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Ab A 80 NOVELLO'S ORIGINAL OCTAVO EDITION. MESSE SOLENNELLE (ST. CECILIA) 4 IN VOCAL SCORE COMPOSED BY CH. GOUNOD. ND THE PIANOFORTE ACCOMPANIMENT ARRANGED, BY JOSEPH BARNBY. Paice One Suittine. Paper boards, 16. 6d.; cloth, gilt, 2s. Lonpon: NOVELLO AND COMPANY, Liitep AND NOVELLO, EWER AND CO., NEW YORK. The right of Public Representation and Performance is reserved, The purchase of Scores and Parts carries with it the right of Public Performance, If it is desived to use nired or borrowed copies of Scores ar Parts, the feriission of the Publishers must be first obtained, ME SOLENNELLE (Sr. Crema) Full Score, 60s. ; Vocal Score, folio, $s.; Choras parts, 4s.; String parts, 7s. Gd. ‘Wind parts, 18. GOUNOD'S COMMUNION SERVICE (ilesse Sonmxse.te). As sung at St. Andrew's Church, Wells Street. ‘Tho English words adapted by the Rev. W. G. Loxenen, M.A. Edited by Joserm Banwny. Price, in paper cover, Is. Ga. ; paper boards, 2s. ; cloth, gilt, 3s, ‘London : Novello and Company, Limited ; and Novello, Ewer and Co., New York. GOUNOD’S “ MESSE SOLENNELLE.” te nt Baris. Sornaso, ==

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