K610im GSG Imaging-Kamera

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G etting
August 2006

Capturing, saving and editing
Getting started Camera

Introduction ............................................................................................... 2
Instruction symbols ................................................................................ 2
Camera ...................................................................................................... 3
Taking a picture or recording a video clip .............................................. 4
Camera functionality .............................................................................. 4
Camera options ...................................................................................... 5
Editing pictures with PhotoDJ™ ............................................................ 8
Video recorder ......................................................................................... 10
Capturing a video clip .......................................................................... 10
Video recorder options ........................................................................ 10
Handling pictures and video clips ........................................................... 11
Picture and video clip formats ............................................................. 12
Viewing your pictures and video clips ................................................. 12
Use a camera picture as a screen saver or wallpaper ......................... 13
Assigning a picture to a phone contact ............................................... 13
VideoDJ™ ................................................................................................ 14
VideoDJ™ options ............................................................................... 15
Sharing pictures and video clips ............................................................. 15
Transferring pictures and video clips to your computer ...................... 15
Exchanging pictures and video clips ................................................... 16
Related information ................................................................................. 17

1 August 2006
Getting started Camera


Instruction symbols
The following instruction symbols may appear in this Getting started guide:

Some icons in user documentation may differ from those below.

Indicates that a service or function is network- or subscription-dependent.

Contact your network operator for details.
% See also page ...

} Use the selection keys or the navigation key to scroll and select.

Press the navigation key centre.

Press the navigation key up.

Press the navigation key down.

Press the navigation key left.

Press the navigation key right.

Your mobile phone has two built-in cameras. The main camera is a 2.0 mega pixel and includes up to
2.5x digital zoom for still images and 4x digital zoom for video recording. There is also a VGA video call
camera, located above the screen, that activates during a video call.

The horizontal user interface means you can handle the camera more easily.

The phone memory capacity is up to 16 MB internally and can be extended with a Memory Stick Micro™
(M2™), also referred to as a memory card. A 64 MB Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) is supplied.

You can save your camera pictures in three different sizes: 2 MP 1600×1200, 1 MP 1280×960,
VGA 640×480. This allows you to decide on the number of pictures you can save in your phone
memory/on your memory card.

Before taking a picture, you can change settings and add effects or frames. After taking a picture,
you can use the PhotoDJ™ to add effects, frames or clipart objects to your taken picture.

As soon as you take pictures or video clips, you can send them in a picture message (iMMS) or as iMail
attachments. You can also use a picture as a screen saver or wallpaper, or save it together with a contact
so that the picture appears when that person calls.

To use iMail or picture messaging (iMMS), the service must be supported by your network

You can also exchange pictures using the USB cable that comes with your phone or Bluetooth™ wireless

2 August 2006
Getting started Camera

Activating the camera and video recorder
To activate the camera/video recorder from standby mode, press and hold the camera button , or
scroll to Camera in the menu overview.

Camera button

Keys used in camera mode

3 1 Selection key

2 Selection key Navigation key

1, 2 Areas used to show functions such as View, Settings and Select. To select a function, press the
relevant selection key.

3 Area used to show the camera or video function selection. Use the navigation key to switch between
the functions in the viewfinder.

3 August 2006
Getting started Camera

Taking a picture or recording a video clip

1. Activate the camera, from standby mode press and hold the camera button .
2. Press or to switch between camera and video recorder. on the screen shows the current
3. Press to take a picture or start recording.
4. Press again to end video recording.
• Press to return to the viewfinder to take another picture or record another clip.
• To deactivate the camera or the video recorder, press and hold .
The picture is saved in your phone memory/on your memory card and can be found in File manager
} Camera album.

Camera functionality
The camera has functions such as take a self-portrait picture or take a rapid sequence of pictures.
You can zoom in on an object or adjust the brightness. } Settings to view more options before you
take a picture.

Take a self-portrait


Hold the phone so that you can see your reflection in the mirror next to the lens. Press to take
the picture. You can also use the self-timer, % 5 Turn on self-timer.

To use the zoom

Volume buttons

Use the volume buttons on the side of the phone to zoom. Press the right or left arrow buttons to zoom
in or out.

4 August 2006
Getting started Camera

The brightness determines how much white is added to each colour in a picture.

To adjust brightness
1. From standby mode press and hold the camera button to activate the camera.
2. Use the navigation key to adjust brightness. Press once to decrease brightness or once
to increase brightness. Press and hold to continuously increase or decrease the brightness.

Camera options
When taking a picture, you can select different settings to personalize or change the appearance of the
picture. You can, for example, use Panorama to combine several pictures into one wide picture.

You can also select Picture size for saving your picture in 2 MP 1600×1200, 1 MP 1280×960, VGA 640×480.
Turn on self-timer makes it possible for the photographer to participate in the picture too. Effects provides
several colour selections to choose from and White balance gives you the best colour options for your

To enter the Settings menu

When the camera is activated } Settings to view more options before you take a picture.

Switch to video camera – to record a video clip, Switch to still camera – to take a picture. on the screen
shows the current setting.

Shoot mode
• Normal – no frame.
• Panorama – to combine several pictures into one wide picture.
• Frames – to add a frame to your picture. When you have selected Frames, a frame is shown on the
screen. Use the navigation key to scroll through Frames. When you select Frames, the picture size
is automatically set to 640×480 pixels.
• Burst – take a rapid sequence of pictures.

Picture size
• 2 MP 1600×1200
• 1 MP 1280×960
• VGA 640×480
If you are going to send a picture message (iMMS), please note that some phones (that support pictures)
cannot receive picture sizes of more than 160×120. You can resize a high-resolution picture before you
send it.

In the bottom left corner of the screen you can see the number of pictures that can be saved in your phone
memory/on your memory card. Note that this number changes as you change the picture size. If you select
a smaller picture size, you can save more pictures than if you select a bigger picture size.

Turn on self-timer
When the self-timer is selected, the picture is taken 8 –10 seconds after is pressed. The self-timer
beeps slowly and then more quickly just before the picture is taken.

5 August 2006
Getting started Camera

You can select different effects for your picture. See some examples below:

• Off - no effect. The picture will be just as it appears in the viewfinder.

• Black & white: This effect allows you to take black & white pictures.

• Negative: This effect inverts red, green and blue separately, and to varying degrees.

6 August 2006
Getting started Camera

• Sepia: The sepia effect gives the picture a brownish-red tint. Old film and photographs used to have
a sepia tone. This effect can help you make a picture appear older.

White balance
The white balance effect adjusts the picture colour balance according to the lighting conditions.

Normally our eyes compensate for lighting conditions with different colour temperatures. A digital camera
needs to find a reference point which represents white. It will then calculate all the other colours based on
this white point. For example, if a halogen light illuminates a white wall, the wall will appear yellow, while in
fact it should be white. So if the camera knows the wall is supposed to be white, it will then compensate
for all the other colours in the scene accordingly.

Most digital cameras feature automatic white balance where the camera looks at the overall colour of the
image and calculates the best white balance. However, these systems may not work properly if the scene
is dominated by one colour or if there is no natural white.

To adjust White balance manually, choose between Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Fluorescent and Incandescent.
Before taking the actual picture, you can focus on an area in the scene which should be white or neutral
grey, or on a plain white or grey background. The camera will then use this reference when taking the
actual picture.

Picture quality
You can select the quality you would like for your picture. Normal picture quality will use less memory space
than Fine picture quality.

Shutter sound
Choose between four different shutter sounds. The shutter sound will be turned off if the phone is set to
silent. Press and hold to set the phone to silent.

Turn on time and date

Add the time and date to your picture. It appears in red text in the lower right corner of the picture.

The text is only legible when viewed at 1:1 size. Use zoom when viewing the picture to see the text.

Reset file number

Resets the numbering for pictures saved in your phone memory/on your memory card.

7 August 2006
Getting started Camera

Save to
Select to save pictures in your phone memory/on your memory card. If memory is full, you cannot save
anything until you have deleted some files.

When you have taken a picture } More for additional options.

Editing pictures with PhotoDJ™

To edit pictures taken with the camera or downloaded to the phone, you should consider the following:

• Picture types WBMP and GIF can be edited if they are no larger than a picture size of 320×240.
• Animated GIF and progressive JPEG cannot be edited.
• Picture type JPEG can be edited if it is no larger than a picture size of 2048×1536.
You can edit a picture by adding clipart, effects and frames using the picture editor tool, PhotoDJ™.

To open PhotoDJ™
When the PhotoDJ™ is started you can begin to edit using the tools in the toolbar. The PhotoDJ™
automatically makes a copy of the picture that you want to edit. The copy is not saved to memory until
you have selected Save picture.

To open PhotoDJ™ when Camera is in shoot mode

1. From standby mode press and hold the camera button to activate the camera.
2. Take a picture } More } Edit in PhotoDJ™.

To open PhotoDJ™ when Camera is in standby mode

1. From standby mode press and hold the camera button to activate the camera.
2. } View and scroll to the desired picture in Camera album.
3. } More } Edit in PhotoDJ™.

To open PhotoDJ™ from File manager

1. } File manager } Camera album or } Pictures and scroll to the desired picture.
2. } More } Edit in PhotoDJ™.

To open PhotoDJ™ from Entertainment

1. } Entertainment } PhotoDJ™ } Open.
2. Scroll to the picture that you want to edit } Select.

To exit the PhotoDJ™

Press to exit the PhotoDJ™.

The Toolbar
When editing pictures press , , , .

Auto level
Automatically adjusts the contrast in a picture.

Light balance
Adjust the light balance with the horizontal slide.

8 August 2006
Getting started Camera

Adjust the brightness with the vertical slide. Adjust the contrast with the horizontal slide.

Red-eye rem.
Select this option to remove the red eye colour in pictures.

Rotate the picture from landscape view to portrait view or vice versa. The rotation is 90º clockwise.

Add effect



Frosted glass

9 August 2006
Getting started Camera


Add item
• Add clipart: Select a clipart item and use the navigation key to place it on the picture. Use the volume
buttons to enlarge or reduce the size of the clipart.
• Add frame: Select to add a frame to your picture.
• Text: Select to add some text to your picture and use the navigation key to place it on the picture. Use
the volume keys to enlarge or reduce the size of the clipart.

Video recorder

Capturing a video clip

1. Make sure the video recorder is activated. From standby mode press and hold the camera button
or open from menu.
2. Press or to switch between camera and video recorder. on the screen indicates the current
3. Press to start recording. To end the video recording, press again.
4. The video clip is saved in your phone memory/on your memory card and can be found in } File manager
} Camera album.
5. If you want to delete the video clip immediately, press the button.
6. Press to return to the viewfinder to record another video clip.
7. Press and hold to exit the camera.
You can transfer video clips saved in your phone memory/on your memory card to a computer
% 15 Transferring pictures and video clips to your computer, and view them by using the
QuickTime™ player software that can be installed from the CD which is included with the phone.

Video recorder options

You can select different settings to personalize or change the appearance of a video clip. For example,
Effects provides several options, and White balance gives you the best colour options for your surroundings.

10 August 2006
Getting started Camera

To enter the Settings menu

When the video camera is activated } Settings to view more options before you take a video clip.

Switch to video camera – to record a video clip, Switch to still camera – to take a picture. on the screen
shows the current setting.

Shoot mode
• For iMMS if you would like to send a video clip as a picture message.
• High quality video if you would like to record a long, high-quality video clip. A video clip recorded
using this shoot mode may be too large to send as a picture message (iMMS).

Turn on night m.
In dark environments, the night mode effect enhances picture quality with longer exposure time. Please
note that due to a longer exposure time, the camera is more sensitive to movements. A half-moon icon
appears below the screen when night mode is turned on. When night mode is turned off the half-moon
icon disappears.

Select different effects for your video clip % 6 Effects.

• Off: No effect.
• Black & white: The video clip is given a black & white effect.
• Negative: This effect inverts the red, green, and blue colours separately, and to varying degrees.
• Sepia: The sepia effect gives a video clip a brownish-red tint. Old films and photographs used to
have a sepia tone and this effect can help you make a video clip appear older.

White balance
Adjusts the colour balance according to the lighting conditions % 7 White balance.

Turn off mic.

Turns the microphone on or off. A small icon appears below the screen when the microphone is turned off.
When the microphone is turned on the icon disappears.

Reset file number

Resets the file numbering counter for pictures saved in your phone memory/on your memory card.

Save to
Select to save pictures in your phone memory/on your memory card. If memory is full, you cannot save
anything until you have deleted some files.

When you have recorded a video clip } More for additional options.

Handling pictures and video clips

Your phone comes with a number of pictures and video clips, which you can delete to free memory. All
pictures and videos are saved in File manager. For more information on how to use the file manager, see
the Managing files Getting started guide.

11 August 2006
Getting started Camera

The number of pictures and video clips that you can save depends on the size of the files. When taking
pictures in VGA size, 300+ appears in the bottom left corner of the screen as long as the phone memory/
memory card is capable of saving more than 300 pictures. Once the memory exceeds the 300+ limit, the
counter starts counting backwards. This number changes as you change the picture size. If you select a
smaller picture size, you can save more pictures than if you select a bigger picture size.

Picture and video clip formats

Your pictures are saved in JPEG format and your video clips are saved in 3GP format. You must transfer
files to a computer to change format.

Your phone can receive and handle the following file types:

• GIF (Graphic Interchange Format)

• JPEG (Joint Photographer Expert Group)
• WBMP (Wireless Bitmap - Wireless Application Protocol)
• PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
• BMP (Bitmap)
• SVG-Tiny (Scalable Vector Graphics)
• Macromedia® Flash®
• MP4 (algorithms with synthesis of speech and video, fractal compression, computer visualisation and
artificial intelligence-based image processing techniques)
• Mobile MP4
• RealVideo 8
• WMV (Windows Media Video)

Viewing your pictures and video clips

To view your pictures and video clips
1. } File manager } Camera album. Note: Video clips edited with VideoDJ™ will be saved in Videos.
2. Select a picture or a video clip } View or } More and select an option.

To display pictures in a slide show

1. } File manager } Camera album and select a picture.
2. } View } More } Slide show.
3. } Portrait or Landscape to view the slide show in either horizontal view or in vertical view.
4. To end the slide show, press and hold .

To view information about a picture or a video clip

1. } File manager } Pictures or Videos, select a file.
2. } More } Information.

Timeline view
If you have saved several pictures in your phone memory/on your memory card, you can search for them
by month or day depending on when they were taken or recorded.

12 August 2006
Getting started Camera

To search for a picture or video clip

The magnifying glass in the bottom of the screen means that you can use the navigation key to select a

1. } File manager } Camera album } Open.

2. } More } Timeline view and press or to switch between month or day. In Timeline view you
choose a day or month that you want to view pictures from. In Browse mode you choose a picture and
see which day or month the picture was taken.

Remote screen
Use a compatible Bluetooth accessory to view pictures on a remote screen such as a TV. Use the slide
show function to show several pictures in succession.

The accessory is not included with your phone. For a complete list of compatible accessories, please
visit www.sonyericsson.com/support.

To connect to a remote screen

} File manager } Camera album or } Pictures } View } More } Remote screen. The phone searches for other
Bluetooth devices and a list of available devices appears. Select the device to use. See the User guide for
more information about connecting and using Bluetooth wireless technology, or see the Synchronizing
with a computer Getting started guide, provided on www.sonyericsson.com/support for details.

Use a camera picture as a screen saver or wallpaper

The phone has a screen saver that is automatically activated when the phone has been idle for a few
seconds. After a few more seconds, the screen saver changes to sleep mode to save power. Press any
key or button to activate the screen again. If you have a picture as wallpaper, this picture is shown in
standby mode.

To use a picture as a screen saver

1. } File manager } Camera album or } Pictures and select a picture.
2. } More } Use as and select an option.
An animation of more than 1MB set as wallpaper may affect performance.

Assigning a picture to a phone contact

You can add a picture to a saved phone contact. When that saved contact calls, the picture appears on
the screen (provided your subscription supports the Calling Line Identification service).

To add a picture to a contact

1. } Contacts and select the contact you want to add a picture to } More } Edit contact.
2. Scroll to the relevant tab, select Picture and } Add.
3. Select Take picture to take a picture, or Camera album or Pictures to select an existing picture.
4. } Save to save the picture to the contact.

To add a picture from the file manager

} File manager } Camera album or } Pictures and select picture } More } Use as } Contact picture.

13 August 2006
Getting started Camera

Compose and edit your own storyboard by adding video clips, pictures or text. You can also use the trim
function to delete unwanted parts and shorten a video clip.

To create a video
1. } Entertainment } VideoDJ™.
2. } Add } Picture, Video clip, Text or Camera to add a saved or new item to the storyboard. The item and
how long it lasts appear below.
3. To add another item, press to highlight the blank page and } Add.
4. Press and to select a storyboard item that may already be added.
5. } More } Save to save the video.
6. Name your video } OK.

To edit a created video that is saved in File Manager

1. } File manager } Videos and select the video you want to open.
2. } More } VideoDJ™ to launch VideoDJ™.
3. You can select and edit an item from a storyboard. } Edit to view the options. The options list for each
item is different.

To edit a selected video clip

1. Select a video clip item from a storyboard.
2. } Edit to view the following options:
• Trim to make a video clip shorter. An orange vertical marker appears, follow the horizontal yellow
bar to decide where to set the start and end points. } Set and select Start/End. You can re-select
the start and end points until satisfied. } Done to finish the trim. To watch the trimmed video clip
} More } Play.
• Add text to your video } OK.
• Copy a video clip from a storyboard. Use and to move and } Paste.
• Move a video clip to another location } Place.
• Delete a video clip from a storyboard and } Yes.

To edit a selected picture

1. Select a picture item from a storyboard.
2. } Edit to view the following options:
• Duration to edit the duration of a picture in the video. Select between 1 - 8 seconds.
• Delete a picture from a storyboard } Yes.
• Move a picture to another location } Place.
• Copy a picture from a storyboard. Use and to move and } Paste.

To edit a selected text

1. Select a text item from a storyboard.
2. } Edit to view the following options:
• Edit text to edit the text.
• You can change the background to a different colour of the text item, to a picture or to the
previous video (last frame) or next video (first frame) if these are available: } Colours } Background
or Text colour and make selections.
• Duration to edit the duration of the text in the video. Select between 1 - 8 seconds.
• Delete a text item from a storyboard } Yes.
• Move a text item to another location } Place.
• Copy to copy a text item to another location. Use and to move and } Paste .

14 August 2006
Getting started Camera

To send a video clip from within VideoDJ™

} More } Send and select one of the available transfer methods.

To receive a video
When you receive a video and choose to save it, it is saved in File manager/Videos.

VideoDJ™ options
While you are creating a video, there are even more options.

} More to view the following options:

• Play – If you want to view the current video clip.

• Send – If you want to send the current video clip using one of the available methods.
• Soundtrack – If you want to add a soundtrack to the current video clip.
• Transitions – If you want to add transitions between video clips, pictures and texts.
• Save – If you want to save the current video clip.
• Insert – If you want to insert an item into the current video clip.
• New video – If you want to create a new video clip.

Sharing pictures and video clips

Transferring pictures and video clips to your computer

Using the USB cable, you can drag and drop camera pictures and video clips to a computer running
Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Microsoft® Windows® XP or Mac OS X. See the Managing files Getting
started guide at www.sonyericsson.com/support for details.

Do not disconnect the USB cable during file transfer as this can damage the memory card.

15 August 2006
Getting started Camera

Exchanging pictures and video clips

You can exchange pictures using the USB cable, picture messages (iMMS), iMail or Bluetooth wireless
technology. Please note that you are not allowed to exchange some copyright protected material.

The file size is limited for a picture message. If a video is too long to be sent as a picture message,
you can trim it to make it shorter.

To trim a video clip

1. Select a video clip from the storyboard } Edit } Trim.
2. } Set to set the start point and } Start.
3. } Set to set the end point and } End.
4. } Done or repeat steps 2 and 3.
5. } More } Save.
6. Name the trimmed video clip } OK.

To send a picture
} File manager } Pictures and scroll to a picture. } More } Send and select a transfer method. Or after
taking a picture } Send and select a message type.

To send video clips

} File manager } Videos and scroll to a video clip. } More } Send and select a transfer method. Or after
recording a video clip } Send and select a message type.

To receive and save a picture

Open the message you received the picture in } Settings } Connectivity turn on the transfer method being
used, for example, Bluetooth.

All phones that support pictures can receive the picture size 160x120. Some phones cannot
receive picture sizes of more than 160×120, % 5 Picture size for more information.

If you received the picture in a message, } More } Save picture. If you received the picture via Bluetooth
wireless technology, follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

If the memory card is full, you cannot save any more pictures or video clips unless you delete or
move files.

16 August 2006
Getting started Camera

Related information
Support documents, software and more information are available at www.sonyericsson.com/support.
You can find the Managing files Getting started guide there.

Trademarks and acknowledgements

i-mode and the i-mode logo and DoJa are trademarks or registered trademarks of NTT DoCoMo, Inc. in
Japan and other countries.

Bluetooth™ is a trademark or registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG Inc.

MusicDJ, PhotoDJ and VideoDJ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Ericsson
Mobile Communications AB.

Microsoft® and Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries.

Macromedia, Flash, Macromedia Flash, and Macromedia Flash Lite are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. in the United States and other countries. For further information
on developing content using Macromedia Flash technology please visit Macromedia’s Web site

Memory Stick Micro™ and M2™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation.

Real is a trademark or a registered trademark of RealNetworks, Inc.

Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

This Getting started guide is published by: This document is published by Sony Ericsson
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Publication number: EN/LZT 108 8276 R1A

17 August 2006

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