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50 e-learning experiences to

A few years ago (not so many), when e-learning was still taking its first steps and looking for its own
identity; being able to portray cases of implementation of virtual training projects was a very difficult
(if not impossible) task for specialized journalism. Not only because of the scarcity of cases, but
because the organizations still looked with some uncertainty at the results that this new modality
could bring them.

Fortunately, today we are in another stage, and we have the possibility to analyze multiple initiatives
and learn from the experiences of others, permanently updating the best practices scheme, which
each professional constructs in a dynamic way to optimize and guarantee the effectiveness of the
projects in which they are involved.

In this new edition of America Learning Media, we address several significant cases, which allow us
to analyze different types of experiences related to the jewelry, software, culinary and real estate
sectors (real state). While in the previous editions of the magazine we have addressed cases of
implementations of e-learning solutions in practically all sectors of the economy.

Taking advantage of the work of journalistic gathering of cases carried out in the last 3 years, we
offer our readers a compendium of experiences that will allow us to analyze different approaches
of e-learning projects.

 Gas Natural Fenosa, a leading

multinational company in the energy
sector and a pioneer in the integration
of gas and electricity
Pilar Feliz Barrio, deputy director of Knowledge Management and Extended University of Gas
Natural Fenosa, will be part of a round table discussion on "Next Generation Learning 2014:
Innovating in on-line learning processes", an event organized by iiR Spain (28 of May 2014, Hotel
Confortel Atrium of Madrid).

Within the framework of this participation, the expert will analyze together with Silvia Ciurana
Casanovas (Director of Training at LA CAIXA) and Javier Sebastian López (Measurement and Quality
at the Corporate University of Gas Natural Fenosa), the new challenges of e-learning, with focus on
how to convert the training carried out in the new learning environments into indicators.

"The moodle technology platform allows employees to access the planning of their itinerary and
know their progress, motivating them to progress in their training. In addition, it also helps them to
share and update materials dynamically, taking advantage of the best practices from different
countries, in a collaborative learning environment, which is very enriching, "explained deputy
director of Knowledge Management and Extended University of Gas Natural Fenosa, adding that
During 2013, the percentage of users of online training on the total number of employees was 62%,
with a satisfaction index of 9 out of 10. Of the 753,000 training hours given, 22% were online and
have been used to provide training: 'sessions via streaming', 'sessions via link', 'simulations'.

What characteristics should an e-learning solution provider have to be considered by your


Pilar Feliz Barrio: Instead of suppliers, we like to talk about 'partner', since we understand that they
must accompany us throughout the process of developing an e-learning solution and bring us
experience and innovation.

The 'partners' must be flexible and give support adapting to the content development processes, in
which they have to collaborate with internal experts, who in most cases provide business

Also very important is its ability to plan and meet deadlines, very demanding, and of course deliver
a quality product. In our case, the objective is not to virtualize contents, but to build an innovative
learning experience that contributes value to our employees and contributes to the achievement of
business results.

What future prospects do you see in e-learning?

The e-learning facilitates our employees to train in their job, in an agile, pleasant and with quality.
An example of the progress of e-learning is the MOOC (massive open online course) taught by
relevant professors from universities around the world. The evolution of e-learning for the future
will depend to a large extent on the generational evolution towards this trend and on the
accompaniment of technological advances.

What advantages and disadvantages do you find in this methodology?

As advantages, the student becomes the protagonist adopting an active role in front of the
traditional "passive" role, and the student decides the time and the best time to study, depending
on their availability.

Students interact with their peers and tutors through discussion forums, blogs, chats; an aspect that
allows sharing best practices and enriches the training process.
This methodology eliminates geographical barriers and allows a greater number of employees to be
reached more efficiently. It is only important to overcome the 'cultural' barriers that may exist with
regard to online training, as there may be the perception of considering this quality training slightly
lower, it is also important that managers and middle managers get used to seeing their employees
training in your workplace and avoid interruptions, respecting the time of dedication in the position
to online training.

What are the measures to be developed that you would suggest to a company so that an e-learning
process was carried out successfully?

You have to start by motivating employees to participate actively, because as I said before, the
employee who makes an online course becomes an active agent in their learning process, being able
to decide the schedule and pace of learning, in short 'self-manage' their learning.

For this we must incorporate virtual tutors, establish collaborative environments through forums,
chats, or any other modality that allows interaction with experts in the field that can solve doubts.
To encourage the employee to move forward, it is important to establish a plan / calendar of
activities to be carried out in each course and to evaluate their progress. And of course, the impulse
and credibility of the Directorate in these processes.

The graphic design of the course should be friendly, agile, interactive, with simple access and
incorporate not only text and images, but also videos, simulations, practical cases in which the 'tutor'
facilitates feed-back to the employee. It is advisable to define in each course the methodology that
best suits, 'blended learning' or 'e-learning', in which case you should also decide on a synchronous
or asynchronous model.

Finally, the technological platform that must accompany and evolve giving the service that is needed
in each case, allowing a follow-up of the realization of the courses by the employees and the
Reporting of activity that each company decides.

 Nissan: how it improved its business

indicators by combining e-learning, m-
learning and social learning
We interviewed Jessica Soule, Senior Manager - Customer Quality of Nissan Mexico, on the
occasion of her participation in LearningMex, and in relation to the training projects
supported by technologies, which is currently driving the automotive company.

(@americalearning) About 10,000 people who are part of the network of distributors of
Nissan Mexico, are receiving virtual training by the local subsidiary of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd,
the company of Japanese origin, dedicated to the manufacture and generation of services
related to the automobile, worldwide, with factories in 20 countries and commercial activity
in more than 160 nations.

established in Mexico for more than 50 years, today integrates 3 plants in the country
(located in Aguascalientes and Cuernavaca), a technology center in Toluca, a test center in
Manzanillo, and corporate offices in Mexico City. It is currently composed of more than
14,500 employees and distributors. In January 2014, Nissan confirmed 56 consecutive
months of sales leadership in Mexico, with a market share of almost 25%. Outstanding
leadership in manufacturing, after-sales operation and financial arm (Credi Nissan).

The training projects supported by technologies will be analyzed on March 26, 2014, at the
LearningMex - Executive Training & e-Learning Forum - organized by iiR Mexico and iiR
Spain-. Anticipating this presentation, we talked with Jessica Soule, to obtain exclusive
details of the project.

"In Nissan we are oriented to the formation of our network of distributors, through
methodologies such as: e-learning, mobile learning, webinars, social learning," said the
Senior Manager - Customer Quality of Nissan Mexico, explaining that the project was
generated from 3 different needs:

Innovate in training methodologies

Decrease training costs
To be able to reach more people more quickly
Include technology as a learning tool

"In total we reached more than 10,000 people, from the owners of the agencies to the
different levels of the organization, and we have people connected from all the states of the
Republic. We have more than 20 courses, "the executive informed.

Consulted by the results and the impact of the initiative, Jessica Soule, said that, applying
the different methodologies, have reduced by 80% the costs of training, increased the reach
to 100% of the network (when before covering a 30-40 %) and generating an increase in
some business indicators of the company.
What characteristics should an e-learning solution provider have to be considered by your

Jessica Soule: To be innovative, development time of e-learning projects, technological

infrastructure, different methodologies of courses, level of service, offer added values,
among other characteristics.

What future prospects do you see in e-learning? What problems not solved by other means,
estimated that online training would solve?
It is effective, but you have to take care of various elements such as the time it lasts, who is
targeted, what is the learning objective, how to control the progress and measure the
impact, etc. To ensure that you have the results you expect.

In our case, it has resolved the issue of costs, and we have learned to make some
adjustments in the design to make it more effective. However, in the future we must work
hard from the development of courses, taking into account: the infrastructure of our
distributors to create lighter courses, develop more practical and short courses so as not to
interfere with the operation, and continue to promote mobile technologies, social learning
and rapid learning, to reduce time against learning.

The main challenge is to renew the methodology that we use constantly so that the course
is an experience and not a requirement.

What are the main concerns of your organization in relation to the training, updating or
training of its employees, according to their level of importance?

Ensure that the training is effective and generates a result in sales, customer satisfaction,
profitability through innovative methodologies and appropriate in each case.

We also started to focus on creating brand ownership through these tools that become
more social to exploit the potential and creativity of our human resources

Do you consider that online learning adds a certain added value to the mere acquisition of
knowledge, through the incorporation of skills typical of virtual environments?

If you add a value, it makes us more open to innovation and a changing environment. It is
easier for virtual environments to support knowledge rather than skill, because practice is
required for the second, but careful attention to methodology can be achieved.

In our case, we do not measure by the hours of virtual experience, rather what is interesting
is that they know how to coexist with this technology, that they really take advantage of the
tools and programs that are within their reach.

This is why we are promoting the mobile methodology so that the user finds his training
entertaining, take advantage of the times and share the learning with whomever he thinks
fit. Nowadays, self-directed learning has proven to be more effective in adults. Definitely
online learning is a new aspect of learning.

How do you reconcile work and training needs during work hours?
Training is part of the team's objectives, we could not conceive them as separate. Without
training, the organization would hardly reach its goals. In case of critical positions for the
hours of service or service, schemes are sought by the distributors, to be able to comply
with both.

What are the measures to be developed that you would suggest to a company so that an e-
learning process was carried out successfully?

Be very clear about the learning objective

Select the appropriate content and methodology
Realize awareness and effective communication
Learn from mistakes
Test the contents before launching them
Track social learning through a community manager (not impersonal)
Have a support tutor
Adopt technology as a way of life
Count on reliable LMS

And which ones influence failure?

That the platform does not work properly

That is not interactive or does not attract attention
That the duration is not adequate
That people are not convinced or do not have a benefit to do it
The reluctance to technology
Reject the tool without experiencing it.
Do not train personnel in the use of the tool.

What have been the problems that you have seen in a virtual business training course?

Some of the problems we have identified and successfully faced are the following:

Do not catch the attention of the participant

That they see it too complex
That there are technological flaws
That they give themselves the time to cover with the program with quality
That the courses interfere with the operation.

What components do you think a virtual training course should have in order to stand out
and be useful to the company?

Ensure that it covers the objective the organization is looking for

That the level of knowledge is measured before and after
That there is a follow-up to the participant
Make it innovative
Quality and preparation of presenters
That is dynamic and fun
Develop it according to the profile of the participant
What is the importance for Nissan of participating in an event like LearningMex?

It is important to participate in this type of events and forums because we can keep updated
on the issue of training and development, meet new trends and innovate to maintain our
leadership in the market.

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