Instrumentos Geofisicos

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Offer of Borehole Logging System for:

Mr. Jose Ignacio Ramirez Roman, Chile

Authors: Svatoslav Rezanina

Josef Hovorka

Date: March 2nd 2012

Logging System – Basic Information


1 Basic Information on the Company ....................................................

.................................................... 2
2 Object of the Proposal and Technical Parameters ............................ 3
2.1 Object of the Proposal...........................................................................4
2.2 Technical Solution .................................................................................4
2.3 Technical Parameters ............................................................................4
3 Price Proposal ................................................................
...................................................... 5
3.1 Term of Price Guarantee .......................................................................6
3.2 Term of delivery ....................................................................................6
3.3 Handover procedure (suggestion – item to be agreed by both parties) ...6
3.4 Warranty and After-Warranty Service..................................................6
3.5 Terms of Payments ...............................................................................6
4 ................................................................
Technical Specification................................ ........................................ 8

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Logging System – Basic Information

1 Basic Information on the Company

W&R Instruments Company was established in 1992 in Brno, the Czech Republic. Its
management and most of its personal have used their large experiences gained during their
long work for well-known company of Geofyzika Brno.
Our borehole logging systems are used with typical applications in geological and
geophysical surveys be it in industry, governmental orders at universities worldwide. Data,
got at borehole loggings provides valuable information about rocks surrounding the
borehole, about ground water and about technical state of the well.

The company key program is focused on:

 design, development and production of portable borehole logging systems with wide array
of measuring probes,
 magnetic susceptibility and conductivity probes that are our dominant products
 providing related services well logging and interpretation, special training program.

W&R Instruments Company has had a long experience in well logging services for
various tasks and projects. They are for example:
Ground-Water - finding and management.
Mining Surveys
Civil Engineering
Geological Surveys (including Oil and Gas Prospecting)

Name of the Company W&R Instruments, s.r.o.

Address Jecna 29a, 621 00 Brno, Czech Republic
VAT registration number 46966846
phone +420 541 634 204
fax +420 541 634 204
web site
director Svatoslav Rezanina
contact person Josef Hovorka
cell phone +420 606 722 953

Page 2
2 Object of the Proposal and Technical
Logging System – Price Proposal

2.1 Object of the Proposal

W&R Instruments Company was requested to quote a complete portable water well
borehole logging system, consisting of a probe Gamma Density, winch, data logger (Data
Acquisition and evaluation unit), tripod and softwar with accessories, creating a system,
which is ready for instant utilisation in the field. The offered system should be small to be
2.2 Technical Solution
W&R Instruments offers a system that meets demands of the ordering party.
2.2.1 Logging system
is compound of a BLW-300 Winch, Capacity (single core cable) 300 m; Speed 0 - 20
m/min; Weight (including cable and BLS-92H) 58 kg; Dimensions (w-h-l) 40 x 60 x 65cm,
BLS-92H Data logger – is built in the winch.
Accessories, like interconnecting cables, tripod and others.
System is equipped with powerful software for evaluating and interpretation of read
data. Our software system is an open one and through the built in LAS interface, our
customers can utilise their own data processing programs.
In contrary to the client’s demand we add a laptop as an inseparable part of the
system where we need to install all the system configuration and probes parameters as
well as the data processing software. This instalation has to be done in our office as a
result of system finishing. Installation and adjustment of the configuration by our clients
on site proved to be complicated and unreliable. We offer this part of the system for the
lowest market price to eliminate complication with later instalation on site.
2.2.2 Probe
HN 453 Single Neutron for determining porosity and percentage of ground water
content in the rocks.
The principle of this measurement is like this –partition which are emitting from Am
Be 241 radioactive source (activity of 111 GBq = 3Ci) are absorbed in water kept in
porous rocks and rate of absorb is in correspondence with volume of water in surrounding
rocks. This method is able to determine volume of water with accuracy of about 2%.
Sensor used for this tool is a He counter. Transportation of Am-Be source must be done in
protective container (we use paraffin as protective substance in the container).
Please, note, that we do not supply the source for the tool, as laws and regulation
for handling radioactive materials over board would makes the purchase so complicate,
that our customers arrange purchases of the source in their countries.
We advice our customers a way of calibration the complete tool in nylon or paraffin
HRT381 Resistivity + Temperature, of the liquid (diameter 38mm) – helps to determine
inlets of ground water in the borehole and its mineralization,
HC380 Caliper, which informs you about status of the borehole, about dimensions and
caverns along the axe of the borehole,
HI 453 Induction Conductivity Probe,
HM 453 Magnetic Susceptibility Probe (can be supplied as a combination with HI 453)

2.3 Technical Parameters

The detailed technical parameters of all the offered probes and winches are in
section 4 of this proposal. Information on our company and on our products can also be
found in our web sites:

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Logging System – Price Proposal

3 Price Proposal

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Logging System – Price Proposal

Price Proposal

Price Proposal is calculated as a sum for the whole system including hardware and
software, adjustment and training for two persons of the customer in Brno. We guarantee
that the price involves a full functionality of the system and the training course.
Please, note, that a detailed quotation in following page is an inseparable part of this
proposal. Also, some individual items are commented and explained in following text.
Price for the borehole logging system is

27 060,- Euro

3.1 Term of Price Guarantee

We guarantee the stated price for period of six (6) months.

3.2 Term of delivery

Term of delivery is 5 months. This period will start by signing the contract.

3.3 Handover procedure (suggestion – item to be agreed by both parties)

W&R Instruments will inform the ordering party about finishing works on the system
and suggests term of handover procedure. A representative of the ordering party will come
to W&R Instruments in Brno and will be present at final tests and adjustments of the
system. It is highly recommended that the representative of the ordering party would be a
skilled worker in geophysics. When the tests and measurements in a test borehole will
successfully pass, both parties will sign the handover protocol.

3.4 Warranty and After-Warranty Service

The warranty period for supplied goods and installation is 36 months. Warranty
covers all faults and malfunction, which occur due to defective hardware or faulty set up or
assembling. No faults caused by misusing the system, unauthorised operation or
operator’s negligence will be considered to be warranty defects.
W&R Instruments specialists will be ready to consult and answer all questions, which
can occur during operation the system at the Client. These telephone consultations will be
free of charge.
When the warranty period finishes, the Client can arrange an After-Warranty service.
This service can be a periodical prophylactic, on-call, or can have other form.

3.5 Terms of Payments

One half of total sum will be paid within 5 days after the contract is signed.
Second half of total sum will be paid after the person of customer finishes and signs
the handover protocol, which confirms the functionality of the system. After the second
half of the total sum is on the bank account of the W&R Instruments the system will be
shipped to the ordering party without delay.

In Brno 2.3.2012

Svatoslav Rezanina
director of W&R Instruments

Page 6
Logging System – Price Proposal

Detailed Price Proposal for the Borelogging System W&R Instruments

Item Quant Description
1 1 Winch BLW-300, capacity of 300m of one conductor cable,
Speed 0 - 20 m/min; Weight (including cable) 58kg;
17 100,-
Dimensions (w-h-l) 40 x 60 x 65 cm, Tripod including a
Sheave Wheel, BLS92-H Digital Borehole Logger Control Unit,
lap top computer, data acquisition and processing, plus all
necessary parts for fully functionality of the system
3 Probes

3.1 1 HN 453 Single neutron, without the source 9 960,-

5 1 Transport Costs it will be specified latter

TOTAL 27 060,-

Prices are in Euro, Ex Works Brno, Transport Cost (Item 5) is estimated; will be specified
after exact set of components will be known.

Recommended probes for system extension in the future

3.2 1 HRT 381 Resistivity and Thermometer Probe 3 860,-
3.3 1 HC 380 Caliper 4 720,-
3.4 1 HI 453 Induction Conductivity Probe 8 900,-
3.5 1 HM 453 Magnetic Susceptibility Probe 8 200,-
3.6 1
3.7 1
4 1 Motor – generator Makita Honda EG241A 1370,-

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4 Technical Specification
Technical Specificatio

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Technical Specificatio

DATA-W Multi-Channel Control Unit

DATA-W Multi-channel Control Unit BLS-92H is designed for controlling the operation of
logging tools produced by W&R Instruments. It provides power supply both for switching
modes of operation and for electronic circuitry, transforms reading signals into digital form
and by its display informs the operator about proper functionality of the system.
The built-in filter enables supplying the system from three different sources: by power
network, by motor generator and by UPS device.
The operator can utilize one, up to eight digital inputs of WR Standard. A special SP
function enables utilize one of
the input in analogue regime for
SP method.
Its other features give the
DATA-W Unit large variability in
operation, like: possibility of
controlling large scale of probes,
choosing a winch equipped with
depth measurement or external
measurement, communication
USB port, support OS Windows

Technical Parameters
Power Supply 230VAC, 50Hz, max.2A
Input Power 200W, max.500W (when printing)
Size (w / d / h) 400 / 450 / 350 mm
Probe-DATA-W Communication - W&R Instruments probes compatible (pulses +/-5V,
frequency 5µsec)
Output Power supply for connecting +45 (max 60) VDC, max 1A
Output Power supply for depth +5 VDC, max 50mA
USB Communication Compatible with W XP and W&R Instruments Well
Mechanical Depth Measurement Hall sensor of probe is integrated in the Winch or
externally on the block
Number of Measuring Channels Digital: 2 (4 after switching) one-conductor cable
8 (16 after switching) four-conductor cable
Analogue: one for SP method
Protection IP 20, can be increased up to IP 44

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Technical Specificatio

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Technical Specificatio

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Technical Specificatio

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Technical Specificatio

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Technical Specificatio

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Technical Specificatio

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