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Pāli Kathāsallāpo

(A Handbook to Speak in Pāli)

Ven. Dr. Mānākada Khemānanda


Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................. i
Technical terms: ................................................................................................................................iii
i. Visākhapūjādivasaṃ ...................................................................................................................... 1
ii. Nikhilavijjālayaṃ ......................................................................................................................... 6
iii. Ayaṃ Vassānakālo .................................................................................................................... 12
iv. Marammaraṭṭhaṃ ....................................................................................................................... 17
v. Āgantuko .................................................................................................................................... 22
vii.Bhagavato Sāsane Vaṇijjaṃ ...................................................................................................... 28
vi. Vanitāsambhāsanaṃ .................................................................................................................. 33

It is evident for many Buddhist followers that the Buddha was born
before two thousand and five hundred years in India and he used the language
known as Māgadhi to convey his message to the world and the language used
by the Buddha is known as Pāli widely in the present time. Like in the time of
the Buddha it had been in used as a live language up to a considerable time at
least the oral tradition committed to write in the reign of Vaṭṭagāminī Abhaya in
Sri Lanka. Even in very difficult situations the people in Buddhist countries
specially the Buddhist monks determined to preserve the pristine Buddhist
teaching including its language. Due to some reasons the Pāli language quite
deviated from daily usage though the language preserved intact. After canon
and the commentary the Pāli literature nourished due to additional works of
erudite persons from time to time and it is happening even in present.
Furthermore, some people around the world show a considerable interest in
learning the Pāli language due to growing interest in Buddhist teaching.

In addition, in recent time there can be seen an excellent trend towards

learning this language because of, Pāli can be used as a live language in
communication even today when it practiced thoroughly. Up to recent time lot
of papers were written in Pāli language and relevant matters were discussed in
English or other indigenous languages. Albeit, some seminars were organized in
Thailand, Sri Lanka, Burma etc where it used Pāli as the conversational
language. Therefore, it can mention as a considerable growth of the Pāli
language in the present time. The experts represented Sri Lanka, Burma,
Thailand etc manifested their skills concerned with Pāli language. Even an

expert one can handle the Pāli language even in conversation a new comer faces
some difficulties when he uses it. Therefore, somebody pointed out the
necessity of a new Pāli composition which assists to develop the speaking
ability in someone. Indeed, this tiny Pāli work consists few conversations or
dialogues which might help to develop the Pāli knowledge in someone.
Literary, this work doesn’t cover a huge range of conversation but it seems quite
helpful someone to develop the Pāli knowledge who makes enthusiasm in it. Let
someone receive the advance knowledge in Pāli language following this work.

Ven. Dr. Mānākada Khemānanda,

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University,


Technical terms:
Chāyārūpa – Photo

Dhīgha-ratha – Train

Dhūma- ratha - Train

Durakathana – Telephone

Kulapati – Rector

Mukhapotthaka – Face book

Pakkhepana-yanta – Projector

Pālaka-mandira- Senate building

Rūpavāhinī- Television

Sahajātikasālā – United Nation Building

Tāvakālika-ratha - Taxi

Vāyusamīkaraṇa- yanta- Air condition

Vehāsagata-dīgharatha – Sky train

Vijju-vījanī – Electric fan


Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa


i. Visākhapūjādivasaṃ
Visākhapūjādivasaṃ nāma sabbalokavāsīsugatānugāmikānaṃ
seṭṭhadivasanti etaṃ kāraṇaṃ vitthārena vaditum na yuttameva. Taṃ kissa hetu?
Amhākam sammāsambuddhassoppattibuddhattaparinibbānanti etāni tīni
kāraṇāni tīsu visākhadivasesuyeva abhavimsu. Taṃ seṭṭhadivasam sumaritum
mahācūḷālaṅkāravissavijjālayo lokavāsīsugatānugāmikā siyāmaraṭṭhaṃ
āmantetvā ekaṃ mahāsamāgamaṃ samvidahati. Tasmiṃ samāgame
sirilaṅkādīpato āgata sumana therassa ca siyāmaraṭṭhavāsī iddhivarassa ca
antare ahudeva īdisaṃ hadayaṅgamakathāsallāpaṃ.

(It doesn’t need to explain in detal the importance of the Vesak Day.
Why? The birth, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha happened on
this day therefore in order to celebrate it Mahachulalongkornrajavidayalaya
organizes a grand conference. In that conference there occurred a conversation
btween venerables Sumana and iddhivara who represented Sri Lanka and
Tahiland respectively)

Iddhivaro: Suppabhātaṃ bhante.

Venerable Iddhivaro: good morning venerable sir.

Sumano: Tuyham’pi suppabhātam bhante.

Venerable Sumana: good morning venerable sir.

Iddhivaro: Visākhapūjāya siyāmadesāgata tvaṃ sādarena patigaṇhāmi.

Venerable Iddhivaro: I would like to welcome you that came here for the
celebration of Vesak.

Sumano: Sādhu bhante.

Venerable Sumano: thank you very much sir.

Iddhivaro: Kathaṃ tava phāsuvihāro?

Venerable Iddhivaro: how are you?

Sumano: Natthi mayhaṃ kiñci aphāsubhāvaṃ.

Venerable Sumana: I’m fine.

Iddhivaro: Kiṃ tvaṃ gatasaṃvacchare’pi idha āgato’si.


Venerable Iddhivaro: did you come last year?

Sumano: Āma bhante. Gatasaṃvacchare’pi visākhapūjāya ahaṃ idha


Venerable Sumana: yes venerable sir! Last year also I came here for
Vesak celebration.

Iddhivaro: Kim tvaṃ gata saṃvacchare maṃ passitapubbo’si.

Venerable Iddhivara: did you see me in last year?

Sumano: Taṃ sumaritum bhante dukkharam eva.

Venerable Sumana: venerable sir! It is difficult to remember.

Iddhivaro: Imasmiṃ saṃvacchare katipaya sīhaladīpavāsībhikkhu samgaṇhitum

niyutto asmi.

Venerable Iddhivaro: this year I have to take care some Sinhalese monks.

Sumano: Sādhu bhante.

Venerable sumana: yes venerable sir.

Iddhivaro: Tena kāraṇena tumhe patigaṇhitum aham ajja pāto’va suvaṇṇabhūmi

jaccantara ākāsaṅganaṃ āgato’hi.

Venerable Iddhivaro: therefore, today early in the morning I came to

Suvarnabhūmi international airport.

Sumano: Tvaṃ thomayāmi bhante.

Venerable Sumana: I appreciate you.

Iddhivaro: Tumhākam phāsuvihāro ṭhānāyame eva sampādito. Idhāni tahiṃ


Venerable Iddhivaro: your accommodation has provided in a hotel.

Therefore, it is time to go there.

Sumano: Mayaṃ tattha gantum icchāma bhante.

Venerable Sumana: Venerable sir! We are ready to go there.


Iddhivaro: Ajja tumhākaṃ pātarāso ca divābhojano ca ṭhānāyame eva


Venerable Iddhivaro: today your breakfast and lunch have provided in

the hotel.

Sumano: Amhe paṭiviratāyeva vikālabhojā.

Venerable Sumana: we already abstained from the dinner.

Te ekato hutvā kiñci hasanti.

They laugh together.

Sāyaṇhasamaye te ṭhānāyame ekasmiṃ koṭṭhake sammilitvā visākhapūjāya

evaṃ sallapanti.

Iddhivaro: Bhante! Kiṃ tvaṃ visākhapūjāya seṭṭhabhāvaṃ jānāsi?

Venerable Iddhivaro: Venerable sir! Do you know the significance of the

Vesak celebration?

Sumano: Āma bhante, ahaṃ taṃ jānāmi. Taṃ amhākaṃ sammāsambuddhassa

upptti buddhatthapattadivasaṃ parinibbānadivasañca sumarati.

Venerable Sumana: yes venerable sir! I know it. It celebrates the days of
birth, enlightenment and passing away of the Buddha.

Iddhivaro: Kiṃ sīhaladīpe taṃ sumaritum kiñci ussavaṃ natthi?

Venerable Iddhivaro: isn’t there any celebration in Sri Lanka to celebrate

the Vesak?

Sumano: Yathevaṃtaṃ siyāmaraṭṭhe dissati tathevaṃ sīhaladīpe’pi

sabbaṭhānesu janehi ussavāni sampāditāni.

Venerable Sumana: whatever manner it can be seen in Thailand in that manner

everywhere in the country celebrations are organized by the devotees.

Iddhivaro: Kiṃ tvaṃ gatasaṃvacchare viya lekhanaṃ sandassitum gamissasi?

Venerable Iddhivaro: are you going to present a paper like last year?

Sumano: Āma bhante. Visākhapūjā sambandhita ekaṃ lekhanam dassitum


Venerable Sumano: I’m going to present a paper that relevant with Vesak

Iddhivaro: Gatasaṃvacchare viya desadesāntarāgatabahuviññūpurisā tahim

samāgame dissantī’ti ahaṃ maññe.

Venerable Iddhivaro: I suppose there will be lot of national and

international scholars in that conference like last year.

Sumano: Na ce’va viññūpurisā. Aññe’pi bahubuddhānugāmikā taṃ passitum


Venerable Sumano: not only scholars but lot of Buddhist followers also
will congregate to see it.

Iddhivaro: Āma bhante. Pācīna ceva paticīnajanā ca. Antamaso chaṭṭhiraṭṭhehi.

Venerable Iddhivaro: yes venerable sir! Eastern like western people at

least from sixty countries.

Sumano: Acchariyaṃ bhante. Tathāgatassa vacanaṃ loke sabbaṭhānesu


Venerable Sumano: it is wonderful venerable sir! Buddhism spread

throughout the world.

Iddhivaro: Suve padhānasamāgamo mahācūḷālaṅkāravissavijjālayassa

sammantanasālāya bhavissati.

Venerable Iddhivaro: tomorrow the first meeting will occur at the main
assembly hall in Mahaculalongkornrajavidyalaya University.

Sumano: Gatasaṃvacchare’pi taṃ tathā’bhavi.

Venerable Sumano: last year also it happened in that manner.

Iddhivaro: Pubbaṇhakāle mahātherasamāgame eko thero ca aparaṇhe rājakulato

yo koci taṃ samāgamaṃ āgamissati.

Venerable Iddhivaro: in the morning one of most venerable monks from

the great Saṇgha council and in afternoon H.E. one from the royal family will
come to that conference.

Sumano: Gatasaṃvacchare ahaṃ abhisittaṃ rājakumāraṃ apassiṃ.


Venerable Sumano: I saw the H.E. crowned prince last year.

Iddhivaro: Aparajju lekhanāni samdassitum sākaccāya ca kālo.

Venerable Iddhivaro: day after tomorrow it will have time to present

papers and for discussion.

Sumano: Mayhampi okāsaṃ atthi.

Venerable Sumano: I also have a chance.

Iddhivaro: Tatiyadivase sahajātikasālāyam hi ca eko samāgamo bhavissati.

Venerable Iddhivaro: in the third day there will be a meeting in the united
nation building also.

Sumano: kiṃ imasmiṃ vāre padīpojjalanakiccaṃ natthi?

Venerable Sumano: isn’t there the lightning ceremony in this year?

Iddhivaro: Āma atthi. Taṃ tatiyadivase aparabhāge buddhamaṇḍale parito


Venerable Iddhivaro: yes! It will be around the Buddha statue of


Sumano: Taṃ atisundaraṃ.

Venerable Sumano: it is very beautiful.

Iddhivaro: Tvaṃ kadā paccāgamissasi?

Venerable Iddhivaro: when will you go back?

Sumano: Ito catutthamadivase mayhaṃ ākāsagamanaṃ.

Venerable Sumano: my flight in the fourth day.

Iddhivaro: Ahaṃ tumhehi saddhiṃ yāva

suvaṇṇabhūmijaccantaragaganaṅgaṇaṃ anugamissāmi.

Venerable Iddhivaro: I will follow you up to Suwarṇabhūmi international

air port.

Sumano: Mayaṃ tavāgamanaṃ paccāsimsāma.

Venerable Sumano: we like your accompany.


ii. Nikhilavijjālayaṃ
Jeṭṭhasisso: Svāgataṃ bhante.

Senior student: You are welcome venerable sir.

Navako: Sādhu bhante taṃ sampaṭicchāmi.

New comer: thank you very much venerable sir.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Tvaṃ kuto āgatosi?

Senior student: where did you come from?

Navako: Ahaṃ sirilaṅkādīpato āgatomhi.

New comer: I came from Sri Lanka.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Dūranagarato’va āgato’si?

Senior student: you have come from a remote city.

Navako: Āma bhante.

New comer: yes venerable sir.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Kathaṃ hi nāma tvaṃ imaṃ nikhilavijjālayaṃ jānāhi?

Senior student: how do you know about this University?

Navako: Imassa nikhilavijjālayassa kittisaddho raṭṭhe sabbaṭhānesu patthaṭo.

New comer: the fame of this University has spread every place of the

Jeṭṭhasisso: Bhante ayaṃ nikhilavijjālayaṃ nagare patiṭṭhāpitaṃ.

Senior student: venerable sir! This university located in the city.

Navako: Āma bhante. Aham’pi taṃ jānāmi.

New comer: yes venerable sir! I also know it.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Sissānaṃ vepullabhāvaṃ nissāya taṃ atra patiṭṭhāpitaṃ.


Senior monk: it was located here due to increasing number of students.

Navako: Asmiṃ ṭhāne bahu phāsukāraṇānī’ti maññāmi.

New comer: I think there are lots of facilities are available here.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Imasmim ṭhāne sasahassamattasissānaṃ ekasmiṃ vāre

sippuggaṇhitum sakkā.

Senior student: here around thousand students can learn at the same time.

Navako: Acchariyaṃ bhante.

New comer: it wonderful venerable sir.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Desīya ceva videsīya bhāsāhi ca asmiṃ vissavijjālaye uggaṇhitum


Senior student: courses are available in both Burmise and other


Navako: Tato’pi desīya sissā bahutarā’ti maññāmi

New comer: even though, I think the majority are Thai rather than the
international students.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Āma bhante. Ye te sirilaṅkājambudīpakamboja-

annamesavaṅgacīnādi sissā atra sippaṃ gaṇhanti.

Senior student: yes venerable sir! Some students came from Sri Lanka,
India, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, China etc study here.

Navako: Aham’pi tehi saddhiṃ ekadā sallapitum icchāmi.

New comer: One day I would like to talk them.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Idaṃ mahāpāsādaṃ dvibhūmakehi sampuṇṇaṃ. Ekekakoṭṭhako ca

vāyusamīkaraṇehi samanvito. Tasmim asati vijjuvījaniyo’pi dissanti.

Senior monk: this big building consists of two floors. Each room
equipped with air condition machines. In the case of breakdown of air condition
machines electric fans are available.

Navako: Āma bhante.

New comer: yes venerable sir.


Jeṭṭhasisso: Asmim kāle ācariyā ceva sissā ca bahusu parigaṇakānusārena

ajjhayanakiccāni phāsukaronti.

Senior student: at present time mostly teachers like students use

computers to make easy the education.

Navako: Āma bhante. Mayham’pi ekaṃ parigaṇakaṃ atthi.

New comer: yes venerable sir! I also have a computer.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Ācariyā pakkhepanayantānusārena ca pāṭhāni dassenti.

Senior student: teachers use projectors also to explain the lesions.

Navako: Bhante esā sālā kiṃ nāma?

New comer: venerable sir! What is that building?

Jeṭṭhasisso: Etaṃ bhojanāgāraṃ nāma. Tañcasahassamattapamāṇaṃ ekasmiṃ

vāre bhojanakicce phāsukaṃ sampādeti. Mahānasam’pi tassa adhobhāge

Senior monk: that is the alms hall. It provides facilities for around
thousand people at the same time. The kitchen also located in the same building.

Navako: Bhante nanu etaṃ dassanīyaṃ pāsādaṃ āvasathāgaraṃ iva paññāyati?

New comer: venerable sir! That impressive building seems like a hotel.
Isn’t it?

Jeṭṭhasisso: Āma bhante. Taṃ tathā’va. Asmiṃ nikhilavijjālaye ussave jāte

asmiṃ raṭṭhe vā dūraraṭṭhehi ca āgata-āgantukā tasmiṃ katipayadine vāsaṃ

Senior student: yes venerable sir! That is correct. The visitors came to
ceremonies of this University from distance places of this country or other
countries live few days there.

Navako: Aparam’pi sudassanīyaṃ pāsādaṃ etasmā kiñci dūre vijjati kiṃ nāma

New comer: what is that impressive building located in little distance

from this building?

Jeṭṭhasisso: Etaṃ nāma pālakamandiraṃ. Asmiṃ vissavijjālayassa kulapati

mahācariyariyassa kiccakoṭṭhako’pi tattha patiṭṭhito.

Senior monk: that is the senate building. The office of most venerable
professor also located in that building.

Navako: Etaṃ sundaraṃ bhante.

New comer: that is nice venerable sir.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Tassa mandirassa purato etaṃ mandiraṃ potthakālayaṃ nāma.

Tasmiṃ sahassa saṅkhāte maramma-āṅgalīyabhāsāhi ca aññehi bhāsāhi ca
muddita potthakāni samvijjanti.

Senior monk: the building in front of senate is library. There are

thousands of books printed in Burmise, English and other languages also.

Navako: Nanu etaṃ mahāsālaṃ samāgamasālaṃ iva dissati.

New comer: that big building seems an assembly hall. Isn’t it?

Jeṭṭhasisso: āma bhante. Etaṃ asmiṃ vissavijjālaye samāgamasālaṃ nāma.

Tasmiṃ tisahassapamāṇaṃ ekevāre nisīditum sakkā.

Senior student: yes venerable sir! That the assembly hall of this
University. Around three thousand people can take seats at the same time.

Navako: Aham’pi ekadā taṃ passitum icchāmi.

New comer: I also want to see it in one day.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Assa vissavijjālayasambandhita desīya ceva videsīya samāgamā

kālena kālaṃ tasmiṃ dissanti. Tasmiṃ kāle taṃ passitum sundaraṃ.

Senior student: sometimes there can be seen national like international

assemblies in that building connected with this university. In that time it is nice
to see.

Navako: Bhante! Etassa maggassa samīpe ekacce āyatākāragehāni ca dissanti.

Ete ke nāma?

New comer: venerable sir! There can be seen some long buildings close
to that road. What are they?

Jeṭṭhasisso: Etāni nāma sissānaṃ nevāsikāgārāni yattha bahu sissā vasanti.


Senior student: those are students’ dormitories where live many students.

Navako: Bhante: Aham’pi tattha vasitum icchāmi.

New comer: venerable sir! I also would like to live there.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Bhante tvaṃ jānāsi etaṃ dūre patiṭṭhitaṃ mahantaṃ pāsādaṃ kiṃ

Senior student: venerable sir! Do you know the building that located quite
far from here?

Navako: Ahaṃ na jānāmi bhante.

New comer: venerable sir! I don’t have idea about it.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Etaṃ nāma uposathāghāraṃ. Taṃ udake patiṭṭhitattā atīva


Senior monk: that is the conference hall. It is very impressive due to

location in water.

Navako: Aham’pi taṃ sampaṭicchāmi.

New comer: I also accept it.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Tasmiñcasahassamattabhikkhu ekavāre uposathaṃ kātum sakkā.

Senior monk: around thousand monks can perform the Uposatha in that
hall at the same time.

Navako: Acchariyaṃ bhante. Sahassamattabhikkhūnaṃ uposathakammaṃ

ahaṃ adiṭṭhapubbo’va.

New comer: it is wonderful sir! I never have seen an Uposatha ceremony

of thousand monks.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Nacirasseva tvaṃ taṃ passitum samattho’si.

Senior monk: you will see it before long.

Navako: Acchariyaṃ bhante ayaṃ vissavijjālayo buddhasāsanaṃ

surakkhitum mahantaṃ ussāhaṃ janeti.

New comer: it is wonderful sir! This university makes a great effort to

preserve the teaching of the Buddha.

Jeṭṭhasisso: Āma samma! Bahudāyakadāyikā’pi niccameva tesaṃ

sahāyaṃ sampādenti.

Senior monk: yes venerable sir! Lay devotees also always provide their

Navako: Tena kāraṇena assa kitti desantresu ca patthaṭā.

New comer: therefore, the fame of this University spread even in foreign

iii. Ayaṃ Vassānakālo

Visuddhadhammo: Svāgataṃ āvuso.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: you are welcome venerable sir.

Ādhuniko: Sādhu bhante.

New comer: yes venerable sir.

Visuddhadhammo: Tvaṃ kiṃ nāmosi?

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: what is your name?

Ādhuniko: Ahaṃ nando nāma.

New comer: my name is Nanda.

Visuddhadhammo: Kiṃ tvaṃ asmiṃ vihāre imaṃ temāsaṃ vasitum icchasi?

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: do you like to spend these three months in

this temple?

Nando: Āma bhante.

Venerable Nanda: yes venerable sir.

Visuddhadhammo: Temāsaṃ vassūpagamanaṃ nāma bhikkhūnaṃ ekaṃ


Venerable Visuddhadhammo: observing the rainy retreat is one of

customs of the monks.

Nando: Aham’pi tasmiṃ kiñci’pi jānāmi.

Venerable Nanda: I also know little about it.

Visuddhadhammo: Noceva siyāmaraṭṭhabhikkhu. Api ca

sirilaṅkāmarammakambojādi raṭṭhesu bhikkhu’pi vassaṃ upenti.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: not only the Thai monks but also the
monks in Sri Lanka, Burma, and Cambodia etc observe the rainy retreat.

Nando: Kiṃ mahāyānika bhikkhu taṃ na upenti?

Venerable Nando: don’t the Mahayana monks observe the rainy retreat?

Visuddhadhammo: Āma āvuso. Cīnakoriyājapānādi mahāyānikabhikkhu’pi

vassaṃ upenti.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: yes venerable sir! The monks such as

China, Korea, and Japan etc observe it.

Nando: Taṃ ati sundaraṃ bhane.

Venerable Nando: it is very nice venerable sir.

Visuddhadhammo: Jambudīpe tasmiṃ kāle mahāmegho uṭṭhāti.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: there is heavy rain in that time in India.

Nando: Kiṃ jambudīpe taṃ vinā aññe utu’pi santi?

Venerable Nando: are there other seasons besides that?

Visuddhadhammo: Āma āvuso.

Venerable Visuddhadhamma: yes venerable sir.

Nando: Ke nāma te?

Venerable Nanda: what are they?

Visuddhadhammo: Te nāma gimhānahemantā.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: they are the hot (summer) and cold seasons

Nando: Kena nu kho kāraṇena bhagavā vassaṃ anuññāto’si?

Venerable Nanda: why did the Blessed One approve the rainy retreat?

Visuddhadhammo: Tasmiṃ kāle devaṃ nissāya ito cito caritum dukkharaṃ.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: it was difficult to walk here and there due

to heavy rain.

Nando: Kiṃ aññam’pi kāraṇaṃ vijjasi?

Venerable Nando: was there any other reason?

Visuddhadhammo: Āma āvuso. Aññatittiyā’pi tasmiṃ samaye ekattha


Venerable Visuddhadhammo: yes venerable sir. Other ascetics also spent

the time at a same place during that time.

Nando: Ahaṃ etaṃ na jānāmi.

Venerable Nanda: I don’t know about it.

Visuddhadhammo: Nocevidaṃ āvuso. Manussā vassāne ito cito sañcarantā

tathāgatassa sāvake vicārimsu.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: not only that venerable sir! But also the
people criticized the disciples of the Well Gone One that walked here and there
in the rainy season.

Nando: Kiṃ temāsaṃ ekattha eva vasitabbam atha vā aññatra gantum sakkā.

Venerable Nando: should be it stayed in the same place during three

months or can go anywhere?

Visuddhadhammo: Temāsaṃ vassūpagataṭhāne eve vasitum yuttam.

Kenacideva karaṇīye sati sattāhaṃ aññatra vasitum sakkā.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: it is suitable to stay in the same place

during three months where it observed the rainy retreat. But it can spend seven
days if there any special task.

Nando: Kiṃ upāsaka-upāsikānaṃ asmiṃ samaye sambandhaṃ atthi?

Venerable Nando: is there any involvement of lay community during this


Visuddhadhammo: Āma āvuso. Te vassūpagantum bhikkhu nimantenti.

Catupaccayehi ca sampādenti.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: yes venerable sir. They invite the monks to

observe the rainy retreat, provide the four requisites.

Nando: Kiṃ etamatthaṃ eva tesaṃ kiccaṃ.

Venerable Nando: is this the only duty of them?

Visuddhadhammo: Nehetaṃ āvuso. Uposathadivasesu bhikkhu tesaṃ

dhammaṃ desenti. Tena antamaso māse catukkhattum te vihāraṃ āgacchanti

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: venerable sir! Not only that. In full moon

days the monks preach for them. Therefore, they come to temple at least four
times within a month in order to hear the doctrine.

Nando: Ubho janā ajjhattasārehi vaḍḍhenti.

Venerable Nando: both parties grow spiritually.

Visuddhadhammo: Vassāvasāne te cīvaram’pi pūjenti.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: they offer a robe also at the end of the

rainy retreat.

Nando: Kiṃ taṃ cīvaraṃ visesataraṃ bhajati?

Venerable Nando: is it a special robe?

Visuddhadhammo: Āma āvuso. taṃ kaṭhinacīvaranti sañjānāti.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: yes venerable sir. It recognizes as the

Kaṭhina robe.

Nando: Ko taṃ cīvaraṃ gaṇhāti?

Venerable Nando: who receives that robe?

Visuddhadhammo: Vassūpagatānaṃ eko bhikkhu.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: one of them who observed the rainy retreat.

Nando: Ko taṃ tīreti?

Venerable Nando: who decides that?

Visuddhadhammo: Tatra samāgatānaṃ bhikkhusannipāto taṃ tīreti.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: the assembly of the monks that gathered


Nando: Paṭiggāhako kiṃ karoti?

Venerable Nando: how does the receiver act?

Visuddhadhammo: So taṃ cīvaraṃ surakkhitabbaṃ yāva katipayamāse.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: he has to protect it until few months.


Nando: Taṃ na dukkharaṃ.

Venerable Nando: it isn’t difficult.

Visuddhadhammo: Āma āvuso. Yena tena vā pakkamati taṃ samādāya eva

gantum vaṭṭati.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: it is better to carry is wherever he


Nando: Kiṃ pavāritabhikkhu tasmiṃ eva vasanti atha vā aññatra gamissanti?

Venerable Nando: do the monks who gave the rainy retreat stay is the
same place or walk out anywhere?

Visuddhadhammo: Buddhassa kāle bahubhikkhu bahujanahitāya vassāvasāne

aññatra pakkamimsu. Tathā’pi ajja divase bahuso bahubhikkhu tasmiṃ eva
ārāme vasanti.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: in the time of the Buddha many monks

walked out for benefit of many people. Though, mostly today the monks stay in
the same place.

Nando: Aham’pi vassaṃ upagantvā taṃ purāṇacārittaṃ rakkhitum icchāmi.

Venerable Nando: I also would like to preserve that ancient tradition

having observed the rainy retreat.

Visuddhadhammo: Sādhu āvuso. Ratanattayānubhāvo tvaṃ rakkhatu.

Venerable Visuddhadhammo: excellent venerable sir! May the triple gem

bless you.

iv. Marammaraṭṭhaṃ
Kambuvaṇṇo: Svāgataṃ bhante.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: you are welcome venerable sir.

Āgantukabhikkhu: Sādhu tathā anumodāmi bhante.

Visiting monk: thank you very much sir.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Tvaṃ kiṃ nāmo’si.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: what is your name?

Āgantukabhikkhu: Ahaṃ piyadassi nāmo’mhi.

Visiting monk: my name is Piyadassi.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Tvaṃ kadā āgato’si?

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: When did you come here?

Piyadassi: Ahaṃ hīyo āgato’mhi.

Venerable Piyadassi: I came yesterday.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Kiṃ tvaṃ kolambanagarato vā seṇkhaṇḍanagarato vā?

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: are you from Colombo of Kandy?

Piyadassi: Ahaṃ seṇkhaṇḍanagarato āgato’mhi.

Venerable Piyadassi: I came from Kandy.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Aham’pi taṃ nagaraṃ gatapubbo’mhi.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: I also have been there.

Piyadassi: Kasmā?

Venerable Piyadassi: why did you go there?

Kambuvaṇṇo: Sammāsambuddhassa dātum pūjetum dāṭhādātumandiraṃ


Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: I went to the tooth relic temple in order to offer

the tooth relic of the Buddha.

Piyadassi: Sādhu āvuso.

Venerable Piyadassi: excellent venerable sir.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Samma! Tvaṃ katidinaṃ idhavasitum icchasi?

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: how many days would you like to stay here?

Piyadassi: Dasāhamattameva.

Venerable Piyadassi: around ten days.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Tvaṃ iha kuhiṃ vasasi?

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: where do you stay?

Piyadassi: Ahaṃ agganagarato kīva dūre ekasmiṃ ārāme vasāmi.

Venerable Piyadassi: I’m staying in a temple located outside the capital.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Marammaraṭṭhe agganagaraṃ sudassanīyaṃ.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: the capital of Myanmar is very beautiful.

Piyadassi: Āma ahaṃ taṃ jānāmi.

Venerable Piyadassi: yes! I know it.

Piyadassi: Nagaramajjhaṃ kīdisaṃ?

Venerable Piyadassi: how about the city?

Kambuvaṇṇo: Nagaramajjhe bahupadhānamaggāni ca vithayo ca vijjante.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: there are lot of main roads and streets in the

Piyadassi: Kiṃ ngaramajjhe sañcaritum dukkharaṃ?

Venerable Piyadassi: is it difficult to walk through the city.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Na ca dukkharaṃ. Pāto ca sāyaṇhasamaye ca bahurathāni


Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: not difficult. There are lots of vehicles in

morning and the evening.

Piyadasi: Bahumanussā kiñcideva karaṇīyesu nagaraṃ āgacchantī’ti


Venerable Piyadassi: I think people come to the city for some duties.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Ekacce janā rājakārikiccesu. Apare vāṇijjā’di aññe kicce.

Venerable Piyadassi: some people for official works and someone for
merchandize activities.

Piyadassi: Te kathaṃ āgacchanti.

Venerable Piyadassi: how do they come?

Kambuvaṇṇo: Ekacce khuddakarathehi ca tāvakālikarathehi ca. Apare

dhūmarathehi athavā dīgharathehi.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: somebody by cars and taxis. On the other hand

someone by the trains.

Piyadasi: Ahaṃ tāvakālikarathena nagare sañcaritum icchāmi.

Venerable Piyadassi: I would like to travel in the city by the taxi.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Tāvakālikarathācariyā nagare sabbattha jānanti.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: taxi drivers know everywhere in the city.

Piyadassi: Ahaṃ katipaya ārāme passitum icchāmi.

Venerable Piyadassi: I would like to visit some temple such as .

Kambuvaṇṇo: Taṃ sundaraṃ.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: that is nice.

Piyadassi: Sace okāsaṃ alabhissaṃ kullena gaṅgāya’pi gamissāmi.

Venerable Piyadassi: if I got a chance I will travel in the river by a rafter.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Agganagare’pi bahusudassanīya vihārāni santi tathā raṭṭhe


Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: there are lots of impressive temples within the

city and around the country also.

Piyadassi: Bahuṭhāne passitum mayhaṃ velā nāma natthi.

Venerable Piyadassi: I don’t have much time to visit all of them.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Agganagaraṃ vinā aññe’pi bahūni ramaṇīyanagarāni asmiṃ

raṭṭhe vijjanti.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: there are lots of other cities also in this country.

Piyadassi: Marammaraṭṭhaṃ mayhṃ raṭṭhato visālataraṃ.

Venerable Piyadassi: Myanmar bigger than my country.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Noceva nagarāni apare sudassanīyasobhāvikaṭhānāni ca.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: not only cities but also other natural places also.

Piyadassi: Ekaccesu ṭhānesu bhikkhūnam gantum dukkharam.

Venerable Piyadassi: some places can’t be visited by the monks.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Āma bhante.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: yes venerable sir!

Piyadassi: Asmiṃ kāle kavoṇhamiva paññāyati.

Venerable Piyadassi: nowadays it seems quite hot.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Ajjadivase kavoṇham eva tathā’pi vāyusamīkaraṇabhāvitena taṃ

vūpasametum sakkā.

Venerabe Kambuvaṇṇo: nowadays it is quite hot, but it can be ceased due

to air condition machines.

Piyadassi: Mama kuṭiyā’pi ekaṃ atthi. Sītakaraṇe aneka pānāni ca.

Venerable Piyadassi: my room also equipped with an air condition

machine and there are many kinds of beverages in the refrigerator.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Pānīyāni pivitvā’pi pipāsaṃ vinodetum vaṭṭati.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: it is better to appease the thirsty having drunken


Piyadassi: Āma bhante.

Venerable Piyadassi: yes venerable sir.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Handa ahaṃ bhante gamissāmi dāyakassa kenacideva karaṇīye.

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: venerable sir! I have to leave due to a task of a


Piyadassi: Sādhu bhante. Yassa’dāni tvaṃ kālaṃ maññati.

Venerable Piyadassi: yes venerable sir! If you think fit.

Kambuvaṇṇo: Yadi tava mama sahāyaṃ uppajjati tasmiṃ samaye māṃ saritum

Venerable Kambuvaṇṇo: if you want any assistance from me please

remember me.

Piyadassi: Āma bhante avassaṃ tathā karissāmi.

Venerable Piyadassi: yes venerable sir! Surely I will do it.


v. Āgantuko
Bhikkhu: Suppabhātaṃ āvuso.

Monk: good morning sir.

Āgantuko: Suppabhātaṃ bhante.

Visitor: good morning venerable sir.

Bhikkhu: Kathaṃ tava sukha-dukkhaṃ?

Monk: how are you?

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ sukhaṃ vasāmi.

Visitor: I’m fine.

Bhikkhu: Tvaṃ kim nāmosi?

Monk: what is your name?

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ Justin nāmo’mhi.

Visitor: my name is Justin.

Bhikkhu: Ahaṃ iddhivaro nāma.

Monk: my name is Iddhivaro.

Āgantuko: Sādhu bhante.

Visitor: yes venerable sir.

Bhikkhu: Tvaṃ kati āyuko bhavasi?

Monk: how old are you?

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ pañcavīsati āyuko bhavāmi.

Visitor: I’m twenty five years old.

Bhikkhu: Tvaṃ kuto āgato’si.

Monk: where are you from?

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ āṅgalīyaraṭṭhāgatomhi.

Visitor: I’m from England.


Bhikkhu: Kim tvaṃ ekako’va āgato’si udāhu aññena saddhiṃ?

Monk: did you com alone or with another one.

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ ekako’va āgato’mhi bhante.

Visitor: Venerable sir! I came alone.

Bhikkhu: Kena nu kho kāraṇena tvaṃ idha āgato’si?

Monk; why did you come here?

Āgantuko: Siyāma raṭṭhaṃ passitum ihāgato’mhi.

Visitor: I came here to see this country.

Bhikkhu: Kim tvaṃ siyāmaraṭṭhaṃ sundaraṃ iti maññasi?

Monk: do you think that Thailand is beautiful?

Āgantuko: Āma. Aham tathā maññāmi.

Visitor: yes. I think so.

Bhikkhu: Kathaṃ hi nāma tvaṃ taṃ tathā ñātosi?

Monk: how did you know it?

Āgantuko: Siyāmaraṭṭha sambandhapavattiyo antojāle dissanti.

Visitor: lot of information relevant with Thailand can be seen in internet.

Bhikkhu: Kathaṃ hi nāma tvaṃ idha āgatosi?

Monk: how did you come here?

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ gagaṇayānena idha āgato’mhi.

Visitor: I came here by the flight.

Bhikkhu: Tava gamanatthāya kati dinaṃ?

Monk: how many days for your journey?

Āgantuko: Na katipaya dine. Ekaṃ dinaṃ eva.

Visitor: not many days. Only one day.


Bhikkhu: Kiṃ tvaṃ iha dīgha kālaṃ vasitum icchati?

Monk: do you like to stay here a long time?

Āgantuko: Dīghakālaṃ iha vasitum mayhaṃ ajjhāsayaṃ natthi. Tathā’pi


Visitor: I haven’t idea to stay here a long time but around a month.

Bhikkhu: Tvaṃ kesu kesu ṭhānesu āhiṇḍitum icchati?

Monk: where will you travel?

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ paṭhamaṃ nagaraṃ passitum icchāmi. Tadanantaraṃ

uttaradakkhiṇadisāsu katipayaṭhānāni.

Visitor: first I would like to visit the town and then few places in northern
and southern provinces.

Bhikkhu: Uttaradisā kiñci sītaṃ tathā pi dakkhiṇādisā kiñci uṇhaṃ.

Monk: Northern Province is quite cold but southern province quite hot.

Āgantuko: Mayhaṃ raṭṭhaṃ siyāmaraṭṭhā sītatarā’ti maññāmi.

Visitor: I think my country is colder than Thailand.

Bhikkhu: Kim tvaṃ na himapatanasamayaṃ na icchasi?

Monk: don’t you like the winter?

Āgantuko: Ama bhante. Ahaṃ taṃ icchāmi tattha kīḷituñca.

Visitor: yes sir! Not only have I liked it but also to play there.

Bhikkhu: Kim tvaṃ kittuladdhiko’si?

Monk: are you a Christian?

Āgantuko: Ama bhante. Tathā pi ahaṃ sugatasāsanassa kiñci pi desaṃ jānāmi.

Visitor: yes sir! Although, I know little about Buddhism.

Bhikkhu: Siyāmaraṭṭhe adhikadvisahassavassesu pubbe tathāgatasāsanaṃ


Monk: Buddhism established in Thailand before more than two thousand


Āgantuko: Acchariyaṃ bhante.

Visitor: venerable sir! It is wonderful.

Bhikkhu: Tato paṭṭhāya atra bahujanā buddhasāvakā. Aneka bhikkhu ca

ārāmesu vasanti.

Monk: since then here lot of people are Buddhist followers. Lot of monks
also live in temples.

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ dassanaṃ adiṭṭhapubbo’va.

Visitor: I never have seen Buddhist monks.

Bhikkhu: Avuso! Taṃ asmiṃ raṭṭhe atisulabha dassanaṃ.

Monk: O friend! It is very typical character in Thailand.

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ te passituñca sallapituñca icchāmi.

Visitor: I would like see and talk to them.

Bhikkhu: Tam na dukkharaṃ.

Monk: it is not difficult.

Āgantuko: Sādhu bhante.

Visitor: yes venerable sir.

Bhihhu: Kim tvaṃ siyāma-annapānaṃ bhuñjitapubbosi?

Monk: did you taste the Thai food.

Āgantuko: Ama bhante gatadivasesu katipaya annapāne abhuñjiṃ. Tathā pi

bahu avasesā’ti maññāmi.

Visitor: yes sir! I tasted some food during past few days. But I think there
are lot of remained.

Bhikkhu: Ama āvuso. Siyāmaraṭṭhaṃ khajjabhojjaleyyapeyyehi anūnaṃ eva.

Monk: Yes friend. There are lots of edible and eatable foods in Thailand.

Āgantuko: Ahaṃ antamaso tesu katipayāni bhuñjitum icchāmi.

Visitor: I would like to taste them at least few.

Bhikkhu: Siyāma raṭṭhe madhurāni āhārāni yāvadatthaṃ bhuñjitvā tvaṃ idha

sukhaṃ vasitum icchasī’ti ahaṃ maññāmi.

Monk: I suppose you happily live here having consumed delicious Thai

Āgantuko: Ama bhante.

Visitor: yes venerable sir.

Bhikkhu: Samma! Idhāni mayhaṃ gamanakālo.

Monk: friend! It is time to leave me.

Āgantuko: Yassa idhāni tvaṃ kālaṃ maññasi.

Visitor: it time if you think fit.

Bhikkhu: Sace tvaṃ kenacideva karaṇīyena mama sambandhaṃ iccasi idhaṃ

mama jaṅgamadurakathana’ṅkaṃ.

Monk: if you like to contact me in any case this is my mobile phone


Āgantuko: Thuti te bhante. Ahaṃ taṃ patigaṇhāmi.

Visitor: thank you very much venerable sir! I would like to accept it.

Bhikkhu: Samma mayhaṃ mukhapotthakam’pi atthi.

Monk: friend! I have face book also.

Āgantuko: Mayham’pi mukhapotthakaṃ atthi bhante.

Visitor: I also have a face book.

Bhikkhu: Tena amhākaṃ sambhandham daḷhaṃ kātum sukharaṃ.

Monk: therefore, it strengthens our combination.

Āgantuko: Aham’pi tathā maññāmi.

Visitor: I also think like that.


Bhikkhu: Tava pacchā dassanaṃ icchāmi.

Monk: see you later.

Āgantuko: Aham’pi tava pacchā dassanaṃ icchami.

Visitor: see you later.


vii.Bhagavato Sāsane Vaṇijjaṃ

Bhikkhu: Svāgataṃ upāsaka.

Monk: you are welcome gentleman.

Upāsako: Vandāmi bhante.

Gentleman: I respect you venerable sir.

Bhikkhu: Tvaṃ ciraṃ idha āgato’si.

Monk: you came here after a long time.

Upāsako: Āma bhante. Gharāvāse mayaṃ bahukiccā mayaṃ bahukaraṇīyā.

Gentleman: yes venerable sir! We are busy in house life.

Bhikkhu: Atha vā puttadāre posetum dukkharam eva.

Monk: otherwise it is difficult to nourish children and wife.

Upāsako: Āma bhante.

Gentleman: yes venerable sir.

Bhikkhu: Kiṃ tvaṃ kasivaṇijjādi kammaṃ karosi, atha vā rājakiccaṃ?

Monk: do you engage in agriculture, merchandise or in a government


Upāsako: Ahaṃ vaṇijjakamme niyutto’mhi.

Gentlemen: I engaged in merchandise activities.

Bhikkhu: Kīdisaṃ tava puttadāre?

Monk: how about your children and wife?

Upāsako: Eko putto ca ekā dhītā ca pāṭhālayaṃ gacchanti.

Gentleman: I have one son and a daughter and they go to a school.

Bhikkhu: Kathaṃ tava bhariyā?

Monk: how about your wife?

Upāsako: Sā mama kammante sahāyaṃ dadāti.


Gentleman: she assists in my duty.

Bhikkhu: Kuhiṃ tava āpaṇaṃ vattati?

Monk: where is your trade center?

Upāsako: Agganagare rājavīthiyaṃ bhante.

Gentleman: king’s street of the town.

Bhikkhu: Tattha tvaṃ kiṃ vikkiṇasi?

Monk: what are the goods that you sell there?

Upāsako: Katipayavagge. Māsamuggavīhādi dhaññāni ca ekacce paṇṇe ca

phalāni ca vikkiṇāmi.

Gentleman: I sell there few kinds of goods such as green grammar,

grammar, rice, vegetable and fruits.

Bhikkhu: Kiṃ tattha bahujanā āgacchanti te kiṇitum?

Monk: do many people come there to buy them?

Upāsako: Āma bhante. Bahujanā patidinaṃ te kiṇitum tattha āgacchanti.

Gentleman: yes venerable sir! Many people every day come there to buy

Bhikkhu: Bhagavā’pi vaṇijjaṃ dhammikakammanti anujāni.

Monk: the blessed one also approved it as a righteous livelihood.

Upāsako: Lābham’pi uppādetum sakkā.

Gentleman: it can earn a profit also.

Bhikkhu: Dhammiko lābho diṭṭhadhammasamparāyikasukhāya samvattati.

Monk: the righteous profit cause to happiness of mundane alike supra-


Upāsako: Bahuvāṇijā taṃ na jānanti.

Gentleman: many merchants don’t know it.


Bhikkhu: Upāsaka! kiṃ tvaṃ na jānāsi tapassubhallikā nāma dve vāṇijā

paṭhamaṃ bhagavato saraṇaṃ gatā’ti.

Monk: gentleman! Do you know that two merchants known as Tapassu

Bhallikā went the refuge of the Buddha at first?

Upāsako: Ahaṃ etaṃ na jānāmi.

Gentleman: I don’t know it.

Bhikkhu: Te noceva bhagavato saraṇaṃ gatā apica tassa dhātuyo nidhahitum

sake visaye cetiyampi bandhimsu.

Monk: not only they went the refuge of the Blessed One but built a
pagoda in their native place in order to enshrine the relic of the Buddha.

Upāsako: Sādhu anumodāmi.

Gentleman: I appreciate it.

Bhikkhu: Sudatto’ti añño seṭṭhi buddhassa aggupaṭṭhāko abhavi.

Monk: another millionaire known as Sudatta was the chief lay supporter
of the Buddha.

Upāsako: Kiṃ so eva anāthapiṇḍiko’ti paññāyi?

Gentleman: was he known as Anāthapiṇḍika?

Bhikkhu: Āma upāsaka! Anāthānaṃ piṇḍadinnattā so tena nāmena paññāyi.

Monk: yes gentleman: he was by that name since he gave the alms for

Upāsako: Kiṃ so jetavanamahāvihāraṃ kāretum anuggahesi?

Gentleman: did he sponser to build the Jetavana monastery?

Bhikkhu: Tassatthāya so paññāsakoṭiyo vissajjesi.

Monk: he spent fifty four Koti to build it.

Upāsako: Taṃ mahādhanarāsi eva.

Gentleman: it is a huge amount of wealth.


Bhikkhu: Nocevidaṃ, so dvisahassamattabhikkhūnaṃ patidinaṃ dānavatthūni


Monk: not only that but also he offered alms and other requisites for two
thousand monk everyday.

Upāsako: Puññavā so mahāseṭṭhi seṭṭhataraṃ kāriyaṃ akari.

Gentleman: that meritorious millionare performed a very excellent


Bhikkhu: Avasāne so seṭṭhi bhagavato dhammaṃ sutvā sotāpanno ahosi.

Monk: at last that millionare became to stream entry having heard the
doctrine of the Buddha.

Upāsako: Vinā taṃ mahāseṭṭhi ahudeva yo añño seṭṭhi tathāvidhaṃ kiriyaṃ


Gentleman: was there any other millionaire to perform such kind of

function besides that great millionare?

Bhikkhu: Āma upāsaka! Bahuseṭṭhi abhavimsu. Tathā’pi tesu

gosakakukkuṭapāvārikādiseṭṭhī bahupakārā ahesuṃ.

Monk: yes gentleman! There were many millionaires though Gosaka,

Kukkuṭa, Pāvārika were the foremost ones among them.

Upāsako: Kathaṃ hi nāma te buddhassa sahāyaṃ akamsu?

Gentleman: how did they support to the Buddha.

Bhikkhu: Te sake visayesu vihārāni ca kārāpayimsu ca bhukkhu ca


Monk: they built monasteries in their teritaries and supported the monks

Upāsako: Kā sā visākhā nāma upāsikā?

Gentleman: who was that female devotee Visākhā?

Bhikkhu: Sā’pi ekā seṭṭhidītā yā sāvatthiyaṃ pubbārāmaṃ nāma mahāvihāraṃ


Monk: she also was a millionare daughter who sponsored to buit the
Pubbārāma monastery in Sāvatthi city.

Upāsako: Tena hi bhante vāṇijjā buddhasāsanaṃ surakkhitum mahantaṃ

sahāyaṃ adamsu.

Gentleman: venerable sir! The merchants gave a great support to preserve

the teaching of the Buddha.

Bhikkhu: Ajjadivase’pi vāṇijā buddhadhammaṃ loke sabbattha pattharitum

anekapariyāyena upakaronti.

Monk: even today the merchants support in numerous ways to spread the
Buddhist teaching throughout the world.

Upāsako: Dūraraṭṭhesu ca te paṇṇasālāyo māpenti bhikkhūnaṃ catupaccaye


Gentleman: they build temples in remote countries and support the monks
with four requisites.

Bhikkhu: Vāṇije nissāya buddhassa kāle’pi tassa vacanaṃ dūraraṭṭhesu gataṃ


Monk: due to merchants the word of the Buddha spread into remote countires
even it happens today also.

Upāsako: Āma bhante aham’pi tathādatassa vacanasamrakkhaṇāya yamkiñci

kātum icchāmi.

Gentleman: I also would like to support anyway in order to protect the teaching
of the Buddha.

vi. Vanitāsambhāsanaṃ
Suriyuggamanato yāva atthaṅgamā manussā yebhuyyena
puggalānusambandhitakiccesu ussāhaṃ janenti. Kiccāni nāma puggalato
puggalaṃ visamaṃ. Ekadā sīlavatī nāma gahapatāni ca karuṇāvatī nāma
pāṭhasālācārinī ca magge diṭṭhā ca tesamantare etādisaṃ kathāsallāpaṃ

(People engage their own activities from sunrise to sunset and activities
differ from each other. Once householderwife Sīlavatī and school teacher
Karuṇāvatī met on the road and had a conversation like this)

Sīlavatī: Suppabhātaṃ karuṇāvatī. (Good morning Karuṇāvatī)

Karuṇāvatī: Suppabhātaṃ sīlavatī. (Good morning Sīlavatī)

Sīlavatī: Kathaṃ tava sukhadukkhaṃ? (How are you?)

Karuṇāvatī: Sukhaṃ vasāmi bhavatī. Tvañca sukhena vasatī’ti maññāmi. (Good

and I think you too?)

Sīlavatī: Āma bhavatī. Saccam’eva. (Yes of course)

Karuṇāvatī: Tava vatthaṃ atīva manoharaṃ. (Your dress very impressive)

Sīlavatī: Thomayāmi. (Thank you)

Karuṇāvatī: Kiṃ idaṃ tvayā kītaṃ atha vā sāminā sampāditaṃ? (Did you buy
this one or bought by your husband?)

Sīlavatī: Mayhaṃ sāminā danaṃ dattaṃ mayā kītaṃ. So mayhaṃ vatthāni

vicinitum na jānāti. (My husband gave money and bought by me? He doesn’t
know to choose cloths for me)

Karuṇāvatī: Mayhaṃ sāmino’pi tathe’va. Tena yaṃ kītaṃ taṃ mayhaṃ na

ruccati. Kuto tvayā idaṃ kītaṃ? (My husband also like that. I don’t like
whatever he bought. From where did you buy this cloth

Sīlavatī: Padhānavītyāya nāgānandanāmā’paṇato. (From Nāgānanda shop of the

main street)

Karuṇāvatī: Mayā’pi ekadā tattha gatapubbaṃ. (Once I have been there)

Sīlavatī: Tasmiṃ bahūni ramaṇīyāni vatthāni ca mālāgandhavilepanāni ca santi.

(There are many beautiful dresses, purfume and cream)

Karuṇāvatī: Āma sabbadā tasmiṃ bahu nārīgaṇā dissanti. (Yes always there are
lot of women)

Silavatī: Tava sarīrato madhuraṃ vilepanasugandhaṃ vāyati. (Good perfume

smell comes from your body)

Karuṇāvatī: Āma mama ekā sahāyikā saharaṭṭhadese vasati. Tayā katipaya

vilepanakūpikāca cuṇṇapeṭikā ca pesitā. Idaṃ teasaṃ ekaṃ. (Yes one of my
friends live in USA and few perfume bottles and pouders boxes were sent by
her. This is one of them.

Sīlavatī: Sādhu tāya thutiṃ datum vaṭṭhati. (Good. It is better to thank her)

Karuṇāvatī: Āma ahaṃ tayā saha māsesu katipayadinesu mukhapotthakena

sallapāmi. (Yes. I talk with her through facebook for few days within a month)

Sīlavatī: Mayham’pi mukhapotthakaṃ atthi. Tathā’pi mama sāmi tam na rocati.

(I also have a facebook nonetheless my husbuand doesn’t like it)

Karuṇāvatī: Kiṃ tava gamanākāraṃ paññāyati? (Are you going somewhere?)

Sīlavatī: Āma bhavatī. Ahaṃ katipayāni paṇṇāni, phalāni, taṇḍulāni,

byañjanacuṇṇāni ca kimitum āpaṇaṃ patigacchāmi. (Of course my friend. I’m
going to the market to buy some vegetable, fruits, rice and provisions.)

Karuṇāvatī: Kiṃ tvaṃ sukhopabhogyāpaṇaṃ patigacchasi? (Are you going to

the supermarket?)

Sīlavtī: Natthi. Ahaṃ bahusu vīthivāṇijato tāni kiṇāmi. Tathā’pi ekadā tattha
gacchāmi. (No. mostly I buy them from the street wenders though sometime go

Karuṇāvatī: Ahaṃ vivekadivasesu mama sāminā saha amhākaṃ rathena

sukhopabhogyāpaṇame’va gacchāmi. Tattha bhaṇḍāni parisuddhāni tathā’pi
adhikamūlyaṃ dātabbaṃ. (On holydays I go only to super market with my
husbuand by our own car. There goods are nice but expensive.)

Sīlavatī: Aham’pi taṃ jānāmi. (I also know it.)

Karuṇāvatī: Kim tava sāmi’jja kiccālayaṃ paccagami? (Did your husband go to

the job today?)

Sīlavatī: Āma sabbadā so pāto’va pādapājanadvicakkarathena gehato

nikkhamati sāyaṇhasamaye punāgacchati. (Yes. Everyday early in the morning
he goes to the job with footcycle and comes back in the evening.)

Karuṇāvatī: Tava sāmi kīdisaṃ kiccaṃ karoti? (Whatkind of job does he do?)

Sīlavatī: So ekasmiṃ kiccālaye ārakkhakapuriso. (He is a security guard in a

certain office.)

Karuṇāvatī: Mama sāmi gaṇakādhikārī so’pi pāto’va sakarathena kiccālayaṃ

patigacchati ca sāyaṇhakāle pacchāgacchati ca. (My husband is an accountant
who goes to the office everyday morning his own car and comes back evening.)

Sīlavatī: Ahaṃ pāto’va uṭṭhāya bhattabyañjanāni pacitvā tassa ca dārakānañca

bhattapuṭāni sampādemi. (Eevery early in the morning I wake up and prepare
food boxes for him and children.)

Karuṇāvatī: Aham taṃ na karomi. (I’m not doing that)

Silavatī: Tesu gatesu gehaṅgaṇāni sammajjitvā atireka kiccāni karomi. (When

they left I do extra works after cleaning the home and court.)

Karuṇāvatī: Amhākaṃ gehe ekā dāsi. Sā gehassa sabbāni kiccāni karoti. (There
is a maiden in our home and she does all activities in the home.)

Sīlavatī: Dhaññavā’si. Tava dārakā ajjhayanatthaṃ kuhiṃ gacchanti? (Lucky.

What is the school that your children go?)

Karuṇāvatī: Te pāṭhālayarathena nagaramajjhe uccapāṭhālayaṃ gacchanti.(They

go to high school of the downtown by the school bus.)

Sīlavatī: Mama dārakā samīpaṭṭhāne etasmiṃ pāṭhālayaṃ pādehi eva gacchanti.

(My children go to that school on foot.)

Karuṇāvatī: Mama pāṭhālayagāmī etaṃ rathaṃ āgacchati. Nivattitum vaṭṭati.

(There my bus is coming and it is better to stop.)

Sīlavatī: Āma svāgataṃ. (Yes good luck.)

Karuṇāvatī: Svāgataṃ. (Good luck.)

Sīlavatī: Tava pacchādassanamicchāmi. (See you later)

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