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2 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More • RiverCitiesReader.


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Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 3

Noam Chomsky Knew 20 Years Ago How

Media Manipulates the Public
am certain that many of you readers sense sunlight does happen to hit, government’s These techniques short circuit meaningful purpose(s), and consumers are obliging with a
that the mainstream and social media are obstruction goes relatively unchallenged by analysis that we can use to offset the media stunning lack of resistance.
manipulating information to such an egre- the people. Residents are struggling with just desired emotional responses that lack justifi- For more thought-provoking illustrations
gious extent that it has become toxic to listen, such an issue in Scott County with the Supervi- cation of the messaging, normally supplied by of Noam Chomsky’s views of modern media
watch, or read. sors’ refusal (for years) to record their meetings sourcing and verification. manipulation, check out this 2012 article on
Gone are the days when, after listening, and proceedings. While not claiming its refusal It is painfully obvious that today Ameri- Alternet titled “10 Brilliant Quotes by Noam
watching, or reading the news of the day, people is due to national security (yet), it is mired in cans exist in this manipulated condition as Chomsky on How Media Really Operates in
would engage in discussion or debate, or even administrative process that is not available to they relate to socioeconomics, politics, and America” at
pursue topics beyond sound bites and headlines the public. world events. Thus, the media is achieving its
to learn more through additional research. In Media has been colluding with govern-
other words: a time when facts mattered. ment for decades, but has had to do so with
Opinions were always welcome, but usually stealth. These covert partnerships, that began
only respected if supported by fact-based evi- in earnest in the 1950s, of government agencies
dence, which means reliably sourced and veri- (CIA, DOD, EPA, DHS, DOE, CDC … the list
fiable. There existed an expectation that news is exhaustive) and nearly all mainstream media
had veracity and could be trusted because those organizations (CNN, FOX, NBC, MSNBC,
two explicit standards applied. If journalists ABC, CBS, NPR … this list is equally exhaus-
were caught fabricating news, it was their undo- tive), deployed their agendas through the use
ing, both in terms of careers and reputations. of newly recognized behavior-modification
It was considered a terrible breach of public techniques that are still being used today, only
trust to deliberately misinform the public, and with far greater sophistication and frequency.
such scoundrels were rightly disavowed from They’re emboldened by the repeal of the Smith-
the entire industry, and their media employers Mundt Act and simultaneous permission to
greatly discredited. It was a very definite profes- propagandize millions of Americans in the
sional and societal black mark. 2012 NDAA – propagandizing accelerated
Today, those two simple standards – reliable during the later Obama Administration with
sources and verifiability – are severely com- his Executive Order mandating behavior-
promised in nearly all sources of print, radio, modification departments in every Executive
Web, and broadcast media. They never were Branch agency (
standards within social media. If the above information sounds familiar,
I wish I could say that the old days of jour- perhaps that is because I have written about it
nalistic integrity existed because of reporters’ before, so important do I consider this change
and news agencies’ commitment to the truth. in information dissemination to be. Noam
Perhaps that was a byproduct. Yeah, let’s go Chomsky, MIT professor and founder of Cog-
with that. It didn’t hurt that the the U.S. Infor- nitive Science, has been writing and lecturing
mation and Educational Exchange Act of on this topic for over 20 years. He is credited
1948, commonly referred to as Smith-Mundt with developing the “10 media manipulations”
Act (, forbade that are detectable, therefore manageable by
the federal government from propagandizing the public to circumvent agendas we want no
Americans. Thus, anything messaging advanc- part of. They are as follows: (1) Distraction
ing the interests of government and/or industry strategy; (2) Create problems, then solve them;
over those of the public was expressly forbidden (3) Gradual introduction strategy; (4) Defer-
by law. That is, until Congress repealed Smith- ring strategy; (5) Utilization of language as
Mundt via the 2012 National Defense Autho- understood by a child (less than 12 years old);
rization Act (NDAA) expressly green-lighting (6) Make use of emotional aspects; (7) Main-
propagandizing Americans. The repeal opened tain public in ignorance and mediocrity; (8)
the floodgates on government and industry Encourage public complacency with medioc-
using media to openly deceive Americans with rity; (9) Self-blame to inhibit action; and (10)
impunity for its own purposes … so long as Know individuals better than they know them-
its purposes comport with government’s own selves through biology, neurology, and applied
amorphous definition of national security. psychology. A more definitive summary can be
All manner of government business, pro- found at, or if you
cesses, and procedures (local, state, and federal) prefer a visual/audio explanation, watch it at
are increasingly attaching to national security
in some way for the cover it provides by elimi- Right now, media is focused on eliciting emo-
nating public access, thereby transparency and tional responses that essentially block rational
accountability. Sadly, these largely ignored thought and analysis. This is done using neuro-
administrative rules and regulations are linguistic programming (NLP), cognitive dis-
enacted throughout government departments sonance, repetition, leveraging short attention
quietly, flying way under the radar. And when spans, and a barrage of irrelevant information.
4 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •


Pritzker Using Momentum to His Advantage

lobbyist who works for a business- a while has seen this play out time and time But that idea was ultimately rejected, lobbyists will have to fully engage in the
related organization asked me a again. either because the groups were dead-set committee process rather than count on a
question the other day that I’ve been But that most certainly isn’t the case now. against any minimum wage hike and were single person to have their backs.
hearing a lot lately: “Who’s going to be the Pritzker has the momentum and he knows it fully supporting Governor Bruce Rauner’s The simple fact is that some Democratic
stopper now?” and appears intent on trying to use it to his reelection, or out of fear or inertia. committee chairs could be more ame-
What he meant was: Who in the legisla- full advantage. And then Pritzker won by 16 points and nable to arguments than their committee
tive process can be counted on these days to The simple truth is, business groups lost interpreted his victory as an overwhelm- membership.
help derail bills which are deemed hostile to the 2018 election. Badly. And elections have ing mandate for progressive change, rather And the governor’s inexplicable lack of
business interests? consequences. than as others saw it: Yet another repudia- legislative staff could work to the oppo-
The reason for the question was pretty Some folks had argued as far back as last tion election inextricably connected to yet nents’ advantage. Pritzker doesn’t yet have
obvious. Before this year, the last time summer that business leaders should step up another national “wave.” enough people on staff to read all these bills,
House Speaker Michael Madigan allowed and take a role in shaping the debate over a The most dejected Illinoisan on election let alone work them.
a minimum-wage increase through his potential minimum-wage increase. night in 2016 wasn’t a Hillary Clinton sup- Most of the big stuff that gets a lot of atten-
chamber which he knew would be signed The wage regionalization argument didn’t porter, it was Governor Rauner. Up until tion and is prominently pushed by Pritzker
into law was 13 years ago. And that bill only just come out of nowhere. It has its roots in then, he had privately bragged that the is probably going to fly. Maybe not every-
increased the minimum wage by a mere 25 a New York bill signed into law back in 2016 Democrats had better get used to having thing, but most. The rest of the progressive
cents an hour each year for four years. This which put Upstate and the suburbs on a him around because Clinton was going to agenda will come down to endless fights in
year’s legislation that he supported will raise slower path to $15 an hour than New York win and that surely meant a backlash in 2018 the trenches.
the minimum wage by $2.75 an hour in just City. And Illinois already has mandated and he’d be reelected. The left has enthusiasm, a governor and
12 months starting next January 1 and then regionalized pay scales within its prevail- Oops. a favorable national political climate at its
eventually go all the way up to $15 an hour. ing wage laws. A case could be made that a And here we are. Speaker Madigan has back. The other side has process experience
Governor JB Pritzker set the tone for the system which works pretty well for workers not shown any willingness to at least overtly and the natural fear of unknown conse-
spring session by jamming that bill through in the trades should be good for all workers. resume his role as the guy who would help quences.
both chambers and now business types are So, the argument went, force candidate out business interests in a pinch. Senate
reeling and searching for a way to at least Pritzker to address the regionalization con- President John Cullerton is a liberal who Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax, a daily
slow down the rest of this progressive train. cept whenever he traveled to Downstate believes in these things. And once a pro- political newsletter, and
It may eventually happen on its own. campaign events. Inject the concept into the gressive bill gets to the governor’s desk, he’s
Pritzker has a super-ambitious legislative broader public debate early in the process, gonna sign that thing as sure as you’re born. New Column Published
agenda and legislators could simply grow long before any final legislative plans were If they’re going to have any success at
Weekly at
weary. Anyone who’s been around this game set in stone. beating back some of these bills, the business

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Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 5

Pizza Revolution is Coming

Quad Cities’ Homeslice
6 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

THEATRE By Madeline Dudziak

Catch Them If You Cannes

Diamonds & Divas: A Murderous Fiasco, at the Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse
Vol. 26 · No. 959 through April 6

MARCH 2019 t was mentioned – more than once – at
its opening-night performance that the
Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse’s production
River Cities’ Reader
532 W. 3rd St.
of Diamonds & Divas: A Murderous Fiasco
Davenport IA 52801 was the comedy’s United States profes- sional premiere. If we were supposed to be
(563)324-0049 (phone) impressed by that fact, it really isn’t saying
(563)323-3101 (fax) much, as author Robin Hawdon’s script would feel right at home with a group of
Publishing Since 1993 American middle-schoolers. However, the
The River Cities’Reader is an independently owned publication and cast, composed of many familiar Circa ’21
website, dedicated to providing readers and members the “keys to the
Quad Cities’culture.” favorites, injects talent amidst the chaos of
this melodramatic escapade, almost fully
PRINTED MONTHLY redeeming an otherwise ridiculous affair.
Newly printed complimentary editions are available monthly
at select locations in the region. For a complete list, visit With no really discernible plot, Diamonds & Divas is a whodunit in which everyone
VALUE FOR VALUE in the audience already knows who’s done
Support the Reader print edition with an online membership for what. With the action perfectly timed to Bret
$4.99/month or $50/year. Includes all access to digital only weekly Churchill’s lovely sound design, we watch as
coverage of What’s Happenin’ staff picks; new weekly columns
from Rich Miller, Amy Alkon, movie and theatre reviews, guest Jimmy (Tristan Tapscott) attempts to steal
commentaries, crosswords, cartoons and horoscopes; weekly a diamond necklace from the hotel room
e-newsletters; continually updated event and live music calendars; of Grace Gervaise (Miranda Jane) at the
all event descriptions, venue and ticket info, maps and notification
services from the Reader Calendar; and the satisfaction from Cannes Film Festival on the French Riviera,
supporting a key to the Quad Cities’ culture! but hijinks ensue when his attempted theft
Miranda Jane, John Payonk, Don Denton, Tristan Tapscott, Cara Chumbley, and Tom Walljasper in
Diamonds & Divas: A Murderous Fiasco
PRINT ADVERTISING SPACE RESERVATION DEADLINE IS THE 15TH In this production, all clichés are present
and accounted for, and with its old-school frequently that I was surprised God Him- silliness. But just when you begin to think
slapstick and larger-than-life gestures, direc- self didn’t float down from the heavens and you know where this production is going,
tor Warner Crocker probably had a delight- ask him to please stop. (Much of this pro- something new and outrageous happens,
Visit for full publishing calendar,
monthly edition themes, sponsorship opportunities, ful time dreaming up the heightened reality duction’s comedy stems from the frequent elevating the story to a new, impossible
sizes and pricing. Diamonds & Divas demands. In its excel- rehashing of details in an attempt to get height chock-full of humor. At one point,
PUBLISHER lent wordplay and repetition, the comedy everyone on the same page; it just so happens it’s exclaimed that what’s happening is “a
Todd McGreevy • was completely straightforward, and as I’ve that most of the time, everyone is wrong.) farce, really,” and that sentiment could not
already talked about the diamond necklace, As for Tapscott’s jewel thief Jimmy, he’s be truer. This is a show that couldn’t (and
EDITOR & BUSINESS MANAGER you may find yourself wondering which
Kathleen McCarthy • the ultimate embodiment of nervous- doesn’t!) take itself seriously at all, which
characters are the title’s referenced divas. (A ness. Jimmy and his accomplice Haley allows the audience to just let go, suspend
ARTS & CALENDAR EDITOR hint: It’s the entire cast.) Collectively, these (Cara Chumbley) don’t speak as much as reality, and have a good time. If you think
Mike Schulz • characters were so overdone that they should the others but were nearly always around, about the plot too much, the production
ART DIRECTOR have been irritatingly unlikeable. Yet the and it was great fun watching their non- loses its immature escapism-as-entertain-
Nathan Klaus • actors were so skilled and self-aware of the verbal communication as the pair tried to ment appeal – so don’t. By the time it’s over,
over-the-top madness that the performers be sneaky. How no one on stage appeared you’ll realize the ride was an amusing one,
DISTRIBUTION & OFFICE MANAGER actually became quite endearing.
Michael Locander • to notice them defied logic, but was enter- and even allowed you to embrace your inner
One would think that cinematic leading taining nonetheless. At one point during eighth-grader along the way.
IT-SYSMIN lady Grace would be the biggest diva in the the March 1 performance, Tapscott almost With the climax featuring a dramatic
William Reveal room, but Jane brought levelheadedness and knocked down a column on scenic designer pillow fight, of all things, I can say Diamonds
ADVERTISING SALES strength to this production that were very Jeff Weber’s absolutely gorgeous hotel-suite & Divas: A Murderous Fiasco is definitely
Michael Locander • much appreciated. Perhaps the ultimate duel set and, while I think it was most likely acci- not among my favorite Circa ’21 productions
of diva-ness was between Tom Walljasper’s dental, the misadventure almost would’ve to date. Nevertheless, the talented cast man-
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS whiny Englishman Oscar Gervaise and Don
Amy Alkon, Max Allison, Rochelle Arnold, Leslie Bell, made sense in this production with its plen- ages to spin a 16-layer trifle of pure sugary
Rob Brezsny, Max Cannon, Madeline Dudziak, Michael Helke, Denton’s Adam, the latter of whom spoke in tiful and outlandish physical mishaps. fluff that is visually stunning, wholeheart-
Thomas L. Knapp, Rich Miller, John W. Whitehead an over-the-top British accent with uppity While the stage action may have been edly committed to the ridiculous, and not
PRINT COPY DISTRIBUTORS persona to match. Denton and Walljasper exaggerated, Gregory Hiatt’s impeccable unworthy of your leisure time.
Ingalls Family, Cheri DeLay, Greg FitzPatrick, were richly committed to the crazy their costumes were not. Grace’s sparkly green
N. A. Rice, Jay Strickland characters required, yet never came across film-festival gown was positively stunning, Diamonds & Divas: A Murderous Fiasco
as anything other than sincere in their unbe-
KNOW MORE. lievably foolish roles.
and across the board, Hiatt dressed the
other actors equally phenomenally, with the
runs at the Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse (1828
Third Avenue, Rock Island) through April 6,
But the true diva of the group night suits and tuxedos donned by the gentlemen and more information and tickets are avail-
actually be hotel manager Monsieur Boni- well-varied and just as fabulous as the diva- able by calling (309)786-7733 extension 2 or
face (John Payonk), who fancies himself in worthy women’s dresses. visiting
© 2019 River Cities’ Reader
charge and completely rational. He isn’t. It would be easy to lump Diamonds &
In fact, Boniface exclaims “Mon Dieu!” so Divas into a “just meh” category of juvenile
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 7


MUSIC Page 13 COMEDY Page 23 OTHER EVENTS Page 26 HEALTH Page 30

MAJOR EVENTS WWE Live, featuring Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin in the gallery and the important role women artists have Voices of the Stones Trunk Show, join Carole and
in a triple threat… TaxSlayer Center, 7pm Sun Apr 21 played throughout history; free; for information, call 563- Mary from New York for a trunk… Beadology Iowa, 10am
326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport Sat Mar 9
March Rain – A Tribute to the Beatles: The Best of Abbey IA,, 6:30pm Thu Mar 7
Road Live!, in celebration of the anniversary of the KinderNature: Wiggly Worms, ages 3-5 enjoy
Dierks Bentley, the chart-topping country star release of “Abbey… TaxSlayer Center, 7pm Wed Apr 24 Senior Day at the Figge, meet in the lobby for a a morning playing with live worms as… Quad City
performs on his “Burning Man Tour… TaxSlayer Center, tour at 1:30pm, with a 2:30pm film in the auditorium; Botanical Center, 10:30am Tue Mar 12
7pm Thu Mar 7 2019 Monster Jam, a new level of high-flying, four- seniors get 10% off in the Museum Store and Cafe; for
wheel excitement for the entire… TaxSlayer Center, Sat information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 Artist Talk: Heidi Hernandez, join artist Hernandez
Joe Bonamassa, concert with the Grammy-nominated Apr 27 thru Sun Apr 28 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm as she introduces her installation and shares her
blues-rock guitar icon; $82-199; for tickets,… Adler Thu Mar 7 artistic process; happy-hour menu and cash bar
Theatre, 8pm Thu Mar 7
May Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,
start at 4pm; free; for information, call 563-326-7804,
Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
Imagination Journey, an evening with some of discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; guests, 6:30pm Thu Mar 14
the world’s greatest acrobats, contortionists,… Adler Finding Neverland, stage musical based on the life of are invited to experience the current exhibitions
Theatre, 7:30pm Fri Mar 8 author J.M.M. Barrie… Adler Theatre, 6pm Tue May 7 and permanent collection gallery as well as shop the Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,
Museum Store; tonight - Artist Talk: Kim Keever; free; for discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; guests
Aaron Lewis, concert with the outlaw-country singer/ Beaux Arts Fair, annual outdoor celebration of fine art information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 are invited to experience the current exhibitions
songwriter on his “The State I’m… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm and crafts, featuring vendors, live music, food, children’s W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 5pm and permanent collection gallery as well as shop
Sun Mar 10 activities, and more; Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm; Thu Mar 7 the Museum Store; tonight - Artist Talks; free; for
free; for information, call 309-207-5614 or e-mail information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
KISS, the legendary rockers perform in their “End of the, Figge Art Museum Plaza, 225 Reception for Leslie Bell: Paintings & Drawings W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 5pm
Road… TaxSlayer Center, 7:30pm Sun Mar 10 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 10am Sat Waiting to Go On, held in conjunction with the Thu Mar 14
May 11 thru Sun May 12 painting exhibit by the emeritus… The ARTery, 6pm Fri
Rock of Ages, Tony-nominated musical celebration Mar 8 Canvas and Composers, enjoy an evening of insights
of 1980s hair-metal bands; $38-63; for tickets,… Adler Chicago, Kander & Ebb’s Tony-winning stage musical and inspiration in this lively… Cedar Rapids Museum of
Theatre, 7pm Sun Mar 17 presented in the Broadway… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm Collection and Exhibition Highlights Tour, join Art, 7pm Thu Mar 14
Mon May 13 thru Tue May 14 us for a guided tour with one of our knowledgeable
Breaking Benjamin, concert with the Philadelphia- docents, and a wonderful way to gain further insight into 44th Annual Orchid Show, hosted by he Illowa
based rockers in their... TaxSlayer Center, 6:30pm Wed
Mar 20 VISUAL ARTS museum exhibitions; free with $4-7 museum admission;
for information, call 563-326-7832, Figge Art Museum,
Orchid Society; Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun. 11am-4pm;… Quad
City Botanical Center, Sat Mar 16 thru Sun Mar 17
225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,,
One Night of Queen, concert tribute to the legendary Openings & Gallery Events 1:30pm Sat Mar 9 thru Sun Mar 24 Recognition Day for Young Artists at the Figge
rockers performed by Gary Mullen… TaxSlayer Center, 2019: Moline Schools, held in conjunction with
7:30pm Sun Mar 24 March Exhibition and Collection Highlights Tours, for the exhibition of works by elementary art students;
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation
Jason Reynolds, an evening with the New York Artist Talks, as part of National Women’s History W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman Foundation; free with
Times bestselling author, Newbery Award Honoree, Month, the Figge unveils its first permanent collection Sat Mar 9 thru Sun Mar 24 $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-326-
Printz Award Honoree, National Book Award Honoree, gallery completely dedicated to women artists; join area 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
Kirkus Award winner, two-time Walter Dean Myers women artists others as they discuss their favorite works, noon Sun Mar 17
Award winner, NAACP Image Award Winner, and
recipient of multiple Coretta Scott King honors; free; Q&A for Moving Pictures: A Print Portfolio
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Exchange, free; for information, contact Christopher
Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport IA, Reno at 563-333-6444 or…, 6pm Thu Mar 28 Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts Center - St. Ambrose
University, 4pm Thu Mar 21
Peter and the Wolf, Mother Goose, & Other Tales,
be whisked away to the land of fairy tales with… Adler Quilter Talk, in celebration of National Quilters Week,
Theatre, Sat Mar 30 the Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild invites guests to
explore their exhibition in the Figge’s Quad City Bank
April & Trust Grand Lobby and hear from the artists whose
work is on display; free; for information, call 563-326-
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The King and I, Tony-, 5pm Thu Mar 21
winning classic presented in the Broadway at the Adler
series;… Adler Theatre, 6pm Sun Apr 7 Reception for Moving Pictures: A Print Portfolio
Exchange, free; for information, contact Christopher
Three Dog Night, concert with the chart-topping rock Reno at 563-333-6444 or…
icons; $38-88; for tickets, call… Adler Theatre, 8pm Fri Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts Center - St. Ambrose
Apr 12 University, 5pm Thu Mar 21

Luke Combs, concert with the chart-topping country Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,
musician, featuring special guests LANCO and… discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; guests
TaxSlayer Center, 7:30pm Fri Apr 12 are invited to experience the current exhibitions
and permanent collection gallery as well as shop the
Red Green, an evening with comedian, author, and TV Museum Store; today - Artist Talk: Heidi Hernandez; free;
star Steve Smith… Adler Theatre, 7pm Sat Apr 13 for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum,
225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 5pm
The Harlem Globetrotters, basketball and comedy Thu Mar 21
with a star-studded roster featuring Big Easy… TaxSlayer
Center, 2pm Sat Apr 13 JFK & the Golden Age of Photojournalism, join
exhibition curator and world-renowned photographer
Newsboys United and Michael W. Smith, Lawrence Schiller as he… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art,
contemporary-Christian musicians perform on their 1pm Sat Mar 23
“Surounded & United Tour”; for… TaxSlayer Center, 7pm
Fri Apr 19 Robert Reeves: Sounds of the City @ Beréskin Gallery and Art Academy – through March 29
8 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Opening Reception: High School Art Exhibit, held


VISUAL ARTS / Openings & Gallery in conjunction with the annual exhibit of local high…
Events / March Quad City Arts Center, 6pm Thu Apr 4

Partner Program with Niabi Zoo, the Figge is

Scholar Talk: Arlie Sulka, held in conjunction with partnering with Niabi Zoo for the “Animals in the
the exhibit “Louis Comfort Tiffany: Treasures from the Museum” exhibition; Niabi educators will talk about
Driehaus Collection”; Sulka is the owner of the New the animals featured in the artworks from the exhibit
York gallery, Lillian Nassau LLC and will speak about her and provide audience members a chance to meet
specialization in the artwork of Louis Comfort Tiffany actual living animals from the zoo as part of their “Zoo
and Tiffany Studios; for information, call 563-326- to You” program; free; for information, call 563-326-
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 6:30pm Thu Mar 28, 6:30pm Thu Apr 4

Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities, Senior Day at the Figge, meet in the lobby for a
discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; guests tour at 1:30pm, with a 2:30pm film in the auditorium;
are invited to experience the current exhibitions seniors get 10% off in the Museum Store and Cafe; for
and permanent collection gallery as well as shop information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
the Museum Store; today - Quilter Talk / Scholar Talk: W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm
Arlie Sulka; free; for information, call 563-326-7804, Thu Apr 4
Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 5pm Thu Mar 28 Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,
discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; guests
Final Friday at Bucktown, for information, call are invited to experience the current exhibitions
563-424-1210… Bucktown Center for the Arts, 6pm Fri and permanent collection gallery as well as shop the
Mar 29 Museum Store; free; for information, call 563-326-
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
April, 5pm Thu Apr 4 thru Thu Apr 25

Opening Reception for Pam Ohnemus & Cynthia

New Figge Member Night, all members who have Starkweather-Nelson: Prairie, free; for information,
joined in the past six months will be invited to a special call 563-508-4630… Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy,
event hosted by the Figge’s Inreach Committee; 5:30pm Fri Apr 5
members will take a docent-led tour of “Louis Comfort
Neyla Pekarek @ Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel – March 28
Tiffany: Treasures of the Driehaus Collection”; afterward, Grant Wood Studio Opening Day, tours will be
they will enjoy demonstrations of cake decorating, conducted by CRMA docents on the hour… Grant Wood $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-326-
chocolate making and flower arranging inspired by Studio, noon Sat Apr 6 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, Recognition Day for Young Artists at the Figge
the exhibition, while enjoying a glass of wine and, noon Sun Apr 7 2019: Private Schools, held in conjunction with
hors d’oeuvres; for information, call 563-326-7804, Crisis and Faces of November, short film screenings the exhibition of works by elementary art students;
Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, shown in conjunction with the “American Visionary:… Sunday Funday, free with $4-7 admission; for sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation, 6pm Tue Apr 2 Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 1pm Sun Apr 7 information, call 309-794-0991… Quad City Botanical Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman Foundation; free with
Center, 1pm Sun Apr 7 $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-326-
Annual Celebration of the Arts, Quad City Arts’ Recognition Day for Young Artists at the Figge 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
Annual Meeting and Arts Dollars Awards; the… The 2019: Geneseo Schools, held in conjunction with Belgian Lace Demonstration, Marlene Shattuck will, noon Sun Apr 28
Establishment, 6pm Wed Apr 3 the exhibition of works by elementary art students; perform a demonstration on making Belgian lace;…
sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation
Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman Foundation; free with
Moline Public Library, 11am Mon Apr 8 May & June
Brand Boeshaar Scholarship Reception, join in
the celebration of high school art student scholarship Author/Collector Talk, author and collector

recipients and view their portfolios before heading up Bryon Vreeland will speak about the “Art Nouveau
to the auditorium for the feature film “Leaning into the Amphora” exhibition; for information, call 563-326-
Wind”; 5:30pm reception, 6:30pm film; for information, 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St.,, 6:30pm Thu May 2
Leslie Bell: Paintings & Drawings Waiting to Go On Davenport IA,, 5:30pm Thu Apr 11
Senior Day at the Figge, meet in the lobby for a
Thursday, March 7, through Sunday, March 31 @ MidCoast Gallery West / The ARTery, Collection and Exhibition Highlights Tour, join tour at 1:30pm, with a 2:30pm film in the auditorium;
us for a guided tour with one of our knowledgeable seniors get 10% off in the Museum Store and Cafe; for
1629 Second Avenue, Rock Island, IL docents, and a wonderful way to gain further insight into information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
museum exhibitions; free with $4-7 museum admission; W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm

W orks by one of the Quad Cities’ most

revered artistic talents and an emeritus
professor at St. Ambrose University will be
for information, call 563-326-7832, Figge Art Museum,
225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,,
1:30pm Sat Apr 13 thru Sun Apr 28
Thu May 2

Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,

discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; guests
on display at MidCoast Gallery West / The Exhibition and Collection Highlights Tours, for are invited to experience the current exhibitions
ARTery through March 31, with the Rock information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 and permanent collection gallery as well as shop the
Island venue celebrating its 10th birthday W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm Museum Store; free; for information, call 563-326-
Sat Apr 13 thru Sun Apr 28 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
with the debut of the new exhibition Leslie, 5pm Thu May 2 thru Thu May 30
Bell: Paintings & Drawings Waiting to Go On. Recognition Day for Young Artists at the Figge
Highly regarded for his many years of 2019: Muscatine Schools, held in conjunction with Opening Reception for Laurie Pace: Horses, free;
teaching at St. Ambrose, Bell came to Iowa the exhibition of works by elementary art students; for information, call 563-508-4630… Bereskin Gallery &
sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation Art Academy, 5:30pm Fri May 3
in 1965 to study art at the university with Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman Foundation; free with
renowned calligrapher Father Edward Catich. $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-326- Village in Bloom: A Festival of the Arts, seventh-
After graduating in 1972, he completed his 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, annual event honoring Isabel and John Bloom; area
MFA in painting at Northern Illinois University, noon Sun Apr 14 school children will… Village of East Davenport, 10am
Leslie Bell: Paintings & Drawings Waiting to Go Sat May 4
and has consequently exhibited all across Scholar Talk, help celebrate the wonderful world of
On @ The ARTery through March 31
America, with shows in such cities as Chi- Louis Comfort Tiffany with a lecture about the artist Collection and Exhibition Highlights Tour, join
cago, Atlanta, and Tampa. Bell’s citations and Jerry Cullum, the editor of Art Paper and a and his studio; for information, call 563-326-7804, us for a guided tour with one of our knowledgeable
awards include an Arts Midwest/NEA fellow- Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, docents, and a wonderful way to gain further insight into
critic for Art in America, has said of the artist,, 6:30pm Thu Apr 25 museum exhibitions; free with $4-7 museum admission;
ship, the Special Recognition Award – Best “His recent paintings are a rare combina- for information, call 563-326-7832, Figge Art Museum,
in Painting – from the Des Moines Art Center, tion of vision, skill, and wit. The stories are Senior Honors Exhibit: Artist Q&A, free; for 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,,
and grants from the Iowa Arts Council and enacted in brilliantly composed landscapes information, contact Christopher Reno at 563-333- 1:30pm Sat May 4 thru Sun May 5
Quad City Arts. He’s currently represented 6444 or… Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose
amid stunning effects of light. Bell’s imagina-
University, 4pm Thu Apr 25 Exhibition and Collection Highlights Tours, for
by the Moberg Gallery in Des Moines and the tion has created not just magical realism, but information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
Hudson River Galleries in Iowa City. real magic.” Senior Honors Exhibit: Reception, free; for W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm
For more than 15 years, Bell’s figurative Regular gallery hours for Leslie Bell: Paint- information, contact Christopher Reno at 563-333- Sat May 4 thru Sun May 5
paintings have explored images of love, edu- 6444 or… Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose
ings & Drawings Waiting to Go On are 11:30
University, 5pm Thu Apr 25 Artist Talk: Vanessa German, join artist German
cation, longing, and nature, with exhibitions a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays through Satur- as she discusses her upcoming exhibition “Vanessa
of his work showcased in venues including days at MidCoast Gallery West / The ARTery, Final Friday at Bucktown, for information, call 563- German: Miracles and Glories Abound” and ways in
Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, admission is free, and more information is 424-1210… Bucktown Center for the Arts, 6pm Fri Apr 26 which she feels art and life are intertwined; happy-hour
Texas, Galerie Timothy Tew, in Atlanta; and menu and cash bar begins at 4pm; free; for information,
available by calling (309)781-7668 or visiting
San Francisco’s University of California.
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 9
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St.,
Davenport IA,, 6:30pm Thu May 9

Young Artists at the Figge Open House, held in

conjunction with the exhibition of works by elementary
art students, with activities for all ages; sponsored in
part by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation Fund and the
Hubbell-Waterman Foundation; free; for information,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St.,
Davenport IA,, 10am Sat May 11

Beaux Arts Fair, annual outdoor celebration of fine art

and crafts, featuring vendors, live music, food, children’s
activities, and more; Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm;
free; for information, call 309-207-5614 or e-mail, Figge Art Museum Plaza, 225
W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 10am Sat
May 11 thru Sun May 12

Artist Conversation, in partnership with the David

C. Driskell Center at the University of Maryland,
the Figge is proud to present “Living Legacy,” a
conversation between Professors David C. Driskell
and Curlee R. Holton; happy-hour menu and cash bar
begin at 4pm; free; for information, call 563-326-7804,
Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 6:30pm Thu May 16

Opening Reception: Karen Austin - Douglas

Cloven - Maureen Healy Mossman, opening One Night of Queen @ TaxSlayer Center – March 24
reception for our new gallery show; free; for
information,… Quad City Arts Center, 7pm Fri May 17
Opening Reception for Carla Markwart: Chicago Foundation Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman Robert Reeves: Sounds of the City, painted
ArtWorks Expo High School Pastel Competition, & Me, free; for information, call 563-508-4630… Foundation; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, cityscapes by the Des Moines-based artist; Wed.-Sat.…
presented with support from the Rock Island Art Guild; Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, 5:30pm Wed Jun 5 Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, thru Fri Mar 29
free;… Bucktown Center for the Arts, Sat May 25 information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, thru Leslie Bell: Paintings & Drawings Waiting to Go
Final Friday at Bucktown, for information, call Exhibits & Shows Sun Mar 10 On, painting exhibit by the emeritus professor of art…
563-424-1210… Bucktown Center for the Arts, 6pm Fri The ARTery, thru Sat Mar 30
May 31 Scott & Rock Island Counties Kenneth Cunningham - Brian Schulz, Cunningham
presents the painting exhibition “Esprit De Corps:… Tom Hempel: Retrospective, exhibit of watercolors
Iowa Arts Festival, annual weekend event features a
juried fine… Downtown Iowa City, Fri May 31 thru Sun
Currently on Display Quad City Arts Center, thru Fri Mar 22 by the Quad Cities… Midcoast at Bucktown Gallery, thru
Sun Mar 31
Jun 2 Vicky Enyeart: The Majestic Oak Studio, exhibit
Young Artists at the Figge 2019: Rock Island- of photographic art; Mon.-Sat. 10am-4pm, Tue.… Quad Moving Pictures: A Print Portfolio Exchange,
Milan Schools, exhibition of works by elementary City Botanical Center, thru Mon Mar 25 Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. noon-4pm; free; for
art students; sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar


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10 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Art Nouveau Amphora, sinuous plants, youthful Flight Pattern: Birds in Art, from John Buck’s vibrant

VISUAL ARTS / Exhibits & Shows W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, thru
/ Scott & Rock Island Counties / Sun Apr 28 maidens and venomous dragons are among the forms woodcut of the… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru Sat
Currently on Display that curl around the art pottery known as Art Nouveau Mar 30
Todd Hughes - Julie Nelson - Douglas Rutzen, Amphora; Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 11am-5pm; free with
exhibit of fine furniture by Hughes and… Quad City Arts $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 309-793- The Elephant in the Room: Animal as Model,
information,… Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts Center Art @ the Airport, thru Tue Apr 30 1213, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, exhibit that recognizes that animals are not… Des
- St. Ambrose University, thru Fri Apr 12, thru Wed Jun 5 Moines Art Center, thru Sun May 5
Submerged in the Sublime: The Landscape
The Night Bookmobile, exhibit featuring original
artwork from author Audrey… Catich Gallery - St.
Photography of Kim Keever, exhibit of works
by the New York-based photographer; Keever takes
Opening This Spring Susan Collis: Without you the world goes on, the
artist’s first museum exhibition in the… Des Moines Art
Ambrose University, thru Fri Apr 12 photographs of compositions he creates using various Center, thru Sun May 12
paints and inks added to the water inside a 200-gallon Young Artists at the Figge 2019: Moline Schools,
The Traveling History of the Book Exhibit, the tank to produce compelling atmospheric effects; Tue.- exhibition of works by elementary art students; American Visionary: John F. Kennedy’s Life and
Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center hosts Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation Times, the most exhaustively researched group of
this “hands-on” exhibit which showcases historically with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563- Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman Foundation; Tue.-Sat. Kennedy… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru Sun May
accurate replicas of the book throughout history; learn 326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with 19
about Rosetta stone replica, papyrus book, miniature IA,, thru Sun May 12 $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-326-
books, and more; Mon.-Thu. 9am-8pm, Fri. & Sat. 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, Stacy Steers: Edge of Alchemy, in this handmade,
9am-5:30pm; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Louis Comfort Tiffany: Treasures from the, Sat Mar 16 thru Sun Mar 24 animated film in which… Des Moines Art Center, thru
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Driehaus Collection, drawn from the collection of the Sun May 19
Davenport IA,, thru Sat Apr 13 Richard H. Driehaus Museum in Chicago, the exhibition Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild, in celebration
features 62 exemplary works created by Tiffany’s of National Quilters Week, the Mississippi Valley Art in Roman Life, over 50 works, including coins, glass
Animals in the Museum, more than 60 works of art studios; from small blown glass vases to breathtaking Quilters Guild invites guests to explore their exhibition vessels,… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru Wed Jun 5
drawn primarily from the Figge’s collection, including stained-glass windows and a spectacular selection of in the Figge’s Quad City Bank & Trust Grand Lobby;
paintings, sculptures, prints, photographs, and video lamps, the exhibition demonstrates the craftsmanship Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 11am-5pm; free with $4-7 Beyond the Prairie: Midwestern Art from the
works; in addition to exploring themes including animals and inventiveness of Tiffany Artisans; Tue.-Sat. 10am- museum admission; for information, call 563-326- Collection, exhibit showcases the work of artists
as symbols, fantastic animals, beasts of burden, and 5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, inspired… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru Wed Jun 5
animals as pets, this exhibition will celebrate the artistry museum admission; for information, call 563-326-7804,, Tue Mar 19 thru Sun Mar 24
involved in the depiction of wildlife; Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, Grant Wood: From Farm Boy to American Icon,
Sat. 11am-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for, thru Sun May 19 Voices Across Campus: Photo-Voices Showcasing the installation reflects the depth of the… Cedar Rapids
information, call 309-793-1213, Figge Art Museum, 225 Student Diversity, in the Ambrose Hall Beehive; free; Museum of Art, thru Wed Jun 5
for… Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose University, Wed Mar
20 thru Wed Mar 27 Marvin Cone: An American Vision, a single-gallery
exhibition that serves as an… Cedar Rapids Museum of
High School Art Exhibit, our annual exhibit of local Art, thru Wed Jun 5
high school… Quad City Arts Center, Fri Mar 29 thru
Thu May 2 Mauricio Lasansky: Master Printmaker, artistic
takes on the venerated Iowa City… Cedar Rapids
Young Artists at the Figge 2019: Geneseo Schools, Museum of Art, thru Wed Jun 5
exhibition of works by elementary art students;
sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation Terra Nova: Ten Years, the CRMA celebrates 10 years
Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman Foundation; Tue.-Sat. of collaborating… Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, thru
10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with Wed Jun 5
$4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-326-
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, Sat Mar 30 thru Sun Apr 7 Classes
Pam Ohnemus & Cynthia Starkweather-Nelson: March
Prairie, Wed.-Sat. 11am-6pm; free; for information, call
563-508-4630… Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, Sat Still Life: Acrylic, Thursdays thru Mar. 28 with
Mar 30 thru Fri Apr 26 instructor Brad Bisbey; explore still… Bereskin Gallery &
Art Academy, 11am Thu Mar 7
Young Artists at the Figge 2019: Muscatine
Schools, exhibition of works by elementary art Wine & Art: Cat-a-pult into Spring, with instructor
students; sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar Gloria Burlingame; enjoy a glass of wine, light hors
Foundation Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman d’oeuvres, and socializing; for this session, explore the
Foundation; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, history, mystery and lore of cats in art, learn about artists
Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for fascination with the feline species, and create artistic
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 homage to furry friends; $20; for information, call 563-
W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, Sat Apr 326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport
13 thru Sun Apr 21 IA,, 6pm Thu Mar 7

Senior Honors Exhibit, Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm, Sat. Adult Coloring, coloring pages, gel pens, colored
10am-4pm; free; for information,… Catich Gallery - St. pencils and crayons will be… River Valley District Library,
Ambrose University, Thu Apr 18 thru Fri May 10 2pm Fri Mar 8

Young Artists at the Figge 2019: Private Schools, Oil Painting 1 & 2, Saturdays thru May 25 with
exhibition of works by elementary art students; instructor Dave Anderson; learn to… Bereskin Gallery &
sponsored in part by the Brand Boeshaar Foundation Art Academy, 9:30am Sat Mar 9 thru Sat Mar 30
Fund and the Hubbell-Waterman Foundation; Tue.-Sat.
10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with Creation Studio Drop-In: Tissue Paper Pom-
$4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-326- Poms, free; for information, call 319-344-4175…
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm Mon Mar 11, Sat Apr 27 thru Sun May 5
Drawing Comic Book Art, Thursdays thru Apr. 1 with
Laurie Pace: Horses, Wed.-Sat. 11am-6pm; free; for instructor Paul Lange; we will… Bereskin Gallery & Art
information, call 563-508-4630… Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, 5pm Mon Mar 11
Academy, Sat Apr 27 thru Fri May 24
Spring Bouquet (paper cut flowers), an activity in
Jan Friedman - Tim Kowalczyk, fine-art exhibit; $1 the Southwest Craft Night series; materials supplied;
for parking; for information,… Quad City Arts Art @ the free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Airport, Wed May 1 thru Wed Jun 5 Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd.,
Rock Island IL,, 6pm Tue Mar 12
Carla Markwart: Chicago & Me, Wed.-Sat. 11am-
6pm; free; for information, call 563-508-4630… Bereskin Drawing Animals and the Birds of Spring,
Gallery & Art Academy, Sat May 25 thru Wed Jun 5 Wednesdays thru Apr. 3; $39; for information and to
register,… Black Hawk College - Quad City Campus,
Outlying Areas 10am Wed Mar 13

SEW Much Fun: Fidget Quilt, quilt to be donated

Currently on Display to memory care unit; materials and sewing machines
provided; most projects suitable for beginners, although
Foregone Conclusions: The Work of Ian Shelly & these are not learn-to-sew classes; free; for information,
Tyler Hennings, the first art show of 2019 at… Lonnie call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
Eugene Stewart Art Gallery - Carl Sandburg College, thru Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
Mon Mar 18 org, 5:30pm Thu Mar 14
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 11
Watercolor Basics, with instructor Bob Zeidler; mixing, layering, brush techniques and more; $80-95;
Bob will cover the best tools… Bereskin Gallery & Art for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum,
Academy, 9am Sat Mar 16 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 6pm
Tue Apr 2
Life Drawing, bring your own materials; with facilitator
Evanny Henningsen; $15 per… Bereskin Gallery & Art The Set Table: Storytelling through Still-life
Academy, 1pm Sun Mar 17 Photography, Wednesdays thru Apr. 24, with
instructor Randal Richmond; this workshop will guide
Approaches to Watercolor Application, thru students through the stages of developing a visual
Mar. 21, with instructor Bob Zeidler; his class focuses… vocabulary which can be used to create effective still-life
Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, 6pm Mon Mar 18 arrangements to be captured with a camera; students
will develop a new understanding of the still-life
Creation Studio Drop-In: Pom-Pom Creations, concept, a heightened awareness of light, new insights
free; for information, call 319-344-4175… Bettendorf on exposure times for the final image, and will leave with
Public Library, 3pm Mon Mar 18 a finished print; $100-115; for information, call 563-326-
7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
Stained Glass: Intermediate, Lead, Tuesdays thru, 6pm Wed Apr 3
Apr. 16; $65; for information and to register,… Black
Hawk College - Quad City Campus, 6pm Tue Mar 19 Watercolor, Wednesdays thru May 1, with instructor
Ralph Iaccarino; students are welcome to bring paintings
Earth Day Everyday Art: Magazine Scrap Picture they may be working on at home to continue painting
Frames, use old magazines to make your own crafty in a studio environment that offers instructor and peer
picture frame; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, feedback; beginning and intermediate students will
Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., explore color theory, composition, and a variety of
Rock Island IL,, 6pm Thu Mar 21 watercolor techniques that will help advance painting
skills; $100-115; for information, call 563-326-7804,
How Pin-teresting! with Jenn Voss, if you’re stuck Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
with the kids, bring them to the… LeClaire Community, 6pm Wed Apr 3
Library, 6:30pm Thu Mar 21
Wine & Art: Dare to Rediscover Finger Painting!,
Debora Stewart: Exploring Abstracts, explore with instructor Amy Nielsen; enjoy a glass of wine,
abstraction in this fun and experimental class; you will… Three Dog Night @ Adler Theatre – April 12 light hors d’oeuvres, and socializing; for this session,
Bereskin Gallery & Art Academy, 10am Sat Mar 23 re-learn the art of finger painting to create a fun, colorful
painting using just your fingers as brushes to create
Art History Class, Figge Board member and design April Ceramics, Mondays & Wednesdays thru May 8; the acrylic and tempera paintings; gloves will be provided to
expert Wynne Schafer will explore the work of Le Figge Art Museum… Black Hawk College - Quad City keep fingers clean; $20; for information, call 563-326-
Corbusier and Eileen Gray; free with membership or Campus, 5:30pm Mon Apr 1 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
paid admission; for information, call 563-326-7804, Adult D.I.Y.: String Art Craft Night, make a string art, 6pm Thu Apr 4
Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, craft of your choice from several… Silvis Public Library, Creation Studio Drop-In: Blackout Poetry, free;, 1pm Sun Mar 24 5:30pm Mon Apr 1 for information, call 319-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Drawing Basics for Adults, Saturdays thru Apr. 27,
Library, 3pm Mon Apr 1 with instructor Pat Bereskin; seeing the… Bereskin
Creation Studio Drop-In: Paper Daisies, free; for Art Legacy League Spring Classes, Mondays Gallery & Art Academy, 8:30am Sat Apr 6
information, call 319-344-4175… Bettendorf Public thru Apr. 15; the Art Legacy League is a… JB Young Acrylic Painting: Self-Portraits, Tuesdays thru
Library, 3pm Mon Mar 25 Opportunity Center, Mon Apr 1 Apr. 23, with instructor Billie Davids; learn tips on how Oil Painting 1 & 2, Saturdays thru May 25 with
to transfer your 8” x 10” photographic image onto a instructor Dave Anderson; learn to… Bereskin Gallery &
pre-stretched canvas using a grid technique; students Art Academy, 9:30am Sat Apr 6 thru Sat Apr 27
will paint a realistic self-portrait while exploring color
12 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Watercolor Basics, with instructor Bob Zeidler; Card Making with Donna Banta, Donna Banta will Creating a Successful Painting, Saturdays thru June

VISUAL ARTS / Classes / April Bob will cover the best tools… Bereskin Gallery & Art show us how to craft cards with… Silvis Public Library, 29 with instructor Dave Anderson; on the… Bereskin
Academy, 9am Sat Apr 20 1pm Sat May 4 Gallery & Art Academy, 1pm Sat Jun 1

Life Drawing, bring your own materials; with facilitator Oil Painting 1 & 2, Saturdays thru May 25 with
Creation Studio Drop-in: Decorated Clothespin Evanny Henningsen; $15 per… Bereskin Gallery & Art instructor Dave Anderson; learn to… Bereskin Gallery & Outlying Areas
Magnets, free; for information, call 319-344-4175… Academy, 1pm Sun Apr 21 Art Academy, 9:30am Sat May 4 thru Sat May 25
Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm Mon Apr 8 International Women’s Day Gyrls Night Out:
Adult DIY: Water Terrariums, celebrate and make DIY Art Legacy League Spring Classes, Mondays Make Paper Beads, with instructor Desiree Dahl;
DIY Spring Sign, make your own decorative wooden Water Terrariums to decorate your desk… Silvis Public thru May 20; the Art Legacy League is a… JB Young learn to roll paper to make… Beadology Iowa, 5:30pm
sign without needing to purchase the equipment Library, 5:30pm Mon Apr 22 Opportunity Center, Mon May 6 Fri Mar 8
yourself; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Creation Studio Drop-in: Earth Day, free; for SEW Much Fun: Apron, sew a small project with Bezel a Stone, with instructor Kelly Kinser; learn to use
Rock Island IL,, 6pm Mon Apr 8 information, call 319-344-4175… Bettendorf Public our do-it-yourself project night; materials and sewing a bezel cup… Beadology Iowa, 1pm Sun Mar 10
Library, 3pm Mon Apr 22 machines provided; most projects suitable for
Floral Arranging Class, free; for information, call 319- beginners, although these are not learn-to-sew classes; Participatory Art Piece with John Schlimm, join
344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, 6pm Tue Apr 9 Plein Air Sketching in Watercolor, with instructor free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island international award-winning author and artist John
John Preston; learn how to record your day,… Bereskin Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock Schlimm in making… Shalom Spirituality Center, 6:30pm
Floral Easter Basket (paper cut flowers), an activity Gallery & Art Academy, 10am Sat Apr 27 Island IL,, 5:30pm Thu May 9 Tue Mar 12
in the Southwest Craft Night series; materials supplied;
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd.,
May & June Watercolor Basics, with instructor Bob Zeidler;
Bob will cover the best tools… Bereskin Gallery & Art
Make Glass Beads: Intro to Lampworking, with
instructor Karen Kubby; this class will teach you the…
Rock Island IL,, 6pm Tue Apr 9 Academy, 9am Sat May 11 Beadology Iowa, 5:30pm Fri Mar 15
Portrait Painting, Thursdays thru May 23, with
SEW Much Fun: Lanyard, sew a small project instructor Brad Bisbey; learn to… Bereskin Gallery & Art Color Your Own Pinwheel, an activity in the Chenille Bracelet, with instructor Karen Kubby; learn
with our do-it-yourself project night; materials and Academy, 11am Thu May 2 Southwest Craft Night series; materials supplied; free; for one of the newest stitches… Beadology Iowa, 2pm Sat
sewing machines provided; most projects suitable for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Mar 16
beginners, although these are not learn-to-sew classes; Wine & Art: Pastels, with instructor Allen Holloway; - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island enjoy a glass of wine, light hors d’oeuvres, and, 6pm Tue May 14 Make Your Own Ear Wires, with instructor Cheryl
Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock socializing; for this session, create a colorful spring Weatherford; use commons household objects to
Island IL,, 5:30pm Thu Apr 11 landscape in soft pastels using blending and layering How Pin-teresting! with Jenn Voss, if you’re stuck make… Beadology Iowa, 10am Sat Mar 16
techniques in this fun, social class; $20; for information, with the kids, bring them to the… LeClaire Community
Creation Studio Drop-in: Binary Bracelets, free; call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Library, 6:30pm Thu May 16 Chevron Beaded Bracelet through Kirkwood
for information, call 319-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Davenport IA,, 6pm Thu May 2 Community College, with instructor Karen Kubby;
Library, 3pm Mon Apr 15 Watercolor: Painting and Prose Workshop, with use Toho seed beads to learn… Beadology Iowa, 5:30pm
Art-to-Go with the Figge, free; for information, call instructors Shelby Brown and Hannah Eddy; build Mon Mar 18
Earth Day Everyday Art: Easter Egg Carton 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Sat paintings in layers to achieve full, vibrant floral images;
Wreath, help save the planet just in time for Earth Day May 4 complete the painting with a line of prose in lettering Lace Earrings, with instructor Karen Kubby; learn to
and Easter and make a colorful Easter wreath out of used that complements the artwork and personalizes your net on both sides… Beadology Iowa, 10am Sat Mar 23
egg carton; join us for this craft and put your recyclables Beaded Jewelry Workshop, with instructor Judy floral image; $30-45; for information, call 563-326-
to creative use; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Thompson; learn several design stitches that will 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, Make a Stone/Glass and Metal Ring to Size, with
Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., produce sparkling, eye-catching beaded jewelry, 10am Sat May 18 instructor Kelly Kinser; learn to make a ring band…
Rock Island IL,, 6pm Wed Apr 17 accents; $40-55, $25 materials fee includes all supplies Beadology Iowa, noon Sun Mar 24
and is payable to instructor on day of class; for Life Drawing, bring your own materials; with facilitator
How Pin-teresting! with Jenn Voss, if you’re stuck information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 Evanny Henningsen; $15 per… Bereskin Gallery & Art Kumihimo Charm Bracelet through Kirkwood
with the kids, bring them to the… LeClaire Community W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 10am Academy, 1pm Sun May 19 Community College, with instructor Cheryl
Library, 6:30pm Thu Apr 18 Sat May 4

MUSIC By Max Allison

Consider the Source

Thursday, March 14, 7:30 p.m. @ The Redstone Room, 129 Main Street, Davenport, IA

N YC-based “sci-fi fusion” trio Consider the Source

brings its pyrotechnic-laden prog opuses to the
Redstone Room stage on March 14.
Given the current downtick in the overall influence
of the guitar/bass/drum-trio format and the receding
role of rock in the commercially viable musical land-
scape, the rock bands that break through into wider
consciousness tend to be on the simpler, nostalgic
side of the spectrum. By focusing on pop-based song
structures and vocal flair, and playing up their con-
nection to traditions such as the British Invasion or
Consider the Source @ The Redstone Room –
Nuggets-era psychedelia, bands sidestep any con- March 14
cern that they’re making music “just for musicians”
to 10 years. Scale the Summit, Animals as Leaders,
and intend to connect with their audiences on a more
and Dream Theater offshoot Liquid Tension Experi-
nuanced, emotional level. Consider the Source oper-
ment all come to mind as precedents where any
ates from a viewpoint that couldn’t be any further
semblance of lead vocalizing or pop songwriting are
removed from this mentality. These guys have clearly
left behind in favor of a sense of continual adventure
been woodshedding for their entire lives to play their
and stylistic upheaval – and, yes, constant in-your-
instruments with such unabashed dexterity. They
face, tech-death shredding. For the uninitiated, their
craft instrumental songs that are constantly upending
swirling stream of notes might crest into showboat
themselves with so many jackhammer riffs, dizzying
territory. But the band never reaches the state of
solos, and sudden dips into contrasting atmospheres
abject inundation thanks to wisely placed melodic
that any two-minute passage of their music will likely
interludes and flashes of electronic variation pumped
contain more ideas than most bands’ entire albums.
from analog synths, transfiguring guitar effects, and
All three band members regularly churn through riffs
drum sample pads. In their own minds, I’m sure Con-
beyond the realm of 32nd notes, pouring out torrents
sider the Source make music fit to soundtrack an ani-
of labyrinthine prog metal and two-handed guitar
mated montage of clashes between alien demonoids
tapping that seems designed to stun their listeners
in another dimension, with galactic stakes higher
into submission – or at least to provoke the crowd
than anything on the level of mere human drama.
members in the front row to do that thing where they
Consider the Source plays Davenport’s Redstone
raise their hands towards the band and twiddle their
Room on March 14 with an opening set by Condor &
fingers back and forth as fast as they can like they’re
Jaybird, admission to the 7:30 p.m. concert is $10-
playing along on guitar at warp speed.
12, and more information and tickets are available
There are plenty of precedents for this kind of blis-
by calling (563)326-1333 or visiting RiverMusicEx-
tering prog virtuosity, but not many have been heard
from in above-ground spheres for at least the last five
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 13
Weatherford; a great introduction to the Japanese…
Beadology Iowa, 5:30pm Thu Mar 28

Whimsical Painting with Mary Jacobsen, explore

acrylic painting; bring a photo or idea of what… Shalom
Spirituality Center, 6:30pm Mon Apr 1

Repurposed Art with Kristina Beytien of Upcycle

Dubuque, Kristina will discuss her business that
specializes in recycling items… Shalom Spirituality
Center, 6:30pm Mon May 6

Calls For Entry

Call for Entries: Seasonal Gallery Exhibits, if you
are a regional artist who… Quad City Botanical Center,
thru Fri Mar 22

Call for Entries: Emerging Artist Pavilion at the

Iowa Arts Festival, Summer of the Arts invites high
school,… Downtown Iowa City, thru Mon Mar 25

Scott & Rock Island Counties
Darlingside @ The Redstone Room – April 19
Dierks Bentley, the chart-topping country star
performs on his “Burning Man Tour… TaxSlayer Center,
7pm Thu Mar 7 The Gibson Brothers, concert with the Americana Bix Beiderbecke Birthday Bash, co-hosted by the Moeller Nights: Neil Hamburger, concert with the
musicians, featuring an opening set by… The Redstone Catfish Jazz Society and the Bix Jazz… Columbus Club, standup comedian and singer created and portrayed…
Joe Bonamassa, concert with the Grammy-nominated Room, 7:30pm Fri Mar 8 3pm Sun Mar 10 Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sun
blues-rock guitar icon; $82-199; for tickets,… Adler Mar 17
Theatre, 8pm Thu Mar 7 The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13 piece KISS, the legendary rockers perform in their “End of the
big band will be playing… The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 6pm Road… TaxSlayer Center, 7:30pm Sun Mar 10 Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz Workshop &
Casual Classics Concert 5: Marian Lee, Piano, Fri Mar 8 Matinee Series: The Tony Sconyers Quintet,
free; for information, call 563-333-6251… St. Ambrose Moeller Nights: Half Gringa, concert with multi- featuring a 3pm Jazz Demystifying Workshop ($5 for
University Madsen Hall, 5pm Fri Mar 8 Moeller Nights: Bassel & the Supernaturals, instrumentalist and frontman Izzy Olive and her adults, free for… The Redstone Room, 3pm Sun Mar 17
the Chicago-based band performs in support of its ensemble,… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel,
Gaelic Songs Concert, March’s installment in the forthcoming album… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & 7pm Sun Mar 10 Queensryche, concert with the hard rockers of “Jet City
Noon-Day Concert Series; free; for information,… Moline Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sat Mar 9 Woman,” “Guardian,” “Hellfire,” and “Bulletproof” fame;
Public Library, noon Fri Mar 8 Moeller Nights: Gibbz, concert with New York-based $27-47; for tickets and information, call 844-852-4FUN,
Aaron Lewis, concert with the outlaw-country singer/ pop musician Mike Gibney; $10… Triple Crown Whiskey Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore
Gaudete Brass Quintet, a concert in the Brown Bag songwriter on his “The State I’m… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Tue Mar 12 Ave., Davenport IA,, 8pm Sun
Lunch series with the Quad… Bettendorf Public Library, Sun Mar 10 Mar 17
noon Fri Mar 8 Moeller Nights: Mike & the Moonpies, concert with
Augustana Choir Home Concert, the ensemble the country and Americana band based in Austin,… Moeller Nights: BEEs, concert opener for a night with
Gaudete Brass Quintet, performance with the brass performs the repertoire from their Midwestern tour Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Tue comedian and poet Derrick… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar
quintet and Quad City Arts Visiting… West Music Quad under the direction of Dr. Jon Hurty; the program is a Mar 12 & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Mon Mar 18
Cities, 4pm Fri Mar 8 collection of pieces spanning from the 16th to the 21st
Centuries; for information, contact Michael Turczynski Live @ Five: Lewis Knudsen, free; for information, call Moeller Nights: Mike Mains & the Branches
Moeller Nights: Leeds, concert with Royston at 309-794-7520 or, 563-326-1333… The Redstone Room, 5pm Wed Mar 13 (7pm) - Spiral Stairs (9pm), two concerts with the
Langdon of Spacehog; $15… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & St. Paul Lutheran Church - Davenport, 2136 Brady St., independent musicians; $12… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar
Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri Mar 8 Davenport IA,, 3pm Sun Mar 10 Consider the Source, concert with the touring sci-fi & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Tue Mar 19
fusion musicians; $10 adv / $12… The Redstone Room,
7:30pm Thu Mar 14 Live @ Five: North of 40, free; for information, call
563-326-1333… The Redstone Room, 5pm Wed Mar 20
Bucktown Revue, a quintessentially Quad Cities show
featuring premier Midwestern singer/songwriters and… Moeller Nights: The Ferdy Mayne, concert with the
Nighswander Theatre, 7pm Fri Mar 15 Brooklyn-based musicians, featuring an opening set
by… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm
Charlie King and Annie Patterson, an evening of Wed Mar 20
powerful singing with two of North America’s finest…
The ARTery, 7pm Fri Mar 15 Breaking Benjamin, concert with the Philadelphia-
based rockers in their... TaxSlayer Center, 6:30pm Wed
Windy City Dueling Pianos, high-energy live music Mar 20
played on two pianos by highly skilled… The Circa ‘21
Speakeasy, 8pm Fri Mar 15 Chris Collins & Boulder Canyon: A Tribute to John
Denver, touring celebration of the singer/songwriter
An Evening with Nathan Hill, novelist and Iowa and pop/folk icon; noon lunch,… Circa ‘21 Dinner
native Nathan Hill will join Chamber Music… Trinity Playhouse, 1 & 7:15pm Thu Mar 21
Episcopal Cathedral, 7:30pm Sat Mar 16
John Németh, concert with the Blues Music Award-
Chamber Music Quad Cities: An Evening with winning electric-blues harmonicist and singer/
Nathan Hill, concert with the ensemble under Artistic songwriter;… The Redstone Room, 8pm Thu Mar 21
Directors Greg & Tom… Unitarian Church of Davenport,
7:30pm Sat Mar 16 Moeller Nights: ABBArama, concert with the young
musicians from Sweden, UK and USA… The Rust Belt,
Dan Haughey, solo Irish songs, guitar, and wit… Dead 7pm Fri Mar 22
Poet’s Espresso, 10am Sat Mar 16
Moeller Nights: The Trongone Band, concert with
Moeller Nights: Still Shine, concert with the the rock and country/Americana musicians… Triple
Midwestern roots and bluegrass musicians, featuring Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri Mar 22
an… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm
Sat Mar 16 SAU Music Department Winter Instrumental
Concert, for information, call 563-333-6251… Galvin
Dan Haughey, solo Irish songs, guitar, and wit… Cool Fine Arts Center, 7:30pm Fri Mar 22
Beanz Coffeehouse, 4 & 5:30pm Sun Mar 17

Laura Jane Grace & the Devouring Mothers @ The Rust Belt – April 9
CONTINUED River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Moeller Nights: Bones Owens, concert with the

MUSIC / Concerts / Scott & Rock Island Nashville-based singer/guitarist… Triple Crown Whiskey
Counties / March Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Wed Apr 10

An Evening with Over the Rhine, folk and Americana

St. Ambrose University Winter Instrumental concert with the wife/husband duo of Karin… The
Concert, free; for information, call 563-333-6251… Redstone Room, 7:30pm Thu Apr 11
Galvin Fine Arts Center, 7:30pm Fri Mar 22
Moeller Nights: Direct Hit!, concert with the
The Steepwater Band and Kris Lager Band, Milwaukee-based punk rock band formed in 2007…
co-headlining concert with the touring blues and rock Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Thu
musicians; $10 adv… The Redstone Room, 8pm Fri Mar Apr 11
Esso Afrojam Funkbeat, tropical funk with the
Eve to Adam, concert with the New York-based hard- brainchild of Chicago born songwriter and… The
rock band, featuring sets by… The Redstone Room, 8pm Redstone Room, 8:30pm Fri Apr 12
Sat Mar 23
Luke Combs, concert with the chart-topping country
Moeller Nights: Hex Girls, concert with the female musician, featuring special guests LANCO and…
eco-goth rock band, featuring opening sets… Triple TaxSlayer Center, 7:30pm Fri Apr 12
Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sat Mar 23
The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13 piece
Ghost Town Blues Band, the Mississippi Blues Society big band will be playing… The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 6pm
presents a concert with the Midwestern… Moline Viking Fri Apr 12
Club, 6pm Sun Mar 24
Three Dog Night, concert with the chart-topping rock
One Night of Queen, concert tribute to the legendary icons; $38-88; for tickets, call… Adler Theatre, 8pm Fri
rockers performed by Gary Mullen… TaxSlayer Center, Apr 12
7:30pm Sun Mar 24
Windy City Dueling Pianos, high-energy live music
St. Ambrose University Jazz Concert, free; for played on two pianos by highly skilled… The Circa ‘21
information, call 563-333-6251… Rogalski Center - St. Speakeasy, 8pm Sat Apr 13
Ambrose University, 2pm Sun Mar 24
Moeller Nights: Katie Pruitt, concert with the
Moeller Nights: Lolo + Desert Noises present The Queensryche @ Rhythm City Casino Resort – March 17 Nashville-based singer/songwriter; $10… Triple Crown
One Night Band, concert featuring Lauren Pritchard, Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sun Apr 14
Kyle Henderson, and Tyler Osmond; $20… Triple Crown
Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Tue Mar 26 Wohlford-Metallo at 309-793-1213 X108 or dwmetallo@ live music; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Quad City Music Guild Youth Chorus Spring, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street, Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Program, seasonal concert with the young performers;
Live @ Five: Have Your Cake, free; for information, Moline IL,, 7pm Fri Mar 29 Rock Island IL,, noon Tue Apr 2 $11-16; for tickets and… Quad City Music Guild - Prospect
call 563-326-1333… The Redstone Room, 5pm Wed Park Auditorium, 2pm Sun Apr 14
Mar 27 Moeller Nights: The Artisinals, concert with the Josh Nelson Trio, public performance with the Quad
touring rock musicians; $15… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar City Arts Visiting Artists; $5-10;… The Redstone Room, An Evening with Wishbone Ash, concert with the
Moeller Nights: Airpark, concert with the Nashville & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri Mar 29 7pm Thu Apr 4 touring blues-rock musicians; $20 adv / $25 day… The
indie-rock duo made up of brothers Michael… Triple Redstone Room, 7:30pm Tue Apr 16
Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Wed Mar 27 Marian Anderson Quartet, public performance Moeller Nights: Cave Twins, concert with singer/
with the Quad City Arts Visiting Artists; $10-15;… First songwriters David Mayfield and Abby Rose; $12… Triple Moeller Nights: Low Cut Connie, concert with the
Elton & Billy: The Tribute, piano-rock tribute Presbyterian Church of Davenport, 7:30pm Sat Mar 30 Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Thu Apr 4 rock and roll band based in Philadelphia;… The Rust Belt,
concert with Andy Anderson (Elton John) and Tony 7pm Thu Apr 18
Bohnenkamp… The Redstone Room, 7:30pm Thu Mar Moeller Nights: Craig Gerdes, concert with the Josh Nelson Trio, public performance with the Quad
28 touring country singer/songwriter; $12… Triple Crown City Arts Visiting Artists; $5-10;… Hauberg Civic Center Brown Bag Lunch Concert, performer TBA; free; for
Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sat Mar 30 Mansion, 6pm Fri Apr 5 information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public
Moeller Nights: Neyla Pekarek, concert with the Library, noon Fri Apr 19
cellist, vocalist, pianist, and former member of the… Songs & Stories: David G. Smith - Alicia Michilli Moeller Nights: Telekinesis, concert with Michael
Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Thu - Shannon LaBrie, an “in the round” evening with the Benjamin Lerner, an indie rocker based out… Triple Bucktown Revue, a quintessentially Quad Cities show
Mar 28 singer/songwriters; $15-18; for… The Redstone Room, Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri Apr 5 featuring premier Midwestern singer/songwriters and…
8pm Sat Mar 30 Nighswander Theatre, 7pm Fri Apr 19
Albert Cummings, concert with the blues guitarist and Moeller Nights: An Evening with Bon Iver, concert
singer/songwriter; $18 adv / $20… The Redstone Room, Moeller Nights: J.S. Ondara, concert with the with the indie folk band founded in 2006 by… The Rust Darlingside, concert with the folk-pop musicians,
8pm Fri Mar 29 Minneapolis-based singer/songwriter; $10… Triple Belt, 7pm Sat Apr 6 featuring an opening set by… The Redstone Room, 8pm
Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sun Mar 31 Fri Apr 19
Casual Classics Concert 6: “To Be With the Bs,” Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks VI:
free; for information, call 563-333-6251… St. Ambrose WVIK/QCSO Signature Series III: KAIA String Quad Cities Past & Present, this vibrant and varied Newsboys United and Michael W. Smith,
University Madsen Hall, 5pm Fri Mar 29 Quartet, featuring Victoria Moreira on violin, Naomi concert opens with Cháves’ rhythmic “Sinfonía… Adler contemporary-Christian musicians perform on their
Culp on violin, Amanda… Boys & Girls Club of the Theatre, 8pm Sat Apr 6 “Surounded & United Tour”; for… TaxSlayer Center, 7pm
Marian Anderson Quartet, informal performance Mississippi Valley - Teen Center, 7:30pm Sun Mar 31 Fri Apr 19
and Q&A with the Quad City Arts Visiting… Moline Home, presented by the professional vocal ensemble
Public Library, noon Fri Mar 29 April Nova Singers; Syrian violinist Mariela Shaker will
perform with Nova and will share her story of being
Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz Workshop &
Matinee Series, featuring a 3pm Jazz Demystifying
Marian Anderson Quartet, at 3 & 7pm; informal a refugee; they also present the world premiere of a Workshop ($5 for adults, free for… The Redstone Room,
performance and Q&A with the Quad City Arts Augustana Percussion Ensemble, a concert in the newly commissioned work by internationally renowned 3pm Sun Apr 21
Visiting Artists; free; for information, contact Dawn Tuneful Tuesdays series; bring your lunch and enjoy composer Carol Barnett set to the words of local
children; under the direction of Dr. Laura L. Lane; $15-18, Glenview Middle School of East Moline Mariachi
students free; for information and tickets, call 309-341- Band, typical instruments played by the Mariachi band
7038, St. Paul Lutheran Church - Davenport, 2136 Brady members are violin,… Grace Lutheran Church, 3pm Tue
St., Davenport IA,, 4pm Sun Apr 7 Apr 23

Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks VI: Moeller Nights: Bad Bad Hats, concert with the indie
Quad Cities Past & Present, this vibrant and varied rock band from Minneapolis; $10… Triple Crown Whiskey
concert opens with Cháves’ rhythmic “Sinfonía india” Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Wed Apr 24
based on Mexican folk tunes; the QCSO then presents
the world premiere of a QCSO commissioned work by Rain – A Tribute to the Beatles: The Best of Abbey
James Stephenson inspired by the Quad Cities past and Road Live!, in celebration of the anniversary of the
present; the season then comes to a dramatic close with release of “Abbey… TaxSlayer Center, 7pm Wed Apr 24
Dvořák’s tempestuous yet triumphant “Symphony No.
7”; $10-41; for tickets and information, call 563-322-7276, The Veer Union, concert with the Vancouver based
Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock hard-rock band, featuring opening sets… The Redstone
Island IL,, 2pm Sun Apr 7 Room, 7:30pm Thu Apr 25

St. Ambrose University Senior Recital: Brandon Casual Classics Concert 7: Alex Widstrand,
Head, violin and composition; free; for information, call Bassoon and Perry Mears, Piano, free; for information,
563-333-6251… St. Ambrose University Madsen Hall, call 563-333-6251… St. Ambrose University Madsen Hall,
3pm Sun Apr 7 5pm Fri Apr 26

Moeller Nights: Laura Jane Grace & the Devouring Chamber Music Quad Cities: Made in Iowa, concert
Mothers, concert with indie musicians Grace, Atom with the ensemble under Artistic Directors Greg & Tom…
Willard, and Marc Jacob… The Rust Belt, 7pm Tue Apr 9 Unitarian Church of Davenport, 7:30pm Sat Apr 27
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 15
16 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Chuck Mead @ RIBCO – April 5

St. Ambrose University Spring Vocal Concert, free; Dan Hubbard Full Band Album-Realease Show,

MUSIC / Concerts / Scott & Rock for information, call 563-333-6251… Galvin Fine Arts concert with the Midwestern roots rocker and his
Island Counties / April Center, 3pm Sun May 5 ensemble, featuring… The Redstone Room, 8pm Fri
May 17
Black Hawk College Piano Recital, free; for
Moeller Nights: Lee Dewyze, concert with the singer/ information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or Windy City Dueling Pianos, high-energy live music
songwriter and winner of the ninth season… Triple, Deere-Wiman Carriage House, 817 played on two pianos by highly skilled… The Circa ‘21
Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sat Apr 27 11th Ave., Moline IL,, 7pm Mon May 6 Speakeasy, 8pm Fri May 17

Quad City Symphony Orchestra Family Concert: Black Hawk College Community Band Concert, Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz Workshop &
Gershwin’s Magic Key, join the QCSO and the cast free; for information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796- Matinee Series, featuring a 3pm Jazz Demystifying
from Classical Kids Live!… Davenport Central High 5478 or… Black Hawk College - Workshop ($5 for adults, free for… The Redstone Room,
School Performing Arts Center, 2pm Sat Apr 27 Quad City Campus, 7pm Tue May 7 3pm Sun May 19

Moeller Nights: Bayonne, concert with minimalist Tuneful Tuesdays, musicians TBA; bring your lunch WVIK/QCSO Signature Series IV: Bernstein &
composer and electronic musician Roger Sellers, and enjoy live music; free; for information, call 309-732- Brass, featuring Matthew Onstad and Bruce Briney on
featuring… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, trumpet, Marc Zyla… Moline High School, 2pm Sun
7pm Sun Apr 28 401 19th St., Rock Island IL,, noon May 19
Tue May 7
St. Ambrose University Student Honor Recital, Lindsay Ell, concert with the award-winning, chart-
free; for information, call 563-333-6251… St. Ambrose Moeller Nights: Matthew Logan Vasquez, concert topping country singer/songwriter; $25-35; for tickets
University Madsen Hall, 3pm Sun Apr 28 with the lead singer/songwriter/guitarist of the indie and information, call 844-852-4FUN, Rhythm City Casino
rock group Delta… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,
Todd Snider, concert with the Americana and alt- Motel, 7pm Wed May 8, 8pm Sat May 25
country singer/songwriter; $30 adv /… The Redstone
Room, 7pm Sun Apr 28 7 Bridges: The Ultimate Eagles Experience, That’ll Be the Day: A Tribute to Buddy Holly & the
concert with the touring Eagles tribute musicians; Crickets, Todd Meredith and the Rave-Ons will take
Black Hawk College Vocal Recital, free; for sandwich baskets and… Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, you on a… Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 1 & 7:15pm Thu
information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or 7:15pm Thu May 9 May 30, Deere-Wiman Carriage House, 817
11th Ave., Moline IL,, 7pm Mon Apr 29 Moeller Nights: Okey Dokey, concert with the Star Wars: A New Hope in Concert, the Quad City
psychedelic doo-wop musicians; $13… Triple Crown Symphony Orchestra performs John Williams’ iconic
May & June Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri May 10 score… Adler Theatre, 2 & 7:30pm Sat Jun 1

The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13 piece

Black Hawk College Spring Choral Concert, free; big band will be playing… The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 6pm Outlying Areas
for information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 Fri May 10
or… First Congregational Church - March
Moline, 7pm Thu May 2 98°, concert with the chart-topping pop and
contemporary R&B vocal group; $30-65; for tickets and Gaelic Storm, $36.50; for information, call 319-688-
Moeller Nights: Delicate Steve, concert with information, call 844-852-4FUN, Rhythm City Casino 2653… Englert Theatre, 8pm Thu Mar 7
multi-instrumentalist Steve Marion and his ensemble, Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,
featuring an… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon, 8pm Sat May 11 Lawrence Brownlee & Eric Owens, tenor Brownlee
Motel, 7pm Thu May 2 and bass/baritone Owens, two of opera’s most
The Lettermen, annual concerts with the pop acclaimed… Hancher Auditorium, 7:30pm Fri Mar 8
SAU Music Department STAMVOJA/Jazz musicians in their fifth decade… Circa ‘21 Dinner
Ensemble Spring Concert, for information, call 563- Playhouse, 1 & 7:15pm Mon May 13 The Havana Cuba All-Stars, with rhythms and
333-6251… Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, melodies ranging from the salsa to the… Orpheum
7:30pm Fri May 3 Moeller Nights: Ruby Boots, concert with the Theatre, 7:30pm Fri Mar 8
Australian singer/songwriter who sings country and
St. Ambrose University Spring Jazz Night, free; for Americana,… Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Sail On:The Beach Boys Tribute, concert with the
information, call 563-333-6251… Rogalski Center - St. Motel, 7pm Wed May 15 surf-rock tribute musicians; $10-27; for tickets and…
Ambrose University, 7:30pm Fri May 3 Stephen Sondheim Center for the Performing Arts,
Moeller Nights: Railroad Earth, concert with 7:30pm Sat Mar 9
St. Ambrose Band Day at the Bandshell, free; the bluegrass-influenced American band formed in
for information, call 563-333-6251… LeClaire Park Stillwater, New Jersey;… The Rust Belt, 7pm Thu May 16 James Lee Stanley, concert with the folk singer/
Bandshell, noon Sat May 4 songwriter; for tickets and information, call… Uptown
Bucktown Revue, a quintessentially Quad Cities show Theatre, 7:30pm Mon Mar 11
St. Ambrose University String Ensemble Concert, featuring premier Midwestern singer/songwriters and…
free; for information, call 563-333-6251… St. Ambrose Nighswander Theatre, 7pm Fri May 17 The Infamous Stringdusters, $26.50; for information,
University Madsen Hall, 7:30pm Sat May 4 call 319-688-2653… Englert Theatre, 8pm Tue Mar 12
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 17
Havana Cuba All-Stars: Asere! A Fiesta Cubana, Cave Twins, concert with the Northeast Ohio-based
weaving the entire tapestry of Cuban music and dance Americana duo of David Mayfield and… Bishop Hill
with… Hancher Auditorium, 7:30pm Thu Mar 14 Creative Commons, 7pm Sun Apr 7

Orchestra Iowa: String Theory, a repertoire of Clyne, Moeller Nights: Squirrel Nut Zippers, concert with
Rodrigo, Part, and Dvorak, with a… Coralville Center for the North Carolina-based jazz musicians, featuring an
the Performing Arts, 7:30pm Fri Mar 15 opening… Codfish Hollow Barn, 7pm Thu Apr 11

Sam Bush, $33.50-53.50; for information, call 319-688- Ole! The Original 3 Amigos, a night of Spanish
2653… Englert Theatre, 8pm Fri Mar 15 guitars, rapidly weaving slapstick, pop parodies, and…
University of Dubuque’s Heritage Center, 7:30pm Fri
Orchestra Iowa: String Theory, a repertoire of Clyne, Apr 12
Rodrigo, Part, and Dvorak, with a… Paramount Theatre,
7:30pm Sat Mar 16 Suzie Vinnick, concert with the Canadian roots and
blues singer/songwriter; for tickets… Uptown Theatre,
Masterworks: Heroic Beauty, join the Knox- 7:30pm Fri Apr 12
Galesburg Symphony for a concert sure to excite…
Orpheum Theatre, 7:30pm Sat Mar 23 An Evening With Leo Kottke, $33.50-53.50; for
information, call 319-688-2653… Englert Theatre, 8pm
Unni Boksasp Ensemble, Boksasp’s fresh Sat Apr 13
arrangements of folk songs and original compositions
have… University of Dubuque’s Heritage Center, 7:30pm Masterworks: Tragedy & Triumph, join the Knox-
Sat Mar 23 Galesburg Symphony for musical stories of triumph
and… Orpheum Theatre, 7:30pm Sat Apr 13
Paul & the Broken Bones, with an opening set by
Michael Nau; $44.50; for information,… Englert Theatre, George Thorogood & the Destroyers, concert with
7:30pm Tue Mar 26 the platinum-selling rock and blues musicians; $40-60;
for… Riverside Casino Event Center, 8pm Sat Apr 27
Kaia Kater, of African-Caribbean descent and born in
Québec, Kater has immersed… Hancher Auditorium, Luciano Antonio Brazilian Quartet, concert with
6:30 & 9pm Sat Mar 30 Brazilian singer and guitarist Antonio and his ensemble;
Antonio’s… Knox College’s Kresge Recital Hall, 7:30pm
Brentano String Quartet, currently the quartet- Sat Apr 27
in-residence at Yale University, the members of the…
Hancher Auditorium, 3pm Sun Mar 31 Neko Case, with an opening set by Shannon Shaw;
$42.50; for information,… Englert Theatre, 8pm Mon
April Apr 29

The Allman Betts Band, with an opening set by JD

Jenny Lewis, $39.50-89.50; for information, call 319- Simo; $36-56; for information,… Englert Theatre, 7:30pm
688-2653… Englert Theatre, 7pm Tue Apr 2 Tue Apr 30

Mitski, with opening sets by Jay Som and Good

Morning Midnight;… Englert Theatre, 7pm Fri Apr 5
May & June
The Malvinas, concert with the female folk trio; for The Tallest Man on Earth, $35-55; for information, call
tickets and information,… Uptown Theatre, 7:30pm Fri 319-688-2653… Englert Theatre, 8:30pm Thu May 2
Apr 5
Lyrics Alive, Dubuque native and tenor Eric Ferring
Home, presented by the professional vocal ensemble joins soprano Ann Toomey… University of Dubuque’s
Nova Singers; Syrian violinist Mariela Shaker will Heritage Center, 7:30pm Fri May 3
perform with Nova and will share her story of being
a refugee; they also present the world premiere of a Andrew Surmak and Nancy Ohlbach, presented by
newly commissioned work by internationally renowned the Knox-Galesburg Symphony; join violinist Surmak and
composer Carol Barnett set to the words of local pianist… Orpheum Theatre, 6:30pm Fri May 17
children; under the direction of Dr. Laura L. Lane; $15-18,
students free; for information and tickets, call 309-341- Iowa City High and West High Jazz Ensembles, an
7038, Knox College’s Kresge Recital Hall, 2 East South St, event in the 2019 Friday Night Concert Series; held on
Knox College, Galesburg IL,, 7:30pm the… Downtown Iowa City, 6:30pm Fri May 17
Sat Apr 6
Ronnie Milsap, concert with the Grammy-winning
Hurray for the Riff Raff, with opening sets by chart-topping country singer and pianist; $20-55;…
Elizabeth Moen and Nadalands; $20; for… Englert Riverside Casino Event Center, 8pm Fri May 17
Theatre, 7pm Sat Apr 6

Ruby Boots @ Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel – May 15
CONTINUED River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Caught Reading at the Silvis Public Library,

MUSIC / Concerts / Outlying Areas / throughout the month, when you visit the… Silvis Public
May & June Library, thru Sun Mar 31

11th Annual Iron Pen Contest Celebration &

David Bromberg & Louden Wainwright III, $36.50- Readings, held in conjunction with the contest in
56.60; for information, call 319-688-2653… Englert which contestants had… Midwest Writing Center, 2pm
Theatre, 7:30pm Sat May 18 Sat Mar 9

Annie Savage & the Savage Hearts, an event Design for Dying: A Lillian Frost & Edith Head
in the 2019 Friday Night Concert Series; the rain… Novel, a discussion of Renee Patrick’s book with the
Weatherdance Fountain Stage, 6:30pm Fri May 24 Mystery Book… Bettendorf Public Library, 9:30am Sat
Mar 9
Moeller Nights: Cursive, concert with the Omaha-
based rockers, featuring sets by mewithoutyou and… Short and Sweets, a short story book club paired with
Codfish Hollow Barn, 7pm Fri May 24 sweet treats; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
Moeller Nights: Sleep, concert with the doom-metal 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
power trio from San Jose, California, featuring… Codfish com, 10am Mon Mar 11
Hollow Barn, 8pm Sun Jun 2
Get Lit: The Unquiet Dead, a discussion of
Christopher Ausma Zehanat Khan’s book; free; for…
Workshops & Events Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Mar 12

Second Annual Music Trivia Contest, co-presented See YA, a book club for adults; find out why so many
by the Mississippi Valley Blues Society; this trivia contest teen books are being made into movies and are
will… RME (River Music Experience), 2:30pm Sun Mar 10 taking over the bestseller lists; free; for information,
Quad City Arts Visiting Artists Marian Anderson String Quartet @ First Presbyterian Church of call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Trax from the Stax: Brian Baxter of the Quad City Davenport – March 30 Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
Symphony Orchestra, a music-listening program, 6:30pm Wed Mar 13
designed to provide the opportunity to share…

Bettendorf Public Library, 7:30pm Thu Mar 21 concert conversations to hear about the works being Moeller Nights: Derrick C. Brown, an evening with
presented; hosted by Kai Swanson; free; for information, the comedian, poet/performer and founder of Write…
Inside the Music: QCSO Masterworks VI, join QCSO call 563-322-7276, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 7pm Mon
Music Director Mark Russell Smith in an exploration… 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,, 1pm Sun Apr 7 Readings & Discussions Mar 18
Hotel Blackhawk, 4:45pm Thu Apr 4
Trax from the Stax, a music-listening program March Jason Reynolds Book Talk & Discussion, talk about
Afterglow: QCSO Masterworks VI, held immediately designed to provide the opportunity to share… the Reynolds books you’ve read, or chat with… Cool
after the night’s concert at the Adler Theatre;… Hotel Bettendorf Public Library, 7:30pm Thu Apr 18 Beanz Coffeehouse, 5:30pm Tue Mar 19
Blackhawk, 9:30pm Sat Apr 6 Stranger Than Fiction Book Club, the club
Luciano Antonio Brazilian Quartet Workshop, takes a look at the world we’re living in right now The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper, a discussion
Concert Conversations: QCSO Masterworks VI, held in in Jay Rehearsal Hall; workshop with Brazilian with nonfiction books that explore the outlandish of Phaedra Patrick’s book with the Last Call… Icons
QCSO concert-goers are invited to attend informal pre- singer… Knox College, 4pm Sat Apr 27 and bizarre; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Martini, 7pm Tue Mar 19
concert conversations to… Adler Theatre, 7pm Sat Apr 6 Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
Trax from the Stax, a music-listening program 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary. West End Book Club, free; for information, call
Concert Conversations: QCSO Masterworks VI, designed to provide the opportunity to share… com, 6:30pm Thu Mar 7 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
QCSO concert-goers are invited to attend informal pre- Bettendorf Public Library, 7:30pm Thu May 16


Neil Hamburger Tom Hempel: Retrospective
Sunday, March 17, 7 p.m. @ Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, Thursday, March 7, through Sunday, March 31 @ MidCoast Gallery at Bucktown,
304 East Third Street, Davenport, IA 225 East Second Street, Davenport, IA

A nti-comedy legend and parodic crooner misfit Neil

Hamburger visits the Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Rac-
coon Motel on March 17.
V ibrant watercolors by one of the Quad
Cities’ most accomplished artists will be
showcased through March 31 in Tom Hempel:
Neil Hamburger (the alias and firmly in-character Retrospective, a exhibited collection of works
persona of comedian Gregg Turkington) has been troll-
by the Davenport-based talent who has painted
ing audiences and defying easy categorization for nearly
three decades. Starting off as a prank-phone-call project
more than 1,700 originals depicting a wide vari-
circa 1992 and escalating into a virulently bizarre and ety of subjects that include water scenes, land-
misanthropic live-comedy persona over the years, Turk- scapes, and the architecture of area homes,
ington’s act finds him dressed up like a disgruntled lounge schools, office buildings, and churches.
singer and thrust into some of the most awkward on-stage Neil Hamburger @ Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Hempel’s love of painting began when he was
appearances imaginable. Hamburger defines one branch Raccoon Motel – March 17 a child and was introduced to paint-by-number
of “anti-comedy” in all its most despicable and digres- kits, and Tom Hempel: Retrospective will include
sive tendencies as he heckles his audience, goes off on and Jim O’Rourke, the presence of Neil Hamburger in the
Drag City catalog makes a backward kind of sense. Here an oil he completed in seventh grade – one of Tom Hempel: Retrospective @ MidCoast Gallery
inscrutable tangents that no one could possibly relate to or
is a man who completely inhabits the role of the unreliable the first reveals of his natural talent. At age 13, at Bucktown through March 31
understand, and toys with celebrity and cultural references
narrator of his own experience, singing twisted lounge- he created his first watercolor painting, and
that have been out of style for the entire lives of the people
music songs from the perspective of an exaggerated char- advanced art classes at Bettendorf High School in 2017 and 2018. Hempel has also authored a
listening (and/or himself).
acter who comes to life in a more direct and confrontational contributed to Hempel’s interest and expertise. 2015 book of his art titled Boats, Barns, & Bun-
The whole thing is purely hit or miss depending on the
disposition of whoever is forced to encounter him. This fashion than any character born within the pages of a post- He was, however, mainly self-taught after those galows, which received a second-place com-
writer, for one, finds him to be a totally unique talent and has modern novel. At its core, the “music” of Neil Hamburger courses, and cites his artistic role models as the mendation from the National Indie Excellence
attests to a deep love of the baroque pop styles from the Awards. He also teaches his craft in various
followed his work for years – through a career which has late watercolorists Paul Norton of Bettendorf
seen higher visibility recently with movies such as 2015’s ‘50s to the ‘70s – the kind of pop frosted to the gills with area venues and attends multiple art shows
and John Pike of New York. Hempel has sold
Pet Sounds studio flourishes and schmaltzy Harry Nilsson
Entertainment and a consistent appearance with Tim over 1,700 prints and originals to date, with a and sales throughout the year, and as Hempel
Heidecker within the mind-destroying “extended universe” piano progressions, with vocal harmonies straight out of
few of his customers including Living Lands & states in his biogra-
of the On Cinema franchise. But any conception of Turking- The Zombies Odyssey and Oracle and old-school-country
guitar figures. Even with all these details to be found in his Waters’ Chad Pregracke (CNN’s 2013 Hero of phy: “Tom remains blessed with good health and
ton as a unique talent comes bundled with the knowledge looks forward to many more years of creating
that what he does, especially within the character of Neil recent musical output, one still can’t help but imagine that a the Year), pro golfer and winner of the 2012 Brit-
live Neil Hamburger set in the relatively small confines of the ish Open Todd Hamilton, and Ed Froelich, race masterpieces.”
Hamburger, is undeniably alienating and often requires one
Triple Crown will veer dangerously off course into the realm director for the Quad-City Times Bix 7. Tom Hempel: Retrospective will be on display
to accept the role as the butt of a joke that has no meaning
other than absurdity. of awkward nonsense comedy – but at the end of the day, Some of Hempel’s accomplishments and at the MidCoast Gallery at Bucktown through
Turkington has recently been refining another layer of this is the only logical route for him to take. citations include receiving Honorable Mention March 31, with regular gallery hours 11 a.m. to
his character with a series of more overtly musical projects Neil Hamburger plays Davenport’s Triple Crown Whis- 6 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays. Admis-
at the 2009 Riverssance, the People’s Choice
released through legendary Chicago-based label Drag key Bar & Raccoon Motel on March 17 with an opening set sion is free, and more information is available by
by Major Entertainer, admission is $20, and more informa-
Award at the 2014 Beaux Arts Fair, and Honor-
City. Presented in the same context as iconoclastic singer/ able Mentions from the Iowa Watercolor Society calling (563)424-1210 or visiting
songwriter mavericks such as Will Oldham, Bill Callahan, tion and tickets are available by visiting
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 19
See YA, a book club for adults; find out why so many May & June
teen books are being made into movies and are
taking over the bestseller lists; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Caught Reading at the Silvis Public Library,
Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, throughout the month, when you visit the… Silvis Public, 6:30pm Wed Apr 10 Library, Wed May 1 thru Fri May 31

The Secret Life of Anna Blanc, a discussion of To Die But Once, A Maisie Dobbs Novel, a discussion
Jennifer Kincheloe’s book with the Mystery Book… of Jacqueline Winspear’s novel with the Alpha Book
Bettendorf Public Library, 9:30am Sat Apr 13 Club; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock
Congratulations, Who are You Again?, a discussion of Island IL,, 1pm Mon May 6
Harrison Scott Key’s book with the Last… Icons Martini,
7pm Tue Apr 16 Pageturners Book Discussion Group, free; for
information, call 309-524-2470… Moline Public Library,
West End Book Club, free; for information, call 6:30pm Tue May 7
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, Quite Ugly One Morning, a discussion of Christopher, 6:30pm Tue Apr 16 Brookmyre’s book with the Mystery Book… Bettendorf
Public Library, 9:30am Sat May 11
Sing, Unburied, Sing, a discussion of Jesmyn Ward’s
book wit the Contemporary Books… Bettendorf Public Get Lit: Their Eyes Were Watching God, a discussion
Library, 7pm Wed Apr 17 of Zora Neale Hurston’s book; free; for information,…
Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue May 14
Victoria the Queen: An Intimate Biography of the
Woman Who Ruled an Empire, a discussion of Julia So Big, a discussion of Edna Ferber’s book wit the
Baird’s book wit the Contemporary Books… Bettendorf Contemporary Books… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm
Public Library, 1pm Wed Apr 17 Wed May 15

Book ‘em Mystery Book Club, free; for information, Victoria the Queen: An Intimate Biography of the
call 309-524-2470… Moline Public Library, 6:30pm Thu Woman Who Ruled an Empire, a discussion of Julia
Apr 18 Baird’s book wit the Contemporary Books… Bettendorf
Public Library, 7pm Wed May 15
Albert Cummings @ The Redstone Room – March 29 Brown Bag Book Club Discussion, discussion of
popular fiction and non-fiction titles over the lunch Book ‘em Mystery Book Club, free; for information,
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, hour; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport call 309-524-2470… Moline Public Library, 6:30pm Thu, 6:30pm Tue Mar 19 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary. Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern May 16
com, 6:30pm Thu Mar 28 Ave., Davenport IA,, 1pm Wed
Hag Seed, a discussion of Margaret Atwood’s book with Apr 24 Nutshell, a discussion of Ian McEwan’s book with the
the 30/31 Book Club; for information, call 309-732-7323, Jason Reynolds Book Talk & Discussion, 9:30am 30/31 Book Club; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., and 1pm presentations with the New York Times Last Monday Book Club Discussion, light Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock
Rock Island IL,, 6:30pm Wed Mar bestselling author;… Rock Island High School, 9:30am refreshments will be paired with good conversation; Island IL,, 6:30pm Thu May 16
20 Fri Mar 29 books for… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Mon Apr 29
Last Monday Book Club Discussion, light
Sing, Unburied, Sing, a discussion of Jesmyn Ward’s Jason Reynolds Book Talk & Discussion, 9:30am refreshments will be paired with good conversation;
book wit the Contemporary Books… Bettendorf Public and 1pm presentations with the New York Times books for… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Mon May 20
Library, 1pm Wed Mar 20 bestselling… Rock Island High School, 1pm Fri Mar 29

This Blessed Earth: A Year in the Life of an

American Family Farm, a discussion of Ted Genoway’s April
book wit the Contemporary Books… Bettendorf Public
Library, 7pm Wed Mar 20 The Great Alone, a discussion of Keristin Hannah’s
novel with the Alpha Book Club; free; for information,
Book ‘em Mystery Book Club, free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
call 309-524-2470… Moline Public Library, 6:30pm Thu Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
Mar 21 org, 1pm Mon Apr 1

Last Monday Book Club Discussion, light Caught Reading at the Silvis Public Library,
refreshments will be paired with good conversation; throughout the month, when you visit the… Silvis Public
books for… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Mon Mar 25 Library, Mon Apr 1 thru Tue Apr 30

A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Pageturners Book Discussion Group, free; for
Opportunity, in preparation for WVIK’s Intelligent information, call 309-524-2470… Moline Public Library,
Conversations event featuring author Nicholas… Moline 6:30pm Tue Apr 2
Public Library, 6:30pm Tue Mar 26
Between the Lines Book Club, join us as we discuss
Everything I Never Told You, a discussion of Celeste a mix of modern fiction and non-fiction titles; free; for
Ng’s novel with the Southwest Branch Book Club; free; information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport
Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock IA,, 6:30pm Wed Apr 3
Island IL,, 6pm Tue Mar 26
Stranger Than Fiction Book Club, the club
Brown Bag Book Club Discussion, discussion of takes a look at the world we’re living in right now
popular fiction and non-fiction titles over the lunch with nonfiction books that explore the outlandish
hour; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport and bizarre; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
Ave., Davenport IA,, 1pm Wed 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
Mar 27 com, 6:30pm Thu Apr 4

Jason Reynolds, an evening with the New York Patty Marx & Roz Chast, in conversation with Lauren
Times bestselling author, Newbery Award Honoree, Haldeman, presented by Prairie Lights; $25;… Englert
Printz Award Honoree, National Book Award Honoree, Theatre, 7pm Tue Apr 9
Kirkus Award winner, two-time Walter Dean Myers
Award winner, NAACP Image Award Winner, and Get Lit: The Moor’s Account, a discussion of Laila
recipient of multiple Coretta Scott King honors; free; Lalami’s book; free; for information, call… Bettendorf
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Public Library, 7pm Tue Apr 9
Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport IA,, 6pm Thu Mar 28 River Readings: Steve Almond, readings with the
author of nine books of fiction and nonfiction, including
True Crime Book Club, whether you obsessively the New York Times bestsellers “Candyfreak” and
watch Investigation Discovery, are a devout Ann Rule “Against Football”; a reception will be held following
reader, or became hooked on true crime through the reading; free; for information, call 309-794-7384,
podcasts, this club is for you; each month we will pick a Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock
different theme, so come prepared with a story related Island IL,, 5pm Tue Apr 9
to that theme; bring your local stories, famous cases,
unsolved mysteries, anything true crime related you Read Local, author TBA; free; for information, call 319-
want to discuss; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, 344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Wed Apr 10
20 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Write Now! Writers Group, on the second and fourth PJ Masks Live! Save the Day, based on eOne’s top-
Mondays of the month; on… Moline Public Library, rated animated series airing daily on Disney… TaxSlayer
6:30pm Mon May 13 thru Mon May 27 Center, 3pm Sat Mar 23

Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages The Last Five Years, Jason Robert Brown’s two-person
10-14, a free workshop which encourages children ages musical about the beginning and end… The Black Box
10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, 11am Sat Theatre, Thu Mar 28 thru Sun Apr 7
May 25
For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide
Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages / When the Rainbow Is Enuf, Bridges Collaborative
15-18, a free workshop which encourages children ages presents Ntozake Shange’s poetic monologues
10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, noon Sat accompanied by dance movements and music; Fri. & Sat.
May 25 7:30pm; $10 at the door; for information, contact Diana
Allen at 309-269-0305 or Playcrafters at 309-762-0330,

THEATRE Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline IL,, 7:30pm Fri Mar 29 thru Sat Mar 30

Performances Peter and the Wolf, Mother Goose, & Other Tales,
be whisked away to the land of fairy tales with… Adler
Scott & Rock Island Counties Theatre, Sat Mar 30

Now Playing Opening in April

Diamonds & Divas: A Musical Fiasco, Robin Big: The Musical, musical comedy based on the Tom
Hawdon’s debuting slapstick comedy set at the Cannes Hanks movie, directed by… The Spotlight Theatre, Fri
Film… Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, Fri Mar 8 thru Sat Apr 5 thru Sun Apr 14
Apr 6
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s The King and I, Tony-
Opening in March winning classic presented in the Broadway at the Adler
series;… Adler Theatre, 6pm Sun Apr 7

The Crucible, Arthur Miller’s drama about the Salem Grumpy Old Men: The Musical, stage adaptation of
witch trials, directed by Patti Flaherty; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, the Walter Matthau/Jack Lemmon film comedy; Fri.,…
The King & I @ Adler Theatre – April 7 Sun. 3pm; $7-13; for information and tickets, call 309-762- Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 7:45pm Wed Apr 10 thru
0330, Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline IL, Sat Jun 1, Fri Mar 8 thru Sun Mar 17
six-week class; each week, participants will meet for one Boy, Leo Butler’s 2016 drama about gender identity,

LITERARY ARTS / Readings & hour to discuss and share the short stories they have Rock of Ages, Tony-nominated musical celebration directed by Jaryd Whitmore; Thu.-Sat 7:30pm, Sun.
Discussions / May & June written; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport of 1980s hair-metal bands; $38-63; for tickets,… Adler 1:30pm; for information and tickets, call 309-794-7306,
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Theatre, 7pm Sun Mar 17 Honkamp Myhre Black Box Theatre, Augustana College,
Ave., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm Tue 3750 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,, Thu
The Alienist, a discussion of Caleb Carr’s book with the Apr 2 Jesus Christ Superstar, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s and Apr 11 thru Sun Apr 14
Last Call… Icons Martini, 7pm Tue May 21 Tim Rice’s biblical-rock-opera classic, directed by… Quad
Young Emerging Writers Studio, a casual writing City Music Guild - Prospect Park Auditorium, Fri Mar 22 Marie & Rosetta, biographical gospel musical by
All the Light We Cannot See, a discussion of Anthony workshop/critique group for young writers in and… thru Sun Mar 31 George Brant, directed by Gaye Shannon Burnett; a
Doerr’s novel with the Southwest Branch Book Club; free; Midwest Writing Center, 6pm Wed Apr 3 presentation in the Barn Owl Series; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm,
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Typewriter Poetry, try your hand at writing poems

Island IL,, 6pm Tue May 28 with the use of our typewriter; the library will provide
paper, prompts, and envelopes; fun, heartfelt, and
Pageturners Book Discussion Group, free; for retro, your poetry can be a gift to your friends or loved
information, call 309-524-2470… Moline Public Library, ones or framed and proudly displayed at home; free;
6:30pm Tue Jun 4 for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public The Crucible
Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport IA,, Mon Apr 8 thru Sat Apr 13 Friday, March 8, through Sunday, March 17 @ Playcrafters Barn Theatre,
Workshops & Classes 4950 35th Avenue, Moline, IL
Write Now! Writers Group, on the second and fourth
March Mondays of the month; on… Moline Public Library,

Write Now! Writers Group, on the second and fourth

6:30pm Mon Apr 8 thru Mon Apr 22

DIY Poetry Series, help us celebrate National Poetry

O ne of America’s most powerful and iconic
works by one of the world’s preeminent play-
wrights, Arthur Miller’s Tony-winning drama The
Mondays of the month; on… Moline Public Library, Month by creating poetry; we’ll have some supplies, but
Crucible will enjoy a March 8 through 17 staging
6:30pm Mon Mar 11 thru Mon Mar 25 you’re welcome to bring your own; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount at Moline’s Playcrafters Barn Theatre, with the
Quad Cities Writers Group, dedicated to supporting Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, New York Times stating that Miller’s wrenching,
and encouraging writers (18+) of all levels, experiences,, Mon Apr 8 thru Mon Apr 29 timeless tale “insists that we identify with not only
and genres in pursuing their dreams of publication; free; the victims of persecution but also with those who
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Letter Writing, we’ll have paper, cards, and envelopes would judge them.”
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., at this casual drop-in event, but feel free to bring your Since its premiere in 1953, The Crucible – a
Davenport IA,, 5:30pm Mon favorites, too; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, masterful and chilling portrayal of the historic The Crucible @ Playcrafters Barn Theatre –
Mar 18 Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000
Salem Witch Trials and an allegory for the rise March 8 through 17
Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,,
Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages 6:30pm Wed Apr 24 of McCarthyism in the late 1940s – has rightfully
become an American classic serving as both a stage performers whose recent directing credits
10-14, a free workshop which encourages children
ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, 11am Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages cautionary tale and provocation that compels each include Deathtrap for the Moline venue, The Mer-
Sat Mar 23 10-14, a free workshop which encourages children generation to reflect upon the harrowing world it chant of Venice for Genesius Guild, and It Had
ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, 11am portrays. In Miller’s 1953 Tony Award winner for to Be You for the Black Box Theatre. Portraying
Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages Sat Apr 27 Best Play, the people of Salem are whipped into John and Elizabeth Proctor are Playcrafters vet-
15-18, a free workshop which encourages children ages a bloodthirsty frenzy by a series of escalating erans Andy Curtiss (The Woman in Black) and
10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, noon Sat Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages misinterpretations after a group of teenage girls Jessica White (The Nerd), with the scheming Abi-
Mar 23 15-18, a free workshop which encourages children gail played by Mattie Gelaude (A Wrinkle in Time).
ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, noon are accused of dancing devilishly in the woods.
Fearing retribution, the girls begin a chain of fin- And joining this trio in Flaherty’s ensemble are
April Sat Apr 27
ger-pointing until neighbor turns against neighbor, 17 additional talents: Bill Bates, Michael Carron,
whispers become testimony, fabrications become Craig Cohoon, Jacque Cohoon, Cassie Dowell,
Quad Cities Writers Group, dedicated to supporting May facts, and the once powerless teenage girl Abigail Don Faust, Mischa Hooker, Kaitlyn Jacoby, Bella
and encouraging writers (18+) of all levels, experiences, Brown suddenly has the ability to decide the fate of Kuta, Sara Kutzli, Linda Larson, Jillian Maxwell,
and genres in pursuing their dreams of publication; free; Young Emerging Writers Studio, a casual writing all those around her. As the hearts of the townsfolk Sara Meyer, Mike Miller, Bill Peiffer, Jim Strauss,
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public workshop/critique group for young writers in and… and Eric Teeter.
become poisoned, even John Proctor, a principled
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Midwest Writing Center, 6pm Wed May 1 The Crucible runs March 8 through 17 at the
Davenport IA,, 5:30pm Mon Apr farmer and family man, must wrestle with a cor-
rupt court and his own transgressions to protect Playcrafters Barn Theatre, with performances at
1 thru Mon Apr 15 Writers Workshop with Tom McKay, McKay, local
author of “Another Life,” “Junk to Think About,”… Silvis his good name, as well as that of his damaged yet 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and 3 p.m. on
Turning Your Memories into a Memoir, Tuesdays Public Library, 5:30pm Mon May 6 devoted wife Elizabeth. Sundays. Admission is $7-13, and more informa-
thru Apr. 30; Darrell Lietz will be teaching the skills Directing The Crucible for Playcrafters is long- tion and tickets are available by calling (309)762-
necessary to begin writing your own memoir during a time area-theatre favorite Patti Flaherty, a frequent 0330 or visiting
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 21
CONTINUED River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

THEATRE / Performances / Scott &

Rock Island Counties / Opening in

Sun. 3pm; $5-8; for information and tickets, call 309-762-

0330, Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline
IL,, Fri Apr 12 thru Sun Apr 14

Tartuffe, Moliere’s comedy exploring how money and

power corrupt, directed by Cory Johnson… Galvin Fine
Arts Center, Fri Apr 12 thru Sun Apr 14

Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You &

Other Short Plays, short comedy plays by Tony
Award winner Christopher Durang… Scott Community
College’s Black Box Theatre, Fri Apr 12 thru Sat Apr 20

The Comedy of Errors, the Prenzie Players present

Shakespeare’s comedy classic, directed by Adam
Michael Lewis; Thu.-Sat. 8pm, Sun. 3pm; for tickets
and information, call 563-484-4210 or e-mail tickets@, QC Theatre Workshop, 1730 Wilkes
Ave., Davenport IA,, Fri Apr 12 thru
Sat Apr 20

Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook, family comedy

inspired by Barbara Park’s best-selling children’s books;
scheduled… Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, Tue Apr 23
thru Sat May 18
Railroad Earth @ The Rust Belt – May 16
How to Succeed In Business without Really
Trying, Tony-winning workplace musical comedy,
directed by Shelley Cooper; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Young Footltiers National Theatre Live: The Tragedy of King DANCE
1:30pm; for tickets and information, call 309-794-7306, Youth Theatre presents a stage version of the… Richard the Second, an HD screening of the visceral
Brunner Theatre Center, Augustana College, 3750 7th Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, Fri Mar 8 thru new production about the… FilmScene, 2pm Sun Apr 7 Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes,
Ave., Rock Island IL,, Fri Apr 26 Sun Mar 10 offering classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap,
thru Sun May 5 Seven Spots on the Sun, George Zimmerman’s Conditioning, Creative… Ballet Quad Cities School of
Fix Me, Jesus, Dreamwell Theatre presents Helen mystical drama about healing in a time of… The Dance, thru Wed Jun 5
The Little Prince, new adaptation of the classic Sneed’s dark comedy about a Texas… Public Space One, University of Iowa’s David Thayer Theatre, Thu Apr 11
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry story, written and directed 7:30pm Fri Mar 8 thru Sat Mar 16 thru Sat Apr 20 Excavations, an MFA Thesis Dance Concert featuring
by Aaron Randolph III; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 3pm; movement works by Christine… University of Iowa’s
“pay what it’s worth” ticket pricing; for information and Sunday in the Park with George, Stephen Liz Howls Show for Adults: Music Box, Iowa native Space/Place Theatre, 8pm thru Sat Mar 9
tickets, call 563-823-8893, QC Theatre Workshop, 1730 Sondheim’s Pulitzer Prize winning musical about artist Howls performs this one woman show using object…
Wilkes Ave., Davenport IA,, Fri Georges Seurat,… The University of Iowa’s E. C. Mabie Owl Glass Puppetry Center, 8pm Fri Apr 12 Polka Club of Iowa, Inc., Eastern Chapter Dance:
Apr 26 thru Sun May 12 Theatre, Fri Mar 8 thru Sat Mar 16 Barefoot Becky & the Ivanhoe Dutchmen (1:30pm),
Liz Howls Show for Families: Short Stories in the annual St. Patrick’s Day Dance; $10/person with ages
James & the Giant Peach, student-performed John Brown’s Journey, Eulenspiegel Puppets present Miniature, using miniature handmade puppets and 21… Walcott Coliseum, 1:30pm Sun Mar 17
adaptation of the Roald Dahl classic by playwright a dramatic retelling of actual events that… New Strand her odd yet silly sense… Owl Glass Puppetry Center, Sat
Richard R. George; Sat. & Sun. 1 & 4pm; $6-8 at the Theatre, Sat Mar 9 Apr 13 Peter and the Wolf, Mother Goose, & Other Tales,
door; for information, call 563-888-2227, Davenport be whisked away to the land of fairy tales with… Adler
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, National Theatre Live: Julie, an HD screening of the The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System, Theatre, Sat Mar 30, Sat Apr 27 thru Sun new version of August Strindberg’s play… FilmScene, TheaterWorksUSA’s new musical adaptation based
May 5 2pm Sun Mar 10 on the original book series… University of Dubuque’s Afterglow: Peter and the Wolf, Mother Goose, &
Heritage Center, 2pm Sun Apr 14 Other Tales, join the dancers and musicians from the
Opening in May & June Theatre Lovett: They Called Her Vivaldi, a
sensitive musical prodigy finds herself leaving her quiet Tragedy, a Tragedy, Dreamwell Theatre presents Will
night’s performance by… Hotel Blackhawk, 9:30pm Sat
Mar 30
sanctuary… Hancher Auditorium, 2pm Sun Mar 10 Eno’s dark comedy, directed by Kris… Public Space One,
Finding Neverland, stage musical based on the life of 7:30pm Fri Apr 26 thru Sat May 4 American Ballet Theatre: Whipped Cream,
author J.M.M. Barrie… Adler Theatre, 6pm Tue May 7 National Theatre Live: Julius Caesar, an HD choreographed by Alexei Ratmasky and featuring a

Avenue Q, Tony-winning “Sesame Street for grown-

screening of Shakespeare’s tragedy, directed by Nicholas
Hytner;… Orpheum Theatre, 7pm Fri Mar 15
Opening in May score by Richard… Hancher Auditorium, 1 & 6:30pm
Sat Apr 6
ups” musical, directed by Aaron Lord; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm,
Sun. 3pm; for information and tickets, call 309-762-0330, Pointillism, a Workshop Series production of Clara The Scarlet Pimpernel, City Circle Acting Company Batsheva Dance Company: Venezuela, in its
Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline IL, Reynen’s play, directed by… Theatre B - University of of Coralville’s presentation of the Tony-nominated… first Hancher appearance since 2006, Batsheva will, Fri May 10 thru Sun May 19 Iowa, 8pm Fri Mar 15 thru Sat Mar 16 Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, Fri May 3 thru perform… Hancher Auditorium, 7:30pm Fri Apr 12
Sun May 12
20th Annual Quad City Playwrights Festival, Zion’s Gate, a Workshop Series production of Alice Polka Club of Iowa, Inc., Eastern Chapter Dance:
showcase of 10-minute plays highlighting new works Doherty’s play, directed by… Theatre B - University of National Theatre Live: The Madness of George The Goodtime Dutchmen Band (1:30pm), the annual
by area playwrights of high-school age and up; for Iowa, 8pm Fri Mar 29 thru Sat Mar 30 III, an HD screening of the multi-award winning play St. Patrick’s Day Dance; $10/person with ages 21…
information and tickets, call 309-794-7306, Honkamp dramatizing the… FilmScene, 2pm Sun May 5 Walcott Coliseum, 1:30pm Sun Apr 14
Myhre Black Box Theatre, Augustana College, 3750 7th Riverside Theatre World Premiere, a Rolling World
Ave., Rock Island IL,, 1:30pm Sat production, title TBA; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm;… Elephant & Piggie’s “We Are in a Play!”, family Dancers in Company, now in its 35th year, the
May 11 Riverside Theatre, Fri Mar 29 thru Sun Apr 21 comedy in the Magic Owl Children’s Theatre series; $6… University of Iowa’s Dancers in Company present dances
Timber Lake Playhouse, 7:30pm Tue May 7 thru Sat centered on the theme of “taking ground”; curated by
Chicago, Kander & Ebb’s Tony-winning stage musical Stuart Little, musical version of the E.B. White May 11 company directors Jessica Anthony and Alex Bush, this
presented in the Broadway… Adler Theatre, 7:30pm storybook classic performed by… University of evening of dancing engages with current and historical
Mon May 13 thru Tue May 14 Dubuque’s Heritage Center, 2pm Sun Mar 31 Blithe Spirit, Oscar Wilde’s supernatural-comedy social and political movements that bring marginalized
classic, directed by Tom Morrow; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, voices forward, as well as abstract and aesthetic
Holiday Inn, stage musical based on the classic 1942
film starring Bing… Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, 7:45pm
Opening in April Sun.… Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, Thu May 30 thru
Sun Jun 2
investigations of equity and space; for information,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St.,
Wed Jun 5 Davenport IA,, 6:30pm Thu Apr 18
On Golden Pond, Ernest Thompson’s Tony-winning Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Tony-nominated stage-
iLuminate, an evening with the “America’s Got
Outlying Areas dramatic comedy, directed by Harold Truitt; Thu.-Sat.
7:30pm,… Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, Thu Apr 4 thru
musical adaptation of Disney’s Oscar-winning animated
film; scheduled performances… Timber Lake Playhouse, Talents” artists whose company based on the fusion
Sun Apr 14 7:30pm Thu May 30 thru Wed Jun 5 of technology and dance; $20-45; for tickets and
Opening in March information, call 844-852-4FUN, Rhythm City Casino
An Afternoon/Evening with Twain, at 3:30 & Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,
Heroes of the Underground Railroad, presented 7:30pm; New York actor Dr. Michael Mauldin, as… Auditions, 8pm Fri Apr 19
by Bright Star Touring Theatre; students join Harriet University of Dubuque’s Heritage Center, Fri Apr 5
Tubman, Levi… Herbert Hoover Presidential Library & The 39 Steps / One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Polka Club of Iowa, Inc., Eastern Chapter Dance:
Museum, 1pm thru Fri Mar 15 Everything So Far, a Workshop Series production by / A Doublewide, Texas Christmas, auditions for the The Jim Busta Band (1:30pm), the annual St. Patrick’s
writer/director Elin Dejus; Fri. &… Theatre B - University Tony-winning slapstick adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s Day Dance; $10/person with ages 21… Walcott Coliseum,
How I Learned What I Learned, August Wilson’s of Iowa, 8pm Fri Apr 5 thru Sat Apr 6 suspense classic… Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, 2pm Sat 1:30pm Sun May 5
autobiographical play about a struggling writer in May 18 thru Sun May 19
Pittsburgh’s… Riverside Theatre, thru Sun Mar 10
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 23
May & June
The Late Nite Shows: It’s Your Fault, sketch comedy
and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; for… The

Scott & Rock Island Counties

Establishment, 9:30pm Sat Mar 30
ComedySportz, at 2 & 7pm; interactive comedy with March
April the area’s long-running… The Establishment, Sat May 4
March thru Sat Jun 1 Enter the Bauhaus: Philosophy of Modern
Design, this exhibit will introduce the history, the…
Stand Up Comedy Open Mic, on Mondays, hosted by The Late Nite Shows: Saturday, sketch comedy and German American Heritage Center, thru Sun Mar 31
Sleight of Ham’d, magician David Casas and the G.I.T. Douglas Hernandez; for information, call 309-517-1944… improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; for… The
Improv comedians blend their entertainment… The Broken Saddle, 8pm Mon Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 29 Establishment, 9:30pm Sat May 4 thru Sat Jun 1 RACE: Are We So Different?, this traveling exhibit
Establishment, 8pm Fri Mar 8 aims to help visitors of all ages… Putnam Museum &
Butchers Hook Comedy w/ Ryan Proctor, on Circumstantial Comedy Show, on Sundays; for Science Center, thru Sun Mar 31
All You Care To Eat: A Comedy Thingy Podcast Tuesdays; a stand-up-comedy open mic night; for information, call 563-424-5506… Brew, 10pm Sun May
Live Recording, a monthly-recurring sketch comedy information, call… Meat Market, 9pm Tue Apr 2 thru 5 thru Sun Jun 2 “Flight Adventures” in the Discovery Dome, at
series performed in the style of… The Black Box Theatre, Tue Apr 30 11:15am, 12:15pm, and 1:30pm; a mobile planetarium
7:30pm Sat Mar 9 Stand Up Comedy Open Mic, on Mondays, hosted by show in… Putnam Museum & Science Center, 11:15pm
The Late Nite Shows: Wisenheimer, sketch comedy Douglas Hernandez; for information, call 309-517-1944… Sat Mar 9
The Late Nite Shows: 309, sketch comedy and and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; for… The Broken Saddle, 8pm Mon May 6 thru Mon Jun 3
improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; for… The Establishment, 9:30pm Sat Apr 6 A Look at Kaiserslautern & Reinland Pfalz, learn
Establishment, 9:30pm Sat Mar 9 Butchers Hook Comedy w/ Ryan Proctor, on about Davenport’s sister city including the sights,
ComedySportz, at 2 & 7pm; interactive comedy with Tuesdays; a stand-up-comedy open mic night; for history, and… German American Heritage Center, 2pm
ComedySportz, at 2 & 7pm; interactive comedy with the area’s long-running… The Establishment, Sat Apr 6 information, call… Meat Market, 9pm Tue May 7 thru Sun Mar 10
the area’s long-running… The Establishment, Sat Mar 9 thru Sat Apr 27 Tue Jun 4
thru Sat Mar 30 “Journey to Space” Sensory-Friendly Showing,
Circumstantial Comedy Show, on Sundays; for
Circumstantial Comedy Show, on Sundays; for information, call 563-424-5506… Brew, 10pm Sun Apr 7 Outlying Areas changes to the environment and film experience
include: dimmed but… Putnam Museum & Science
information, call 563-424-5506… Brew, 10pm Sun Mar thru Sun Apr 28 Center, 2pm Sun Mar 10
10 thru Sun Mar 31 Comedy Open Mic, on Wednesdays; 6:30pm sign-up,
Red Green, an evening with comedian, author, and TV 7:30pm performances; for information, call 319-363- Family Zumba Class, join a seasoned Zumba
Stand Up Comedy Open Mic, on Mondays, hosted by star Steve Smith… Adler Theatre, 7pm Sat Apr 13 0606… Penguin’s Comedy Club, 7:30pm Wed Mar 13 instructor for a morning class that… Family Museum,
Douglas Hernandez; for information, call 309-517-1944… thru Wed Jun 5 10am Mon Mar 11
Broken Saddle, 8pm Mon Mar 11 thru Mon Mar 25 The Late Nite Shows: Bandwagon, sketch comedy
and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; for… The Miss Coco Peru: The Taming of the Tension, songs, Promise and Prejudice, a program in “Becoming
Butchers Hook Comedy w/ Ryan Proctor, on Establishment, 9:30pm Sat Apr 13 stories, comedy, and gab with the online sensation; American,” a documentary film and discussion… Moline
Tuesdays; a stand-up-comedy open mic night; for $20;… Orpheum Theatre, 7:30pm Fri Mar 29 Public Library, 5:30pm Tue Mar 12
information, call… Meat Market, 9pm Tue Mar 12 thru The Late Nite Shows: Slumber Party, sketch comedy
Tue Mar 26 and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; for… The Preacher Lawson, an evening of standup with the Learning Lounge: Your Body vs. Technology, learn
Establishment, 9:30pm Sat Apr 20 “America’s Got Talent” comedian; $25;… Englert Theatre, from Dr. Traci Nelson-Johnson of Nelson Chiropractic as
The Late Nite Shows: Survivor, sketch comedy and 8pm Fri Apr 12 she… Putnam Museum & Science Center, 6:30pm Thu
improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; for… The The Late Nite Shows: Trash Talk, sketch comedy Mar 14
Establishment, 9:30pm Sat Mar 16 and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; for… The David Sedaris, an evening with the Grammy-
Establishment, 9:30pm Sat Apr 27 nominated author, comedian, and NPR contributor,… St. Patrick’s Day Kaleidoscope Workshop, artist
The Late Nite Shows: Nocturne Falls, sketch Englert Theatre, 7pm Sun Apr 28 Tom Chouteau will be teaching a kaleidoscope class,
comedy and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5-8; instructed… German American Heritage Center, 10am
for… The Establishment, 9:30pm Sat Mar 23 Sun Mar 17
24 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

April & May



Enter the Bauhaus: Philosophy of Modern

Design, this exhibit will introduce the history, the…
Between Two Worlds: Identity and Acculturation, German American Heritage Center, Mon Apr 1 thru Sun
a program in “Becoming American,” a documentary film May 26
and discussion… German American Heritage Center,
5:30pm Tue Mar 19 RACE: Are We So Different?, this traveling exhibit
aims to help visitors of all ages… Putnam Museum &
A Night with George Burns, Duffy Hudson, award- Science Center, Mon Apr 1 thru Fri May 31
winning master impersonator with acts you may
remember… German American Heritage Center, 7pm Family and Community, a program in “Becoming
Sat Mar 23 American,” a documentary film and discussion series on
our immigration experience, moderated by Augustana
Annual Omelet Breakfast Fundraiser, local College professors Dr. Adam Kaul and Dr. Christopher
celebrity chefs will be serving made-to-order omelets Strunk; for information, call 563-322-8844, Butterworth
and other… Felix Adler Children’s Discovery Center, Sun Center, 1105 8th Street, Moline IL,, 3pm Tue
Mar 24 Apr 2

Help Wanted? Immigration and Work, a program Immigration and Popular Culture, a program
in “Becoming American,” a documentary film and in “Becoming American,” a documentary film and
discussion series on our immigration experience, discussion… Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University,
moderated by Augustana College professors Dr. Adam 7pm Tue Apr 9
Kaul and Dr. Christopher Strunk; for information, call
563-322-8844, Hanson Hall of Science, Augustana Special Needs Night, the Family Museum will open
College, 726 35th St., Rock Island IL,, 7pm Tue its doors after hours for… Family Museum, 5:30pm Fri
Mar 26 Apr 12
98° @ Rhythm City Casino Resort – May 11
Putnam Museum Guild Monthly Tea, this month’s National Scrabble Day Celebration, choose a letter
program will feature Quad-City Times reporter Jack and make your own giant wooden Scrabble… Family
Cullen… Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1:30pm Museum, 10am Sat Apr 13 Made in Abyss: Journey’s Dawn, subtitled version
Thu Mar 28 of the first film in the two-part anime… Rave Cinemas
Written in Stone: The Rosetta Stone Exhibit, thru Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 7pm Wed Mar 20
Easter Scherenschnitte 2D Class, make your own Oct. 27; this magnificent collection features a rare cast… Scott & Rock Island Counties
Easter themed paper-cut snowflake with instruction Herbert Hoover Presidential Library & Museum, Sat Apr Cinema at Southwest, movies are rated PG-13 or
from… German American Heritage Center, 1pm Sat 13 thru Wed Jun 5 March higher, and the free showing includes light refreshments
and discussion; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Mar 30
Putnam Museum Guild Monthly Tea, his month’s Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Easter Scherenschnitte 3D Class, make your own program will feature Christine Kastell presenting her A Star Is Born, a screening of the Brady Cooper and Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,,
Easter themed paper-cut snowflake with instruction program… Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1:30pm Lady Gaga musical… River Valley District Library, 1pm 10am Thu Mar 21
from… German American Heritage Center, 2:30pm Sat Thu Apr 25 Thu Mar 7
Mar 30 Made in Abyss: Journey’s Dawn, dubbed version
Adults Only: Night at the Museum, sample food and Recent Releases, see a film recently released on DVD; of the first film in the two-part anime… Rave Cinemas
drink from local vendors while embarking on… Family free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 7pm Mon Mar 25
Museum, 6:30pm Sat Apr 27 Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern
Ave., Davenport IA,, 2pm Fri Tuesday Cinema, a chance to see those movies you
Mar 8 just missed at the theater; movies are announced
one week from the date of the movie; free; for
Village Theatre PSA: Sex Madness, the 1938 classic information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
fable detailing the dangers inherent in godless… Village Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport IA,
Theatre, 7pm Sat Mar 9, 2pm Tue Mar 26

Major League, a screening in the Coffee and a Movie Cinema at the Figge, presented by Ford Photography;
series; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock with a 6pm Social Hour and Craft Beer Tasting,
Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., 7pm Short Film Program, and 7:30pm Feature Film;
Rock Island IL,, 9:30am Mon Mar donations encouraged; for information, call 563-326-
11 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 6pm Thu Mar 28
Real to Reel, check out this month’s documentary
feature while enjoying coffee and cookies; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
April & May
Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport IA,, 10am Wed Mar 13 Morning Classics, spend the morning enjoying a cup
of hot coffee and cookies while watching unforgettable
Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel] THE MOVIE II. lost classic movies; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
butterfly, the latest installment of the beloved series Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street,
from the creators… Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + Davenport IA,, 10am Fri Apr 5
IMAX, 7pm Thu Mar 14
Downfall (Der Untergang), a screening in the Coffee
Up, a screening of the Oscar-winning animated comedy and a Movie series; free; for information, call 309-732-
in the Thursday… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Thu 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401
Mar 14 19th St., Rock Island IL,, 9:30am
Mon Apr 8
Sons & Daughters of Thunder, Fourth Wall Films’
locally filmed historical drama about Harriet Beecher… Real to Reel, check out this month’s documentary
Putnam Museum & Science Center, 5:30pm Sat Mar 16 feature while enjoying coffee and cookies; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
Sons & Daughters of Thunder, Fourth Wall Films’ Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport IA,
locally filmed historical drama about Harriet Beecher…, 10am Wed Apr 10
Putnam Museum & Science Center, 3pm Sun Mar 17
Recent Releases, see a film recently released on DVD;
Enchanted April, screening of the Oscar-nominated free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
comedy in the library’s Travel Talk Movie series; free; Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Ave., Davenport IA,, 2pm Fri
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Apr 12
Davenport IA,, 2pm Tue Mar 19
A Man Called Ove, a private-home screening of the
Afternoon Classic Films, join us as we watch classic Oscar-nominated movie with the 30/31 Book Club; free;
films from the 1930’s-1060’s starring your favorite actors; or information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL,
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern, 6:30pm Wed Apr 17
Ave., Davenport IA,, 2pm Wed
Mar 20 Afternoon Classic Films, join us as we watch classic
films from the 1930’s-1060’s starring your favorite actors;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 25
Ave., Davenport IA,, 2pm Wed
Cinema at Southwest, movies are rated PG-13 or KISS
higher, and the free showing includes light refreshments
and discussion; for information, call 309-732-7323, Caged Aggression XXI: “The Champions” All- Sunday, March 10, 7:30 p.m. @ TaxSlayer Center, 1201 River Drive, Moline, IL
Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 Amateur Card, a premier MMA experience featuring

Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,, state of the art sound and… Davenport RiverCenter,
fter nearly a half-century of live perfor-
10am Thu Apr 18 7:30pm Fri Mar 22
mances and 2014 induction in the Rock and
Okko’s Inn, the latest feature from famed anime studio Caged Aggression XXI: “The Champions” Roll Hall of Fame, the legendary rockers of KISS
Madhouse and director… Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd All-Professional Card, a premier MMA experience finally reach their figurative end of the road in their
18 + IMAX, 7pm Mon Apr 22 thru Tue Apr 23 featuring state of the art sound and… Davenport fittingly named “End of the Road World Tour,”
RiverCenter, 7:30pm Sat Mar 23 which makes its long-awaited stop at Moline’s
Tuesday Cinema, a chance to see those movies you TaxSlayer Center on March 10.
just missed at the theater; movies are announced Quad City Steamwheelers vs. Green Bay Blizzard, Originally composed of bassist Gene Sim-
one week from the date of the movie; free; for professional indoor football; $10-30; for information and
mons, rhythm guitarist Paul Stanley, lead guitar-
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public tickets, call 309-764-2000… TaxSlayer Center, 7:05pm
Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport IA, Fri Mar 29 ist Ace Frehley, and drummer Peter Criss, and
recognized from the start for the musicians’ wild KISS @ TaxSlayer Center – March 10, 2pm Tue Apr 23
costumes and makeup, KISS released its epony-
Coffee and a Movie Morning, includes a free
April mous debut album in 1974. Despite constant tour-
makeup and costumes and experienced a minor
commercial resurgence, with their music videos
movie, coffee, light refreshments, and discussion; for ing and promotions, the KISS peaked at 87 on the
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Quad Cities River Bandits vs Burlington Bees, receiving regular airplay on MTV. Yet in response
Billboard charts without the benefit of a hit single,
Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and information, to a wave of KISS nostalgia in the mid-1990s, the
and the band’s follow-up album, 1974’s Hotter, 9:30am Mon May 13 call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S. Gaines original lineup reunited in 1996 complete with
Than Hell, was a bigger disappointment, peaking
St., Davenport IA,, 6:35pm stage makeup and costumes, resulting in the
Cinema at Southwest, movies are rated PG-13 or at 100 and quickly dropping off the charts. How-
Thu Apr 4 commercially successful Alive/Worldwide tour.
higher, and the free showing includes light refreshments ever, 1975’s Dressed to Kill was a much bigger
Frehley and Criss ave both since left the band
and discussion; for information, call 309-732-7323, Quad Cities River Bandits vs Burlington Bees, success, breaking into the Billboard Top 40, and
again and have been replaced by Tommy Thayer
Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010 minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and information, later that year, the double-album Alive! boasted
and Eric Singer, respectively. In September of
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S. Gaines an iconic rock anthem (and number-12 hit) in
10am Thu May 16 St., Davenport IA,, 6:35pm 2018, KISS announced that, after 45 years of
“Rock and Roll All Nite.” KISS’ next three albums
Fri Apr 5 recording and performing, they would embark
– Destroyer, Rock and Roll Over, and Love Gun
on their final tour, The End of the Road Tour, in
Outlying Areas The Harlem Globetrotters, basketball and comedy
– consequently achieved platinum status and
2019, leaving behind a legacy as one of the best-
spawned top-20 singles for “Shout It Out Loud,”
with a star-studded roster featuring Big Easy… TaxSlayer selling bands of all time, with worldwide sales of
March Center, 2pm Sat Apr 13 “Calling Dr. Love,” and Criss’ rock ballad “Beth,”
more than 100 million records including 25 million
which became the band’s first top-10 single and
RIAA-certified albums.
Lakes, Rivers, & Seashores, at 10am & 1pm; 90-minute Quad Cities River Bandits vs Cedar Rapids its highest-ranked to date.
KISS takes the Moline-amphitheater stage
screenings in… Effigy Mounds National Monument, Fri Kernels, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and From the group’s origin, KISS’ musicians took
Mar 8 thru Mon Mar 11 information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, at 7:30 p.m. on March 10, with admission prices
on the personae of comic book-style characters:
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, ranging from $39.50 for general seating to $1,000
the Starchild (Stanley), the Demon (Simmons),
Alaska: The Last Frontier, at 10am & 1pm; 90-minute tickets, 6:35pm Mon Apr 15 for the first row on the main floor. For tickets, call
the Spaceman or “Space Ace” (Frehley), and the
screenings in… Effigy Mounds National Monument, Fri (800)745-3000 or visit
Mar 15 thru Mon Mar 18 Quad Cities River Bandits vs Cedar Rapids Catman (Criss). After Frehley and Criss departed
Kernels, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and the band in 1982, KISS began performing without
Spring Break Makers & Creators, thru Mar. 22; the information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park,
camp invites girls, trans, and gender non-binary… 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,

FilmScene, 8:30am Mon Mar 18 tickets, 11am Tue Apr 16

Far from the Tree, a screening in the Science on Screen Quad Cities River Bandits vs Cedar Rapids
series, featuring a dialogue led… FilmScene, 7pm Wed Kernels, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and
Mar 20 information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Animals in the Museum
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,
My Life with Rosie, the film embarks upon the tickets, 6:35pm Wed Apr 17 Thursday, March 7, through Sunday, April 28 @ Figge Art Museum,
amazing journey through the life… Iowa Wesleyan
University Chapel, 7pm Wed Mar 20 Quad Cities River Bandits vs Kane County 225 West Second Street, Davenport, IA
Cougars, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and
Sons & Daughters of Thunder, Fourth Wall Films’
locally filmed historical drama about Harriet Beecher
Stowe and the Lane Rebels, by Emmy-nominated
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park,
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,
tickets, 6:35pm Thu Apr 18
F oxes in the henhouse. Elephants in the room.
Cats in the cradle. And through April 28,
there will be Animals in the Museum, as Daven-
filmmakers Kelly and Tammy Rundle; a benefit screening
for Jenny Lind Chapel, Augustana Lutheran Church, 628 Quad Cities River Bandits vs Kane County port’s Figge Art Museum showcases works in
6th St, Andover IL,, 7:30pm Sat Cougars, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and all artistic mediums devoted to the world’s furry,
Mar 30 information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, feathered, finned, and four-legged friends.
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, As stated on the Figge’s Web site: “The bond
The Kids Are All Right, a Dinner and a Movie tickets, 6:35pm Fri Apr 19
between humans and animals permeates our
screening of the Oscar-nominated comedy, with…
FilmScene, 6pm Sun Mar 31 Quad City Steamwheelers vs. Tucson Sugar language, as well as our art. The earliest known
Skulls, professional indoor football; $10-30; for forms of visual expression included depictions
April & May information and tickets, call 309-764-2000… TaxSlayer
Center, 7:05pm Sat Apr 20
of animals scrawled on cave walls. That tradition
continues today with many contemporary artists
centering their practice on the examination of
Luna Fest, a traveling film festival, created by LUNA Quad Cities River Bandits vs Kane County
Bar, featuring award-winning… Englert Theatre, 7pm Cougars, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and animals and our connection to them.
Thu Apr 11 information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, “Why are artists and humans in general so Anne Coe’s Suburban Ranchette Utopian Bliss at
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, drawn to animals? Our relationship with ani- the End of the Millennium @ Figge Art Museum
Science Fair, a screening in the Science on Screen tickets, 4:35pm Sat Apr 20 mals has changed drastically throughout his-
series, meet local student science… FilmScene, 2pm Sat through April 28
tory. Ancient people lived in close proximity
Apr 13 WWE Live, featuring Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin
in a triple threat… TaxSlayer Center, 7pm Sun Apr 21 to beasts that they simultaneously feared and exploring themes including animals as symbols,
Sons & Daughters of Thunder, Fourth Wall Films’ worshiped as well as hunted for food. In the not- fantastic animals, beasts of burden and animals
locally filmed historical drama about Harriet Beecher… Quad Cities River Bandits vs Clinton so-distant past, animals were an integral part of as pets this exhibition will celebrate the artistry
Centennial Auditorium (Stering), 6pm Thu Apr 18 Lumberkings, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets everyday life as a means of transportation and involved in the depiction of wildlife.”
and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
labor. For most people in the 21st century, our Animals in the Museum will be on display
Gravity, a screening in the Science on Screen series, Park, 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,
preceded by a “physics… FilmScene, 3pm Sun Apr 21 cities/tickets, 6:35pm Thu Apr 25 closest interaction with animals occurs in our through April 28, with regular museum hours
homes. This trajectory from gods to compan- Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5
Eighth-Annual Julien Dubuque International Quad Cities River Bandits vs Clinton ions is reflected in the artworks on display, and p.m. (open until 9 p.m. on Thursdays) and Sun-
Film Festival, annual festival featuring more than Lumberkings, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets allows visitors the chance to explore their own days noon to 5 p.m. Admission to the exhibit
100 documentaries, features, and shorts… Downtown and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
relationship to the animals in their lives. is free with $4-7 museum entrance, and more
Dubuque, Wed Apr 24 thru Sun Apr 28 Park, 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,
cities/tickets, 6:35pm Fri Apr 26 “Animals in the Museum will present over 60 information on this and other Figge exhibits,
The Biggest Little Farm, a screening in the Science on works of art drawn primarily from the Figge’s col- programs, and events is available by calling
Screen series, followed by a conversation… FilmScene, Quad Cities River Bandits vs Clinton lection, including paintings, sculptures, prints, (563)326-7804 or visiting
6pm Fri Apr 26 Lumberkings, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets photographs, and video works. In addition to
CONTINUED River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Davenport IA,,

SPORTS / April 5pm Sat Mar 23

In the Stars: Astronomy Viewing, all ages, weather

permitting; see stars and planets with the help of the
and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Popular Astronomy Club; park in church lots across
Park, 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, street; telescopes and the Astronomy Club’s Mobile
cities/tickets, 4:35pm Sat Apr 27 Observatory will be set up in the 30/31 parking lot; free;
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Quad Cities River Bandits vs Clinton Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL,
Lumberkings, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets, 7:30pm Sat Mar 23
and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
Park, 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, Variety Show, presented by Clock, Inc & Playcrafters;
cities/tickets, 1:15pm Sun Apr 28 an evening of drag performers, comedians, singers,
slam poets, dancers, and more; $10 adults, donations
May & June suggested for ages 17 & under; for information, call
309-762-0330, Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave.,
Moline IL,,
Quad City Steamwheelers vs. Sioux Falls Storm, 7pm Sat Mar 23
professional indoor football; $10-30; for information and
tickets, call 309-764-2000… TaxSlayer Center, 7:05pm Local Uncommon Tour: Theo’s Java Club, the
Sat May 4 tapping of one barrel of unique Local Uncommon
infused… Bent River Brewing Company, Wed Mar 27
Quad Cities River Bandits vs Lansing Lugnuts,
minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and Community Shred Day, free; for information, call 563-
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Sat Mar 30
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,
tickets, 6:35pm Mon May 6 Grocery Games, test your price-matching mettle
against other savvy QC shoppers for grocery prizes; free;
Quad Cities River Bandits vs Lansing Lugnuts, for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Davenport IA,, 2pm Sat Mar 30
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,
tickets, 11am Tue May 7
Jason Reynolds @ Davenport Public Library Main Branch – March 28 Taizé Vigil Service at HMC, led by Sr. Margaret Kruse,
OSF, Linda Clewell & BJ… Humility of Mary Center,
Quad Cities River Bandits vs Lansing Lugnuts, 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary. 6:30pm Sun Mar 31
minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and tickets, 6:35pm Wed May 29 com, 10am Sat Mar 9
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park,
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, Quad Cities River Bandits v Beloit Snappers, Begin Genealogy Here, tour of the resources
tickets, 11am Wed May 8 minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and available at the downtown library for use by people
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, beginning a search for ancestors and/or possible Adult Chess Club, staff members well-versed in the
Quad Cities River Bandits v Great Lakes 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, relatives; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock game of chess will be… Bettendorf Public Library,
Loons, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and tickets, 6:35pm Thu May 30 Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., 6:30pm Tue Apr 2
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Rock Island IL,, 1:30pm Mon Mar
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, Quad Cities River Bandits v Peoria Chiefs, minor- 11 I-CASH with Illinois State Treasurer’s Office,
tickets, 6:35pm Thu May 9 league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and information, call search the online I-CASH database for unclaimed
563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S. Gaines Local Uncommon Tour: Atomic Coffee Bar, the property; free; for… Moline Public Library, 11am Tue
Quad Cities River Bandits v Great Lakes St., Davenport IA,, 6:35pm tapping of one barrel of unique Local Uncommon Apr 2
Loons, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and Tue Jun 4 infused… Bent River Brewing Company, Wed Mar 13
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Local Uncommon Tour: Coffee Hound, the tapping
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, Quad Cities River Bandits v Peoria Chiefs, minor- RUN! BTS Army Screening/Activity Series, follow of one barrel of unique Local Uncommon infused… Bent
tickets, 6:35pm Fri May 10 league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and information, call the pop culture trend of K-pop music; view RUN! River Brewing Company, Wed Apr 3
563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S. Gaines BTS, the variety show of the Korean group, BTS; each
Quad Cities River Bandits v Great Lakes St., Davenport IA,, 6:35pm episode includes games and activity challenges; free; International Comic Arts Forum, thru April 6; for
Loons, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and Wed Jun 5 for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public information, contact Arturo Meijide at MeijideArturoF@
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL,… Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, Thu
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,, 6pm Wed Mar 13 Apr 4 thru Sat Apr 6
tickets, 6:35pm Sat May 11
OTHER EVENTS Quad Cities Bicycle Club Ride, on Wednesdays; visit St. Alphonsus Lenten Fish Fry, on Fridays; the
Quad City Steamwheelers vs. Cedar Rapids; a 20-25 mile leisure bike ride leaving from… menu includes your choice of fried and… St. Alphonsus
River Kings, professional indoor football; $10-30; for Scott & Rock Island Counties 9am Wed Mar 13 thru Wed May 29 Catholic Church, 4pm Fri Apr 5 thru Fri Apr 12
information and tickets, call 309-764-2000… TaxSlayer
Center, 7:05pm Fri May 17
March 37th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Race, at Main
& Second St.; annual fundraiser for the Center…
Chocolate Experience, local chocolate shops,
bakeries, and coffee houses will be here… Quad City
Quad Cities River Bandits v Wisconsin Timber Downtown Davenport, 9am Sat Mar 16 Botanical Center, Sat Apr 6
Rattlers, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and The Chicago Ethnic Food Shopping Excursion,
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, food enthusiasts are invited to visit Chicago’s ethnic Kavanaugh’s 7th Annual Shamrockin’ Paddy Game of Thrones Party, join us as psych we ourselves
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, neighborhood foodie… Black Hawk College Outreach O’Pardy, the QCs’ best Parade After-Party featuring up for the last season; we will have several fun filled
tickets, 6:35pm Fri May 24 Center, 7am Thu Mar 7 Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo… Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & activities to keep GoT fans entertained; gostumes
Grill, 10am Sat Mar 16 welcome but not required; free; for information, call
Quad Cities River Bandits v Wisconsin Timber A Moms in Prayer Gathering featuring Lee 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Rattlers, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and Nienhuis, join ladies from around the Quad Cities who Night Sky Viewing with the Popular Astronomy Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, come together… Harvest Bible Chapel, 6:30pm Fri Mar 8 Club, Mars, Uranus, M42 (Orion Nebula), Double Cluster,, 2pm Sat Apr 6
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, Gamma Andromedae and… Niabi Zoo, 7pm Sat Mar 16
tickets, 6:35pm Sat May 25 Imagination Journey, an evening with some of Shred It Day, it’s Money Smart Week, so bring in your
the world’s greatest acrobats, contortionists,… Adler Quad Cities Comic Book Convention, featuring paperwork that… Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat Apr 6
Quad Cities River Bandits v Wisconsin Timber Theatre, 7:30pm Fri Mar 8 dealers from four states specializing in comic books
Rattlers, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and new… Ramada Inn - Bettendorf, 10am Sat Mar 16 Spring Into Cycling: Quad Cities Bicycle Club
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, St. Alphonsus Lenten Fish Fry, on Fridays; the Open House, learn about all things cycling; following
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, menu includes your choice of fried and… St. Alphonsus Local Uncommon Tour: Dead Poets Espresso, the Open House, multiple… 9am Sat Apr 6
tickets, 1:15pm Sun May 26 Catholic Church, 4pm Fri Mar 8 thru Fri Mar 29 the tapping of one barrel of unique Local Uncommon
infused… Bent River Brewing Company, Wed Mar 20 Quad City Coin Club Annual Spring Coin Show,
Quad Cities River Bandits v Wisconsin Timber Davenport West iJag Trivia Night, $10 per person, featuring 80 dealer tables with U.S. and foreign coins,
Rattlers, minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and 8 people per team / $80 a… Knights of Columbus - A Night at the Zoo, annual zoo fundraiser in which you ancient… The Camden Centre, 9am Sun Apr 7
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Davenport, 7pm Sat Mar 9 can choose from your… Niabi Zoo, 6:30pm Fri Mar 22
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, Local Uncommon Tour: Roam, the tapping of one
tickets, 5:15pm Mon May 27 GiGi’s Playhouse “i have a Voice” Gala, reserve by Annual MCCQC Chili Cook Off and Cookie barrel of unique Local Uncommon infused… Bent River
Mar. 1 for Mar. 9 event; an opportunity… Quad-Cities Contest, guests will be treated to tables filled with crock Brewing Company, Wed Apr 10
Quad Cities River Bandits v Beloit Snappers, Waterfront Convention Center, 5:30pm Sat Mar 9 pots of the best chili on either side of the Mississippi;
minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and the team of judges will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Food for Thought Fundraiser, for information, call
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Houseplant Swap, bring houseplants that you’re awards, and there will be an award for People’s Choice; 309-732-7323… Black Hawk State Historical Site’s Watch
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, willing to give away and swap for something new; chat also enter our made-from-scratch cookie contest; cash Tower Lodge, 6pm Thu Apr 11
tickets, 6:35pm Tue May 28 with fellow houseplant enthusiasts and exchange tips bar, no outside beverages allowed; raffle items and a
and ideas; all plants must be healthy and disease free, 50/50 drawing will be available; judging will take place RUN! BTS Army Screening/Activity Series, follow
Quad Cities River Bandits v Beloit Snappers, potted in soil or rooted cuttings in water; pots cannot at 6:15pm; for information, contact Rev. Rich Hendricks the pop culture trend of K-pop music; view RUN!
minor-league baseball; $5-14; for tickets and be returned; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, at 563-324-8281 or, CASI BTS, the variety show of the Korean group, BTS; each
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, episode includes games and activity challenges; free;
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 27
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Quad Cities Bicycle Club Ride, on Saturdays & I’m Board: Adult Tabletop Game Night, bring in 2019 Dubuque Gala: Bow Ties & Diamonds, all
Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, Sundays; visit; a 15-35 mile leisure ride; start… your favorite tabletop games to share or play… Silvis proceeds will go to Make-A-Wish Iowa to help grant…, 6pm Thu Apr 11 Sat Apr 27 thru Sun May 26 Public Library, 5:30pm Mon May 13 Grand River Center, 5pm Sat Mar 9

Friends of the Moline Public Library Overflow Craft Supply Exchange, drop off your excess craft Ride of Silence, hosted by the Quad Cities Bicycle Club; Hike and Hygge at Prairie Creek Rec Area, have
Book Sale, thousands of books, CDs and DVDs to supplies to any of the Davenport Library locations in visit; free and open… 6pm Wed May 15 fun exploring the park this winter followed by warm…
choose from, all… Moline Public Library, 9:30am Sat the month of April and then come back on April 27 at Prairie Creek Recreation Area Pavillion, 1:30pm Sun
Apr 13 Eastern to pick up new and different materials; free; for RUN! BTS Army Screening/Activity Series, follow Mar 10
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library the pop culture trend of K-pop music; view RUN!
St. Ambrose University Wine Festival Preview - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport BTS, the variety show of the Korean group, BTS; each Lenten Tuesday with Barb: African Student
Dinner, 6pm reception, 7pm dinner; $140/person (price IA,, 1pm Sat Apr 27 episode includes games and activity challenges; free; Priests Share their Lives, led by Barb Arland-Fye;
includes ticket to May… Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Lenten soup supper and dialogue with… Our Lady of the
University, 6pm Sat Apr 13 2019 Monster Jam, a new level of high-flying, four- Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, Prairie Retreat, 6pm Tue Mar 12
wheel excitement for the entire… TaxSlayer Center, Sat, 6pm Thu May 16
I’m Board: Adult Tabletop Game Night, free; for Apr 27 thru Sun Apr 28 Come to the Quiet: The Way of the Blessing, led by
information, e-mail or call 309- ECW Spring Fashion Show, with brunch at 10am Pat Shea; the holy disposition of blessing is… Our Lady
755-3393… Silvis Public Library, 5:30pm Mon Apr 15 Spring Genealogy Night, research after hours, and a stylish fashion show from… Trinity Episcopal of the Prairie Retreat, 9:30am Wed Mar 13
meet other genealogists, get tips and tricks, and eat Cathedral, 10pm Sat May 18
Local Uncommon Tour: Milltown Coffee, the dinner; we will be focusing on the information learned Lenten Tuesday with Barb: White Privilege and
tapping of one barrel of unique Local Uncommon the the most recent RICIGS/SCIGS Conference; $10; Night Sky Viewing with the Popular Astronomy Racism, led by Barb Arland-Fye; Lenten soup supper
infused… Bent River Brewing Company, Wed Apr 17 for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Club, Mars, M5 (globular cluster), La Superba (red and dialogue with… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 6pm
Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport IA, carbon star), M13… Niabi Zoo, 8pm Sat May 18 Tue Mar 19
Walking Tour of Oakdale Memorial Gardens, we, 3pm Sun Apr 28
will explore the cemetery’s ties to the Underground Wine Festival Wine Tasting, all proceeds fund Lenten Tuesday with Barb: Living the Experience
Railroad… Oakdale Memorial Gardens, 5pm Wed Apr 17 May & June student scholarships at St. Ambrose University;
underneath… St. Ambrose University, 3pm Sat May 18
of Jews Today, led by Barb Arland-Fye; Lenten soup
supper and dialogue with… Our Lady of the Prairie
Friends of the Silvis Library Good Friday Bake Retreat, 6pm Tue Mar 26
Sale, purchase homemade goodies and support a great Local Uncommon Tour: Cool Beanz Coffee House, Adult Chess Club, staff members well-versed in the
cause! 50/50 raffle;… Silvis Public Library, 9am Fri Apr 19 the tapping of one barrel of unique Local Uncommon game of chess will be… Bettendorf Public Library, Voices Serving the Holy in All, led by Liz Rog; a
infused… Bent River Brewing Company, Wed May 1 6:30pm Tue Jun 4 retreat for all people who… Our Lady of the Prairie
Night Sky Viewing with the Popular Astronomy Retreat, 5pm Fri Mar 29
Club, Mars, M44 (Beehive Cluster), Cor Caroli (Double Community Shred Day, a free event which will
Star), M3 (Globular… Niabi Zoo, 7:30pm Sat Apr 20 allow community members to shred personal financial Outlying Areas Mass with Fr. Francis Odoom, in the chapel in the
documents containing confidential information and Prairie Heights building; after Mass… Our Lady of the
Local Uncommon Tour: East Moline Coffee Co., data; limit three disposable containers per household; Mission Creek Fundraiser, $50; for information, call Prairie Retreat, 10am Wed Apr 3
the tapping of one barrel of unique Local Uncommon for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public 319-688-2653… Big Grove Brewery, 5:30pm Thu Mar 7
infused… Bent River Brewing Company, Wed Apr 24 Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, 24th Annual Clinton Benefit: Red, White and Blue, 9:30am Thu May 2 Lent: God’s Time, My Time, or Both? A Retreat for Make Wishes Come True, fundraiser for Make-a-Wish
Quad Cities Bicycle Club Ride, on Thursdays; visit Men, led by Fr. Mike Schaab; Fr. Mike returns to help… Iowa; $50-55; for tickets and information, call 563-212-; a 25-35 mile mid-paced bike ride leaving Adult Chess Club, staff members well-versed in the Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, 5am Fri Mar 8 8991… Vista Grand, 5:30pm Sat Apr 6
from… 5pm Thu Apr 25 thru Thu May 30 game of chess will be… Bettendorf Public Library,
6:30pm Tue May 7 Reza: Edge of Illusion, the master illusionist returns Mass with Fr. Francis Odoom, in the chapel in the
Quad Cities Bicycle Club Ride, on Fridays; visit in an all-new show complete with… Stephen Sondheim Prairie Heights building; after Mass… Our Lady of the; a 28-mile mid-paced bike ride leaving from Local Uncommon Tour: Country Club Coffee, Center for the Performing Arts, 7:30pm Fri Mar 8 Prairie Retreat, 10am Wed May 1
Eastern… 5pm Fri Apr 26 thru Fri May 31 the tapping of one barrel of unique Local Uncommon
infused… Bent River Brewing Company, Wed May 8
28 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

MUSIC The History of the Book, delve into the history of the

OTHER EVENTS / Outlying Areas / book with Daniel Marcel La Corte, who will explore the
March book from a historian’s perspective in this presentation
Aaron Lewis associated with the Traveling History of the Book Exhibit;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Sunday, March 10, 7:30p.m. @ Adler Theatre, 136 East Third Street, Davenport, IA Mass with Fr. Francis Odoom, in the chapel in the Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport
Prairie Heights building; after Mass… Our Lady of the IA,, 2pm Sat Mar 23

Prairie Retreat, 10am Wed Jun 5
est known as the lead vocalist, rhythm gui-
Q-C Made: Davenport Compost Facility, tour
tarist, and founding member of the alter- hosted by he Davenport Public Library; free; for

native-metal band Staind, Aaron Lewis brings information,… Davenport Compost Facility, 6pm Mon
his outspokenness, outlaw-country tunes, and Mar 25
impassioned live show to Davenport’s Adler
Theatre on March 10 in support of the April
March Water Pollution Lesson Presented by Green Iowa
AmeriCorps, there will be an introduction to water
release of his latest solo album State I’m In, the Wapsi Conservation Center: Birds of Prey, free; pollution with an emphasis on the Mississippi River as
singer/songwriter’s previous recording Sinner for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public well as a tutorial with water kits; free; for information,
having topped Billboard’s U.S. Country chart Library, 2pm Tue Mar 12 call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
in 2016. Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
Formed in 1995, Staind was widely consid- Wapsi Presents Reptiles, a fun and educational, 6pm Mon Mar 25
program celebrating reptiles and amphibians; free; for
ered to be on the mere fringes of mainstream
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library World Affairs Council - Knowing the Cyber World:
acceptance until the song “Outside” – a live col- - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport Why We Should be Concerned, Too, sponsored
laboration between Lewis and Limp Bizkit’s Fred Aaron Lewis @ Adler Theatre – March 10 IA,, 3pm Tue Mar 12 by the World Affairs Council of the Quad Cities;…
Durst during the 1999 Family Values Tour – blew Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Mar 26
up on alternative and mainstream rock stations. 2012 and became an immediate smash, rising A Retrospective on the Vietnam War(s): Terra
With only his acoustic guitar as musical backing, Incognita, first of three seminars in the Lifelong Learner A Retrospective on the Vietnam War(s): Tragedy
to number-seven on the U.S. Country chart and
program; $10;… Black Hawk College Outreach Center, Ensues, third of three seminars in the Lifelong Learner
Lewis delivered a raw, anguished performance landing hits in the singles “Endless Summer,” 9:30pm Wed Mar 13 program; $10;… Black Hawk College Outreach Center,
of the song that Staind would later record in the “Forever,” and “Granddaddy’s Gun.” With his 9:30pm Wed Mar 27
studio for Break the Cycle, and one that found forthcoming album State I’m In promising Over There: The War to End All Wars _ American
enjoying his first chart-topping success in 2000. acoustic numbers deriving from Lewis’ own his- Strategic Bombing Campaign USAAF/Raid on TEDxDavenport: Limitless, in the John Deere
The track’s success carved the path for the tory, the singer/songwriter states, ““My music is Berlin, follow the path of World War II in talks by Auditorium; attendees will engage with other open-
an Army Sustainment Command historian; free; for minded idea-seekers in a half-day long exploration of
band’s subsequent commercial breakthrough, very first person, very autobiographical. It’s from information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public powerful ideas and unique experiences designed to
as well Lewis’ own, and in 2006, Hit Parader my life experiences that I draw inspiration for my Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, inspire, inform, and challenge, Figge Art Museum, 225
ranked the artist in the top-50 of its “Top 100 songs. This acoustic tour gives me the opportu-, 2pm Wed Mar 13 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA,, 1:30pm
Heavy Metal Vocalists” list, nity to share the stories behind my songs with Wed Mar 27
Lewis recorded the 2011 country-music EP my fans and play them stripped down, like I Survival Bracelets: Session I, free; for information,
call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Wed The Handling and Examining of a book, as part
Town Line as his first solo effort, with its song list wrote them.” Mar 13 of the Traveling History of the Book exhibit, there are
including three versions of the single “Country Aaron Lewis performs on his “The State I’m In examples of many different types of books created
Boy” with George Jones, Charlie Daniels, and Tour” with special musical guest Ben Danaher, Survival Bracelets: Session II, free; for information, throughout history from cuneiform tablets to paperback
Chris Young. (The tune also scored CMT Music admission ranges from $35 for general seating call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, 2pm Wed volumes; join us in learning about these vehicles of
Award nominations for Breakthrough Video of to $185 for VIP-package tickets, and seats can Mar 13 knowledge by getting to hold and use these exhibit
items; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
the Year and Collaborative Video of the Year.) be reserved by calling (800)745-3000 or visiting World War II Lecture Series: American Strategic Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport
His studio-album debut The Road followed in Bombing Campaign USAAF/Raid on Berlin, follow IA,, 4:30pm Wed Mar 27
the path of World War II in talks by an Army Sustainment
Command historian; free; for information, call 563-326- Community Connections: Prairie Creek Station,
7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, free; for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf
6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, Public Library, 1:30pm Thu Mar 28
6pm Wed Mar 13
Leading Citizens, the Role of Law, and the
History Talk on Arsenal Quarters One Mansion, Advancement of Justice: A History Through the
presentation with Dr. Maryan Wherry, featured speaker, Visual Arts, the Folwell Lecture in Political Science
local historian, and founding… Hauberg Civic Center and Pre-Lawe; free; for… Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose
Mansion, 7pm Thu Mar 14 University, 7pm Thu Mar 28

Transform the Self, a Quad Cities Institute of Noetic The Value of the Liberal Arts: Past, Present, and
Sciences meeting with C.J.… Bettendorf Public Library, Future, in the Folwell Center; sponsored by the Political
6:30pm Thu Mar 14 Science and… St. Ambrose University, 3pm Fri Mar 29

A Retrospective on the Vietnam War(s): Riding

the Tiger’s Back, second of three seminars in the April
Lifelong Learner program; $10;… Black Hawk College
Outreach Center, 9:30pm Wed Mar 20 Social Security Planning, learn how to calculate
benefits and earn an extra 8% a year, using delayed
A Mind and Conscious Akin to Our Own, with retirement credits; learn what “File and Suspend” means,
Vanessa Sage, the Assistant Curator at the Figge Art how to choose which age to collect benefits, and how
Museum… Niabi Zoo, 6:30pm Thu Mar 21 COLA can affect your social security; Ray Kozicki and
Ryan Biniak from F3E will be at the library to teach you
An Agenda for Peace in the 21st Century: Do all of these things and more; free; for information, call
Peacekeepers Really Keep Peace?, the Wilber 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Main Branch,
Symposium on the Christian Tradition and Non-Violence; 321 Main Street, Davenport IA,,
free;… Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 7pm 6pm Tue Apr 2
Thu Mar 21
Ancient Wisdom for Our World: Saint Ambrose’s
Outrageous Women: An Illinois Celebration, a Vision of the Human Person, with Angela Russell
BHC Lifelong Learner Lunch; 11:30am lunch, 12:15pm Christman, PhD, Loyola University Maryland; free; for…
presentation; designed for… Quad City Botanical Center, Christ the King Chapel - St. Ambrose University, 5:30pm
11:30am Thu Mar 21 Thu Apr 4

Dr. Sadler Williamson, a student-led discussion will History of Baseball, as Major League Baseball finishes
take place in the Social Hall… Iowa Wesleyan University, up its first week of the 2019 season, Dr. Bruce Storey will
11am Thu Mar 21 present a history of the game; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
An Evening with Belle, with award-winning Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
filmmaker Dr. Angela Sadler Williamson; the event will… org, 2pm Thu Apr 4
Iowa Wesleyan University, 5:30pm Thu Mar 21
How an Illinois Music Store Helped Win the Civil
It Was a Crime to Be German: Anti-German War, April’s installment of the popular Noon-Day
Hysteria During WWI, historical actor Barbara Kay of Programming Series; free; for… Moline Public Library,
Glen Carbon, IL, portrays her… Moline Public Library, noon Fri Apr 5
noon Fri Mar 22
Middle East Lecture Series with Art Pitz, professor
and historian Art Pitz will be presenting his annual
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 29
Middle East lecture series at the Davenport Public
Library and Bettendorf Public Library during the
month of April; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,,
6:30pm Mon Apr 8 thru Mon Apr 22

The Handling and Examining of a book, as part

of the Traveling History of the Book exhibit, there are
examples of many different types of books created
throughout history from cuneiform tablets to paperback
volumes; join us in learning about these vehicles of
knowledge by getting to hold and use these exhibit
items; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport
IA,, 4:30pm Wed Apr 10

A Path Appears: An Intelligent Conversation

About Real People Working to Change the World,
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and co-author of the
books Half the… Davenport RiverCenter, 6pm Thu Apr

Near Death Experience, a Quad Cities Institute of

Noetic Sciences meeting with Steve… Bettendorf Public
Library, 6:30pm Thu Apr 11

Community Connections: Green Fire _ Aldo

Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time, free; for
information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Monolord @ RIBCO – April 30
Library, 1:30pm Thu Apr 18

Accidents Happen: Protecting & Saving Family Community Connections: Walt Whitman Live!, Dubuque College Fair, in the Chlapaty Recreation behind, and IRS section 525; free; for information, call
Treasures, learn how to protect and save your family free; for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf and Wellness Center on UD’s campus;… University of 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
treasures from accidents and disasters; Nancy Kraft Public Library, 1:30pm Thu May 16 Dubuque, 5:30pm Tue Mar 12 Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
shares tips and tools to indentifying potential hazards, org, 6pm Wed Apr 3
salvaging and documenting damaged materials, and Good Earth: Awakening the Silent City, a BHC Citizenship Test Prep Course, Wednesdays thru May
keeping materials safe; this webinar will help answer Lifelong Learner Lunch; 11:30am lunch, 12:15pm 1; for information, call 309-524-2470… Moline Public College Planning Strategies Workshop, the
questions that arise when basements flood, books presentation; designed for… Quad City Botanical Center, Library, 6pm Wed Mar 13 Foundation for Financial Education will discuss: The
smell moldy, or other disasters; free; for information, call 11:30am Thu May 16 MYTH of… Moline Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 4
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Lenten Meditation Series with Angela Swanson
321 Main Street, Davenport IA,, World Affairs Council: The Global Midwest, of Cloud Nine Meditation, Wednesdays thru Apr. Paleography Thursdays: Basic Paleography for
6pm Tue Apr 23 sponsored by the World Affairs Council of the Quad 10; this five-part course will discuss the… Edwards Genealogists, learn basic techniques to improve your
Cities;… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue May 21 Congregational United Church of Christ, 5:30pm Wed paleography, or the study of old handwriting; with this
World Affairs Council: Immigrants’ Right, Mar 13 skill, you will be able to read genealogy texts with ease;
sponsored by the World Affairs Council of the Quad free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport

Cities;… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Apr 23 Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport
reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half-hour IA,, 6:30pm Thu Apr 4 thru Thu
Mr. U.S. Grant: A Man and a Patriot!, a BHC Lifelong session with a reference librarian; free; for information, Apr 25
Learner Lunch; 11:30am lunch, 12:15pm presentation; March call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31
designed for… Quad City Botanical Center, 11:30am Wed Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. Cooking with Catalina, local favorite Catalina
Apr 24 Iowa State University Extension and Outreach org, 9am Fri Mar 15 Martinez will teach us how to make… Silvis Public
Nutrition Classes, Iowa State University Extension and Library, 10am Sat Apr 6
Quad Cities Big Table Public Discussions, 1-2:30pm Outreach offers free nutrition classes… thru Sun Mar 31 Beginning Pickleball, Mar. 29 & 26; free; for
and 3-4:30pm; provides forum for discussing and thru Wed Jun 5 information and to register,… Black Hawk College - Quad Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and
addressing community needs, resulting in a more City Campus, 6:30pm Tue Mar 19 reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half-hour
connected community; free; for information, call 309- How to Shine at a Job Fair, free; for information and session with a reference librarian; free; for information,
732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, to register, call 309-796-8223… Black Hawk College - Home Wiring and Acoustics for the Homeowner, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
401 19th St., Rock Island IL,, 1pm Quad City Campus, 2pm Thu Mar 7 Thursdays thru Apt. 25; for those interested in doing Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
Fri Apr 26 home… Black Hawk College Outreach Center, 6:30pm org, 9am Fri Apr 12
Storm Spotter Training Class, presented by the Thu Mar 21
National Weather Service and hosted by RI… Moline Explore BHC Day, join Black Hawk College for a tour
May Public Library, 5:30pm Thu Mar 7 Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and of the Quad-Cities… Black Hawk College - Quad City
reference assistance by appointment; reserve a Campus, 10am Sat Apr 13
Drawings on Diversity: Representation in Comics, AARP: Rules of the Road, this review course will help half-hour session with a reference librarian; free; for
free; for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf you pass the Rules of… Silvis Public Library, 10am Fri information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Rules of the Road Class, driver’s license refresher
Public Library, 11am Sat May 4 Mar 8 - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, course; for information, call 309-524-2470… Moline, 9am Fri Mar 22 Public Library, 1:30pm Thu Apr 18
Drawings on Diversity: The Cultural & Social Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and
Significance of Star Wars, free; for information, call reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half-hour Ancestry Basics Class, learn the basics of Ancestry Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and
563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Sat session with a reference librarian; free; for information, Library Edition to begin your… Moline Public Library, reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half-hour
May 4 call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown 2pm Tue Mar 26 session with a reference librarian; free; for information,
Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31
Over There: The War to End All Wars _ Turning org, 9am Fri Mar 8 Relaxation Jars, make glass jars filled with water, glue Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
the Tide in the Pacific/Battle of Midway, follow and glitter galore; an event in the Self-Care Craft Series; org, 9am Fri Apr 19
the path of World War II in talks by an Army Sustainment Explore BHC Day, join Black Hawk College for a tour free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Command historian; free; for information, call 309-732- of the Quad-Cities… Black Hawk College - Quad City Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and
7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, Campus, 11am Fri Mar 8 IL,, 6pm Thu Mar 28 reference assistance by appointment; reserve a
401 19th St., Rock Island IL,, 6pm half-hour session with a reference librarian; free; for
Wed May 8 HAZWOPER Refresher #1227, this course is the Retirement Planning Workshop, the Foundation information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
annual refresher to the 40-Hour Hazardous… EICC for Financial Education will conduct of a retirement… - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
World War II Lecture Series: Turning the Tide in Midwest Center for Public Safety Training, 8am Fri Mar 8 Moline Public Library, 6pm Thu Mar 28, 9am Fri Apr 26
the Pacific/Battle of Midway, follow the path of
World War II in talks by an Army Sustainment Command AARP Tax Aide/VITA Tax Preparation, Mondays Rice Heating Packs, make a rice heating pack using
historian; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, & Wednesdays thru Apr. 15; for an appointment, call… April a tube sock, rice, essential oil, and yarn; heat them up in
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Moline Public Library, 11:45am Mon Mar 11 thru Wed the microwave for comfort on a cold day and for aches
Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, 2pm Mar 27 AARP Tax Aide/VITA Tax Preparation, Mondays and pains; an event in the Self-Care Craft Series; free; for
Wed May 8 & Wednesdays thru Apr. 15; for an appointment, call… information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
5K Your Way!, Tuesdays thru Apr. 30; $59; for Moline Public Library, 11:45am Mon Apr 1 thru Mon - Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
Examining the Intersection of Immigration and information and to register,… Black Hawk College - Quad Apr 15, 6pm Tue Apr 30
Child Welfare, St. Ambrose University School of Social City Campus, 6pm Tue Mar 12
Work presents the 21st… Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose IRA/401K Rollovers: Uncover Hidden Fees, Make
University, 8:30am Thu May 9 Aromatherapy - Using Essential Oils to Energize Sound Decisions, Foundation for Financial Freedom May
Your Life, $19; for information and to register, call 309- joins us to help you learn how to consolidate assets,
Robert Dubiel, a Quad Cities Institute of Noetic 796-8223… Black Hawk College - Quad City Campus, access your retirement account for current needs, avoid Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and
Sciences meeting, topic TBA;… Bettendorf Public 5:30pm Tue Mar 12 taxes, and how to capitalize during a market correction; reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half-hour
Library, 6:30pm Thu May 9 the presenter will discuss stretch IRAs, leavings IRAs session with a reference librarian; free; for information,
30 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

NAMI Peer Support Group, on the 2nd & 4th Mon.

of the month; the group offers individuals living with
a mental-health condition an opportunity to share
and learn; facilitated by trained peers who have similar
experiences; free, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street,
Moline IL,, 6:30pm Mon Mar 11 thru Mon
Mar 25

Lifestyle Medicine: Putting Evidence into Action

to Rebalance the Health/Disease Equation, an
event in the “How Not to Die” series presented by Dr.
Cheryl True; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street,
Davenport IA,, 6:30pm Tue Mar

Buddhist Meditation, on Tuesdays; for information,

call 309-794-0991 or email… Quad
City Botanical Center, 7pm Tue Mar 12 thru Tue Mar 26

Yoga, on Tuesdays; for information, call 309-794-0991…

Quad City Botanical Center, 5pm Tue Mar 12 thru Tue
Mar 26

Popeye or Wimpy: Fitness and Functionality on

a Whole Food, Plant-Based Lifestyle, presented by
Teri & Del Preston; free; for information, call 563-326-
7832, Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main
Street, Davenport IA,, 6:30pm
Tue Mar 19
The Veer Union @ The Redstone Room – April 25
NAMI Basics, Sundays thru May 25; designed for
caregivers and family members who support youth
Ecumenical Fellowship Church Luncheon, AD/HD Support Group, learn how other adults cope exhibiting symptoms of a mental-health condition;

lunchtime discussions on the first Saturday of the with their AD/HD, share your experiences, and get taught by trained parents/caregivers who have similar
COURSES / May month… Greatest Grains, noon Sat Apr 6 thru Sat Jun 1 useful information about resources in the Quad Cities; lived experiences with their own children, allowing
this support group is geared towards the concerns of families to connect, learn, and empower themselves to
Victims of Animal Control, lunchtime discussions on adults dealing with AD/HD and similar conditions; due overcome new challenges; free; for information, call 563-
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown the first Saturday of the month… Greatest Grains, noon to the topics that our group attendees may need to 386-7477, extension 266, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. Sat Apr 6 thru Sat Jun 1 address, children are not permitted at these meetings, 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,,
org, 9am Fri May 10 Deere-Wiman Carriage House, 817 11th Ave., Moline IL, 2pm Sun Mar 24
Victims of DHS, lunchtime discussions on the first, 3:30pm
Explore BHC Day, join Black Hawk College for a tour Saturday of the month… Greatest Grains, noon Sat Apr Sat Apr 27 Whole Food Plant-Based Cooking 101 with Demo,
of the Quad-Cities… Black Hawk College - Quad City 6 thru Sat Jun 1 an event in the “How Not to Die” series presented by
Campus, 11am Fri May 10 Quad Cities Area Legislative Forum, in Kahler Anne Haring; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Auditorium; all area Iowa state representatives and Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street,
Becoming a Substitute Teacher or Substitute March senators… Davenport Central High School, 10:30am Davenport IA,, 6:30pm Tue Mar
Paraprofessional, staff from the Rock Island County Sat Apr 27 26
Regional Office of Education… Black Hawk College AD/HD Support Group Lunch Brunch, learn how
Outreach Center, 5:30pm Mon May 13 thru Tue May 14 other adults cope with their AD/HD… Pizza Ranch, noon
Wed Mar 13 May April
Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and
reference assistance by appointment; reserve a half-hour QCMUG (Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group) AD/HD Support Group Lunch Brunch, learn how Buddhist Meditation, on Tuesdays; for information,
session with a reference librarian; free; for information, Meeting, with a special program/presentation on other adults cope with their AD/HD… Pizza Ranch, noon call 309-794-0991 or email… Quad
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Macintosh Applications or hardware, and… Bettendorf Wed May 8 City Botanical Center, 7pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. Public Library, 6:30pm Tue Mar 19
org, 9am Fri May 17 AD/HD Support Group, learn how other adults cope NAMI Basics, Saturdays thru May 11; designed for
AD/HD Support Group, learn how other adults cope with their AD/HD, share your experiences, and get caregivers and family members… Foster Hope, 2pm
Book-a-Librarian, one-on-one technology and with their AD/HD, share your experiences, and get useful information about resources in the Quad Cities; Sat Apr 6
reference assistance by appointment; reserve a useful information about resources in the Quad Cities; this support group is geared towards the concerns of
half-hour session with a reference librarian; free; for this support group is geared towards the concerns of adults dealing with AD/HD and similar conditions; due Yoga, on Tuesdays; for information, call 309-794-0991…
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library adults dealing with AD/HD and similar conditions; due to the topics that our group attendees may need to Quad City Botanical Center, 5pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue
- Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, to the topics that our group attendees may need to address, children are not permitted at these meetings, Apr 30, 9am Fri May 24 address, children are not permitted at these meetings, Deere-Wiman Carriage House, 817 11th Ave., Moline IL,
Deere-Wiman Carriage House, 817 11th Ave., Moline IL,, 3:30pm Wisdom and Wellness, learn health and wellness
Sugar Scrubs, make a natural body scrub to, 3:30pm Sat May 18 skills from area experts; a new topic and presenter
exfoliate and indulge your skin; with a variety of scent Sat Mar 23 every month; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
combinations to choose from; an event in the Self-Care QCMUG (Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group) Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000
Craft Series; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Quad Cities Area Legislative Forum, in Kahler Meeting, with a special program/presentation on Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, 4pm
Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Auditorium; all area Iowa state representatives and Macintosh Applications or hardware, and… Bettendorf Wed Apr 3
Rock Island IL,, 6pm Wed May 29 senators… Davenport Central High School, 10:30am Sat Public Library, 6:30pm Tue May 21
Mar 23 Youth Mental Health First Aid USA Training,
AARP: Rules of the Road, this review course will help Gettin’ Stitchy With It, for anyone with an itch to designed to teach the community and professionals how
you pass the Rules of… Silvis Public Library, 10am Fri stitch, whether you are a knitter, crocheter, sewer, to respond… Black Hawk College - Quad City Campus,
May 31 April cross stitcher or have some other project with stitches 8:30am Fri Apr 5
involved; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
AD/HD Support Group Lunch Brunch, learn how Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., NAMI Peer Support Group, on the 2nd & 4th Mon.

MEETINGS other adults cope with their AD/HD… Pizza Ranch, noon
Wed Apr 10
Rock Island IL,, 2pm Thu May 23 of the month; the group offers individuals living with
a mental-health condition an opportunity to share
and learn; facilitated by trained peers who have similar
Weekly & Bi-Weekly
Responding to the Many Faces of Hate experiences; free, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street,
Symposium, a panel discussion on combating hate Moline IL,, 6:30pm Mon Apr 8 thru Mon
Quad City Leadership Academy, on Fridays; a based on race, faith,… Eastern Iowa Community College Apr 22
program for those who want to step into leadership… District, 9am Sat Apr 13 March
Integrity Integrated Inc., 8am Fri Mar 8 thru Fri May 31
QCMUG (Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group) Iowa State University Extension and Outreach May & June
Ecumenical Fellowship Church Pot Luck Bible Meeting, with a special program/presentation on Nutrition Classes, Iowa State University Extension and
Study, on Sundays in Parsonage; for information and Macintosh Applications or hardware, and… Bettendorf Outreach offers free nutrition classes… thru Wed Jun 5 Wisdom and Wellness, learn health and wellness
directions, call 309-236-7113… 6pm Sun Mar 10 thru Public Library, 6:30pm Tue Apr 16 skills from area experts; a new topic and presenter
Sun Jun 2 Meditation Garden, open for prayer sunrise to sunset; every month; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Gettin’ Stitchy With It, for anyone with an itch to walk around road-closure signs;… Meditation Garden, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000
Fireside Knitters, on Tuesdays; adult knitting group stitch, whether you are a knitter, crocheter, sewer, thru Wed Jun 5 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, 4pm
from beginner to expert; free; for information, call cross stitcher or have some other project with stitches Wed May 1
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount involved; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Yoga at the Figge, free-will donation for the class;
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., please bring a yoga mat; for information, call 563-326- Buddhist Meditation, on Tuesdays; for information,, 5:30pm Tue Mar 12 thru Tue Rock Island IL,, 2pm Thu Apr 25 7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA, call 309-794-0991 or email… Quad
Jun 4, 10am Sat Mar 9 City Botanical Center, 7pm Tue May 7 thru Tue Jun 4
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 31
Yoga, on Tuesdays; for information, call 309-794-0991… Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 2:15pm Movie Matinee, $2-5; for information, call 563-386- CASI Book Club, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-
Quad City Botanical Center, 5pm Tue May 7 thru Tue Mon Mar 11 thru Mon Jun 3 7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly 7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly
May 28 Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Tue Mar 12 Road, Davenport IA,, 10am Fri May 3
Ugly Quilts, on Mondays; no sewing experience
NAMI Peer Support Group, on the 2nd & 4th Mon. necessary; free; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI Walgreens Medication Review & Blood Pressure Red Hat Club Luncheon, locations vary monthly;
of the month; the group offers individuals living with (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Check, free; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
a mental-health condition an opportunity to share Davenport IA,, 8am Mon Mar 11 thru (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
and learn; facilitated by trained peers who have similar Mon Jun 3 Davenport IA,, 10am Thu Mar 21, noon Tue May 7
experiences; free, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street,
Moline IL,, 6:30pm Mon May 13 thru Mon Zumba Gold Toning, on Mondays; $3-5; for Classic Movie, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477, Movie Matinee, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-
May 27 information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, 7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, Davenport IA,, 1pm Tue Mar 26 Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Tue May 14
Wisdom and Wellness, learn health and wellness, 10:15am Mon Mar 11 thru Mon Jun 3
skills from area experts; a new topic and presenter Walgreens Medication Review & Blood Pressure
every month; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Genesis Foot Clinic, on Mon. & Tue.; reservations April Check, free; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 required; for information, call 563-320-3978, CASI (Center (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road,
Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, 4pm for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, Red Hat Club Luncheon, locations vary monthly; Davenport IA,, 10am Thu May 16
Wed Jun 5, 8am Mon Mar 11 thru Tue Jun 4 for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, Classic Movie, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477,
Canasta, on Tuesdays; $2-5; for information, call, noon Tue Apr 2 CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road,

SENIORS 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W.

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Tue Senior Bingo, free; for information, call 309-755-9614…
Davenport IA,, 1pm Tue May 28

Mar 12 thru Tue Jun 4 East Moline Public Library, 3pm Thu Apr 4 Red Hat Club Luncheon, locations vary monthly;
Weekly & Bi-Weekly for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Line Dancing I, on Tuesdays; $3-5; for information, call CASI Book Club, $2-5; for information, call 563-386- Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
Knitting & Crocheting, on Thursdays; volunteer 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. 7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly, noon Tue Jun 4
club; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 9am Tue Road, Davenport IA,, 10am Fri Apr 5
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, Mar 12 thru Tue Jun 4, 12:30pm Thu Mar 7 thru Thu May 2 Movie Matinee, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-
Line Dancing Lesson, on Tuesdays; free; for 7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly
Line Dancing II, on Thursdays; $3-5; for information, information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Tue Apr 9
call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,,, 8:30am Tue Mar 12 thru Tue Jun 4 Walgreens Medication Review & Blood Pressure
2:30pm Thu Mar 7 thru Thu May 2 Check, free; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI
Senior Technology Clinic, on Tuesdays; $5-7; (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road,
New Horizons Band Practice, on Thursdays; $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Davenport IA,, 10am Thu Apr 18
for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Tue Mar 12 thru Tue Jun 4 Classic Movie, $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477,, 12:30pm Thu Mar 7 thru Thu May 2 CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road,
Spiritual Devotions, on Tuesdays; free; for Davenport IA,, 1pm Tue Apr 23
Euchre, on Thursdays & Fridays; $2-5; for information, information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,,, 8am Tue Mar 12 thru Tue Jun 4 May & June
12:45pm Thu Mar 7 thru Fri May 31
Grief Support Group, on the 2nd & 4th Wed. of Senior Bingo, free; for information, call 309-755-9614…
Billiards, Mon.-Fri.; $2; for information, call 563-386- the month; donations accepted; for information, call East Moline Public Library, 3pm Thu May 2
7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W.
Road, Davenport IA,, 8am Thu Mar 7 Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 9:30am
thru Wed Jun 5 Wed Mar 13 thru Wed May 22

Low-Impact Exercise, Mon.-Fri.; $2-5; for information,

call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 9am
Bunco, on Wednesdays; $2-5; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W.
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Wed
Thu Mar 7 thru Wed Jun 5 Mar 13 thru Wed Jun 5 The Night Bookmobile
Reflexology Clinic, on Wed. & Thu.; for information, Cribbage, on Wednesdays; $2-5; for information, call Thursday, March 7, through Friday, April 12; Q&A, Book-Signing, and Opening
call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W.
W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Wed Reception: Friday, March 1, 4 p.m. @ St. Ambrose University’s Catich Gallery,
Thu Mar 7 thru Wed Jun 5 Mar 13 thru Wed Jun 5 Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 Gaines Street, Davenport, IA

Ceramics I & II, on Fridays; $7-11; for information, call Early Bird Bingo, on Wednesdays; no admission fee, ith Publishers Weekly raving that The
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. card costs are $0.25 & $0.50/card; for information, call
Night Bookmobile is a “romantic, mel-
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 9am Fri 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W.
Mar 8 thru Fri May 31 Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 6pm ancholy tale” that’s “a paean to reading and to
Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Jun 5 the life one person lives through books,” Audrey
Golden Tones Chorus Practice, on Fridays; $2-5; Niffenegger’s 2010 graphic novel travels from
for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Energizing Yoga, on Wednesdays; $7-10; for the page to the walls of St. Ambrose University’s
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Catich Gallery in an exhibition running through, 9am Fri Mar 8 thru Fri May 31 Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
April 12, one that showcases original art in which, 2pm Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Jun 5
Senior Theatre: Second Avenue Players, on Fridays; “the simplicity of the images contrasts with
$2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Pinochle, on Wednesdays; $2-5; for information, call sophisticated page layouts in which [Niffeneg- The Night Bookmobile @ St. Ambrose
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. ger] plays with panels and perspective.”, 10:30am Fri Mar 8 thru Fri May 31 Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 1pm Wed The New York Times bestselling author of
University’s Catich Gallery through April 12
Mar 13 thru Wed Jun 5 2003’s The Time Traveler’s Wife and 2009’s received her MFA from Northwestern Universi-
Zumba, on Fridays; $3-5; for information, call 563-386- Her Fearful Symmetry, Niffenegger crafted her
7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly), on ty’s Department of Art Theory and Practice. She
Road, Davenport IA,, 8am Fri Mar 8 thru Wednesdays; 11:30am weigh-in, noon meeting; $1; first graphic novel after the success of her two has exhibited her artist’s books, prints, paint-
Fri May 31 for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for critically acclaimed “novels-in-pictures.” First ings, drawings and comics at Printworks Gal-
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, serialized as a weekly column in the UK’s news- lery in Chicago since 1987. Prior to the release
Bridge, on Mondays & Fridays; $2-5; for information, call, 11:30am Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Jun 5 paper The Guardian, The Night Bookmobile of The Night Bookmobile, Niffenegger published
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. tells the story of a wistful woman who, one night, the graphic novel – or “novel in pictures,” as the
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 12:30pm T’ai Chi Ch’un, on Wednesdays; $24-36/6 weeks; encounters a mysterious disappearing library on
Fri Mar 8 thru Mon Jun 3 for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for author calls it – The Three Incestuous Sisters
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, wheels that contains every book she has ever in 2005, following it with another graphic novel
Ceramics I, on Mondays & Fridays; $7-11; for, 10:25am Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Jun 5 read. Seeing her history and most intimate self The Adventuress in 2006. Meanwhile, a hit
information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for in this library, she embarks on a search for the film version of her bestselling debut novel The
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, Zumba Gold, on Wednesdays; $3-5; for information, bookmobile. But her search turns into an obses- Time Traveler’s Wife was released in 2009, and, 9:30am Fri Mar 8 thru Mon Jun 3 call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 sion, as she longs to be reunited with her own Niffenegger was commissioned to adapt her
W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,, 9am collection and memories. The Night Bookmobile
Genesis Blood Pressure Checks, on Mondays; Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Jun 5 2013 novel Raven Girl into a ballet that premiered
for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
is a haunting tale of both transcendence and the at London’s Royal Opera House.
Active Seniors), 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, passion for books featuring evocative, full-color, Regular hours for the exhibition’s display are, 9am Mon Mar 11 thru Mon Jun 3 March pen-and-ink works, many of which will be show- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and
cased in the Catich Gallery’s exhibition. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays, and more infor-
Shuffleboard, on Mondays; $2-5; for information, call Senior Bingo, free; for information, call 309-755-9614… Niffenegger trained as a visual artist at mation is available by calling (563)333-6444 or
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W. East Moline Public Library, 3pm Thu Mar 7 the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and visiting
32 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 33
March March
Crafternoon: DIY Kaleidoscope, materials provided Reading Assistance Dogs, for information, call
to create your own or instruction led creation; free;… 563-344-4175 or e-mail…
Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat Mar 9 Bettendorf Public Library, 6pm Thu Mar 7

STEAM-azing: Engineering, for grades K-6; fun, Rocket into Reading, Make It Yourself!, make-it-
hands-on projects based on concepts in Science, yourself crafts, activities, and reading, ages 5 to 8; each
Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math; free; for child receives a free book, thanks to ongoing support
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public from the Merrill Harris Hug-A-Book fund of the Rock
Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, Island Public Library Foundation; free; for information,, 2pm Sat Mar 9 call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31
Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
Child’s Play: Create, Explore, Experience, on org, 5pm Thu Mar 7
Saturdays; designed for ages 2-6, but all welcome; a…
Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Sat Mar 9 thru Sat Family Storytime, on Thursdays; for grades 3 & under;
Mar 30 a story, song… Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu Mar 7 thru
Thu Mar 28
Teen DIY Squishies, make and paint your own
cupcake or donut squishies; while the squishies dry, Preschool Story Time, on Thursdays, for ages 36
we will a watch a movie voted on by the teens and eat months thru pre-K; age-appropriate stories… Moline
yummy snacks; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Public Library, 10am Thu Mar 7 thru Thu Mar 28
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, 2pm Tales for Tots!, on Thursdays; ages birth to age three
Mon Mar 11 and a caregiver… Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Thu
Mar 7 thru Thu Mar 28
Petite Picassos, hands-on creation experience for ages
five and under includes a story and an art project; dress Toddler Storytime, on Thursdays; msic, movement,
for a messy good time; free; for information, call 309- and stories for ages 18 months to 3 years; free; for
732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
30th St., Rock Island IL,, 10:30am
PJ Masks Live! Save the Day @ TaxSlayer Center - March 23 - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport
Tue Mar 12 IA,, 10am Thu Mar 7 thru Thu
19th St., Rock Island IL,, 10:30am Mar 28
Art with the Figge, Join us for a special program Fri Mar 29 Petite Picassos, hands-on creation experience for ages
from the Figge’s Art and Artists series, which highlights five and under includes a story and an art project; dress Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri. at 10am and Mon. at
the spring exhibit “Animals in Art” at the Figge; free; Creativity Lab, for grades K-5; a different art activity for a messy good time; free; for information, call 309- 6:30pm; for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public each session; free;… Moline Public Library, 6pm Thu 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 Public Library, Thu Mar 7 thru Fri Mar 29
Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, Apr 11 30th St., Rock Island IL,, 10:30am, 4pm Wed Mar 13 Tue Apr 16 Toddler Tales Storytimes, stories, songs, and a

Little Makers, on Wednesdays; we’ll have plenty of

April Ice Cream in a Bag, for ages 6 & up; in this fun STEM
craft for ages five and under; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
craft supplies and a special project each week; free; for program, attendees are invited to make their own Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library DIY Stress Balls, for ages 6 & up; we’ll provide the ice cream; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, org, 10:30am Fri Mar 8
- Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport supplies for you to make two different types of stress Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
IA,, 3:30pm Wed Mar 13 thru balls; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary. Baby Storytime, on Fridays; for ages 2-5; featuring
Wed Mar 27 Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Davenport com, 4pm Thu Apr 18 books, songs, rhymes, lap bounces, and more for ages
IA,, 4pm Mon Apr 1 0-18 months; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
STEAM-A-Rama, on Wednesdays; themed Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead! Rain Clouds, for ages 8 & up; Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
programming for grades K - 5; free;… Moline Public Little Makers, on Wednesdays; we’ll have plenty of we will be making our… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
Library, 2pm Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Mar 27 craft supplies and a special project each week; free; for Apr 20 com, 10am Fri Mar 8 thru Fri Mar 29
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Creativity Lab, for grades K-5; a different art activity - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport STEM Night, for ges 6+; join us every month for Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; stories, songs,
each session; free;… Moline Public Library, 6pm Thu IA,, 3:30pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed learning and fun at STEM night; we’ll experiment with and crafts for preschoolers; free; for information, call
Mar 14 Apr 24 Squishy Circuits, build with Strawbees, and more; free; 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead! Mardi Gras Mask, for ages 5 STEAM-A-Rama, on Wednesdays; themed Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,, 3:30pm Fri Mar 8 thru Fri Mar
& up; create your own Mardi Gras… Silvis Public Library, programming for grades K - 5; free;… Moline Public Davenport IA,, 6pm Tue Apr 23 29
2pm Sat Mar 16 Library, 2pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24
Petite Picassos, hands-on creation experience for ages Bluestem Buddies Book Club Discussion,
St. Patrick’s Day Crafts, kids are invited to stop by Child’s Play: Create, Explore, Experience, on five and under includes a story and an art project; dress participants read and discuss nominees for the Illinois
after the big St. Patrick’s Day parade to use your creative Saturdays; designed for ages 2-6, but all welcome; a… for a messy good time; free; for information, call 309-732- Bluestem Children’s Choice book awards for grades 3 to
side; St. Patrick’s Day crafts will be available, along with Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Sat Apr 6 thru Sat Apr 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 5; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
our button and sticker makers and the rest of our Make 27 19th St., Rock Island IL,, 10:30am Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock
Stuff Jr. Cart; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fri Apr 26 Island IL,, 1pm Sat Mar 9
Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Petite Picassos, hands-on creation experience for ages
Davenport IA,, 12:30pm Sat Mar
five and under includes a story and an art project; dress
for a messy good time; free; for information, call 309-
May & June Book Buddies: Counting, your baby, toddler and/or
preschooler can spend some time with… Silvis Public
732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, Library, 10am Sat Mar 9
DOT Painting, for ages 6 & up; challenge yourself 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. STEAM-A-Rama, on Wednesdays; themed
to build the tallest tower using plastic eggs and clay org, 10:30am Wed Apr 10 programming for grades K - 5; free;… Moline Public Book Explorers: Junior/Senior Book Club,
in this fun STEM program; free; for information, call Library, 2pm Wed May 1 thru Wed May 29 for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Crafternoon: Fairy Jar, materials provided to create… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, your own or instruction led creation; free;… Silvis Public Creativity Lab, for grades K-5; a different art activity Sat Mar 9, 4pm Tue Mar 19 Library, 2pm Sat Apr 13 each session; free;… Moline Public Library, 6pm Thu
May 9 Saturday Storytime, enjoy a morning of songs,
Petite Picassos, hands-on creation experience for ages STEAM-azing: Egg Drop, for grades K-6; fun, hands- stories, and activities; free; for information, call 563-326-
five and under includes a story and an art project; dress on projects based on concepts in Science, Technology, Crafternoon: Bubble Paint Flower Cards, materials 7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch,
for a messy good time; free; for information, call 309- Engineering, Art, and Math; free; for information, call provided to create your own or instruction led creation; 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,,
732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown free;… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat May 11 10am Sat Mar 9
9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
org, 10:30am Wed Mar 20 org, 2pm Sat Apr 13 Petite Picassos, hands-on creation experience for ages Read to a Dog, QC CAN’s Reading Assistance Dogs are
five and under includes a story and an art project; dress specially trained, along with their handler, to provide
STEM Night, for ges 6+; join us every month for Button Birds, make one-of-a-kind birds using wire for a messy good time; free; for information, call 309- the environment needed to help children improve their
learning and fun at STEM night; we’ll experiment with and buttons; all supplies provided; free; for information, 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 reading skills; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Squishy Circuits, build with Strawbees, and more; free; call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern 30th St., Rock Island IL,, 10:30am Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, Tue May 14 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,,
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,, 4pm Mon Apr 15 5:30pm Mon Mar 11
Davenport IA,, 6pm Tue Mar 26 Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead! Geronimo Stilton Party,
Finger Painting, for ages 3 & up; get your hands dirty for ages 8 & up; celebrate the ‘famouse’ journalist and… Circle Time Storytime, on Mondays for ages 2-5; this
Petite Picassos, hands-on creation experience for ages while you create works of art; free; for information, call Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat May 18 storytime will be all about getting ready for school by
five and under includes a story and an art project; dress 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount developing a love of literature, learning pre-reading
for a messy good time; free; for information, call 309-732- Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, STEAM-A-Rama, on Wednesdays; themed skills, and having fun; free; for information, call
7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401, 4pm Tue Apr 16 programming for grades K - 5; free;… Moline Public 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Library, 2pm Wed Jun 5 Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA,
34 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Reading Assistance Dogs, for information, call

563-344-4175 or e-mail…
Bettendorf Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 4

Tales for Tots!, on Thursdays; ages birth to age three

and a caregiver… Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Thu
Apr 4 thru Thu Apr 25

Toddler Storytime, on Thursdays; msic, movement,

and stories for ages 18 months to 3 years; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport
IA,, 10am Thu Apr 4 thru Thu
Apr 25

Baby Storytime, on Fridays; for ages 2-5; featuring

books, songs, rhymes, lap bounces, and more for ages
0-18 months; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Fri Apr 5 thru Fri Apr 26

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; stories, songs,

and crafts for preschoolers; free; for information, call
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, 3:30pm Fri Apr 5 thru Fri Apr 26

Book Explorers: Junior/Senior Book Club,

for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm
iLuminate @ Rhythm City Casino Resort – April 19 Sat Apr 6

Book Buddies, your baby, toddler and/or preschooler

Big/Little Book Club, book club for Littles (kids in Circle Time Storytime, on Mondays for ages 2-5; this can spend some time with… Silvis Public Library, 10am

3rd-5th grade) and their bigs (adults or older siblings) storytime will be all about getting ready for school by Sat Apr 6 thru Sat Apr 20
STORIES / March to read a book together; we will discuss the book and developing a love of literature, learning pre-reading
do some book-related crafts and activities; free; for skills, and having fun; free; for information, call Read to a Dog, QC CAN’s Reading Assistance Dogs are
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount specially trained, along with their handler, to provide
- Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, the environment needed to help children improve their, 10am Mon Mar 11 thru Mon IA,, 6:30pm Wed Mar 20, 10am Mon Apr 1 thru Mon reading skills; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Mar 25 Apr 29 Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000
Evening Story Time for Littles, a chance for our Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,,
Story Time for Littles, on Mondays; a chance for our youngest patrons to enjoy a story and… Moline Public Story Time for Littles, on Mondays; a chance for our 5:30pm Mon Apr 8
youngest patrons to enjoy… Moline Public Library, Mon Library, 6pm Wed Mar 20 youngest patrons to enjoy… Moline Public Library, Mon
Mar 11 thru Mon Mar 25 Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 29 Bookworms Story Time, this special story time is
Yoga & Stories, on Wednesdays; for information, call offered in conjunction with The Traveling History of the
Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; ages birth to age three 563-344-4175 or e-mail… Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; ages birth to age three Book exhibit; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
and a caregiver… Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Mon Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Mar 20 thru and a caregiver… Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Mon Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street,
Mar 11 thru Mon Mar 25 Wed Mar 27 Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 29 Davenport IA,, 3:30pm Tue Apr 9

Pajama Storytime, join us for bedtime stories, songs, Book Buddies: Sensory Session _ Digging for Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri. at 10am and Mon. at Pajama Storytime, join us for bedtime stories, songs,
rhymes, and fun; feel free to wear your PJs and bring Gold, your baby, toddler and/or preschooler can spend 6:30pm; for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf rhymes, and fun; feel free to wear your PJs and bring
your favorite pillow, blanket, and/or stuffed toy; free; some time with… Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat Mar 23 Public Library, Mon Apr 1 thru Tue Apr 30 your favorite pillow, blanket, and/or stuffed toy; free;
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages Circle Time Storytime, on Tuesdays; we will talk, sing, Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,
Davenport IA,, 6pm Tue Mar 12 10-14, a free workshop which encourages children play, and read during this storytime created with early Davenport IA,, 6pm Tue Apr 9
ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, 11am literacy skills in mind; a perfect place to have fun with
Circle Time Storytime, on Tuesdays; we will talk, Sat Mar 23 your child while exploring letters, words, and stories; Iowa Teen Battle of the Books, for information, call
sing, play, and read during this storytime created with free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport 563-344-4175 or e-mail…
early literacy skills in mind; have fun with your child Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Thu Apr 11
while exploring letters, words, and stories; free; for 15-18, a free workshop which encourages children Ave., Davenport IA,, 9:30am Tue
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, noon Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30 Family Storytime, on Thursdays; for grades 3 & under;
- Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport Sat Mar 23 a story, song… Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 11
IA,, 9:30am Tue Mar 12 thru Tue Night Owl Storytime, on Wednesdays; a special thru Thu Apr 25
Mar 26 Saturday Storytime, enjoy a morning of songs, storytime to end your day and start to unwind; easy yoga
stories, and activities; free; for information, call and meditation may be included in the dancing, stories Downtown Toddler Tales, stories, songs, and a craft
Night Owl Storytime, on Wednesdays; a special 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount and activities chosen with relaxation for the whole for preschoolers five and under.; free; for information,
storytime to end your day and start to unwind; easy yoga Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, family in mind; feel free to wear your PJ’s and bring your call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
and meditation may be included in the dancing, stories, 10am Sat Mar 23 favorite stuffed toy; free; for information, call 563-326- Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
and activities chosen with relaxation for the whole 7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, org, 10:30am Fri Apr 12 thru Fri Apr 26
family in mind; feel free to wear your PJ’s and bring your Evening Preschool Story Time, for ages 36 months 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,,
favorite stuffed toy; free; for information, call 563-326- thru pre-K; age-appropriate stories and activities… 6pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24 Bluestem Buddies Book Club Discussion,
7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Moline Public Library, 6pm Mon Mar 25 participants read and discuss nominees for the Illinois
6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, Southwest Toddler Tales, stories, songs, and a craft Bluestem Children’s Choice book awards for grades 3 to
6pm Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Mar 27 Toddler Tales Storytimes, stories, songs, and a craft for preschoolers five and under.; free; for information, 5; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
for ages five and under; free; for information, call 309- call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock
Toddler Storytime, on Wednesdays for ages 2-5; 732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, Island IL,, 1pm Sat Apr 13
music, movement, and stories for ages 18 months to 30th St., Rock Island IL,, 10:30am, 10:30am Wed Apr 3 thru Wed
3; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Tue Mar 26 Apr 24 Story Travelers, for information, call 563-344-4175 or
Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. e-mail… Bettendorf Public
Fairmount St., Davenport IA,, Toddler Tales Storytimes, stories, songs, and a craft Toddler Storytime, on Wednesdays for ages 2-5; Library, 2pm Sat Apr 13
10am Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Mar 27 for ages five and under; free; for information, call 309- music, movement, and stories for ages 18 months to
732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 3; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Big/Little Book Club, book club for Littles (kids in
Story Travelers, for information, call 563-344-4175 or 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. 3rd-5th grade) and their bigs (adults or older siblings)
e-mail… Bettendorf Public org, 10:30am Wed Mar 27 Fairmount St., Davenport IA,, to read a book together; we will discuss the book and
Library, 2pm Sat Mar 16 10am Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24 do some book-related crafts and activities; free; for

Book Buddies, your baby, toddler and/or preschooler April Yoga & Stories, on Wednesdays; for information, call
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport
can spend some time with… Silvis Public Library, 10am 563-344-4175 or e-mail… IA,, 6:30pm Wed Apr 17
Sat Mar 16 thru Sat Mar 30 Homeschool Bookclub Explorers, for grades 3-5; Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed
discuss a book and work on crafts and activities; free; for Apr 24 Evening Story Time for Littles, a chance for our
Dance Me a Story: Peter Wolf, Mother Goose and information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library youngest patrons to enjoy a story… Moline Public
Other Tales, Ballet Quad Cities presents stories through - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport Family Storytime: Smart Money Week, hosted by Library, 6pm Wed Apr 17
song and dance; free;… Moline Public Library, 6pm Tue IA,, 1pm Mon Apr 1 the Illinois State Treasurer; children will hear a… Silvis
Mar 19 Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 4 Family Storytime, join us as the library and local
organization Unite in Motherhood present stories,
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 35
songs, play time, and more; free; for information, call Story Time for Littles, on Mondays; a chance for our
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, youngest patrons to enjoy… Moline Public Library, Mon
321 Main Street, Davenport IA,, May 6 thru Mon May 27
10am Thu Apr 18
Bluestem Buddies Book Club Discussion,
Iowa High School Regional Battle of the Books, participants read and discuss nominees for the Illinois
for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@ Bluestem Children’s Choice book awards for grades 3 to… Bettendorf Public Library, 5pm 5; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Thu Apr 18 Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock
Island IL,, 1pm Sat May 11
30/31 Toddler Tales, stories, songs, and a craft for
preschoolers five and under; free; for information, call Evening Story Time for Littles, a chance for our
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, youngest patrons to enjoy a story… Moline Public
3059 30th St., Rock Island IL,, Library, 6pm Wed May 15
10:30am Tue Apr 23 thru Tue Apr 30
Book Buddies: Sensory Session _ May Flowers,
Book Buddies: Sensory Session _ Kinetic Sand your baby, toddler and/or preschooler can spend some
Rainbow, your baby, toddler and/or preschooler can time with… Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat May 25
spend some time with… Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat
Apr 27 Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages
10-14, a free workshop which encourages children
Saturday Storytime, enjoy a morning of songs, ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, 11am
stories, and activities; free; for information, call Sat May 25
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages, 10am Sat Apr 27 15-18, a free workshop which encourages children
ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, noon
Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages Sat May 25
10-14, a free workshop which encourages children
ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, 11am 3-2-1 ... Summer Reading Blasts Off!, thru July 31 at
Sat Apr 27 all Rock Island libraries; we offer… 4pm Sat Jun 1 thru
Wed Jun 5
Express N Flow Youth Writing Workshop: Ages
15-18, a free workshop which encourages children
Finding Neverland @ Adler Theatre – May 7 RockTown Reads Summer Challenge, thru July 31
ages 10-18 to utilize… Midwest Writing Center, noon at all Rock Island libraries; reading challenges… 4pm Sat
Sat Apr 27 Jun 1 thru Wed Jun 5
Reading Assistance Dogs, for information, call Downtown Toddler Tales, stories, songs, and a craft
May & June 563-344-4175 or e-mail…
Bettendorf Public Library, 6pm Thu May 2
for preschoolers five and under.; free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown
A Universe of Stories Drop-in, for information, call
563-344-4175 or e-mail…
Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Mon Jun 3
Southwest Toddler Tales, stories, songs, and a craft Family Storytime, on Thursdays; for grades 3 & under; org, 10:30am Fri May 3 thru Fri May 10
for preschoolers five and under.; free; for information, a story, song… Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu May 2 thru Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; ages birth to age three
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Thu May 30 Book Buddies, your baby, toddler and/or preschooler and a caregiver… Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Mon
Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, can spend some time with… Silvis Public Library, 10am Jun 3, 10:30am Wed May 1 thru Wed Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays, for ages 36 Sat May 4 thru Sat May 18
May 15 months thru pre-K; age-appropriate stories… Moline
Public Library, 10am Thu May 2 thru Thu May 30
36 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Homework Heroes, receive help solving your Fortnite, hang out with other teens and play

for you and your child to enjoy; free; for information,

STORIES / May & June homework conundrums; be a hero yourself… Silvis call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Fortnite in the computer lab; free; for information, call
Public Library, 4pm Mon Mar 11 Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount, 10am Tue Mar 12 thru Tue Mar Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA,
Lego Build Day, grades preK-6 drop in during RI/Milan 26, 2pm Sat Mar 23
Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri. at 10am and Mon. at School Intersession to create a piece of LEGO -brand
6:30pm; for information, call… Bettendorf Public Library, brick art for displaying in the library; free; for information, Anime-Manga Club: Sushi Tasting, sample different Fun Games for Board Families, for information, call
Mon Jun 3 thru Wed Jun 5 call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown varieties of sushi and vote which one is… Silvis Public 563-344-4175 or e-mail…
Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary. Library, 1pm Wed Mar 13 Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Sat Mar 23
Evening Story Time for Littles, a chance for our org, 9am Mon Mar 11 thru Mon Mar 18
youngest patrons to enjoy a story… Moline Public Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; try out new games Youth Chess Club, for information, call 563-344-4175
Library, 6pm Wed Jun 5 Library Playgroup, on Mondays; meet with other and gaming systems; we have PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox or e-mail… Bettendorf
parents and caregivers during open play time with your 360, Wii, and Wii U for you to try, along with space for Public Library, 11:30am Sat Mar 23
children; a variety of toys and activities will be available tabletop gaming; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,

LIBRARY EVENTS for you and your child to enjoy; free; for information, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, Homework Heroes, on Mondays; receive help solving
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary. your homework conundrums; be a… Silvis Public Library,
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, com, 3pm Wed Mar 13 thru Wed Mar 27 4pm Mon Mar 25
March, 10:30am Mon Mar 11 thru Mon
Mar 25 Teen/Tween Gaming, teens and tweens grades 6 - 12 Teen Volunteer Night, fulfill needed service hours
Teen Advisory Group, here’s your chance to have who enjoy games… Moline Public Library, 2:30pm Wed or use on job applications; we… Silvis Public Library,
input on library services and… Moline Public Library, Fairy Gardens, for information, call 563-344-4175 or Mar 13 thru Wed Mar 27 5:30pm Tue Mar 26
3:30pm Thu Mar 7 e-mail… Bettendorf Public
Library, 11:30am Tue Mar 12 Teen Advisory Board, hang out, eat snacks, learn Princesses and Pirates, a very special time to dress
Young Adult Tabletop Roleplaying, on Tue. & about volunteer opportunities and share your ideas on in costume (optional) and… Moline Public Library, 2pm
Thu.; for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@ Pop with a Cop, the Silvis Police Department will be how to make the library awesome; free; for information, Wed Mar 27… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm stopping by to hang… Silvis Public Library, 5pm Tue call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Thu Mar 7 thru Thu Mar 28 Mar 12 Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, Lego Club: Chain Reactions, ages 5-11 design and, 6:30pm Thu Mar 14 build amazing moving machines; free; for information,…
Lego Club, for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail Wapsi Reptiles, the library welcomes special guests Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat Mar 30… Bettendorf Public Library, from the Wapsi River Environmental Center for a fun Tower Building, for ages 6 & up; put your architectural
11:30am Sat Mar 9 and educational program celebrating reptiles and
amphibians; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
skills to the test and challenge yourself to build the
tallest tower using plastic eggs and clay in this fun
Live-Action Candyland, kick-off spring break Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 STEM program; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
with this fun and interactive board game; free; for Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, 3pm Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Street, Homework Heroes, on Mondays; receive help solving
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Tue Mar 12 Davenport IA,, 2pm Fri Mar 15 your homework conundrums; be a… Silvis Public Library,
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., 4pm Mon Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 29
Davenport IA,, 2pm Sat Mar 9 Girls Who Code, on Tuesdays; for girls in grades 6-12 Teen Master Foodie Challenge, compete as
who are interested in learning how to code; the club is individuals or teams of 2 in a challenge where everyone Library Playgroup, on Mondays; meet with other
Dinosaur Party, come to our prehistoric celebration; for beginners to explore coding in a fun and friendly is given 30 minutes to create a delicious dish using only parents and caregivers during open play time with your
we’ll do the Dinosaur March, make fossils, and have environment; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, provided ingredients and utensils; the audience will be children; a variety of toys and activities will be available
Jurassic snacks and games; free; for information, call Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, selected to sample the creations and vote for the winner for you and your child to enjoy; free; for information,
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary. of the Master Foodie Space Cats Apron Award; free; call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, com, 4:30pm Tue Mar 12 thru Tue Mar 26 for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA,, 2pm Mon Mar 11 Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,, 10:30am Mon Apr 1 thru Mon
Library Playgroup, on Tuesdays; meet with other Davenport IA,, 2pm Sat Mar 16 Apr 29
parents and caregivers during open play time with your
children; a variety of toys and activities will be available Homeschool Hangout, a short information literacy Teen Etiquette Class #1, we will be learning rules
presentation will highlight library resources, followed for banquet dinners, dates and… Silvis Public Library,
by a time for discussion and snacks; an easy project for 5:30pm Tue Apr 2
students will be available; free; for information, call 563-
326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Girls Who Code, on Tuesdays; for girls in grades 6-12
Main Street, Davenport IA,, 11am who are interested in learning how to code; the club is
Mon Mar 18 for beginners to explore coding in a fun and friendly
environment; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Project Next Generation Dissection, for grades 4-8; Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
free; for information, call 309-524-2470… Moline Public 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
Library, 6pm Mon Mar 18 com, 4:30pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30

Cupcake Wars, we will be decorating cupcakes to win Library Playgroup, on Tuesdays; meet with other
the 3rd-annual war; free;… Silvis Public Library, 5pm Tue parents and caregivers during open play time with your
Mar 19 children; a variety of toys and activities will be available
for you and your child to enjoy; free; for information,
Teen Take Ten, take ten from your busy schedule with call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
laid-back activities with… East Moline Public Library, Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
5pm Tue Mar 19, 10am Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30

A Novel Naptime, parents discuss a monthly selection Young Adult Tabletop Roleplaying, on Tue. &
while activities are provided in… Moline Public Library, Thu.; for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
10:30am Wed Mar 20… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm
Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
Fortnite Fest, ages 12 to 18 celebrate the world of
Fortnite; play the game, complete a scavenger hunt After School Kids Lab, on Wednesdays; for
around the library, and play trivia to win prizes; free; information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm
Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL, Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24, 5:30pm Wed Mar 20
Magic: The Gathering Club, on Wednesdays;
After School Kids Lab, on Wednesdays; for for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@
information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@… Bettendorf Public Library,… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm 2:45pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24
Wed Mar 20 thru Wed Mar 27
Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; try out new games
Magic: The Gathering Club, on Wednesdays; and gaming systems; we have PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox
for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail info@ 360, Wii, and Wii U for you to try, along with space for… Bettendorf Public Library, tabletop gaming; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
2:45pm Wed Mar 20 thru Wed Mar 27 Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
Ready, Set ... Kindergarten!, fun activities to help your com, 3pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24
child get ready for kindergarten; from holding a pencil
to following simple instructions, identifying colors, Teen Volunteer Night, fulfill needed service hours
numbers, and shapes to using scissors and holding a or use on job applications; we… Silvis Public Library,
pencil, we’ll make sure they’re ready for their first school 5:30pm Wed Apr 3 thru Tue Apr 30
experience in the fall; free; for information, call 309-732-
7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 Teen Advisory Group, here’s your chance to have
19th St., Rock Island IL,, 4pm Thu input on library services and… Moline Public Library,
Mar 21 3:30pm Thu Apr 4
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 37
Fortnite, hang out with other teens and play Babysitting Classes #2, join us for our babysitting
Fortnite in the computer lab; free; for information, call classes based on the Red… Silvis Public Library, 4pm Tue
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount May 21
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA,, 2pm Sat Apr 6 Teen Take Ten, take ten from your busy schedule with
laid-back activities with… East Moline Public Library,
Lego Club, for information, call 563-344-4175 or e-mail 5pm Tue May 21… Bettendorf Public Library,
11:30am Sat Apr 6 Babysitting Classes #3, join us for our babysitting
classes based on the Red… Silvis Public Library, 4pm
Make a Bank (Money Smart Week), celebrate Money Wed May 22
Smart Week at the library; kids can make a mason jar
bank and learn about the importance of saving; free; Lego Club: Let’s Build a Robot, ages 7-12 create
for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public a Lego Robot; free; for information, e-mail admin@
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St.,… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat May 25
Davenport IA,, 10am Sat Apr 6
Teen Advisory Board, join us for your chance to vote
Fairy Gardens, for information, call 563-344-4175 or on new YA… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Tue May 28
e-mail… Bettendorf Public
Library, 11:30am Tue Apr 9 Babysitting Classes #4, join us for our babysitting
classes based on the Red… Silvis Public Library, 4pm
Teen Etiquette Class #2, we will be learning rules Wed May 29
for banquet dinners, dates and… Silvis Public Library,
5:30pm Tue Apr 9
Anime-Manga Club, enjoy coloring and Anime; join us
for a coloring contest;… Silvis Public Library, 5pm Wed Performances
Apr 10
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Young Footltiers
Teen/Tween Gaming, teens and tweens grades 6 - 12 Youth Theatre presents a stage version of the…
who enjoy games… Moline Public Library, 2:30pm Wed Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, Fri Mar 8 thru
Apr 10 thru Wed Apr 24 Quad City Arts Visiting Artists Gaudete Brass Quintet @ West Music Quad Cities – March 8 Sun Mar 10

Pete the Cat Party, celebrate everyone’s favorite PJ Masks Live! Save the Day, based on eOne’s top-
groovy, song-loving cat; join us for fun crafts and Ready, Set ... Kindergarten!, fun activities to help your Anime-Manga Club, create your own pin of an anime rated animated series airing daily on Disney… TaxSlayer
activities all about Pete the Cat; free; for information, child get ready for kindergarten; from holding a pencil character; free; for… Silvis Public Library, 5pm Wed Center, 3pm Sat Mar 23
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern to following simple instructions, identifying colors, May 8
Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, numbers, and shapes to using scissors and holding a Stuart Little, musical version of the E.B. White, 4pm Thu Apr 11 pencil, we’ll make sure they’re ready for their first school Teen/Tween Gaming, teens and tweens grades 6 - 12 storybook classic performed by… University of
experience in the fall; free; for information, call 309-732- who enjoy games… Moline Public Library, 2:30pm Wed Dubuque’s Heritage Center, 2pm Sun Mar 31
Teen Advisory Board, hang out, eat snacks, learn 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 May 8 thru Wed May 22
about volunteer opportunities and share your ideas on 19th St., Rock Island IL,, 4pm Thu Junior Theatre Workshop, Davenport Parks &
how to make the library awesome; free; for information, Apr 18 Project Next Generation Animal Program with Recreation Junior Theatre staff will present an acting
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Niabi Zoo, for grades 4-8; free; for information, call 309- workshop based around their spring production; free; for
Street Branch, 3000 N. Fairmount St., Davenport IA, Youth Chess Club, for information, call 563-344-4175 524-2470… Moline Public Library, 6pm Mon May 13 information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library, 6:30pm Thu Apr 11 or e-mail… Bettendorf - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport
Public Library, 11:30am Sat Apr 20 A Novel Naptime, parents discuss a monthly selection IA,, 10am Sat Apr 13
Junior Theatre Workshop, Davenport Parks & while activities are provided in… Moline Public Library,
Recreation Junior Theatre staff will present an acting Teen Etiquette Class #4, we will be learning rules 10:30am Wed May 15 The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System,
workshop based around their spring production; free; for for banquet dinners, dates and… Silvis Public Library, TheaterWorksUSA’s new musical adaptation based
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library 5:30pm Tue Apr 23 Babysitting Classes #1, join us for our babysitting on the original book series… University of Dubuque’s
- Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport classes based on the Red… Silvis Public Library, 4pm Heritage Center, 2pm Sun Apr 14
IA,, 10am Sat Apr 13 Homeschool Hangout, a short information literacy Wed May 15
presentation will highlight library resources, followed Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook, family comedy
Stuffed Animal Interns, drop off a stuffed animal by a time for discussion and snacks; an easy project Ready, Set ... Kindergarten!, fun activities to help your inspired by Barbara Park’s best-selling children’s books;
or doll at any Davenport Public Library location on for students will be available; free; for information, call child get ready for kindergarten; from holding a pencil scheduled… Circa ‘21 Dinner Playhouse, Tue Apr 23
Thursday April 11th between noon and closing,; 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, to following simple instructions, identifying colors, thru Sat May 18
throughout the day, our new “interns” will join library 321 Main Street, Davenport IA,, numbers, and shapes to using scissors and holding a
staff and help them check out books, lead storytime, 11am Thu Apr 25 pencil, we’ll make sure they’re ready for their first school The Little Prince, new adaptation of the classic
answer reference questions, and more; stuffed animals experience in the fall; free; for information, call 309-732- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry story, written and directed
can be picked up at the celebration breakfast on Project Next Generation Watershed Science, for 7323, Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 by Aaron Randolph III; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 3pm;
Saturday April 13 at 9:30am at the Eastern Avenue grades 4-8; free; for information, call 309-524-2470… 19th St., Rock Island IL,, 4pm Thu “pay what it’s worth” ticket pricing; for information and
Branch, where we’ll have donut holes and juice and Moline Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 25 May 16 tickets, call 563-823-8893, QC Theatre Workshop, 1730
watch a video of our Stuffed Animal Intern adventures;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport LEGO Club: Create Your Own Movie, ages 5-11
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6000 Eastern design and build amazing moving machines and
Ave., Davenport IA,, 9:30am Sat watch… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat Apr 27
Apr 13
Teen Etiquette Class #5, we will be learning rules
Teen Etiquette Class #3, we will be learning rules for banquet dinners, dates and… Silvis Public Library,
for banquet dinners, dates and… Silvis Public Library, 5:30pm Tue Apr 30
5:30pm Tue Apr 16

Teen Take Ten, take ten from your busy schedule with May
laid-back activities with… East Moline Public Library,
5pm Tue Apr 16 Teen Advisory Group, here’s your chance to have
input on library services and… Moline Public Library,
A Novel Naptime, parents discuss a monthly selection 3:30pm Thu May 2
while activities are provided in… Moline Public Library,
10:30am Wed Apr 17 Free Comic Book Day, for information, call 563-344-
4175 or e-mail… Bettendorf
Teen Baking Night, help us bake some goodies to Public Library, 9am Sat May 4
be donated to the… Silvis Public Library, 4:30pm Wed
Apr 17 Homework Heroes, on Mondays; receive help solving
your homework conundrums; be a… Silvis Public Library,
Gaming Night, for ages 8 & up; check out our Wii 4pm Mon May 6 thru Mon May 13
U and play SMASH or Pokken Tournament, or Xbox
360 favorites like Minecraft and DC Versus Mortal Play & Grow, talk, sing, read, and play to early literacy;
Kombat; challenge our gym in Pokemon Go or find activities, structured play, and stories for ages three and
out if you’d survive a journey on the Oregon Trail; free; under accompanied by caregiver; free; for information,
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31
Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary., 5:30pm Thu Apr 18 org, 10:30am Tue May 7

Project Next Generation Cooking Class, for grades Teen Etiquette Dinner, the Silvis Public Library hosts
4-8; free; for information, call 309-524-2470… Moline a five-course dinner for those… McGehee Center in
Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 18 Schadt Park, 5:30pm Tue May 7
CONTINUED River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

reading and adaptation of existing works, while also

THEATRE / Performances strengthening their skills as actors; class will conclude
with staged readings of original scenes, both written
and performed by members of the class; $130-150;
for information and to register, call 563-888-2227,
Wilkes Ave., Davenport IA,, Fri Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport
Apr 26 thru Sun May 12 IA,, 6pm Wed Jun 5

James & the Giant Peach, student-performed Showtime Tots for Ages 3-4, Wednesdays thru Aug.
adaptation of the Roald Dahl classic by playwright 18; students explore creative role-play, mime, imaginary
Richard R. George; Sat. & Sun. 1 & 4pm; $6-8 at the play, basic improvisation, movement, crafts, and games
door; for information, call 563-888-2227, Davenport to develop a healthy & physical imagination; $130-150;
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, for information and to register, call 563-888-2227,, Sat Apr 27 thru Sun Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport
May 5 IA,, 3:45pm Wed Jun 5

Finding Neverland, stage musical based on the life of

author J.M.M. Barrie… Adler Theatre, 6pm Tue May 7
Elephant & Piggie’s “We Are in a Play!”, family
comedy in the Magic Owl Children’s Theatre series; $6… Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes,
Timber Lake Playhouse, 7:30pm Tue May 7 thru Sat offering classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap,
May 11 Conditioning, Creative… Ballet Quad Cities School of
Dance, thru Wed Jun 5
Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Tony-nominated stage-
musical adaptation of Disney’s Oscar-winning animated Dance Me a Story: Peter Wolf, Mother Goose and
film; scheduled performances… Timber Lake Playhouse, Other Tales, Ballet Quad Cities presents stories through
7:30pm Thu May 30 thru Wed Jun 5 song and dance; free;… Moline Public Library, 6pm Tue
Mar 19

Classes Peter and the Wolf, Mother Goose, & Other Tales,
be whisked away to the land of fairy tales with… Adler
Spring Break Camp 2019: “Storybook Classics”, Theatre, Sat Mar 30
thru Mar. 15 for ages 6-13; students adventure
The Harlem Globetrotters @ TaxSlayer Center – April 13
throughout Junior Theatre, exploring all elements Ballet I for Ages 7-10, Mondays thru Aug. 1; the class
acting, theater design, and a wide array of other fun Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, provides proper training in ballet technique, alignment,
topics; students collaborate on ideas for the creation, 5:45pm Mon Jun 3 Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport terminology, and incorporates the discipline that
of their very own script that they perform on the final IA,, 4:30pm Tue Jun 4 is an integral part of dance; $68-85; for information
day; $165-185; for information and to register, call 563- Showtime Tots for Ages 3-4, Mondays thru Aug. 17; and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport
888-2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., students explore creative role-play, mime, imaginary Teen Acting, Tuesdays thru Aug. 18; a great way to get Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
Davenport IA,, 8:45am play, basic improvisation, movement, crafts, and games theatrical training, some onstage experience, and meet, 6pm Mon Jun 3
Mon Mar 11 to develop a healthy & physical imagination; $130-150; other teens from around the QCA who share an interest
for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, in theatre; $130-150; for information and to register, call Beginning Ballet for Ages 5-6, Mondays thru Aug.
Acting for Ages 10-12, Mondays thru Aug. 18; this Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport 563-888-2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern 1; ballet teaches poise, discipline, and coordination;
imaginative, high energy environment provides basic IA,, 4pm Mon Jun 3 Ave., Davenport IA,, dancers will love moving and learning to classical
theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization, 6:45pm Tue Jun 4 and contemporary music; $64-80; for information
vocal technique and physical skills; concludes with Acting for Ages 10-12, Tuesdays thru Aug. 18; this and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport
performance of a play; $130-150; for information imaginative, high energy environment provides basic Acting for Ages 10-12, Wednesdays thru Aug. 18; this Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization, imaginative, high energy environment provides basic, 4:10pm Mon Jun 3
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, vocal technique and physical skills; concludes with theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,, 6:30pm Mon Jun 3 performance of a play; $130-150; for information vocal technique and physical skills; concludes with Beginning Ballet/Tap Combo for Ages 5-7,
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport performance of a play; $130-150; for information Mondays thru Aug. 1; class focuses on developing core
Acting for Ages 5-6, Wednesdays thru Aug. 18; this Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport basics, strengthening muscles, and having fun; class will
imaginative, high energy environment provides basic, 5pm Tue Jun 4 Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, work on posture, musicality, and the proper execution of
theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,, 6:30pm Wed Jun 5 steps; dancers will be introduced to basic turns, moving
vocal technique and physical skills; concludes with Acting for Ages 5-6, Tuiesdays thru Aug. 18; this steps, combinations, and work on flexibility; $72-90;
performance of a play; $130-150; for information imaginative, high energy environment provides basic Acting for Ages 7-9, Wednesdays thru Aug. 18; this for information and to register, call 563-888-2227,
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization, imaginative, high energy environment provides basic Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, vocal technique and physical skills; concludes with theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization, IA,, 5:10pm Mon Jun 3, 5pm Mon Jun 3 performance of a play; $130-150; for information vocal technique and physical skills; concludes with
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport performance of a play; $130-150; for information Beginning Ballet/Tap Combo for Ages 8+,
Acting for Ages 7-9, Mondays thru Aug. 18; this Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport Mondays thru Aug. 1; class focuses on developing core
imaginative, high energy environment provides basic, 5:15pm Tue Jun 4 Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, basics, strengthening muscles, and having fun; class will
theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,, 4pm Wed Jun 5 work on posture, musicality, and the proper execution of
vocal technique and physical skills; concludes with Acting for Ages 7-9, Tuesdays thru Aug. 18; this steps; dancers will be introduced to basic turns, moving
performance of a play; $130-150; for information imaginative, high energy environment provides basic Broadway Babies for Ages 3-4, Wednesdays steps, combinations, and work on flexibility; $72-90;
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization, thru Aug. 18; explore storytelling through song and for information and to register, call 563-888-2227,
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, vocal technique and physical skills; concludes with dance; Broadway develops coordination and social Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport, 4:30pm Mon Jun 3 performance of a play; $130-150; for information skills through exercises, movement, crafts and games; IA,, 6:45pm Mon Jun 3
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport class concludes with a song onstage; $130-150;
Broadway for Ages 5-6, Mondays thru Aug. Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, Budding Ballerinas for Ages 3-4, Mondays thru
18; Broadway class develops storytelling and, 6:30pm Tue Jun 4 Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport Aug. 1; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals and
communication skills in a musical environment; IA,, 5:30pm Wed Jun 5 dance class etiquette; dancers will work on coordination,
physical coordination and confidence flourish; no Advanced Broadway for Ages 10+, Tuesdays ballet positions, and movements across the floor; focus
one is required to sing a solo (some may be offered), thru Aug. 18;class focuses on more complicated Improv for Ages 10-12, Wednesdays thru Aug. is on developing core basics and the enjoyment of
as this class is about building confidence; $130-150; choreography and music, as well as character 18; through games and exercises, students develop dance; $64-80; for information and to register, call 563-
for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, development, to continue to challenge and advance ability to think quickly and imaginatively; $120-140; 888-2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport actors; $140-160; for information and to register, call 563- for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport IA,, Mon Jun 3
IA,, 4:15pm Mon Jun 3 888-2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport
Davenport IA,, 5:45pm IA,, 5:45pm Wed Jun 5 Intermediate/Advanced Ballet for Ages 7-10,
Intermediate Acting for Ages 8-10, Mondays Tue Jun 4 Mondays thru Aug. 1; class will begin with stretching
thru Aug. 18; building on skills learned in previous Improv for Ages 13+, Wednesdays thru Aug. 18; then extended barre work to further improve proper
courses, Intermediate Acting provides a greater Broadway Babies for Ages 3-4, Tuesdays thru through games and exercises, students develop execution of technique, counting, and musicality; across
learning challenge; physicality, characterization, Aug. 18; explore storytelling through song and dance; ability to think quickly and imaginatively; $120-140; the floor, dancers will work on pirouette and pique turns,
and vocalization skills are expanded upon; $130-150; Broadway develops coordination and social skills for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, spotting, detailed moving combinations, and more; $76-
for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, through exercises, movement, crafts and games; Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport 95; for information and to register, call 563-888-2227,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport class concludes with a song onstage; $130-150; IA,, 7:15pm Wed Jun 5 Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport
IA,, 6:15pm Mon Jun 3 for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, IA,, 7:10pm Mon Jun 3
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport Improv for Ages 7-9, Wednesdays thru Aug. 18;
Musical Theatre Dance for Ages 10+, Mondays IA,, 4pm Tue Jun 4 through games and exercises, students develop Beginning Tumble for Ages 5-7, Tuesdays thru
thru Aug. 18; this class will focus on basic jazz dance ability to think quickly and imaginatively; $120-140; Aug. 1; all classes use floor mats with no use of elevated
technique and musical theatre style movement; Broadway for Ages 7-9, Tuesdays thru Aug. for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, bars; tumblers will learn basic skills such as cartwheels,
students will learn the skills needed to perfect their 18; Broadway class develops storytelling and Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport handstands, back bends, and more; class begins with
dance audition, as well as the how-to’s for learning and communication skills in a musical environment; IA,, 4:15pm Wed Jun 5 stretching to improve flexibility and warm ups before
remembering choreography; $130-150; for information physical coordination and confidence flourish; no working on tumbling skills; $64-80; for information
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport one is required to sing a solo (some may be offered), Playwriting for Ages 10+, Wednesdays thru Aug. 18; and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport
as this class is about building confidence; $130-150; students will learn the basics of storytelling, dialogue,
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 39
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, Hockey with the Quad City Storm, meet hockey KinderNature: Reptile Riot, geared toward, Tue Jun 4, 5:10pm Wed Jun 5 players from the Quad City Storm; practice your… Family homeschool families, all children 3rd grade and under…
Museum, 1pm Mon Mar 11 Hurstville Interpretive Center, 10am Fri Mar 15
Beginning Tumble for Ages 8+, Tuesdays thru Aug. Beginning Ballet for Ages 7+, Wednesdays thru Aug.
1; all classes use floor mats with no use of elevated 1; ballet teaches poise, discipline, and coordination; Down by the Creek Companion Animal 2019 Imagination Station: Afternoon Session,
bars; tumblers will learn basic skills such as cartwheels, dancers will love moving and learning to classical Sanctuary, learn about animal rehabilitation with students interacts with PBS Kids characters enjoy
handstands, back bends, and more; class begins with and contemporary music; $68-85; for information Down By The Creek Animal… Family Museum, 1pm Tue educational activities, demonstrations,… Western
stretching to improve flexibility and warm ups before and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport Mar 12 Illinois University - Quad Cities, Riverfront, noon Sat
working on tumbling skills; $64-80; for information Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, Mar 16
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport, 6:15pm Wed Jun 5 King’s Harvest Pet Rescue, meet the animals of King’s
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, Harvest Pet Rescue and learn… Family Museum, 10am 2019 Imagination Station: Morning Session,, 7pm Tue Jun 4 Beginning Poms for Ages 5-6, Wednesdays thru Aug. Tue Mar 12 students interacts with PBS Kids characters enjoy
1; this fun and high energy class will introduce dancers to educational activities, demonstrations,… Western
Budding Ballerinas for Ages 3-4, Tuesdays thru proper jazz technique and include dynamic movements Pet Rocks, meet some amazing animals and craft your Illinois University - Quad Cities, Riverfront, 9am Sat Mar
Aug. 1; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals and highlighted by pom poms; each class will begin with a own pet rock… Family Museum, 10am Tue Mar 12 16
dance class etiquette; dancers will work on coordination, warm up and stretching to improve flexibility; dancers
ballet positions, and movements across the floor; focus will also work on their splits, basic turns, leaps, and more; Imagination Day with IPTV’s Dan Wardell, at Breakfast with the Frogs, after breakfast, go behind
is on developing core basics and the enjoyment of $64-80; for information and to register, call 563-888- 10:30am & 1:30pm; Wardell brings his Kids Clubhouse the scenes to meet our frogs… Niabi Zoo, 8:30am Sat
dance; $64-80; for information and to register, call 563- 2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Adventures… Family Museum, 10:30am Wed Mar 13 Mar 16
888-2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,, 4pm Wed
Davenport IA,, 4:10pm Jun 5 Make a Mess Day, leave your mark on a 15-foot-wide Animal Adventures, ages 6-9 can meet animals up
Tue Jun 4 recycled canvas in the… Family Museum, 10am Thu close during these interactive sessions… Niabi Zoo,
Beginning Poms for Ages 7+, Wednesdays thru Aug. Mar 14 10:15am Sat Mar 23
Tap/Jazz II for Ages 7+, Tuesdays thru Aug. 1; two 1; this fun and high energy class will introduce dancers to
upbeat styles in one class; dancers will work on body proper jazz technique and include dynamic movements Take to the Skies Day, learn all about our night sky in a Animal Expeditions, ages 10-13 meet animals up
alignment, coordination, body isolations, and more; highlighted by pom poms; each class will begin with a mobile planetarium;… Family Museum, 10am Fri Mar 15 close while learning about the… Niabi Zoo, 11:15am Sat
with combinations center and across the floor to warm up and stretching to improve flexibility; dancers Mar 23
challenge a dancer’s coordination and memorization will also work on their splits, basic turns, leaps, and more; Comic Con for Kids, embrace your inner superhero
this class is sure to get your feet tapping; $72-90; $68-85; for information and to register, call 563-888- for an afternoon of comic book… Family Museum, noon Animal Tales, for ages 3-5; this youth literacy program
for information and to register, call 563-888-2227, 2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Sat Mar 16 features a live… Niabi Zoo, 9:30am Sat Mar 23
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport Davenport IA,, 5pm Wed
IA,, 5:15pm Tue Jun 4 Jun 5 PJ Masks Catboy Meet & Greet:, from 1-1:45pm Spring Break Zoo Camp for Ages 10-13, thru Mar.
and 3-3:45pm; jump in the Cat-Car and come… Family 29; each camp day will have a theme… Niabi Zoo,
Tumble Tots for Ages 3-4, Tuesdays thru Aug. 1; our Budding Ballerinas for Ages 3-4, Wednesdays thru Museum, 1pm Sat Mar 16 9:30am Mon Mar 25
preschool floor gymnastic classes teach coordination Aug. 1; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals and
and class etiquette; all classes use floor mats with no dance class etiquette; dancers will work on coordination, Green Iowa Day, stop by the museum for some kid- Spring Break Zoo Camp for Ages 6-9, thru Mar. 29;
use of elevated bars; tumblers will learn forward and ballet positions, and movements across the floor; focus friendly and environmentally-friendly projects… Family each camp day will have a theme… Niabi Zoo, 9:30am
backwards rolls, cartwheels, and more; focus will be is on developing core basics and the enjoyment of Museum, 10am Sat Mar 23 Mon Mar 25
on tumble safety and fun; $64-80; for information dance; $64-80; for information and to register, call 563-
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
888-2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport IA,, 4:10pm
Drip Drop Kerplop, test your creativity and problem-
solving skills; uing limited materials, work… Family
April & May, 5pm Tue Jun 4 Wed Jun 5 Museum, 10am Sat Apr 6
Animal Adventures, ages 6-9 can meet animals up
Upper Level Tap/Jazz for Ages 7+, Tuesdays Intermediate/Advanced Poms for Ages 9+, Special Needs Night, the Family Museum will open close during these interactive sessions… Niabi Zoo,
thru Aug. 1; dancers will work on body alignment, Wednesdays thru Aug. 1; for dancers who have mastered its doors after hours for… Family Museum, 5:30pm Fri 10:15am Sat Apr 6
coordination, body isolations, and more; with the basic skills and technique of poms; dancers will Apr 12
combinations center and across the floor to challenge challenge themselves with intricate combinations, Animal Expeditions, ages 10-13 meet animals up
a dancer’s coordination and memorization this class is double and triple pirouettes, jumps, leaps, and more; Star Wars Night, make and launch an X-Wing close while learning about the… Niabi Zoo, 11:15am Sat
sure to get your feet tapping; $76-95; for information class will work on the rhythm and timing to music which Starfighter, create your own glowing… Family Museum, Apr 6
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport drives this style; $72-90; for information and to register, 5:30pm Fri May 10
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, call 563-888-2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Animal Tales, for ages 3-5; this youth literacy program, 6:45pm Tue Jun 4 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre. features a live… Niabi Zoo, 9:30am Sat Apr 6

Beginning Ballet for Ages 5-6, Wednesdays thru

com, 7:20pm Wed Jun 5
MOVIES Garden Starters: Hug a Book/Kinder Nature
Aug. 1; ballet teaches poise, discipline, and coordination; Poms I for Ages 9+, Wednesdays thru Aug. 1; this Program, ages 5 & under join us for stories and songs…
dancers will love moving and learning to classical class is for dancers who have mastered the basic skills Up, a screening of the Oscar-winning animated comedy Quad City Botanical Center, 10:30am Tue Apr 9
and contemporary music; $64-80; for information and technique of poms dance; dancers will challenge in the Thursday… Bettendorf Public Library, 1pm Thu
and to register, call 563-888-2227, Davenport themselves with intricate combinations, double and Mar 14 Breakfast with the Earth, after breakfast, attend the
triple pirouettes, jumps, leaps, and more; class will work Earth Day Celebration; $15-30; for information… Niabi
on the rhythm and timing to music which drives this Saturday Movie Matinee, come alone or bring the Zoo, 8:30am Sat Apr 20
style; $68-85; for information and to register, call 563- whole family for popcorn and a recently released or
888-2227, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., classic family film; free; for information, call 563-326- Brunch with the Bunny, meet the Easter Bunny in the
Davenport IA,, 6:10pm 7832, Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 321 Main Spring Meadow; go on… Niabi Zoo, 11am Sun Apr 21
Wed Jun 5 Street, Davenport IA,, 2pm Sat
Apr 13 Breakfast with the Endangered Species, after
breakfast, attend Endangered Species Day; $15-30; for

MUSEUMS Marvel Movie Night, enjoy popcorn and free movie information and… Niabi Zoo, 8:30am Sat May 18
before the next movie in the Marvel Comic Universe
comes out; catch up with what happened in the last
Funtime Friday, this favorite program is designed Avengers movie, before part 2 comes out April 26; free;
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
for preschoolers and their grown-ups,… Felix Adler Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th St., Rock Island IL,
Children’s Discovery Center, 10am Fri Mar 8 thru Fri, 5:15pm Tue Apr 23
May 31
Marvel Movie Night, enjoy popcorn and free movie
Sundays with Miss Jean, Miss Jean brings chess,
juggling, and logic puzzles for families… Felix Adler
before the next movie in the Marvel Comic Universe
comes out; for those who missed the Oscar-nominated
February 12 Crossword Answers
Children’s Discovery Center, 2pm Sun Mar 10 thru Sun film inspired by Marvel’s Black Panther comics when it
Jun 2 came to theaters; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 401 19th
“Flight Adventures” in the Discovery Dome, at St., Rock Island IL,, 5:15pm Thu
11:15am, 12:15pm, and 1:30pm; a mobile planetarium May 30
show in… Putnam Museum & Science Center, 11:15pm
Sat Mar 9

“Journey to Space” Sensory-Friendly Showing, OTHER EVENTS

changes to the environment and film experience
include: dimmed but… Putnam Museum & Science March
Center, 2pm Sun Mar 10

Family Zumba Class, join a seasoned Zumba Spring Break Zoo Camp for Ages 10-13, thru Mar.
instructor for a morning class that… Family Museum, 15; each camp day will have a theme… Niabi Zoo, 9:30am
10am Mon Mar 11 Mon Mar 11

Golf with the First Tee of the Quad Cities, take a Spring Break Zoo Camp for Ages 6-9, thru Mar. 15;
swing with The First Tee of the Quad… Family Museum, each camp day will have a theme… Niabi Zoo, 9:30am
Lindsay Ell @ Rhythm City Casino Resort - May 25 11am Mon Mar 11 Mon Mar 11
40 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •


Crossword Feb. 12 Answers: Page 39

ACROSS 80. Hybrid hatchback 37. Merriment

1. Terra _ 81. Ann _ Boothe Luce 38. Of birds
5. Toss 82. Distinct 39. Ladd or Lane
10. Lickety-split 84. Arched handles 40. Facilitated
15. Speaking stand in a church 85. Ground squirrel 42. Grow more mellow
19. Advance 86. Caliber 43. Primp
20. Zigzag _ (bird) 87. Haciendas 46. Rouse from sleep
21. Lamebrains 88. Upscale 47. Cast
22. Music genre 89. At an oblique angle 48. Recipe direction
23. Start of a quip by anonymous: 92. Myanmar, formerly 50. Lake in the west
3 wds. 93. Dance garments 51. Officer-to-be
27. Smarty-pants 97. End of the quip: 4 wds. 52. Dubrovnik denizen
28. Subsist 100. Tennis score 54. Doubly
29. The Last Frontier 101. Application 55. A kind of painting
30. Neat and orderly 102. That ‘70s music 56. Linen tape
31. Outpouring 103. Best or Ferber 58. Old French coin
32. Blue-green 104. Pip 59. Celestial bull
33. Characterize 105. To the _ born 60. _ Kringle
36. Rambles 106. Classified info 61. Lies
37. Sliding step in ballet 107. Adolescent 62. Worship as divine
41. Bestow 63. Garden item
42. Interprets DOWN 66. Vaughan or Bernhardt
43. Like a cuddly toy 1. There ought to be _ _ 67. Cave
44. _ Dolorosa 2. Love or Anderson 68. Bullock
45. Rend 3. Howls 70. Fireplace frame
46. Bits of smoke 4. Coming before 71. Hill
47. River in England 5. Botanical gum 72. Cooks in water
48. Slant 6. Jekyll or Ford 75. Sudan’s capital
49. Game official 7. Press 76. Princely family of Monaco
50. Heavy textile 8. _ lettuce 77. ABCs
51. Impudence 9. Protective gear 79. Chum
52. Pose in yoga 10. Concedes 80. City near Milan
53. Wrong 11. _ comitatus 81. _ del Sol
55. _ nostrum 12. Date: Abbr. 83. Lessened
56. Used a small appliance 13. Big-biz honcho 84. Trade
57. Part 2 of quip: 4 wds. 14. Writer 85. Ten to the hundredth power
61. Give, in a way 15. Tibetans, e.g. 87. Tierra del _
64. Concoction 16. Surrounds 88. Peter’s _
65. The Natural State 17. Preponderance 89. Tools
69. Infer 18. Genus of olives 90. Brake part
70. Old English coin 24. Hangout 91. Lap against
72. Jerry- _ 25. Concern of students 92. High-fiber food
73. Emmet 26. Solidus 93. Lean
74. Single 31. TV fare 94. Was carried by
75. Food for whales 32. Heavy dull sound 95. Sand formation
76. Furze, a plant 33. Fact or figure 96. Getz or Kenton
77. _ povera 34. Fragrant resin 98. “Born in the _”
78. Number prefix 35. Airfoils 99. Family
79. Try to get 36. Like pitch or tar
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 41

Movie Reviews By Mike Schulz •

Contrary to Tyler Perry’s public
statements, I don’t for an instant believe
that his latest showcase for the straight-
shooting, bible-thumping, politically-
way-incorrect Madea – Tyler Perry’s A
Madea Family Funeral – is going to mark
the house-dress-wearing hellion’s final Tyler Perry in Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral
film appearance, especially considering
that the titular ceremony isn’t being held brother’s fiancée – Anthony drops dead of Tyler Perrys we’re given, everyone else in you, Madea. Can’t wait to see you again in
for Madea her(him)self. But maybe that’s a heart attack. The proposed anniversary- a Madea movie is forced to act as straight a year or two.
just preemptive grief talking, given that bash locale consequently becomes a site man or woman, delivering easily hittable
Perry’s latest might be his most wholly for hasty funeral arrangements. But have slow pitches for the others to knock out GRETA
satisfying Madea outing to date. no fear – Madea is here! She can upend of the park with caustic punchlines. But With its writer/director the Oscar-win-
To be clear, that’s measured praise. an interment just as easily as a party, that’s not quite what happens here; for ning Neil Jordan, he of The Crying Game
As I’ve repeated nearly twice a year for especially when accompanied, as always, once, Madea’s universe feels legitimately and The End of the Affair, and its star the
the last decade-plus, writer/producer/ by her eccentric tag-alongs Bam and expansive. There are superior comic Oscar-nominated Isabelle Huppert, she
director Perry doesn’t appear terribly Hattie (Cassi Davis and Patrice Lovely) turns by Joel Rush as that nutjob police of international-cinema iconography, you
interested in bettering himself in any of and her weed-smoking brother Joe (Perry officer, Aryeh-Or as an undertaker with might expect their collaboration Greta to
those pursuits, and Family Funeral, like again … and in his additional roles as the too-perfect diction, and Christianee be high-minded and austere. It’s not. It’s
nearly all of the auteur’s other comedies, straight-laced Brian and the wheelchair- Porter as a piquant parishioner in pearls. trashy and silly and absolutely irresistible.
feels less like a movie than a super-sized bound Heathrow, again and again). (Mike Tyson also shows up in a cameo, In it, Chloë Grace Moretz’s recent college
pilot for an ensemble sitcom with too Cutting to the chase, Family Funeral’s but isn’t around long enough to signifi- graduate finds an abandoned handbag on
many characters. This one doesn’t waste drama barely works, and if it weren’t for cantly diminish the fun.) As a writer and the New York subway and returns it to its
any time introducing us to its extended an effectively touching monologue by director, Perry finally scores laughs for rightful owner, not aware that the woman
clan and initially confusing us about Harper late in the film, it wouldn’t work narrative bits in which Madea is only a in question – Huppert’s elegant, late-
who, precisely, is who. On the eve of a at all. None of the performers in Perry’s tangential figure, such as that riotously middle-aged socialite – is a crazy-pants
40th-anniversary party for the seemingly soap-opera subplots are weak, exactly. eternal funeral with its 85-page program stalker straight out of Fatal Attraction.
happily married Anthony and Vianne Yet the impossibly ripped young men and and 10-hour running length. (This despite Greta’s plotting is almost too ludicrous
(Derek Morgan and Jen Harper), cel- uniformly gorgeous young women appear Madea’s pleas that mourners keep their to be believed. But every second with
ebrants gather to pay their respects: son there to merely fill time between comic speeches to under two minutes, which Huppert in psychotic-Glenn-Close mode
A.J. and his wife Carol (Courtney Burrell escapades, and the director’s handling doesn’t work at the Oscars, and won’t fly is to be treasured, and Jordan is obviously
and KJ Smith); son Jessie and his fiancée of their accusations and confessions – so in Atlanta, either.) having so much fun with his film’s slow
Gia (Rome Flynn and Aeriél Miranda); much clichéd dialogue, so much violin And rather than unquestionably boils and smartly staged jump-scares that
daughter Sylvia and her husband Will on the soundtrack – suggest that Perry dominating the proceedings, Perry’s for the length of its beautifully paced 95
(Ciera Payton and David Otunga); and may be as bored with their emoting as we Madea – who’s both sharper and, within minutes, I’m not sure I ever stopped grin-
longtime acquaintance Renee (Quin inevitably are. In my view, though, this reason, subtler than in previous install- ning. Bonus points for the final closeup,
Walters), who’s said to be a friend of the couldn’t possibly matter less. From the ments – instead slides comfortably into which is like Christopher Nolan’s Incep-
matriarch’s, but whose cagey smiles and first, hysterical scene of Madea gabbing the ensemble, eliciting cackles for her tion finale if that spinning top were the
youthful hot-itude suggest that she may with her trio of cohorts to their run-in dropped-octave readings of “dead” that Eiffel Tower. Merde secrée!
be harboring a secret. with a spectacularly unhinged racist cop are equal to those earned for her explo-
Guess what! She is! Renee, it turns out, to the slapstick that found Madea literally sions of “Oh, hell no!” consternation. My For reviews of How to Train Your
has been sleeping with Anthony (who, in smacking the dentures out of Joe’s mouth, eyes may have occasionally glazed over Dragon: The Hidden World, Alita: Battle
turn, has apparently been sleeping with I was roaring so hard at this dubious during the dramatic interludes, but they Angel, The Lego Movie: The Second Part,
half of Atlanta). And after a particularly swan song that I practically lost all will to were oftentimes filled with tears from Fighting with My Family, What Men
vigorous sexual workout – one, naturally, critique. unbridled laughter, making Tyler Perry’s Want, Isn’t It Romantic, Happy Death
that takes place in a hotel room next to the It’s something of an unwritten law that A Madea Family Funeral an almost Day 2U, Cold Pursuit, and other recent
room in which A.J. is cheating with his beyond Davis, Lovely, and however many unmitigated hoot. It’s been nice knowing releases, visit
42 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

at the kids’ dentist than a pair of free tickets

A Hard Yuk Story to The Chuckle Castle plus a garbage bag of
I’m a 34-year-old struggling comic. My recyclables and a pledge to come back with
girlfriend is a 29-year-old children’s thera- more every day until mid-2024.
pist. We’ve been together for a year. She
wants to move in with me, wants me to meet
her parents – adult-relationship stuff that I A Scar Is Born
don’t feel ready for now. I love her, but I live My guy friend said my problem with men
in a studio without a kitchen. I don’t even is that I keep forgetting who I am. According
have a car. As a man, I want to be a “pro- to him, I’m smart, beautiful, accomplished,
vider” for the woman in my life. She doesn’t funny, and super-cool, but the moment I like
want to wait. a guy, I act weirdly needy and turn guys off.
– Don’t Wanna Lose Her How do I change this?
– Clingy
On the upside, you aren’t without savings.
There’s that jar with all the change that you In presenting yourself to others, you’re like
take to the Coinstar twice a year. the world’s worst used-car salesman: “Fan-
Your reluctance to be all “Let’s move in tastic deathtrap for the price! Just the thing to
together and start a life over my hot plate” strand you on a desert highway and leave you
probably comes out of how (according to crawling on your hands and knees over rocky,
cross-cultural research by David Buss and snake-infested terrain!”
other evolutionary psychologists) women seem Unfortunately, self-loathing is only stylish
to have evolved to seek men with the ability to for about 20 minutes – and only if you are a
acquire resources – that is, to “provide.” newly-Goth 13-year-old. Also unfortunate is
Men co-evolved to expect this – and feel a big longstanding error in psychology, over-
they need to rise to the occasion in order to get valuing talking and undervaluing action as the
(and retain) the ladies. In other words, you, as a way to change our default behavior – meaning
man, are psychologically driven to feel unset- the way we typically (and pretty much auto-
tled when, in terms of sheer earning power, matically) react. Granted, recognizing where
you’re just this side of living in your car. you’re going wrong and how you could behave
This might lead you to wonder why, if less counterproductively isn’t unimportant or
you’re so wigged out about being broke, your useless. But research by clinical psychologist
girlfriend’s evolved psychology seems to be Stefan G. Hofmann and his colleagues sug-
all “yeah, whatever.” Well, there was no such gests that taking action alone – without talk
thing as “wealth” in ancestral times, so cues to therapy – leads to dramatic shifts in thinking,
the ability to acquire resources seem to point including significantly diminishing “negative
to mate quality. As I’ve written before, a wom- self-perception” and other counterproductive
an’s seeing ambition, entrepreneurial thinking, beliefs.
and high intelligence in a guy who isn’t exactly As for your tendency to go all needy-pants
raking in the bucks with a crop harvester may around a guy you like, ask yourself why you do
ring enough of her psychological bells to make this. Not the underlying reason, but why you
him a choice. let your emotions drive your behavior. People
A woman who isn’t yet in “Let’s make don’t think to ask themselves that, but as I
babies!” mode might also be more open- write in Unf---ology: A Field Guide to Living
minded than realistic. Think about the life you with Guts & Confidence – my science-based
want, and ask your girlfriend to think about book on how action is the key to emotional and
the future she wants, and then put your wants behavioral transformation – “your feelings are
together (along with the timetable for each) not the boss of you.” In short, it isn’t how you
and see how well they fit. Sure, comedy is a feel that matters; it’s what you do.
career that can eventually pay off Seinfeld- When you’re around a guy you like, act in a
enormously, but for many, it never goes beyond way that serves your interests – like a person
driving around to do $50 sets in suburban Yuk- with self-respect, which is to say, one who has
Yuk Huts. no problem walking away. (Be whiny to your
If it’s “Babies or bust!” for her, consider friends, if necessary.) After all, deep down,
how willing you’d be to trade your comedy you know you could get a man to stay with
dream for a dad job – the boring, stable kind you forever – that’s what basement wall chains
with a reasonable weekly paycheck. Unfortu- and bucket toilets are for.
nately, actual money tends to go over better

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405. E-mail,
visit @amyalkon on Twitter, and listen to Amy’s weekly radio show at Order Amy
Alkon’s new book Unf_-ology: A Field Guide to Living with Guts and Confidence (St. Martin’s Griffin, 2018).
©2018, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. New column published weekly at
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 43


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Genius people’s hands with their webbed paws. I think SCORPIO (October 23-November AQUARIUS (January 20-February
inventor Thomas Edison rebelled you need experiences akin to that in the coming 21): Many of you Scorpios regard 18): At regular intervals, a hot stream
against sleep, which he regarded as weeks. Your mental and spiritual health will secrecy as a skill worth cultivating. It of boiling water shoots up out of the
wasteful. He tried to limit his time in thrive to the degree that you seek closer contact serves your urge to gather and manage earth and into the sky in Wyoming’s
bed to four hours per night so he would have with animals. It’s a favorable time to nurture your power. You’re aware that information is a valuable Yellowstone National Park. It’s a geyser called
more time to work during his waking hours. instinctual intelligence and absorb influences commodity, so you guard it carefully and share it Old Faithful. The steamy surge can reach a height
Genius scientist Albert Einstein had a different from the natural world. For extra credit, tune in sparingly. This predilection sometimes makes of 185 feet and last for five minutes. When white
approach. He preferred 10 hours of sleep per to and celebrate your own animal qualities. you seem understated, even shy. Your hesitancy settlers first discovered this natural phenomenon
night, and liked to steal naps during the day, too. to express too much of your knowledge and feel- in the 19th Century, some of them used it as a
In my astrological opinion, Aries, you’re in a LEO (July 23-August 22): Between ings may influence people to underestimate the laundry. Between blasts, they’d place their dirty
phase when it makes more sense to imitate Ein- 1977 and 1992, civil war raged in intensity that seethes within you. Having said all clothes in Old Faithful’s aperture. When the
stein than Edison. Important learning and trans- Mozambique. Combatants planted that, I’ll now predict that you’ll show the world scalding flare erupted, it provided all the neces-
formation are happening in your dreams. Give thousands of land mines that have who you are with more dazzle and flamboyance sary cleansing. I’d love to see you attempt a meta-
your nightly adventures maximum opportunity remained dangerous long after the conflict in the coming weeks. It’ll be interesting to see phorically similar feat, Aquarius: harness a
to work their magic in your behalf. ended. In recent years, a new ally has emerged in how you do that as you also try to heed your rule natural force for a practical purpose, or a primal
the quest to address the problem: rats that are that information is power. power for an earthy task.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The trained to find the hidden explosives so that
Danish flag has a red background human colleagues can defuse them. The expert SAGIT TA R IUS (November PISCES (February 19-March 20):
emblazoned with an asymmetrical sniffers don’t weigh enough to detonate the 22-December 21): Sagittarian actress Who was the model for Leonardo da
white cross. It was a national symbol of mines, so they’re ideal to play the role of saviors. and producer Deborra-Lee Furness has Vinci’s iconic painting Mona Lisa?
power as early as the 14th Century, and may have I foresee a metaphorically comparable develop- been married to mega-star actor Hugh Many scholars think it was Italian
first emerged during a critical military struggle ment in your future, Leo. You’ll get help and sup- Jackman for 23 years. Their wedding rings are noblewoman Lisa del Giocondo. Leonardo
that established the Danish empire in 1219. No port from a surprising or seemingly unlikely inscribed with a motto that blends Sanskrit and wanted her to feel comfortable during the long
other country in the world has a flag with such an source. English, “Om paramar to the mainamar.” Hugh hours she sat for him, so he hired musicians to
ancient origin. But if Denmark’s Prime Minister and Deborah-Lee say it means “we dedicate our play for her and people with mellifluous voices to
Lars Løkke Rasmussen, who’s a Taurus, came to VIRGO (August 23-September 22): union to a greater source.” In resonance with cur- read her stories. He built a musical fountain for
me and asked me for advice, I would urge him to Imagine a stairway that leads nowhere; rent astrological omens, I invite you to engage in her to gaze upon and a white Persian cat to
break with custom and design a new flag – maybe as you ascend, you realize that at the top a similar gesture with an important person in cuddle. If it were within my power, I would
something with a spiral rainbow or a psychedelic is not a door or a hallway, but a wall. I your life. Now is a marvelous time to deepen and arrange something similar for you in the coming
tree. I’ll suggest an even more expansive idea to suspect that lately you may have been dealing sanctify your relationship by pledging yourselves weeks. Why? Because I’d love to see you be
you, Taurus: create fresh traditions in every area with a metaphorical version of an anomaly like to a higher purpose or beautiful collaboration or calmed and soothed for a concentrated period of
of your life! this. But I also predict that in the coming weeks sublime mutual quest. time – to feel perfectly at ease, at home in the
some magic will transpire that will change every- world, surrounded by beautiful influences you
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): On June 7, thing. It’s like you’ll find a button on the wall that CAPRICORN (December 22-January love. In my opinion, you need and deserve such a
1988, Gemini musician Bob Dylan when pushed opens a previously imperceptible 19): In 1997, a supercomputer named break from the everyday frenzy.
launched what has come to be known door. Somehow, you’ll gain entrance through an Deep Blue won six chess matches
as the Never Ending Tour. It’s still apparent obstruction. against Chess Grand Master Gary Homework: Think of the last person you cursed, if
going. In the past 30-plus years, he has performed Kasparov. In 2016, an Artificial Intelligence only with a hateful thought and not an actual spell.
almost 3,000 shows on every continent except LIBRA (September 23-October 22): called AlphaGo squared off against human Now send him or her a free-hearted blessing. Visit
Antarctica. In 2018 alone, at the age of 77, he did Not all of the classic works of great lit- champion Lee Sodol in a best-of-five series of the
84 gigs. He’s living proof that not every Gemini is erature are entertaining. According to Chinese board game Go. AlphaGo crushed
flaky and averse to commitment. Even if you one survey of editors, writers, and Sodol, four games to one. But there is at least one
yourself have flirted with flightiness in the past, I librarians, Goethe’s Faust, Melville’s Moby Dick, cerebral game in which human intelligence still New column published
doubt you will do so in the next five weeks. On the and Cervantes’ Don Quixote are among the most reigns supreme: the card game known as bridge. weekly at
contrary. I expect you’ll be a paragon of persis- boring masterpieces ever written. But most No AI has as yet beat the best bridge players. I
tence, doggedness, and stamina. experts agree that they’re still valuable to read. In bring this to your attention, Capricorn, because I
that spirit, and in accordance with astrological am sure that in the coming weeks, no AI could Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s
CANCER (June 21-July 22): The otters omens, I urge you to commune with other dull out-think and out-strategize you as you navigate
but meaningful things. Seek out low-key but rich
at a marine park in Miura City, Japan your way through life’s tests and challenges.
are friendly to human visitors. There offerings. Be aware that unexciting people and
You’ll be smarter than ever. P.S.: I’m guessing
are holes in the glass walls of their situations may offer clues and catalysts that you your acumen will be extra soulful, as well.
The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at
enclosures through which they reach out to shake need. 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700
44 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

Live Music Live Music Live Music

Email all listings to • Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

2019/03/16 (Sat)
16 – Beyond the Heavens (6pm) –
Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
10 of Soul – Rhythm City Casino City IA
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Ave., Davenport IA
The Acoustic Project (6pm) – Cool MONDAY
2019/03/18 (Mon)
Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St., Moeller Nights: BEEs – Triple Crown
Rock Island IL Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 304
An Evening with Nathan Hill – E Third St., Davenport IA
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 121 W.
12th St., Davenport IA
Boogie Nights Ultimate Throwback TUESDAY
2019/03/19 (Tue)
Party – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Moeller Nights: Mike Mains & the
Linn St, Iowa City IA Branches (7pm) – Spiral Stairs
Brandon Santini – Flatted Fifth Blues (9pm) – Triple Crown Whiskey Bar
& BBQ, 300 Potter Dr., Bellevue IA & Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third St.,
Chris Avey & Jeni Grouws – Lewis Davenport IA
Knudsen – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third
Ave., Rock Island IL
Code 415 – Gunchie’s, 2905 WEDNESDAY 20
2019/03/20 (Wed)

Telegraph Rd, Davenport IA Breaking Benjamin – Skillett –

Dan Haughey (10am) – Dead Poet’s Underoath – Fight the Fury
Espresso, 1525 3rd Ave, Moline IL (6:30pm) – TaxSlayer Center, 1201
Don’t Be Brothers! (5pm) – The River Dr, Moline IL
Channel Cats (9pm) – RIBCO, 1815 Cave Light – Harakiri – Condor &
Second Ave., Rock Island IL Jaybird – Bold Little Airwave –
Final Say Band – Riverside Casino Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock
and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Island IL
Riverside IA Live @ Five: North of 40 (5pm) –
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo (noon) The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Home Burial @ Rozz-Tox – March 12 – Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, Davenport IA
1228 30th St., Rock Island IL Moeller Nights: The Ferdy Mayne
Haphazard – 11th Street Precinct, – Swiss Mistress – Triple Crown
2019/03/07 (Thu)
7 Push the Limit – Riverside Casino
and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas –
Bishop Hill Creative Commons, 309
Tommy Pickett & Friends (5:30pm)
– Davenport Elks Lodge #298, 4400
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
Jordan Danielsen (6pm) – Tuggers
Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 304
E Third St., Davenport IA
Dierks Bentley – Jon Pardi – Tenille Riverside IA N Bishop Hill St., Bishop Hill IL W. Central Park Ave., Davenport IA Burger Bar & Ale House, 201 N. The Night People (5:30pm) –
Townes – TaxSlayer Center, 1201 Ron Tegeler Jazz Four-tet (6pm) – Augustana Choir Home Concert Main St., Port Byron IL Davenport Elks Lodge #298, 4400
River Dr, Moline IL
Dirt Bagz Tour featuring Crucifi x
Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th
St., Rock Island IL
(3pm) – St. Paul Lutheran Church
- Davenport, 2136 Brady St., THURSDAY
2019/03/14 (Thu)
14 K a v a n a u g h ’s 7 t h A n n u a l
Shamrockin’ Paddy O’Pardy:
W. Central Park Ave., Davenport IA

& Hard Target – West Nyle – Seth Knappen – Brooks Strause – Davenport IA Consider the Source – Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo 2019/03/21 (Thu)
Fort Knocks – Shotgun Shane Steven Krug & Aqualife – RIBCO, Bix Beiderbecke Birthday Bash Doppelganger – Condor & (noon) – Phyllis & the Sharks
– Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., 1815 Second Ave., Rock Island IL (3pm) – Columbus Club, 1111 W. Jaybird – The Redstone Room, 129 (2pm) – Smooth Groove (6pm) Black Hawk College Jazz Band
Iowa City IA Spoken Four – Rhythm City Casino 35th St., Davenport IA Main St, Davenport IA – Kavanaugh’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, (6pm) – Cool Beanz Coffeehouse,
Gaelic Storm – Englert Theatre, 221 Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Faculty Recital: Lighting the Derek Byrne & Paddygrass (6pm) 1228 30th St., Rock Island IL 1325 30th St., Rock Island IL
East Washington St., Iowa City IA Ave., Davenport IA Candle – Wallenberg Hall, – Rhythm City Casino Resort Moeller Nights: Still Shine – Porter Chris Collins & Boulder Canyon:
Hep Cat – Good Doom – Horse White Mystery – Deleters – Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave., Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Union – Triple Crown Whiskey Bar A Tribute to John Denver (1
Theory – The Mill, 120 E. Burlington Anthony Worden & the Illiterati Rock Island IL Davenport IA & Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third St., & 7:15pm) – Circa ‘21 Dinner
St., Iowa City IA – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Jordan Davis – Kyle Mitchell – John The Grass Is Dead – Gabe’s, 330 E. Davenport IA Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock
Joe Bonamassa – Adler Theatre, 136 Iowa City IA & Alice Butler Hall, University Washington St., Iowa City IA Moonshine Misfits Burlesque Island IL
E. Third St., Davenport IA of Iowa Heritage Center, 2255 Havana Cuba All-Stars: Asere! Show – Rascals Live, 1414 15th St., John Németh – The Candymakers
Taylor Scott Band – Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA SATURDAY
2019/03/09 (Sat)
9 Bennett St., Dubuque IA
KISS – TaxSlayer Center, 1201 River Dr,
A Fiesta Cubana – Hancher
Auditorium, 141 East Park Rd., Iowa
Moline IL
Orchestra Iowa: String Theory –
– The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA
Augustana Symphonic Band Moline IL City IA Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE,
2019/03/08 (Fri)
8 – Centennial Hall, Augustana
College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island
Moeller Nights: Half Gringa – Mo
Carter – Triple Crown Whiskey Bar
Miss Christine – Eric Paul – Yacht
Club – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Cedar Rapids IA
St. Patrick’s Day Spectacular: FRIDAY
2019/03/22 (Fri)
Casual Classics Concert 5: Marian IL & Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third St., Linn St, Iowa City IA Pollinators – FuzzySurf – DJ Taye – AppleTree – Collidescope
Lee, Piano (5pm) – St. Ambrose Bugeye Sprite – Harley Corin’s, 1708 Davenport IA Tambourine – Del Rockford – – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock
University Madsen Hall, Galvin
Fine Arts Center - 2101 Gaines St.,
State St., Bettendorf IA
Cedar County Cobras – Iowa City
The Peña Brothers – Geezer’s Draft
House, 1654 W. 3rd St., Davenport FRIDAY
2019/03/15 (Fri)
15 Tommy’s, 1302 4th Ave, Moline IL
The Stone Flowers (noon) – Dam
Island IL
Moeller Nights: ABBArama – The
Davenport IA Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA IA Bucktown Revue: St. Paddy’s View Inn, 410 E. 2nd St., Davenport Rust Belt, 1201 7th St., East Moline
East Side Gamblers – Hong Kong Charlie Love – Rhythm City Casino Celebration Show – Nighswander IA IL
Sleepover – Rascals Live, 1414 15th
St., Moline IL
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Ave., Davenport IA MONDAY
2019/03/11 (Mon)
11 Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA
Whoozdads? – The Grape Life Wine
Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave.,
Moeller Nights: The Trongone
Band – Triple Crown Whiskey Bar
Fuze – Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn Code 415 – VIP’s Corner Bar & Grill, James Lee Stanley – Uptown Charlie King and Annie Patterson Davenport IA & Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third St.,
St, Iowa City IA 4100 4th Ave., Moline IL Theatre, 221 1st Street NE, Mt. – The ARTery, 1629 2nd Ave in the Davenport IA

Gaelic Songs Concert (noon) – Confederate Railroad (8pm) – Push Vernon IA District, Rock Island IL 2019/03/17 (Sun) Passion – Rhythm City Casino Resort
Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St., the Limit (9:45pm) – Riverside Final Say Band – Riverside Casino Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Moline IL
Gaudete Brass Quintet (noon) –
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184
Highway 22, Riverside IA TUESDAY
2019/03/12 (Tue)
12 and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
Riverside IA
Dan Haughey (4 & 5:30pm) – Cool
Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St.,
Davenport IA
St. Ambrose University Winter
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Corporate Rock – 11th Street Home Burial – Archeress – Rozz-Tox, The Kings Company – Hep Cat – Rock Island IL Instrumental Concert – Galvin
Learning Campus Dr., Bettendorf Precinc t, 1107 Mound St., 2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL Horse Theory – Gabe’s, 330 E. Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo (2pm) – Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose
IA Davenport IA The Infamous Stringdusters Washington St., Iowa City IA Len Brown’s North Shore Inn, 700 University, 2101 N. Gaines St.,
Gaudete Brass Quintet (4pm) – Cycles – Reggae Rapids – Gabe’s, – Englert Theatre, 221 East Northern Parallels: 031 w/ Ron S., N. Shore Dr., Moline IL Davenport IA
West Music Quad Cities, 4305 44th 330 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA Washington St., Iowa City IA Mike Derer, & Higgy – Rozz-Tox, Moeller Nights: Neil Hamburger – The Steepwater Band – Kris Lager
Ave, Moline IL Doug Brundies Big Acoustic Show Moeller Nights: Gibbz (6pm) – Mike 2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL Major Entertainer – Triple Crown Band – The Redstone Room, 129
The Gibson Brothers – Chicago (6pm) – Tuggers Burger Bar & Ale & the Moonpies (8:30pm) – Triple Orchestra Iowa: String Theory Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel, 304 Main St, Davenport IA
Farmer – The Redstone Room, 129 House, 201 N. Main St., Port Byron Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon – Coralville Center for the E Third St., Davenport IA Truffle Shuffle ‘80s Party – Iowa City
Main St, Davenport IA IL Motel, 304 E Third St., Davenport IA Performing Arts, 1301 5th St., The Peña Brothers – Geezer’s Draft Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo (6pm) – Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo – Green Steve Grismore Trio – The Mill, 120 E. Coralville IA House, 1654 W. 3rd St., Davenport

Rock Island Hy-Vee Market Grille, Tree Brewery, 309 N. Cody Rd., Burlington St., Iowa City IA Sam Bush – Englert Theatre, 221 East IA 2019/03/23 (Sat)
2930 18th Ave., Rock Island IL LeClaire IA Washington St., Iowa City IA Polka Club of Iowa, Inc., Eastern
The Havana Cuba All–Stars –
Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg
Moeller Nights: Bassel & the
Supernaturals – Symlar – Triple WEDNESDAY 13
2019/03/13 (Wed) Spam Halen (6pm) – Mississippi
Valley Fairgrounds, 2815 W. Locust
Chapter Dance: Barefoot Becky
& the Ivanhoe Dutchmen
Blues Mississippi – Flatted Fifth
Blues & BBQ, 300 Potter Dr.,
St., Galesburg IL Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Burlington Street Bluegrass Band – St, Davenport IA (1:30pm) – Walcott Coliseum, 116 Bellevue IA
Jazz After Five w/ Ross Clowser Motel, 304 E Third St., Davenport IA The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa Sun Green – RIBCO, 1815 Second E Bryant St, Walcott IA Corey Wallace (6pm) – Tuggers
(5pm) – The Mill, 120 E. Burlington T h e M u n s e n s – Crat e r – City IA Ave., Rock Island IL Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz Burger Bar & Ale House, 201 N.
St., Iowa City IA Heavyweight – RIBCO, 1815 Gangspil – Bishop Hill Creative Sushi Roll – Rhythm City Casino Workshop & Matinee Series: Main St., Port Byron IL
Lawrence Brownlee & Eric Owens – Second Ave., Rock Island IL Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore The Tony Sconyers Quintet in Crooked Cactus – 11th Street
Hancher Auditorium, 141 East Park Rattlebox – The Mill, 120 E. Bishop Hill IL Ave., Davenport IA “A Tribute to Nat King Cole” – Precinc t, 1107 Mound St.,
Rd., Iowa City IA Burlington St., Iowa City IA Live @ Five: Lewis Knudsen (5pm) – Windy City Dueling Pianos – The The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA
The Manny Lopez Big Band (6pm) – The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Davenport IA The Diamonds’ Jukebox Broadway
The Circa ‘21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third
Ave., Rock Island IL SUNDAY
2019/03/10 (Sun)
10 Davenport IA
Mark Hestness – The Faithful Pilot
Ave., Rock Island IL
Wylde Nept – The Mill, 120 E.
Queensryche – Rhythm City Casino
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore
– Ohnward Fine Arts Center, 1215 E
Platt St., Maquoketa IA
Moeller Nights: Leeds – Triple Aaron Lewis – Ben Danaher – Adler Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd, Burlington St., Iowa City IA Ave., Davenport IA Eve to Adam – Artifas – City of the
Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport LeClaire IA Strawberry Girls – NeoRomantics Weak – Silent Ire – The Redstone
Motel, 304 E Third St., Davenport IA IA – TanZen – Manhattan Blockade Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 45

Live Music Live Music Live Music

Email all listings to • Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo – Edje

Nightclub at Jumer’s Casino and TUESDAY
2019/03/26 (Tue)
2019/03/29 (Fri)
Hotel, I-280 & Hwy 92, Rock Island The Co–Founder – Bain Marie – Albert Cummings – The Redstone
IL Plunkett – Scamper – Gabe’s, 330 Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA
Greg Rekus – Gabe’s, 330 E. E. Washington St., Iowa City IA Anemone – Annalibera – Rozz-Tox,
Washington St., Iowa City IA Moeller Nights: Lolo + Desert 2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL
The Knockoffs – V.I.P’s Corner Bar & Noises present The One Night Bloth – Cave Paintings – Iowa City
Grill, 425 15th St., Moline IL Band – Triple Crown Whiskey Bar Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Live in Rocktown! – RIBCO, 1815 & Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third St., Casual Classics Concert 6: “To Be
Second Ave., Rock Island IL Davenport IA With the Bs” (5pm) – St. Ambrose
Masterworks: Heroic Beauty – Paul & the Broken Bones – Michael University Madsen Hall, Galvin
Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg Nau – Englert Theatre, 221 East Fine Arts Center - 2101 Gaines St.,
St., Galesburg IL Washington St., Iowa City IA Davenport IA
Moeller Nights: Hex Girls – Laska – Thou – Emma Ruth Rundle – Brian Marian Anderson Quartet (noon) –
Woodrow – Triple Crown Whiskey Barr – RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave., Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St.,
Bar & Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third Rock Island IL Moline IL
St., Davenport IA University of Iowa Latin Jazz Marian Anderson Quartet (3 &
Passion – Rhythm City Casino Resort Ensemble & Jazz Repertory 7pm) – Butterworth Center, 1105
Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Ensemble (6:30pm) – The Mill, 120 8th Street, Moline IL
Davenport IA E. Burlington St., Iowa City IA Moeller Nights: The Artisinals
The Real Zebos – Ivory James – Elly – Triple Crown Whiskey Bar &
H. – Purple Frank – Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA WEDNESDAY 27
2019/03/27 (Wed) Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third St.,
Davenport IA
Ron Tegeler Jazz Four–tet (6pm) – Burlington Street Bluegrass Band – Nappy Roots – 3 in the A.M. –
Cool Beanz Coffeehouse, 1325 30th The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa Collective – B. – Derek James
St., Rock Island IL City IA – T.J. – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington
Tony Hoeppner & Friends – Green Live @ Five: Have Your Cake (5pm) St., Iowa City IA
Tree Brewery, 309 N. Cody Rd., – The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Push the Limit – Rhythm City Casino
LeClaire IA Davenport IA Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Unni Bok sasp Ensemble – Moeller Nights: Airpark – Goodbye Ave., Davenport IA
University of Dubuque’s Heritage Honolulu – Triple Crown Whiskey Ron Tegeler Jazz Four-tet (6pm) –
Center, 2255 Bennett St., Dubuque
Bar & Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third
St., Davenport IA
Rock Island Hy-Vee Market Grille,
2930 18th Ave., Rock Island IL
John Németh @ The Redstone Room – March 21
Smile Empty Soul – September SILT Spring Thaw Benefit Concert:

2019/03/24 (Sun) Mourning – Rise Among Rivals Greg Brown – Dave Moore – Marian Anderson Quartet – First – The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,

Ghost Town Blues Band (6pm) –

– Little White Lie – TV Cop –
Non Grata (6pm) – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Steve & Michaela McLain – The
Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa
Presbyterian Church of Davenport,
1702 Iowa St., Davenport IA
Davenport IA
2019/04/02 (Tue)
Moline Viking Club, 1450 41st St.,
Moline IL
Washington St., Iowa City IA
Tommy Pickett & Friends (5:30pm)
City IA
Shout Out Band – Riverside Casino
Moeller Nights: Craig Gerdes
– Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & SUNDAY
2019/03/31 (Sun)
31 Augustana Percussion Ensemble
(noon) – Rock Island Public Library
One Night of Queen – TaxSlayer – Davenport Elks Lodge #298, 4400 and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third St., Benefit Concert for Handicare, Inc. - Downtown Library, 401 19th St.,
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL W. Central Park Ave., Davenport IA Riverside IA Davenport IA (2pm) – The Mill, 120 E. Burlington Rock Island IL
The Peña Brothers – Geezer’s Draft Top Spot: The Third Edition – RIBCO, Moonshine Run – 11th Street St., Iowa City IA Jenny Lewis – Englert Theatre, 221

House, 1654 W. 3rd St., Davenport 2019/03/28 (Thu) 1815 Second Ave., Rock Island IL Precinc t, 1107 Mound St., Brentano String Quartet (3pm) – East Washington St., Iowa City IA
IA Davenport IA Hancher Auditorium, 141 East Park Mint Seymali – Black Stork – The

St. Ambrose University Jazz The Artisinals (8pm) – G–Space & 2019/03/30 (Sat) Oftener – Stepping Stones – Rd., Iowa City IA Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa
Concert (2pm) – Rogalski Center - Laika Beats (10pm) – Gabe’s, 330 inasmuch – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Melanie Devaney (11am) – Riverside City IA
St. Ambrose University, W. High St., E. Washington St., Iowa City IA The Dawn Live Album Release Ave., Rock Island IL Casino and Golf Resort, 3184
Davenport IA Black Hawk College Jazz Band
(6pm) – Cool Beanz Coffeehouse,
Party – Soultru – Condor &
Jaybird – BMack & Serge – RIBCO,
Push the Limit – Rhythm City Casino
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Highway 22, Riverside IA
Moeller Nights: J.S. Ondara – Triple WEDNESDAY 3
2019/04/03 (Wed)

MONDAY 25 Ave., Davenport IA

2019/03/25 (Mon) 1325 30th St., Rock Island IL 1815 Second Ave., Rock Island IL Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Chef PZ x The Cubist – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Elton & Billy: The Tribute – The Jef Spradley (6pm) – Tuggers Burger The Savage Hearts – The Mill, 120 E. Motel, 304 E Third St., Davenport IA Washington St., Iowa City IA
Jerusalem In My Heart – Ben Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Bar & Ale House, 201 N. Main St., Burlington St., Iowa City IA The Peña Brothers – Geezer’s Draft Ratboys – Pink Neighbor –
Shemie – Haunter – Rozz-Tox, Davenport IA Port Byron IL Scamper – Citrus Sunday – The House, 1654 W. 3rd St., Davenport Halfloves – The Mill, 120 E.
2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL Moeller Nights: Neyla Pekarek Kaia Kater (6:30 & 9pm) – Hancher Grapevines – Gabe’s, 330 E. IA Burlington St., Iowa City IA
– Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Auditorium, 141 East Park Rd., Iowa Washington St., Iowa City IA Sid Kingsley – Gabe’s, 330 E. The Night People (5:30pm) –
Raccoon Motel, 304 E Third St., City IA Shout Out Band – Riverside Casino Washington St., Iowa City IA Davenport Elks Lodge #298, 4400
Davenport IA Katie Belle & the Belle Rangers – and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22, WVIK/QCSO Signature Series III: W. Central Park Ave., Davenport IA
Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Riverside IA KAIA String Quartet – Boys & Girls Wake – Closet Witch – RIBCO, 1815
Iowa City IA Songs & Stories: David G. Smith – Club of the Mississippi Valley - Teen Second Ave., Rock Island IL
Alicia Michilli – Shannon LaBrie Center, 1122 5th Ave., Moline IL
46 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 Know More, Do More •

DJs/Karaoke/Jams/Open Mics
Email all listings to • Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

J.S. Ondara @ Triple Crown Whiskey Bar & Raccoon Motel – March 31

THURSDAYS Karaoke Night – The Grove Tap, 108
S. First St., Long Grove IA MONDAYS

DJ Benga DaBeatz (March 7) – Iowa Karaoke Night – V.F.W. Post 9128, Open Mic w/ J. Knight – The Mill, 120
City Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St., Iowa 2814 State St., Bettendorf IA E. Burlington St., Iowa City IA
City IA Karaoke Night w/ Aftermidnight Say Anything Karaoke – Gabe’s, 330
DJ Mixxin Mel – Happy Hollow Band in a Box – Choppers Bar & E. Washington St., Iowa City IA
Tavern, 1502 W. 14th St., Davenport Grill Incorporated, 17228 IL-5, East
Karaoke Night – Bier Stube Moline,
Moline IL
Open Mic Coffeehouse (Mar. 8) TUESDAYS

415 15th St, Moline IL – First Lutheran Church of Rock Front Bar Karaoke – The Mill, 120 E.
Karaoke w/ Double Dz – Purgatory’s Island Parish House, 1600 20th St., Burlington St., Iowa City IA
Pub, 2104 State St, Bettendorf IA Rock Island IL Open Mic Night – Broken Saddle,
Karaoke Night w/ Mike Matthews – Soulshake – Gabe’s, 330 E. 1417 Fifth Ave., Moline IL
The Torchlight Lounge, 1800 18th Washington St., Iowa City IA Open Mic Night – Cool Beanz
Ave., East Moline IL Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St., Rock
Open Mic & More – Uptown Bill’s
Coffee House, 730 S. Dubuque St., SATURDAYS

Iowa City IA
Open Mic Night (6pm) – Energized
DJ Ghost Hunter – DJ Mr. Vampire
Bat – DJ Kane (March 23) – Gabe’s, WEDNESDAYS

Cafe, 226 W. Third St., Davenport IA 330 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA DJ Mixxin Mel – Happy Hollow
Open Mic w/ H.C. Wallace – Boots Karaoke Jean – Meat Market, 1629 Tavern, 1502 W. 14th St., Davenport
Western Saloon, 2228 E 11th St., Washington St., Davenport IA IA
Davenport IA Karaoke Night – Boozie’s Bar & Grill, Hump Day Wing & Sing w/
Rock the House Karaoke – Bottoms 114 1/2 W. Third St., Davenport IA Marybeth – Hawkeye Tap Sports
Up on 7th, 1814 Seventh St., Moline Karaoke Night – K & T’s Bike Rack Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
IL Sports Bar & Grill, 3303 Brady St., Davenport IA
Thumpin’ Thursdays DJ Night – Davenport IA Karaoke Jean – Meat Market, 1629
Rascals Live, 1414 15th St., Moline IL Karaoke Night – Big River Bowling, Washington St., Davenport IA
2902 E. Kimberly Rd., Davenport IA Karaoke Night – 11th Street Precinct,

FRIDAYS Karaoke Night – Roadrunners
Roadhouse, 3803 Rockingham Rd.,
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – Circle Tap, 1345 W.
All Night w/ Higgy (March 18) – Davenport IA Locust St., Davenport IA
Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock Karaoke Night – The Grove Tap, 108 Karaoke Night – RIBCO, 1815 Second
Island IL S. First St., Long Grove IA Ave., Rock Island IL
DJ K Yung – Barrel House Moline, Karaoke Night w/ Aftermidnight Open Jam w/ The Channel Cats –
1321 Fifth Ave., Moline IL Band in a Box – Choppers Bar & Bent River Brewing Company, 512
DJ Lacey – Hawkeye Tap Sports Grill Incorporated, 17228 IL-5, East 24th St., Rock Island IL
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Moline IL Open Mic Night – Boozie’s Bar
Davenport IA Karaoke Night w/ Jim Harker – & Grille, 114 1/2 W. Third St.,
DJ Taye (March 22) – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Hollar’s Bar and Grill, 4050 27th St., Davenport IA
Third Ave., Rock Island IL Moline IL Open Mic Music Night (5:30pm) –
Karaoke Night – Circle Tap, 1345 W. Tw i s t e d M i c ’s M u s i c a n d Milltown Coffee, 3800 River Dr. #2,
Locust St., Davenport IA Entertainment – Barrel House Moline IL
Karaoke Night – K & T’s Bike Rack Moline, 1321 Fifth Ave., Moline IL Wax Wednesday: Open Spin
Sports Bar & Grill, 3303 Brady St., Vinyl DJ Night (March 9) – Roxx-Tox, B.Y.O.V. – Great River Brewery, 332
Davenport IA 2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL East Second St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – Big River Bowling,
2902 E. Kimberly Rd., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – Roadrunners SUNDAYS

Roadhouse, 3803 Rockingham Rd., Karaoke Night – 11th Street Precinct,

Davenport IA 1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
Know More, Do More • River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 26 No. 959 • March 2019 47

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