Reviewer For Social Studies

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Name: ______________________________ Section: ____________ Date:____________ Score: ___/200


___________________ 1. May be described as a history of power politics
___________________ 2. It proved to be significant in influencing the course of the history of the Romans
___________________ 3. This, among rains, made it possible for the Romans to support a larger population
___________________ 4. It referred to the Mediterranean Sea by the Romans which meant “our sea”
___________________ 5. It became Rome’s highway for conquering lands that were wealthier than itself
___________________ 6. Indo-European who migrated from the northern steppes of Eurasia who established
settlement in Palestine Hills along the Tiber River.
___________________ 7. They were herdsmen and farmers who are warlike and the first settlers in Rome.
___________________ 8. A marketplace that became the center of public meetings and discussion
___________________ 9. The oldest roads built at the bottom of the Palatine Hill
___________________ 10. They settled in the Italian Peninsula who established their colonies on the
southern tip of Italy as well as in Sicily
___________________ 11. Difference of Roman Gods to Greek Gods: power, names, or character

____________ 12. Aphrodite ____________17. Demeter ____________ 22. Hermes

____________ 13. Apollo ____________ 18. Dionysus ____________ 23. Hestia
____________ 14. Ares ____________ 19. Hades ____________ 24. Poseidon
____________ 15. Artemis ____________ 20. Hephaestus ____________ 25. Zeus
____________ 16. Athena ____________ 21. Hera

___________________ 26. Third group of people that settled in and established Tuscany in central Italy
___________________ 27. The practice of foretelling the future which was also the heart of their belief system
___________________ 28. It is the art of divining the future by observing the entrails of sacrificed animals
___________________ 29. A priest trained in the discipline of the art of divining the future
___________________ 30. In what idea was the religion of the Etruscans said to be based on
___________________ 31. This offered fertile land, food, supply of water, and is the third-longest river in Italy.
___________________ 32. A distinctive garment worn by citizens of Rome, borrowed from the Etruscan.
___________________ 33. A symbol of the power of the king to punish and execute anyone
___________________ 34. From them, the Romans adopted gladiator combats and the use of
the arch and vault in their buildings
___________________ 35. People had the power to vote and choose their leader
___________________ 36.The founder of Rome in 753BCE, the first of the 7 legendary kings, and started
Rome’s first army and government.
___________________ 37. The second king of Rome; brought peace to Rome and founded its religion.
___________________ 38. He strengthened the army and government, expanding Roman territory.
___________________ 39. He followed Hostilius in expanding and conquering lands for Rome.
___________________ 40. The fifth of Rome’s legendary kings who was had Etruscan origins.
___________________ 41. He paved the way for the establishment of representational government by
introducing the census that classified citizens and organized the Senate assembly
___________________ 42. Under this, the Romans experienced brutality and abuse of power
___________________ 43. This provided the spark that resulted to the establishment of a republic in Rome
___________________ 44. One of the most significant contributions of the Roman society to the world
___________________ 45. The basic unit of society
___________________ 46. It refers to the head of the family or father
___________________ 47. The absolute power over the members held by the father including life and death
___________________ 48. It refers to the clans the families were organized into
___________________ 49. The privileged social order in Rome
___________________ 50. Referred to the common people considered free citizens with the right to vote
___________________ 51. This was a system almost similar to the feudal relationship between lord and
vassal but on a personal level
___________________ 51.2. What held this system together?
___________________ 51.3. What did this system establish among Romans?
___________________ 52. “serious and stern sense of purpose”
___________________ 53. Referred to as the greatest empire builders of their time
___________________ 54. They had the authority to elect consuls
___________________ 55. It refers to the Roman Army organization composed of about 4-6,000 foot soldiers
___________________ 56. It refers to the groups of 500 that the no.55 were divided into
___________________ 57. It refers to the groups of 100 that the no.56 were divided into
___________________ 58. The highest magistrates in Rome that had executive and legislative powers
___________________ 59. It is the main governing body of the Republic
___________________ 60. Was the earliest popular assembly in Rome based on gens or clams whose but
was later reduced into being a ceremonial institution
___________________ 61. A popular assembly based on the classes of military service that had power to
pass laws, declare war, and elect senators
___________________ 62. Its main task was to represent and defend the interests of the plebeians
___________________ 63. The first written code of laws of the Roman Republic
___________________ 64. The set of laws that applied to both the Roman citizens and foreigners alike
___________________ 65. King of Epirus who led his forces against the Romans
___________________ 66. It means victory gained at too high a price
___________________ 67. This proved vital to the success and victory of Rome in its following
___________________ 68. Wars between Rome and Carthage
___________________ 69. Romans claimed Sicily, and later Sardinia and Corsica
___________________ 70. Commanded the Carthaginian army
___________________ 71. The Carthaginian army defeated Rome in war but has never conquered
___________________ 72. Captured its military base and proceeded to attack Carthage itself
___________________ 73. It meant conqueror of Africa
___________________ 74. The Romans occupied Spain
___________________ 75. Carthage was destroyed and Rome followed on the conquer of Asia Minor
___________________ 76. Huge estates as a result of many of the citizens forced to sell their lands
___________________ 77. New class of urban poor after the Punic Wars
___________________ 78. Another consequence of the Punic Wars

78. Introduced reforms that redistributed public lands reclaimed from large landowners to the poor
______________________ ______________________ ______________________

___________________ 80. Slaves could buy back his freedom

___________________ 81. Slave who was trained to be a gladiator
___________________ 82. A victorious general who became consul six times and a member of the populares
that worked for the extension of citizenship to provincials
___________________ 83. He allowed the recruitment of the poor and the landless to the Roman Army


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