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Welcome and Introduction Film 3: Premier Presentation Film 4: Film 4:

Cambodia Environment Mondulkiri Protected Forest. The making of a protected area The Cardamoms: 'Have Forest, Audience choice. The most popular film of the festival, as
Welcome to the Cambodia Environment Film Festival 2007. (2007) (26 minutes, Khmer with English Sub-titles) (Producer: Have Life' (2006) (25 minutes, decided by the audience, will be re-shown and presented
Film Festival 2007 The festival is designed to showcase the wonderful WWF). This film explores efforts to promote conservation in Khmer with English sub-titles) with the festival's audience choice prize, 'The Asian Arowana'
environment of Cambodia. We also want the festival to reach one particular part of the Mondulkiri landscape, known as the ( P ro d u c e r : C o n s e r va t i o n Award. Watch for how you can vote during the festival.
out to the adolescents of Cambodia, who will decide and live SWA, by WWF and its government partners (International International, Fauna and Flora
with the consequences of environment decisions made today. premier of this film). International and WildAid). The Logistics
Cardamoms, in SW Cambodia,
Ultimately it is our hope that the festival will assist in Panel discussion: Leading Khmer environment managers will are one of the great natural Location &

generating dialogue on the state and future of Cambodia's participate in an open forum discussion about themes raised in landscapes of SE Asia. Time
environment. Through encouraging discussion we believe that the films shown on the night. Followed by WWF sponsored This film explores efforts to promote the conservation of this All films will be
people can develop an understanding and build a opening night drinks and food in the café of the FCC. system by government agencies and partners. shown at the
commitment to the future of Cambodia's flora, fauna and the French Cultural
natural systems of which they are a part. Opening of Photo Exhibition in the FCC Café. Food and Centre, Street
th drink sponsored by Conservation International. 184, No. 218
As the films in the festival will show, this includes not only the NIGHT TWO (Tuesday 5 June), 6:30 8:30 PM. (Red arrow).
conservation of the nation's unique forests, wetlands and World Environment Day Films will start
wildlife, but also the sustainability of systems that support the promptly at
livelihoods and well-being of Cambodia's human population. NIGHT THREE (Wednesday 6th June), 6:30 6:30 pm.
Film 1:
Cambodia's Forest Stewards (2007) 8:30 PM. Audience Award Night. Seating is
So sit back and enjoy the show. (26 minutes, Khmer with English limited & will
Sub-titles) (Producer: Community Film 1: be allocated on
NIGHT ONE (Monday 4th June), 6:30 8:30 PM Forestry International). A study of Lands of the Lake (2007) (20 minutes, Khmer with English sub- a first come,
efforts by two forest dependent titles) (Producer: World Fish Centre). A film exploring the first seated
communities to manage local implications, challenges and recommendations for waterway basis. ENTRY IS
Film 1: forests; including the challenges management in the Mekong River system. FREE.
Community Forestry, Buddhism and they face and how they have
Cambodia Heritage (2006) (22 responded to these. Supporters and Thanks
minutes, Khmer with English sub- Film 2:
titles) (Producer: Association of 3 S Rivers Celebration (2006) (30
Buddhists for the Environment). This Film 2: minutes, Khmer with English sub-
film explores efforts to promote Forest Mountain Voices (2006) titles) (Producer: 3S River
forest conservation in Cambodia (30 minutes, Khmer with English Protection Network). The impacts
using Buddhist ideals and the Sub-titles) (Producer: Community of dams on communities in the NW
Sangha community. Forestry International & FMV). of Cambodia are explored The film festival has been coordinated by Conservation
Through the power of video, through the video testimonials of International, an international conservation organisation.
local people tell their separate affected villagers. Founded in 1987, CI's mission is to conserve the Earth's living
Film 2: environmental stories. natural heritage, our global biodiversity, and to demonstrate
Saving Cambodia's Great Lake that human societies are able to live harmoniously with
(2006) (25 minutes, Khmer with nature. Since 2002 CI has worked in a programme with the
English Sub-titles) (Producer: Film 3: Forestry Administration (RGC) to promote the conservation of
Asian Development Bank). Tonle Where there is Water there is Fish the Central Cardamom Protected Forest. The logos of other
Sap is known as the 'great lake'; (2007) (26 minutes, Khmer with Film 3: Premier Presentation generous supporters of the festival are set out below.
this film explores the reasons for English Sub-titles) (Producer: The Serengeti of Asia (2007) (22 minutes, English) (Producer:
th th
June 4 - 6
this title, threats to its future and Mekong River Commission). A film Allan Michaud). A self-produced film, this production explores
French Cultural Centre exploring the links between
Street 184, No. 218 what is being done to address the incredible landscape of Cambodia's far north-east, where
these. people, fish and the Tonle Sap its open grasslands and range of animals have seen it
Phnom Penh
6:30 - 8:30 PM
system. compared to the Serengeti Plains of East Africa.
esckþIepþIm nigkic©sVaKmn_
kmµviFIExSPaBynþbrisßan sUmsVaKmn_kmµviFIExSPaBynþbrisßankm<úCaqñaM 2007. kmµviFIenHRtUv)anerobcMeLIg
ExSPaBynþ 3 ³ bTbgðajdMbUgEdlmansar³sMxan;
éRBeQItMbn;karBar extþmNÐlKIrI. karbegáIttMbn;karBarmYy ¬2007¦ ¬26 naTI
ExSPaBynþ 4 ³
CYrPñMRkva:j ³ : manéRBeQI manCIvit :
ExSPaBynþ 4 ³
CMerIsGñkTsSna. ExSPaBynþEdlRbCaRbiybMputénkmµviFI KWGaRs½yelIkarsMerc
km<úCa 2007 edIm,IbgðajnUvbrisßan d¾l¥rbs;km<úCa. eyIgk¾cg;eGaykmµviFIenHRCabeTAdl;mnusS
eBjv½yénRbeTskm<úCaEdlnwgeFVIkarsMerccitþ nigrs;enACamYynwgvi)akTaMgLay
PasaExµr edayman cMNgeCIgrgPasaGg;eKøs¦ ¬Gñkplit ³ GgÁkar WWF¦.
ExSPaBynþenH bgðajBIkic©RbwgERbg edIm,IkarGPirkSenAkñúgEpñkBiessmYyéneTs
¬2006¦ ¬25 naTI PasaExµr edayman
cMNgeCIgrgPasa Gg;eKøs¦ ¬Gñkplit ³
citþrbs;GñkTsSna EdlnwgRtUv bBa©aMg nigbgðajCamYynwgkmµviFIrgVan;CMerIsGñkTsSna
KWrgVan; 'The Asian Arowana'. sUmTsSna BIrebobEdlelak GñkGace)aHeqñat)ankñúg
énkareFVIesckþIsMerccitþ cMeBaHbrisßanéf¶enH. PaBmNÐlKIrI EdlRtUv)aneKsÁal;faCa tMbn;PaKnirtI SWA edayGgÁkar WWF GgÁkar GPirkSGnþrCati GgÁkar FFI nig GgÁkar ry³eBlkmµviFIenH.
nigslmPaKIrdæaPi)arbs;xøÜn ¬ExSPaBynþGnþrCati International premier of this film¦. W i l d A i d ¦. CY r Pñ M R kvaj PaKni r tI BsþúPar
RbeTskm<úCa KWCatMbn;eTsPaBFmµCatid¾l¥
CacugeRkay vaCaesckþIsgÇwmrbs;eyIgEdlkmµviFIenHnwgCYykñúgkarbegáItnUvkarsnÞna mYykñúgcMenamtMbn;eTsPaBFmµCatil¥²én eBlevla nigTIkEnøg
sþIBIsPaBkarN_ nig GnaKténbrisßankm<úCa. tamry³karelIkTwkcitþnUvkarBiPakSa kic©BiPakSarYm ³ dwknaMedaynaykbrisßanCnCatiExµrEdlnwgcUlrYmenAkñúgevTikarBiPakSa
ebIkcMhGMBIsac;erOgEdl)anelIkeLIgenAkñúgExSPaBynþEdl)anbBa©aMgenAeBlraRtI. GasIuGaeKñy_. ExSPaBynþenH bgðaj BIkic©RbwgERbg edIm,IKaMRTkarGPirkSénRbB½n§enH ExSPaBynþTaMgGs;nwg
eyIgeCOCak;fa RbCaBlrdææGacGPivDÆn_nUvkaryl;dwg nigksagnUvkarebþCJacitþmYy

edayPñak;garrdæaPi)al nigédKUTaMgLay. TMnak;TMngrvagmnusS RtI nigRbB½n§bwgTenø RtUvbBa©aMgCUnenAmCÆ

cMeBaHBBYkstV rukçCati nig RbB½n§FmµCatiEdlBak;B½n§Kña. ]btßmÖGahar nigePsC¢³ eday GgÁkar WWF enAkñúghagkaehVGgÁkar FCC. mNÐlvb,Fm’)araMg pøÚv
karebIknUvkartaMgBiB½rN_rUbft enAkñúghagkaehV FCC. Gahar nigePsC¢H elx 184 pÞHelx
edaysarEtExSPaBynþenAkñúgkmµviFIenH nwgbgðajminRtwmEtkarGPirkSénéRBeQI raRtITIBI ¬éf¶GgÁar TI 5 Ex mifuna¦ em:ag 6³30-8³30 l¶ac ]btþ mÖedayGgÁkar GPirkSGnþrCati. 218 ¬ RBY j BN’
tMbn;dIesIm nigstVéRBCatiEtb:ueNÑaHenHeT EtEfmTaMgbgðajBInirnþrPaBénRbB½n§ TivabrisßanBiPBelak Rkhm¦. ExSPaBynþ
TaMgLayEdlKaMRTdl;karRbkbrbrciBa©wmCIvit nigsuxumalPaBrbs;RbCaBlrdækm<úCa. TaM g Laycab; e pþ I m
ExSPaBynþ 1 ³ raRtITIbI ¬éf¶ BuF TI 6 Ex mifuna¦ em:ag 6³30-8³30 l¶ac. bBa©aMgenAema:g 6³30
dUecñH sUmtamdan nigsb,ayrIkrayCamYykarbBa©aMgenH. Gñkkan;kab;éRBeQIkm<úCa ¬2007¦ ¬26 naTI raRtIrgVan; Audience Award Night. l¶ a c. kEnø g GgÁ ú y
PasaExµr edaymancMNgeCIgrgPasa Gg;eKøs¦ mankMNt;ehIynwgRtUv
raRtITImYy ¬éf¶c½nÞ TI 4 Ex mifuna¦ em:ag 6³30-8³30 l¶ac ¬Gñkplit ³sm½n§PaBshKmn_éRBeQIGnþrCati¦ ExSPaBynþ 1 ³ erobcM [ dl; G ñ k Edl
karsikSamYyénkic©RbwgERbgedayshKmn_Bwg TwkdIrbs;bwg ¬2007¦ ¬20 naTI PasaExµr edaymancMNgeCIgrgPasa Gg;eKøs¦ mkdl;mun. cUlemIl
GaRs½yéRBeQIBIrkEnøgedIm,IRKb;RKgéRBeQI ¬Gñkplit ³ World Fish Centre¦. ExSPaBynþenH bgðajBI karCab;Tak;Tg ]bsKÁ edayminKitR)ak;.
ExSPaBynþ 1 ³ mUldæan rYmTaMg]bsKÁTaMgLay EdlBYkeK nigGnusasn_ sMrab;karKb;RKgpøÚvTwk enAkñúgRbB½n§TenøemKgÁ .
shKmn_éRBeQI RBHBuT§sasnanigmrtk RbQmmux nigBIrebobEdlBYkeK)aneqøIytbeTA
km<úCa ¬2006¦ ¬22 naTI PasaExµredayman nwgbBaðaTaMgenH. GñkKaMRT nigGMNrKuN
cMNg eCIgrgPasa Gg;eKøs¦ ¬Gñkplit ³ ExSPaBynþ 2 ³
smaKmn_BuT§sasnik edIm,Ibrisßan¦. ExSPaB ExSPaBynþ 2 ³ kareFVIBiFIbuNüTenø 3 S ¬2006¦ ¬30 naTI
ynþenH bgðajBIkic©RbwgERbgedIm,IKaMRTdl;kar sMelgéRBPñM ¬2006¦ ¬30 naTI PasaExµr PasaExµr edaymancMNgeCIgrgPasaGg;eKøs¦
GPirkSéRBeQI enAkñúgRbeTskm<úCatamry³kar edaymancM N geCI g rgPasa Gg; e Kø s ¦ ¬Gñ k pli t ³ bNþ a jkarBarTenø 3 S ¦.
eRbI R )as; ] tþ m Kti B u T § s asni k ni g shKmn_ ¬Gñkplit ³ shKmn_éRBeQI GnþrCati nig plb:HBal;énTMnb; eTAelIshKmn_TaMgLay kmµviFIExSPaBynþ RtUv)ansMrbsMrYledayGgÁkar GPirkSGnþrCatiEdl)anbegáIt
RBHsgÇ. FMV¦. tamry³GMNacénviedGU kñúgPaKBay½BüénRbeTskm<úCaRtUv)anbgðaj eLIgenAqñaM 1987. ebsskmµrbs; GgÁkarenH KWedIm,IGPirkSmrtkFmµCati
RbCaBlrdæmUldæan niTanerOgra:vbrisßandac; tamry³ExSviedGUén plb:HBal;GñkPUmi. EdlmanCIvitelIEpndI CIv³cMruHBiPBelakrbs;eyIg nigedIm,Ibgðajfa sgÁmmnusS
ExSPaBynþ 2 ³ edayELkrbs;BYkeK. Gacrs;enA)anya:gsuxsanþCamYyFmµCati. taMgBIqñaM 2002mk GgÁkarGPirkSGnþrCati
karseRgÁaHbwgd¾FMrbs;km<úCa¬2006¦ )anbMeBjkargarkñúgkmµviFImYy CamYyrdæ)aléRBeQI ¬raCrdæaPi)alkm<úCa¦
ExSPaBynþ 3 ³ edIm,IKaMRTdl;karGPirkSéné®BkarBarPñMRkva:jkNþal. pøaksBaØarbs;GñkKaMRT
¬25 naTI PasaExµr edaymancMNgeCIgrg ExSPaBynþ 3 ³ bTbgðajdMbUgEdlmansar³sMxan;
PasaGg;eKøs¦ ¬Gñkplit ³FnaKarGPivDÆn_ TINamanTwk TIenaHmanRtI ¬2007¦ ¬26 énkmµviFImandak;taMgxageRkam.
naTI PasaExµr edaymancMNgeCIgrgPasa valesµAFMlVwgelVIyrbs;GasIu ¬2007¦ ¬22 naTI PasaGg;eKøs¦ ¬Gñkplit ³ Allan
GasIu¦. bwgTenøsabRtUv)aneKsÁal;fa :bwgd¾FM : Michaud¦. CaExSPaBynþEdlRtUv)an plitedaypÞal;xøÜn plitkmµenH bgðajBI
éf¶TI4 - 6 Exmifuna ExSPaBynþenH bgðajBIehtuplrbs;cMNgeCIg Gg;eKøs¦ ¬Gñkplit ³ KN³kmµkarTenø
mCÆmNÐlvb,Fm’)araMg emKgÁ¦. ExSPaBynþmYy EdlbgðajBITMnak; eTsPaBEdlminKYr[eCOénRbeTskm<úCa PaK\sanþ Edlmanval esµAFMlVwgelVIy
pøÚvelx 184 pÞHelx 218 enHkarKMramkMEhgGnaKtkalrbs;xøÜn nignUvGVI TMngrvagmnusS RtI nigRbB½n§bwgTenøsab. nigBBYkstVTaMgLayEdl)aneXIjeRbobRbdUceTAnwgTIvalesµAFMlVwgelVIyrbs;
PñMeBj EdlkMBug)aneFVIedIm,IedaHRsay bBaðaTaMgenH.
6³30l¶ac eTA 8³30l¶ac GaRBicxagekIt.

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