Describe The Procedure To Store Serviceable Components and Unserviceable Components and Salvage Components

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- Describe the procedure to store serviceable components and unserviceable components

and salvage components
- Write details about part 66 exams
- Requirements to become part 66

Basic JAR 66 eligibilitv requirements. Procedures company quality department would go through
before issuing a company approval • Over2l • Able to read, write and communicate in language of
manuals and technical documentation of company there are at • B license: - 2 years recent
experience and basic JAR 147 training course e.g. Brunel. Or : 3 years recent experience and
appropriate training decided by JAA authority Or 5 years recent experience and no other training • At
least 1 years recent experience on typical aircraft that license is being applied for • 50% of 1 year
must have been gained in last 12 months and rest in preceding 7 years • Quality department;
Responsible for maintaining JAR145 which includes initial approvals and continuation training, • Do
training course on specific type of a/c before approval issued. Various exams including, written,
practical, and oral would be given to students to ensure adequate levels of competency have been
achieved. ~ ~ ~ C) F • Once quality/training happy stan

Part 66 experience

7. Describe the JAR 66 Licence categories with experience requirements. Answer includes: CAT A 1
year practical on operating aircraft and a JAR147 course, CAT B 2 year practical on operating aircraft
and relevant training skilled status CAT C 3year practical on operating aircraft and technical training
B1 and B2 2 years plus JAR 147 approved training 3 years plus relevant qualified skill status 5 years
plus no relevant qualification CAT C 3 years certifying experience as B1, B2 line or base or both
3years with TEC degree approved by the CAA manager role Skilled status = overhaul manufacture,
repair mechanical or electrical 1. HIRF, Finding it and dealing with it. 50 % of experience in last year,
rest in previous 7 years on corrct aircraft, military experience A plus 6 months B1, B2, 12 months.

Caa written qst

what are the eligibility requirements for a basic Jar 66 engineering licence? What procedure would a
company quality organisation have to go through before issuing a company approval?

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