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Andrew LaCivita is a world-leading executive recruiter, career coach, trainer, and

speaker. He is the award-winning author of three books, including The Hiring
Prophecies: Psychology behind Recruiting Successful Employees and Interview
Intervention: Communication That Gets You Hired (get it FREE), and has dedicated his
life and career to helping people and companies realize their potential.

Through his search firm, milewalk, he as consulted to more than 200 companies and
counseled nearly 12,000 individuals. As a recruiter, he has personally helped more
than 500 people successfully secure new jobs and created a job interviewing
methodology statistically, historically proven to increase the job seeker’s chance of
getting hired by more than 233%. In recent years, his methodology and coaching have
shown a 560% greater chance of getting hired.

In 2016, Andrew created the milewalk Academy, his training site to support people in
their careers and organizations in their hiring efforts. Individuals will find incredibly
valuable free and paid training and coaching related to every imaginable aspect of
supporting their careers.

He also is the executive producer, writer, star, video engineer, and sound engineer
(LOL) of his Top 5 career and HR vlog titled Tips for Work and Life. This multi-modality
platform is designed to educate, entertain, and inspire the viewers via whatever
medium they love. You can also find Tips for Work and Life cast on his YouTube
channel, iTunes, and various other podcasting platforms.

As a career and hiring expert, Andrew serves as a trusted media resource and often
featured on television, radio, and Internet magazines for his insight and opinion on
job searching, recruitment, and employment market trends. He is a contributor to the
Huffington Post, IRIS, and other prominent international news editions as well as
frequently referenced on Fox Business, ABC, Inc., Business Insider, Forbes and other

To learn more about his coaching, online courses, and books, visit him at the milewalk

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This workbook is a place for you to record your notes, insights, and action
plans. I suggest printing it out before you watch my Job Search Masterclass.

It is not intended to be a standalone document, but more so to be used in

conjunction with the video lessons.

You’ll realize best results by following the masterclass and supplementing

these key notes with yours!


If you want to comment on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook about the program,

please use hashtag #jobsearchmasterclass. My team and I love the
engagement and appreciate your help spreading the word about this
wonderful FREE program that will help job-seekers worldwide!

Here are a few social media messages you can copy and paste, but, of course,
we’d rather hear your thoughts!

I just watched the Job Search Masterclass by @andrewlacivita. Check it out!

I just watched the Job Search Masterclass by @arlacivita. Check it out!

I just watched the Job Search Masterclass by @andrewlacivita. Check it out!

3 | Job Search Masterclass | ©2018 milewalk


This program is designed to shave weeks and months off your search to find the right
job quickly. The very best job search strategies will be obsessed with these three

Session one is about the #1 THING you must get right to make a good decision about
your career. Follow along to learn:

1. Understand what you need to be happy/successful.

2. Know where your gaps are in your job/career so you can fill them.
3. Tool to create and evaluate your options.

Agenda for Session One

1. Start with that #1 thing

2. Why people fail
3. Why I know it works
4. Exactly what you need to do
5. Give you a little a glance at tool, start you off in the right direction

The #1 THING!

Your requirements!

You need to do the deep work to identify this properly. Consider your must-haves,
nice-to-haves, really-nice-to-haves, and so on.

The magic isn’t in knowing you should do this, it’s in doing it correctly and using it

Your list of requirements, when you lay them all out create a virtual environment for
you to operate your life/career.

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The more you can match up your environment to what you want and need, the more
certain you can be this is the right job or career for you!

This list will serve as the basis for all you evaluate, the questions you’ll ask during job
interviews and so forth…

1. Targeting your career

2. Targeting employers
3. Targeting jobs
4. Evaluating options

The list of requirements will also keep you from straying toward distractions.

Why People Fail!

Why do people fail to make great career choices?

There are two hurdles everyone has—you need to know what you need and whether
an employer (or career) can satisfy those needs!

People generally fail at getting the “what” and “whether” right because of four

A. Don’t do the deep work. They haven’t taken the time to consider this or they don’t
make the list complete (enough).
B. Evaluate the how instead of the what. They evaluate the wrong criteria.
C. Overemphasize recency. Place too much weight on current pain at the expense of
all the other criteria they need long-term to make them happy.

D. Not skilled at getting the information. Everyone has this problem because you and
they don’t interview very often.

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How Do I Know My Approach Works?

I’ve recruited for 15 years and evaluated 12 rolling 3-year periods. Well more than 90%
of the job candidates we match with our clients are still going strong three years after
they take that new job.

We have loads of statistics that support this.

I’ve also personally used this approach—on myself—to make two successful career

Here’s What to Do!

1. Make a list (must, nice, really nice).

2. Make it your list.
3. Make it internal, not external (because you want it, not because of how you think
someone will perceive it; you don’t know 3 years from now).
4. Make it the right level; keep asking yourself why, why, why (management example).
5. Shoot for 20 criteria.

From the more than 15,000 people I’ve interview, here are the most popular criteria to
get you started. PLEASE MAKE SURE to watch the video to see the layout and caveats
regarding these!

 Appreciation  Collaborative  Flexibility

 Atmosphere  Commute  Growth
 Autonomy  Compensation/Benefits  People
 Boss  Contribution  Role
 Challenge  Culture  Travel

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Optimize your job search activities in a manner that are statistically proven—based on
data and history—to lead you to your job!

Agenda for Session Two

1. Give you the most common and effective ways to job search.
2. Some key information you need to know.
3. Why people’s job searches generally drag on.
4. Exactly what you need to do.
5. Bonus tip to stay positive during your search.

Most Common Ways to Job Search

1. Research companies
2. Search online for published opportunities
3. Network with colleagues, friends, etc.
4. Apply for jobs (published or unpublished)
5. Volunteer
6. Third-party Recruiters

Key Information You Need to Know!

Data gather from the 15,000 people I’ve interviewed shows your demographic (age,
income level, market, industry, location, etc.) greatly influences your ability to find
the right job.

Not all job search activities are created equal regarding results:

I’ve broken down, for purposes of illustration, demographics into two categories:

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HIGH: Over 50 Years Old OR Over $100K in Annual Earnings
LOW: Under 50 Years Old AND Under $100K in Annual Earnings

 Networking = 27% (low), 46% (high)

 Targeting companies = 15%, 25%
 Apply online = 44%, 10%
 Linkedin = 8% offer (ATS = 3% being seen)
 Volunteer = 10%
 Recruiter = 5%

Why is this important for you to know? Because you want to align in accordance with
the odds!!

To make this easy for you, here are three workplans you can use:

Over 50 years old or earn over $100k annually

25%: research companies
10%: search for published opportunities
50%: network with colleagues, friends, but must be targeted
10%: apply, in a custom-manner, to companies and published opportunities
05%: work with recruiters and volunteer

Under 50 years old and earn between $60k-100k annually

20%: research companies
20%: search for published opportunities
35%: network with colleagues, friends, but must be targeted
20%: apply, in a custom-manner, to companies and published opportunities
05%: work with recruiters and volunteer

Under 50 years old and earn less than $60k annually

15%: research companies
35%: search for published opportunities
35%: network with colleagues, friends, but must be targeted
10%: apply, in a custom-manner, to companies and published opps
05%: work with recruiters and volunteer

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Why Do People’s Searches Drag On?

Generally because they’re effort is not aligned to the right activities that likely lead to

Mindset, Control, Confidence, Staying positive

Mindset. You are in total control of your job search activities.

People often get bummed because they’re evaluating the wrong metric.

It’s not about how many responses you’re getting from employers whose ATS’s your
tackling. Think in terms of…

 How many companies did I identify?

 How many people did I identify to contact?
 How many thoughtful, targeted emails did I send?
 How many relationships did I build or connections with acquaintances?

No one is stopping you from sending your resume to any company!!!

Check this so you can start getting your resume to the right companies.

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This is about securing the right opportunity when you have it on the line!

Agenda for Session Three

1. 3 reasons why you actually win the interview.

2. The one primary reason you win it—the one you can control.
3. How people trip over this.
4. What to do and how to apply it to some of the most common scenarios.
5. Question you can ask to ensure you nail it.
6. Bonus tip.

The 3 Reasons You Win the Job

1. Your ability to accurately articulate your fit and value.

2. The interviewer’s ability to accurately interpret what you said.
3. The interviewer’s memory.

The Primary Reason and What You Can Control

Everyone interviewing is qualified. The person who encodes their message the best
and connects the dots for the employer regarding how they can satisfy what the
employer needs at the moment is the person who wins the job.

The Reason People Trip Up

They’re not matching their fabulousness to what the employer needs. That is, not all
your fabulousness matters.

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Do This in Common Scenarios

0. The job description (what you know)—plan your responses (get from Interview
Intervention Book FREE). If JD is thin, ask recruiter, check job boards for competitor
descriptions, and check LinkedIn for profiles of current employees. (The video has
much more detail on all these.)

1. Tell me/walk me
2. Behavioral interview (past)
3. Situational questions (future)

Your Most Fabulous (Insurance) Question

If you were to hire me, what would I have done 12 months from now you would
consider a raging success?

What would success look like—exactly—in 12 months?

Bonus Tip—It’s All About THEIR Future

The more you can get them to switch to the future, the greater the likelihood you get

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