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1) Traduci i seguenti verbi irregolari in inglese e scrivi il loro participio passato

Infinitivo Participio P. Infinito Participio P.

Andare Essere
Fare Avere
Cadere Leggere
Mangiare Scrivere
Bere Capire
Venire pensare

2) Scrivi il Present Perfect delle seguenti espressioni verbali, come nell’esempio

Es. I go => I have gone

I am I eat

You play You understand

She thinks She wants

He dreams He calls

It snows It works

We forgive We finish

You write You buy

They drink They suggest

3) Volgi i verbi sopra alla forma negativa e interrogativa, come nell’esempio (sul quaderno)

Es. I have gone => I haven’t gone; Have I gone?

4) Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi al present perfect

Karen _____________________________me an e-mail. (to send)

Dave and Pat _____________________________ the museum. (to visit)

I _____________________________at the pet shop. (to be)

They _____________________________ already their rucksacks. (to pack)

We _____________________________ the shopping for our grandmother. (to do)

I _____________________________ just my bike. (to clean)

Emily _____________________________ her room. (to paint)

Lisa and Colin _____________________________ to a concert. (to go)

My friends _____________________________ smoking. (to give up)

5) Volgi le frasi dell’esercizio 4 alla forma negativa (sul quaderno)

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