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3 c. flour
1 T. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 c. shortening ​(Pack down with spoon or gets bubbles)
1 1/2 c. milk


Preheat oven to ​400​ degrees

1. Sift together flour, powder and salt into large metal bowl.
2. Cut in shortening with fork. ​(It will look flaky.)
3. Add milk, stir with fork until mixture cleans sides of bowl.
4. In a small bowl get some extra flour to put on the surface.
5. KNEAD​ on lightly floured board 8 to 10 times on clean surface area.
6. Roll or pat out to ​¾-inch​ thick.
7. CUT​ with biscuit cutter or glass.
8. Put on ​ungreased​ jelly roll pan.
9. Using pastry brush, get milk in a small sauce cup and brush over the top of
the biscuits.
10.Bake ​12-15​ minutes.

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