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on Sunday morning on November 7, we are required to join the city tour, there are 3 buses that go

consisting of classes c2, c3 and c4. this is the mid value for tourism subjects. we traveled around
Makassar on that day.we gathered at the campus at 8:00 a.m., the first place our destination was the
tomb of the sultan hasanuddin, there were many tombs from the kings of gowa and our lecturers
explained a little of their history. after that the second place we visited was the Benteng Somba Opu , we
arrived at 10:55 there were many traditional houses in Sulawesi and on that day we visited the Tana
Toraja house we took pictures there

after that at 12.05 am we arrived at the third place, namely the fortress of Roterdam, the first thing to do
was lunch with a prayer with all the classes, finished eating our dhuhur prayer. after that we were
released to surround the fort. at 2:10 a.m. we left the fort and our last destination was at the Trans
Studio Makassar, we arrived at 2:25 a.m., at the mall we were free to do anything, there were eating,
shopping, prayer and so on. after spending time at the mall at 4:24 we left the mall and headed to
campus at 17.15 and returned to our homes

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