Activity Guide Step 2

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activities guide and evaluation rubric

1. General description of the course

Faculty or School of Agricultural, Livestock and

Academic Unit Environment Sciences
Academic Level Professional
Academic Field Disciplinary training
Course Name Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Energy
Course Code 358054
Course Type Theoretical Can be yes ☒ No ☐
Number of Credits 3

2. Description of the activity

Type of the Individu Collaborat Number of

☒ ☐ 3
activity: al ive weeks
Moment of
Initial ☐ Intermedi ☒ Final ☐
Delivery Environment of the
Evaluative score of the
activity: Monitoring and evaluation
activity: 70
Starting date of the Deadline of the activity: 8th March
activity: 15th February 2019 2019
Competence to develop:
The student knows and applies the history and differentiates the
current processes of solar energy.
Topics to develop:
Principles of Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems
Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop
Deepening of unit 1
Activities to develop
1. Each student must read the contents of the publication: “Solar
Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems. Chapter 1 -
Introduction” pages 1-29 available at Unity 1 – Monitoring and
evaluation environment

2. Each student should to perform a review of the current status of

energy consumption, by sector and type of fuel, and the current
status of the use of renewables in your country/state. It is highly
recommended that you use data from the statistical service of
your country/state and the internet. Suggest various measures to
increase the contribution of renewables.

3. In addition, each student should to answer the follow questions:

a. Which are the main benefits of renewable energy cited by

Johanson et al. (1993)
b. Explain the term “passive system” on solar buildings

4. Share your reading conclusions in the collaborative work forum

located in the collaborative work environment. Attention: Do not
publish the questionnaire resolved.
5. Carry out the delivery of the questionnaire resolved in PDF format,
using the monitoring and evaluation environment with the
following protocol: First name_Last Name_ Group_ Deadline
= Example: Andrés_Munar_358054-14_03-03-2019.

ment for
Collaborative learning
Evaluation and monitoring

Products Your work is individual, which is an only PDF file containing

to the follow structure:
by  Review of the current status of energy consumption,
student by sector and type of fuel (maximum two pages)
 Review of the current status of the use of renewables
in your country/state (maximum two pages)
 Investigate about measures to increase the
contribution of renewables energies (maximum two
 Response to the questions a) and b) (one page)
 References (one page)

The PDF file should be sent only through the monitoring and
evaluation environment.

 The work should be of his authorship, so it must not

contain textual copies of other documents.
 In case of consulting other sources (books, articles or
Internet pages), you must make the respective
bibliographic references according to APA standards.
These standards are found in the student
management environment.



General guidelines for the collaborative work

• Browse through each and every one of the course

environments, so that you can present concerns and
doubts on time.
• Check the agenda so that you can organize the times
Planning of for the development and delivery of the activities, keep
activities for in mind that after an activity is closed it does not
the reopen and lose the points.
development • Actively participate in the forums.
of • Actively participate in the web conferences of the
collaborative course
work • Use the means of contact with your tutor and course
director (forums of activities, internal mail of the
course, institutional mail, Skype)
• Do not leave for the last hour the development of the
activities or the loading of the files.
• Share information of interest to your classmates
• Review and read APA standards for the presentation
of written work.
Roles to
perform by
the student N/A
in the
Roles and
y for the N/A
delivery of
products by
The APA Standards is the style of organization and
presentation of information most used in the area of
social sciences. These are published under a Manual
that allows you to have access to the ways in which a
scientific article should be presented. Here you can find
Use of
the most relevant aspects of the sixth edition of the
APA Standards Manual, such as references, citations,
preparation and presentation of tables and figures,
headings and seriation, among others. You can check
how to implement them by going to the page
In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article
99, the mistakes that infringe upon the academic
order, among others, are the following: paragraph e)
“To plagiarize is to present as your own work the
whole or part of a writing, report, task or document of
Plagiarism invention performed by another person. It also implies
policy the use of cites or lack of references, or includes cites
where there is no coincidence between them and the
reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for
profit, educational resources or results of research
products, which have intellectual rights reserved for
the University”.
The academic punishments that the student will face
a) In case of academic fraud proved in the
academic work or evaluation, the score achieved will
be zero (0.0) without leading to disciplinary measures.
b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic
work of any nature, the score achieved will be zero
(0.0), without leading to disciplinary measures.

To know how the documents must be cited, check the

following document:
Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA. Sexta
edición. Taken from

4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric

Activity Individual Collaborati

☒ ☐
type: Activity ve Activity
t of the
Initial ☐ Intermedia ☒ Final ☐
Assess Performance levels of the individual activity
ed Score
Aspects High score Media score Low score
Review The student The student The student
of the performs a full performs a medium performs a
current review of the review of the current minimum
status of current status status of energy review of the
energy of energy consumption, by current status
consum consumption, sector and type of of energy
ption, by sector and fuel. The text has consumption,
by type of fuel. problems in writing by sector and
sector The text is and presents a poor type of fuel or
and well written redaction. the student
type of and presents does not do
fuel an excellent the activity
(up to 20 (up to 0
(up to 10 points)
points) points)
The student
The student
performs a full
performs a
Review review of the The student
of the current status performs a medium
review of the
current of the use of review of the current
current status
status of renewables in status of the use of
of the use of
the use your renewables in your
renewables in
of country/state. country/state. The 20
renewab The text is text has problems in
les in well written writing and presents
or, the student
your and presents a poor redaction.
does not do
country/ an excellent
the activity
state redaction.
(up to 20 (up to 0
(up to 10 points)
points) points)
The student
The student
proposes minimally
measures to
Measure measures to
increase the
s to increase the The student
contribution of
increase contribution of does not do
the renewables. The the activity 15
The text is
contribu text has problems in
well written
tion of writing and presents
and presents
renewab a poor redaction.
an excellent
(up to 15 (up to 0
(up to 7 points)
points) points)
The student The student
Respons responses responses partially
The student
e to the clearly the the questions a) and
does not do 10
question questions a) b) from the guide.
the activity
s a) and and b) from The text has
b) from the guide. The problems in writing
the text is well and presents a poor
guide written and redaction.
presents an
(up to 10 (up to 0
(up to 5 points)
points) points)
The student
uses correctly
The student uses the
the APA
APA standards
standards. All
incorrectly. Some
the references The student
references cited
cited inside does not do 5
Referen inside the text are
the text are the activity
ces not referenced in the
referenced in
final section.
the final

(up to 5 (up to 0
(up to 3 points)
points) points)
Final score 70

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