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London 2012

“The Show Must Go On”

Police National CBRN Centre

Ian Stubbs
14,700 athletes 205 countries

34 sporting venues

10,000,000 tickets

20,000 Media

7+ years in planning
Olympic Park Plus…
• Wider London venues
• Olympic family sites
• Training camps
• Paralympics
• Regional sporting venues
• 70 day Torch relay
• Cultural Olympics
• Live sites
• Logistics sites
• Rail, sea and air hubs
Drivers & Factors
• Threat picture (17 CBRNE risks)
• International expectations
• Steady state capability & conops
• Must not weaken wider UK

“Sporting event with a security overlay not a

security event”

• Commanded locally
• Consistent nationally
• Co-ordinated nationally
Olympic Security Directorate
Safety and Security Concept of Operations

National Olympic Security Co-ordinator

Protect Prepare Identify & Disrupt

Command, Control, Plan and Resource


27 Co-ordinated Projects
National Security Projects & Workstreams
Site and Venue Security Border Security

Meeting Demand ID Assurance VIP Security

Covert Volume Crime International Liaison

Training Intelligence Specialist Support CCTV

Critical Supporting Infrastructure Resilience

Military Transport Communications

Volunteers Co-ordination CBRN

•SEVERE threat level (inc. CBRNE)

• Response built upon existing capability

Plan for credible threats, non-activated & activated

devices and false alarm management

•CBRN Response in accordance with “9 Key

9 Key Tasks
Multi-Agency National Concept of Operations

Command and Control

Arrival at Scene Mobilisation
Scene Assessment Scene Management
Deliberate Reconnaissance Rescue & Triage
Decontamination Survivor Management
CBRN Strategic Priorities
Preserve and protect lives
Minimise and mitigate the impact
Inform the public & maintain public confidence
Prevent, deter and detect crime
Restore (new) normality
CBRN Interoperability
Common terminology & definitions
Common strategic principles
Multi-agency plans
Multi-agency plan validation

Multi-agency training & exercising

Joint command – strategic through operational
CBRNE Concept of Operations
• Tiered
• Threat based
• Proportionate
• Consistent across UK venues
• Multi-Agency
• Built on existing capability and
• Interoperability
Venue Security
•Network of island sites
•Mixed workforce
•Liquids ban
•Vehicle and pedestrian inc VIP
•100% search versus throughput
•Technology limitations
CBRNE Additionality
•Initial Incident Assessment Teams (I.I.A.T)

•Forward deployed E assets

•Forward deployed science

•Additional dedicated enhanced CBRN assets –

key sites

•CBRN Screening
CBRNE Additionality
•Enhanced Fire CBRN coverage

•Enhanced Ambulance HART coverage

•24/7 operations centre & NOCC support

•Enhanced national reporting and analysis

•Venue profiling
CBRNE National Planning
• Venue Specific Plan
• Consistent Template
• Tactical Summary for ‘hot use’
• National scrutiny
• 3 stage validation Review
Lessons uplift
• National Readiness Exercise Programme
CBRNE Planning Lessons
• Pre-planning Do more

• Plan ownership Planners or


• Pace Advance planning

v sprint finish

• Command Clarify parameters and

crisis transition

• Volume & complexity Its not business as

Security challenges


•Firearms & bladed weapons

•C, B, R materials

•Hoax (disruption is relative to confidence in

Venue Security
•Explosives, Chemical and Radiological

Established technologies & mitigation

•B challenge
Time, reliability & consequences
Site & Venue Security - Bio

Window for intervention


Efficacy of Prophylaxis
Site & Venue Security - Bio

At what point in time do you alert


Efficacy of Prophylaxis
Bio – At what point do you alert up?

Too early = False alarm

Early = Maximise life saving
Too late = Unnecessary death
Low confidence = What do they do
High confidence = Why wasn’t I told sooner
Response impact = Games-ending
• Brownfield & varied sites
• Olympics v Paralympics
• 5% of 5% - CBRN profile
• Briefing without alarming
• Information control
• Information flow
• Misinformation
• Managing reactions

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