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Appear – She appears to have the chicken pox. Offer – Jim offered to help me pack.

Arrange – I’ll arrange to meet you at 3:00. Plan – What do you plan to do after college?
Attempt – We attempted to contact him several times. Prepare – I’m preparing to run away.
Determined – They are determined to finish the race. Pretend – Don’t pretend to sleep when I’m talking to
Beg – She begged to stay up past her bed time. you.
care – Would you care to dance? Proceed – We then proceeded to drink until we blacked
Choose – He’ll always choose to eat pizza if given the out.
choice. Promise – I promise to love you forever.
Claim – They claim to have been home all night. Refuse – She refused to sign the documents.
Dare – Do you dare to approach me? Resolve – He has resolved never to fight again.
Decide – We decided to get married in a hot air balloon. Seem – They seem to be having some sort of argument.
Demand – I demand to know who said that! Stop – We stopped to use the restroom and stretch.
Deserve – You deserve to have all you want in life. Swear – Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,
Expect – Do you expect to see her any time soon? and nothing but the truth?
Fail – She failed to achieve any of her goals. Tend – I tend to laugh when I’m nervous.
Happen – I happen to have all the things you need. Threaten – He threatened to shoot me if I didn’t give
Help – It would help to be able to swim. him my wallet.
Hesitate – He hesitated to ask for the day off. Use – She gave MacGeyver her cigarettes and an
Hope – She hopes to be engaged by the end of the earring, which he used to make a bomb.
summer. Volunteer – They volunteered to paint kids’ faces at the
Learn – We’re learning to communicate better. fair.
Long – Oh how he longed to hold her in his arms! Vow – We vowed to love and cherish one another.
Manage – Have you managed to complete your work on Want – Do you really want to hurt me?
time for once? Wish – Do you wish to see me cry?
Mean – I didn’t mean to hurt you. Would hate – I would hate to be in his shoes.
Need – You need to think before you speak. Would like – The gentleman would like to accompany
Neglect – He neglected to tell his parents about the the lady home.
accident. Would love – I would love to dance!
-Allow -Invite
-Cause -Order
-Convince -Permit
-Enable -Remind
-Encourage -Require
-Force -Tell
-Get -Urge
-Hire -Warn

Verbs optional noun plus infinitive

-Ask -Want
- Choose -Wish
- Need -Would like

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