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international journal for hemoglobin research

ISSN: 0363-0269 (Print) 1532-432X (Online) Journal homepage:

Complex Interaction of Hb Q-Thailand with α - and
β -Thalassemia in a Chinese Family

Sheng He, Qian Qin, Li Lin, Qiuli Chen, Shang Yi, Honhwei Wei, Juan Du,
Chenguang Zheng, Xiaoxia Qiu & Biyan Chen

To cite this article: Sheng He, Qian Qin, Li Lin, Qiuli Chen, Shang Yi, Honhwei Wei, Juan
Du, Chenguang Zheng, Xiaoxia Qiu & Biyan Chen (2017) Complex Interaction of Hb Q-
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Thailand with α - and β -Thalassemia in a Chinese Family, Hemoglobin, 41:1, 68-72, DOI:

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Feb 2017.
Published online: 05 May 2017.

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VOL. 41, NO. 1, 68–72


Complex Interaction of Hb Q-Thailand with a0- and b0-Thalassemia in a Chinese

Sheng Hea, Qian Qinb, Li Lina, Qiuli Chena, Shang Yia, Honhwei Weia, Juan Dua, Chenguang Zhenga,
Xiaoxia Qiua and Biyan Chena
Prenatal Diagnostic Center, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Women and Children Care Hospital, Nanning, Guangxi, People’s Republic
of China; bPrenatal Diagnostic Center, Baise Women and Children Care Hospital, Baise, Guangxi, People’s Republic of China


Hb Q-Thailand [a74(EF3)Asp!His (a1); HBA1: c.223 G>C] is an abnormal hemoglobin (Hb), variant found Received 9 December 2016
mainly in China and Southeast Asian countries. The association of the aQ-Thailand allele with other glo- Revised 31 December 2016
bin gene disorders has important implications in diagnosis. Here, we report a hitherto undescribed Accepted 12 January 2017
condition of patients with a double heterozygosity for Hb Q-Thailand with a0-thalassemia (a0-thal)
and in combination with b0-thalassemia (b0-thal) in a Chinese family. Our study will provide some KEYWORDS
clinical manifestations, laboratory diagnosis and genetic counseling for complex a0-Thalassemia (a0-thal);
hemoglobinopathies. b0-thalassemia (b0-thal);
genetic counseling;
Hb Q-Thailand

Hemoglobinopathies are a group of inherited recessive disor- and a0-thal and hereditary persistence of fetal Hb (HPFH)
ders in which the production of hemoglobin (Hb) is altered, named Hb QEFBart’s disease can cause an a- or b-thal inter-
either as the result of a quantitative (thalassemias) or a media (a- or b-TI) phenotype [9]. Therefore, the association
qualitative defect (structural Hb variants) [1]. These disor- of Hb Q-Thailand with other globin gene disorders has
ders are very common in Southern China and other Asian important implications in clinical manifestation, laboratory
countries, where Hb variants are often associated with a- or diagnosis and genetic counseling. We here reported a hith-
b-thalassemia (a- or b-thal) [2]. The heterozygotes for Hb erto undescribed condition of patients with double heterozy-
variants can manifest limited clinical effects and may be gosity for Hb Q-Tailand and a0-thal and in combination
asymptomatic, while the double heterozygosity for structural with b0-thal in a Chinese family.
variants and thalassemias may lead to severe clinical diseases The proband, a 12-year-old Chinese boy with normal
[3]. In China and other Asian countries, the two most com- serum iron ferritin, displayed a moderate anemia phenotype
mon Hb variants are Hb E [b26(B8)Glu!Lys; with the following hematological parameters: RBC count
HBB:c.79 G>A] and Hb Constant Spring (Hb CS, HBA2: 6.53  1012/L, Hb 9.96 g/dL, mean corpuscular volume
c.427 T>C). In addition to the two most common Hb var- (MCV) 55.3 fL, mean corpuscular Hb (MCH) 15.25 pg.
iants, other abnormal Hbs caused by both a chain and b Hemoglobin analysis in the proband revealed two abnormal
chain variants have been reported [4,5]. Among those var- Hb variants. Therefore, this patient and his family members
iants, Hb Q-Thailand [a74(EF3)Asp!His (a1); (four subjects), originally from Guangxi Province with
HBA1:c.223 G>C], also known as Hbs G-Taichung, Mahidol, Chinese Zhuang nationality, were referred to our laboratory
Kurashiki-I and Asabara, has occasionally been documented, for further investigation after informed consent was obtained.
mostly as heterozygotes or compound heterozygotes with a0- The medical history indicated that the proband and his
thal [6]. Furthermore, the interactions of Hb Q-Thailand younger sister had mild hepatosplenomegaly and mild hemo-
with other thalassemias or hemoglobinopathies have been lytic facies, but none of them had been transfused.
sporadically reported in some regions [7–9]. Hematological parameters using an automated blood cell
Heterozygous Hb Q-Thailand usually shows slight red counter (Sysmex F280; Sysmex, Tokyo, Japan) showed that
blood cell (RBC) microcytosis, while coinheritance with a0- the mother had normal RBC indices, while the proband and
thal leads to a clinical phenotype of the Hb Q-H disease his sister as well as his father presented hypochromic micro-
with clinical features similar to the deletional Hb H (b4) dis- cytic anemia (Table 1). Hemoglobin analysis with an auto-
ease [10]. Complex interaction of Hb Q-Thailand with Hb E mated high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

CONTACT Biyan Chen Prenatal Diagnostic Center, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Women and Children Care Hospital, No.
59 Xiangzhu Road, Nanning, Guangxi 530012, People’s Republic of China; Xiaoxia Qiu Prenatal Diagnostic Center, Guangxi
Zhuang Autonomous Region Women and Children Care Hospital, No. 59 Xiangzhu Road, Nanning, Guangxi 530012, People’s Republic of China
S. He and Q. Qin have contributed equally to this study.
ß 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

analyzer (VARIANT IITM; Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, from their mother. The a- and b-globin genes were then
CA, USA) revealed a specific peak in the S window in the amplified and analyzed by direct sequencing. This showed
proband (Figure 1(a)), the sister (Figure 1(c)) and the mother that the proband and his younger sister were both homozy-
(Figure 1(b)), with a retention time (RT) of 4.61 min., gotes for the aQ-Thailand mutation, whereas his mother was
4.61 min. and 4.63 min., respectively. The automated capillary heterozygous for the aQ-Thailand mutation (Figure 3).
electrophoresis (CE) (Capillarys 2; Sebia, Lisses, France) Therefore, we concluded that the genotypes of the proband
showed that each of the three members contained a dominant and his sister were both – –SEA/-a4.2-Q-Thailand, bcodons 41/42/
peak at zone 7 (Figure 2a, 2b and 2c)). The expression of the bA, their father’s genotype was – –SEA/aa, bcodons 41/42/bA
Hb fractions estimated from the spectra is summarized in and the mother’s genotype was aa/–a4.2-Q-Thailand.
Table 1. Hb Q-Thailand is an a-globin chain variant that is the
Identification of common a-thal alleles including the result of a point mutation (GAC>CAC; Asp!His) at codon
Southeast Asian (– –SEA/), Thailand (– –THAI/), the (–a3.7/) 74 (HBA1: c.223 G>C) of the a1-globin gene on chromo-
(rightward) and (–a4.2/) (leftward) deletions and common some 16p. The aQ-Thailand gene is strongly linked to a left-
b-thal genes in the Chinese populations were performed as ward single a-globin gene deletion (–a4.2). Individuals
described previously [11]. The results revealed that the father heterozygous for Hb Q-Thailand are usually clinically
carried a – –SEA deletion on the a-globin gene and a 4 bp asymptomatic and have normal or slight RBC microcytosis
deletion on the b-globin, while the mother had a (–a4.2) dele- because of the linked (–a4.2) aþ-thal allele [12]. The data
tion on the a-globin gene. Both the proband and his sister presented for the father in Table 1 confirmed this matter.
inherited the (– –SEA) deletion and the 4 bp deletion on the The codons 41/42 (–TTCT) (HBB: c.126_129delCTTT) is
b-globin from their father and acquired the (–a4.2) deletion a frameshift mutation resulting in a stop codon at the new

Table 1. The hematological and molecular data of the family members under study.
Parameters Proband Sister Mother Father
Sex-age (years) M-12 F-8 F-38 M-40
Hb (g/dL) 9.96 9.70 11.27 11.92
RBC (1012/L) 6.53 6.87 3.90 4.50
MCV (fL) 55.0 49.6 88.0 81.0
MCH (pg) 15.25 15.00 28.90 26.48
Hb A (%) 0.0 0.0 68.6 94.6
Hb A2 (%) 0.0 0.0 1.8 4.6
Hb F (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8
Hb Q-T (%) 95.8 96.2 28.7 0.0
Hb Q-A2 (%) 4.2 3.8 0.9 0.0
Serum ferritin (ng/mL) 286.8 196.3 73.5 97.3
a Genotype – –SEA/–a4.2-Q-Thailand – –SEA/–a4.2-Q-Thailand a/–a4.2-Q-Thailand – –SEA/a
b Genotype bc d ns 41/42/bA bc d ns 41/42/bA bA/bA bc d ns 41/42
Hb: hemoglobin; RBC: red blood cell counts; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; MCH: mean corpuscular Hb; Hb Q-T: Hb Q-Thailand.

Figure 1. Hemoglobin analysis of the proband and family members with automated HPLC. (a) The proband; (b) the mother; (c) the sister; (d) the father. Hb A, Hb
Q-Thailand, Hb A2 and Hb QA2 are indicated by arrows.
70 S. HE ET AL.

Figure 2. Hemoglobin analysis of the proband and family members using CE. (a) The proband; (b) the mother; (c) the sister; (d) the father. Hb A, Hb Q-Thailand, Hb
A2 and Hb QA2 are indicated by arrows.

Figure 3. DNA sequence analysis of the amplified a1-globin gene from the proband and his family members. (a) The father; (b) the mother; (c) the proband. The
downward arrow indicates the G > C substitution at codon 74 of the a1-globin gene.

codon 59 terminating translation on the b-globin chain. This of the case, the levels of Hb A2 and Hb A2-derivative should
mutation causes a b0-thal phenotype [13]. Subjects with dou- be added together [16]. Therefore, the total amount of Hb A2
ble heterozygosity for Hb Q-Thailand and b0-thal showed for the proband and the sister should read 4.2 and 3.8%,
similar hematological parameters with those usually observed respectively. The Hb A2 levels were still within the diagnostic
for simple b-thal carriers with mild hypochromic microcytic range (3.5–10.0%) for a typical b-thal trait.
RBCs and slightly reduced Hb values [6]. Hb Q-Thailand In conclusion, this is the first report on the clinical and
coinherited with a0-thal leads to a clinical phenotype of the molecular characterization of Hb Q-Thailand with a0-thal
Hb Q-H disease with clinical features similar to deletional and b0-thal mutations. Our study will provide some clinical
Hb H disease that presents with marked microcytosis, implications for the molecular diagnosis of complex
chronic hemolytic anemia associated with jaundice and hep- hemoglobinopathies.
atosplenomegaly [8]. However, due to the absence of free
b-globin chains, patients with Hb H/b-thal have a higher Hb
Disclosure statement
level, resulting in a better compensated anemia. And the fea-
tures of these subjects form an intermediate clinical pheno- The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are
type between a Hb H and b-thal carrier [14]. In this study, responsible for the content and writing of this article.
the proband and his younger sister both presented moderate
hypochromic microcytic anemia and had mild hepatospleno- Funding
megaly, indicating that they showed intermediate clinical This study was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China
phenotypes (Table 1). The clinical features of patients with [81660034, 81260093], Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi
Hb Q-H/b0-thal need further study with larger samples in [2016GXNSFAA380078], the Guangxi Science and Technology Project
the future. [Gui 14124004-1-5, Gui 1598012-21] and the Health Department of
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