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Lifelong Education


Title: Computerized Enrollment System for Bulacan Polytechnic College, SJDMCampusProponents: Calma, Carl
EdwardDate: July 15, 2017Area of Investigation: Bulacan Polytechnic College, San Jose del MonteCampus is one of
the schools that provides 2-year technical course in allBulacan region. With thousands of enrollees every year the
school isexperiencing long waiting using the manual enrollment method. Also one of the problem of this kind of
system is that students took a lot of time waiting to theirenrollment because of too much procedures.With cited
problems the proponents aims to develop a system that willease the waiting of the student and lessen the burden
of the manual enrollment.Target User/s: Teachers, Faculty MembersTarget Beneficiaries: Students, Teachers,
Faculty MembersApproved By:Ms. Catherine T. FloresInstructor

Lifelong Education
First City Providential College
Brgy. Narra, Francisco Homes, City of San Jose Del MonteBulacan


“Computerized Enrollment System for Bulacan Polytechnic College San Josedel Monte Campus”
A Project to theFaculty of the Department of Information TechnologyIn Partial Fulfillment of theRequirements for
the subjectSystem Analysis and DesignBy:Calma, Carl EdwardJuly 2017

Lifelong Education
First of all, I would like to say “Thank God”, for giving me the
health and strength in doing this project work until it done. Not forgotten to myfamily for providing everything, such
as money, to buy anything that are relatedto this project work and their advice, which is the most needed for this
project.Internet, books, computers and all that as my source to complete this project. Theyalso supported me and
encouraged me to complete this task so that I will not be procrastinate in doing it.Then I would like to thank my
instructor, Ms. Catherine T. Floresfor guiding me throughout this project. We had some difficulties in doing
this task but he taught us patiently until we knew what to do.
This compilation is whole heartedly dedicated to my parents, friends forthis whole system to be created through the
efforts and hard work.

Lifelong Education
The purpose of this study is to fulfill a better system that will serve as amore reliable tool in registering and enrolling
students in an institute. The studyis to show the advantages and disadvantages that arise in the
computerizedenrollment system. The study is to show the innovation of registration andenrollment systems from
traditional to high-end technology. The study alsoserves the purpose of revealing the mechanics of the said system.
The userinterface provides ease through its organized interface and functionality. Theadministrating side provides
efficiency in keeping and gathering work. Thesystem will have two parts. The user account and the administrator
account. Inthe user account, users are logged in as guests. They may register and enrollthrough filling up the
available computerized forms. The administrators mayinterfere with the data in every way possible.

Lifelong Education
TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………… i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………… ii
……………………………………………………………. ii
CT …………………………………………………………………. iii
ONTENT…………………………………………………….... iv

Background of the Study
-------------------------------- 2
Objective of the Study
------------------------------------ 3


Local Literature
Foreign Literature
---------------------------------------- 6II.


Lifelong Education
Information and Communications Technology (ICT), refers totechnologies that provide access to information
throughtelecommunications. ICT and system allow people organizations, businesses, nonprofit agencies,
governments and criminal enterprises tointeract in the digital world.The computerized enrollment system plays a
major role for theadministration of the school.Ever since the establishment of the BPC (Bulacan Polytechnic College)
San Josedel Monte campus, up to the present, students that are enrolling are using themanual method of their
enrollment system (copy and write of the course andsubject).
“School feeding not only fills stomachs, but has a proven track record of
boosting enrollment, attendance and academic performance. For just pennies aday per child, this program changes

and ultimately can impact the futuresof poor countries around the world in a profound way.

Drew Barrymore

CHAPTER IIntroduction
The researchers enhance the previous enrolment system that provides the client a faster,more convenient way
of storing files of the student enrollees in a computer system that lessensthe effort of faculty staff
every semester. This also serves as information database especially for freshman; irregular transferee’s
student and the administrator are able to get an access in their course, subjects, and student enrollees.
This information can be viewed in just seconds without,worries that single files could get lost. As the enrollees
increase every year, enrollment procedure becomes harder to deal, this also a big help to all enrollment staff,
especially under the computer department because they are the one who are entitled to head and
update the information in thedatabase. Having this system helps the school in upgrading the
enrollment process so as theymeeting the qualities that we are trying to achieve.Today, the use of the
technology has been an effective tool on improving such as ind of enrollment system. !t improves the
efficiency of the enrollment system in A"A #omputer $earning #enter $os %a&os hereafter to be called as
A#$#'$%.(nhancement of the previous enrollment system is the output of the project and it aim for more accurate,
user friendly and very useful system that can help data processing of enrollment.The system as integration of
two functions designed for private educational institutions whichoffer computer courses.The
enrollment procedure is very hard tas , from the submission of the requirements upto the computation of
payments in most of these private education and educational institution,t h i s i s t h e c o m m o n
procedure followed during the enrollment period and usually it is done

manual. )ecords are ept in tons of paper because there is no e*isting database other than
thef i l e s i n t h e c a b i n e t . ) e p o r t s a r e n o t d o n e a c c u r a t e l y a n d e f f i c i e n c y
b e c a u s e p r o b l e m s a r e encountered li e date redundancy. A problem in computation of payments also
encountered. !nthis ind of educational institution there are one or two person assigned to process
environmenta n d c a s h f l o w s y s t e m . T i m e i s v e r y i m p o r t a n t f o r t h i s p e r s o n a s s i g n e d t o d o
t h i s t a s f o r attending with the students and parents concerned.This +chool setting is similar in other places in
our country. !n every town the average of '- schools has the same settings and procedures which are followed
during enrollment. As
thei n s t i t u t i o n c o n t i n u o u s l y g r o w s t h e n e e d t o e n h a n c e t h e s y s t e m b e c o m e s
a n e c e s s i t y . (nhancement is one of the steps to ta e in order to embrace the advancement of the
technologyand to ma*imi e the available resources in the institution because most of them own a computer and
user database or electronic computer.
Background of the Study
!n this generation most schools offers courses have computeri ed enrollment system. /or e * a m p l e i n + t a .
) o s a t h e y a r e u s i n g t h i s s y s t e m t o m a e e a s y t h e p r o c e s s o f e n r o l l m e n t . +uddenly it ta es
time before a student be enrolled, therefore the objective if this research is toma e enrollment much easier than
doing it manually.The enhancement of #omputeri ed (nrollment +ystem pushes this system into a
newl e v e l . ! n s t e a d o f e n r o l l i n g m a n u a l l y , t h e y w i l l h a v e o p t i o n t o f i n i s h t h e i
r f o r m u s i n g computeri ed enrollment system.

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