Wrath and Rage - Guidebook To Orcs and Half-Orcs PDF

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Len Pe ay REQUIRES THE USE OF THE DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ®) THIRD EDITION CORE HOOKS, PUBLISHED BY WIZARDS OF THE COAST @ SI] wet 7 A RACES OF RENOWN SOURCEBOOK FOR THE 020 SYSTEM Design: Jim Bishop {is ©2002 bythe respective arias Reference to osher iting and Development: Jennifer Clatke-Wilkes copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge ting id Dewees seller ces Was to the respective copyright holders of that material. Proofteading and Additional Development: Cris Pramas Dangons& Dragons? and Wizards of the Coast) ae Registered Trademarks of Wisaeds of the Coast, Cover Iustration: Mare Evans and ate used with permission Interior Illustration: Toren “MacBin” Atkinson All text inthis product is designated as Open Graphic Design: tl Mangold Gaming Concent. Green Ronin Publishing PO. Box 1723 Renton, WA 98087-1723, sworusgrcentonin.com Green Ronin Staff: Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold (Chris Pramas, and Evan Sass Wat ook te Oc and Hans 002 by Green Ronin Publibing. Art GREEN RONIN PUBLISHING WOULD LIKE TO DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO THE MEMORY OF CHRI5 BLEDSOE, NO ONE RACED LIKE CHRIS AND THE GAME INDUSTRY 15 THE POORER FOR HI5 LOSS. - TADLE OF CONTENTS - ‘Akernative Ore Racal Concepts. CHAPTER TWO; FEATS Feat Deseipons 2 CHAPTER THREE: PRESTICE CLASSES, Bride of He Who- Watches Honored Host Mother of Rage. 7 (Ore Sapper. charren FOUR; CREATURES., CHAPTER FOUR: ‘THE GODS & THEIR JERVANTS The Great Warband The Patrons CHAPTER SIX: ‘Sreus & Mace Spel Lit New Clerk Domain New Spell Despont. CHAPTER SEVER: CQUIPMENT., Exotic Weapons ‘Special and Superior lems Magic Hemsnnnnnnn Siege Engines. APPENDIX: TYPICAL NPCS, SAYA Mca pee OPEN GAME LICENSE Versio 1.0 The following tent the property of Wizards ofthe Coste and i Copyrighe 200 Wiese ofthe Cost, Ie (Wea), Al Rights Reserved 1; Defias 6)"Contibntoes” ees th Copyegh sl/ tademark oes sv have contbtl Open Game Conte)" Dematve Mater” meine ‘opyrghed materi inching denvative works and wanton cluding int other computer ngage), potion, moriiation, convection, ation, ‘extension, pyre, improvement, complain, abidgment or hs for ‘which an exhting wos maybe rest tanaformal oe adapted () “Dist” trea reprace, Kens, ren aes, broadcast, pblely pay, eansmit ‘rosersie dnt; "Open Game Content means the are mechani todiacludes the meods, procedes, processes and ovis w the extent, duch content does aot bendy the Proact Ment ad is an ena ment ‘ve the pirat and any dog coset clei Menifee Open Game Content by the Contr, and ‘gency werk corer this ene, neloing tensions aad derivate storks under copii but specially exlodes Proc ei 6) "Proce ent" means prodet sod proce mares, logos and ening mas inching tad des acts ‘rere chances tore, Sores ploy hema cement, log, neers, Tang, rer mb, desis depictions, ikenesse foxmat poses concep themes snd grape, photographic and terval or wai regen aes ae dkeseptons of characters spel enchantment Peroni ccm, persons ences td special aber: places Iocaions, teageal or eoperatual ables oe «fects logon yma rape ‘esgnsand any cher adem ent as Produc ientiy by the owner ofthe Product ent, and which speceay cxclades the Open Game Content (0 “Trademark mean he logon, ames, ath, sig, mot, dss that tne wed bya Connor o en felt tts products or the odie proce ‘otebutd to dhe Open Gume License by the Contbuoe “Ue”, "Used" oe "sing” ean to we, Distbat, copy ede format, mod ast and totersie crete Derive Mater of Open Game Comen.(h) "You" of "Your" means the leeawe aterm of thi agreement 2 The License: Ths Liens apps to any Open Game Content that contains noticing that dhe Open Game Coment may ony be Used wer tnd in terms ofthis License. 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Publhing, Astor Jn Bho, ‘B20 Syste an the D2 Stern” ogo ae Tamas osm by Wirth ofthe Coartand arsed aconting to the rrms of he D20 Sytem License ‘copy of thi Liens can he ound at wwaswzarcomn/20. : RACEs.OF KENOWN: WRATH & KAGE

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