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Name of Customer: Occupation:

Contact Details: Address :

Questionnaire for the Customers

1. You are in which age group

a) ˂ 18 years
b) 18-30 years
c) 30-45 years
d) ˂ 45 years

2. Type of Food purchasing from the market

a) Raw Food
b) Processed Food
c) Semi-processed food
d) Others

3. Buying of the processed food from different market

a) Organized market
b) Unorganized market
c) Both

4. Are these processed food products affordable to you

1. Yes
2. No
5. Which are the brand you preferred for consumption of processed food
a) MTR foods
b) Haldiram’s

c) Balaji
d) Britannia
e) Parle
f) ITC
g) Local
h) Kisan
i) Others

6. How often you purchased the processed food products

a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Occasionally

7. Educational Qualifications of customer

a) Illiterate
b) HSC & SSC
c) Graduate
d) PG and Professional

8. What is the main reason for consumption of processed food products

a) Taste
b) Nutritional Quality
c) RTE Products
d) Easily availability

9. Monthly Income of the customers

a) ˂ 10000
b) 10000-25000
c) 25000-40000
d) ˂ 40000

10. Awareness level about the processed food products
a) Very low
b) Low
c) Average
d) High
e) Very high

11. Are you satisfied with the processed food products

a) Strongly disagree
b) Disagree
c) Neutral
d) Agree
e) Strongly agree

12. How you rated the processed food products

a) Poor
b) Average
c) Good
d) Excellent

13. From which source you got information about the processed food

14. What are the main factors which influences the purchasing of processed food
a) Price
b) Brand Endorsement
c) Advertising
d) Sales promotion
e) Attractive packaging
f) Others

15. What many members in your family
a) ˂ 3
b) 3-5
c) 5-8
d) ˂ 8

16. Are you thinking that the food habits are changing
1. Yes
2. No
17. Factors responsible for influencing demand of processed food
a) Increase in income
b) Generation Gap
c) Consumer behaviour
d) Changing lifestyle
e) Availability of products
f) Others

18. Mostly consumed processed food products

a) Bakery products
b) Dairy products
c) Snacks
d) Packaged food
e) Beverages
f) Others

19. How you rated the processed food with concern to nutritional quality
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Poor
e) Very Poor

Questionnaire for Retailers

20. Who are the major buyers of processed food products

a) Students
b) Family members
c) Housewife
d) Working professional

21. Main reason for keeping processed food products in store

a) Margin
b) Demand of customer
c) Schemes and discount
d) Requires less space

22. What is your opinion about the processed food product

a) Highly unproductive
b) Unproductive
c) Difficult to say
d) Productive
e) Highly productive

23. Important considerations for selling of processed food

a) Price
b) Brand
c) Marketing channel
d) Market
e) Others

24. The type of pricing strategy adopted by the retailer

a) Demand based
b) Competitive pricing
c) Seasonal

d) Fixed one
e) Target pricing

25. Satisfaction level by the distribution network

a) Very poor
b) Poor
c) Average
d) Good
e) Excellent

26. Major constraints for processed food products


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