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Assignment 1 + Quiz 1

Marks=10 Due Date: Upcoming OOP Lab Lecture

Important Instructions:

1. Bring All Programs in Running Condition in your Laptop

2. Note Down Solution of all programs in your register.
3. Write Down Name, Roll no, Assignment No, Batch and section on front page.
4. You can find solution of complete code by click on question or click this link to find solution of all
5. Main Goal of this assignment is to clear your concepts.
6. If you find any difficulty contact me on +92-308-2856047 or mail your query on

1. C++ program to create a simple class and object.

2. C++ program to create a class to read and add two distance.
3. C++ program to create a class for student to get and print details of a
4. C++ program to create a class for student to get and print details of N
students. / C++ program to demonstrate example of array of objects.
5. C++ program to create class to read and add two times.
6. C++ program to create class to read time in seconds and convert into time in
(HH:MM:SS) format.
7. C++ program to create class to read time in HH:MM:SS format and display
into seconds.
8. C++ program to demonstrate example of friend function with class.
9. Count the created objects using static member function in C++.

10. Create an object of a class inside another class declaration in C++.

11. Example of private member function in C++.
12. Local Class with Example in C++.
13. Structure with private members in C++.
14. Const Member Functions in C++.
15. Demonstrate Example of public data members in C++.
16. Create a class Point having X and Y Axis with getter and setter functions in C++.
17. Passing an object to a Non-Member function in C++.
18. Accessing Member Function by pointer in C++.
19. Access the address of an object using 'this' pointer in C++.
20. Create a class with public data members only in C++
21. C++ program Input list of candidates and find winner of the Election based on
received votes

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