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Wave Propagation and Antennas (ELE-502) Course Learning Outcomes

Mapping of CLOs and PLOs

Program Learning Domain & Course Learning Outcome
Outcomes Taxonomy Level

CLO-1 EXPLAIN the fundamental concepts PLO-1 C2

of Antenna Radiation, Review basic
performance parameters and Identify (Engineering Knowledge) (Comprehension)
the difference between different types
of Antennas.
CLO-2 ANALYZE the behavior of waves PLO-2 C4
coming out of the Antenna.
(Problem Analysis) (Analyze)

CLO-3 COMPARE the performance of PLO-3 C2

Antenna arrays based upon different
arrangement of point sources. (Problem Analysis) (Comprehension)

CLO-4 DESIGN an antenna for the given PLO-3 C5

requirements and Evaluate its
performance for performance (Problem Analysis) (Synthesis)
CLO-5 MEASURE various antenna PLO-5 P4
parameters using test and measuring
equipment and Design different (Modern Tool Usage) (Mechanism)
antennas using simulation tools.

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