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First Semester, 2017-18

Assignment-II, Mathematics-I

Course code: MATH F111 Max Marks: 15

Date: 30/10/17 Duration: 3 days

1. Answer all FIVE questions. Show every step clearly and legibly.

2. Use A/4 sheets and staple it properly before the submission. Do not use any note
book pages or any other paper pieces.

3. Only hand written answers are allowed.

4. No need to use a cover page. Put the following information on top of the first page:
Name, ID number, Date and Time of submission, Total number of pages, Total
number of questions attempted. In any case do not overwrite, scribble or
cancel and rewrite.

5. Sloppy work will result in penalisation/no grading.

6. Once your assignment is ready for submission, walk into CC204 (any time during
8.00 AM - 6 PM) and drop it into ASSIGNMENT DROP BOX available over there.

7. No assignment will be accepted after 6.00 pm on 02/11/17.

8. Bonus offer; Completion with ALL RIGHT ANSWERS in first THREE

hours will be awarded 3 extra marks. In this case, please hand over the
assignment to the Instructor-In-Charge directly at CC203 at 9.00 PM on

Assignment Questions

1. Does the curve r = θ, self intersect? If yes, find all point(s) of self intersection. If
no, why? [2]

2. State true or false and give reasons for your answer:

The maximum value of the directional derivative of z = f (x, y) occurs in the direc-
tion of gradient of g(x, y, z), where g(x, y, z) = z − f (x, y) = 0. [2]

3. Derive the formula for the curvature of a polar curve r = f (θ). Also find the cur-
vature of the curve r = 2(1 + sin θ) (at any point θ at which curvature is defined).

4. Let γ(s) be a smooth curve on the surface of a sphere such that curvature κ of the
curve γ(s) is positive and torsion τ of the curve γ(s) is non-zero, everywhere on the
curve, where s is the arclength parameter. Then prove or disprove;
τ d dκ/ds
= .
κ ds τ κ2


5. Discuss the differentiability of f (x, y) at the origin;

( √2 2
x x +y
if x 6= 0
(a) f (x, y) =
0 if x = 0.
(q 2 6 4 2 2 4
(x +y )(x y +x y )
x4 +y 8
if (x, y) 6= (0, 0)
(b) f (x, y) =
0 if (x, y) = (0, 0).


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