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 The study is conducted on Mobile Service user

 The study is confined to the Lovely Professional University.
 The size of the sample: 100

Research Methodology
Sampling Plan:
a) Population: The populations interviewed in the research are students of LPU.
b) Sample Size: Owing to the constraints of time & budget , the sample size is restricted to
100 students.
c) Sample Element: The sample elements of the research are students of LPU.
d) Sample Unit: Lovely Professional University
e) Sample Duration: The sample duration was between March 2010 and April 2010.

Sampling Technique:
The sampling technique used is convenience sampling

Research Design:
A research design is the detailed blue print used to guide a research study towards its
objectives. It helps to collect measure and then analyze the data.

Types of Research
The study undertaken is of Exploratory Research in nature. Exploratory research studies are
those which are concerned with new hypothesis.

Nature of Research
The study undertaken is of Qualitative in nature. It is structured, standardized, question

Type of Question
The type of questions asked during the study are “Straight forward and limited probing”

Type of Questionnaire
The type of questionnaire used during the study is Structured and Formalized.

Type of Analysis
The type of analysis carried out during the study is using charts and graphs to interpret the
answer of respondents.

3.1 Need of the Study:

Many companies in these days are associating themselves with one or the other sport and the
major reason behind that is Brand Building. Each and every company whether new or old they
are in to sport sponsorship. Many new companies like Karbonn Mobile, Micromax Mobile,
Maxx Mobile etc. have made their presence felt in the market only after associating themselves
with the game of Cricket. Not only these new companies but also reputed companies like DLF
have their Brand Value. So a study to measure the effectiveness of sport sponsorships in brand
building was a must and an attempt has been made to do it.

3.2 Scope of the Study

The Study on “Sport Sponsorship as a Tool of Brand Building” has been done to measure the
impact on the consumer towards brand building of those companies which are associated with
sport sponsorship activities. This study can be very useful for the companies which are in to
sport sponsorship to find out to what extent people recall their brand and to what extent their
brand value has increased or decreased.
3.3 Objective of the Study
The prime objective of this study is to understand whether sponsoring a sport or a sporting event
is a successful technique of building a brand image and creating brand awareness among the
sport lovers.

The objectives of our study include the following:-

Research Methodology
A successful completion of any project and getting genuine results from that depends upon the
method used by the researcher. The plan or the methodology for this study would be laid upon
the following basis:

 Research design
 Sources of data collection
 Research approach
 Research instruments
 Sampling plan
 Framework of the population
 Sampling procedure
 Sampling unit
 Sampling size

 Contact method

Research Design
A research design is the detailed blue print used to guide a research study towards its
objectives. It helps to collect measure and then analyze the data.

The Research to be undertaken is of Exploratory Research in nature.

Data sources
The task of data collection began after a research problem has been defined and a research design
has been chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection, the researcher should
keep in mind two types of data viz., primary and secondary.
The primary data are those, which are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to
be original in character.

The secondary data are those that have already been collected by someone else and which have
already been passed through the statistical process. The methods of collecting primary data are to
be originally collected, while in case of secondary data the nature of data collection work is
merely that of compilation.

 This research mainly involved the primary sources of collecting the data.
 The data was gathered from the sports lovers belonging to different gender, age group,
education and income level.

Research approach
The approaches mainly opted by the researcher to get the results include behavioral, survey,
observational, experimental approaches etc.

For conducting this research the approach used was Survey approach (interview of the people).

Research instruments
The primary data was obtained during the course of doing research in a systematic manner with
the help of questionnaires and interviewing people.

Questionnaire Method: The questionnaire used by me for the purpose of data collection was of
structured type (Non-disguised). The questionnaire was designed keeping in mind the research
problem, which included the closed ended questions mostly as well as the personal details of the

Sampling plan
 Framework of the population: Respondents of this survey belongs from different
gender, age group and income level. For youth the respondents are the students of
LPU. For higher age groups and income level, respondents from Ludhiana and
Phagwara have been interviewed.
 Sampling technique: In this research study, non – probability convenience sampling
would be opted for. Convenience sampling is done purely on the basis of convenience
or accessibility.
 Sample size: A sample size of 500 respondents would be taken for conducting this

Contact method
Each and every respondent was surveyed directly by meeting them personally and interviewing
them. This was done so that the actual behavioral and psychological responses could be
achieved. Moreover, the person feels free to respond when given a chance to express his
thoughts openly.

Tabulation and Analysis of Data

Analysis of the study would be carried out by using SPSS to interpret the answer of
respondents and the raw data would converted in to pie charts, which have been used to draw
important inferences with the help of simple observations, techniques such as percentage, and
ratings were used to arrive at the final results instead of more complicated techniques.
The word "interactive" is often used as a synonym for new media such as the World Wide Web.
Advertising practitioners and researchers use the phrase "interactive advertising" to describe Internet or
Web-based advertising. However, despite the widespread use of such terms, scholars have noted that
interactivity is often either undefined or underdefined (Hanssen, Jankowski, and Etienne 1996; Heeter
1989, 2000; Huhtamo 1999; Miller, Katovich, and Saxton 1997; Schultz 2000; Smethers 1998).

A better understanding of interactivity is of critical importance for those who want to analyze and/or
develop Web-based advertising. Bezjian-Avery, Calder, and Iacobucci (1998) indicate that new media
fundamentally change relationships between consumers and producers by opening up the potential for
new forms of dialogue. However, their study also indicates that "the consumer can still simply buzz right
through the interactive media, paying so little attention to the advertisements, that the message cannot
function persuasively" (Bezjian-Avery, Calder, and Iacobucci 1998, p. 30). If advertising is to be
persuasive in environments such as the Web, advertisers need to understand interactivity better so that
they can more effectively engage and interact with consumers.

A central focus of advertising research is consumer perception. Researchers have begun to develop
perceptual measures for the Web, such as attitude toward the Web site (Chen and Wells 1999). To date,
research on perceived interactivity of the Web has been primarily conceptual rather than operational or
has used measures that were not fully tested and sometimes had low reliability (Cho and Leckenby 1999;
Heeter 2000; Lee 2000; McMillan 2000a; Sundar et al. 1998; Wu 1999). The purpose of this study is to
operationalize measures of perceived interactivity in the context of the World Wide Web using the
rigorous scale development process applied to many marketing scales. Scales for perceived interactivity
are needed to help researchers understand the role of interactivity and advertisers benefit from the
potential of Web-based interactivity

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