4th Quarter Physics 2 Performance Task

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Investigatory Project: Arduino Technology

Long bondpaper – 8.5” x 13”
Margin – 1” x 1”
Font Style: Tahoma
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Titles: 14; Contents: 11

Cover Page – to be posted

The Title should be clear and precise. It has an objective or purpose. It should not be written
too long or too short. By just reading the title, you can determine what the investigative study
is all about.

Chapter I
1. Introduction and Its Background
The Introduction is about one page only wherein it includes the background of the study and its
rationale. It usually leads into the research problem.

2. Statement of the Problem

The Statement of the Problem has two categories namely: the general problem and specific
problems. Usually, one general problem and three specific problems which derived from the
general problem. The research problems should be specific, reliable,valid, measurable,
objectively stated. It can be a question form or in a declarative statement.

3. Significance of the Study

The Significance of the Study indicates how important is your investigatory project for the
people, environment and community as a whole. It is really relevant in the changing world or
global impact into the field of technology.

Chapter II
Product Blueprint
The detailed picture and labels of the product in all aspects such that it is not limited to the
external visualization as well as its internal core. Include a concise explanation after the
blueprint stating the product features, importance, product edge, et al.

Chapter III
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
1. Summary
The Summary briefly summarizes your research from Chapter I to Chapter II which includes the
research problems, methodology and findings. It consists of one or two paragraphs only.

2. Conclusion
The Conclusion is the direct statement based on findings or results. It should answer your
hypothesis and research problems.

3. Recommendation
The Recommendation is given based on your conclusion. You may give few recommendations
which you think can help the fellow Science students, researchers, consumers or the entire
community where people live in.

Curriculum Vitae – to be posted

Investigatory Project: Arduino Technology

Section: ___________________ Group: _____________ Team Leader:__________


Parts of the study Weight % Complied Not Complied Score

Score Range: 6-10 Score Range: 1-5
Cover Page
Chapter I
1. Introduction and Its
2. Statement of the
3. Significance of the Study
Chapter II 20%
Product Blueprint
Chapter III
1. Summary
2. Conclusion
3. Recommendation
Curriculum Vitae
Score Sheet
Functional Not functional
Score Range: 6-10 Score Range: 6-10
Product Output 50%
Complete Incomplete
Score Range: 6-10 Score Range: 6-10
Leader’s ICR to members
Member’s ICR to leader

Date Submitted:

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