018 11 :05:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if it was down to 12 months . I think Greg woul d support it
Status. Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox769FBBD (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2612018 11:21:27 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you have a minute or two to talk sometime before 330pm?
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobllel l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox76AOFEC (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/2612018 11 :21 :30 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yes I
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/26/2018 11 21:33 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/26/20t8 11'21 33 AM(U TC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox76AOD9E (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762 112 bytes)
3/26/2018 11 :21 :42 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
could I call you in like 15 min?
Status: Se111
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobileJUbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox76AOBC8 (Table· message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/26/2018 11 :21 :46 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phoneivar/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox76A09B8 (Table. message handle. chat. Size 220 762112 bytes)
3126/201811 :21:49 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox76A07E2 (Table: message. chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/2612018 12:38:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wendell's quotes!

Status: Read
Read: 3/26/2018 12'4 1.19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox76AACBB (Table· message , handle, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
3/26/2018 12:38:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
h tips:// in nati-councilman-wendell-you ng-wants-reca II-mayor-and-hes-proposing-

- ~-~ - - - ~- - -
&i~ L ~~~L I
~~ 018834F6-23A4-480B-9DBB-
ECF4BllSEFCiC3. ~lug1nl'ayloa dAttachment
DF8F1 43C-1012-41AA-AEC7-
404E17Ai!Cl297 .11lugml5ayloadAtta chment
Status: Read
Read: 3/2612018 12.4119 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox76AB62A (Table message. handle, chat, attachment. Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/db/11/0A57BC39-FD97-4E89-9067-65953BFC1FD9/DF8F143C-1012-41 AA-AEC7-
404E 17A80297 .plugmPayloadAttachment (Size: 2203 bytes)
P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMSIAttachments/a7/07/34AECFE0-25C8-4C9C-8CD9-CAOC10761 139/018834F6-23A4-480B-9DBB-
ECF4B05EFOC3.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size: 548386 bytes)
3/26/2018 1:33:57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76B 1FEC (Table message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/2812018 1:34:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I feel like Sherry very much n ot a fan of JC's these days
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox76B1E06 (Table· message, chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
312612018 1:34:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She's not
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/26/2018 1 34 12 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/26/2018 1'34:12 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76B1BAF (Table. message. handle chat. Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
3/26/2018 1:34:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Rocky says H arry will not take 1 year
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76B1A03 (Table message handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/26/20181 :34:31 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarl mob ile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox76B181F (Table· message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/26/2018 1:35:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Does l andsman k now that
Status: Read
Dellvered: 3126/2018 1 35 17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/26/2018 1 35 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone1Var/mobile/L1brary1SMS/sms.db Ox76B2DBB (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
3/26/2018 1:35:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
probabl y not - or maybe does but thinks he can c r aft something that gets h i m there
S!atus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76B2BF3 (Table· message chat Size 220762112 bytes)

312712018 4:21 :38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https·// /news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnall/counc1lmember-young-accuses-mayor-cranley-of-bnbery-says-hell-


8F6CESEE-4025-4 F78-9004-
2A28461 C-205C-4006-807E-
Status: Read
Read: 3/27/2018 4 21 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox76E65AF (Table: message , handle, chat, attachment, Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/7c/12/3AA2E624-6380-4547-94 EA-7 30087889918/8F6C ESEE-4025-4F78-90D4-
645E26C066FF.plugmPayloadAttachment . (Size 9984 bytes)
PG 's 1Phone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/Oe/14/9B52093F-4057-499D-BCBC-ODB8D22DF22612A28461C-205C-4006-807E-
E4BC6664A85B.plugmPayloadAttachment . (Size 42580 bytes)
312712018 4:33:40 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
things are getti ng crazy
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76E8DSB (Table. message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
312712018 4:33:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chlis Seelbach)
It was not bribery. Wendell is wrong
Status: Read
Delivered: 312712018 4 33·54 PM(UTC-4)
Read; 3/27/2018 4·33 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox76E8B4B (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2712018 4:34:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
reinforces my belief that it doesn't pay to go out of your way to make enemies
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76E8933 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2712018 4:34:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yup. and Cranley has a m illion enemies
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1bra ry/SMS/sms db· Ox76E845D (Table message. ha ndle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/27/2018 4:34:49 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yep, and a lot of them smell blood and are pouncing

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76E9FEC (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2712018 4:44:19 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Have you talked to Greg since he met with harry?
Status. Read
Delivered: 3/27/2018 4.53 17 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/2712018 4 53 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76EAFDC (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/27/2018 4:53:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone1var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox76EA929 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2712018 4:53:57 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
he conveyed to me before that meeting that he's voting against the buyout
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox76EBFEC (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/27/2018 4:54:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status. Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox76EBD83 (Table. message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2712018 4:54:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
is Cranley putting it on calendar?
Status· Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox76EBBAB (Table message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/2712018 4:54:25 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox76EB997 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2712018 4:54:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Oulgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will call you i n a few wl a quick update
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db. Ox76EB7C1 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/27/2018 4:54:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Read
Delivered· 312712018 6.00 27 PMtUTC-4J
Read: 312712018 6 00 27 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db: Ox76EB58F (Table message handle. chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)

3/2812016 11:26:52 AM(UTC-4) Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
What is this s p ecial session about tomo rrow that Cran le y just called
Status: Read
Read: 3128/2018 11 :27:02 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobtle/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox77066CA (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2612016 11:27:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
The 8 months thing
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/28/2018 11 :27'09 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7707FE4 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2812016 11 :27:36 AM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
so if the majority vote for th a t.. ..w h a t hap p e n s? Harry has to accept fo r it to m a tter?
Status: Read
Read: 3/2812018 11 ·28:32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobtle/L1brary/SMSlsms.db . Ox7707E20 (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
312812016 11 :26:38 AM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/28/2018 11:28:39 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7707B99 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
312612016 11:28:44 AM(UTC-4)0 irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He has total control
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/28/2018 11 :28:44 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox77079E7 (Table. message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
312812016 11 :26:47 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lnooming, +15133464329 (Chris 5eelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 11.28.48 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db: Ox770781 F (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/2612018 6:08:1 4 PM(UTC-4)Direc!ion:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Question. If the 8 month severance passes tomorrow. Lets say H arry finds another job i n 2 months. would he still walk awa y w ith 8 months
from us
Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 6 09.26 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox771 BBD3 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/28/2018 6:09:54 PM(UTC-4) 0 irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Good qu e stion . I s u spect yes
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/2812018 6:09.54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox771 BSD? (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
312812016 6:12:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Could we put something in there to p revent that? Maybe he has 2 w e eks to either acce pt our offer or not?

Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 6.18'46 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmoblle/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox771B3FF (Table: message, handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2912016 10:36:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
"So I'm hear ing mayor is p l anning a press conference the week of April 9 where p u b lic services, code and others possibly including Juech
Paula and Luke will g ive statements a b out harry. I fin d it hard to believe the l a tter three would do this.

H arry's n o t aware o f a n ything specifi c but who k nows wha t they w ill say . H e's try ing to d etermin e a str ateg y counteract some way.

Again . just specu lation but wanted to share before your 11 ."

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/29/2018 10:38.59 AMtUTC-4)
Read: 3/29/2018 10 38·59 AM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7728FDC (Table: message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/2912016 12:05:1 5 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
C ranl ey o n 700 in 15 minutes
Status: Read
Read: 3129/2018 2 11 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1lelL1braryl SMS/sms.db . Ox772F602 (Table message handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
312912016 4:39:01 PM(UTC-4)Direc!ion:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Scott K nox?
Status: Read
Read: 3/29/2018 4.40.00 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox773BFE8 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3129/2018 4:40:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Like i\ 1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3129/2018 4.40.06 PM(UTC·4)
Source fi le: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7738DFA (Table: message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)

3/30/2018 1:45:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
https: I /www. cincin nati. com/story/news/politics/2018/03/30/cranley-wa nts-specia 1-counsel-investigate-cincin nat1-city-ma nager-h arry-
black/4 73649002/

Attachments: - - ·-

8SA6A62§2150. QlugmPa~loaaAttachment

06!!7§03C5C 1F . r:ilug1nPa~loadAttachment
Status: Read
Read: 3/30/2018 2 00 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox776666F (Table. message, handle chat, attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P G 's iPhonelvarlmob11ellibrary/SMSIAttachmentslb8/08/C8277BOC-E87C-44B8-B786-885AA 1BB1 B5B18E22EBF5-CBBD-4E74-A5FA-
D697903C5C1F.pluginPayloadAttachment · (Size 2203 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachmenls/ea/10133C6A9E9-EF21-4400·8872-7EA054C4EB8D/08856DDC-7E47-4044-9E7C-
85A6A6292150.plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size 664001 bytes)
3130/2018 2:13:45 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Laure Quinlivan 1s an investigative reporter. ..
Status: Read
Read: 3130/2018 2.13 48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobole/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7767E3A (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
3130/2018 2:18:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
R you commenting on Cranley's release? Getting a ton of requests. Feel like if we're gonna respond , should be as a group
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2 26 42 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/30/2018 2 26 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox77675E6 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/3012018 2:29:16 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
not getting asked ; assuming you are because John called out your name
Status: Seni
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobole/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7768DEC (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3130/2018 2:29:28 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
going to be challenging if not impossible to issue a joint statement in time
Status: Seni
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db . Ox7768B91 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/3012018 2:31 :24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
My response: "The two individuals involved in this dispute will not be the leaders of it's resol ution. The Council Majority outlined the plan to a
fair resolution two weeks ago. We're committed to implementing and overseeing that plan ."
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7768928 (Table message, handle. chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:31:28 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what do you think
Status· Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox776856B (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/3012018 2:32:35 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think it's good. you could even add something more direct. like: "John needs to understand that he needs to remove himself from this
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7768379 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bY1es)
3/30/2018 2:32:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
but that might be an unneeded poke in the eye
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db . Ox7769FEC (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:33:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
if you really wanted to add some mustard, could go for. "The people are looking for answers - not just about one person , but about this whole
situation. I'm glad John is willing to bring in a neutral third party who can look into his behavior, allegations against the Manager, and anyone
else who has contributed to this mess."
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonetvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7769DC2 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:36:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The two individuals involved in this dispute will not be the leaders of its resolution. The Council Majority outlined a plan for a fair resolution
two weeks ago. We're committed to implementing and overseeing that plan. People are looking for answers - not just about one person . but
about this whole situation. I'm glad Mayor Cranley is willing to bring in a neutral third party who can look into the behavior. allegations and
responses to not only Manager Black, but all parties involved , including the Mayor himself.
Status. Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2 36 27 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 3/3012018 2 36 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubraryl SMSl sms db Ox7769941 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:36:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what u think
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2 36 27 PM(UTC-4)
Reed. 3130/2018 2 36 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source tile: P.G.'s iPhonel varlmobole/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox7769346 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

3/30/2018 2:37:29 PM(UTC-4) Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I think it's totally fair. if you g o wi th the p art wi th m ore z i p on the end , the press might u s e ju st the last sente n ce. a lthough frankly, not a h u ge
d e a l, be t he article alre ady h a s you saying that, just not in q uote form
Status: Sent
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox776AFEC (Table: message. cha t. Size: 220762 112 bytes)
3/3012018 4:27:02 PM(UTC-4) Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
told Harry has enough evid ence of pay to play tha t FBI will be interested in "taking a look ."
Status: Read
Delivered: 313012018 4.30:27 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 313012018 4 30:27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox777BDFB (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
313012018 4:30:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
h e should find a w a y t o get th at out, e ven if n o t from h im
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox777BB68 (Table· message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
313012018 4:30:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
c h ang es th e w h o le n arra ti ve
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox777B921 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/3012018 4:31 :05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 ( P.G.)
e s p ecially for why Joh n would b e so e ager to get rid o f h im
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonel var/mobilell1brarylSMS/sms.db : Ox777B71 B (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 4:31 :09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
mayb e th a t 's why R ocky is telling me?
Status: Read
Read: 31301201 8 5 00.39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/vartmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox777B4CE (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
313012018 4:36:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ohhhh ... H arry has already t alked to Enquirer about it. But I think m aking the m hold s tory? H e 's already given story t o S herri and D an Horn.
Status: Read
Read: 313012018 5.00·39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox777CFE8 (Table. message. handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
313012018 4:39:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
T h e y may give W endell th e fi les as a whistleblower and let him g o to FBI.

Status: Read
Read: 313012018 5:00:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox777CCF5 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
313012018 4:55:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Everything had to go throug h KMK . J im M cGraw controlled every single econ omic dev e lopment deal. records of it all

Status: Read
Read: 3130/2018 5.00.39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox777C6 19 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/3012018 5:00:53 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sorry, had just gone on a run
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/3012018 5.00:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox777DFE4 (Table· message. cha t, Size 220762 112 bytes)
313012018 5:00:58 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
D a m n!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 313012018 5 00·59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox777DE08 (Table message chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
313012018 5:01 :04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/30/20 18 s·o 1:04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms db Ox777DC5A (Table message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
313012018 5:04:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Ricky is 100% team Harry, yes?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3130/2018 5.04:29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/librarylSMS/sms.db : Ox777D562 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 5:04:38 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sllltus: Read
Read: 3130/2018 5 04 57 PM(UTC- 4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7770388 (Table. message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 5:04:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 3130/2018 5 04 57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/varl moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox777EFE8 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)

3130/2018 5:05:05 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Love rocky

Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/30/2018 5 05 ·05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobilel llbrary/SMS/sms.db oxn7EBD8 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
313012018 5:14:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Rocky should be Asst. Manager.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 5.17 13 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/30/2018 5: 17 '13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varlmoblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7781986 (Table· message. handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 5:15:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He is making Harry think strategic. Is 100% loyal.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 5 17 13 PM{UTC-4)
Read: 3/30/2018 5:17.13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varl moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox778176A (Table message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/3012018 5:17:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
he'd have my support
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox7781536 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3130/2018 5:17:25 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
and ti the dust settles. that's probably what'll happen
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox778133A (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 8:56:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Thoughts on Wendell and T illery? U responding?
Status: Read
Read: 3/3012018 9.07 21 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db oxn88C28 (Table· message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3131/2018 9:20:13 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


IMG 5615.PNG
Status: Sent
Defivered: 3/3 1/2018 9 20 14 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox778ABA3 (Table message, chat, attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/Attachments/11 /01/C56007BA-A450·4 30F-9E94-26300245B54 B/IMG_5615.PNG . (Size 610629 bytes)
313112018 9:20:24 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
he's a good friend of mine - not sure if you already know him or not
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox778A9B1 (Table: message , chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/31/2018 9:20:47 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
also Dan Schimberg's son-in-law (and Dan shares his private plane with Chris)
Status: Senl
Source file. P G.'s 1Phonelvarl moblle/L1brary/SMSl sms.db Ox778A346 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/31/2018 9:46:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I do know him. Saw him in our office. Didn't know he was interviewing . Very cool
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/31/2018 9 46 29 AM(UTC-4)
Reed: 3/31/2018 9 46 29 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonel var/mobtle/l 1brary/SMSl sms db Ox778DFDC (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3131/2018 1:45:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


.... .
IMG 2657 1peg IMG 26581peg
Status: Read
Read: 3131/2018 3 01 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox77952EB (Table message handle chat. attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P G "s 1Phonelvarl moblle/Library/SMS/Attachments/21101/E2EB2BC2-F 576-4 180-AAAO-F64028706A68/IMG_2657 .Jpeg (Size 357801 bytes)
P .G "s tPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSIAttachments/42102166845E42-5598-49A2-A02B-BF13FE4AD64D/IMG_2658 Jpeg (Size 329348 bytes)

3/31/2018 4:02:31 PM(UTC-4)0ireclion:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Sure you saw this


IMG 2670.jpeg
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/31/20 18 4. 19:50 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/31/2018 4 19 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox779CFDC (Table. message, handle, chat. attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/Of/15/05A2893B-6838-4EF7-864 D-9CE8E65563AB/I MG_2670.jpeg : (Size: 355030 bytes)
3/31/2018 4:20:32 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
had no seen that... but 1f John think having Dan Hilson his side is goi ng to help his case, he's delusional
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/vartmobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db . Ox779C8BF (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
3131/2018 4:20:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/31/2018 4 22·1 0 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/31/2018 4·22 10 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox779C600 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
313112018 4:21 :1 1 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Trying to bully and intimidate you

Status: Read
Delivered: 3/31/2018 4.22:10 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 313112016 4 2210 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox779C450 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220762 11 2 bytes)
3/31/2018 4:22:41 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
they picked the w rong guy. I have a very acute sense of who my constituencies are - and non-city voting MAGA folk don 't scare me
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox779DFEC (Table message, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
313112018 4:23:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
funny enough , my personal relationship with Dan has always been fine : the guy who really loathes him is L andsman
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7790D13 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
3/31/2018 4:23:21 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Why does landsman hate h im
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox779DA60 (Table. message, handle chat Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
313112018 4:23:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
John is masterful a t p icking all the worst and wrong teammates
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox779D892 (Table. message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3131/2016 4:23:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He's loosening it

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox779D643 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3131/2018 4:23:43 PM(UTC-4)Direction :Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Landsman: because he th in ks he's ru ining the city, and very central to this whole mess
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox779D485 (Table . message. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3131/2018 4:23:47 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
(which is accurate)
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox779D204 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/31 /2016 4:23:51 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/3112018 4 31 24 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/3 112018 4 31 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox779EFDC (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
41212016 9:20:19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Where are w e meeting at Spm
Status: Read
Read: 4/212018 10 52 00 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilel l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox77BE9BS (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/212016 10:52:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
C ity H a ll
SU>tus: Sent
Delivered: 4m20 18 10 52 07 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox77C0671 (Table· message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)

4/2/2018 3:20:57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
couple thoughts
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ Library/SMS/sms.db Ox770A9D9 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/212018 3:22:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
1) big picture, John might respond to this email hostilely, directly to you or thru the press - and accuse you of trying to silence people . even
though you're doing the opposite. just know that's a poss1blhty
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblie/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox77DA7EB (Table message, chat Size 220762112 by1es)
41212018 3:22:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
2) Harry himself also might not love it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox77DA46A (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/212018 3:22:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
3) I'd again get a sign off on an legal d imension from Curp
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox77DBFEC (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
412/2018 3:23:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ok. do you think its worth sending at all then? Since I said basically same thing last week during council?
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/2/2018 3 2315 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/2/2018 3 23 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox77DBD91 (Table· message, handle chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
41212018 3:23:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
4) those things aside . I'd put the first paragraph in present tense not past tense. in the second paragraph , Id add Council to the list of people
who could be reported . and I'd consider replacing the word "harassment" with more encompassing "misconduct"
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/moblie/l 1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox77DBAEA (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
41212018 3:24:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I can see it either way - you already said it. so not totally convinced you need to repeat. just depends. if you want all city employees to hear
this directly from you , I think you can do it. if it's more a message to someone else. I think you could also pass.
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox77DB402 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/2/2018 3:25:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. I think I' m just doing it so that when Paula . Juech and Luke stand with Cranley at a press conference , I c an say "we asked you not to
do that... " but I guess I already sent that message. so l 'I scrap for now
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox77DC87D (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/2/2018 3:26:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I can see it either way. maybe get a second opinion
Status. Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox77DEFEC (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
41312018 12:34:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
confirming you can still meet wt Wendell. you . me & Manager nght after Greg's committee - and probably Greg too or Tamaya ?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7829894 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4131201812:45:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
As long as I can get to meeting at 4
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/3/2018 12 45 27 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/3/2018 12 4~ 27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmoblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox782DDDF (Table. message. handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
413/2018 12:51:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And 4pm meeting is in blue ash . So will need to leave by 335
Status: Read
Read: 4/3/2018 1 10 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/moblie/ Library/SMS/sms.db Ox782DBF7 (Table message handle. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
413/2018 1:10:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status· Sent
Delivered. 4/3/20181 10 59 PM1UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l 1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox782D48E (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/312018 1:11 :09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Greg's committee likely to be long?
Status. Sent
Delivered: 4/3/2018 1 11 09 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox782D2DC (Table message chat Size 220762112 by1es)
4/3/20181:11 :54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just got here . Don't think so
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/312018 3 1t tl PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/3/2018 3.11 t 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db : Ox782EFOC (Table message handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)

4/312016 6:47:11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are you buying a house?
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/3/2018 8.47:1 6 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 41312018 8·47 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox783A37A (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
413/2016 6:47:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sarah and I have been looking at options
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox783BFEC (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
41312018 6:48:10 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
what neighborhodo
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox783BDCA (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/312018 8:48:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
have so far been looking in OTR, Clifton, N. Avondale , E. Walnut Hills , H yde Park , Mt. Lookout, and I think I'm forgetting one more
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox783BBD8 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/3/2018 8:49:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
we might have looked at one in P.Ridge
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox783B8F7 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
41312016 6:49:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
very cool. you have one you like since you're looking for a home inspector?
Status: Read
De~vered: 4/312018 8 49 22 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 413/2018 8 49 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox783B6CB (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
413/2018 8:49:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
not yet, but trying to get organized
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox783B460 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/3/2016 8:49:43 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox783B246 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes}
4/3/2016 6:50:25 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
w e l ooked at one place right on the northern end of Wash ington Park. awesome spot. but sarah did n't think would work well onc e kids are on
the scene
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox783CFEC (Table· message, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4/3/2016 8:50:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
(which isn't yet, to be c lear')

Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db · Ox783C9C7 (Table: message chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/312016 6:50:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ha! lots of families have young kids in OTR
Status· Read
Delivered: 413/2018 8.50 47 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/312018 8 50·47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox783C7A5 (Table. message. handle. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/3/2018 8:51:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
it's true! I think it's awesome
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox783C57F (Table. message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/3/2018 8:51 :12 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
but I think I have less than 50% authority too
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox783C369 (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/3/2016 6:51 :19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
true .

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7830FEC (Table message handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/41201610:16:13 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
One question , is Harry' s response to the transcripts "under oath"? Will 11 b e considered sworn testimony?

Status: Read
Delivered: 414/2018 10 16 22 AM(UTC-4)
Reed: 414/7018 10 16 22 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox785EFDC (Table message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2018 10:16:32 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think it s hould be . right? to be consistent

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone1var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox785ED20 (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

14/412018 10:16:37 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
,ves, should be
Status: Read
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox785EB01 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/4/2018 1O:17:04 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox785E46C (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/5/2018 9:50:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm told you're having a press conf about FCC tomorrow . I'd appreciate a heads up if that's true.
Status: Read
Delivered: 415/2018 9.51 18 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 41512018 9 51 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobllel l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox78D7A75 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/5/2018 9:51:30 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
on phone w / Christie Bryant, will call in a second
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox780751 B (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
41612018 12:14:20 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
From Rocky· "Tom west says JC was behind Flynn open meetings thing be he wants it to be media thing . Curious, Will you guys allow this?'
Status: Read
Delivered. 4/612018 2 12 38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/612018 2 12•38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox790CFDC (Table message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
41612018 2:13:16 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
unless someone sues. I think the process goes forward right? although I'm fine to go w / option #2, Judge Jones piece nght away too
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox791103E (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
41612018 5:43:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Also , will you apologize to Jeff Pastor? He is very upset that you d id not give him more notice on your press conference? Please also issue a
statement praising him for always supporting FCC in the West End. And a box of tissues for his weekly crying.
Status: Read
Read: 416/2018 8 55 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Ph0ne/varlmob1lei llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7929FE8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4/612018 8:47:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chlis Seelbach)
At a dinner party. Need to talk?
Status: Read
Read: 416/2018 8 55 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox79332F9 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/6/2018 8:57:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
N ot at all, was iust calling to playfully gripe for a minute about how Pastor is a psychotic salty whiny nut
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/6/2018 8 57 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7935FE4 (Table: message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/612018 8:57:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 {P.G.)
Enjoy the party
Status: Sent
Delivered: 416/20 18 8 57 07 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phonelvar/mobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7935067 (Table. message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/912018 3:29:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncorning, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor iust bought a $500,000 house. There is something going on.
Status: Read
Delivered. 41912018 3 39 54 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 41912018 3 39 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox79049F3 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/912018 3:32:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


F19S0373E389 pluginPayloadAttachment
Status: Read
Delive~d: 4/912018 3 39 54 PM(UTC-4)
Read· 41912018 3 39 54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G. 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7905575 (Table message handle chat attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P .G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob11e/UbrarylSMS/Attachments/65/05/081 C2CF8-5444-4C9C-92A8-91CCOB1878FF/41 A275EO-ECC7-4261 -940B-
15F10A6ACEE9 plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size· 3797 bytes)
PG 's 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/c6106/C9A8C3F7-574C-40FD-AC05-E7CFEB3C8329/2DC92705-3BOC-4827-9126-
F 1980373E389.plug1nPayloadAtlachment (Size 71348 bytes)
4/9/2018 3:32:40 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And his wife just quit her job .
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/9/2018 3.39 54 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 41912018 3 39 54 PM[UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilel l 1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox7905231 (Table . message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)

4/912018 3:40:28 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I mean, clearly there's been something there from the get-go
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7906FEC (Table message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/9/2018 3:40:37 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
would probably take a law suit to crack it open
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox79D609F (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/9/2018 3:41 :05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea. it's so strange .
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/91201 8 3:43 38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 419/2018 3"43:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox79067DB (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
419/2018 3:41 :32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
He was an uber driver before running for Council. H is wife worked at the BoE.
Status: Read
De~vered: 41912018 3·43.38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/9/2018 3'43 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db · Ox79065CD (Table· message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
419/2018 3:43:53 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
perhaps we shou ld discuss
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db : Ox7906360 (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4110/201811 :58:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are you handing over our text messages to Nestor? or anyone?
Status: Read
Read: 4110/2018 11 58 01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7A11464 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
4110/2018 6:23:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is the FCC vote happening tomorrow?
Status: Read
Read: 4/10/201 8 6 23.45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/L1braryl SMS/sms.db : Ox7A1CFE8 (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/1012018 6:23:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/10/2018 6 23 48 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilel llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7A 1CAC9 (Table . message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/1 0/2016 6:24:10 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
If anything maybe legislalton would be referred. Though not even sure 1f that's happening
Stotus: Sent
Delivered: 4/10/20 18 6 24.10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7A 1C921 (Table message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
4110/2018 6:26:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor just issued some kind of schizophrenic "please d on't leave me out again" statement , alluding to the actual vote tomorrow

Status: Read
Read: 4/10/2018 6 26 07 PM(UTC-'1)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonel var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7A1DB4E (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/10/2016 6:26:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He came into my office to whine for 45 minutes. I basically told him I'm sick of his crap.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/10/2018 6 26 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox7A1EB1F (Table: message, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
4110/2018 6:27:39 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stotus: Read
Read: 4/1012018 6 27 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1braryl SMS/sms.db : Ox7A 1E6AO (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
4110/2016 6:28:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He a lways says " I've started meditating!" I said you' ve always started meditating again, I'll judge you by your actions
Sta:us: Senf
Delivered: 4110/2018 6 28 34 PM(UTC-'1)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7A1E4CO (Table: message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4111/2018 2:23:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H e 's going to cry again

Slalus: Read
Delivered: 4/1212018 9 17 08 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/1?/2018 9 17.08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7A3688D (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/1212016 9:17:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
could ask Winburn - but then again , maybe just ignore

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7A8CFEC (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

4/1212018 9:18:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
,Yea. Poss ible winbirn could help. But also possible he somehow uses it against you in future. That you asked
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/12/2018 9:47:28 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/12/2018 9:47:28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7A8COA2 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
4113/2018 6:58:54 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Yes they're really coming at you from all angles


IMG 2832.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 4/13/2018 7:27:43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox? ABFBFF (Table. message, handle, chat, attachment, Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/87/07/393058C4-094C-4E28-989F-6AAFC33AA075/IMG 2832.jpeg : (Size: 625611 bytes)
4113/2018 7:29:21 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Pretty unbelievable. Our sources are literally the exact same as what he voted o n , e xcept I saved the city more money and got CPS $25M
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4113/2018 7:29:22 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox7A8F652 (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
411312018 7:29:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 4/1312018 7 29:33 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7ASF3A1 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/13/2018 7:29:35 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Worth saying anything to anyone?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/13/2018 7.29.35 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G .'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7A8F1F9 (Table. message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
411312018 7:29:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Dunno. Maybe this time because of his total hypocrisy
Status: Read
Read: 4/13/2018 7:29 51 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7A90FE8 (Table: message. handle , chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4113/2018 7:29:58 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Or tweeting? Or just ignore
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/13/2018 7.29:59 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7A900DC (Table. message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/1312018 7:30:22 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maybe deserves a tweet saying he' s criticizing the exact deal he voted for.
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/13/2018 7:54 :50 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/1312018 7'54.50 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7A908FA (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4113/2018 7:55:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tweeted something pretty darn gentle , w/ no name-check
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhOne/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7A915FB (Table message. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
4113/2018 7:55:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
why's everyone love kicking me in the balls so much?!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox? A913BF (Table· message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4113/2018 6:38:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chlis Seelbach)
btw. This was almost a year ago. We need to get drinks/dinner again soon when Sarah is in town1


18033474 10155263169098559 4476061798469392

752 n.1pg.1peg
Status: Read
Read: 4/1 3/2018 7 11 50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7AC6C54 (Table message, handle, chat. attachment Size· 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob11e/library/SMS/Attachments/65/05/840EC58C-1940-4008-AFOF-
A5368AAOF03B/18033474_ 10155263169098559_4476061798469392752_n.jpg.jpeg : (Size 133814 bytes)
4113/2018 7:12:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
1 00%. I don't think you know how m uch Sarah loves you ; s he th inks you're the best company. Let's get a date on the books tomorrow.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/13/2018 7: 12.33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7AC6888 (Table. message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

411312018 7:12:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. send us some dates when she's down here and you all are free

Status: Read
Read: 411312018 7:13:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7AC62DO (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
411312018 7:13:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnc:oming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We're going to an HRC e vent tonight, so I won't be up at 6am like today
Status: Read
Read: 411312018 7:13:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7AC7FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4113/2018 7:13:34 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I won't blow up your phone early
Status: Sent
Delivered: 411312018 7:13:34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db. Ox7AC7435 (Table message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/14/2018 1:41 :43 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
needs to be understood , this is obviously doing her a favor
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7ADE6EO (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/1412018 1:41 :49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 411412018 1:41:49 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 411412018 1:41 :49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7ADE487 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/14/2018 2:00:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wetterich didn't answer
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7ADF2C3 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/1412018 9:29:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pat Crowley. Nephew of David . And lobbyist of Chris Jenkins. Accidentally tex ted me what he meant to text Chris J.



IMG 2850.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 411412018 9:36:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7AE59E3 (Table: message. handle. chat. attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/ 54/04/FA2E2313-90E6-495A-B6AC-240F4D5F2E66/IMG_2850.jpeg : (Size: 239533 bytes)
4/14/2018 9:38:08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
God , so dumb
Status: Sent
Delivered: 411412018 9:38:08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7AE56B5 (Table· message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
4/1412018 9:38:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
And out o f line
Status: Sent
Delivered: 411412018 9:38:27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7AE54FB (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/1612018 1:59:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pas tor is delive ring the results of his "Profile in Courage"
Status: Read
Delivered: 411612018 2:1 3:56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 411612018 2:13:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox7B199CB (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
411612018 2:27:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I think he's about to say "thanks brush"
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/ SMS/sms.db : Ox7B19583 (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4116/2016 2:27:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7B19387 (Table- message. handle. cha\. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/16/2018 2:27:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7B1AFEC (Table: message, cha\. Size : 220762112 bytes)
4/1612018 3:15:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
crying coming
Status: Read
Delivered: 411612018 3:16:41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 41161201 8 3:16'41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7 B1 F346 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)

411612018 8:19:48 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
l won't tweet back at you. but the Lmdners also funded every single ant1- LGBT initiative this city has e ver seen.
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/ t612018 8 25 20 PM{UTC-4)
Read: 4116/2018 8 25 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSl sms.db Ox7B3CE06 (Table message, handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
411612018 8:26:26 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you can tweet that back ! but you know my th ing , I don 't buy into people being all good or all bad . they deserve real criticism for anti LGBT
stuff; I'll chime i n ! but I think they also deserve credit for the good , w hich is also real. and in this case, I just genuinely doubt that their
motivation is to fleece the taxpayers
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7B3CB4D (Table message. chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
411612018 8:29:34 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If I tweet something back, Jason Williams w ill write an entire column to me attacking you '
Status: Read
Delivered: 4116/20 18 8·30.08 PM{UTC-4)
Re11d: 411612018 8 30 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7B3C6D8 (Table message, handle chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4/1612018 8:30:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
s o true - I think he' s been soooo off the mark on in last column and on twitter today
Status: Sent
Source file: P G 's 1Phonetvar/moblle/Llbrary/SMSlsms db Ox7B3DFEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
411712018 2:08:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Court of Appeals says meetings have to be public
Status: Read
Read: 4/ 18/20 18 8 24 46 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7B6282D (Table message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/1812018 8:28:35 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
This is s m all I think she also needs to make clear tex ts are a mon th old. g iven the seriousness of all tha t's currently happening.
Status: Sen!
Delivered: 411812018 8 26 36 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1lel L1braryl SMS/sms db . Ox7B87419 (Table message , chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
411812018 9:57: 13 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor may literally e x plode after these texts . It's been buildi ng up
Status: Read
Delivered: 4118/2018 10:21 ·23 AMtUTC-4)
Read: 411812018 10 21 23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilel llbraryl SMSisms.db Ox7B9349D (Table message. handle. chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4118/2018 10:21 :19 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
WCPO story fa ir. Enquirer. Not fair
Status: Read
Delivered; 4/18/201810 2123AMtUTC-4)
Read: 4/1812018 10 21 .23 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7B9CB35 (Table message handle chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4118/2018 10.21 :29 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
feel free to work on Sherry about it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonel varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7B9C655 (Table messa ge chal. Size 220762112 bytes)
411812018 10:23:10 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
this l ine 1s so so unfai r. " But then they decided public ly supporting City Manager Harry Black against Mayor John Cranley would garner them
m ore pow er, so the y never said any thing about t heir concerns ."
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G 's 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7B9D7DO (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
411812018 10:23:13 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
hope you can get her to change
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7B9D45F (Table message chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
411812018 10:43:48 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P. G.)
An y luck getting her to change this .

Status: Sent
Delivered· 411812018 10·43 49 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s i Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbraryl SMS/sms db Ox7BA1A99 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4118/201810:43:54 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Status: Sen!
Delivered: 4/ 181201 8 10 43 56 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvarl moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7BA 18AF (Table message chat attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P G 's iPhonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSIAttachmentsl bc/12/FDCA6710-42FF-4 AD8-B061-310612457F7B/IMG_5772 PNG (Srze 4696561 byte s)
4/1812018 10:43:54 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
She say s she tweaking
Status: Read
Read· 411 812018 10 43.55 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: P .G. s 1Phonelvarl mobllel L1braryl SMS/sms db Ox7BA16B9 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/1812018 10:44:08 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. She says she's "tweaking" that
Stotus: Read
Read: 4/18/2018 10 44 26 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7BA 14F1 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
411812018 10:44:14 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
"For me"
Status: Read
Read: M18/2018 10.44 26 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7BA1301 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
411812018 4:28:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wouldn't say it's proof without a reasonable doubt. But there's definitely something there if witnesses corroborate.
Status; Read
Delivered: 4/1812018 4"28 30 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4118/20 18 4.28:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/va r/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.d b : Ox?BBCFDC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/1812018 4:28:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
scale of 1-10?
Stotus: Sent
Source file: P .G .'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMSlsms.db : Ox7BBCD17 (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/1812018 4:28:56 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
still haven't read . dealing w f some ECC stuff currently
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7BBCB2B (Table: message, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
411812018 4:29:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms db : Ox7BBC8E9 (Table· message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/1812018 4:30:08 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
enough that it could change conversation
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7BBC715 (Table· message. handle, chat. Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
4/1812018 4:30:18 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
necessitate further council action?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox7BBC4F5 (Table · message , chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/1812018 4:31:37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Oscar Bedolla had meeting with Cranley and Jim Benedict about air space above space rights above CET garage. After meeting, Benedict
told Oscar "what the meeting was really about" in his words. He said Cranley promised the developer rights in exchange for a fundraiser for
his campaign . Then there's evidence of Kincaid directing admin to give them rights, etc.
Status: Read
Delivered; 4/18/2018 4.31 40 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 4118/2018 4.31:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox7BBDFDC (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
4/1812018 4:32:04 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
not good
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s iPhonetvar/mob1le/Libraryl SMS/sms.db : Ox7BBD923 (Table message, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4/1812018 4:32:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
can call you tonight
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmoblfe/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7BBD74 3 (Table message, chat. Size 220762 112 bytes)
4/1812018 4:32:1 1 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7BBD244 (Table message. handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
411812018 5:01 :03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
and Kincaid was campaign manager when he wrote email directing deal
Status: Read
Read: 4118/2018 6'10:34 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P .G 's i Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7BC67D2 (Table message, handle . chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/18/2018 9:22:54 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
We can discuss tomorrow but in case you hadn't seen:
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/18/20 18 9·22 :55 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel varl mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7BCEDF9 {Table message chat Stze 220762112 bytes)

1.411812018 9:23:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
, https ·11www. bizjourna Is. com/cincinnati/news/2018/04/18/black-accuses-cranley-associates-of--eth ics. htmJ?ana ::twt


D2C37iC44E7C8 11lu9inl5a~loadAttachment
Status: Sent
Delivered: 411812018 9 23 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox7BCF6FD (Table message, chat. attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G 's 1Phonelvarlmob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/45/05/C93D8020-B974-468F-BE72-77582151 C7A9/C3AC239D-35FB-459F-9F08-
585A2418F960.pluginPayloadAttachment . (Size 5969 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SM S/Attachments/7 a/1 0/82 5 SA7 82-5062-4 74C-96 06-31 A3 70AOCC B21C60 DB 2F B-7 SF E-49EF-844 9-
D2C3AC44E7C8.plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size· 755323 bytes)
4119/2018 5:03:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The City Manager accuses the Mayor of a felony. And the next day Landsman gives the Mayor e xactly what he wants .
Status: Read
Read: 411912018 5.35 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7BF9FE8 (Table. message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4119/2018 5:41:36 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
- - - - - - -

Status. Sent
Delivered: 411912018 5'41 .48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1braryl SMS/sms.db Ox7BFADA6 (Table message chat. attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P .G. 's 1Phone/var/mobile1Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/1 d/1 3/45CEADOE-A830-4448-AE F4-F021 AA88B2E8/IMG 5805.PNG (Size: 582058 bytes)
411912018 6:09:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Check out this article from :

Cincinnati Counctlman Landsman changes vote, supports firing City Manager Harry Black

Status; Read
Read: 4/19120 18 7·25 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1lelL1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox7BF8C47 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/19/2018 6:59:08 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Think rocky wtll leave as well
Status: Read
Read: 411912018 7 25 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox78FEFE8 (Table· message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4119/2018 7:25:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Statement or question?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 411912018 7 25 53 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmoblie/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7BFEEOA (Table message, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
411912018 7:37:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
He says likely
Status: Read
Read: 411912018 7 52 57 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox78FEA62 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
411912018 7:37:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Has something lined up
Status· Read
Read: 411912018 7 52 57 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7BFE8A8 (Table· message, handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4119/2018 7:37:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
He thinks Patrick would be good of 3. But inexperienced
Status: Read
Read· 411912018 7 52 57 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7BFE6DE (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/ 1912018 7:53:15 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Better than Sheila?
Status. Sent
Delivered: 4/ 1912018 7 53 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7BFE287 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/19/2018 8:12:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes . He doesn't think Sheila would come back
Status Read
Read: 412012018 1 49 37 PMiUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox78FFDA2 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

4/20/2018 1:49:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)

- .I

IMG 5620.PNG
Status: Sent
DeRvered: 412012018 I 49'49 PM(UTC-4)
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1PhOne/var/mobile/L1brary/SMSlsms.db : Ox7C229E3 (Table· message, chat, attachmenl, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSM SIAttachments/67107/3997 1822-BC12-46 5F-B740-FA5F F60607 B 5/IMG_ 5820 PNG (Size 12506563 bytes)
4/20/2018 1:49:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chns Seelbacl'I)
Where 's that from
Status: Read
Road: 4/20/2018 1.50 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/rnobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox7C227EO (Table· message, handle, chat. Size · 2207621 12 bytes)
4120/2018 1:50:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Some news story on twitter
Status: Senl
Dolh1ered: 4/20/2018 1.50.13 PM(UTC-4)
Souroe file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilelL1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7C22437 (Table: message, cha! Size . 220762112 bytes)
412012018 1:50:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chrl$ Seelbach)
St.otus: Read
Read: 412012018 3·19 35 PM(UTC-4)
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Var1mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7C22263 (Tat>le: message. handle, chal, Size· 220762 112 by1es)
412012018 4 :37:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
this from Fox19 reporter:
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7C3779D (Table: message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/2012018 4:37:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
"Hi... hearing some chatter the Black is going to resign around 5 pm . Can you confirm? Thanks."
Status: Senl
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1bra rylSMS/sms.db . Ox7C3BFEC (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762 112 bytes)
4120/2018 4:37:32 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
heard anything from Rocky? true , or just made up?
Stahn. Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1braryiSMS/srns.db . Ox7C389E9 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/20/2018 4 :41:53 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chr1s Seelbach)
Rocky doesn' t know. H arry hasn't told him that yet. But said it's poss ible

Status: Read
Delivered: 412012018 4:42:54 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/20/2018 4:42:54 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7C3A9SB (Table. message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes}
4120/2018 4:43:08 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
could be total made up rumor from a reporter

Status: Sem
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox7C3A6EA (Table message. chal Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
4/2012018 4:43:15 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G:s iPhone/var/mobile/L11>rary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7C3A4C2 (Table message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/20/2018 4 :47:07 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
"absolutely not" he is not resigning
$talus: Read
Dellveced: 412012018 4 48'41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 412012018 4:48 41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7C3B98E (Table: message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
412012018 4 :47:16 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Harry jus t texted Rocky back
Status: Read
Delivered: 4/20/2018 4 48 41 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 412012016 4 48 41 PM(UTC·4)
Souroe file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7C3B75E (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/20/2018 4:48:43 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
makes sense
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1te/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7C3C400 (Table: message chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4/2012018 4:49:18 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
you min d asking Rocky, is Harry goin g to utilize his option as granted in the Charter, to have a public hearing in the event 5 move to
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/vartmob1le/L1brarylSMSlsrns db Ox7C30FEC (Table message. chat . Size 2207621 12 bytes)

4/20/2018 4:54:48 PM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
111hat info are you tweeting about that you find out today re: Kyle Plush
Status: Read
Read: 4120/2018 4.54 56 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7C30740 (Table message handle chal Size 220762112 bytes)
412012018 4:55:27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Released body cam footage showing officers didn't get out of car - at least not in the tape that's released
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4120/2018 4 55.27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/va r/mobile/L1b rary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7C3EFE4 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4120/2018 4:55:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
but all news outlets are already running that.
Status· Read
Read: 4/20/2018 4·55_54 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7C3ED65 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4120/2018 4:56:46 PM(UTC-4)0 1rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I know. That's why I made comment
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/20/2018 4 56 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source life: P G.'s iPhone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7C3EB31 (Table· message, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4120/2018 4:56:46 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Be reporters asking
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/2012018 4.56 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7C3E947 (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4120/2018 4:58:51 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
oh ok
Status: Read
Reed: 4/2012018 4-55 51 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7C3E781 (Table message, handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/20/2018 4:58:58 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Like what's rxn to th is
Status. Sent
Delivered: 4120/2018 4 56 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms db Ox7C3E59F (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4120/2018 4:57·19 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
And I don 't want to make final judg m e nt until context of full report

Status: Sent
Delivered: 412012018 4 57 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7C3E3C9 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
412012018 4:57:33 PM(UTC-4) Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
They've only interviewed one of two officers so fa r
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/20/2018 4.57 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7C3FFE4 (Table message, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
4/2112018 10:58:40 AM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
do you and Craig want to have late brunch (and cocktails) w/ me and Sarah Sunday May 7th?

Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brarylSMS/sms db Ox7C59920 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4121/2018 12:05:45 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sunday May 6?
Status. Read
Delivered: 4/21/2018 12.05 58 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4/21/2018 t 2 05 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CSE6C9 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
412112018 12:06:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yep , that's what I mean t
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7C5FFEC (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4121/2018 12:06:20 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. Sounds good
Sta!us: Read
DeHvered· 4/2 1/2018 12 32 03 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 4121/2018 t2 32 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox7C5FDD6 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4125/2018 3:22:03 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm here
Status: Read
Read: 412512018 3 42 54 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: P G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7CE 5E17 (Table message , handle chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
412512018 3:22:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
In lobb y

Status: Read
Read· 4/25/2018 3 42 54 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CE5C65 (Table message, ha ndle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

412512018 4:36:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
On brunch. That's the same day as the May Tea Dance. Not su re if you've heard about them , but Richard Cooke organizes and usually get,c;
200-300 people. I've never been. It starts at 4pm at Lisse in Covington. Maybe we could meet up for drinks somewhere around 2 and then
head there for a drink?
Status: Read
Read: 4/25/2018 4 36.35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CE7FE8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/25/2018 4:37:07 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can I check with Sarah. So you'd say in that plan we scrap brunch?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 412512018 4.37"07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CE7770 (Table: message. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/2512018 4:41:04 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea. or do late late lunch. Or just get appetizers somewhere. Talk to Sarah .
Status: Read
Read: 4/2512018 8 14.56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CE89E5 (Table message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 by1es)
4/26/201811 :50:57 AM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Still can't believe how everything has gone down in the last month. Cranley, Smitherman , etc. ardently defended Harry up until a couple of
months ago. All of it just doesn't make sense.
Status: Read
Read: 4126/2018 11 51.14 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox7CF6BFB (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/26/2018 2:19:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Totally bizarre chapter for the city. They definitely turned on him quickly . Hard to know the totally of what might have motivated them .
Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 4/26/2018 2.19 24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox7CFB744 (Table: message, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
4128/2018 2:20:30 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
btw, talked Sarah & late lunch is fine that day
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/2612018 2 20 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobde/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CFB48B (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
412612018 2:21 :11 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P .G.)
(I'll have attempted to run the half marathon earlier in the day, so plan to gorge myself)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/26/2018 2 21 ·11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7CFB289 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
412612018 6:21:56 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You're definitely gonna be hungry! And Thirsty!
Status: Read
Reecl: 4/26/2018 6 22·05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/moblle/llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D10B92 (Table. message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/26/2018 6:29:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And Amy 1 To my knowledge , she never had a single complaint about Harry until Cranley did . But she was the first to line up to fire h im 1?! I
know we talked about it a couple of weeks (or maybe a month or so ago) , but is it possible Harry knew about her cheating on her husband
with another woman ... and therefore wanted him gone? Just don't get it.
Status: Read
Read. 4126/2018 6 29 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D1 290E (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/26/2018 6:38:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Was obviously a lot swirling toward the end about what harry knew. (Hence Wetterich's most recent column. among other things). Unsure if
he would have been aware or not. Was harry even in Cincy yet when that happened?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/26/20 18 6.38:39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel var/mob1le/llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7D12549 (Table message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/26/2018 6:39:30 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
will say this much , he was no dummy and had his eyes open. suspect some of those who turned on him so fast had multiple reasons for
Status: Sent
Delivered: 412612018 6:39:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D13FE4 (Table message chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
412612018 6:42:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Happened in December 2014 ... bec uase as you know . I was with her the night it happened . I thmk Harry took office in September, 2014 ... so
yes ... he was around.
Status· Read
Read: 412612018 647 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D13027 (Table message handle , chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4126/2018 6:47:07 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's never come out. And I'm sure she's been worried about it since the night it happened. Although I've heard rumors about her having other
affairs . Lets iust hope 1t didn't effect her decision to immediately support firing Harry ... after she had never said a single negative thing about
Status: Read
Read: 4126/2018 G 47 43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D13A 14 (Table message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)

412612018 6:50:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
, Whole thing h as been strangest clusterfuck. Harry said he had a "file " on JC , seems plausible wasn't his only file.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/26/2018 6.50 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/11ar/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7013508 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
4/26/2018 6:51 :03 PM(UTC-4)Direciion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And we've heard rumors o f an affair between Amy and Cranley. Clusterfuck is the right word'
Status: Read
Read: 4126/2018 6.51 04 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox7D13348 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
4128/2018 6:51 :51 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Meanwhile , multiple higher uppers in police dept have told me they th ink Smitherman currently maneuvering & putting case together to oust
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/26/2018 6 51 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7014FE4 (Table message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
412612018 6:52:10 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Th is town needs some calm and quiet. Oy vey
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/26/2018 6 52·10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobtle/LtbrarylSMSlsms.db Ox7D14D18 (Table· message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
412612018 6:56:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
But. finally, the weather 1s nice and we can enioy our rooftop '

II -
IMG 2959.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 4/26/2018 7:01.46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lelltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D14825 (Table message handle, chat attachment Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's 1Phone/var/mobtle/Ltbrary/SMS/Attachments/51101 /0AODC98F-44F7-48C E-85C8-AC527E6C51 87l lMG_2959.Jpeg (Size 2245761 bytes)
412612018 7:02:06 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tell Craig to stir me up an old fashioned '
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/2612018 7 02 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilelltbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox7D1 485D (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
4/30/2018 4:31 :38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sheila Hill-Chris tian coming back as Assistant City Manager
Status: Read
Read: 4/30/2018 4 40 03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ltbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7D5757C (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4130/2018 4:32:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
thought she told you she wasn't interested in coming back
Status: Read
Read: 4/30/2018 4'40·03 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D57331 (Table message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/30/2018 4:40:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I hadn't spoken to her since she l eft.

Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/30/2018 4 40 25 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox705BFE4 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4130/2018 4:40:34 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
But I did always think highly of her
Status: Senl
Delivered: 4/30/20 18 4 40 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7DSBDFO (Table· message, chat. Siz.e 220762112 bytes)
4130/2018 4:40:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. same here
Status: Read
Read: 4/30/2018 4 40 45 PM(UTC 4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D5BCOB (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4130/2018 4:41 :01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
And hope she'd consider putting her name 1n the hat as a candidate for permanent
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/30/2018 4 41 01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7058A 12 (Table. message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/30/2018 4:41 :37 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 4/30/2018 5 06 49 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox70587CD (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)

4130/2018 7:33:52 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +151 33484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ther e' s someone e lse named P G? .I


IMG 3019.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 4/30/2018 7:43:56 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7061807 (Table: message, handle, chat, attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/ed/13/FA21C2AF-788B-49C4-929F-4E1 F080F431 B/IMG_3019.Jpeg : (Size: 1917169 bytes)
413012018 7:45:08 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
H a! Y e s, a famous writer. (Br itish. I think). Ain't it a b ummer - I'm not even the first fid d le PG !
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4130/2018 7.45 06 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox7D6164E (Table: message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
4/30/2018 7:45:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yo u a Jeopa rd y regul a r?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/30/2018 7 45 17 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox70613DD (Table. message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
413012018 7:45:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, +1 5133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yea. W e watch wheel of fortun e and jeopardy almost n ightly
Status: Read
Read: 4/30/2018 7:45:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7D61211 (Table: message. handle . chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
4130/2018 7:46:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Ha h a , that's aweso me. W ill need to come wa tch o n e night.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/30/2018 7:46:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7D62FE4 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/3012018 9:18:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Someone b eat you to officially nominating Julie Johnson !


IMG 3020.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 4/30/2018 9 35·13 PM(UTC- 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7D6566F (Table message. handle. chat. attachment, Size 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/1 d/ 13/B96BOF1E-2BBF-4689-A5AD-C3B5AFE15984/IMG_3020 Jpeg (Size 401933 bytes)
413012018 9:35:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Can I still nominate?! I adore Julie
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/30/2018 9:35:32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhoneivar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox7D673F4 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
4/30/2018 9:35:57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
N ominations h ap pen through Faceb ook comments un der my p ost :)
Status: Read
Delivered: 5/1/2018 3.50 40 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 511/2018 3:50:40 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/ Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7068FDC (Table: message. handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/112018 4:06:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
how did 1-75 convo go in committee today?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox708CFEC (Table. message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5/1/2018 4:07:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They had no answers to any of my q uestions. Greg voted no. I will tomorrow. They agreed they hadn't made a single presentation to Council
or the community since September 2011 . They also agree d to come back to Greg's committee with a full presentation. including photos that
show wha t land will be expanded into the interstate. sound barr iers. light p o llution e fforts , etc. Amy still wants to rush it through tomorrow
even though this project is likely 1O years out.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox708DFEC (Table message handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
5/1/2018 4:06:15 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoi ng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
roger that

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7DBD3CA (Table message, cl1at. Size 2207621 12 by1es)
5/212018 6:36:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Pastor kept ca lling me "Mr. Seasongood" at Council today. I just ignored his continued theatrics . But after seeing Dillingham's post, I guess
this is what he was talking about. And it's not me.
Status: Read
Read: 5/2/2018 6.37 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/inob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7DCBBBF (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)

5/212018 6:36:13 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


£i11 F'~9F'07F'o9.eluginf5a~loaaAttachment
Status: Read
Read: 5/212018 6.37 13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7DC99E2 (Table. message, hand le . chat, attachment Size. 220762112 bytes)
P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/ab/11 f7 AFE4B83-124C-4A6E-A505-560403D5180Bl45C5962B-088E-4FC6-ACAO-
8 71FE9F07F09.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size 2113 bytes)
5/4/2018 10:44:49 AM(UTC-"l)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
currently in mtg
Status: Senl
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7DF7BAC (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
5/5/2018 3:07:37 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Nation, Maplewood, bourbon and biscuits?
Status: Read
Delivered: 51512018 4 31 21 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 5/512018 4 31 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1ie/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7E1F214 (Table· message, handle. chal. Size 220762112 bytes)
5/5/2018 10:49:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


Audio Message.amr
Status: Read
Read: 51612018 5.36 17 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7E295EO (Table message. handle. chat attachment, Size 220762112 bytes)
P. G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/Attachments/8a/ 10/8AE903F7-0DD6-4551-A66A-3821236E535E/Aud10 Message.amr (Size 6 bytes)
5/8/2018 8:03:27 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
wow. Pavin losing in absentee ballots
Status: Read
Read: 5/812018 8 35 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7E6A886 (Table. message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
5/812018 8:03:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
and James Wolf close
Status: Read
Read: 5/812018 8.35'08 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7E6A668 (Table message handle chal Size 220762112 bytes)
5/8/2018 8:04:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Read
Read: 51812018 8.35 08 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7E6A46C (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
5/812018 8:35:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
K eep texling results. I'm at a d in ner
Status· Sent
Dehvered: 518/2018 8 35 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7E6BA61 (Table message c11at Size 220762112 bytes)
5/8/2018 8:35:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Nothing but absentee votes in
Status: Read
Defivered: 5/9/2018 12 29 07 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 519/2018 12 29 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox7E6B867 (Table· message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
5/8/2018 9:09:45 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
WOW! Stephanie Dumas now beating James Wolf
Status; Read
Delivered: 5/912018 12 29 07 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 51912018 1? 29 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7E6B3D7 (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
5/8/2018 9:37:25 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Dumas just picked up her lead . 53-46.
Status: Read
Delivered: 519/2018 12 29 07 PMtUTC-4)
Reed: 519/2018 12 29 07 PM{UTC-4)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox7E6CFDC (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
5/8/2018 10:05:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wolf gonna lose. With almost 50% reporting. he's down 56-43%
Status: Read
Delivered: 519/2018 12 29 07 PM(UTC-4)
Read; 51912018 12 29 07 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7E6CDB2 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)

5/9/201812:27:16 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I have to be in Washington Park at 3pm. Your b ump stoc k item is the only thing we're voting on . But we need to vote by 2 :50 to not lose me . I
St.atus: Read
Delivered: 519/2018 12·29 07 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 5/9/2018 12'29:07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7E84FDC (Table. message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
519/2018 12:29:14 PM(UTC4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
got it
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/UbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox7E84368 (Table message, chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
5/1 1/2018 11:23:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Call you when d one at pol ice m emorial
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/1112018 11 :23.03 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7EE57DD (Table· message. chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
511 1/2018 6:10:26 PM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We're hanging out o n Derek's patio if you wan t to stop by. He's out of town!

Status: Read
Read: 5/23/2018 11 .58:26 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox7EFFFE8 (Table. message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
5/23/2018 11 :40:33 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do you have 2 minutes to talk o n phone?

Status: Read
Read: 5/23/2018 11 .58:26 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7FEA82A (Table: message handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5130/2018 7:15:44 PM(UTC4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

IMG 1624.1peg
Status: Read
Read: 5130/2018 7' 17:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8066FE8 (Table message, handle, chat. attachment. Size. 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/Attachments/ed1 2/A9BF953C-4F93-4E 11-9E8C-68AE34A8453D/IMG_ 1624.jpeg (Size 248440 bytes)
5/31/2018 11 :42:55 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How long do you think your Tuesday, 5pm commi ttee meeting will last?
Status: Read
Read: 5/3 1/2018 1 03•46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8073FE8 (Table· message, handle, chal, Size: 220762112 bytes)
5131/2016 1:03:56 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
90 min
Status: Sent
Delivered: 513112018 1·03 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox80766E1 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
5/31/2018 1:04:14 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
B ig topic: the '99 agreement with the schools

Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/31/2018 1:04:14 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8076533 (Table message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
5/31/2018 1:04:22 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
That's up soon
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/31/2018 1 04 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8076331 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
5/31/2016 2:49:29 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Mike Sm1th.vcf
Status: Sent
Delivered: 5/31/2018 2 49 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox807BD4A (Table message, chat. attachment. Size. 220762112 bytes)
P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Llbrary/SMS/Attachmentsl55105/FD976320-1603-470E-B489-0E9A142BFF78/Mike . (Size: 176 bytes)
611/2018 9:28:03 AM(UTC4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
The only commen t on Jason's column is "I don't think it matters. They both voted for 1t." But yet. it's been their main s tory for a day. Jason
Williams =
Gossip Colu mnist

Status: Read
Read: 6/1/2018 10 41 .20 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox809COF8 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

J 616/2018
9:45:03 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
,Remember Mark Leno , who we had dinner with and was running for Mayor of San Fran? He was the b ig underdog going into the electron
yesterday. Polling had him like 13% points behind the frontrunner. But they have ranked choice voting. And righ t now . he's ahead 50.42 to
49.58! And could become San Fran's first openly LGBT Mayor'
Status: Read
Read: 6/6/2018 10 28 25 AM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phonelvar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8148BBD (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/6/2018 10:35:45 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
very cool ! I definitely liked h im when all had d inner together
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox814844D (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6171201812:59:43 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
https://www.cincinnati. com


Status: Sent
Delivered: 6fl/201812 59 44 PMtUTC-4J
Source file: P G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/l1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox81703C2 (Table message. chat. attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/Attachments/96/06/B1960823-C1 DF-4 F5E-805D-4EED4 D7D5E49/28DD285C-6DEE-47 56-9034-
729A6C266992.plug1nPayloadAttachment (Size 2198 bytes)
61712018 12:59:48 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6fl/2018 12 59 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox81701 CE (Table message, cha(, Size 22076211 2 bytes)
617/20181:00:00 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You' ll be on the zoo board b y the time of 2025 b ig festivities
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6fl/2018 12 59 55 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8171FE4 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
611012018 11:49:51 AM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
That attack in OTR last n ight is so awful. I'm so sorry . Let me know how I can support them - and you.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/10/20181 14951 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox81 DOFE4 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1012018 11 :51:01 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbac11)
Thanks. I'm not best friends who h e r. but Molly Wellmann is . Got frantic calls from Molly' s husband this morning because Molly is having a
nervous breakdown over 11 and Bee didn' t k now how to deal with it. The woman . Jenn Watts, is in ICU u nconscious with her family. I'm most
taking care of Molly. although heading to NKY pride shortl y. Just trying to get an update from police w h ich is what her friends and family
w ould like as w ell.
Status: Read
Read: 6/1012018 11.5116 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db · Ox81DOD73 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 byles)
61101201811 :52:31 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
It's an awful evil thing. Let me know about supporting the victim , and we can all do our part toward delivering JUstice for the attackers.
Stalus: Sent
Delivered: 6/10/2018 11 52 31 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobtle/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox81 D04FF (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1012016 11:52:54 AM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hopi ng she can pull through. Will keep you a ll updated.
Slalus: Read
Read: 6/10/2018 12 37 42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobilei ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8100242 (Table message. handle. chal. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1112016 1:38:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is someone going to bring up the unfair labor practices for a discussion?
Statusc Read
Read: 6/11/2018 1 39.46 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1ie/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox81EE548 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1112018 1:39:53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I ce rta inly plan to
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/1 t/2018 1.39.53 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/moblle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox81EE20D (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/ 11/2018 1:40:01 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tho after both presentations
Status: Senl
Delivered: 6111/2018 14001 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P.G.'s iPhoneivar/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox81 EFFE4 (Table message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
6/13/2018 5:39:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
If you get there first. if needed rearrange chairs so we're sitting next to each other
Status: Senl
Delivered: 6/13/2018 5.39 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox625BE21 (Table message chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)

611312018 5:40:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
G PS has me there at 556
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/2018 5 55:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox825BBDO (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1312018 5:55:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You' ll beat me there
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/1312018 5·55 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox825B65E (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1312018 6:02:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You' re on opposite side

Status: Read
Read: 6113/20 t8 6·42:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s i Phone/var/rnob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db: Ox825B492 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
611312018 6:42:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Where Tamaya?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6113/2018 6.42 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1ie/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox62601 BO (Table. message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1312018 6:42:•i7 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
David said she wasn't feeling fell
Status: Read
Read: 611312018 7:20:42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/librarylSMSlsms.db : Ox8261FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
6/1 3/2018 7:20:33 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 3484.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 6/13/20t8 7 20:42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox8262514 (Table message, handle, chat, attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/library/SMS/Attachments/95/0515CD53F77-C99B-4B7F-991F-17C8861 DECA3/IMG 3484.jpeg · (Size· 1769291 bytes)
6/1412018 2:35:09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
call me
Status: Read
Read: 6114/2018 2.53'42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox829240C (Table. message. handle, chat. Size. 220762 112 bytes)
6/14/2018 2:48:35 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
it was a no
Status: Read
React 611412018 2 53.42 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8294876 (Table message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
8/15/2018 2:51 :07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is Sarah in town? If so (or even if not), if y ou all d o n 't have plans tonight, would you want to join us at Below Zero for a drag show benefiting
P lanned Pare nthood? D oors open a t 6. Show at 7.
Status: Read
Delivered: 611512018 2 52 .03 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6115/2018 2 52.03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox82C2FDC (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/15/2018 3:47:37 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
sounds like a blast! unfortunately we have a wedd ing (on her side) this weekend that we' re away for
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonetvarlmobile/L1brarylSMS/sms.db : Ox82C8FEC (Table. message , chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
6/1512016 3:47:43 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
rai n check please!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobilelltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox82C804F (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/15/2018 3:47:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
cool. have fun'
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/15/2018 3 47 47 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/1512018 3 47 47 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox82C8B4B (Table: message, handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/1512016 7:25:12 PM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I was just told by James wolf that Denise me 1s planning to run for mayor
Status: Read
Read: 611 ~/2016 7 39.03 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox82CEC54 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/1512018 7:39:11 PM(UTC-4)Dire<:tion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
In teresting

Status: Sent
Delivered. 6115/2018 7 39.13 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/librarylSMSlsms.db Ox82CE491 (Table. message , chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

6/1512018 7:39:21 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.}
He seemed certain ?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/1512018 7 39 21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/varl moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox82CE2D7 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/1512018 7:39:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Read
Read: 6/15/20t8 7 39:35 PM(UTC-4)
Sou rce file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox82CFFE8 (Table: message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/15/2018 7:39:52 PM(UTC-4}Direction :Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
He elaborate at all?

Status: Sent
Oellvered: 6/1512018 7.39 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox82CFE40 (Table. message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
8/15/2018 7:40:17 PM(UTC-4}Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
He had a couple cocktails . And I think tried to draw it back after I seemed surprised .
Status: Read
Read: 611 512018 7 40.1 8 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sm s.db Ox82CFC7A (Table message, handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1512018 7:40:48 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Because after he told me. I said , "well, you know I support PG."
Status: Read
Read: 6/15/2018 7 40 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox82CFA2D (Table. message, handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
8/15/2018 7:41 :23 PM(UTC-4)Direcllon:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Did he say she wouldn't run for re-election in 20?

Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/15/2018 7 41 23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llb rarylSMS/sms.db Ox82CF802 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
611512018 7:42:28 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
He didn't say. Started with me asking what his next move was. T urned into h im saying both Todd and Denise m ight not be on county
commission in 4 years
Status: Read
Reed: 6/ 15/2018 7 42 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox82CFSFC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
8/15/2018 7:42:35 PM(UTC-4}DirectJon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And then the Denise comment
Status: Read
Read: 6/ 15/2018 7 42.35 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox82CF329 (Table message, handle . chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
611512018 7:43:27 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.}
Interesting. Lots of runway between now and then.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/15/2018 7 43 28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox82DOFE4 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/15/2018 7:45:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
She'd be only competition . Totally can beat Smitherman.
Status: Read
Read. 6/15/2018 7 53_11 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox82DODE2 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
8/15/2018 7:55:1 0 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.}
Being anti-choice (and having been all in for JC) might be a better fit in county than city. But again , so much can and will happen btw now
and then
Status: Senl
Denvered: 6115/2018 7 55 11 PM(UTC- 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox82DOBCB (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1512018 7:57:29 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Totally agree.
Status: Read
Read: 6/15/2018 7 57 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G 's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox82008FE (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
811512018 7:57:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I' m also a little dubious about Wolf as the source . Cause she hasn't said it to other people who she's very close to. Karen Smith & De Marco,
Christie . the Culls etc
Status: Senl
Delivered· 6/15/2018 7 57 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox820073E (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
611 512018 7:58:11 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Yea . I have no idea
Status: Read
Read: 6/15/2018 7 58 11 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8200443 (Table message handle chat. Size 220762 11 2 bytes)
6/1512018 7:58:18 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
He' s at this drag show
Status: Read
Read: 6/151?018 7 58 18 PM(UTC-4)
Source file. P .G 's iPhone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox820027F (Table message handle . chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/1512016 7:56:27 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Along with all the mayors staff.

Status: Read
Read: 6/15/2018 7:58.27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8201 FE8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
611512016 7:58:28 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
So maybe the alcohol was working double time•
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/15/2018 7·58'28 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8201 E04 (Table message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
6/1512016 7:58:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Sorry to m iss d rag! Enjoy!
Status: Sent
Delivered: 611512018 7.58:49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox6201C06 (Table· message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
6/1512016 6:09:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 3505.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 611512018 8 17·38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6201661 (Table· message, handle, chat, attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachments/a6/06/F034FB90-9BCB-4650-84E5-0FC5F9C4C444/IMG_3505.jpeg : (Size· 1503160 bytes)
6/15/2016 6:18:00 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I might wear that to Council one day
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6115/2018 8 18 00 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox6201651 (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/15/2016 8:20:44 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Our wedding preferably.
Status: Read
Read: 611512018 8 31 29 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8202932 (Table. message. handle. chat. Size: 2207621 12 byles)
6/15/2018 6:31:33 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
L ik ed "Our wedding preferably. "

Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/15/2018 6.31 34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox62026DE (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/1 6/2018 2:46:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
chai ring.
If this was M ark M allory's a dmin proposing booting to c l ose a budget deficit, Smitherman would have already collected 20.000 sig n atures to
ban 1t in the city charter. T oday , "lets t ry it. If it's too aggressive. we can change."
Status: Read
Delivered: 611812018 2:46:26 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 6/1812018 2'46:26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox82FBBD2 (Table· message, handle chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/19/2016 2:00:52 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You close?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/1912018 2 00·51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox831EE18 (Table message. chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/19/2018 4:38:26 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
You'r e having a press cont?
Sllltus: Read
Read: 611912018 4.38 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8322CE1 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/ 19/2018 4:36:43 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/1912018 4 3844 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox8322ACF (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6/2512018 1:20:50 PM(UTC-4)0irection :Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
H ow many card s
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/2512018 1 20.50 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox8418899 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6125/2018 1:21:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Sllltus: Read
Read: 612512018 1 ~o 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox84189DD (Table message. handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
6/25/2018 1:51 :06 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
H ow many more!

Status: Sent
Delivered: 612512018 1 51 06 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox841 BBC4 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6125120181 :51:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/25/2018 1 51 07 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/11ar/rnob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms.db Ox841 BA06 (Table. message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
6125120181 :51 :11 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
we're on 31

Status: Read
Read: 6/2512018 8.24 09 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/rnobile/Ubraryl SMS/sms db Ox841B866 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6129/2018 8:56:02 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
At casino for concert. African American man: "what's up Council man"? Me: "Not much." H im to wife· "that's pg S ittenfeld"

Status: Read
Read: 6/2912018 8 58 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/11ar/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8512310 (Table. message. handle, chat Size 2207621 12 bytes)
6/29/2018 8:58:51 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Ha , so damn funny .

Status: Sent
Detivered: 6129/2018 8 58 49 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8513FE4 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6/2912018 8:59:10 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
We look nothing alike
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/2912018 8 59 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G 's 1Phoneivar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8513E 1C (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
612912018 8:59:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Tho both devilishly handsome
Status: Sent
Delivered: 6/29/2018 8 59 32 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/11ar/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8513C4E (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
612912018 9:04:30 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Stetus. Read
Read: 6/29/2018 9.36 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8513A76 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
6130/2018 6:40:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey Jamie Humes said you all talked about our wedding . So the hotel w e 're all staying in is completely booked because a lot more people
than we expected are coming . HOWEVER , Barbara Aras and Dr. Jack McDonough (I think you know them) booked a 1 bedroom, but
Barba r a was recently d iagnosed with breast cancer and going to be in treatment well pass our wedding . So if you all really want to g o , that
room is free! for now ! Let me know.
Status· Read
Read: 6130/2018 6 51 36 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox851 B73E (Table. message handle, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
71112018 11:44:41 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You available?

Status. Sent
DeUvared: 71112018 11 44 42 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox85214CA (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
711/2018 12:11 :50 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)


Emily Woerner 11cf
Sllltus: Senl
Delivered: 71112018 12 11 .52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox8524FE4 (Table message. chat attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
PG 's 1Phone/var/rnob11e/Ubrary/SMS/Attachmenls/54/04/3BE22A8C-F9F1 -4089-A651-D28E8E60A667/Em1ly (Size 211 bytes)
711 12018 12:19:00 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They think yes
Status Read
Delivered: 711/2018 12 20 28 PM(UTC-4)
Read. 71112018 12.20 28 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8524559 (Table message, handle . chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
71112018 12:19:57 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Still on
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/1/201812 20 28 PMtUTC-4)
Read: 71112018 12 20 28 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8525FDC (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
71312018 5:29:16 PM(UTC~)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Call me
Sllltus: Read
Read· 713/2018 5 35 09 PMl UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox857FC09 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)

713/2018 5:33:31 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
513-256-5329 I
Status: Read
Read: 7/312018 5 35 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox857FA5D (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
7/3/2018 5:33:35 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Maggie something
Status: Read
Read: 7/3/2018 5 35.09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lel L1braryl SMS/sms.db Ox857F541 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
713/2018 5:33:59 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
actually it's 513-256-5339
Status: Read
Read: 7/312018 5:35:09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel var/mobilel L1brary/SMSlsms.db : Ox8580FE8 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes}
71812018 6:46:32 PM(UTC-4)0 irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Lost y ou. When r u back
Status: Read
Read: 718/2018 9 54 55 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1lel library/SMS/sms.db . Ox85COADB (Table. message, handle, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes}
719/2018 9:45:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm serious . Last Thurs day when Molly , Katy and I took an hour walk o n riverfront we talked about making it a weekly Thursday night thing !

Status: Read
Read: 719/2018 9.45:24 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox85FEFE8 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
7/9/2016 9:45:55 PM(UTC-4)0irec:tion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Count me i n for a #StrollWithSeelbac h

Status: Sent
Delivered: 71912018 9 45:53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s IPhone/varlmobile/ L1braryl SMS/sms.db . Ox85FE52F (Table message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes}
71912018 9:48:04 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/12/2018 11 04 :12 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 7112120181 1:04·12 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox85FE339 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/1212018 11:04:12 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
can you do a 2 :30pm meeting wi th me . Landsman and Terry Nes tor & Emily Woerner next tuesda y? fairly important if you'd be able to move
somethin g around. shou ldn't b e much more than 30 min
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1PhonelvarlmobilelL1braryl SMSlsms.db Ox869BFEC (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes}
711212018 11:05:43 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Can we do 2? I have a 3pm that I can't miss
Status: Read
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox869CFEC (Table message. handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes}
7/1212018 11:06:21 AM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
we can ' t do 2pm unfortunately . is the 3pm at Pure Romance? e ve n if you can be there for first 20 minutes that's all that'd be needed
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox869CA94 (Table. message chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/1212018 11 :08:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Yes. Ok. I can be there for 20
Status: Read
Delivered: 7112/201 8 11 :06 .37 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 7112/ 2018 11 ·06.37 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblie/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8690FOC (Table message. handle. chat. Size 22 0762112 bytes}
7/1212018 11 :06:42 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
okay, thanks
Status: Sen!
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobilell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox869DE06 (Table message. chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
7/13/2018 10:19:41 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
H ow many runner s did you have
Status: Read
Delivered: 7/1417018 3: 19:26 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 7/14/2018 3 19. 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox86D726D (Table message handle chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
7/1 4/2018 3:19:31 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonel varl mob1lel ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox86E9B81 (Table. message, chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
7114/2018 3:19:37 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon :Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
triple the first unofficial one - ha!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarl mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox86E99AO (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

17/1412018 4:53:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
.,wow! 300% better! I have a feeling my walking group might get more if you wanna JOin up to do one . We're thinking Thursday nights.
Meeting at F riendship P ark and walking to Football Stadium and back. Takes about an hour a nd about 5 miles.
Status: Read
Read: 7/1412018 4.59.01 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox86EAFE8 (Table message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
7/14/2018 4:59:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Would love to join forces for one or several . Can I text you some possible T hursd ays m a btt?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 7/14/2018 4·59 46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone1varlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox86EBFE4 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
7/14/2018 5:00:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Actually , looking at my schedule I think it's gonna have to be Wednesday for the next month
Status: Read
Read: 7/17/2018 9 59 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox86EBA07 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
7/1712018 1:11:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm not gonna be able to make the 2:30 today. will have to have you all fill me in later.
Status: Read
Read: 7117/2018 9.59 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8740FE8 (Table message, handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
7/2612018 6:54:28 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
unfortun ate ly, no need for mtg regarding SORTA today
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Varlmob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox886DFEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
712812018 2:45:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncomiog, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg and Sarah Landsman are coming. I have the 1 bedroom (barbara & J ack's) and sharing a 2 bedroom with Anne and Christopher St.
P ierre left.
Status: Read
Read: 712812018 3 15 30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mobtle/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox88D9E11 (Table. message handle. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
8/1/2018 1:45:24 PM(UTC-4)Diredion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is Burke still a part of caucus meetings?
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/1/20t8 14539 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 811/2018 1 45·39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox895CFDC (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
8/1 /2018 1:45:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
he popped in this morning
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox895CDBA (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
8/112018 1:45:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
not totally sure the answer to that question though
Status: Sent
Source file: PG 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox895C897 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
81112018 9:09:19 PM(UTC-4)Directlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Wonder why Rob as only statewide dem Obama didn't endorse
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/112018 9 10 56 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/1120t8 9.10 56 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1lel ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8965DF4 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
8/112018 9:1 1:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
whoa, I kind of glossed over that - that is bizarre'
Sti.tus: Sent
Source file: P G's 1Phone/var/moblle/ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8965BAD (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
811/2018 9:12:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
no idea why - you heard any reason?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8965973 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
8/1/2018 9:12:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Nope. But strange
SU.tus: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox896575D (Table. message. handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
8/5/2018 3:56:35 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
life is strange . having lunch today. go to bathroom. as I am walking back to table. this woman stops me , asks 1f I'm Chris Seelbach (didn't
thmk I was you!) and says. "don't worry about that Brian Shrive guy ... (hold1ng up her pinky fmger) ... he has the smallest one Ive ever seen. I
know." I was like , "ummm ..... ok .... have a n ice day."
Stetus· Read
Delivered: 81512018 3 56 44 PM!UTC·4 )
Read; 8/512018 3 56 44 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G 's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox89F6FDC (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
8/5/2018 3:57:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

St.atus· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1lel ltbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox89F6703 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

8/5/2018 3:58:32 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133852404 (P.G.)
poor guy - so much anger at the world. I
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69F652B (Table : message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
815/2018 3:58:58 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
he's c learly trying to overcompensate for some deficiency or another
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox69F630D (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
81512018 3:59:28 PM(UTC4)Dlrectlon:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Not sure I've ever met him , b u t now I feel kind of sorry for him.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69F7DC7 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
815/2018 4:00:55 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think I only met him one time at a Mercantile Library event.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox69F7962 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/5/2016 4:01:09 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
agree , though, Love Thine Enemy'
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox69F7715 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
815/2016 4:01:19 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
see you and your 6-pack abs for the community walk this Wednesday
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox89F8FEC (Table. message, chat. Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
8/5/2016 4:02:09 PM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
ha. as I told my trainer, as long as I don' t feel fat when I'm standing at the alter, I'm good . no 6 pack in my future, but hopefully no cas ting for
"my 6001b life" either
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/5/2018 4.02 26 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/5/2018 4:02 26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox69F89FO (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/5/2018 4:02:40 PM(UTC4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
keep up the good work - honestly, it is hard work. you should feel proud of the progress. and it will continue
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox89F865D (Table. message. chat, Size· 2207621 12 bytes)
8/5/2018 4:35:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
btw. are you jus t having community judge for your policy thing ? I'd love to help out if you are including others. I have some free time
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/5/2018 4 36.02 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/5/2018 4:36·02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox69F9B89 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/5/2018 4:36:59 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I think that coul d be great to have you join in - let me shoot a n ote to the Bridgeable folks now and get back asap
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox89F963 1 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
815/2018 4:37:04 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Read
Delivered: 8/5/2018 4 37.05 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 81512018 4:37:05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db : Ox89F936A (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/512018 4:37:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
might be able to ask some feasibility type questions that they wouldn't know to ask with no experience actually creating pol icy at city hall.
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Pt1onelvar/mobile/L1brarylSMSisms.db : Ox89FAFEC (Table. message , handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/5/2018 4:38:02 PM(UTC4)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
totally agree

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarl mobilel library/SMSlsms.db : Ox89FMFF (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/6/201811 :27:11 AM(UTC-4)Dlrectlon:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You me and Sheila confirmed as "judges"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/612018 11 27 11 AMlUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarl mobitellibrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6A08FE4 (Table message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
8/612016 11:27:27 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read: 8/6/2018 12 00 25 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox6A08C3D (Table. message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6f7/2016 11:45:56 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Are we going to talk Liberty Street Road Diet in your committee? If so , can we have City M anager there?
Status: Read
Read: 8n/2018 11 46. 10 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonel var/mob1lel L1braryl SMSl sms.db Ox6A2B665 (Table. message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)

31 2
j 817/2018 11 :46:59 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
.~ ow abo u t y ou call fo r it at the b e g inning of th e meeting, and we d o after 2 other ite m s . Totally fin e by me
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8nt2018 t t 47 00 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8A2CFE4 (Table message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
817/2018 11:47:10AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Read. 8nt2018 t 147 10 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: PG 's 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8A2C4BA (Table message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/1312018 11:47:13 AM(UTC-4}Direclion:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Th is isn 't a s uit type of even t right? I c a n c ome a s C asu al Ch ris?
Status: Read
Read: 8/13/20t8 11 50 06 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/Va r/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8B37568 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
8/13/2018 11:50:12 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 8/13/2018 11 50 t2 AM(UTC-4) I

Source file: P .G 's iPhone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8B37307 (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
811312018 4:30:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
I take it yo u are Mr. W ond erfu l?
A ttachments: - -

IMG 43781Peg
Status: Read
Read: 8/13/20t8 4 31 to PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8B44A4C (Table message, ha ndle, chat, attachment. Size 220762112 bytes)
P. G. 's iPhone/var/mob11e/Library/SMS/Attachme nts/51/01 /631BC7E8-73AC-498A-8367-E8DC96CB9B1F/IMG 4378.Jpe g (Size 251791 bytes)
8/13/2018 4:31 :44 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
hah a. n ot s ure who I 'd most be
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8B447CB (Table message, chat. Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
8113/2018 4:31 :53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
b tw, the y're starting at 6· 1Qpm , so let's be there b y 6pm
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8B45FEC (Table message. chat , Size· 220762112 bytes)
811312018 4:31 :58 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/13/2018 4 32 10 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/13/20t8 4 32 10 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mobtle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8B455AC (Table message, handle chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
8113/2018 4:32:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Swi ngi ng b y 530 h omeless rally. Will be there by 6
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8846918 (Table message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
811412018 11:26:30 AM(UTC-4) Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
o u r fa v m a y o r o f d ayto n in C E
Status: Read
Read: 8/14/2018 112642 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6B62FE6 (Table. message, handle. chat Size. 22076211 2 bytes)
8/1412018 11 :27:00 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Mtg w ith someone?

Slatus: Sent
Delivered: 8/14/2018 11 26 58 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobtle/LibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox6B62DD6 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
8/1 4/201811 :27:16AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
T hanks a gai n for last night'
Status. Sent
Delivered: 8/14/2018 11 27 15 AMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8B62C 12 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
811412018 11 :27:37 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
prob a bly , althoug h iust g ot here
Status: Read
Delivered· 8/15/2018 10 54 53 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/15/2018 10 54 53 AM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8862A30 (Table message handle, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
811412018 11 :27:39 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
yea. h a d fun
Status: Read
Delivered: 6/1512018 10 54.53 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/1512018 10.54.53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8862610 (Table message, handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

8/1512018 10:54:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
What prompted your tweets? Jason wrote something? ,

Status: Read
Delivered: 8/15/2018 10:54:53 AM(U TC-4)
Read: 8/15/2018 10:54:53 AM(UTC-4)
Source fil e: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8B88FDC {Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/15/2018 10:54:42 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/15/2018 10:54:53 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 8115/2018 10 54 53 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8B88DDO {Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/15/2018 10:55:14 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yeah , he wrote a column that kind of like "th e city is going to hell" which i quite strongly disagr ee with

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8B88C2A (Table: message, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
B/1612018 3:22:34 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We need to call a meeting ASAP to talk about the BOMBSHELL Smitherman found and is twe e ting out
Status: Read
Delivered: 8/16/2018 3:31:38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/ 16/2018 3·31 :38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8BCAE21 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/16/2018 3:32:48 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
haha , about how you and I just voted to put 2-year-terms on the ballot, so the vo ters can decide?!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8BCAB2E {Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
6/16/2018 3:33:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Read
Delivered: 8/16/2018 3:34:02 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 8/1612018 3:34:02 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8BCA889 (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/2412018 1:26:13 PM(UTC-4)Direclion:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
We are unveiling the Pride c rosswalk next Thursday , 4pm at 1 2 & Vine. Would love to have you there . Let me know.
Status: Read
Delivered: 8124/2018 4:06:20 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 812412018 4:06:20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8C57FDC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
8/24/2016 4:06:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I should be able to do that' Congrats - very cool , and I know a lo ng time coming as a result of your effo rts
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox8C58903 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
911012016 3:08:23 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Left VM
Status: Read
Read: 9110/2018 3:08:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox8FOBA92 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/1012018 3:08:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Liked " Left VM"
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/10/2018 3:08:41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8FOB873 {Table message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
91121201 6 7:19:13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)


IMG 5201.jpeg
Status: Read
Read: 9/12/201 8 7:30:30 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8F50535 {Table: message, handle, chat, attachment, Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/AttachmentslOe/14/375F5CAB-85FC-4FE0-9029-C6FE221 C75A4/IMG_5201 .jpeg . {Size: 296656 bytes)
911712018 11:29:16 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lnooming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are we voting on Liberty Street diet today?
Status: Read
Read: 9117/2018 11 :37:31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8FC1BE8 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
9/ 1712018 11 :37:38 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
A funding ord inance

Status: Sent
Delivered: 9117/2018 11.37:38 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8FC16BC (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
911712018 11 :37:41 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
StEtus: Sent
Delivered: 911712018 11 :37.40 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox8FC14F2 (Table: message. chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)

911712018 11:37:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
·ok. I have invited a handful of people, so wan ted to make sure
Status: Read
Read: 9/ 17/2018 11 37.57 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox8FC134C (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2018 11:38:02 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Great 1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/17/2018 1138 01 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox8FC2FE4 (Table: message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2018 1:27:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
They are talking socially re sponsible investing if you can come back in
Status: Read
Read: 911712018 2 18 22 PM(UTC-4)
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db · Ox8FCA2E4 (Table. message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
9/1712018 1:47:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
city just issued memo saying liberty street diet does NOT trigger respons ible bidder
Status: Read
Read: 9/17/2018 2.18 22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FCC863 (Table· message. handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
9/1712018 2:18:34 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
4th & Race
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/ 17/2018 2 18 33 PM(UTC-4)
Souroe file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FCEFE4 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
9/17/2018 2:18:42 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
exactly what I j ust said to david
Status: Read
Delivered: 9117/2018 10 32 .52 PM(UTC·4)
Read: 9/17/2018 10.32 52 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FCEE24 (Table message, handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
9/1812018 12:17:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
are you around city hall?
Status: Read
Delivered: 9/18/2018 2 09 23 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 9118/2018 209:23 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FF7340 (Table: message, handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
9/18/2018 2:09:29 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
on phone
Stolus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox8FFFFEC (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
9/18/2018 2:09:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ok. Tamaya a nd I in her office. Can you call u s back?
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8FFFEOA (Table. message. handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
9/1812018 2:09:58 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
How long u think you'd be

Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FFFC06 (Table message handle. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
9/18/2018 2:10:48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
will call as soon as off this call: not totally sure how long it will be. maybe 10 more minutes?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phoneivar/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FFFA36 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
9/18/2018 2:12:44 PM(UTC-4)01rection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm going into a meeting . Will call you after to see if you' re

Status: Read
Delivered: 9118/2018 2 13 10 PMhUTC-4)
Read: 9118/2018 2 13 10 PM(UT ·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FFF795 (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
9/18/2018 2:12:46 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Delivered: 9/1812018 2 13 10 PM(UTC 4)
Read: 9/18/2018 2 13 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8FFF564 (Table. message. handle . chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
9/18/2018 3:16:46 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
call after
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox900392A (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)

9/2212018 7:20:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
This seems like a n ice p erson ...
Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 7 .19.13 PM.jeeg
Status: Read
Reed: 9/22/2018 7:20:22 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox90A2049 (Table: message, handle, chat, attachment, Size 220762 11 2 bytes)
P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/Attachments/Oc/12/D029C368-8BD8-4ABE-AE57-E6E7DB7F7138/Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 7.19. 13 PM.jpeg · (Size: 431261
9/2212018 7:21:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
I'm b r inging h im as a +1 to your bachelor party.

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox90A2A 1A (Table. message, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
9/2212018 7:21:44 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Oh cool. We were going to invite Mergerle anyway.

Status: Read
Read: 9/22/2018 7:21:46 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox90A27EO (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1011/2018 1:22:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I'm not voting for h is carry over ordinance

Status: Read
Delivered: 10/1/2018 5 27 58 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/112018 5:27:58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1Je/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox91CB8BC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 byte s)
10/1/2018 3:34:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is he gay?

Status: Read
Delivered: 10/112018 5:27.58 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/1/2018 5 27:58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox9101216 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1019/2018 8:14:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Call me
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/9/2018 9:26:53 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/9/2018 9:26.53 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox937D4D6 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size. 2207621 12 bytes}
101912018 9:40:06 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
It's a ll good . "N o problem ."
Status: Read
Read: 10/9/2018 9 40 20 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox9384E3B (Table. message. handle , chat, Size: 220762112 bytes}
10/912018 9:40:30 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Interesting. Good enough.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/9/2018 9.40:30 PM{UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox9384C 1F (Table: message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
101912018 9:40:49 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
And "tha n ks for apology ," but that's it.

Status: Read
Read: 10/9/2018 9 42 10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox9384A4D (Table. message handle, chat. Size 220762112 bytes}
10/10/201 8 1:33:28 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
"M aybe you're rig ht anyway"

Status: Read
Delivered: 10/10/2018 10.53.59 PM(UTC-4)
Reed: 10/10/2018 10:53:59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/111ob1le/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox939B678 (Table· message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}

1011012018 3:29:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
i-ley! W e're really looking forward to our "Bachelor Party" this Saturday, the start of a 3 w eek whirlwind for us , ending in our wedding on
November 3.

The w eather looks like it's going to be a perfect fall day. Sunny with a high of 60 and low of 45.
We'll be at our friend Doreen Beatrice's place in Union , Kentucky. The address is 10830 Big Bone Road, Union, Kentucky 41091 .

You're welcome to come anytime after 1pm. We're asking Jon J Harmon. Jamie Humes. Katy Crossen & Tammy Riddle to be there by 1pm
to rehearse a special part of the wedding in Mexico.

If you want to come closer to 3pm , we'll be finished rehearsing and ready to party '
We are camping, although we'll be surrounding a house on a farm , so there will be bathrooms. etc. But please bring a tent and ca mping

The party will have an open bar with Vodka . Bourbon , Rum & Beer (with all the mixers). If you want something else, feel free to b ring .

We're also having dinner catered by A Catered Affair. And then a " New Orleans Texas Blues" band called Lagniappe of C incinnati
performing !

We'll be sitting around a bonfire with seating provided. Lots more surprises ! Smores , pumpkin carving , corn hole, etc .

On Sunday morning , we'll have bagels and coffee before heading home.

Let me know if you have any questions' Can't wait!

Slatus: Read
Delivered: 10/10/2018 10.53·59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/10/2018 10 53 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonetvar/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox93A4FDC (Table message, handle, chat, Stze. 220762112 bytes)
10/1012018 10:53:56 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
10 am Cranley press conference tomorrow.
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/10/2018 10.53.59 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/10/2018 10.53 59 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMSlsms.db Ox93868BC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
10/1012018 10:54:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
veto presumably?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9387FEC (Table. message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
101101201810:54:17 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I assume
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox9387DFC (Table message. handle. chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
1011012016 10:54:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
no surprise; will monitor
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox93B7C52 (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1112018 11:07:47 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Give a ring when have a moment
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/11/2018 11 07 47 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox930381A (Table: message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1011112018 2:52:11 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Call me
Status: Read
Delivered: 10/11/2018 2 52 35 PM~UTC-4)
Read: 10/11/2018 2 52 35 PM(UT -4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox93E199F (Table message. handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1112018 2:52:47 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
calling in just a few\
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox93E17F7 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1112018 3:08:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
T hey just cancelled meeting. May meet tomorrow. Who knows.
Status: Read
Delivered: 10111/2018 3 0919 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/11/2018 3 09 19 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox93E2FDC (Table message handle, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1011112018 3:09:21 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Ltbrary/SMSlsms.db Ox93E35C1 (Table message. chat. Size 2207621 12 byles)

10/1112018 7 :14:34 PM(UTC-4}Direcilon:lncomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
h tip s :f/www. cincin nati. com/story/news/pol it1cs/co lum nis tsipol1tics-extra/2018/ 10/ 11120 18-e lection-fc-cincin n aIt-boss-f ortune-500-lea ders-
lau nch-campaig n/1602462002/?utm_sou rce=dlvr .it& u tm_medi um= twitter


3 ASDA7FS-C2F1-4E90-BBC5-
8974109:>-1 OES-42EF-B961-
Sllllus: Rud
Read: 10/1112018 7:16:02 PM(UlC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox93F15CB (Table. message. handle. chat. attachment. Size: 220762112 bytes)
P.G. 's IPhone/var/mobile!Ubrary/SMS/Attachments/68/0812714375C-60DA-43D6·9A3B-6413AAF41150/897 41092-1 OE5-42EF-8961 -
6E5074A 16DE3.plugonPayloadAtlachmenl (S1zo 2198 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/95/05/GFA2D2A0-7F27-435A-BE89-F2206E66F65B/3A5DA7F5-C2F1-4E90-BBC5·
A802086EAAFC.pluginPayloadAttachment (Size· 621422 bytes}
10/1212018 1:53:18 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgomg, +15133852404 (P.G.}
Loved · Hey! We're really looking forward to our "Bachelor Party" this Saturday the start of a 3 week whirlwind for us ending in our wedding
on November 3.

The weather looks like it's going to be a perfect fall day. Sunny with a high of 60 and low of 45.
We'll be at ourfnend Doreen Beatrice's place in Union, Kentucky. The address is 10830 Big Bone Road Union. Kentucky 41091 .

You're welcome to come anytime after 1pm. We're asking Jon J Harmon , Jamie Humes. Katy Crossen & Tammy Riddle to be there by 1pm
to rehea rse a special part of the wedding in Mexico.

If you want to come closer to 3pm, we'll be finished rehearsing and ready to party!
We are camping, although we'll be surrounding a house on a farm, so there will b e bathrooms. etc. But please bring a tent and camping

The party will have an open bar with Vodka , Bourbon, Rum & Beer (with all the mixers). If you want something else, reel free to bring.

We're also having dinner catered by A Catered Affair. And then a "New Orleans Texas Blues" band called Lagniappe of Cincinnati

We'll be sitting around a bon hre w ith seating provided. Lots more surprises! Smores. pumpkin carving, corn hole, etc.

On Sunday morning, we'll have bagels and coffee before heading home

Let me know if you have any questions' Can't wait'"

Status: Sent
Delivered: I0/12120t8 1.53.1 9 PM(UTC-41
Source file: P .G.'s iPhonelvarlmobilelllbrary/SMSlsms.db : Ox9418F13 (Table: messa~g._e_,c_h_a_t._S_iz_e_:_22_0_?_6_21_1_2_b~y-te_s._)
10/13/2018 3:25:45 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +1 5133652404 (P.G.)
En route . There by 4
Stalus. Sent
Oenvered: 10/1312018 3·25 so PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brarylSMS/sms db· Ox944EOSD (Table· message. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
10/13/2018 3:2.6:44 PM{UTC~)Difeclion·lncoming, +15133484329 (Chns Seelbach)
Sounds good
Status Read
Read. 10/1312018 3·27 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G. 's 1Phone/var/mobde/L1brarylSMSlsms db Ox944EB97 (Table. message _h_a_nd_l_e_
, ch_at_S_iz_e_
· 2_2_0_1s_2_1_1_?_b._yt_e_.s)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-l
10/13120 18 3:27:20 PM(UTC-4}Direction.Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Black tie formal right?
Stalu1: Sent
Oellvcrod: 1011312018 3 27:21 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms db· Ox944E9DF (Table message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes}
10/1312018 3:29:33 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Ha. Opposite
Slat~ Read
Rend t0/t311018 5 27 39 PM(UlC-4)
Source n1e: P G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobdetUbrarylSM Slsms do 0l(944E813 (Table message hand_le_ c_h_at_Si_z_e·_2_2_0_1s_2_1_1_2_byt~es_.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1
10/15/2018 5:28:23 PM(UTC-4)Direcllon:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just talked to Bryan Pacheco at Dinsmore said he's waiting on your green lighl for what they want to file tomorrow. Landsman. Wendell & I
have all given 1t our go-ahead. FYI. You can probably iust reply to his email.
Status: Srnl
OeRvered: 1011!>/2018 5 28.23 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMSlsms.db 0)(948C FE4 (Table. message chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
1011512016 5:26:4 1 PM(UTC-4)Directlon: lnoom!ng, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Wtll do
Sllltus: Read
R&Gd 1011512018 5 29:33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvarimob1lelL1brerylSMSlsms.db Ox946C966 (Table message handle, Chai Size 220762112 bytes)
1011612018 12:59:46 PM(UTC-4}Dlrectlon Incoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Don iust told me that he could move 11fo r 800
Status Read
O.Wered: 10116'2018 6 2!>:S• PM(UTC~)
Reed: 1011612018 6 25 54 PM(UTC·4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phooe/var/mobde/L1brary/SM S/sms.db · Ox94B3FDC (Table message, handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)

I 10/16/2018 6:25:53 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
-that tweet ok?
Status. Sent ..
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox94BC373 (Table. message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/16/2018 6:25:58 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox94BDFEC (Table· message, handle, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/ 16/2018 6:26:30 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
another th ing lost on some people at city hall: better to spread credit around than trying to hoard it
Status; Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox94BDE16 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/ 1612018 6:26:50 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
very nice work - glad this is coming together. and let's make sure it doesn't fall unravel in next 2 4 h rs!
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox94BDB77 (Table: message, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
10/16/2018 6:27:09 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Jason Williams will find a way to spin this. B ut it should generate a story about Jeff and I working together. B ut this really was a total team
Status: Read
Delivered; 10116/2018 6 27 15 PM(UTC-4)
Read; 10/1612018 6:27 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox94B08BA (Table message handle, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
10/16/2018 6:27:38 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I agree - you should push the real story to Wetterich tonight or in the morning
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox94B05B7 (Table. message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/16/2018 6:27:41 PM(UTC-.)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G)
I can think about JW
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/library/SMS/sms.db Ox94BEFEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1812018 9:42:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:l ncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Did w e make a decision about tomorrow?

Status: Read
Read: 10/18/2018 9:42.34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db Ox953EC42 (Table. message . handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/18/2018 10:09:16 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Aligned with our prior convo. Let's talk in morning
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/18/2018 10 09 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox953E54B (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
10118/2018 10:09:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)

Status: Read
Read: 10122/2018 2·01 38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMSfsms db Ox953E341 (Table message, handle. chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
10/23/2018 8:05:25 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
not sure what time you fly out today . bu t g ive a call when able
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmoblle/l1brarylSMS/sms db Ox95C8FEC (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/23/2018 1:12:01 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do you need me for quorum at meeting? We just got word that our flight 1s likely cancelled. Talked to Delta and they don't think they can get
us there until next Wednesday, which obviously won' t work .... so we are scrambling to come up with options. If you don 't need me for
quorum, I need to work on this.
Status: Read
Read: 1012312018 1 17 58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMSfsms.db Ox95D1 BFC (Table. message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/23/2018 1:18:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
I do need you 1
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1012312018 1 18 05 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Ubrary/SMSlsms.db Ox95D2FE4 (Table message chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
10123/2018 1:18:21 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
fuck. ok. How long are you expecting it to last?
Status: Read
Read: 10123/2018 1 18 33 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/l1brary/SMSfsms db Ox95D2E2A (Table message. handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/23/2018 1:18:38 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Hour tops
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1012312018 1 18 38 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db Ox9502BF2 (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)

10/23/20181:18:41 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}

Status: Read
Read: 10123120181 :26:58 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox95D2A40 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
10/23/2018 1:27:02 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Thank you
Status: Sent
De~vered: 10/2312018 1·27:03 PM(UTC-4)

Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox95D285A (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/23/2018 1:27:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Will keep it very tight, I promise
Status: Sent
Delivered: 10/2312018 1.27.26 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox95D26A4 (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
11/1i172018 9:07:31 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Greg Weber. Where
Status: Read
Read: 11110/2018 9·13:25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox999870E (Table. message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
11/10/2018 9:07:34 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
Status: Read
Read: 11/ 1012018 9.13.25 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox999854E (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
11/10/2018 9:13:33 PM(UTC-5}Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1111012018 9:13:30 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox999A5D1 (Table. message. cha1, Size 220762112 bytes)
11/10/2018 9:14:39 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just told me how much he hates us. The streetcar should be scraped for metal. And we shou ld be under federal indictment. At a fundraiser 1
People around me none of u s even knew had to tell him to stop. Think some drinking was invoked .

Status: Read
~eed: 1111012018 9 19·10 PM(UTC-5)

Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox999BA5E (Table· message. handle, chat. Size. 220762112 bytes)
~/10/2018 9:19:42 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
on 't even know who that is. Sounds a ngry

Status: Senl
Delivered: 11 /10/2018 9:19.37 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox999B4C3 (Table message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
11/13/2018 2:59:46 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach}
D id you see C levela nd C l inic is on lockdown with possible shooter?
Status: Read
Delivered: 1111312018 2.59:56 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1111312018 2.59·56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox9A06BD5 (Table· message, handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
11/13/2018 2:59:52 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
That's not whe re Sarah is, right?

Status: Read
Delivered: 11113/2018 2:59:56 PM(UTC-5)
r ead: 11/13/2018 2·59:56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/library/SMS/sms.db : Ox9A06970 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
j;11/13/2018 2:59:57 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
yikes !

Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1lellibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox9A0675A (Table message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
11/13/2018 3:00:07 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
norma lly, but not currently - she's at St. Judes for the month
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db Ox9A0657E (Table message chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
11/13/2018 3:00:10 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Status: Read
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db . Ox9A06320 (Table: message. handle, chat, Size: 22076211 2 bytes)
11125/2018 4:50:56 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Is your comm1ttee s till meeting this week?
Status· Read
Read: 11125/2018 4:51:32 PM(UTC 5)
1Source file: P.G.'s i Phone/var/moblle/library/SMS/sms.db . Ox9C2B31 B (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
11/25/2016 4:51 :36 PM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)

Status: Sent
Delivered: 1112512018 4·51 36 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonel var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms db Ox9C2CFE4 (Table· message. chat. Size 220762112 bytes}

I 11125/2018 4:51 :38 PM(UTC- 5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach) '
· ok
Status: Read
Read: 11125/2018 4 51 .53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G 's 1Phone/varlmob1le/llbrary/ SMS/sms.db Ox9C2CE40 (Table message handle. chat, Size 2207621 12 bytes)
11125/2018 4:51:58 PM(UTC-S)Direction:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G .)
Next. Dec 4
Status: Sent
DeUvered: 11/25/2018 4 51 58 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox9C2CC64 (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

Chats (1)
<.L • These details are cross-referenced from this <tevice's contacts

iMessage: +15133652404(1)
# Deleted

Participants: Start Time: 91812015 10:50:56 AM(UTC-4)

+15 133652404 Last Activity: 3/28/2018 10.2s·s2 AM(UTC-4)
P G.' (owner) Number of attachments:o
Source: iMessage. +15133652404
Source file: P.G.'s
1Phonelvar/mobile/Libraryl SMS/sms. db OxB9639FA
(Table chat handle, Size , 220762112 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.txl
+15 133484329
Chris Seelbach·

Wendell Young•
3126/"l018 4:54 08 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Confirmed Tamaya is a hard no on 18 months
S!Jltus: Sent
Source file: PG 's 1Ph<lnelvarl mobile/Libtary/SMS/sms.db Ox76C33C3 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
312812018 10:25:28 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652.404 (P.G.)
Quick thing
Status: Senl
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7701101 (Table: message , ohat Size 220762112 bytos)
312812018 10:26:07 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
since we've all agreed that Harry can leave voluntarily anytime he wants , but he's only getting 8 months if does, we have to make that option
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox7702FD6 (Table: message, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3128/2018 10:26:23 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgolng, +1513$652404 (P.G.)
well also comple tely diffuse anyone's ab ility to say we're holding him "hos tage"
S1atus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s IPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox7702CB8 (Table. message. chat, Size 22076211 ? bytes)
3128/2018 10:26:50 AM(UTC-4)0\rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
T & I are requesting an ord inance saying if he ever wants to leave voluntarily , he gets the 8 months reflected in his contract
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/varlmoblle/L1brary/SMSlsms.db · Ox7702A22 (Table· message. chat. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
3128/2018 10:27:28 AM(UTC-4)0iredlon·Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.}
Harry knows it's happening and said it's fine , and obviously said he just won't sign it - but understands the logic of the option being there
Status: Senl
Source file. PG 's 1Phone/varlmobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox770273E (Table. message chat. Size 220762112 byles)
312812018 10:28:52 AM(UTC-4)Dltee11on·Outgo1ng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
again, it's nothing different than all of us have already said publicly, we just needed to put it in ordinance form - and Harry still retains all the
Status: Sent
Source file. PG 's 1Phonelvarlmobllell1btary/$MS/sms db · Ox770362D (Table: message. chat Size 220762112 bytes"-
) _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,

Chats (1)
! • These details are cross-referenoed from this device's contacts

iMessage: +15133484329 (1}

IJ Deleted

Participants: Start Time: 211012014 11.40.32 AM (U TC·5)

•15133484329 Last Activity: 3/ 28/ 2018 10:28·52 AM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbach' (owner) Number of attachments: 1
Souri:e: 1Messa9e + 15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach's
iPhone/\larimobile/Library/SM Sis ms. db . Ox 11 BBD778
(Table chat. handle, Size· 342745088 bytes)
Body file: chat-1.txt
WendeU Young'

• 15133652404
Pg Sittenfeld'
312612018 4:54:08 PM(UTC4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Confirmed Tamaya is a hard no on 18 mo nths.
Status: Read
Delivered: 312612018 4 ~4.11 PM(UTC-4)
Raad: 3126120184:54: 11 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvartmobilellibrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC3EF834 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 342745088 by tes)

G/2812018 10:25:28 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Quick thing
Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 10 31 43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonel var/mobile/Ubraryl SMSl sms.db OxC43FA9A (Table message, handle, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
312812018 10:26:07 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
since we've all agreed that Harry can leave voluntarily anytime he wants, but he's only getting 8 months if does, we have to make that option
Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 10.31 43 AM(UTC -4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varlmobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db : OxC43FBCD (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 by1es)
3/26/2018 10:26:23 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
well also completely diffuse anyone's ability to say we 're holding him "hostage"
Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 10.31.43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC43F5A9 (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
31281201810:26:50 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
T & I are requesting an ordinance saying if he ever wants to leave voluntarily. he gets the 8 months reflected in his contract
Status· Read
Read; 3/28/2018 10.31 43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1lel llbrary/SMS/ sms.db . OxC43F30D (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/2812018 10:27:28 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncoming, +15133852404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
Harry knows it's happening and said it's fine, and obviously said he just won't sign it - but understands the logic of the option being there
Status: Read
Read: 3/28/2018 10 31 43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phonelvar/mob1lel library/SMSl sms db . OxC440FD2 (Table message. handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3128/2018 10:28:52 AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15133652404 (Pg Sittenfeld)
again, it's nothing different than all of us have already said publicly, we iust needed to put 11 in ordinance form - and Harry still retains all the
Status; Read
Read; 3/2812018 10 31 43 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubraryl SMSlsms db . OxC440CBA (Table message, handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)

Chats (1}
'i • Th!lse details are cross-referenced from this device's contacts

!Message: +15133484329(1)
# Deleted

Participants: Start Time: 2127/2014 11 16:59 AM(UTC-5)

+15133484329 Last Activity: 10/1612018 s·o1 ·07 PM(UTC-4)
Chris Seelbacn· (owner) Number of attachments: 4
Source: !Message. +15133484329
Source file: Chris Seelbach's
iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db Ox 11BAE2DC
(Table: chat. handle, message Size· 342745088 bytes)
Body flie· chat-1 .txt
Wendell Young•
Chris Seelbach' (owner)
21212018 5:54:55 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, +15134S56759 (Wendell Young}
Hi Chris! This 1s Wendell. Please call Ms: 513-961 -1776. Thanks.
Status: Read
Read: 21~/2018 5:55:02 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db: OxB835FE8 (Table: message handle, cllat, Size: 342745088 bytes)

21212018 5:55:16 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Hey. Can I call you tomorrow? We are about to have 12 people over for dinner!
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach"s 1Phone/va r/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox8835A44 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
21212018 5:56:25 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just need to know whether you can make a meeting tomorrow at noon at The Black Agenda Offices?
Status: Read
Delivered: 2/212018 5 56 38 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 2/2/2018 5.56:38 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonel var/mob1le/Libraryl SMSl sms db . Ox8836FDC (Table message handle, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
2/212018 5:56:50 PM(UTC-5)Directlon:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I cannot tomorrow unfortunately.
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/varl mobile/l1brary/SMS/ sms.db · Ox8836884 (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
21212018 5:57:12 PM(UTC-5)Dlrection:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
Ok. Thanks .
Status: Read
Reed. 21212018 5 58:36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhonelvarl mobilel l1brary/SMS/sms db Ox883639E (Table message handle chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/6/2018 8:10:35 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
I am 100% against any kind of pause for responsible bidder. I've worked for 6 years on this . They've had 6 years to make it work. Finally the
court system says it can be implemented. Everything they said in the committee today was garbage and not true . Our motion clears up all
the concerns regarding minority participation. Be happy to talk through things. But hope we can count on your vote not to pause. PG,
Landsman, Tamaya and I are all against a pause.
Status: Senf
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox8F06FEC (Table message. chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
31612018 6:12:51 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
If it gets paused, Cranley wins .
Status: Senf
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/ var/mobilel library/SMS/sms.db Ox8F0677A (Table message chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
319/2018 10:15:24 AM(UTC-5)0irectlon:lncomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good Morning Chris! This is Wendell. When you get a chance, please call me.
Status: Read
Read: 319/2018 tO 32 42 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/l1bra ry/SMS/sms.db . Ox8FFA587 (Table message handle, chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
3/13/2018 7:10:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Ou1going, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Do you have time for a quick call th is evening?
Status: Sent
Delivered: 3/ t3/2018 7 10 42 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms db · OxC13878 5 (Table message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
3/18/20181 :44:20 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Will you respond to the group text that you agree to the statement just reaffirming what we already said?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/ sms.db OxC282034 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
3118/2018 1:44:57 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Ou1going, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
just say · agreed"
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Ubrary/SMS/sms db OxC282A90 (Table message, chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/5/2018 10:21:49 PM(UTC-4)0irectlon:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I'm a solid no. Hate that PG is doing this.
Status: Read
Read: 4/5/201810 22 03 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/l1brary/SMS/sms db OxC622638 (Table message, handle chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
4/5/2018 10:22:1 7 PM(UTC-4) 0irection:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Me too. Not coo l.
S!Dtus: Sent
Delivered: 415/201 8 10 22 18 P._HUTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC622442 (Table message chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/5/201 8 10:25:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
PG is going to pay a price in the Black Community. It won't be pretty. I wish he would change his mind
Status: Read
Read: 4/512018 10 25.35 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/ var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db OxC62227F (Table message handle chat Size 342745088 bytes)
4/512018 10:28:16 PM(UTC-4) Direction:Ou1going, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Me too. I got a couple of texts about it. Called PG and he admitted to it. D1sappointing.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 4/5/20t8 10 26 17 PMtUTC-4)
Source file. Chns Seelbach's 1Phone/va r/mobile/L1brary/SM S/sms.db OxC623FE4 (Table message. chat Size 342745088 bytes)
41512018 10:28:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Yeah. Me too .
Status: Read
Read: 4/512018 10 28 16 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db OxC6 23090 (Table message handle chat Size 34 2745088 bytes)

41912018 10:55:24 AM(UTC-4)Direct.ion:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Rev. Jesse Jackson at Southern Baptist Church tomorrow at 8:00AM. He will be here regarding Kroger, the West End, and Harry. Hope you
can make it.
Status: Read
Read: 4/9/2018 10.55.31 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : OxC683FE8 (Table. message, handle, chat, Size: 342745088 bytes)
9/1012018 3:01 :13 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Just a heads up: Tamaya, Greg, PG and I all told Enquirer we didn't support the admin settling with Harry Black if you want to clarify with
them .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 9/10/201 8 3·01 15 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chris Seelbach's 1Phone/var/mobile/l1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox00018AB (Table message chat, Size 342745088 bytes)
10/1612018 3:56:32 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133484329 (Chris Seelbach)
Look good to you?
Status: Sent
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lelllbrary/SMS/sms.db · OxE177083 (Table· message, chat. Size. 342745088 bytes)
10/16/2018 3:56:35 PM(UTC-4}Direction:Outgoing, +15133464329 (Chris Seelbach)
For Immediate Release:
From: Office of Councilmember Seelbach
Date 10/16/18
Contact: Jon Harmon - tel:352-5211

Today , Councilmembers Chris Seelbach, Jeff Pastor & Wendell Young are announcing that they have come to an agreement regarding the
vetoed FY18 City Carryover ordinance and on the multi-year community-led Liberty Street Road Diet Improvement Program.

"This is government working for its people ," said Councilmember Jeff Pastor. "We are saving nearly half a million dollars while still
accomplishing our goals of investing in public safety, leading on the heroin epidemic, fighting to close health disparities, and invests in job-
creating engines like CincyTech, Cintrifuse, and the Hillman Accelerator."

The process would unfold with veto overrides scheduled for Wednesday , followed by an additional ordinance beings submitted that reduces
the amount of TIF funds used for the Liberty Street Improvement Project by $460,000 while making small reductions to the original
Carryover ordinances appropriations. All three councilmembers are hopeful for a super majority of support on all related items.

"I'm thrilled that a bi-partisan coalition has been able to come to an agreement that gives us safer streets for pedestrians, a police recruit
class 3-months sooner than expected, and helps reduce family homelessness with a new facility in Bond Hill," said Councilmember Chris

Other items in the compromise agreement fund eviction prevention, Shotspotter technology to reduce gun violence, and funding for
the creation of a Housing Court to work on quality of life issues in our City.


Jon Harmon
Legislative & Policy Director
Office of Councilmember Seelbach
o) tel:513-352-5211
Status: Sent
Source file: Chris Seelbach's iPhone/var/mob1lell1brary/SMS/sms.db : OxE1 78FEC (Table: message, chat. Size 342745088 bytes)
10/16/2018 5:01 :07 PM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young}
Looks good to me. Thanks.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1011612018 5:01 :10 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 10/ 161201 8 5:01 ·10 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: Chns Seelbach's iPhonelvar/mob1lellibraryl SMS/sms.db OxE1803CO (Table. message. handle. chat, Size· 342745088 bytes)

Chats (1)
: • These details are cross-referenced from ltlis device's contacts

1Message· +15133652404 (1)

# Deleted
Participants: Start Time: 115/2015 11.1 2.08 AM(UTC-S)
t 151336524 04 Last Activity· 1111/2018 7.25 25 AM(UTC-4)
P.G.' (owner) Number of attachments: 2
Source: 1Message + 1513365240 4
Souroe file: P.G.'s
1Phone/var/mobrle/library/SMSlsms.db : OxB91 D28E
(Table· chat handle Size. 220762112 bytes)
~15 134856759
Body flle: chat-1 .txt
Wendell Young•
113/2018 1:04:16 PM(UTC-5)Diredion:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
Wendell, very beautiful remarks yesterday - the whole room was inspired by your comeback. Just wanted to shoot a quick note to say I'd
love if you want to stay as a member of our committee. In addition to the existing portfolio, we've officially added the following to our
jurisdlction· 1) the bus system (including the effort to bring it the investment 11 needs) 2) Uptown/MLK area Development projects 3) Charter
Reforms. Totally understand if you go in a different direction, but just want you to know we'd love to have you. - P.G.
Stalus: Sent

Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox67279B6 (Table· message, chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/3/2018 1;11:06 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncomlng, +15134855759 (Wendell Young)
Thanks PG. I'll stay on the Committee.
Status: Road
Read: 1/3120181 :1 1.44 PM(UTC·5)

Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob;le/L1brarylSMS/sms.db . Ox6728248 (Taole message, handle. chat. Size· 22076211 2 bytes)
113/2()18 1:11·49 PM(UTC-5)0ireetion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Statvs: Soni
Delivered: 11312018 1·11 50 PM(VTC-5)

Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db ; Ox6729FE'i (Table· message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
1/14/2018 4:37:12 PM(UTC-S)Direction:lnroming, +151348$759 (Wendell Young)
Hi PG! This is Wendell. Please call me. 961-1 776. Thanks.
Status: Read
Delivered: 1114/2018 4 37·54 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1114120i8 4:37.54 PMtUTC-5)

Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db : Ox68E1DFC (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/14/2018 4:37;52 PM(UTC-S)Oire<:tion:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
on phone wl my wife .. will call you as soon as off
Status: Sent

Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1leillbrary/SMS/sms db Ox68E187F (Table message, chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/1412016 4:38:07 PM(UTC-5)0irection:lncomiog, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Ok. No rush.
Status: Read

Source file: P G. ·s 1Phonelvar/mobde/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox68E 1648 (Table· message. han<11e chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1/15/2018 9:47:04 AM(UTC-5)Directron:Outgolng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
With Bishop out of town Thursday. would you be okay if we pivot back to doing announcement tomorrow? Dwight now will also be in town
tomorrow. so might be the day we can get the most folks.
Status: Sent

Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/\/ar/mobdeillbrary/SMS/sms.db. Ox68F7DFA (Table message chat, Size 220762 112 bytes)
111512018 9:47:15 AM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoiog, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Thanks for letting me know asap, so I can clear up with everyone
Status; Senl

Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/Var/mob1le/Library/SMS/sms.db Ox68F8FEC (Table. message. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
111512018 12:00:33 PM(UTC-S)Oirecilon:lncomlng, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Ok with me.
Slll!us: Read
Read: 1/1512016 1200 41 PM(UTC-5)

Source file: P.G.'s IPhone/var/mobile/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db ' 0><69049E9 (Table mP.ssage handle. chat, Size 220762112 byle~)
1/15/2018 12:01:13 PM(UTC..S}Oirection:Ou!golng, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Great. thanks· we'll lock in 1030am tomorrow
Slatus; Sem
Delivered: 1/1512018 12:01 13 PM(UTC·5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mob1le/L1orary1SMS/sms dp · Ox6904830 (Table message, chat. Size 2207621 12 bytes)
1/1512018 12:01:35 PM(UTC-5)01rection:lncoming, + 15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 1115/7018 12.31 49 PM(UTC-5/
Raad: 1115/2018 12;31 49 PM(UTC-5)

Source file: P.G.'s tPhone/Varlmoblle/Llbrary/SMS/srns.db Ox6905FOC (Table message handle. chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
111712018 11:48:51 AM(UTC-5)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Wendell, thanks again for letting me team up with for yesterdays announcement. I'm hopeful for the changes that can come as a result of
the study.
Status: Sent

Source file: P.G 's IPhone1var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox59C3773 (Table message ci1at. Size 220762112 byles)

1/1712018 11 :49:37 AM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
By the way, my reward for my involvement was for Smitherman to on 700WLW yesterday and ruthlessly and falsely blast me for a good 15
minutes !
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox69C4FEC (Table. message, chat. Size. 2207621 12 bytes)
1/1712018 12:56:33 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I was pleased to stand with you . As for Sm itherman; you're surprised? Loi
Status: Read
Reed: 1/17/2018 1 30.34 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db · Ox69C7BOF (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/1712018 1:30:39 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1/17/2018 1'30·39 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox69C890F (Table message, chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/3112018 2 :28:47 PM(UTC-5)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just heard that you and mini-Trump are having ii out re: the Park Board. Sorry I'm not there to help. I'm in my doctors office. Give him hell !
Status: Read
Delivered: 1131/2018 3:1 8.53 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 1/3 112018 3' 18:53 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox6BF9BA7 (Table message handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/ 31/2018 3:19:20 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Hope you're feeling better. As we know, he's capable of being so small.
Stntus: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6BFC804 (Table· message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
1/3112018 4:28:59 PM(UTC-5}0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Feeling fine. Good results from tests and doctor's comments . Thanks for trying to keep Dianne in her seat. JC is really small and not just in
stature. Can't believe he ever wanted to be a priest .
Status: Read
Delivered: 1/31/2018 8.08:56 PM(UTC-5)
Read: 113112018 8 08-56 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6C014C9 (Table message handle. chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
1/3112018 8 :09:32 PM(UTC-5)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G .)
haha - your last line made me laugh! most importantly, glad to hear of good results!
Status: Sent
Source file: P G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox6C06AC9 (Table message, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
1/31/2018 8 :10:57 PM(UTC- 5)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Glad to bring joy to your life . (Smile)
Status: Read
Read. 2/5/20 18 8 02 36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhoneivar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db : Ox6C062C7 (Table. message, handle. chat, Size . 220762112 bytes)
2/5/2018 8 :01 :58 PM(UTC-5)0irection:incomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Nothing on the news.
Status: Read
Read: 2/5/2018 8 02 36 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/varlmob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox6CB4A8F (Table message, handle, chat, Size· 220762112 bytes)
2/512018 8:02:47 PM(UTC-5)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Thx for letting me know .
Status: Sent
Delivered: 2/512018 8:02 45 PM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms db : Ox6CB48C4 (Table message, chat, Size 22076211 2 bytes)
212612018 4:46:42 PM(UTC-5)01rection:inc:oming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Hi P.G. ' Dwight and I have been talking. He told me that he has had the same conversation with you. Thinking you and I should talk. I'm told
you're traveling . No emergency. Call me when you get back. BTW: Your VM box is full. Guessing you know that. Loi
Status: Read
Read: 2/26/2018 5 48.42 PM1UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Ltbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox705BFE8 (Table message. handle. chat. Size· 220762112 bytes)
3/912018 9 :54:58 AM(UTC-5)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good Morning' This is Wendell. When you get a chance . please call me.
Status: Read
Read: 3/9/2018 10·13:38 AM(UTC-5)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db . Ox72A2A8D (Table message, handle chat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
311712018 1:29:22 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
hey Wendell, great work on everything this week. Question for you: we've put together an event for this Tuesday evening at City Hall at 6pm
for students to come share their feelings with various officials about gun violence and gun reform. Shouldn't last much longer than from 6-
7pm. Especially given your career in law enforcement, would you be willing to be one of the officials on the dais listening to the students?
Here's a link with more about the event: https:/fwww.facebook.comfevents/1 513517121983491. Thanks for letting me know. - P.G.
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms db . Ox7400FEC (Table message chal. Size 22076211 2 bytes)
3117/2018 4:56:23 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I am honored you asked me. I will certainly try. I'm in the Dream Girls play and we rehearse at 7. I'll get permission to arrive late. Shouldn't
be a problem.
Stntus: Read
Read: 3/17/2018 5 09 41 PM\UTC-4)
Source file: P.G .'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db · Ox74EEFE8 (Table message handle chat Size. 220762112 bytes)

3117/2018 5:02:28 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Please call me ASAP.
SIDtus. Read
Read: 3117/2018 5.09 41 PM(UTC-4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox74EEB26 (Table message handle chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
3/17/2018 5:09:09 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Disregard my previous message. You already know about Harry.
Status: Read
Read: 3117/2018 5.09.41 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox74EE325 (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/1812018 7:56:42 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
thanks . Wendell - very glad you can join us Tuesday evening. I think it wtll be very compelling
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox752EDOE (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3118/2018 8 :53:24 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
My pleasure. Should be an interesting time.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3118/2018 8 53:39 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 311812018 8.53 39 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7531D45 (Table· message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3118/2018 8:53:43 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7531946 (Table message chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
311912018 11:38:30 PM(UTC-'l)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just listened to your voicemail message. If you're up, call me. Otherwise we can ta lk tomorrow.
Status: Read
Read: 312012018 7:24 48 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvarlmoblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7569A59 (Table message, handle, chat, Size. 220762112 bytes)
312012018 5:12:36 PM(UTC-4)Direciion:Outgoing, +15133852404 (P.G.)
looking forward to seeing you at 6pm tonight at City Hall - thanks again
Status: Sent
Source file : P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox75A7FEC (Table message, chat, Size 220762112 bytes)
312112018 3:12:36 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
you going to make any comment?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db. Ox75E57B6 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3129/2018 11:22:55AM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Tried calling you Your mailbox is full (bet you didn't know that- Loi). Please call me. Trying to schedule a time for you, Dwight, and
Seelbach to talk. Thanks .
Status: Read
Read. 3/29/2018 2.24 51 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmob1le/L1brary/ SMS/sms db Ox772096A (Table message handle. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2912018 2:25:37 PM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Just wrapping up mtgs. Calling shortly
Status: Sent
Delivered: 312912018 2 25 37 PM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/Llbrary/SMS/sms.db Ox773525A (Table message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/29/2018 5:44:24 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Sorry I missed your call. Thanks for getting back to me. I'm home now. Will you call me again (961-1776)? Thanks.
Status; Read
Read: 3/29/2018 7.35 49 PM(UTC·4J
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMS/sms.db Ox77396C4 (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/2912018 8 :38:10 PM(UTC-'l)Oirection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Hey Wendell, apologies for the phone tag. I am out with Sarah. Could we talk in the morning? I can make myself available anytime
Status: Sent
Dolivered: 3/2912018 8 38 16 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mobile/Ubrary/SMS/sms.db Ox773D9CB (Table. message, chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/3012018 12:44:54 AM(UTC-4}Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
NP. I'll call you around 10 or 11 .
Status· Read
Delivered: 313012018 811 41 AM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/3012018 8 11 41AM(UTC 4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1le/ L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox773D4CC (Table message handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
3/3012018 11:55:07 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Frankly, I was a bit surprised , but Tamaya said she was open to co-steering a process with David, which would result in a written report.
NOT some public spectacle
St.ctus: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms db Ox7752488 (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
313012018 11 :55:36 AM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Also could you me Dwight and hopefully a couple other of our colleagues and community leaders get together next Tuesday afternoon?
Would that suit your schedule?
Status· Sent
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvarl mob1le/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7753FEC (Table message chat, Size 220762112 bytes)

3130/2018 12:45:30 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Good news about Tamaya. Great idea to p roduce a report instead of a public spe ctacle. Late Tuesday afternoon works for me. I'll reach out
to Dwight and see what we can do.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 12:45:43 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3/30/2018 12.45:43 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/LibrarylSMS/sms.db . Ox7758880 (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3130/2018 12:45:59 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
okay, want to say 2:30pm on Tuesday?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db: Ox7759FEC (Table: message. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/20181 :02:35 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/3012018 1:22:34 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3130120 18 1:22:34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s i Phonelvar/mobile/Lib rary/SMS/sms.db : Ox775A2C5 (Table: message, handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:43:32 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Dwig ht said you and he talked. 2:30 Tuesday. Where?
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2:45:34 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 313012018 2:45:34 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db. Ox776A72F (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:45:53 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I'm fine w/ Dwight's office at 3635 Reading Rd ., or elsewhere if fine - not picky, as long as it's private
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db. Ox7768824 (Table: message, c hat, Size: 2207621 12 bytes)
3/30/2018 2:46:44 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Dwig ht's office is definitely private. See you at his place Tuesday.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/30/2018 2:47:57 PM(U TC-4)
Read: 313012018 2:47:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMSlsms.db · Ox776CFOC (Table: message. handle. chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3130/2018 3:21 :59 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just got word that Monday at 9:00AM there will be a Parks Board meeting. An agenda item will an MOU hammered out by the Cranley
appointees and the solicitor, regarding Parks finances . The senior members oppose the MOU and will likely vote it down. Expect fallout from
Cranley. Just a heads-up. Share as you see fit.
Status: Read
Delivered: 3/3012018 4:05 37 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 313012018 4 :05:37 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox7771 FDC (Table: message, handle, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 4:06:01 PM(UTC-4)01rection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
oh, wow - does it have 3 people to vote it down?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox7777522 (Table: message, cha1, Size: 220762 11 2 bytes)
3/30/2018 4:06:13 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
or only two will vote it down?
Status: Sent
Source file: P.G.'s iPhonelvar/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db: Ox77772F1 (Table: message, chat, Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 4:07:00 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
My understanding is that it will be voted down. Cranley is expected to blow his top.
Status: Read
Delivered: 313012018 4:10:38 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 313012018 4:10:38 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobile/Library/SMS/sms.db : Ox777B7CA (Table: message. handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 4:10:44 PM(UTC-4}0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.}
let him blow 1
Status: Sent
Source file: P .G.'s iPhone/varlmobilellibrary/SMS/sms. db : Ox77792C4 (Table: message. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
3/30/2018 4:11:05 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Status: Read
Delivered: 313012018 4.17 05 PM(UTC-4)
Read: 3130/2018 4:17:05 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varl mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db · Ox777ADBB (Table: message, handle, chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)

3130/2018 8:09:07 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)

BB18A603673D plugmPayloadAttachment
A61 SBE1 B57CF .plug1nPayloadAttachment

Status: Read
Read: 3/3012018 9"24:57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phone/var/moblle/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox7785726 (Table message handle. chat attachment Size 220752112 bytes)
P G.' s iPhone/var/mobilelL1brary/SMS/Attachments/7510512104E467-CFC F-4 005-9378-1 502AA5835B91CADD540 3. 1OE E-4 C67-A8F A-
B818A603673D. plug1nPayloadAllachment. (Size 5969 bytes)
P.G.'s 1Phone/var/mob1le/LlbrarylSMSIAttachmentsldc/12fBOEC9D36-0C2B-4A26-8732-BE623F9F55071D699935C -C509-4C4B-BFAD-
A615BE1B57CF.plugmPayloadAttachment · (Size 755323 bytes)
3130/2018 8:09:07 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
Please call me. Harry's charges are serious. We should act.
Status: Read
Read: 3/3012018 9.24.57 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G:s 1Phone1var1mobile/L1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox77853BC (Table. message handle chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
4/212018 10:36:03 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Sorry I missed your call. Just tried calling you but got VM. When you can, please call me.
Status: Read
Read: 41212018 11 00.32 AM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1le/L1brar1/SMSlsms.db . Ox77C08C9 (Table message. handle. chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
41212018 11:01:30 AM(UTC-4)0irection:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Harry is in Boston. Won't be back until tomorrow. Will talk tomorrow and try to figure something out. We're meeting st 2 30 tomorrow. Want
to explore tacking Harry onto that meeting?
Status: Read
Read: 41212018 12.00 09 PM(UTC-4)
Source tile: P .G.'s 1Phone/Var/mob1lelL1braryl SMS/sms.db Ox77C1FE8 (Table message handle chat Size. 220762112 bytes)
41312018 10.29:33 AM(UTC-4)Diredlon:lncomlng, +15134858759 (Wendell Young)
Please call me. Thanks
Status: Read
Deivered: 41312018 12.32 54 PMtUTC-4)
Read; 4/312018 t2.32 54 PMtUTC-4)
Source file: P G.'s 1Phonelvarlmob1lellibrary/SMS/sms.db Ox7628C6A (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
4/5/2016 9:50:25 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134656759 (Wendell Young)
Getting calls about you having a press conference tomorrow regarding FC Cincinnati. Is it true?
Ststus: Read
Deli118Ted: 41512018 9 5811 PM(UTC-4)
Read:415i20189581 1 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/var/mobileilibrarylSMS/srns.db · Ox7807FDC (Table· message. handle chat. Size 220762112 by1es)
6119/2018 2:06:26 PM(UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
You close? We'll start when you're ready
Status: Senl
Delivered: 611912018 2.06·27 PM tUTC-4)
Source file. P.G.'s 1Phonelvar/mob1lelL1brary/SMS/sms.db . Ox83 1E6ED (Table message. chat Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1112018 10:02:48 AM(UTC-4)Dlrection:lncom!ng, +15134856759 (Wenden Young)
Please call me. 961 -1 776. Thanks.
Stal us: Read
Raad: 10/11120 18110025 AMlUTC-4)
Source file: PG ·s 1Phone1varlmobilelllbraryfSMS/sms db Ox93CDD7B (Table message. handle. chat. Size 220762112 bytes)
10/1312016 4:16:12 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Just talked with Dwight. He's upset about some deal Pastor is offering. I don't fully understand what's going on Will you please call me?
Status: Read
Read: 1011312018 S 24 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P .G.'s 1Phonefvar/mobde/L1brarylSMS/sms.db Ox9450353 (Table. message, handle chat Size· 220762112 bytes)
10/13/2018 4 :16:41 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncoming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Please ca ll me at· 961 -1 776.
Slelus: Read
Reod: 10113/2018 5 24 45 PM(UTC-4)
Source file; P .G 's 1Phone/varl mob1lell1brary/SM$/sms db Ox9451 FEB (Table message handle chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1011312018 5:26:04 PM(UTC-4)0irection:Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
Hey, currently in the woods for an event for Seelbach, with bad reception. Will try to call later. or tomorrow morning Pastor does have a
compromise he wants to offer. Can you call him d irectly
Status. Sent
De6vered: t011312018 5 26 05 PM(UTC 4)
Source file. P G.'s 1PhOne/var/mob1lelL1brary1SMSfsms db Ox9452C02 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1011312018 5:26:43 PM (UTC-4)Direction:Outgoing , +15133652404 (P.G.)
Status· Senl
Dehvered: 101t312016 ~ 2& 43 PMtUlC 4)
Source file: P .G 's 1Phone/varlmobile/L1brarylSMSlsms.db Ox9452487 (Table message. cha( Size 220762112 bytes)
10113/2018 5:27:31 PM(UTC-4)0irection,Outgoing, +15133652404 (P.G.)
I obviously like the deal the 5 of us have already supported. We of course shll need that 6th vote
Stntus: Sent
DeNverod: t 011312018 5·27 37 PM(VTC-41
Source file: P .G 's 1Phoneivarlmob1lell 1brarylSMSlsms db Ox9453FE4 (Table message chat Size 220762112 bytes)
1011312018 5:28:03 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lncom!ng, +15134856759 (Wen®ll Young)
Don't want to talk with him before I talk with you. Can you call me late tonight? Say around 11 :OOPM?
Status: Read
Read: 10113/2018 5:28:15 PM(UfC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhone/varlmobilelLibrarylSMS/sms.db Ox945307C (Table. message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
1011312018 5:28:27 PM(UTC-4)0lrection:Outgoing. +15133652404 (P.G.)
Yes, will call you later this evening. Thanks.
Status: Sent
Delivered: 1011312018 5:28.27 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G.'s iPhcnetvarlmobile/librarylSMS/sms.db . Ox9454FE4 (Table message, chat Size: 220762112 bytes)
1011312018 5:28:48 PM(UTC-4)0irection:lnooming, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
I like our original deal to. Not interested in anything that makes the Cen ter take a cut.
Status: Read
Reed: 1011312018 10:09:48 PM(UTC-4)
Source file: P.G 's iPhone/Varlmobllell1brary/SMS/sms.db Ox9454AB9 (Table: message, handle. chat. Size: 220762112 bytes)
10/1312018 5:29:06 PM(UTC-4)Direction:lnoomlng, +15134856759 (Wendell Young)
Great. Talk with you later.
Status: Read
Read: 10/1312018 10:09:48 PM(UTC-4)

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