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Welcome one SIMUS

Simus is the new ERP used by Abylsen

Simus is a web-based application which simplifies and centralizes

the administrative tasks of our company, thus making your tasks
more simple.

Each employee is awarded a personal and private space, protected by a login and
a confidential password:

Login: initial of your first name, followed by your last name

Password: Sent by e-mail

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General Principles
Main functionalities:
▪ Make your request of absence (vacation etc..)
▪ Make your Timesheet (TS)
▪ Produce your Client Tracking
▪ Input your Travel requests
▪ Input your Prepayment request
▪ Input your Expense report
(Recurring, exceptional, billable or not)
▪ Visualization and validation of mission orders

▪ The request of absence must be made before the submission of the TS.
Indeed, the periods of absence are automatically integrated in the TS.
It is possible to fill the expense report before the submission of the TS.
Each half-day period has to be affected to an activity (projects, Inter Project,
annual leave, sickness…).
Warning: The expense report must be diffused even if its amount is 0 € for
the month.
▪ It is mandatory to submit each month both documents :
 Timesheet
 Expense report
The precise dates of submission of those documents are shown on
the homepage of Simus.

For any question or suggestion, send an email to the following address


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Request of absence
Access to the absences

Make a request
To make a request of absence, it is necessary to choose the type of absences wished
through the drop-down list: paid leaves, RTT …).

The choice of dates is done via the calendar on an half-day basis. The duration is
then automatically calculated according to the working days.

The request is automatically passed on to your person in charge for validation when
you click the link "Submit".

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Follow-up and history of the requests
To access a former request, choose the year wished via the drop-down list. You can
then visualize the characteristics of every request (type, dates, duration …) but also
see if the request was validated.

Modify a request
A request of absence can be modified since the history of the demands of absences
thanks to the button " ". A view similar to the request form is then proposed to you.

Attention: a request of absence cannot be modified if the timesheet report to

which it belongs was already submited. In this case contact the administrative
staff of your perimeter.

Validation workflow of a request

The requests of absence are handled and validated by your hierarchical person in
charge (Manager …) via an e-mail resuming the set of the information.

You can visualize if your request was validated in the part follow-up / history of

If your request is refused, your hierarchical person in charge (Manager …) will contact

If your balance of absences is insufficient, a validation by the HR service is added in

the Workflow.

Access to the balance of absences

The balance of absences presented in Simus are the same as those presented on your
pay slip.

The estimation of the balance of absences allows to take into account in the balance
after deduction of the absences which have not yet been counted on your pay slip.

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Timesheet report(TS)
Access to the Timesheet report

It is also possible to reach the TS via a link on the homepage.

First use
▪ During the first access to your TS of the month, it is prefilled automatically
according to your mission (no automatic pre-filling if you have several current

▪ The pre-filling is a help to input your activity. Its result is not guaranteed.
Thus you can correct it if need be.

▪ You cannot input directly your absences in the TS. Your absences must
be input via the interface of request of absence. Thus, they will appear
directly in the TS.

In practice
You current missions are available in the drop-down list on the left of the input

If however one of your projects in this drop-down list is missing, contact your
sales administration team so that it does what is necessary to make your project

The link "Enregistrer" allows to record your TS in your personal space, without
The link "Diffuser" allows to submit your TS to your Manager.

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Once the TS is submitted, it is not modifiable anymore. If you notice an error, it will
then be necessary for you to contact the HR team of your perimeter.

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Monthly Client Tracking
Access to the monthly client tracking

General principle
▪ This report, generated by the input of the timesheet, allows to detail the work
of the month with the aim of getting it signed by the customer (only if the
customer requires him). The TS report should not be signed by the client,
but the Monthly tracking is designed for that purpose (On monthly tracking,
only days where service was performed on the project appear).
▪ Once printed and signed by the customer, the monthly tracking can be
digitized and be attached to the Simus form.

In practice

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Travel request
Access to the travel request

General principle
▪ The travel request allows you to alert your company during an exceptional
▪ The travel request is validated by your person in charge.

The link "Save" allows to record your request in your personal space, without

The link "Submit" allows to submit your request to the administrative team and to
your person in charge for validation.

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Expense report (NDF)
Access to the expense report

General principle
▪ Expenses described on your mission order project are automatically pre-
filled in your expense report
▪ It is impossible to input expenses on days of absences
▪ You can input the expense report when the TS is created
▪ It is impossible to submit the expense report as long as you have not
submitted your TS.

There are 3 types of expenses

▪ Recurring expenses: it is expenses usually awarded within the framework
of your project (KM, compensations meal …). These are described in your
mission order.
▪ Exceptional expenses (not billable): it is exceptional expenses which will
not be billed to the customer, as for example mileage allowances engaged
for a meeting of qualification.
▪ Billable expenses: it is exceptional expenses which will be billed to the

In practice

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The link "Generation auto" allows you to generate automatically the expenses which
your Expense team will have input on your mission order.

The link "submit" allows to submit your expense report to the Expense team of your
Once the expense report is submitted, it is not modifiable anymore. If you notice an
error, it will then be necessary to you to contact the expense team of your perimeter.

It is also possible to join your documentary evidences of expense as attachment.

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Expense advance request
Access to the request of cash advance

General principle
▪ A cash advance is validated by the hierarchical person in charge then by the
administrative team.
▪ A validated and noted as paid cash advance comes in deduction of the
reports of expenses declared, until the complete resumption.

In practice

The link "Save" allows to record your expense advance request in your personal
space, without submission.

The link "Submit" allows to spread to your person in charge for validation.

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Mission orders
Access to the mission orders

General principle
▪ This function allows to delete the paper mission orders
▪ You can so visualize and consult your current mission orders but also
recapitulate their status (Admin Expenses validation, manager and

Warning: to validate or consult your mission orders, your manager must

beforehand validate them.

In practice
The mission orders recapitulate all the information concerning your project (customer
information, expenses …). It is possible to you to print it via the link placed for that
purpose. The impression is made via a PDF file.
The link "I have read my mission order" allows you to validate your mission orders

warning: once validated, you cannot go back. It will be necessary to contact

your administrative team for any request of modification.

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