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The two great mantras of Veda are Gayatri Mantra and Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra .
Gayatri mantra , through creating powerful vibrations , eliminates the sorrow which is born out of
ignorance . It is an universal prayer as it is the powerful and meaningful link between man
enmeshed in mundane concerns and the Supreme being . Known as the Moksha mantra of Lord
Shiva , Maha Mrutyunjaya mantra evokes the Shiva within and removes the fear of death ,
liberating one from the cycle of death and rebirth .It is the Victory over Death .

Gayatri mantra is in the Gayatri chandah ( metre ) and Mrutyunjaya mantra in

Anushtubh chandah . Gayatri chandah is for merging with God and is the form of God
while Anushtubh chandah is for following God . Anushtubh means ‘ following ‘ and the mantra is
for the faithful followers .

The mantra ……

Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam /

Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaath Mrutyor Mukshiya Ma-Amritat //

It means that “ Let us worship Shiva ( the Three-eyed One ) , who is sacred
( fragrance ) and who nourishes all beings . Just as the ripe cucumber is automatically released
from its attachment to the creeper , may we be liberated from ( total identification with ) death
( our mortal body and personality ) and be granted ( realization of ) our immortality nature .

Om , We worship the three-eyed Lord Shiva , who is naturally fragrant ,
immensely merciful and who is the Protector of the devotees . Worshipping Him may we
be liberated from death for the sake of immortality just as the ripe cucumber easily separates
itself from the binding stalk ie. By your Grace , let me be in the state of salvation (moksha) and be
saved from the clutches of fearful death .

Effects of the mantra .

Maha Mrutyunjaya mantra is a mantra that is said to rejuvenate , bestow health ,
wealth , a long life , peace , prosperity and contentment . The mantra is a centuries old
technique of connecting one to pure consciousness and bliss .

The prayer is addressed to Lord Shiva . By chanting the mantra

Divine vibrations are generated which ward off all the negative and evil forces and create a
powerful protective shield . And it is said to protect the one who chants against accidents and
misfortunes of every kind .It is a vibration that pulsates through every cell , every molecule of our
body and tears away the veil of ignorance . It ignites a fire within us that consumes all our
negativity and purifies our entire system . It is also said to have a powerful healing of
diseases declared uncurable . It is a mantra to conquer death and connects us to our own inner
divinity .

Prayer to Lord Shiva .

The mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva for help in overcoming ‘ death ‘ . The
seeker is more concerned with avoiding spiritual ‘ death ‘ rather than physical ‘ death ‘. The
mantra is a request to Lord Shiva to lead us to the mountain of meditation , which is indeed His
abode . Legend has it that Lord Shiva appeared before His devotee , Markandeya , ( who was
destined to die at the age of sixteen ) and stopped his aging process a few days before he
was supposed to turn sixteen . Thus , death would never be able to claim him ! Hence , this
mantra is also referred to as the Markandeya mantra in classical Hindu studies .

Connection to Sukracharya .
The Maha Mrutyunjaya mantra was taught by Lord Shiva to Sukracharya , the
preceptor of the demons after he succeeded in the impossible test of hanging upside down from
a tree for twenty years ( vimsottari dasa period ) with smoke blowing into him from a fire lit
beneath . Even Brihaspati was shocked at the prospect of such a terrible penance and calmly
settled to observe Sukracharya accept the challenge of Indra and succeeded .

Since Sukracharya ( Venus in astrology ) passed the penance he was glorified as

the Tapaswi Raja ( the king of the spiritual discipline and penance ) . The definition of Tapaswi
Yoga comes from this penance as Saturn ( punishment , hard toil ) , Ketu (smoke blown into the
nose and other forms of self inflicted torture ) and Venus ( desire and its renunciation ) must
come together to define the personal ability of the Tapaswi..

After the penance Lord Shiva taught the maha mantra to Sukracharya , who
under very compelling circumstances had to teach this to the son of Brihaspati and that is how
the devas also got the mantra . This mantra was given (sruti) to Vasistha Maharishi for the
welfare of the world .The mantra and the explanation given by Sukracharya to Rishi
Dadhicha when the latter ‘s body was cut and thrown by Raja Kshuva is recorded in the Shiva
Purana .
Sukracharya said ,” O! Dadhicha , I pray to Lord Shiva and give you the upadesa
( advice / wisdom / teaching ) of the highest Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra “

The mantra is very much a protector for accidents , mishaps and daily calamities
in the modern day busy life . Recitation of the mantra creates divine vibrations that heals .
Chanting the maha mantra with sincerity , faith and devotion in Bramha Muhurta is very
beneficial . But one can also chant it anytime in a pure environment with great benefit and
discover the happiness that ‘s already within .The mantra should ideally be repeated 108 times ,
twice daily , at dawn and at dusk .

Shiva Prarthana .
Om Namastestu Bhagavan
Visvesvaraya Mahadevaya
Trayambakaya Tripurantakaya
Trikagni – Kalaya
Kalagni – Rudraya Nil – Kanthaya Mrutyunjaya
Sarvesvaraya Sadashivaya
Sriman Mahadevaya Namah .

Meaning .

Om , I bow down to Lord Shiva , who is the creator and protector of the universe , who
is the greatest among gods , who has three eyes , who is the annihilator of all the three worlds ,
one whose throat is blue , who is the conqueror of death , who is the Lord of all , who is propitious
, who is possessed of all marks of greatness and who is the greatest among Gods . To Him my
prostration .

Explanation .
The mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva who is addressed as Sankara and Trayambaka .
Sankara is Sana ( blessings ) and Kara ( the Giver ) , Trayambaka is the three eyed one
( where the third eye signifies the giver of knowledge , which destroys ignorance and releases us
from the cycle of death and rebirth ) .

Summary of the mantra .

We worship Shiva – The Three Eyed Lord / Whose eyes are Sun , Moon and
Fire / Who is fragrant and nourishes all beings / May He protect us from all disease , poverty and
fear / And bless us with prosperity , longevity and health / May He liberate us from death / For
the sake of immortality / As the ripened cucumber is automatically liberated / From its bondage
from the creeper when it fully ripens / .

Maharishi Vasistha ‘s explanation .

Maharishi Vasistha has the following explanation to offer about Maha
Mrutyunjaya mantra :
TRAYAMBAKAM - refers to the three eyes of Lord Shiva . ‘ Trya ‘ means ‘ three ‘ and
AMBAKAM means ‘ eyes ‘ . These three eyes or source of enlightenment are the TRIMURTI or
three primary deities , namely , Brahma , Vishnu and Shiva and the three AMBA ( also meaning
Mother or Shakti ) are Saraswathi , Lakshmi and Gouri . Thus in the world , we are referring to
god as Omniscient ( Brahma ), Omnipresent ( Vishnu ) and Omnipotent (Shiva ). This is the
wisdom of Brihaspati and is referred to as Sri Dattatreya having three heads of Brahma , Vishnu
and Shiva .

Anushthubh chandah .
The mantra is in Anushthubh Chandah ( metre ) and accordingly , is divided
into four padas comprised of eight syllables each … 4 x 8 = 32 syllables .

First Pada .
Trayambakam Yejamahe ………….
Trayambaka - is the name of Lord Shiva as the father of the three worlds – bhu , bhuva and
svarga . He is the father and lord of the three mandalas -- Surya , Soma and Agni mandalas . He
is Mahesvara , the lord of the three gunas – Satva , Rajas and Tamas. He is the Sadashiva ,
the teacher of the three tatvas – Atma tatva , Vidya tatva and Shiva tatva . He is the
father (cause and source) of the three energies ( agni ) – Arahaniya , Garhapatya and
Dakshinagni .
He is the father of all physical creation through the three murti bhuta – Pritvi ( solid ) , Jala
( liquid ) and Tejas or agni ( energy ). He is the lord of the three heavens created by the
dominance of the three gunas – Rajas ( Brahma ) , Satva ( Vishnu ) and Tamas ( Shiva ) .Know
Him to be the nirakara ( formless ) , Sadashiva as He is above this physical mode and is their
Mahesvara .

Second Pada .
Sugandhim pushtivardhanam ………….
Sugandhim refers to the fragrance of the flower that spreads in all directions , and in a
similar way Shiva is present in the entire creation , both animates and inanimates . In all the
bhutas ( modes of existence ), in the three gunas ( nature of creation as being Satva , Rajas and
Tamas ), in the ten indriyas ( five gnana-indriyas ) or senses and five karma-indriyas or organs of
action ) ,in all the devas ( 33 devas are the source of all illumination and enlightenment ) and the
ganas ( hosts of demi-gods ). Shiva exists and pervades as the illumine atma ( soul ) and is their
essence .
Pushtivardhanam ……… is explained as that inward dwelling spirit (atman ) , the Purusha
Shiva is the real sustainer of Prakrti . Starting with the maha tatva ( primordial state of matter ..
energy ) to the individual parts of creation , the entire sustenance of the physically created beings
( both animate and inanimate ) is done by the imperishable Purusha . You , I , Brahma , Vishnu ,
the munis and even Indra and devas are maintained / sustained by the Atma and that is Him .
Since the Purusha ( atma - Shiva ) is the granter of sustenance to prakrti (body / nature ) , He is
Pushtivardhana .

Third and Fourth Padas .

Urvarukamiva bandhanat mrutyor mukshiya mamritat …. Meaning : Prabhu ! just as the ripe
cucumber is severed from the bondage of the creeper in the same manner may we be delivered
from death for the sake of immortality ( moksha ) . Rudra deva is like amruta ( nectar of
immortality ). Those who worship Him with good karma , penance and repentance , meditation ,
contemplation , prayer or praise will surely have renewed life and vigour . The strength of truth
force ( in the mantra ) is such that Lord Shiva shall definitely free the worshipper from the
bondage of death because Shiva alone is the giver of bondage and moksha .

Various names for the mantra .

The Maha Mrutyunjaya mantra is taken from the Shukla Yajur Veda
Samhita ( vs.3.60 ) and occurs in the Rig Veda ( 7th Book of Mandala , 59 chapter ) . This mantra
is also called the Trayambaka mantra . It is addressed to Trayambaka , the three-eyed , identified
with Shiva . Its literal translation is the ‘Great Death-conquering ‘ mantra . It is called the Rudra
mantra , referring to the furious aspect of Shiva ; the Trayambaka mantra , alluding to Shiva’s
three eyes ; and it is sometimes known as the Mrutya-Sanjivini mantra because it is a component
of the life-restoring practice to the primordial sage Sukra after he had completed an exhaustive
period of austerity . It has the power to give back life and rescue from death and great evils .
Water sanctified with this mantra should be drunk all the time .

Heart of the Veda .

This maha mantra is hailed by the sages as the heart of the Veda . Along with
Gayatri mantra it holds the highest place among the many mantras used for contemplation and
meditation . Anybody can recite this mantra and attain good health , release from bondage and
other problems . This is the greatest panacea for all evils .

Lights on Veda Astrology .

Shiva is said to have three eyes . –because He sees the past , present , and
the future simultaneously . He is the lord of the three worlds – physical , astral , and casual . He is
also beyond the three gunas , satva , rajas and tamas -- or creation , sustenance and
destruction .As we chant the maha mantra we identify with Lord Shiva, develop His attributes ,
and receive His blessings .

In the Buhat Parashara Hora Shastra , sage Parashara prescribes this maha
mantra as an astrological remedial measure on at least 24 separate occasions . In Chp.55 vs.52 ,
he says , “ …..with the recitation ( japa ) of the maha mantra the evil effects will get mellowed
down ( reduced ) with the blessings of Lord Shiva “ .

Mrutyu means Death and Jaya means Victory . Mrutyunjaya means Victory
over Death . This is so called because , when chanted sincerely with reflection on its meaning it
can convey realization of our Essential nature which is beyond birth and death , In this way , it
gives us victory over unquestioned assumption and ignorance of what we are . For the living ,
death is certain and for the dead , birth is certain . Since death is definite for all embodied beings ,
the Bhagavad Gita enjoins the seeker to aspire for that state of attainment , after which there is
no return or rebirth .

The Maha Mrutyunjaya mantra does not belong to any particular school or
tradition though it is chanted in so many yoga centres in the world .There are many mantras for
warding off evils like death and other sufferings given in the sacred literature of the Hindus .
These mantras are of various types but the Maha Mrutyunjaya mantra has been extolled in
sacred literature as being the best .
Lord Shiva is the pure and pristine God who can purify anything by mere
utterence of His name . He is the mrutyunjaya , the vanquisher of death and disease and the
releaser from the cycle of birth and death .The term shiva is a confluence of two syllables -- '
shi ' and ' va ' , meaning the ' redeemer of sins ' and
' liberator of sufferings ' . To Him we prostrate .

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