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1. All of Rome was burnt and blame was casted on those who follow Christ and one of their
leaders, Paul. All Christians found are persecuted and suffering. There are those who are
hiding to safety.
Those who weren’t believers of Christ lived a normal life while the Christians who believe
in Christ and follow Him and the leaders he attested were in hiding. Christians who were
caught were persecuted.

2. He was accused of being responsible in putting half of Rome in ashes. He was sentenced
because Nero had proclaimed him as a corruptor, deceiver and a capital charge for treason.
3. Paul was arrested and underwent imprisonment. He was punished with 20 lashes after
being accused of putting half of Rome into ashes. In prison, Paul had dreams of the
Christians that he persecuted. He continuously had dreams of his childhood. On his way to
Damascus, he was blinded by God’s light. He was doubted by officials and some Christians
who are blinded by the cruelty of the Romans.
Christians were thrown into Nero’s bloody circus where men, women and children are
torn apart by wild beasts. There were Christians who were set on fire to light the streets.
4. Luke said to Paul that he would never leave his side. He came to the prison in secret to be with Paul
and be a friend to talk to and at the same time to listen to his words of wisdom. Luke stayed by
Paul’s side until the end. He wrote down Paul’s words of wisdom to spread to other
5. It is possible for such people to have metanoia, to live and die for Christian faith because
of one’s faithfulness and belief in God’s words, deeds, and wonders. God forgives, He gives
endless chances to people to have a change of heart and to do good.
6. His faithfulness, fearlessness, truthful, strength, hopefulness and conviction stood out in
the story. What I appreciate the most is his faithfulness and fearlessness because he was
the most honest example of a Christian and an example of how we should stand by our
faith in God, no matter what the situation is.
7. a. Luke talks to Paul about certainty of truth despite the death
o “I know the one in whom I believe and I am certain of the joy of where I go”
o “You cannot repay evil for evil, evil can only be overcome with good.”;
o “You would give up on the world when Christ did not give up on us?”;
o “Love is the only way. Love that suffers long. Love is kind, it is not envy, it is not
proud. Love that doesn’t dishonor, that does not seek for itself. Love that is not
easily angered but rejoices in truth. Love that never delights in evil. Love that
protects, trust, hopes, endures all things, that kind of love.”
o Paul’s conversation with Mauritius “I boast only on my weaknesses so that God’s
power may rest on me.” “His ways are not my ways. I offer the truth of salvation
that is set on my heart.”
b. Paul’s conversation in the cell with Luke, “Where sin abounds, grace abounds more.”
c. Paul’s conversation with Mauritius after the break in of some Christians to set Paul and
Luke free. “Men do not die for things they doubt.”

d. His last conversation with Luke

o “We live, we live for the lord, we die, we die for the lord. Whether We live or die
we belong to the Lord.”
o “To live is Christ to die is gain”

e. Before his death, during the freedom of several Christians, Paul had spoken, “He has
saved us and called us to our holy life not because of anything, we have done but
because of His own purpose and grace.”
o “God’s word is not chained”
o “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. The
Lord be with your spirit”
8. Paul’s conversion and mission story tells us that God is a loving God. He forgives, no
matter how many times we fail Him. That love conquers all evil and faith conquers all
fear. We should always entrust ourselves to Christ and He will do the rest. His Will will
always be done.

9. Paul abides with Christs’ ways. He became strong with his faith. He became truthful. He
became aware that love should prevail and that peace should start with ourselves. Paul
wasn’t scared of what will happen to him during execution. He kept his faith that good
things will come. That meeting Christ will be the start of salvation. He fought with
goodness prevailing and not doing cruelty unto others.

10. In our present time and situation, I believe that there are tons of ways to imitate Paul’s
example. We could put ourselves in action to bring about peace and love to the entire
world. We should bring about peace within ourselves. Learn to pray, speak and love. We
should all learn how to forgive and do good unto our enemies. In all situations at all times,
we should not only pray but also match our actions with our prayers and intentions. We
change for the better and work with Christ.

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