Two Benchmarking Activities

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1. Hospital System
a. Hospital Information System Hospital Information System
(HIS) all systems had been (HIS) has not been integrated in
integrated throughout the hospital all hospitals, only in admissions
both for ER, outpatients and both inpatients and outpatient
inpatients. clinic.
b. Financials Management System Not available
(FMS) has been integrated.
c. Materials Management System Not available
(MMS) has been integrated.
d. Philhealth Information System BPJS eClaim Not available
(PIS) has been integrated.
2. NOVARAD PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication)

a. Has been integrated Not available

b. Useful -
c Radiology officers and doctors can -
communicate and edit photos (X-
Ray result) even though the doctor
is not around at the hospital
d. Saving time -
Chapter Data Privacy Act of Philippines IT Act of Indonesia
I Central Provisions General Provisions
II The National Privacy Commission Principle and Purpose
III Processing of Personal Information Information, Document dan
Electronic Sign
IV Rights and The Data Subject Organizing Electronic Certification
and Systems
V Security of Personal Information Electronic Transactions
VI Accountability for Transfer of Domain Names, Intellectual
Property Rights, and Protection of
Personal Information
Personal Rights
VII Security of Sensitive Personal Violated Actions
Information in Government
VIII Penalties Dispute Resolution
IX Miscellaneous Provisions The Role of the Government and
the Role of the Community
X - Investigation
XII - Criminal Provisions
XII - Transitional Provisions
XIII - Closing
1 More specifically talking about More general nature not limited to
data privacy
data privacy.
2 Shorter and easier to understand Too long, it’s takes time to
3 Easier to memorize it Not easy to memorizes it
4 Chapter V talk about security Chapter VI talk about protection of
personal information
personal rights.
5 Security of personal information It’s not explained in detail
(chapter V) and accountability to
(Chapter VI).
transfer of personal information
(chapter VI) are explained in detail
in different chapters.
6 It’s does not explain detailed Explained in detail
investigation, criminal and
transitional provisions

1. Implementation of privacy data in hospitals has been better after hospital

accreditation two years ago. Previously, privacy data was not guaranteed because
those who input data into the system are secretary who are not a nurse or doctor.
So the non-medical secretary knows all patient data, the history of the disease
including the diagnosis of the patient's disease. But after accreditation, only health
workers are directly involved in patient care and medical record officers who can
enter data into the system. Until now, there have been no problems related to data
privacy and hopefully it doesn't happen.
2. Before 2017 the risk of errors in entering data becomes more frequent because
the secretary does not understand medical terms. Right now, only medical record
officer can entering data so the errors can be minimized.
3. Now the principle of patient confidentiality is more secure, not everyone can
access patient data except those involved in care and medical records.

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