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Critical evaluation of methods to Review Article

record centric jaw relation

Sanjay Bansal, JaYant Palaskar


centric relation the most difficult, yet, most important step in treating edentulous patients with complete dentures. However'
vary greatly. lt is generally
a review of dental literature reveals that the philosophies and methods to make the actual registration
(interocclusal) recordings, graphic
agreed that centric relation records can be grouped into four categories- direct checkbite
This article discusses the pros and cons of
recordings (intra-oral and extra-oral), functional recordings, and cephalometrics.
the various methods and techniques of recording centric jaw relations. However, the skill of the dentist and cooperation of the
patient are probably the most important factors in securing an accurate centric relation record.

KElr WORDS: Centric relation, direct recording, gothic arch tracing, functional recording

DOf : 1 0.4 1 03i097 24052.57 080

functioning of the patient's proprioception and the

INTRODUCTION tactile sense is essential for an accurate record. Visual
The rationale behind recording Centric Relation records
acuity and the sense of touch of the dentist also enter
is to establish gnridelines as starting point to develop into the making of a Centric Relation record using the
occlusion, with artificial teeth, in harmony with various
physiologic method. This phase of the procedure is
structures of masticatory apparatus including TMJ. It developed with e:<perience- and is dxcdedingly difficult
aids to maintain physiologic and anatomic health of to teach to another individual'
tissues. When maximum intercuspation coincides with
centric position, it provides stability, to the prosthesis r I { cEr*rovsr*cs
and thereby, preservation of the health of remaining DMCT
RECOMAG ffi:lr":T
tissues (edentulous foun$ation, remaining natural I
teeth, musculature and Tlvfu) is accomplished' lv +lt pgovrtc
TEf,THAJD SI:PPORTFG ltrsnulocLsnNcl
I occlrsror,{s Tlss[ts.{s ($TLR sil]Atu\ | rrr rR
sL\ f,sA\r
Classification of the methods of recording centric PRIDO}A_'ATNiG PEMIIINAMiG
relation [Graph 1]: tl EL{TOR

. REVIEW AND EVALUATION corPotm 9^O-}!1.p.!ll!

Based onvarious methods of recording Centric Relation EXTruOR{L NTERAOroL

records a review and evaluation of these methods is t

Direct check-bite inter-occlusal recordingsr h*lHBF}*'"* $itlg$;-"**"

(AtrERGYsr' :I*lg*Yifft*'.L"..
The direct inter-occlusal record is the oldest tylre of 'AtrERsraNsBERY)
Centric Relation record. The inter-occlusal check record Graph 1: Methods of recording centric relation
method is referred to as a Physiologic tuetrroa. il;;
Department of Prosthodontics, M.M. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Mullana, Ambala,
Address for correspondence: Dr. Sanjay Bansal, H. No. 30, Sector 7, HUDA, Karnal. lndia. E-mail:

120 The Journol of lndion Prosthodontic Society / July 2OO9 f Vol 9 f lssue 3
Bansal, ef a/.: Methods to record centric jaw relation

"In 1756, Phillip Pfaff,{u the dentist of FYedrickthe Great for occlusal records because it can be soflened more
of Germany, was the fust to describe this technigue of evenly, cools slower, and doesn't distort as much as
"taking a bite." Until the end of nineteenth century it w€ur.
was the most commonly used method.
"Payns,let in 1955, and Hickey,tst in 1964, stated a
The direct inter-occulusal record, during that period, preference for Dental Plaster because less material
was a non-precision jaw record, obtained, by placing had to be placed in the patient's mouth for the record..
a thermoplastii material, usually w€u( or compound, \A/righl,ttt in 1939, described the four factors he believed
between the edentulous ridge and having the patient affected the aecuracy of records:
close into the material. This was knornm as the "Mush, - Resiliency of tissue
"Biscuit", Or "Squash" Bite. "One early method was - Saliva fiIm
to adjust the occlusion rims to the chosen vertical - Fit of bases
dimension of occlusion, have the patient close in a - Pressure applied
retruded position, and attach the rims together for
mounting on an articulator. He concluded that since the dentist wouldn't control
the pressure at wtrich the record was made, the best
"In 1954, Brownl2lrecommended repeated closure into technigue would be to record occlusal record at zero
softened wax rims. Greene l1l had his patients hold their pressure. It could thus be duplicated. Hanaulol in 1923,
jaws apart for L0 seconds to fatigue the muscles and considered various factors that influenced the recording
then had them snap the rims together. He then made of Centric Relation and he modified the intra-oral
lines in the rims to orient them afLer removal from the wax method. He pointed out the "Resiliency and Like
mouth. Effect" (Realeff) of the denture-supporting tissues.
He advocated making registrations of the positional
Gradually, these procedures evolved into inter-occlusal relationships, under zero pressure, to minimize the
records as they are usually done today. Small amounts error caused by "Realeff".
of wax, compound,.plaster and Zinc-Oxide Eugenol
Impression paste were placed between the occluding "Hanautll, Blockl?l, and Othersrut agreed with the ,zero
rims, and the patient closed the jaws into centric pres sure' philosophy, Schuyler, Palme and Tlapozz ano,
relation. These improvements were an attempt to among others, advocated the use of light pressure.
equalize the pressure of vertical contact.
Criticism of inter-occlusal method of recording centric
Indications: relation
Interocclusal check record is particularly indicated in There has been much criticism of "check-bites" for
following situations: Centric Relation records. Most of these criticisms were
. Abrrormally related jaw. from individuals who favored some typer.of graphic
. Supportingtissues that are excessively displaceable. recordings.
. Large awkward tongue.
. Uncontrollable or abnormal mandibular movements. "Schuylsr,ltl in 1932, stated that he did not "consider
. Occlusion of teeth in existing dentures. a record secured on compound or wax occluding
Y. It is the most practical and acceptable method to
check teeth arranged as triel dentures.
rims sufficiently free ftom error to compete with the
restorations without additional checks. "

CRITICAL EVALUATION "Simpseplrt felt wax records were unscientific and

commented that "such methods as holding the jaw
There are many opinions regarding the best material back on closing the mandible, elevating the tongnre,
for inter-occlusal?ecord. and having the patient swallow as he closes the jaw,
and the like, are condemned for the paramount reason
" Tf apozzano,in 1 955, stated that the wax " Check-bite
that they are unscientific and always carry with them
rnethod" is the technigue of preference in recording and the fallacy of gmess".
checking centric relation.
"Phillipsrlr stated that "in-the hands of, by, for the
"Schuyler,t1l in 1932, observed that if the recording largest majority of operators, it is worse thanuseless".
medium was not of uniform density and viscosity,
nneven pressure would be transmitted to the record "Gysilll tested this method. on manikitrs and never
bases which would cause disharmony of occlusion. got the same recording twice with wax or compound,
I{e said modeling compound was preferable to wax He concluded that the uneven cooling of the material
The Journol of lndion Prosfhodontic Society / luty 2OO9 / Vot 9 f tssue 3

Bansal, ef a/.: Methods to record centric jaw relation

produced distortion. Phillips,tlt in 7927, recognized that any lateral movement

of the jaw would cause interference of the rims which
"Schuyler{u stated that when records were mad.e using could result in a distorted record. He developed a plate
compounds, the uneven or premature contact of areas for the upper rim and a tripoded ball bearing mounted
of occluding surfaces, due to uneven thickness or on a jack screw for the lower rim. The occlusion rims
density of occluding dms, may disturb the relation of were removed, and when the patient had produced
the record bases. the proper extra-oraltracing, softened compound was
inserted between the trial bases. This innovation was
GRAPHIC METHOD termed the "central bearing point".

Introduction In 1929, Stansberytu introduced a technigue which

The graphic methods record a tracing of mandibular incorporated a curved plate vuith a four-inch radius
movements in one plane and €uo arrow point tracing. (corresponding to Monson's curve) mounted on the
It indicates the horizontal relation of the mandible upper rim. A central bearing screw was attached
to the maxillae. The apex of a properly made tracing to the lower plate with a three-inch radius curve
\=" presumably indicates the most retruded relation of the (reverse-Monson curve). After the extra-oral tracing
mandible to the maxillae from which lateral movements was made, plaster was injected between the rims to
can take place. Do not confuse this with other graphic form a biconcave centric registration.
tracings made in additional planes. Pantographic
tracings, for example, are made in three planes. Hall,ll] in 1929, used Stansbery's method but substituted
compound for Centric Relation record.
Graphic methods are either intra-oral or extra-oral,
depending uponthe placement of the recording devise. Later, graphic methods used the central
The intra-oral tracings cannot be observed during the bearing point to produce the Gothic arch tracing.
tracing; therefore the method looses some of the value Hardytti and Pleasurellol described the use of Coble
Balancer, and Hardy later desigrned a modifi.ed intraoral
of a visible method.
tracer similar to the cobles. Hardy and Porter, n lg4Z,
Techniques made a depression with a round bur at the apex of
"The earliest graphic recordings were based on studies the tracing. The patient would hold the bearing point
of mandibular movements by Ball(willlel in L866. The in the depression while plaster was injected for the
intersection of the arcs produced by the right and left centric record. l: i.
condyles formed the apex of what is larornm as the
Pleasure,trol in 1955, used a plastic disk attached to the
Gothic arch tracing.
tracing plate with a hole over the apex of the Gothic
\=r arch. The Centric Relation record could then be made
"The first known "needle point tracing" was by
without a change of vertical dimension.
Hiesse in 1897, and the technique was improved
and popularized by GYSI around 1910. The tracer
Various tracing devices were designed by Hights,
made by GYSI was an e$ra-oral incisal tracer. The
Phillips, Terrel, Sears, House, Misserman and'111
tracing plate coated with wax, was attached to the The Sears reccrding trivet had an intra-oral central
mandibular rim. A spring-loaded pin or marker was bearing point and two extra-oral tracing plates. The
mounted onthe maxillary rim. The rims were made of maxillary and mandibular tracing €ums were locked
modeling compoundto maintain the vertical dimension into centric relation with two lumps of plaster.
of occlusion. \Alhen a good tracing was recorded, the
patient held the rims in the apex of the tracing while Silvermantl2l in 1957, used an intra-oral Gothic arch
notches were scored in the rims for orientation. tracer to locate the "biting point" of a patient. The
patient was told to bite hard on the tracing plate.
Clapp,l:t in 1914, described the use of a GySI tracer This developed the functional resultant of the closing
which was attached directly to the impression trays. muscles which would retrude the mandible. The
indentation made by the patient would be used. for
Searstll used lubricated rims for easier movement. He the centric record whether or not it corresponded to
placed the needle point tracer on the mandibular rim the Gothic arch apex.
and the plate on the maxillary rim. He believed this
made the anqle of the tracing more acute and more Cl.andrasekl.aran Nairll3l developed Chandra tracer.
easily discernible. He would then cement the rims Nandini et aJI131 condusted - " a comparative evaluation
together for removal. of hight tracer, Chandra tracer, intra-oral tracer,
r22 The Journol of lndion Prosthodontic Sociery / July 2OOg / Vol 9 f Issue 3
Bansal, et a/.: Methods to record centric jaw relation

functiogrraph and check-bite" and they found that there Intra oral ols extra oral graphic recotding methods
was ho sigmificant difference between height trace! The intra-oral tracings cannot be observed during
Chandra tracer, intra-oral tracer, functiogrraph and check- tracing; therefore the method loses some of the value
bite method of a visible method; however, extra-oral tracings are
visible while the tracing is being made. Hence, the
lmportant factors in graphic recording method patient can be directed and guided more intelligently
\A/hen any grraphic tracing is made, these fastors are during the mandibular movement'
1. Displacement of the record bases may result from Since intra-oral tracings are small, it is difticult to find
pressure if the central bearing point is off center' the true apex. T'he tracer must be definitely seated
when the mandible moves into eccentric relations in a hole at the point of the apex to assure accuracy
to the maxillae. when injecting plaster between the occlusion rims' If
2. If a central bearing device is not used, the occlusion the patient moves the mandible before the occlusion
rims offer more resistance to horizontal movements' rims are secured, the records shift on their basal seat;
3. It is difficult to locate the center of the true arches to destroying the accuracy of the record. In extra-oral
centralize the forces with a central bearing device tracing, the stylus can be observed in the apex of the
when the jaws are in favorable relation and fa"r more tracing during the process of injecting plaster between
difficult if the jaws are in excessive protrusive or the occlusion rims.
retrusive relation.
4. It is difficult to stabilize a record base against Graphic recordings - praise and criticism
horizontal force on residual ridge that have no Hanautll in 1923, wrote. "The most naive of our
,a vertical height. genius had intuitions, moulded into metal, attached
5. It is difficult to stabilize a record base against a decorative theory onto their accomplishment and,
horizontal forces on tissues that are pendr:lous or it must be admitted, they found a goodly number
otherwise easilY disPlaceable. of fanatical believers and blind followers, whose
mental inertial probably did not care to penetrate
6- It is difficult to stabilize a record base or bearing
device with patients who have large awlnnrard even the polish of the nickel-plated instrument under
7. Recording devices are not usually considered
In 1927, Hanaulll conceded that the Gysi tracing was
compatible with normal physiologic simulation in
mandibular movement. satisfactory to check records, but that universal usage
L T'he tracing is riot acceptable unless a pointed apex was not good.
is developed, a blunt apex usually indicates an
Tech,{llin 1926, stated that the Gysi tracing technigue
acguired functional relationship and a sharp apex
was the only means that sbould be'usbd for centric
usually indicates the position of centric relation'
records and all other mettrods were "mere deceptions
9. Double tracings usually indicate lack of coordinated and playthings".
movements or recordings at a different vertical
dimension of jaw separation. In either event,
Gysllrt in 1929, concluded that his tracing technique had
additional tracings are necessary.
only a five-degrree error, whereas wax and compound
10. A grraphic tracing to determine Centric Relation is
bites had a 2S-degree error.
made at the predetermiried vertical dimension of
occlusion. This harmoni4s Centric Relation with
Grangerllal in 1952, insisted that needle point tracing
centric occlusion and the antero-posterior bone-to-
is not a reliable means of determining centric relation
bone relation with the tooth-to-tooth contact'
since it is recorded in a horizontal plane only' He
11. Graphic mdthods can record eccentric relations of
believes that Centric relation should be considered a
the mandible to the maxillae.
vertical rotational relationship related to the hinge axis'
12. Graphic methods are the most acc'urate visual means
of making a centric relation record with mechanical
in 1957, claimed that the retruded position of
instruments; however, all grraphic tracings are not
the mandible (stylus at the apex of the tracing) does
necessarilY accurate.
not coincid,e with the rnaximum inter-cuspation in all
This record should be checked. with an inter-occlusal
check record when the anterior teeth are arranged and Ttapozzanor3l in 1955, insisted that the retruded
the wax is contoured.
unstrained relation is the only proper position and that
the position is constant throughout the life'
Critical analysis of graphic recording methods
The Journol of lndion Prosthodontic Society / Ju$ 2A09 / Vol 9 f lssve 3
Bansal, ef a/.: Methods to record centric jaw relation

Boosllol in 1952, claimed that 35 per cent of 400 subjects that the patient produces a pattern of mandibular
had their "best" centric position 1 to 7 mm distal to the movement by moving the mandible to protrusion,
apex of the Gothic arch tracing. retrusion, and right and left lateral.

Brownl2l believes that the needle point tracing is Greenelu in 19L0, used pumice and plaster mixture
unreliable and recommends repeated closures into wax in one of the rims and instructed the patient to grrind
under close observations. the rims together. TIre denture teeth were set to the
generated pattern.
Moylan, in 1953, wrote. "The apex of the Gothic arch
is full of vagaries". in 1923, mounted three stud.s on maxillary
rims which cut arrow tracings into mandibular
Ttre National Society of Denture Prosthetics reported compound rims. Afterremovalfromthe mouth, the rims
that "the use of the needle point tracing device for were re-assembled with the functional grrooves. House
the purpose of determining and checking centric jaw modified the Needles technique and used four styli to
relation is recommended as being both scientific and ma}e needle point tracings.
practical. This society recognizes no other means of
verifying centric jaw relationships. " Patterson,tu in 1923, used wax occlusion rims and he
cut a trough in the upper and lower rims. T'hese were
Paynslal in 1955, described the intra-oral tracer as, filled with a carborundum and plaster mixture. The
"difficult to see and does not work as well where patient would move his jaw and grind the rims until
flat ridges or flabby tissue occur. Extra-oral tracing the proper curvature had been established. Ttris would
provides visibility but retain the other difficulties if ensure egualized pressure and uniform tooth contract
central bearing plates are used. T'he more eguipment in all excursions.
we put into the mouth, the more difficult it is for the
patient." The functional technique developed by Meyer,lll in
1934, used soft wax occlusion rims. Tinfoil was placed
Kingerylrzl in 1952, pointed out several drawbacks in over the wax and lubricated. The patient performed
the use of the central bearing point and added that the functional movements to produce a wax path. A
the "central bearing point allows for no control over plaster index was made of the wax path and the teeth
the amount of closing pressure applied by the patient. " were set to the plaster index.

Phillipstot pointed to various errors produced by Boos,ltt in 1940, used the Gnath6dynamo-meter to
Gysi's I17l technique and stated that, "if one occlusal determine the vertical aid horizontal position at which
rim is allowed to touch the other during the lateral amaximum bitingforce could be produced. His bimeter
extreme positions, undue pressure is bound to be was mounted on the lower occlusion rim with a central
exerted onthe contast side, and on account of resilienry bearing point against a plate on the upper occlusion
of the underlying tissues the side not in contact will be rim. Plaster registrations were made withthe bimeter
unseated just enough tq cause a false reading for the in the mouth and the patient exerting pressure. BOOS
horizontal inclination of'the condylar path". theorized that optimum occlusal position and the
position of maximum biting force would coincide. He
Smith, in 1941, atso pointed out drawbacks in the also thought that it was essential that all registration
method where vertical dimension was maintained be made under biting force so that the displacement
by occlus8l rims, commenting that, "the contacting of soft tissues which occur in function would occur
surfaces of the bite rims will not glide easily upon each during bite registration.
other, horizontal stresses are set up and the shifting of
the bases may easily occur, and under these conditions, Shanahanbtlsl in 1955, in his Physiologic technigue,
it is difficult forthe patient to make accurate recording. placed cones of softwaxonthe mandibularrim andhad
the patient swallow severaltimes. During swallowing,
Criticism of Gothic arch tracing stated that equalization the tongue forced the manclible into its Centric Relation
of pressure did not occur, in prognathic or retrognathic position. Ttre cones of soft wax were moved and the
patients it could not be used, and flabbytissues or large physiologic Centric Relation was recorded.
tongnres could cause shift in base.
Bilateral manipulationllel suggested by Peter Dawson,
Functional recordings in 7974, is the method that has been largely utilized
Functional records have been described in dental by those who adhere to functionally generated path
literature as early as 1910 and are based on principle technigues. They have suggested that the condyles do

124 The Journol of lndion Proslhodontic Society / July 2OO9 f Vol 9 / lssue 3
Bansal, ef a/.: Methods to record centric jaw relation

not always move superiorly, but sometimes, in response ftee closure or myo-monitor technigues.
to posterior gnridance from the operators, they move - The most retrusive records were producedwiththe
inferiorly. Because of this clinical observation, they technique of chin point guidance with an anterior
emphasized the importance of superior placement of jis.
the condyles in the fossa when attempting to record - Centric relation can be located by using any one
centric relation. of many techniques. There is variability in the
result obtained by anytechniques. Dentists should
McCollumt2ol and Grangertzol stated that Centric evaluate and compare their registrations so that an
Relation is that position where the mandible rotates objective technique selection can be made.
around the hinge axis. In securing mildllo-mandibular
records, both investigators recommended the use of Kapur ef all6l in 1957, conducted a study - 'An evaluation
Chin Point Guidance recommended by Gutchet in 1970 of Centric Relation records obtained by various
in retruding the mandible. Others who advocated this techniques" using the three standard methods of
technique include Kornfeld,{2u Thompson,{1el Aulll2zl recording centric relation, i.e. i) the intra-oral tracing
and Sloan.l23l procedure (Hardy), ii) the wax registration procedure
(Hanau), and iii) the extra-oral tracing procedure
Criticism of functional recording method (Stansbery) and they came to a conclusion that:
The functional methods of recording Centric Relation - The intra-oral and extra-oral tracing procedures
reguires very stable record bases. Forces which can were more consistent as compared to the wax
dislodge the record bases occur in any method which registration method.
requires the mandible to move into eccentric jaw - In patients with flabby ridges, the intra-oral and
position with the recording medium in contact. The extra-oral tracing procedure became less consistent
, record will not be accurate unless the bases are stable. as comp€ued to the wax registration method.
- In patients with flabby ridges, the intra-oral and
' The displaceable basal seat tissues, resistance of extra-oral tracing procedure became less consistent
recording mediums, and lack of control of egualized as compared to their consistencies in patients with
pressure in the eccentric relations contribute to good and flat ridges.
irraccuracy in these methods. - The wax method seemed less consistent than the
extra and intra-oral tracing procedure. It showed
Patients need to have good neuromuscular coordination the least consistency on flat ridges and [ighest
: to participate in the functional methods of recording consistency in the flabby ridge groups.
centric relations and also be capable of following - The difference in consistency between intra-
, lnstruqtions if accurate records are to be obtained. oral and extra-oral tracing procedure was not
statistically signifi c ant.
., Cephalometrics
The use of cephalometrics to record Centric Relation Hobo,lz+l in 1985, conducted a study:Rqproducibility Of
' was described by Pyott and Schaeffer. Centric Relation mandibular centricity In three dimensions" and used
, arrd. vertical dimension of occlusion were determined three centric recording techniques: i) unguided closure,
, by cephalometric rad.iographs. This method, however, ii) chin-point gnridance and iii) bilateral manipulation
,'. was somewhat impractical and never gained wide- and concluded that:
;, tpread usage. - Approximately 0.2 to 0.3 mm of the maximum
condylar displacement was recorded by three
:.'I)ISCUSSION AND REYIEW OF Centric Relation registration methods. The amount
i:.J,I:IERATURE .1 of displacement coincided with the freedom
reported in the literature.
t(arrtor et al,Ilst in 1,972 conducted a comparative - Bilateral manipulation showed the most consistent
lnvastigationbn Centric Relation recording technigues reproducibility and is recommended for Centric
by considering the four techniques i.e. swallowing or Relation registration. The minimal condylar
froo-closure, ctrin point guidance, chin point gnridance displacement by this technique indicated the
Wlth anterior jig and bilateral manipulation and existence of point centric position.
i,Eolrcluded that: - Condylar positions obtained by bilateral
r: Bilateral manipulation produced the smallest area manipulation and ungnrided closure technique were
' of displacement of maxillo-mandibular relation similar antero-posteriorly and superioinferiorly. If
, feCord when compared with the other recording the condylar position obtained by unguided closure
,,:,, technigues tested. technigue is physiologic, thenthe position obtained
. The most protrusive positions were recorded with by bilateral manipulation is also physiologic.

Journol of lndion Prosthodontic Society / July 2009 / Vol 9 / lssue 3 125

Bansal, ef a/.: Methods to record centric jaw relation

- Unguided closure revealed appreciable lateral paste, eugenol free zinc oxide, acrylic resin and
displacement, which indicates that muscular baseplate wax and concluded that:
position is less reproducible laterally, and condylar The initial resistance of inter-occlusal recording
displacement can be expected. material to closure changed from 0.5N to 13.8N,
- Chin-point guidance placed the condyle and a rapid rise in the working time was seen that
posteriorly, inferiorly, and right-laterally and is not in all elastomers;
recommended. Posterior displacement may result Resistance offered by wax at 60'C was about 7N
in harmful effect on the bilaminar zone, and inferior Volumetric contraction of elastomers in
displacement may cause an occlusal discrepancy. polymerization was clinically slight.
Dimensional stability of rigid material, acrylic resin,
Martin Henry Berman,tzsl in 1960 conducted a study - and zinc oxide pastes was good.
'Accurate Inter Occlusal Records" and he tested that - Elastomers maintained reliability for a relatively
the resistance of various inter-occlusal recording media Iong time when stored in a tightly sealed plastic
and concluded that: bag.
- Accuracy of dental wax inter-occlusal records is
guestioned. Tbsts with various waxes indicate that SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
all offer some resistance to closure.
- Zine oxide eugenol impression paste offers no It is apparent from dental literature that with many
resistance to closure and possesses many gualities opinions and much confusion concerning Centric
favorable for obtaining. Relation records, a certaintechnique might be reguired
for an unusual situation or a problem patient. In the
Lassilat26lin 1986, conducted a study "Comparison Of final analysis, skill of the dentist and co-operation of
five inter-occlusal recording material" using silicone the patient are probably the most important factors in
putty, polyether, zinc, oxide and eugenol impression securing an accurate Centric Relation record.


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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of lnterest: None declared.
14, Boos RH. Centric relation and functional areas. J Prosthet Dent

126 The Journal of lndion Prosthodonlic Society / July 2OO9 / Vol 9 f lssue 3

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