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Photobiological Sciences
Cite this: Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011, 10, 867 PERSPECTIVE
Using the computer to understand the chemistry of conical intersections†
Igor Schapiro,a Federico Melaccio,a,b Elena N. Larichevaa and Massimo Olivucci*a,b
Received 27th September 2010, Accepted 11th November 2010
DOI: 10.1039/c0pp00290a

The application of computational chemistry in resolving photochemical and photobiological problems

depends on theoretical models and calculation strategies that allow an understanding of how and when
Published on 04 March 2011. Downloaded on 26/08/2013 15:50:54.

the energy contained in a photon can be used or dissipated by a molecule. Progress in this arena has
been the result of a scientific journey that can be traced from the 1960s and 1970s with the development
of the concept of the “photochemical funnel”, and again from the 1980s and 1990s with the
development and application of ab initio multiconfigurational quantum chemistry. Mainly following the
viewpoint and contributions of the corresponding author (together with others), here we show that both
the early and the ongoing research points to a central role of conical intersections in the molecular-level
control of the selectivity and efficiency of photochemical reactions and internal conversion processes.

Introduction plemented them in computer programs that can be used to

compute the potential energy and its derivatives with respect to
It is conceivable that when Giacomo Ciamician and Emanuele the nuclear coordinates. Such programs constitute the instruments
Paternò started to describe the effects of sunlight on organic of computational chemists.
compounds, the need to understand why light irradiation led to A computational chemist, rather than going into a laboratory,
products distinct from those obtained with heat rapidly emerged. sits down at the terminal of a modern computer (in fact,
In fact, during a famous lecture delivered in 1912 at the VIII he/she often uses a laptop to get a web connection to one or
International Congress of Applied Chemistry in New York,1 more powerful computers located anywhere in the world) and
Ciamician claimed: uses suitable quantum chemistry software to build mathematical
“In ordinary . . . chemistry the reactions take place in some defi- models of individual molecules, groups of molecules or entire
nite way, but the photochemical reactions often furnish surprises . . . ” molecular populations. Then the chemist checks whether the
Nowadays we know that when an equilibrated ground state model reproduces known properties of the system, and, if so,
chromophore is promoted to an electronically excited state by light explores the model in order to uncover information not presently
absorption, nuclear motion is triggered. The initially populated known. In this way the resolution of a chemical problem is
Franck–Condon (FC) active mode may then couple to the other conducted in a virtual (in silico) reality, which nevertheless follows
available molecular modes2,3 leading to large changes in the the laws of physics, both classical and quantum, of real molecules.
original molecular and electronic structures. This complex process This method of working falls perfectly in line with the conjecture
ultimately determines the fate of the absorbed light energy which of the American chemist, Robert S. Mulliken who stated during
can either be released (via internal conversion/luminescence) or his 1966 Nobel Lecture:4
exploited to drive a change in bonding (i.e. a photochemical “In conclusion, I would like to emphasize strongly my belief that
reaction). Quantum chemists (a specialized group of theoretical the era of computing chemists, when hundreds if not thousands of
chemists) view such events in terms of the evolution of the chemists will go to the computing machine instead of the laboratory
chromophore’s nuclear coordinates along different and inter- for increasingly many facets of chemical information, is already at
connected 3N - 6 dimensional potential energy surfaces, where hand . . . ”
N is the number of atoms. Accordingly they have formulated Indeed, there are technological problems that require the design
computationally effective electronic structure theories and im- of molecules capable of responding to light in specific ways. In
the area of photoprotection, for example, molecules are required
Chemistry Department, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, to remain structurally unchanged while efficiently degrading the
OH, 43403, USA. E-mail:; Fax: +1 419 3729809; Tel: +1 excess electronic energy by internal conversion. Computational
419 3727606 chemistry is able to assist the resolution of this type of problem in a
Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Siena, Siena, I-53100, Italy. E-mail:; Fax: +39 0577 234278; Tel: +39 0577 234274
number of ways. In the first place it can be employed to study which
† Presented at the meeting “Ciamician–Paternò heritage. Photosciences: a mechanisms underlie the utilization or dispersion of the electronic
look into the future”, Ferrara, Italy, July 16–17, 2010. energy, thereby making rational design possible. In the second

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place it can be employed to verify whether a designed molecule structures) where the decay probability from an upper (excited
will respond to light in a desired way, without first synthesizing it state) to a lower (e.g. ground state) surface is largest. These
in the laboratory. critical structures are termed “photochemical funnels”,9–11 and
At this juncture we should recognize that, as in other chemical their existence is required to explain the events occurring after the
arenas, the design of photoresponsive materials has been accom- deactivation of an excited state. At a funnel, a structure evolving
plished already in the evolution of biological systems. Indeed, we on an excited state potential energy surface will hop to a lower
are aware of biomolecules that are specialized in using the energy surface (associated either with a different excited state or with the
of light to bring about alterations in their structure. This happens ground state) on a time-scale shorter than the typical radiative
with a yield of 67% in the visual receptor rhodopsin.5 On the decay times (ns). Such a hop either initiates the formation of a
other hand, there are proteins that have become specialized in transient/photoproduct or the relaxation to the original reactant.
energy removal, an example being the fluorescent protein of the If the upper and lower potential energy surfaces have the same spin
medusa Aequorea victoria, which manages to convert 80% of the multiplicity, then the funnel corresponds to a conical intersection
energy of ultraviolet radiation into green fluorescence.6 Therefore, (CI). If they have different spin multiplicity the funnel corresponds
a second direction towards new materials is represented by the to a singlet–triplet crossing, a doublet–quartet crossing, etc.
computational study of the mechanisms for the utilization or These types of funnels would mediate intersystem crossing rather
Published on 04 March 2011. Downloaded on 26/08/2013 15:50:54.

dispersion of light energy adopted by biological photoreceptors than internal conversion. For instance, the photophysics and
and the search for simple synthetic compounds that can mimic photochemistry of triplet states can, in principle, be understood
these processes.7,8 This brings back to Ciamician, who was by locating singlet-triplet crossings. Below we will focus on funnels
convinced that, to learn how a plant works at the molecular level, corresponding to CIs.
it was necessary to successfully reproduce these highly efficient
processes in the lab.1 Photochemical reaction paths
In the following, we review the theoretical models and tools
required to investigate the evolution of an electronically excited Photochemical reaction paths12–15 are central for the computa-
chromophore or molecular system using modern computers tional investigation of photoinduced processes. These are com-
and distributed software. Mainly following the viewpoint and pound minimum energy paths (MEPs) connecting the FC point
contributions of the corresponding author and coworkers, we also on the potential energy surface of the light-absorbing state to
give a perspective of the emergence and future developments of one or more photoproduct minima on the ground state surface.
the field of computational photochemistry. A basic photochemical reaction path (Fig. 1) involves an excited
state MEP16 connecting the FC point to two (or more) ground state
MEPs through a CI or real crossings between states of different
Photochemical funnels
spin-multiplicity. In general, these crossing points connect the
To connect the potential energy surfaces driving the relaxation of excited state MEP to one describing the relaxation of the system
a chromophore one has to locate the points (i.e. the molecular back to the initial reactant (an aborted photochemical reaction).

Fig. 1 The photochemical reaction path. Left: Schematic representation of the photochemical reaction path (full lines) for an ultrafast photochemical
reaction (formed by three barrierless excited state and ground state MEPs). The decay is controlled by a conical intersection (CI). The thinner full line
represents a thermal path controlled by the transition state (TS). Schematic reactive and non-reactive photochemical (i.e. non-adiabatic) trajectories are
also reported. These can be computed in terms of semi-classical trajectories (see below). Right: The same photochemical reaction path represented in a
two-dimensional diagram.

868 | Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011, 10, 867–886 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and Owner Societies 2011
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They also connect the excited state to a different ground state MEP
which describes the relaxation of the system to the photoproduct
in a successful photochemical reaction. Notice that the aborted
branches of photochemical reaction paths describe a far-from-
equilibrium internal conversion, distinct from the traditional
process17 controlled by FC factors in the weak coupling regime
(e.g. far from a surface crossing).
The difference between a transition state (TS), i.e. the critical
structure mediating a thermal process, and a CI, a critical structure
mediating a photoinduced process is illustrated in Fig. 2. These
differ in both the local shape of the potential energy surface and
chemical significance. A TS is a stationary point located on a
potential energy surface while a CI is a singularity (i.e. the first
derivative of the potential energy is not a smooth function of the
nuclear coordinates) on both the upper and lower potential energy
Published on 04 March 2011. Downloaded on 26/08/2013 15:50:54.

surfaces. The type of bond-breaking/bond-forming process me-

diated by a TS is described by a single molecular mode called the Fig. 3 The mechanism of prefulvene production. Top: The photochem-
transition vector. In contrast, the reactivity of a CI is described by istry of benzene at 254 nm. Bottom: Geometrical and electronic structure
two molecular modes called branching plane (X1 and X2 )18 or g–h of the “benzvalene” conical intersection.
plane (g and h)19 vectors.
Recently, it has been reported21 that this photochemical process
may even involve the population of a triplet state via an ultrafast
S1 /T1 intersystem crossing and a decay through a triplet T1 /T0
rather than S1 /S0 CI. In fact evidence has been provided for the
competitive production of T0 and S0 prefulvene.21 The structure of
the T1 /T0 intersection may well be similar and nearly degenerate
to the one given in Fig. 3 but featuring an allyl radical with parallel
In Fig. 4 (left) we show the branching plane modes for the same
CI. As we explain below, and consistently with the diagram of
Fig. 2, these are the only two molecular modes capable of lifting
the degeneracy. These modes indicate the possible photochemical
processes mediated by the CI. The gradient difference vector (X1 )
clearly points to an evolution towards prefulvene where the C1–
C3 bond gets fully formed. Clearly, the opposite (-X1 ) direction
describes the reconstitution of the original benzene molecule. The
derivative coupling vector (X2 ) describes a symmetry breaking
Fig. 2 Critical potential energy surface structures in chemistry. Left: A mode leading to two Kekulé benzenes. Of course, these are
transition state. Right: A conical intersection.

CIs provide a structurally well-defined connection between

different electronic states of the reacting species. An example of
a CI mediating a photoinduced rearrangement of a basic organic
chromophore (benzene) is given in Fig. 3.20 Upon 254 nm irra-
diation benzene produces small quantities of benzvalene (which
rearranges to fulvene) which has been proposed to be produced
via ring closure of the bicyclic diradical intermediate prefulvene.
The geometrical and electronic structure of the minimum energy
CI computed for benzene is seen in Fig. 3 bottom. The structure is
characterized by a (CH)3 moiety bearing three weakly interacting
singly occupied p-orbitals localized in the three corresponding
CH units. A fourth electron is delocalized on the SOMO orbital
of the C4–C5–C6 allyl moiety and is substantially isolated. The
remaining two electrons of the benzene p-system are on the
HOMO of the same allyl moiety. It is apparent that the CI displays
partially broken and partially formed s and p bonds. In particular
the 2 Å C1–C3 bond length is that of a half-broken s bond that can Fig. 4 Left: The branching plane vectors of the “benzvalene” conical
be seen as the precursor of the transannular bond of the prefulvene intersection. The expressions of the gradient difference (X1 ) and derivative
diradical. In conclusion, the geometry and the electronic structure coupling (X2 ) vectors are also given. Right: The branching plane diagram
of the CI correlate with the expected primary photoproduct. for the S1 /S0 CI of benzene.

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Fig. 5 Schematic two-dimensional representation of the intersection space. Left: A pictorial representation of the intersection space between two energy
surfaces (see text). The CIMEP , MECI and CITraj refer to the intersection space points located via excited state MEP calculation, conical intersection
optimization (the MECI), and trajectory computation respectively. Right: Shape of the photochemical reaction path and conical intersection region for
paths leading to peaked (top) and sloped (bottom) CIs.

electronically and geometrically unstable situations and are pre- means that they may not be part of the photochemical reaction
dicted to relax back to benzene. The result of the CI analysis is path even if they are computationally convenient. For this reason,
summarized in a branching plane diagram (see Fig. 4 right). when possible, more meaningful CI points are defined as the first
The CI above has been obtained by computing the so called point of degeneracy intercepted by an excited state MEP (CIMEP
minimum energy conical intersection (MECI). MECIs are often in Fig. 5). This point may differ significantly from the MECI,
assumed to correspond to photochemical funnels and, in principle, especially in those cases where the MEP is not orthogonal to the
they should be close to the point intercepted by the excited state intersection space.
branch of a photochemical reaction path. However, as we will
now explain, this is only an approximation. Any CI structure is
“Photochemical” trajectories
an element of a 3N - 8 dimensional subspace (the intersection
space) of the configuration space which is formed by an infinite Photochemical reaction path computations provide valuable infor-
collection of CIs.19,22 The intersection space is locally orthogonal mation on the spectroscopy (excitation energies), energy (reaction
to the branching plane defined above. As schematically shown barriers and excess vibrational energy) and mechanisms of a
in Fig. 5, this appears as a curve of crossing points (a seam) photochemical reaction.15 On the other hand, this information is
when the intersecting potential energy surfaces are plotted along only valid under the assumption that the centre of the excited state
a coordinate plane defined by one branching plane vector and by population (e.g. a laser-generated vibrational wavepacket) would,
one of the 3N - 8 molecular modes belonging to the intersection on average, follow a path close to the MEP. This is considered
space. The decay to the lower potential energy surface may occur to be a fair approximation in cases where the potential energy
from any point of the intersection space. Thus, in principle the valleys are deep. However, photochemical reaction paths do not
description of the photochemical funnel of a specific reaction provide information on the time scale of ultrafast photochemical
requires the definition of the most chemically significant CI point or internal conversion processes15 that are characterized by a
belonging to the intersection space of the reacting system. One very small excited state reaction barrier (or no barrier at all)
possibility is to assume that the excited state reactant is funnelled to control the reaction kinetics. They may also fail to provide
to the ground state through the MECI (see Fig. 5). mechanistic information when the potential energy valleys are
As we will also discuss later, methods for locating MECI flat. In these cases the mechanism and dynamics of the process
points23–27 have been reported and are available in computer pro- can be investigated by computing excited state classical34 or
gram packages such as Gaussian,28 Molcas,29 Gamess,30 Molpro,31 semi-classical35–39 trajectories (see two schematic photochemical
Columbus32 and Firefly.33 MECIs do not necessarily correspond trajectories in Fig. 1; photochemical stands for “non-adiabatic”.
to the point reached by a MEP starting at the FC point. This This means that the trajectory can hop from the upper to the

870 | Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2011, 10, 867–886 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and Owner Societies 2011
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lower potential energy surface). Trajectories are computationally

demanding but they have been shown to provide predictions and
rationalizations of observed time scales even for chromophores
in solution or embedded in a protein environment (see below).
Indeed, a single classical trajectory released from the FC point
with no initial velocities (called FC-trajectory) provides a better
representation of the average motion of the centre of the excited
state population and, for this reason, it is a tool superior to MEP
computations. Moreover, it is a better tool when the upper and
lower state potential energy valleys are shallow and the motion
of the centre of the vibrational wavepacket deviates significantly
from the excited state branch of the photochemical reaction path.
In those cases, a FC-trajectory represents a better way to locate the
chemically relevant CI point along the intersection space (CITraj in
Fig. 5).
Published on 04 March 2011. Downloaded on 26/08/2013 15:50:54.

The comparison between the excited state branch of a pho-

tochemical reaction path and a classical trajectory for a photoi-
somerization reaction occurring in methanol solution is given in
Fig. 6 for an indanylidene pyrroline switch (see below for the
method employed for the calculation of the potential energy in
large systems including biopolymers and solvent cavities).8 The
general shape of the trajectory and of the excited state MEP is
similar for this sub-picosecond reaction. In this case, as well as for
the cases discussed in the next section, there are little qualitative
differences between the path, the trajectory and the structure of
the corresponding intercepted CIs (see details in ref. 8). Therefore
the description of the excited state evolution provided by a MEP
or FC-trajectory is equivalent for such a case. However, in general,
one may expect larger deviations when the excited state lifetime
increases or for cases of flat excited state energy surfaces.
A number of groups,41–54 including ours,44 have reported non-
adiabatic semi-classical trajectories computed using suitable ab
initio quantum chemical methods and simple surface-hopping
protocols.56,57 This type of trajectory provides a description of
the entire photoinduced molecular motion (within a certain time
scale that is usually shorter than 1 picosecond) and simulates
Fig. 6 Top: S1 energy profile (diamonds) along the S1 MEP (com-
the hop from an upper to a lower potential energy surface that
puted in terms of the intrinsic reaction coordinate, IRC)40 for the
usually occurs in the vicinity of one of the intersection space
Z→E photoisomerization of the indanylidene pyrroline switch Z-1. It
points. It also provides a description of the evolution occurring is shown that the S0 -Z-1 equilibrium structure, the transient S1 -Z-1
after the hop and leading towards a photoproduct or towards the excited state structure and the CI-Z-1 are connected by a barrierless
reactant. Therefore, trajectory calculations provide information reaction coordinate. The IRC value is given in a.u. (amu1/2 bohr). The
on both the excited state lifetime (already provided by classical S0 energy profile (squares) along the computed S1 coordinate is also
trajectories), and the time scale for the formation of the product. shown. Bottom: Scaled-CASSCF/AMBER trajectory34 (see also below)
These quantities may be compared with the measured excited state simulating the S1 isomerization of Z-1. The system is predicted to reach
lifetime and photoproduct appearance time. a CI on a 300 fs timescale. The open triangles indicate single-point
As we will describe below and in the Conclusions and per- CASPT2//CASSCF/AMBER energies demonstrating that the scaled–
spectives section, in the near future the increasing availability CASSCF energy profile is only slightly off the CASPT2 energy. The
CASSCF/AMBER value of the oscillator strength f along the trajectory
of multiprocessor facilities shall remove the main limitations
is also given (full circles) providing information on the intensity of the
associated with the use of single trajectories, giving access to
transient fluorescence signal.
the systematic computation of statistical properties including
quantum yields.
concepts were introduced in two seminal papers by Van der
Some history Lugt and Oosterhoff58 and later by Devaquet et al.59 In their
work, a minimum located on a spectroscopically forbidden singlet
As seen above, photochemical funnels provide a structurally (e.g. potential energy surface (see Fig. 7 left) was proposed to provide
describing the reaction stereochemistry) and electronically (e.g. the funnel mediating the photochemical conversion of buta-1,3-
describing the homolytic or heterolytic nature of bond breaking diene into cyclobutane. The minimum was found to be associated
events) well-defined connection between different electronic states with an avoided crossing with the ground state. Therefore, the
of the reacting species. More than forty years ago, the above authors’ conclusions seemed to be consistent with the idea that

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Published on 04 March 2011. Downloaded on 26/08/2013 15:50:54.

Fig. 7 The Van der Lugt and Oosterhoff (i.e. avoided crossing) vs. the conical intersection model. Left: Schematic representation of the Van der Lugt
and Oosterhoff avoided crossing mechanism resulting from the calculations in ref. 60. Right: The Van der Lugt and Oosterhoff path appears as a one
dimensional cross-section of a more complex potential energy surfaces which have the shape of a double cone and a conical intersection (CI) as the excited
state minimum. The computed and fully asymmetric structure of the CI59 mediating the electrocyclic ring-closure of buta-1,3-diene is also shown.

potential energy curves of electronic states of the same symmetry can be explained by the presence of CIs. Unlike an avoided
(such as the 1A1 and 2A1 electronic states of a buta-1,3-diene crossing, a CI corresponds to an actual crossing of the potential
with C s symmetry) should obey the non-crossing rule.61 On the energy surfaces associated with two electronic states of the same
other hand, at the time of the Van der Lugt and Oosterhoff spin multiplicity. The original work on the crossing of potential
calculation, the only quantity that could be computed was the energy surfaces of the same spin multiplicity appeared in 1929
potential energy of the relevant electronic states. The first or and was written by von Neumann and Wigner71 Following
second derivatives of the potential energy surface (with respect contributions were given by Teller72 and Herzberg and Longuet-
to the nuclear coordinates) could not be calculated at that time. Higgins.73 It was proposed that: (i) the non-crossing rule, which is
Since these quantities are instrumental for the numerical methods valid for diatomic systems, fails in polyatomic molecules where two
used to follow downhill paths along a potential energy surface and states are allowed to cross even when they have the same symmetry
therefore to locate local minima, the authors had to assume that and (ii) this crossing is conical rather than linear. Teller74 also
the funnel was located along a linear path connecting reactant suggested that radiationless decay in the vicinity of intersection
to product and consistent with the photochemically allowed spaces takes place within a single vibrational period.
(disrotatory) electrocyclic ring-closure of the diene. Nowadays we know that the photochemical conversion of buta-
An excited state decay time corresponding to the avoided cross- 1,3-diene to cyclobutene is mediated by a CI (see Fig. 7 right).75,76
ing energy gap (ca. 30 kcal mol-1 ) estimated by Van der Lugt and We also know that such a CI is fully asymmetric and that therefore
Oosterhoff is on the order of nanoseconds, comparable to typical the two intersecting states belong to the same space and spin
fluorescence lifetimes.62 However, the weak or absent fluorescence symmetry. These results have been produced after much progress
observed in many chromophores63 and, most importantly, the in the development of ab initio multiconfigurational quantum
discovery of ultrafast photochemical reactions64,65 indicate that the chemistry methods (see below). These methods currently allow
energy gap between excited and ground states is smaller than a few the computation of both potential energies and their first and
kcal mol-1 . Early versions of the theory of radiationless transitions second derivatives at a level of accuracy that allows a comparison
were dominated by the application of Fermi’s golden rule17,66,67 and between computed energy gaps and the energy of corresponding
seemed to provide a good description for the weak coupling cases spectroscopic transitions (e.g. absorption and emission maxima).
where the time scales for internal conversion and fluorescence The implementation of ab initio multiconfigurational quantum
are comparable. However, such a theoretical framework cannot chemical methods in computer programs towards the end of
explain ultrafast events. the 1980s was fundamental for the consolidation of the idea
The search for funnels that could explain the selectivity of that CIs were a diffuse form of photochemical funnels. With
photochemical reactions led Zimmerman,68 Michl69 and Salem70 such techniques available, it became possible for the chemist to
to independently suggest that the formation of specific products efficiently calculate more correct potential energy surfaces, which

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allowed the earlier limitations on the study of photochemical theory (e.g. ab initio CASPT2)87 methodologies (see below). In
reactions to be surmounted. The principal tool at this stage of fact, at the CASSCF level, static electron correlation is taken
research was the MCSCF (“Multi Configurational Self Consistent into account, allowing for the treatment of situations involving
Field”) method one version of which was developed in Great partially broken bonds and the development of diradical character.
Britain in the lab of Michael Robb. However, in order to reproduce the spectroscopic parameters (e.g.
The MCSCF method was formulated in a 1955 article absorption and fluorescence maxima), the remaining dynamic
by Löwdin;77 at that time it was referred to as “Extended Hartree– electron correlation effects need to be included. This can be
Fock”. In 1976, Ruedenberg and Sundberg78 published a paper achieved, for instance, using the CASPT2 method mentioned
which outlined a methodology called “Fully Optimized Reaction above. The CASPT2//CASSCF protocol, where one carries
Space” which is very close to the main method used today for out the potential energy surface mapping at the CASSCF level
photochemical studies. Nevertheless, because of the mathematical and then corrects the energies of chemically meaningful points
methods of that time, the calculations were too complex and costly (e.g. energy minima and CIs) by running single point CASPT2
to be of use to the chemist. Clearly there was a need of further calculations has been extensively used in the past and has been
advances in order to routinely perform significant calculations. In shown to reproduce experimental observations within a few kcal
this article it is not possible to indicate all the contributions to the mol-1 .9,14
Published on 04 March 2011. Downloaded on 26/08/2013 15:50:54.

writing of an efficient computer program. Often these represent As illustrated in Fig. 7 (right), the computation of the excited
only partial solutions of the computational problems that must state MEP at the CASSCF level helped to clarify the rela-
eventually describe the structure of molecules in full complexity. tionship between the avoided crossing found by Van der Lugt
An early application of the MCSCF method for the description and Oosterhoff and the computed buta-1,3-diene/cyclobutene
of the excited state potential energy surface of reactive entities has CI. Constraining the reaction path to follow a linear coordinate is
been reported for the formyloxyl radical.79 In this contribution equivalent to slicing the potential energy surfaces along a specific
surface crossings were also located. However, the first application one-dimensional cross-section where the CI degeneracy appears
of the MCSCF method to organic photochemistry, or better its to be lifted and is replaced by an avoided crossing. When this
close relative CASSCF (“Complete Active Space Self Consistent constraint is released, and the potential energy is minimized along
Field”) was carried out in 1990 in the work of an Italian-British all possible 3N - 6 molecular modes, it is found that the local
group formed by Robb in London and Bernardi in Bologna.80 At minimum corresponds to a real crossing (i.e. a MECI).
that time they were seeking a demonstration of the stereoselectivity
rules observed for pericyclic reactions. Their interest was focused The “chemistry” of conical intersections
on the case of supra-supra cycloaddition leading to the production
of cyclobutane: a thermally forbidden process. Using a fast Attempts to predict and computationally locate conical intersec-
computer and the ab initio CASSCF methodology, they were able tions in model organic chromophores were reported by Michl and
to map the reaction path starting from ethene. The calculations Bonačić-Koutecký in the 1980s.88–92 The idea that conical intersec-
were performed by one of the authors of the present paper during tions could provide efficient photochemical funnels and that could
a visit to Robb’s lab at King’s College in London. A CI in which even play a role in photobiology was reported in a book.93 During
four carbon atoms sit at the vertices of a rhomboidal ring was the following years other groups employed emerging quantum
found in a deep minimum on the energy map of the excited state. chemical technology to investigate the mechanisms of photochem-
For these calculations it was necessary to use one of the fastest ical reactions. In the period from 1990 to 2000, Bernardi, Robb,
computers of the time, namely, the CRAY Y-MP. Olivucci and coworkers studied 25 different compounds involved
The ab initio multiconfigurational quantum chemical methods in 16 different types of photochemical reactions.22 Other CIs were
are currently the only methods widely applied in photochemical reported by Ruedenberg,94–96 Martı́nez,48,52,97 Domcke,98–103 Koppel
studies. This is due to the flexibility and unbiased nature of and Cederbaum,104–106 Yarkony107–110 and Klessinger111–114 for dif-
the associated wavefunctions. Techniques such as time-dependent ferent molecules. These CIs were usually located as MECI points.
density functional theory (TD-DFT)81 have also been used82 Accordingly, during these studies the availability of methods to
and successfully applied to the investigation of a number of locate (optimize) minimum energy points of the seam of crossing
spectroscopic problems in systems as large as porphyrins83,84 between two potential energy surfaces was critical. One first
and phthalocyanins.85 However, the present common TD-DFT version of this methodology,115 based on the computation of the
functionals are accurate only for excited states dominated by derivative coupling and branching plane vectors, was based on an
single excitations, failing to correctly describe regions near conical extension of a method developed by Morokuma and coworkers.24
intersection.86 Indeed, conical intersections involving a closed- A more effective methodology was reported by Robb, Schlegel
shell singlet initial state cannot exist in TD-DFT (the interaction and coworkers.23 Other methods were developed independently by
matrix elements connecting the initial state and response states Yarkony and coworkers,25 who developed methods for locating
are excluded from the formulation). This gives rise to surface multiple state intersections.116 Martinez and coworkers have re-
intersections where only one molecular displacement breaks the ported and tested a method for locating MECI that does not need
degeneracy.86 Until these problems are solved by the development the computation of the non-adiabatic coupling vector.117 Robb has
of new functionals that can deal with the multiconfigurational also reported a MECI optimization method based on analytical
character of the electronic structure, this method has limited Hessians.27 Recently Morokuma and coworkers have reported an
applications in the study of photochemical processes. Therefore all effective branching plane updating method118 that does not need
the studies reviewed in the present contribution will focus on the the computation of the non-adiabatic coupling vector, yet provides
CASSCF and complete active space second order perturbation information on the branching plane orientation.

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Fig. 8 Three types of chemical processes mediated by CIs in different hydrocarbons.

The analysis of the corresponding pool of CI geometries last process can be interpreted as an internal conversion or as an
and electronic structures demonstrated that all basic chemical aborted photochemical reaction.
events (bond breaking, bond making and the transfer of bonds In the bottom of Fig. 9 we display the X1 and X2 vectors for
between centres) were represented. This mechanistic concept and the cyclohexa-1,3-diene CI. It is apparent that the two molecular
the supporting results were highlighted in 1995119 and 1996.9,10 modes are consistent with the processes described above and once
Examples are given in Fig. 8 for the CIs mediating the photochem- again demonstrate that these vectors have, for photochemical
istry of benzene,20 cyclohexa-1,2-diene60,120 and norbornene.121 As reactions, the same significance that the transition vector has for
discussed above, the benzene CI mediates a covalent bond-making thermal reactions. Displacement along X1 leads to the formation
process. The cyclohexa-1,3-diene CI is mediating a covalent of hexa-1,3,5-triene in a s-cis,Z,s-cis conformation. -X1 is instead
bond breaking process allowing the formation of a diradical describing the reconstitution of the reactant. In contrast, X2
intermediate and a concerted ring opening. The norbornene CI describes the formation of a diradical intermediate with the
mediates a rearrangement (a concerted [1,3] sigmatropic shift) unpaired electrons located on carbon C1 and on a central allyl
displaying both bond-breaking and bond-making processes. The fragment. Finally, the -X2 displacement is pointing to an unstable
same examples also demonstrate that similar chromophores (un- and different diradical structure with the unpaired electrons
saturated hydrocarbons) react via structurally and electronically localized on C1 and C6. The branching diagram of Fig. 9 (bottom)
similar CIs. All CIs display four weakly interacting electrons. summarizes the result of the analysis of the CI structure and
branching plane vectors.
The ring opening considered above has shown how, in principle,
Covalent chemistry
more than one photoproduct can be generated starting from the
The CI mediating the ring opening of cyclohexa-1,3-diene is an same CI. However, the decay to the lower potential energy surface
example of a funnel leading to the simultaneous formation of two may occur from any point of the 3N - 8 dimensional intersection
photoproducts (the adjective “simultaneous” has to be understood space (any CI structure is an element of an intersection space
in terms of reaction mechanism and, more loosely, photoproduct formed by an infinite collection of CIs).18,19,22 Therefore, there
formation time).122 However, the products form with different is another way in which irradiation of a given chromophore
quantum yields. As shown in Fig. 9 top, its photolysis leads can result in the production of more than one product. In
to the formation of hexa-1,3,5-triene and of a lower yield of fact, CI optimizations and branching plane analysis reveal the
bicyclo[3.1.0]hexa-2-ene. The simultaneous formation of these widespread existence of chemically different MECIs belonging
products can be explained on the basis of the electronic and to the same intersection seam.123 By “chemically different” we
geometrical structure of the CI (see Fig. 9 bottom). The CI mean that each MECI displays a different bond-breaking and/or
suggests that the photoproducts can be formed by re-coupling bond-forming process. As a consequence, different photoproducts
the electrons of the triangular arrangement formed by carbons can be formed starting from the same reactant system whenever
C1–C2 and C6 in different ways. In particular, the re-coupling of the excited state evolution allows the reactant to achieve these
the unpaired electrons on C1 and C2 and, consequently, of the different photochemical funnels. In Fig. 10 we report 4 different
electron on C6 with the remaining unpaired electron located on MECIs that belongs to the intersection space of the polyene deca-
a central allyl moiety yield an unstable conformer of hexa-1,3,5- 1,3,5,7,9-pentaene. Three CIs lead to different bicyclic systems
triene. On the other hand, the re-coupling of the unpaired electron via production of different 1,3-diradical intermediates. One CI
on C2 with the electron on C6 yields a diradical species precursor would, in principle, lead to a cyclopropyl diradical intermediate
of the observed bicyclo[3.1.0]hexa-2-ene. Notice that, the third, but can also mediate the Z/E isomerization of the polyene
possible re-coupling mode, i.e. the re-coupling of the electrons on double bond incorporated in the ring moiety. This last CI is the
C1 and C6 yield the original reactant cyclohexa-1,3-diene. This lowest in energy and, most likely,60 the one that dominates the

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Fig. 9 The CI mediating the photochemistry of cyclohexa-1,3-diene.

Fig. 10 Deca-1,3,5,7,9-pentaene CIs mediating different chemical reactions and belonging to the same intersection space.

polyene decay in hydrocarbon solution (i.e. in an environment Charge transfer chemistry

similar to the gas-phase model of the calculation). However, the
structure of the intersection space indicates that a new form Conical intersections in radical cations were found by Lorquet
of (photochemical) reaction selectivity is possible whenever the and coworkers124 as well as by Köppel, Domcke, Cederbaum and
polyene is incorporated in a molecular cavity or is part of a coworkers100,105,110,125–129 in the 1970s and early 1980s. More recently,
larger molecular or supramolecular structure that stabilizes the the presence of CIs on the potential energy surfaces of radical
higher energy intersections with respect to the one leading to Z/E cations has been detected and investigated at the CASSCF level
isomerization. by Bally and co-workers.130,131 Radical cations also offer examples

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where a CI mediates charge (electron) transfer. This is associated CI mediating intramolecular electron (charge) transfer have also
with a change in electronic structure involving the transfer of an been documented in biological relevant closed-shell chromophores
electron between two atomic centres and not exclusively a change such as the penta-3,5-dieniminium cation of Fig. 12. The CI
in spin-pairing as seen above for covalent chemistry. Recently, it mediates the Z/E isomerization of the central double bond of
was documented132 such an event while studying the mechanism the chromophore providing a model for the 11-cis to all-trans
of non-radiative decay in an open-shell mixed-valence compound, photoisomerization13,138,139 of the retinal chromophore of visual
consisting of two identical charge-bearing units (M) connected by pigments (see Fig. 12 top and next section). Upon decay at a CI
a molecular bridge (B). We have shown133 that the radiationless where the central, isomerizing, double bond is ca. 90◦ twisted, the
deactivation of the initially planar N,N,N¢,N¢-tetramethyl-p- molecule relaxes along two possible paths characterized by a S0
phenylenediamine radical cation134,135 (Wurster’s blue) is mediated electron distribution that initially has a diradical rather than closed
by a D1 /D0 CI (see structure in Fig. 11) characterized by shell character. The excited state path and the two relaxation paths
the intersection of electronic states with very different electron have been documented by computing the corresponding three
distributions. In fact, the excited state evolution is characterized MEP (computed in terms of IRCs). These MEPs constitute an
by the displacement of the unpaired electron from an initially example of a fully documented photochemical reaction path (see
delocalized position, on two C NMe2 bonds, to the phenyl bridge above). Notice that, as for Wurster’s blue, the CI is characterized
Published on 04 March 2011. Downloaded on 26/08/2013 15:50:54.

and finally to a single –NMe2 group. This last event is driven by by the crossing between two states with a different location of a
a coupled bond stretch and twisting deformation of the –NMe2 single electron. In the case of Wurster’s blue the electron is located
group carrying the radical centre. The CI is reached when such in a NMe2 unit in D1 and on the phenyl ring in D0 . In the case of
group is fully twisted. the penta-3,5-dieniminium cation, the moving electron is mainly
located on the C N containing part of the conjugated chain in
S1 while it is located on the opposite side (yielding an unstable
diradicaloid structure) in S0 . Notice that in both cases the CIs
have one fully twisted double bond.

Dynamics at conical intersections

While the above discussion focuses on the “static” mapping

of the relevant potential energy surfaces and the location of
chemically meaningful conical intersection points, the excited
decay process occurring at a CI and, consequently, the fate of
the excited state population after decay are determined by non-
adiabatic effects. This fact is of great importance not only for the
correct simulation of the observed selectivity of photochemical
reactions, but also for its control (for example, see ref. 140).
While, as mentioned below, the computation of semi-classical
photochemical trajectories currently represents a practical way to
address this problem, it is important to mention that Domcke,101,102
Koppel,141 Cederbaum,105 Martinez48 and coworkers provided the
first rigorous demonstrations of ultrafast dynamics at conical
intersections. This was at a time when the prevailing picture of
radiationless decay implied that a large number of vibrational de-
grees of freedom are a necessity for efficient deactivation.17,67,142–144
Fig. 11 Wurster’s blue D1 /D0 CI. Top: Geometrical parameters (Å) The demonstration, by quantum dynamics calculations, that
of the gas-phase D1 /D0 CI computed at the CASSCF/6-31G* level few vibrational degrees of freedom are sufficient for irreversible
of theory and an active space comprising the full p-system. Bottom: radiationless decay at conical intersections led to a fundamental
Molecular orbitals hosting the unpaired electron in the D1 and D0 state. change of paradigms in radiationless decay theory. This change
The resonance formulas illustrating the electronic structures of the CI in is not less important than the above-mentioned computational
the corresponding D1 and D0 states are also given.
demonstration that low-lying CIs are ubiquitous and common
features of the excited states of sizable organic and biological (see
Upon decay the electronic structure changes by moving a single also below) molecules.
electron from a doubly occupied p-orbital of the phenyl ring into
the singly occupied p-orbital of the twisted NMe2 group (orbital D1 Conical intersections in proteins
in Fig. 11). During the D0 relaxation (i.e. after decay at a D1 /D0
CI) the unpaired electron moves back to the bridge and, after While ab initio multiconfigurational quantum chemical methods
planarization of the twisted NMe2 group, to the original D0 charge such as CASSCF and CASPT2 have been successfully applied
distribution. The NMe2 twisting required to reach the conical to sizable organic molecules, their computational cost makes
intersection in Wurster’s blue points to a twisted intramolecular application to large and/or complex molecular systems im-
charge transfer phenomenon136,137 associated with the D1 to D0 possible. These systems include chromophores in solution and
decay. chromophores embedded in a protein environment such as the

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Fig. 12 The computed photochemical reaction path for a minimal (penta-3,5-dieniminium) model of the chromophore of the visual pigment rhodopsin
(the protonated Schiff base of 11-cis retinal. See top).

visual photoreceptor mentioned above. The increasingly popular described in a computationally inexpensive way at the molecular
methodology which offers a solution to this problem is the mechanics level (i.e. using parametrized classical force fields). The
hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) total (relative) potential energy of the system can be described by
method.145 The underlying idea is to combine the accuracy of the additive formula:145 E Total = E QM + E MM + E QM/MM . While the
quantum mechanical (QM) methods and the low computational first two terms account for the contributions coming from non-
cost of molecular mechanics (MM) methods. The history of hybrid interacting QM and MM subsystems, the third term describes
methods starts more than thirty years ago with Warshel’s work on their interaction. Notice that there are different E QM and E QM/MM
lysozyme, where a MM method was coupled to semi-empirical QM terms for each electronic state while the E MM remains the same.
calculations.146 This type of calculation was soon after applied to The general classification of QM/MM methods is based on the
the study of visual pigments147 and therefore to photobiology. formulation of the E QM/MM term and on the scheme adopted to
In a QM/MM setup, the part of the system (QM subsystem) describe the boundary region between the QM part and the MM
which is responsible for the reactivity, spectroscopy, photophysics part. Depending on the way in which electrostatic interactions are
and photochemistry, is described by a suitable quantum chemical treated, the QM/MM schemes can be divided into two classes:
method. The remaining part (MM subsystem), such as a box of mechanical embedding (ME) and electrostatic embedding (EE).148
solvent molecules or the protein hosting the QM subsystem is In photochemical and photobiological studies we need to use an

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EE method. In these methods the QM computation is carried out computing statistical properties (including quantum yields) over
in the presence of the MM subsystem by including the description tens or hundreds of semi-classical trajectories.54 Semi-classical
of the electrostatic interactions between the two subsystems treatments have been shown to yield values of the quantum yield
in the one-electron operators of the QM Hamiltonian. The for the photoisomerization of Rh that approach the observed
remaining non-bonding interactions (van der Waals) and bonding one.54
(stretching, bending and torsional) interactions are treated at As anticipated above, as an example of mechanistic application
the MM level. It is usually convenient to represent the MM of QM/MM classical excited state trajectory computations we
atoms by atomic-centered partial point charges for the purpose of focus on the photo-induced double bond isomerization of a
calculating electrostatic interactions. Sets of these point charges retinal chromophore embedded in a protein environment. These
have been calculated and incorporated into popular MM force trajectories have been computed using a CASSCF/Amber force
fields, like CHARMM149 or AMBER.150 Some advantages of using field where the CASSCF level is used to treat the QM subsystem
these MM charges are that they have been validated extensively while the Amber empirical force field for protein is used to
and have been parametrized to give accurate MM energies. describe the MM subsystem. The excited state lifetimes of Rh,34
In cases where there is direct bonding between the QM and MM and its reactive intermediate bathorhodopsin (Batho-Rh)163 have
subsystems, such as for a chromophore covalently linked to been estimated by computing the time necessary to reach a CI
Published on 04 March 2011. Downloaded on 26/08/2013 15:50:54.

the protein (e.g. fluorescent proteins or visual pigments) the starting from the FC point. The calculation reveals that this time
E QM/MM term also includes bond, angle, and torsional parameters corresponds to the time required for the partial isomerization of
accounting for the treatment of the frontier bonds (the bonds the corresponding retinal chromophores (the 11-cis and all-trans
that connect the QM and MM moieties). The simplest and most isomers of the protonated Schiff base of retinal for Rh and Batho-
popular approach to treat the frontier bond is the “link-atom”151,152 Rh respectively). The Rh CI has been recently detected more di-
scheme, where the free valencies of the “frontier atoms” are rectly using higher resolution transient absorption spectroscopy.55
saturated with one or more hydrogen atoms which are included in In Fig. 14, top, we report a comparison between the energy
the quantum chemical treatment of the QM fragment. profiles along the classical trajectories of Rh (Rh→Batho-Rh
The parts of a QM/MM model for the visual receptor rhodopsin isomerization) and Batho-Rh (Batho-Rh→Rh isomerization).
(Rh) are shown in Fig. 13. The positions of the frontier bond The ca. 100 fs observed lifetime of Rh has been reproduced. It
and link-atom are highlighted. The QM subsystem (the retinal is apparent that Rh reaches an intersection space segment which
chromophore of the rhodopsin) and the covalently linked amino is partially explored by the classical excited state trajectory (again,
acid side-chain included in the MM subsystem are also high- by definition a classical, adiabatic, trajectory cannot decay to the
lighted. To make the optimization more effective without losing ground state). Batho-Rh is predicted to have an extremely short
accuracy only the QM subsystem and part of the MM subsystem lifetime (ca. 70 fs), consistent with the distorted nature of its all-
significantly interacting with it (including nearby residues or water trans chromophore. However, this intermediate also reaches an
molecules connected to the QM subsystem via hydrogen bonds) intersection space segment. An analysis of the CI points belonging
are incorporated in the set of nuclear coordinates allowed to to the two segments as well as nearly matching energies indicates
relax. The geometry of the rest of the model is kept fixed at that the intercepted intersection space is the same but it is accessed
the observed crystal structure required for building the model from different directions. Indeed, in a recent work we have shown
(however, in principle, this can be replaced by a structure obtained that the same intersection space is also connected to the conical
via homology modeling). intersection reached during the photoisomerization of Iso-Rh.164
QM/MM models of several proteins have been constructed In Fig. 14, bottom, we display other Rh excited state classical
and investigated by different research groups including ours162 trajectories computed with different initial conditions where the
(see the references in Fig. 13 caption). In order to provide initial geometry is displaced from the FC geometry in different
an example of the use of these models in reactivity studies, ways. It is clear that the trajectories are all similar thus providing,
we now discuss the use of single classical and semi-classical at least for Rh, a validation for the use of a single trajectory in
trajectories (see above) in the study of the mechanism of the low- mechanistic studies.
temperature (77 K) photochromic equilibrium in Rh.163 In general, The results above are useful to interpret the results of more
the calculation of a single photochemical trajectory does not realistic semi-classical (i.e. non-adiabatic) trajectory computa-
provide real statistical information because a single trajectory does tions. For instance in Fig. 15 we show that the semi-classical
not describe the average motion of the whole reacting population. trajectories computed for Rh and Batho-Rh, and describing the
However, they can be employed in mechanistic studies in those same low-temperature photochromic interconversion studied with
cases when a trajectory released from the FC point with zero the classical trajectories of Fig. 14. The trajectories reveal that not
velocities (i.e. the FC trajectory) is expected to follow/represent only the decay region but also the region of the vibrationally hot
the evolution of the centre of the excited state population. This photoproducts are reached on a sub-picosecond time scale. Also,
is assumed to be the case for sub-picosecond photochemical it is apparent that while the excited state parts of these trajectories
reactions where the excited and ground state valleys do not display are substantially the same as those of Fig. 14, there are, of course,
a large curvature. As we will emphasize in the Conclusions and differences in the decay regions. It is evident that for Rh the
perspectives section, the increasing availability of multiprocessor trajectory remains close to the intersection region immediately
facilities like parallel computers, clusters and computer farms after its decay. This does not happen for Batho-Rh where the
is presently paving the way for computations of statistically intersection space is immediately abandoned and the evolution on
meaningful trajectory ensembles.42,51,55,58 In fact, the difficulties the ground state potential energy surface begins immediately. We
associated with the use of single trajectories could be overcome by believe that in the future the understanding of these differences

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Fig. 13 Top: Partial view of the CASSCF/AMBER (QM/MM) model used for simulating the spectroscopy and photochemistry of a biological
photoreceptor (e.g. the bovine rhodopsin displayed in the figure). The protein backbone and the cavity residues (the study of the photochemical step
in these systems requires sub-picosecond simulations that do not allow for important displacements of the cavity residues) are kept fixed at their
crystallographic positions. Bottom: A CASPT2/CASSCF//MM method (see text) has successfully reproduced the excitation energies of a set of protein
pigments related to bovine rhodopsin (Rh and related isomers batho-Rh and iso-Rh and mutants E113D and G123L),153 bacteriorhodopsin (bR),154
Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR),155 the green fluorescent protein (GFP),156 the photoactive yellow protein (PYP),157 the tryptophan-containing
proteins parvalbumin (Parv)158 and monellin (Mone),158 luciferase,159 Dronpa160 (a mutant of a GFP-like protein named “Dronpa” after “dron”, a ninja
term for vanishing, and “pa”, which stands for photoactivation) and phytochrome.161

at the level of the single molecular vibrational modes driving the Conclusions and perspectives
excited state dynamics and the hop event will become of great
importance.163 The correct formulation of the mechanism of a photochemical
Conical intersections for different photoresponsive proteins and reaction requires the computation of real crossings, like CIs
protein chromophores besides Rh have been located using the and singlet–triplet crossings, between different potential energy
CASSCF method and are currently expanding. Here we mention surfaces. In ultrafast reactions, CIs (and singlet–triplet crossings)
the cases of the PYP photoreceptor165 and its chromophore,166 are reached on the timescale of a few vibrational periods. However,
the GFP,167 the fluorescent protein asFP595168 and the firefly slower processes can also be mediated by these excited state
bioluminescence emitter.169 decay channels. In fact, there are cases where access to a CI is

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Fig. 14 Scaled-CASSCF/Amber classical trajectories for S1 Batho-Rh and Rh. Top: Rh→Batho-Rh (left) and Batho-Rh→Rh (right) potential energy
profiles along the corresponding S1 classical (adiabatic) FC trajectory. Bottom: Rh→Batho-Rh S1 classical (adiabatic) trajectories characterized by
different initial conditions (i.e. not starting from the FC point with zero velocities; see ref. 34 for details).

Fig. 15 Scaled-CASSCF/Amber semi-classical trajectories for S1 Batho-Rh and Rh (the scaling of the CASSCF energy is used to simulate the effect
of a CASPT2 computation; see ref. 34). The S1 and S0 energy profiles along the S1 trajectory of Rh is given on the left. The data for Batho-Rh are given
on the right. The more accurate CASPT2 energy along the computed trajectory is also given to provide evidence that the Scaled-CASSCF and CASPT2
energy profiles are similar.34

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Fig. 16 “Parallel” photochemical research in Giacomo Ciamician’s lab (from 1889 to 1921) in Bologna, Italy, and a modern computer farm. In both
cases different sets of compounds are investigated simultaneously either experimentally or in silico.

controlled by a non-negligible excited state barrier (see Fig. 5 Hartree (MCTDH) and variational multiconfiguration Gaussian
right). In other words, the involvement of CIs in chemistry may wavepackets (vMCG) try to address this issue (see ref. 38 for a
go considerably beyond the field of femtochemistry and comprise discussion of these methods). AIMS solves the time-dependent
processes such as photoinduced electron transfer, quenching and Schrödinger equation more rigorously, but as its basis functions
internal conversion. It is evident that a growing need to locate and follow classical trajectories it suffers from poor convergence.
calculate CIs effectively will drive further research. vMCG is harder to implement, but its basis functions do not
Above we have clarified that MECIs are, in general, crude follow classical trajectories and it converges much faster.
representations of photochemical funnels. This is due to the For the formulation of the QM/MM protocol to be used in
fact that CI points are elements of complex intersection spaces. photochemical and photobiological studies, one would want to
Two more effective strategies to locate meaningful photochemical use quantitative methods such as the CASPT2 (or the more
funnels have been revised. These are photochemical reaction advanced MS-CASPT2171 ) or MRCI methods.44,172 In principle,
paths and trajectories. However, single (classical or semi-classical) these methods will make sure that the forces acting on the nuclear
trajectories only yield an approximation of the most meaningful coordinates and driving both the excited state dynamics and the
CI. In contrast the chemically most meaningful CI structure and following ground state relaxation are realistic. In this way one
its properties (e.g. the excited state and photoproduct appearance could avoid non-negligible errors coming from the difficulties of
times) have a statistical meaning and can only be computed parametrizing and validating semi-empirical methods, scaling the
in terms of an average structure. Therefore further progress in energies and gradients of CASSCF or formulating/parametrizing
the field of computational photochemistry and photobiology is novel functionals for TD-DFT energy and gradient calculations.
associated with the development of efficient methods for the However, these advanced methods need further performance
computation of a large set (e.g. a hundred) of semi-classical improvements (the performance of correlated functionals is
trajectories.54,170 These methods are characterized by: (i) the way still under investigation; see, for instance, ref. 173, 174). In
in which the initial set of geometries and velocities are generated, particular, CASPT2 analytical gradients are not available and
(ii) the way in which the hop decision is taken for each trajectory both geometry optimizations and trajectory computations can
and (iii) the QM/MM protocol used for computing the potential only be performed for relatively small molecular systems.175–178
energy and its gradients. Furthermore the validity of CASPT2 energies and gradients in
The computations of large sets of semi-classical trajectories the strict vicinity of a CI requires a careful analysis. However, the
associated with trajectory surface hopping is the closest to more reliable MRCI method has a much higher computational
classical dynamics and it is the simplest to implement, but it cost and it is presently of limited applicability to sizable organic
converges slowly to the correct average value (i.e. large num- systems.
ber of trajectories are required). The development of ab initio The search for realistic and computationally effective QM/MM
multiple spawning (AIMS), multi-configuration time-dependent excited state force fields is perhaps the most important technical

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