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;Duck facts

• duck is called a drake, a female is called a duck. Babies are called ducklings.
• Ducks are related to geese and swans. The duck is the smallest of them all and have
shorter necks and wings and a stout body.
• Ducks can live from 2-12 Ducks have no webbed feet, which act like paddles. A duck
waddles instead of walking because of its webbed feet.
years, depending on the species.
• Ducks' feet have nerves or blood vessels. This means ducks never feel the cold, even
if they swim in icy cold water.
• Ducks provide us with eggs, meat and feathers.
• Ducks' feathers are waterproof. There is a special gland that produces oil near the tail
that spreads and covers the outer coat of feathers. Beneath this waterproof layer are
fluffy and soft feathers to keep the duck warm.
• Ducks keep clean by preening themselves with their beaks, which they do often. They
also line their nests with feathers plucked from their chest.
• Ducks were once wild until they were domesticated by the Chinese many hundreds of
years ago.


Most farm ducks are of a species called "Pekin". It is harder to tell a male from a female with
the Pekin ducks because they look almost the same. Pekin ducks have white or cream
coloured feathers and orange coloured bills. They do not fly and do well in captivity. They
are also excellent for egg and meat production.

Ducks as Pets

Pet ducks will entertain you with their antics and eat pesky slugs and snails. A female will
produce abundant eggs.

To look after ducklings all you need is a large cardboard box, some shavings or straw, a heat
lamp, a feeder and a waterer. As they grow, they will need more space and less heat. Keep an
eye on the birds; if they stay away from the heat, turn it off, if they get their pen messy
quickly, they need more bedding and more space. By 5 or 6 weeks they can probably be
outside all the time in good weather.

Ducks need a deep enough water bowl so they can dip their heads in water 2 or 3 times a day.
They need to wash their eyes otherwise they can get dry eyes and cataracts.

A single pet duck can make a great pet but you should make sure you have enough time to
devote to your duck. Make sure you get your duck very young or incubate the egg yourself
and be the first thing he or she sees when it hatches. You will need to spend a lot of time
bonding with your duck so that you and your family become the duck's flock. So you'll need
to devote yourself to playing and just being with your duck everyday, on top of the usual
cleaning and feeding duties.
Ducks are social animals and will suffer if they don't have companionship. So if you can't
make this commitment for the full 12 or so years a duck can live, you should get two or more


>Murray Cod


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Facts about Lions

Interesting facts and information about the Lion & Lioness

Facts About... Animals

Facts & Info About Lions

Increase your knowledge of Facts about the Lion with some
brief, but essential information & fast facts about this popular
animal. Important facts, data and info containing details of
the description, name origins and habitat of Lions. Details of
the size, height and weight. Where they live and what they
eat! Discover what their lives are like! A mixture of Factual
information together with cool, fun, strange, amazing, weird
and even funny facts about Lions. A detailed Fact Sheet
covering a whole host of topics and Lion facts! Have Fun!

Description of Lions
The Lion is described as large, carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera leo). Lions have a short tawny
a tufted tail, and male lions have a heavy mane around the head and neck.
The scientists who study animals (zoology ) are called zoologists. Each animal that is studied is class
that is, split into descriptive groups starting with main groups ( vertebrates and invertebrates ) the
Families of animals are also included such as Ursidae ( the family of bears) and the families are then
into species such as Ursus americanus (American Black Bear)

Elephants are mammals, and the largest land animals alive today. The elephant's gestation period is 22 months,
the longest of any land animal. At birth it is common for an elephant calf to weigh 120 kg (265 lb). An elephant
may live as long as 70 years, sometimes longer. This male weighed about 12,000 kg (26,400 lb), with a shoulder
height of 4.2m (13.8 ft), a metre (3 ft 4 in) taller than the average male African elephant. They are symbols of
wisdom in Asian cultures, and are famed for their exceptional memory and high intelligence.
Facts about Elephants
1. An elephant can smell water three miles away.
2. The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump!
3. Did you know that elaphant's teeth can weight as much as nine pounds each? Amazing!
4. Elephants are the only animal that can't jump.
5. African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food with.
6. An adult African elephant's trunk is about seven feet (two meters) long! It's actually an elongated nose
and upper lip.
7. Like most noses, trunks are for smelling. But they're also for touching and grasping.
8. When an elephant drinks, it sucks as much as 2 gallons (7.5 liters) of water into its trunk at a time.
Then it curls its trunk under, sticks the tip of its trunk into its mouth, and blows. Out comes the water,
right down the elephant's throat.
9. Since African elephants live where the sun is usually blazing hot, they use their trunks to help them
keep cool. First they squirt a trunkful of cool water over their bodies. Then they often follow that with a
sprinkling of dust to create a protective layer of dirt on their skin, this layer of dust works as a
sunscreen lotion for elephants.
10. Elephants pick up and spray dust the same way they do water-with their trunks.
11. Elephants also use their trunks as snorkels when they wade in deep water. An elephant's trunk is
controlled by many muscles. Two fingerlike parts on the tip of the trunk allow the elephant to perform
delicate maneuvers such as picking a berry from the ground or plucking a single leaf off a tree.
12. The elephant can also use its trunk to grasp an entire tree branch and pull it down to its mouth.
13. Elephants also use their trunks to yank up clumps of grasses and shove the greenery into their
14. When an elephant gets a whiff of something interesting, it sniffs the air with its trunk raised up like a
submarine periscope. If threatened, an elephant will also use its trunk to make loud trumpeting noises
as a warning.
15. Elephants are social creatures. They sometimes "hug" by wrapping their trunks together in displays of
greeting and affection. Elephants also use their trunks to help lift or nudge an elephant calf over an
obstacle, to rescue a fellow elephant stuck in mud, or to gently raise a newborn elephant to its feet.
And just as a human baby sucks its thumb, an elephant calf often "sucks its trunk" comefor

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