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What is a Market? Expectation of buyers

A market can be defined as the summation of all the We buy a product only if it stands up to our expectations.
buyers and sellers in an area or region under consideration. Cultural Factors
The area may be a country, a region, a state, a village or a
Cultural factors like the culture and tradition we follow also
affect the market. For example, an Oriya woman would
Elements of a Market
prefer a Sambalpuri saree for some special event over silk
The key elements that make a market, without which a
or any other type.
market is not complete, or the elements on which a market
Economic Factors
depends are as follows −
Social Factors
Place − The area where the swapping of goods,
Political Factors
commodities or services takes place between the seller and
the buyer. The place should be convenient to both the OBJECTIVES OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT
parties. Marketing management is the process of planning &
Demand − Market runs on supply and demand. A seller implementing the conception, pricing, promotion and
provides the products or services and a buyer wants to distribution of products or services. It is a target-oriented
fulfill his/her requirements. A product with high demand is process and an operational area of management.
supplied more.
Seller − A seller is the person or the party who offers a MARKETING MANAGEMENT is basically an organizational
variety of or even a single product or service to others in discipline, which focuses on the practical usage of
return of some valuable item. marketing orientation, techniques and methodologies in
Buyer − A buyer is the person or party who needs a companies and organizations and on the management of a
product or service and in return is ready to pay some firm's marketing resources and activities.
valuable item as demanded by the seller for the product.
Price − This is the cost or the amount that is to be paid for MARKETING MANAGEMENT CONCEPT
a product or service. It should be fixed; else, it may lead to
conflict as well as an imbalance in the seller-buyer The meaning of marketing as a “Marketing Management
relationship. Concept”—signifying the processes of analysis, planning,
Government Regulation − The government makes some implementing, monitoring, and controlling of the value-
regulations that both the buyer and seller have to abide. creating activities between supplier and customer, in which
Everyone is treated equally in front of the law. For the supplier adopts the active role. The marketing concept
example, the buyer is not allowed to sell illegal products requires that the supplier adapts its offer to meet the
while the seller is prohibited from buying them. wishes of the customer and strives to secure the
Product Specification − It is very important to specify the customer’s acceptance (lower arrow). The two arrows
quantity required, ingredients used and all other details of together make it clear that marketing is a process which
the product as everybody has different tastes and ensures that the processes of the customer and the
requirements. It is also not necessary that what suits one supplier are harmonized. Marketing management may be
person should suit another. depicted in terms of a feedback control process or closed-
FACTORS AFFECTING A MARKET loop control system like any cybernetic system.
There are numerous reasons why a market grows or
Marketing management is the organizational discipline
reduces its profitability. There are different factors affect which focuses on the practical application
the growth of a market in many ways. of marketing orientation, techniques and methods inside
Number of Buyers and Sellers enterprises and organizations and on the management of a
firm's marketing resources and activities.
Types of Goods MARKETING CONCEPT is the philosophy that companies
If a person wants to buy a car, following things need to be should examine the requirements of their customers and
considered: what type of a car does he /she need, which then make decisions to satisfy those needs in a better
brand, what are the brands available, what is the budget, manner than the competitors.
etc. Most importantly, with this factor, one gets a variety of
The major marketing concepts are −
choices in a limited budget.
Presence of Competition Production concept
Lakme launches a new product, which gives the customer Sales concept
three-in-one service. It works as a face wash, face scrub as Marketing concept
well as face pack. PRODUCTION CONCEPT

According to the production concept, a company should capabilities and to understand the surroundings in which
focus on those items that it can produce most efficiently the company is operating.
and also focus on creating supply of low-cost items that
create the demand for the products.
The key questions that a company needs to ask itself After identifying the marketing options available, a
before producing an item are strategic plan is developed to pursue the identified
Can we produce the item? options. An analysis is done and the best available option is
Can enough of it be produced? chosen; a plan or strategy is made for that option.


According to this concept, the companies would not only At this step, elaborated tactical decisions are made for the
produce the items but would also try to convince controllable parameters of the marketing mix. It includes
customers to buy them through advertising and personal decisions related to product development, product pricing,
selling. Before producing a product, the key questions were product distribution and product promotion.
Can we sell the item? Finally, the marketing plan is executed and the outputs of
Can we account enough for it? marketing efforts are monitored to adjust the marketing
This concept paid little attention to whether the item mix according to the market changes.
actually was required. The goal simply was to beat the This being the final step, it transforms the written or
MARKETING CONCEPT planned strategy into action and the product is presented
The marketing concept relies upon marketing studies to according to this process.
define market segments, their size, and their requirements. MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT
To satisfy those requirements, the marketing team makes We need to understand the major functions of marketing
decisions about the controllable parameters of the management in order to understand and groom our
marketing mix. organization. The following are some of the major
companies began to adopt marketing concepts, which functions of marketing management −
includes − Selling
Focusing on customer requirements before developing a Buying and Assembling
product Transportation
Aligning all operations of the company to focus on those Storage
needs Standardization and Grading
Realizing a gain by successfully satisfying customer needs Financing
over the long-term Risk Taking
The marketing process performs certain activities as the
Marketing process includes ways in which value can be
products and services move from the producer to
created for the customers to satisfy their requirements. It
consumer. All these activities or jobs are not performed by
is an endless series of actions and reactions between the
every company.
customers and the companies making attempt to create
value for and satisfy the needs of customers.
In marketing process, the situation is examined to identify
opportunities, the strategy is formulated for a value
proposition, tactical decisions are taken, plan is executed,
and results are monitored.
The following four steps are involved in the marketing
process −

Analysis of the situation in which the company finds itself
serves as the basis for identifying chances to satisfy
unfulfilled customer needs.
Situational and environmental analysis is done to identify
Nonetheless, it is recommended that they be carried out
the marketing options, to understand the company’s own
by any company that wants its marketing systems to
function successfully.

SELLING taste, sweetness etc. A standard gives rise to uniformity of
Selling is the crux of marketing. It involves convincing the
Grading means classification of standardized items into
prospective buyers to actually complete the purchase of an
certain well defined classes or groups. It includes the
article. It includes transfer of ownership of products to the
division of products into classes made of units possessing
similar features of size and quality.
Selling plays a very vital part in realizing the ultimate aim of
Grading is very essential for raw materials; agricultural
earning profit. Selling is groomed by means of personal
products like fruits and cereals; mining products like coal,
selling, advertising, publicity and sales promotion.
iron and manganese and forest products like timber.
Effectiveness and efficiency in selling determines the
volume of the firm’s profits and profitability. FINANCING
BUYING AND ASSEMBLING Financing involves the application of the capital to meet
the financial requirements of agencies dealing with various
It deals with what to buy, of what quality, how much from
activities of marketing. The services to ensure the credit
whom, when and at what price. People in business
and money needed and the costs of getting merchandise
purchase to increase sales or to decrease costs. Purchasing
into the hands of the final user are mostly referred to as
agents are much tempted by quality, service and price. The
the finance function in marketing.
products that the retailers buy for resale are selected as
Financing is required for the working capital and fixed
per the requirements and preferences of their customers.
capital, which may be secured from three sources —
owned capital, bank loans and advance & trade credit. In
Assembling means buying necessary component parts and
other words, different kinds of finances are short-term,
to fit them together to make a product. ‘Assembly line’
medium-term, and long-term finance.
marks a production line made up of purely assembly
functions. The assembly operation includes the arrival of Risk Taking
individual component parts at the work place and issuing Risk means loss due to some unforeseen situations. Risk
of these parts for assembling. bearing in marketing means the financial risk invested in
the ownership of goods held for an anticipated demand,
Assembly line is an arrangement of employees and including the possible losses because of fall in prices and
machines in which each individual has a particular job and the losses from spoilage, depreciation, obsolescence, fire
the work is passed directly from one employee to the next and floods or any other loss that may occur with the
until the product is complete. passage of time.
Transportation is the physical means through which The importance of this facilitating function of marketing
products are moved from the places where they are has been recently marked. The only sound foundation on
produced to those places where they are needed for which marketing decisions depend is timely and correct
consumption. It creates locational utility. market information.
Transportation is very important from the procurement of
MARKETING ENVIRONMENT can be defined as the
raw material to the delivery of finished products to the
customer’s places. Transportation depends mainly on composition of all the factors affecting the market,
railroads, trucks, waterways, pipelines and airways. marketing system and functions related to marketing.
It includes holding of products in proper, i.e., usable or Types of Layers
saleable, condition from the time they are produced until There are different layers of marketing environment. Each
they are required by customers in case of finished products
or by the production department in case of raw materials layer has special characteristics. Marketing environment
and stores. has the following four layers −
Storing protects the products from deterioration and helps
in carrying over surplus for future consumption or usage in Organizational environment
production. Marketing environment
Macro environment
Standardization means setting up of certain standards or
specifications for products based on the intrinsic physical Organizational Environment
qualities of any item. This may include quantity like weight An organizational environment consists of forces or
and size or quality like color, shape, appearance, material,
institutions surrounding an organization that affect

performance, operations and resources. It includes all of opportunities for and threats to the organization from the
industrial environment. While formulating an
the key elements that exist outside of the company's organization’s strategy, managers must consider the
boundaries and have the potential to affect a portion or strategies of organization’s competitors. Competitor
all of the organization. analysis is a driver of an organization’s strategy and effects
on how firms act or react in their sectors. The organization
MARKETING ENVIRONMENT does a competitor analysis to measure / assess its standing
The market environment is a marketing term that refers to amongst the competitors.
factors and forces that affect a company's behavior.
By the term company’s behavior, we mean the company’s
Types of Competitors
ability to build and maintain successful relationships with
customers, clients and all the people related to it. The types of competitors evaluated include:
The term macro means large. Macro refers to large factors  Direct – Businesses that sell the same types of goods and
or vital factors like social factors, for example, male-female services you do, to the same market. Such as gift shops,
ratio, social changes, new lifestyle, or arrival of new convenience stores, or florists, for example.
thought. Examples of economic factors are per capital
 Indirect – Businesses that sell substitute products or
income, balance of payment, balance of trade, inflation
services, or items that can be used in place of yours. If
rate, and gross domestic product.
you own a bakery, an indirect competitor might be a
Other factors like geographical, cultural, political,
restaurant. If you run a scrapbook supply store, an
demographical and legal factors such as competitions and
indirect competitor could be a craft store.
technology are also included in this environment.
 Potential new entrants – Although you can’t predict the
Examples − Geographical distribution, distance from
future, any news you’ve picked up about new businesses
market, age, sex, literacy etc., cultural differences, cultural entering your market should be taken into account as
change, arrival of a new tradition, government decision you analyze your current and future competition.
making, new plans, programs & policies, government
support, political disturbances and so on.
Michel Porter is known for his marketing and
MICRO ENVIRONMENT management thoughts and skills. He contributed many
Here the word itself describes the meaning − micro means valuable theories to the modern marketing
small. So, micro environment is a composition of small management. Here we are going to see Porter’s five
factors, inside factors/nearer factors like customers, forces model theory.
mediators like wholesaler, retailer, supplier, other
stakeholders who demand something from the The model includes the following five forces −
organization, i.e., shareholders, debenture holders,
creditors, debtors, moneylenders, etc. POTENTIAL ENTRANTS
Micro environment also involves factors like working
conditions, employees, purchase groups, local community It refers to the addition of new competitors in the
and pressure groups. existing market. As we know, for each product we have
different options or we have different companies
offering the same product with some slight variation in
WHAT IS COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS? price, item etc. Thus, potential entrants refer to the
entrance of new companies in the market and ways to
A competitive analysis is the analysis of your competitors deal with it.
and how your business compares. By evaluating the
strengths and weaknesses of your competition, you can
begin to formulate how to give your company an
advantage. Such an assessment is usually part of a
A supplier or producer is the one who produces the
company’s business or marketing plan, and provides
product desired or required by the market. The supplier
context for growth plans. Organizations must operate
is not necessarily a single person; it can be a group,
within a competitive industry environment. They do not
company or anything.
exist in vacuum. Analyzing organization’s competitors helps
an organization to discover its weaknesses, to identify

The function of a supplier is to design products as per increase managerial awareness of competitive threats and
the requirement of the client, company, market and opportunities. Identification of key competitors is
society. necessary to gain competitive advantage by offering your
customers a greater value than the competitors. Not only
Bargaining Power of Buyers current competitors are required to be identified, but
future competitors are also to be anticipated.
Buyer or consumer is the one who swaps the product
designed by the supplier as per the demand of the buyer According to Ferrell, Hartline, Lucas, and Luck, 1998, there
with some valuable commodity.The function of a buyer are different varieties of competitors :-
is to be precise in what actually is needed and purchase
it from the supplier, for example, buying a car or any  Brand Competitors - Such type of competitors are
other product. those who market exactly similar products, at similar
price, and also to the same customers. For
Industry Competitors example, Pepsi and Coca-Cola.
 Product Competitors - Such type of competitors are
The companies competing with other companies within those who market similar products, but with
the same market are known as industrial competitors. different features and benefits, and at different prices.
For example, we can say that Lakme and Maybelline are For example, Pepsi and Maaza (fruit drink).
industrial competitors as they are in the same market,  Generic Competitors - Such type of competitors are
i.e., cosmetic products. those who market different products, but provide the
same utility or benefit. For example, Audio cassettes
Threat of Substitutes and CDs, or Pepsi and Water
 Total Budget Competitors - Such type of competitors
The threat of a substitute paves way for competition in are those who market different products, but
an industry. The threat of substitution in an industry competing for the same financial resources of the
affects the competitive environment for the firms in that customers. For example, Pepsi and Potato-chips.
industry and influences those firms’ ability to achieve
profitability. The availability of a substitution threat We use Peteraf and Bergen (2001) model for the
effects the profitability of an industry because identification and classification of competitive set. By the
consumers can choose to purchase the substitute use of this model we sort competitors under
instead of the industry’s product. two categories - Market Commonality and Resource
Similarity. We classified candidate competitors on the basis
of their resource endowments and the market needs
served. Under Market Commonality, we sort competitors
on the basis of the degree to which they serve market
needs similar to the focal firm. Under Resource Similarity,
we sort competitors on the basis of the degree to which
their resource endowment is similar to that of the focal
firm in terms of type and composition.


Meaning of Competitor Competitor is a person or an

organization against whom other person or organization is
competing. In business, competitor is a business
organization or a company operating in the same industry
or a similar industry which offers a similar product or
service. For example - Wal-Mart and Target are big players
in Retail chain industry, they both are competitor of each

Identifying Competitors
In the process of developing a successful marketing To map the competitive field of a focal firm we have to
strategy, the first step is to identify the key competitors in locate candidate competitors on the graph. On the x-axis
your market. Competitor identification is important to we display Resource Similarity as an increasing function.
On y-axis we display Market Commonality as an increasing generate intelligence that is useful in strategic decision
function. making.

Firm that scores high in both Resource Similarity and

Market Commonality is one that serves same market needs
with the use of same type of resources as the focal firm. Marketing planning is the process of improvising a
Such firm are found in the Quadrant 1 of the graph. These marketing plan incorporating overall marketing objectives
firms are the direct competitors of the focal firm. Example
and goals and designing strategies and programs of
of such firm can be Coca-Cola if Pepsi is the focal firm.
actions to achieve those objectives.
Firm that scores high in Resource Similarity and low in
Market Commonality is one that uses same resources as Marketing planning includes setting objectives and targets
the focal firm, but serves different market needs. Such and allocating those targets to people responsible to
firms are found in the Quadrant 4 of the graph. These firms achieve them. It also includes careful examination of all
are the potential competitors of the focal firm. Example of
such firm can be a caterer and a local restaurant. Both uses strategic issues, including the business environment, the
almost similar resources like chefs, kitchen equipment, market itself, the corporate mission statement,
etc., but their market is different, caterer serves party competitors and organizational capabilities.
foods and dinners for large functions, whereas restaurant
serves to individuals and small groups. Marketing Audit

Firm that scores high in Market Commonality and low in Marketing audit helps in examining and evaluating the
Resource Similarity is one that serves same market needs marketing strategies, activities, problems, goals, and
as the focal firm, but with the use of different resources.
Such firms are found in the Quadrant 2 of the graph. These
firms are the indirect competitors or substitutes. They It is done to check all the aspects of business directly
satisfies similar needs with the use of different resource or
technology. For example - Kodak and Sony. Camera may be linked to the marketing department. It is done not only at
used to take picture with film based technology using the initial state of marketing planning process but also at
mechanical capabilities or similar picture can be taken a series of points during the execution of plan.
using camera based on digital technology. Kodak is a film
based technology camera uses mechanical capabilities, SWOT ANALYSIS
whereas Sony is digital technology based camerauses
electronic capabilities. The information collected through the marketing audit
process is used for the development of SWOT Analysis. It
Firm that scores low on both dimensions is one that serves
is an analysis of the company's marketing efforts and its
different market and uses different resources than the
focal firm. Such firms are entirely outside the competitive strengths, weaknesses, options, and warnings related to
set at present, although this could change in future as the marketing functions.
firms change their positions. Such firms are found in the
Quadrant 3 of the graph. These firms are not the MARKETING ASSUMPTIONS
competitors of the focal firm.
A good marketing plan depends on in-depth customer
Analyzing Competitors understanding and knowledge. However, it is not possible
Competitor analysis helps an organization to identify to know everything about the customer, and many
opportunities for and threats to the organization from the
different things are assumed about the customer.
competitive industrial environment. Competitor analysis is
an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current Example: Assumptions of who the target buyers might be.
and potential competitors. It is an essential component of
corporate strategy; while formulating organization's Marketing Objectives and Strategies
strategy, managers must consider the competitor After identification of options and challenges, the next
organisations' strategies.
step is to develop marketing objectives that mark the end
Competitor Analysis can be defined as the analysis of data state to achieve.
and information about competitors to

Marketing strategies are formed to achieve the marketing GLOBAL MARKET RESEARCH
goals and objectives. They are formed to determine how Global marketing is the process of adjusting an
to achieve those target points. enterprise's marketing strategies to adapt to the

Forecast the Expected Results situations in other countries.

Marketing managers have to predict the expected results. Suppose we have a widget we would like to sell in Europe
They have to project the future numbers, features, and and we are developing our marketing plan. We need to
trends in the target market. make some strategic decisions like market segmentation,
localization, strategic planning and so on.
Without proper forecasting, the marketing plan could
have impractical goals or fall short on what is promised to Global market research is brings clarity on the following
deliver. points −

Create Alternative Plan Decide whether to go overseas

Get an idea about the competitive strength of global
An alternate or substitute marketing plan is created and market
kept ready to be executed in the place of the primary Decide which market to enter with better information
Provide knowledge about how to enter global market.
marketing plan if the whole or some part of the primary
Help in formulating marketing schedule, product decision,
marketing plan is dropped. promotion, product pricing & selection of distribution
Marketing Budget Help in marketing companies.
The marketing budget is the process of documenting the In short, we can conclude that global market research is
desired costs of the proposed marketing plan. necessary when one wants to expand the business
globally, as to other countries.
One common method is to allocate the marketing budget
depending on the percentage of revenue. Other methods Research Process
are comparative method, all you can afford, and task
After establishing marketing requirements, we need to
establish the research process. Most marketing research
Implementation and Evaluation projects include the following steps –
At this stage, the marketing team is all set to put their Define the problem
plans into action. This may include spending money on Determine research design
Identify data types and sources
advertising, launching new products, interacting with Design data collection forms and questionnaires
potential new customers, opening new retail outlets etc. Determine sample plan and size
Collect the data
A marketing planning process is required to be verified Analyze and interpret the data
and updated on a regular basis. Prepare the research report


Marketing research can be defined as the development, The decision-making problem faced by management must
interpretation and interaction of decision-oriented be transformed into a market research problem in the
information to be used in all phases of marketing process. form of questions that state the information required to
make the decision and shows how that information can be
Managers require information in order to introduce
obtained. For example, there could be a decision problem
products and services that create value in the mind of the
on whether to cast a new product.
customer. But the perception of value is a rational one,
and what customers prioritize this year may be quite
different from what they prioritize next year.
Research Design However, the response may not be accurate or up to the
After defining the issue in marketing research, we need to Personal interviews have an interviewer partiality that
determine the research design. Marketing research can mail-in questionnaires do not have. For example, in a
personal interview the respondent's imagination of the
further be categorized into three following categories −
interviewer may affect the responses.
Exploratory research Questionnaire Design
This has the goal of formulating problems more The questionnaire is an essential tool for collecting primary
data. Poorly constructed questions can result in large
specifically, clarifying concepts, and collecting
mistakes and invalidate the research data, so considerable
explanations, gaining insight, removing impractical ideas, effort should be put into the questionnaire design.
and forming hypotheses. Measurement Scales
Descriptive research Marketing attributes can be scaled on nominal, ordinal,
This is firmer than exploratory research and seeks to interval, and ratio scales −
specify in brief uses of a product, determine the Nominal numbers are simply identifiers, with the only
permissible analytical use being for counting. For example
proportion of the population that uses a product, or
— social security numbers, pin code.
predict future demand for a product. Ordinal scales are used for scaling. The gap between the
numbers conveys no meaning. Median and mode
Causal research calculations can be done on ordinal numbers. For example,
This explores to search for cause and effect relationships state ranking.
Interval scales balance an equal interval between numbers.
between variables. It completes this goal through
For example — temperature scale.
laboratory and field experiments. Ratio scales are hinted to an absolute zero value, so ratios
between numbers on the scale have some meanings.
Data Types and Sources
Data Collection
Data types can be described as the different attributes on
Data collection process introduces additional errors in the
the basis of which a given data is classified into different document. These errors are known as non-sampling errors.
categories or types. The data types and sources to be used Some non-sampling errors may be intentional on the part
of the interviewer, who may introduce partiality by
can be divided as secondary data or primary data. Let us
directing the respondent to provide a certain response.
take a look at these data types. The interviewer also may introduce unintentional mistakes
due to not having a clear understanding of the interview
Secondary Data process or due to fatigue.
Secondary data means the data that have been collected The occurrence of such non-sampling errors can be
previously for other purposes but that can be used in the reduced through quality control techniques.
immediate study. Secondary data may be internal to the
Data Analysis and Interpretation
company like sales invoices and warranty cards or may be
external to the company like published data or Before analysis can be performed, raw data must be
commercially available data. The government census is an
groomed into the right format. First, it must be edited so
important of secondary data.
Secondary data offers the benefit of saving time and that mistakes can be corrected or removed.
minimizing data gathering costs.
The data must then be coded; this procedure transforms
Primary Data
the edited raw data into numbers or symbols. A codebook
primary data originated specifically for the study at hand.
Some common types of primary data are demographic and is made to document how the data was coded. Finally, the
socioeconomic features, psychological and lifestyle data is tabulated to count the number of events falling
features etc. into various categories.
Primary data can be obtained by interaction or by
observation. Communication includes questioning Cross tabulation This technique divides the sample into
respondents either verbally or in writing. This method is
sub-groups to represent how the dependent variable
versatile, as one requires questioning for the information.
varies from one subgroup to another. A third variable can Science Exploration

be launched to uncover a relationship that was initially DATA MINING APPLICATIONS

not evident. Data mining is highly useful in the following domains −

Marketing Research Report Market Analysis and Management

Corporate Analysis & Risk Management
The format of the marketing research report differs as per Fraud Detection
the requirements of the organization. The report often THE WORLD WIDE WEB contains huge amounts of
exhibits contents like enabling letter for the research, information that provides a rich source for data mining.
Table of Contents, list of explanations, results, limitations
and so on
The web poses great challenges for resource and
DATA WAREHOUSES knowledge discovery based on the following observations
A database consists of one or more files that need to be
 The web is too huge − The size of the web is very
stored on a computer. In large organizations, databases are
typically not stored on the individual computers of huge and rapidly increasing. This seems that the
employees but in a central system. This central system web is too huge for data warehousing and data
typically consists of one or more computer servers. A
server is a computer system that provides a service over a
network. The server is often located in a room with  Complexity of Web pages − The web pages do not
controlled access, so only authorized personnel can get
physical access to the server. have unifying structure. They are very complex as
compared to traditional text document. There are
A data warehouse is a collection of databases that work
together. A data warehouse makes it possible to integrate huge amount of documents in digital library of
data from multiple databases, which can give new insights web. These libraries are not arranged according to
into the data. The ultimate goal of a database is not just to
any particular sorted order.
store data, but to help businesses make decisions based on
that data. A data warehouse supports this goal by  Web is dynamic information source − The
providing an architecture and tools to systematically
organize and understand data from multiple databases. information on the web is rapidly updated. The
data such as news, stock markets, weather,
DATA MINING sports, shopping, etc., are regularly updated.
Data mining is the process of analyzing data and
 Diversity of user communities − The user
summarizing it to produce useful information. Data mining
uses sophisticated data analysis tools to discover patterns community on the web is rapidly expanding.
and relationships in large datasets. These tools are much These users have different backgrounds, interests,
more than basic summaries or queries and use much more
complicated algorithms. When data mining is used in and usage purposes. There are more than 100
business applications, it is also referred to as business million workstations that are connected to the
analytics or business intelligence. Internet and still rapidly increasing.
Data Mining is defined as extracting information from  Relevancy of Information − It is considered that a
huge sets of data. In other words, we can say that data particular person is generally interested in only
mining is the procedure of mining knowledge from data. small portion of the web, while the rest of the
The information or knowledge extracted so can be used portion of the web contains the information that
for any of the following applications − is not relevant to the user and may swamp
Market Analysis desired results.
Fraud Detection
Customer Retention CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
Production Control

Consumer behavior refers to the purchasing behavior of Emotional patronage − It includes factors like appearance
final customer or individual or household who buys goods of the shop, display of goods in the shop, imitations and
& services for personal use. Customer behavior is very many more.
important as it supports product positioning, development Rotational patronage − It includes factors like
of effective marketing strategy and enhancement of long- convenience, price charged, services offered and many
term customer relationship. more.
Consumer Behavior supports customer belief for ORGANIZATIONAL BUYING BEHAVIOR (OBB) can be
performance, determines product features, formulates
pricing policy and appreciates new product decision. defined as the process of how companies or organizations
buy goods and services. The buying behavior of an
Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior
organization is a step-by-step process. It is not a one-night
There are some factors that influence the buying behavior
journey to launch a product and change the market
of a customer or what we can say as the customer’s
behavior. It is a time-consuming procedure and is done in
preference for buying a product.
a synchronized manner.
Consumer behavior is basically dependent on the
Characteristic Features of OBB
following four key factors −
The major features that decide the buying behavior of an
Cultural factor − Factors like culture, sub-culture, and
social class. organization as a whole can be learnt from the following
Social factor − Factors like reference group, secondary points −
reference group, and family.
It is an analytical process.
Personal factor − Factors like age, sex, lifestyle, occupation,
Number of individuals engaged is more.
and financial status.
It handles large quantity marketing.
Psychological factor − Factors like motivation, perception,
Purchase criteria are precise and well defined.
belief, and attitude.
There is broad contact between buyers and sellers
CONSUMER DECISION PROCESS It includes user, influencer, decider, buyer and gatekeeper.

BUYING MOTIVE Determinants of OBB

Buying motive can be defined as the internal factor or Determinants of OBB can be defined as the agents that
condition that tends to start and sustain the buying originated OBB. There are two determinants of the buying
activity. In short, buying motive is the reason a customer behavior of an organization.
needs to purchase a product.  Organizational factors like objective, technological
Buying motive can be of two types − capacity, company’s structure, human resource
criteria and many more.
 Product motive refers to those effects and
reasons, which induce a buyer to select a  Psychological factors like perception, motivation,
particular product in preference to other attitude, belief and many more.
products. They include the physical appeal of the Steps of OBB
product, like the design, shape, dimension, size,
Organizational buying is not an easy activity as most
color, package, performance, price etc.
people think of it. The process of OBB consists of the
 Patronage motive refers to those situations or following steps and each one is very important and affects
reasons, which prompt a buyer to buy the desired the next one −
product from a particular shop in preference to Problem recognition
other shops. Patronage motive can further be General need
Product specification
subdivided as −
Searching for potential supplier
Value analysis
Vender analysis

Order routine specification taste, preference, choice etc. Segmenting this market is a
Multiplicity surrounding
Performance Reviews very complex process as there are no criteria for the
STP STANDS FOR: above attributes.


T - Targeting
In this case, the customers are targeted individually by e-
P - Positioning
mail, SMS, calls etc.
Market segmentation can be defined as the subdivision of In this type of segmentation, the small markets are
the market into compatible subsections of customers targeted taking into consideration customer taste,
where any subsection may be selected as a market target preference, income and purchasing power.
to be reached with a unique marketing mix.
In this type of market, we have to care for the bargaining
For example, Hindustan Unilever (HUL) produces a variety power, the discounts, free gift, bonus points, free
of products for different classes such as Surf Excel for delivery, lucky coupons and post purchase voucher.
higher class, Rin for middle class and Sunlight/Wheel for
the lower class.
In this type of segmentation, generally the local markets
Importance of Segmentation
are targeted.
To achieve the objectives stated above, one has to clearly
Marketing segment are determined depending on the
know the need of market segmentation in the first place.
targeted consumer groups for particular products.
Following are some points outlining the importance of
market segmentation. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING
It promotes proper selection of target market. (or business-to-business marketing) is the marketing of
It assists planning and marketing exercises.
It aids the tapping of market. goods and services by one business to another. Industrial
Marketing effort is made more effective. goods are those an industry uses to produce an end
It assists in accessing the strength and weakness of the product from one or more raw materials.
It assists in effective usage of marketing resources. TARGETING
It balances proper coordination between the customers
and the company. Once the marketer creates different segments within the
market, he then devises various marketing strategies and
Levels of Market Segmentation promotional schemes according to the tastes of the
The level of marketing segmentation is dependent on the individuals of particular segment. This process is called
targeting. Once market segments are created, organization
marketing plan of the marketer and the product
then targets them.
attributes. There are four different levels of market
segmentation. Targeting is the second stage and is done once the markets
have been segmented.
Segment marketing
Individual marketing Organizations with the help of various marketing plans and
Niche marketing schemes target their products amongst the various
Local marketing segments.
Segment Marketing Nokia offers handsets for almost all the segments. They
In segment marketing, we divide the entire marketing into understand their target audience well and each of their
handsets fulfils the needs and expectations of the target
a bunch of customers with respect to some common
market.Tata Motors launched Tata Nano especially for the
characteristics. That common characteristics may be lower income group.
POSITIONING Identifying the most relevant method for forecasting.
Predicting factors involved, which affect the demand of the
Positioning is the last stage in the Segmentation Targeting product.
Positioning Cycle. Acquiring the data about the factors that affect demand.
Finding the most suitable relation among independent
Once the organization decides on its target market, it variables and dependent variables.
strives hard to create an image of its product in the minds Preparing the demand forecast and analyzing the results.
of the consumers. The marketers create a first impression Demand forecasting can be accomplished by following the
of the product in the minds of consumers through above steps.
positioning. Positioning helps organizations to create a
The tools or methods used to forecast demand are of the
perception of the products in the minds of target audience.
following two types
Ray Ban and Police Sunglasses cater to the premium
segment while Vintage or Fastrack sunglasses target the QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES
middle income group. Ray Ban sunglasses have no takers These techniques are used for both short run and long run
amongst the lower income group. Garnier offers wide
range of merchandise for both men and women. Each of forecasting; however, for short and long run forecasting,
their brands has been targeted well amongst the specific this method can further be sub divided as per forecasting
market segments. (Men, women, teenagers as well as older type. The following are the tools for short-run forecasting

Men - Sunscreen lotions, Deodorant
Women - Daily skin care products, hair care products MOVING AVERAGE METHOD
Teenagers - Hair colour products, Garnier Light (Fairness This method is used to plot a trend in the demand. In this,
Older Generation - Cream to fight signs of ageing, wrinkles average demand of different time frame is taken (for
example, 2 years, 3years, etc.) for getting an assumption
A female would never purchase a sunscreen lotion meant
of future demand.
for men and vice a versa. That’s brand positioning.
This method is mostly used for short-term forecasting. It is
Demand forecasting is an assumption of demand in derived from moving average and modified. It is based on
future. By using demand forecasting, a company makes weighted averaged of observed value. It smoothens the
suitable plans for upcoming challenges or demands and trend where weighted value remains between 0 and 1.
takes suitable action to tackle that them.
 St = W.Yt + (1-W). St-I [St= Current smoothened
Demand forecasting can be divided into the following two value (predicted)]
major types −
 Yt = Current observed value.
 Short run forecasting − is made to fulfill short-
 W = weighted value or rate of trend.
term targets, like preparation of suitable sales
policies to increase the sales or proper planning TIME SERIES ANALYSIS
for inventory as per the required demand. Time series analysis is commonly used for long term
demand forecasting. The following are some of its
 Long run forecasting − is assumption made for
components −
long-term targets like planning of capital or
assets. Seasonal variation
Cyclical variation
Steps in Demand Forecasting Random variation
Irregular variation
Following factors should be considered for assumption
To measure the components of time series, the following
and fulfillment of short and long term demand
three methods are used −
Semi Average Method responses are aggregated and shared with the group after
Moving Average Method each round. The experts are allowed to adjust their
Method of Least Square answers in subsequent rounds. Since multiple rounds of
questions are asked and the panel is told what the group
thinks as a whole, the Delphi method seeks to reach the
This method for demand forecasting is an analytical correct response through consensus.
method. In this method, different methods of economics
and mathematics are used to forecast the demand. Benefits of the Delphi Method
This method provides the liberty to assume multiple
variables so it is more accurate in real business situations. The Delphi method seeks to aggregate opinions from a
This method is based on the following criteria − diverse set of experts, and it can be done without having to
bring everyone together for a physical meeting. Since the
 Demand for a product is based on several factors. responses of the participants are anonymous, individual
The determinants are independent variables but the panelists don't have to worry about repercussions for their
demand is the dependent variable. opinions. Consensus can be reached over time as opinions
There is a constant interaction between demand and its are swayed.
There is a constant interaction between the independent Disadvantages of the Delphi Method
variables. The independent variables are divided into two
types − Exogenous (non-economics) While the Delphi method allows for commentary from a
and Endogenous (economics). diverse group of participants, it does not result in the same
sort of interactions as a live discussion. Response times can
This type of interaction can be estimated by statistical be long ,which slows the rate of discussion. It is also
method. The forecast is divided into the set of linear or possible that the information received back from the
non-linear equations. experts will provide no innate value.

Let us now discuss some of the qualitative techniques of
Product life cycle is the timeline of demand for the
Demand Forecasting −
product from its initial stage of introduction.
In buying intention survey method, the survey is conducted
on the product; several questions regarding the product
are formulated. The participants are asked for
reviewing/rating the product based on different criteria
like taste, preference, cost, expectation, etc. These reviews
are summarized and a report is prepared for consumer
demand of the product.
In sales force opinion method, different territorial sales
demands are collected to forecast the demand of a .
product. Then individual territory demand is combined to
Stages of Product Cycle
produce a final report of the market demand. This
Product life cycle can be defined as the life cycle of the
method is difficult to execute due to improper skill of
product. It means the various stages a product sees in its
salesmen. However, with appropriate skills, accurate
complete life span.
predictions can be forecasted.
WHAT IS THE 'DELPHI METHOD' Product life cycle comprises of the following four stages −

Introduction Stage
The Delphi method is a forecasting method based on the
results of questionnaires sent to a panel of experts. Several The product is introduced in the market in this stage;
rounds of questionnaires are sent out, and the anonymous

Sales of the product are low in this stage because there Helpful to the marketer regarding competition.
may not be a need of the product in the market. Cautions the management about the decline stage of the
The product may undergo brand trouble. product.
In this stage, there is very little or no profit.
The demand for the product is created and developed in
this stage. If a company needs to launch a new product in the
Growth Stage market, there is a different development process to be

In this stage, the demands and market share increases as considered. The following are the factors contributing to
well as competition emerges in the market. new product development −

Generally, the price remains constant in this stage. Demand in market

Marketing and promotional expenses increase. Acceptance of a product in the market
There is rapid increase in sales. Acceptance of company strategy in market
The manufacturing cost decreases so there is increase in Economic viability of the product
profit margin. Changing the product as per consumer preference
It penetrates other market segment. Adapting as per technological development
Consideration of Government Policy
In the growth stage, there is a boom in the demand of the
The development process has to consider these different
product and the profit increases substantially.
perspectives for product development and has to adapt as
Maturity Stage per the market demand.
The price of the product is comparatively low, but the
advertisement and promotion cost increases in this stage.
This stage remains for a comparatively longer duration.
In this stage, there is high competition. The following are the different stages of new product
Profit is decreased. development −
Sales growth can be divided into the following three
Stage 1 − Generation of new product ideas
categories in the maturity stage −
Stage 2 − Screening and evaluation of ideas
Stage 3 − Development and testing of concept
Stage 4 − Development of advertisement and promotion
In growth, there is an increase in the demand of the Stage 5 − Analysis of business
product. In stability, the demand of the product remains Stage 6 − Development of product
Stage 7 − Testing product in market
constant. In decay, there is a slight decrease in the
Stage 8 − Commercialization of the product
Development of a new product follows a long process,
Decline Stage from the generation of an idea to the commercialization
There is a decrease in sales in this stage. Demand of of the product in the market.
product also decreases. Branding Strategies
There is decrease in the price of the product. Branding strategy can be divided into the following two
Margins are lowered.
There is introduction of new product in market. types −
New strategies are implemented. Producer strategy
There is a decrease in demand and sales of the product. Middleman strategy
Importance of Product Life Cycle Producer Strategy
Product life cycle is an important tool for market The following need to be considered for producer
forecasting, planning and control. Helpful in formulating a strategies −
proper product policy, production and pricing. Marketing under producer’s brand
Helpful in modifying the marketing policy.

Developing a market preference for branded parts or Elements of brand equity add a value to the brand; a
Marketing the product under a renowned middleman successful brand has all the elements of brand equity.
This strategy is used by the companies or manufacturers
Packaging is a method used to protect the product from
to build a brand.
external factors during transportation or storage.
Middleman Strategy Depending of the nature of product, the packaging can
In this strategy, the manufacturer uses a known differ.
distributor brand to advertise the product.
At the same time, packaging creates a first impression on
It is the middlemen or distributor brand policy. the consumer so it should be designed accordingly.
It is used by companies without adequate finance for
advertisement and promotion. Characteristics of Packaging
This can be an advantage to the producer in market.
Attractive packaging
Positioning a Brand Identity of product
Positioning a brand means occupying a unique place in Sustainability of product
the minds of the consumers. The following are the various Looks genuine
ways for positioning a brand − Reveals image of brand
Packaging gives an overview of the product so these
Taking benefit from a trending situation
Connecting various uses characteristics should be considered during the design of
Positioning according to consumer lifestyle packaging.
Advertising the benefits
Accruing a competitive position AIDAS Formula
Benefits offered by the product
AIDAS theory is a very popular marketing technique. It
Positioning a brand creates an image in the customers’
states that a consumer goes ssthrough the following five
minds, which one can relate to. It increases the sales of
stages before showing satisfaction for a product.
the product.
A − Attention
I − Interest
D − Desire
Brand equity can be described as the value of a well- A − Action
established brand name. A product of a popular brand can S − Satisfaction
generate more revenue as compared to an unknown These stages are to be evaluated and kept in perspective
brand. Consumers have a perspective that a product from during the packaging design of the product.
well know brand will be better in terms of quality than Packaging Strategies
others. This gives an advantage to a branded product over Packaging of product line
an unknown product. Multiple packaging
Changing the package
ELEMENTS OF BRAND EQUITY Proper execution of packaging strategies can increase the
Brand equity valuation is difficult and doesn’t have any attractiveness and durability of the product.
basic criteria. Some of the elements associated to it
include −
Labeling is the process of marking an identity on the
Consumer loyalty
product. The information used for labeling contains the
Awareness of brand
Quality of product following details −
Association with brand Name and address of the manufacturer
Proprietary assets owned by the brand Name and address of the distributer
Maximum Retail Price (MRP) of the product Pricing is a process to determine what manufactures
Manufacturing date of the product receive in exchange of the product. Pricing depends on
The method used to manufacture various factors like manufacturing cost, raw material cost,
Ingredients used profit margin etc.
Precaution details
Quantity Objectives of Pricing
Expiry date
The main objectives of pricing can be learnt from the
The information provided in labeling is important because
following points −
of various reasons like tracing the origin of the product,
genuinity of product, etc. Maximization of profit in short run
Optimization of profit in the long run
Product Mix Maximum return on investment
Decreasing sales turnover
Product mix refers to all the products offered by a Fulfill sales target value
particular company. As an example, Reliance Industries Obtain target market share
has products like cellular service, power, entertainment, Penetration in market
Introduction in new markets
etc. Hence, a strategy should be planned such that the Obtain profit in whole product line irrespective of
uniqueness of the product can be established. individual product profit targets
Tackle competition
Positioning the Product Recover investments faster
It includes positioning in relation to competition, Stable product price
Affordable pricing to target larger consumer group
positioning with attributes, and positioning in relation to Pricing product or services that simulate economic
price and quality of other products in the segment. The development
product has to be positioned as per these factors in their Pricing objective is to price the product such that
respective sectors. maximum profit can be extracted from it.

Product Mix Expansion Factors Influencing Pricing

It includes Product depth and product line. These are the Pricing of a product is influenced by various factors as
dimension of the product mix. It depends on the number price involves many variables. Factors can be categorized
of products manufactured by a company. into two, depending on the variables influencing the price.

Planned Obsolescence Internal Factors

Planned obsolescence is a strategy to create space for a The following are the factors that influence the increase
new product with the help of advertisements showing an and decrease in the price of a product internally −
existing product to be out of date or fashion. This strategy Marketing objectives of company
is therefore considered controversial. However, it creates Consumer’s expectation from company by past pricing
Product features
a void, which can be filled with a new product satisfying
Position of product in product cycle
the thirst of newness. Rate of product using pattern of demand
Production and advertisement cost
Planned obsolescence is of the following two types − Uniqueness of the product
Technological obsolescence Production line composition of the company
Style obsolescence Price elasticity as per sales of product

These strategies are used to create a void for a newer Internal factors that influence pricing depend on the cost

product. of manufacturing of the product, which includes fixed cost

like labor charges, rent price, etc., and variable costs like
overhead, electric charges, etc.

External Factors per the result, the price is decided so as to maximize the
The following are the external factors that have an impact profit.
on the increase and decrease in the price of a product − Pricing Strategies
Open or closed market Let us now understand the various pricing strategies −
Consumer behavior for given product
Major customer negotiation Skimming Pricing
Variation in the price of supplies
Market opponent product pricing In this method, a new product is introduced in the market
Consideration of social condition with high price, concentrating on upper segment of the
Price restricted as per any governing authority
market who are not price sensitive, and the result is
External factors that influence price depend on elements skimmed.
like competition in market, consumer flexibility to
purchase, government rules and regulation, etc. Penetration Pricing
In penetration pricing, a product is introduced in the
Pricing Methods market with a low initial price. The price is kept low to
increase target consumer. Using this strategy, more
Let us now discuss the various pricing methods − consumers can be penetrated or reached.
Cost plus Pricing Discounts and Allowances
Cost plus pricing can be defined as the cost of production Discounts are provided in order to increase the demand of
product in the market
per unit of product plus profit margin decided by the Discount in quantity
management. Discount in trade
Discount in cash
Step 1 − (Calculation of average variable cost) Other discounts like seasonal, promotional, etc.

Step 2 − (Calculation of average fixed cost), i.e., Geographic Pricing Strategies

AFC=TotalFixedCost/UnitsOfOutputProducts Geographic pricing strategy is used to price product as per

its geographical location. As the distance increases from
or,AFC=TotalFixedCost/ExpectedUnitSales the point of production, the cost of the product increases.

Step 3 − (Determination of the desired profit margin) The main points to be considered under this are as follows

Selling Price = Unit total cost + Desired unit profit i.e., Point of production pricing strategy
Uniform delivery pricing strategy
Selling Price = AVC + AFC + Mark up
Zone delivery pricing strategy
Selling Price=Unit TotalCos1−(Desired Profit Margin Freight absorption pricing strategy
Special Pricing Strategies
These are the steps one needs to follow to calculate cost
Special pricing strategy is mostly used for the promotion
plus pricing.
of the product. In this strategy, pricing is changed for a
Break Even Analysis short interval of time.
It is a point when the investment and revenue of an
Integrated Marketing Communication
enterprise is equal; after this point an enterprise gains
Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a
continuous effort to plan, execute and evaluate
Prices Based on Marginal analysis techniques for selling or advertising a product by using
In this method, additional cost of that activity is compared traditional and nontraditional methods of promotion.
to additional profit and the price is calculated according to
The following are the major features of promotion
margin cost. Thus, the cost and price is evaluated and as
decisions −

Awareness of target consumer and their preference of Sales promotion
media Public relations and publicity
Knowledge of consumers’ beliefs that can be related to the Personal selling
product to get the expected response Direct marketing
Setting different promotional tools, each tool for specific Type of product market
target but all linked to acquire a common target Overall marketing strategy
Coordinating of advertising, sales, promotion and public Buyer readiness stage
relation as proportional strategy Product life cycle stage
Continuous broadcasting of information about the product
Direct Marketing
Promotion decisions are made on the basis of
Direct marketing is a form of marketing in which a single
characteristics. Such decisions help in target marketing of
customer is approached for advertisement of the product.
the product; this decreases the advertising expenses.
It attempts to acquire and retain customers by contacting
Marketing Communication Process
them without the use of an intermediary. The objective of
Marketing communication process comprises the
direct marketing is to garner a direct response, which may
following eight stages −
take one of the following forms −
Stage I − Source
A purchase over the telephone or by post
Stage II − Encoding
A request for a catalogue or sales literature
Stage III − Transmission
An agreement to visit a location / event (e.g., an exhibition)
Stage IV − Decoding
Participation is some form of action (e.g., joining a political
Stage V − Receipt
Stage VI − Response
A request for a demonstration of a product
Stage VII − Feedback
A request for a sales person’s visit
The source is the information which is introduced for the
Forms of Direct Marketing
promotion while the feedback is provided by the
The following are the different forms of direct marketing −
consumer, which is evaluated and changes are made for
promotion. Catalogue marketing
Direct mail marketing
Promotion Decisions Telemarketing
Teleshopping /home shopping
Special pricing strategy is mostly used for the promotion Database marketing
of the product. In this strategy, pricing is changed for a Kiosk marketing
short interval of time.
Distribution Channels
Promotion decision can be executed by implementing the A distribution channel is the route through which goods or
services move from the company to the customer or the
following steps −
transfer of payment happens from the customer to the
Step 1 − Setting of the objectives company.
Step 2 − Determining promotion budget Distribution channels can mean selling of products directly
Step 3 − Target Market or selling through wholesalers, retailers etc. The same
Step 4 − The appeal applies for payment transfer from customers to company;
Step 5 − Promotion Mix it can move through a path or can be sent directly to the
Promotion Mix
Functions of Distribution Channels
Promotion mix is a combination of various marketing
techniques, oriented to acquire a common target. It Distribution channels basically function to deliver goods
from the manufacturer to the customer.
provides a structure for budget allocation for different
elements of the promotional mix. The following are the functions of distribution channels −

Some elements of promotional mix are as follows − Facilitate selling by being physically close to customers
Gather information about potential and current customer
Advertising competitions, other factors and forces of the environment
Provide distributional efficiency by bridging the gap Agents and brokers
between the manufacturer and the user efficiently and Manufacturer’s sales branches and offices
Assemble products into assortments to meet buyers’ needs Physical Distribution
Match segments of supply with segments of demand The planning, implementation, and controlling of the
Assist in sales promotion
Assist in introducing new products physical flow of material or product from one point to
Assist in implementing the price mechanism another to meet the customer requirements in the
Assist in developing sales forecast market is known as physical distribution.
Provide market intelligence and feedback
Maintain records Importance of Physical Distribution
Take care of liaison requirements
Execute physical flow of product from the manufacture to
Standardize transaction
the customers.
Major Channels of Distribution Grant time and place for the product
Build customer for the product
Here is a list of some of the major channels of distribution Cost reduction
Manufacturer → Consumer Fulfill the demand of the product in the market so that
Manufacturer → Retailer → Customer business takes place
Manufacturer → Wholesaler → Customer Steps in Designing a Physical Distribution System
Manufacturer → Wholesaler → Retailer → Customer
Step 1 − Defining distribution objective and services
Manufacturer → Agent → Retailer → Customer
required for product distribution
Manufacturer → Agent → Wholesaler → Customer
Step 2 − Articulating customer requirement
Manufacturer → Agent → Wholesaler → Retailer →
Step 3 − Comparing the strategy with market competitors
Step 4 − Managing the cost of distribution to decrease cost
Profit distribution decreases as the channel length without compromising on the quality of service
increases. Step 5 − Building physical distribution system that is
flexible for implementation of changes, if required
Designing Distribution Channels
Supply Chain Management
We have seen what a distribution channel is. Let us now
Supply Chain Management (SCM) involves managing of
see the designing process of a distribution channel.
goods and services. It includes different stages like
The following steps are involved in the designing of a storage of goods, logistics and supply of goods to the
channel system − customer after manufacturing.
Formulating the channel objectives
Identifying the functions to be performed by the channel
Analyzing the product and linking the channel design to the
product characteristics
Evaluating the distribution environment, including legal
Evaluating competitor’s channel designs
Evaluating company resources and matching the channel
design to the resources
Generating alternative designs, evaluating them and
selecting the one that suits the firm best
Classification of Wholesalers
A wholesaler purchases from the manufacturer and It can also be referred as the combination of materials
further distributes the product to customers or retailers. management and product distribution of an enterprise.
Wholesalers can be classified into the following categories Advantages of SCM
as per area of functioning − Supply chain management increases the flexibility and
Merchant wholesalers efficiency for the logistics of a product.

It increases the efficiency to deliver on time by Promotional requirements
approximately 20 %. Creating an efficient delivery system
It reduces inventory requirement by approximately 50 %. Evaluating quality of service
It increases the sales of product from 3 to 6 %. Determining effectiveness of the product mix and using it
It provides integrated controlling for the function of efficiently
logistics at the front and back end of business. Collecting customers’ reviews for improvement in service
Disadvantages of SCM Customer Relationship Management
It considers material management important and customer Customer relationship management is about building
requirement for logistics as superfluous for the supply relations between customers and enterprises. It gives a
cycle. huge competitive benefit from other competitors in the
Consequently, customer requirement for logistics is not market; the customer relationship management increases
executed with high importance. customer loyalty. It gives the company a tactical advantage
in long–term because loyalty of customer can lead to
consistent profit and it can be achieved by quality service.
E-Marketing entails advertising a product using digital
medium. In the recent years, digital devices have Customer relationship has proved to increase customer
developed rapidly and are now commonly used, creating a loyalty, which can mean huge profits in long-term. This
new medium for advertising. At the same time, internet can further be improved through the following process −
services have become affordable for mass consumers.
E-Marketing has many benefits compared to traditional Storage and management of data
marketing, for example, a large number of potential Organizational structure creation and management
consumers can be a reached in a shorter span of time. The Responding to customer queries and complains in real time
comparison between e-marketing and traditional Workforce that can deal with customers with training in
marketing is explained in the next section. the product and organization ethics

Green Marketing Rural Marketing

Green marketing is marketing of products that are Rural marketing is a process of marketing products for the
ecofriendly and don’t damage the environment. To make outskirts or rural areas. This segment of market is very
a product ecofriendly, there is a wide range of activities to price sensitive but comprises a very large consumer
be performed like product modification, change in group.
production techniques, change in packaging, etc. Importance of Rural Marketing
Green marketing appeals to environment-concerned The consumer group of this segment is very large and has
lot of potential in terms of growth. This segment of market
consumers and it also reflects the business ethics of an has expanded rapidly and has great overall purchasing
organization. power and has made an impression in economy.
The following are the important reasons for the
Services Marketing
Services marketing is marketing of service-related emergence of rural marketing −
businesses. Rural market offers new opportunities for the product as
It is marketing of some activity or experience provided by there is less competition in these areas.
the business. While marketing such services, the focus Changing lifestyles in rural areas is creating a demand for
should be on the value of delivery and reputation of the various products.
organization. Transport and communication development is providing a
Components of Services Marketing framework for viable marketing.
The rural market size is huge and it is growing rapidly with
Services marketing has grown rapidly over the years. In this
25 % per year.
segment, the quality of service has great importance for
Economic growth has created a demand for different kinds
attracting and retaining customers. The following are the
of products in rural areas.
components of service marketing −
Knowing the features of the service Rural marketing is growing rapidly and this growth creates
Shaping the service accordingly a wide opportunity for an organization.
Targeting the present and potential customers
Target advertising
Price determination

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