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Village of Altona Board Meeting

Thursday, February 7th, 2019

 The board meeting was called to order on Thursday, February 7th, by President Derrick Appell. Board members
present: President Derrick Appell, Treasurer Mark Compton, Clerk Kelly Scott and Trustees: Dale Grawe, Shirley
Kistler, Keith Holland, Nick Morris, Jerame Cokel and Ryan West. Public present: 1 guest.
 Minutes approved from January 3rd, 2019 meeting with motion to approve by Ryan and 2nd by Keith. All Ayes
 Water bill issues: Rich Wegner requested a refund on his late fee.
 Payment of bills approved for February 2019 was motioned by Nick and 2nd by Jerame. Ayes: Dale, Shirley,
Keith, Nick, Jerame and Ryan.
Passes: 6-0
 Financial report was reviewed by Mark Compton – transfer $10,500 from IL Funds 2778 to Corp. Checking
 Public Comment: Rich Wegner brought up having a Comprehensive Plan of Operations and an Operational

Old Business
 ORDINANCE 2019-1: Sale of 105/107 S. Depot St lot: Jerame motioned to accept ordinance as written and Keith
2nd the motion. Ayes: Dale, Shirley, Keith, Nick, Jerame, Derrick and Ryan. Passes: 7-0
 2019 Appropriations:
 Altona Ambulance Future Update: No update

New Business:
 Announcements were read by Derrick:
 Dog case update – Animal Control Ord. – Knox Co. Sheriff’s Dept. Contract

Committee Reports
 Water/Sewer:
 Concession Stand Water/Sewer Line:
 Lift Station Pump #1 is not working
 Streets/Garbage:
 Parks/Sidewalks:
 Discussed getting Sponsorship Banners for the Baseball Fence
 Employee Report:
 Adjournment: Keith motioned to adjourn at 8:28 pm and Ryan 2nd the motion. All Ayes. The next scheduled
meeting will be Thursday, March 7th, 2019.

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