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Cambridge English Empower -

A2 Elementary Wordlist – Unit 7

Page Pronunciation
English PoS Definition Example
number UK
a vehicle that flies and I caught an aeroplane from
71 aeroplane noun ˈeərəpleɪn
has an engine and wings London to Nice.
Erik usually gets to Kings
to get on a train to go
166 catch a train phrase kætʃ ə ˈtreɪn Park Station at 8:00 so he
can catch the train at 8.05.
to get off one train and tʃeɪndʒ Erik changes trains at
166 change trains noun
onto another ˈtreɪnz Central Station.
She stayed in cheap hotels
not expensive, or
73 cheap adj tʃiːp and with friends in different
costing less than usual
The dogs are old and they're
73 clean adj not dirty kliːn
not very clean.
a comfortable bus used
We went to London on the
71 coach noun to take groups of people kəʊtʃ
on long journeys
making you feel relaxed
73 comfortable adj ˈkʌmfətəbl This sofa's so comfortable!
and free from pain
73 crowded adj very full of people ˈkraʊdɪd The bus was really crowded.
If someone or something
It's dangerous to travel alone
73 dangerous adj is dangerous, they could ˈdeɪndʒərəs
harm you.
73 dirty adj not clean ˈdɜːti My shoes are very dirty.
with nothing or no one
73 empty adj ˈempti The room was empty.
We didn't stay in expensive
73 expensive adj costing a lot of money ɪkˈspensɪv
My brother's car is really
73 fast adj quick fɑːst
a boat that regularly
carries people and Ivan travelled to France by
71 ferry noun ˈferi
vehicles across an area ferry.
of water
containing a lot of
73 full adj fʊl The bus was full.
things or people
get off (a bus Erik gets off the train at
166 verb to stop travelling on get ˈɒf
etc) Riverside Station.
Erik gets on the train at
get on (a train
166 verb to go into get ˈɒn Kings Park Station, near his
an aeroplane which flies
using long, thin parts on I've never flown in a
71 helicopter noun ˈhelɪkɒptə
top of it that turn round helicopter.
and round very fast
Sometimes Erik’s a few
miss (a plane to arrive too late to get
166 verb mɪs minutes late and he misses
etc) on
the train.
a vehicle that flies and Laurence hates travelling by
71 plane noun pleɪn
has an engine and wings plane.
Air travel is very safe these
73 safe adj not dangerous seɪf
71 scooter noun a small motorcycle ˈskuːtə We hired scooters.
a large boat that carries We spent three days on the
71 ship noun ʃɪp
people or things by sea ship.
moving, happening, or
73 slow adj doing something sləʊ This train is very slow.
without much speed
Erik works in the city centre
take (a train
166 verb to travel by teɪk and he takes the train to
work every morning.
a long, thin vehicle
Erik works in the city centre
which travels along
71 train noun treɪn and he takes the train to
metal tracks and carries
work every morning.
people or goods
an electric vehicle for
carrying passengers,
Mary gets the tram to the
71 tram noun mostly in cities, which træm
city centre.
moves along metal lines
in the road
not making you feel
This bed is really
73 uncomfortable adj comfortable and ʌnˈkʌmftəbl

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