2006 Center For Food Safety

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Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

tification is scrutinized to ‘prevent piece- Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health

meal appeals in cases which should be Inspection Service and Cindy Smith,
reviewed only as single units.’ ’’ Id. at 797– Deputy Administrator, U.S. Depart-
98 (quoting McIntyre v. United States, 789 ment of Agriculture, Animal and
F.2d 1408, 1410 (9th Cir.1986)). Plant Health Inspection Service, Bio-
Executive Risk provides no argument as technology Regulatory Services Pro-
how Rule 54(b) certification ‘‘will aid ‘expe- gram, Defendants.
ditious decision’ of the case.’’ See id. No. Civ.03–00621 JMS/BMK.
This court has not ruled on Executive
United States District Court,
Risk’s claims regarding the Killian action
D. Hawai‘i.
and declines to allow piecemeal appeals.
Sept. 1, 2006.
V. CONCLUSION. Background: Environmental advocacy
In light of the foregoing, the court de- groups brought action, alleging that the
nies (a) Intervenors’ motion for abstention, Department of Agriculture, in issuing per-
motion for certification of question, and mits of Department’s Animal and Plant
counter-motion for partial summary judg- Health Inspection Service (APHIS) for
ment, and (b) Executive Risk’s motion to open-air field tests of experimental, genet-
strike. The court grants in part and de- ically engineered, pharmaceutical-produc-
nies in part Executive Risk’s motion for ing plant varieties (GEPPV) of crops in
partial summary judgment. That motion Hawai‘i, failed to comply with Endangered
is granted to the extent it seeks a ruling Species Act (ESA) and National Environ-
that the Policy does not cover claims for mental Policy Act (NEPA), and seeking
restitution. That motion is denied without declaratory and injunctive relief. Parties
prejudice to the extent it seeks reimburse- filed motions for summary judgment.
ment of defense costs and Rule 54(b) certi- Holdings: The District Court, J. Michael
fication. Seabright, J., held that:
This leaves for future adjudication Exec- (1) APHIS violated the Endangered Spe-
utive Risk’s claims concerning the Killian cies Act (ESA) by failing to obtain
action. information about listed species and
IT IS SO ORDERED. critical habitats from Fish and Wildlife
Service (FWS) and National Marine

, Fisheries Service (NMFS) before

granting permits;
(2) issuing permits, without environmental
assessment (EA), environmental im-
CENTER FOR FOOD SAFETY; Kahea; pact statement (EIS), or explanation as
Friends of the Earth, Inc., and Pesti- to why neither EA nor EIS was re-
cide Action Network North America, quired, violated National Environmen-
Plaintiffs, tal Policy Act (NEPA);
v. (3) failure to consider exceptions to cate-
Mike JOHANNS, Secretary, U.S. Depart- gorical exclusion to NEPA’s EA/EIS
ment of Agriculture; William T. requirements was arbitrary and capri-
Hawks, Under Secretary of Agricul- cious;
ture for Marketing and Regulatory (4) alleged national GEPPV program of
Programs; Bobby R. Acord, Deputy APHIS was not an ‘‘agency action’’
Administrator, U.S. Department of subject to requirements of NEPA;

(5) alleged national GEPPV program was cations that raise new issues. 7 C.F.R.
not an ‘‘agency action’’ under ESA; § 372.5(c, d).
(6) claim that APHIS arbitrarily and ca- 3. Environmental Law O586
priciously denied petition seeking new National Environmental Policy Act’s
regulations for GEPPVs and program- (NEPA) procedural requirements require
matic environmental impact statement agencies to take a hard look at the envi-
(PEIS) for GEPPVs was not yet ripe ronmental consequences of their actions; a
for review; and hard look includes considering all foresee-
(7) APHIS’s denial of groups’ further peti- able direct and indirect impacts. National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969, § 102,
tions was neither arbitrary nor capri-
42 U.S.C.A. § 4332.
Plaintiffs’ motion granted in part and de- 4. Environmental Law O594
nied in part; defendants’ motion granted in To comply with National Environmen-
part and denied in part. tal Policy Act (NEPA), an agency must
supply a convincing statement of reasons
why potential effects of its actions on the
1. Environmental Law O537 natural environment are insignificant.
An agency’s decision whether to take National Environmental Policy Act of
a discretionary action that may jeopardize 1969, § 102, 42 U.S.C.A. § 4332.
endangered or threatened species is strict- 5. Environmental Law O592, 594
ly governed by ESA-mandated inter-agen- There does not appear to be any spe-
cy consultation procedures; first, the cific process an agency must follow in de-
agency contemplating the action must re- termining that a categorical exclusion un-
quest information from the appropriate der National Environmental Policy Act
federal wildlife service regarding whether (NEPA) regulations applies and that an
any species which is listed or proposed to exception to that exclusion does not apply;
be listed may be present in the area of the agency must simply explain its decision
such proposed action. Endangered Spe- in a reasoned manner. National Environ-
cies Act of 1973, § 7(c)(1), 16 U.S.C.A. mental Policy Act of 1969, § 2 et seq., 42
§ 1536(c)(1). U.S.C.A. § 4321 et seq.; 7 C.F.R.
§ 372.5(c, d).
2. Environmental Law O582, 595(1)
6. Administrative Law and Procedure
Animal and Plant Health Inspection O676
Service (APHIS) of the United States De- Although judicial review of an agency
partment of Agriculture (USDA) does not decision typically focuses on the adminis-
need to prepare an environmental assess- trative record in existence at the time of
ment (EA) or an environmental impact the decision and does not encompass any
statement (EIS) when it issues permits for part of the record that is made initially in
actions in which the means through which the reviewing court, there are four situa-
adverse environmental impacts may be tions in which extra-record evidence may
avoided or minimized have actually been be considered: (1) when the record need
built right into the actions themselves, be expanded to explain agency action; (2)
such as confined field releases of genetical- when the agency has relied upon docu-
ly engineered organisms and products, so ments or materials not included in the
long as those field releases do not involve record; (3) to explain or clarify technical
new species or organisms or novel modifi- matter involved in the agency action; and
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

(4) where there has been a strong showing formed and well-considered, but need not
in support of a claim of bad faith or im- rubber stamp a clear error of judgment.
proper behavior on the part of the agency
decision makers. 11. Administrative Law and Procedure
7. Environmental Law O688, 689
District court would consider extra- A reviewing court, in dealing with a
record evidence, including declaration dis- determination or judgment which an ad-
cussing progress of Animal and Plant ministrative agency alone is authorized to
Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the make, must judge the propriety of such
United States Department of Agriculture action solely by the grounds invoked by
(USDA) on programmatic environmental the agency; if those grounds are inade-
impact statement (PEIS) and list of 38 quate or improper, the court is powerless
permits issued by APHIS since environ- to affirm the administrative action by sub-
mental advocacy groups filed petition re- stituting what it considers to be a more
garding genetically engineered, pharma- adequate or proper basis.
ceutical-producing plant varieties
(GEPPV) of crops, as these extra-record 12. Environmental Law O537
documents were necessary to explain
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
APHIS’s post-petition actions, so as to al-
Service (APHIS) of the United States De-
low the court to rule on APHIS’s argu-
partment of Agriculture (USDA) violated
ment that groups’ claims under Adminis-
the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by fail-
trative Procedure Act (APA) were not ripe
ing to obtain information about listed spe-
for judicial review. 5 U.S.C.A.
§ 706(2)(A). cies and critical habitats in the geographic
area from United States Fish and Wildlife
8. Administrative Law and Procedure Service (FWS) and the National Marine
O763 Fisheries Service (NMFS) before granting
An administrative agency decision is a series of permits for open-air field tests
arbitrary and capricious, under the Admin- of experimental, genetically engineered,
istrative Procedure Act (APA), if the agen- pharmaceutical-producing plant varieties
cy has relied on factors which Congress (GEPPV) of crops, regardless of whether
has not intended it to consider, entirely any listed plant, animal, or habitat was
failed to consider an important aspect of
harmed. Endangered Species Act of 1973,
the problem, or offered an explanation for
§ 7(c)(1), 16 U.S.C.A. § 1536(c)(1); 50
its decision that runs counter to the evi-
C.F.R. § 402.12(c).
dence before the agency. 5 U.S.C.A.
§ 706(2)(A). 13. Environmental Law O582, 595(1)
9. Administrative Law and Procedure Issuance by Animal and Plant Health
O651, 751 Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United
Unlike substantive challenges, district States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
court’s review of an administrative agen- of four permits for open-air field tests of
cy’s procedural compliance is exacting, yet experimental, genetically engineered,
pharmaceutical-producing plant varieties
10. Administrative Law and Procedure (GEPPV) of crops, without an environmen-
O751, 785 tal assessment (EA), an environmental im-
A court must defer to an administra- pact statement (EIS), or an explanation as
tive agency conclusion that is fully in- to why neither an EA nor an EIS was

required, was arbitrary and capricious and for issuing permits, regulations under
violated National Environmental Policy Plant Protection Act (PPA), nor APHIS’s
Act (NEPA); APHIS could not rely on a decision to initiate a programmatic envi-
categorical exclusion post hoc to justify its ronmental impact statement (PEIS), indi-
actions. National Environmental Policy vidually or cumulatively, constituted an
Act of 1969, § 102, 42 U.S.C.A. § 4332; 7 ‘‘agency action.’’ 5 U.S.C.A. § 551(13); 7
C.F.R. § 372.5(c). U.S.C. § 7701 et seq.; National Environ-
mental Policy Act of 1969, § 2 et seq., 42
14. Environmental Law O582, 595(1)
U.S.C.A. § 4321 et seq.; 7 C.F.R. § 340.0
Failure of Animal and Plant Health
et seq.; 40 C.F.R. § 1508.18.
Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United See publication Words and Phras-
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) es for other judicial constructions
to consider the exceptions to the categori- and definitions.
cal exclusion to the National Environmen- 17. Environmental Law O537
tal Policy Act’s (NEPA) environmental as-
Alleged national program regarding
sessment/environmental impact statement
genetically engineered pharmaceutical-pro-
(EA/EIS) requirements rendered APHIS’s
ducing plant varieties (GEPPVs) of Animal
actions, in issuing permits for open-air
and Plant Health Inspection Service
field tests of experimental, genetically en-
(APHIS) of the United States Department
gineered, pharmaceutical-producing plant
of Agriculture (USDA) was not an ‘‘agency
varieties (GEPPV) of crops, arbitrary and action’’ subject to the requirements of the
capricious. National Environmental Policy Endangered Species Act (ESA). Endan-
Act of 1969, § 102, 42 U.S.C.A. § 4332; 7 gered Species Act of 1973, § 7(a)(2), 16
C.F.R. § 372.5(c)(3)(ii), (d). U.S.C.A. § 1536(a)(2); 50 C.F.R. § 402.02.
15. Environmental Law O592, 594 18. Environmental Law O662
Where there is substantial evidence in In light of evidence indicating that
the record that exceptions to the National Animal and Plant Health Inspection Ser-
Environmental Policy Act’s (NEPA) cate- vice (APHIS) of the United States De-
gorical exclusion may apply, the agency partment of Agriculture (USDA) was con-
must at the very least explain why the ducting the programmatic environmental
action does not fall within one of the ex- impact statement (PEIS) requested by en-
ceptions. National Environmental Policy vironmental advocacy groups, groups’
Act of 1969, § 102, 42 U.S.C.A. § 4332; 7 claim that APHIS arbitrarily and capri-
C.F.R. § 372.5(d). ciously denied petition seeking new regu-
16. Environmental Law O595(1), 647 lations for genetically engineered, pharma-
Alleged national program regarding ceutical-producing plant varieties
genetically engineered pharmaceutical-pro- (GEPPV) of crops and PEIS for GEPPVs,
ducing plant varieties (GEPPVs) of Animal was not yet ripe for review; judicial inter-
vention would inappropriately interfere
and Plant Health Inspection Service
with APHIS’s administrative proceedings,
(APHIS) of the United States Department
and court would benefit from completion
of Agriculture (USDA) was not an ‘‘agency
of PEIS, on which new GEPPV regula-
action’’ subject to the requirements of the
tions would depend.
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) and sufficient to allow for judicial 19. Administrative Law and Procedure
review under the Administrative Proce- O704
dure Act (APA); neither APHIS’s website, The ripeness requirement is designed
document explaining APHIS’s procedures to prevent the courts, through avoidance of
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

premature adjudication, from entangling petition filed by environmental advocacy

themselves in abstract disagreements over groups which sought an immediate mora-
administrative policies, and also to protect torium on certain plantings of genetically
the agencies from judicial interference un- engineered, pharmaceutical-producing
til an administrative decision has been for- plant varieties (GEPPV) of crops.
malized and its effects felt in a concrete 23. Records O50
way by the challenging parties. Action of Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United
20. Environmental Law O662
States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
For purposes of obtaining judicial re- in denying petition filed by environmental
view, Animal and Plant Health Inspection advocacy groups, which sought change in
Service (APHIS) of the United States De- existing USDA policies and regulations on
partment of Agriculture (USDA) denied confidential business information (CBI)
petition filed by environmental advocacy and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
groups which sought change in existing was neither arbitrary nor capricious,
USDA policies and regulations on confi- where APHIS explained it was constrained
dential business information (CBI) and by existing law and that its existing poli-
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) with cies were sufficient. 5 U.S.C.A. § 552.
regard to disclosure of all relevant CBI 24. Records O30
when a party claiming CBI protections Action of Animal and Plant Health
violated APHIS’s containment rules and Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United
caused an unauthorized exposure of any States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
person, the grain or food supply, or the in denying petition filed by environmental
environment to a genetically engineered, advocacy groups, which sought creation of
pharmaceutical-producing plant variety publicly available database of all contain-
(GEPPV) of crop, when APHIS issued let- ment violations for genetically engineered,
ter that effectively denied group’s re- pharmaceutical-producing plant varieties
quests. 5 U.S.C.A. § 552. (GEPPV) of crops, was neither arbitrary
nor capricious, absent some statute or reg-
21. Environmental Law O662 ulation requiring APHIS to establish a
For purposes of obtaining judicial re- field test violations database.
view, Animal and Plant Health Inspection 25. Agriculture O8
Service (APHIS) of the United States De-
Decision of Animal and Plant Health
partment of Agriculture (USDA) denied Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United
petition filed by environmental advocacy States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
groups which sought creation of publicly in denying petition filed by environmental
available database of all containment viola- advocacy groups, which sought an immedi-
tions for genetically engineered, pharma- ate moratorium on certain plantings of ge-
ceutical-producing plant varieties netically engineered, pharmaceutical-pro-
(GEPPV) of crops. ducing plant varieties (GEPPV) of crops,
was neither arbitrary nor capricious; giv-
22. Environmental Law O662
en that APHIS was producing a program-
For purposes of obtaining judicial re- matic environmental impact statement
view, Animal and Plant Health Inspection (PEIS) for GEPPVs and was considering
Service (APHIS) of the United States De- changes to its regulations as a result, deci-
partment of Agriculture (USDA) denied sion to wait for the results of the PEIS,

rather than impose an immediate morato- Research Center (HARC), and Garst
rium, was reasonable. Seed—planted corn and sugarcane that
26. Environmental Law O700 had been genetically modified to produce
experimental pharmaceutical products.
Injunctive relief was inappropriate to
The companies modified the genetic struc-
remedy violations of National Environmen-
tal Policy Act (NEPA) and Endangered ture of the corn or sugarcane so that, when
Species Act (ESA) by Animal and Plant harvested, the plants would contain hor-
Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the mones, vaccines, or proteins that could be
United States Department of Agriculture used to treat human illnesses. For exam-
(USDA) in issuing series of permits for ple, one company engineered corn to pro-
open-air field tests of experimental, genet- duce experimental vaccines for the Human
ically engineered, pharmaceutical-produc- Immunodeficiency Virus and the Hepatitis
ing plant varieties (GEPPV) of crops. En- B virus, while another company engi-
dangered Species Act of 1973, § 7(c)(1), 16 neered corn and sugarcane to produce can-
U.S.C.A. § 1536(c)(1); National Environ- cer-fighting agents. These techniques are
mental Policy Act of 1969, § 102, 42 still experimental, and from 2001 to 2003
U.S.C.A. § 4332. these four companies conducted limited
field tests of these genetically engineered
pharmaceutical-producing plant varieties
(‘‘GEPPVs’’) on Kauai, Maui, Molokai, and
Isaac H. Moriwake, Paul H. Achitoff,
Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, Honolu- ProdiGene, Monsanto, HARC, and Garst
lu, HI, Joseph Mendelson, III, Washing- Seed received permits to plant these crops
ton, DC, for Plaintiffs. from the United States Department of
Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health In-
Jean–Michel Voltaire, U.S. Department
spection Service (‘‘APHIS’’). The compa-
of Justice, Washington, DC, Jeannette H.
nies have already planted and harvested
Castagnetti, Margery S. Bronster, Bron-
these crops, the permits have expired, and
ster Crabtree & Hoshibata, Honolulu, HI,
the companies are no longer planting crops
for Defendants.
pursuant to these permits.
AMENDED ORDER GRANTING IN The Plaintiffs argue that APHIS2 broke
PART AND DENYING IN PART the law in issuing these permits. Because
PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR SUM- these crops produce experimental pharma-
MARY JUDGMENT AND GRANT- ceutical products, the Plaintiffs argue,
ING IN PART AND DENYING IN their effect on Hawaii’s ecosystem (espe-
PART DEFENDANTS’ MOTION cially Hawaii’s 329 endangered and threat-
FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT1 ened species) is unclear. The Plaintiffs
J. MICHAEL SEABRIGHT, District contend that these experimental crops
Judge. could cross-pollinate with existing food
crops, thus contaminating the food supply.
I. INTRODUCTION The Plaintiffs also argue that animals that
From 2001 to 2003, four companies— feed on corn (as well as animals further up
ProdiGene, Monsanto, Hawaii Agriculture the food chain that feed on corn-eating

1. This Amended Order supersedes and re- 2. For ease of reference, the court will refer to
places the court’s August 10, 2006 Order. the Defendants collectively as ‘‘APHIS’’ or
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

animals) would become unwitting carriers APHIS argues that its internal policies
of experimental pharmaceutical products, and protocols do not rise to the level of
causing even more widespread dissemina- ‘‘final agency action’’; consequently,
tion of these experimental vaccines, hor- APHIS contends, the Plaintiffs are not
mones, and proteins. According to the entitled to judicial review of this ‘‘pro-
Plaintiffs, APHIS was required to evaluate gram.’’
the environmental impact of these genet-
ically engineered crops before issuing the In addition to the dispute over the four
permits. In failing to do so, the Plaintiffs permits and the alleged ‘‘GEPPV pro-
argue, APHIS violated both the National gram,’’ there is a dispute over a petition
Environmental Policy Act (‘‘NEPA’’) and for rulemaking submitted to APHIS by the
the Endangered Species Act (‘‘ESA’’). Plaintiffs. The Plaintiffs submitted their
The Plaintiffs also argue that these four Petition to APHIS on December 16, 2002;
permits were part of a broader ‘‘GEPPV the Petition sought five specific actions
program’’: a collection of policies and pro- from APHIS, and the Plaintiffs argue that
tocols which, taken together, form a com- APHIS arbitrarily and capriciously denied
prehensive program for the promotion and the Petition. APHIS contends that the
regulation of GEPPV development and Plaintiffs’ claims are not ripe and must be
testing. The Plaintiffs contend that dismissed.
APHIS was required to consider the envi-
ronmental impact of the program as a After more than two and a half years of
whole and that APHIS’s failure to do so contentious litigation, the court heard the
constitutes an additional violation of parties’ motions for summary judgment on
NEPA and the ESA. As a remedy for July 7, 2006.3 Based on the following, the
failing to follow NEPA and the ESA in court GRANTS IN PART and DENIES
implementing this ‘‘GEPPV program,’’ the IN PART the Plaintiffs’ motion for sum-
Plaintiffs seek a nationwide ban on all mary judgment and GRANTS IN PART
GEPPV open-air field testing until APHIS and DENIES IN PART the Defendants’
complies with NEPA and the ESA. motion for summary judgment.4 The
APHIS, on the other hand, argues that court concludes that APHIS violated both
it fulfilled its statutory obligations. the ESA and NEPA in issuing the four
APHIS contends that it placed strict con- permits, but concludes that injunctive re-
ditions on the permits to ensure that the lief is not necessary to remedy these viola-
genetically modified crops would not con- tions. The court then concludes that
taminate the environment, such that it APHIS’s alleged ‘‘GEPPV program’’ was
complied with both the ESA and NEPA. neither a ‘‘final agency action’’ subject to
According to APHIS, because the Plain- review under the Administrative Proce-
tiffs have failed to demonstrate any envi- dure Act nor ‘‘agency action’’ subject to
ronmental harm from these open-air field the requirements of the ESA. Finally, the
tests, the Plaintiffs’ claims necessarily fail. court concludes that the Defendants are
And as for the alleged ‘‘GEPPV program,’’ entitled to summary judgment as to the

3. On August 22, 2006, the court heard addi- Plaintiffs as to Counts One, Two, Three, Four,
tional arguments regarding Counts Five and Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine of the Plaintiffs’
Ten of the Plaintiffs’ Second Amended Com- Second Amended Complaint, and the court
plaint. grants summary judgment in favor of the De-
fendants as to Counts Five, Ten, and Eleven of
4. As discussed more fully infra, the court
the Second Amended Complaint.
grants summary judgment in favor of the

Plaintiffs’ claim regarding their rulemak- not contain their own review standards
ing Petition. (such that the APA standards control).
As set forth in 5 U.S.C. § 706, the ‘‘arbi-
trary and capricious’’ standard of review
A. Legal Framework applies to judicial review of agency actions:
A brief description of the legal frame- The reviewing court shall—
work applicable to the instant case may (1) compel agency action unlawfully
assist in placing the facts in context. The withheld or unreasonably delayed; and
Plaintiffs allege APHIS violated the ESA, (2) hold unlawful and set aside agency
NEPA, and the Plant Protection Act action, findings, and conclusions found to
(‘‘PPA’’); the court first discusses the Ad- be—
ministrative Procedure Act (‘‘APA’’), which
(A) arbitrary, capricious, an abuse
provides for judicial review of agency ac-
of discretion, or otherwise not in ac-
tion, and then examines the ESA, NEPA,
cordance with law;
and the PPA.
(B) contrary to constitutional right,
1. Administrative Procedure Act power, privilege, or immunity;
(C) in excess of statutory jurisdic-
The APA allows for judicial review of
tion, authority, or limitations, or short
‘‘[a]gency action made reviewable by stat-
of statutory right; [or]
ute and final agency action for which there
is no other adequate remedy in a court[.]’’ (D) without observance of proce-
5 U.S.C. § 704. See also 5 U.S.C. § 702 dure required by lawTTTT
(‘‘A person suffering legal wrong because
2. Endangered Species Act
of agency action, or adversely affected or
aggrieved by agency action within the [1] One of the express policies of the
meaning of a relevant statute, is entitled to Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. § 1531
judicial review thereof.’’); Northcoast et seq., is to ensure ‘‘that all Federal de-
Envtl. Ctr. v. Glickman, 136 F.3d 660, 668 partments and agencies shall seek to con-
(9th Cir.1998) (‘‘[T]he APA, 5 U.S.C. serve endangered species and threatened
§ 702, provides for judicial review of agen- species[.]’’ 16 U.S.C. § 1531(c)(1). The
cy actions if two requirements are met. ESA mandates interagency collaboration,
First, the claimants must identify an ‘agen- through a series of procedural require-
cy action.’ TTT Second, the plaintiffs must ments outlined in the statute, to effectuate
establish they have suffered a legal wrong, Congress’s goals of protecting endangered
or will be adversely affected or aggrieved and threatened plant and animal species.
within the meaning of a relevant statute.’’ 16 U.S.C. §§ 1532, 1536. Specifically, the
(Citations omitted.)). The APA defines ESA requires the following:
‘‘agency action’’ as ‘‘includ[ing] the whole [E]ach Federal agency shall TTT re-
or a part of an agency rule, order, license, quest of the Secretary [of the Interior]
sanction, relief, or the equivalent or denial information whether any species which
thereof, or failure to act[.]’’ 5 U.S.C. is listed or proposed to be listed [as an
§ 551(13). As discussed more fully infra, endangered species or a threatened spe-
some statutes (such as the ESA) contain cies] may be present in the area of such
provisions allowing for greater judicial re- proposed action. If the Secretary advis-
view than that provided in the APA, es, based on the best scientific and com-
whereas many statutes (such as NEPA) do mercial data available, that such species
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

may be present, such agency shall con- act must produce a ‘biological assessment’
duct a biological assessment for the pur- in accordance with the [NEPA]TTTT If
pose of identifying any endangered spe- the biological assessment concludes that
cies or threatened species which is likely listed species are in fact likely to be ad-
to be affected by such action. versely affected, the agency ordinarily
16 U.S.C. § 1536(c)(1); 50 C.F.R. must enter ‘formal consultation’ with
§ 402.12(c) (requiring federal agencies to [FWS].’’).
request information regarding listed spe- As discussed supra, the APA allows for
cies and critical habitat from the Depart- judicial review of ‘‘[a]gency action made
ment of the Interior). See also 16 U.S.C. reviewable by statute and final agency ac-
§ 1532(15) (defining ‘‘Secretary’’); 16 tion for which there is no other adequate
U.S.C. § 1533 (setting forth guidelines for remedy in a court[.]’’ 5 U.S.C. § 704.
listing endangered and threatened spe- The ESA falls into the former category, as
cies). In other words, whenever an agen-
it contains a broad citizen suit provision
cy is considering taking an ‘‘action,’’ that
allowing suits ‘‘to enjoin any person, in-
agency must request a list, from either the
cluding the United States and any other
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
governmental instrumentality or agency
(‘‘FWS’’) or the National Marine Fisheries
TTT, who is alleged to be in violation of any
Service (‘‘NMFS’’), of those endangered
provision of this chapter or regulation is-
and threatened species present in the geo-
sued under the authority thereof to en-
graphic area of the proposed action. As
force the ESA.’’ 16 U.S.C. § 1540(g)(1)(A).
the Ninth Circuit recently explained:
An agency’s decision whether to take a The Plaintiffs allege that APHIS failed
discretionary action that may jeopardize to follow the procedures outlined in 16
endangered or threatened species is U.S.C. § 1536. These procedural require-
strictly governed by ESA-mandated in- ments, however, only apply to ‘‘agency ac-
ter-agency consultation procedures. tion,’’ a term defined by the ESA as ‘‘any
First, the agency contemplating the ac- action authorized, funded, or carried out
tion must request information from the by’’ a federal agency. 16 U.S.C.
appropriate federal wildlife service re- § 1536(a)(2). The joint regulations (pro-
garding ‘‘whether any species which is mulgated by the United States Fish &
listed or proposed to be listed may be Wildlife Service and the National Marine
present in the area of such proposed Fisheries Service) implementing the ESA
action.’’ similarly provide:
Forest Guardians v. Johanns, 450 F.3d ‘‘Action’’ means all activities or pro-
455, 457 (9th Cir.2006) (quoting 16 U.S.C. grams of any kind authorized, funded, or
§ 1536(c)(1)) (citations omitted). carried out, in whole or in part, by Fed-
The ESA and the regulations imple- eral agencies in the United States or
menting the ESA, 50 C.F.R. Part 402, upon the high seas. Examples include,
describe various processes (‘‘informal con- but are not limited to: (a) actions in-
sultation,’’ ‘‘formal consultation,’’ and ‘‘bio- tended to conserve listed species or their
logical assessment’’) and the circumstances habitat; (b) the promulgation of regula-
under which an agency must engage in tions; (c) the granting of licenses, con-
each type of process. See Forest Guard- tracts, leases, easements, rights-of-way,
ians, 450 F.3d at 457 (‘‘If [FWS] deter- permits, or grants-in-aid; or (d) actions
mines that listed species may be present in directly or indirectly causing modifica-
the affected area, the agency preparing to tions to the land, water, or air.

50 C.F.R. § 402.02. APHIS does not dis- whether it needs to prepare a more exten-
pute that issuance of the four permits is sive EIS. 40 C.F.R. §§ 1508.9, 1508.11.
‘‘agency action’’ sufficient to trigger the There are circumstances under which an
requirements of the ESA. The parties dis- agency may avoid preparing either an EA
agree, however, as to whether APHIS’s or an EIS. The CEQ regulations allow
purported ‘‘GEPPV program’’ is an ‘‘agen- federal agencies to develop ‘‘categorical ex-
cy action’’ within the meaning of the ESA. clusion[s]’’ to the EA/EIS requirements for
As discussed infra, the court concludes routine agency actions that are known to
that this ‘‘GEPPV program’’ is not an have no significant effect on the human
‘‘agency action’’ under the ESA. environment:
3. National Environmental Policy Categorical exclusion means a catego-
Act ry of actions which do not individually or
cumulatively have a significant effect on
The National Environmental Policy Act,
the human environment and which have
42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq., states that ‘‘each
been found to have no such effect TTT
person should enjoy a healthful environ-
and for which, therefore, neither an en-
ment and that each person has a responsi-
vironmental assessment nor an environ-
bility to contribute to the preservation
mental impact statement is requiredTTTT
and enhancement of the environment.’’
Any procedures under this section shall
42 U.S.C. § 4331(c). To that end, NEPA
provide for extraordinary circumstances
requires federal agencies to evaluate the
in which a normally excluded action may
impact of their actions on the natural en-
have a significant environmental effect.
vironment. See 42 U.S.C. § 4332. Spe-
cifically, NEPA requires all federal agen- 40 C.F.R. § 1508.4.
cies to ‘‘include in every recommendation APHIS promulgated its own regulations
or report on proposals for legislation and to ensure that its actions complied with
other major Federal actions significantly NEPA and with the CEQ regulations. In
affecting the quality of the human envi- 7 C.F.R. § 372.5, APHIS describes four
ronment, a detailed statement by the re- categories of actions: ‘‘Actions normally
sponsible official on TTT the environmental requiring environmental impact state-
impact of the proposed action[.]’’ 42 ments’’; ‘‘Actions normally requiring envi-
U.S.C. § 4332(2)(c). ronmental assessments but not necessarily
Through NEPA, Congress established environmental impact statements’’; ‘‘Cate-
the Council on Environmental Quality gorically excluded actions’’; and ‘‘Excep-
(‘‘CEQ’’), which has promulgated regula- tions for categorically excluded actions.’’
tions requiring all agencies to comply with (Italics omitted.) In other words, 7 C.F.R.
certain procedures before acting. 42 § 372.5 generally tracks the CEQ’s re-
U.S.C. § 4342; 40 C.F.R. Part 1500. The quirements (as set forth in 40 C.F.R.
CEQ regulations require agencies to pre- § 1508.4): it allows federal agencies to
pare an ‘‘environmental assessment’’ develop categorical exclusions, but re-
(‘‘EA’’) and/or an ‘‘environmental impact quires agencies to ‘‘provide for extraordi-
statement’’ (‘‘EIS’’) before acting, except in nary circumstances in which a normally
limited circumstances. 40 C.F.R. excluded action may have a significant en-
§§ 1501.3, 1501.4. An EIS is ‘‘a detailed vironmental effect.’’
written statement as required by’’ NEPA, [2] The APHIS regulations regarding
and an EA is ‘‘a concise public document’’ categorically excluded actions provide in
that an agency prepares when deciding relevant part:
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

This class of APHIS actions shares selves’’—such as ‘‘confined field release[s]

many of the same characteristics TTT as of genetically engineered organisms and
the class of actions that normally re- products’’—so long as those field releases
quires environmental assessments but do not ‘‘involve[ ] new species or organisms
not necessarily environmental impact or novel modifications that raise new is-
statements. The major difference is sues.’’ 5
that the means through which adverse
[3, 4] In interpreting the statutes and
environmental impacts may be avoided
regulations cited supra, the Ninth Circuit
or minimized have actually been built
has held that, ‘‘[w]hen an agency decides
right into the actions themselves. The
to proceed with an action in the absence of
efficacy of this approach generally has
an EA or EIS, the agency must adequate-
been established through testing and/or
ly explain its decision.’’ Alaska Ctr. for
monitoringTTTT [Types of categorically
excluded actions] include: the Env’t v. U.S. Forest Serv., 189 F.3d
851, 859 (9th Cir.1999). ‘‘NEPA’s proce-
dural requirements require agencies to
(3) Licensing and permittingTTTT
take a ‘hard look’ at the environmental
(ii) Permitting, or acknowledgement
consequences of their actions. A hard look
of notifications for, confined field releas-
includes ‘considering all foreseeable direct
es of genetically engineered organisms
and indirect impacts.’ ’’ Earth Island
and products[.]
Inst. v. U.S. Forest Serv., 442 F.3d 1147,
7 C.F.R. § 372.5(c). The relevant excep-
1159 (9th Cir.2006) (quoting Idaho Sport-
tion to this categorical exclusion appears in
ing Cong. v. Rittenhouse, 305 F.3d 957,
7 C.F.R. § 372.5(d):
973 (9th Cir.2002)). ‘‘ ‘An agency cannot
Whenever the decisionmaker determines
avoid its statutory responsibilities under
that a categorically excluded action may
NEPA merely by asserting that an activity
have the potential to affect ‘‘significant-
it wishes to pursue will have an insignifi-
ly’’ the quality of the ‘‘human environ-
cant effect on the environment.’ ’’ Alaska
ment,’’ as those terms are defined at 40
Ctr. for the Env’t, 189 F.3d at 859 (quoting
CFR 1508.27 and 1508.14, respectively,
Jones v. Gordon, 792 F.2d 821, 828 (9th
an environmental assessment or an envi-
Cir.1986)). To comply with NEPA, ‘‘ ‘[t]he
ronmental impact statement will be pre-
agency must supply a convincing state-
pared. For example:
ment of reasons why potential effects are
insignificant.’ ’’ Id. (quoting Steamboaters
(4) When a confined field release of
v. Fed. Energy Regulatory Comm’n, 759
genetically engineered organisms or
F.2d 1382, 1393 (9th Cir.1985)).
products involves new species or organ-
isms or novel modifications that raise [5] There does not appear to be any
new issues. specific process an agency must follow in
In sum, APHIS does not need to prepare determining that a categorical exclusion
an EA or an EIS when it issues permits applies and that an exception to that exclu-
for actions in which ‘‘the means through sion does not apply; the agency must sim-
which adverse environmental impacts may ply explain its decision in a reasoned man-
be avoided or minimized have actually ner. Cal. v. Norton, 311 F.3d 1162, 1176
been built right into the actions them- (9th Cir.2002) (‘‘In many instances, a brief

5. Although there are other exceptions to the only on the sole exception that is relevant to
categorical exclusions, the court is focusing the instant case.

statement that a categorical exclusion is The Plaintiffs do not claim that APHIS
being invoked will suffice.’’); Alaska Ctr. violated the PPA. Instead, as discussed
for the Env’t, 189 F.3d at 859 (‘‘Once the more fully infra, the Plaintiffs contend
agency considers the proper factors and that they asked APHIS to promulgate
makes a factual determination on whether rules pursuant to the PPA; that APHIS
the impacts are significant or not, that ignored the Plaintiffs’ request for the past
decision implicates substantial agency ex- three and a half years; and that APHIS’s
pertise and is entitled to deference.’’). inaction violated the APA. As explained
Once again, however, a court may only below, the court concludes that some of the
review an agency’s activity if that activity Plaintiffs’ claims are unripe inasmuch as
rises to the level of ‘‘final agency action.’’ they do not address ‘‘final agency action’’;
Unlike the ESA, NEPA does not contain the court concludes that the remaining
its own definition of ‘‘agency action.’’ In- claims are ripe but that APHIS’s actions
stead, NEPA uses the definition from the were neither arbitrary nor capricious.
APA, which provides that ‘‘ ‘agency action’
includes the whole or a part of an agency B. Factual Background
rule, order, license, sanction, relief, or the
equivalent or denial thereof, or failure to Between 2001 and 2003, ProdiGene,
act[.]’’ 5 U.S.C. § 551(13). See ONRC Monsanto, HARC, and Garst Seed submit-
Action v. Bureau of Land Mgmt., 150 F.3d ted applications to APHIS to conduct field
1132, 1135 (9th Cir.1998) (‘‘NEPA [does tests of GEPPVs in various locations in
not] contain provisions allowing a right of Hawaii. The administrative record indi-
action. A party alleging violations of cates that APHIS reviewed each of the
NEPA TTT can bring an action under the four permits pursuant to the PPA regula-
APA challenging an ‘agency action.’ ’’). As tions contained in 7 C.F.R. Part 340 (regu-
with the Plaintiffs’ ESA claims, APHIS lating the introduction of genetically modi-
does not dispute that issuance of the four fied organisms which are or may be plant
permits is ‘‘agency action’’ sufficient to pests). For each permit application,
trigger the requirements of NEPA, but APHIS sent a letter (at least two pages
APHIS argues that the alleged ‘‘GEPPV long in all four cases) to the State of
program’’ is not ‘‘agency action’’ within the Hawaii. These letters indicated that
meaning of NEPA and the APA. As dis- APHIS believed that the proposed field
cussed infra, the court concludes that this testing would not present any risk of plant
‘‘GEPPV program’’ is not a ‘‘final agency pest introduction or dissemination; the let-
action’’ under NEPA. ters also asked the State to comment on
APHIS’s findings and respond to APHIS
4. Plant Protection Act
within thirty days. Administrative Record
The Plant Protection Act (‘‘PPA’’), 7 (‘‘AR’’) 50–52 (review of Prodigene’s appli-
U.S.C. § 7701 et seq., was enacted in 2000
cation); AR 151–53 (HARC); AR 297–99
to attempt to detect, control, eradicate,
(Garst Seed); AR 595–97 (Monsanto).
and suppress plant pests and noxious
weeds. 7 U.S.C. § 7701(1). The PPA In its letters to the State, APHIS ex-
gives the Secretary of Agriculture the au- plained that some of the donor organisms
thority to promulgate regulations to pre- used by the four companies in their field
vent the introduction and dissemination of tests were ‘‘plant pests’’ as described in 7
plant pests. 7 U.S.C. §§ 7702(16), 7711(a). C.F.R. Part 340. Nevertheless, APHIS
The PPA regulations appear in 7 C.F.R. approved the four permits, making specif-
Part 340. ic findings as to each permit that the pro-
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

posed field testing was ‘‘confined’’ or ‘‘con- Similarly, nothing in the administrative
trolled’’ and therefore in compliance with record indicates that APHIS considered
7 C.F.R. § 340.4 (‘‘Permits for the intro- whether approval of the four permits
duction of a regulated article.’’).6 AR 50 would adversely affect endangered or
(‘‘[W]e conclude that this is a confined threatened species or critical habitats. In
release of the genetically engineered corn fact, the only indication in the administra-
plants described in this application, and tive record that anyone considered endan-
the test will not present any risk of plant gered species in relation to these four
pest introduction or dissemination for the permits is a list of species provided by
reasons cited below[.]’’); AR 151 (‘‘[W]e ProdiGene in an amendment to their per-
conclude that this is a confined release of mit application. AR 77.
the genetically engineered sugarcane
On December 16, 2002, the Plaintiffs
plants described in this application, and
submitted a Petition on Genetically Engi-
that the test will not present any risk of
neered Pharmaceutical–Producing Plant
plant pest introduction or dissemination
Varieties (‘‘Petition’’) to APHIS. Plain-
for the reasons cited below[.]’’); AR 298
tiffs’ Concise Statement of Material Facts
(‘‘[W]e conclude that controlled field test-
in Support of Motion for Summary Judg-
ing of the genetically engineered corn
ment (‘‘Plaintiffs’ Concise’’), Ex. 18. The
plants described in this application will
Petition asked APHIS to do the following:
not present any risk of plant pest intro-
duction or dissemination for the reasons 1. Promulgate New GEPPV Regula-
cited below[.]’’); AR 596 (‘‘[W]e conclude tions. Publish draft and then final reg-
that controlled field testing of the genet- ulations that promulgate mandatory
ically engineered corn plants described in state-of-the-art protections, including
this application will not present any risk broad prohibitions on the use of food
of plant pest introduction or dissemination crops as GEPPVs and prohibitions on
for the reasons cited below[.]’’). These the outdoor growing of GEPPVs in or-
findings were specifically limited to the der to prevent unauthorized exposures
PPA. Nothing in the administrative record and to prevent future contamination of
demonstrates that APHIS made any find- the food supply and the environment by
ings or conclusions specifically regarding unwanted pharmaceutical and chemical
categorical exclusions or exceptions to compounds.
those exclusions for purposes of complying 2. Undertake a Programmatic EIS for
with NEPA.7 GEPPVs. Comply with the National

6. The PPA regulations do not specifically use NEPA’s goal is ‘‘preservation and enhance-
the words ‘‘confined’’ or ‘‘controlled,’’ but the ment of the environment.’’ 42 U.S.C.
regulations require an applicant to include, § 4331(c). The limited finding that APHIS
inter alia, ‘‘[a] detailed description of the pro- took the ‘‘hard look’’ required by the PPA
cesses, procedures, and safeguards which (regarding the environmental consequences to
have been used or will be used in the country plants), even under a highly deferential stan-
of origin and in the United States to prevent dard of review, does not satisfy the require-
contamination, release, and dissemination[.]’’
ment that APHIS consider NEPA’s broader
7 C.F.R. § 340.4(b)(10). The word ‘‘con-
environmental considerations. Thus, as dis-
fined’’ is used in 7 C.F.R. § 372.5(c)(3)(ii) (the
cussed more fully infra, absent anything in the
categorical exclusion in APHIS’s NEPA regu-
administrative record demonstrating that
lations), but not in the PPA regulations.
APHIS considered broader environmental
7. The PPA is more narrowly focused than concerns beyond the narrow issue of the
NEPA: whereas the PPA targets ‘‘plant pests’’ spread of plant pests and noxious weeds,
and ‘‘noxious weeds,’’ 7 U.S.C. § 7701(1), APHIS’s action was arbitrary and capricious.

Environmental Policy Act by preparing applications for permits; and (3) deny
a Programmatic Environmental Impact all petitions for deregulated status.
Statement (‘‘PEIS’’) assessing the im- Plaintiffs’ Concise, Ex. 18 at 2–3.
pacts of alternative future approaches
On March 10, 2003, APHIS requested
for APHIS’s regulatory program on
public comments on its permitting process
GEPPVs. The reasonable alternative
for the field testing of plants genetically
approaches assessed should include, but
engineered to produce pharmaceutical and
not be limited to, regulatory prohibitions
on the use of food crops as GEPPVs and industrial compounds. AR 1527 (also
on further outdoor planting of GEPPVs. available at 68 FR 11337–01). APHIS re-
3. Change Existing [United States De- ceived over 6,000 comments from individu-
partment of Agriculture (‘‘USDA’’) ] als and organizations opposed, to varying
CBI and FOIA Policies and Regula- degrees, to the concept of field testing of
tions. Change USDA and APHIS’s pol- GEPPVs. AR 1531–2441; see also AR
icies and regulations on confidential 2442–64 (summary of public comments).
business information (‘‘CBI’’) and the On April 17, 2003, APHIS sent the
Freedom of Information Act (‘‘FOIA’’) Plaintiffs a letter responding to the Plain-
to provide more prompt, comprehensive tiffs’ December 16, 2002 Petition. AR
responses and to facilitate prompt dis- 3021–24. The Plaintiffs claim that this
closure of all relevant CBI when a party letter was not a ‘‘response’’ in that APHIS
who has claimed the CBI protections neither granted nor denied the Plaintiffs’
violates APHIS’s containment rules and requests; instead, according to the Plain-
causes an unauthorized exposure of any tiffs, APHIS simply dismissed the Plain-
person, the grain or food supply, or the
tiffs’ concerns and have, to date, refused to
environment to a GEPPV.
act on the Plaintiffs’ requests. The court
4. Create a Publicly Available Field requested and received supplemental
Test Violations Database. Maintain an
briefing as to what, if anything, APHIS did
updated list on the APHIS website of all
in response to the Plaintiffs’ Petition. In
containment violations for GEPPVs, in-
its Additional Briefing on Plaintiffs’ Peti-
cluding name of the violator; date of
tion for Rulemaking (hereinafter ‘‘APHIS’s
violation; precise location and extent of
First Supplemental Brief’’), APHIS ex-
any contamination; specific identity of
plained that it has done the following: (1)
the GEPPV involved; response actions
by APHIS, the violator, and other enti- it published a notice of intent (‘‘NOI’’) in
ties; and other pertinent information. the Federal Register on January 23, 2004
to ‘‘prepare an [EIS] in connection with
5. Institute an Immediate Moratori-
um on Certain Plantings. Institute an potential changes to the regulations re-
immediate moratorium on all use of food garding the importation, interstate move-
crops as GEPPVs, and all further out- ment, and environmental release of certain
door planting of GEPPVs, to allow for genetically engineered organisms’’; (2) it
the development of the requested regu- has been working on a Draft EIS since
lations, the PEIS, and the improved publishing the NOI and this Draft EIS ‘‘is
public disclosure program. While these currently being reviewed both internally at
program improvements are pending the USDA as well as at other governmen-
APHIS should, with respect to any pro- tal agencies’’; and (3) it has established
posed uses of food crops as GEPPVs several web pages dedicated to GEPPV
and proposed outdoor GEPPV plantings: permitting. 69 FR 3271; Declaration of
(1) deny all notifications; (2) deny all John T. Turner, Ph.D. (attached to
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

APHIS’s First Supplemental Brief). GEPPVs and/or field testing of GEPPVs

APHIS’s First Supplemental Brief also would be considered TTT should a series of
lists a number of reasons why APHIS unforeseen circumstances warrant such ac-
believes its existing policies address the tion[.]’’ AR 3023–24. In its First Supple-
Plaintiffs’ concerns, but the only concrete mental Brief, however, APHIS does not
explain what (if anything) it has done since
actions identified by APHIS’s brief are the
April 2003 with respect to Item 5 of the
three items just mentioned. For example,
Plaintiffs’ Petition.
as to Item 3 in the Plaintiffs’ Petition
(requesting that APHIS change existing C. Procedural Background
CBI and FOIA policies), APHIS’s April 17, The Plaintiffs filed their Complaint in
2003 letter stated that APHIS is legally November 2003, and filed a First Amended
required to protect CBI but that APHIS Complaint in February 2004. Court Rec-
would make information available to the ord (‘‘CR’’) 1, 154. The Biotechnology In-
public for those containment violations that dustry Organization (‘‘BIO’’)—a nonprofit
have ‘‘ ‘potential environmental and health trade association that represents over
risks.’ ’’ AR 3023. APHIS does not iden- 1,100 biotechnology companies—filed a
tify any specific actions taken by APHIS motion to intervene in April 2004; Magis-
with respect to the Plaintiffs’ Item 3 since trate Judge Barry Kurren granted in part
issuance of the April 2003 letter, however. and denied in part BIO’s request, ruling
Similarly, as to Item 4 in the Plaintiffs’ that BIO could intervene ‘‘with respect to
discovery issues regarding information on
Petition (requesting creation of a field test
BIO’s members and issues of injunctive
violations database), APHIS claims that it
relief.’’ CR 29, 63. United States District
has established some websites containing
Court Judge David Alan Ezra affirmed the
permit information; APHIS does not al- Magistrate Judge’s ruling. CR 75. The
lege that it has taken any action with Defendants filed several motions to dis-
respect to a publicly available database of miss, which Judge Ezra denied in written
all field test violations, as requested by orders dated January 26, 2005, March 2,
the Plaintiffs. As to Item 5 in the Plain- 2005, and July 18, 2005. CR 117, 127, 151.
tiffs’ Petition (requesting an immediate [6, 7] The Plaintiffs filed a Second
moratorium), the April 17, 2003 letter stat- Amended Complaint on August 1, 2005.
ed that ‘‘[f]ield tests of GEPPVs have been CR 154. The Plaintiffs and the Defen-
conducted safely to date under conditions dants filed motions for summary judg-
of confinement’’ but that ‘‘[a]n immediate ment, and the court heard arguments on
moratorium on the use of food crops for the motions on July 7, 2006.8 On July 11,

8. The Plaintiffs and BIO each filed a motion tence at the time of the decision and does not
to strike in the weeks before the hearing on encompass any part of the record that is
the parties’ motions for summary judgment, made initially in the reviewing court.’’
and the court denied those motions without Southwest Ctr. for Biological Diversity v. U.S.
prejudice. These motions to strike related to Forest Serv., 100 F.3d 1443, 1450 (9th Cir.
the parties’ use of extra-record evidence; the 1996). There are four situations in which
court denied the motions to strike, but in- extra-record evidence may be considered:
formed the parties that it would consider the (1) when the record need be expanded to
parties’ concerns once the court had a better explain agency action;
understanding of the facts of the case (and
(2) when the agency has relied upon doc-
thus a better understanding of the context of
uments or materials not included in the
the extra-record evidence).
As the Ninth Circuit has explained, ‘‘[j]udi-
(3) to explain or clarify technical matter
cial review of an agency decision typically
involved in the agency action and
focuses on the administrative record in exis-

2006, the court requested additional brief- Inc. v. Nat’l Marine Fisheries Serv., 265
ing from the parties as to Count Eleven of F.3d 1028, 1034 (9th Cir.2001)) (alteration
the Plaintiffs’ Second Amended Complaint in original). See also Alaska Ctr. for the
(the Plaintiffs’ Plant Protection Act Env’t, 189 F.3d at 858 n. 5 (‘‘The question
claim).9 of whether an action TTT fits within the
categorical exclusion is a factual determi-
III. STANDARD OF REVIEW nation that implicates substantial agency
[8] Pursuant to the APA, the court expertise and is reviewed under the arbi-
reviews APHIS’s actions to determine trary and capricious standard.’’).
whether those actions were ‘‘arbitrary, ca- [9–11] The focus of the Plaintiffs’ Sec-
pricious, an abuse of discretion, or other- ond Amended Complaint is on APHIS’s
wise not in accordance with law[.]’’ 5 alleged failure to comply with the proce-
U.S.C. § 706(2)(A). As the Ninth Circuit dures mandated in the ESA, NEPA, and
has explained, ‘‘[a]n agency decision is ar- APA. ‘‘Unlike substantive challenges, TTT
bitrary and capricious if the agency ‘has our review of an agency’s procedural com-
relied on factors which Congress has not pliance is exacting, yet limited.’’ Kern
intended it to consider, entirely failed to County Farm Bureau v. Allen, 450 F.3d
consider an important aspect of the prob- 1072, 1076 (9th Cir.2006). ‘‘The court
lem, [or] offered an explanation for its must defer to an agency conclusion that is
decision that runs counter to the evidence ‘fully informed and well-considered,’ but
before the agency.’ ’’ Ctr. for Biological need not rubber stamp a ‘clear error of
Diversity v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serv., judgment.’ ’’ Anderson v. Evans, 371 F.3d
450 F.3d 930, 937 (9th Cir.2006) (quoting 475, 486 (9th Cir.2004) (quoting Blue
Pac. Coast Fed’n of Fishermen’s Ass’ns, Mountains Biodiversity Project v. Black-

(4) where there has been a strong show- are necessary to explain APHIS’s actions over
ing in support of a claim of bad faith or the last three and a half years so as to allow
improper behavior on the part of the the court to rule on APHIS’s ripeness argu-
agency decision makers. ment.
Cactus Corner, LLC v. U.S. Dept. of Agric., 346 Additionally, at the August 22, 2006 hear-
F.Supp.2d 1075, 1105 (E.D.Cal.2004) (para- ing, counsel for APHIS stated that he was
phrasing Pub. Power Council v. Johnson, 674 orally moving to strike certain exhibits at-
F.2d 791 (9th Cir.1982)). See also Southwest tached to the Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief
Ctr. for Biological Diversity, 100 F.3d at 1450 Regarding Remedies. This motion is denied.
(‘‘Review may, however, be expanded beyond
the record if necessary to explain agency deci- 9. On August 10, 2006, the court entered an
sions.’’). In reaching the conclusions set Order granting in part and denying in part
forth below, the court has not relied upon any the Plaintiffs’ and Defendants’ motions for
of the extra-record evidence that was the sub- summary judgment: the court granted sum-
ject of the parties’ motions to strike. The mary judgment in favor of the Plaintiffs as to
court has, however, considered two pieces of Counts One through Four and Six through
extra-record evidence submitted by the par- Nine and in favor of the Defendants as to
ties: the declaration of John T. Turner, Ph.D. Count Eleven, and the court withheld ruling
(attached to APHIS’s First Supplemental as to Counts Five and Ten because the parties
Brief), which discusses APHIS’s progress on had not clearly articulated their positions
the Programmatic EIS, and Exhibit 1 to the with respect to these Counts. In its August
Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief Regarding 10, 2006 order, the court requested additional
APHIS’s Response to Plaintiff’s December 16, briefing as to (1) the parties’ positions on
2002 Petition, which lists thirty-eight permits Counts Five and Ten and (2) the parties’
issued by APHIS since the Plaintiffs submitted views as to the appropriate remedies in this
their Petition on December 16, 2002. The case. On August 22, 2006, the court heard
court finds that these extra-record documents arguments on these two matters.
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

wood, 161 F.3d 1208, 1211 (9th Cir.1998)). Section C, the court addresses the Plain-
Furthermore, as the Supreme Court ex- tiffs’ claims that APHIS’s ‘‘GEPPV pro-
plained in Securities and Exchange Com- gram’’ violated the ESA and NEPA; the
mission v. Chenery Corp., 332 U.S. 194, court grants summary judgment in favor
196, 67 S.Ct. 1575, 91 L.Ed. 1995 (1947): of APHIS. In Section D, the court consid-
[A] reviewing court, in dealing with a ers the Plaintiffs’ PPA rulemaking claim;
determination or judgment which an ad- the court grants summary judgment in
ministrative agency alone is authorized favor of APHIS. Finally, in Section E, the
to make, must judge the propriety of court considers the appropriate remedies
such action solely by the grounds in- in this case and concludes that injunctive
voked by the agency. If those grounds relief is not appropriate as to those Counts
are inadequate or improper, the court is on which the Plaintiffs prevail.
powerless to affirm the administrative
action by substituting what it considers A. Endangered Species Act
to be a more adequate or proper basis.
Hawaii is known not only for its remark-
To do so would propel the court into the
able landscape and beaches, but also for its
domain which Congress has set aside
considerable number of endangered and
exclusively for the administrative agen-
threatened species. The Fish and Wildlife
Service reports on its website that there
IV. DISCUSSION are 329 endangered and threatened plant
In its Second Amended Complaint, the and animal species in Hawaii, including
Plaintiffs allege the following: (1) APHIS thirty-two types of birds.10 Hawaii has
violated NEPA and the ESA in issuing more endangered and threatened species
each of the four permits at issue in this than any other state, and Hawaii’s 329
case (Counts One through Four and Six listed species represent approximately
through Nine, respectively); (2) APHIS twenty-five percent of all listed species in
violated NEPA and the ESA in imple- the United States.11 Although strict com-
menting its ‘‘GEPPV program’’ (Counts pliance with the ESA’s procedural require-
Five and Ten, respectively); and (3) ments is always critically important, these
APHIS violated the PPA and the APA in requirements are particularly crucial in
failing to respond to the Plaintiffs’ Petition Hawaii given Hawaii’s extensive number of
(Count Eleven). threatened and endangered species.
In Sections A and B, the court examines As discussed supra, 16 U.S.C.
the Plaintiffs’ claims that issuance of the § 1536(c)(1) requires all agencies—includ-
four permits violated the ESA and NEPA, ing APHIS—to obtain information from
respectively; the court grants summary FWS and NMFS about any ‘‘listed’’ spe-
judgment in favor of the Plaintiffs. In cies in the geographic area of the proposed

10. See FWS Threatened and Endangered Spe- 11. See FWS TESS, http://ecos.fws.gov/tess
cies System (‘‘TESS’’), http://ecos.fws.gov/ public/StateListing.do?state=all (last visited
tess public/StateListing.do?state=HI& Aug. 31, 2006). Hawaii has 329 threatened
status=listed (last visited Aug. 31, 2006) (list- and endangered plant and animal species out
ing 273 plants and 56 animals in Hawaii as of a total of 1,310 in the United States. See
endangered or threatened); FWS, Pacific Is- FWS TESS, http://ecos.fws.gov/tess public/
lands—Endangered Species, http://www.fws. Boxscore.do (last visited Aug. 31, 2006).
Hawaiian (last visited Aug. 31, 2006) (describ-
ing Hawaii’s endangered species).

agency action. This initial request for in- regardless of whether APHIS’s actions
formation is a predicate to further agency were in fact innocuous with respect to
action and may not be ignored, regardless listed species and habitats, APHIS violated
of whatever other processes the agency the ESA. APHIS engaged in ‘‘agency ac-
follows. See Thomas v. Peterson, 753 F.2d tion’’—granting a series of permits to field
754, 764 (9th Cir.1985) (holding that ESA’s test genetically modified crops—without
‘‘procedural requirements are designed to fulfilling its congressionally mandated duty
ensure compliance with the substantive to obtain information from FWS and
provisions’’). NMFS regarding endangered species,
[12] APHIS argues that it complied threatened species, and critical habitats.
with the ESA in issuing the four permits. Even if APHIS is ultimately correct in its
APHIS points to 50 C.F.R. § 402.14, which assertion that no listed species or habitats
provides that ‘‘[e]ach Federal agency shall have been harmed, APHIS’s actions are
review its actions at the earliest possible nevertheless tainted because APHIS failed
time to determine whether any action may to comply with a fundamental procedural
affect listed species or critical habitat’’; requirement. APHIS’s utter disregard for
APHIS argues that it determined that its this simple investigation requirement, es-
proposed actions would not affect listed pecially given the extraordinary number of
species or critical habitat, such that formal endangered and threatened plants and ani-
consultation was not required. mals in Hawaii, constitutes an unequivocal
APHIS’s argument misses the mark. violation of a clear congressional mandate.
The problem is not with APHIS’s decision In an apparent effort to mitigate,
not to conduct a formal consultation: APHIS turns to its second argument: ‘‘No
APHIS may ultimately be correct that for- harm, no foul.’’ APHIS argues that, be-
mal consultation was not required (though cause the Plaintiffs have not provided any
the court makes no findings on this point), evidence to show that a single listed spe-
but this is not the real issue. Instead, the cies or habitat was harmed in any way, the
problem is that APHIS skipped the initial, Plaintiffs’ claims necessarily fail. This ar-
mandatory step of obtaining information gument is absurd. An agency violates the
about listed species and critical habitats ESA when it fails to follow the procedures
from FWS and NMFS. mandated by Congress, and an agency will
At the July 7, 2006 hearing, the court not escape scrutiny based on the fortunate
questioned APHIS’s counsel directly and outcome that no listed plant, animal, or
repeatedly as to whether the initial step habitat was harmed. APHIS’s argument
outlined in § 1536(c)(1) (obtaining informa- essentially asks the court to believe that
tion about listed species from FWS) was APHIS is immune from suit, no matter
required and, if so, whether APHIS com- how egregious the violation of the ESA, so
plied with this procedural requirement. long as APHIS does not cause any sub-
APHIS’s counsel did not answer these stantive harm to any listed species or habi-
questions. Instead, counsel simply reiter- tat. In other words, APHIS argues that
ated that ‘‘formal consultation’’ was not the Plaintiffs may not proceed with a law-
required, ignoring the court’s questions suit against the agency unless APHIS ac-
about the pre-consultation, information- tually facilitates an organism’s extinction.
gathering procedure required by the ESA. This after-the-fact justification (and good
Regardless of whether the field tests of fortune) cannot absolve APHIS of its fail-
the genetically modified crops were ‘‘con- ure to follow a clear congressional man-
fined’’ (as discussed more fully infra), and date. See, e.g., Wash. Toxics Coal. v. EPA
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

413 F.3d 1024, 1032 (9th Cir.2005) (‘‘ ‘It is whether to issue the four permits. No-
not the responsibility of the plaintiffs to where in the administrative record does
prove, nor the function of the courts to APHIS discuss the applicability of the cat-
judge, the effect of a proposed action on an egorical exclusion or the exceptions to that
endangered species when proper proce- exclusion. As the Ninth Circuit has ex-
dures have not been followed.’ ’’) (Quoting plained:
Thomas, 753 F.2d at 765 (1985)). As the It is difficult for a reviewing court to
Ninth Circuit has explained: determine if the application of an exclu-
The ESA’s procedural requirements call sion is arbitrary and capricious where
for a systematic determination of the there is no contemporaneous documenta-
effects of a federal project on endan-
tion to show that the agency considered
gered species. If a project is allowed to
the environmental consequences of its
proceed without substantial compliance
action and decided to apply a categorical
with those procedural requirements,
exclusion to the facts of a particular
there can be no assurance that a viola-
decision. Post hoc invocation of a cate-
tion of the ESA’s substantive provisions
gorical exclusion does not provide assur-
will not result. The latter, of course, is
ance that the agency actually considered
the environmental effects of its action
Thomas, 753 F.2d at 764. In sum, the
before the decision was made.
Defendants’ argument is utterly without
merit. The court therefore grants sum- Cal. v. Norton, 311 F.3d 1162, 1176 (9th
mary judgment in favor of the Plaintiffs as Cir.2002). At a bare minimum, an agency
to Counts Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine of must state—at the time it engages in the
the Second Amended Complaint. action in question (and not just when en-
gaged in subsequent litigation)—that it is
B. National Environmental Policy Act
invoking a categorical exclusion. See id.
The court concludes that APHIS violat- (‘‘In many instances, a brief statement that
ed NEPA because APHIS failed to articu- a categorical exclusion is being invoked
late its reasons for declining to prepare an will suffice.’’). The court has no doubt that
EA or EIS. There is nothing in the admin- the members of APHIS’s staff are, in fact,
istrative record to indicate that, contempo-
quite familiar with NEPA’s requirements;
raneously with the issuance of the four
nevertheless, the court must review the
permits, APHIS considered the applicabili-
administrative record, and the record itself
ty of NEPA, categorical exclusions, or the
is devoid of any consideration of the envi-
exceptions to those exclusions. In other
ronmental consequences of APHIS’s ac-
words, APHIS failed to provide a reasoned
explanation for its apparent determina-
tions that a categorical exclusion applied Although APHIS did not explicitly refer-
and that the exceptions to the exclusion ence NEPA in the administrative record,
did not apply. Consequently, APHIS’s ac- there is evidence indicating that APHIS
tions—granting the four permits—were believed the permits involved ‘‘confined’’
arbitrary and capricious. field tests and that the categorical exclu-
sion in 7 C.F.R. § 372.5(c)(3)(ii) (‘‘[p]ermit-
1. APHIS cannot rely on a categori- ting TTT confined field releases of genet-
cal exclusion post hoc ically engineered organisms’’) applied. As
[13] The court could find nothing in discussed supra, the administrative record
the administrative record to indicate that contains four letters (one for each of the
APHIS considered NEPA when deciding four permits) from APHIS to the State of

Hawaii indicating that APHIS believed Env’t v. U.S. Forest Serv., 189 F.3d 851,
these field tests were ‘‘confined’’ within the 857 (9th Cir.1999) (‘‘[A]n agency’s interpre-
meaning of the PPA. APHIS argues that a tation of the meaning of its own categorical
categorical exclusion applied (that is, exclusion should be given controlling
APHIS argues that it was not required to weight unless plainly erroneous or incon-
prepare an EA or an EIS because issuance sistent with the terms used in the regula-
of the four permits fell within a categorical tion.’’). APHIS cannot, however, abdicate
exclusion) because ‘‘the means through its responsibilities during the administra-
which adverse environmental impacts may tive process and expect the court to defer
be avoided or minimized have actually to the agency’s post hoc explanations. See
been built right into the [agency] actions Cal. v. Norton, 311 F.3d at 1176 (‘‘Post hoc
themselves’’—specifically, because the four invocation of a categorical exclusion does
permits involved ‘‘confined field releases of not provide assurance that the agency ac-
genetically engineered organisms[.]’’ 7 tually considered the environmental effects
C.F.R. §§ 372(c), 372(c)(3)(ii). In other of its action before the decision was
words, APHIS argues that the four per- made.’’). Furthermore, the fact that a field
mits fit within its broad categorical exclu- test is ‘‘confined’’ or ‘‘controlled’’ for pur-
sion in 7 C.F.R. § 372.5(c) (environmental poses of the PPA does not necessarily
mitigation measures built into the agency mean that the field test is ‘‘confined’’ with-
action itself) and its own more specific in the meaning of the categorical exclusion
categorical exclusion in 7 C.F.R. within APHIS’s NEPA regulations. While
§ 372.5(c)(3)(ii) (‘‘confined field releases of there may be substantial or complete over-
genetically engineered organisms’’). lap between 7 C.F.R. Part 340 and 7
Given that APHIS’s regulations allow C.F.R. § 372.5(c)(3)(ii), there must be
for a categorical exclusion for ‘‘[p]ermit- some indication in the administrative rec-
ting, or acknowledgement of notifications ord that APHIS considered the environ-
for, confined field releases of genetically mental consequences of its actions.
engineered organisms and products,’’ 7 NEPA requires no less.
C.F.R. § 372.5(c)(3)(ii), and given that APHIS’s effort to justify its actions falls
APHIS made a clear determination as to short. APHIS points to a footnote in
each permit application that the proposed Alaska Center for the Environment for the
field test was ‘‘confined’’ or ‘‘controlled,’’ proposition that an agency may explain its
this court would have been satisfied had rationale for applying a categorical exclu-
APHIS explained itself in any reasonable sion post hoc. Simply put, Alaska Center
fashion as to the applicability of this cate- for the Environment does not say what the
gorical exclusion. See Alaska Ctr. for Defendants think it does.12 The Defen-

12. The Defendants cite the following footnote Action v. Franklin, 14 F.3d 1324 (9th
from Alaska Center for the Environment: Cir.1992).] The Forest Service’s categor-
ACE also contends that the Forest Ser- ization of one-year helicopter permits as
vice is avoiding NEPA review by breaking temporary is not unreasonable or does
proposed actions down into one-year not rise to the level of arbitrary and ca-
temporary actions so as to fit within the pricious.
categorical exclusion and not complete Alaska Ctr. for the Env’t, 189 F.3d at 858 n. 5.
an EA. The question of whether an action The court disagrees with the Defendants that
is temporary and fits within the categori- this footnote somehow eviscerates established
cal exclusion is a factual determination Ninth Circuit law, discussed supra, that post
that implicates substantial agency exper- hoc rationalizations are insufficient to survive
tise and is reviewed under the arbitrary the arbitrary and capricious standard.
and capricious standard. [Greenpeace
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

dants also rely on Cactus Corner, LLC v. this case. APHIS simply did not do the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 346 type of analysis required by NEPA.
F.Supp.2d 1075, 1122 (E.D.Cal.2004), for The court is mindful of the Supreme
the same notion (that an agency need not Court’s mandate that, ‘‘[e]ven when an
explain its decision to apply a categorical agency explains its decision with ‘less than
exclusion). The facts of Cactus Corner are ideal clarity,’ a reviewing court will not
distinguishable from those in the instant upset the decision on that account ‘if the
case, however. In Cactus Corner, the agency’s path may reasonably be dis-
court recognized that ‘‘ ‘[p]ost hoc invoca- cerned.’ ’’ Alaska Dep’t of Envtl. Conser-
tion of a categorical exclusion does not vation v. EPA, 540 U.S. 461, 497, 124 S.Ct.
provide assurance that the agency actually 983, 157 L.Ed.2d 967 (2004) (quoting Bow-
considered the environmental effects of its man Transp., Inc. v. Arkansas–Best
action before the decision was made.’ ’’ Id. Freight Sys., Inc., 419 U.S. 281, 286, 95
at 1122 (quoting Cal. v. Norton, 311 F.3d S.Ct. 438, 42 L.Ed.2d 447 (1974)). To
1162, 1176 (9th Cir.2002)). The court then accept APHIS’s argument in the instant
explained: case, however, the court either must guess
Here, by contrast, the nature and pur- at what APHIS meant or must accept
pose of the [APHIS] Rule itself [regard- APHIS’s post hoc rationalization. Neither
ing the importation of clementines], of these alternatives is acceptable.13
aimed at the prevention of Medfly intro- Based on the administrative record, the
duction into the United States, is de- court concludes that APHIS’s issuance of
signed to protect human health and the the four permits—without an EA, an EIS,
environment. Its risk analyses ade- or an explanation as to why neither an EA
quately address all issues of environ- nor an EIS was required—was arbitrary
mental concern, particularly the threat and capricious. Furthermore, as ex-
of the spread of Medflies, the risk to plained in the following section, APHIS’s
plant life (crops), and the risk to con- issuance of the four permits without con-
sumers who could encounter larvae in a sidering the exceptions to the applicable
fruit. Any additional study as to the categorical exclusion was also arbitrary
environmental impact of Medfly intro- and capricious.
duction would be repetitive of the agen-
cy’s 2001 Environmental Assessment 2. APHIS’s failure to consider the
and resulting statement. exceptions to the categorical ex-
Id. APHIS does not argue that the ‘‘nature clusion renders APHIS’s actions
and purpose’’ of the four permits at issue arbitrary and capricious
in the instant case was to ‘‘protect human [14] The categorical exclusion outlined
health and the environment.’’ Further- in 7 C.F.R. § 372.5(c)(3)(ii), discussed su-
more, there is nothing to suggest that pra, is subject to the exceptions outlined in
additional study or analysis by APHIS 7 C.F.R. § 372.5(d), including the require-
would have been repetitive or redundant in ment that an EA or EIS must be prepared

13. APHIS also argued that it should be held arbitrary and capricious standard even if the
to a lower standard because this was ‘‘infor- agency was disorganized in performing its
mal’’ rather than ‘‘formal’’ agency action. review. Nevertheless, an agency action will
This argument is similarly without merit. not survive judicial review where the adminis-
The court agrees with APHIS that no formal trative record fails to reflect any consider-
NEPA document was required and that, as a ation of environmental harm as required by
general rule, an agency action will survive the NEPA.

‘‘[w]hen a confined field release of genet- the court will defer to APHIS’s judgment
ically engineered organisms or products on these issues, but APHIS must articu-
involves new species or organisms or novel late a reasoned decision based on the in-
modifications that raise new issues.’’ The formation available to it. See High Sier-
Plaintiffs argue that this exception applies ra Hikers Ass’n v. Blackwell, 390 F.3d
to the four permits at issue, such that 630, 639 (9th Cir.2004) (‘‘NEPA is a pro-
APHIS violated NEPA by failing to pre- cedural statute that does not ‘mandate
pare an EA or EIS. particular results, but simply provides
[15] As the Ninth Circuit has ex- the necessary process to ensure that fed-
plained, ‘‘[w]here there is substantial evi- eral agencies take a hard look at the en-
dence in the record that exceptions to vironmental consequences of their ac-
the categorical exclusion may apply, the tions.’ ’’ (Quoting Neighbors of Cuddy
agency must at the very least explain Mountain v. Alexander, 303 F.3d 1059,
why the action does not fall within one of 1070 (9th Cir.2002).)).
the exceptions.’’ Cal. v. Norton, 311
In the instant case, APHIS has simply
F.3d at 1177. In the instant case, wheth-
failed to provide any explanation for its
er the exception in 7 C.F.R. § 372.5(d)(4)
implied determination that the exceptions
does apply is unclear, but there is sub-
stantial evidence that it may apply. Ap- to the categorical exclusion do not apply.
plications and correspondence submitted This is not the type of reasoned decision-
by two of the four permittees state that making required of federal agencies, and it
the proposed field tests involve ‘‘novel’’ cannot stand. The court finds that there
proteins. AR 11–17, 23–29, 42–43 (Prodi- is substantial evidence that an exception to
Gene application repeatedly stating that the categorical exclusion may apply and
the molecular biology of various plants that APHIS was required to provide some
had been altered so as to ‘‘[e]xpress[ ] a explanation as to why, in its view, the
novel protein’’); AR 600 (Monsanto mem- exceptions did not apply. Consequently,
orandum to APHIS stating that ‘‘[t]he in- the court concludes that APHIS’s issuance
formation enclosed with this document is of the four permits, without considering
in support of our request to amend the the exceptions to the categorical exclu-
previously approved application TTT for sions, was arbitrary and capricious.
environmental release of transgenic corn Therefore, the court grants summary
containing vectors for novel proteins’’); judgment in favor of the Plaintiffs as to
AR 699 (Monsanto memorandum discuss- Counts One, Two, Three, and Four of the
ing application for ‘‘particular genes of Second Amended Complaint.
interest TTT categorized as novel pro-
teins’’). Whether the remaining two per- C. The ‘‘GEPPV Program’’
mit applications involve ‘‘novel modifica-
tions’’ that ‘‘raise new issues’’ is unclear. The Plaintiffs argue that APHIS did
While the idea of genetically modifying more than just issue a series of individual
food crops to produce experimental phar- permits: they argue that APHIS devel-
maceutical products may certainly appear oped and implemented an organized, na-
‘‘novel’’ to a layperson, this court lacks tional program (with coordinated policies,
the expertise to make this kind of deter- protocols, and regulations) and that
mination. Whether the proposed field APHIS was required by NEPA and the
tests involve ‘‘novel modifications,’’ and ESA to study the impact of this program
whether these modifications ‘‘raise new on the environment and endangered spe-
issues,’’ are questions best left to APHIS; cies. The Plaintiffs contend that APHIS’s
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

failure to consider the cumulative impact view thereof.’’). The Supreme Court has
of its national GEPPV program constitutes clarified the phrase ‘‘final agency action’’:
a separate violation of NEPA and the ESA As a general matter, two conditions
(Counts Five and Ten, respectively, of the must be satisfied for agency action to be
Plaintiffs’ Second Amended Complaint). ‘‘final’’: First, the action must mark the
APHIS argues that there was no ‘‘final ‘‘consummation’’ of the agency’s deci-
agency action’’ for purposes of the NEPA sionmaking process, Chicago & South-
claim and no ‘‘agency action’’ for purposes ern Air Lines v. Waterman S.S. Corp.,
of the ESA claim, such that the Plaintiffs’ 333 U.S. 103, 113, 68 S.Ct. 431, 437, 92
claims necessarily fail. The court agrees L.Ed. 568 (1948)—it must not be of a
with APHIS. The court first examines the merely tentative or interlocutory nature.
NEPA claim and then turns to the ESA
And second, the action must be one by
which ‘‘rights or obligations have been
determined,’’ or from which ‘‘legal conse-
quences will flow,’’ Port of Boston Ma-
The APA provides that ‘‘[a]gency action
rine Terminal Assn. v. Rederiaktiebola-
made reviewable by statute and final agen-
get Transatlantic, 400 U.S. 62, 71, 91
cy action for which there is no other ade-
S.Ct. 203, 209, 27 L.Ed.2d 203 (1970).
quate remedy in a court are subject to
judicial review.’’ 5 U.S.C. § 704. See also Bennett v. Spear, 520 U.S. 154, 177–78, 117
5 U.S.C. § 551(13) (‘‘ ‘[A]gency action’ in- S.Ct. 1154, 137 L.Ed.2d 281 (1997).14
cludes the whole or a part of an agency The Supreme Court has applied this
rule, order, license, sanction, relief, or the standard to the exact type of situation
equivalent or denial thereof, or failure to presented by the instant case, in which a
act[.]’’); 5 U.S.C. § 702 (‘‘A person suffer- plaintiff alleges that an agency has a coor-
ing legal wrong because of agency action, dinated series of policies by which it oper-
or adversely affected or aggrieved by ates and that this coordinated series of
agency action within the meaning of a policies constitutes ‘‘final agency action.’’
relevant statute, is entitled to judicial re- In Lujan v. National Wildlife Federation,

14. The CEQ implementing regulations further (2) Adoption of formal plans, such as offi-
explain the types of actions subject to NEPA’s cial documents prepared or approved by
requirements: federal agencies which guide or prescribe
(a) Actions include new and continuing alternative uses of federal resources,
activities, including projects and pro- upon which future agency actions will be
grams entirely or partly financed, assist- based.
ed, conducted, regulated, or approved by (3) Adoption of programs, such as a
federal agencies; new or revised agency group of concerted actions to implement
rules, regulations, plans, policies, or pro- a specific policy or plan; systematic and
cedures; and legislative proposals connected agency decisions allocating
(§§ 1506.8, 1508.17)TTTT agency resources to implement a specific
(b) Federal actions tend to fall within one
statutory program or executive directive.
of the following categories:
(4) Approval of specific projects, such as
(1) Adoption of official policy, such as
construction or management activities lo-
rules, regulations, and interpretations
cated in a defined geographic area. Pro-
adopted pursuant to the Administrative
Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.; trea- jects include actions approved by permit
ties and international conventions or or other regulatory decision as well as
agreements; formal documents establish- federal and federally assisted activities.
ing an agency’s policies which will result 40 C.F.R. § 1508.18.
in or substantially alter agency programs.

497 U.S. 871, 891, 110 S.Ct. 3177, 111 In Northcoast Environmental Center v.
L.Ed.2d 695 (1990), the National Wildlife Glickman, 136 F.3d 660 (9th Cir.1998), the
Federation alleged, inter alia, that the Ninth Circuit applied the National Wild-
Bureau of Land Management (‘‘BLM’’) life Federation ‘‘final agency action’’ stan-
had a ‘‘land withdrawal review program’’ dard with similar results. The court held
and that BLM violated NEPA by failing to that a coordinated, inter-agency manage-
prepare an EIS in connection with this ment plan for the Port–Orford Cedar
program. The Supreme Court rejected (‘‘POC’’), a type of cedar tree found in
this claim: Oregon and California, was not ‘‘final
Respondent [National Wildlife Federa- agency action’’ subject to judicial review.
tion] alleges that violation of the law is Although the management plan ‘‘set forth
rampant within this programTTTT Per- guidelines and goals for POC research,
haps so. But respondent cannot seek management strategies and information
wholesale improvement of this program sharing’’ and ‘‘provide[d] management
by court decree, rather than in the of- strategies and goals for dealing with POC
fices of the Department [of the Interior] preservation and timber sales on BLM
or the halls of Congress, where pro- managed land,’’ these guidelines and goals
grammatic improvements are normally were not ‘‘final agency action’’ because
made. Under the terms of the APA, they ‘‘d[id] not provide for specific activi-
respondent must direct its attack ties with a direct impact on POC’’ and
against some particular ‘‘agency action’’ ‘‘neither propose[d] any site-specific activi-
that causes it harm. Some statutes per- ty nor [called] for specific actions directly
mit broad regulations to serve as the impacting the physical environment.’’ Id.
‘‘agency action,’’ and thus to be the ob- at 669–70.
ject of judicial review directly, even be- [16] The instant case falls squarely in
fore the concrete effects normally re- the shadow of National Wildlife Federa-
quired for APA review are felt. Absent tion and Northcoast Environmental Cen-
such a provision, however, a regulation ter. The Plaintiffs allege that APHIS has
is not ordinarily considered the type of a national ‘‘GEPPV program’’ and that this
agency action ‘‘ripe’’ for judicial review national program has a substantial envi-
under the APA until the scope of the ronmental impact. As evidence of this
controversy has been reduced to more program, the Plaintiffs point to four items
manageable proportions, and its factual or classes of items: (1) several portions of
components fleshed out, by some con- APHIS’s website, which, among other
crete action applying the regulation to things, discusses how its ‘‘Biotechnology
the claimant’s situation in a fashion that Regulatory Services’’ program (referred to
harms or threatens to harm him. as ‘‘APHIS–BRS’’) ‘‘protects America’s
Id. at 891, 110 S.Ct. 3177. The Court held agriculture and environment using a dy-
that a case-by-case approach, while ‘‘un- namic and science-based regulatory frame-
derstandably frustrating’’ for the National work that allows for the safe development
Wildlife Federation, was required because and use of genetically engineered organ-
Congress had not explicitly provided for isms’’;15 (2) a document entitled ‘‘The Role
judicial review of general agency policy. of USDA in Plant ‘Pharming,’ ’’ which ex-
Id. at 894, 110 S.Ct. 3177. plains the role of APHIS–BRS and de-

15. ‘‘About APHIS—Biotechnology Regulatory subjects/biotechnology/index.shtml (last visit-

Services,’’ http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ ed Aug. 31, 2006).
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

scribes, in broad terms, APHIS’s proce- tion,’’ apart from issuance of the four per-
dures for issuing permits;16 (3) APHIS’s mits, that allows for judicial review.
PPA regulations (7 CFR Part 340); and
Similarly, the court is unpersuaded that
(4) APHIS’s publication of a notice of in-
APHIS’s PPA regulations evince a broader
tent (‘‘NOI’’) in the Federal Register on
‘‘GEPPV program’’ that, in turn, consti-
January 23, 2004, indicating that APHIS
tutes ‘‘final agency action.’’ The Plaintiffs
was beginning the programmatic EIS pro-
admit that they are not bringing a facial
cess (and demonstrating, according to the
challenge to the regulations themselves;
Plaintiffs, that APHIS had a ‘‘program’’ all
instead, they appear to argue that the
along but was avoiding its duty to develop
regulations, when viewed in concert with
a programmatic EIS).17
APHIS’s internal procedures and proto-
The court is not persuaded. As for
cols, constitute a ‘‘final agency action’’ sub-
items one and two, it is clear that APHIS
ject to judicial review. Plaintiffs have
has some internal policies and procedures
failed to demonstrate, in their briefing and
by which it operates. For example, the
in oral argument, how these regulations
permit conditions of the four permits at
have transformed internal procedures into
issue in this case are very similar (though
a ‘‘final agency action.’’
not identical), suggesting that APHIS
does have coordinated, internal protocols The Plaintiffs’ fourth argument—that
relating to the issuance of permits. But APHIS’s programmatic EIS (‘‘PEIS’’),
neither of these items ‘‘propose[s] any currently underway, demonstrates that
site-specific action nor TTT call[s] for spe- APHIS has always had a ‘‘GEPPV pro-
cific actions directly impacting the physi- gram’’—is similarly without merit. The
cal environment.’’ Northcoast Envtl. Ctr., Plaintiffs would have the court believe
136 F.3d at 670. An agency’s decision to that, any time an agency decides to con-
publicly share its internal guidelines and duct a PEIS, all agency activity that pre-
policies does not automatically mean that ceded the PEIS necessarily violated
‘‘final agency action’’ exists. Obviously, NEPA (because the agency was ‘‘acting’’
federal agencies routinely develop internal without a PEIS in place). If the court
procedures and protocols in attempting to were to agree with the Plaintiffs, agencies
fulfill their statutory duties, but as Na- would have a tremendous disincentive to
tional Wildlife Federation and Northcoast prepare programmatic environmental im-
Environmental Center demonstrate, these pact statements because, according to the
procedures and protocols do not rise to Plaintiffs, initiation of the PEIS process is
the level of ‘‘final agency action’’ for pur- essentially an admission that the agency
poses of NEPA unless the agency engages had been violating NEPA prior to initiat-
in some activity with some direct impact ing the PEIS process. The law is clear as
on the environment. Thus, even if the to when a PEIS must be prepared, and no
Plaintiffs are correct that ‘‘APHIS, PEIS was necessary for the agency activi-
through its program, promotes and over- ty relied upon by the Plaintiffs. The fact
sees the development and testing of that APHIS decided to initiate a PEIS
GEPPVs,’’ Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief does not demonstrate that APHIS en-
Regarding Remedies at 5, the Plaintiffs gaged in ‘‘final agency action’’ before be-
have not pointed to any ‘‘final agency ac- ginning the PEIS.

16. AR 2468–85. 17. 69 FR 3271.


The Plaintiffs have failed to produce any 117 (1978) (stating that the language in
evidence or point to any genuine issue of § 1536(a)(2) ‘‘admits of no exception’’);
material fact demonstrating that there is a Natural Res. Def. Council v. Houston, 146
reviewable agency action. None of the F.3d 1118, 1125 (9th Cir.1998) (‘‘The term
four items relied upon by the Plaintiffs— ‘agency action’ has been defined broadly.’’).
either individually or cumulatively—shows
The Plaintiffs do not present any addi-
that the ‘‘GEPPV program’’ is ‘‘final agen-
tional arguments, beyond those presented
cy action’’ sufficient to allow for judicial
for Count Five (NEPA), as to why the
review under the APA. See Celotex Corp.
purported ‘‘GEPPV program’’ is an ‘‘agen-
v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 322, 106 S.Ct.
2548, 91 L.Ed.2d 265 (1986) (‘‘[T]he plain cy action’’ under ESA; the Plaintiffs ar-
language of Rule 56(c) mandates the entry gue that the same four items or classes of
of summary judgment, after adequate time items set forth supra (APHIS’s website,
for discovery and upon motion, against a the document entitled ‘‘The Role of USDA
party who fails to make a showing suffi- in Plant ‘Pharming,’ ’’ APHIS’s PPA CFR
cient to establish the existence of an ele- regulations, and APHIS’s decision to initi-
ment essential to that party’s case, and on ate a PEIS) prove agency action under
which that party will bear the burden of both NEPA and the ESA. Once again, the
proof at trial.’’); Sierra Club v. Marita, 46 court is not persuaded by these argu-
F.3d 606, 619 (7th Cir.1995) (holding that, ments. Although ESA provides a slightly
in NEPA cases, ‘‘[t]he party challenging broader definition of ‘‘agency action’’ than
the agency action also bears the burden of NEPA, the ESA, like NEPA, still contem-
proof’’). Because there is no ‘‘final agency plates something more tangible than inter-
action’’ for the court to review, APHIS is nal agency protocols and policies. Even if
entitled to summary judgment as to Count the Plaintiffs are correct that APHIS has
Five. established an organized method of run-
ning a ‘‘GEPPV program,’’ the court fails
2. ESA to see how these coordinated polices and
[17] As discussed supra, the ESA con- regulations constitute an ‘‘agency action’’
tains a broad citizen suit provision. Con- separate and distinct from APHIS’s action
sequently, the Plaintiffs’ ESA claim is not in issuing the individual permits. In sum,
limited by the ‘‘final agency action’’ restric- the Plaintiffs have failed to produce evi-
tion applicable to the NEPA claim. 16 dence of an ‘‘agency action,’’ and with no
U.S.C. § 1540(g)(1)(A). Nevertheless, fed- ‘‘agency action,’’ there can be no violation
eral agencies are only required to comply of the ESA (because an agency is only
with the ESA’s procedural requirements required to comply with the ESA’s proce-
when an agency proposes an ‘‘agency ac-
dural requirements where the agency pro-
tion’’; again, 16 U.S.C. § 1536(a)(2) defines
poses to engage in ‘‘agency action’’). Con-
‘‘agency action’’ as ‘‘any action authorized,
sequently, the court grants summary
funded, or carried out by such agency’’ and
judgment in favor of APHIS as to Count
the regulations implementing the ESA
Ten of the Plaintiffs’ Second Amended
provide that ‘‘ ‘[a]ction’ means all activities
or programs of any kind authorized, fund-
ed, or carried out, in whole or in part, by
D. Plant Protection Act
Federal agencies in the United States or
upon the high seas.’’ 50 C.F.R. § 402.02. In Count Eleven of their Second
See Tennessee Valley Auth. v. Hill, 437 Amended Complaint, the Plaintiffs contend
U.S. 153, 173, 98 S.Ct. 2279, 57 L.Ed.2d that APHIS has essentially denied their
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

December 16, 2002 Petition and that this ‘‘to prevent the courts, through avoid-
effective denial was arbitrary and capri- ance of premature adjudication, from
cious.18 The Defendants argue that APHIS entangling themselves in abstract dis-
never denied the Petition, such that the agreements over administrative poli-
Plaintiffs’ claims are unripe. The Plain- cies, and also to protect the agencies
tiffs’ Petition raises five issues, and the from judicial interference until an ad-
court will address each of these five issues ministrative decision has been formal-
in turn. The court concludes that Items 1 ized and its effects felt in a concrete
and 2 of the Plaintiffs’ Petition (‘‘Promul- way by the challenging parties.’’ Ab-
gate New GEPPV Regulations’’ and ‘‘Un- bott Laboratories v. Gardner, 387 U.S.
dertake a Programmatic EIS for 136, 148–149, 87 S.Ct. 1507, 1515, 18
GEPPVS’’) are unripe, and the court L.Ed.2d 681 (1967).
grants summary judgment in favor of the In deciding whether an agency’s decision
Defendants as to these issues. The court is, or is not, ripe for judicial review, the
finds that Items 3, 4, and 5 of the Plain- Court has examined both the ‘‘fitness of
tiffs’ Petition (‘‘Change Existing USDA the issues for judicial decision’’ and the
CBI and FOIA Policies and Regulations,’’ ‘‘hardship to the parties of withholding
‘‘Create a Publicly Available Field Test court consideration.’’ Id., at 149, 87
Violations Database,’’ and ‘‘Institute an S.Ct., at 1515. To do so in this case, we
Immediate Moratorium on Certain Plant- must consider: (1) whether delayed re-
ings’’) were denied by APHIS. Neverthe- view would cause hardship to the plain-
less, the court concludes that these denials tiffs; (2) whether judicial intervention
were neither arbitrary nor capricious. would inappropriately interfere with fur-
Therefore, the court grants summary ther administrative action; and (3)
judgment in favor of the Defendants as to whether the courts would benefit from
Items 3, 4, and 5. further factual development of the issues
1. Items 1 and 2 of the Plaintiffs’
Petition Ohio Forestry Ass’n, Inc. v. Sierra Club,
523 U.S. 726, 732–33, 118 S.Ct. 1665, 140
[18] APHIS has submitted evidence in-
L.Ed.2d 921 (1998). See also Nat’l Audu-
dicating that it is conducting the Program-
bon Soc’y, Inc. v. Davis, 307 F.3d 835, 850
matic EIS requested by the Plaintiffs in
(9th Cir.2002) (‘‘[W]e must determine
Item 2 of their Petition,19 such that the
whether the claims are prudentially ripe,
Plaintiffs’ claim is not yet ripe for review.
based on two factors: (1) whether the
As the Supreme Court has explained:
issues are fit for judicial resolution and (2)
[19] [T]he ripeness requirement is de- the potential hardship to the parties if
signed judicial resolution is postponed.’’). In the

18. The Plaintiffs point to Environmental De- cannot preclude judicial review by cast-
fense Fund, Inc. v. Hardin, 428 F.2d 1093, ing its decision in the form of inaction
1099 (D.C.Cir.1970), which provides: rather than in the form of an order deny-
[R]elief delayed is not always equivalent ing relief.
to relief denied. There are many factors (Footnote omitted.)
that result in delay, and a court is in
general ill-suited to review the order in 19. The court begins by examining Item 2 of
which an agency conducts its business. the Plaintiffs’ Petition, inasmuch as the analy-
But when administrative inaction has sis of Item 1 flows naturally from the disposi-
precisely the same impact on the rights of tion of Item 2.
the parties as denial of relief, an agency

instant case, the second and third Ohio its April 17, 2003 letter that ‘‘[y]our re-
Forestry factors weigh strongly in quest for the promulgation of new GEPPV
APHIS’s favor: judicial intervention would regulations, including prohibitions on the
inappropriately interfere with APHIS’s ad- use of food crops and outdoor growing of
ministrative proceedings, and the court GEPPVs[,] represent one possibility which
would benefit from further factual develop- will be considered, if indicated by the re-
ment of the issues (specifically, completion sulting potential for public health and envi-
of the Programmatic EIS). Although the ronmental harm[.]’’ AR 3022. Thus, ac-
court recognizes that this ruling will cause cording to APHIS, whether to promulgate
some hardship to the Plaintiffs, insofar as new GEPPV regulations depends on the
APHIS continues to issue permits for field result of the Programmatic EIS, which is
testing of GEPPVs, the court concludes underway. Consequently, the court con-
that, taken together, the balance of factors
cludes that the Plaintiffs’ claim is unripe
favors APHIS.20
and grants summary judgment in favor of
Although the Plaintiffs are understand- the Defendants.
ably upset by the fact that this process has
taken over three years, the court accepts 2. Items 3, 4, and 5 of the Plaintiffs’
APHIS’s representations regarding the Petition
justification for the delay: scientific re-
a. APHIS denied Items 3, 4, and 5
search and analysis, along with inter-agen-
cy discussions and negotiations, have sim- APHIS argues that the Plaintiffs’ re-
ply taken a long time (despite APHIS’s quests outlined in Items 3, 4, and 5
diligent efforts to move the process along). (‘‘Change Existing USDA CBI and FOIA
The court does not mean to suggest that a Policies and Regulations,’’ ‘‘Create a Pub-
three-year delay in preparing an EIS is licly Available Field Test Violations Data-
presumptively valid, nor does the court base,’’ and ‘‘Institute an Immediate Mora-
mean to suggest that APHIS may wait torium on Certain Plantings’’) have not
indefinitely. At the moment, however, the been denied. APHIS’s First Supplemen-
court concludes that the Plaintiffs’ claim tal Brief at 11. The court disagrees. In
with respect to Item 2 is unripe and there- its April 17, 2003 letter, and again in its
fore grants summary judgment in favor of First Supplemental Brief, APHIS claims
the Defendants as to this issue.21 that the actions requested in Items 3, 4,
The court concludes that the Plaintiffs’ and 5 were and are unnecessary because
claim with respect to Item 1 of their Peti- the existing policies and procedures are
tion is similarly unripe. APHIS stated in sufficient, although APHIS leaves open the

20. In July 2005, the Defendants argued that motion to dismiss (under Rule 12), however;
Count Eleven of the Plaintiffs’ Amended Com- the parties have had additional time for dis-
plaint should be dismissed because it was covery and analysis, and the fact that the
unripe, and Judge Ezra rejected the Defen- court now grants the Defendants’ motion for
dants’ ripeness argument. CR 151. Judge summary judgment on ripeness grounds is in
Ezra’s Order stated that the ‘‘Defendants’ al- no way inconsistent with Judge Ezra’s order
leged delay would amount to a denial of denying the Defendants’ motion to dismiss on
Plaintiffs’ request for a promulgation of regu- ripeness grounds.
lations’’ and that the Plaintiffs’ allegations, ‘‘if
taken as true as required on a motion to 21. Of course, if APHIS has in any way mis-
dismiss,’’ would entitle the Plaintiffs to relief. represented the diligence with which APHIS
CR 151. The standard of review of a motion is conducting this programmatic EIS or the
for summary judgment (under Rule 56) is rulemaking process, the Plaintiffs may reas-
different than the standard of review of a sert their claim in a new action.
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

possibility that it would consider changing the public about a violation involving
its regulations in the future if conditions GEPPVs, prompt disclosure requires
were to change. There is nothing in the the use of the press release as the most
letter to indicate that APHIS intended to effective means for immediate dissemi-
act on the Plaintiffs’ requests, and there is nation of information to the press and
no evidence that APHIS has acted on the the public.
Plaintiffs’ requests in the last three and a AR 3023. In its First Supplemental Brief,
half years. APHIS does not indicate whether this ‘‘ad-
[20] With respect to Item 3 junct database’’ was ever implemented;
(CBI/FOIA), APHIS’s April 17, 2003 letter APHIS simply states that it has several
states that APHIS is constrained by exist- websites with permit information. John T.
ing law but that APHIS would continue to Turner, Ph.D., who submitted a Declara-
work diligently to make as much informa- tion (attached to APHIS’s First Supple-
tion available to the public as possible. mental Brief), states that APHIS ‘‘has
Although APHIS’s April 17, 2003 letter did vastly enhanced the types and quantity of
not clearly state that APHIS was denying information readily accessible to the public
the Plaintiffs’ request, the letter effectively on GEPPV permitting’’ and that ‘‘[s]erious
denied the Plaintiffs’ requests. Essential- compliance infractions are referred to
ly, APHIS’s response was ‘‘not now, but APHIS’ Investigative and Enforcement
maybe later.’’ APHIS did not indicate an Services (IES) for thorough investigation.’’
unequivocal intent to engage in certain Declaration of John T. Turner, Ph.D. at
actions; instead, APHIS stated that it ¶¶ 14, 18. The Plaintiffs’ Petition, howev-
might do something in the future should er, requested a means by which informa-
the right conditions arise. APHIS’s state- tion on ‘‘all containment violations for
ments that it would keep an open mind in GEPPVs’’ would be available to the public.
the future do not negate these denials. Plaintiffs’ Concise, Ex. 18 at 2 (emphasis
Furthermore, in its First Supplemental added). APHIS has not created this data-
Brief, APHIS does not provide any evi- base and has not given any indication that
dence of any agency activity as to Item 3. it is in the process of creating this data-
In short, APHIS denied the Plaintiffs’ re- base. As such, APHIS denied Item 4 of
quest on April 17, 2003. the Plaintiffs’ Petition.
[21] With respect to Item 4, the April [22] With respect to Item 5 (moratori-
17, 2003 letter stated: um), APHIS’s April 17, 2003 letter states
APHIS is in the process of upgrading that ‘‘[f]ield tests of GEPPVs have been
the software and hardware used in conducted safely to date under conditions
tracking both inspections and violations of confinement[.]’’ AR 3023. The letter
under the provisions of 7 CFR Part 340. suggests that APHIS will consider new
Our first priority for this revised, inclu- information as it arrives, but APHIS gives
sive database is to aid in the day to day no indication that it intends to issue an
implementation of the regulations and to immediate moratorium as to all GEPPV
ensure compliance. However, we are field testing. Indeed, according to the
also in the process of developing an ad- Plaintiffs, APHIS has issued thirty-eight
junct database which could include the permits since the Plaintiffs submitted their
results of compliance inspections and in- Petition (including one permit—the Garst
vestigations after facts have been veri- Seed permit discussed supra—in Hawaii).
fied and any penalties levied. With re- Plaintiffs’ Supplemental Brief Regarding
gard to the need to immediately inform APHIS’s Response to Plaintiff’s December

16, 2002 Petition (‘‘Plaintiff’s First Supple- APHIS and FDA officials would ensure
mental Brief’’) at 4; Exhibit 1 to Plaintiffs’ that all data and information relevant to
First Supplemental Brief. See also AR the prevention of such risks was made
2928 (internal APHIS e-mail from March available to investigators TTT [and] to the
6, 2003 stating that, ‘‘[w]ith regard to the public.’’ AR 3022–23. Thus, APHIS of-
CFS request for a moratorium on the use fered a reasoned explanation for why it
of GEPPVs, release of Monday’s notice was not changing its policies: it was con-
[the March 10, 2003 request for public strained by existing law (FOIA) and its
comments] will be an indirect rejection of existing policies were sufficient. Although
this request, as you are well aware’’). the Plaintiffs’ Petition provides legitimate
Again, the court concludes that APHIS reasons for why APHIS should have dif-
denied the Plaintiffs’ request. ferent policies relating to CBI, the Plain-
tiffs have not explained why APHIS’s de-
b. APHIS’s denials were neither cision to the contrary—based on equally
arbitrary nor capricious legitimate concerns—was arbitrary or ca-
APHIS then argues that even if its re- pricious. See Earth Island Inst. v. U.S.
sponses could be considered denials, Forest Serv., 442 F.3d 1147, 1157 (9th Cir.
APHIS’s decisions were neither arbitrary 2006) (‘‘We reverse under the arbitrary
nor capricious.22 The court agrees. and capricious standard only if the agency
has relied on factors that Congress has
[23] With respect to Item 3, APHIS
not intended it to consider, has entirely
stated in its April 17, 2003 letter the fol-
failed to consider an important aspect of
lowing: (1) ‘‘APHIS has long encouraged
the problem, or has offered an explanation
the [agricultural biotechnology] industry
for that decision that runs counter to the
to keep [CBI] claims to a minimum, and
evidence before the agency or is so im-
we have consistently required that verifia-
plausible that it could not be ascribed to a
ble justification for such claims be provid-
difference in view or the product of agency
ed in writing’’; (2) ‘‘our ongoing review of
expertise.’’). Therefore, the court will not
the APHIS regulatory program for bio-
overturn APHIS’s decision.
technology products includes an examina-
tion of the options open to us for ensuring [24] With respect to Item 4, although
that more detailed information is available APHIS has not acted on the Plaintiffs’
to our State cooperators and the interest- request, the court does not have the au-
ed public’’; (3) ‘‘we do not agree that dis- thority to order APHIS to act on this
closure of CBI under [FOIA] is simply a request. The Plaintiffs have not pointed
matter of agency discretionary policy TTT to any statute or regulation that requires
[because, under FOIA,] legitimately APHIS to establish a field test violations
claimed and substantiated CBI claims are database, and as the Supreme Court ex-
exempt from disclosure’’; and (4) ‘‘[i]n any plained in Norton v. Southern Utah Wil-
potential case TTT in which a containment derness Alliance, 542 U.S. 55, 64, 124 S.Ct.
violation occurred which involved ‘potential 2373, 159 L.Ed.2d 137 (2004), ‘‘a claim
environmental and human health risks,’ under § 706(1)23 can proceed only where a

22. APHIS argues in its First Supplemental that Item 4 was denied but that the denial
Brief that, assuming arguendo Items 3 and 5 was reasonable.
have been denied, those denials did not repre-
sent an abuse of APHIS’s discretion. APHIS 23. 5 U.S.C. § 706(1), part of the Administra-
does not raise the possibility that Item 4 may tive Procedure Act, provides that a reviewing
have been denied but that the denial was court shall ‘‘compel agency action unlawfully
reasonable; nevertheless, the court concludes withheld or unreasonably delayed[.]’’ In
Cite as 451 F.Supp.2d 1165 (D.Hawai‘i 2006)

plaintiff asserts that an agency failed to regulations in place governing open-air

take a discrete agency action that it is field testing of GEPPVs; in responding to
required to take.’’ While the Plaintiffs the Plaintiffs’ Petition, APHIS concluded
may set forth many valid reasons for why that an immediate moratorium was unnec-
APHIS should create and maintain a field essary because existing confinement meas-
test violations database, the Plaintiffs have ures were adequate. Although there is
not pointed to any statute, regulation, or certainly evidence to support the Plaintiffs’
case that requires APHIS to do so. Con- position, there is insufficient evidence to
sequently, APHIS’s denial as to Item 4
demonstrate that APHIS acted arbitrarily
was neither arbitrary nor capricious, such
or capriciously in continuing to follow its
that the Defendants are entitled to sum-
existing regulations (rather than refusing
mary judgment as to this issue.
to consider any future permit applications).
[25] With respect to Item 5, the Plain- Furthermore, given that APHIS was (and
tiffs argued in their Petition that an imme- is) producing a programmatic EIS and was
diate moratorium on field testing of (and is) considering changes to its regula-
GEPPVs was warranted because field test- tions as a result, the decision to wait for
ing of GEPPVs could cause harm to hu- the results of the EIS—rather than im-
man health and/or the environment at pose an immediate moratorium—seems
large. In its April 17, 2003 letter, APHIS
quite reasonable. In short, APHIS’s deci-
stated: (1) ‘‘Field tests of GEPPVs have
sion to deny Item 5 was neither arbitrary
been conducted safely to date under condi-
and capricious, and the Defendants are
tions of confinement, and APHIS has con-
entitled to summary judgment as to this
sistently strengthened existing safeguards
when indicated by inspections and moni-
toring’’; and (2) ‘‘[a]n immediate moratori-
um on the use of food crops for GEPPVs c. Remedies for Counts One through
and/or field testing of GEPPVs would be Four and Six through Nine
considered TTT should a series of unfore-
At the hearing on August 22, 2006, the
seen circumstances warrant such action[.]’’
court asked Plaintiffs’ counsel to propose
AR 3023–24. The Plaintiffs are correct
an appropriate remedy for Counts One
that an agency’s conclusory statement gen-
erally will not constitute ‘‘reasoned deci- through Four and Six through Nine. Plain-
sionmaking’’ sufficient to survive arbitrary tiffs’ counsel stated that declaratory relief
and capricious review. See Am. Horse on these counts was sufficient, inasmuch as
Prot. Ass’n, Inc. v. Lyng, 812 F.2d 1, 6 the four permits have already expired.
(D.C.Cir.1987) (‘‘The two conclusory sen- Although Judge Ezra had previously
tences quoted above are insufficient to as- raised the possibility of an environmental
sure a reviewing court that the agency’s study of the effects of the open-air field
refusal to act was the product of reasoned tests as one possible remedy, Plaintiffs’
decisionmaking.’’). Nevertheless, in the counsel candidly stated that he did not
instant case, APHIS’s explanations in its believe this to be a prudent use of taxpay-
April 17, 2003 letter were enough to satisfy ers’ money (given that the field tests were
this standard. In April 2003, APHIS had completed years ago).

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, the Su- required by law. S. Utah Wilderness Alliance,
preme Court interpreted this statutory lan- 542 U.S. at 63, 124 S.Ct. 2373 (‘‘[T]he only
guage to mean that a court cannot force an agency action that can be compelled under
agency to take an action unless that action is the APA is action legally required.’’).

[26] The court agrees with Plaintiffs’

assessment of the situation: injunctive re- Rick BEAVER, Plaintiff,
lief is inappropriate as to Counts One v.
through Four and Six through Nine. The
most the court could do is issue an injunc- NPC INTERNATIONAL, INC., a
tion stating that APHIS must comply with foreign corporation, dba Pizza
NEPA, the ESA, and the APA; given that Hut—East Side, Defendant.
APHIS is already required to do all those No. 06–517 KI.
things, and given that the permits have all
United States District Court,
expired (such that there is no ongoing or
D. Oregon.
pending agency action to enjoin), the court
sees no reason to issue an injunction. July 21, 2006.
Background: Former employee sued for-
V. CONCLUSION mer employer, asserting claims under
Based on the foregoing, the court state law for discrimination due to a work-
GRANTS IN PART and DENIES IN place injury and retaliation for filing a
PART the Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary workers’ compensation claim. Employer
Judgment and GRANTS IN PART and removed the action from state court, and
DENIES IN PART the Defendants’ Mo- the employee moved to remand.
tion for Summary Judgment: the court
Holdings: The District Court, King, J.,
GRANTS summary judgment in favor of
held that:
the Plaintiffs as to Counts One, Two,
Three, Four, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine (1) amount in controversy requirement for
of their Second Amended Complaint, and federal jurisdiction was satisfied;
the court GRANTS summary judgment in (2) construction of Oregon’s workers’ com-
favor of the Defendants as to Counts Five, pensation statute would not be an issue
Ten, and Eleven of the Plaintiffs’ Second in deciding a the employee’s claims, so
Amended Complaint. As this Order dis- as to preclude removal.
poses of all outstanding matters in this Motion denied.
case, the clerk of the court is instructed to
do the following: (1) enter judgment in
1. Removal of Cases O74
favor of the Plaintiffs as to Counts One,
Two, Three, Four, Six, Seven, Eight, and Even though sums certain stated in
Nine of the Plaintiffs’ Second Amended former employee’s prayer against his for-
Complaint; (2) enter judgment in favor of mer employer, for back pay and non-eco-
the Defendants as to Counts Five, Ten, nomic damages, totaled only $37,000, the
and Eleven of the Plaintiffs’ Second employee’s claim for attorneys fees, a po-
Amended Complaint; and (3) close the tential claim for punitive damages, and a
case file. claim for front pay, taken together with
the $37,000 specifically sought, satisfied
the $75,000 jurisdictional threshold re-
DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, August 31, quired for removal of the action from state
2006. court; it was more likely than not that
more than $38,000 worth of attorneys fees

, at the administrative and trial court levels

were in controversy. 28 U.S.C.A.
§ 1441(a).

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