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Use of cardan angles to locate rigid

bodies in three-dimensional space
S. J. Tupling M. R. Pierrynowski
School of Physical & Health Education, University of Toronto, 320 Huron Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A1, Canada

Abstract A method of locating rigid human body segments in three-

dimensional space is presented. This method has the advantages of being
applicable to any body segment and in following anatomical movement
patterns. The location of each segment is defined by the location of its
proximal endpoint and by a set of three cardan angles of the third kind.
Cardan angles sequentially rotate a rigid body about each of its three body
fixed axes. Examples on how cardan angles can be used to represent
segment orientation are given. Exact and best-fit solutions used in solving
segment location are described.
Keywords-Biomechanics, Cardan angles, Human segments, Three-dimensional

Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., 1987, 25, 527-532

1 Introduction degrees of freedom allowed, both linear and rotational

RESEARCH IN BIOMECHANICS is moving away from two- (KINZEL and GUTKOWSKI, 1983).
dimensional (2D) descriptions of human movement DAPENA (1978; 1981) in his film analysis and simulation
towards three-dimensional (3D) analyses. Two-dimen- of the Fosbury flop high jumping technique did not com-
sional analyses could not easily account for segmental pletely describe the 3D location of all body segments. A
movements out of the plane of motion or for rotations body-fixed reference system was located in each segment,
about a segment's longitudinal axis. Recent technological with the origin at the segment's centre of mass and with
developments in the automatic capture of 2D marker loca- one of the axes parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
tions (i.e. CODA-3, EXPERTVISION, SELSPOT II, VICON, WATS- segment. The location of each body segment was defined
MART, ELITE) and in mathematical techniques to define a from the projection of the longitudinal axis of the segment
point in 3D space from several 2D images, have persuaded onto each plane. The location of the other axes were not
many biomechanic laboratories to consider 3D analyses. defined, and so segment longitudinal rotations could not
Accompanying this change in the direction of bio- be calculated. Only the trunk segment's longitudinal rota-
mechanics research was the problem of defining the loca- tion was determined by calculating the difference between
tion of segments in 3D space. A choice must be made the shoulder and hip axes. These axes were defined as
between the three types of co-ordinate systems that may be straight lines between the proximal endpoints of the upper
used; namely the spherical, cylindrical and orthogonal arms and thighs, respectively. The longitudinal rotations of
(Cartesian) systems. Even within the most commonly used the extremities were thought to be insignificant and there-
orthogonal system there are different ways of describing fore were not determined,
the location of a segment. Some of these techniques are ALEXANDER and COLBOURNE (1980) devised a method to
limited to describing the location of the extremities, calculate 3D kinematics of a limb segment using a body-
whereas others generate only gross solutions or multiple ifxed reference system. The method requires knowing the
solutions. Most of these methods have no relationship to location of three non-colinear points on a segment as a
human anatomical movement patterns. function of time as well as the endpoints of the proximal
PANJABI et al. (1974) suggested using a central co- segment. One of the body-fixed vectors is defined as the
ordinate system for the total body when it is standing in longitudinal axis of the limb segment. A second vector is
the anatomical position (body standing erect, elbows calculated as the cross-product between the vectors rep-
straight with palms facing forward, head held erect and the resenting the longitudinal axis of the segment and the lon-
medial border of the feet parallel to the sagittal plane). The gitudinal axis of its proximal segment. The third
origin of the co-ordinate system is located at the hiatus orthogonal vector can then be calculated as the cross-
between the cornua of the sacrum. The positive y-axis is product of the first two. This method allows for calculation
directed vertically upward, and the x-axis and z-axis would of velocities corresponding to anatomical movements as
point to the left and front of the body, respectively. Imbed- lfexion-extension, adduction-abduction and internal-
ded within each segment and parallel to the central co- external rotation. However, its use is limited to the extrem-
ordinate system would be a local co-ordinate system. The ities. Furthermore, computational problems could arise in
origin of these local co-ordinate systems would be at con- determining the second vector if the proximal and distal
venient palpable points on the body. Six co-ordinates segments' longitudinal axes were parallel.
would have to be defined for each joint to define the six DUL and JOHNSON (1985) developed a redundant-
distance method to model relative movements of the foot
First received 27th November 1986 and in final form 4th with respect to the shank. The ankle was modelled as two
February uniaxial joints, the upper ankle joint between the shank
and the talus and the lower ankle joint about the
© IFMBE: 1987

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing September 1987 527

talocalcaneo-navicular axis. In their kinematic model, the ence orthogonal planes. However, these angles will have
axes defined for each segment depended on that segment's no relationship to what the segment may be doing ana-
proximal segment and on bony landmarks from which tomically unless the segment is aligned with the external
measurements could easily be made. The resulting trans- reference system. A better method of describing the
formation matrix was solved as a least-squares problem to angular position of a segment for biomechanists would be
calculate the orientation angles of the foot segments. to have the measurement system reflect the anatomical
Occasionally, the solutions found were unrealistic because movements which a segment can perform. These are
the minimised function had many local minima with vir- defined in opposing pairs of flexion-extension, abduction-
tually identical minimum values. These local minima were adduction and internal-external rotation. Individually
probably due to the geometry of the segments and noise these motions correspond to movements about the z-, x-
within the input data which could alter the directional and y-axes, respectively, when the segment is in the stan-
cosines considerably. dard position.
Total body movements have also been described using a One set of angles which are used by mechanical engi-
body-fixed reference system in which human movement neers to describe the orientation of space craft are cardan
patterns are followed. In describing and simulating somer- angles. These angles were named after the Italian mathe-
saulting and twisting movements, YEADON (1987) matician Geronimo Cardano (1501-1576), who is credited
employed three angles corresponding to motions of somer- with the invention of the universal joint. Each set of
saulting, tilting and twisting to locate the body in space. cardan angles consists of three angles corresponding to
The rotations are performed sequentially about their sequential rotations about each of the three body-fixed
respective axes: sagittal, frontal and vertical. In each rota- axes. The sequence in which these rotations occur is
tion the other two axes are carried along, such that the important as each sequence will define a unique orienta-
ifnal set of axes about which the rotations take place are tion of a rigid body in space.
not orthogonal. To the authors' knowledge this method
has not been applied to locating individual body segments
in 3D space. 2.2 Defining cardan angles
The purpose of this paper is to describe a method of Cardan angles are a set of three angles which describe
locating a rigid segment in 3D space. The method the orientation of a rigid body B in a reference system A.
employed can be generalised to all body segments and has Consider two dextral sets of unit vectors al, a2, a3 and b1,
the advantage of following anatomical movement patterns. b2, b3 which are fixed in the reference system A and body
A body-fixed reference system is located within each B respectively (see Fig. 1). Initially let the body B rotate
segment with its origin at the segment's proximal endpoint. about the body-fixed axis bl through an angle a. The other
The segment's location can then be completely defined by axes, b2 and b3, are carried along with the body such that
knowing the 3D location of the proximal endpoint and their orthogonality is preserved. Now let the body B rotate
three angles, known as cardan angles. The cardan angles about the b'2 axis through an angle /i. As before, the
rotate the segment from an initial standard position to its remaining two axes bi and b3 are carried along with the
spatial location using appropriate amounts of flexion- body. Finally, let the body B rotate about the b3 axis
extension, abduction-adduction and internal-external rota- through an angle y, such that the axes b' and b" are
tion. carried along with the body. In each rotation the other
two axes are carried along, such that the set of axes about
which rotations occur (b1, b'2, b3) are not orthogonal.
2 Theory Nevertheless, the orientation of the body B can now be
described using the set of cardan angles a, /, T.
2.1 Defining the reference system and location of a The sequence of rotations chosen is significant, for each
segment sequence uniquely defines a different body orientation.
in space There are six permutations of the three axes about which
The absolute position of a segment in 3D space can be
defined by knowing its linear and angular orientation with
respect to a standard or global reference system, say A.
One approach would be to know a minimum of three
non-colinear points which would map the orientation of
the segment from some standard position to its spatial
location in A. The standard position is defined as a vertical
position, in which the segment's endpoints lie along the
vertical axis y with the proximal endpoint at the origin. To
obtain this position, each segment is rotated about each of
the horizontal axes, x and z, from its anatomical position
until vertical. In the standard vertical position, a segment's
body fixed axis system, B, is aligned with the external stan-
dard reference system, A. Therefore, in the standard refer-
ence system and the body-fixed system for each segment
initially, the positive y-axis points vertically upward paral-
lel to the longitudinal axis of the segment and the x- and
z-axes point forward and to the right, respectively.
The choice of the three non-colinear points is arbitrary Fig. 1 Cardan angle rotation of the first kind. b1, b2, b3 are a set
of body-fixed axes which initially align with the
and may be determined from bony landmarks (ALEXANDER
and COLBOURNE, 1980) or from a set of markers distributed axes al, a2, a3. The first rotation is about bl
on the surface of the segment (PIERRYNOwsKI, 1982). From through an
the three known non-colinear points the angular position angle a. The second rotation is about b2 through an
of the segment in absolute co-ordinates can be determined angle
from the projections of the segment onto the three refer- /3. The third rotation is about b3 through an angle y.
primes denote the position of the body fixed axes
after the
ifrst ('), second (") and third ( ) rotations
528 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing September 1987
rotation will occur. Therefore there are six kinds of cardan occur about the hip joint. The order chosen can also be
angle systems. Fig. 1 illustrates cardan angles of the first related to the decreasing range of motion which occurs
kind, in which rotations occur about the x-, y- and z-axes, about 3D joints during such common human movements
respectively. KANE et al. (1983) refer to this rotation as as walking and running. Positive rotations correspond to
a body-three: 1-2-3 system where the three rotation axes lfexion, adduction and internal rotation movements at the
are fixed within the body, and the order of rotation is x, right hip.
y and z. The reference system A and the rigid body B axes are
The cardan angle system chosen to represent human initially aligned and chosen with their origin at the
segment movement is of the third kind, also known as a segment's proximal endpoint. The segment begins in the
body-three: 3-1-2 rotation. In this system, rotations occur standard vertical position. For each segment, the first rota-
about axes which closely imitate the major anatomical tion is about the third axis, z, and corresponds to a
movements which occur at a joint with three degrees of lfexion-extension movement at the right hip or right shoul-
freedom. For example, flexion-extension, adduction- der (Fig. 2a). The second rotation is about the first axis, x,
abduction and internal-external rotation movements all and imitates adduction-abduction movements (Fig. 2b).

Fig. 2 Body three: 3-1-2 cardan angle rotations of the right leg about the hip joint: (a) 45° about the
z-axis (flexion); (b) -30° about
the x-axis (abduction); (c) -45° about the y-axis (external rotation) and (d) the leg in the final position with cardan
(45°, -30°, -45°)
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing September 1987 529
The last rotation about the y-axis corresponds to internal- tional cosines, then these vectors become the columns of
external rotation at the right hip or shoulder (see Fig. 2c). the transformation matrix C in order from left to right of w,
For the example shown in Fig. 2, the cardan angles, a, f3, y, u and v (PAUL, 1981). Cis therefore given by
are 45°, -30° and -45°, respectively.
wl ul v1
C = w2 u2 v2 (3)
2.3 Transformation between space fixed and body fixed LW3 u3 v3
co-ordinates using cardan angles
The cardan angles are calculated by matching the matrix
It is often desirable to be able to express the orientation
elements of the segment's directional cosines given in eqn.
of a rigid body B either in terms of its body-fixed axes and
1 to those in eqn. 3 (KAI. et al., 1983). Element u3 is used
its cardan angles (a, /3, y) or in space-fixed co-ordinates of
the reference system A. The two systems are related by a to calculate the adduction angle f between -90° and 90°.
transformation matrix C consisting of the direction cosines 3/ = arc sin u3 (4)
between the bases vectors a1, a2, a3 and b1, b2, b3 The flexion angle a is calculated using element u1 to yield
an angle between and including - 90° and 90°. Element u2
is used to determine if the supplementary angle of a is
a = Cb (1) more appropriate.
where if the sine and cosine of an angle are denoted by s a = arc sin (- u1/cos /3) (5)
and c, respectively, then C is given by:
a=a ifu2>0
- sac$ sas f3cy + syca
I- saslsy + cyca
C = casf3sy + cysa cac/3 - cas/3cy + sysa =180-a ifu2<0
-cfsy sf3 cf3cy
Similar calculations determine the internal rotation angle y
Similarly, a rigid body B's body-three: 3-1-2 cardan angle by employing elements w3 and v3 .
velocities B1, 02, 63 can be transformed to angular velo-
cities 0)1, Qw2, (03 in reference system A by:
y = arc sin (- w3/cos /3) (6)
cos Y =Y ifv3>0
wl = -01 cos $ sin y + 02 y
=180-y ifv3<0
= 01 sin f3+63 (2)
For those cases where 13 = ±90°, a is calculated using w2
(03=01cos cosy+02siny
and w1 and y is set to zero.
Time differentiation of eqn. 2 would yield the relationship a = arc sin w2 (7)
between the tangential angular acceleration components of a
body B in reference system A and the differentiated com- a=LX ifw1>0
ponents of a set of body-three: 3-1-2 cardan angles.
=180-a ifw1<0

2.4 Generating positional data using cardan angles

Eqn. 1 can be used to calculate the 3D location in refer- 2.6 Generating the transformation matrix to be used in
ence system A of any point P on a segment. Let the vector direct solutions
p define the location of the point P with respect to the Calculating the transformation matrix C which trans-
proximal endpoint when the segment is in the standard forms a segment from one 3D space (the vertical position)
vertical position. From the given body-three: 3-1-2 cardan to another 3D space (the real location of the segment in
angles the transformation matrix C can be calculated. space) can be problematic. Even measurement of bony
Multiplying p by the transformation matrix C determines landmarks from which the body-fixed axes of the foot were
the orientation of p in the reference system A. Translation determined directly sometimes resulted in a solution which
of p using the location of the proximal endpoint in real did not conform to the physical realities of a segment's
space completes the task. location in real space (DUL and Jo 1m soN, 1985). The trans-
formation matrix could also be calculated from marker
kinematic data when specific segmental planes and joint
2.5 Generating cardan angles from the transformation axes cannot be identified on the body during the data
matrix using an exact solution collection session. The transformation matrix C for each
Cardan angles can be calculated directly from the 3D segment is determined using eqn. 3, i.e. by knowing the
locations in reference system A of a segment's proximal directional cosines of a longitudinal vector (u), a direc-
endpoint, distal endpoint and a directional vector. The tional vector (v) and a vector perpendicular to both u and
directional vector, which has the same length as the v (w). These three vectors, which are known when the
segment, is used to indicate rotations about a segment's segment is in its standard vertical position, have to be
longitudinal axis. Initially, this vector is directed from the rotated to their 3D orientation. The rotation is determined
proximal endpoint along the positive z-axis when the by calculating a transformation matrix T which minimises
segment is in the standard vertical position. the error in mapping a set of four or more non-colinear
Two vectors, u and v, are defined such that u is directed points found on the segment's surface from one 3D space
from the distal endpoint of the segment to the proximal (the segment in the vertical position) into another 3D
endpoint and v is the directional vector. A third vector w is space (real space) (ROGERS and ADAMS, 1975). The trans-
defined as the cross-product of u and v such that the formation matrix T is solved using an overspecified system
vectors u, v and w form a right-hand axes system. When with 12 unknown transformation elements. Once u, v and w
the segment is in the vertical position, then the vectors w, u have been transformed to their 3D location the cardan
and v align with the x, y and z axes, respectively. When angles can be calculated directly using eqns. 4-7.
these vectors are normalised so that they represent direc- In most cases, the accuracy of the cardan angles calcu-
530 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing September 1987
lated directly from the transformation matrix C relies on in reference system A, cardan angles 45°, -30 -45°, the

the accuracy of three transformation elements u3 , ul and spatial location of its endpoint Q and directional vector
w3 . For rigid body segments on which many fixed markers endpoint R can be found using the above matrix C and
are evenly distributed, these errors may be minimal. eqn. 1. Let the proximal endpoint of the segment in the
However, in human motion research, body segments are standard vertical position be represented by the vector
not rigid and considerable movement of the markers may p = (0, 0, 0). By definition the endpoint of the segment Q
occur due to subcutaneous tissue movement or shifts of the can be represented by the vector q = (0.0, -0.4, 0.0) and
skin over the underlying skeletal structure. Furthermore, the endpoint of the directional vector R can be represented
movement patterns may obscure markers such that by the vector r = (0.0, 0.0, 0.4). Then the location of the
minimal numbers of markers are seen or that the distribu- points Q and R in reference system A, P' and Q', respec-
tion of known marker locations is bunched or localised. tively, can be found using eqn. 1.
Moreover, the longitudinal rotation of segments which
have a large length-to-diameter ratio may contain more q'=Cq
error due to the smaller inter-marker differences in the
0.2500 -0.6124 -0.7500 0.0
plane normal to the longitudinal axis. Finally, the trans-
formation matrix T calculated from R OGERS and ADAMS 0.7500 0.6124 -0.2500 -0.4
(1975) performs translation, rotation, scaling and shearing 0.6124 -0-5000 0.6124 0.0
on the segment.
Shearing would affect mainly the directional vector v
and the calculated vector w and therefore eventually the -0.245
longitudinal angle y. PIERRYNOWSKI (1982), noting that the 0.200
rigid body segments could not undergo shearing and per- and r' = Cr
spective, eliminated the shearing and perspective com-
ponents from the transformation matrix T using a 0.2500 -0.6124 -0.7500 0.0
nonlinear best-fit solution. Similar problems may also exist 0.7500 0.6124 -0-2500 0.0
with scaling when transforming a segment to its real space
0.6124 -0-5000 0.6124 -0-4
2.7 Generating segment locations using a best-fit 0.245
The approach adopted here solves a nonlinear system of Translation of the vectors q' and r' would yield the final
M equations in N unknowns, where M is greater than or co-ordinates of points Q' and R' at (2.255, 2.755, 4.200)
equal to N, using the International Mathematical and Sta- and (1.700, 2.900, 4.255), respectively.
tistical Library (IMSL) subroutine ZXSSQ, which finds the
minimum of the sum of squares of M functions in N vari-
ables using a finite-difference Levenberg-Marquardt algo- 3.3 Generating cardan angles directly from the
rithm (IMSL, 1985). The method minimises the x, y and z transformation matrix
residuals of the set of L marker locations which are trans- From the segment position data of the proximal and
formed from their vertical position to their spatial location distal endpoints and the directional vector in real space it is
(eqn. 1) from their experimentally measured 3D location. possible to calculate the cardan angles. Recalling that
Each marker contributes three equations, one for each co- the transformation matrix is composed of columns of
ordinate, to the set of M functions which are minimised by directional cosines (eqn. 4), we define two vectors
ZXSSQ. Four additional equations are used to improve
the solution by exploiting the orthogonal relationships u [-0-245] 0-300
between the columns of the transformation matrix C. Six
= 0.245 and v = -0-100
unknowns (N = 6) are solved: the x, y and z co-ordinates
of the segment's proximal endpoint and the three cardan -0-200 -0.245
angles a, /3 and y (see Appendix for the functions which are
and calculate the third vector w
minimised). This approach minimises the error in deter-
mining the cardan angles better than the exact solution v= 0040
method as the calculations are dependent upon not just
three transformation elements but also upon the location
w=u x -0.120
of the L markers on the segment. 0.098

Normalising these vectors so that they represent direc-

3 Examples tional cosines and substituting them into eqn. 3, we obtain

3.1 Calculating the transformation matrix C=[00.22550000 -0.6125 -0.7500

Given cardan angles of 45°, -30°, -45° for the right = 0.7500 0.6125 -0.2500
lower limb (Fig. 2), the transformation matrix C can be 0.6125 -0.5000 0.6125
calculated directly using eqn. 1 to yield
Finally, the cardan angles can be calculated from eqns.
0.2500 -0.6124 -0.7500 4-7. /i is calculated from eqn. 4.
C = 0.7500 0.6124 -0-2500
0.6124 -0-5000 0.6124 /3 = arc sin u3
= arc sin (- 0.5)
3.2 Locating arbitrary points in space _ - 30.0°
For a segment with proximal point P located at (2, 3, 4)
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing September 1987 531
Then from eqn. 5 YEADON, M. R. (1987) The simulation of aerial movement. Part I:
The determination of orientation angles from film data. J.
a = arc sin (-uI/cos fi) Biomech., 20, (in press).
= arc sin (-(-0.6125)/cos (-30.0))
= 45.0° Appendix
Calculating the functions to be minimised in a
and finally from eqn. 6 nonlinear best-fit solution
y = arc sin /3) The set of M equations to be minimised in the nonlinear best-
(-W3/COS ift solution using the IMSL subroutine ZXSSQ can be divided
= arc sin (- (0.6125)/cos (- 30.0)) into two parts. The first part consists of minimising the difference
between the set of L segment markers as located by transforming
_ - 45.0° them from their standard vertical positions to their spatial loca-
In calculating the last two angles, a and y, the supplemen- tions using an estimation of the solution set of six variables, and
the same set of segment markers as empirically measured in 3D
tary angle was rejected (see eqns. 5 and 6).
space. Each marker contributes three equations, one for each
co-ordinate, to the set of M functions, which are minimised using
4 Conclusion ZXSSQ. The second part consists of minimising the orthogonal
relationships which exist between the columns of the cardan
Cardan angles provide an alternative method of describ- angle transformation matrix C. These columns represent the
ing the orientation of rigid body segments in space. They directional cosines of the final spatial location of the three body-
are a set of three angles which represent sequential rota- ifxed axes for each segment.
tions of a segment about each of its three body-fixed axes. Let a represent the 3D locations of the set of L markers on a
The set of cardan angles described closely imitate anatom- segment when the segment is in the standard position and let b
ical joint movements, are applicable to any body segment represent the same set of markers as measured empirically. Then,
and can be determined from kinematic marker data, which there exist a cardan angle transformation C and a translation
are the most commonly collected data in biomechanics vector t which transforms the set of markers from the standard
today. Examples of obtaining cardan angles from segment position to the spatial position. Therefore, the first part of the set
of functions F to be minimised can be given by
location data and vice versa are presented.
It was not the purpose of this paper to dictate to the 3

biomechanics community that body-three: 3-1-2 cardan F.(l, j) _ Y_ ali Cij + tj bij (8)
angles and translations of the proximal endpoint of a
where m = 1, M - 4
segment should always be used to define the location of a
l = 1, L (L = number of markers)
rigid body in space from its vertical orientation. Hopefully, j = 1, 3 (xyz co-ordinates of point l)
this paper has shown that such a scheme has anatomical
justification. Of more importance is the need for each bio- The second part of the set of functions to be minimised are
mechanics researcher, when reporting 3D rigid body data, determined by calculating the three dot products of the columns
to explain their method of locating human body segments of the cardan angle transformation matrix C and the determinant
in space. of C, which should be zeros and one, respectively.

FM-3= (U V)=0
Acknowledgment-The authors wish to gratefully
acknowledge Professor F. P. J. Rimrott for providing helpful FM-2=(u w)=0
comments on these ideas. = (v ' w) = 0
ALEXANDER, M. J. L. and COLBOURNE, J. (1980) A method of
determination of the angular velocity vector of a limb segment. Authors' biographies
J. Biomech., 13, 1089-1093. Susan J. Tupling is a doctoral student in the
DAPENA, J. (1978) A method to determine the angular momentum Graduate Department of Community Health,
of a human body about three orthogonal axes passing through Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.
its center of gravity. Ibid., 11, 251-256. Her interests are in the area of sport bio-
DAPENA, J. (1981) Simulation of modified human airborne move- mechanics and in particular mathematically
ments. Ibid., 14, 81-89. differentiating between the techniques for per-
DUL, J. and JOHNSON, G. E. (1985) A kinematic model of the forming twisting somersaults. Ms Tupling has
human ankle. J. Biomed. Eng., 7, 137-143. recently been the Newsletter Editor of the
IMSL (1985) IBM MATH/PC-LIBRARY, International Mathematical Canadian Society for Biomechanics and is a
and Statistical Library Inc., Houston, Texas. member of the Canadian Association of Sport Sciences and the
KANE, T. R., LIKINS, P. W. and LEVINSON, D. A. (1983) Spacecraft International Society of Biomechanics.
dynamics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 30-38, 73-78.
KINZEL, G. L. and GUTKOWSKI, L. J. (1983) Joint models, degrees
of freedom, and anatomical motion measurement. J. Biomech. Michael R. Pierrynowski is an Associate Pro-
Eng., 105, 55-62. fessor in the School of Physical & Health Edu-
PANJABI,M. M., WHITE, A. A. III and BRAND, R. A. Jr (1974) A cation, University of Toronto, and is
note on defining body parts configurations. J. Biomech., 7, cross-appointed to both the Department of
385-387. Preventive Medicine & Biostatistics and the
PAUL, R. P. (1981) Robot manipulators: mathematics, Institute of Biomedical Engineering. He
program- obtained his Ph.D. from Simon Fraser Uni-
ming, and control. The MIT Press, Cambridge, London, 66-84. versity in 1982. His main research interests are
PIERRYNOWSKI, M. R. (1982) A physiological model for the solu- in biomechanical modelling of the human
tion of individual muscle forces during normal walking. Ph.D. body. Dr Pierrynowski is a member of the Canadian Association
Dissertation, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British of Sport Sciences, the Canadian Medical & Biological Engineer-
Columbia. ing Society, the Canadian Society for Biomechanics and the
ROGERS, D. F. and ADAMS, J. A. (1975) Mathematical elements International Society of Biomechanics.
computer graphics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 46-88.

532 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing September 1987

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