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What is a State?

A State is an abstract meaning it is an idea or a concept, thus it cannot be seen. State is a self-
sufficient political community living on a definite territory. It has sovereign ownership and
jurisdiction over its territory. State is a territorial entity and territory belongs to it.

Sovereignty is the hallmark of the State. It belongs to the State. Sovereignty is absolute,
comprehensive and inclusive of all the supreme power of the State. The membership of the State
is compulsory. The citizen is given the automatic right at the time of one’s birth and continues to
live life as such.

A State is composed of four elements:

1. Territory
2. Sovereignty
3. Population
4. Government

So Government is an agency of the State. It is only a subset of the State which acts for it. The
government exercise power on behalf of the state and acts on the basis of the State’s sovereignty.
Membership in the government is not automatic. Only some persons who voluntarily seek an
election and get elected can become a part of it.

The government is responsible for the defense, preservation and protection of the territory of the

If every person tries to rule over a territory, then chaos arises. Therefore, to maintain stability in
the community, State delegate powers to the Government, giving it an authority i.e. legitimate
power. The laws made by the government are applicable to all parts of the territory of the State
but territory belongs to the State and not to the government.

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Herman Patrick T. San Antonio JD-2B

Activity 2

1. Acuity- keenness or acuteness, especially in vision or thought;

the capacity of the eye to see fine detail, measured by determining the
finest detail that can just be detected.
2. Acumen- Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight;
the ability to judge well; keen discernment; insight
3. Acuteness- a sensitivity that is keen and highly developed;
the quality of having a sharp edge or point.
4. Apperception-Conscious perception with full awareness;
The process of understanding by which newly observed qualities of an
object are related to past experience.
5. Appraisal- An expert or official valuation, as for taxation.
6. Appraisement-The act or result of judging the worth or value of something
or someone.
7. Appreciation-The fair and reasonable estimation of the value of an item;
The increase in the financial worth of an asset as compared to itsvalue at a particular earli
er date as a result of inflation or greater market demand.
8. Apprehension-The seizure and arrest of a person who is suspected of
having committed a crime.
9. Ascertainment-Something that has been discovered
10. Assessment-The process by which the financial worth of property is
Determined; The making out a list of property, and fixing its valuation or appraisement.
11. Astuteness-Having or showing shrewdness and discernment, especially
with respect to one's own concerns.
12. Attention-The act of close or careful observing or listening;
concentrated direction of the mind, especially to a problem or task.
13. Awareness-Having knowledge or discernment of something; Archaic
Vigilant; watchful.
14. Clear perception- a thought, belief, or opinion, often held by
many people and based on appearances: an awareness of things through
the physical senses, esp. sight
15. Clear sight- being able to understand situation well and make sensible decisions and
judgments about them.
16. Cleverness- ability to understand and learn quickly and easily.
17. Cognition-The mental process of knowing, including aspects such as
awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
18. Cognizance- conscious knowledge or recognition; awareness.
19. Esoteric-Intended for or understood by only a small group, especially one

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Herman Patrick T. San Antonio JD-2B
with specialized knowledge or interest; Not known by or suitable for the
20. Espousal- A betrothal; a wedding ceremony
21. Espouse- to adopt or give support to
22. Espousement- The act of espousing, or the state of being espoused.
23. Escheat-The power of a state to acquire title to property for which there is
no owner.
24. Eschewment- the act of avoiding or keeping clear from something disliked or injurious.
25. Escape notice- something that you fail to realize or recognize.

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Herman Patrick T. San Antonio JD-2B
Activity 3:

My name is Herman Patrick San Antonio, a resident of Balagtas in the province of

Bulacan. I graduated from Our Lady of Fatima University with a degree in Bachelor of Science
in Nursing. I prefer watching movies and playing billiards over most outdoor activities. A
married man blessed with two kids named Dianne and Chazz.

I owe a great debt to the English language because, it enabled me not only access to
another dialect but as a form of livelihood as well. English on my opinion is the language of
international communication,It is important for socializing and entertainment as well as work.
One of the most common second language in the world. If you want to speak to someone from
another country then chances are, you will be speaking English to do this.

My source of income at the moment comes from a Water Station Business that was
entrusted to me by my father. This endeavor is one which requires attention to detail since the
product sold is to be consumed by people. It also calls for people skills, especially for expanding
the target customers that you can cater to.

In connection with the above statement, my pre-law course is nursing. One of the most
common questions that I hear among my classmates is, why the leap to law? My go to answer is
always “it was my childhood dream”, which is partially false, because I just recently took an
admiration to what my father does and wanted to follow his footsteps.

Law school is a dream course for me because, every subject that I took makes me more
interested than the last. If I were to pick a favorite, it would be criminal law, since it involves
day-to-day scenarios, which peeks my interest. Another subject would probably be
Constitutional law, because it is the supreme law of the land in which all laws bow down to, and
because my professor in the said subject explains it well.

My plan is to be a future lawyer and see how high up the legal profession I can get. I plan on
applying for the first year of lawyering in the Public Attorney’s Office, then follow my father’s
career in the private practice. I am also open for opportunities to positions which requires
membership to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.

Activity 4:

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Herman Patrick T. San Antonio JD-2B
26. The courts
an official group of people (such as a judge and jury) who listen to evidence and make
decisions about legal cases; a building or room where legal decisions are made.
27. A law
a rule or set of rules, enforceable by the courts, regulating the government of a state, the
Relationship between the organs of government and the subjects of the state, and the
relationship or conduct of subjects towards each other.
28. Legislation
The act or process of making laws; enactment
29. Judicial precedent
a judicial decision that is binding on other equal or lower courts in the same jurisdiction
as to its conclusion on a point of law, and may also be
persuasive to courts in other jurisdictions, in subsequent cases involving
sufficiently similar facts.
30. Parliament
a formal conference for the discussion of public affairs.
31. Rights
is the collection of entitlements which a person may have and which are
protected by the government and the courts, or under an agreement;
An existing stockholder's legally protected claim to purchase additional
shares in a corporation ahead ofthose who are not currently stockholders,
especially at a cost lower than market value.
32. The constitution
The fundamental law, written or unwritten, that establishes the character
of a government by defining the basic principles towhich a society must
conform; by describing the organization of the government and regulation, distribution, a
nd limitationson the functions of different government
departments; and by prescribing the extent and manner of the exercise of
its sovereign powers.
33. A judge
public officer chosen or elected to preside over and to administer the law
in a court of justice; one who controls theproceedings in a courtroom and decides;
To make a decision or reach a conclusion after examining all the
factual evidence presented.
34. Custom
duties, tolls, or imposts imposed by the sovereign law of a country on imports or
exports; A common tradition or usage so long established that it has the force or
validity of law.
35. A code A systematic and comprehensive compilation of laws, rules, or regulations
that are consolidated and classified according to subject matter.

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Herman Patrick T. San Antonio JD-2B

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