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-Ms. Emerlyn M. Lincallo-

Staffing – selection and training of individuals for specific job functions and charging them with the
associated responsibilities.
- defined as filling and keeping filled positions in an organizational structure. (managerial
function), Werich, Cannice. Koontz
- most important function along with organizing, leading, controlling and planning.
- Operation of 4 functions depends on the manpower through staffing.
- continuous activity, as organization exists, movement of employees due to promotion,
transfer takes place continuously.
Staffing – putting the right people at the right job.
-Human Resources managers’ job; to look for people, select, train, develop, provide
remuneration, etc.

Recruitment and Selection Process

-to increase efficiency in hiring and ensure consistency and compliance in the process.

Best practice steps to attract talented and diverse applicant pool:

1. Identify vacancy and evaluate the need.
2. Develop job description.
3. Develop recruitment plan.
4. Select search committee.
5. Post position and implement recruitment plan.
6. Review applicants and develop short list.
7. Conduct interviews.
8. Select hire.
9. Finalize recruitment.

1. Identify vacancy and evaluate the need.

-recruitments provide opportunities to align staff skills set to initiatives and goals; for department and
individual goals.
- proper planning and evaluation of the need- lead to hiring the right person
-newly created position, check core skills needed; conduct job analysis

2. Develop job description.

Job description – core of the successful recruitment process
- use to develop interview questions, evaluations, and reference check questions.
-contains all information, competencies, skills required and expected of the position.
1.General information- position title, paygrade, position level, department, dep’t head, immediate
2. Position purpose- objectives of the position
3. Essential job functions – describes duties and responsibilities
4. Minimum requirements- basic qualifications required
5. Preferred Qualification – skills and experience preferred in addition to basic requirements; can be
used to narrow down pool of applicants

3. Develop recruitment plan.

Recruitment plan – requires by each position and approved by the organizational unit.
- maps out the strategy for attracting and hiring the best-qualified candidate if carefully
-helps to ensure applicants including women and underrepresented groups (veterans, PWDs)
-typically developed by the hiring manager with Department HR Coordinator

4. Select search committee.

Selection committee- formed to ensure applicants selected for interview and final consideration
are evaluated by more than 1 individual; to minimize personal bias
Hiring manager- identify members who will have direct and indirect interaction with the
applicant in the course of their job.
-make an effort to appoint search committee that represents a diverse cross section of the staff.

5. Post position and implement recruitment plan.

-once position description has been completed, position can be displayed.
-ensure the accuracy of the job description and posting text.

6. Review applicants and develop short list.

-once job has been posted, candidates will apply via email or personal appearance.
-all applicants must be reviewed and considered.
-those who apply after the initial application will be considered “expressions of interest” and not
viewable by the search committee.
- all search committee review all applicants to avoid individual opinion or biases.
7. Conduct interviews.
Interview- single most important step in the selection process.
-the opportunity for the employer and prospective employee to learn more about each other and
validate information provided by both.
-ensure necessary data to accurately evaluate skills and abilities.

8. Select hire.
-once interviews have been completed, committee will meet to discuss and assess the extent of
which of one met their selection criteria.
-one of the most critical steps in the process but important to keep in mind:
1. the best candidate was chosen based on qualifications
2. the candidate will help to carry out the missions and vision of the organization.

9. Finalize recruitment.
1. once a final check of the selection process has been completed; final applicant has been determined.
2. Committee Chair will notify the Department HR Coordinator of the finalist’s name, salary and start
*important that recruitment is properly closed (notification of those interviewed and not selected,


Training – depends on the amount of resources available, type of company, and priority the company
places for training.

Types of training used to engage an employee:

Used in all steps in a training process (orientation, in-house, mentorship, and external training)

1. Technical or Technology Training

-depending on the type of job and how Technical training may be used
Technical Training – meant to teach the new employee the technological aspects of the job.
(retail environment) - Include teaching how to use the computer system to ring up customers
(sales position) -Showing how to use the customer relationship management (CRM) system to find new
prospects (projections)
(consulting business) – used so the consultant knows how to use the system to input the number of hours
that should be charged to a client.
(Restaurant) – servers need to be trained on how to use the system to process orders.
*performed in-house, but also administratively externally

2. Quality Training
-extremely important in a production-focused business.
Quality Training – refers to familiarizing employees with the means of preventing, detecting, and
eliminating non-quality items usually in organizations that produces a product.
1. provides employees with the knowledge to recognize products that are not up to quality standards and
teaches them what to do in this scenario.
Ex. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
-measure quality based on some metrics
-this organization provides the stamp of quality approval for companies producing tangible
-developed quality standards for almost every field imaginable, not only considering product
quality but also certifying companies in companies in environmental management quality
Quality training – can give competitive advantage
- can result in cost savings in production; but provide an edge in the marketing of the quality-
controlled products.
*can happen in-house, but in ISO performed external training.

3. Skills Training
-includes proficiencies needed actually to complete the job.
-Administrative assistant- trained in how to answer the phone
-Salesperson at SM store – formed in the assessment of customer needs and on how to offer the
client information to make a buying decision.
* can be given in-house and include the use of mentor

4. Soft Skills Training
- refer to personality traits, social graces, communication, and personal habits that are used to
characterize relationships with other people.; interpersonal skills
- used in every interaction with customers and are key component of the customer experience.
-include how to answer the phone or how to be friendly and welcoming to customers.
- include sexual harassment training and ethics training, how to motivate others, maintain small
talk, and establish rapport.
-many problems are due to lack of soft skills not by problems with business itself.
*can be administered in-house or externally.

5. Team Training
- goal is to develop cohesiveness among team members, allowing them to get to know each other
and facilitate relationship building.
Team training – process that empowers teams to improve decision-making, problem-solving, and team-
development skills to achieve business results.
*administered either in-house or externally.

6. Managerial Training
- occurs when there is an identified candidate for promotion.
-Example: management uses a particular computer system for scheduling, manager candidate
might be technically trained.
*might be performed in-house; other training such as leadership skills might be performed externally

7. Safety Training
- occurs to ensure employees are protected from injuries caused by work- related accidents.
-important for organizations that use chemicals and hazardous materials in their production.
-include evacuation plans, fire drills, and workplace violence procedures.


Compensation- describes the cash rewards paid to employees in exchange for the services they provide.
- Includes salary, wages, incentives, and commission.
Total compensation – cash rewards and other company benefits

1. Salary and wages – fixed amount paid in exchange for an employee’s services.
-most employees receive a “minimum wage” in exchange for the work they complete for a
-full time employee, salary is either in annual, bi-weekly, or weekly amounts.
-part-time is described as an hourly amount.
2. Incentives: Drivers in attracting the best employees
Three key types of incentives:
a. Bonuses – individuals are rewarded based on attainment of performance-based goals.
-can be set up to drive directly and support the company’s needs (example: profitability, annual
results, successful completion of projects and significant project milestones).
b. Profit sharing – bonuses paid out once a year in the form of cash or on a deferred basis.

c. Commissions- common way to remunerate employees (sales person/ people) for securing the sale of
a product or service.
- Intent: create a strong incentive to invest a maximum effort into their work.
-usually calculated as a percentage of the sale of the product or service (5%, 10% . . . of the
selling price)

Performance Appraisal
-systematic evaluation of the performance of employees and to understand the abilities of a
person for further growth and development.

Systematic ways in Performance evaluation:

1.The supervisor measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and plans.
2. The supervisor analyzes the factors behind work performance of employees.
3. The employers are in a position to guide the employees for better performance.

Advantages of Performance Appraisal

1. Promotion – helps the supervisors to chalk out the promotion programs for efficient employees.
Inefficient workers can be dismissed or demoted in case.
2. Compensation – helps in chalking out compensation packages for employees.
-includes bonus, high slaray rates, extra benefits, allowances and others.
-merit rating is possible through performance appraisal.
-criteria: merit not seniority
3. Employees Development – helps the supervisors to frame training policies and programs.
-contributes to analyzes strengths and weaknesses of employees so that new jobs can be designed
to efficient employees.
-helps framing future development programs.
4. Selection Validation – helps supervisors to understand the validity and importance, strengths and
weaknesses of the selection procedure.
5. Motivation – serves as a motivation tool. Through evaluating the performance of employees, a
person’s efficiency can be determined if the targets are achieved.
- motivates a person for the better job and helps to improve performance in the future.

Employee Relations
-maintaining a strong employer and employee relationship can be the key to the ultimate success
of an organization.
- if the relationship is strong:
1.employees will be more productive
2. more efficient
3. create less conflict
4. will be more loyal

The Benefits of Strong Employment Relations

1. Productivity
- create pleasant atmosphere within the work environment.
- increases employee motivation and through improved employee morale.

- the increased productivity leads to increase in profits for the business.
2. Employee Loyalty
- productive and pleasant work environment has a drastic effect on an employee’s commitment
to firm
- encourages a loyal workforce.
3. Conflict Reduction
- when work environment is efficient and friendly, conflict is reduced.
Conclusion in all researches and statistics, “A happy workforce is a productive workforce.”

Rewards System
-performance evaluation and reward systems are designed for employee development and raising
motivation with the purpose of achieving better and more visible results.
-serves as an important management tool
-must be transparent
-based on clear and straightforward criteria
-better definition of efficient and less efficient workers
-relation of company goals to goal-oriented management
Regular feedback
Aim of the process:
-to boost productivity and work quality in the organization.

Hand-out/ Emz/ SHS-MNHS/OAM/Staffing/

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