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A Project Feasibility Study of Manufacturing a


A Feasibility Study Presented to the Faculty

Committee of the College of Business and Accountancy

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy





In the present day, Taho is one of the Philippines most popular snack food every

morning. It is made of fresh soft tofu together with sago pearl plus sweet brown molasses syrup.

The uniqueness of taho is different and enticing wherein the chewy tapioca is combined with

various flavors such as chocolate, mango, strawberry and pandan. Each flavor has its own

distinct taste that will surely please people’s different penchant. The drink is served either hot or

cold in distinctive dome-shaped cups with oversized colored straws that allow the sago to shoot

up the mouth when the drink is sipped. The business will start as an incubation income

generating project and will later be developed into a full- blown manufacturing concern.

This staple comfort food is a signature sweet and can be found all over the country. The

Indonesian and Malaysian equivalent of this dish is Tahu. It originates from the Chinese douhua

from the Spanish Colonization whereas the Chinese are common traders with the native Malays

that influenced Philippine cuisine.

Additionally, soy milk is being popularized as the best substitute to cow’s milk especially

for lactose intolerant. The researchers have thought of making a soy milk making machine. This

could shorten time and work force needed in making soy milk. The project would open up many

opportunities for young entrepreneurs in entering the soy milk industry.


This project study was conducted specially to detain in the feasibility and viability of

establishing a taho manufacturing in the vicinity of Binan, Laguna. This study sought to answer

the following aspects in manufacturing flavored taho.

Marketing Aspect

1. Who will be the potential target market of the proposed service business?

2. What are the strategies and techniques to be applied in introducing and offering the

services of the business into the market?

3. What is the preceding, existing, and predictive future demand of the proposed service?

Technical Aspect

1. Where will be the proposed business be establish?

2. What are the equipments needed in putting up a business?

3. What supplies and other resources are needed in putting up a business?

Management Aspect

1. What is the type of the business organization to be used in the business?

2. What are the rules and policies to be consider in the organization?

3. What will be the roles, responsibilities and the qualifications to be consider for each

position in the organization?

Financial Aspect

1. How much will be the expected earnings to be generated in the business?

2. How much will be the start-up cost?

3. What is the financial structure and earning performance of the business?

Socio-Economic Aspect
1. What are the benefits the business could offer to the public?

2. How does it contribute to economic progress?

3. How does the business benefit the government?

Legal Aspect

1. What are the legal requirements to be accomplish to start the business?

2. What are the specific government agencies to be consider in registration?


The primary objective of this study is to give and sustain factual information on the

background information on the manufacturing and distribution of business.

The feasibility aims to find out the profitability, viability and feasibility of establishing

the business.

Marketing Aspect

1. To identify the target market of the business.

2. To discuss the different marketing strategies that will be considered in promoting the

products offered.

3. To determine the preceding, existing and predict future of demand of the proposed


Technical Aspect

1. To specify the précised location of the business.

2. To ascertain the necessary equipments needed.

3. To determine the supplies and other resources needed.

Management Aspect
1. To discuss the type of business organization to be adopted.

2. To enumerate the rules and policies to be observed within the organization.

3. To explain the roles and responsibilities of each partner and other employees as well as

the qualifications to be considered in each position.

Financial Aspect

1. To establish an amount expected to be generated by the business.

2. To determine the capital needed to put up by the proposed business.

3. To know the financial structure and earning performance of the business.

Socio-Economic Aspect

1. To identify the benefits it can contribute in the society.

2. To distinguish the contributions it can give for economic progress.

3. To determine the things that the business can give to the government.

Legal Aspect

1. To state the lawful necessities to be consider.

2. To name the specific government agencies to be consider.

3. To intricate the laws and regulations to be follow.



Soya bean, the major ingredient of taho, serves many purposes. Refined soy bean oil is

used in cooking oils, margarine, mayonnaise, salad dressing and vegetable shortening. Industrial

or non-food uses include resins and plastics, disinfectant, soap, printing ink, and many more.

Soybean meal and left over of taho is used in livestock and poultry feed and protein concentrates.

When ground into flour, it is used in cereals, baby foods, confection, special diet meals, textured

vegetable protein, which is made to look and taste like meat.

Based from the conclusion and recommendation of the feasibility study from Colegio de

San Juan de Letran – Calamba, it was found out that most of our consumer around Laguna are

willing to buy taho and tokwa because of its affordable price compared to other products.

In China and Japan, soy bean meal is processed to be eaten as bean curd (tofu). Soybean

derivations, such as soy sauce, are product made in part from soybean meal. The beans and hull

are ground into meal, which supplies important protein to hog, chicken and cattle feeds. The

soybean has made more protein then beef, more calcium than milk, and is also rich in vitamins

and minerals. A soybean extract is given to babies allergic to cow’s milk.

Taho is highly nutritious. Today, people throughout the world depend upon it for food

themselves and for their animals. There is a slight possibility to experience scarcity since soya

bean can be planted during any month of the year. What makes taho a nutritious food? Aside

from the vitamins mentioned earlier, the used of fertilizer in growing soybean is not a common

practice in most areas of the world. Soy bean like any other legume crop such as peas, clover and

ofalfa have the ability to fix, nitrogen when associated with certain bacteria of the genus

rhizobium. This characteristic reduces the need for the application of nitrogen fertilizer.

Hundreds of soybean varieties have been developed. The soybean has emerged from centuries of

use in Asia a staple food crop to grown worldwide.


The proposed study will serve as guide to the proponents on how the project can be

operated, what management decisions and regulations should be applied to ensure the business will

be successful. All information gathered in this project will serve as a useful resource to the readers.

It will also provide the necessary information on managing the enterprise, marketing, financing,

production, and social environmental responsibilities.

This study seeks to find profitability and viability of establishing the business. Moreover,

the project will also seek to improve the marketability of the product and to sustain the satisfaction

to the customers.

The end results of this proposed study will serve as an important data on measuring the

feasibility of manufacturing of taho in different variants.


The researchers use descriptive type of method in conducting this research which includes

collection, classification and interpretation of data. It involves gathering of data through surveys and

conducting actual interviews among respondents who have enough knowledge to this kind of business.

This method is use of the collection of data in particular instances or events and through this, an

intensive and systematic analysis will be facilitated.


In conducting a study, the data collected shall be reliable, consistent, valid and relevant with

other information to the problem at hand. The two sources of data are data’s taken from the company’s

own record of operations. On the other hand, external data comes from outside resources.
Data Collected could be classified as primary and secondary. Primary data refer to the

information which are directly gathered by means of actual observation and through interviews.

Secondary data could be individual, household, schools, and business entities. On the other hand,

industry data are existing records it could be reference from books, published publications, previous

unpublished studies, and survey are also helpful materials that can be used in the study.

Barangay Population No. of Household Respondents

1. Canlalay 20,110 5,903 25

2. San Vicente 16,333 2,487 23

3. Platero 13,416 2,761 24

4. Sto. Nino 8,147 1,349 28

TOTAL 58,006 12,500 100


The proponent would like to introduce the new flavors and now offer your taho in different

variants such as chocolate, mango, strawberry and pandan. It was decided to produce taho within the

vicinity of Laguna to inform the area and become updated to the new trends in food industry.

The proponents target markets are children and young adults as well as teens.

The business would like to focus on manufacturing taho together with all the ingredients

associated with it. The partnership between the proponents will perform as capitalists wherein all the

profit that will be earned from selling taho are all theirs.

There are three sampling techniques. These are random sampling, systematic sampling, and non-

random sampling. The proponents will use the purposive sampling which is under non-random sampling

and considered target market as for the survey.

Purposive sampling is about considering target market. The survey being conducted is for the

prupose of determining the firm is major consumer, which are children.


Slovin’s formula to determine the ideal sample size for a population, Slovin’s formula is

used which is:

Formula used in determining the sample size of population in town:

Slovin’s formula

n= N/ (1+Ne2)

where: n=number of sample in size

N=Population size

e=margin of error

Formula used in determining the actual demand:

AD= a x q x w


AD= actual demand

n=potential market

q=average unit acquired weekly

w= number of weeks per year

Formula used in determining demand:

Demand=Sample size x % of willingness to buy x frequency of buying x number of days

x number of weeks

Formula used in determining the supply:

Supply=Number of daily supply x number of days x number of weeks

Formula used in determining the demand and supply analysis:


Formula used in determining the market share:

Market Share=Project Demand / Demand in the Industry


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