20 Secret Ways To Become Successful University Student

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14 secret ways to become a successful university student

I. Introduction

Do you know what is success? Success define as a great achievement that has someone
done. Success can and can not achieve by someone it’s depend on his/her efort. So do
you want to be a successfull university student? Do you know how to get it? In this peace
of writing I will explain about 14 secret ways to be success namely: work hard,
determination, descipline, eat well, make time to relax, make a plan, be consistent about
your study time, don’t blame others, challenge yourself, giveyourself rewards, exercise
reguarly, create weekly shcedule, do and submit our task on time and hang out with
people who are motivated and focused. These ways will be describe bellow.

II. Content

1. Working hard
In order to become a successfull student we have to work hard. Work hard means we
do something more than what we do before. When you work hard you will have
descipline and determination why? Because in working hard you need strong
determination and descipline to keep working. As a student in university being
success is the major priority. But being success is not easy to taked instead you have
to do something to get it.
2. Determination
When you meet a problem which impossible for you to solve it but you are trying to
do it then it is determination. Have you ever thought about someone who doesn’t have
determination? What will happen to him? If someone doesn’t have determination in
his life I believe that when he do some job it must be caressly. Having determination
in our life it so important because having it we can focuse on what we study, it can
encourage us to do an action, it can guide us to do something goodly, it can examine
what should we do.
3. Descipline.
Descipline define as a system of rule that organize every human’s life. Without
descipline we will be nothing. Descipline is divided intotwo parts. The first part is
descipline in time which mean that we are not allowed to late in doing something like
arrive on time, submit task on time, study on time, come to the class on time and so
on. The second one is descipline in work which mean that you should do something
goodly and totally. For example, if you wanted to submit you peper you must recheck
it part by part may be there some mistypes, or about the grammar it’s correct or not
correct then after that you submit it. It is consider that you work something totally.
4. Eating well.
Eating a lot is good but remember that you have to consider what is good for your
body. As a student you must be able to choose what kind of food that support your
body healthy. Because you are what do you eat. If you eat something good then it will
bring positive effect to your body but if you eat any kind of food then it will bring
something bad to your body. If your body healt then you will focuse, easy to
understand every lesson that you get and you will positive thinking.
5. Making time to relax.
We are forced to work hard in every situation in order to get good score and it is good
but remember that we are not a robot, we are human then we need to make time for
relaxation. It is okay to work hard, to have descipline and strong determination but
what about if we are not healthy all of them will useless. Many people do that, they
don’t care about their body healthy then they became stress, difficult to control their
emotion, get hospitalize, get heart attack and then die. So the key is we have to block
out time for relaxation in our weekly schedule in order that we don’t burn out.
6. Making a plan.
Plan is decision or things about what one is going to do. So it’s really important for
students to make a plan because it will help them to manage their time. It means that
with making a plan they have set their time well so they don’t have much time to do
something useless. With making a plan our job will be organized well because we
know what should to do next
7. Be consistent about your study time
There are some distraction which distract us while we are studying like: handphone,
laptop, friends and so on. So while you are studying stay away from all of the things
that can distract you like what I have mention above. I don’t said that you can’t to use
them latter, of course you can use them but let yourself free for two or three hours
without them. Then after you have finished you can use them again.
8. Don’t blame others
Have you ever said this sentence “ all bed situations that happened in my life is
because of you”. If you want to be a successfull student don’t blame others because of
something bed had happened to your life. You will be consider a successfull student
when you can take full resposibility for your life.
9. Challenge yourself
Challenge means something challenging, competition and hard. I believe that students
always meet with challenge in their life. There are some students who keep standing
and there are some students who go away because of the challenge. But guys if you
want to be success you can’t keep standing in your zone because if you keep standing
there your knowledge will be limited and you will never know who truly you are. So,
the things that you have to do are: get out from comfort zone and do something that
you never do before. When you do this you can measure how competent you are and
trust me if you keep challenge yourself you will be success. For example, if you
usually read 2 hours per day then you have to read 4 hours per day, if you usually read
a book in a week then you have to read 2 books in a week.
10. Giving yourself rewards.
Some students always say these sentences when they are asked to do something “ I
can’t”, “it’s not in my level”. Well, indirectly we has under estimate ourselves and it
beings consider not good you know why?because when we do that on and on we will
be nothing. So what you should do ? You have to say “yes I can” when you are asked
to do something it beings consider like you have give youself to try and if you fail to
do what they asked, just say to yourself that you have to try again and again until you
make it. Or you can say to yourself that if you can to do this you will get 2 hours for
play game, extra time to watch movie and so on.
11. Exercise regularly
Many students believe that study is the only way to get success but instead it’s wrong
because when someone got smart but at the same time they got sick it means that they
fail to become succefull students. So in order to keepyourbody healtty, you must do
exercise reguarly. It help you to enhance your concentration and to make you more
creative. For example, jogging, push upand sit up. But you must make sure that when
you do these exercises you don’t need to force yourself but at least 30 minutes each
12. Creating weekly schedule
Every program has scheduled whether is a big program or small program. The
aims of the scheduled are : first,is to make the program easy to do , second is to
manage the time and the last is to train resposibility. Let’s see the first one. When you
had already scheduled your activities, you will easy to wok on it because every thing
that you want to do had planned already so you do not need to make yourself busy to
think about the next steps of your activities. For example, my acvities on Monday:
jogging, feeding animal, cleaning the house, going to Campus, hanging out with
friends, reding some books, working the college task and taking a rest. After you see
these scheduled I believe that it will help you to through this day easily.
We move to the second one. When you scheduled your activities it will
manage your time why ? because every thing that you have already planned have their
own time so you won’t waste your time. For example, my planning for today:
watering the plant 7.30 am - 8.00 am, cooking 8.00 am – 9.30 am, going to campus
9.30 am 16.00 pm, taking a shower 18.00 pm – 18.15 pm, taking a rest 18.15 – 1am.
After you set the time for your activities, you will be good in organize your time.
And we come to the last one. After you set your schedule and you do that
everyday, it will train your responsibility why ? because the more you set your time
and decide your next step it will build your responsibility. So it so really important for
a student to make weekly schedule in order to help them in working their activities
easily, managing their time well and trainning their responsibility.
13. Doing and submiting our homework on time
One condition in order to get score in a subject is to do and submit task on
time. Do you guys always do that ? if you do that it must be great. But have you had
an investigation about this problem? Whether all the students do an submit task on
time? Actually the data said that most of students are late to submit their task. I
believe that this happen because they don’t working very hard for their task so, they
are late to submit it and caused they do not past some subject. This situation can be
worse if we do not take care of this. So how to do and submit our homework on time?
To do and to submit our homework on time we have to had strong
detrmination why ? because if we have strong determination in our life it will
encourage us to do something.

14. Hanging out with people who are motivated and focused
If you get time break or holiday who is your friends? Whether they are good friends
or not? In order to being success you not only study fom your lecturer but also from
environment and from your friend. Thast’s why, when you hang out with your
friends make sure that all of them are motivated and focused why? Because good
friend and good environment will support you to be success. I don’t mean to say that
you must stay away from them who do not motivated and focused but at least you
know with whom you close to. Now you are live in global era which full of
challenge.so what will you do to get out from this problem? Whether you just sit
without do something or you would find away? To solve this problem you should find
someone who can help you right.
III. Conclusion

Do you guys still remember how many secret ways to be successs? After you read
these 14 secret ways to be success do you guys think you can do it? Well,as what I
explain above there are 14 secret ways to be success namely: work hard,
determination, descipline, eat wel, make time to relax, make a plan , be consistent
about your study time, don’t blame others, challenge yoursef, give yourself rewards,
exercise reguarly, create weakly schedule, do and submit our home work on time,
hang out with people who are motivated and focused. If hard for you to do all of these
ways then try one by one and I’m sure you will get success. But if you think these
ways are pretty complicated then I recommen you to take only three major ways there
are: work hard, determination and descipline. If you allow me to predict which ways
that you will do first, it must be work hard because I think it is one of the major way
- http://www.merriam-webster.com
- https://www.kompasiana.com
- https://pinarac.wordpress.com

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