Ujian Nasional Tahun 2012

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Once upon a time rabbit wanted to E.

cross a river but he cold not swim. He
had an idea He saw a boss of crocodile An elephant is the largest and
swimming in the river. The rabbit asked strongest animals. It is a strange
the boss of crocodile. “How many looking animal with its thick legs, huge
crocodile are there in the river?” “Where sides and backs, large hanging ears, a
are they? the rabbit asked for the small tall, little eyes, long white tusks
second time. and above all it has a long noise, the
“All of you are good, nice, gentle trunk.
and kind. so I want to make a line in The trunk is the elephant’s
order. Later I will know how kind are peculiar feature, and it has various
you,” said the rabbit. Then, the boss of uses. The elephant draws up water by
the crocodile called all his friends and its trunk and can squirt it all over its
asked them to make a line in order from body like a shower bath. It can also lift
one side to the other side of the river. leaves and puts them into its mouth. In
Just then. the rabbit started to count fact the trunk serves the elephant as a
while jumping from one crocodile to long am and hand. An elephant looks
another one. very clumsy and heavy and yet it can
one......two.......there.....four.....until move very quickly.
twenty, and finally, he thanked all The elephant is a very intelligent
crocodile be cause he had crossed the animal. Its intelligence combined with
river. its great strength makes it a very useful
Ujian Nasional tahun 2012 servant to man and it can be trained to
1. The story mainly tells us about.... serve in various ways such as carry
A. twenty crocodiles heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even
B. the boss of the crocodiles fight.
C. a rabbit and twenty crocodiles Ujian Nasional tahun 2012
D. a rabbit and the boss of 4. The third paragraph is mainly
crocodile about the fact that....
E. the boss of the crocodile and A. elephants are strong
all his friends B. elephants can lift logs
C. elephants are servants
2. We know from the first paragraph D. elephant are very useful
that the rabbit actually wanted .... E. elephant must be trained
A. to cross the river
B. to swim across the river 5. Which of the following is NOT part
C. to meet the boss of crocodile of the elephant describe in the first
D. to know where the crocodiles paragraph?
are A. It looks strange
E. to know the number of B. It is heavy
crocodiles there C. It is wild
D. It has a trunk
3. “All of you are good, nice, gentle, E. It has a small tail
and kind ..” (Paragraph 2) The
underline words is synonymous 6. It is stated in the text that the
with.... elephant uses the trunk to do the
A. wild following, EXCEPT....
B. diligent A. to eat
C. cheerful B. to push
D. easy going C. to drink
D. to carry things D. The quality of the products will
E. to squirt water over the body. be different from the former
7. “The trunk is the elephant’s E. The name green “Miles West”
peculiar feature....(Paragraph2) will be effective as of 5th
The underline word close in December 2009.
meaning to ....
B. strange Every Saturday from 18.00 to 21.30
C. tough Dieng Restaurant
D. smooth A selection of our original recipe,
E. king Prepared in front of your eyes by our
We are announcing today that we  Included free Carica drink
are bringing the milestone and ever  Enjoy the live music by Antrax
green brands even closer together. Band
Effective as of 5th Desember 2009, our For more info:
official name will be: Call: 3389777 ext. 65111 – 65112
The substitution of ‘West’ in our Ujian Nasional tahun 2014/2015
name replacing ‘California’ is the result 10. What is the purpose of the
of an agreement we reached with advertisement above?
California Gardening association A. To promote Dieng Restaurant
following a protest over the original use B. To enjoy Antrax Band.
of ‘California’ is our name. C. To inform Dieng Restaurant.
We hope this does not create any D. To describe Dieng Restaurant.
confusion among loyal consumers. E. To explain Carica drink.
While this represents a change from our
initial name introduction, it doesn’t 11. Dieng Restaurant opens on ....
change the quality of products we offer A. everyday
to our consumers. B. every evening
Ujian Nasional tahun 2014/2015 C. Sunday to Friday
8. What does the text tell us about? D. every Saturday evening
A. The mergers of two companies E. every Saturday from 18.00 to
B. The new service of company. 21.30
C. The new office of company
D. The change of office name Have you ever wondered how
E. The result of agreement people get chocolate from in this article
we’ll enter the amazing world of
9. Which of the following statement is chocolate so you can understand
TRUE according to the text? exactly what you’re eating.
A. The corporate offices were Chocolate starts with a tree called
protested the cacao tree. This tree grows in
B. There was conflict between equatorial regions, especially in places
Green Miles West and such as South America, Africa, and
Milestone Indonesia, the cacao tree produces a
C. The loyal consumers created fruit about the size of asmall pineapple.
an official name for the Inside the fruit are the tree’s seeds, also
company. known as cocoa beans.
The beans are fermented for B. By roasting the beans.
about a week, dried in the sun and then C. By blending the beans.
shipped to the chocolate maker. The D. By sorting the beans.
chocolate maker starts by roasting the E. By drying the beans.
beans to bring out the flavour. Different
beans from different places have SINGAPORE: A supervisor was
different qualities and flavor, so they are jailed for two months for repeatedly
often sorted and blanded to produce a striking his Indonesian maid on the
distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans head and back with a television remote.
are winnowed. Winnowing removes the Muhammad Shafiq Woon
meat nib of the cacao bean from its Abdullah was brought to court in
shell. The the nibs are blended. The Singapore because he had physically
blended nibs are ground to make it a hurt the woman on several occasions
liquid. The liquid is called chocolate between June and October 2002, the
liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain Straits Time said.
some amount of fat, and cacao beans The magistrate’s court heard that
are not different. However, cacao Shafiq, 31, began striking Winarti, 22,
beans are hard fat, which is why the about a month after she started working
ground nibs from liquid. It’s pure bitter for him.
chocolate. He hit her on the head with the TV
Ujian Nasional tahun 2007 sets remote control because he was
12. The text is about .... unhappy with her work. On one
A. The cacao tree occasion, he punched her on the back
B. The cacao beans accusing her of daydreaming.
C. The raw chocolate S.S. Dhillon, Shafiq’s lawyer,said
D. The making of chocolate that his client had become mad when
E. The flavour of chocolate he saw his daughter’s face covered as
she was lying in bed. He said his client
13. The third paragraph focuses on .... thought the maid had put the child in
A. the process of producing danger.
chocolate Ujian Nasional tahun 2007
B. how to produce the cocoa 16. The text reported ....
flavour A. the arrest of a supervisor.
C. where chocolate comes from B. the working condition in
D. the chocolate liquor Singapore
E. the cocoa fruit C. an Indonesian worker in
14. ”..., so they are often sorted and D. the Indonesian workers’
blended to produce .... (Paragraph 3) condition in Singapore
The underlined word is close in E. a crime by a Singaporean
meaning to .... supervisor towards his maid
A. arranged
B. combined 17. Which one of the following
C. separated statements is TRUE according to the
D. distributed text?
E. organized A. A supervisor was put in jail for
two years.
15. How does the chocolate maker start B. The supervisor gave many kinds
to make chocolate? of jobs to the maid.
A. By fermenting the beans.
C. The maid has been working for ancient past, by the impact of a large
him for two months. meteorite plunging into an ocean.
D. Winarti struck the supervisor Tsunamis race across the sea at
with a remote control. up to 500 miles (805 kilometers) an
E. The supervisor hit his maid’s hour – about as fast as a jet airplane. At
head with the TV set’s remote that pace they can cross the entire
control. expanse of the Pacific Ocean in less
than a day. And their long wavelengths
18. “ ... he physically hurt the woman ... mean they lose very little energy along
“ (Paragraph 2) the way.
The underlined word is close in A tsunami’s through, the low point
meaning to .... beneath the wave’s crest, often
A. cut reaches shore first. When it does, it
B. injured produces a vacuum effect that sucks
C. offended coastal water seaward and exposes
D. punished harbor and sea floors. This retreating of
E. damaged sea water is an important warning sign
of a tsunami, because the wave’s crest
19. Why did Shafiq punch Winarti on and its enormous volume of water
her back? She was accused of .... typically hit shore five minutes or so
A. talking much time for herself later. Recognizing this phenomenon
B. not working properly can save lives.
C. working carelessly A tsunami is usually composed of
D. daydreaming a series of waves, called a wave train,
E. being lazy so its destructive force may be
compunded as successive waves
A tsunami is a series of ocean reach shore. People experiencing a
waves that sends surges of water, tsunami should remember that the
sometimes reaching height of over 100 danger may not have passed with the
feet (30.5 meters), onto land. These first wave and should await official word
walls of water can cause widespread that it is safe to return to vulnerable
destruction when they crash ashore. locations.
These awe-inspiring waves are Some tsunamis do not appear on
typically caused by large, undersea shore as massive breaking waves but
earthquakes at tectonic plate instead resemble a quickly surging tide
boundaries. When the ocean floor at a that inundates coastal areas.
plate boundary rises or falls suddenly, it Ujian Nasional tahun 2017/2018
displaces the water above it and 20. Why did the author write the report?
launches the rolling waves that will A. To raise people’s awareness
become a tsunami. about tsunami.
Most tsunami, about 80 percent, B. To warn people about an
happen within the Pacific Ocean’s “Ring upcoming tsunami.
of Fire”, a geologically active area C. To inform people about past
where tectonic shifts make volcanoes tsunamis.
and earthquakes common. D. To inform people about the
Tsunamis may also be caused by different types of tsunami.
underwater landslides or volcanic E. To warn people about the
eruptions. They may even be launched, dangers of tsunami.
as they frequently were in Earth’s
21. Tsunamis are usually the result of die because of this. By wearing the seat
.... belts, the injury will not happen since
A. the sudden rise or fall of ocean belts restrain our body on the car seat
floors when the accident happens.
B. Pacific Oceans “Ring of Fire” Unfortunately, many cars,
C. the awe-inspiring waves especially the old ones, don’t have seat
D. volcanoes belts. This is because the traffic
E. landslides conditions in the past were unlike the
recent traffic conditions. The designer
22. From the text, we know that of old cars didn’t consider a seat belt as
Tsunami can be very destructive an important part. Besides, the drivers
because .... wearing the seat belt will think that they
A. they come after earthquakes are completely safe, so they may drive
B. they are caused by volcanic carelessly. They are safe, indeed, but
eruptions how about safety of other?
C. they are tall, fast, forceful and The seat belt is only one of the
repetitive ways to reduce the risk of car accidents.
D. they have a vacuum effect It doesn’t mean that we are completely
E. the occur suddenly safe. In short, our safety depends on
23. “Some tsunami do not appear on Ujian Nasional tahun 2017/2018
shore as massive breaking waves but 24. What is the main idea of paragraph
instead resemble a quickly surging tide 3?
that inundates coastal areas.” A. Old cars do not use seat belts.
(Paragraph 8) B. The old cars have seat belts for
The underlined word is closest in their safety.
meaning to .... C. The drivers wear seat belts may
A. floods drive carefully.
B. covers D. The traffic conditions in the past
C. fills were similar to the recent.
D. attacks E. The old cars’ designer
E. submerges considered a seat belt as an
important part.
Nowadays, the police have been
applying the new regulation 25. What is the function of seat belts?
concerningthe use of seat belts. In A. To reduce the traffic conditions.
European countries, this regulation has B. To become a standard
been applied for a long time. However, component in cars.
this new regulation has become C. To reduce the risk of injury or
controversial and is an interesting topic death in an accident.
to discuss. Here are some of the D. To prevent the drivers driving
arguments. cars carefully.
The use of seat belts has been E. To increase the risk of injury in
proven to reduce the risk of injury or car accidents.
death in an accident. Seat belt has
become a standard component in cars. 26. Who considered a seat belt as a
The researchs show that most car unimportant part?
accident will cause an injury to the A. Police
head. Frequently, drivers or the B. People
passengers driving without seat belts C. Drivers
D. Passengers Kunci Jawaban
E. Old cars designer 1. D
27. “... that they are completely safe.” 2. A
(Paragraph 3) 3. E
What does teh word ‘they’ refer to? 4. D
A. Cars 5. A
B. Seat belts 6. B
C. Drivers 7. B
D. Designers 8. D
E. Others 9. E
10. A
11. A
12. E
13. E
14. B
15. D
16. D
17. A
18. C
19. B

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