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Hypothetical Condition In Turkish

When the condition, upon which the action of the principal clause hinges, is close to
reality,when the speaker feels it to be an actual problem, we use the conditional. We
add ise[-se] to the tense base.
When the condition is improbable or hypothetical, -se [sa] is added directly to the verb
root or stem.
The personal endings are the same as in the past definite [-n,-n,-k,-niz,-ler] ; that is,
we add to the verb or stem [-sem,-sen,-se,-sek,-seniz,-seler ]


-Gitsem ne yapar ? ---> If I were to leave what would she/he do ?

-Kitapları gelecek hafta getirsem acaba bir şey derler mi ? ---> I wonder if they would
mind if I brought the books next week ?

- Yapsan da yapmasan da bir. ---> It is all one, whether you do it or not.

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