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Practising Advanced Use of English Part 2

A2. Classroom Handout 1

Look at these sets of sentences. Join them together using a relative pronoun (who,
which, whose). In numbers 7–10, watch out for the prepositions!
1. The engineers were faced with several It would take many months to overcome
problems. these.

2. The detectives suspected a young lawyer The lawyer’s name was never revealed.
of leaking information to the press.

3. These radios are almost certainly stolen. Their numbers are on this list.

4. Research has shown that some people do These people exercise regularly.
better in tests.

5. Scientists are still analysing the data. It was collected on a research project three
years ago.

6. Johnson was not insured. Johnson hit Brown’s car. Brown was insured.

7. Plots of land are available. You can build your own house on these.

8. The students expressed their gratitude to Without the villagers’ help they would not
the villagers. have been able to complete their project.

9. The industrialist donated his entire art He had also designed and built a new gallery
collection to the nation. for it.

10. An agreement on pay and working There is no basis for this so far.
conditions can be reached.

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Practising Advanced Use of English Part 2

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Practising Advanced Use of English Part 2
A4. Suggested homework/self study activities

Complete the text using relative pronouns (who, which, whose), pronouns (he, she,
etc) and prepositions.

Sally was eagerly looking forward to the Camera Club’s annual prize-giving ceremony, at (1)

………. she confidently expected to win a prize. The prizes would be awarded by a famous

photographer and author (2) ……….. work Sally greatly admired. As she got herself ready,

she put one of (3) ……….. books, all (4) ………... which she owned, in her bag. She was

hoping (5) ……….. would agree to sign the book. She also packed her camera, with (6)

…..…. she had taken the photographs (7) ……….. she was hoping would win her a prize.

She knew (8) ……….. would have to make a speech, (9) …….….. she had already prepared.

In (10) ……….. she intended to thank those members of the club (11) ………….. had helped

her develop her skills and from (12) …………... advice she had benefited greatly.

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Practising Advanced Use of English Part 2

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