Soal PTK Par 2016

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1. What is the function of autoclave chamber?

a. Cutting
b. Moulding and pre curing
c. Filtering
d. Mixing
e. Steaming and heating

2. The main raw material that used to make light brick is…
a. Silica sand
b. Water
c. Mud
d. Soil
e. Clay

3. All the raw materials are mixed in a machine named…

a. Boiler
b. Sand mill
c. Autoclave chamber
d. Mixer
e. Cutting machine

4. What is the function of lecithin in biscuit production?

a. Sweetener
b. Binding water
c. Producing solid texture
d. Preservative
e. To prevent sticking

5. What is the function of moulding machine?

a. Heating dough
b. Cooling dough
c. Scoring dough
d. Wrapping dough
e. Stacking dough


(Group 10 – PTK 02)
1. What process that aims to separate the husk of the cocoa bean?
a. Roasting d. Winnowing
b. Fermentation e. Separating
c. Mixing
2. The function of the fermentation process on cocoa beans is...
a. To remove pulp from the husk of the cocoa beans
b. To make microba in the cocoa beans dead
c. To make a smooth cocoa beans
d. To find out which one of the cocoa beans are good in quality
e. To inflated the cocoa beans
3. There are machines to produce toothpaste, except:
a. Mixing Vat d. Winnowing Machine
b. Filling Machine e. Sealing Machine
c. Weighing Machine
4. What is the first step of producing toothpaste?
a. Weighing the materials
b. Mixing the materials
c. Controlling the temperature and humidity
d. Separate the solid and liquid substance
e. Clean the tube
5. Below are not categories that differs the type of filling machine, except:
a. The size of liquid
b. The mass of liquid
c. The viscosity of liquid
d. The humidity of liquid
e. The color of liquid


1. What is the Yankee Dryer machine used for in pulp manufacturing?

a. Washing
b. Cooking
c. Drying
d. Bleaching
e. Blending
2. Which of these processes makes a paper soft and flexible ?
a. Creping
b. Bleaching
c. Embarking
d. Pressing
e. stacking
3. Which machine is used for cooking a pulp with chemicals ?
a. Yankee Dryer
b. Bleaching Plant
c. Washer
d. Digester
e. Rewinder
4. Which machine is used for vacuuming air ?
a. Retort
b. Exhauster
c. Chopper
d. Steamer
e. Can presser
5. Which chemical substance is used to remove wrinkles on a meat?
a. Nitric acid
b. Salt
c. Fat
d. Water
e. Alkaline phosphatase


1. What methods of wastewater treatment method that combines electrochemical

and coagulation?
a. Electrocoagulation d. Electrolysis
b. Filtration e. Equalization
c. Sedimentation
2. Process in industrial plants that use a filter machine is.....
a. Mixing d. Extraction
b. Filtration e. Roasting
c. Spray drying
3. Pulper machine is used for.....
a. Mixing d. Spray drying
b. Sorting e. Separate
c. Peeling
4. In the process of production ligth bulbs, why filaments need to be soaked with

phosphorus and methanol?

a. Strengthen filament d. Reduce content of filament
b. Multiply filament e. Destroyed content of filament
c. Strengthen bulb
5. In the process of production light bulbs, on what process will be used oxygen?
a. Cooling d. Evaporation
b. Heating e. Freezing
c. Melting

1. Debarker machine adalah alat yang dipakai dalam industri plywood yang digunakan
A. Mengupas Kulit Kayu B. Memotong Kayu dari Pohon
C. Mencuci Kayu D. Membakar kayu
E. Mengurangi kadar Air
2. Untuk mengurangi kadar air pada veneer, industri plywood menggunakan alat…
A. Rotary Machine B. Veneer Clipper Machine
C. Glue Spreader D. Dryer Machine
E. Hot Press Machine
3. Dibawah ini merupakan limbah yang dihasilkan dari industri plywood, kecuali…
A. Serbuk Kayu B. Air bekas pencucian kayu
C. Logam Cu D. Lem
E. Kulit Kayu
4. Dibawah ini merupakan komponen utama dalam bahan baku industri kertas,
A. Selulosa B. Hemiselulosa
C. Log D. Lignin
E. Gas Ozon
5. Chipping adalah proses dalam pembuatan kertas yang bertujuan untuk…
A. Mengambil kayu dari hutan B. Memotong Log menjadi lebih kecil
C. Mengupas lapisan kulit terluar log D. Memisahkan Lignin dari Log
E. Pengeringan
1) What is the manufacturing process of cigarette industry in general ?
• A) Blend Tobacco - Blend Clove – Casing Flavor - Top Flavor - Packaging

• B) Blend Tobacco – Blend Clove – Top Flavour

• C) Blend Tobacco – Blend Clove – Packaging

• D) Blend Tobacco - Blend Clove – Casing Flavour - Packaging

2) How is the work principle of a Tobacco conditioning cylinder ?

• A) spray steam directly or indirectly to tobacco then added with water

• B) spray steam directly or indirectly to tobacco

• C) round with a particular radiant

• D) round then heat flow contact the materials

3) What phase of the paracetamol manufacturing process do we transform PNP into

 A) Reduction
 B) Asetilation
 C) Reaction
 D) Drying

4) What material that we us to bleach the paracetamol into white ?

 A) Active Carbon
 B) Acetic Acid
 C) PAP
 D) PNP

5) To what size that paracetamol are produced from the grinder ?

 A) 40 Microns
 B) 4 Microns
 C) 44 Microns
 D) 45 Microns


6. What process that melting the material of lead (Pb) liquid poured on mold to
make a grid from accumulator process ?
a. Pasting and Curing Process d.Filling and Formation Process
b. Oxide and Grid Process e. Charging and Discharging
c. Assembling the elements

7. There are machines to produce Accumulator, except:

a. Roll Press Machine d. Grid Production Machine
b. Automatic COS Machine e. Continues Frying Machine
c. Acid Filling Machine

8. The machine is use for waste processing, exept…

a. Grinding Mills d. Dust Collector
b. Acid Mist Scrubber e. Filter Machine
c. Waste Water Treatment
9. What is the process that work based from precipitation?
a. Coagulation
b. Ozonized
c. Sealing
d. Packing
e. Neutralitazion
10. What is the machine that use in ozonized process?
a. Ozonator
b. Pre filter 5 micron
c. Filter 1 micron
d. Heat exchanger
e. Fermentor
1. Beer is made from four ingredients, except…
a. Malt
b. Hops
c. Yeast
d. Water
e. Coconut

2. Pt. Multi Bintang is corporate which produce…

a. Beer
b. Syrup
c. Mineral water
d. Yogurt
e. Milk

3. Cooling process is process…

a. decrease temperature
b. increase temperature
c. increase pressure
d. increase volume
e. decrease volume

4. the characteristic of compact powder, except…

a. transparent
b. covering powder
c. adhesiveness
d. bloom
e. itch

5. the brand that produce compact powder is…

a. wardah
b. sunlight
c. ultra
d. nestle
e. danone

kelompok 4
Soal Gula dan Krim Malam

1.The process of cleaning the juice extraction process using slaked lime is called?
a.Liming d.Crystallization
b.Heating e.Crushing

2.What happen in the extraction process?

a.Heat transfer spontaneously d.Crystalization into solid form
b.Separation of liquid and solid e.Melt of sugar cane juice
c.The sweet juice and cane fiber separated

3.In the carbonation process is same as well as

a.Filtraton d.Colorization
b.Mixing e.Affination

4.In the make of night cream there is filling that

a.Mix the ingredient d.The product is heated
b.Filling product into packaging e.Cleaning liquid from solid material
c.Drawing the fluid

5.What happen in pre-Treatment of waste product of night cream?

a.Separation of solid ang liquid waste d.Cleaning the waste
b.Drawing the reuseable matter e.Waste water is collected and added
c.The waste is heated chemicals


1) What is the functional use of belt conveyor?
a) For moving to one place to another
b) For vibrating
c) For heating
d) For cooling
e) None of above

2) How many treatment is there for water waste from the industry is safe to be
thrown in the environment? (pretreatment is included)
a) 4
b) 5
c) 3
d) 2
e) 1

3) What is the function of hydrocyclone?

a) To crushing the material
b) For grinding the material
c) For leaching the slurry
d) For refining gold
e) To classify the material

4) What is the next step after the electrowinning of gold processing?

a) Elution
b) Crushing
c) Carbon In Leach
d) Smelting
e) Refining

5) Gold and silver were deposited in the cathode is called . . . .

a) Cake
b) Dore
c) Bullion
d) Dore Bullion
e) Reagent

KELOMPOK 3 (composite and milk powder)

1.What kind of equipment that used to decrease the level of COD and BOD level?

a) a.Clarifier
b) b.pH Injection

c) Anaerob reactor

d) d.inlet

e) e.Evaporator

2. These are the equipment that used in composite industry,except :

a) wet Dryer

b) Spray

c) vaccum bag

d) winder

e) Molding compressor

3.what is the function of molding compressor?

a) filtering

b) spraying

c) pouring the raw material

d) Filled in the liquid

e) Evaporating

4.How to make composite in closed impress way?

a) compressing molding-injection molding-continous poltrusion

b) compressing molding-filament winding-spray up

c) Injection molding- compressing molding-Spray up

d) Spray up-Filament winding-injection molding

e) compressing molding-spray up-continous poltrusion

5.the lower limit of pH at waste of milk industry is

a. 5 d. 9

b. 7 e. 8

c. 6


11. What is the main process of making a soap ?
a. Saponification d. Saparating
b. Fermantation e. Mixing
c. Roasting

12. What is the raw materials of making a soap ?

a. Biomass and ethylene oxide
b. Animal fat or plant oil and caustic soda
c. Petroleum and ammonia
d. Sulfuric acid and urea
e. Acetic acid and natural gas
13. In the process of making tauco, which microbial is active in mold fermentatin
A. E. Coli
B. Lactobacillus delbrueckii
C. Hansenula sp
D. AspergillusI
E. Zygosaccharomyces
14. Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Hansenula sp., dan Zygosaccharomyces active in
fermentation process of....
A. Salt fermentation
B. Soybean fermentation
C. Secondary fermentation
D. Yeast fermentation
E. Mold fermentation
15. The delicious taste in tauco is made from a reaction between natrium clhoride
and glutamic acid. What is the new compound from that reaction?
A. Alcohol
B. Monosodium glutamat
C. Sugar
D. salt
E. amino acid

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