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Corporation Law Cases Batch 2 Corporation Code, one of which is Section 18 which


CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES “Sec 18. Corporate name. — no corporate name may
vs. REFRACTORIES CORPORATION OF THE be allowed by the SEC if the proposed name is identical
PHILIPPINES or deceptively or confusingly similar to that of any
existing corporation…or is patently deceptive, confusing
or contrary to existing laws..”

 October 13, 1976- RCP was organized for purpose of It is the SEC's duty to prevent confusion in the use
engaging in the business of manufacturing refractory of corporate names not only for the protection of the
bricks. corporations involved but more so for the protection of
 June 22, 1977-RCP registered its name with DTI the public, and it has authority to de-register at all times
and under all circumstances corporate names which in its
 August 23, 1979- “Synclaire Mftg Corp” was estimation are likely to generate confusion.

 August 23, 1985- Synclaire changed its name to

IRCP. There is confusing or deceptive similarity

Both are the only local suppliers of monolithic gunning To fall within the prohibition of the law, two
mix. requisites must be proven:

 April 14, 1988- RCP filed a petition with SEC to 1. That complainant corporation acquired a prior
compel IRCP to change its corporate name on the right over the use of the corporate name
ground that it was confusingly similar with RCP 2. That proposed name is either:

i. Identical
SEC: Rendered judgment in favor of RCP ii. Deceptively or confusingly similaR
SEC en banc: Ordered to delete or drop the name iii. Patently deceptive

Court of Appeals: Name is confusingly similar and RCP

has established prior right to use the word “refractories” In this case, anent the second requisite in
determining the existence of confusing similarity, the
test is whether the similarity is such as to mislead
IRCP argues: a person using ordinary care and discrimination.
The only word that distinguishes them is the word
1. Jurisdiction is vested with regular courts as it is not “industrial” which merely identifies a corporation’s general
under PD 902-a field of activities or operations. Both corporations also
cater to the same clientele and as established by SEC,
2. “refractories” is a generic name both have similar packaging.
3. No confusing similarity

Refractories is a generic term but its usage is

RULING not widespread and its continuous use by RCP for
a considerable period has made the term so closely
SEC has jurisdiction— under regulatory powers identified with it.

Jurisdiction of SEC is not merely confined to IRCP’s appropriation of RCP’s corporate name cannot
adjudicative functions under PD 902-A. By express find justification under the generic word rule. A contrary
mandate, it has absolute jurisdiction, supervision and ruling would encourage corporations to adopt verbatim
control over all corporation. It exercises regulatory and and register an existing and protected corporate name, to
administrative powers to implement and enforce the the detriment of the public.
2. ZUELLIG FREIGHT AND CARGO incorporation was not one of such modes. The effect of
SYSTEMS vs. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS the change of name was not a change of the corporate
COMMISSION AND RONALDO V. SAN MIGUEL being, for, as well stated in Philippine First Insurance Co.,
Inc. v. Hartigan:"The changing of the name of a
FACTS corporation is no more the creation of a corporation than
San Miguel brought a complaint for unfair labor practice, the changing of the name of a natural person is begetting
illegal dismissal, non-payment of salaries and moral of a natural person. The act, in both cases, would seem
damages against petitioner, formerly known as Zeta to be what the language which we use to designate it
Brokerage Corporation (Zeta). They were made to quit, imports a change of name, and not a change of being."
paid separation pay, and were offered to be hired by the
“new company”. San Miguel contended that the
The corporation, upon to change in its name, is in no
amendments of the articles of incorporation of Zeta were
sense a new corporation, nor the successor of the original
for changing the corporate name, broadening the primary
corporation. It is the same corporation with a different
functions, and increasing the capital stock; and that such
name, and its character is in no respect changed.
amendments could not mean that Zeta had been thereby
In short, Zeta and petitioner remained one and the same
On its part, petitioner countered that San Miguel’s
termination from Zeta had been for a cause authorized by
the Labor Code; that its non-acceptance of him had not
been by any means irregular or discriminatory; that its 3. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CONFERENCE
predecessor-in-interest had complied with the CHURCH OF SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES, INC. vs
requirements for termination due to the cessation of NORTHEASTERN MINDANAO MISSION OF
business operations; that it had no obligation to employ SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, INC
San Miguel in the exercise of its valid management
prerogative; that all employees had been given sufficient FACTS
time to make their decision whether to accept its offer of On April 21, 1959, the spouses Cosio donated the land
employment or not, but he had not responded to its offer (covered by TCT No. 4468) to the South Philippine Union
within the time set; that because of his failure to meet the Mission of Seventh Day Adventist Church of Bayugan
deadline, the offer had expired; that he had nonetheless Esperanza, Agusan (SPUM-SDA Bayugan). Part of the
been hired on a temporary basis; and that when it decided deed of donation read:
to hire another employee instead of San Miguel, such That we xxx convey and forever quit claim by
decision was not arbitrary because of seniority way of Donation or gift unto the South
considerations. Philippine [Union] Mission of Seventh Day
Adventist Church of Bayugan, Esperanza,
LA ruled that San Miguel has been illegally dismissed. The Agusan, all the rights, title, interest, claim and
NLRC affirmed the LAs decision and denied the motion for demand both at law and as well in possession xxx
reconsideration of petitioner. Petitioner then filed a situated in xxx Municipality of Esperanza,
petition for certiorari in the CA, imputing to the NLRC Province of Agusan, Philippines, more particularly
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of and bounded as follows, to wit:
jurisdiction. The CA affirmed the NLRC decision. Hence,
this petition. 1. a parcel of land for Church Site purposes only.
2. situated [in Barrio Bayugan, Esperanza].
3. Area: 30 meters wide and 30 meters length or
900 square meters.
Whether or not CA erred in affirming NLRC decision that 5. Bounded Areas
the cessation of business by Zeta was not a bona fide
closure to be regarded as a valid ground for the The donation was allegedly accepted by one Liberato
termination of employment Rayos, an elder of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Twenty-one years later, however, on February 28, 1980,
the same parcel of land was sold by the spouses Cosio to
the Seventh Day Adventist Church of Northeastern
Mindanao Mission (SDA-NEMM).TCT No. 4468 was
NO. the amendments of the articles of incorporation of thereafter issued in the name of SDA-NEMM.
Zeta to change the corporate name to Zuellig Freight and
Cargo Systems, Inc. did not produce the dissolution of the Claiming to be the alleged donees successors-in-
former as a corporation. For sure, the Corporation Code interest, petitioners asserted ownership over the
defined and delineated the different modes of dissolving property. This was opposed by respondents who
a corporation, and amendment of the articles of argued that at the time of the donation, SPUM-SDA
Bayugan could not legally be a donee because, not
having been incorporated yet, it had no juridical The filing of articles of incorporation and the
personality. Neither were petitioners members of issuance of the certificate of incorporation are
the local church then, hence, the donation could not essential for the existence of a de facto
have been made particularly to them. corporation. We have held that an organization not
registered with the Securities and Exchange
On September 28, 1987, petitioners filed a case, docketed Commission (SEC) cannot be considered a
as Civil Case No. 63 (a suit for cancellation of title, corporation in any concept, not even as a
quieting of ownership and possession, declaratory corporation de facto. Petitioners themselves admitted
relief and reconveyance with prayer for that at the time of the donation, they were not registered
preliminary injunction and damages), in the RTC of with the SEC, nor did they even attempt to organize to
Bayugan. The RTC ruled in favor of the respondents (SDA- comply with legal requirements.
NEMM), which decision was affirmed by the CA.
Corporate existence begins only from the moment a
This case is a petition for review on certiorari which certificate of incorporation is issued. No such certificate
assails the Court of Appeals (CA) decision. was ever issued to petitioners or their supposed
predecessor-in-interest at the time of the donation.
ISSUE Petitioners obviously could not have claimed
Should SDA-NEMM’s (respondent’s) ownership of the lot succession to an entity that never came to exist .
covered by TCT No. 4468 be upheld? Neither could the principle of separate juridical personality
apply since there was never any corporation to speak of.
RULING And, as already stated, some of the representatives of
YES. The donation to the petitioners was viod since at the petitioner Seventh Day Adventist Conference Church of
time of donation, the petitioners do not have juridical Southern Philippines, Inc. were not even members of the
personality yet. local church then, thus, they could not even claim that the
donation was particularly for them.
Petitioners contend that the appellate court should
not have ruled on the validity of the donation since 2. There is sufficient basis to affirm the title of
it was not among the issues raised on appeal. This SDA-NEMM
is not correct because an appeal generally opens
the entire case for review. A thorough analysis and perusal, nonetheless, of
the Deed of Absolute Sale disclosed that it has the
1. The alleged donation to petitioners was void essential requisites of contracts pursuant to
Donation is an act of liberality whereby a person disposes Article 1318 of the Civil Code, except that the
gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another person consideration of P2,000.00 is somewhat insufficient for a
who accepts it. The donation could not have been [1,069-square meter] land. Would then this inadequacy
made in favor of an entity yet inexistent at the of the consideration render the contract invalid?
time it was made. Nor could it have been accepted
as there was yet no one to accept it. Article 1355 of the Civil Code provides: Except in cases
The deed of donation was not in favor of any informal specified by law, lesion or inadequacy of cause shall
group of SDA members but a supposed SPUM-SDA not invalidate a contract, unless there has been fraud,
Bayugan (the local church) which, at the time, had mistake or undue influence.
neither juridical personality nor capacity to accept
such gift. Here, there is no evidence [of fraud, mistake or
undue influence] was adduced by [petitioners].
Petitioners then argue that they have the capacity Well-entrenched is the rule that a Certificate of Title is
to accept the donation as de facto corporation. However, generally a conclusive evidence of [ownership] of
there are stringent requirements before one can qualify the land. There is that strong and solid
as a de facto corporation: presumption that titles were legally issued and
(a) the existence of a valid law under which it that they are valid. It is irrevocable and indefeasible
may be incorporated; and the duty of the Court is to see to it that the title is
(b) an attempt in good faith to incorporate; maintained and respected unless challenged in a direct
and proceeding. The title shall be received as evidence in all
(c) assumption of corporate powers. the Courts and shall be conclusive as to all matters
contained therein.
While there existed the old Corporation Law (Act 1459), a
law under which SPUM-SDA Bayugan could have been
organized, there is no proof that there was an attempt to
incorporate at that time.
4. ANG MGA KAANIB SA IGLESIA NG DIOS KAY same already used by the Petitioner, any
KRISTO HESUS, H.S.K. SA BANSANG PILIPINAS, corporation, association, and/or partnership presently
INC. petitioner, vs. IGLESIA NG DIOS KAY CRISTO registered with the Commission.”
KATOTOHANAN, respondent. Petitioner appealed to the SEC En Banc. In its
decision, the SEC En Banc affirmed the above decision,
[G.R. No. 137592. December 12, 2001]
upon a finding that petitioner's corporate name was
Sorry if mura ra gyud sad ni ug full text kay mura’g important identical or confusingly or deceptively similar to that of
tanan details.  respondents corporate name.
FACTS: Respondent Iglesia ng Dios Kay Cristo Jesus,
Haligi at Suhay ng Katotohanan (Church of God in Christ Petitioner filed a petition for review with the Court of
Jesus, the Pillar and Ground of Truth), is a non-stock Appeals, which affirmed the decision of the SEC En Banc.
religious society or corporation registered in (SOME OF THE) ARGUMENTS OF THE PETITIONER
1936. Sometime in 1976, one Eliseo Soriano and several BEFORE THE SC
other members of respondent corporation disassociated
themselves from the latter and succeeded in 1. DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS: Invoking the case
registering on March 30, 1977 a new non-stock religious of Legarda v. Court of Appeals, petitioner insists
society or corporation, named Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo that the decision of the Court of Appeals and the
Hesus, Haligi at Saligan ng Katotohanan. SEC should be set aside because the negligence
of its former counsel of record, Atty. Joaquin
On July 16, 1979, respondent corporation filed with
Garaygay, in failing to file an answer after its
the SEC a petition to compel the Iglesia ng Dios Kay
motion to dismiss was denied by the SEC,
Kristo Hesus, Haligi at Saligan ng Katotohanan to
deprived them of their day in court.
change its corporate name, (SEC Case No. 1774).
SEC rendered judgment in favor of respondent, ordering 2. PRESCRIPTION OF ACTION: respondent's right of
the Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo Hesus, Haligi at Saligan ng action to institute the sec case has since
Katotohanan to change its corporate name to another prescribed
name that is not similar or identical to any name already
used by a corporation, partnership or association 3. EXCEPTION TO SECTION 18: CA failed to
registered with the Commission. No appeal was taken consider and properly apply the exceptions
from said decision. established by jurisprudence in the application of
Section 18 of the Corporation Code to the instant
It appears that during the pendency of SEC Case
No. 1774, Soriano, et al., caused the registration on April
25, 1980 of petitioner corporation, Ang Mga Kaanib sa 4. RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: CA failed to
Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo Hesus, H.S.K., sa Bansang properly appreciate the scope of the
Pilipinas. The acronym H.S.K. stands for Haligi at Saligan constitutional guarantee on religious freedom,
ng Katotohanan. thereby failing to apply the same to protect
petitioners rights
On March 2, 1994, respondent corporation filed
before the SEC a petition, docketed as SEC Case No. 03- ISSUES:
94-4704, praying that petitioner be compelled to change
its corporate name and be barred from using the same or 1. W/N there is denial of due process because of the
similar name on the ground that the same causes negligence of petitioner’s counsel? –NO
confusion among their members as well as the public. 2. W/N THE ACTION HAS PRESCRIBED? –NO
Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of 3. W/N THE EXCEPTION TO SEC 18 OF THE CORP
lack of cause of action. The motion to dismiss was CODE APPLIES (wala gi-discuss unsa ni na
denied. Thereafter, for failure to file an answer, petitioner exceptions sa case)? –NO
was declared in default and respondent was allowed to
present its evidence ex parte. 4. W/N THE RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IS
On November 20, 1995, the SEC rendered a
decision ordering petitioner to change its RULING:
corporate name. The dispositive portion thereof reads:
“Respondent Mga Kaanib sa Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo 1. NO. The contention is without merit. As a general
Jesus (sic), H.S.K. sa Bansang Pilipinas (petitioner herein) rule, the negligence of counsel binds the client.
is hereby MANDATED to change its corporate name to This is based on the rule that any act performed by a
another not deceptively similar or identical to the lawyer within the scope of his general or implied
authority is regarded as an act of his client. An the proposed name must contain two other
exception to the foregoing is where the reckless or words different from the name of the
gross negligence of the counsel deprives the client of company already registered;
due process of law. Said exception, however, does
not obtain in the present case. Parties organizing a corporation must choose
a name at their peril; and the use of a name similar to
The factual antecedents of the case at bar are
one adopted by another corporation, whether a business
different from that in the case of Legarda. Here, Atty.
or a nonprofit organization, if misleading or likely to injure
Garaygay filed before the SEC a motion to dismiss on the
in the exercise of its corporate functions, regardless of
ground of lack of cause of action. When his client was
intent, may be prevented by the corporation having a
declared in default for failure to file an answer, Atty.
prior right, by a suit for injunction against the new
Garaygay moved for reconsideration and lifting of the
corporation to prevent the use of the name.
order of default. After judgment by default was rendered
against petitioner corporation, Atty. Garaygay filed a Petitioner claims that it complied with the aforecited
motion for extension of time to appeal/motion for SEC guideline by adding not only two but eight words to
reconsideration, and thereafter a motion to set aside the their registered name, to wit: “Ang Mga
decision. Kaanib" and "Sa Bansang Pilipinas, Inc., which,
petitioner argues, effectively distinguished it from
Evidently, Atty. Garaygay was only guilty of
respondent corporation.
simple negligence. Although he failed to file an answer
that led to the rendition of a judgment by default against The additional words Ang Mga Kaanib and Sa
petitioner, his efforts were palpably real, albeit bereft of Bansang Pilipinas, Inc. in petitioners name are, as
zeal. correctly observed by the SEC, merely descriptive of
and also referring to the members, or kaanib, of
respondent who are likewise residing in the
Philippines. These words can hardly serve as an
2. NO. Likewise, the issue of prescription, which effective differentiating medium necessary to avoid
petitioner raised for the first time on appeal to the confusion or difficulty in distinguishing petitioner from
Court of Appeals, is untenable. Its failure to raise respondent. This is especially so, since both petitioner
prescription before the SEC can only be construed as and respondent corporations are using the same
a waiver of that defense. At any rate, the SEC has acronym --- H.S.K.; not to mention the fact that both
the authority to de-register at all times and are espousing religious beliefs and operating in the
under all circumstances corporate names same place. Parenthetically, it is well to mention that the
which in its estimation are likely to spawn acronym H.S.K. used by petitioner stands for Haligi at
confusion. It is the duty of the SEC to prevent Saligan ng Katotohanan.
confusion in the use of corporate names not only for
Then, too, the records reveal that in holding out their
the protection of the corporations involved but more
corporate name to the public, petitioner highlights the
so for the protection of the public.
Section 18 of the Corporation Code provides: HALIGI AT SALIGAN NG KATOTOHANAN, which is
strikingly similar to respondent's corporate name, thus
Corporate Name. --- No corporate name may making it even more evident that the additional
be allowed by the Securities and Exchange words Ang Mga Kaanib and Sa Bansang Pilipinas, Inc., are
Commission if the proposed name is identical merely descriptive of and pertaining to the members of
or deceptively or confusingly similar to that respondent corporation.
of any existing corporation or to any other Significantly, the only difference between the
name already protected by law or is patently corporate names of petitioner and respondent are
deceptive, confusing or is contrary to the words SALIGAN and SUHAY. These words are
existing laws. When a change in the synonymous --- both mean ground, foundation or
corporate name is approved, the support. Hence, this case is on all fours with Universal
Commission shall issue an amended Mills Corporation v. Universal Textile Mills, Inc., where the
certificate of incorporation under the Court ruled that the corporate names Universal Mills
amended name. Corporation and Universal Textile Mills, Inc., are
undisputably so similar that even under the test of
Corollary thereto, the pertinent portion of the SEC reasonable care and observation confusion may
Guidelines on Corporate Names states: arise.

(d) If the proposed name contains a word Furthermore, the wholesale appropriation by
similar to a word already used as part of the petitioner of respondent's corporate name cannot find
firm name or style of a registered company, justification under the generic word rule (sorry wala
jud gi-explain anywhere sa case unsa ni na rule). We
agree with the Court of Appeals conclusion that a contrary
ruling would encourage other corporations to adopt
verbatim and register an existing and protected corporate
name, to the detriment of the public.
The fact that there are other non-stock religious
societies or corporations using the names Church of the
Living God, Inc., Church of God Jesus Christ the Son of
God the Head, Church of God in Christ & By the Holy
Spirit, and other similar names, is of no consequence. It
does not authorize the use by petitioner of the essential
and distinguishing feature of respondent's registered and
protected corporate name.
3. Certainly, ordering petitioner to change its corporate
name is not a violation of its constitutionally
guaranteed right to religious freedom. In so
doing, the SEC merely compelled petitioner to abide
by one of the SEC guidelines in the approval of
partnership and corporate names, namely its
undertaking to manifest its willingness to change its
corporate name in the event another person, firm, or
entity has acquired a prior right to the use of the said
firm name or one deceptively or confusingly similar to

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