DO s2012 40 Child Protection

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VI_Western Visayas SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ILOILO Luna St., La Paz, loilo City January 26, 2018 DIVISION MEMORANDUM wo.025 , s. 2018 2017 - 2018 ANNUAL EVALUATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS ON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IMPLEMENTATION To: Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors/PIDs Secondary School Principals /Heads/OICs 1, _ ‘The Annual Evaluation of Secondary Schools on Senior High School Implementation is an assessment and reward system adopted by the Schools Division of Iloilo to determine and recognize exemplary performance of the schools in order to ensure that current educational goals and standards are met in terms of Senior High School implementation. 2, In view of this, the schedule of evaluation ofsenior high schools for S.Y. 2017-2018 shalt bethe same with that of the Junior High School evaluationwhich shall include activities undertaken from the date after the last evaluation, 3. __ During the evaluation process, a set of criteria shall be followed and documents to be validated including: observations of actual schools’/classrooms’ situations and stakeholders’ interactions which shall be utilized as bases for rating. 4. Using the point system, all Senior High Schools shall be deciared as Best Senior High School Implementers following the scale a — for 15t100 implementers | 143 and up POINTS: 126 and up POINTS 138-142 POINTS 122-125 POINTS SULVER 133-137 POINTS. 118-121 POINTS BRONZE 5. Travel expenses of the evaluating team shall be charged against local funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations, 6. Attached is the criteria for evaluation. 7. Immediate and wide dissemination of the contents of this memorandum is desired. lity FELISA B} BERIONG, CESO VI Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Officer — In — Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Ce Reference: None Enclosure: as stated ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: EVALUATION PROGRAMS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL fondlo/Cib/01242018 ee wae ae mau = z = dire | posse [einer re] wren aenwn | moan nee ya amen oycamatrswor | fortwo aternsc | lncamaies we | indainnl ne sis) Wore se ae rn seekers | enc pny nen] pny enn] nn nm retro ‘enuat | sss pe | ale Fan'| | sane | Sanne {ole atten a ro " to smnaden camer paren > | 6) || pemmtoasony | Capmmenenatel| immer enstet | mere eri | mma eee ‘ee semen 9 ie em prema) Amana | aremstog aay | “arab ais). | ears Bedansosyniea ttl tps (re) | pte 072) | sos oie | pes) va ssoamese se ‘enon a semuminimrnay | cauninsin | stuaningmnes | escapes | cocnqpomerane on “0 sie mr be rset ramen amooy | zahalsi ona ara one ete wana ahr ung clerne oneedag atl] ses eumpersem operat samme wn em as pone iceman, | ima | omg, | mn | rn seeres| (ream aa | ep iad | pir aan | (rg saa | "pare eal rman | “amealas | vartmucnjen | iiataje | wel Yl | argu rnngt eet ormotshon | emmentshin | pnmentrsnec | pemewtshme} | xanopmmms mpm ontann | apm ennpay | map pans wmaatpoa ont ven ma asin swipornticanig | amis anearst | gomnararon | ambwcpmmunts | mmticg omens | wimemerrie | gusta) peutaidionasitarl| SEseNnasEsroryieoy nc poundure a Latmecccethas eanm iouans| Snes ewe, | ana ann 0} um TOT laden eect] TP i pa PeeTeST terol male mavaraceenng | Stel ese a : SEE nes eee ew es, Bere SomE| | necmnaanea aeaeael L7-9107 AS stew pew sas | See nitn : 8102-L102 A'S STOONIS HOIH NOINAS AO NOLLVATVAS wos VIEATH * s “Asbo any om A tong Mw werrnpes ona auphics | ampsayd peg tnnary /powodg | Jl Se me mn ene ———— aps ats ———— eer eres eee | emeete |etaeae | aet eee Is 0] os) |S | eareeses decease | mae | eee | cect | eee ire a . ar A uy wa ey | eeregesn | cts [eee es | aa ne per ilar omen exe “qpemmat| samen [Segre nyc nan nent cecaesaacl camitpeean | easeoen | easzmanll oma ae “a umount fe aesian | cameo meas | uogmelJomnemig | Aan De wes-N - il ee eee eater | Lae a | oa oe |e uoxnuueydu oot ‘Stemeamnet | ot saamas Sirgen ora] reer, |e ae hoo “aon Sean 0 | sucess eonsse pos oo i cos) os [resto sent | yg fsnen auat EAM ny mea trea E = Sry a aamatin

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